Resolution Awards 2019

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Awards 2019

A decade of Resolution Awards Recognising outstanding quality and innovation in professional audio

AWARDS 2019 REWARDING QUALITY AND INNOVATION Resolution Awards 2019 Generic.indd 1

10/12/2018 12:03


s we celebrate the tenth year of Resolution Awards, I’d like to highlight some words from Resolution founder Zenon Schoepe: “There is a massive difference between products that feed a need at a price point to those that attempt to change appetites and expectations.” This is a key differentiator which our panel of experts — Resolution contributors and reviewers, producers, engineers and broadcasters — keep in mind when nominating products. Whether it’s the cutting-edge design of a new broadcast codec or the single-minded artisanal obsession of a boutique hardware maker, we like to reward quality and innovation. The nomination of a product is our accolade: Resolution readers then vote for the final winner. This year we opened voting to our digital community — audio pros who receive our twice-monthly email newsletter, digital subscribers and our wider Facebook and social media community. The result was many hundreds of extra votes; we maintained fairness by only allowing one vote per IP address (the numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network). Quality is as palpable in a plug-in or software application as it is in a hardware unit — it’s a matter of feel and response — as well as function. The cost often associated with real quality is inherently connected with innovation. Resolution Awards recognise quality and innovation in professional audio, and the products highlighted here have been judged to be outstanding in these respects by the best informed readership in the industry. Nigel Jopson, editor

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