Bulletin 2011 05 22

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GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, May 22, 2011 – Vol. 35 #34 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-­‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-­‐‑5205 web: www.resurrectiongoc.org Acts of the Apostles 11:19-30 pg. 52

Gospel: John 4:5-42 pg. 53

CHRIST IS RISEN ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHURCH ORDER: Nickie Demos, Peter Koumoulis, Kathy Costas, Zefy Christopoulos, Costas Zachariadis, Gus Vlavianos. ALTAR SERVERS: James Denslow, Costas Fakatselis, Christopher Gabriel, Argirios Nickas, Joshua Kovacevic, George Pappous, George Toskos, Matthew Chakery, Nicholas Demetri, Billy Gatzonis, Tommy Markou, James Pappous, Adelmo Petrakis, Yianni Petrakis. COFFEE HOUR: Fakatselis.

GOYA & JOY Serving.

Anne Alexandrou, Helen

TODAY IS THE SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN. WE ALSO COMMEMORATE St. Vasilikos the Martyr, Bishop of Comana; Holy New Martyrs Demetrius and Paul of Tripoli; St. John-Vladimir, Ruler of Serbia. WE COMMEMORATE the forty day memorial for Alexander Alexandrou, beloved father of Lazarus and Anne Alexandrou and George and Stacy Alexandrou, and grandfather of Alexander, Anastasia, Emily, and Elizabeth. Eternal be his memory! THE ALTAR KANDILI is offered in loving memory of Alexander by his grandchildren. THE COMMUNION WINE AND A PROSFORON are offered by his children in loving memory of Alexander. THE COFFEE HOUR is sponsored by the Pourakis family in loving memory of Alexander. A PROSFORON is offered in loving memory of the newly reposed servant of God John Antapasis, beloved uncle of George and Mary Pourakis, and great uncle of Lazarus and Anne Alexandrou. A PROSFORON is offered by the Thomasides family for the health, wellbeing, and progress in life and faith of their newborn son. PLEASE NOTE: During the Paschal Season, from Pascha until Pentecost Sunday, we follow the early tradition of the Church, and in

continuous celebration of the Resurrection of Christ we do not kneel on Sundays. UPCOMING SERVICES AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sat, May 21st Sts. Constantine and Helen Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Wed., May 25th Paraklesis to the Virgin Mary 6:00 pm SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Wednesday, May 25th, 8:00 pm. Please plan to attend this important meeting. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES. Children will follow their regular schedule to receive their certificates and get their books in class. The children will then be dismissed into church to receive attendance pins and our graduating seniors will receive their diplomas. Congratulations to all and thank you to all of our staff, office staff and parents. SENIOR CITIZEN PROM at the North Shore High School. DJ, buffet, raffles, king and queen, a wonderful time. Sunday, May 22nd, 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Hosted by the North Shore Students. Please RSVP Julia Salat 277-­‐‑ 7029. THE RESURRECTION SENIORS WILL BE HAVING A PANAGYRI! Music, dancing, hot food and desserts! Come and enjoy socializing on Tuesday, May 31st at 12 noon in the church hall. Resurrection Senior members free, Resurrection Senior non-members $10. You must RSVP by Wednesday, May 25th! Aleka Bellidoro 676-3430 or Maria Verveniotis pamegamerf@optonline.net.

BASKETBALL FOR 7-12 YEAR OLD KIDS will be held at Church every second and fourth Thursday of each month, including this Summer. For more information please contact Nickiedee@aol.com.

ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS ELECTIONS----The elections for the new board of the St. Catherine's Philoptochos Society will be held during coffee hour on Sunday, May 22, 2011 in the Church hall from noon to 1 pm. To be eligible to vote you must be a member of the St. Catherine's Philoptochos Society. SAVE THE DATE----Festival Bake-Off---Monday, June 6th. DID YOU KNOW? OUR GREEK VILLAGE FESTIVAL NOW HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE? AND IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY! PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW SITE, http://greekvillagefestival.info/ to find information on our raffle, foods, flea market, a great slideshow and

photo gallery; much more. Please sign up to volunteer your time to truly make our festival a success. THE EASTER AND NAMEDAY OFFERINGS CONTINUE TO COME IN! THANKS TO ALL who have taken the time to return their envelope with a special Easter/Nameday gift for our parish. Please do not forget your envelope. Take a moment and send your special gift for the work of this parish. Thanks! PROCEEDINGS OF THE INAUGURAL PROJECT GENERATION YOUTH ENVIRONMENTAL SYMPOSIUM are now online, and accessible through our web site. In addition, a two-DVD set of the event is available in the rack in the narthex. Please help yourself. For more information, visit http://www.projectgeneration.net. FIRST ANNUAL WALK TO SUPPORT DIABETES RESEARCH. Join with others on May 22 (10:00 am) at the Old Westbury Gardens. Please visit the web site at www.weddingveilwalk.com to register to walk or make a donation. Food and drinks will be provided, on behalf of Iman Bridal and Diabetes Research Institute. We look forward to seeing you there! PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ORTHODOXJOBS.COM? It is the source for Orthodox Christians who are seeking employment in an Orthodox Christian or Christian environment. In its current version, it is a posting site of Job opportunities for any Archdiocese, Metropolis, Diocese, Parish, or Organization that falls under the jurisdiction of SCOBA, the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas. To post a job on this site, simply send us a job ad/posting with contact information and duration of the posting. Future releases will include resources for employers and employees. OrthodoxJobs.com is a collaborative effort of the Information Technology Commission of SCOBA, the Department of Internet Ministries, and the Office of Vocation and Ministry at Hellenic College. For questions, email the webmaster.

NY TLC LICENSED DRIVER AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Available full or part time to help with general driving or errands. 7 years experience. OUR FOOD PANTRY IS NOW OPEN AND HELPING OUR COMMUNITY! THANKS TO YOU AND TO THE SUPPORT OF LONG ISLAND HARVEST, WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER SUPPORT TO ALL IN NEED! We are open each first Monday of the month, beginning at 10:00 am, and also on an as needed basis throughout the week. FOR COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL SUPPORT, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE.

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