2021 Activities Report

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Australian Resources and Energy Group AMMA provides a unified voice for employers on workforce and other industry matters. AMMA’s vision is to assist resources and energy employers in creating a brighter future for all Australians. A proud member-based organisation, AMMA’s work in policy and advocacy directly ensures positive outcomes for members and the broader industry. Since 1918, AMMA has delivered high-quality and valuable workforce services to Australia’s resources and energy industry. AMMA provides expertise, influence, leadership and support in key workforce areas including workplace relations, human resources, diversity, training, government relations and public affairs.



Director, Fortescue People, Fortescue Metals Group

Meg O’Neill

CEO and Managing Director, Woodside Energy


Chief People & Sustainability Officer, Newcrest Mining

Johnpaul Dimech

AMMA offices MELBOURNE (HQ) Level 14, 55 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Tel: (03) 9614 4777


Level 15, 191 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Tel: (08) 6381 0378

CEO Geographic Regions and Region Chair – Asia Pacific, Sodexo

Stuart Mathews

Executive Vice President Australasia, Gold Fields Australasia

Dylan Pugh

Chairman, ExxonMobil Australia


SW1 Building, Level 3, 22 Cordelia Street SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 Tel: (07) 3210 0313



Shelley Roberts

Managing Director, Compass Group Australia


About AMMA


AMMA Board


President’s Note


CEO'S message




Industry influence





president ' s note



president ' s note

Tom Quinn AMMA President

Confronted with an array of challenges as workplaces and society transitioned to a ‘new normal’, resources and energy employers proved they were up to the task in 2021. The sector’s resilience has continued to shine bright during a period of great disruption for economies and workplaces around the world. Such is our industry’s innovation focus, employers have recognised it as an opportunity to reflect, adapt and continually improve the way we operate. While there has been specks of silver lining, the COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt presented a series of significant challenges for an industry so reliant on moving skilled people across borders, both state and international, and so focused on the health and safety of its employees. Workforces and workplaces have changed dramatically, bringing to the forefront the sector’s flexibility and willingness to adjust. Ultimately, this has been the dominant factor to maintaining our success and remaining a key pillar of Australia’s economy at a time when it is most needed. Latest forecasts are evidence of how the resources and energy industry has worked through this tumultuous period, with Australia’s commodity exports estimated to rise to a record $349 billion in 2021–22. Our sector is described as on the verge of “a new growth cycle”, with 335 potential new major projects worth approximately $334 billion in Australia’s investment pipeline, potentially creating more than 100,000 jobs over the next five years. These figures highlight how the industry has displayed great strength through the COVID-19 crisis and is well positioned to lead Australia’s post-

pandemic recovery. While all things considered there have been many positives and examples of success, it’s no secret that many challenges lay ahead. As the world moves closer to re-opening, the long-term global impacts of the pandemic will become clearer. This is why continued, regular conversations between industry participants and our national policymakers are so important. We must work diligently to articulate our sector’s operational and regulatory reform priorities and promote how our sector’s future can be safeguarded. Such advocacy will help realise our enormous opportunity to contribute further to the nation’s post-COVID economic recovery and deliver higher living standards for generations to come. In the recovery period, AMMA’s expertise takes on further importance, not only to support organisations through testing periods, but to provide an evidence base and advocacy to those tasked with setting regulatory conditions to support new investment, employment growth and national economic rewards. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your organisation’s ongoing membership support of AMMA, the nation’s resources and energy group since 1918. This support enables AMMA to continue its unwavering mission of ensuring the industry is an attractive place to invest, employ and do business, and to contribute to a brighter future for all Australians.




Steve Knott AM AMMA Chief Executive

The resources and energy sector has been a major powerhouse and standout success for Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers and employees should be rightly proud of their contribution to the nation’s current and future economic prosperity; simply put it has been exceptional with wonderful opportunities within our grasp. AMMA’s guidance and representation has directly supported the industry’s safe and largely uninterrupted operation, together with exploring every viable safe business pathway out of this incredibly challenging global health pandemic. In 2021 AMMA’s membership mostly weathered the storm and continued doing what it does best – delivering for jobs and the economy of Australia. This success during times of such challenge has not occurred by chance. It has been a direct result of our industry’s talented and resilient



employers and employees who have come together to ensure continuity of operations. Without doubt, COVID-19 has presented a persistent test on many levels for resources and energy workplaces, but with the vaccine rollout, increasing attention will be directed to forward-looking business opportunities and investments. During this sustained time of challenge, AMMA has strengthened its position of supporting members to ensure they successfully manage and overcome the ever-evolving list of issues posed by COVID-19. Through strong relationships at all levels of government, in addition to AMMA’s practical expertise in employee relations and workforce management, members were guided on the many issues both

arising and emerging. One of the key focuses has been keeping the AMMA community connected and together, with networking and information sharing opportunities in abundance through regular webinars, roundtable discussions and collaboration forums. The manner in which members have provided safe workplaces has been inspiring, continually implementing cutting-edge policies and adhering to the necessary rules and guidelines to keep operating. This leadership and diligence has been instrumental to the industry being a pillar of strength for the national economy, at a time when its wide-ranging contribution was and is so critical to all Australians. Whilst the safety aspect of COVID-19 has demanded a laser-like focus,


CEO'S MESSAGE so too have broader, long-term issues of high importance such as mental health and workplace sexual harassment. AMMA has continued to take a leading role on these critically important areas, delivering several practical support materials to assist members, while also leading representation and advocacy efforts. AMMA’s assistance has included helping members address the challenges that sexual harassment presents some of our industry’s workplaces - while also helping to understand the distinct mental health challenges of employees and managers alike - providing tools and training to leaders and supervisors to improve outcomes in these areas. As we continue working assiduously on improving these people areas, they too are of high relevance to attracting and retaining the skills required for our industry, as shortages continue to pose a leading challenge for

members in 2021 and beyond. It’s why at every opportunity AMMA works relentlessly to improve diversity and inclusion, mental health and wellbeing, and promotes the varied and rewarding career opportunities within our sector. In the latter half of 2021, the complex issue of workplace vaccination rose to prominence, further evidence of the fast-moving list of industry considerations from COVID-19. AMMA has vocally advocated to government at all levels of the need for greater leadership and coordination. Employers across all Australian business sectors should not be left in the dark to alone tackle the many considerations of this delicate health and safety issue. For the resources and energy industry – highly dynamic, highly mobile and heavily reliant on access to highly skilled people - AMMA has been on the front foot to ensure members are supported on this

significant challenge. As the pandemic continues presenting a unique set of challenges, AMMA’s influence and support will be key as the industry plays a leading role in our nation’s post-COVID-19 recovery. With the support of our highly engaged membership, AMMA has a platform to deliver new projects and campaigns to guide members and the industry through this sustained period of challenges. AMMA remains strongly positioned to continually improve value and service to members for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. As always, we look forward to working closely with each of you. As a not-for-profit entity of 103 years standing, AMMA's member support has been both long-lasting and critical to our industry’s past and future success. On behalf of the AMMA team, I say thanks and best wishes for the year ahead.




SUPPORT AMMA’s ever-reliable support and expertise has been of significant assistance as members confront the fast-moving challenges and uncertainty of the COVID-19 global health pandemic. The Group’s enduring ability to provide the specific support required by resources and energy employers during times of great challenges, uncertainty and disruption, continues to be testament of AMMA’s 103-year longevity. This deep understanding of how it can best support employers – particularly through periods of adversity – is a direct reflection of the long-held, close relationships AMMA has built with members. As always, the national employer group’s charter has echoed the unique needs of our members, ranging from direct responses to COVID-19 issues, workforce practices and strategies, and a range of industrial relations and human resources issues. Whatever challenges have surfaced and rose to prominence in 2021, AMMA has been at the forefront of providing solutions to key industry issues and leading the way for resources and energy employers as they keep the Australian economy strong.










COVID-19 Support

Guiding members through the significant challenges posed by COVID-19 has been the core focus for AMMA in 2021, providing wideranging and important assistance on a variety of workplace issues. From the challenges of vaccination requirements and its potential legalities, to ensuring the health and safety of people and continuity of operations, the AMMA team has delivered a regular and comprehensive suite of support and communications related to the pandemic and its workplace impacts. Starting with assistance for interstate travel permits, to navigating border closures and roster management, COVID-safe plans and government policy responses, AMMA’s focus has pivoted to accommodate the pandemic’s various and quickly evolving challenges. For much of 2021, AMMA’s attention moved to providing high levels of advocacy and support in relation to COVID-19 workplace vaccinations. As legal and employee relations considerations to vaccinations became the dominant issue, AMMA was on the front foot to assist members in understanding their rights, limitations and implications of alternative decision making. Along the way, AMMA strategically became an early and leading voice in encouraging the Australian Government to legislate stronger protections for employers who choose to mandate vaccinations for their employees. AMMA publicly communicated its strong view that a nationallycoordinated, uniform approach to workplace vaccinations is of paramount importance – and it

should not be left to employers alone to confront the legal and ethical issues arising from requiring persons to be vaccinated. AMMA has continued detailed discussions with its members, other industry groups, employer associations and government stakeholders on the vaccine roll-out.

COVID-19 Vaccine Member Guide

To help members make informed decisions, AMMA prepared a COVID-19 Vaccine Member Guide, providing rolling updates to members on developments with the vaccine roll-out, all relevant ‘current state’ information, state / federal policies, and other workplace considerations. This important and valuable resource was first published in February and revised eight times throughout 2021 as new information and developments came to light, with content and guidance including: • Working towards a unified industry position on vaccination requirements • Establishing employer’s position on whether employees require vaccinations • How to assess whether certain sections of the workforce should be vaccinated • Support for managing employees who are unable to be vaccinated; and • Other important considerations for resources and energy employers.

Managing the return to the office As lockdowns and restrictions placed significant uncertainty on working arrangements for employers and employees, AMMA distributed member advice and hosted roundtable discussions on the ‘hybrid office’ and flexible work. The advice and discussions highlighted the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic

accelerating new practices as workplaces evolve and adjust at an unprecedented rate. Member advice clarified the question of whether an employee who has been working from home can be directed to return to working in the workplace. It included important workplace considerations for members, ranging from health and safety guidelines, employment contracts, flexible working arrangements and more.

Other COVID-19 Workforce Management

Activities and support actions in relation to COVID-19 workforce management continued over from 2020. Such activities and service delivery included: • The resource industry’s COVID-19: Mental Health and Wellness Guide to assist AMMA members with managing pandemicrelated anxiety and stress amongst their workforces • Daily advice, assistance and support with understanding and working through evolving travel restrictions (both domestic and international), including lobbying state and federal governments on members’ behalf to secure exemptions for essential travellers • Interactions and cooperation with unions on site-based and industry approaches to COVID-19 risk mitigation, roster changes and travel restrictions • Advice on workforce management matters including employee stand downs and redundancies • Eligibility and implementation of the JobKeeper scheme, JobKeeper directions, Award variations and other industrial relations policy matters. COVID-19 related workforce support will continue to be an ongoing area of demand for AMMA’s Workplace Advisory Team as the workplace considerations on vaccinations further become the dominant issue amongst members.




Industrial Relations Strategy and Advice Outside of pandemic-related workforce management, demand for AMMA’s general industrial and employee relations Advisory Services remained very strong throughout 2021. Covering both long-term strategy and transactional / single-issue matters, key areas of industrial relations support and advice have included: • General IR Strategy Support and Advice: AMMA's Advisory Team provided industry-specific expertise to members on developing and implementing employee and industrial relations strategies. AMMA's expert advisers assisted members in managing and overcoming a range of workplace relations challenges while working towards building a sustainable industry framework. • Enterprise Bargaining: AMMA has led strategy of entire enterprise bargaining campaigns for members with industry oversight and/or seamlessly worked as a contributor within our members’ in-teams. In whatever form our members require extra bench strength for enterprise bargaining, AMMA’s team has been there to assist and support. • Independent Investigations: AMMA’s unrivalled experience in conducting thorough independent investigations continued to see our team as the preferred provider of these sensitive processes. With legal qualifications and a truly independent position, AMMA’s team offers a clear point-ofdifference to in-house counsel or an external law firm. • Discipline and Dismissals: Often provided as a flow-on service to investigations, AMMA’s team has broad experience in managing employee disciplinary actions, including terminations of employment, in a watertight process minimising organisational risks. • Tribunal and Court Representation: Resources and energy employers have regularly utilised AMMA’s standing as an employer industry association with a statutory right to represent members in the Fair Work Commission and other tribunals and courts.



Compliance Blitz

In 2021, AMMA was more committed than ever to ensuring members remained compliant on a range of various workplace requirements. Led by AMMA’s Advisory team, members were supported to ensure compliance in several areas including rosters, payroll processes and personal leave / casual entitlements. AMMA’s team has earned a strong reputation in this area and were engaged by member companies to undertake full-scale payroll audits, thorough checking for and ensuring compliance with Enterprise Agreements and changing Modern Awards administrative requirements. These services are invaluable for AMMA members, with noncompliance having the potential to result in significant implications, including serious underpayment issues and possible Fair Work Ombudsman investigations.

Specialist Employment Training

AMMA’s suite of specialist employment training courses continued to be refined in 2021 to ensure it was tailored to accommodate the most ‘in-demand’ topics for resources and energy employers. In addition to specific training related to sexual harassment (see Page 15), AMMA continued to ensure its members’ people professionals have the right skills, knowledge and support, through training courses including: • Appropriate workplace behaviours: Promoting positive workplace behaviours and managing organisational risks of inappropriate conduct such as sexual harassment and bullying. • Rosters - Creating and Calculating for Compliance: Delivered as part of AMMA’s ‘compliance campaign’, this course has ensured AMMA members understand the processes to create and calculate cost-effective rosters that comply with modern awards and employment regulations.

• Performance, Discipline and Termination: Protecting AMMA member organisations from legal risks by providing their people managers with the necessary information, skills and processes to confidently manage poor performance or misconduct. • Right of Entry: Creating awareness of the rights and responsibilities of employers in regard to union right of entry, as well as equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to prepare for and manage a right of entry effectively. • Workplace Relations 101: A course popular for graduates and entry-level HR and IR professionals, learnings centre on understanding the key legislation, case law, contracts, awards and agreements required to grow and excel in this discipline. • Managing Workplace Investigations: AMMA’s experts draw on unrivalled experience and industry knowledge to conduct effective workplace investigations – an area which can be difficult and complex in the resources and energy industry - using proven methods that minimise risk and ensure an independent and fair process for all involved. • Supervisor skills: Developing key leadership skills such as communication, time management, performance management, conflict resolution and effective decision making to build the skills and capability of front-line managers and driving organisational success and positive workplace culture. Throughout 2021, travel restrictions have seen AMMA primarily conduct these training courses through a range of online technologies. Where possible, however, physical training sessions have also been hosted in diverse settings, from on-site in regional Western Australia to corporate training facilities in Sydney and other CBDs.








Health, Safety and Culture Workplace sexual harassment

Workplace sexual harassment has become a dominant issue in the resources and energy sector in 2021. AMMA’s longstanding position remains that the industry must work diligently to understand and address the specific drivers of sexual harassment. With a number of relevant and significant developments occurring around workplace sexual harassment, AMMA has led and represented the industry’s interests and assisted members to understand their implications. Most notably, the Australian Parliament passed the Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Bill into Parliament in August, following the Australian Human Rights Commission’s landmark report Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. AMMA has been on the front foot noting the ‘mining’ industry has amongst the highest prevalence of workplace sexual harassment, describing it as abhorrent and intolerable at any level in the resources and energy sector. These points were also made clear in AMMA’s submission to the Western Australian Inquiry into sexual harassment against women in the FIFO mining industry. Alongside the Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA), an AMMA initiative, it is pleasing that some significant improvements have been made in this space in recent years. Specific initiatives delivered by AWRA / AMMA to assist members in addressing workplace sexual harassment include: • An area of growing demand has been delivery of AMMA’s Appropriate Workplace Behaviours training to member company employees, with a strong focus on discrimination, sexual harassment and inclusive workplace culture • Reviewing members’ workplace policies and procedures to ensure best practice in regard to bullying and harassment, psychological safety and disciplinary action • Undertaking the AWRA Inclusive Safety Audit in member company workplaces to examine the actual and perceived physical

and psychological safety of their employees. The audit covers physical safety, confidence, personal safety (including bullying and harassment) and psychological safety and • Development of policies, projects and campaigns to affect cultural change, education and awareness to drive more diverse, inclusive workplaces free from sexual harassment.

Building and maintaining mentally healthy workplaces

Workforce mental health and wellness continued to be an important consideration for resources and energy industry employers in 2021, with COVID-19 impacts adding further pressure and anxieties. With one-in-five Australian resources and energy industry workers reported to experience a mental health condition each year, AMMA is playing a leading role in sharing best practices on this important issue and guiding members on how to address and manage workplace mental health. Through the guidance and input of the Mental Health Advisory Board (see page 35), the AMMA team undertook a range of mental health support activities to deliver real and positive outcomes in member organisations. Activities and initiatives developed and/or delivered in 2021 include: • Resources and Energy Industry Workforce and Leaders Mental Health Research Program saw participating members learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of their organisation’s employees and leaders. The study delivered comprehensive mental health findings and insights at an industry and company level that allowed members to benchmark against other companies across the sector. Through completing the National Industry Survey, companies receive a report with specific recommendations which support organisations to maximise productivity, improve the wellbeing of leaders and employees and assist in the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

• Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework, a first-of-its-kind practical framework supporting employers in navigating sectorspecific workforce mental health issues. The Framework provides employers with the information to identify their workforce mental health and wellness capability from a policy, program and practical perspective. • Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Training was a regular feature in AMMA’s calendar courses with most sessions at capacity. The training program delivers specific content and practical activities to contextualise mental health and mentally healthy workplaces in the resources and energy industry. Customised programs were also developed and rolled out amongst several members’ workforces. • Mental Health and Wellbeing Knowledge Centre developed and published online via amma. org.au. Contains a library of curated best practice materials, information, and resources for employers regarding mental health and wellbeing. • Mental Health Matters lunchtime webinar series featuring resources employers and mental health experts. The webinars advised and informed organisations of the mental health initiatives relevant to the industry and facilitate information sharing.








AMMA’s expert reputation on key employment, workplace and industry policy areas has been instrumental in 2021 as the Group further leveraged its strong connections with decision-makers at all levels of government. As the industry navigated the impacts of COVID-19 and faced another year of complex workforce challenges, AMMA’s influence, advocacy and networks proved invaluable for keeping members ahead of the curve and able to respond to rapidly changing business conditions. Enhancing its position as a reliable source of information and support, AMMA’s ability to turn around technical analysis and deliver clearly understood advice and guidance to members has proven invaluable. As a leader on driving important outcomes and solutions on workplace-related issues, members have been supported every step of the way as they tackled the myriad of challenges posed by the global health pandemic. In addition to COVID-19 issues, in 2021 AMMA’s advocacy and thought leadership has helped shape both short and long-term workforce policy and regulatory outcomes, putting evidence-based recommendations, practical industry and real employer insights at the front of national strategies and decision making.




Skills and Labour Supply Influencing skills outcomes

Employer concerns around skills development were amplified in 2021, in particular as current skills shortages became even more critical. As one of the most pressing issues for members, AMMA provided countless direct briefings to government and facilitated briefings / meetings between members and government officials, bringing real-time issues to the attention of policymakers and seeking collaborative solutions. Guided by members, AMMA successfully advocated for critical roles to be placed on the relevant priority skills lists and supported affected members with further advocacy to government to address supply issues. In June this culminated with the Australian Government expanding the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) to include several highskilled occupations in critically low supply across the industry, most notably chefs and mining, petroleum and geotechnical engineers, which remain in severe shortage. Another important skills development in 2021 was the Mutual Recognition of Licensed Workers, allowing occupational licensed workers to operate across jurisdictions without having to apply, pay for and wait for a further licence



to perform the same type of work in another state. AMMA’s influence was evident in this reform, with this removal of red tape and bureaucracy of great importance for the resources and energy industry. During 2021 the Australian Government also released its new National Resources Workforce Strategy, outlining a mediumterm plan to ensure our industry’s workforce remains strong, innovative and world leading. AMMA was involved and consulted by the Department of Industry in the development of this strategy, including through providing advice, case studies and initiatives for inclusion. Broadly, ensuring employers have access to the talent required for the ongoing success of their operations continues to be a strong advocacy area for AMMA in 2021 and beyond. By working collaboratively with industry and government on reform and development, and its continued role on the Australian Industry & Skills Committee (AISC), AMMA is well-placed to advise on employers’ needs for skills and training Employers have their views and experiences for Australia’s national vocational education and training (VET) packages and policies through AMMA Director Operations Tara Diamond as the longstanding

Commonwealth representative to the AISC - the industry-led body that provides advice on the implementation of national VET policies.

Resources and energy workforce forecast 2021-2026

In January 2021, AMMA released the second volume of its industry employment forecasting initiative. Resources and Energy Workforce Forecast 2021–2026 showed there were 98 new or expansion projects in the national resources and energy investment pipeline scheduled to enter production by the end of 2026. The forecast highlighted that should all proceed as expected, the report predicted the industry could see more than 24,400 new operational roles over the next six years. Analysis broke down this workforce demand into state and territory forecasts across 10 occupation areas in both the mining and oil and gas sectors. Commentary was also included on the 2020 workforce impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This volume followed AMMA’s 2019– 2024 Mining Workforce edition, further strengthening members’ ongoing workforce planning strategies while also informing government, industry participants and the community broadly of expected employment growth in the industry.




A collAtion of insights, dAtA And projections on key occupAtions for AustrAliA’s resources And energy industries.

By showing the full potential of the resources and energy industry’s investment pipeline, AMMA’s dedicated advocacy for efficient and effective regulatory settings takes on greater importance.

Workforce “State of Play” analysis

October 2021 saw the release of another new AMMA workforce skills report. Resources and Energy Workforce, State of Play provides a collation of insights, data and projections on key occupations for Australia’s resources and energy industries. Designed to assist AMMA’s members with understanding the scale and complexities of present-state labour market supply and shortages, the analysis includes relevant data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Skills Commission and Department of Industry. The report covers dozens of key occupations across engineering, operations/production, construction and maintenance and the servicing supply chain. Insights are broken down by state, occupation and sub-sector of the resources and energy industry.




Industrial Relations Policy & Advocacy

Leading the Charge on Fair Work Reforms

AMMA’s longstanding historic leadership on industrial relations policy matters continued true to form in 2021. A key focus for AMMA’s advocacy early in the year surrounded the Australian Government’s proposed reforms to the Fair Work Act. In response to the Commonwealth’s Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia's Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill (‘IR Reform Bill') AMMA undertook significant policy, advocacy and member communication activities related to the wide-ranging changes proposed to five key areas of the



national industrial relations laws. These five areas were the result of working group discussions amongst government, employers and unions in the latter half of 2020, of which AMMA was heavily involved. Despite the reforms being positioned as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these included several longstanding reform priorities for the business community and AMMA members specifically. To support the government AMMA executed a comprehensive advocacy plan involving written submissions, appearance as a witness before a Senate Committee Inquiry, discussions with crossbench senators, minority parties, the Federal

Opposition and campaigning to the broader community. By highlighting how the changes would provide more functional and practical IR regulation and support Australian job creation during the post-pandemic economic recovery, AMMA played a strong role in giving the reform legislation the best possible chance of progressing through a difficult National Senate. In March, a heavily amended version of the bill passed through Parliament, with the government securing passage of just one part of the bill (casual employment) through the Senate. While the casual employment reforms were welcome and delivered


2021. While the resources industry is proportionately a low user of casual employment, AMMA nonetheless had significant input into the legislative changes and related matters. AMMA’s influence supported the passage of the above-mentioned casual employment amendments into law, which largely dealt with the huge risks and liabilities that would have arose had the High Court backed the Federal Court’s interpretations in the landmark WorkPac v Rossato matter. In August the High Court of Australia unanimously overturned the controversial decision – a resolution AMMA welcomed in further clarifying one of the most contentious employment law issues of recent years.

Major Project Greenfields agreements

much-needed certainty for both employers and employees, AMMA was disappointed that other reforms deemed critical to stimulating jobs and investment during the economic recovery, failed to secure majority support in the Senate. Subsequently, AMMA continues its advocacy for these reforms, and is strongly encouraging the government to revisit key parts of the bill prior to the next Federal Election.

Certainty on casual employment

Casual employment issues, including the need for clarity on its definition and related employee entitlements, was an in-focus area of industrial relations law in

A primary focus of AMMA’s advocacy has been attempts to secure support of the Federal Opposition for extended greenfields agreements (six-year terms) for major projects in the resources and energy industry. These extended terms for greenfields agreements would cover the full construction phase of new major resources and energy projects - a longstanding reform priority for AMMA for the past decade. AMMA continues its advocacy by pushing for bipartisan support of this vital reform. With $334 billion of major project investment in Australia’s pipeline, a regulatory system that better attracts and secures new resources and energy investment into the nation can be a key driver of more than 100,000 new jobs.

Inquiry into Job Security

In July, AMMA appeared as a witness before the Senate Select Committee into Job Security. AMMA firmly made the point that ensuring job security in the resources and energy industry is reliant on securing a constant in-flow of investment into new major resources and energy projects. To this end, it was highlighted how proposed reforms to Greenfields Agreement Making contained within the IR Reform Bill (see above) and failed to pass through Parliament at the start of this year, were central to

job security. AMMA also pointed to the industry currently experiencing critical skills shortages the likes of which it has not seen before, and reiterated labour hire is not a dominant feature of the industry (10.3% which is well under half of the all-industries average of 25%).

Coal Long Service Leave Review

In June KPMG was tasked by the Australian Government by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department to undertake a wideranging review of the coal mining industry’s long service leave scheme. Working closely with affected members and other industry groups, AMMA provided a comprehensive submission reflecting the views of employers operating within and/or providing services to the coal sector. AMMA’s submission detailed fundamental, deep-seeded flaws in the scheme and its administering body, noting sweeping reforms were required to restore employer and employee confidence in the scheme.

Fair Work Commission

Ensuring Australia’s national employment tribunal, the Fair Work Commission, is well-balanced and working efficiently to promote jobs growth and fair and equitable workplace outcomes, continued to be a key campaign area for AMMA in 2021. As part of this campaign, AMMA continued its detailed analysis and advocacy of important full bench decisions and the members which sat on them. Concerns raised included that during 2020 an alarmingly high number (more than 90%) were presided over by just one of four ALP-appointed tribunal members; and that a very small proportion (less than 4%) were presided over by female members of the tribunal. AMMA continues to campaign for the FWC to ensure more balanced use of its presidential resources in Australia’s most important employment decisions. Further, in April AMMA welcomed the appointment of five new members to the FWC, coming from a diverse range of backgrounds though all highly qualified in employment law and workplace relations.




Industry Pro jects & Campaigns ‘Work with Us’ campaign

In 2021 a new TV campaign from AMMA called on the nation’s political representatives to 'work with' employers as they push to secure new major project investment, create jobs and assist with the national economic recovery. Launched in March and updated again in September, phases two and three of AMMA’s ‘Work with Us’ campaign has highlighted the significant growth potential of Australia’s resources and energy sector. Running on Sky News and social media channels to target both key political and community audiences, the campaign focused on the role of the resources and energy industry in supporting the Australian economy through COVID-19 and



called on political and community stakeholders to ‘work with’ AMMA and employers on securing future investment and job opportunities.

Diversity and Inclusion

In its ninth year as the industry’s leading national diversity and inclusion initiative, the Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA) continues to facilitate programs, support and guidance to assist employers to build their diversity and inclusion capability. By promoting the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and working with employers on real strategies and programs to lift female representation, AMMA (under the AWRA banner) continues to assist members in becoming

employers of choice. A range of support programs have been delivered by AMMA in 2021 to achieve positive outcomes, while also hosting regular lunchtime information webinars with gender diversity leaders and innovators from within industry. In 2021, AMMA guided delivery of the Bright Future Primary School STEM program (see next section), which is breaking down the stereotypes of traditionally male-dominated industries in schools. AWRA’s direction, activities and initiatives are primarily guided by the AWRA Advisory Board (see page 33). A dedicated LinkedIn community contains information sharing and updates from industry professionals with a passion for driving diversity and inclusion outcomes.


Workplace Sexual Harassment A significant issue in 2021 (and ongoing) has been the move to eradicate sexual harassment from resources and energy industry workplaces. Despite a ‘zero tolerance’ approach the resources and energy sector still has a higherthan-average prevalence of sexual harassment in its workplaces. The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has found 40% of women have experienced sexual harassment in the resources sector compared to 33% across all industries. AMMA’s longstanding position is the industry must work diligently to understand and address the specific drivers of sexual harassment in order to eradicate in our workplaces. In addition to the support

actions listed on page 15, AMMA has delivered guidance to both members and government in relation to the Commonwealth’s response to the Respect@Work report and subsequent legislative changes. Further, AMMA provided a

submission to the Western Australian Inquiry into sexual harassment against women in the FIFO mining industry, describing how workplace sexual harassment is abhorrent and will not be tolerated at any level in the resources and energy sector.




Public Affairs

Fair Work head adopts faster deadline for wage deals Australian Financial Review – 13 April 2021

AMMA in the news Media highlights / AMMA in the news AMMA delivered another year of significant media coverage in 2021, influencing and advocating strategic positions and priorities on behalf of members. Coverage featured across a wide range of print and online publications, focusing mostly on key AMMA positions, including workplace and regulatory reforms, positive industry stories and achievements, as well as highlighting challenges for employers and building pressure for change.

PM ready to bargain on IR

The Australian – 10 December 2020

Call for uniform mandate for jabs The Australian 13 February 2021

IR reform will 'avoid project blowouts' Australian Financial Review - 10 June 2021

Border bans mean strikes hit harder AFR – 14 January 2021

PM told to try again on IR laws The Australian – 19 March 2021

Workplace vaccination debate High Court test for 'double-dip' casuals AFR – 27 November 2020

'Change law to stop double-dipping'

Sky News (Credlin) – 19 August 2021

Skilled migration fasttrack to aid mining

West Australian - 23 June 2021

The Australian - 27 November 2020

STEM savvy girls Awards conditions next battleground for IR reform

Townsville Bulletin – 8 June 2021

Major projects deliver massive jobs boost Courier Mail – 18 December 2020

Australian Financial Review – 20 March 2021

Court rejects casual staff back pay bid The Age - 5 August 2021

Resource bosses in bid to woo ALP The Australian - 13 July 2021

‘Research shows that STEM industry engagement is too often focused on high school students’ Courier Mail – 19 April 2021




Mines to fuel our Covid-19 rebound Courier Mail – 17 December 2020

Find your mojo on jabs, miners tell PM

Social Media influence

Gender diversity is ‘mission critical’, mining boss declares The Age – 7 January 2021

The Australian – 18 August 2021

Jab debate throws up workplace test case Skills crunch fears grow

Sydney Morning Herald – 21 August 2021

Significant social media growth in 2021 has increased support for AMMA’s advocacy efforts on key policy developments, while providing a platform to share positive member and industry news. AMMA’s Twitter and LinkedIn pages remain an effective and growing platform to promote strategic communications activities. Highlights include putting the spotlight on the need for key IR reforms, industry skill shortages and growth opportunities, landmark court cases of relevance to members, welcoming new AMMA Board members and promoting AMMA’s growing calendar of events and new initiatives.

West Australian 28 January 2021

Senate throws spanner in the works of workplace reform

Visas fast-tracked for overseas chefs, engineers to ease skills crisis The Australian – 23 June 2021

The Australian – 12 March 2021

Cash calls for industry debate on jab mandate Sydney Morning Herald 17 August 2021

Critical minerals commitment drives careers Industry Queensland – 8 March 2021

Employers push for workplace reforms

Australian Financial Review – 8 June 2021

Border bans mean strikes hit harder: employers

Australian Financial Review – 14 January 2021

Celebrating important role of women in resources

Australasian Mine Safety Journal – 8 March 2021








Effective engagement has been of heightened importance for the resources and energy industry in 2021. Through AMMA, members have been able to stay connected and supported amid the unique workforce challenges imposed from COVID-19. As employers navigate the ‘new normal’ - and come to grips with ever-evolving workplace dynamics coming together as an industry to share experiences and insights has never been more critical. From facilitating information sharing, driving industry development activities, promoting the benefits of the sector or celebrating success, AMMA continued to provide a trusted platform to bring industry and a network of like-minded people together. The opportunity to share and receive vital information has been of increased value to members as they look to collaborate with the broader industry - and their peers - throughout AMMA’s well-established and diverse employer community. This cooperation has assisted members as they traverse often unchartered waters on a range of extraordinary issues. Expanded levels of information sharing has aided members in a wide range of industry-specific areas, including the management of COVID-19 impacts on their operations and people, employment and workforce matters, mental health and much more. By continuing to strengthen the relationships within our community of shared interest, AMMA has ensured members are deeply engaged and connected during these unprecedented times.




An Informed & Connected Network Online events and virtual communication have taken prominence during 2021 as ‘in-person’ engagement opportunities became increasingly difficult amid border closures and state-wide lockdowns. Despite restrictions, AMMA has ensured continued delivery of its informative and engaging sessions presented through various formats, exploring a wide range of workforcerelated topics. This includes live monthly ‘Q&A’ style webinars with members, providing a forum for members to share their experiences in managing COVID-19 issues and to ask questions of AMMA’s workplace experts and various special guests. A handful of briefing events have proceeded ‘in-person’ when circumstances permitted. Highlights



included a prominent member company sharing the unique learnings and insights from a firsthand COVID-19 case. Through a combination of member email circulars, live interactive webinars and resources including the COVID-19 Vaccine and Employer Guides, AMMA has advised and assisted members on important topics, including: • Vaccinations - member guide, advocacy, guidance • Sexual Harassment - respect at work, inclusive safety audits, training, advice • IR reforms (including casual employment) - submissions, committee appearances, general advocacy • Mental Health developments and opportunities – research,

framework and training • Return to office / hybrid working / remote working - guide, webinars, general advice • Skills shortages and labour supply – labour mobility, skilled migration and more. In the area of mental health, AMMA has hosted several lunchtime webinars featuring resources employers and mental health experts, advising and informing members of relevant initiatives and sharing information. In addition, the AWRA Diversity and Inclusion initiative led a number of specialist webinars allowing for the vast community of interest to hear from fellow industry professionals or subject matter experts on diversity and inclusion related topics and initiatives.


AMMA News Update

AMMA’s fortnightly News Update continues to be a popular way for members to stay up-to-date on the key issues. Delivered via email alert to member company representatives, the AMMA News Update contains an array of information and analysis relevant to workplaces and industry, including: • In-depth case summary analysis of relevant workplace tribunal and court rulings, highlighting the implications for employers • Analysis of key policy developments and workplace regulation issues • Breaking news on industry, economic and political matters • Feedback opportunities for members on key issues and input into areas of AMMA advocacy and representation • Announcements and communication of AMMA events and initiatives. Strong positive member feedback suggests this frequent communication method delivers a highly valuable and reliable source of relevant information.

Member alerts

AMMA continues to deliver regular member alerts on key employment issues and breaking news. In addition to the general industrial relations developments AMMA members expect from the Group, 2021 also saw regular updates on COVID-19 related policies and government responses. Key matters analysed and provided to AMMA members in 2021 included: • COVID-19 related updates, including updates on vaccinations, lockdowns, border closures, travel restrictions and exemptions • Regularly updated ‘AMMA Employer Guide’ covering relevant COVID-19 developments and vaccinations • Changes to IR administrative processes and compliance matters. • Significant analysis and updates on landmark employment cases • Industry and workplace policy developments that impact the

resources and energy sector • Training and awareness opportunities on employee relations, mental health and workplace sexual harassment issues • Various podcasts, webinars, events, forums and other member engagement opportunities.

Employment Snapshot

Another popular AMMA communications service is the AMMA Employment Snapshot, delivering key workplace relations developments to members at the start of each month. This member-exclusive update comes in an easily digestible twopage format, neatly capturing key legislation and other regulation impacting businesses to help maximise compliance with changing laws and regulation before they come into force. Topics covered include: • New Commonwealth and State legislation taking effect • Bills introduced or progressing through Parliament • Regulatory changes and tribunal / court decisions of significance to your employment practices • An employer checklist to help members remain compliant.

CEO correspondence

CEOs and executive leaders within AMMA’s membership are kept up-to-date on key workforce / employment developments with a short, sharp monthly update. The monthly email catering for senior executive communication needs, provides a brief update on key workforce, employment and political developments relevant to the resources and energy industry.

Special Interest Groups

AMMA’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide members with a valuable closed network for discussion and advice relating to a special area of interest or sub-sector within the Australian resources and energy industry. Through these intimate settings, group members can discuss specific industry trends, voice issues, share knowledge and shape AMMA’s

policy and lobbying efforts. SIGs continue to create significant levels of support and engagement with member organisations taking the opportunity to collaborate on common sector interests, such as hydrocarbons, coal mining, precious minerals, iron ore, ROV members, vessel operations, offshore contractors and so on.

Ministerial Q&A Sessions

Continuing its long tradition of member/ministerial engagement, AMMA hosted several engagement sessions between senior member company executives and key federal government ministers and authorities in 2021. The ZOOM-based sessions provided direct access to national decision makers at a time when typical Canberra engagement events were not possible. Highlights for members include hearing from Michaelia Cash, Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, Nev Power, Chair of the National COVID Advisory Board, and more.

Member Satisfaction Survey

In 2021, AMMA conducted a Membership Satisfaction Survey to gain further understanding of how the Group is delivering value to members. Amidst a complex period for our industry, with further challenges on the horizon, AMMA took the opportunity to undertake a full review of its advocacy, services, and other membership benefits. The results will shape AMMA’s future and ensure we add ongoing value to members and the industry.

AMMA continues to deliver regular member alerts on key employment issues and breaking news.




Bright Future STEM Primary Schools Program Travel disruptions and lockdowns were not enough to quash the ambition of AMMA’s Bright Future STEM Primary School Program, with the initiative pushing through these challenges to engage nearly 3000 students (aged 9-12) in 2021. The program has: • Visited 26 schools across Perth, Brisbane, Central Qld (Moranbah, Dysart), Regional Qld (Townsville, Toowoomba) and Regional NSW (Newcastle, Dubbo, Goulburn) • Inspired the students through industry role models from resource



companies Thiess, Anglo American, Senex Energy, Gold Fields, UGL, New Hope, Easternwell, Ventia, Eagle Drilling and Minjar Gold • Encouraged an interest in STEM using hands-on, interactive activities such as virtual reality, robotics, coding, electricals, environmental rejuvenation and the recently introduced Gravitrax engineering activity. The program, now in its third year, inspires schoolchildren in various regions across Australia to takeup STEM (science, technology,

engineering and maths) related studies and consider a career in the resources and energy sector. Participating companies have also benefitted by showcasing their interest in STEM careers and the range of employment opportunities our sector has to offer. In addition to the success of the full format events at schools, remote access has also been successfully implemented via Microsoft Teams to assist with the challenges of rolling out the program face-to-face during COVID-19 restrictions.


Resource People Podcast

Resource People Podcast continues to bring engaging industry content to the ears of industry professionals. The podcast features and profiles participating AMMA members and other workforce and workplace specialists to bring to life the stories behind the people, workforces and companies of the Australian resources and energy industry. Hosted by AMMA Director Operations Tara Diamond, the podcasts are being heard by global audiences via Spotify and Soundcloud; delivering stories of interest from all corners of the industry in a modern, engaging multimedia format.

AMMA Industry Awards

For the 14th year running, the AMMA Industry Awards for 2021 will celebrate the sector’s high achievers, brightest stars, future talent and leading workforce initiatives. The 2021 award winners will be announced at the AMMA Gala Dinners in October.

2021 Long Membership Milestone Recipients

In 2021 the following resources and energy employers were recognised for their longstanding membership of AMMA. 10 years Roy Hill Holdings Shaw Pipeline Services 15 years FMR Investments, Wood PLC 25 years Saipem, Heathgate Resources 30 years Expro Group, MMA Offshore, Technip FMC 35 years Sibelco 50 years McDermott, Santos




Advisory Boards & Committees Through guidance of a number of advisory boards and committees, AMMA members are at the forefront of the industry outcomes and support delivered by the Group’s campaigns, programs, engagement and representation activities.



The AMMA Board Reference Group (BRG), AWRA Advisory Board and Resources & Energy Mental Health Advisory Board continue to work on their respective influence, advocacy and policy development strategies, adding significant value to the

industry and broader community. These advisory boards and committees comprise of representatives from member companies with specific skill sets and expertise to add value in each specialist group.


Matthew Gleeson Alcoa

Katherine Sampson Chevron

Board Reference Group

The AMMA Board Reference Group (BRG) is comprised of senior and experienced workplace relations and human resources practitioners drawn from AMMA member companies in diverse areas of the resources and energy industry. The BRG is a significant and longstanding advisory group, informing AMMA’s policy directions, responses to industry threats and taking advantage of opportunities to make the industry a better place to invest and employ. AMMA BRG members in 2021 comprised representatives of the following member companies: • Alcoa • Chevron • Compass Group • ExxonMobil • Fluor • Fortescue Metals Group • Gold Fields • INPEX • Newmont • Northern Star Resources • Qube Logistics • Roy Hill • Santos • Shell • Sodexo • Thiess • Ventia • Woodside Energy

Andrew Chamberlain

Richard Zvirbulis

Steve Clancy

Brett Cullen

Michael Spencer

Garry Smith

Amanda Baker

Elaine Buchanan

Dan Coulton

Giles Lenz

Alice Trethewey

Catherine McGonigle

Michael Nazareth

Scott Moran

Danny Klepac

Michael Borlase

Compass Group


Gold Fields


QUBE Logistics


The BRG is a significant and longstanding advisory group, informing AMMA’s policy directions, responses to industry threats and taking advantage of opportunities to make the industry a better place to invest and employ.




Fortescue Metals Group


Northern Star Resources

Roy Hill



Woodside Energy




AWRA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board

The Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA) Advisory Board comprises senior and experienced human resources and diversity and inclusion practitioners drawn from a broad range of AMMA members. In 2021 AWRA Advisory Board members guided AMMA’s programs and policies with relevant updates and insights from within their organisations; assisting in program design and improvement; identifying new priorities; and facilitating engagement amongst the wider resources and energy community. Diversity and Inclusion programs and initiatives delivered in 2021, under the guidance of the AWRA Advisory Board, include: • Delivery of AMMA’s Appropriate Workplace Behaviours training to member company employees, with a strong focus on discrimination, sexual harassment and inclusive workplace culture • Reviewing members’ workplace policies and procedures to ensure best practice in regard to bullying and harassment, psychological safety and disciplinary action • Undertaking the AWRA Inclusive Safety Audit in member company workplaces to examine the actual and perceived physical and psychological safety of their employees. The audit covers physical safety, confidence, personal safety (including bullying and harassment) and psychological safety • Development of policies, projects and campaigns to drive cultural change, education and awareness to drive more diverse, inclusive workplaces free from sexual harassment.



Kath Soumanis

Liz Hansen

Evita Soldo

Simone Roberts

Linda O'Farrell

Drew MacOwan

Justine Fisher

Anthea Craig



Fortescue Metals Group

St Barbara

Anglo American




Jacky Connolly

Woodside energy

• Supporting and advising on key themes and activities for the Bright Future STEM Primary Schools Program. • Input and guidance on AMMA’s policy submissions in the areas of diversity and inclusion. AMMA members on the AWRA Advisory Board include: • Alcoa • Anglo American • Chevron • ExxonMobil • Fortescue Metals Group • Shell • St Barbara • Thiess • Woodside Energy


Resources & Energy Mental Health Advisory Board

Founded in 2018 at the strong demand of members, the AMMA Resources and Energy Mental Health Advisory Board is the only national committee driving a collaborative approach to the industry’s mental health commitment and support initiatives. The Advisory Board comprises a range of experienced professionals both within the resources and energy industry and relevant mental health fields. Throughout 2021 the Advisory Board supported AMMA’s initiatives through advice and insights into mental health considerations within their organisations and the industry, while guiding the design and delivery of initiatives and support resources for AMMA members. Specific initiatives include the Resources and Energy Industry Workforce and Leaders Mental Health Research Program and delivering the sector’s first Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework (see page 15 more information). AMMA members represented on the board include: • Chevron • ConocoPhillips • INPEX • Monadelphous • Perenti Global • Santos • Shell • Sodexo • St Barbara • UGL • Woodside Energy

Dr Max Hills

Dennis Murphy

Chad Calvert

Joshua Reid

Ben Davis

Richard Brazier

Adam Ralph

Tammie Evans

Johnpaul Dimech

Val Madsen

Meg Abaldonado

Karen Turner



Perenti GLOBAL








St Barbara




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