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May-June 2024 1



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B Y the editor

In this edition, we explore some topics in New Age practices that have deep roots in ancient traditions and have continued to evolve over time. Discover how common practices within the culture can enhance your manifesting skills and attract your genuine desires. Additionally, learn successful ways to apply New Age ideas in both your personal life and business. Also, explore how digital solutions are reshaping the retail business these days, and more. This movement goes beyond positive thinking and intention, many practices can focus on personal growth, self-exploration, and overall well-being. Our goal in this issue is to help you fi nd your own truth and spirituality!

Have an insightful reading,

Retailing Insight Magazine is a bimonthly trade magazine specializing in the conscious living retail market. The magazine is published exclusively for qualified retailers and small independent businesses in the United States. Our mission is to share one on business advice, product reviews, advertisement from top sellers and makers in the industry, and exclusive topics to help business continue to thrive.


Roberta Gazzarolle


Gisely Fernandes

Digital Media & Sales adsales@retailinginsight.com

Contributing Writers

Lorriane Anderson

Melinda Carver

Tracee Dunblazier

Linda Mackenzie

Royce Morales

Shantini Rajah

Jacki Smith

©2024 New Way Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. ISSN 2372-7977. Volume 38/ Issue 3/ May-June 2024. The magazine is published bimonthly/ six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) by New Way Publishing, LLC. 4117 Park Road, 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte, NC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to Retailing Insight Magazine, P.O. Box 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220.


Retailing Insight Magazine is published by New Way Publishing, LLC. P.O. Box 12252 Charlotte, NC 28220 circ@retailinginsight.com

6 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 CONTENTS 09 Seasons of the Spirit: Balancing Authenticity with Tradition 21 Spirit and Channeling: The Sacred Act of Accessing the Divine 2 4 Achieving Business Goals: Media Marketing Sections 30 CARD DECKS Traveling Around the World 1 4 BUSINESS & MARKETING Tech Tools for Triumph: Embracing Digital Solutions for Retail Success 40 TAKE 5 Five Secrets to Apply New Age Ideas Successfully 4 2 Advertiser Index Cover Image: Taryn Elliott The Art of Manifesting Anything You Want with Ease 3 Powerful Ways to Supercharge Your Manifesting Skills and Attract Your True Desires 3 5 New Age Culture P09
RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 7 24 35 P P P21 P14


New Age Culture is changing. Recent years have opened up the spiritual arts allowing them to be more inclusive and to make space for new ideas. With that comes a change in how we practice some of the traditions of old and the shifting of the seasons are no exception. Perhaps it’s a push to be more authentic or maybe the earth is changing so rapidly that the collective is also feeling out of alignment with the traditional seasons. Either way, it might be spring where you live but for some reason, you just aren’t feeling motivated enough to plant seeds and shine your light. You’re not alone. Many are feeling a deep resonance with spiritual practices that do not match the calendar.

Mystics have always been very good at honoring the shifting of the seasons, zodiac signs, sabbats and moons. We dutifully work our full and new moon rituals each month or change our altars as the next sabbat draws near. We take notice of the sun’s transits, adjusting our intentions as we go and we prepare ourselves to plant an herb garden in spring or practice shadow work in fall, using the wisdom of our ancestors as a guide.

There is a beautiful sense of alignment that happens when you follow the earth and cosmos’ energy. Afterall, who knows how to flow through the changing of seasons year after year, better than our precious earth mother? But what about those

About the Author: Lorriane Anderson is a tarot reader, astrologer, spiritual teacher, writer, and soul-based entrepreneur. Her work focuses heavily on sacred and intentional living as well as using spiritual practices as a pathway for profound healing, growth, and transformation. She is heavily influenced by her diverse lineage, bringing together healing practices from her ancestors in a practical, updated way. She owns and operates Spirit Element, a soul-based apothecary and Made with Stardust, which provides private label development and supplies for spiritual-based businesses. Her published works include the Seasons of the Witch Oracle series and The Witch’s Apothecary amongst others. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.


times when your personal season doesn’t match that of the almanac?

There may be times when you’re grieving or turning inward in spring although you know this season is normally for awakening your spirit, new beginnings, growth and abundance. Or perhaps the opposite is true and you find yourself experiencing an incredibly expansive era in winter when traditionally the feeling is to slow down, rest, and reflect. Just as nature experiences seasons of growth, abundance, decay, and renewal, so too do our internal landscapes fluctuate over time.

What I call ‘Seasons of the Spirit’ is a concept that encourages you to tune into your internal state of being, akin to the changing seasons of nature, in order to gain insight into your current emotional, mental, and spiritual landscape.

It’s important to remain humble enough to embrace the teachings that are surrounding you and to respect the traditional way of doing things but at the end of the day, your spiritual practice is your own and is about learning to be as true to yourself as possible. It’s just as important to listen to what your soul is guiding you to do. Part of that is learning to respect your spirit’s personal season even when it does not match the current season where you live. You are the expert of your own experiences and no external authority can dictate how you should feel or what season you should be in.

So how do you know if your personal season is different from the earth’s? What do you do when you find you’re experiencing a different era and need an alternative path of support? Finally, how can you respect your personal feelings while also making space for the natural rhythms of the earth and cosmos?


Mindfulness is truly the foundation of any spiritual practice whether that’s astrology or witchcraft, herbalism or meditation. And it requires nothing to get started except a willingness to observe your energy and adjust accordingly. Start by noticing how you feel and keeping a log whenever a strong feeling or thought comes to your awareness. Look for patterns such as a consistent state of motivation, curiosity, joy and new ideas which can indicate your spirit is experiencing a season of spring. Or you may find that you are often lacking clarity, feeling overwhelmed, energetically drained, or feeling the need to withdraw from society. These energies are more in alignment with winter. Don’t stop with your feelings. What do you hear? What do you feel? Pay attention to the subtle changes in your body, your dreams, and even the type of people and experiences you’re attracting. Each of these holds clues to the season you are currently traversing.

If you’re feeling stuck or unable to make sense of what you’re feeling, consider using divination practices such as pendulums, scrying or using tarot and oracle cards. Such practices bring light to what is lurking in your subconscious and provide a way for you to better understand a feeling or emotion that you haven’t been able to give a voice to.

Tarot and oracle specifically will help you to determine what season you’re in and then give practical next steps. If you’re interested in working with an oracle deck made specifically for the shifting of the seasons, consider

10 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024

working with the Seasons of the Witch Oracle Series1 which includes eight decks, one for each sabbat within the Wheel of the Year. The latest edition is Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle and supports you in working with

1 https://www.spiritelement.co/decks

There is no need to feel the pressure to be any one thing. You can be sad in one part of your life while also experiencing happiness in another part. "

the summery energies of abundance, light and happiness.


Rather than labeling certain states as “right” or “wrong,” approach each season with curiosity and openness, recognizing that each has its own unique lessons and opportunities for growth. You can acknowledge your personal cycle while also acknowledging your environment’s season, knowing the two do not need to compete with each other.

Try not to force yourself to experience energies that are not in alignment with where you are. Instead, do your best to sit with what you’re experiencing, offering it the space to teach you the lessons it has to share. If your soul is in a season of growth and new beginnings, seize the opportunity to plant seeds of intention and cultivate new possibilities. Now might be a good time to put plans into motion or to take a big risk. If you find your spirit is in a season of reflection and inner work, honor the need for solitude and introspection, trusting that this period of gestation will ultimately lead to transformation. You may spend more time at home, make self-care a bigger priority for a while, or spend more time reflecting on the past rather than seeking new opportunities for growth.

RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 11


It’s easy to view the world from your vantage point, getting caught up in the season that surrounds you. However, the earth operates on a grander scale of balance and harmony, where multiple seasons coexist simultaneously. It’s spring in the northern hemisphere and at the same time, fall in the southern hemisphere. Two seemingly competing energies are working together, side by side without getting in each other’s way.

Just as the Earth maintains balance through its diverse seasons, the celestial bodies above offer an incredible dance of harmony and synchronicity. Take, for instance, the relationship between the sun and the moon, two celestial bodies that influence our planet in profound ways. Have you noticed that the full moon is always in the sign directly opposite the sun’s transit? For example, when the sun is in Taurus, the full moon will be in Scorpio. When the sun is in Scorpio, the full moon will always be in Taurus.

You can use this idea in support of your own spiritual practice. Rather than viewing your current energy as a competing force to the earth, you can recognize it as a complementary aspect of a larger whole. Just as the spring of one hemisphere enriches the autumn of another, and the sun’s warmth finds its counterpart in the moon’s luminosity, so too can you find harmony amidst apparent contradictions.

Take some time to journal about what you’re feeling. Reflect upon it and then look at the physical season outside your door. Is your energy complimentary to the earth’s season?

Can you see an obvious balance between the two?


You may fi nd you are in an energetic space that sits between seasons. Acknowledge that transitions between cycles are natural and inevitable. Just as nature transitions gradually from one season to the next, you may experience periods of transition in your life where you move from one emotional or energetic state to another. These transitional periods can be times of uncertainty and growth, as you navigate the space between what was and what is to come.

Just like the earth, you can experience two completely different energies at one time. There is no need to feel the pressure to be any one thing. You can be sad in one part of your life while also experiencing happiness in another part. Your love life can be in a season of winter while your career is in a season of summer or both could be transitioning slowly from winter to spring. Humans are complex and more often than not, you will fi nd that it takes time to get from one season to the next.

By recognizing your personal season, you can gain valuable insights into your current needs, desires, and challenges. This awareness allows you to make conscious choices about how to best support yourself and navigate your journey with mindfulness and intention rather than relying on external authorities to determine how you express yourself. By trusting your inner wisdom and intuition when assessing your current season, you’re likely to fi nd you are much more in balance with the earth and cosmos than you realize.

12 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024


usiness & mar Ket ing


Imagine being able to run your shop from anywhere, with just a few taps on your smartphone. It’s not magic, it’s technology and you too can be this free.

As spiritual entrepreneurs, you’re all about spreading positive vibrations and helping people connect with their higher selves. But let’s be real, managing a bustling retail space can be a whirlwind of tasks – from inventory tracking to customer engagement and beyond. Let’s get you some

positive vibes with digital solutions that will free up more time for connecting with your higher self.

Embracing the right digital tools can work wonders, streamlining operations and freeing up your precious energy to focus on what really matters: your passion, your customers and growing your business. So, let’s dive into the digital toolbox and uncover the gems that can elevate your retail business to new heights of success!

14 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024
About the Author: Jacki Smith is the co-owner of Coventry Creations. Her passion for personal empowerment and small business has been the driving force in her success and her journey of lifelong learning. Jacki is a regular contributor to the magazine and loves sharing her experience, successes, and cautionary tales.
May-June 2024

The Omni-Channel Experience

Meeting customers where they are –online, in-store, and everywhere in between – is the key to creating an exceptional shopping experience. An omni-channel approach allows you to build a seamless journey for your customers, whether they’re browsing your products online, visiting your physical store, or engaging with you on social media.

Even if you’re a brick-and-mortar store, having an online presence is crucial these days - many customers check you out online before they venture into your store. A user-friendly website is your digital storefront, while social media platforms help you connect with your community and showcase your latest offerings. You can even consider listing your products on online marketplaces to expand your reach further.

The goal is to create a cohesive brand experience by integrating the messaging and experience on all your digital customer interfaces. You can implement tools that allow customers to browse your inventory online and then buy in-store (or vice-versa) or enable features like buy online/ pick up in-store (BOPIS) or buy in-store, ship to customer. Brands like Energy Muse, Tiny Rituals, Aum Shanti Bookshop and Soul Flower



Immerse yourself in the latest from over 350 exhibitors unveiling innovative products, newest trends and customer favorites. Mark your calendar for the August WESA Trade Show.

Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your retail experience!

have mastered the art of omni-channel retail, offering a consistent experience across their websites, social platforms, and physical stores.

It can be challenging for a small business to maintain a consistent brand voice and experience across multiple platforms. Don’t try and take it all on at once, step into this with intention. The magic formula is to have a clear strategy, targeted channels, and dedicated resources for managing your online presence effectively.


16 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024

Inventory Management Made Easy

No more crystal ball gazing to know what’s in stock, or worse yet, run out of a best seller during your peak selling times. A robust inventory management system is a must-have for any retailer juggling number of product lines it takes to fill a store. With real-time tracking capabilities, you’ll always know exactly what’s available, what needs reordering, and what’s selling like hotcakes.

Point of Sale systems make inventory management a breeze, even for the tech averse. They offer features like automatic reordering, insights into top-selling products and trends, and even integration with your ecommerce platform. Say goodbye to stockouts and overstocked shelves! Say hello to time saved by not having to manually update the inventory on your website.

But what’s the time commitment on setting this up? Setting up an inventory management system can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large existing inventory. Plan for dedicated time to input all your product data, train staff, and integrate with other systems like your accounting software. If you tackle it step by step, you can manifest time.

Uplifting Customer Connections

In the spiritual retail world, building meaningful connections with your customers is paramount. Thankfully, technology can help forge these bonds in new and exciting ways.

Start by using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to store customer details, preferences, and purchase history. This allows you to send personalized email and SMS campaigns, reminding them of new arrivals or upcoming events they might enjoy based on their interests. Some POS systems have built-in CRM’s that also integrate with your e-commerce site, allowing you to see any one customer’s habits online and in the store.

Online appointment scheduling is another game-changer, enabling customers to book readings, workshops, or other services directly from your website or social channels. Again, some POS systems have modules you can buy and integrate. There are also standalone Apps like Mindbody, Acuity Scheduling and Calendly that seamlessly integrate with your digital calendar, eliminating the back-andforth of finding a mutually convenient time.

Don’t underestimate the power of an engaging social media presence, too. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok offer opportunities to build a vibrant community around your brand while showcasing your latest products and sharing inspirational content. Remember, social media is your digital storefront. Many shoppers peek at the wisdom of your

In continuous print since its publication more than 75 years ago, Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi stands as one of the timeless go-to books for millions of seekers and yoga enthusiasts around the world. With far-seeing wisdom, the truths revealed in this book offer a potent message of hope for our time.

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RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 17
THIS BOOK has introduced millions
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social media before they make the trip to your store. They are looking for consistency between your social media channels, your website and the in-store experience.

Also, don’t leave reviews and feedback to the chance of chaos. Collecting customer feedback and reviews are easy on social media, or you can take it up a notch with apps that can be added to your website that promote customer reviews. Positive reviews can work wonders for attracting new customers and boosting your online presence.

Customer engagement is a different band of magic these days and deserves focus and dedication. It goes beyond a few posts and flows right into maintaining an active social media presence and responding promptly to customer inquiries. Socials are now considered part of your customer service process. Consider delegating these tasks to a dedicated staff member or outsourcing to a virtual assistant or agency.

Apps like QuickBooks make invoicing and accounting a breeze, while cloud storage providers like Google Drive or Dropbox ensure your important fi les are backed up and accessible from anywhere. For team communication and task management, messaging apps like Slack facilitate collaboration and keep everyone on the same page.

While going paperless and adopting cloud-based solutions can save time in the long run, the initial setup and data migration can be time-consuming. Schedule dedicated blocks to set up new systems, train staff, and transition from legacy processes.

The Future is Bright

As the world continues to evolve, so too will the technology that powers your retail business. Keep an eye on emerging trends like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) shopping experiences, as well as the rise of AI assistants that can enhance customer service.

Running a Lean (and Green) Operation

Going digital doesn’t just streamline your processes; it’s also an opportunity to run a more eco-friendly business. Start by ditching the paper trails and embracing e-receipts, digital invoicing, and cloud-based storage solutions.

But you don’t need to implement every shiny new tool that comes along. Focus on solutions that align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience. Attend workshops, webinars, and network with fellow retailers to stay in the loop on the latest retail tech trends. Tap into your local SBA office, Chamber or community college, AI and tech classes for small business owners are on steady rotation and most often are free

Most importantly, maintain an open mindset and willingness to adapt. The businesses that will thrive and

weather the changing market are those that embrace innovation and continuously seek ways to improve their operations and customer experience.

But keep in mind, trying to implement too many new technologies at once can lead to overwhelm, inefficiencies and even abandoning the idea. Take a strategic approach, prioritizing the solutions that will have the most significant impact on your business.

Don’t let the tech revolution pass you by! By harnessing the power of digital solutions, you can manifest a more streamlined, connected, and sustainable retail business. Remember, technology is simply a tool to enhance your magic, not replace it. Your passion, intuition, and human touch will always be the heart and soul of your metaphysical venture.

Go boldly into the digital realm, knowing that these tools can free up your energy to focus on what you do best: spreading light, love, and higher vibrations throughout the universe. The path to retail triumph awaits.

18 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024
RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 19 FOLLOW US! @rockpoolpublishing Distributed in Nth America by Simon & Schuster US The new generation of Oracle & Tarot


For as long as there have been humans evolving on this planet, there have been sacred mysteries. A relationship with the self so taboo, it turned away the average crowd. A desire so potent it changes the lens through which one will look. One such sacred mystery is communicating with the Divine.

The art of channeling has challenged the reality of those who fi nd themselves in alignment with the masses; for it takes enormous courage to move beyond what is known into the unseen realms. The simple act of surrendering traditions, beliefs, feelings, and ideals that restrict the soul is left for the uncommon.

About the Author: Tracee Dunblazier GC-C , a Los Angeles-based grief counselor, spiritual empath, shaman, and 38-time international award-winning author and publisher at GTP. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee’s blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities, has provided the opportunity for thousands to achieve deep healing and cultivate the success and peace they seek in their lives. Tracee is President of the Coalition of Visionary Resources, the trade organization for the Mind, Body, Spirit Industry. Her latest books are Transformative Grief: An Ancient Ritual of Healing for Modern Times and Your Crystal Allies series — books and oracle card deck.

RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 21
22 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 MILK AND HONEY presents Tel: 800.779.7491 Fax: 505.474.7676 milkandhoneyinc@yahoo.com www.milkandhoneyinc.com
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What is divinity, you might ask? It is the next unique vibration outside the realm of familiar, for each individual who hears the Sirens call. The higher the frequency, the deeper the expansion into the inner world, and the more inclusive one will become as they will begin to do what it takes to embrace themselves, others, the planet, and cosmos that sustain them. It is impossible not to see the interconnectedness of all things through such a wide lens.

Each of the energy centers of the bodies auric field serve as portals to this divine wisdom—accessing, retrieving, and interpreting the information through its vibrational scope. The spirit, mind, body, and emotions will interpret each message with a unique vision, but it is through the heart that balance heaven and Earth, and where universal Truth will prevail.

The physical body plays a keen role in anchoring the vibration one will connect to while channeling. No matter the density of light or shadow, each has powerful information to communicate. The root chakra (energy center) tells stories of survival and endurance. The sacral chakra reveals the kaleidoscope of emotion that paints the current picture. The third chakra (solar plexus) accesses selfempowerment and self-realization information. The heart chakra is the celestial thoroughfare through which the Divine can be embodied. The throat chakra is the voice of the vision. The sixth primary energy center is the non-emotional investigator that witnesses and visualizes a timeline. The final, primary energy center is the crown chakra — it is the door to higher wisdom. The chakra through which one predominantly channels information will be reflected through the balance of the physical body.

Of course, there are many more energy centers (more than 100) that

channel specific vibrations and govern different aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. None, more valuable than the others, only with different work to do in service to clearing the body of unneeded energy, informing what is currently being navigated, and connecting to the collective. Everyone channels in some way. You may connect to it through instinct (sacral), taking things personally (solar plexus), intuitively (sixth chakra), through the energy of compassion (heart), or through the crown chakra which allows for cosmic connection.

What becomes important about our human ability to channel, is our proficiency in interpreting and communicating the information in a useful way—so that all may benefit. Much of our personal instinct or intuition is meant for navigating life situations, being safe, and taking good care of ourselves. Once one has mastered their own selfcare, their access to deeper information about nurturing others and the planet will be discovered. And, as they become accountable for the information they receive in a palpable way, their own confidence will create the opportunity to become skillful in vocalizing the needs that arise, or the beliefs of the collective.

This is not to imply that a talented channel is universally good or accurate. They may be truthful in their beliefs and a reflection of their milieu. The same information is available to

us all, and it is within our personal value systems and through our biases that we retrieve the facts revealed by our own lens. It is this frequency of channeling (fear, dominance, separation, and exclusion) that is often transmitted and received through repetitive marketing to the masses. Make up a fact, say it over and over, and soon many will believe it to be true.

Within the heart, initiations are revealed that become the antidote to this frequency of fear, and to discerning an individual’s most powerful path, the path of Truth and unity. If you are one who has, on some level, chosen the spiritual journey—awareness, healing, and integrating multiple lines of information into usable wisdom is the practice, while peace, balance, and stability are the goals. Let breath and color become your muses, and your ancestors and angels become your guides on this amazing adventure.

RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024 | 23


Media Marketing is comprised of many forms of advertising and is the process of creating desirable products or services and distributing them in such a way that increases their charisma. I will not be giving all the methods but have tried to cull the best media marketing for retail stores, publishers and product makers.

Media Marketing encompasses a wide range of activities. It includes media relations, identifying correct advertising and media platforms, content creation, media management, event coordination, campaign planning, analysis and measurement, and more. You can hire people like an advertising agency, PR agent, social media marketers, SEO expert, videographer, graphic artist, etc., to do all of it or just certain pieces and parts. However, you certainly can do it yourself just make sure you

research each option to optimize your time and money.

Types of Media Marketing

1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an overarching term for any kind of promotional

About the Author: Linda Mackenzie, Founder/GM of Creative Health & Spirit, a media and publishing company, which includes HealthyLife.net—Positive Talk Radio is a globally known radio/TV psychic, bio-energetic healer and award-winning author who appeared on almost all TV networks and in several award winning documentaries. After 23 years, her 4th book Symbols of You: A Self-Discovery Reference Guide was released last year, and her latest title Total Mind-Body Spirt Weight Loss released in January 2024. Both titles are available at New Leaf, Ingram or your favorite supplier.

24 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024
May-June 2024 25

Get Your Tarot Buzz!

activity that leverages the internet as the messaging channel. Accordingly, even two different marketing tactics, like SEM, SEO and PPC are considered digital marketing.

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) divides messaging into two categories: organic and paid results. Organic results are pages that a search engine like Google fi nds, crawls, and indexes. This organic results position can’t be bought, but can be influenced through content marketing and SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) improves the quality of your website key words, pages, etc to increase website traffic from search engines.

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Pay Per Click (PPC) are paid for results. Businesses pay search engine companies to take part in a bid competing for the best ad placement.

2. Online Marketing

Email, influencer marketing and even online newspapers and magazines are considered online marketing.

Email marketing is any kind of marketing messaging done through the channel of email. That said, email marketing is not just sending emails. It involves: Building a permission based email list. Creating and

26 | RETAILING INSIGHT May-June 2024
Bee Tarot Good Fortune Tarot Barbara Moore
1-800-THE-MOON Llewellyn.com Publishing for the Body, Mind, Spirit Since 1901 Both decks feature linen-finish cards and a full-colorguidebook printed with soy-based ink on FSC paper.

sending emails to your email list and monitoring the results.

Influencer marketing is the practice of working with influential people to promote brands, products, or services. Unless its a movie star or rock star don’t waste your time and money. Influencer marketing is no longer the ‘in’ thing since influencers can and most do buy their audiences for numbers who are not actually active with them or their sites.

Social media marketing is the use of social media like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to market a company’s products or services. The goal of social media is to grow an audience and engage with them. This leads to increased brand awareness, website traffic and, hopefully sales. Social media marketing involves a mix that includes publishing content, responding to comments and running social media ads.

Content Marketing is the process of creating content and distributing it to draw and retain customers. Content marketing is usually practiced as a form of inbound marketing, where the content offers a solution to a problem that a prospect is researching. Some popular types of content marketing are:

ɉ Blog articles

ɉ Webinars

ɉ Videos

ɉ Your own podcasts or radio shows

Interestingly enough Social Media advertising is touted as a ‘must have’ but that is mostly by social media marketing companies and social media sites. In fact, a Kantar Media 2023 survey found that Marketers DID LIKE online video ads, influencers, social media ads and social media

content stories. But the actual global consumer DID NOT like, nor respond to, online mobile, social media ads, online display ads, video streaming ads, newspaper ads or music streaming ads. The consumers even consciously and actively avoided them.

3. Offline Marketing

Offline marketing is when an advertisement or article is published in a newspaper, magazine or sent by direct mail instead of email.

Newspapers. Many large and small businesses use newspaper advertising. It is particularly helpful to reach a particular geographic market. Especially since many stores generate most of their sales from consumers within a 10-mile radius. Ads can be inserted quickly and many supermarkets and service companies use newspapers as a means of advertising.

Magazines. Because most magazines are distributed nationally magazine advertising is great for products that are distributed nationwide. Consumer Magazine target the consumer. Industry magazines target are more for product companies who want to reach bigger quantity sales to retailers, wholesalers and distributors.

Direct Mail. Direct mail marketing is print advertising or content delivered physically to a person’s mailbox through the United States Postal Service, UPS or other delivery service. Direct mail letters, flyers, catalogs, and postcards are common examples.

Remember when trying to pitch an article (whether about you or written by you) building and nurturing

relationships with journalists, editors, and influencers takes time and effort, sometimes hiring a reputable PR firm with contacts and relationships can help save you time and money.


Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to “pull customers in” with useful and relevant content. It hopes to create a situation where the potential customer who is looking to solve a problem finds your company is the solution. A company pushes a message about a product out by cold calls, direct mail and most forms of advertising. Outbound marketing tries to raise awareness of a product or inspire actions (e.g., buying, subscribing, visiting a shop) among the target audience regardless of their interest.

5. Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing tries to reach the customer with a message that “interrupts” (e.g., TV ads, radio,) their flow of thought to introduce new products, services that can help the consumer identify with and solve a problem. Outbound marketing is designed to reach masses of people, rather than a small direct group.

Radio. an advantage of radio advertising is that it is an emotional buy that talks directly to the audience. Most radio stations serve a local audience, however, internet radio

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networks can reach local, national and global audiences. Remember the particular type of music or other content on each radio station attracts consumers with similar interests so can reach a particular target market. Usually radio stations and network create the actual ad, both copy and voice, for free.

Television. Television ads talk to the audience and provide a visual effect. Ads can be aired either local or national. Verizon or AT&T will usually run a commercial more than 20 times in a given week. Although television ads are expensive, they reach a large audience and can be highly effective. Some of the streaming networks such as Roku and Netflix can actually be affordable -- but remember you have to pay for the creation of the video for the commercial.

It’s interesting to note that radio, podcasts and similar forms of audio content are a popular way to reach consumers, and we’re likely to see more businesses use audio channels. More in-depth information about affordable radio and TV advertising opportunities will be coming in your next Retailing Insight issue.

OUT Of Home Ads (OOH)

Out of home ads (OOH) can be found outside of a consumer’s home. This includes billboards, benches, bus stop shelters, on cars, trucks, trains and everything in-between. If you see an ad that is not on your mobile and it’s outside of your home then you’re seeing an OOH which relies on static images like printed vinyl and posters that stay the same.

Digital Out of Home Ads (DOOH)

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is the tech-savvy counterpart of OOH outdoor media. Think

changing Times Square billboards – hundreds of thousands of outdoor ad opportunities that can are made in real-time.  Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) has ushered in a new type of advertising channel.

Typical large-format screens include: highway billboards, On bus or train screens, Bus shelters and outdoor digital walls. Place-based locations include: Office buildings, Malls, Gas stations, Gyms, Restaurants, Bars and Universities. Point–of-purchase screens include: Large company retailers, Convenience stores, Grocery stores and Liquor stores.

DOOH is making waves in the advertising world. They have an impressive 82% ad recall and has had a 24.2% growth in 2023.

Event or Experience Marketing

Event or Experience marketing is a way to use events to communicate with a target audience to promote products or services. The goal is to create a memorable experience by interacting with a brand, product or service. It could be as simple as trying a product or watching a demonstration. But it could also be watching a concert or attending a new product launch, seminar, conference or networking event.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

Word-of-mouth marketing is when consumers talk about your service or product with their friends, family or other close relationships. The best WOMM strategies include being credible, trustworthy, respectful, honest and repeatable. It helps by having a product or service that goes beyond a consumer’s expectations, having great customer service, being responsive to a customer’s needs and

providing some form of exclusive offers for your product or service. It’s all about creating buzz.

In 2015 Nielsen study revealed that 83% of respondents from 60 countries trusted recommendations from friends and family. But when a recommendation came from an opinion posted online, the trust ratio went down to 66%.

Final Insights

It is interesting to note that just because the web, marketers and the marketing industry show or suggest something they think is relevant for you to gain consumer awareness and ultimately get a purchase, that actual consumers might not actually think the same way.

A Kantar Media study found last year that global consumers liked and ranked the following as what they want, like and buy the most from:

1. Sponsored Events

2. Cinema/TV/Radio Ads (not Podcast ads)

3. Out Of Home Ads (OOH)

4. Point Of Sale Ads

5. Digital Out of Home Ads (DOOH)

6. Industry/Consumer Specific Magazine Ads

As far as Social Media Consumer Preference: Amazon, Google, TikTok, and Instagram.

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Thrill Customers with Explorations of These Three Civilizations

As explorers and merchants traveled across regions and into new countries and continents, they were exposed to new thought patterns and beliefs. Enthralled and enlightened by the culture of those they discovered on these journeys, they in turn shared these exciting pathways with their own people upon returning home. Our New Age consciousness was formed from these various cultural and religious beliefs from around the world. As the merchant, you may enthrall your own explorers by introducing them to these divination decks.



Published by Rockpool Publishing ISBN: 9781922579485 36 cards, 128 page book $24.95

Vibrantly illustrated art by de Oxóssi transports the Orishas into your home. The 16 main Odus (Gods and Goddesses) are featured on two-cards each with their positive and negative aspects. The book provides detailed guidance and rituals to perform to bring their magic alive for the seeker’s blessings. Direct your Orishas followers to this beautiful deck.

About the Author: Melinda Carver is a spiritual business expert and an award-winning author, psychic medium and speaker. She has appeared on TV, radio, podcasts, corporate events, expos, and stores. She is the president of the Church of Radiant Lights located in Cleveland, OH. To know more, visit: www.melindacarver.com

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Helena Elias

Published by Rockpool Publishing

ISBN: 9781922785350

78 cards, 128 page book


The Greek Gods, Goddesses and Titans come to life in this absolutely lush and stunning art by Elias. They are featured on all of the cards (except for 13). Elias’ deck infuses their ancient divine wisdom with the messages of the RWS style of Tarot. The full-color book features the pantheon in all of their glory, providing deep insights to each of the featured mythological beings. Mythology buffs and travelers will adore this gorgeous deck.


Sabina Espinet

Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

ISBN: 9781646711024

44 cards, 112 page book


Colorful pre-Columbian imagery and folk art introduces you to the people, animals, and symbols of the region. Each card is titled in Spanish and English. Espinet’s book delves deeper into the cultural meanings and ancestral connections for the seeker’s healing journey. Shamanic students and energy healers can use this deck in their healing practices.

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3 Powerful Ways to Supercharge Your Manifesting Skills and Attract Your True Desires

“Manifesting” has been a big part of New Age culture for many years now. Remember back in the 2000s when Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie The Secret swept through the world of personal development and spirituality? At that time, thousandsmaybe even millions - of people were excited to learn more about the Law of Attraction, and everyone seemed to be manifesting something or other. But things have changed since then. Many manifesting enthusiasts have

discovered - much to their dismaythat chanting positive affi rmations, doing lots of visualizations, or investing time and energy in creating the “perfect” vision board doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll successfully manifest everything on that board.

If you’ve seen mixed results or experienced blocks and challenges in your manifesting journey, the fi rst thing to know is you’re not doing anything wrong.

About the Author: Shantini Rajah is a writing and manifesting mentor and she loves helping conscious entrepreneurs fi nd their true voice and manifest a life and business they love. Shantini has worked with some of the biggest names in personal growth, including Mindvalley, Mindvalley o, and Donna Eden. Shantini’s writing has been featured in ELLE, AirAsia’s Travel 3Sixty, Forbes, Inc., Elephant Journal, Thrive Global, Harper’s Bazaar, Hay House Books, and more. Visit her at shantinirajah.com

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You see, there’s a piece of the manifesting puzzle that most people don’t know about: becoming a masterful manifestor isn’t so much about what you are doing but who you are being. When you tune into who you are and what you really want and learn to accept and love all of yourself, your ability to manifest becomes boundless.

The following are 3 tried-and-tested ways you can implement right away to rise above the pitfalls of “mainstream manifesting methods,” supercharge your manifesting skills and start attracting your true desires with ease.

1. Recognize Your True Desires

Most people don’t realize that desire has two faces - true desire and false desire. True desires are purely yours. They arise from deep within, and they’re what you really want. On the other hand, false desires come from external sources such as family or societal expectations and are usually seeded in our hearts and minds early in our lives.

False desires can feel like true desires, but they’re not! For instance, you might believe you want to manifest a life partner and start a family, but it could be something your parents want for you, not what you want for yourself.

So, how can you tell the difference between true and false desires? You know it’s a true desire when you feel genuinely excited about what you want to manifest. When it’s a false desire, you’ll experience resistance, which usually shows up as one or more uncomfortable emotions like fear, doubt, anxiety, or even anger.

Here’s a quick practice you can do to tell the difference between true and false desires: begin by placing your hands over your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Next, bring your attention to your emotions. Circling

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back to our earlier example, state what you want to manifest out loud:

“I want to manifest a life partner and start a family.”

If you feel agitated, worried, or there’s a feeling of heaviness around your heart chakra, it’s a false desire, but if you feel enthusiastic, open, expansive, or there’s a sense of lightness around your heart chakra, you’ve landed on a true desire.

Knowing how to recognize your true desires gives you crystal clarity on what you want. When you focus on calling in desires that are truly yours, your manifesting journey will become joyful, easy, and a lot more fun.

The following exercise can help you safely “speak” with your Secret Shadow so you can begin to open your heart to this rejected part of yourself and heal through the magical energy of profound self-love and acceptance.

First, find a quiet corner where you will be undisturbed. Have a pen or pencil and a notebook or journal handy. Set your intention for this exercise by saying the following words to yourself or out loud.

I wish to recognize and reconcile with my Secret Shadow with a heart full of love and acceptance.

Now open your journal to a fresh page, or use a fresh sheet in a notebook, pick up your pen, and state this question out loud:

My dear Secret Shadow, what would you like me to know?

2. Love Your Secret Shadow

The Secret Shadow is the part of you that feels unacceptable and unlovable—essentially, the things you say, do, and think that you believe are bad or wrong. It is a fusion of rejected emotions like conceit, greed, or envy and behaviors you believe are sneaky, stingy, or abhorrent in some way.

When we dismiss our Secret Shadow or try to pretend it doesn’t exist, we’re really practicing self-rejection, which is the opposite of self-love. It takes an enormous amount of energy to hide the Secret Shadow, energy that blocks us from connecting with who we truly are.

Start writing anything that enters your consciousness. Don’t give yourself time to think. Just write and keep writing without pause or judgment no matter what comes through, including painful, unexpected, or unpleasant thoughts, memories, insights, or emotions.

You can stop writing when nothing else flows into your mind and heart or when you feel complete. When you’re done, sit quietly for a moment and declare the following out loud:

I love you [insert your own name].

I love you wholly and completely I love you, my Secret Shadow

I love that which is my Light, and I love that which is Secret Shadow

Give yourself a moment to let the words sink in as you allow love to rise

in your heart. Follow your declaration with these healing words, which are from the ancient Lovingkindness meditation and mantra:

May I be happy and free from suffering

May I be safe from harm

May I be healthy, peaceful, and strong

May I live with ease

You can do this powerful exercise as many times as you want, knowing that each time you do it, you’re giving yourself permission to fully love all of yourself without holding back.

Embracing your Secret Shadow in this way will quickly unblock stuck energy and amplify your ability to manifest your true desires. You’ll also experience beautiful “side effects,” including more love and joy flowing into your life, genuine inner peace, and a sense of calm confidence when it comes to speaking up for yourself and asking for what you want in all aspects of your life.

3. Practice Radical Receiving

One of the most effective ways to manifest your true desires easily is to

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learn to receive with an open heart. Unfortunately, for most people—especially those of us who come from cultures and societies that value independence and self-reliance—the simple act of receiving can feel wildly uncomfortable and stressful.

We are taught to get things done on our own and without “bothering” other people, so we feel comfortable giving to others but supremely awkward when it’s time to receive. But when we fail to actively practice our inborn right to receive, we interrupt the flow of energies that sustain the delicate balance of our personal energy system. All things in nature exist in this balance. Where there is winter, there is summer; where there is starlight, there is sunlight; and where there is giving, there must be receiving. When we give without receiving, we disrupt this balance and unknowingly obstruct our ability to manifest. That’s where Radical Receiving comes in!

Radical Receiving is a playful yet powerful practice with one fundamental goal: fi nding reasons, excuses, and opportunities to receive. Receive compliments, support, love, praise, and gifts—even big or expensive ones that might make you feel uncomfortable—with a simple thank you from the heart.

Whatever happens, do your best to avoid saying things like “Oh, that’s okay. I can do this on my own,” or “You shouldn’t have,” or “It’s too

expensive” when someone gives to you. Not only is this likely to disappoint and frustrate the person who was kind enough to think of you and your needs, but the Universe hears you saying, “No thanks, I don’t want to receive. Don’t give me anything,” and that’s defi nitely not what we want to communicate to our all-powerful manifesting ally!

As you continue practicing Radical Receiving, your personal energy will become magnetic, and all good things, including your true desires, will flow to you easily.

So often, we experience sporadic success in our manifesting journey because most mainstream manifesting tools and techniques have very little to do with tuning into a state of being

But when you shift from doing allthe-things to manifest what you want to fully loving yourself and tuning into being who you are, you’ll fi nd that your true desires arise in your reality with almost no effort on your part. Try it - you’ll see that it works like magic!

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As an indie shop owner, do you committedly utilize New Age strategies to enhance your business? Do you spend time stating affirmations, setting intentions, visualizing success as you stare at vision boards hanging over your desk? Has it worked consistently, or do you sometimes slam against a brick wall, circling back to traditional business approaches dejectedly?

Decades ago, when I formally embarked on my exploration of spirituality and metaphysics, I dove headlong into all that New Age philosophy championed. As a confused, frustrated young adult, I desperately wanted this unconventional understanding of life to be true to its claims. Devoting myself whole-heartedly to its techniques, my goals were to manifest all my desires, fixing my less-than-ideal existence.

Battling my innate skeptical mind, my longing to believe these

optimistic dogmas won out. Since these enlightening, eclectic teachings sprang from ancient esoteric doctrines made palatable for a new generation of seekers, I trusted them.

Years later when I opened my shop, I utilized every suggested practice, simultaneously presenting them in my spiritually based, transformational courses.

Following the ascribed methods to a tee, sometimes I achieved results and sometimes I didn’t. My shop would struggle along no matter how many affirmations I stated. (Confession: I felt like a failure, especially observing others’ successful manifestations. I judged myself harshly. Did I not follow directions correctly?).

Figuring I wasn’t alone, my new mission arrived: Discovering why some techniques don’t always work. Here are some:


New Age spirituality presents many universal truths that are widely accepted in most disciplines. Core tenets such as “everything happens for a reason” and “it’s all good” are true, empowering, and offer comfort during challenging times, but make sure to blend those truths with feeling your natural human emotions so they don’t get suppressed and stuck.

Recognize and acknowledge your fears and concerns while simultaneously knowing that those statements are truths.

About the Author: Royce Morales is a former shop owner and founder of Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually based empowering program that neutralizing the origins of subconscious triggers. Royce is also the author of three books all available on Amazon. To know more, visit: www.roycemorales.com

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The “Law of Attraction” is a recurrent focus in New Age spirituality. The basic premise is: What you focus on, you attract, so stay focused on possibilities. This encourages positive thinking and goal-setting clarity.

Since this removes the natural desire to blame others or life when something doesn’t happen, self-criticism and guilt can be natural byproducts when something doesn’t manifest. That can be more destructive than constructive.

Spend time delving inside to understand why something didn’t manifest. Was there a subconscious belief convincing that you didn’t deserve? Or a spiritual lesson you needed to learn? Was fear or ego involved?

Remember: On a higher consciousness level, you’ve chosen every aspect of your life. It takes patience to see and understand why. And yes … everything does happen for a reason.


New Age spirituality reminds us that humans are evolving into higher states of consciousness. This global evolution is reconnecting us with our divinity, eventually establishing peace on earth.

This is inspiring and gives hope to the future of humanity. If this is part of your path, don’t get caught up feeling superior to those not as “evolved,” or feel anxious as to whether you’re evolving correctly and fast enough.

Awakening is usually an ongoing, gradual journey, peeling off layers, leading to subtle shifts. It’s not a race. Letting go of attachments to the physical world, rising above survival consciousness, takes dedicated work. Plus, having a non-attached attitude as a business owner involved with selling physical things can be challenging.

Evolution is about being mindful of your triggers and lessons as well as the beauty in everyday experiences. Everything that happens is designed to awaken you, but only if you notice it.

Compare it to the consistent, dayto-day transactions going on in your shop versus a blow-out sale. Yes, the numbers might be higher, but it’s the steady selling that adds up at the end of the year.


New Age doctrines claim that maintaining a positive, grateful attitude will attract positive experiences. Yes, optimism is beneficial, but beware of “toxic positivity” – suppressing, bypassing or invalidating emotions or fears because they don’t fit into that positive box (AKA faking it).

Those feelings and thoughts are not saboteurs; they simply need to be felt, understood, and completed. Embracing emotions prevents them from running havoc inside you, often coming out inappropriately and in reactive ways.


New Age confirms that everything, including thoughts and emotions, carries vibrational frequencies. Higher frequencies equal positivity

and enlightenment; lower frequencies are negativity and fear-based survival consciousness.

While this perspective can inspire mindfulness and self-awareness, it can also encourage judging others based on their perceived vibrational level. This attitude promotes avoiding and struggling against those “low vibe” situations, another route to stress.

Buttons show a magnifying mirror of something you’re denying about yourself. Needing to run from something you judge as low vibe, just means there’s something you don’t want to see or admit about yourself.

Recognizing what’s being reflected can shift a low vibe into a high vibe instantly. That can certainly assist during employee and/or customer conflicts. In other words, so-called low vibes are your best teachers!

New Age spirituality emphasizes healing, releasing traumas, forgiving, gratefulness and making peace with your past to move forward. This idea is crucial since holding onto the past keeps you stuck and disempowered, both in life and in business. Find a method that helps you do that.

Keep in mind that, like constantly changing your displays, you are not a project needing relentless fixing. It’s equally important to adopt selfacceptance, wherever you are on your journey, even with those so-called imperfections. You deserve to be a conscious, empowered, and purposeful business owner. Know that the Universe wants that for you as well.

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