The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection Afternoon Greek School Program Registration Form for the School Year 2011-2012 Student’s Name___________________ Date of Birth ___________________________ Father’s Name _________________ Mother’s Name ____________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________Work Phone ______________________________ Email ________________________Cell Phone _______________________________ Grade in American School as of Sept. ’11 ______________________________________ Last Level Completed in Greek School June ’11 __________________________________ Any Medical Conditions? ___No ___Yes If yes, please explain ___________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts: Name______________________________ Phone ( )_________________________ Name______________________________ Phone ( )_________________________ Doctor ____________________________ Phone ( )_________________________ In case of an emergency, I hereby authorize the personnel of the Church of the Holy Resurrection to obtain treatment for my child. Parent’s Signature _____________________________Date______________________ Tuition for the 2011-2012 school year is $650 per student. Each sibling is discounted $25, $50 for 3 or more children. Full tuition payment is due upon registration. There are no refunds. Note: These rates are for Fair Share members only. If you are not a pledging Fair Share member by September 1 st , please add an additional $350 facilities use fee per family, or speak to the office about becoming a FAIR SHARE member. ***Please note the following: **** Students must participate in all Greek School Programs. The programs include: OXI Day, Christmas, Greek Independence Day, Greek Parade in NYC, Yearend/Graduation, Festival Dance. Non-attendance counts as an absence. Ten or more absences result in an incomplete and the level will need to be repeated. In addition, extra points on the final grade will be given for participation in the Greek Parade.