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KOINWNIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY RESURRECTION 1400 Cedar Swamp Road • Brookville, New York 11545 • Phone 516-671-5200 www.resurrectiongoc.org MAY 2011
The Holy Resurrection: Free Refills for All by Father John Vlahos Three years! It has been exactly three years since His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios assigned me to the blessed community of the Holy Resurrection. There are times that it feels like I have been here for decades, while at other times it feels like I just arrived. I am truly thankful that I was assigned in May, which affords me the opportunity to commemorate my arrival during that same time that we celebrate greatest feast of our Church: The Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. Moreover, my friends, the God who first established this Glorious Feast for us allows us to celebrate it each year. He who gave up His Son to death for our salvation,
from the same motive gives us this feast, which is commemorated every year. This feast guides us through the trials and tribulations that come our way throughout our lives. We enter on a new beginning: the proclamation of the blessed Passover, in which the Lord was sacrificed. We feed as on the food of life, we constantly refresh our souls with His precious blood, as from a fountain. Yet we are always thirsting, burning to be satisfied. But He Himself is present for those who thirst and in His goodness invites them to the feast day. Our Savior repeats his words: 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.'
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Our Greek School students are pictured after having presented their tribute to Greece and her heroic patriots on the 190th Anniversary of Greece's war of independence from the Ottoman Turks. We are so proud of our students and their accomplishments while learning the religion, language, history and culture of our beloved Greece. Μπράβο παιδιά!
He quenched the thirst not only of those who came to Him then, but whenever anyone seeks Him he is freely admitted to the presence of the Savior. The grace of the feast is not restricted to one occasion. Its rays of glory never set. It is always at hand to enlighten the mind of those who desire it. Those who partake of God’s goodness, then obey His holy teaching and live as He taught and follow Him with faith, humility, love and patience, and so He shall led them to eternal life. God now gives us the joy of salvation that shines out from this feast, as
He brings us together to form one assembly, uniting us all in spirit in every place, allowing us to pray together and to offer common thanksgiving, as is our duty on the Feast. Such is the wonder of His love: He gathers Himself those who are far apart, and brings together in unity of faith those who may be physically separated from each other. Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by His death, and to those in the tombs, bestowing life!
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An Open Letter from Our Youth Commission Chairperson Dear Parents, The Youth Commission will be ending another busy year in another few weeks. The advisors and coaches will once again drift into a summer of a well-deserved rest. The year was full of activities/meetings that kept our children occupied with retreats, dances, parties, sports, thoughtful good deeds, fundraisers and ending with the Archdiocesan Olympics. I would like to commend the children for attending the different youth group meetings, and I am fully aware that a large part of their success is related to the commitment of their parents bringing their children to our church. So, my first thank you must go to you, the parents, for realizing the importance of Orthodox fellowship among our children.
Now I would like to thank the advisors , coaches, and Glendi committee for their tireless efforts throughout the year: Lisa DiPinto, Fay Mihos, Millie Gianoukakis, Bessie Timmerman, Helen Markou, Anne Alexandrou, Helen Fakatselis, Vivian Paralikas, Artie Sakellaridis, George Markou, Dimitri Ganasoulis, Mike Paralikas, Mary Patestas, Debbie Catacosinos, Cheryl Ipiotis, Tara Guiffre, Angie Sakellaridis and Fran Sotirou, Dean Mihaltses and Tony Brigis.
This year we will end with a "big bang!" Little Angels had their Easter egg hunt, HOPE had their ice cream party, JOY will be having a "pasta night and games for the family" on May 14th and GOYA will be going to a Broadway play. Later in June we will be signing up for fall soccer, so stay tuned. Our youth groups are a fabulous way for parents and their children to meet our new families and make new friends. Please consider enrolling your children into one of our youth groups.
If you are interested in becoming an advisor or wish to help out any of our programs please contact me, Nickie Demos, at 759-9338. We could use your help. Our youth programs need your support, your ideas, and your labor in order to grow and have our children involved.
Have a great summer. I know I will be working on getting my golf handicap down!! Respectfully, Nickie Demos
Our Sunday School Orators Advance to Higher Levels By Tina Mihaltses Sunday School Director On March 13th, under the direction of Mrs. Vivian Casil, our parish held the annual parish level St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, open to seventh to twelfth graders. This festival was initiated by Archbishop Iakovos of blessed memory so that Sunday School students would learn about their Orthodox faith on a deeper level. The students choose a topic from a list that changes every year, then research and write an essay in preparation to deliver a 3 to 5 minute speech on the topic. The Junior Division is for grades seven to nine and the Senior Division is for grades ten to twelve, with it being optional in the eleventh and twelfth grades. There are two parish finalists in each division who go forward to
the District level, then proceed to the Diocese level, and followed by the National level of competition. The four parish finalists of our parish festival this year in the Junior Division were Vanessa Markou and Peter Paralikas, with Samantha Paralikas placing third, and in the Senior Division were James Bazakos and John Brakatselos. The four that went on to the District level at St. Demetrios in Merrick in April were Vanessa Markou, Samantha Paralikas, James Bazakos and John Brakatselos. At that competition, our two senior division finalists advanced to the Diocese level, to be held on May 7th at St. Barbara’s in Orange Connecticut, with Samantha Paralikas placing third. Congratulations to all our parish finalists for a job well done.
St. Catherine's Philoptochos Rescues + Recycles Plastic Toys and Brings Smiles to Children by Vasilianna Fakiris and Millie Gianoukakis Throughout the month of March, St. Catherine’s Philoptochos collected gently used, plastic toys to help support Second Chance Toys. Second Chance Toys is a 501(c)3 community-based program that rescues and recycles gently used plastic toys for distribution to disadvantaged children. Second Chance Toys was founded in 2006, by a New Jersey high school student. To date, the organization has donated over 64,000 toys, which have helped keep our landfills free
of plastic while bringing smiles and laughter to many children. With the help of our parishioners, St. Catherine’s Philoptochos collected more than eight bags of gently used toys, in addition to a large plastic toy kitchen, a desk, and a plastic tool table with tools. Then, the bags were taken to the drop-off location in Port Washington. All the toys will be transported by volunteers from 1-800-Got Junk? to organizations that will distribute them to children in need. In the past, toys were donated to groups that include: Association to Benefit Children, East
Harlem Community Center, New Creation Christian Church, Mother-Child Crisis Center, Dads United for Parenting, Brooklyn Family Defense Project, St John’s Place Family Shelter, Toys of
Piano Lessons
Hope, Save the Children of NY, and NY Kids Foundation. We would like to thank everyone who donated toys, and we would especially like to thank all the children who let them go!
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Why Just One Tray?
by Jim Gabriel Parish Council President Χριστοσ Ανεστη! If I may paraphrase Fr. Mark Arey during his visit to our parish last year, “It’s wonderful to be at the Church of the Holy Resurrection where it’s always appropriate to say Christos Anesti!” And so it is, but it is never too joyous as it is this week as I am writing this letter less than 48 hours after we all proclaimed “Christ Is Risen” in record numbers for our parish, and less than a week before we celebrate our parish Feast Day. It was indeed a blessed Holy Week for our parish, as we welcomed visitors into our home with the philotimo and philoksenia which characterize our community, and our attendance figures rose dramatically from just a year ago. Just to give you a few examples, 725 of us worshipped together on Palm Sunday, up from 550 in 2010. Similarly our Holy Thursday evening attendance increased from 120 to 165 and our Holy Friday afternoon vespers, a wonderful worship experience for our kids, saw 360 of us witness the lowering of Christ from the cross, as compared to 260 just a year earlier. For any of us on the Parish Council, it can be difficult to balance the business of operating our parish during this week with our desire to participate in the worship. I must tell you that thanks to the hard work and amazing organization skills of Church Order chairperson Paula Savvinnidis, along with the wonderful cooperation of our members and visitors alike in following the guidance of our Parish Council members, our “work” was much easier, allowing us to find time to worship. Interestingly, however, I heard one “business” question repeatedly throughout the week, directly from those in attendance and indirectly through my fellow parish council members: “Why aren’t we passing two, or even three, trays when we have so many faces that we see only on Holy Week?” I’d like to try to answer that question. It means, however, that
I’ll be discussing money, which I hope you will notice that I try to avoid in this column. I’d much rather discuss news and events, recent and upcoming, from our community, but I’m going to make an exception to that rule, and hope that you will read on nevertheless. You may recall that last year we hosted two Parish Development Conferences. The theme of our May conference was clarity and consistency of communication to our parish. We felt it was important to explain our needs, including our financial needs, to our parishioners so that they would understand where we were going and what it would cost to get there. A funny thing happened on the way to our breakout sessions. Father Mark, our keynote speaker that day, made one point loud and clear: “It’s not about the money.” I’m oversimplifying it a bit, but we left the day with our number one priority clearly focused on Outreach: Make People Feel Welcome and the Community will Thrive. We were already welcoming people at the pangari, simply because that is our personality, but we realized we could focus even more on making outreach an explicit priority. In the fall, we were once again fortunate to have outstanding guest speakers. Bill Marianes and George Matthews visited us from the Metropolis of Atlanta to share their new approach to Stewardship. Many of us thought we knew all about Stewardship. We had read the annual Archdiocese pamphlets. We had seen the data. But we continued to make the mistake of equating $teward$hip with dollar$ and cent$. After all, when the phone call came from the $tewar$hip committee, we knew they were looking for money. Bill explained that our goal for the day was to undergo a paradigm shift with four simple statements: • Everything I thought I knew about stewardship in our church was wrong! • Stewardship is not about raising money • Stewardship is a spiritual expression of faith and about salvation • Stewardship = Thanksgiving
You may have read our article in the Koinonia that followed the conference. We explained that we would be implementing operational changes in the way we approach Stewardship at our parish. We shall be personally visiting families to talk about our parish and hear your concerns. We want to engage people and we want to understand what we can do better. In order to ensure that we are a ministry-based community, we modified our Stewardship cards to focus on these ministries rather than on the dollars. Does this mean we don’t need the money? Of course not. With an annual budget of $755,000 we clearly need a steady flow of income. And yes, this is part of our Stewardship. We’ve often said that Stewardship has three components: Time, Talent and Treasure, but have only focused on Treasure. Our paradigm shift means that we want to focus on Time and Talent, and then educate our members about our financial needs so that the Treasure will flow naturally. As St. Paul said in his second letter to the Corinthians, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” Thus, we shall continue to educate our parishioners about our expenses. We shall continue to hope that if we are meeting the needs of our members, each of us will agree that our church is worth more to us than our daily Starbucks latte or our monthly cable bill. We shall ask people to give sacrificially, which could be as simple as giving up one dinner out per month and adding that to our annual commitment. We shall ask people to think about our needs rather than just reacting reflexively and pulling a single out of their pocket when the tray comes around. (By the way, the dollar that our Yiayias used to put in the tray is now worth about $7.50) But we shall not do this when we pay our Stewardship visits. Those visits will be focused solely on our
ministries, your concerns and your interests. The common theme here is that we feel it is critical to implement that model advocated by the Archdiocese’s National Stewardship Ministries by focusing on Outreach and Transparency. Engage parishioners, meet their needs and ask people to give prayerfully. So, back to the question: Why just one tray? A tray is a necessary evil to supplement Fair Share offerings, but it is essentially just a means of reaching into the pockets of our worshipers. We want to reach into our families’ hearts, not their pockets. We want to educate, not beg. Oh yes – by the way, let’s also think about the economics: an extra tray at our three biggest Holy Week services would likely provide, in total, about one half of one percent of our annual budget. Attracting five new families will bring in more, even at current Fair Share levels. Which is better for us? Another tray or five more families engaged in our parish? We are confident that the 3540% increase we saw in attendance during Holy Week is a good sign that our parish is one that attracts people for our personality, our spirituality, our Koinonia, and our ministries. We pray that if we are meeting the needs of our parishioners, and if we educate them all on our needs, they will want to support us in a meaningful way. If anybody asks you “Why just one tray?” please ask them a different question: “Why not give in a meaningful way The Members of the in their Holy Resurrection F a i r Greek Orthodox Share Church Parish commitCouncil 2011 ment so that one day we Jim Gabriel, President may have Peter J. Pappas, Jr., Vice President no tray at Kyriakos Demou, Treasurer all?” Stella Hetzer, Secretary
John Panagopoulos, Asst. Secretary Peter Koumoulis, Asst. Treasurer Anne Alexandrou Lewis Bazakos Kathy Costas Zefy Christopoulos Nickie Demos Sotiris Panageas Paula Savvinidis Nick Tsofas Anne Vandoros Constantinos Vlavianos James Xanthos Constantine Zachariadis
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What Should a Business Do?
By Simeon S. Patestas, CPA/PFS During bad economic times, one often looks to leaders and depends on them to make the right decisions for them so our way of life can either be made better or continue in succession. A business, however, depends on itself and works around the confines of government and laws it sees before it. When the owners of a business hear that taxes are going up, it thinks twice about whether to hire or spend new capital (or money that has already been taxed) on any new ventures. A “lacking incentive” and further restrictions on freedoms create an environment that lead everyone to consider their priorities more carefully. Businesses and individuals should do the same thing during bad economic times. In particular, unneces-
sary spending should be carefully prioritized and rationed in a way to prolong your family's or business's ways of life. Unscrupulous spending during these times can create hardships among children, spouses, friends and relatives alike. But it is most important to plan wisely and comfortably rather than to go out and buy a cup of coffee when you don't have a job. If you are well off, this does not apply. However, if you have business that generated $6 million a year and now it only generates $3 million, you must not think about hiring new personnel just to get the economy rolling again. Of course, essential jobs will be maintained, and non-essential jobs will dither. You should consult your tax advisor and explain to him or her, what your needs are. One client of mine felt guilty of firing any personnel, and claimed that his employee(s) had families to feed etc. Once again, speak to your accountant, I for one, suggested that an employer to employees meeting was in order to explain that either one person loses their job or fewer hours or days may be in order for the company's employees. This can be done with a very small business. With a larger sized business, decisions would have to be made using management discretion. There is no borrowing to pay the employees during these times because time will cause your business to go out of business. Households should be run the
same way. It is one thing to be cheap, and another thing to be shrewd. Look up the meaning and then act on it. Economies have a tendency to turn around. But it is like your hand hitting hard in a bathtub of water. There are many waves that result from this action, and until someone stops hitting the water with their hand, it will take longer for the water to calm down. Inflation should be your biggest fear at this time. If you decide to put five thousand dollars in an IRA account in the bank and close it for 5 years at 3%, it may sound good but it’s not. Especially, if you have more purchasing power now than you will in five years from now because of this thing called inflation. What you
may find is that that $5,000 can only buy you $2,500 worth of goods in today’s dollars five years from now. So what if you’ve made $750 in interest during that time. Furthermore, you will have to pay tax on the full amount of the IRA that you will be withdrawing. I’m not telling you to blow your money away now and not save it, what you should do is assess your risk and invest in some hard assets that have known to maintain their value. Finally, I am actively seeking professionals who wish to offer a class for adult education offered by our Church. Qualified individuals should contact me at info@simeonpatestas.com. God Bless.
Holy Resurrection Senior Group
"Age is a Question of Mind Over Matter. If You Don't Mind, It Doesn't Matter!' By Alyette A. Schizas
This year our group has been as active as we could considering the wild winter weather. We had a great time at La Bussola Restaurant in Glen Cove. Delicious food, attentive service. Good food+ Good friends= a great outing! Another group activity was a luncheon held at the church fellowship hall. Everyone enjoyed sharing experiences with fellow members. Later on in the year, we welcomed author Gus Leodas who discussed one of his books,
"Unsafe Harbor." He graciously answered all our questions. This publication is the author's second mystery suspense novel set on Long Island. Mr. Leodas is a member of the Mystery Writers of America as well as the Directors' Guild of America. He lives on Long Island. Our group is looking forward to future activities and welcomes anyone who would like to join us. For more information please contact the coordinators: Aleka Bellidoro: 676-3430 or Maria Verveniotis: 677-9650
Adult Education at the Church of the Holy Resurrection Everyone Welcome to Attend Lecture on Thurs., May 26th at 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Katherine A. Frangos, Au.D. who was involved in a specialized program for patients that are completely deaf and have hearing restored through a sophisticated electrical device called a cochlear implant, will be giving a lecture on Thursday, May 26th, at 7:30PM, in our Church Hall. Dr. Frangos was involved with HearX, and has worked with the team at Oticon Inc., one of the oldest hearing aid manufacturers. She has kept at the forefront of hearing aid technology and assistive listening devices. Currently
Dr. Frangos, Au.D. is with the practice of Dr. Raymond L. Soletic, M.D., F.A.C.S.-Manhasset Otolaryngology, in the Manhasset. The technology of hearing testing has become very sophisticated. The technology of hearing aids has also become very futuristic. We are delighted to listen and learn about a topic that affects our ordinary lives. Please join us, the course is free. Kindly email me that you will be attending so we can reserve your seat. Of course, last minute attendees will be welcome.
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Our Students Honor the History of Greece
March 25th is a big celebration day for Greek Schools around the United States. Not only is that day one of the holiest days for Greek Orthodox
dependence Day program, this year, started with cheers of “Ellada” and “ Eleftheria.” This was followed by songs about March 25th. Two plays reminded us, one of the sacrifice of the Souliotisses to die free rather than live under the Ot-
Christians, but also it marks the beginning of the Greek War of Independence in 1821. This is the day that the Greeks threw off the shackles of 400 years of Turkish Ottoman Empire occupation and oppression and showed the rest of the world that their language, their religion and their Greek identity had remained intact throughout the years. The Holy Resurrection Church Greek School Greek In-
toman oppression and the other of our numerous heroes of the Greek Revolution. But the best part of the program was at the end, when all the children performed traditional Greek dances. The program ended with a dance called “Michanikos” when a handicapped man made so by years and illness, revives at the sound of the clarinet and leads to exhilaration the rest of the dancers. Zito H Ellas!!
By Elizabeth Horton Greek School Principal
Youth Commission Glendi Records Outstanding Success By Nickie Demos Our Youth Commission Glendi was held on March 5 and was by far the most successful ever. More than 200 enthusiastic people of all ages attended. The boys entertained themselves with basketball,
bowling, ring toss and other games while the girls had their make-up, hair and nails done under the expert guidance of Irene Poulos, one of our church's charter members. Suzie Fernandez handled all the face painting of the children. As this wonderful evening of family fun continued, anticipation grew as the time drew near to the raffling of the
many beautiful baskets donated by the attendees. Our evening was capped off with the raffling of the grand prizes: a mink stole, an iPad and a round of golf at Mill River. Our Glendi would not have been the success it was without the following committee members: Debbie Catacosinos, Mary Patestas,
Helen Markou, Angie Sakellaridis, Fran Sotiriou, Cheryl Ipiotis , Tara Guiffre, Anne Alexandrou, and Millie Gianoukakis. The Youth Commission thanks everyone who supported our Glendi and we all look forward to the coming year of programs and events for our Youth.
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Join The List of Stewards
We would like to thank the following families who are Stewards of our Parish for the 2011 calendar year as of April 25th, 2011. Your Stewardship provides the foundation for our Parish Ministries and our efforts in meeting the formidable challenges that promote the spreading of Christ’s Word and our Orthodox Faith. Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Alatzas Mr. & Mrs. John Albanes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Albers Mr. & Mrs. Lazarus Alexandrou Mr. Mrs. Vasilis Anastasakis Mr. & Mrs. George Andoniadis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Angelidakis Mr. & Mrs. Luka Angelopoulos-Misetic Mr. & Mrs. Steve Aniftos Mr. & Mrs. Pericles Averopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Barbalios Mrs. Anne Basdavanos Drs. Lewis & Olga Bazakos Mr. & Mrs. George Belissis Mr. & Mrs. Neal Bellon Mrs. Evangeline Bigilin Mr. & Mrs. George Boultadakis Dr. & Mrs. Loukas Boutis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brakatselos Mr. & Mrs. John Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Brigis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burns Miss Kelly Burns Mrs. Tisoula Camesas Mrs. Theodora Canaras Ms. Joanna Canaras Mr. & Mrs. Doric Capsis Mr. Thomas Carras Mrs. Anne Caruso Mr. & Mrs. James Casil Mr. Stephen Casil Mr. & Mrs. James Catacosinos Mrs. Anna Catelanos Mrs. Ethel Chahales Mr. & Mrs. Bill Chaimanis Mr. & Mrs.George Chakery Mr. & Mrs. Alec Choremi Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Christon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Christopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Costas N. Constantinou Mrs. Georgia Contoudis Mr. & Mrs. William Conway Mr. & Mrs. Gus Costas Mr. & Mrs. Lou Cothalis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coundouris Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Coutsoukes Miss Angjela Dajko Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Dajko Mr. & Mrs. Themistokli Dajko Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Dakas Ms. Paulette De Filippe Ms. Nickie Demos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Demou Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Demou Mr. & Mrs. William Denslow Mr. & Mrs. Adam Di Pinto Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Diamantis Mr. & Mrs. Antonis Diamataris Drs. Matthew & Athena Dilena Mr. & Mrs.George Douvas Mr. & Mrs. Costas Elias Mr. & Mrs. Christos Fakatselis Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Fakiris Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Fampristsis Mr. & Mrs. Leandro Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Flouras Mr. & Mrs. Marinos Frangiskos Mr. & Mrs. John Frangos Mr. & Mrs. John Frankis Mr. & Mrs. James Gabriel Dr. & Mrs. George Gatzonis Mr. & Mrs. John Gennawey Mr. George Georges Dr. & Mrs. Michael Georgis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Gianoukakis Ms. Catherine Golfinopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. James Gounelas Dr. & Mrs. Frixos Goussis Mr. Alexander Gratsias Presv. Alexandra Gratsias Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green Mr. & Mrs. Michael Guiffre Mr. & Mrs. George Haralampoudis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Hatzikiriako Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Hetzer Mrs. Elizabeth Horton Dr. & Mrs. Chris Iordanou Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ipiotis Mrs. Millie Ipiotis Mr. & Mrs. David Jable Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Janedis Mr. & Mrs. William Jannace Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Kakoulides Ms. Aristea Kakounis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kanakaris Mrs. Chrystalla Karides Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Karidis Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Karousos Ms. Froso Klarides Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Kokkoris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kontogiannis Mr. John M. Koufakis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Koufakis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Koukoulas Mr. Peter Koumoulis Mr. & Mrs. Tasso Koumoulis Mrs. Celia Kraker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kranyak Mr. & Mrs. Manny Kratsios Mr. & Mrs. John Ktistakis Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ktistakis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kyriakoudes Mrs. Mary Ladis Mrs. Mary Lamb Mr. Nicholas Legatos Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Leodis Mrs. Stella Louros Mr. & Mrs. Costas Makris Mr.& Mrs. George Malikoutis Ms. Eugenia Mamakos Mrs. Thekla Manganelli Mrs. Christine Manley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manolakis Mr. Elias Manolis Dr. & Mrs. George Manos Mr. & Mrs. George Mantikas Mr. & Mrs. Soterios Masiakos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Masiakos Miss Irene Robin Mason Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Mastakouris Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mavros Ms. Tina Katopis Mazzarella Mr. & Mrs. John Mehalakes Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mihaltses Mr. & Mrs. Elias Mihaltses Mr. & Mrs. Vasilos Mihos Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Montesantos Ms. Maria Moumtzidis Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Mountrakis Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Moustakakis Mr. & Mrs. Mario Mouzouris Dr. & Mrs. Andreas Niarchos Mr. Angelo Nickas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Nikas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Nikolaidis Mr. Peter Nikolis Mrs. Edith O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Sotiris Panageas Mr. & Mrs. John Panagopoulos Ms. Eleni Pantazakos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fotini Pante Mr. & Mrs. George Papantoniou Mr. & Mrs. Kyriacos Papastylianou
Ms. Amalia Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pappas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paralikas Mr. & Mrs. Simeon Patestas Mr. Noah Paulis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pavlakis Mrs. Thelma Perdikakis Ms. Cindy Perdikakis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pittas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Plactere Mrs. Catherine Polis Mr. Gillis Poll Mrs. Dorothy Poulos Mr.& Mrs. Paul Poulos Mrs. Irene Poulos Mr. & Mrs. George Pourakis Mr. & Mrs. John Rakowski Ms. Lauren Rant & Andrew Themis Ms. Elena Razis Mr. & Mrs. James Rudis Mrs. Vivian Rudis Mr. & Mrs. John Rummo Drs. Charles & Maria Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Savvas Savvinidis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schizas Mr. & Mrs. Zane Sellis Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Seringer Mr. & Mrs. Chris Sideris Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Sioukas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Smiros Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Smith Mr. & Mrs. Sam Soteriou Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stamatiou Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Stamatiou Mr. & Mrs. John M. Stamatos Rev. & Mrs. Milton Stamatos Mr. James Stamos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Stampas Mr. Mrs. George Staphos Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Theodoris Mr. & Mrs. Robert Timmerman Mr. Christopher Tomasides Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Tonorezos Ms. Tina Tonorezos Mr. & Mrs. Basil Topis Mr. & Mrs. Kosmas Toskos Mrs. Diana Trama Mr. Nicholas Tricouros Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tropaitis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsafos Ms. Nicole Tsapelas & Steven Klund Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tsontakis-Mally Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tursi Mrs. Olga Uvari Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Vafeas Mr. & Mrs. Leon Vandoros Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Varkaris Mr. & Mrs. John Vasilakis Mr. & Mrs. Theo Vazanellis Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ventouratos Mr. & Mrs. Steven Verveniotis Ms. Christina Vlachos Fr. & Presbytera John Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. James Vlamis Mr. & Mrs. Costantine Vlavianos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Xanthos Mr. & Mrs. James Zaccaria Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Zachariadis Mr. Eugene Zaphris Mr. Peter Zaphiris Mr. & Mrs. George Zarifis Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Zeiner Mr. John Zervopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Zogopoulos
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Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection
HOURS L A V I T S FE m h 6-11p
Only 120 0 Tickets w ill Be Sold!
t June 10 3-11pm th June 11 3-9 pm th June 12
2011 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER or $15,000 Cash alternative AND OTHER EXCITING PRIZES Including . . . •
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Apple iPad Desktop Computer Home Theatre System
YES! I would like to be included in this fabulous raffle to be held June 12 , 2011 For a Chance to Win a 2011 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER or one of the other exciting prizes! th
Please send __________raffle ticket(s) at $75.00 each (or) 3 for $200.00 Method of Payment being sent with this form: ___Cash
Total Amount Enclosed: $__________
Credit Card Payments: Credit Card Type ________ Name on Card __________________________________ Card Number ______________________________________ Exp. Date _____/______ CVC Code _________ Name (only one name per ticket):_____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State ____ Zip ________Telephone (___) ______-__________ Email Address:___________________________________________________________________ I certify that I am 18 years of age or older.
Signature __________________________________________ Date_________________________ Mail completed form with payment to:
Church of the Holy Resurrection 1400 Cedar Swamp Road, Brookville, NY 11545 Attn: Festival Car Raffle Upon receipt of this completed form with payment, your ticket stub will be mailed to you.
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St. Catherine's Philoptochos: Always Making Things Happen By Tina Conway, Philoptochos President
Christos Anesti! This year St. Catherine's Philoptochos began our Paschal celebration during Lent, when we hosted all five dinners that followed each of five lectures in our Lenten Lecture series. It was a wonderful way to gather and reflect on the meaning of this very special time. As Holy Week approached, we gathered for our annual making of the palm crosses for Palm Sunday. With many parishioners and their families in attendance, we were able to make over 1300 palms. On Holy Thursday after Liturgy, we dyed and tied 30 dozen eggs as is our tradition. The eggs are distributed after the Anastasis service and
picnic. Throughout the year St. Catherine’s Philoptochos continues to make donations to several worthy causes. Recently, for example, in response to the disasters in Japan, we were able to send $2,000 to the IOCC Japan Relief Fund. Other donations made included $1,000 to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center, $500 to Hellenic College, $500 to the Sisterhood of Saint Basil Academy and $250 to our own Youth Commission Glendi, just to name a few. With June rapidly approaching it’s time to switch gears and concentrate on our Festival. The pastry booth at festival is always operated Our Philoptochos decorating during Holy Week
The Grand Ballroom is the Place for a Distinctive Event The Ballroom is a perfect place for Engagement party, Bridal and Baby Shower, Wedding, Christening, that special birthday or corporate event.
also at the Agape Service, and our church's nameday celebration. Most of Good Friday was spent decorating the Kouvouklion into which the Epitaphios is placed, and on Holy Saturday we decorated our Church's iconostasis in anticipation of the Anastasi. Our St. Catherine's Philoptochos members continued their efforts as the festivities continued the following week with our church's Feast Day celebration. On Saturday evening after our Vespers Service, we gathered to help serve the many visiting Clergy at our traditional lamb dinner. On Sunday, our church's nameday, we were honored to serve His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios during our
entirely by St. Catherine’s Philoptochos. We have scheduled June 6th for our annual Festival BakeOff, so bring your aprons and plan on attending!
Koinonia Staff Father John Vlahos Zefy Christopoulos, Editor Lisa DiPinto, Business Manager Michael Paralikas, Design, Layout & Printing Jim Gabriel Effie Marie Smith
We can also recommend caterer, florists and any other event designers to help make your affair the best ever. Our outdoor grounds are spacious and beautiful to accommodate outside photos or activities. We will work with you to make your event a special one to be remembered always. If you have questions or would like to book the Grand Ballroom please contact event planner Lisa Di Pinto 516-467-9531
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The Davenport Press Restaurant 70 MAIN STREET MINEOLA, NY 11501 (516) 248-8300 Stella and Cliff Hetzer 240 Glen Head Road, Suite 2 Glen Head, NY 11545 Office 516-674-2000 Fax 516-674-2022 Cell 516-456-3648 stellahetzer@danielgale.com
Charles J. Chiclacos Attorney At Law
Engaged in the General Practice of Law with offices in NYC and Glen Cove Serving the members of this parish for over twenty years specialized areas of: Real Estate • Personal Injury Accidents • Wills & Estates
(516) 671-6577 Donnamarie Chaimanis, SFR Managing Director Licensed Broker Associate Office: (516) 922-9800 Fax: (516) 922-9153 Cell: (516) 978-9393 dchaimanis@laffey.com
3 Angels Gifts Stephanie Pappas-Rodgers Event Coordinator
400 West Jericho Turnpike Huntington, NY 11743 T:(631) 425-2476 • F:(631) 659-3471 Contact@3AngelsGifts.com
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June 10,11,12
Friday 6-11p.m.
saturday 3-11p.m.
sunday 3-9p.m.
Free Parking at C.W. Post with shuttle buses to Church
a GREEK FOODS a Church tours a Pastry cafĂŠ a amusements & Rides FOR KIDS & TEENS a Music & Dancing a Quality vendors a flea market a petting zoo / pony rides ON SAT. & SUN. Three Great Raffles Including our Grand Auto raffle
Greek Orthodox Church of the holy Resurrection corner of 25a & rt. 107, BROOKVILLE, NY www.resurrectiongoc.org
credit cards accepted For more information, Call (516) 671-5200
www.greekvillagefestival.info our corporate sponsors
* "Please cut out this flyer, take it to your local merchant and ask if it can be posted it in his/her window." *