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Society editors at newspapers are on the lookout to cover events with pizazz. If you’re hosting a party, be sure to send the media special invitations, and do it as far in advance as possible, since their calendars get booked quickly.
Publicize your nonprofit event by sending calendar items to the local newspapers and magazines as well. If possible, give monthly periodicals a 3-month lead time, weeklies a month, and dailies at least 2 weeks. If your name can be tagged onto the name of the event, all the better. You’ll be mentioned every time an item is run. If not, realize that gaining publicity for the event eventually works in your favor because the more people who attend, the more who will become familiar with your services.
No matter how you donate your services to charity, be a cheerful giver. And don’t shortchange yourself or the philanthropic effort by doing things halfway because you’re not getting paid. You can win referrals if you first win hearts. Give it your all or don’t give at all.
Our next article will review “Top Self-Marketing Secrets; Give & You’ll Receive” and a new topic: How to Win Friends & Influence Referrals: Love Letters Straight from the Start continued in next issue ...