RESTORATION Magazine Issue 10 Vol 3

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RESTORATION Table of Contents

4 Shalom from the Editor: Justified by Faith Written by Kelly Vonner

6 Physical Things Won’t Save You Written by Shauderic Avad

8 The First Step to Healing Written by Kristiana Avad

10 Spoken Word: From Lies to Truth, From Death to Life Composed by Kristina Holiday

11 Spoken Word: Quicken Me Again Composed by B. M. Woody

13 Whose Daughter Are You? Written by Beverly Holiday RESTORATION MAGAZINE is published for FREE distribution in the public interest. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. RESTORATION MAGAZINE is published by Restoring the Branches Ministry. Editor & Graphics Designer: Kelly Vonner Contributions: B. Holiday, S. Avad, K. Avad, B. Woody, N. Holiday, K. Vonner Cover Image: Sebastian @Unsplash Email:


Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Galatians 3:24 NKJV

Shalom FROM


Editor: Justified by Faith

We are justified by faith, but what does that mean? How can I add this verse and apply it to my faith today? Does being justified by faith make the law void? Does being justified by faith dismiss any need for obedience? As I reflected on this verse, Habakkuk 2:4 came to mind: “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by faith”. We are justified by faith, and the just live by faith. This has been true since the beginning. To be just (Strong’s No. H2658) is to be lawful or righteous, and faith (Strong’s No. H530) represents firmness, fidelity, and steadfastness. Based on these definitions, instead of saying “the just live by faith”, we can say “the lawful live by fidelity” or “the righteous live by steadfastness”. All of these phrases would be true, but who’s fidelity and steadfastness should we live by?

In 2 Peter 1:5-7, we are called to add to our faith, and the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (Romans 1:17). This faith which is our support and confirmation is not in ourselves. This faith is firm, sure, a solid foundation, and pillar of truth. This faith comes from the source, the Creator of all. This faith is for those who choose to walk a straight path, those that walk with a message of hope. This faith aligns with obedience because it is faith in the faithfulness of YAH (God). The Greek word for righteous in Matthew 9:12-13 references one who observes divine laws, one who is lawful. Our righteousness is directly connected to our obedience to YAH through Yahshua, and our obedience can help others become righteous (Romans 5:19 and John 14:12). Our actions, thoughts, and deeds should be based on His faithfulness. He is righteous; we have rebelled. We must acknowledge our lawlessness. We are encouraged to take words with us when we return to the Most High. “Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips (Hosea 14:2). We must choose to be different. We must choose to return to our original occupation (Exodus 19:6). If the just live by faith, what do the unjust live by? 4

As we approach Shavuot (Pentecost), we remember His Faithfulness in removing us from the darkness and despair of sin. We count seven weeks as we prepare our hearts and minds to meet the Sovereign King. He has been faithful; he can be nothing less for faithfulness is who He is. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20). We are justified by faith to live in His faithfulness. What a good, good Father. He has been faithful through His law, faithful in His character, and faithful to His people. He has an impeccable record of preserving the righteous (Psalm 37:25). I pray He gives us the strength to stand and move according to His faithfulness, for that is what we live by.

they have three sons: Jeremiah, Joshua, and Josiah. She considers herself a lifelong learner and disciple of Yahshua. Kelly is the author of A Boldness for Him: Honoring God by Our Obedience. Her undergraduate work is in mathematics; she currently has a masters in Educational Leadership and is pursuing a masters in Educational Behavioral Psychology.

This Shavuot, I pray you are filled to overflowing, that your garments have been made ready, and that nothing separates you from His love.

Shalom, K. Vonner, Editor & Graphics Designer Kelly Vonner is a native of West Tennessee and the wife of Moreh Jeremy Vonner of Restoring the Branches Ministry. Together,


physical things won’t save you by shauderic avad

Many times we tend to value the flesh over the spiritual matters. In times of need we tend to run to drugs, loved ones, sex, food, and all sorts of things for comfort, but rarely run to the creator. When we go running to the physical things over the father we are left unsatisfied time and time again. We cannot gain eternal peace by trying to feed an earthen vessel that is meant to disintegrate back to dust. The only way to gain true peace is by feeding the spirit, because that is where true life is. Our master Yahshua Hamashiach taught a great lesson on this subject on how to gain everlasting life and not depend on temporary fixes. He said in John 6:47-51 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath

everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." So are you willing to sacrifice your flesh for a bigger spiritual goal? Or are you willing to die in the wilderness trying to depend on physical things to sustain you?

Shauderic Avad is from Little Rock, Arkansas. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership working towards one day fulfilling the role of principal of a school where he can help impact and mold future generations. He is 24 years of age and is dedicated to serving Yah, his wife, his family, and his community. Shauderic believes that growing in selflessness is the key to an impactful and prosperous life.

Don't depend on anything that doesn't last forever. Shalom.


The greatest gift to receive from Yah is to take part in the divine nature. For transfiguration we must be in oneness with the Father. In order to have oneness with Yah we must focus on being more spiritual in a physical world. -Avad


Physicians and pharmacists would both agree that one of the number one killers of patients is them failing to adhere to their medication regimen. A common saying amongst pharmacists is “drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them”. There are many factors that affect patients’ ability to adhere to their medication regimen, but the main factor oftentimes is the patient not fully understanding the outcome of their poor choices resulting in their disease state leading to death. For example, the American Heart Association website shows 45.6% of adult Americans have high blood pressure; of the almost half of Americans who have high blood pressure, only half of them

have their condition under control. I use the example of high blood pressure because often time it is hard to feel when your blood pressure is high, so when patients feel they are not sick they will stop adhering to their medication regimen. Patients fail to see the long term consequences of not having their blood pressure controlled, which can lead to things like strokes, heart attacks, and heart failure. Unfortunately for some patients they have to experience some of these drastic events, to realize how sick they really are to start making life-saving steps towards being healed. This is oftentimes true for our spiritual health as well. Mark 2:17 reads “When

Jesus heard it, he said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners’. It is clear who he seeks to heal, but is our spiritual blindness to our sin stopping us from seeking the Great Physician for healing? Too often we go through life believing we have been made completely whole, and this mindset stops us from continually seeking the cure. The Father has been so gracious to give us the regimen, in His word, for us to live a more abundant life, free of physical and spiritual sickness. His word is life, and his desire is for us to hear it to be healed (Mt. 13:15). Just like your doctor gives you a prescription of how to take your medication daily, God’s


words give us exactly what we are to do day in and day out to work towards being made whole. But like in our example of high blood pressure, if you don’t understand how sick you are you will never adhere to His regimen. The first step towards healing is being diagnosed by the physician, but if we never step in His office we will never know our diagnosis. His word shows were we are sick, but through his word we can be healed. We don’t have to wait until it’s too late to start taking our spiritual health seriously, He is offering healing for those who are willing to admit they are sick and in need of healing.

Mrs. Kristiana A. Avad is a 3rd year professional student at University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy, enrolled in UT’s dual Pharm.D./Ph.D. program. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Arkansas State University in 2018. She plans to start a career specializing in natural medicines, focusing on its roll in overall health and wellness in minority communities.

What Medicines are in Your Spice Cabinet? In the beginning the Father gave us everything from the ground we needed to live a life of health and wellness. For example, Ezekiel 47:12 mentions tree “leaves being for healing”. He was so gracious in giving us all the medicine we need straight from the good ground He created. One of those great herbal medicines that instantly comes to my mind being ginger. This ancient herb is most known as a spice or a flavoring, but it is also one of the world’s best medicines. In medieval Europe it was even thought to have derived straight from the Garden of Eden, so it should come at no surprise it’s packed with a lot of power! Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties, has been known to relieve problems such as headache, joint pain, indigestion, and morning sickness. There have been several small scale research studies that observed that ginger reduces muscle pain due to its powerful anti-inflammatory action. A clinical trial done in 2014 compared the migraine relieving effects of ginger compared to a common prescription pain killer, sumatriptan, and the study found that the two treatments were of similar effect. Ginger also has anti-viral activity which is why it has been known to be a remedy for coughs, colds, flu symptoms for quite some time. Key ways to incorporate more ginger into your diet to reap all its benefits is by drinking ginger tea regularly, there are also capsule formulations available as well as oils and ointments for external uses. The wonderful properties of ginger are not limited to these mentioned above; with ginger the benefits are almost endless! -Kristiana A. Avad 9

from lies to TRUTH; from death to LIFE by Kristina Holiday

I inquired, yet they stayed on defense I grew tired the teachings no longer made sense Was I a walker by faith, a true believer? Was I a victim of lies, a truth deceiver? I was lost and confused this person I didn’t know broken down tired bruised no seed, no water, no room to grow I had his word backwards his scriptures all wrong The road I travel a hazard I didn’t have long My family in danger from the lies I’ve been told Elohim a stranger in the truth so cold What shall I do? Where should I turn? I’m a sheep with no shepherd and for the Most High I yearn. Whatsoever was written aforetime was written for our learning. The seed was planted you watched it grow Nothing taken for granted the lies were let go There was anger there was fear, For the questions asked the answers were clear I came into this world with nothing all a product of Elohim‘s grace And with nothing I’ll die the same until the day we see his face He showed me the way, the truth, and the light And alone no more my battles will I fight Filled with the Ruach HaQodesh, his mercies set me free No longer clinging to my flesh, his FIRE BURNS IN ME! Shalom -Kristina Holiday


Quicken me again. This life journey is draining me. YAH, quicken me again.

QUICKEN ME again by B.M. Woody

My heart is faint, my strength has failed me. Quicken me again.

Only you provide my every need. YAH, quicken me again. Our enemies seek to harm me. YAH, quicken me again. Oh, Abba YAH, I humbly ask that you quicken me.

I need Your consuming fire to burn brightly within me. Let not Your Holy Anointing Oil separate from me. For Your Ruach HaQodesh is the gift You gave me. Yahshua, the Lamb of Elohiym, slain for my iniquities. You atoned for my sins that I may be free indeed. Lead and guide me in Your Word that I may live in victory. Quicken me again. By B.M. Woody



Men don’t exclude yourselves; you have to be someone’s daughter to become a bride! This concept is hard for men to get their minds wrapped around. In the relationship with Mashiach, we all have to assume the feminine role. He is returning for a spotless bride to bring unto Himself, we must investigate and learn how to be the daughters He would be proud to call His Own. Throughout Scripture there are many examples of what not to be. In our family lives today it is so real, to become what we see as an example or to absolutely resolve what not to be. Ezekiel 16 speaks of the compassion, love, adoration, and provision, The Most High invested in His chosen daughter to enter into covenant with. His betrothed chose the path of harlotry, being prideful in their beauty and lavished all the gifts given her on every Tom, Dick, and Harry that came along! Further in the chapter He says, like mother, like daughter, loathing your husband and children, referring to Sodom and Samaria’s abominations. Currently

with homosexuality, abortion, sex trafficking, and innocent blood crying out, being at an all-time high; this nation in which we live, as a whole, does not exhibit the characteristics desired by Yah, but requires His recompense. We must return to the Ancient Path to be restored. Ezekiel 20:38 He will purge the rebels and transgressors. Continuing in V 44 He states that the return from wickedness and corruption, He will deal with His chosen for His Name’s sake. Rebellion is as witchcraft and transgression of His Law leads to death. In today’s world, Wiccan has made a ginormous resurfacing, and by defiling Sabbath alone, His Law is fading fast in the eyes of most today. Jeremiah 44:19 Speaks of burning incense, pouring out drink offerings and baking cakes to the queen of heaven without their husbands’ permission. Rachel stole the family idols (Gen 31). Jezebel invoked Baal worship and her daughter after her (I Kings 16 and II Kings 8). Michal despised in her heart true worship to Yah (I Chron 15). Solomon married Pharoah’s daughter, now His people are back in bed with Mizraim (II Chron 8). Can’t

leave out the award-winning sisters in Ezekiel 23, Oholah and Oholibah. The worst ho’s of all in idolatry and foreign alliance. As Solomon did say, there is nothing new under the sun. How many easter eggs, bunnies, and Xmas trees aren’t idealized throughout the modern-day world? Calamity will befall because of disobedience and a contrary walk to His Law, Statutes, and Testimonies. Don’t be a “ho no mo”! Be obedient to His Law and Teachings. Don’t return to what The Most High has delivered you from. Be loyal to the One who sustains you and gives you life. Don’t waste your gifts on worldly matters. Lots’s daughters, in Genesis 19, take matters into their own hands, rape their dad and bear children. The nations of Moab and Ammon, caused trouble for the people of The Most High throughout Biblical times and continue to cause trouble today. Even Sarai, Rachel, and Leah moved too quickly and contrary to The Most High. These gave an example of jumping out in front of Him! We as humans have a tendency to believe our thoughts and timing are much better than The Most Highs’. The Word clearly states in Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens 13

are higher than the earth, and His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. When you looked out last night, did you see the moon and stars in the heavens? His Word stands! Be still! Wait on His timing (patience and selfcontrol)! Does the list of the Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5 come to mind? We are called to be a Kingdom of Priests as stated in Exodus 19. If the daughter of a Priest profanes herself by playing the harlot, she profanes her Father (Lev 21). Do we profane our Father in heaven by choosing to play the harlot with the different entities of this world? Genesis 24:23 Abrahams’ servant asks Rebekah, “Whose daughter, are you? As the story goes, she was beautiful, a virgin, discerning, selfless, a servant, hospitable, not slothful, and when asked; she went, modest and a nurturer. What kind of daughter are we? Are we a chastened bride? Does the virginity cloth shown by our Father, show the blood of our circumcised hearts, as evidence that we are reborn through Yeshua (Deut 22)? In the Assembly it has come up many times, only Noah, Daniel, and Job (Ezk 14). We must have our own personal relationship with The Most High. We can’t go on our mothers’, fathers’ or friend. It is worth the time to delve into what made these 3 men stand out in the eyes of Yah. If we want to be recognized by Our King, as said in James be not hearers only but doers of His Word, we must enact the characteristics pleasing to The Father. Here are some of the attributes found common to them. They include unwavering faithfulness in suffering, repentance, prayer on purpose, discipline, love, uprightness, reverence, belief, blameless, shunning evil, wise in counsel, able to publicly proclaim His Word even judgment, integrity, humble, obedient, rather face execution than compromise, willing to stand against family, worship, courage, obeying your calling, labor in your part of the vineyard, actions that glorify The Most High, walk it not just talk it, good

attitude in adversity, strict temperance, allowing vengeance to be carried out by The Most High, no feelings of bitterness toward oppressors, determination to please The Most High and die to fleshly desires, walk in The Spirit. This is absolutely not an exhaustive list, but if we can grow in maturity with these great qualities, we will be moving in the right direction of “brideship”. We should desire to be like Hadassa. In the book of Esther, she desires what “the king” likes. If she did this for a pagan king, how much more does The True One and Only King, deserve our devotion to His Way. In Joel and Acts, it speaks of pouring out The Ruach on His sons and daughters. In Ephesians 1 it speaks of a guarantee, promise, “engagement” being the indwelling of The Ruach to our redemption and inheritance. This is also found in II Cor 1. The parable of “the 10 virgins”, speaks of having oil as the Ruach and wicks being trimmed, being prepared. Let us do all diligence to remove from ourselves any harlotry and disobedience to The Most Highs’ instructions. Give our best effort to enact the attributes we have seen in Noah, Daniel, and Job. We need to strive for maturity to please Him and not ourselves. Seek the Gifts of the Spirit to be able to discern the times. Be awake and not found sleeping without oil on the day of His return for a “chastened Bride”. As we approach Shavuot, coming out of the wilderness, coming up to the mountain, entering covenant with The Most High, let’s say and MEAN, all You say-we will do! Beverly Holiday is a native of West Tennessee. She works as an LPN and specializes in wound care. She enjoys the Word of YAH and cooking for her family and friends. She resides in West Tennessee with her husband of over twenty years is a proud Mom and Meme. She freely shares her testimony of restoration and transformation by the mighty hand of YAH. 14



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