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GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2011 – Vol. 35 #36 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-­‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-­‐‑5205 web: www.resurrectiongoc.org ***

Acts of the Apostles 20:16-18, 28-36 pg. 60 Gospel: John 17:1-13 pg. 61 CHURCH ORDER: Paula Savvinidis, Kyriakos Demou, John Panagopoulos, Jim Gabriel, Costas Fakiris, Anne Alexandrou. ALTAR SERVERS: All are welcome. COFFEE HOUR: Athina Beaury, Gabrielle Anastasakis, Savvy Asprou, Sabrina Georgiades, Kristin Mantikas, Celia Kraker. TODAY IS THE SUNDAY OF THE FATHERS OF THE 1ST COUNCIL. WE ALSO COMMEMORATE St. Dorotheos the Holy Martyr, Bishop of Tyre; the Holy Martyrs Nicandrus, Gorgus and Apollonus and those with them; St. Christophoros & Konon the Martyrs of Rome. WE COMMEMORATE the one year memorial for Louis Canaras beloved husband of Theodora and father of Stephanie and George Danias, Nicole Canaras, Joanna Canaras, and Yenovefa and Stavros Bozos. Eternal be his memory! THE COMMUNION WINE is offered by his children in loving memory of Louis. THE COFFEE HOUR is sponsored by the Canaras family in loving memory of Louis. WE COMMEMORATE the two year memorial for Tania Megaloudis, beloved wife of Gus Megaloudis, mother of Stephen and Nastasia, and niece of Helen Nickas, and cousin and aunt of the Nastasi, Nickas, and Conway families. Eternal be her memory! THE ALTAR KANDILI AND A PROSFORON are offered in loving memory of Tania. WE COMMEMORATE the thirty seven year memorial for Molly Gerondares DeLeo, beloved sister of Olga Uvari, mother of MaryLou, Joseph, Christine and Charles, and aunt of Christine Zeiner. WE COMMEMORATE the thirty seven year memorial for Billy (Vasili) Gerondares, beloved brother of Olga Uvari, and uncle of Christine Zeiner. WE CELEBRATE the forty-day blessing of the newborn son of Eugenia and Chris Thomasides. Long life to your son!

UPCOMING SERVICES AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Wednesday, June 8th Paraklesis to the Virgin Mary 7:00 pm Adult Sunday School 8:00 pm *** DO YOU TWEET? We are now on Twitter! Follow us at ResurrectionGOC. This is the latest addition to our suite of on-line resources, including our web site (http://www.resurrctiongoc.org), our ListServ, our Facebook page, our YouTube page, and our numerous bookshelves on issuu.com. Stay abreast of parish news and events using as many of these tools as you like.

ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS FESTIVAL BAKE-OFF ---MONDAY, JUNE 6th. Come one, come all. Bring your apron and come bake with us! FOLLOWING LITURGY THIS SUNDAY, we shall be embarking upon our second round of Orthodox Natural Church Development (http://www.oncd.us). Natural Church Development (NCD) is a paradigm – a way of thinking about church growth by first thinking about church health. Growth should be about quality (health) and not just quantity (numbers). In fact NCD suggests that quality should take priority over quantity in church growth thinking. Our first survey, administered two years ago, identified "Fervent Spirituality" as the quality characteristic on which our parish needed to focus. Following the second survey (being taken by 30 members of our parish this week) we shall receive our updated "diagnosis" and begin a series of focus groups to address the characteristic that is identified in this round. Stay tuned for news and for information on how to be involved.

THE FESTIVAL!! NEXT WEEKEND! JUNE 10TH, 11TH, AND 12TH WE NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE! PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW SITE, http://greekvillagefestival.info/ to find information on our raffle, foods, flea market, a great slideshow and photo gallery; much more. There are many opportunities to support the Festival and ensure a great success:

Raffles: Purchasing raffle tickets is a great way to support the festival. If you would like to purchase any, please see a Parish Council member or call the Church office. Donations: Please, consider lessening Festival expenses by donating what you can. Volunteer! Sign up from now! Return the sign-up form or contact Stella Hetzer at 671-9376 or chetzer@optonline.net. We need the newer folks in the area to help out. It’s a big festival; we can’t expect people to work for 8 hours straight – we need your help. Festival Publicity. Pick up posters and flyers from the church and distribute where you shop, school, employee bulletin boards, community bulletin boards, give to friends, and tell friends. Get it distributed. Your publicity brings people and makes the Festival effort all worthwhile. Due to popular demand, we are having a flea market and are asking each family to donate collectibles such as china, glassware, books, costume jewelry, tools, small household appliances, small electronics, leather goods, toys, etc. Please no shoes or clothes. Please ensure that all items are in good condition and in good working order. We will be accepting donations at the church on two Saturdays: May 28th and June 4th, Sunday, June 5th, and the entire week prior to the festival from 10 am to 2 pm. THE ASSEMBLY OF CANONICAL ORTHODOX BISHOPS OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA convened last week in Chicago for their second meeting. Visit http://www.assemblyofbishops.org for current information on their goals, their ministries and their assemblies. The Assembly is one of twelve bishops’ assemblies which have been established in different geographical regions throughout the world. It is made up of all the active, canonical Orthodox bishops of North and Central America, of every jurisdiction. The Assembly has been established in accordance with the Decision of the 4th Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference, convoked in Chambésy, Switzerland, June 6-12, 2009, at which met representatives from all the universally-recognized autocephalous Orthodox churches. These representatives unanimously agreed to the formation of the assemblies of bishops to heal, as quickly as possible, the substantial canonical ‘anomalies’ in the organization and life of the Church in these regions. BASKETBALL FOR 7-12 YEAR OLD KIDS will be held at Church every second and fourth Thursday of each month, including this Summer. For more information please contact Nickiedee@aol.com.

ITS GREEK FESTIVAL TIME! Food, music, dance programs. The whole thing!!! ST. PAUL’S, Hempstead, June 3rd – June 5th. 483-5700 for info. ST. NICHOLAS, West Babylon, June 3rd – June 6th, 631-587-1150. Please support our neighboring parishes. PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer.

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