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KOINWNIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION 1400 Cedar Swamp Road • Brookville, New York 11545 • Phone 516-671-5200 www.resurrectiongoc.org NOVEMBER 2010
Stewardship - A Paradigm Shift By Jim Gabriel and Mary Patestas Parish Development Co-Chairs
It happens every spring. Kids gather for their first day of Little League. Their coach calls them together to begin their baseball careers. Now imagine his first words: “This season, we’re only going to talk about base running. You can figure out hitting, fielding and pitching on your own. They’re secondary.” Probably not the most successful coach in the world. Imagine that the next presidential election is upon us. You’ve been waiting anxiously for the first debate. Your favorite candidate makes his or her opening statement: “We must repave all of the roads in the country. That is all I
plan to discuss during this campaign. We don’t need to think about budgets, defense, health care, education and the rest.” Probably not your favorite candidate for long. Now imagine you are sitting at home one night and the phone rings. Your spouse picks it up and tells you, “It’s the Stewardship Committee.” Your reaction: “Oh no – they want our money.” Is this the first thing that runs through all of our minds? Almost certainly. After all, don’t we always hear, “We need your Stewardship dollars very badly.”? However, just like the one dimensional coach or politician, we are overlooking the most important aspects of Stewardship when we think like this. We perennially discuss Time,
Pictured at the Parish Development Conference sponsored by our church are: Father Dimitrios Moraitis of St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine; Stella Hetzer; Father John Vlahos; George Matthews; Bishop Andonios, Chancellor of our Archdiocese; Bill Marianes; Mary Patestas; and Jim Gabriel.
Talent and Treasures, yet we all too often focus on the Treasure component. The Gospel of Stewardship, a dynamic and invigorating
approach to Stewardship, has been rolled out to numerous parishes and metropolises across the coun(continued on page 2)
When You Are In A Hurry and God Isn’t peated softly: “Don’t get excited Jimmy; Don’t scream Jimmy; Relax Jimmy; Be patient Jimmy.” Finally a woman came up to him and said, “I must commend you on your patience with your son, Jimmy.” The man replied, “Ma'am, I am Jimmy!” The Greek Orthodox Church Patience is that one of the Holy Resurrection virtue that each of us needs, but it is oh so Cordially invites you to attend hard to attain it! God is The Autumn Leaves Ball so patient with us and we must exercise paOur 34th Annual Dinner Dance tience with ourselves and patience with others if we are to live Saturday, November 13th, 2010 holy, healthy and balanced lives. Mill River Country Club In the Bible, we read 103 Mill River Road • Upper Brookville, NY that God had chosen 516-922-3556 Abraham to become the father of His choMusic by Minore sen people and, to conand DJ firm this new covenant, Donation: Cocktails 7:00 pm God promised that He $175 per person Dinner to Follow $150 youth to 21 & seniors 70 & over would give the aged Abraham and the barFor reservations call: ren Sarah a son. But Anne Vandoros 516-869-8536, Kathy Costas 516-358-9353
by Father John Vlahos Customers in a supermarket were paying more and more attention to a man who was pushing a cart with a screaming baby inside. The man re-
they had to exercise patience before they received the promise. It wasn’t until 25 years after God’s promise that their son Isaac finally arrived. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 when their baby boy Isaac was finally born but Abraham waited patiently, trusting in the promise of God. Imagine waiting 25 years for God to fulfill a promise. That is patience! Compare this with our present day
lifestyles. We have instant coffee, fast food, instant access to the internet, instant pictures, and instant communication via our cell phones and instant pain relievers. So people naturally ask, “We are living in an instant world, why not hold God to the same standards. We want instant answers to our prayers. We are not willing to spend 25 years waiting for an answer to prayer.” (continued on page 3)
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A Message From the Parish Council President We Are All In This Together By James Catacosinos I write this upon the completion of the annual Parish Development Conference that we sponsored on October 23rd. We welcomed His Grace, Bishop Andonios, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, and two very special guest speakers, Bill Marianes and George Matthews of the Metropolis of Atlanta and National Stewardship Commission. The conference differed in that many of our neighboring Priests, Parish Council Presidents and Stewardship Chairs from the tri state area were invited to attend. It was an inspirational and motivating event that brought all of us together for one common goal: the health and well being of our respective spiritual communities. On the horizon, we have our Fall General Assembly on November 7th and our Annual Dinner Dance on Saturday, November 13th. As you continue reading my message, please remember that nothing is possible without the commitment and dedication of all the volunteers that work so hard, giving their time and resources so our Parish can continue to serve our community. Looking back on all the challenges we faced together to build our new edifice, it’s been is a long journey that is far from over. There is much to learn from our past triumphs and, yes, mistakes. They provide a blueprint that ensures our growth and longevity into the future. By building our Church, we forged an identity as the group of Greek Orthodox Christians who call The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection in Brookville their home. We made a choice and commitment to build it, just like the choice and commitment our families make when they join our Parish and become Fair Share Members. We have tremendous overhead costs that need constant managing, fundraising and participation from all our members. And I mean all our members, new families and existing ones. This is something that doesn’t take a day off. Until we pay off our mortgage, we are going to be living month to month. It’s just that simple. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs as well as to develop other avenues to raise additional money. This is why we ask people to get involved and volunteer, to get involved to participate and support our events, to get involved and take ownership of our precious home. It is up to all
of us to do what we can in any capacity because we are all in this together. As we head toward the holiday season, all I can say is “wow!” have we been busy. We started the ecclesiastical year with a first annual Welcome Back Picnic on September 26 to embrace new and established parishioners. What a wonderful afternoon filled with activities for all our families and children! Face and pumpkin painting along with games, pony rides, and a petting zoo were accompanied by a delicious barbeque. If you couldn’t attend this year, please mark your calendar for next September. October didn’t slow down with the annual Philopto-
chos House Tour fundraiser, which was a great success, and our parish’s annual Golf Outing. This year the golf outing was more about fellowship than fundraising. Everyone who attended had fun and will be looking forward to next year’s outing. Thanks to all of you. I have been on the Parish Council for more than ten years and I am so proud of where we were and where we are now. If we all don’t work united as one, then one day all this could be in vain. Our Parish is a vibrant and wonderful place led by the amazing Father John Vlahos who has committed himself and his family to us, his spiritual
family. It’s the highest of commitments and it’s the holiest of commitments. It is a commitment that we, his spiritual family, need to recognize and honor with everything we can. On October 17th, we held the third year Memorial for our beloved Father Manny. He gave us so much, of himself and his family, to be our inspirational leader and friend and left us with this magnificent place we call home. I must admit, there are times when I see his picture that I to stop and kiss his cheek. I know he is looking down at me saying, “Oh come on Jamie, cut it out, you can do it champ!” WE CAN ALL DO IT! Let’s start today.
Stewardship - A Paradigm Shift try in order to change our focus and perspective. On Saturday, October 23rd, our parish hosted the first instance of this program in the Direct Archdiocesan District. 90 attendees to a very special conference received a very powerful lesson designed to create a paradigm shift with a few simple axioms: • Everything I thought I knew about stewardship in our church was wrong! • Stewardship is not about raising money • Stewardship is a spiritual expression of faith and about salvation Stewardship = Thanksgiving While no single article can possibly relate all that we learned in six hours, we do hope to convey the basic message and, perhaps most importantly, the magnitude of this shift. Let’s start with a few definitions and the realization that Stewardship is not the same thing as a pledge system. A pledge system is a process through which members specify the 3 Ts: Time, Talent and Treasures they will commit and donate to their Church, typically over the course of an ensuing year. This is, of course, important (as long we focus on all three) but is not Stewardship, which is defined as the “call of the faithful to share willingly the gifts that God has bestowed on them, including sharing these gifts for God’s work.” This is not a once per year obligation, but rather a way of life. It is our
active commitment to use ALL our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgement of Christ’s redeeming love. The primary purpose of Stewardship is to promote the spiritual growth of the Stewards: their growth in Grace, and their growth in the development of their Faith that brings them to church in the first place. It is not to finance the Local Parish. That is a secondary purpose at best. Let’s look at our conference as an example. Two exceptional gentlemen visited us from the Metropolis of Atlanta: Bill Marianes and George Matthews, for whom we are extremely thankful. Bill and George are both gifted speakers and passionate about our Church. By sharing their knowledge, their passion and their experiences with us, they helped us who attended to further our own spiritual growth. They do this weekend after weekend at parishes and metropolises across our country as just one of their many gifts back to the Church. This is true Stewardship. We were joined at the conference by friends from around the Archdiocesan District. In addition to the 36 attendees from our own parish, we welcomed leadership from parishes on Long Island, four of the five boroughs, upstate and Connecticut. A highlight of the day was a lunchtime visit from His Grace Bishop Andonios, Chancellor of the Archdiocese, who reinforced the importance of this focus on stewardship.
The presentation was multi-dimensional, including anecdotes, role-playing exercises, 196 Power Point slides, and numerous high fives from an exuberant Bill Marianes. Bill and George provided numerous examples, and numerous excerpts from scripture. While we cannot relay them all here, they are available on our parish web site for review. Perhaps one of the most exciting and revealing aspects of our day was witnessing the transformation of each attendee’s mindset as we progressed through the program. The eagerness to learn how to share this message was readily apparent on the faces of those present. The challenge now is how to most effectively share this excitement. Our next steps along this journey may be the most important for all of us. We hope to communicate personally with each and every family in our community. We ask you to join us in this journey, and to shed any preconceived notions about what we will ask. The calls you will get are not focused on money, but rather on trying to share our experiences from the conference. We would like to share the vision and ministries of the parish, to listen to your comments and concerns and answer your questions. We would then like to review with you our new approach to stewardship. It’s going to be an exciting ride for us all. We look forward to speaking with you personally.
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Welcome Back Picnic Embraces New and Established Families By Anne Vandoros and Kathy Costas Membership and Events Committees
Holy Resurrection’s Welcome Back BBQ/Picnic held on our beautiful grounds on Sept. 26 was a huge success. There were so many smiles on children's faces as they rode the pony, petted the animals, painted pumpkins or had their own faces painted! The Membership and Events Committees wish to thank all who participated—everyone who attended, the cooks on the grills, the kitchen chefs and the many people who contributed all the delicious side dishes as well as those who helped to hostess so that all went smoothly. A big thank you to those who organized games and facepainting for our children! We are looking forward to this becoming an annual event!
When You Are In A Hurry and God Isn’t (continued from cover) Isn't this one of our chief troubles today? We are in a hurry when God is not. The result is that our gears do not mesh with God’s. We go fast. He goes slowly. We strip our gears. We wear out and fall apart. But we have to come to the realization that all things do not work that way. There are things that take time and we cannot press the fastforward button. We need the time to elapse; we need the growth to take place. We need to be patient with ourselves. *Patient with our personal failures and disappointments and never yielding to despair or self-pity * Patient enough to rise up when we fall short in moral behavior * Patient enough to rise when we have experienced financial downfall * Patient enough to rise up from emotional heart break. * Patient enough to begin again, this time with a humbler spirit, relying more on God, being firmly convinced that He will strengthen us and help us as we are becoming and growing as human beings. We need to be patient with others.
* Learning to give someone who wronged us the benefit of the doubt. * Learning not to expect perfection from imperfect people. * Learning to give people the time to grow. I like the response that a young boy gave his father: “Be patient with me dad, God isn’t finished with me yet.” All of us, whatever our age, are a work in progress, we are still becoming, we are not a finished product. We have much to learn and we can learn it through patience. In this way we emulate our Lord who is ALWAYS giving us another chance, another opportunity to grow, to repent, to return to Him? Here are three ways in which we can gain patience: 1) “We rejoice in our suffering knowing that suffering produces patience” (Rom 5:3). Patience does not come from a prescription or a pill. It comes from suffering. A certain woman prayed for patience. She complained that while she prayed for patience, all she seemed to get was trouble. “The Lord is sending you trouble in order to produce patience in you,” was the reply. “Suffering
produces patience.” So the next comes God’s love and God’s strength time we face frustration, whether to the bear the heaviest burden. large or small, let’s say to the Lord, “Thank you Lord for another opportunity to learn The Members of the patience.” Holy Resurrection Greek Orthodox 2) Patience is not a Church Parish Council 2010 human achievement. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit James Catacosinos, President within us (Gal 5:22). We Kyriakos Demou, Vice President must pray for it. It is a virtue that we receive when we live Peter Koumoulis, Treasurer in Christ. If Shakespeare Stella Hetzer, Secretary were in us, what poetry we Peter J. Pappas, Jr., Asst. Secretary could write. If Beethoven John Panagopoulos, Asst. Treasurer were in us, what music we could compose. If Christ Anne Alexandrou were in us, what a life we Kathy Costas could live! In and through Zefy Christopoulos His power we can have paNickie Demos tience. Kostas Fakiris 3) A doctor was once James Gabriel asked by a patient who had a Alex Ipiotis serious heart attack: “Doctor, James Kalpakis how long will I have to lie Robert Nastasi here in this hospital?” The Sotiris Panageas Doctor replied, “Only one Paula Savvinidis day at a time.” The answer taught the patient a precious Anne Vandoros lesson. All of life is lived one James Xanthos day at a time. With each day
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By Millie Gianoukakis advisor
Come Join Our HOPE Group
Children ages 4, 5, and 6 are invited to join our church's HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) ministry. The mission of HOPE is to strengthen the relationship of young Orthodox Christians with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The four elements of Worship, Fellowship, Service, and Witness will be integrated into the program. The meetings involve prayer, short lessons with discussion, arts and crafts, snack, and play time. We meet once a month, on the following Saturday mornings, from 10:30 am - 11:30 am: 11/6, 12/4, 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, 5/7. At our first meeting, we discussed how God made the sky, and everything in it, the land, and everything on it, and the water, and everything in the water. We thanked God for making us, and we thanked HIM for the beautiful world we live in.
Our Outreach Ministry in the Community: Food Pantry Delivers By Millie Gianoukakis In order to help our neighbors who lack the resources to provide enough food for their families, our food pantry was created to assist these families during their time of need. The pantry has been open the first Monday of every month, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, since this past June. It is our policy to provide equal assistance to all qualified persons without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran's status or disability. Thus far, several families have received bags of pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce, canned soups, canned fruits and vegetables, tuna fish, peanut butter and jelly, coffee, cereal, cake mixes, shampoo, toothpaste and supermarket gift cards. We have also given many bags of similar items to the First Presbyterian Church in Glen Cove which is the location for the North Shore Sheltering Program, an emergency shelter for homeless men during the winter months. The shelter opens in November, but we have helped them stock their shelves. Families have also come to us from the Glen Cove Housing Authority. We ask the comKoinonia Staff munity to cont i n u e Father John Vlahos supporting the Zefy Christopoulos, pantry with Editor food donations, Margaret Gatzonis, grocery store Business Manager gift cards, Michael Paralikas, and/or moneDesign, Layout & Printing tary donations. Jim Gabriel Your assistance is critical in Nickie Demos keeping the Effie Marie Smith food pantry
open, especially as we head into the colder winter months. For more information, kindly contact the Church Office at (516) 671-5200. We were touched to receive this following note from the Rev. Betsy Simpson, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church and the President of the North Shore Sheltering Program. "Thank you so much for your generous donation of food for the North Shore Shelter. I know the food will be well appreciated and your church is and has been a strong supporter in this ministry". - Blessings and peace, Rev. Betsy Simpson President, NSSP
To the Holy Resurrection Community, Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, care packages, and your beautiful support. Your love and caring helped to bring Francesco safely home from Afghanistan, and we are eternally grateful! Thank you one and all! The Tsontakis-Mally Family Ed. Note: Francesco volunteered to return to Afghanistan and is leaving in the next few days.
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Support Philoptochos Thanksgiving Adopt-A-Family & Christmas Angel Drives By Tina Conway, President Once again our annual Gold Coast House Tour was a huge success. On Thursday, October 21st, more than 200 women assembled at our Church and set off to tour two magnificent Gold Coast homes in Mill Neck. From there we headed to the Mill River Club where we enjoyed a fabulous luncheon. Thanks mostly in part to the efforts of our incredible chairlady, Irene Pappas, and raffle co-chairs, Nina Koumoulis and Georgia Kontogiannis, this year’s House Tour was our most successful yet. The funds we raise through these efforts enable us to make contributions not only to our national obligations, but also to many local charities. Thank you to reservations co-chairs, Athina Beaury and Debbie Catacosinos, and the entire St. Catherine’s Philoptochos board and all the volunteers for their help. A special thank you to Mr. & Mrs. John Koufakis, Jr. and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ingrassia, for allowing us into their beautiful homes and helping make this fundraiser a great success! In November, we will once again be holding our annual
Thanksgiving “Adopt a Family” program. Each year we collect donations towards assembling complete Thanksgiving Day meals to those families who are less fortunate. There are several ways you can help. One way is by donating specific food items. For those with less time to spare, we are happy to accept monetary donation. Let us do the shopping! You can also help deliver the meals. This is a very special program that the whole family can participate in. With the help of our generous parishioners, last year we were able to provide meals to some 90 families. This year we would love to increase that number. For more information on how you can help, please contact Vasilianna Fakiris.
Photos from the Luncheon and House Tour
During the month of December, we will run our Christmas Angel Drive. This worthwhile program allows us to provide Christmas presents to children in need. Last year we were able to distribute over 100 gifts to children at
Schneider’s Hospital and Mamma’s House, as well as children in our surrounding communities. Keep a look out for more details. Save the date: November 21 St Catherine’s Name Day Luncheon.
Our Greek School Has New Methods to Teach Our Rich Heritage by Elizabeth Horton, Greek School Principal We started our year welcoming new students to our school and parish. We now have enrolled over 100 children and we already had our Open House. You probably were able to enjoy our annual OXI Day celebration on October 24. The Regents class read a play and a poem related to the magnificent Greek National holiday honoring General Ioannis Metaxas' strong reply of 'oxi' (no) to Mussolini's request to allow Italian troops to come into Greece at the beginning of World War II. New notable developments in our school are the use of a MacBook, in the classrooms, in addition to the other computers in the library. Also teachers were introduced to new ways of teaching Greek, as a secondary language, at a two-week seminar that I attended this summer at the University of Cyprus. In an
effort to bring our newcomers closer to our school and our church, parents will be informed on cultural events given by the Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center, the Onassio Cultural Center and the Metropolitan Museum in Manhattan. These events will be an opportunity for the families and friends to get together, as well as ways for the children to learn their Greek heritage.
Our children are pictured dancing during the Greek School’s annual OXI Day commemoration.
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Peter J. Pappas, Jr. Conferred Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate AXIOS, AXIOS, AXIOS! The Holy Resurrection parish takes great pride in asserting "Axios, Axios, Axios!" to one of our own, Peter J. Pappas, Jr. for receiving the distinguished honor of Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Mr. Pappas, a member of our church and a member of our Parish Council's executive board, was inducted as Archon on Oct. 31, 2010 by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America during an investiture ceremony
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America is pictured bestowing the Archon Offikion to Peter J. Pappas, Jr.
Peter J. Pappas, Jr. the newly-installed Archon of our Ecumenical Patriarchate.
held at the Archdiocese Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan. One of the greatest honors bestowed on a layman of the Great Church and one of the most sobering responsibilities which an Orthodox communicant can assume, is to be named an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Each year, the Archon Offikion is conferred upon a select group by the Ecumenical Patriarch, as represented by his Exarch, the Archbishop of America. Mr. Pappas received the offikion of Notarios in the Order of Saint Andrew. The investiture service
was the culmination of a full weekend of events to welcome the new Archon class as Defenders of the Faith. The weekend also included the presentation of the Patriarch Athenagoras Human Rights award to Theodore Cardinal McCarrick at a banquet to honor the new Archons. An Archon is an honoree by His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, for his outstanding service to the Church, and a well-known distinguished, and well-respected leader of the Greek Orthodox Community. This honor, extended by the Church, carries with it grave responsibilities, deep commitments, and sincere dedication. Without a doubt, Mr. Pappas is truly deserving of the offikion and the Holy Resurrection Parish proclaims, in unison, Axios!
Be Part of Our Growing Sunday School By Tina Mihaltses Sunday School has been in session for about three weeks now and we have seen a steady increase in our enrollment. Classes range in size from six to 17 children, with the average at about 10 or 12, even in the upper grades. We welcomed three new teachers this year, in 5th grade Ms. Stephanie Phillipou, in 9th grade a former student himself, Mr. George Verveniotis and in 10th Ms. Christina Vlahos. We also have a new teacher for the hymnology class, Mrs. Ritsa Edwards from the choir, Mrs. Bonet is currently working with the newly-formed Junior Choir.
The 11th-12th grade service component of the program was formalized this year on the registration form, with a check off space for choir, altar or Sunday School helper on the Sundays these two classes are not scheduled to attend Liturgy. Students in these two grades will be able to get service credit, if they have a form from their high school, at the end of the year, signed by either Father John or Mrs. Mihaltses, if they have acceptable records of service. Although the school year has started and the 4th grade Bibles were given out, there is still time to register, please see Tina Mihaltses or call the church office at 671-5200 for more information.
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Proposed Symposium Format
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The Grand Church Hall is the Place for a Distinctive Event The Hall is a perfect place for Engagement party, Bridal and Baby Shower, Wedding, Christening, that special birthday or corporate event.
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Initiate Greek Orthodox and Initiate aan n aannual nnual G reek O rthodox Youth Youth and RSE Research Research Project, Project, using Family P a tr ia r c h ’s Family RSE using the the Patriarch’s f o u n d a tio n as our our foundation RSE RSE Symposia Symposia as as many many parishes/teams parishes/teams as as possible p o s s i b le Engage Engage as Organizing team team will w i ll w ork with with parish p a r is h o Organizing work priests aand nd yyouth outh lleaders ead ers priests in te r May include include visits visits tto op arishes and and intero May parishes GOYA meetings m e e tin g s GOYA Teams will w i ll p to p ic s repare research research projects projects across across topics Teams prepare that iinclude: n c lu d e : that RSE Symposia S y m p o s ia o 8 RSE Science Projects P r o je c ts Environmental Science o Environmental Presentations oon n tthe he P atmos Proposals, P r o p o s a ls , o Presentations Patmos of which highlight highlight the the religious religious significant signiffiicant of which environmental issues is s u e s environmental ur rresearch esearc h w AD RSE R SE Conclude oour ith a D Conclude with DAD S y m p o s iu m Symposium Market tthis h is S ymposium to to reach reach out out not not o Market Symposium only to to participating participating parish parish teams, teams, but but all a ll only those across across the the District. D is tr ic t. those
We can also recommend caterer, florists and any other event designers to help make your affair the best ever. Our outdoor grounds are spacious and beautiful to accommodate outside photos or activities. We will work with you to make your event a special one to be remembered always. If you have questions or would like to book the Grand Hall please contact event planner Lisa Di Pinto 516-467-9531
From Our Own Next Generation By Chris Gabriel and Valerie Sakellarides Project Generation Coordinators As we get into November, Project Generation is growing (Please see project generation flier above). More and more parishes are showing interest in participating and in response we are visiting certain parishes to present in detail Project Generation. The %BZ 4DIPPM t 4DIPPM PG .VTJD t "SU 4UVEJP % flier above is just a brief ouline 8FMDPNF UP 0VS 8PSME of what Project Genertion is Enriched Early Childhood Curriculum With a Focus on Math, Science, Reading E about. For anymore informtion 3FBEJOFTT .VTJD *UBMJBO t 'MFYJCMF 15 t '5 t &YUFOEFE %BZ t "MM :FBS 3PVOE t .PNNZ .F t 5PEEMFST t /VSTFSZ t 1SF , you can go to School of Music Art Studio Beginners B Beginn g ers rs - “4 “4 Yrs Yrs Old O to 100 10 00 0 Years Y Ye Young� Muse School Muses choo hooll of of P Perf Perfor Performing forrmin mi Arts projectgeneration.net For the h A Advanced/Intermediate Students Ages 8-11 516-674-4056 or email us at 516-674-4037 516-922-6819 112 Glen Head Rd., GLEN HEAD 6557 Northern Blvd., EAST NORWICH info@projectgeneration.net Encourage the “Picasso� in Your Child Formal Art Lessons For The Young Artist-6-11 Years Drawing I, Painting I & Multimedia I 10 Week Sessions - $299
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The Davenport Press Restaurant 70 MAIN STREET MINEOLA, NY 11501 (516) 248-8300 Stella and Cliff Hetzer 240 Glen Head Road, Suite 2 Glen Head, NY 11545 Office 516-674-2000 Fax 516-674-2022 Cell 516-456-3648 stellahetzer@danielgale.com
Charles J. Chiclacos Attorney At Law Engaged in the General Practice of Law with offices in NYC and Glen Cove Serving the members of this parish for over twenty years specialized areas of: Real Estate • Personal Injury Accidents • Wills & Estates
(516) 671-6577 Brookville Office Brookville Office
Donnamarie Chaimanis, SRF Managing Director Licensed Broker Associate
Office 516-922-9800 Cell 516-978-9393 Home 516-802-3821 e-mail: dchaimanis@laffey.com
3 Angels Gifts Stephanie Pappas-Rodgers Event Coordinator
400 West Jericho Turnpike Huntington, NY 11743 T:(631) 425-2476 • F:(631) 659-3471 Contact@3AngelsGifts.com