Food Ireland 2011

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Serving The Irish Food & Drink Industry “To support the tradition of excellence in Irish food enshrined in the phrase, ‘Rogha gach bia agus togha gach di”, by providing information, analysis and a forum for shared experience to those who shape the Irish food industry”. Food Ireland’s mission statement.












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Minister’s Foreword

Encouraging Signs for 2011 Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Brendan Smith TD,introduces the Food Ireland Yearbook and Directory and predicts the key ingredients for growth in the year ahead.


as the world population will reach 8 billion by 2025, diets are changing in Asian economies and mature economies are seeing strong demand for premium and functional foods, offering value for money and health properties.

am delighted to introduce the Food Ireland Yearbook and Directory for 2010/2011, which remains an indispensable reference for the Irish food and drink industry. The Irish food and drinks industry plays a central role in our economy, drawing on our natural resources, accounting for 16% of total industrial output, gross value added of some €7 billion, 8.5 % of national employment and nearly a third of our net export earnings from primary and manufacturing sectors.

Food Harvest 2020 Report The Food Harvest 2020 report, which was published in July, sets out a strategic vision for the agri-food, fisheries and forestry sectors, together with smart, green growth targets, including :

• Increasing the value of Signs of primary output by €1.5 billion; Improvement Brendan Smith TD, Minister for Agriculture, Following an extremely • Increasing value-added Fisheries and Food. challenging 2009, some in the sector by €3 billion; encouraging signs of • Achieving €12 billion improvement in the trading climate emerged in 2010. in exports for the sector, that is 42% above the Volatility in international commodity prices eased, a 2007-2009 average; relatively strong Dollar and Sterling worked in our • Increasing milk production by 50% and adding favour, and food and drink companies became more 20% to the value of the beef sector. competitive and adapted to opportunities in a very changed economic environment. The industry put in The growth targets set out in the report are ambia robust export performance, resulting in the value tious but achievable. The success of the strategy will of meat, dairy, beverages, seafood and live animals require a high level of commitment and collaboration exports all increasing. from all players in the food sector, as well as real The longer term outlook for agri-food is encourdetermination to take the definite steps required to aging. Global demand for food is expected to grow, ensure that we achieve these targets 3 food ireland

Minister’s Foreword

Current Trends

Among the trends noted in the report are increased consumer interest in the environment, animal welfare and sustainable production. Production of high quality products using environmentally sustainable production methods is a potential area where the excellence in Irish food and beverage products can provide a competitive advantage, provided that it is clearly demonstrated how Irish products meet internationally recognised standards. Facing into another challenging year in 2011, businesses that deepen their understanding of market opportunities and their own strengths, that adapt business processes and acquire new skills, that consider new forms of partnership in research, development and innovation and in the supply chain generally, will be better placed to engage with customers on the particular qualities of their products and build an Ireland brand.

Call For Research Proposals In recognition of the importance of research and innovation in advancing the knowledge targets for the agri-food sector outlined in Food Harvest 2020, my Department launched a €10m call for research proposals across its competitive food,

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agriculture and forestry research programs in autumn 2010. It is expected the outputs of this research will contribute towards delivering on a number of the targets in the Report. A new Department publication, ‘Research News’, designed to give an overview and update to researchers of EU and international research funding opportunities, is available on our website The Irish food and drinks industry has shown itself to be resilient and able to change in response to new challenges. An approach on the lines set out in Food Harvest 2010 will, I believe, best position the Irish Food and drinks sector to grow sustainably and reap the benefits of increasing global demand for food. I wish you all a busy and prosperous 2011. Le gach dea- mhéin Brendan Smith TD Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food.

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15/12/10 14:49:

F o o d L a b e ll i n g

New Labelling Laws on the Way Food lawyer Raymond O’Rourke reports on the latest


developments in EU food labelling rules.

he European Commission published in January 2008 its proposals for changes to EU food labelling laws in the light of its public consultation on the subject in 2006. The new Commission proposal merges, while at the same time amending, Directive 2000/13/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs and Council Directive 90/496/EEC of September 24, 1990, on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs. The proposal has been introduced under the Co-Decision procedure, which consists of two readings before the European Parliament. The first reading was adopted by the Parliament in June 2010 and contains many important changes to the Commission’s original proposal. In the case of Ireland, probably the most important change of the Parliament was to reject the position of the Commission’s proposal that an origin declaration was only mandatory when its absence would mislead the consumer. The Parliament agreed that origin labelling would be compulsory for the following: meat, poultry, dairy products, fresh fruit & vegetables, and meat, poultry & fish when used as an ingredient in processed foods. The Parliament adopted amendments which would exempt alcoholic beverages from the requirement to list ingredients and from mandatory nutrition labelling. The Commission proposal sought such labelling for wine, beer and spirits. In relation to one of the most controversial aspects of the Commission proposal – minimum font size of 3mm – the Parliament replaced it with a general requirement to present information in such a way as to ensure the legibility of a label.

• Sausage casings must be labelled as ‘natural casing’ or ‘artificial casing’; • Milk should only be labelled ‘fresh’, when its use-by-date is less than seven days after the filling date. The Council of Ministers has discussed the Parliament’s proposed amendments in the past months and will prepare a common position on them early next year, after which the second reading of the proposal will take place in the European Parliament.

Major Changes to Nutrition Labelling The proposal makes nutrition labelling mandatory in the principal field of vision of a food label. The Parliament made two major changes to the proposal in relation to nutrition labelling. Mandatory list of declared nutrients: The Parliament proposed that the mandatory list is extended to include protein, fibre, natural and artificial trans fat, expressed per 100g/ml and per portion. Front of Pack Nutrition Label: the Parliament required that the front of pack nutrition labelling be represented in the form of Guideline Daily Allowances (GDAs) rather than by ‘traffic-light’ symbols. The ‘traffic-light’ symbols can be utilised elsewhere on the packaging. In addition to these amendments, the Parliament proposed that specific labelling be introduced for the following: • Iimitation foods; • Products containing nanomaterials using the word ‘nano’;

Guideline Daily Amount 5 food ire lan d

Accurate Information

There is little doubt that consumers need clear, accurate information on food labels in order to make an informed choice about the food products they purchase. More and more consumers are concerned about nutrition and diet: therefore, it is imperative that nutritional labelling is accurate and informative. Food labelling should not be seen as the panacea to all the food safety problems that may arise in the near future. Overall though, the main improvement that could be made in this area of food law would be that the existing law is properly implemented and enforced. The rules are sufficiently detailed, but if they are undermined by food manufacturers circumventing the rules, then there will be a loss of consumer confidence, the very thing the informative food label is seeking to prevent.

Traffic Lights

Industry Overview

Agri-food: The Key to Economic Recovery Paul Kelly, Director, Food and Drink Industry Ireland (FDII), argues that Ireland’s resilient agri-food sector must be at the heart of Government policy-making.


ur food and drink companies have shown huge resilience and adaptation to change in the face of one of the most tumultuous periods experienced by the sector - commodity price spikes, massive depreciation of Sterling, a major economic recession and falling consumer confidence. Exports are starting to grow again, having fallen 16% or almost € 1.5 billion from their peak in 2007. The domestic market has experienced significant price deflation and major structural change. Again, there are signs that volumes are stabilising and deflation is weakening. These signs, taken together, suggest that the sector can be a major contributor to the recovery of the economy and should send a very clear message to Government that Ireland’s only large scale indigenous manufacturing sector, taken together with the agricultural sector, through their resilience, employment potential, innovation and export

potential, must be put at the very centre of national policy making. Global food demand is forecast to rise by 70% over the next 40 years as a result of the world population increasing to nine billion and growing levels of affluence in developing countries. Our food and drink industry is well positioned to capitalise on that with a temperate climate, abundant agricultural land, plenty of water and an export oriented food and drink production sector.

Our Most Important Indigenous Sector The food and drink industry is Ireland’s most important indigenous sector. It has an output of over €18 billion and supplies most of our domestic food needs. Total exports will be almost €8 billion 2010 and the sector accounts for two thirds of all exports by indigenous industry. The industry is closely linked with agriculture in all regions of the country, and accounts for most of its output. In this sense, the industry is unique in Ireland, integrated as it is with the majority of raw materials produced and processed here and distributed either nationally or overseas. In addition, the industry is headquartered here and has developed most of its intellectual property here also. Let’s take a look at the facts which show that Ireland’s food and drink sector punches Global food demand is expected to rise by 70% over the next 40 years. above its weight: 6 food ire land

Paul Kelly, Director, FDII.

• There are 230,000 jobs in the agri-food sector, with almost €8 billion worth of exports going to 120 countries. • The sector accounts for 50% of Irish goods and services (€8.7 billion) purchased by manufacturing industry in Ireland; • It accounts for 30% of net foreign earnings (agri-food sector – includes export earnings, profit repatriations and CAP transfers); • Overseas Direct Investment: the Irish food manufacturing sector had €2.7 billion invested overseas at the end of 2007. This was almost 15% of total manufacturing ODI overseas. • Ireland is the UK’s largest supplier of food and drink.

Industry Overview

labour costs, industrial electricity costs, transport costs and waste & waste water charges. We also need to maintain a strong focus on industry led innovation and upskilling of our workforce and ensure a fair but competitive domestic retail environment.

New Labelling Regulations On the regulatory front in 2011, we will probably see a conclusion to the food labelling debate, with agreement reached between the European Parliament and the European Council on the Food Information to Consumers Regulation, which will bring in mandatory frontof-pack nutrition labelling, stricter requirements on country of origin labelling etc. Already, the European Parliament has voted in favour of the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) approach to nutrition labelling. This is the system that the food industry has been using on a voluntary basis for a number of years. Indeed, FDII surveys now show that 78% of branded food products now carry Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labelling in Ireland. The majority of Irish retailers have also adopted the system for their own label products, and those that have now carry GDA labelling on 95% of their range.

Ireland produces enough beef annually to meet the consumption requirements of more than 30m European consumers.

• Ireland exports over 80% of its dairy production and is the biggest net exporter in the EU of dairy ingredients. • Ireland produces 15% of the global supply of infant formula. • Ireland is the largest net exporter of beef in Europe and the fourth largest exporter of beef in the world. Ireland produces enough beef annually to meet the consumption requirements of more than 30m European consumers.

The Challenges Ahead

The sector will continue to face major challenges, including the review of the Common Agricultural Policy, currency risk associated with Sterling both in terms of our largest trading partner and cross border shopping, continuing poor consumer sentiment in the domestic market and climate change targets. Nevertheless, the sector has ambitious growth targets, including increasing exports to €12 billion by 2020. To achieve this, our relative competitiveness with trading partners needs to continue to improve. The competitive position of Ireland’s food and drink sector has improved as a result of economy-wide deflation (including many input costs) and exchange rate factors. Nevertheless, a further 20% improvement in our cost competitiveness, relative to that of our trading partners, is necessary to generate sustainable export led growth. As exchange rate factors are outside the control of the state/economy, further cost competitiveness improvements have to focus on some of the more important cost inputs – unit

Children’s Advertising Code Domestically, we will also see a review of the Children’s Advertising Code. This will be undertaken by the recently established Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. FDII believes the upcoming consultation process will focus on banning advertising of certain products at certain times on the basis of nutrient profiling and audience profiling. This will seriously limit companies’ ability to communicate with their customers and is at odds with the latest thinking of the subject. A recent report on the impact of the commercial world on children’s well-being for two UK Government Departments found that there is no consensus connecting advertising and 7 food ire land

obesity and that “there is an urgent need to consider consumer behaviour in the round. Rather than looking at the relationship between the advertiser and the child in isolation, it is important to consider the whole range of factors that are in play.” It sounds very much like the multi-factorial approach that has been advocated by our National Taskforce on Obesity, since it was published in 2005.

Growth Prospects

The recent publication by the Government of the Four Year National Recovery Plan shows confidence in the growth prospects for the food sector as it commits to: • Implement the key recommendations of Food Harvest 2020; • Reconfigure the milk quota scheme; • Promote lean manufacturing in the agri-food sector; • Provide direct capital supports for marketing and processing; • Support the consolidation and restructuring needed to enhance competition in the sector; • It also states that an Agri Research Advisory group will be established to focus on the priority areas of Food Harvest 2020. On the other hand, proposals to increase the VAT rate in 2013 and 2014 will negatively impact on consumer confidence and stimulate cross-border shopping. The plan also proposes to raise over €100m from excise duty in 2011. At time of writing, the breakdown between petrol, tobacco and alcohol was not known, but it too runs the risk of increasing cross-border shopping. One thing is certain for 2011 – there will be a new Government and a new Programme for Government. It is important that the incoming Government maintain the commitment to legislate to address unfair commercial and contractual practices in the grocery sector. The Government must also get rid of the inane commitment that “an All Ireland GM free zone would be negotiated”. The fact that we appear unable to have a reasoned scientific debate on GM technology, let alone use it, is incompatible with our desire to be a smart and competitive economy.

Seafood Review

Bright Future for Seafood The prospects for Irish seafood are extremely favourable. BIM is confident of realising the potential of the industry through its three-year strategy.


ven in these challenging times, the Irish seafood industry is positive about the future. The news is good on the export front, with value up 18% to the end of May 2010 versus the same period last year. Key export markets include France, which has increased by 25%, Spain by 12%, the UK by 10%, Russia by 8%, Nigeria by 6%, and Italy also up by 6%. On the domestic market, operators are finding it somewhat more difficult, with a decline in overall retail market values of 9.9% year-on-year to June 2010. The downward value is driven by reduced prices as consumers switch to lower value species and purchase smaller portion sizes. The Irish foodservice market is also highly challenging for suppliers, with reduced levels of customers eating out, which has caused a number of hotels and restaurants to cease trading. Cognisant of the many issues facing the seafood industry, Bord Iascaigh Mhara, the Irish Sea Fisheries Board, has developed a three-year strategy for delivering on the potential of Irish seafood.

Favourable prospects

The prospects for seafood, both at a global and European level, are very favourable, especially in the medium to long term. The world’s population is growing strongly and is not expected to stabilise until c. 2050 when there will be more than nine billion people on the planet. The additional 4.5 billion people, on top of the current population, represent a massive new market for food. As a consequence, it is inevitable that demand for seafood will continue to grow for the foreseeable future, with estimates suggesting that an extra 40m tonnes of seafood will be required annually by 2030. The question for the Irish seafood sector is: what role will Ireland play in supplying this growing market? From a European Union perspective, the issue of seafood supply is already acute. Current market demand in Europe is of the order of 12m tonnes per annum, valued at approximately €60 billion. The amount of seafood produced within the European Union, to meet local market demand, has declined substantially over the last two decades. In the 1990s, imports accounted for approximately 40% of demand, whereas today, that figure is closer to 65% and is showing no sign of falling. As the emerging powerhouse economies of the Far East grow wealthier, their demand for seafood will continue to increase substantially. It is worth noting, for example, that the middle class in China is expected to quadruple in size to 600m citizens in the next five years. This, together with an inevitable increase in fuel prices, will reduce the availability of cheap seafood from outside The prospects for seafood, both at a global and European level, are very favourable. Europe, which, in turn, will 8 food ireland

Changing consumer demand is leading to increased preference for pre-packed seafood.

have significant implications for the European market and for Irish seafood producers.

Facing the Challenges Ahead BIM has identified a number of key challenges to be overcome if the potential inherent in the Irish seafood sector is to be realised. These include: • Recessionary effects – reduced prices for seafood, difficulties in obtaining working capital, increasing interest rates; • Access to the resource – a stronger emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; • Lack of scale and inefficient logistics chain; • The growth of low cost imports from countries operating from significantly lower cost bases and a lack of differentiation of Irish seafood;

Seafood Review

seafood retail mentoring to business methods have the potential to advice and support. produce increases in output The announcement of the Seafood from existing resources. Over the three-year Processing Business Investment period to 2012, BIM believes Scheme was welcomed by industry. The that these initiatives can creScheme is aimed at SME’s who have ate an increase in productive solid business plans focused on adding capacity of approximately value to Irish seafood products on both 10,000 metric tonnes worth domestic and overseas markets. Under an estimated €18m in new the 2010 tranche of the Scheme, nine sales. This uplift in produccompanies were approved for grant aid tion, if successful, can create of €1.4m. This represents an investment full time employment for by these companies of €3.6m before approximately 300 people the end of 2010. The investment is proacross the sector. jected to yield increased sales of €26m, Another area where sigprofitability of €1.6m and 82 new jobs nificant opportunities exist, by 2013. is adding value through upskilling. Focused industry Lean Manufacturing It is projected that demand for seafood will continue to increase training can equip the sector Ever conscious of the need for as the world’s population grows. with the latest knowledge, great efficiencies, a number of comeducation and technical know-how and • Changing consumer preferences – a panies have signed up for a Lean ensure that the Irish seafood industry premium on convenience, versatility Manufacturing programme. The prican compete with the best in the world. and price. mary objective is to reduce processing Progress has already been made costs and increase the competitiveness in implementing many of the strategy Opportunities of the Irish processing sector. The objectives and benefits are already being programme is initially looking at four for Growth reaped by the processing industry. While the industry faces some siglean areas for improvement - manunificant challenges, tremendous growth facturing, distribution, packaging and opportunities also arise, particularly Supporting Seafood administration of orders. over the medium to long term. This A Green Seafood Business Businesses growth has the added benefit of contribTo maintain closer contact on the Programme to reduce environmental uting to increased employment and job ground, BIM has appointed four input costs associated with energy, opportunities in many coastal regions regional business officers to support water utilisation and physical waste and other communities dependent on seafood businesses. The officers have streams has also been developed. In the seafood sector. a wide range of experience in the Irish addition to the technical improvements While commodity production will seafood industry and offer companies an and cost reductions, this programme continue to play an important role in the easily accessible resource and assistance is run in conjunction with the EPA industry, especially in the pelagic secon a variety of different matters, from under the National Waste Prevention tor, there is significant scope for a high Programme and the EPA’s green business initiative. proportion of Irish seafood to be difLaunched in October ferentiated from low cost third country 2009, the Seafood imports through value added producDevelopment Centre, tion and branding. Currently, 85% of in Clonakilty Co. Cork, all Irish seafood produced is commodity aims to assist industry to based. Through programmes in place develop innovative product that will facilitate innovation and new product development, BIM believes offerings that meet buyers’ that the industry can create an addineeds and to ultimately tional €50m in added value sales by the grow and add value to the end of 2012 and in the process create an sector. The SDC provides additional 200 new jobs. the necessary technology It is projected that demand for and expertise to allow comseafood will continue to increase for panies to develop and test the foreseeable future. In an attempt to products before commitaddress that demand, BIM will begin ting to capital expenditure. offshore trials of aquaculture producFor more information tion in 2010 which will open up the on the above and on the Demand for seafood will continue to grow for the foreseeable prospect of large production in the secwork of BIM, visit future, with estimates suggesting that an extra 40m tonnes of seafood will be required annually by 2030. tor. It is also believed that established

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R e s e a r c h & I n n o vat i o n

Innovation Vital to Future Success Their new Nutraceutical Research Facility at Ashtown in Dublin demonstrates Teagasc’s critical role in research and innovation for Ireland’s agri-food sector.


EAGASC recently opened a new Nutraceutical Research Facility, at Ashtown in Dublin. To launch a hightech, state-of-the-art research facility at this time demonstrates faith – faith in the future of the Irish agri-food sector and faith in Ireland’s talents in research and science as a springboard to growth and jobs, according to EU Commissioner, Maire GeogheganQuinn, speaking at the opening of the facility: “It demonstrates a keen understanding of the vital role that investment in research and innovation can play in tackling Europe’s economic problems.” “The agri-food industry was at the cutting edge of innovation before the word ‘innovation’ became part of the language of economic recovery,” noted Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn. “This is the sector that brought us plant sterols several years ago. I think it is fantastic that if I need to, I can reduce my ‘bad’ cholesterol levels through diet rather than having to take medication.” She made reference to the continued development of functional foods, which she maintained will depend on continued advances in food science and developments of innovative technologies. “In 2006, the European market for functional foods was worth around €6 billion, the third largest after Japan and the United States. Experts predict that the global market for functional foods will grow in value from $78 billion in 2007 to $128 billion in 2013. It will account for 10% of the overall food and drink market. This represents enormous growth and huge potential for producers in this sector.”

Research Excellence

Teagasc has built the capacity for food innovation on a foundation of research

Commissioner Maire Geoghegan Quinn; Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Brendan Smith TD; Teagasc Chairman Dr Noel Cawley; and Teagasc Director Professor Gerry Boyle; are pictured at the opening of the new Teagasc Nutraceutical Research Facility, Ashtown, Dublin.

excellence, stressed Professor Gerry Boyle, Director of Teagasc, at the opening. The convergence of the agri-food sector with key enabling technologies, such as nanotechnology, computer science, life sciences and robotics, presents tremendous potential for transforming food and non-food production during the next two decades, he noted. According to Professor Boyle, science, technology and innovation (STI) will enable agriculture to expand beyond food and feed to include biomaterials, bio-energy and bio-pharmaceuticals, creating products that can compete on the basis of quality, safety and environmental attributes. “The challenge is to drive the transformation of the agri-food sector into a knowledge-based bio-economy that fully embraces new technologies to cre1 0 food ireland

ate value-added outputs in an environmentally sustainable manner,” he said. Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn spelt out the importance of the agriculture and food industry to Europe. “The broader European bio-economy, encompassing agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, chemicals and biofuels, is worth nearly €2 trillion and provides around 22m jobs in Europe, 12m of these in agriculture alone. The Irish food and agricultural sector is very well placed to capitalise on the immense opportunities available in this massive sector of the European economy,” she said. “Under the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, the European Union has invested €260m in research on food and health issues alone, and I encourage Irish researchers and companies to explore the opportunities presented by the Research

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Framework Programme. Teagasc has proven to be a major player, participating in 51 projects with funding of around €10m from the 6th and 7th Research Framework Programmes.”

Market & Consumer Trends In the past decade, the Irish food industry has shifted from a high level of dependence on commodity production and become more responsive to market and consumer trends. While seasonality still dictates that a considerable volume of production is in commodity form, the sector has moved up the value chain. Public policy and industry investment have prioritised capability in producing products to meet consumer demands for greater variety, more convenience, more sustainability and healthier food choices, accompanied by assurances of quality and safety. Most recently, Food Harvest 2020 makes clear that the continued development of value-added foods on the home and international markets is key to delivering a sustainable agrifood economy and supporting wealth and employment creation in the rural economy. “Innovation in products, packaging, processing and branding will be critical to the success of the Irish industry in enhancing its position on the Irish market and extending its export reach,” noted Professor Boyle. “Indeed, as the Report of the Innovation Taskforce

makes clear, Ireland’s ability to grow out of its current economic difficulties and build a successful future depends on increasing levels of innovation across all aspects of Irish enterprise, including large Irish-owned multinationals, foreign multinationals located here, established SMEs, as well as start-ups and existing companies with high growth potential.”

The Role of Teagasc

Teagasc’s mission is to support sciencebased innovation in the agri-food sector and broader bio-economy. It is a key participant in the national STI strategy and is internationally recognised for its excellence in supporting science-based innovation and the development of the knowledge-based bio-economy. Science-based innovation support requires excellence in knowledge generation and procurement (research); knowledge transfer (advisory activity) and knowledge absorption (education and training). Teagasc combines research, advisory and educational services within an integrated agency, serving farms and processing firms, government and society. “This integrated structure is internationally unique and will play an important role in leading the transformation of Ireland’s agri-food sector to a sustainably competitive international player in the knowledge-based bio-economy,” according to Professor Boyle.

Teagasc Chairman Dr Noel Cawley and Teagasc Director Professor Gerry Boyle are pictured with EU Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn at the Teagast Nutraceutical Research Facility at Ashtown. 1 1 food ireland

The Teagasc Food Programme The Teagasc Food Programme has pursued a particular policy of innovation and technology transfer, with the aim of bridging the gap between public research and industry. Nonetheless, maintenance of a strong publishable research programme is considered vital as a building block for expertise and a platform for the establishment of international scientific linkages. “The challenge to public research is to be effective in technology transfer to commercial companies, while at the same time maintaining a strong base of publishable scientific research,” explained Professor Boyle. “To meet this challenge, Teagasc has adopted an innovation strategy in its food programme. The essence of this strategy is the recognition that primary research information is not the end, but the beginning of a process, which continues until the usefulness of that information is established. “Arising from this was the recognition of the need for our programme to be more sharply focused on commercially useful outputs and to shift the balance between scientific investigation, on the one hand, and the production of useful products and processes, on the other,” he continued. “This has meant the proportion of staff time devoted to ‘innovation’ as distinct from ‘discovery’ should increase, as should interaction with industry for technology transfer purposes.” Innovation-Driven Programme The move from an information-driven to an innovation-driven programme means that research planning must include the full spectrum of activities from the production of primary research data, to investigating applications and feasibility, to connecting with the world for commercial implementation, said Professor Boyle. All stages up to implementation can be undertaken within the public programme, but implementation by its nature must involve industry. In this regard, Teagasc is increasingly partnering and working with companies rather than responding to their servicing needs – becoming the main R&D actor for some of them. For example, Teagasc has a long history in cheese research and is recognised globally for its capability in

R e s e a r c h & I n n o vat i o n

cheese technology, chemistry and microbiology. The depth of its science is well matched with industry needs, and Teagasc researchers have contributed many commercial innovations, including increased manufacturing efficiency, development of new cheese concepts, including customised ingredient cheese and cheese containing probiotic cultures, in addition to new cheese types. The capability in starter culture research has resulted in two international starter culture supply companies locating a major portion of their research capability within the Teagasc Food Research Centre. Infant formula is another sector where Teagasc’s research direction is strategically important. Teagasc provides research and innovation to both the Irish ingredient manufactures and the end user, which in this case are the multinational infant formula companies, thus facilitating direct impact of new technologies and ingredients. An example of such research is the development of the ingredient alphalactalbumin for humanisation of dairybased infant formulas and new more efficient processes for manufacture of infant formula. Teagasc’s Food Safety Programme addresses the risk posed by microbial pathogens and chemical residues from farm to fork. Recent research by the food safety team has generated a novel method to detect anti-parasitic drug residues in meat and milk. The method has been transferred to reference laboratories across Europe and has led to the

Pictured at UCC at the official launch of the UCC/Teagasc Strategic Alliance are: Professor Michael Dowling, Chairman, UCC/Teagasc Strategic Alliance; Brendan Smith TD, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Professor Gerry Boyle, Teagasc Director; and Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC.

establishment of new maximum residue limits in Europe for Flukicide residues in milk. Microbial risk assessments for Salmonella in Pork and E. coli O157 in beef are supporting control programmes for these pathogens in Irish food. For food research, the position of the pilot plant is central to the innovation process and Teagasc has first-class pilot plant facilities both at Ashtown and at Moorepark, Co. Cork. Teagasc also has a model for working with smaller companies through its Food SME Technology Support Programme, established in

partnership with Enterprise Ireland, which is staffed by technologists whose role is to accumulate and transfer information that is directly applicable to food companies.

Smart Green Growth

“Innovation is rightly seen as critical to the continued development of our economy, and research is now challenged to produce outputs that are used in a manner to support innovation,” noted Professor Boyle. “Teagasc has always been in this space, and the essence of our existence is to support

UCC/Teagasc Strategic Alliance THE UCC/Teagasc Strategic Alliance in Food Research, formed in May 2010, brings together the resources of the two largest State providers of food R&D in a new and managed alliance, with the aim of establishing a joint food research programme. “The Alliance provides a single point of contact for industry in accessing the combined resources of UCC and Teagasc and will create a ‘Food Hub’, which will further mark Ireland as a world centre for fundamental and applied food research focused on excellence, innovation, development of human capital and technology transfer,” noted Professor Gerry Boyle, Director of Teagasc. Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick, Head of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science at UCC, said: “The Alliance is committed to engaging fully with the national and international food sector in the development of its research programme. It will develop linkages in technology transfer to the food industry and encourage and support the development of commercial outputs through intellectual property rights, licensing, and the establishment of spin-out companies.”

Teagasc Director Professor Gerry Boyle noted how the UCC/Teagasc Alliance “will create a ‘Food Hub’, which will further mark Ireland as a world centre for fundamental and applied food research”.

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innovation in the agri-food sector. Indeed, there is a long tradition in the agri-food sector of turning research into value and jobs for the economy. Giver the potential for the sector outlined in the Food Harvest 2020 report for significant ‘SMART – GREEN – GROWTH’, the agri-food sector is ripe

to exploit the benefit of research and we are striving to deepen our relationships with large and small, indigenous and international food companies to ensure a continuum between research and innovation. “The sector is also one where we see a great convergence of disciplines, such

as biotechnology, immunology, genetics, engineering, microbiology, medicine, economics, nutrition etc, so in agri-food research there is a major opportunity to exploit and apply the advances made in all these disciplines in ways to benefit our biggest indigenous industry and the wider economy.”

Teagasc Training Courses for 2011 FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT HACCP in Food Safety (FETAC) (2 days)


February 2 &3


March 2 & 3


May 10 & 11


June 28 & 29


September 7 &8


October 5 &6


Trainer Skills – Food Safety & Hygiene (FETAC) (3 days)

February 8 & 9 + March 29


May 17& 18 + June 8


Food Law Update (1 day) Presented by Leatherhead Food Research

March 7


Legal Labels - Ireland (2 days) Presented by Leatherhead Food Research

July 6 & 7


€550 & another @50%

€650 & another @ 50%

€390.29 Member €489.10 Nonmember €785.52 Member €884.33 Nonmember

FOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT Food Standards Auditing (FETAC) (2 days)

February 22 & 23


€550 & another @ 50%

September 21 & 22


Implementing BRC Global Standard for Food Safety

April 5 & 6


November 15 & 16


Laboratory Auditing (FETAC)

September 19 & 20


€550 & another @ 50%

Laboratory Auditing

November 8


€300 & another @ 50%

€550 & another @ 50%

Implementing ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems

June 14 & 15


€550 & another @ 50%

Complaints & Crisis Management Presented by Leatherhead Food Research

October 4 &5


€686.72 Member €884.33 NonMember

Internal Auditing Bord Bia Standards (FETAC)

March 23 & 24


€550 & another @ 50%

Foundation Certificate in Sensory Principles (IFST, UK) Presented by Leatherhead Food Research

May 10


€385.35 Member €503.92 Nonmember

Butchery and Small Spring 2011 Scale Meat Production Date TBC Workshop (2 day)



Farmhouse Cheese Making

February 1, 2 &3

Cork (Moorepark)

Principles of Thermal Process Validation

May 12




April 5



Food Product Traceability & Recall (1/2 Day)

April 12



Food Packaging & Ingredients

April 13



Protocol for Shelf-life Determination (1/2 Day)

May 24



Cheese Symposium

September 28 & 29

Cork (Moorepark)


Meat Processing Day

November 1



Food Contact Materials (1/2 Day)

November 2



Simplifying Documented Quality Management Systems (1/2 Day)

November 3



* NOTE training course details are subject to alteration * Information on Training Course Booking If you wish to book a place on any of our courses, contact Course Administration: Margaret Hennessy/Anne Harrisson, Tel: 01-8059520 (direct) 01-8059500 (general); Fax: 01-8059570; Email:

1 3 food ireland

R e l ay R e s e a r c h

Food Research Reaping Rewards RELAY recently undertook a study to quantify the benefits of FIRM-funded food research to the food industry and associated stakeholders.


The results are extremely encouraging.

ince 2000, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (DAFF) under the FIRM programme, have funded over 240 projects at Irish universities, institutes of technologies (IoTs) and Teagasc. During that time, the programme has evolved from funding mainly projects to programmatic initiatives, including a food graduate development programme, strategic equipment, networks of excellence and co-funded research programmes in the area of food and health. As a result of this investment, the FIRM programme has created a base of knowledge and expertise in generic food technologies that will support a modern, consumer-focused industry and build Ireland’s capacity for R&D. Through the Food Graduate Development Programme, the FIRM programme has ensured that food science graduates and postgraduates have the skills required for future employment in the food industry. The FIRM strategic equipment initiative has provided Irish food companies access to state-of-the-art equipment that will support a high level of innovation in both product and process development.

Benefits of FIRM-Funded Research The FIRM programme also funds RELAY, which is a project dedicated to the dissemination of the outputs from the research that is supported. RELAY recently undertook a study to quantify the benefits of FIRM-funded food research to the food industry and associated stakeholders. The benefits can be quantified under the following headings:

1. The technologies, expertise and capability developed to promote innovation in the Irish food industry; 2. Contribution to training and development of human capital; 3. Academic achievements at universities/ institutes, i.e. publications, PhD, Masters awarded etc; 4. Project provides the basis for further funding e.g. Enterprise Ireland commercialisation fund; 5. Contribution to national/international policy/ committees. Direct Contact with Researchers One of the major findings of the report was that industry had direct contact with researchers on 78% of projects. These exchanges ranged 1 4 food ireland

from telephone queries, meetings to discuss research, provision of material for projects, product testing, consultancy and/ or contract research. The companies in contact with researchers included all of the large Irish nationals, numerous multinationals, many SMEs and artisan food companies from all food sectors. The development of human capital was also significant: on average, one PhD was awarded per project and one master per two projects. According to RELAY’s consultation, over 30% of these postgraduates were subsequently employed by industry, 15% by state agencies and approximately 50% are pursuing a career in research. The level of scientific output was exceptional; over 770 peer reviewed publications were reported to have emanated from the research: that is, on average, seven per project. In addition, 10 posters, attendance at two international conferences and presentations at

R e l ay R e s e a r c h

two industry-focused workshops were achieved. The expertise generated during the projects has also led to scientists representing their university/ institute on national and international committees and panels.

The Value of RELAY

The value of RELAY was also demonstrated in the study. In the past eight years, RELAY organised over 70 industryfocused workshops at which the outputs of the FIRM research was presented. On average, 29 representatives from food companies, state/government agencies e.g. HSE, county councils as well as research institutes and universities, attended. RELAY also visited over 350 food companies to highlight the opportunities the research offers to their company and made many introductions between researchers and companies. RELAY has built up a significant contacts database that contains details of all Irish food companies, relevant state agencies, government departments, researchers, students and the media. All have an interest in the research outputs from FIRM funded projects. The database is used to send targeted research information to relevant contacts, thus ensuring that the outputs of the research are available to increase the level of innovation in the Irish food industry. In recent years, RELAY has been actively working with the researchers and technology transfer offices (TTO) within the Irish research organisations/universities to identify commercial opportunities arising from FIRM funded initiatives which can be exploited by Irish food companies. This process is working very well and is creating greater linkages between industry and researchers at the universities, IoT’s and Teagasc.

Technology & Expertise Alerts

In order to ensure that Irish food companies are aware of the expertise and capability within the Irish public research system, RELAY has developed technology and expertise alerts for the main sectors within the food industry. These alerts highlight the expertise, equipment, facilities, services and key contacts in the research organisations that Irish food companies can access to assist them with technical, research and development queries. Examples of current alerts are listed below. For further information on publicly funded food research conducted in Ireland, contact RELAY on 025-42321/247 or email


Technology and expertise in Ireland: 3 Beverages 3 Dairy 3 Meat 3 Cereal & bakery products 3 Fresh and fresh – cut fruits and vegetables 3 Food for health and nutrition 3 Food business and marketing (universities/ research institutes) 3 Food safety Available on

1 5 food ireland

Food Packaging

New Food Safety Packaging Controls Dr Bernard Hegarty, Director of Service Contracts at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, explains the reasoning behind new food safety


controls for suppliers of food packaging.

he Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) have announced details of new food safety controls being introduced in 2011 for suppliers of food packaging. Food packaging is usually associated with protecting foods from contamination, but sometimes food packaging itself can add unwanted substances into foods. These new controls are designed to address the potential for Food Contact Materials (FCMs) to transfer some of their constituents to food when they come into contact with food, according to Dr Bernard Hegarty, Director of Service Contracts at the FSAI. Dr Hegarty is keen to stress that these controls place no extra obligations on industry, as they pertain to legislation that is already in place, in some cases for many years: “There is no new legislation coming into effect: we are essentially checking that people are complying with existing laws at European level.” “Part of the checks that our food inspectors currently carry out in food processing companies include checks on the packaging, including documentation and traceability, which is ongoing work on our part,” he explains. “Over the years, the legislation has increased and it is now required that packaging is checked in food packaging suppliers themselves.” He cites the example of plastic packaging: since the beginning of 2010, there is a restriction on the additives that can be used in plastic FCMs, with the creation of a closed Positive List, whereby only additives on this list may be used in the manufacture

Dr Bernard Hegarty, Food Safety Authority of Ireland, and Ron Colwell from HJ Heinz at the FSAI’s announcement of new food safety controls being introduced in 2011.

of plastic FCMS. There is also an EU requirement on packaging producers to have Good Manufacturing Practice in the production of all FCMs. “We need to ensure that packaging producers are complying with this legislation and this needs to be checked at source,” Dr Hegarty notes. Beginning in 2011, the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) will check that Irish food packaging 1 6 food ireland

manufacturers and suppliers are complying with relevant legislation. This will be in addition to the checks that already take place in food companies by other agencies.

Increasing Efficiency in Food Safety The new controls will increase efficiency in the food safety spectrum, according to Dr Hegarty. “At the

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Food Packaging

moment, you could have a packaging supplier, who distributes to 20 different food companies,” he cites by way of example. “If something is wrong with the packaging, instead of our inspectors having to control that in 20 or 30 different food producers, it can now be controlled by checking the primary packaging producer and dealing with any potential problems at source.” The controls will be enforced by NSAI inspectors, under the auspices of the FSAI, who will carry out a programmed series of inspections (initially these will be pre-arranged with packaging companies) “to review the practices, traceability, documentation etc. of Irish FCM suppliers and distributors. The NSAI will be working with checklists which essentially look at the legislation and turn the requirements of this legislation into questions: do you have an effective Quality Assurance System in place? etc.” Dr Hegarty acknowledges that many packaging or FCM providers already have voluntary schemes in place, like the BRC/IOP Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials: “the extent to which some of those cover legislative requirements is something which we are still teasing out. It addresses Good Manufacturing Practices and traceability, but it doesn’t get into the specifics of some of the legislation, which restricts the uses of substances used to make plastics or other packaging materials or the migration limits that are applied for particular contaminants.”

The Issue of OverRegulation One argument that a lot of Irish food manufacturers and processors have is that they feel the indigenous food and drinks industry is already being overregulated when compared to some of our European neighbours, an argument which Dr Hegarty rejects. “I suspect that every one of the European food industries would say that they are being over-regulated compared with other countries. The FSAI are only responsible for enforcing legislation in Ireland but there is a body of the European Commission, the Food & Veterinary Office, which was set up to tackle the issue of consistency of food legislation across Member States. They

essentially audit how we, as competent authorities and enforcers, are doing our job in every Member State and in all countries who supply food to the EU, and they publish their findings on the European Commission website, so you can see an assessment of how each country is doing is in its controls compared to what’s required under EU legislation. They certainly haven’t found that we are over-zealous in our application of legislation.” Indeed, Dr Hegarty contends that these particular controls will help to reduce the burden on food producers: “we’re helping to check that their suppliers on the food packaging side supply FCM that Ron Colwell from HJ Heinz is pictured at the The Food Safety complies with European Authority of Ireland seminar, which announced details of the new legislation.” However, he food safety controls. stresses that producers will still have the ultimate and the advent of ‘smart’ packaging. responsibility for providing safe food to How will legislation change to be able consumers, and also warns that it is up to deal with these innovations as they to the food manufacturer to use FCMs arise and become more prevalent in for the purpose they are designed. food manufacturing and on supermarket “Failure to comply with legislation shelves? covering food packaging can result in “The legislation is ever-evolving,” expensive product recalls to industry Dr Hegarty notes. “For example, the and loss of consumer confidence,” said Plastics Directive, which initially came Dr Hegarty, who cited a major recall out in 2002, has been amended six times in America earlier this year which cost since then, to keep pace with develop$48m to a manufacturer of a breakfast ments in packaging. There is also a new cereal that was found tainted by its regulation governing active and intelpackaging. “The effects of failing to ligent packaging materials, introduced meet these specified requirements are in 2009, which requires that the active not only very costly in terms of product ingredient of these technologies has recalls but more importantly, dilute to be assessed by the European Food consumer confidence in the industry as Safety Authority and then authorised a whole. All sectors of the food industry by the European Commission, which have been affected by the downturn in is another important safeguard for conthe economy and all food manufactursumers. There are clever concepts being ers, importers, distributors or retailers introduced all the time, which need an have to be fully educated in and compliequally clever system of assessment ant with their legal obligations.” and authorisation to ensure consumer safety.” Ever-Evolving Legislation For further information on the The area of food packaging is one that is new regulatory control programmes, changing all the time, with new innovaplease visit tions able to extend a product’s shelf-life

1 8 food ireland

Cover Story

Robotic Automation in Food Packaging Imelda Kehoe, Quality Manager, Tekpak, gives an overview of the main benefits of robotics in food packaging, looks at recent developments and addresses some of the common misconceptions about robotic automation in the food sector.


he food sector is fast becoming one of the biggest purchasers of robots by sector. According to research carried out in the UK last year by BARA (2009), the food sector now buys 20% of all robotic machinery. However, Ireland still has relatively low levels of robotic automation in the food sector compared to our European counterparts, and there is huge scope for food manufacturers in Ireland to improve efficiency, cut costs and improve throughput by using robotic technology. Irish company Tekpak have been manufacturing robotic Pick-and-Place systems for the past seven years and their new PackmanŽ range of robots have been developed and designed with the food sector in mind. Tekpak is seeing an increase in automation projects, driven by customers’ need to launch new food products into the market at a price level that would not have been possible with manual

A robotic case packer from Tekpak.

pack lines. Indeed, despite the current economic situation, Tekpak is seeing increased orders for robotic packaging equipment from Irish food manufacturers who are concentrating on reducing unit cost and increasing line efficiencies.

Benefits of Robotic Automation Labour Cost Reduction: In the past, this was the primary reason why food companies chose robotic automation. In order to calculate whether a robotic packaging solution could be justified, the purchaser considered the number of operators to run a particular line and the fully burdened cost of that labour, which includes: wages & PRSI, pension contributions, sick time, annual leave, personal protective equipment, cost of supervision & HR management, potential claims, accumulated redundancy entitlements, etc. Although this approach is still valid when considering existing lines at existing product volumes, it does not accurately assess the cost justification case for robotic automation because it does not take into account the enormous potential that the flexible automated packaging line offers to secure bigger product sales volumes. Increased product sales generally follow the automation phase, often as a result of lower unit costs and the ability to produce low count retail packs to a price point where Irish manufacturers can successfully compete for business at home and abroad against large-scale, highly automated global manufacturers. Greater Throughput / Yield: Robots are capable of high speed/ high throughput over 24 hours per day. They 2 0 food ireland

Imelda Kehoe, Quality Manager, Tekpak.

give constant rate production, which is set by the machine speed and gives production managers predictable forecasts. Material Savings: Robotic and automated packaging systems will typically reduce the amount of material/consumables used because there is likely to be less waste. Also, an automated solution often allows for less expensive packaging styles because carton and cases can be automatically erected from flat blanks instead of using more expensive hand-erect crash-lock systems. Reduced Supervision of Temporary/ Unskilled Staff: Robotic automation allows permanent employees to be up-skilled into more fulfilling roles and reduces dependence on temporary and agency staff. Quality, Health and Safety Improvement: Robotics allows the elimination of

Cover Story

the client network. Robots are expensive and only for large Gripper Technology: the companies: increase in the proportion of Complete robotic Pick-and-Place machines sold into the food systems start at around €75k without sector has driven product vision for low to medium speed lines. development in this area. Higher speed systems are capable of Grippers can now be manufacpicking and placing up to 600 products tured which can handle fragile, per minute with specially designed gripper heads. Typically, a robotic Picksoft, frozen, lidded, and flexand-Place system will give payback in ible products. 1-2 years. Integration with Existing We run small batches of products and Lines: therefore wouldn’t have the same flexTechnical difficulties that Tekpak is seeing an increase in automation projects, ibility with a Robot: might have been barriers driven by customers’ need to launch new food products into the market at a price level that would not have been Robots can be programmed to run to integration with existing possible with manual pack lines. short batches of product easily. In fact, production lines previously operator errors like dropped product they can adjust to a different product have now been overcome. and mis-loaded product, as well as the and packing configuration at the push For example, picking products from ability to incorporate automated QA of a button. existing lines where there may be tests: for example, camera inspection of We can buy an industrial robot from tracking issues can now be done product dimensions, fill levels and pack a ‘robot manufacturer’ and install it because of advances in camera, vision ourselves at a lower cost: counts. Elimination of touch-labour and and lighting technology. A robot on its own is just one reduced human contact leads to better Improved Functionality: component of the packaging cell: for it quality and hygiene standards, which Technology advances have provided to function effectively in a high speed has an immediate impact on production more functionality. For example, servo packaging line, it must be integrated costs and is an excellent sales driver, controllers allow higher cycle times and with a control system, programmed especially when dealing with any of the better accuracy than could previously with proven and stable software, built multiple retailers, who are becoming the be achieved. into a robust food quality frame, fitted main conduit to market for many high with suitable guarding and safety volume food lines. Common Misconceptions: devices that comply with the latest Flexibility: Robots are complicated to operate and CE regulations and fully integrated Robotic systems allow manufacturers we do not have the expertise to use to quickly respond to market demands. with the existing production line. and maintain them: For example, new product formats can Implementing a robotic solution Complete robotic loading systems be easily produced, including low count requires expertise from good quality, specialist manufacretail packs, which would not be possiturers have been specifically designed and time. ble with a manual pack line (low count for food packaging applications and retail packs, or single serve packaged are virtually maintenance free and portions require faster carton, tray, and very simple to operate. They use case throughputs, which are often not programmable logic control (PLC) feasible on a manual pack line). Also, or PC based systems to control it is far easier to switch on additional the complete packaging cell as capacity when demand is high and extra one unit. The latest user shifts can be put on to deal with order interfaces are surges without disproportionate cost intuitive and increases. easy to use and can be operLatest Developments ated by one Some of the latest developments in person after a robotics are summarised below. short training Integration with Vision Systems: period. Our product the robotic arm, which picks and Tekpak’s Packman range of robots have been developed and could not be places the product, and the vision designed with the food sector in mind. handled by a system, which recognises the product robotic gripper: and verifies correct placement, can Tekpak Automation Ltd, Gripper technology has advanced now operate from the same PC based Whitemill Industrial Estate, greatly in recent years. Robot grippers control system, which makes it more Wexford, Ireland. can handle eggs, meringues, tubs with simple to operate, more reliable and Tel: +353 (0)53 9163033 can also be connected by Ethernet to loose lids, chocolate,bakery goods, meat Email: provide management information onto products and even poppadoms. Web:

2 1 food ireland

Packaging Ireland 2011


The Whole Package for the Food Sector!

OLLOWING the success of the inaugural easyFairs® PACKAGING IRELAND show in 2010, easyFairs® has launched details for Packaging Ireland 2011. Taking place on 8 & 9 June at the RDS Simmonscourt, the trade-only event is where companies in the food sector can easily identify packaging innovations, source solutions and strike up relationships. The 2011 show will feature some of the biggest names in Irish and

ad for food ireland:Layout 1


international packaging, who will be showcasing everything from trends in packaging to next generation designs; from renewable materials to the latest innovations in the industry. The 2010 show was visited by hundreds of key decision makers, 84% of 10:02 whom Page have1 pledged to return to the

show in 2011. There are five shows under one roof, covering: • A l l t h a t i s n e w i n b r a n d e d packaging; • Packaging machinery & technology; • Environmentally responsible packaging; • Print machinery and systems; • Logistics and materials handling machinery and technology. The scene is set for a prosperous easyFairs® Packaging Ireland 2011. For businesses in the sector, this is Ireland’s only packaging show. For further information or to book your stand, contact Marc Benoit on 0044 20 8843 8821, email marc. or visit www.

GS1 DataBar is a new, smart bar code.

Not only does GS1 DataBar identify a product in the usual way, it can also record precise information about it, such as a best before date, a batch number or the item’s weight. Data which is key for driving traceability, wastage and stock management solutions. These features make GS1 DataBar an intelligent choice for dynamic fresh food management. To find out how your company could benefit from introducing the GS1 DataBar bar code, simply contact us today.

GS1 Ireland, The Nutley Building, Merrion Road, Dublin 4. T: 01 208 0660 E: W: GS1: Enabling dynamic product management solutions. 2 2 food ireland

Bar Coding

GS1 Raises the Bar A new bar code symbols deliver dynamic product management capabilities for the food sector.


ised production management system for the processing facility and an integrated point-of-sale system for their retail outlets. Bar code scanning was an integral part of this process, adopted to eliminate manual processes and data entry mistakes. When evaluating the bar coding options, Feile Foods recognised the need to become an early adopter of GS1 DataBar.

S1 DataBar is a new, smart bar code symbol set to revolutionise the way fresh food products are managed. DataBar goes beyond simple product identification to bring additional capabilities to bar codes which can be scanned at a retail point of sale.

Why a New Bar Code?

GS1 DataBar is designed to encode additional information, such as weight, best before dates, lot and batch numbers, for example. These capabilities make possible a diverse range of applications, from facilitating traceability down to pack level, to enabling the identification of small, hard-to-mark products like loose produce. A key advantage to using DataBar is the ability to manage and mark-down the price of short shelf-life fresh products. Recent recall events in Ireland make it a necessity to enhance supply chain traceability, particularly for the meat, chilled and fresh produce sectors, by using GS1 DataBar. The 2008 Pork Dioxin Contamination Crisis alone led to the total recall of Irish pork products, costing the sector over €1 billion. Adoption of GS1 DataBar will go a long way to averting the substantial financial, reputational and

Through the use of DataBar, Feile Foods now have full visibility across their production and retail stocks, not only in terms of identifying products and quantity, but also in terms of segmenting stock by expiry date and batch number.

Irish company Feile Foods is the world’s first company to implement DataBar for their retail business.

public health impact of the next food crisis, wherever it may occur.

Leading the Way

GS1 DataBar is already a reality. In fact, Irish company Feile Foods, holds the accolade of being the world’s first company to implement DataBar for their retail business. Feile Foods operate a fully licenced meat processing operation in Portlaoise. They produce a range of products for customers in the wholesale, catering and hospitality sectors, as well as for their own retail outlets. Meeting customer needs and delivering on their expectations is a key element of their success. “We take product traceability very seriously and our customers demand that their products are produced to the highest standards and that we can verify them,” noted Liam hyland, owner of Feile Foods. “This can only be done by investing in the latest technology and being first at that is a great honour for Feile Foods.” With a proactive approach to technology, Feile Foods invested in a computer2 3 food ir eland

Enhanced Supply Chain Management Through the use of DataBar, Feile Foods now have full visibility across their production and retail stocks, not only in terms of identifying products and quantity, but also in terms of segmenting stock by expiry date and batch number. The unprecedented level of additional functionality in GS1 DataBar enhanced the company’s supply chain management in a number of areas: • The combination of a full bar code (product ID) number, combined with batch code, enables the system to automatically check if an item has been recalled and prevent accidental sale; • DataBar contains both the price and weight of each item: traditional barcodes can only carry one or the other; • Expiry dates and batch numbers are recorded at the point-of-sale and printed on the customer’s receipt; • Batch codes recorded at the point-ofsale can be matched with customers through loyalty card schemes, enabling a recall even after the sale is completed. The experience of Feile Foods demonstrates that the implementation of GS1 DataBar leads to a more visible supply chain, a decline in manual processes, increased efficiency and empowers suppliers and retailers to manage short shelflife products more effectively. GS1 DataBar is a small set of black lines that will make a significant contribution to the transformation of the Irish supply chain. Is your organisation enabled and ready for GS1 DataBar?


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Utilities Management

Reliability is the Key Alan Keogh, Business Development Manager for Energy and Utilities at Dalkia, explains the critical role of utilities in the food & drink processing environment.


or most food and drink companies, their utilities plant is at the heart of their facility. Without utilities, nothing gets produced. What do we mean by utilities? Typically, utilities incorporate steam, refrigeration, water and power systems. Utilities provide the energy and raw materials so the company can get their produce out the door. Managing utilities well is critical to selling good quality product, on time. However, utilities are becoming more complex. Utilities such as steam and refrigeration consume most of the energy used in a typical plant. As such, there is increasing pressure on companies to make their utilities more energy efficient in order to cut costs generally. Over the next 10 years, with increasing demand for energy and EU objectives to cut carbon emissions by 20% before 2020, energy costs, when including carbon, are only going one way. Additionally, there is now a plethora of legislation and regulations surrounding utilities; examples include legionella, carbon trading, ammonia regulations and health and safety legislation, to name a few.

tions are matched, if not exceeded, by core business requirements. These companies are facing significant competitive issues and an increasing compliance burden. The processing plant has to run more efficiently, safer and produce better quality product.

Alan Keogh, Business Development Manager for Energy and Utilities at Dalkia.

Improving Plant Reliability Finally, utilities plant reliability needs to improve significantly for companies to produce goods without having to invest in new capacity. No product leaves a plant when the utilities aren’t running, so utilities reliability is increasingly important. Between energy, increasing legislation and a requirement for higher reliability, food and drink companies currently have a great deal on their agenda. Unfortunately, these considera-

One of the many advantages of using a specialist international utilities provider, such as Dalkia, is that they can bring global best practice to bear on your particular plant. 2 5 food ir eland

Using a Specialist Utilities Provider To address these dual pressures, companies are focusing on their core business and inviting utilities specialists to manage their utilities. A partnership approach to this relationship is critical. One of the many advantages of using a specialist international utilities provider, such as Dalkia, is that they can bring global best practice to bear on your particular plant. Dalkia have recently captured some of that knowledge, based on years of international and Irish experience, and developed three White Papers to share with Irish industry. The three white papers reflect the areas discussed previously and are entitled: • 5 Ways to Operate and Maintain Your Utilities to Save Energy and Reduce Costs - low cost or no cost ways to cut your energy costs and increase reliability of your critical utilities plant; • Take the Hassle Out of Utilities Implement high reliability / high efficiency utility systems and improve product quality, decrease production interruptions and reduce costs; • Best Practice Guide For Safe Utilities -prevent accidents and cut costs by operating and maintaining your steam and refrigeration plant safely. Copies of these Best Practice White Papers can be obtained free from Alan Keogh at or on 01 870 1200.

Drinks Industry Overview

Drinks Industry Deserves Government Support - DIGI A new report from the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland reveals the major economic contribution of the drinks industry to the country.


he Irish drinks industry is a hugely important one, in terms of employment numbers and, perhaps more importantly given our current economic woes, in terms of the fact that its exports generate in the region of €1 billion annually for Ireland Inc. Our indigenous drinks industry, like many sectors of the economy, is, however, going through a period of major change and turbulence. According to a new report by DCU Economist Anthony Foley, commissioned by the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI), since the onset of the downturn in 2008, employment levels have declined over 25% from over 100,000 to 78,000 jobs, and current per capita consumption has fallen 16.4% below 2007 levels. The report also revealed that despite the recession, the industry continues to provide over €2 billion in VAT and excise revenues to the State and that exports generate €1 billion for the country. “This report clearly demonstrates the very significant contribution our industry makes to the economy through employment and taxation,” stated DIGI Chairman, Kieran Tobin. “It also emphasises our continuing export success and the profile our major drinks brands give to Ireland and Irish tourism.”

Restoring Consumer Confidence However, the employment intensive on-trade is suffering an accelerated rate of decline, having fallen 26% from 20002009 with thousands of jobs, business and livelihoods lost as a consequence. In addition, cross-border trading is once

Pictured are (l-r): report author Anthony Foley, DCU; Kieran Tobin, Chairman of DIGI; and Donall O’Keeffe, Hon. Sec. of DIGI and CEO of LVA.

again becoming an issue as a result of our high alcohol taxes and the Euro/ Sterling exchange rate. Accordingly, DIGI have proposed a package of measures to help restore consumer confidence and support the hospitality sector. These include: 1. An excise reduction of 20% based on the positive outcome of the December 2009 cut; 2. 20% reduction in commercial rates and other local authority charges and a new system of determining ratable valuations; 3. The abolition of the charging of VAT on excise; 4. Beginning the process of reducing VAT to 13.5% on all beverages in the on-trade; 5. A ban on below cost selling of alcohol. 2 6 food ireland

The Manufacturing Sector In terms of drinks manufacturing, the sector had a turnover of €2.95 billion in 2008, 2.8% of total manufacturing. Drinks manufacturing provided 3.3% of manufacturing value added in 2008 and 2.2% of manufacturing employment. In terms of employment costs, €230m was paid out in wages and salaries in 2008, €335m in total labour cost, across 34 enterprises and 40 production units in drinks manufacturing. Average wages and salaries per employee were €54.8k, 39% above average manufacturing level. But the drinks manufacturing industry is not just about the end product, but also about the ingredients. In 2008, the Irish drinks manufacturing industry spent €1107.9m on materials for further processing (much of it on agricultural

Drinks Industry Overview

products) and energy, with a further €563m spent on services inputs by drinks manufacturers. In total, purchases amounted to a massive €1.7 billion. Main Structural Features of the Drinks Manufacturing Industry 2008 Beverages

Total Manufacturing

Number of enterprises



Number of local Units



Gross output per local unit €M



Net output per local unit €M



Persons engaged per local unit



Annual wages and salaries per 54849 employee €


Gross output per person engaged €



Net output per person engaged €



Source: CIP

The data is provided for the drinks industry and for manufacturing as a whole for comparison purposes. The drinks industry has a larger scale than manufacturing as a whole. Gross output and net output per local unit or per production establishment is substantially higher in the drinks industry than in manufacturing as a whole. The average size of local unit is 104 persons in drinks and 38 people in total manufacturing. Wages and salaries per employee are almost €55k per annum in the drinks industry, compared to €39k in total manufacturing.

Exports Drinks exports of €997.7m in 2009 greatly exceeded imports of €668.2m. Drinks exports account for 1.2% of total exports. Alcohol exports were €923.5m compared to €435.5m in imports. Because of the growing level of international competition, the larger non-national demand in Ireland and the market’s desire for new brands,

the domestic drinks manufacturers industry has lost market share in Ireland but still maintains large shares of the 2009 domestic market; 68.6% of the beer market; 51.7% of the spirits market and 86.3% of the cider market. Of course, the growing wine market is externally sourced. The net foreign exchange earnings of drinks exports are relatively high because of the high domestic content of both service and materials inputs. In the absence of domestic production of beer, spirits and cider, it is likely that consumption levels would be relatively unchanged and would have to be sourced through imports from other economies. Consequently, the existence of the domestic producers prevents a larger level of drinks imports.


The drinks industry generates or supports additional economic activity through its linkages to and purchases from other sectors. It uses the output of agriculture such as malted barley, sugar, milk and apples in the production of beverages. The retail sector also uses the output of other sectors such as building, catering, maintenance and furniture. Purchases by Drinks Manufacturing Industry 2008 €M Materials (for processing) and Fuel


Industrial Services


Non-Industrial Services


Purchases (excl. goods for resale)





consumption Gross Value Added

1718.8 1055.4

Source: CSO

In addition to the above statistics, the drinks manufacturing industry also bought €206.4m of goods for resale without further processing. The drinks industry bought €1107.9m of materials and fuel (fuel and power was approximately €47m), €27.4m of industrial services and €563.1m of other services. 2 7 food ireland

Its total purchases of materials and services for further processing were €1698.4m. Each €100 of production in drinks manufacturing generates €61 of purchases from other sectors.


The drinks industry provides substantial tax revenues for the Exchequer in excise, VAT, income taxes and PRSI and profits tax. Excise amounted to €968.0m in 2009. This form of taxation is applied to very few industries. When VAT on drinks sales is included, the revenue flow was €2013m in 2009. In addition to the above tax payments, the industry, along with other sectors in the economy pays commercial rates, profits tax, employee and employer PRSI and income tax. “The industry is a very substantial contributor to the exchequer in terms of the excise and VAT generated and income tax payments, profits tax and PRSI, the Report concludes, noting how it plays a major role in consumption, production, employment and trade. The report’s author, Anthony Foley, noted how “by any measure the drinks industry is a very significant contributor to the economy… This economic analysis clearly shows that given the size and scale of the sector, it is logical that the Government should seek to support it, in whatever way it can.”

Pest Control

Pest Practice A guide to effective pest control in the food manufacturing and retail industry, by Michael O’Mahoney, Managing Director, Rentokil initial Ireland.


owhere are pest for the customer to demand a problems taken detailed and tailored technimore seriously cal report from an inspector than in the food who is familiar with the food manufacturing business, where manufacturing industry and a pest-free environment is cruthe customer’s niche area. cial. More than in any other industry, food manufacturers Pest Control know there is no question of Technology trying to save money or cut Food manufacturers should corners, as in the event of also ensure that they are aware an infestation, their business of the latest developments in would suffer hefty legal costs pest control technology, keepand irreversible damage to A non-toxic solution for rodent problems, the Radar Unit will capture a ing up with any new informaits brand image and customer mouse immediately, ensuring that it does not have a chance to multiply. tion and trend analysis in this loyalty. For this reason, pest area. Large contractors will control in the food manufachave their own research and Severe Financial Damage turing industry has evolved into a development resources, as well as a If an organisation is proven to have specialist field, requiring compliance to broad range of knowledge and experibeen negligent in its pest control, there specific regulations, the expertise and ence within the company, which should can be severe financial damage to the advice of dedicated experts, the most benefit the food manufacturer. For company in the form of hefty fines or advanced technology and a thorough instance, Rentokil recently developed more if a legal suit is successfully filed. commitment from the food manufacthe Radar Unit, specifically with the These can be avoided if it can be proven turers themselves. Given the high risks food industry in mind. A non-toxic that a food manufacturer has taken due associated with any pest infestation, solution for rodent problems, the Radar diligence in its pest control and enforced food manufacturers have every right to a regulated and thorough approach to Unit will capture a mouse immediately, demand detailed information and the same. However, the brand damage is ensuring that it does not have a chance most experienced professionals to carry likely to be immeasurable and could to multiply. out their pest control. have a much more widespread impact Despite the importance of these preIt is vital that food manufacturers on the business than any fine. cautions, industry experts and factory managers cannot be solely responsible have a detailed understanding of the Rentokil employ highly trained for preventing infestations. Factory legislation and standards of audit bodtechnicians, who are skilled in identifystaff also need to be aware of the risks ies. Under the raft of food safety laws, ing the specific requirements of these and act responsibly. At Rentokil, staff customers and have a high level of it is an offence to sell food that does training is offered as part of the overall experience in the food manufacturing not comply with food safety requireservice. This involves explaining to staff industry. They work closely with qualiments. Food damaged by pests, or where pests are most likely to appear, fied field biologists and customers to contaminated by their droppings or resolve any pest problems and prevent what to do if they spot an infestation urine, would be considered unfit for further issues in the future. and how to take important preventative human consumption. In such cases, Rigorous adherence to a regumeasures, so they do not unintentionEnvironmental Health Officers have the lated and structured approach to pest ally expose the building to infestation. right to seize such foods for destruction, control will help to ensure quick and Employee compliance is essential to and to demand that remedial works be efficient removal of any pest probmanaging pest control. This process undertaken. Businesses can be closed lems and maintenance of a pest free will help staff understand the rules of while infestations, or factors conducive environment. Regular service and effective pest control and the reasons to them, remain. account review meetings are imporbehind them. tant to ensure that the pest control For information about Rentokil company is working closely with the services, visit or customer so that key actions are being call the national customer service carried out. It is also standard process team on 1890 300 400.


2 8 food ireland





Initial Washroom Solutions

Initial Impressions Last Michael O’Mahoney, Managing Director, Rentokil Initial Ireland, on tackling one of washroom’s biggest challenges.


bacteria, should have the facility to be replaced at least every three months with a fresh, clean unit.

he problems of urinal smells and blockages are all too common. They cause embarrassment for staff and visitors and reflect badly on your organisation’s image. Added to this, high levels of urinal water usage and poor hygiene and the men’s washroom can be a very unpleasant experience for everyone. Initial Washroom Solutions’ Eco-Clear service presents a fresh approach to a common problem. Eco-Clear significantly reduces washroom water usage and blockages, eliminates odours and improves urinal hygiene. Eco-Clear is a complete urinal hygiene service, offering year-round maintenance and market leading products. Eco-Clear keeps your urinals clean, fresh smelling, free-flowing and enhances the washroom experience for everyone.

Best Practice

What is best practice when addressing the problems of (1) Excess water use, (2) Blockages, (3) Odours, (4) Hygiene? 1. Excess Water Use: The most effective and efficient system is one that is specially designed with a timed water management device that fits directly to the solenoid valve. Such a system controls the flow of water to the cistern, allowing you to reduce urinal flushing to between four and eight times per day. This can result in a reduction of water use by up to 90%. 2. Blockages: The best type of system is one that contains a method that actively degrades contaminants, such as using bio-enzymes (good bacteria) that can penetrate uric acid, salts and scale to prevent build-up. The system should also facilitate the removal of waste

Initial Washroom Solutions’ eco-clear service significantly reduces washroom water usage and blockages, eliminates odours and improves urinal hygiene.

simply on the next flush. Some other issues often occur where staff or visitors may deposit foreign matter into the waste trap e.g. cigarette butts and gum, thereby clogging the system. It does happen! Ask yourself, does your system prevent this? It should be designed to prevent foreign matter. 3. Odours: Unfortunately, odours are an all too common presence in urinals. What your system needs is an odour lock sleeve that traps odours below the water line, stopping them from entering the washroom. In addition, the use of bio-enzymes can help penetrate uric acid, salts and scale, prevent bad bacteria growing and bio-film forming, thus treating the cause of unpleasant odours at source. The odour lock sleeve, along with its block of good 3 0 food ireland

4. Hygiene: Does your washroom solution feature a robust service regime? Your service should be capable of providing a deep clean of the urinal bowl, pipe work, wall and floor tiles and all in the background. Such a system should prevent the build-up of bad bacteria, uric salt and scale. It is important to maintain at least quarterly service, which should include not only maintenance of the system but also supply of all cleaning solutions and biological formulations that neutralises odours and breaks down uric acid. Your system should eliminate the need for harmful cleaning chemicals and ensure the most efficient and effective solution. Jobs such as this are best left to the experts.

Exacting Standards

Very few daily cleaning routines can effectively maintain exacting standards to deal with problems of scale formation in WCs and urinals. This is a common problem which can lead to the occurrence of unsightly staining, narrowing water pipes, inefficient waste disposal, damaged sanitary ware, increased faecal adhesion and an increased risk of environmental contamination by urinary, faecal and epidermal bacteria – including Escheria coli, Streptococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus epidermis. The formation of scale can also increase the production of unpleasant odours by providing ideal sites for colonisation by odour-producing bacteria. Some systems deliver solutions to the above in part. What businesses need is one solution that does it all, such as Initial’s Eco-Clear and Deep Clean Service.


Global Trust Credentials Deliver Global Success Global Trust Certification is an Irish success story that’s gone international. This proactive and dynamic, accredited Certification Body is growing


exponentially and remains Irish owned, managed and focused.

ue to client success, Global Trust now has operational projects and teams not only across Ireland but also in over 15 countries. The company delivers from Alaska to Peru, from Newfoundland to Louisiana, from Iceland to Madagascar, from China to New Zealand. “The company has developed enviable market insights through its food buyer and supply chain client relationships across USA, Canada, Europe and Asia,” explains Peter Marshall, CEO. “Products certified by Global Trust will be consumed in over 50m homes across the world in 2011.” A Global Trust success factor is that it concentrates its efforts at being the best in the sectors that it chooses to operate in. Seafood and Agri-Food are the company’s specialist sectors. “The Global Trust name reflects what we deliver: certainty and trusted services,” notes Peter Marshall. “Global Trust science based products include off-the shelf standards such as ISO, BRC Global Standards or EU Organic, but we also lead the world in innovative standards, differentiating products through sustainability, eco-label or

specialist quality specifications. Global food buyers enjoy working with Global Trust ideas.”

Increased Services and Activities Due to high client demand, the Global Trust services and activities are increasing. Global Trust now has a new Energy Certification Centre and a Quality Management Certification Centre, offering services internationally from Dundalk and Belfast. Renewable energy and low carbon certification has huge potential for Global Trust and for Irish organisations. This is a natural extension to the Global Trust existing product range and relevant for the Irish client base. The company has invested several hundred thousand euros in a leading energy management team and new accreditations and is now keen to expand into this growing market sector. The new Global Trust Centre of Excellence for Energy Certification has the potential to become a global leader within a short space of time and it is planned that the Irish base will continue be the foundation of this global presence. “Our mission continues to be ‘Adding value by delivering confidence 3 1 food ireland

through reassurance, protecting consumers, our clients and the environment’,” says Bernadette Vernon, Global Trust Director. “We understand the Irish industry and value our client relationships. The Global Trust team members are chosen for their practical minded thinking, their expertise, goodwill and their market, business and product focus. Our team are wholly committed and well recognised as expert in their appointed sectors and have been drawn from retail, manufacturing, agri-food, fisheries, environmental and energy sectors.”

Growing Client List

The growing list of Global Trust clients include multiple retailers across Europe and North America, multinationals and SME’s, national and regional government bodies, national and international producer groups, marketing organisations and consumer groups. The Global Trust philosophy of firstly “Why Not?” and then seeking out the pathways to verification and qualification parameters is resulting in the company and its clients leading the world in the new areas of eco-labelling, sustainability and consumer trust certification. Global Trust Certification differs from other certification bodies in that it strives to add value; value from which their clients ultimately benefit. Global Trust prides itself on its approachability, level of service and practicality. When the market is demanding, Global Trust is delivering. The company encourages organisations to browse through the website,, and to make enquiries or request further information.


Limerick Packaging Delivers On Time, Every Time The staff at Limerick Packaging pride themselves on delivering quality products, on time, right across the country.


re you tired of late deliveries? Are you weary from expensive production stoppages or changeovers because you don’t have packaging? Well the answer is at your fingertips. Limerick Packaging are the company that delivers “On time, every time”. How can they do this? Well, they do it by taking the time and effort to understand your business and usage patterns, stock products to order, in advance of your needs and deliver weekly or daily as necessary. Many food producing companies throughout Ireland are already enjoying the benefits of dealing with Limerick Packaging, safe in the knowledge that the packaging materials they need are but a phone-call away. These companies no longer have stores full of boxes that they don’t need at that point in time and a packing hall without the boxes they do need. They have zero capital tied up in packaging stocks, allowing that money to be invested in turnover that perpetuates the business, and they have production and value-added activities, where once they had stores.

Customer is King

Talking with the people in Limerick Packaging, you can’t help notice a steely determination to protect their position as the most reliable supplier of packaging materials in the country. Their staff are dedicated to the core concept of delivering quality products on time, every time, and there is a palpable atmosphere of a business where the customer truly is king. “Our product range is quite extensive,” says Mike Boland, Sales Director and Co-Owner. “While 90% of our

business is Corrugated Boxes in regular slotted case and die-cut formats, we now supply Litho printed outer boxes and inner cartons in very large quantities to a growing number of customers. We also supply industrial polythene bags, sheets and pallet hoods, pallet edge-guards, high quality post-printed boxes, pallet-wrap, strapping, strapping accessories, tapes and a full range of protective foams.”

Trouble-Free Trading

Walking through their facility on the Ballysimon Road in Limerick, one is immediately struck by the cleanliness, tidiness, efficiency and sheer size of the factory within which there is a bar-coded storage system that not only controls stocks but also results in a first-in, first-out stock rotation system. Having grown from zero in June 2002 to a very sizeable company today, Connie Ryan, Managing Director and Co-Owner, attributes Limerick Packaging’s success to date to “the generosity of our many customers, in the first instance for believing in us and placing their business with us, and for continuing to support us. Many of our customers today gave us business when we started and remain with us. We have rewarded these customers with state-of-the-art design and problem solving skills, trouble-free trading, competitive pricing and quality products delivered on time. We will continue to dedicate 3 2 food irelan d

ourselves to our customers, as we hope that many more customers will join in and be part of our success story.”

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Product and Service Index accreditation

Air Products Ireland Ltd Codico Distributors Ltd Global Trust Certification GS1 Ireland Barcoding/labelling

ADC Barcode Advanced Coding Solutions Ltd AIS Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Codico Distributors Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Fischbein-Saxon Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology Label Art Ltd Label One Ltd Logopak International Ltd New Era Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd Tekpak Automation Ltd Waveform Solutions Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd education/training/ certification/consultancy

AB Cheesemaking Campden BRI Food Safety Interactive Training Global Trust Certification GS1 Ireland Irish Exporters Association Irish National Accreditation Board NSAI SGS Ireland Ltd UCC- Faculty of Food Science & Technology UCD (Agri-Food)

Energy/Utilities Management

Dalkia food Safety

QPM Ltd Sartorius Mechatronics Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre Weber Labelling & Coding


tracking systems

Campden BRI Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Global Trust Certification GS1 Ireland Irish Exporters Association SGS Ireland Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd

ADC Barcode Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Codico Distributors Ltd Heavey Technology Logopak International Ltd Obeeco Ltd Sartorius Mechatronics Weber Labelling & Coding WrenTech Ltd


Air Products Ireland Ltd Campden BRI Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Cross Refrigeration GS1 Ireland Irish Exporters Association Q-Lab Ltd Control/Instrumentation

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Cross Refrigeration Festo Ltd Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding hygiene

Campden BRI Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Cross Refrigeration Enviroclad Systems Ltd Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd testing/inspection

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Campden BRI Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Cross Refrigeration Global Trust Certification Lennox Laboratory Supplies Q-Lab Ltd 3 5 food ireland

general services/ suppliers to the trade

ABB Ltd All in All Ingredients Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix Bank of Ireland Global Markets BIM/Irish Sea Fisheries Board Blenders Ltd P.J. Boner & co. Ltd Bord Bia - The Irish Food Board Campden BRI Codico Distributors Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Festo Ltd Filling Machines & Equipment GS1 Ireland Healy Group Heavey Technology Inital Washroom Solutions Irish National Accreditation Board Kingspan Controlled Environments Lennox Laboratory Supplies NSAI Obeeco Ltd Pegler & Louden Pharmafoods Ltd Q-Lab Ltd

Product & Service Index

Food Ireland 2010/11

Product & Service Index

Food Ireland 2010/11

Security Pak Ltd Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd health & safety

Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Enviroclad Systems Ltd SGS Ireland Ltd Wren Tech Ltd ingredients

All in All Ingredients Ltd Andrew Ingredients Ltd Blakes Ingredients Camida Ltd Cereform Ltd Cloverhill Food Ingredients Ltd Corcoran Chemicals Ltd D.D. Williamson (Ireland) Ltd EDME Ltd Glanbia Plc Healy Group Heterochem (Dist.) Ltd IMCD Ingredient Solutions Ltd Irish Dairy Board Kiernan’s Food Ingredients Ltd Kilfera Foods Ltd National Chemical Company Nutrition Supplies O’Brien Ingredients PK Chemicals Ltd Purac Biochem Puratos Crest Foods Ltd Redbrook Ingredient Services Ltd Unifood Ltd Weigh-Tech Ltd IT Services & Outsourcing

Dalkia Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd marking & coding

Codico Distributors Ltd

materials Handling service

Odenberg Engineering Ltd WrenTech Ltd


ABB Ltd Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Festo Ltd Dalkia David Kellett & Partners Ltd Manotherm Ltd Mason Technology Odenberg Engineering Ltd QPM Ltd Sartorius Mechatronics Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Tekpak Automation Ltd Treatment Systems Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd machinery/equipment

ABB Ltd Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Avery Weigh-Tronix Dalkia Filling Machines & Equipment Fischbein-Saxon Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd David Kellett & Partners Ltd Linpac Allibert Logopak International Ltd Mason Technology Obeeco Ltd Odenberg Engineering Ltd QPM Ltd Sartorius Mechatronics Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Security Pak Ltd Silverson Machines Ltd Tekpak Automation Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Toyota Material Handling Ireland Treatment Systems Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd pallets, Crates & containers

AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Irish Dairy Board Linpac Allibert National Chemical Company 3 6 food ireland

pumps & valves

Festo Ltd Dalkia David Kellett & Partners Ltd Mason Technology Pegler & Louden Topaz Energy Ltd Treatment Systems Ltd WrenTech Ltd refrigeration/cold storage

Air Products Ireland Ltd Blakes Ingredients Cross Refrigeration CRS Mobile Cold Storage Ltd Dalkia Festo Ltd Irish Dairy Board Kingspan Controlled Environments Linpac Allibert Odenberg Engineering Ltd Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Trans-Stock Warehousing & Cold Storage Ltd transport & logistics

Avery Weigh-Tronix Celtic Forwarding Ltd Irish Dairy Board Johnston Logistics Logopak International Ltd NITL Topaz Energy Ltd Toyota Material Handling Ireland Trans-Stock Waveform Solutions Weber Labelling & Coding Ltd Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd Packaging/design/ Labelling

ADC Barcode Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd AiP Thermoform Packaging Air Products Ireland Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Celtic Sales Co. Ltd Celtic Sales Co. (Cork) Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Elopak

Fischbein-Saxon Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Irish Dairy Board Kiernan’s Food Ingredients Ltd Label One Ltd Limerick Packaging Linpac Allibert Measom Freer & Co. Ltd Multivac Ireland Ltd National Chemical Company New Era Packaging Ltd NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd Packaging Centre Ltd, The Packex Industries Ltd P.C. Packaging Ltd Pharmafoods Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd SCA Foam Products T/A Cool Case Direct Schütz (Ireland) Ltd Sealed Air (Cryovac) Security Pak Ltd Sidaplax - Plastic Suppliers Inc Smurfit Kappa Ireland Tekpak Automation Ltd Veriplast Solutions Versatile Packaging Ltd Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd pest control/flyscreens

Omega P.C.S. Rentokil Pest Control Plant Maintenence

Dalkia processing equipment bakery

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Cross Refrigeration Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Linpac Allibert Pharmafoods Ltd QPM Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding WrenTech Ltd


Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Cross Refrigeration Elopak Filling Machines & Equipment Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Linpac Allibert Odenberg Engineering Ltd Pharmafoods Ltd QPM Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding WrenTech Ltd drink

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Cross Refrigeration Filling Machines & Equipment Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Linpac Allibert Odenberg Engineering Ltd Pharmafoods Ltd QPM Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding WrenTech Ltd fresh food

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Cross Refrigeration Filling Machines & Equipment Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Linpac Allibert Odenberg Engineering Ltd Pharmafoods Ltd QPM Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd meat, fish & poultry

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Air Products Ireland Ltd Atwell Self Adhesive Labellers 3 7 food ireland

Avery Weigh-Tronix P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Cross Refrigeration Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Linpac Allibert Odenberg Engineering Ltd Pharmafoods Ltd QPM Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding Weigh-Tech Ltd WrenTech Ltd machinery auctioneers

Air Products Ireland Ltd Cross Refrigeration Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Topaz Energy Ltd Weber Labelling & Coding recruitment

Innovate Food Technology research & development

Bord Bia BIM/Irish Sea Fisheries Board Campden BRI Healy Group Irish Dairy Board Irish Exporters Association Relay - Research for the Food Industry Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre WrenTech Ltd stainless steel fabrication

Cross Refrigeration Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Teknomek Industries Ltd WrenTech Ltd tRADE ASSOCIATIONs

GS1 Ireland Irish Exporters Association Repak Ltd wAstE management / recycling

Avery Weigh-Tronix Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Repak Ltd

Product & Service Index

Food Ireland 2010/11

Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings

Company Listings A

ADC Barcode Ltd Address:

ABB Ltd Address:

Main Products/ Metal detectors, Services: x-ray inspection systems, check weighers & label applicators. Contact: Technical Director: Stephen Dallas

Auriga House, Precedent Drive, Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8PQ. Telephone: (0044) 1908 350 300 Fax: (0044) 1908 350 301 Email: Web: Contact: UK - Robotics Managing Director: Chris Withey Main Products/ ABB is one of the Services: world’s leading engineering companies. We help our customers to use electrical power effectively and to increase industrial productivity in a sustainable way. Contact: Ireland Robotics Group: Sales & Marketing Manager: Nigel Platt

Unit 8, Willow Business Park, Knockmitten Lane, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 465 6480 Fax: (01) 465 6487 Email: Web: Main Products/ Thermal transfer Services: printers, EU178 software, labels, thermal foil, scanners. Contact: Sales: Ciaran Fitzpatrick

Advanced Coding Solutions Ltd Address: Telephone: Mobile: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

AB Cheesemaking Address:

7 Daybell Close, Bottesford, Nottingham, NG13 0DQ, England. Telephone: (0044) 1949 842 867 Fax: (0044) 1949 842 867 Email: chrisashby@ Web: Main Products/ Cheesemaking training Services: and consultancy. Contact: Christine Ashby


Derrynane House, Eadestown, Naas, Co. Kildare. (045) 883 510 087 236 9569 (045) 880 934 Citronix printers, Masca laser, Stream feeder, reconditioned Videojet printers, replacement inks & fluids for all printers, full range of shrink wrap equipment, liquid filling, labelling & service. Director (Printing): Bob Powles Director (Packaging): Philip Cleary

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd

Address: 718 Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. Telephone: (01) 861 2141 Fax: (01) 861 2142 Email: Web: 3 8 food ireland

AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Address: The Woodlands, Carrigmore, Ballineen, Co. Cork. Telephone: (023) 884 7333 Fax: (023) 884 7671 Email: Web: Main Products/ Materials handling Services: platforms, pallets, containers, boxes, plastic & wooden, ISPMI5 compliance, trays, tote boxes. Contact: Joint Managing Director: Charles O’Donovan Joint Managing Director: Jerry O’Flynn

AiP Thermoform Packaging Address:

Unit 1 A Ballymaley Business Park, Barefield, Ennis, Co. Clare. Telephone: (065) 686 4486 Fax: (065) 689 3479 Email: Web: Main Products/ Design and manufacture Services of Thermoform Packaging for the Irish market. Contact: John Mulleady

All In All Ingredients

Air Products Ireland Ltd Address:

Unit 950, Western Industrial Estate, Killeen Road, Dublin 12. Telephone: 1800 99 50 29 (Phil Tranter) Email: Web: Main Products/ With over 40 years Services: experience of supplying gas, services and technologies to the food industry Air Products’ Freshline® Solutions can assist you with all your Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Requirements. Freshline Gases® include CO2, Nitrogen and Oxygen in liquid or gaseous form. To find out more please visit our website. Contact: Sales Manager: Air Products on 1800 99 50 29

AIS Ltd Automatic Identification Systems Address:

Unit 48, Canal Walk, Park West Industrial Park, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 620 5742 Fax: (01) 620 5735 Email: Web: Main Products: RFID equipment, automatic labelling, print & apply systems, industrial barcode scanning, 2D barcode equipment, hand held readers, mobile computers, fixed mount scanning, label printers, mobile printers, desktop printers, industrial printers, barcode printers, labels & ribbons. Services: Supply, install & maintenance of auto ID products. Custom solution development for product traceability suitable for you.

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

33 Lavery Avenue, Park West, Dublin 12. (01) 626 3957 (01) 626 6052 Ingredients, blending services, research & development. Managing Director: Daniel Hickey

ALS Labelling Solutions Ltd Address:

Unit 8, Westpoint Business Park, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15. Telephone: (01) 824 2643 Fax: (01) 815 7497 Email: Web: Main Products/ Automatic labelling Services: machines, print & apply, label printers, barcode scanning, HP inkjet systems, service & spares, thermal ribbons & labels. Contact: Pat Phibbs

Andrew Ingredients Ltd Address: 141 Dromore Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down, BT26 6JA. Telephone: (048) 9268 3030 Fax: (048) 9268 3798 Email: timandrew@ Web: Main Products/ Ingredients. Services: Contact: Managing Director: Tim Andrew

Atwell Self-Adhesive Labellers Address:

Unit 18, Bolney Grange Business Park, Stairbridge Lane, Hickstead, West Sussex, RH17 5PB. Telephone: (0044) 1444 239 970 Fax: (0044) 1444 246 609 Email: Web: Main Products/ Labelling machine Services: suppliers, service & spares. Self-adhesive labellers and specialist labelling systems, Cross Web labellers for thermoformers and tray sealers. Inline 3 9 food ireland


coders, printers and label verification systems, linerless/linerfree print & apply systems, plain & printed labels. David Charlesworth

Avery Weigh-Tronix Address: Telephone: Fax:

Dublin: Airton Park, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. (01) 400 0720 (01) 400 0750 Antrim: 1 Sentry Lane, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 4XX. Telephone: (028) 9083 9092 Fax: (028) 9083 5393 Email: Web: Main Products/ Avery Weigh-Tronix/GSE Services: indicators and weighing equipment; Labelling equipment; Atex Systems for Food & associated industries; Liquid and bag filling; Vessel and hopper weighing; Lorry weighbridges & Management systems; Recipe and Q.C. software. A full range of maintenance support contracts. Emergency breakdown service; Legal Metrology Verification, Full range of calibration services including UKAS; High precision balances, project management and project support; Provide service for all manufacturer’s brands, not only Avery WeighTronix equipment; software contract support; Full range of equipment hire: Full range of consumable products, Printheads, Thermal transfer ribbons and labels. Contact: Product Services Manager: Alan Morrison

Company Listings

Food Ireland 2010/11

Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings

Campden BRI


Bank of Ireland Global Markets Address: Colvill House, Talbot Street, Dublin 1. Telephone: (01) 799 3000 Fax: (01) 799 3035 Email: Web: Main Products/ Currency risk Services: management, Interest rate risk management, treasury investments and deposits, trade finance, structured products.

BIM/Irish Sea Fisheries Board Address:

PO Box 12, Crofton Rd, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Telephone: (01) 214 4100 Fax: (01) 214 4132 Email: Web: Main Products/ State Agency with Services: responsibility for sea fishing and aquaculture industry.

Blakes Ingredients

Address: Unit 1 & 2, Western Business Park Oak Close, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 450 7177 Fax: (01) 450 7190 Email: Web: Main Products/ Sugars, seasonings and Services: food ingredients (frozen & ambient).

Blenders Ltd Address:

Unit 4, IDA Centre, Newmarket, Dublin 8. Telephone: (01) 453 6960 Fax: (01) 453 7607 Email: Main Products/ Mayonnaises, dressings, Services: bouillons, cooking sauces, table sauces, carvery sauces, relishes in bulk catering, sachets and retail jar formats. Branded and private label. Contact: Director of Sales: David Chandler Directors: Robin Simpson, David Simpson

P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Instrument & Weighing Specialists Address: 35 Western Parkway Business Centre, Ballymount Drive, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 450 5050 Fax: (01) 450 5183 Email: Web: Main Products/ Supply, Service and Services: Calibration of Instruments, Controls, Weighing. Contact: Managing Director: Patrick M. Boner

Bord Bia - The Irish Food Board Address:

Clanwilliam Court, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 668 5155 Fax: (01) 668 7521 Email: Web: Main Products/ Marketing, promotion Services: and development of Irish food, drink & horticulture. Contact: Chief Executive: Aidan Cotter


Camida Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Tower House, New Quay, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. (052) 612 5455 (052) 612 5466 Food Ingredients include: Lecithin Emulsifiers, Soya Proteins (Isolate, Concentrate & Fibres), Flavours, Meat Functional Blends (Texture & Yield improvers), Alginates & Carrageenans, Sweetners (Sucralose, NHDC), Vitamin Premixes. Sales Manager: Joe Guiney

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Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6LD, UK. (0044) 1386 842 104 (0044) 1386 842 100 Research, Training, Consultancy and Publications for the Food, Drink and Allied Industries Worldwide. Head of Membership & Training Department: Bertrand Emond

Celtic Sales Company Ltd Address:

203 Northwest Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Telephone: (01) 829 3944 Fax: (01) 829 3955 Email: Main Products/ Packaging materials Services: for fresh food. Contact: Managing Director: Paddy Byrne

Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Address:

Unit 3B, Waterfront Business Park, Little Island, Co. Cork. Telephone: (021) 429 7984 Fax: (021) 429 7990 Email: Main Products/ Suppliers of packaging, Services: containers for food, cakes & salads, net bags, plastic bags & cardboard boxes. Contact: Mary O’Brien

Central Health & Safety Services Ltd Address:

Block B, The Courtyard, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. Telephone: (045) 436 166 Fax: (045) 438 851 Email: Web: Main Products/ Central Health & Safety, Services: are a FETAC & FAS registered centre with a team of highly qualified and experienced consultants in all aspects

of Health & Safety, including Safe Food Handling (HACCP). We can help you adhere full compliance in relation to Health & Safety Regulations and attend to all your associated training requirements.

Com-Plas Packaging

CRS Mobile Cold Storage Ltd

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Cereform Ltd Address: Barn Way, Lodge Farm, Northampton, NN5 7UW. Telephone: (0044) 1604 755 522 Fax: (0044) 1604 752 470 Email: Web: Main Products/ Dough Conditioners, Services: Cake & Confectionery Mixes and Concentrates, Icings & Fillings. Contact: Account Manager, Ireland: Damien McDonald

Cloverhill Food Ingredients Ltd Address:

Mountleader Ind. Estate, Millstreet, Co. Cork. (029) 21844 (029) 21845

Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Food ingredients.

Codico Distributors Ltd Address:

Cleaboy Business Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Co. Waterford. Telephone: (051) 379 933 Fax: (051) 372 352 Email: Web: Main Products/ Domino: Inkjet, Laser, Services: Outer Case, Thermal Transfer, Thermal Inkjet, Print and Apply Labelling, 2D, Data Matrix Systems, Electrox: Yag, Fibre, UV Lasers, Handling Stations. Contact: Sales Director: Noel Cooney Mobile: 087 746 3583


Naas Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare. (045) 874 088 (045) 874 090 Food Pots & Buckets, Food Trays, Lidding Machine and a Wide Range of Packaging Containers. Managing Director: Patrick Gregory Sales Manager: Philip Nolan

Corcoran Chemicals Ltd Address:

17-22 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8. Telephone: (01) 633 0404 Fax: (01) 679 3521 Email: Web: Main Products/ Raw materials for use in Services: the food & drink industries. Starch, native, modified, sweetners. Contact: (01) 633 0400



Cross Refrigeration (Irl) Ltd


Address: Nationwide with offices in Armagh, Cork, Dublin and Limerick. Telephone: Armagh: (028) 3752 6090 Cork: (021) 430 2321 Dublin: (01) 451 1915 Limerick: (061) 417 415 Email: Web: Main Products/ Energy management & all Services: major types of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems installed & commissioned. offers commercial refrigeration, best prices, delivered direct within one week of order! Dedicated Refrigeration and Air Conditioning rental business - check out:


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Carnisle, Kildalkey, Co. Meath. (046) 943 5000 (046) 943 5068 Increase your on site cold storage capacity: CRS offer a wide range of temperature controlled storage solutions both new and professionally refurbished for rent and purchase. Our products include 1-58 pallet portable cold stores and 10-106kw portable blast freezers. Managing Director: Paul Tyrrell

145 Lakeview Drive, Airside Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. Telephone: (01) 870 1200 Fax: (01) 870 1201 Email: Web: Main Products/ Energy Management Services: Services, Utilities Management Services, Maintenance, Lighting & Technical Services. Contact: Business Delvelopment Manager, Energy & Utilities: Alan Keogh

Company Listings

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Food Ireland 2010/11

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Enviroclad Systems Ltd

Diamond Corrugated Address:

12-13 Pennyburn Industrial Estate, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, BT48 OLU. Telephone: (048) 7126 2957 Fax: (048) 7126 7094 Email: Web: Main Products/ Corrugated, multi-point Services: glued, litho-laminated corrugated, folding cartons. Contact: Sales & Marketing Manager: Joanne Beckett

Dollard Packaging Ltd Address:

Units 6-11, Eklad Park, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Dublin 17. Telephone: (01) 847 0044 Fax: (01) 847 0614 Email: Web: Main Products/ Print and Packaging. Services: Contact: Sales Director: David Hilliard



Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Unit 57B, Hebron Industrial Estate, Hebron Road, Co. Kilkenny. (056) 775 2866 (056) 777 0955 Supply and Fitting of Enviroclad Hygienic Wall and Ceiling Cladding in P.V.C. for the Food Industry. Director: Liam Moylan Director: Mary Moylan

ESB Independent Energy Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Dublin Office: Woodford Business Park, Santry, Dublin 17. (01) 862 8300 (01) 862 8350 Belfast Office: 33 Clarendon Dock, Laganside, Belfast BT1 3BG. (028) 9051 1246 (028) 9027 8400 Energy Supplier.


EDME House, Mistley, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1HG. Telephone: (0044) 1206 393 725 Fax: (0044) 1206 396 699 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food ingredient Services: manufacturer. Contact: Sales Director: Sharon Clayton-Bovill

Elopak Address: Telephone: Fax: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

67 Broomhill Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. (01) 452 1111 (01) 451 3938 Liquid Packaging, Milk, Soup and Juice Cartons, Packaging Machines. Derek Nangle


Faculty of Food Science and Technology - U.C.C. Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Festo Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web:

University College, Co. Cork. (021) 490 3527 (021) 427 6398 Education, research, continuing education & training. Head Office: Unit 5, Sandyford Park, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. (01) 295 4955 (01) 295 5680

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Main Products/ Pneumatic, electrical & Services: sensoric equipment. Industrial automation training. Engineering service. Complete system solutions.

Filling Machines & Equipment Address:

Unit A1, Ballymount Drive Industrial Estate, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 456 5311 Fax: (01) 456 5313 Email: Web: Main Products/ Manufacturer/sales Services: liquid & cream filling machines/depositors/ pumps/potato mashing machines.

Fischbein-Saxon Address:

Alexandra Business Centre, 274 Alma Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7BB, England. Telephone: 0044 8701 609314 Fax: 0044 870 1609315 Email: Web: Main Products/ Sealing equipment, Services: sewing systems, conveyors, consumable, palletizers, binding machines. Contact: General Manager: R. Bontemps UK Sales Director: Y. Mannekens UK Sales & Service Manager: Barry Cox

Food Safety Interactive Training Address: Telephone: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Tievebane, Burnfoot, Co. Donegal. (086) 827 9352 Basic Food Safety Training on an interactive CD Rom in English, Polish & Latvian.



Glanbia Plc Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Healy Group Glanbia House, Co. Kilkenny. (056) 777 2200 (056) 777 2222 Cheese, nutritional dairy ingredients, milk & fresh dairy products. Group Managing Director: John Moloney

Global Trust Certification Ltd Address:

Rivercourt Business Centre, Riverlane, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Telephone: (042) 932 0912 Fax: (042) 938 6864 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food Quality Certification/ Services: BRC Certification / Organic Certification / Energy Certification. Contact: Information Manager: Bernadette Vernon

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Beechwood, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. (067) 37893 (067) 34794 End of line packaging equipment & materials handling systems. Director: George O’Leary

Greiner Packaging Ltd Address:

Killyman Road Industrial Estate, Dungannon, County Tyrone. BT 71 6LN Telephone: (0044) 28 8772 3131 Fax: (0044) 28 8772 7318 Email: Web: Main Products/ Greiner produces Services: packaging for the food trade, in PP, PS, APET, RPET with high quality print, shrink sleeved and labelled tubs and lids.

Griffin Foods Ltd Address:

Unit 1B, Plato Business Park, Damastown, Dublin 15. Telephone: (01) 826 3960 Fax: (01) 826 3965 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food ingredients, dairy Services: products, flavours, fillings, nuts, colours. Contact: Managing Director: John Griffin Sales Director: Gerry Lynch

GS1 Ireland Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


The Nutley Building, Merrion Road, Dublin 4. (01) 208 0660 (01) 208 0670 Global Supply, chain standards barcode numbering, RFID, eCommerce Datapool, Bar Coding, National Datapool training & advisory services. GS1 Ireland Helpdesk

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HCL House, Second Avenue, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01) 404 9200 Fax: (01) 404 9201 Email: Web: Main Products/ Healys Chemical Group, Services: founded in 1985, is the market leader in clean label & natural ingredients to the food and drinks markets in Ireland. Actively involved in the chemical, pharmaceutical, tabletting, health care, and mining sectors. Offices located in Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin with fully approved ISO 9001 state of the art warehouse, storage (including chilled area) and handling facilities. Healy Group UK has offices & warehouses in Leicestershire, servicing the UK market. A key strength of the group is the ability to source an extensive range of products from various supply sources worldwide. Products offered: Caramels colours, aromatics, pastes. Rice Starches and Syrups. Gelatin and Hydrolzed Collagen. Aromild Plus, yeast extract and flavourings, replacement for MSG. Potato and Pea Starches, potato flakes, granules. Starch, Glucose, Proteins. Glucose powders and syrups, maltodextrins. Potassium Sorbate / Sorbic Acid. Xanthan Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, emulsifiers & stabilisers. Naturally brewed Soy Sauce, Teryaki Sauce, M&S approved, Apple fiber and Oat fiber. Brands:

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Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings


Emsland, Nigay, BeneoRemy, Stringer Flavour, Rousselot, Kohjin, Cesalpinia, Palsgaard, Kikkoman, Microfood. CEO: Maurice Healy Sales Manager: Gareth Healy Technical Director: Pat McDonagh

Heavey Technology Address: Ballyowen Lane, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Telephone: (01) 626 1458 Fax: (01) 623 3575 Email: Web: Main Products/ Scanning traceability Services: (food tracking), weigh labelling, van sales, thermal printers, barcode scanners/terminals, warehouse management, label print & apply solutions, up to 8 colour labels & ribbon, support & maintenance of all of the above. Contact: Fehin McDwyer 086 222 6870

Heterochem (Dist.) Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Unit 49, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13. (01) 839 3127 (01) 832 5746 Flavourings, colours, preservatives & other food additives for the food industry. Sales Manager: Ken Cunningham Accounts Manager: Noelle Shannon


IMCD Address: Lakedrive, Citywest, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01) 469 3153 Fax: (01) 469 3156 Email: Web:

Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Food ingredients. Technical Sales: Brenda Collins

Industrial Packaging Ltd

Innovate Food Technology

Address: Killarney Road, Bray, Co.Wicklow. Telephone: (01) 286 4010 Fax: (01) 286 4015 Email: Web: Main Products/ Containers, fibre drums, Services: intermediate bulk containers (fibre & plastic), all-plastic silos & materials handling products. Contact: Sales Reps.

Address: 2nd Floor, 6 South William Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 707 9856 Fax: (01) 707 9661 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food recruitment, Services: software, consumer research.

Ingredient Solutions Ltd Address: Boherbue, Mallow, Co. Cork. Telephone: (029) 76981 Fax: (029) 76984 Email: Web: Main Products/ Supplier of quality cheese Services: ingredients to the foodservice and manufacturing sectors of the food industry. Contact: Sales Manager: Gary Davies

Irish Association of Seafood Companies (IASC) Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


70B Clanbrassil Street. Dundalk, Co. Louth. (042) 938 6977 (042) 939 5566 Development association representing independent seafood processors and retailers. Martina Clarke

Irish Dairy Board

Initial Washroom Solutions Address:

Hazel House, Millennium Park, Naas, Co. Kildare. Telephone: 1890 300 500 Fax: (061) 309 038 Email: Web: Main Products/ Washroom Solutions Services: and mats. Contact: Aisling Brill

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Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Grattan House, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2. (01) 661 9599 (01) 661 2778 Export & marketing of dairy products. Corporate Communications Manager: Liam O’Neill

Irish Exporters Association

Kiernan’s Food Ingredients Ltd



28 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 661 2182 Fax: (01) 661 2315 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food and Drink Export Services: Ireland, a division of the IEA, provides assistance to Irish food and drink companies in the home market and to increase their sales abroad. Contact: Godfrey Lydon

Irish National Accreditation Board Address: Telephone: Email: Web:

Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. (01) 607 3003


Johnston Logistics Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Blackchurch Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin. (01) 401 3333 (01) 458 8015 Warehousing & Logistics. Business Development: Deirdre McGuirk


David Kellett & Partners Ltd Address:

Maple Court, Wormbridge House, Wormbridge, Hereford, HR2 9DH. Telephone: (0044) 1981 570 611 Fax: (0044) 1981 570 599 Email: Main Products/ Dairy Engineering, Services: Systems/Membranes, Reverse Osmosis, Ultra Osmosis®, Ultra Filtration and Micro Filtration, Effluent Treatment, Spiral Wound and Plate & Frame, Cheese Maturing Vacuum Pouches Contact: Managing Director: David Kellett

Unit 8 Steadfast Industrial Estate, Carrickmacros, Co. Monaghan. Telephone: (042) 966 2096 Fax: (042) 966 3954 Email: Web: Main Products/ Seasoning, sauces, Services: marinades, cures & packaging. Contact: Joint Managing Director: Martin Kiernan Joint Managing Director: Nuala Kiernan Contact: James Kiernan

Kilfera Foods Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Purcellsinch, Co. Kilkenny. (056) 776 4044 (056) 776 4060 Functional food ingredients. Managing Director: Paddy O’Neill

Kingspan Controlled Environments Address:

Hangar 1A, Wrights Lane, Burtonwood, Cheshire, WA5 4DB, England. Telephone: (0044) 1925 711 157 Mobile: 086 257 2437 Fax: (0044) 1925 711 158 Email: Web: Main Products/ Manufacturers of PIR Services: (Polyisdryanurate) insulated panels for food processing, cold storage & clean room environments.



3 Advantage Way, Ballygomartin Industrial Estate, Ballygomartin Road, Belfast BT13 3LZ. Telephone: (048) 9077 7444 Fax: (048) 9077 4067 Email: Web: Main Products/ Self-adhesive labels, Services: extended content leaflet labels. Contact: Sales Manager, ROI: Chris Moore 087 252 3335

Lennox Laboratory Supplies Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

JFK Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12. (01) 455 2201 (01) 450 7906 Leading supplier of laboratory reagents, consumables and instrumentation in Ireland Product Manager: Denis Coll

Limerick Packaging

Label Art Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Label One Ltd


70-74 Broomhill Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. (01) 451 3555 (01) 451 0424 Self-adhesive labels, non-adhesive tags, digital print. Sales Director: Gerard Molloy

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Eastlink Business Park, Ballysimon Road, Co. Limerick. Telephone: (061) 400 035 Fax: (061) 400 036 Email: Web: Main Products/ Corrugated Boxes, Services: Polythene Bags, Edgeguards, Palletwrap, Strapping, Tapes. Contact: Mike Boland

Company Listings

Food Ireland 2010/11

Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings

LINPAC Allibert Address:

17 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Bimingham, B32 1AF, United Kingdom. Telephone: (0044) 1606 56 1929 Fax: (0044) 1606 56 1998 Email: Web: Main Products/ Plastic Materials Handling Services: Products - Boxes, Bins, Trays, Pallets etc. Contact: Sales Manager, Ireland: Brendan McGarry 087 676 7161

LogoPak International Ltd Address: Enterprise House, George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XE. Telephone: (0044) 1904 692 333 Fax: (0044) 1904 690 728 Email: Web: Main Products/ Print & Apply Services: Labelling Systems, software solutions, labels & ribbons. Contact: General Manager: Wilson Clark


Manotherm Ltd Address:

4 Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 452 2355 Fax: (01) 451 6919 Email: Website: Main Products/ Distributors of Services: controls & instrumentation. Temperature: Thermometers, Controllers, Digital Indicators, Transmitters, Thermocouples, Bestobell Steam Traps, Recorders, Calibrators, Temperature Regulating Valves. Sanitary


Valves, Controls and Instrumentation. Process Valves. Pressure: Gauges, Transducers, Switches, Transmitters, Pressure Regulators, Manometers, Calibrators. Flow: Meters, Switches, Control Valves and Regulators, D/P Transmitters. Level: Indicators, Controllers, Transducers, Sight Gauges, Float Switches. Humidity/ Moisture: Humidistats, Recorders, Dewpoint and Moisture Contents. Electrical: Relays, Recorders. Counters: Production Counters, Tachometers. Pneumatic: Tubing, Fittings, Regulators, Calibraters, Valves, I/P Converters. Signal Conditioning: Transmitters, Isolaters, Converters, SQR Extractors. Data Acquisition: Data Loggers, Chart Recorders. Flue Gas Analysers. Controls for Clean Rooms: Magnehelic Gauges & Switches. Managing Director: R.V. Gilbert Director & Project Sales Engineer: Robert C. Gilbert Technical Sales Rep: Frank Gallagher

Mason Technology

Measom Freer & Co. Ltd Address: 37/41 Chartwell Drive, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2FL, England. Telephone: (0044) 116 288 1588 Fax: (0044) 116 281 3000 Email: Web: Main Products/ Measom Freer Services: manufacture and stock quality plastic bottles, custom moulded bottles, dropper caps, scoops, measures, boxes, jars, tubes, fasteners etc, for food use. Services include 3D design, in-house tool making and screen printing. Contact: Sales Director: Mark Freer Technical Director: Andrew Freer

Multivac Ireland Ltd Address: Telephone: Mobile: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Unit 7, Fonthill Business Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. (01) 643 6810 087 283 4067 (Sales) (01) 630 0826 Vacuum Packing, Traysealing, Thermoforming Packaging Machinery and Labelling. Managing Director: Derek Nugent Sales: Liam Cronin


228 South Circular Road, Dublin 8. Telephone: (01) 453 4422 Fax: (01) 415 4492 Email: Website: Main Products/ Laboratory equipment, Services: industrial weighing and industrial vaccuum.

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All this and more available online on


National Chemical Company Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

NCC House, 42 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. (01) 613 1400 (01) 634 0132 Food Ingredients: Activated Carbon, Acacia Gum (Gum Arabic), Adipic Acid, Aerosil Fumed Silica, Alginatesm, Amino Acids, Butyl Diglycol, Calcium Gluconate, Calcium Stearate, Carob Powder, Carrageenan, Cellulose Fibre, Citric Acid, DHA, Fumaric Acid, Glyceryl Monostearate (GMS), Glycine, Gelatin, Guar Gum, Hydrogen Peroxide, Inulin, Locust Bean Gum, Magnesium Stearate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Monopropylene Glycol usp, Monosodium Phosphate, Omega 3, PDV Salt, Pectin, Plant extracts, Polysorbate, Potassium Citrate, Rapeseed Oil, Rapeseed Lecithin, Syloid Silica Gel, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Stearate, Sorbic Acid, Soya Lecithin, Sunflower Lecithin, Tricalcium Phosphate, Trisodium Citrate, Xanthan Gum, Zinc Oxide. Packaging: HDPE & Stainless Steel IBCs (intermediate bulk containers), IBC accessories (caps, valves, adapters, couplers with hose tails), IBC collection service, HDPE drums.


Ingredients Sourcing: We are part of the Pluschem network which is a European wide network of independent distributors of specialty ingredients and chemicals. This network has long standing experience and expertise in the sourcing of specialty chemicals and ingredients from international producers within their home markets, which in turn improves the sourcing capabilities we can offer our customers. Sales Manager: Christy Smith

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


1 Swift Square, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9. (01) 807 3800 (061) 332 982 Certification and inspection services to national & international product & management system standards including ISO 22000, ISO 9001, OHSAS and BRC Global Food Standard. Vincent Delaney (061) 332 882 CEO: Maurice Buckley

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) Training Section Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

1 Swift Square, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9. (01) 807 3993 (01) 807 3844 NSAI offers public courses to help individuals gain the skills that they require to operate management systems effectively. The range of courses offered reflects the wide range of certification services offered by NSAI.

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New Era Packaging Ltd Address:

Drogheda Industrial Estate, Donore Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Telephone: (041) 987 5600 Fax: (041) 983 4481 Email: Web: Main Products/ Self-adhesive labels for all Services: end-users and manufacturers. Contact: Sales Director: David Nevin

NITL Address:

Dept. of Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin 1. (01) 402 4023 (01) 402 3991

Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Learning & Research. Contact: Antonio de Linares

NPP Group Ltd Address:

Unit 509 Mitchelstown Road, Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. Telephone: (00353) (0) 1 880 9299 Fax: (00353) (0) 1 880 9298 Email: Web: Main Products/ Flexible plastic Services: packaging distributors. Contact: Sales Director: Eoin McDonagh

Nutrition Supplies Address: Innishannon, Co. Cork. Telephone: (021) 477 5522 Fax: (021) 477 5449 Email: Web: Main Products/ Vitamin & Nutrient Services: Precision Premixes. Contact: Managing Director: Dr. Frank Cremin Technical Director: Ursula Lecane

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Obeeco Ltd Address:

Annaville Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Telephone: (01) 278 2323 Fax: (01) 278 2374 Email: Web: Main Products/ Packaging machinery, Services: materials, thermal print solutions. Contact: Director: Richard Burke Director: Olive Walker

Omega P.C.S. Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Pegler & Louden 7 Lime Tree Avenue, Termon Abbey, Drogheda, Co. Louth. (01) 836 7535 (041) 984 4835 Pest Control, EFKs Service and Supply. Partner: Rose Walsh Michael Walsh


O’Brien Ingredients

The Packaging Centre Ltd


Address: Fox & Geese House, Naas Road, Dublin 22. Telephone: (01) 450 8759 Fax: (01) 450 7567 Email: Web: Main Products/ Glass, paper and plastic Services: packaging. Contact: Clodagh McDevitt

O’Brien House, Magna Drive, Magna Business Park, Citywest, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01) 469 1400 Fax: (01) 469 1360 Email: pobrien@ Web: Main Products/ Flavours, colours, Services: vitamins, juices, citrates, bakery ingredients. Contact: Director: Paul O’Brien

T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd Address:

Unit C, 67 Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. Telephone: (01) 295 5696 Fax: (01) 295 5741 Email: Web: MainProducts/ Self Adhesive Tapes, Services: Labels & Flexible Packaging. Contact: Sales Manager: Andrew Haughton

Odenberg Engineering Ltd Address:

2004 Orchard Avenue, City West Business Campus, Naas Road, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01) 413 6200 Fax: (01) 457 0219 Email: Web: Main Products/ Robotics, mechanical Services: handling systems. Contact: Business Unit Manager: James J. Deane

Packex Industries Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Unit 1, Village Mills Business Park, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow. (0404) 69 851 (0404) 69 861 High quality flexible packaging. Ivan Cruise

P.C. Packaging Ltd Address:

Derrynane House, Eadestown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Telephone: (045) 883 510 Fax: (045) 880 934 Email: Web: Main Products/ Packaging machinery/ Services: shrink films, flexible packaging, Belca range of shrink wrappers, Ilapak flow wrapping, Sovereign labelling systems, Sick sensors.

4 8 food ireland

Address: Telephone: Fax: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

White Heather Industrial Estate, 301 South Circular Road, Dublin 8. South Link Park, Ballycurreen Road, Grange, Co. Cork. (01) 416 5170 (01) 416 5175 (021) 497 7128 (021) 491 5213 Industrial valves and actuators. Sales Director: Pat Kelly Office Manager (Cork): Pat O’Brien

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Lower Waterford Road, Carrickbeg, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary. (051) 645 066/645 084 (051) 645 033 Bilwinco Multihead Weighers, Mondini Tray Sealers Vacuum and Gas, Limitech Liquid Processing Equipment, Rovema Vertical Form Fill Sealers, Cartoning, Bag In Box, Abtech Premade Pouch Production for Tuna in Foil. Dermot Brett 086 259 0667 Don Malanowski 086 389 1567

Pharmafoods Ltd


PK Chemicals Ltd Address:

Unit 23, Sandyford Office Park, Blackthorn Avenue, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Foxrock, Dublin 18. Telephone: (01) 295 6977 Fax: (01) 295 8338 Email: Main Products/ Food Ingredients, Services: Flavours and Colours. Contact: Technical Sales Manager: Graeme Locke

Purac Biochem

Q-Lab Ltd

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

PO Box 21, Arkelsedijk 46, 4200AA Gorinchem, The Netherlands. (0031) 183 695 695 (0031) 183 695 600 Natural lactic acid, lactates and gluconates. Sales Manager: Gareth Jones

Puratos Crest Foods Ltd Address:

70 - 71 Dunboyne Business Park, Dunboyne, Co. Meath. Telephone: (01) 825 5505 Fax: (01) 825 5506 Email: Web: Main Products/ Bakery, patisserie and Services: chocolate ingredients. Belcolade Belgian chocolate, Puratos bakery & patisserie products, PatisFrance premium patisserie ingredients. Contact: General Manager: Sean McDaid


QPM Ltd Address:

Unit 12, Robinhood Business Park, Robinhood Road, Dublin 22. Telephone: (01) 450 2421 Fax: (01) 450 2311 Email Web: Main Products/ Metal detectors, x-ray, Services: checkweighing, calibration, shrink wrapping machinery and materials, flowwrapping, tray sealing. Contact: Eddie Nevin


PO Box 27, Kerlogue Industrial Estate, Drinagh, Co. Wexford. (053) 914 5600 (053) 918 4575 Microbiological & chemical analysis of food, water & environmental samples. Managing Director: Anne-Marie Kelly Financial Controller: Aidan Byrne Chem. Lab. Manager: Peter O’Byrne Micro. Lab Manager Brian Healy Business Development Manager: Liz Morris

Quinn Packaging Ltd Address: Rathkeelan, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan. Telephone: (049) 952 5650 Fax: (049) 952 5651 Email: Web: Main Products/ Thermoform, print Services: & IML containers for the dairy industry, meat & poultry trays, blown film, shrink & stretch hoods, strapping. Contact: General Manager: Colin Donnelly Sales Manager: John Larkin


Redbrook Ingredient Services Ltd

Web: Main Products: Custom manufactured powder blends and liquid ‘Impact’ flavours, seasonings, spices and herbs. Injection brincs for pork, beef and poultry flavour, texture and yield enhancement. Red Arrow: Smoke & grill systems. Raps: Marinades & sauces. Cosucra: Allergan free starch and fibre products. DMV: Milk & whey protein ingredients. Ocean Nutrition: Omega 3. Services: Customer specific manufacturing with technical application advice & support. Contact: CEO: Kieran Fox MD: Liam Egan

Relay - Research For The Food Industry Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Teagasc, Moorepark Food Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork. (025) 42 247/321 (025) 42 293 Communication of Food Research Information. Derbhile Timon Breda Mulvihill


Unit 1, Plato Business Park, Damastown, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15. Branches: Head Office Dublin: Redbrook Ingredient Services Athlone: Redbrook Blentech Ltd Daventry, UK: Unique Ingredients Ltd Daventry, UK: Dandy Lion Ltd (Honey/Maple) Telephone: (01) 860 4900 (0044) 1327 876 200 Fax: (01) 860 4950 (0044) 1327 312 712 Email: 4 9 food ireland

Rentokil Pest Control Nationwide Coverage Telephone: 1890 869 869 Fax: (045) 852 890 Email: Web: Main Products/ Suppliers of Services: Pest Control to ISO 9001:2008 specification. Contact: Pest Control: Michael O’Mahoney

Company Listings

Food Ireland 2010/11

Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings

Repak Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Red Cow Interchange Estate, 1 Ballymount Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. (01) 467 0190 (01) 403 0196 CEO: Andrew Hetherington Membership Services Manager: Declan Martin


SCA Foam Products T/A  Cool Case Direct Address:

Hollymount Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork. (021) 439 2622 (021) 439 3515

Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: EPS Boxes / Packaging. Contact: Eugene Stephens

Schütz (Ireland) Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Townmore, Killala, Co. Mayo (096) 33044 (096) 33045 General Manager John Forkin

Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd Address:

Greenhills Industrial Estate, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 450 4077 Fax: (01) 450 4328 Email: Web: Main Products/ Laboratory Equipment Services: Distributor. Contact: Branch Manager: Seamus Amond Sales: Frank Eardley

Safety Training e.g. bespoke HACCP, ISO 22000 (1 Day Foundation & 2 Day Internal Auditor Training Courses & Also 5 Day Lead Auditor Training) and Also BRC Training. In addition to offering certification against ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Contact: Fiona O’Brien

Sealed Air Ltd Address:

Clifton House, 1 Marston Road, St. Neots, GB Cambridgeshire PE19 2HN. Telephone: (0044) 148 022 4000 Fax: (0044) 148 022 4063 Email: Web: Main Products/ Packaging solutions and Services: equipment for all food markets - meat/fish/ dairy/produce/bakery and ready meals. Product offering includes films, barrier bags, rigid trays, punnets and pots. Contact: Timothy O’Connell Mobile: 086 225 3172

Security Pak Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

5 Portside Business Centre, East Wall Road, Dublin 3. (01) 855 2377 (01) 836 5391 Suppliers of packaging machinery and materials. Director: John Martin

SGS Ireland Ltd Address:

Lakedrive 3026, Citywest Business Campus, Naas Road, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01) 295 0654 Fax: (01) 295 0816 Email: fiona.o’ Web: Main Products/ SGS can offer Services: certification for ISO 22000, BRC Global Food Standard Issue 4, BRC Packaging Standard (IOP), BRC Transport Standard, GMP B2 & B3, IFIS - International Feed, European Code of Good Trading Practice - Coceral, Store Inspections, 2nd Party Audits and Food 5 0 food ireland

Sidaplax - Plastic Suppliers Inc. Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

7 Harrowden Road, Brackmills, Northampton, NN4 7EB. (0044) 1604 766 699 (0044) 1604 766 768 Converter/Distributor of Plastic Films & Biopolymers. General Manager: Colin Barnard

Smurfit Kappa Ireland Address:

Ballymount Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 409 0000 Fax: (01) 456 4509 Email: Web: Main Products/ Ireland’s leading Services: manufacturer of packaging and point of purchase displays, with a wide product range to suit the needs of the food industry. Standard packaging & promotional products can now be bought on-line via our webshop at www. Contact: Marketing Manager: Mark Munnelly

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. (01) 808 2100 (01) 808 2002 Head, Energy Demand Management: Kevin O’Rourke Declan Healey


Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:

Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork (025) 42 222 (025) 42 340 R&D on dairy products, functional foods and food Ingredients. Pilot processing plant facilities, analytical services.

Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Ashtown, Dublin 15. (01) 805 9500 (01) 805 9550 Training, consultancy, innovation & new product development, research, food safety HACCP, quality, hygiene, specialist testing & analysis. Head of Centre: Declan Troy Head of Food Training and Technical Services: Pat Daly


Water Design and Engineering. Seamus Crickley Henk van der Puil Tim Vierhout


Tekpak Automation Ltd Address:

Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford, Ireland. Telephone: (053) 916 3033 Fax: (053) 918 4328 Email: Web: Main Products/ Vision guided pick Services: and place robots, product collation systems, robotic case packaging, packaging line automation. Contact: John Kehoe

Toyota Material Handling Ireland Address: Killeen Road, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 419 0200 Fax: (01) 419 0325 Email: Web: Main Products/ Toyota forklifts and Services: warehouse equipment. diesel/LPG and electric forklifts, powerpallet trucks, stackers etc. Contact: Managing Director: Terry O’Reilly

Transtock Warehousing & Cold Storage Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services: Contact:

Christendom, Ferrybank, Co. Waterford. (051) 832 411 (051) 832 666 Warehousing and frozen and chilled cold storage, logistics. Managing Director: Colm Browne

Treatment Systems Ltd Address: Canice’s Court, Dean Street, Co. Kilkenny. Telephone: (056) 776 3932 Fax: (056) 776 3933 Email: Web: Main Products/ Water & Waste 5 1 food ireland



UCD (Agri-Food) Address:

Agri-Food, Human Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine & Environmental Sciences, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4. Undergraduate UCD Agricultural Programmes: Science and Veterinary Medicine Programme Office UCD Agriculture and Food Science Centre Tel: (01) 716 7194 Email: Web: Postgraduate UCD School of Programmes: Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre Tel: (01) 716 6100 Email: Web: School of Biology & Environmental Sciences: UCD Science Education and Research Centre (West) Tel: (01) 01 716 2243 Email: Web: Services: Education/Training, Research & Development.


Unifood Ltd Address:



Merrywell Industrial Estate, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 405 1500 Fax: (01) 460 1336 Email: Web: Main Products/ Food service & Services: ingredient sales. Contact: Gavin King

Company Listings

Food Ireland 2010/11

Food Ireland 2010/11

Company Listings


Veriplast Solutions Address:

Dragonville Industrial Estate, Durham, DH1 2RL. Telephone: (0044) 7768 983 922 Fax: (0044) 1913 830 670 Email: Web: Main Products/ Plastic packaging for Services: food & drinks. Contact: Sales Manager UK & Ireland: Darren Percy

Versatile Packaging Ltd Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web: Main Products/ Services:


Silverstream Business Park, Silverstream, Co. Monaghan. (047) 85 177 (047) 85 199 Food Packaging Materials and Equipment - Tray Sealers, CPET, Barrier, Antifog Films, Aluminium Trays, Stand Up Pouches, Vacuum Pouches, Pouch Filling & Sealing Equipment. Director: Richard Mulligan Director: Michael O’Reilly


Waveform Solutions Address: Telephone: Fax: Email:

Unit 1B, 11 Canal Bank, Hume Avenue, Parkwest, Dublin 12. (01) 620 9700 (01) 620 9701

Web: Main Products/ Voice directed solutions, Services: mobile solutions, stock control systems, warehouse management software, RFID solutions, food traceability solutions EU178/2002, FFA (field force automation), mobile van sales solutions. Contact: Managing Director: Alan Carroll

Weber Labelling & Coding Address: Kilcannon Industrial Estate, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel: (053) 923 3778 Fax: (053) 923 3284 Email: Web: Main Products/ Print & Apply Labelling Services: Systems, Desktop Printers, Laser Coders. Manufacturers of Blank & Pre Printed Labels. Contact: Liam Millar

Weigh-Tech Ltd Address:

9 Naas Road Business Park, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12. Telephone: (01) 460 8850 Fax: (01) 460 8851 Email: Web: Main Products/ Supply and Services: Service of Industrial Weighing and Labelling


Systems, Factory Management Software, Data Collection & Traceability Solutions, Calibration Service. Simon Kingman

D.D. Williamson (Ireland) Ltd Address:

Little Island Industrial Estate, Little Island, Co. Cork. Telephone: (021) 435 3821 Fax: (021) 435 4328 Email: Web: Main Products/ Caramel colours, Services: natural colours, burnt sugars, natural colour blends. Services: liquids & powders. Contact: Anne O’Dwyer

WrenTech Ltd Address:

Eversley, Church Bay Road, Crosshaven, Co. Cork. Telephone: (021) 483 2644 Fax: (021) 483 1363 Email: Web: Main Products/ Ytron & Matcon Services: Mixing & Blending, Powder Dispersion / Incorporation, Dust free transfer batch systems, Powder bins / Silo discharging, Auger filling, Dosing, Formulation, Batching, Flexibatch. Contact: Michael Wren

TARA Experts with over 35 years experience in B2B magazine, yearbook, directory and contract publishing. For all enquires contact Kathleen Belton on 01 241 3095.

Publishers of Retail News Retail News Directory LVA Directory & Diary Dublin Port Yearbook

Irish PharmaChem Buyers Guide Irish Packaging Yearbook & Directory Food Ireland Yearbook & Directory

To advertise in any of the above publications please call our sales team on Tel: 01 2413095 Fax: 01 2413010 Email: Web: 5 2 food ireland

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