Project Generation Youth Environmental Symposium Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection
Feb 5, 2011
Project Generation Proceedings
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Project Generation Proceedings
Happy Birthday Your All Holiness
Patriarch Bartholomew With All of Our Love and Our Thanks For Your Inspirational Leadership From your Spiritual Children at Project Generation
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Special Thanks Special thanks to • Bishop Savas of Troas for his support and advice that helped to shape Project Generation, and for his thoughtful and dynamic leadership of the symposium which provided inspiration to all of its participants. • Deacon Evagoras Constantinidis for providing his personal support and the resources of the Direct Archdiocesan District Youth Office to Project Generation. • Fr. John Vlahos, our parish priest, for his love and leadership of the youth of our parish, and his constant encouragement for Project Generation. • Fr. Demetrios Recachinas, Viola Skenderis, Eva Vaniotis and the parents and youth of Holy Trinity Bridgeport for their overwhelming support of the project, and their participation via teleconference due to inclement weather. • Laurence Manos, for his inspirational iconography, Peter J. Pappas, Jr. for allowing us to borrow the icon, and Island Photography, for transforming it into a beautiful birthday card.
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Foreword Background of Project Generation A series of articles, originally published in Koinonia, the parish newsletter of the Church of the Holy Resurrection during 2010, provide a background on Project Generation. These articles can be found in their entirety in the Appendix.
Note on These Proceedings On February 5, 2010, the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection in Brookville, NY hosted the inaugural Project Generation Environment Symposium for Youth. This volume, together with the DVD’s that accompany it, provide a glimpse into the content of the day, along with the preparation. The focal point of the day was a discussion on environment and our religion by all participants, moderated by Bishop Savas of Troas. The discussion is not captured within the written proceedings, but is contained on Disc 2 of the DVD set.
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Agenda 2011 Project Generation Symposium Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection “There is no doubt in our mind that the only way forward is through the concerted effort of our younger generations. Ultimately it is you that need to address this issue”- Patriarch Bartholomew
Speaker / Facilitator Registration
11:00 am – 11:15 am
Bishop Savas of Troas
Opening Prayer
Assisted by Fr. John Vlahos
11:15 am – 11:30 am
Fr. John Vlahos
Welcoming Remarks 11:30 am – 11:40 am 11:40 am – 11:50 am
The Green Patriarch – Part 1 Chris Gabriel
Valerie Sakellaridis The Green Patriarch – Part 2
11:50 am – 12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
Jim Gabriel
RSE – Arctic Ocean
Recycling at Resurrection
“Black Muddy River”
“They Put Up a Parking Lot”
L u n c h
12:45 pm – 1:30 pm
Potential topics Can We Afford to Wait? Even if we assume there’s only a 30% chance that Global Warming is real, should we be taking steps to address it now?
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Group Discussion Led by Bishop Savas
Is It a Sin? The first Patmos Proposal states: “To pollute the environment or not to take care of it should be seen as sin.“ Do you agree? How does this change your view of pollution? The Chevy Volt is energizing the car buyers’ market. But is it helping us to conserve energy? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of electric cars We Can Work It Out (but how?) How can religion inspire humanity towards an ecological ethos? Keeping the Faith: Does His Holiness’ leadership in the conservation of our Earth help make the Church more relevant to us as teens?
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
2:45 pm – 2:50 pm
Closing Prayer
Bishop Savas Bishop Savas of Troas Assisted by Fr. John Vlahos
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Participants Name Bishop Savas of Troas Fr. John Vlahos
Parish / School Director – Office of Church and Society Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY
Christopher Gabriel (Co-chair) Valerie Sakellaridis (Co-chair)
Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY
Patrick Bellidoro Yanna Bellidoro Christina Billias Dionysia Caviris Callie Catacosinos Jamie Leigh Catacosinos Emily Colon Alexa Hallas Alexia Ipiotis Pericles Ipiotis Margarita Kolitsas Joe LaCorte Vanessa Markou Goegiana Mingos Nicole Pettas Lauren Sabatino Anna Sakellaridis Joseph Signorile Demetra Skenderis Alexandra Walsh Evan Yiannoulis
Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Holy Trinity Church; Hicksville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Locust Valley High School; Locust Valley, NY Holy Trinity, Bridgeport, CT Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Holy Trinity, Bridgeport, CT Oyster Bay High School; Oyster Bay, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Holy Trinity Church; Hicksville, NY Holy Trinity, Bridgeport, CT Locust Valley High School; Locust Valley, NY Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY Archangel Michael Church; Port Washington, NY Holy Trinity; Bridgeport, CT St. George; Hartford, CT Holy Trinity; Bridgeport, CT
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Photo Gallery
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Presentations Participants were encouraged to prepare and deliver presentation on topics of interest. Recommendations were provided for topics, including: • One Particular Harbor o Choose a body of water from the RSE Symposia o Research its environmental issues, recent progress or problems o Highlight what we can do • Black Muddy River o Discuss the case of GE’s pollution of the Hudson River o Does the Hudson river have a chance vs. corporate America? • Poor, Poor Polar Bears o Research the impact of glacial melting on Polar Bears o (Feel free to include seals too) • They Put Up a Parking Lot o How many acres of natural habitat are destroyed by construction annually? What is the impact on our communities and on other living animals? Four presentations were delivered, and are included here.
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Arctic RSE Sympsium
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Project Generation Proceedings
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Project Generation Proceedings
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Project Generation Proceedings
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Project Generation Proceedings
Poor, Poor Polar Bears
The Polar Bear
Lauren Sabatino
Project Generation Proceedings
Facts about the Polar bear ! The polar bear aka the dea bear evolved about 200,000 years ago from their brown bear ancestors.They adapted for survival in the far north ! They range through out the artic in areas where they hunt seals ! The adult males are usually around 775-1,200 pounds. ! The adult females weigh about 330-650 pounds.
Habitats and behaviors ! Polar bears main prey and favorite food is the ringed seal. ! Polar bears usually catch ringed seals when seals surface to breathe at openings in the ice or at breathing holes called agues. ! Polar bears can run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour but only for short distances. ! They can cover two kilometers without stopping. 20
Project Generation Proceedings
What's happening to the Polar bears? ! The polar bears numbers are increasing rather than decreasing in all but 2 places. ! Those areas have been proven to be impacted by hunting, not climate warming. ! The government may set aside a huge section of real estate in Alaska for critical habitat. ! Polar bear meat and fur is very high on the market right now because its such good quality
What's happening involving Global warming?
! The temperature is increasing in the artic which is causing the ice to melt ! As a result polar bears and seals are dying because they have no habitat ! Everything in their world is being wiped out ! Most get stranded on the ice and starve ! The whole cycle of the artic is being degraded 21
Project Generation Proceedings
Climate Change ! The Arctic is experiencing the warmest air temperatures in four centuries. ! Scientists predict a mostly ice-free Arctic summer by 2040 if present trends continue. ! Today's polar bears are facing rapid loss of the sea ice where they hunt, breed ! Scientists believe that we still have time to save polar bears if we reduce greenhouse emissions within the next few years.
Adaptations Scientists believe polar bears have distinct territories, or home ranges. One Alaskan polar bear home range was found to be 45 times the size of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which supports some 400 black bears. The size of a bear's range depends on how much food is available there. Polar bears in food-rich areas have smaller home ranges, which often overlap those of other bears. 22
Project Generation Proceedings
Recycling at Resurrection
Church of the Holy Resurrection! !
Recycling 2011! ! By Jamie Catacosinos!
Project Generation Proceedings
Why Recycle? • Recycling is an important way for
individuals to reduce waste and the negative impact it has on our environment. Our natural resources are being decimated, recycling plays a large role in conserving them slowing it down It also conserves energy, reduces air pollution, water pollution and green house gas emissions that cause global warming.
My Project • Find a vendor • Get permission • Made space for dumpster and bins • Purchase bins • Place in church hall • Educate Parish • Plan and run fundraisers to pay for the pickup of the recycled
Project Generation Proceedings
The Beginning • My motivation for this project began last year.
The church was preparing for the Greek Village Festival that takes place every year. In the kitchen, all of the tomato cans, styrofoam meat containers and milk cartons were being tossed into the garbage along with everything else. Then, during the festival, while bussing tables, it was very bothersome to me that all of the garbage was again, going into the same container. I thought to myself, how hard would it be to simply have recycling bin next to the garbage bin? How difficult would it be to put -Almost half of the paper that is used in the USA is now being recycled into new paper products. This is more that glass, metal and plastic combined. one there? This was when I decided to research the feasibility of starting a recycling program.
-The largest category of recycled paper goods was newspaper at 89%, followed closely by cardboard, at 72%.
-Many municipalities will pick up tree trimmings and Christmas trees and turn them into mulch for parks and landscaped street medians. This has an added benefit of saving irrigation water.
-Residential grass clippings and food waste can be easily composted and shouldn t ordinarily be sent to the landfill.
-Lead acid batteries are being recycled at a rate of 99%
-Other high recovery rates include major appliances – 67%, steel cans – 63%, and aluminum cans – 45%, although the rate of aluminum recycling has dropped from a high of 68% in 1992.
-Aluminum should be recycled whenever possible; recycling saves 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from raw materials.
Facts and Statistics
Project Generation Proceedings
How Can You Help Right Now?? • While you are attending this
symposium please remember to use the recycling bins in the designated area!
Resources Used • Default.aspx
Project Generation Proceedings
They Put Up a Parking Lot before
*â&#x20AC;Ż Project Generation: By Emily Conlon
Project Generation Proceedings
* Areas around the world are currently
suffering from habitat reduction. The amount of land being destroyed in these places grows rapidly every day. I am here today to show you the astonishing amount of habitat destruction.
* Tropical forests lose about 4.6 million hectares a year in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa. Moist deciduous forests endure a loss of 6.1 million hectares of land being taken over in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dry deciduous forests are suffering at a rate of 1.8 million hectares in Sudan, Paraguay, Brazil, and India. Very dry forests are also starting to vanish, losing 341,000 hectares each year in Sudan and Botswana. Desert forests are losing an estimated 82,000 hectares annually in Mexico and Pakistan. Hills and mountains are losing the most, at 2.5 million hectares of forest each and every year.
Project Generation Proceedings
*â&#x20AC;Ż According to the United Nations Environment Claims, in total, 15.5 million hectares (or 38,301,334 acres) of inhabited land are destroyed annually. Others may be wondering about how much of this is natural causes, such as; volcanism, fires, and climate change. These are of concern but, not right now or for a while. For a species to be wiped away due to natural causes would take millions of years at a time. Unlike humans who have destroyed most of this planet with in the short time we have been here, with our agriculture, mining, logging, trawling, and urban sprawl. 1 acre = .4 hectares 1 hectare = 2.47105381 acres
Deforestations can be disastrous to animals. As agriculture and urbanization expand they are forced to relocate and find somewhere else to live. For many species this is not an easy task, so they are driven to extinction. Wildlife advocates have been trying to let people know that many endangered species can be saved and become repopulated, if we reforested all the deforested areas, and kept away from burning them down and abandoning the natural habitats around us.
Project Generation Proceedings
*â&#x20AC;Ż Deforestation is very detrimental to humans as well as other organisms. Deforestation causes many issues like these; Flooding, with out the trees there to absorb the water during heavy rains it leads to a flood. Degraded Watersheds, due to the exposed forest mountains, these degraded water sheads Heavy Soil Erosion, with out the trees roots there is nothing to hold the soil in place, taking it to the lower areas at the foot of the mountains.
BIBLIOGRAPHY What_effect_does_deforestation_have_on_animals qid=20070430044936AApwchJ
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Introductory Letter May 15, 2010 Reverend Father, I am writing to inform you about Project Generation, an initiative that I am organizing for the teenagers of our district. Project Generation allows the youth of our district to respond to the call of His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew by taking immediate action regarding our Environment. The idea first took shape last summer at Brown University in Providence, RI, where I participated the Leadership Institute, a program for teens. My course was called Leadership and Global Engagement, and focused on global issues, ranging from the economy to the environment. At the end of the course we were asked to create an action plan that we would implement and lead when we returned home. After learning about His All Holiness’ environmental work, I was inspired to advance his mission. It amazes me that so few of my peers understand who His All Holiness is and what he is about, particularly in light of his recent visit to our country. This is part of the reason I want to do this, so that Patriarch Bartholomew’s message can make the impact that it so richly deserves on the families of our church. This is the basis for Project Generation: in this project, we shall organize our own environmental symposium. Teams from across the Direct Archdiocesan District will perform research on environment topics, such as the Patriarch’s eight symposia, and then come together to present their results to their friends, family and communities. I am attaching a summary of the project phases, along with a proposed timeline that gives us a few months to recruit participants, a few months for the teams to perform their research, and concluding with the symposium. In recognition of His All Holiness, the timeline calls for a kickoff event roughly coinciding with his day for the Protection of the Enviornment, and a symposium roughly coinciding with his birthday. I would like to appeal to you to form a team of GOYA-aged youth from your parish to participate in Project Generation. I look forward to hearing from you in the meantime. You can reach me at, by phone at 631-754-1016, or through my home parish, the Church of the Holy Resurrection in Brookville, NY. In His Service, Chris Gabriel
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Koinonia Articles June, 2010: Introducing Project Generation Last November His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew visited the United States to lead a RSE (Religion Science and the Environment) symposium on the Mississippi River. Since his departure, his message about the environment is in danger of being forgotten. It needs to be revived, along with a reminder of our responsibility as good Christians to protect the earth that God has created. The goal of Project Generation is to allow the youth of our district to respond to the call of His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew by taking immediate action regarding our Environment. If we can engage the next generation in matters involving religion and the environment, then we can continue the goals of His All Holiness. The fundamental objective of this project is to plan to organize our own environmental symposium. Our parish will host the symposium, and coordinate the overall project. Parishes from the entire Direct Archdiocesan District will be invited to participate. Teams from all invited parishes will perform research on environment topics, such as the Patriarchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight symposia or environmental bible passages/psalms, and then come together to present their results to their friends, family and communities. A list of suggested topics has been prepared as part of an FAQ distributed with the invitations. In recognition of His All Holiness, the current timeline calls for a kickoff event roughly coinciding with his day for the Protection of the Environment (sometime in September), and a symposium roughly coinciding with his birthday (late February to early March). In order to encourage communication between all teams, we have set up a web site (, Facebook group and Facebook page (both called Project Generation). We welcome all readers to visit these sites and to contact us with questions via e-mail ( or via Facebook. You can also contact Chris Gabriel or Valerie Sakellarides at church.
August, 2010: Project Generation Prepares for Symposium in February It has been almost a year since the idea of Project Generation was born; now this idea has become a reality. In the past ten months we have held numerous organizational meetings, set up a website ( along with a group and page on Facebook, and most importantly we have begun reaching out to all of the other parishes within the Archdiocesan District in order to maximize participation. We have already received positive responses from priests, advisors and teens in a number of parishes and look forward to finalizing a list of teams within the coming months. Our initial idea of a kickoff event in the fall has been replaced by an extended period of parish visitations in order to allow for more time for personal contact as part of the recruiting effort. We expect this to strengthen the showing at the symposium in February. We plan to continue this recruiting process through the fall, leaving two to three months for the teams to prepare their topics in advance of the symposium. While the symposium is still months away, our next major effort will be to advertise it in order to maximize attendance. We hope that the vast knowledge that the teams will present will enlighten not only our youth but also all adults who attend the event to His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deep passion for protecting the environment 35
Project Generation Proceedings
After the symposium we plan to publish the proceedings of symposium. This will not only enable the participants to look back upon their findings but also will leave a permanent record so that anyone who does not attend the event can be aware of the message set by this symposium and by His All Holiness. If you want more information about Project Generation you can either e-mail us at or go to
December, 2010: Project Generation Update
In our last few issues, you have read articles by two of our teens, Chris Gabriel and Valerie Sakellaridis, about Project Generation. In this issue, you will receive a brief update from their advisor’s perspective. Project Generation is an extremely worthwhile project, focused on raising the awareness of our kids and their families (that’s us) about the efforts of our Ecumenical Patriarch regarding the environment. His All Holiness, also known as the Green Patriarch, has been recognized as one of the world’s leaders on the environment. More importantly, he has shown all of us that the stewardship of God’s earth is not merely a secular issue. Given the amount of time that our kids spend in their school’s environment clubs and recycling projects, it is important that they recognize the relevance of their church in an issue they read or hear about almost daily. His All Holiness said it the best, when he addressed the following statement to our young adults: There is no doubt in our mind that the only way forward is through the concerted effort of our younger generations. ... ultimately, it is you that will oblige us to assume responsibility for the way we treat the earth and its resources. We are now in the home stretch, with the symposium scheduled for February 5th. Our current list of participants represents five parishes from across the Direct Archdiocesan District, and continues to grow. We have now introduced two new ways to participate, in order to encourage participation for those youth who may be too busy to prepare a presentation. Each individual may now select one of three options: • • •
Research and present a relative topic on the environment Engage in a debate with their peers Participate in a round table discussion
We've added some suggested topics (details on the web site) with titles such as: • • • • •
One Particular Harbor Black Muddy River Poor, Poor Polar Bears Pollution For Sale Keeping the Faith
Please encourage your kids to participate. Please plan to attend the symposium. A strong showing on February 5th will send a very clear, positive message to our Archdiocese and to His All Holiness. We have a great opportunity to highlight the leadership of Patriarch Bartholomew on environmental issues to our youth and their families.
Project Generation Proceedings
February, 2011: Project Generation Symposium – The Way Forward “There is no doubt in our mind that the only way forward is through the concerted effort of our younger generations. Ultimately it is you that need to address this issue; ultimately, it is you that will be faced with the consequences of this crisis; and, ultimately, it is you that will oblige us to assume responsibility for the way we treat the earth and its resources, encouraging us to do so in a manner that dignifies both creation and our Creator.” - Patriarch Bartholomew On Saturday, February 5th, youth from across the Direct Archdiocesan District joined together for the inaugural Project Generation environmental symposium. His All Holiness, also known as the Green Patriarch, has been recognized as one of the world’s leaders on the environment. More importantly, he has shown all of us that the stewardship of God’s earth is not merely a secular issue. Given the amount of time that our kids spend in their school’s environment clubs and recycling projects, it is important that they recognize the relevance of their church in an issue they read or hear about almost daily. Project co-chairs, Chris Gabriel and Valerie Sakellaridis, spent the latter half of 2010 and early 2011 spreading the word about the project. This was done via social media such as Facebook, by visiting area parishes for Liturgy and GOYA meetings, and by networking with their peers at GOYA events. The Direct Archdiocese Youth office also provided a great deal of assistance with publicity. Deacon Evagoras Constantinides, the district youth director, provided significant guidance and promoted the event on the district web site and with his e-mail list. Our own Fr. John Vlahos did the same throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties. At the same time, the agenda for the symposia took shape. Thanks to significant guidance from His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas, the agenda developed from one resembling a science fair, to a multi-faceted program including a round table discussion about religion and the environment, moderated by His Grace. By the day of the event, we had participation from six parishes, as far away as Hartford, Connecticut. Due to inclement weather, the five participants from Holy Trinity, Bridgeport, participated via video link lending a “high tech” look and feel to the event. Opening remarks, combined with excerpts from “The Green Patriarch” DVD, provided attendees with a background of Project Generation. Through four presentations prepared by six of the participants, attendees learned about the plight of the polar bear, the impact of deforestation, the benefits and complexities of instituting a parish recycling program, and the highlights of His All Holiness’s RSE Symposium on the Arctic. Following lunch, Bishop Savas introduced a round table discussion by providing his own insights into the theological principles associated with Patriarch Bartholomew’s environmental initiatives. The teens of the symposium then engaged in debate and discussion around a number of issues, with the parents in attendance also chiming in with questions and observations. With His All Holiness’ birthday approaching at the end of the month, all present signed a birthday card that will be sent to Patriarch Bartholomew along with proceedings of the symposium, Project Generation water bottles, and a contribution towards the environmental center being built at the site of the orphanage recently returned by the Turkish government. All in all, it was a very stimulating event, one that has great potential to grow into an annual event and to spread beyond the Direct Archdiocesan District. In the meantime, project leaders hope to continue promoting dialogue on His All Holiness’ efforts among their peers.
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Road Show (Powerpoint Slides)
There is no doubt in our mind that the only way forward is through the concerted effort of our younger generations. Ultimately it is you that need to address this issue; ultimately, it is you that will be faced with the consequences of this crisis; and, ultimately, it is you that will oblige us to assume responsibility for the way we treat the earth and its resources, encouraging us to do so in a manner that dignifies both creation and our Creator. -Patriarch Bartholomew
His All Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew, has been recognized as one of the leading advocates in the world for the environment. ! His Symposia on Religion, Science and the Environment have laid a strong foundation for us to build upon. ! He has called upon all of us to take immediate action. !
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation is intended to respond to the call of His All Holiness by initiating an effort for our youth to: ! Engage Orthodox youth in a project showcasing the link between our religion and the environment ! Increase environmental awareness ! Launch grassroots level promotion of the message of Patriarch Bartholomew
Be a part of the Project Generation Symposium on February 5th ! Each individual or team may select one or more of three options: !
! Research and present a relevant topic ! Engage in a debate with your peers ! Participate in a round table discussion
Encourage friends and family to attend
Project Generation Proceedings
Show and Tell
! Each research team will prepare a display summarizing their research ! Attendees will have the opportunity to view the exhibits and ask questions of the team members ! Each team will provide an 5-10 minute presentation of their topic. ! This may be a combination of oral presentation with slides and/or video
True or False
! Teams of 2-4 teens will face off defending their position on select topics
Ask Me Why
! A moderator will lead participants in a discussion about Orthodoxy and the environment ! Questions will be made available in advance
One Particular Harbor
! Choose a body of water from the RSE Symposia ! Research its environmental issues, recent progress or problems ! Highlight what we can do
Black Muddy River
! Discuss the case of GE s pollution of the Hudson River ! Does the Hudson river have a chance vs. corporate America?
Poor, Poor Polar Bears
! Research the impact of glacial melting on Polar Bears ! (Feel free to include seals too)
They Put Up a Parking Lot
! How many acres of natural habitat are destroyed by construction annually? What is the impact on our communities and on other living animals.
Project Generation Proceedings
Can we afford to wait?
! Even if we assume there s only a 30% chance that Global Warming is real, should we be taking steps to address it now?
Pollution For Sale
! Can Carbon Offset s provide incentives for individuals and/or corporations to reduce pollution?
Is It a Sin?
! The first Patmos Proposal states that To pollute the environment or not to take care of it should be seen as sin. ! Do you agree?
Free at Last
! Patriarch Bartholomew writes: …the freedom of God determines and defines the freedom of humanity. Does freedom include the freedom to pollute our earth?
We Can Work It Out (but how?)
! How can religion inspire humanity towards and ecological ethos?
Keeping the Faith
! Does His Holiness leadership in the conservation of our Earth help make the Church more relevant to us as teens?
Project Generation Proceedings
Dec 20, 2010
Milestone Register for one or more segments Late entries may be accepted, but we need to know we have sufficient participation level by this date.
Jan 9, 2011
Final debate and discussion topics will be posted
Feb 5, 2011
RSE Symposium at Church of the Holy Resurrection, Brookville
! Project Generation Symposium is posted as an event ! RSVP and we ll contact you for details
World Wide Web
The old fashion way ! ! Tell us today
Project Generation Proceedings
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to visit our Facebook page: Project Generation
Thanks, BP!
Help me, Mommy!!
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation
Youth Environmental Symposium
Featuring Bishop Savas of Troas
as moderator of our discussions
Saturday, February 5, 2011 11 AM – 3PM Church of the Holy Resurrection
400 Cedar Swamp Road; Brookville, NY 11545 !
Research Projects ! Environmental Debate ! Panel Discussion
Families, Friends and Interested Spectators Welcome!! !
Gifts for attendees - Lunch will be served
To register as a participant, or for more information: Contact or visit “Project Generation” on Facebook
“There is no doubt in our mind that the only way forward is through the
!concerted effort of our younger generations. Ultimately it is you that need to
address this issue; ultimately, it is you that will be faced with the consequences of this crisis; and, ultimately, it is you that will oblige us to assume responsibility
!for the way we treat the earth and its resources, encouraging us to do so in a
manner that dignifies both creation and our Creator.”
! !
-Patriarch Bartholomew
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation on Facebook
Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation
3/20/11 8:41 AM
Project Generation A number of you yesterday asked whether the DVD we showed was available online. It is available for purchase at, but we found that someone had posted the first 7:34 on YouTube which, quite coincidentally, is one of the two excerpts that we showed during the symposium. On OrthodoxMarketplace, you can also find specific DVD's focused on many of His All Holiness' RSE Symposia. The Green Patriarch (Excerpt) An excerpt of this excellent profile of a most extraordinary spiritual leader, presented here by permission of Beckett Films. Watch the complete (40 minutes) video at ltimedia/video/green-patriarch. 283 Impressions · 1.41% Feedback February 6 at 7:49pm · Like · Comment · Share 3 people like this. Project Generation We also recommend the GreenPatriarch channel on YouTube: r/GreenPatriarch February 6 at 7:51pm · Like · 1 person Write a comment...
Project Generation Thanks to all of you who participated yesterday. It was a wonderful day, and the level of dialogue by presenters and participants was impressive. Stay tuned for proceedings, video and news of the ongoing environment efforts of His All Holiness. 251 Impressions · 1.59% Feedback February 6 at 7:04pm · Like · Comment 4 people like this. Write a comment...
Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection - Brookville, NY Just over 12 hours until the Project Generation Symposium. We look forward to welcoming His Grace Bishop Savas Zembillas, who will be leading the participants in discussion: 20-25 youth participating in person, and 5 joining us via a video link. We hope you will join us from 11-3 tomorrow for this wonderful occasion. The agenda is av... See More February 4 at 10:34pm · View Post Project Generation Tomorrow is Generation Day!!!!!!!!! We hear reports of numerous additional participants - we are thrilled to welcome you. Please RSVP at the Project Generation Symposium Facebook Event, or by e-mail to so that we have your name tags and, more importantly, enough food for lunch!!! 180 Impressions · 0% Feedback February 4 at 12:21pm · Like · Comment Project Generation Three days to go until our Symposium!!!!! If you have not yet made up your mind, we hope you will join us for the momentous event! Please RSVP to or here: Project Generation Symposium ... See More 290 Impressions · 0.34% Feedback February 2 at 10:18pm · Unlike · Comment You like this.
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Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation
3/20/11 8:41 AM Write a comment...
Project Generation In the words of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, who celebrates his birthday on Tuesday, "Come and See" Project Generation this Saturday. Happy Birthday, Your Eminence!!! Εις πολλα ετη, Δεσποτα! 278 Impressions · 0.36% Feedback January 31 at 10:45pm · Unlike · Comment You like this. Write a comment...
Project Generation We are excited to welcome four more participants from Archangel Michael, Pt. Washington!! Five days to go - we look forward to hearing from you. 287 Impressions · 0.35% Feedback January 31 at 9:29pm · Unlike · Comment You like this. Write a comment...
Project Generation We've posted the preliminary agenda on the Project Generation Symposium event page. Check it out! 287 Impressions · 0% Feedback January 30 at 11:16pm · Like · Comment Christine Marie Curry Ross How do I get one of those awesome water bottles???? January 29 at 8:38pm · Like · Comment Project Generation One week until the symposium. We're getting our giveaways and handouts ready. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP via the "Project Generation Symposium" event page here on Facebook.
301 Impressions · 0.66% Feedback January 29 at 5:14pm · Unlike · Comment · Share You and Christine Marie Curry Ross like this. Write a comment...
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Project Generation Proceedings
Project Generation Proceedings
Certificate of Participation
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no doubt in our mind that the only
way forward is through the concerted effort of
our younger generations. Ultimately it is you
that need to address this issue; ultimately, it
is you that will be faced with the
consequences of this crisis; and, ultimately,
it is you that will oblige us to assume
responsibility for the way we treat the earth
and its resources, encouraging us to do so in a manner that dignifies both creation and our Creator.â&#x20AC;? -Patriarch Bartholomew
Project Generation Certificate of participation awarded to
[Name of Participant] For the participation in the Inaugural Project Generation Environmental Symposium On the Fifth of February, 2011 Church of the Holy Resurrection; Brookville, NY ________________________________ Fr. John Vlahos