LEVELS OF JURISDICTION OR THE RULES OF THE GAME It is the game of “World Control”. It is a serious game and the stakes are the highest imaginable, because we stand to lose our Rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. In the 18th century, when the American Colonies were suffering at the hands of a despotic King, they knew what they were entitled to under English Common Law which has, as it’s foundation, the Charters of Liberty such as Magna Carta 1215, Petition of Right 1627, Habeas Corpus 1640 and the Bill of Rights 1688, and that “the glory of English law” (as Sir William Blackstone wrote) has always been Trial by Jury. For megalomaniacs to take over the world, they must first dispose of these icons which have indelibly confirmed the Order and the Rule of Law according to the Christian perspective. If we are going to defeat the Forces of Evil, we need to understand and hold to the Levels of Jurisdiction. THE RULE OF LAW “The supremacy of law. A feature attributed to the UK constitution by Professor Dicey (Law of the Constitution, 1885). It embodied three concepts: the absolute predominance of regular law, so that the government has no arbitrary authority over the citizen; the equal subjection of all (including officials) to the ordinary law administered by the ordinary courts; and the fact that the citizen’s personal freedoms are formulated and protected by the ordinary law rather than by abstract constitutional declarations.” (Oxford Reference, A Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press) WHO IS THE LAW? The Latin word, “iuris”, is translated into English as meaning “law, right, justice; law court; jurisdiction, authority”. In the movie, “The Verdict”, the actor, Paul Newman, stands in front of the Jury and says to them, “You are the law.”. A Jury is made up of 12 men and women who are the equals of the men and women who are the plaintiffs and defendants in a court action, and have been brought together to judge the laws and the facts presented to them. IT’S ALL A QUESTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Sovereignty is the ultimate authority to make and impose laws.