1 minute read
Fabrics, Services, Trims
A complete and updated guide listing over 2,600 nationwide suppliers of all types of domestic and imported fabrics, trims and notions, plus forecast services, swatch design studios and more for the apparel and design industries. Listings include sales manager’s name, price points, minimums, etc. Fabric and trim manufacturers, converters, jobbers and reps are listed. This sourcebook provides you with MATERIALS and sources to make your own goods.
Order No. 0971486735 $135.00
Apparel Contractors (USA Edition)
This up-to-date directory solves your production sourcing and contracting needs in the Americas. The sourcebook includes: sewing, cut-n-sew, and finishing contractors and apparel production services from within the U.S., Canada and South and Central America. All factories are sorted by clothing classification and by U.S. state or by country. This directory will help you put your own designs into production.

Order No. 0971486743 $125.00
Directory of Brand Name Apparel Manufacturers

Updated and easy-to-use directory listing brand-name label manufacturers and importers in the women’s, men’s, children’s and accessory markets. Developed and targeted for store and catalog buyers to shop the apparel and accessory markets easily, there are over 2,800 brand name labels listed, broken down by types of apparel classifications. If you are looking for the SOURCES for brand name goods, this directory is for you.
Order No. 0971486751 $135.00
RN & WPL Encyclopedia

A comprehensive listing of every Registered Number and Wool Product Label ever issued by the Federal Trade Commission to identify all sorts of goods imported, manufactured and/ or sold in the U.S. Over 126,500 records including contact information for more than 31,500 manufacturers, importers and wholesalers of apparel and textile goods. Listings include where available: RN or WPL number, contact names & titles, street addresses, phone & fax numbers, website & e-mail addresses, type of business and product information.
Order No. RN8. Directory $285
Order No. RN8C Directory/CD Combo $475