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KOINWNIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION 1400 Cedar Swamp Road • Brookville, New York 11545 • Phone 516-671-5200 www.resurrectiongoc.org MARCH 2012



Understanding the Holiest Week of our Year defeat all their enemies the way they wanted or envisioned, these same people who were holding palm branches and yelling ‘Hosanna in the HighSaturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday Great and Holy Week are preceded by a two day est’ quickly deserted Christ within a weeks time. But for us, we know that Christ Kingdom is not festival commemorating the resurrection of Lazarus and the triumphant entry of Christ into simply an earthly kingdom somewhere in the MidJerusalem. Throughout Christ’s three years of min- dle East nor was Christ coming to defeat some istry, we read in the scriptures that He was threat- neighboring country and take their land. Christ ened and the Pharisees and high priests of that day came to defeat Satan and his Angels and to do that were continually plotting to kill Him. Well, these he had to destroy their greatest weapon: sin and two events pushed them over the edge. Yet these death Great Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday events truly show the divinity and power of our These first three days of Holy Week and they Lord. That is why they are a great bridge because they connect the forty day Lenten period with constitute a single Liturgical unit. They have the same cycle and system of daily prayer. The OrGreat Week. The Saturday of Lazarus is a great feast of the thros of each of these days is called the Service of Church and is celebrated with much joy and rev- the Bridegroom. The name comes from the central erence. Gospel of John (11:1-45). Prefigures figure in the well-known parable of the ten virgins Christ’s Resurrection and ours. Christ is the resur- (Mt 25: 1-13). Title shows intimacy of love, with rection. He bestows eternal life upon all who be- the imagery alluding to the final union of the lieve in Him. Divine and Human elements. Power Lover and the beloved. Monday of Holy Week the Orthros (sung by anwith deep emotions. Palm Sunday is the day in which we behold our ticipation now on Palm Sunday Evening) comKing of heaven and earth triumphantly entering memorates the blessed and noble Joseph and the into Jerusalem on a donkey as all the people were theme is the fig tree which was cursed and withgathered around Him waving palm branches and ered by the Lord. The withering of the fig tree was saying ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is a miracle of special symbolism, since the tree had He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna leaves, but no fruit. It is symbolic of the many peoin the highest.’ The people there in Jerusalem had ple who claim ethical and religious identity, but been waiting for centuries of the Messiah to come. who in reality have empty lives that yield no fruit. The Jewish people, the Chosen people of God, This was also the case with some of the Pharisees were ecstatic that the Messiah had come in the of that period. Jesus cursed the tree: “May no fruit flesh to save them. Now you see the Jews were ever come from you again” (Matt. 21:19). The refcontinually persecuted and under attack so they erence to the story of the virtuous Joseph of the were very eager for the messiah to come so that he Old Testament (Genesis 37-41) is made only for can lead them in defeating their enemies and es- contrast, since the life of Joseph was a model of tablishing an earthly kingdom. When they realized propriety and sincere observance of ethical printhat Jesus was not going to lead them to war and ciples. On this evening we begin with the Hymn of the Bridegroom, “Behold the Bridegroom PROGRAM OF SERVICES HOLY WEEK AND PASCHA 2012 comes in the midst 9:30 am April 7, Saturday of Lazarus DIVINE LITURGY of the night... be9:30 am Divine Liturgy, Blessing of the Palms April 8, Palm Sunday ware, therefore, O 6:00 pm Evening – First Service of Christ the Bridegroom my soul, lest you be 9:30 am Presanctified Liturgy April 9, Holy Monday by Father John Vlahos

April 10, Holy Tuesday April 11, Holy Wednesday

2nd Service of Christ the Bridegroom Presanctified Liturgy 3rd Service of Christ the Bridegroom Presanctified Liturgy Sacrament of Holy UNCTION, with anointing

7:00 pm 9:30 am 7:00 pm 9:30 am 3:00 pm

(especially for children)

Sacrament of Holy UNCTION, with anointing DIVINE LITURGY of the Mystical Supper THE HOLY PASSION, the 12 Gospels, the Crucifixion April 13, Great & Holy Friday Church open for Veneration of the Cross & Royal Hours read APOKATHELOSIS VESPERS, the Lowering from the Cross THE LAMENTATIONS at the Epitaphio, Procession outside Divine Liturgy April 14, Holy Saturday Resurrection Orthros and Divine Liturgy Vespers of Love April 15, Easter Sunday GREAT VESPERS— Parish’s Feastday April 21, April 22, Sunday of Thomas Parish’s Feastday Orthros Archepiscopal Divine Liturgy

April 12, Holy Thursday

7:00 pm 7:00 am 7:00 pm 9:30 am 3:00 pm 7:30 pm 9:30 am 11:00pm 11:00am 7:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am

weighed down in sleep..... and lest you be shut out from the Kingdom...” The canticle hymn also has a symbolic exhortation: “I see your bridal hall adorned, O my Savior, and I have no wedding garment. . . O giver of Light, make radiant the vesture of my soul and save me”. At this time the solemn procession of the Icon of Christ-Bridegroom takes place around the church. The people, anticipating the sufferings of Christ, sing: “Your sublime sufferings, on this day, shine upon the world as a light of salvation.” Tuesday of Holy Week (sung by anticipation now Monday evening) commemorates the parable of the Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13). Ethical preparation and wakefulness are the foundations of vivid faith. The parable of the Ten Virgins is developed around the theme of the Bridegroom: “Why are you heedless, O my soul? . . . Work most diligently with the talent which has been confided to you; both watch and pray”. On Wednesday of Holy Week (sung by anticipation now on Tuesday evening) it has been ordained by the Holy Fathers of the Church that commemoration should be made of the anointing of Christ with myrrh by the fallen woman in the house of Simon the leper, in Bethany. Great emphasis is made in the liturgical services to compare the woman, a sinful harlot who is saved, to Judas, a chosen apostle who is lost. The one gives her wealth to Christ and kisses his feet; the other betrays Christ for money with a kiss. On this evening is sung the beautiful “hymn of Kassiani” The sacred ceremony of the Mysterion of the Holy Unction takes place on Wednesday afternoon. It is the day of repentance, confession and the remission of sins by the Lord, preparing the faithful to receive Holy Communion, usually the next day, Holy Thursday morning. Holy Unction is the Mysterion for cleansing sins and renewing the body and the spirit of the faithful. Holy Unction is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church, and it has its origin in the practice of the early Church as recorded in the Epistle of James (5:14-15). At the end of the service, the priest anoints the people with Holy Oil, the visible carrier of the Grace of (continued on page 4)

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