Bulletin 2011 07 24

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GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2011 – Vol. 35 #43 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-­‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-­‐‑5205 web: www.resurrectiongoc.org ***

Epistle: Romans 12:6-14 pg. 72

Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8 pg. 73

WE WELCOME FR. BASIL SOMMERS WHO WILL CELEBRATE DIVINE LITURGY TODAY. CHURCH ORDER: Nickie Demos, Peter Koumoulis, Kathy Costas, Zefy Christopoulos, Costas Zachariadis, Gus Vlavianos. ALTAR SERVERS: All are welcome. COFFEE HOUR: Eleni Plactere, Joanne Boultadakis. TODAY WE COMMEMORATE: St. Christina the Great Martyr of Tyre; St. Athenagorus the Apologist; Sts. Boris and Gleb, the Passionbearers; Sts. Kaption & Himenaos the Martyrs; St. Theophilos the New Martyr of Zakynthos. WE COMMEMORATE the six year memorial for Andreas Christopoulos, beloved son of Zefy and Peter, and brother of Sofia. Eternal be his memory! THE COFFEE HOUR is sponsored by the Christopoulos family in loving memory of Andreas. THE ALTAR KANDILI AND A PROSFORON are offered by the Camesas family in loving memory of Pandelis, beloved husband, father, and grandfather, on the occasion of his nameday. Eternal be his memory! THE COMMUNION WINE is offered by the Mihaltses family for the health, wellbeing, and progress in life and faith of their son Aristotle and his fiancée Martha, on the occasion of their engagement. *** MONDAY, JULY 25, 2011: OUR ANNUAL GOLF OUTING is this Monday! We hope you will join us, and bring friends, family, colleagues, and clients. If you don't golf, join us for dinner. Mill River Club. Schedule of Events: Breakfast: 10:00 AM, Shotgun (Scramble Format): 12:00 PM, Dinner Reception: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM. For more

information, please see the flier on our website (and attached to the bulletin) or contact Costas Zachariadis (516-629-6886). DO YOU TWEET? We are now on Twitter! Follow us at ResurrectionGOC. This is the latest addition to our suite of on-line resources, including our web site (http://www.resurrectiongoc.org), our ListServ, our Facebook page, our YouTube page, and our numerous bookshelves on issuu.com. Stay abreast of parish news and events using as many of these tools as you like.


Tickets on Sale NOW at Tilles Box Office and Ticketmaster.com. We are proud to announce that in celebration of our 35th anniversary we will honor the Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund for 20 years of dedicated support to students of Hellenic descent throughout the US. On October 8 at 7:30 p.m. the Holy Resurrection parish is holding a charity concert featuring renowned Greek singers: soft rock and pop star Christos Dantis; multi-­‐‑platinum, top ten female singer Keti Garbi; and modern pop, laika singer Lefteris Pantazis at the Tilles Center, Long Island University, CW Post Campus in Brookville. Music will be by Power Station Entertainment, Inc. Ticket prices are $125.00, $100.00 & $75.00 and are on sale now at the Tilles Center Box Office and Ticketmaster.com. Don'ʹt miss this exciting evening of Greek song and music that will help support our parish! Bring your family and friends but, most importantly, bring your Greek Kefi! Let'ʹs celebrate our heritage! In furthering their commitment to educating Greek America, The Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund has awarded over $1.7 million in scholarships to over 700 students from across the United States. The Holy Resurrection Greek Orthodox Church takes great pride in honoring that commitment and will donate a portion of the evening'ʹs proceeds to the Fund. For info contact: Zefy Christopoulos 516.532.3004 or Stacey Karathanasis 516.459.4719.

ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS WE WILL BE HOSTING COFFEE HOUR throughout the summer. If you are able to help serve please call Maria Verveniotis at 677-9650.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR COFFEE HOUR for the health and wellbeing, or in memory of someone, or for any special occasion, please contact the office for details on pricing and availability. PLEASE CONTACT Athina Beaury if you are aware of a Philanthropic need, or if you wish to volunteer for Philoptochos activities. Please contact Athina at abeaury@optonline.net or 917-613-4963. Thank you. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED HELP WANTED: COMPANION AND AIDE for a woman in Manhasset. HELP WANTED: FULL TIME LIVE IN HOME NURSING CARE for a woman in Glen Cove. NY TLC LICENSED DRIVER AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Available full or part time to help with general driving or errands. 7 years experience. BASKETBALL FOR 7-12 YEAR OLD KIDS will be held at Church every second and fourth Thursday of each month, including this Summer. For more information please contact Nickiedee@aol.com. PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer, the Kouvouklion.

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