Weekly bulletin: 2011 10 16

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GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2011 – Vol. 36 #7 Rev. Fr. John Vlahos Office: (516) 671-­‐‑5200 Fax: (516) 671-­‐‑5205 web: www.resurrectiongoc.org Epistle: Titus 3:8-15 pg. 152

Gospel: Luke 8:5-15 pg. 99

CHURCH ORDER: Nickie Demos, Peter Koumoulis, Kathy Costas, Zefy Christopoulos, Costas Zachariadis, Gus Vlavianos. ALTAR SERVERS: All are welcome to serve. COFFEE HOUR: Anna Suozzi, Tina Conway, Debbie Demou, Athena Nastasi, Helen Nikas. TODAY WE COMMEMORATE St. Longinos the Centurion. WE OFFER A TRISAGION TODAY in loving memory of the newly reposed servant of God Maria Veronis, beloved mother of Koula and Theodoros, Theodoros and Eleftheria, and grandmother of Anthony, Maria, George, Olympia, Demetra and Eleftheria. Eternal be her memory! WE COMMEMORATE the three month memorial for Despina Galitsis, beloved mother of Athina and Bill Beaury, and grandmother of Victoria. Eternal be her memory! WE COMMEMORATE the one year memorial for Stefania Metentzidou, beloved mother of Kyriaki, Christos, and Sofia, and grandmother of Eugenia, Stefania, Demetrios, Stefania, Mary, Eleftherios, Stefania, and Aristotelis. Eternal be her memory! THE ALTAR KANDILI AND THE COMMUNION WINE are offered by the Barbalios family in loving memory of Stefania. THE COFFEE HOUR is sponsored by the Barbalios family in loving memory of Stefania. WE COMMEMORATE the four year memorial for Fr. Emmanuel Gratsias, beloved husband of Presbytera Alexandra, and father of John and Alexander. MAY HIS MEMORY BE ETERNAL! WE CELEBRATE the forty-day blessing of the newborn daughter of Georgia and Constantine Megaris. Long life to your daughter!

UPCOMING SERVICES AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Wednesday, October 19th Paraklesis to the Virgin Mary 7:00 pm Bible Study 8:00 pm Thursday, October 20th Feast day of St. Gerasimos Divine Liturgy 10:00 am THE RESURRECTION SENIORS will be meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at 1:00 pm in the Church Hall. Please join us as we enjoy fellowship over a cup of coffee and delicious deserts! Any questions call Aleka Bellidoro at 676-3430 or e-mail Maria Verveniotis at pamegamerf@optonline.net. SAVE THE DATE: November 12th Our Annual Parish Development Conference will focus on Ministries. Details forthcoming. SAVE THE DATE: The Parea Club will be having their next event on Saturday, November 19th. Watch this space for more details!

ST. CATHERINE’S PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS OUR ANNUAL GOLD COAST HOUSE TOUR is finally approaching!!! Please join us on Thursday Oct 20th as we tour a beautiful mansion. Enjoy fellowship at the luncheon to follow at The Mill River Club. We will be taking reservations and selling raffle tickets during coffee hour. Feel free to contact Maria Verveniotis at 677-9650 or pamegamerf@optonline.net. Please help support our biggest fund raiser, so together, we can be generous in our philanthropic endeavors. THE PHILOPTOCHOS BOOK CLUB has selected a new book for our next meeting on Sun. Nov. 6th at 12 noon. The book chosen: The Royal Way of the Cross of Our Lord Leading to Eternal Life. Books will be available for sale ($17) at the Church Bookstore table on Sundays. Hope you will be able to join us. Questions? Please contact Christine Zeiner at 921-0524.

DIRECT ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT FEDERATION OF GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH MUSICIANS WILL BE HAVING A CABARET NIGHT at Holy Trinity Church, 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle, N.Y., Saturday, October 15th, to raise funds in support of scholarships for music education students. Bring friends and family for a night of food, music and fun. Our own Sophia Niarchos and Anna Dounelis will be performing in this great show featuring Broadway show tunes, "nuns," standards from the Great American Songbook, Greek, Italian and Spanish songs. Ticket price: $25. Mezethakia (hors d'oeuvres) and donations are also appreciated. See Sophia Niarchos to contribute.

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FOOD PANTRY! THE WEATHER IS GETTING COLDER AND WE NEED YOUR HELP. WE NEED SUPPLIES AND WE NEED FOOD! It is open and helping our community! Thanks to you and to the support of Long Island Harvest, we are able to offer support to all in need! We are open each first Monday of the month, beginning at 10:00 am, and also on an as needed basis throughout the week. FOR COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL SUPPORT, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE AT ANY TIME. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED AN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES/OPERATIONAL MANAGER is looking for work. Please contact the church office if you are able to help. NY TLC LICENSED DRIVER AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Available for airport drop off and pickup and full or part time to help with general driving or errands. Seven years experience. THE CHURCH IS OPENING A NURSERY SCHOOL THIS JANUARY FOR 2 - 4 YEAR OLDS. An open house will be held on Thursday, September 8th from 11 am - 12 noon and from 6:30 - 8 pm. Please come and meet the school's director, Mimi. Mimi is the director of a nursery/child care center in Lynbrook since 1995. You may visit her website: MimisCreativeKids.net or call her at 516 561 - 6464. Mimi is certified by the state of New York and her staff are NYS certified teachers. PARISH WISH LIST: Please consider making a donation towards all or part of an item listed below for the health and wellbeing or in memory of a family member. Your gift will continually provide our Parish the opportunity to serve in our Lord’s ministry. A Chalice, Altar Cloths, a Censer, the Kouvouklion.

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