GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, May 29, 2011 – Vol. 35 #35 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-‐‑5205 web: ***
Acts of the Apostles 16:16-34 pg. 56
Gospel: John 9:1-38 pg. 58
CHRIST IS RISEN Χ Ρ Ι Σ Τ Ο Σ Α Ν Ε Σ Τ Η! CHURCH ORDER: Stella Hetzer, Anne Vandoros, Nick Tsafos, Jimmy Xanthos, Peter Pappas, Lewis Bazakos. ALTAR SERVERS: All available Altar Servers. COFFEE HOUR: Olympics this weekend. Maria Verveniotis, Vicky Tsourovakas, Nicole Tsourovakas. TODAY IS THE SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN. WE ALSO COMMEMORATE St. Theodosia the Virgin-Martyr of Tyre; St. Theodosia, Virgin-Martyr of Constantinople; St. Andrew the New Martyr of Argentes; St. John of Smyrna the New Martyr. WE COMMEMORATE the forty day memorial for Barbara Mehring, beloved mother of Francesca and Brian Babel and Ronald Charpentier, and friend of Edith O’Donnell and Chris Zembis. Eternal be her memory! THE ALTAR KANDILI, THE COMMUNION WINE, AND A PROSFORON are offered by the Stamatiou family for the health, wellbeing, and progress in life and faith of Jason Vasilios, who was baptized on May 14th. UPCOMING SERVICES AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Wednesday, June 1st Paraklesis to the Virgin Mary 7:00 pm Bible Study 8:00 pm Thursday, June 2nd Ascension Thursday Divine Liturgy 10:00 am *
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! Since the birth of our Nation, our men and women have answered the call of our leaders and our country to defend us here and abroad. In our history, millions have sacrificed their life in service to the nation, indeed, up to this very day and hour. On Memorial Day we pause to remember those who went when called and did not return, having made the ultimate sacrifice. For over 140 years, our great nation has come together on Memorial Day to honor those U.S. men and women who have died in Military service to their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. Throughout America, we honor the dead of our wars. We recall their valor and their sacrifices. They defended our nation, they liberated the oppressed, they served the cause of peace. And on Memorial Day, all Americans who have known the loss and sadness of war, whether recently or long ago, can know this: The person they love and missed is honored and remembered by the United States of America. We pray that God be mindful of their sacrifice in service to others and grant them eternal rest. We give thanksgiving for them and pray that we as a nation and a society live up to the principles, values, responsibilities and the rights each of us has, rights that are “endowed by the Creator”. Eternal be their memory! THE RESURRECTION SENIORS WILL BE HAVING A PANAGYRI! Music, dancing, hot food and desserts! Come and enjoy socializing on Tuesday, May 31st at 12 noon in the church hall. Resurrection Senior members free, Resurrection Senior non-members $10. You must RSVP by Wednesday, May 25th! Aleka Bellidoro 676-3430 or Maria Verveniotis
ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING WOMEN WHO WERE ELECTED TO THE ST. CATHERINE'S PHILOPTOCHOS BOARD THIS PAST SUNDAY: Savvy Asprou, Athina Beaury, Jeannette Christodoulou, Tina Conway, Vasilianna Fakiris, Sally Gabriel, Presbytera Alexandra Gratsias, Cheryl Ipiotis, Zoe Karousos, Georgia Kontogiannis, Nina Koumoulis, Maria Moumtzidis, Irene Pappas, Eleni Plactere, Kiki Soletic, Anna Suozzi, Maria Verveniotis, Sofia Zachariades, Christine Zeiner. Thank you to outgoing board members Joanne Boultadakis, Debbie Catacosinos, and Paula Savvinidis. SAVE THE DATE---MONDAY, JUNE 6th, FESTIVAL BAKE-OFF.
PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW SITE, to find information on our raffle, foods, flea market, a great slideshow and photo gallery; much more. There are many opportunities to support the Festival and ensure a great success: Raffles: Purchasing raffle tickets is a great way to support the festival. If you would like to purchase any, please see a Parish Council member or call the Church office. Donations: Please, consider lessening Festival expenses by donating what you can. Volunteer! Sign up from now! Return the sign-up form or contact Stella Hetzer at 671-9376 or We need the newer folks in the area to help out. It’s a big festival; we can’t expect people to work for 8 hours straight – we need your help. Festival Publicity. Pick up posters and flyers from the church and distribute where you shop, school, employee bulletin boards, community bulletin boards, give to friends, and tell friends. Get it distributed. Your publicity brings people and makes the Festival effort all worthwhile. Due to popular demand, we are having a flea market and are asking each family to donate collectibles such as china, glassware, books, costume jewelry, tools, small household appliances, small electronics, leather goods, toys, etc. Please no shoes or clothes. Please ensure that all items are in good condition and in good working order. We will be accepting donations at the church on two Saturdays: May 28th and June 4th, Sunday, June 5th, and the entire week prior to the festival from 10 am to 2 pm.
BASKETBALL FOR 7-12 YEAR OLD KIDS will be held at Church every second and fourth Thursday of each month, including this Summer. For more information please contact ITS GREEK FESTIVAL TIME! Food, music, dance programs. The whole thing!!! ST. MARKELLA, Wantaugh, May 26th – May 30th. 783-5760 or ST. PAUL’S, Hempstead, June 3rd – June 5th. 483-5700 for info. ST. NICHOLAS, West Babylon, June 3rd – June 6th, 631-587-1150. Please support our neighboring parishes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INAUGURAL PROJECT GENERATION YOUTH ENVIRONMENTAL SYMPOSIUM are now online, and accessible through our web site. In addition, a two-DVD set of the event is available in the rack in the narthex. Please help yourself. For more information, visit
PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ORTHODOXJOBS.COM? It is the source for Orthodox Christians who are seeking employment in an Orthodox Christian or Christian environment. In its current version, it is a posting site of Job opportunities for any Archdiocese, Metropolis, Diocese, Parish, or Organization that falls under the jurisdiction of SCOBA, the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas. To post a job on this site, simply send us a job ad/posting with contact information and duration of the posting. Future releases will include resources for employers and employees. is a collaborative effort of the Information Technology Commission of SCOBA, the Department of Internet Ministries, and the Office of Vocation and Ministry at Hellenic College. For questions, email the webmaster. NY TLC LICENSED DRIVER AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Available full or part time to help with general driving or errands. 7 years experience. OUR FOOD PANTRY IS NOW OPEN AND HELPING OUR COMMUNITY! THANKS TO YOU AND TO THE SUPPORT OF LONG ISLAND HARVEST, WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER SUPPORT TO ALL IN NEED! We are open each first Monday of the month, beginning at 10:00 am, and also on an as needed basis throughout the week. FOR COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL SUPPORT, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE.