Bulletin 2011 12 04

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GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2011 – Vol. 36 #14 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-­‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-­‐‑5205 web: www.resurrectiongoc.org Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5 pg. Gospel: Luke 13:10-17 pg. 109 CHURCH ORDER: Stella Hetzer, Anne Vandoros, Nick Tsafos, Jimmy Xanthos, Peter Pappas, Lewis Bazakos. ALTAR SERVERS: Stavros Asprou, Constantine Hartofilis, Jonny Nikolaidis, Louis Tiglias, Nicholas Anderson, Alexander Cavanaugh, Nicholas Tiglias, Philip Verveniotis. COFFEE HOUR: Deborah Catacosinos, Peggy Chakery, Maria Vasilakis, Helen Markou, Despina Stampas. TODAY WE COMMEMORATE: St. Barbara the Great Martyr; St. John the Righteous of Damascus; the New Hieromartyr St. Seraphim, bishop of the Phanar in Greece; St. Juliana the Martyr of Heliopolis; St. Alexander Hotovitzky, New Hieromartyr of Russia, Missionary to America. WE COMMEMORATE the forty day memorial for Kanarais Verges, beloved father of Chrisanne and Scott Verges, and great uncle of Fotini and Michael Pettei. Eternal be his memory! WE COMMEMORATE the one year memorial for Sam Poulos beloved husband of Dorothy and father of Michael, Peter, and Maria, and grandfather of Allyson, Kayla, Samuel, Elizabeth, Samuel, Lauren, and Abigail. Eternal be his memory! A PROSFORON is offered by the Poulos family in loving memory of Sam. THE COFFEE HOUR is offered by the Poulos family in loving memory of Sam. WE COMMEMORATE the two year memorial for Kalliope Tropaitis, beloved wife of Peter, and mother of Sofia and Dimitri, daughter of Sofia Belesis, and sister of Maria Belesis. Eternal be her memory! A PROSFORON is offered by the Tropaitis family in loving memory of Kalliope. WE COMMEMORATE the thirty three year memorial for Ourania Gerondares, beloved mother of Olga Uvari, and grandmother of Christine and Kirk Zeiner. Eternal be her memory!

UPCOMING SERVICES AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Tues, Dec. 6th Feast day of St. Nicholas Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Wed, Dec 7th Paraklesis to the Virgin Mary 7:00 pm Fri, Dec 9th Feast day of the Conception of the Virgin Mary Divine Liturgy 9:30 am THE RESURRECTION SENIORS will be enjoying a festive luncheon in the Church Hall on Tuesday, December 6th following the Liturgy for St. Nicholas. A short film on the life of St. Nicholas will be shown. All members of the seniors club are welcome free. There will be a $10 fee for seniors who are non-members. To RSVP call Aleka Bellidoro at 6763430 or e-mail Maria at pamegamerf@optonline.net. HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE TO HELP SUPPORT THE MONASTERY OF ST. NEKTARIOS in Roscoe, NY. Beautiful Christmas gifts and religious items will be for sale on Saturday, December 17th at the Verveniotis residence from 11 am to 5 pm and on Sunday, December 18th at our Church, during coffee hour. Any questions please call Maria at 6779650. HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER: HELP SUPPORT OUR GOYA! Place your orders now for poinsettias, wreaths and Greek pastries for the holidays. Proceeds help support our charities e.g.: Midnight Run, Invisible Children, North Shore Shelter. Pre-orders delivered to church on 12/4, 12/11 or 12/18. ATTENTION ALL 7 – 12 YEAR OLDS: Mr. Jim Xanthos, assisted by Mr. Evan Gianoukakis will be having basketball practice at the Greenvale School (on 25A) December 9th and 16th at 7:30 to 9:15. If you are interested please email Jim Xanthos at James.xanthos@ellimanpm.com or Nickie Demos at Nickiedee@aol.com.

ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We will be holding our General Membership meeting on Monday, December 5th at 7:00 pm in our Church Hall. Come meet our board, enjoy fellowship and a light fare with an advent dinner. Please bring a gift for a child in the Cohen Children's Medical Center.

OUR CHRISTMAS ANGEL DRIVE HAS BEGUN! This year we are reaching out to even more charities, including the Cohen Children's Medical Center. Please stop by our "Angel Bulletin Board" in the Hall during coffee hour and choose a special gift for a needy family. You may refer to our flier for more info. Or contact, Vasilianna (917) 335-4886, Sofia (347) 996-6797 or Christine (516) 574-9302 directly. IT'S TIME AGAIN FOR THE PARISH CHRISTMAS CARD. If you would like to be included, please see Kiki or Sofia during coffee hour. A $20 donation is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU TO ALL THE WOMEN, for attending the National Philoptochos Society Children's Medical Fund Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency in Greenwich, Ct. from the proceeds of the Luncheon, medical grants will be provided for children afflicted with life threatening illnesses. Thank you for making recovery a reality! BOOK CLUB: Our next book is Crazy John by Dionysios Makris. The book is available at the Church Bookstore. Meeting date to be announced. Any questions please contact Christine Zeiner at 516 574-9302. CHURCH OF OUR LADY KAZAN RUSSIAN BOUTIQUE- Saturday, December 3rd from 12:00-4:00 P.M. Russian gift items, jewelry, food and pastries. Willow Shore Ave, Sea Cliff. CALLING ALL MEN WHO WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN RECREATIONAL BASKETBALL once a month at the Greenvale School (on 25A). If interested contact: Peter Koumoulis at pkoumoulis@hotmail.com or Nickie Demos at Nickiedee@aol.com. We would like to begin in January. THE METROPOLITAN GREEK CHORALE PRESENTS, "LIGHT OF LIGHT," A CHRISTMAS CONCERT under the direction of Marina Alexander with Yannis Xylas, accompanist, featuring music of the season, Byzantine Christmas hymns, and a seasonal sing along on Saturday, December 10, 7:30 p.m. at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 302 W. 91st Street (at West End Ave.), NYC. Tickets available at brownpapertickets.com/event/209778. General Admission $20; Students $10. For additional information, call (212) 475-3394 or visit http://metgreekchorale.org. If you'd like to join the chorale for its next rehearsal season, please e-mail info@metgreekchorale.org for details. WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO JANUARY FOR THE BEGINNING OF OUR NURSERY SCHOOL AT THE CHURCH. The next open house will be on November 7th, 10:00 am to 11:00. Come meet the director, Mimi Grabavenko, a parishioner of ours and also the advisor to our Little Angels

group. Please come and enroll your 2-4 year old in the program. Holy Resurrection members receive free registration. Mimi has been the director of "Mimi's Creative Kids" located in Lynbrook for seventeen years. This partnership with Mrs. Grabavenko will be helping our Church. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FOOD PANTRY! THE WEATHER IS GETTING COLDER AND WE NEED YOUR HELP. WE NEED SUPPLIES AND WE NEED FOOD! It is open and helping our community! Thanks to you and to the support of Long Island Harvest, we are able to offer support to all in need! FOR COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL SUPPORT, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE AT ANY TIME. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED YOUNG ADULT BABYSITTER NEEDED for some weekend and intermittent daytime support of a 4 ½ year old boy. AN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES/OPERATIONAL MANAGER is looking for work. Please contact the church office if you are able to help. NY TLC LICENSED DRIVER AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Available for airport drop off and pickup and full or part time to help with general driving or errands. Seven years experience. PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer, the Kouvouklion.

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