MENU OF SERVICES & PRICING Resort to Laura Madrid fees include professional travel advice, first hand recommendations, and personal opinions from travel advisors who have been there! our time is spent researching, planning, and leveraging our worldwide travel contacts in order to provide you with the travel experience to which you aspire.
Domestic Flight
$65 per ticket
International Flight
$125 per ticket
Frequent Flyer/Reward
$150 per ticket
$50 per ticket
Hotel or Resort
$50 per Room
$100 per person
Packaged Tour
$100 per person
Car rental
$50 per Booking
Customized Itinerary (including hotel, tour, ground transportation, & concierge services)
$250 per adult (no charge for children)
Friends (Couples retreat, Golf Groups, Girl’s LEISURE GROUP COORDINATION
Weekend) Wedding & Milestone Event Multi-Generational Family
General research
$100 per person
From $300 From $500
Research, quote preparation, and planning
$40 per hour
in lieu of booking fee Dedicated Travel Advisor
including unlimited access and all services
(excludes ticketing fee) Credit Card
Agency cc fee