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VETRORICERCA ~ Workshop #3 GLASS - Bolzano, 12/13/14 SEPTEMBER 2014


WORKSHOP #3 GLASS ~ The design workshop with the best italian craftsmen. 12/13/14 SEPTEMBER 2014 Bolzano, VETRORICERCA

Resign Academy in collaboration with the gallery Subalterno1 and the on-line store Autoproduzioni Italiane, presents Manufacto, a series of workshops aimed to investigate the production potential, linked to the design, of some of the most important Italian excellent craftsmanship. After the Bronze and the Ceramic editons the third stage of the project will be held in Bolzano over the weekend September 12-13-14, 2014 at the Vetroricerca. GOALS

During the first two days, the partecipants will come into contact with the productive possibilities and properties of the glass. Then, the theoretical lecture by Vetroricerca about the tecnology and the history of the glass. The next two days Resign Academy and other special guests like Studio Zaven, the designer Simone Simonelli and the collective AUT, will lead each student through practical and creative exercises, shaping their personal concepts. At the end of the 3 days, Subalterno1 will select a project, financing its production and putting it on sale in the on-line store, giving to the selected student the precious and unique opportunity to follow the production and see the realization of his own idea. TO WHOM IT’S ADDRESSED

The workshop is open to all, but particularly to design, art and comunication students, artists, designers and architects. APPLICATION

Submit your Application Form, that can be downloaded from, including CV and possibly a Portfolio to before 8 September ‘14 (included). In the days immediately following will be selected and contacted the 15 people (min 8) who will take part in workshop. For those selected the cost of registration is 280,00 euro. But will offer 1 scholarship to be allocated to the first classified in the selections, which can participate for free. HOSPITALITY (more info soon)




Vetroricerca The Vetroricerca Glas & Modern Association of Bolzano was established in 1996 thanks to the will and great passion for glass shared by a group of people. A passion which has become a desire to study, experiment, develop and pass on the knowledge and magic inherent to this beautiful material. The ESF bureau of Bolzano has given us the chance to realize our desire. The ESF bureau has believed and continues to believe in the potential of this association. Over the years our aim was to offer an alternative and experimental approach to teaching the art of glassworking, and we have developed significant experience in the sector thanks to numerous cultural activities, the realisation of works donated to charity, collaboration with schools in the area of every kind and level, and continuous collaboration with the Free University of Bolzano’s Faculty of Design and Art. Over the years this activity has let us form a solid bond with institutions and the private sector both in Italy and abroad, making Vetroricerca’s activities a local resource “for all”. The courses for operators in the glass industry, the management of the first national advanced teaching and technical training project for “Experts in Glass Technologies”, collaboration with Italian universities, research centres and experts, scientists, designers and technicians renowned at an international level, made it possible for us to do in-depth studies and acquire specific know-how in traditional glassworking also in the industrial sector, with the aim of acquiring a level of qualification and professional standards in line with technological evolution in the glass sector. MORE INFO >


The best concept will be selected based on: originality, innovation connected to the ceramics material and its production process, manufacturability technical/economic relevance to the brief. Resign Academy with Subalterno1 will allocate to the winner a production bonus (depending on the number of subscribers) for the production of the work in collaboration with the artisans involved in the workshop. The selected person is committed to completing the project, up to prototype or the first series of products. The work will then be exhibited at the gallery Subalterno1 with the other projects that will be carried out from the Manufacto Wor-


kshops (the first stage of the project was held at the Foundry Battaglia in Milan). Then the project will be photographed and will become part of the collection “Autoproduzioni Italiane“.


Resign Academy Resign is a collective studio founded in 2007 by Andrea Magnani, Giovanni Delvecchio and Elisabetta Amatori. Resign think the design process is not anymore just a tool for production, but becomes a mean for the establishment of meaningful relations: “the sense of an object won’t be observed from an aesthetic perspective, but will be found in its ability to function as a “creator” of dense relations, connotated by a high identity value”. MORE INFO > SUBALTERNO1 SUBALTERNO1 is a young gallery founded by Andrea Gianni and fully dedicated to italian self-production. It’s a place where self-produced designers and their objects are presented, displayed and distributed. It’s a showcase interacting with those traveling through the neighborhood of Lambrate. It’s a self-managed initiative, participated and shared with those involved in the project. MORE INFO > Autoproduzioni Italiane Autoproduzioni italiane is a new brand that will distribute, promote and support self-produced italian design. MORE INFO > AUT AUT is a collective working in the broad world of design: product, interior, graphic, web, illustration, art direction. Beyond commissioned works, we carry on personal and independent research projects. AUT think cooperation is a good way to conceive design projects. They constantly collaborate with: Brave New Alps, Tommaso Cavallin, Giovanni Cimbaro, Construction Site for Non-affirmative Practice, Matteo Franceschet, Paul Elliman, Martino Gamper, Niccolò Mazzoni, Chiara Onida, Anna Perugini, Niccolò Porsoni, Dario Stellon, Matteo Stocco, Marco Zito. AUT are Riccardo Berrone, Federico Bovara and Luca Coppola. MORE INFO >


Simone Simonelli He studied Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano and at the Brunel University in London. In 2009 he was selected by the German Design Council as one of the 30 best young professionals between Belgium, Italy and Germany. Since 2009 he has been a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. His activity explores the possibilities of connecting digital technologies with local crafts in order to find design opportunities that give new meaning to our everyday. MORE INFO >

Zaven Founded in 2006 by Enrica Cavarzan and Marco Zavagno, Zaven is a design office based in Venice. Zaven works in industrial , graphic and installation design, researching and collaborating with other creatives and companies to create and produce ideas, objects and interiors. Zaven has shown in Italy and abroad, at the Kalmar Konstmuseum, at the Triennale in Milan, several times at the London Design Festival and Designer Days in Paris. Clients include Atipico, Ca’ Foscari University, Fabrica, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Sindika Dokolo Foundation (Luanda), HelloVenezia, IUAV University in Venice, The Biennale in Venice, Miniforms, Paola C, Secondome and the VAC Foundation (Moscow). MORE INFO >

CONTACTS & INFO Andrea Magnani & Giovanni Delvecchio P. (+39) 3393022824 ~ (+39) 3290966687 M.

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