Retail News June 2024

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JUNE 2024

The importance of support

IT’S not a big word, support, but it can mean so much, especially when it comes to business. Irish retail groups feel decidedly underwhelmed by the government’s much-vaunted round of supports for SMEs, claiming that the measures announced do not go nearly far enough, with few, if any, tangible benefits for independent food and convenience retailers (Page 2).

Retailers are feeling put-upon by the raft of legislative changes coming their way, bringing additional costs and administrative headaches for shop owners. The CSNA have lodged a formal complaint with the Ombudsman, claiming that the Department of Health has not responded to their questions over the introduction of new tobacco and vaping laws (Page 3).

Elsewhere, we look at how Irish retailers can and do support indigenous suppliers, via our Homegrown Heroes special report, which focuses on the 50th anniversary of Guaranteed Irish, the fact that Tesco are the single, largest retail buyer of Irish food and drink in the world, and reveals the results of a new business barometer that signals a positive outlook for Irish food and drinks suppliers this year (Page 16).

Finally, as part of our special report into Waste Management, we talk to newly appointed Repak CEO about the potential effects of the proposed PPWR agreement and the future of waste management in Ireland (Page 32).


2 Measures to reduce business costs fall short of retailer expectations.

3 Retailers lodge complaint over government silence on tobacco law; Irish businesses advised to step up immigration compliance.

4 Maxol CEO wins European Industry Leader Award; Lidl Ireland’s newest Dublin store in the pipeline.

5 Sun shines on Irish grocery shops in May; Annual General Meeting of Irish Grocers Benevolent Fund.

6 Aldi record €1.1 billion spend with Irish suppliers in 2023; Two new refill stores open in Ireland.

7 ESA Ireland established by European Sponsorship Association; Musgrave acquire Clean Cut Meals.


12 The Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association recently hosted its Annual General Meeting.

GS1 Ireland

14 The consumer goods industry has begun transitioning to QR Codes with GS1 standards, which can store greater amounts of product information and can be scanned by smartphones.

Homegrown Heroes: Guaranteed Irish

16 As Guaranteed Irish celebrates its 50th birthday, CEO Bríd O’Connell explains why the organisation remains just as relevant now as at its formation and why it continues to resonate with Irish consumers.

Glenhaven Foods

22 Wicklow-based Glenhaven Foods are launching five new additions to their frozen food range this summer.

Tesco Ireland

25 Tesco remain the largest retail buyer of Irish food and drink in the world, spending €1.6 billion per year.

Waste Management: Repak

32 Zoё Kavanagh, Repak’s new CEO, explains how Ireland needs “a single national message on segregation, recycling, training platforms, targeting businesses and consumers”.

Waste Management

35 Food waste app Too Good To Go has rescued one million surprise bags of food from waste; Donegalbased Kelsius have recently announced expansion plans; Irish consumers embrace Deposit Return Scheme; Free toolkit from MyWaste.

Mackle Petfoods

42 Naturo Natural Pet Foods' wet cat food pouches herald a new era in pet nutrition.

Bord Bia Bloom

48 Bord Bia Bloom 2024 attracted more than 100,000 visitors to Dublin's Phoenix Park throughout the June Bank Holiday weekend, including more than 100 food and drink producers.

Regulars & Reports 8 Industry News 11 Retail Ireland: Monthly Update 26 Drinks News 27 Snack Foods 44 Forecourt Focus: News 52 What’s New Retail News|June 2024||1
38 Published by: Tara Publishing Ltd, 14 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 00353 1 6785165 Web: Email: Subscription to Retail News: e95 plus VAT Email: Reproduction without written permission is strictly prohibited. Managing Director: Patrick Aylward Editorial & Marketing Director: Kathleen Belton Editor: John Walshe Sales: Brian Clark Sales: Aaron Stewart Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter Production: Milly Burke Cunningham Wine Correspondent: Jean Smullen Graphics: Catherine Doyle Printed by: W&G Baird @RetailNews1 Retail News Ireland’s Longest Established Grocery Magazine 16 32 48

Measures to reduce business costs fall short of retailer expectations

NEW government measures to reduce business costs for small and medium businesses “do not go nearly far enough”, according to retail representatives. In a letter to the Taoiseach, Simon Harris, RGDATA described it as regrettable that “there was very little of any tangible benefit for independent food/convenience retailers” in the measures.

In an interview with Retail News, RGDATA Director General Tara Buckley, said: “The new measures might make people believe that the government is doing a huge amount for small and medium-sized businesses. But the reality is it's not doing much for anyone with high employment costs.”

Arnold Dillon, Director of Retail Ireland, agreed: “The steps in themselves do not go nearly far enough…”

Minister for Enterprise Peter Burke TD brought forward the measures in May 2024 in response to a series of employment cost increases that were initiated by government. The measures were largely geared around schemes and grants and did not address the proposals of, which included a call for a permanent 9% VAT rate (reduced from the current 13.5%), reform of the National Minimum Wage and greater representation for small businesses on the Labour Employer Economic Forum (LEEF) and Low Pay Commission (LPC).

The measures did introduce a second payment of the Increased Cost of Business

(ICOB) grant for retailers. However, qualifying businesses must pay a commercial rate bill of less than €10,000, which excludes the majority of foodservice businesses, according to Buckley.

“Most of our members who are impacted by rising labour costs don't qualify for ICOB because they pay rates in excess of €13,000,” she argued. “A lot of the other measures are once-offs, or they're not addressing the core issue, which is the increase in the wage bill. A lot of the supports are for micro-businesses. But if you're running a busy convenience store, a small supermarket or even a large supermarket, you don't qualify as a microbusiness.”

Furthermore, suggested Neil McDonnell,

Chief Executive of ISME, businesses who “don't pay rates directly can't avail of the ICOB in the first place”. A proposal to increase the maximum amount available under the Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme to €10,000 and reduce the business contribution rate from 50% to 25%, “could be significant”, said McDonnell. “Anything material they can do will always be welcome and it'll abate things somewhat.”

The measures suggest a review “on the impact of Statutory Sick Leave before deciding on any further increases” and a change in the PRSI threshold from €441 to €496, which will allow employers with employees on the National Minimum Wage to pay the lower rate of 8.8.%. But this doesn’t go far enough for RGDATA, who have called for a PRSI reduction to 6% and a reduced rate for students who work part-

time in retail grocery.

RGDATA laid out their proposals in an early Budget 2025 submission sent directly to Taoiseach Simon Harris on May 24. “RGDATA would usually make an annual Budget Submission to the Minister for Finance,” the letter read. “However, this year we are directing our submission to you… In the first instance you have identified supporting SME enterprises as a core focus since taking office…”

Grocery retail has a significant opponent in the form of trade unions who describe labour costs as a manufactured crisis. “That is not what the data is telling us,” said Neil McDonnell of ISME. “We're seeing it in the numbers of businesses that are closing. Microbusinesses in particular

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Arnold Dillon, Director, Retail Ireland.

are only marginally profitable.” In a 2024 report, government recognised the impact of new labour market policies (including the commitment to a Living Wage by 2026, pension auto-enrolment, statutory sick pay, and increases of employers PRSI) on SMEs in the food and convenience retail sector.

While new government measures might be insufficient, some retailers believe they are a move in the right direction. “In the last budget, there were zero measures specifically created for retailers and small and medium enterprises,” said Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA. “That has now been acknowledged. Minister Burke has clearly seen that retail needs additional assistance.”

“The big guns now need to come out,” adds McDonnell.

All eyes will be on Budget 2025.

Retailers lodge complaint over government silence on tobacco law

THE Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association of Ireland (CSNA) has lodged a complaint to the Ombudsman claiming that the Department of Health has not responded to their questions over the introduction of new tobacco and vaping laws. Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA, said the Association had written to the department “five times” since January 9, 2024, a month after the legislation was introduced, asking about the timeline around the implementation of the new rules - but have yet to receive a response.

“The state has every right and every entitlement to bring in laws,” remarked Jennings. “Nobody is disputing that. But do it in consultation with the stakeholders. The Department of Health has refused to engage on tobacco control matters with representative associations and that's not good enough.”

The Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023, approved by government in May 2024, will raise the minimum legal age of sale of tobacco products (including vapes) to 21. Retailers have been seeking clarification about when the law will be taking affect. “We have asked specific questions about this because we can't have a situation where members don't know,” said Jennings. “People have to plan for it. It's not good enough that a government agency refuses to communicate important information for us to bring to members. So we made the


A spokesperson for the Department of Health did not offer a reason to Retail News as to why they had not responded to CSNA’s questions, but said: “In November 2023, a public consultation took place to help inform future regulation of tobacco and nicotine inhaling products such as e-cigarettes or ‘vapes’. This consultation was open to all of the public, including retailers and concluded on January 5, 2024.” They added: “The proposal contains no additional measures or additional obligations on retailers.”

Irish businesses advised to step up immigration compliance

THE Irish government is set to step up its enforcement of immigration compliance in the workplace to ensure adherence to national immigration laws and minimise the illegal employment of foreign nationals. Employers found to be employing an individual who does not have the appropriate permission to work in Ireland face a number of penalties. The number of workplace inspections and crackdown on illegal employment is likely to increase over the coming months.

“Non-compliance with Employment

Permits legislation carries a number of penalties,” noted Ángel Bello-Cortés, partner with Fragomen Ireland, who are leaders in immigration services worldwide, with

more than 60 offices across the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific, offering immigration support in more than 170 countries. “While the government has typically focused its enforcement on industries where ‘casual’ work may be more commonplace, such as hospitality, construction and fast food, we would expect an increase in inspections across the board.”

With new legislation pending and the increased scrutiny on migration in the state, employers will need robust recordkeeping practices and full awareness of their immigration obligations, including ancillary obligations in respect of holders of valid permits, to ensure they and their employees remain in compliance.

Ángel Bello-Cortés, partner with Fragomen Ireland, leaders in immigration services worldwide.

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Neil McDonnell, Chief Executive of ISME. Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA.

Maxol CEO wins European Industry Leader Award

BRIAN Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group, has been selected from sectoral leaders across Europe as the 2024 NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores) European Convenience Industry Leader. Brian was presented with his award at the NACS Convenience Summit Europe in Barcelona.

“I am honoured to receive this recognition and award from my peers,” noted Brian Donaldson. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire Maxol team and support of the McMullan family. Over the past decade, our collective efforts have driven the success and innovation that define our company today. I am proud of what we have achieved, and this award inspires us to continue our journey.”

Brian joined Maxol Oil Limited in September 1986 as a graduate trainee and played a key role in the development of Maxol's retail network in Northern Ireland. He advanced through various positions, becoming an Area Manager, then Retail Manager, and was appointed General Sales Manager for Northern Ireland in 1995. In 2002, Brian became General Manager of Marketing and Retail at The Maxol Group and was responsible for expanding the retail network, maximising non-fuel income streams, developing food partner alliances with Mace/Spar and co-ordinating their marketing, sponsorship and PR activities throughout Ireland.

From 2012, Brian served as Chief Operating Officer, and in 2016, he was appointed CEO. Under his leadership, Maxol have implemented a transformative strategy, repositioning the group as an innovative, convenience-led brand. This includes the introduction of Maxol’s own convenience concept in the Republic of Ireland with proprietary brands, Rosa coffee, Maxol Deli and private label range.

Brian currently sits on the CBI NI Council and recently became chair of CBI NI’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Working Group, which is driving significant improvements around charge-point provision across Northern Ireland.

Maxol have received accolades from NACS over the years for their innovative approach to convenience retail and exceptional store formats. Most recently, Maxol Ballycoolin in Dublin won the 2022 NACS European Convenience Retailer of the Year Award, and Maxol Newbridge, County Kildare, won the 2021 NACS European Convenience Retail Best of the Best Store Award.

“Brian has done an amazing job of transforming the company from one that is fuel based to one that is food based,” said NACS President and CEO Henry Armour. “As the industry continues along this path, this is a model to both study and celebrate.”

Lidl Ireland’s newest Dublin store in the pipeline

LIDL have started construction work to develop a brand new modern ‘concept’ supermarket at Kilcarbery in Clondalkin, Dublin, bringing the first major retail offering to the area when it opens later this year.

Planning permission for the new store was approved by South Dublin County Council in December 2023 and will see the retailer expand its Dublin store network to 53 when completed.

Located within the new Kilcarbery Grange development in in Clondalkin, Lidl’s newest state-of-the-art ‘concept’ store will create 30 retail jobs in the area, adding to its 6,000 strong workforce throughout Ireland. Up to 120 temporary jobs will also be supported during the development phase, which got underway recently, with contractors Tinnelly Construction breaking ground to develop the 2,100 square metre retail unit.

“I’m pleased to confirm that construction is now underway for a brand-new Lidl store in Kilcarbery, Clondalkin,” noted Vincent Cronolly, Regional Property Director, Lidl Ireland.

“This is a strategically important site for us and will serve the growing population in this area. Many of the new housing developments in recent years, such as Kilcarbery Grange, are as a direct result of the council’s investment into the area as part of the Rebuilding Ireland programme.

“With a thriving community, the time is right for us to establish a modern new store in the locality. This will provide further investment into the community, facilitate employment, and attract further inward investment from other retailers. This is a highly anticipated project and I look forward to welcoming residents to enjoy an unrivalled shopping experience with Ireland’s best value supermarket.”

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Brian Donaldson, Maxol Group CEO, and 2024 NACS European Convenience Industry Leader. Pictured are (l-r): Kevin Fenlon, Senior Construction Manager at Lidl Ireland; Vincent Cronolly, Regional Property Director at Lidl Ireland; and Mark Hadden, Quantity Surveyor at Tinnelly Construction Ltd.

Sun shines on Irish grocery shops in May

TAKE-home grocery sales in Ireland increased by 4.7% in the four weeks to May 12, 2024, according to the latest data from Kantar. May saw more shoppers out and about and picking up items to enjoy in the long-awaited sunshine.

Volumes per trip were up slightly at 0.2%, while frequency was also up by 1%, with shoppers making 21 trips on average over the month of May. Average prices grew by 1.8% in May, up on last month’s 0.7%.

Grocery inflation stands at 2.6% in the 12 weeks to May 12, 2024, down 13.3% compared to the same period last year. Although value sales are up significantly, grocery price inflation remains the driving factor behind this, rather than increased purchasing.

“Once again we see grocery inflation fall for the thirteenth month in a row – now sitting at the lowest level we have seen since March 2022,” noted Emer Healy, Business Development Director at Kantar. “This is welcome news, but Irish consumers are still looking for bargains, with over 25% of value sales on promotion, down 4% since January 2024. Retailers are also promoting their own label ranges to get shoppers through the door. Sales of own label are performing well and growing ahead of the total market at 5.7% year-on-year, with shoppers spending an additional €86 million year-on-year.”

Premium own label performed particularly strongly, with shoppers spending an additional €18.4 million year-on-year, up 12.6% compared to this time last year. Brands also grew by 4% over the latest 12 weeks, with shoppers spending an additional €59 million, but growth was slightly behind the total market.

The warm weather ahead of the May Bank Holiday was very welcome, according to Emer: “Irish consumers celebrated by dusting off their barbeques at the first opportunity. This month, shoppers spent an additional €614k on sausages, €497k on chilled burgers and grills, €454k on chilled prepared salads and €3.4 million on soft drinks, to make the most of the sun. Sales of beer and wine were also up 4.1%, with shoppers spending an additional

€2.7 million compared to last month.”

Online sales were up 18.6% year-on-year, with shoppers spending an additional €31.3 million on the platform. Larger trips contributed an additional €12.5 million, together with new shoppers and more frequent trips, which contributed a combined €9.8 million to the platform’s growth.

Dunnes hold 23.7% market share, with growth of 7% year-onyear. Dunnes’ growth stems mainly from more frequent trips, up 4%, contributing €29.7 million to their overall performance.

Tesco claim 23% of the market, up 7.1% year-on-year. Tesco have the strongest trip frequency growth amongst all retailers for another month in a row, up 8.7% year-on-year, contributing an additional €61.2 million to their overall performance.

SuperValu hold 20.4% of the market, with growth of 3.7%.

SuperValu shoppers make the most trips in-store compared to all retailers, an average of 21.6 trips, and the retailer also experienced the strongest growth in volume per trip, up 8.9%. This contributed an additional €56.2 million to their overall performance.

Lidl maintain a 13.8% share, with growth of 6.1% year-on-year. More frequent trips contributed an additional €42.2 million to their overall performance. Aldi hold 11.6% market share. New shopper recruits alongside more frequent trips contributed an additional €15.4 million to their overall performance.

Notice to Members: Annual General Meeting of Irish Grocers Benevolent Fund

THE Annual General Meeting of the Irish Grocers Benevolent Fund (IGBF) will take place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. The meeting will be conducted virtually. For further details please contact Gus O‘Reilly. For more details, email:

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Aldi record €1.1 billion spend with Irish suppliers in 2023

ALDI’s economic contribution to Ireland in 2023 was €757 million as the retailer spent €1.1 billion with Irish suppliers, according to their latest economic impact report, ‘Aldi in Ireland, 1999-2024'. The report was published as Aldi marks 25 years in the Irish market and records the impact they have made on the economy since entering the country in 1999.

The company delivers a substantial economic impact through supporting Irish suppliers. The retailer reported a 58% increase in purchases from Irish suppliers since 2019, and Irish suppliers now account for almost half of all sales at Aldi.

Aldi have paid more than €1.3 billion in wages over the past 25 years and their capital investment in Ireland since 1999 is €2 billion. Directly, and indirectly, Aldi support more than 12,500 jobs in Ireland, and are responsible for a regional spread of employment far above the national average.

These figures are outlined in the ‘Aldi in Ireland, 1999-2024' report, which includes economic analysis from Dublin City University Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics Anthony Foley and includes key facts and figures that demonstrate the scale of Aldi’s operations in Ireland and how the business has grown since 1999.

“Delivering value for Ireland – for shoppers, suppliers and staff – has been our guiding principle throughout our time in Ireland,” noted Niall O’Connor, Group Managing Director, Aldi Ireland. “The Economic Impact Report highlights the continuing positive impact our presence is having, not only in Ireland as a whole, but across

each community that we operate in.”

The Aldi MD was optimistic about the retailer’s future: “As we mark our 25-year milestone and look back on our achievements, we’re just as ambitious for the future. Based upon projected customer growth, we expect to serve our one billionth customer in 2025. We’re committed to playing a leading role in meeting the growing demand for new retail offerings, and by 2029 we will spend another €400 million in capital expenditure on 30 new stores, adding 1,000 new colleagues. Times may change, but our unwavering commitment to value never will, and we’re looking to the next 25 years with as much focus and excitement as ever.”

Two new refill stores open in Ireland

TWO new refill stores have opened across the country in recent weeks, offering consumers the chance to stock up on bulk and package-free products.

In Dublin, The Good Neighbour, originally located in Dundrum, has relocated to Castlewood Avenue in Rathmines, where it offers over 700 bulk and package-free products, including grains, pasta, spices, nuts, coffee, and peanut butter.

The Good Neighbour was founded in 2019 by Jess Dollinger to provide package-free options for customers aiming to reduce waste. “I can honestly say that running The Good Neighbour has changed my life in the most amazing ways,” noted Jess. “To be able to run a shop with a purpose I believe in, and to be supported by so many people, is a privilege and an honour.”

Meanwhile, Waterford now has a brand sustainability refill store ‘Larder’ at Grow HQ that encourages a low-waste and organic lifestyle by selling reusable, refillable or compostable products, all with the goal of supplying essential products alongside locally grown fresh produce, while replacing everyday plastic purchases

that often end up in landfill.

Larder offers household essentials including organic cereals, nuts, seeds, rice, sugar, pasta, oils, herbs, spices, dried fruits and vegetables, flours, chocolate, purees and sauces, all sold in refillable containers.

These will be joined shortly by organically grown seasonal fruit and veg grown by GIY at its market garden on the Curraghmore Estate. In addition, a range of household cleaning products, from all-purpose cleaners to fabric softeners, detergents and wash-up liquids are also available for refill.

Customers can also enjoy a range of fresh produce from Grow HQ sandwiches, salads, hummus, pestos, and mustards made from the HQ kitchen, all laid out in a Grab & Go fridge. There is a range of fresh food produce from local suppliers, such as artisan sausages, black pudding and organic milk, and customers can sign up to a weekly fresh seasonal fruit and veg box, all grown locally at the GIY Market Garden.

“We are trying to offer as many common-use household products as possible and also make the refill usage as easy as possible,” noted Michael Kelly, founder of GIY. “We hope that this becomes the new norm for many people.”

To purchase refill products, customers bring their own containers and pay by the weight of the product (as containers are weighed empty before filling).

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Niall O’Connor, Group Managing Director, Aldi Ireland. The Good Neighbour store in Rathmines, Dublin. Pictured at the brand new Refill Store at ‘Larder’ at Grow HQ in Waterford is Cloda McGrath.

ESA Ireland established by European Sponsorship Association

THE European Sponsorship Association (‘ESA’) announced the creation of ESA Ireland at its Annual Irish Event held at the Odeon Point Square in Dublin’s North Docks recently.

ESA Ireland is a networking community for all professionals working in sponsorship in Ireland and, together with the European Sponsorship Association, will seek to promote excellence in sponsorship, while providing access to sponsorship-specific education and training for members.

Sponsorship spend in Ireland is growing. Irish sponsorship consultancy Onside estimate the value of Ireland’s sponsorship industry at €227 million, an increase of 7% on 2023 and a figure that will surpass the pre-pandemic peak of €224 million reached in 2019. This is reflective of investment in sponsorship around the world which continues to grow, particularly sport sponsorship. Statista anticipate spending on sport sponsorship will grow by a compound annual growth rate of 8.68% from $97.35 billion in 2022 to reach $189.5 billion by 2030.

Research presented as part of the ESA Ireland launch identified emerging sports and music as two areas of opportunities for sponsors. The research also identified the importance of sponsorship activation to ensuring sponsorship investment resonates with the ultimate target audience, consumers. The research identified a perception gap on the impact of sponsorship between industry professionals and consumers, with that gap narrowing where activation formed a significant part of the overall investment and widening where activation levels have traditionally been lower.

“We are delighted to be launching ESA Ireland today. It is

a landmark moment for Irish sponsorship, which has experienced significant growth and success over the last 15 years,” noted Daragh Persse, ESA Board Director.

“To have our own dedicated network of sponsorship professionals from across the brand, rights holder and agency landscape will be of huge benefit to all of us working in the industry, enabling us to learn from each other and continue to set the standard for excellence in sponsorship.

“Sponsorship when done well is proven not only to deliver for business but can also have a significant impact on some of the things of crucial importance to Irish society – sport, music, the arts and charitable causes.”

Musgrave acquire Clean Cut Meals

SUPERVALU and Centra have announced an expansion of their market-leading convenience meal offering following the acquisition of Clean Cut Meals by Musgrave. This high quality, meal range will further enhance the healthy meals offering available to SuperValu customers, in what is a rapidly growing category of the market.

Established in 2015, Clean Cut Meals are a leading healthy ready meal production company based in Galway. The firm is renowned for their commitment to nutritious and convenient high-quality meals and snacks, specialising in a range of products that cater to

consumers that seek out healthier choices.

The business offers a range of meal plans including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options. Its monthly menu changes to keep the range as fresh as possible, strengthening their ability to adapt to changing customer tastes and demands.

“Customers are increasingly seeking healthy, tasty and convenient meal offerings, and we have invested heavily in developing our market-leading offering in this category,” said Luke Hanlon, Interim Managing Director, SuperValu and Centra, “The acquisition of Clean Cut Meals will build further on this investment as SuperValu and Centra continually seek to innovate and enhance our offering in order to meet the needs of our customers in communities all across Ireland.”

Conor McCallion and Michéal Dyer, co-founders of Clean Cut Meals, added: “Clean Cut Meals, the brainchild of dedication and passion, has been acquired by Musgraves, marking a significant milestone in its journey. As we reflect on the humble beginnings of our brand, from late nights in the kitchen to navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship, we are filled with pride and nostalgia. This acquisition opens doors to new possibilities, allowing Clean Cut Meals to reach a broader audience through the 700-strong SuperValu and Centra stores nationwide. Our products, once crafted with love in a modest kitchen, will now grace tables across the country, promoting a healthier lifestyle for all. We are excited to bring our healthy and nutritious range of meals and products to SuperValu and Centra customers across the country.”

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Daragh Persse, ESA Board Director. Pictured at the launch of SuperValu’s acquisition of Clean Cut Meals are (l-r): co-founder of Clean Cut Meals, Michael Dyer; SuperValu and Centra Interim Managing Director Luke Hanlon; co-founder of Clean-Cut Meals Conor McCallion; and Jerh O’Sullivan, Head of Strategic Initiatives SuperValu and Centra.

Minister visits Danone’s Wexford Nutricia Plant

MINISTER for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD recently visited Danone’s Nutricia Supply Point in Rocklands, Wexford, to learn more about the crucial role that Danone plays in the Irish agri-food sector, its support of the dairy industry in Ireland and the company’s ambitious sustainability objectives, including key priorities relating to regenerative agriculture and biomethane. Pictured are: Alan Kelly, Quality & Food Safety Director, Danone Nutricia Wexford; Michelle Curley, Head of Corporate Affairs, Danone Ireland; Chuen Kiat Tan, Supply Point Director, Danone Nutricia Wexford; Minister Charlie McConalogue TD; Killian Barry, Managing Director, Danone Ireland; and Deirdre Hannon, Plant Manager, Danone Nutricia Wexford.

Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Street Carnival serves up a feast

Aldi unveil renovated Sallynoggin store

ALDI’s Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin Project Fresh store has reopened its doors to customers following an extensive renovation project investment of over €1 million, which has seen the store interior completely refurbished. The updated Sallynoggin store now features the new layout that includes a wide selection of fresh food at the front of the store, hi-spec fixtures and fittings throughout the store, plus new product category signage that provides an effortless shopping experience. The customerfocused layout allows for the products customers know and love to shop more easily, whilst browsing new ranges. The newly refurbished store has received a full makeover in line with Aldi’s award-winning Project Fresh design.

WEST Cork’s Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Street Carnival was back on Saturday, June 15, 2024, and proved to be another jam-packed, gastronomic weekend. The colourful streets came alive as rows of tables lined Pearse Street to create Clonakilty’s biggest outdoor dining experience, with live entertainment throughout the day. This year’s mouth-watering weekend included a special-guest appearance by celebrity chef Kevin Dundon, who officially opened the Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Street Carnival food tent. Irish Yogurts Clonakilty are celebrating 30 years in business this year. Pictured are Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Managing Director Diarmuid O’Sullivan, with Kevin Dundon and Mary T. Daly.

M&S continue Farm to Foodhall campaign

MARKS and Spencer have launched the latest phase of their Farm to Foodhall campaign, with a new ad featuring one of M&S Select Farmers from Co. Mayo, Kevin Feeney, and M&S Food Ambassador, Mark Moriarty. Mark meets Kevin to explore his third-generation sheep farm and to find out how he delivers top-quality, best in season Irish lamb for M&S. Kevin highlights that the traditional stone walls provide shelter from the elements of the west and that the plentiful supply of high-quality grassland is what ensures that top-quality produce and how all of the M&S Lamb is 100% traceable. The Farm to Foodhall campaign is highlighting just a few of the farmers and producers across Ireland who supply trusted quality Irish food to M&S customers, and the ongoing work at M&S in expanding upon their existing range of products sourced from Ireland.

Fairview store sells winning Lotto ticket

STAFF at Eurospar Fairview on Annesley Bridge Road at Fairview Corner, Dublin 3, were celebrating after it was announced that their store sold the winning Lotto jackpot ticket for the draw on Saturday, May 11, worth €3,796,062. Lil Courtney, who has owned the store with Business Partner Barry Fay since 2005, was thrilled to get the call from the National Lottery confirming the win: “We have a team of over 30 people working here in store and we’re all just over the moon. Wins like this don’t happen every day so we are all enjoying the celebrations and I imagine the excitement will last quite some time!” Pictured at the celebrations are (l-r): Gregory Hossenny, Sarah Orr, National Lottery, Amrita Debedeen Setahul, Deiva Volosina, Barry Fay, Store Manager, Deepa Chengee, and Conor Donohoe, National Lottery Area Rep.

Industry News 8|Retail News|June 2024|

Appointment at GM Marketing

GM Marketing have announced the appointment of Brian Magennis as the new Commercial Director. “I am looking forward to working with our various FMCG brands to unlock the huge potential I can see for our partners,” said Brian. “I plan to use our close relationships with retailers across the island of Ireland and GB to navigate the complexities of the retail landscape with the ultimate goal of maximising sales for our partners. At GM Marketing, we understand that every brand is different, and we work closely with our partners to develop customised strategies that deliver results. We like to think that we are more than just a distributor; we’re the partner of choice for brands who want to grow. We are small enough to care about every single brand we work with and big enough to make an impact for the brands we champion.”

Lidl expand GoCar partnership

LIDL Ireland have expanded their partnership with Ireland’s largest car and van sharing service, GoCar, to install a fleet of 100 pay-as-you-go cars to rent across 50 Lidl stores throughout Ireland, offering shoppers access to convenient and reliable transport to make the weekly shop that much easier. In the last year, more than 6,000 Lidl customers have availed of the GoCar service at Lidl stores across Ireland, with Dublin’s East Wall, Shankill and Tallaght stores clocking the highest number of monthly trips. With two GoCars installed at each participating Lidl store, shoppers across 20 counties can now benefit from the service. “We’re delighted to expand our partnership with GoCar to provide even more shoppers with access to easy and convenient pay-as-you-go car rental and to continue to offer more in-demand services through our stores,” noted Avril O’ Hehir, Chief Administration Officer at Lidl Ireland and Northern Ireland, pictured with Joe Quirke, Head of GoCar Ireland.

Waterford school named Ireland's fittest by Fyffes

COUNTY Waterford’s St Mary’s Touraneena National School has been crowned ‘Ireland’s Fittest School 2024’. Supported by Irish fruit importer Fyffes and tracked online, with hundreds of schools from all over Ireland, north and south, taking part, the competition, launched last autumn and now in its third year, promotes the importance of exercise, fitness and healthy eating amongst young people. The grand final, which took place in Dublin, was hosted by three of Ireland’s best-known athletes, World Para Rowing champion, Katie O’Brien, and Olympian sprinters Phil Healy and David Gillick; and saw four schools contest for a prize package which included €8,000 worth of sports equipment. Fyffes marketing executive, Áine McElroy is pictured at the grand final of the Fyffes Fittest School 2024 contest.

M&S announce partnership with Jigsaw

MARKS & Spencer (M&S) have announced a three-year partnership with Jigsaw, Ireland’s leading youth mental health charity. This partnership aims to raise capacity, reach and accessibility of the help available to young people across Ireland struggling with their mental health through a series of fundraising and awareness initiatives. Through colleague and customer donations, as well as dedicated fundraising campaigns, M&S aim to raise €350,000 for Jigsaw over the next three years.

Jigsaw’s ambition is to reach 1.5 million young people and their families with access to mental health support and services in that time. Eddie Murphy, Country Director for Marks & Spencer Ireland and Northern Ireland, and Dr Joseph Duffy, CEO at Jigsaw, are pictured with Jigsaw volunteers.

FoodCloud and AIB renew partnership

AIB and FoodCloud have renewed their successful partnership at a community cooking event, which brought together young members from Dublin-based community partners Whitefriar, St John Bosco Youth Centre, Walk, and representatives from Northside Partnership, for a lunch dished up by volunteer cooks from AIB. The announcement of renewal from 2024 until 2026 marked World Environment Day 2024. AIB are the proud partner of FoodCloud’s Community Meals Programme, which will increase FoodCloud’s social impact by offering a new meal service to its charity partners. The projected impact of the programme is the provision by FoodCloud of an additional 200,000 community meals, saving an additional 100 tonnes of surplus food from going to waste. Pictured are FoodCloud co-founders Iseult Ward and Aoibheann O’Brien, with AIB Corporate Affairs Director, Barry Field.

Retail News|June 2024||9 Industry News

Industry News

Tayto celebrating 70 years

Aldi trialling self-service checkouts

THIS year, Tayto is celebrating 70 years of the original Irish crisp. As Ireland’s favourite crisps and snack brand (Source: Nielsen Value Sales, May 24), Tayto is pulling out all the stops to mark this exciting milestone, with an interactive Roadshow, commemorative packaging and a heart-warming collaboration with An Post combining to create an unforgettable year for Tayto enthusiasts. The ‘Tay70’ birthday exhibition will showcase Tayto in an engaging and interactive series of experiences, that will be rocking up all around the country. There will be a reeling in the years style showcase of the brand, memorabilia, games and fun activities for all ages. Tayto’s brand new, limited edition 70th packaging will feature the Tay70 logo on the Cheese & Onion six-pack and impulse pack. Tayto is also teaming up with An Post this year to Send Love; throughout June and July, An Post envelopes will feature a Tayto 70th celebrations postmark.

Lidl launch own brand Irish skincare collection

LIDL Ireland have launched their first ever Irish-made own brand skincare range, Ár Ocean, in an exclusive new local supplier partnership with Mayo-based Ultrapure Laboratories, representing a new supply deal worth €1 million for the Ballina business. This new deal will see four new permanently listed Ár Ocean skincare products across Lidl’s 220 stores on the island of Ireland. Suitable for all skin types, the new travelfriendly Ár Ocean range includes a purifying cleanser, nourishing moisturiser and hydrating eye-cream and face serum, with prices starting at just €3.49. Pictured on Bertra Beach, Co. Mayo, are John Dempsey, Owner of Ultrapure Laboratories, with Emma Nolan, Buyer at Lidl Ireland and Northern Ireland.

ALDI Ireland have begun the installation of self-service checkouts at 21 select stores. The first Aldi store to trial the new checkout system was Monread, Naas, Co. Kildare (pictured), and it has proven very popular with customers since the launch. A number of these trial checkouts are also in operation at some Aldi stores in Co. Dublin, including Sallynoggin, Newlands Cross and Coolock. Following a recent Project Fresh upgrade, Aldi’s Castleisland, Kerry, store was the latest store to implement the new checkouts. Throughout June and July, 16 further stores in counties Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kerry, Cavan, and Clare will see self-service checkouts come into operation. “We’re always looking at ways to enhance and improve the in-store experience for our customers,” noted Colin Breslin, Managing Director of Buying & Services at Aldi Ireland. “We believe these new checkouts will help with that experience and we look forward to seeing and hearing how our customers respond to the availability of this additional option.”

Familia Torres named the best international producer of 0.0 wines

FAMILIA Torres has been recognised as the ‘Best International Producer’ of dealcoholised wines at Mundus Vini NonAlcoholic 2024, winning the most medals at the event, held in Germany. The family winery, a pioneer in Spain's de-alcoholised wines, received seven medals and two 'Best of Show' awards for their Natureo and Sangre de Toro 0.0 ranges. Natureo Muscat 2023, Natureo Garnacha Syrah 2022, Natureo Sparkling, and Sangre de Toro White 0.0 2023 earned gold medals. Silver medals went to Sangre de Toro Rosé 0.0 2023, Sangre de Toro Red 0.0 2022, and Natureo Chardonnay 2022. Natureo Muscat 2023 and Sangre de Toro Rosé 0.0 2023 also won 'Best of Show' distinctions. The event saw 188 wines from various countries, with 16 gold and 61 silver medals awarded. Familia Torres began their journey into de-alcoholised wines in 2004, launching the first Spanish de-alcoholised wine in 2008.

A sense of place at Food on the Edge 2024

THE ninth Food On The Edge symposium will take place on October 21 and 22 of October 2024 in ATU, Galway. The two-day symposium brings together the best of minds, globally and nationally, to discuss the future of food and how food impacts society and this year’s event is themed ‘A Sense of Place’. Speakers include award winning activists such as Kinsale native Sophie Healy-Thow, who recently received a Global Citizen Prize for work in poverty and food security, and Ebru Baybara Demir, who won the Basque Culinary World Prize in 2023, plus many more. Pictured are Dr Orla Flynn, ATU President, with JP McMahon, founder of Food On The Edge.

10|Retail News|June 2024|

Government support welcome but more is needed

LAST month, the Government formally announced a series of new measures to support retail businesses, and businesses more generally, in the face of a series of major government-initiated employment cost increases.

While the steps in themselves do not go nearly far enough, the move is an important recognition of the problem and has put the issue firmly on the Government agenda.

Ministers have indicated that further measures will be announced in the Budget in October and our lobbying efforts continue.

As part of the new package, the Government extended the deadline for applications to the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) grant, which was announced in last year’s Budget, and provided for a second payment of up to €5,000 for retail and hospitality businesses.

The Government also announced a change to the PRSI threshold from €441 to €496 from next October. This will ensure that employers with employees working full time on the National Minimum Wage will not be required to pay the higher rate of employer PRSI of 11.05% and will instead pay the lower rate of 8.8%. This adjustment should have been made in last year’s Budget.

which has long been a key ask of business.

The change in approach from Government follows the arrival of Simon Harris as Taoiseach, and comes after the publication in March of a major new Department of Enterprise report on the cumulative cost of recent labour market reforms

The report examined in detail the cost implications for business of the transition to a Living Wage, the right to request remote work, Statutory Sick Pay, pension autoenrolment, Parent’s Leave and Parent’s Benefit and an additional public holiday. While the report found that the economywide impact of these changes is relatively small, it sets out the enormous impact these changes will have on labour intensive, low margin business businesses, such as in retail.

Some examples in the report cite business employment cost increases of 20% over the next two years as a direct result of government labour market reforms, rising to 37% when other knock-on implications are taken account of.

While the new supports are positive, it only involves the reallocation of money already committed. As a result, they will not make a meaningful difference to the vast majority of businesses.

Other changes introduced as part of the new package include doubling the Innovation Grant Scheme to €10,000, increasing the maximum amount available under the Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme to €10,000 and reducing the business contribution rate from 50% to 25%, and separately, widening the eligibility for the Trading Online Voucher, extending it to all sectors up to 50 employees, modernising eligible expenditure and doubling the grant to €5,000.

The Government has also committed to develop proposals for the use of the €1.5 billion surplus in the National Training Fund,

Significant additional supports to safeguard jobs and businesses during this period are needed. To effectively reach the companies most affected, this should take the form of a targeted PRSI rebate, and we’ve set out detailed proposals to Government as to how this would operate.

Retailers have invested many millions in training and development, improving retail career paths and making the sector a more attractive place to work, and this will continue. However, costs need to be sustainably managed if businesses are to survive and jobs to be protected.

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Retail News|June 2024||11
Monthly Update
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CSNA AGM a huge success

The Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association recently hosted its Annual General Meeting, which included two informative workshops for members, as well as its Annual Gala Dinner.

THE Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association (CSNA) recently held their AGM and Annual Gala Dinner at Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co. Dublin, on Tuesday, May 28.

The day also saw CSNA hosting two informative workshops for their members. The workshops were focused on retail security and the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).

The retail security workshop was kindly sponsored by JDM Insurance and was facilitated by members of An Garda Síochána, who offered those in attendance the opportunity to discuss the issues that they are having within their stores and how best they can approach the situations, as well as best practice on reporting these

CSNA AGM 12|Retail News|June 2024|
CSNA President Gus O’Hara addresses members at the AGM. Pictured at the Gala Dinner are Emma George, CSNA member; Anna McDonagh, newly appointed member of the CSNA Executive, along with Laura Kelly, Marketing Administrator, and Amy Stafford, Membership Development Officer. Pictured at the CSNA AGM are Flora Crowe, with Eilish & Ray Ryan. The retail security workshop was kindly sponsored by JDM Insurance and was facilitated by members of An Garda Síochána.

The Workplace Relations Commission workshop provided retailers with an insight into what a WRC inspector is looking for and how best to prepare for an inspection.

crimes to the Gardaí.

Following the security workshop, members enjoyed a special lunch, sponsored by Balloons, Gifts and Cards Wholesale (BGC). Attendees enjoyed conversations with fellow retailers over lunch, followed by a delicious ice creams courtesy of HB.

The second workshop was facilitated by two employees of the Workplace Relations Commission. Many retailers have noticed an increase in visits from WRC inspectors throughout the country and this workshop gave retailers an insight into what a WRC inspector is looking for and how best to prepare for an inspection. The workshop was followed with a Q&A, where members could engage with the WRC on the issues they were concerned about.

President’s address

The Annual General Meeting was kindly sponsored by Dubco Credit Union Ireland and Tomra (Reverse Vending Machines). Attendees were updated by Gus O’Hara, CSNA President, on the recent activities by

AGM was a great success from a networking and informative point of view.

the Association on members’ behalf and the plans for the months ahead. Members were reminded that the CSNA is “run by retailers, for retailers” and all decisions made by the National Executive are made with the members at the forefront.

Gus welcomed the two new National Executive Members, Anna McDonagh from Gala, Cill Chiaráin, Co. Galway, and Michael Kelly, Maxol, Candys Carnew, Co. Wicklow, and wished them all the best with their new roles within the CSNA. The AGM ended with a Q&A, where members discussed some of the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Annual Gala Dinner

The daytime events were followed by a Gala Dinner in the evening, attended by CSNA members and members of the trade. The CSNA thanked both the National Lottery and Payzone for their continued support and sponsorship of the Association’s evening events.

Speaking at the Gala Dinner, Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA, noted how “this event is a great opportunity for our members to

leave their stores and enjoy informative workshops, whilst also speaking with and learning from fellow retailers. Behind the till is a very lonely place and our event allows members to engage with other members in a more casual setting. We are looking forward to meeting even more members at our event next year!”

CSNA AGM Retail News|June 2024||13
The Attendees at the CSNA Gala Dinner. The team from the National Lottery with CSNA members Ronan Frayne and Seamus Griffin. Brian Kelly and Gus O'Hara enjoying some ice creams, courtesy of HB, following lunch.

Sunrise 2027: the dawn of next generation barcodes

The consumer goods industry has begun transitioning to QR Codes with GS1 standards, which can store greater amounts of product information and can be scanned by smartphones, with 2027 as the deadline for widespread adoption of the technology.

PLACING QR Codes with GS1 standards on product packages worldwide will enable manufacturers and retailers to provide powerful digital experiences to engage consumers and shoppers as they interact with products in-store, online or at home.

From GS1 barcodes to QR Codes with GS1 standards

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the first product barcode to be scanned in a grocery store. In the early 1970s, retailers and manufacturers worked together with GS1, the global organisation for data standards, to adopt the barcode as the universal way to identify products. The GS1 barcode is used on billions of products worldwide today and enables many processes, including scanning at checkout, category management, fulfilment in distribution centres and much more.

Today, more than ever, consumers and regulatory bodies are demanding more product information, such as instructions, safety, ingredients, nutrition, certifications, recycling etc., and there is an ongoing need for enhanced product traceability throughout the supply chain to mitigate risks, improve customer service and support sustainability requirements.

However, the traditional barcode that has served us well for the last 50 years does not have the technical capacity to support these many future needs for data. To meet these new demands, the consumer goods industry has begun transitioning to QR Codes with GS1 standards, as they can store greater amounts of product information and additionally can be scanned by smartphones. This opens up a range of new possibilities for brands and retailers to provide consumers, regulators and trading partners with the information they need, and in turn improves traceability and efficiency through the supply

chain, all while still enabling point-of-sale scanning at the checkout.

Sunrise 2027

The transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards by the consumer goods industry is an innovative and forward-looking response to today’s business and consumer needs. The aim of this initiative is that, by the end of 2027, QR Codes with GS1 standards should be widely adopted: (1) by manufacturers on their product packaging; and (2) by retailers globally having the ability to scan these barcodes at Point of Sale (POS).

For 'Sunrise 2027 – The Global Migration to 2D' to succeed, industry must come together to adopt a unified approach, requiring changes from both retailers and manufacturers. It is expected that this transition will happen gradually and that those organisations that lead this transformation will be best positioned to unlock valuable new capabilities and provide more benefits to their customers, trading partners and consumers.

Major brands, including Barilla, L’Oréal, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble, have declared their support for the transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards

GS1 Ireland 14|Retail News|June 2024|
Irish artisan mead producer Kinsale Mead was first to market in Ireland with GS1 powered QR codes in 2023. Photo credit: Pepperazzi (Monika Coghlan).

The transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards by the consumer goods industry is an innovative and forward-looking response to today’s business and consumer needs.

How to get started

This major industry shift has already begun, with 2D barcode pilots in 48 countries across all regions. This is a strong foundation. A collective effort is now needed from the entire consumer goods industry to deliver on the Sunrise 2027 ambition:

For retailers:

Retailers should ensure point-of-sale systems are equipped with scanners capable of reading both traditional (one-dimensional/1D) barcodes and two-dimensional/2D barcodes (e.g. QR Codes and GS1 DataMatrix).

• This includes ensuring optical scanner hardware is in place, as well as the appropriate software to read and process the data contained in the 2D barcodes.

Current trends indicate a promising

trajectory towards achieving critical mass in this area by 2027 (>85%), with a significant majority of global retail POS systems already capable of reading 2D barcodes.

• The right technology, together with the right supply chain processes, will deliver traceability and enhanced inventory management benefits to both retailers and manufacturers.

“For 'Sunrise 2027 – The Global Migration to 2D' to succeed, industry must come together to adopt a unified approach, requiring

changes from both retailers and manufacturers.”

is most commonly

in the barcode (e.g. product expiry date, lot number, serial number, etc.).

QR Codes with GS1 standards can store greater amounts of product information and additionally can be scanned by smartphones, opening up a range of new possibilities for brands and retailers.

The retail and consumer goods industries are called to support the global transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards for consumer and point-ofsale scanning by the end of 2027.

For manufacturers:

• Assessing the necessary technological and manufacturing process changes is essential. For example, fresh foods using real-time labelling can quickly incorporate expiration dates in their barcodes. In contrast, products with pre-printed packaging will need advanced manufacturing technology to do the same.

• Finally, adoption of the GS1 Digital Link standard is also needed to direct consumers to an online product experience through a simple smartphone scan.

Industry Call to Action:

• Manufacturers should begin to review and choose the most appropriate data carriers for their needs. This can be either QR Codes (the most widely used and that can be read natively with smartphones) or GS1 DataMatrix (commonly used in healthcare).

• Secondly, brands need to determine what additional data is to be embedded

The retail and consumer goods industries are called to support the global transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards for consumer and point-of-sale scanning by the end of 2027. The GS1 Ireland website offers comprehensive information and guidance on adopting 2D barcode technology. Manufacturers and retailers will find detailed implementation guidelines, best practices and support for navigating the transition. Please visit:

GS1 Ireland Retail News|June 2024||15
GS1 DataMatrix used in the healthcare sector.

Guaranteed Irish celebrates 50th birthday

As Guaranteed Irish celebrates its 50th birthday, CEO Bríd O’Connell explains why the organisation remains just as relevant now as at its formation and why it continues to resonate with Irish consumers.

GUARANTEED Irish is celebrating its 50th birthday this year, which is a momentous achievement for the organisation.

Established in 1974 as a national symbol of trust and provenance for business in Ireland, Guaranteed Irish is dedicated to sustaining jobs and communities. Almost three quarters of consumers in Ireland recognise the symbol and nine out of 10 members say it has financially benefitted their business.

“We are merely custodians of the brand,” says Bríd O’Connell, CEO, Guaranteed Irish, humbly. “The fact that this Irish brand has thrived for half a century is a huge success. It is a privilege to be able to celebrate it this year and for me, it's all about celebrating our members, the businesses who are the backbone of the economy. They've kept the country going through thick and thin.”

Bríd pays tribute to the entire team at Guaranteed Irish, as well as the board of directors and the appraisals board, whose hard work ensures that Guaranteed Irish

and its G symbol remain as relevant now as they were five decades ago.

The importance of trust

The real measure of success, according to the CEO, is in “becoming the national symbol of trust and an international seal of approval for our business members.”

Guaranteed Irish has 2,300 members, who collectively employ more than 120,000 people and contribute €14.2 billion to the Irish economy, and €57.2 billion to the global economy.

“In a world where there's very little trust, it is very rewarding to see Ireland so well regarded as a trusted country and businesses operating out of Ireland can do really well by dialling that up, by highlighting their principes and beliefs, which are very much aligned to those of Guaranteed Irish,” Bríd notes.

The CEO feels that over its lifetime to date, Guaranteed Irish has witnessed the “growing-up of Ireland” over the last

five decades: “In 1974, when we started, Ireland had just become a member of the EEC, latterly the EU, and our job was to protect jobs and to ensure Irish businesses rose to the mark of quality so that they could compete in the single market. In the decades since, Ireland has flourished as a member of the European Union, and we in Guaranteed Irish celebrate both indigenous members and the multinational and international members, who are bringing such a wealth of experience and jobs to Ireland, while also contributing hugely to our tax base.”

Evolving alongside the country it serves Guaranteed Irish has been so successful because it has evolved alongside the country and consumers it serves: “If we stay still and do nothing, we're falling behind. So we have to constantly innovate, which we really work hard at doing. We like to be the first to market with new ideas and campaigns.”

Irish 16|Retail News|June 2024|
Homegrown Heroes: Guaranteed

Then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD is pictured with Bríd O’Connell, CEO, and the Guaranteed Irish board at the launch of the stamp to commemorate the 50th birthday.

Homegrown Heroes: Guaranteed Irish

She cites the current 50-50-50 campaign as a case in point, whereby to mark its 50th anniversary, Guaranteed Irish is giving one lucky company who employs 50+ people, the chance to win a €50,000

communications campaign for 2025.

“The 50-50-50 competition offers the chance for one lucky business with 50 employees or more to win this fabulous prize, which covers a host of platforms,

including national and regional radio, TV, print, digital, and a PR communications campaign worth €50,000. The competition is open to licensed members of Guaranteed Irish in 2024/25. It takes into account the high costs of doing business now, especially for SMEs; when budgets are so tight, often the first thing to take a hit is marketing and advertising, so this campaign is our way of helping those businesses.”

Embracing sustainability

Another area where Guaranteed Irish continues to innovate is sustainability. In recent years, the organisation’s appraisals board has a dedicated sustainability expert and Guaranteed Irish has also appointed a dedicated Operations & Sustainability Manager, Clémence Jamet: “Clémence is educating our members on how to get on a sustainable journey, particularly the smaller companies, as most of the larger members are already on that road,” Bríd reveals. “We put a lot of work into educating our members and creating awareness via webinars, podcasts and case studies, whereby we highlight best practice across TV, radio, print and online, to encourage others to do the same.

“We're very much committed to sustainability. When it comes to ESG

Retail News|June 2024||17
Pictured are (l-r): Sinead Mitchell, Head of Marketing & PR, Guaranteed Irish; Rachel Twomey, owner, SuperValu Deansgrange, Co. Dublin; Bríd O’Connell, CEO, Guaranteed Irish; Kate O’Shaughnessy, Head of Marketing, Applegreen EV; and Emer O’Donnell, Group Marketing Manager, United Hardware.

Homegrown Heroes: Guaranteed Irish

(Environmental, Social & Governance), the company that is governed well and behaves sustainably is a company we want to work with. Not everybody who applies to Guaranteed Irish gets a licence.”

Bríd admits that for Guaranteed Irish, a big part of their work is to help their members to grow sustainably: “It's about sustaining jobs in our community. It's about sustaining businesses here at home. It's about sustaining enterprise in rural Ireland so that those villages and towns stay alive and kicking.”

Bríd believes that for many of their smaller member companies, “they're so busy firefighting all the time, trying to keep the money coming in and maintaining cashflow that they don’t get to shout about all the good work they do on the ground in their local community. So we need to help them dial that up.”

The 2024 Guaranteed Irish report, conducted by Red C research, outlines the economic impact of the membership organisation, with 80% agreeing that by buying from Guaranteed Irish businesses, they are promoting a sustainable economy. The report also highlighted the value of the symbol, with 81% stating that Guaranteed Irish stands out from other brands in its support for Irish jobs, community and the ecosystem it provides members. And 91% of consumers agree that by buying from Guaranteed Irish businesses, they are supporting local jobs.

The CEO feels that the G has another advantage, that it is so recognised amongst Irish people it can work for companies who are recruiting. “People who are moving jobs are looking at companies with a real sense of purpose, which again feeds into governance and into sustainability.”

Bríd has noticed a renewed entrepreneurial spirit amongst Ireland’s population since the pandemic. “I think more people are now open to taking a risk,” she reveals. “A lot of people used Covid as a chance to change and they're taking it. They won't all be successful, but they are taking their opportunity to pivot and try it out.”

While admitting that the economy is in rude health currently, Bríd is cognisant of the fact that things can change quickly: “There are peaks and troughs all the time; the only thing that is constant is change. One month our members are all doing great and then a few months later, things are tight. It is very volatile, so we need to ensure we don’t lose our focus on jobs and on showcasing the provenance of our quality produce.”

Certa awarded Guaranteed Irish symbol

FUEL supplier Certa, part of DCC plc, have been awarded the coveted Guaranteed Irish symbol in recognition of their commitment to creating sustainable jobs, supporting local communities and promoting Irish provenance.

Certa employ over 370 people in communities all over Ireland through their network of 49 pay@pump forecourts and 29 home heating depots.

The Certa brand developed through the amalgamation of the Emo Oil, Campus Oil, Jones Oil and DCC Lubricants brands, who have been part of the fabric of cities, towns and villages throughout Ireland for more than 35 years.

Certa’s support for local communities goes well beyond job creation and extends to volunteering, sponsorship, donations and fundraising, all of which was examined as part of the qualifying criteria for the Guaranteed Irish symbol.

Certa are heavily involved in sports sponsorship as the title sponsor of the Ireland women’s cricket team and are helping the sport to thrive from grassroots to elite level and to inspire young cricket players to follow their dream of playing professionally in Ireland.

They have also developed a series of community-based CSR initiatives, including a Volunteering Day Programme which allows their 370-strong workforce to take a paid day out of the business each year to volunteer and give back to their local communities.

Certa have also partnered with the Open Doors Initiative to provide opportunities for some of the most marginalised members of society through the creation of pathways to work, training, education, employment and entrepreneurship.

“Certa are committed to supporting local communities across Ireland and to continually enhancing the service that we offer to domestic, commercial and industrial customers as we continue to pursue our vision of becoming Ireland’s most progressive energy company,” noted Orla Stevens, Managing Director, Certa. “We look forward to promoting our Guaranteed Irish credentials as we continue that journey”.

Commemorative stamp and book

Guaranteed Irish have a hugely busy 2024 as they celebrate this special anniversary. Earlier this year, on February 8, then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD launched a Guaranteed Irish Commemoration Stamp with An Post to mark the organisation’s 50th year supporting businesses in Ireland.

“We are delighted with the support of such an iconic national brand as An Post, who like ourselves are committed to

supporting businesses and championing sustainability,” Bríd revealed. “Guaranteed Irish has supported the Irish economy for the last 50 years and looks forward to sustaining this focus for the next five decades. We have evolved to represent our members in a more relevant manner and the support from a business such as An Post has been steadfast, so the stamp is a really fitting way to celebrate this anniversary together.”

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Pictured are Laura Byrne, Head of Sustainable Fuels; Orla Stevens, Managing Director; and Grace Cunningham, Interim Head of Retail Unmanned at Certa.

Homegrown Heroes: Guaranteed Irish

To mark its 50th anniversary, Guaranteed Irish is giving one lucky company who employs 50+ people, the chance to win a € 50,000 communications campaign for 2025.

Welcoming the Guaranteed Irish stamp, An Post CEO, David McRedmond, said: “We recognise the importance of Guaranteed Irish as the national symbol of trust in business in Ireland. Their work promotes all businesses based in Ireland, large and small, supporting fair working conditions and a growth economy. In this regard, Guaranteed Irish and An Post have a lot in common and together we are helping build sustainable Irish businesses and communities for the future.”

A beautiful new coffee-table book

The 10 chapters detail the progress, achievements and challenges faced by Guaranteed Irish across each of the past five decades, with key socio-political events examined, such as the controversial 1982 EEC ruling that was found against Ireland in relation to supplying state support for Guaranteed Irish, the Celtic Tiger, the Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. It also details precursors to the organisation, both business-led and state-funded, since the foundation of the state.

The hardback publication is illustrated throughout with a range of nostalgic visuals such as a host of historical advertisements and photography, as well as posters and brochures.


from Guaranteed Irish celebrates the 50th anniversary against the backdrop of Ireland’s social, political and economic history over the past half century. ‘Lessons from the Past for a Sustainable Future: 50 years of Guaranteed Irish’, written by historian Enda MacMahon and edited by Londubh Books, outlines the evolution of the not-for-profit organisation and, in doing so, provides an extremely detailed, informative and insightful record of Ireland’s social, political and economic history over the past half century.

Pictured at the launch of the coffee-table book from Guaranteed Irish, celebrating its 50th anniversary, are: Ciarán ó Gaora, Founding Partner of Zero-G; John Cahalan, Chief Commercial Officer at FBD Insurance; Barbara Scully, writer, broadcaster and public speaker; Anna Daly, TV presenter; Ciaran McIlwee, Guaranteed Irish; Bríd O’Connell, CEO at Guaranteed Irish ; and historian Enda McMahon.

ISpyGI is another new campaign which runs during June, which is Food & Drink month. Working closely with SuperValu and Centra, Guaranteed Irish are calling on members and the public to iSpyGI, using a Guaranteed Irish member food or drink product to win a picnic or BBQ, whether at the beach or a festival! Keep an eye out on social media channels, for more information on the prizes.

“From humble beginnings half a century ago, Guaranteed Irish has evolved into a national icon that now truly resonates with consumers and businesses alike,” Bríd insisted. “The Guaranteed Irish symbol is almost universally recognised in Ireland and the ‘G’ remains the gold standard of trust for Irish businesses - often imitated but never equalled. The evolutionary mindset embedded in the organisation means that we are better positioned than ever to continue uplifting Irish businesses, ensuring the creation of quality jobs and opportunities for future generations.”

The CEO stressed that the team at Guaranteed Irish are “proud and honoured” to represent members: “It really is our privilege to work with you to deliver an ‘all together better’ future for those that come behind us. These combined ambitions ensure the integrity of the brand is protected so that it will endure for a further 50 years. Here’s to the next 50 years of Guaranteed Irish – and beyond.

“In a world of distrust, if you have a national symbol that recognises yours as a trusted business, that is worth its weight in gold,” she concluded. “Our members keep the economy going in terms of employing so many people, paying taxes etc. and we want to keep them front and centre for the next 50 years.”

For more information, visit

20|Retail News|June 2024|
The Natural Choice Ireland’s Freshest Spring Water The Natural Choice Ireland’s Freshest Spring Water

Homegrown Heroes: Glenhaven Foods

Glenhaven expand their range

Wicklow-based Glenhaven Foods are launching five new additions to their frozen food range this summer.

ESTABLISHED in Co. Wicklow by the Cahill Family in 1986, Glenhaven Foods have become one of Ireland’s largest frozen food processors for the retail and foodservice sectors. Glenhaven now have a turnover of €60 million and operate out of two purpose-built factories in Arklow. This year, Glenhaven are introducing no fewer than five new additions to the range, with the launch of their Glenhaven Cheese Bites and their new premium range, Glenhaven Gold.

Glenhaven Gold

First to be launched in the Glenhaven Gold range are their 100% Irish Chicken Fillet Tenders in Original Recipe and Sizzler Hot & Spicy recipes. “Glenhaven have worked closely with retailers to identify a gap in the market for a natural, Irish, locally produced restaurant-quality range, catering to the rising popularity of fakeaways and in-home dining,” explains Emma Cahill, Brand Director at Glenhaven. Like the rest of the Glenhaven range, the Glenhaven Gold branding takes inspiration from the Garden County. “The name Glenhaven Gold was actually inspired by the Wicklow Gold Rush of 1795, which took place not too far from Glenhaven’s original factory in Avoca. Our new Glenhaven Gold range is literally wrapped in the Wicklow landscape and features iconic Wicklow landmarks like the Glendalough Round Tower and the Sugarloaf mountain,” reveals Emma. Glenhaven Gold Irish

New Glenhaven Gold 100% Irish Chicken Fillet Tenders in Original and Sizzler Hot & Spicy recipes.

Chicken Fillet Tenders are launching across Irish retailers this summer.

Glenhaven have also launched a range of three 100% Irish Cheese Bites. Ready from the air fryer in minutes and available in handy 200g boxes, their cheese bites make ideal party food or the perfect hot snack. The range includes Glenhaven Chilli Cheese Bites, Glenhaven Pizza Cheese Bites, and their delicious Glenhaven Nacho Cheese Bites. “Coated Cheese Bites have been a success in QSRs for years and are an easy up-sell for customers looking for a takeaway-inspired side or appetiser,” Emma notes.

Glenhaven Cheese Bites launched this spring and are proving to be a cult favourite

amongst customers. They are currently available in Tesco and Dunnes Stores and will be rolled-out to other Irish and UK retailers throughout 2024.

Family Business of the Year

Recently, Glenhaven were recently honoured at the Family Business Awards, where they took home four awards, including three Gold Awards and the coveted Family Business of the Year title. “Glenhaven are driven by a passionate team, many of whom have been with the business for decades. Having such a long-standing team is what makes family businesses a real success, and an asset to the community. And that’s why we were so delighted to have such an integral part of the business recognised in this way,” says Emma.

Bites range includes Glenhaven Chilli Cheese Bites, Glenhaven Pizza Cheese Bites, and their delicious Glenhaven Nacho Cheese Bites.

Glenhaven believe having a family story behind their brand resonates with customers. “Irish consumers are keen to purchase Irish products and many now recognise that a lot of other frozen poultry brands are being imported directly from Thailand and China,” Emma explains. “Our family story serves as a reminder of the real people behind our products, and all the Irish jobs and families who are supported when you purchase locally produced food products.”

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The Glenhaven Cheese



Positivity blooms for Irish SMEs

71% of Irish Food businesses are investing in new products this year, according to the 2024 Love Irish Food and Bank of Ireland

SME Food Barometer.

SEVEN in 10 (71%) Irish food businesses are planning to launch new products or services in the next 12 months, according to the results of the 2024 Food Barometer Survey, conducted by Love Irish Food and Bank of Ireland.

The survey, which gathered responses from over 100 Irish food SMEs, signalled a positive outlook, with 80% of Irish food and drink producer respondents confident in their businesses for the year ahead and predicting future growth. The biggest expansion areas are expected to be in business innovations (25%), the attraction of new customers (21%) and the development of new products (21%).

Six in 10 Irish food businesses are planning to invest in enhanced brand awareness measures and cutting-edge commercial digital strategies, while over half of the companies surveyed reported production automation and operational efficiencies as key investment areas.

Challenges ahead

Despite the optimistic outlook, 85% of companies cited rising input costs and inflationary pressures as the biggest threats to growth, alongside wage inflation (66%) and labour availability (55%), with a lack of appropriate skills and high accommodation costs the top concerns when it comes to labour availability.

The survey indicated that retaining staff remains a key priority for Irish food businesses. While 59% adopt the fully on-site model, 91% of those employing a hybrid/remote working model want to keep it. With an eye on staff retention, over half of the companies surveyed are considering making changes to their training and

Pictured are (l-r): Keith Symes, farmer and producer of Sussed Rapeseed Oil; Lucy Ryan, Head of Food & Beverage Sector, Bank of Ireland; and Kieran Rumley, Executive Director, Love Irish Food.

development programmes and almost half of all respondents are considering introducing more wellbeing benefits and granting their staff pay rises.

Finally, sustainability measures remain a top priority for Irish food businesses, with 74% of companies reported to have embedded sustainability into their overall business practises. The top areas delivering better sustainability outcomes are reduced energy consumption (84%) and the introduction of sustainable packaging (82%). Key business benefits from embedding sustainability solutions include

Key take-aways:

Four in five Irish food businesses are confident about growth in the next 12 months;

• 60% of companies are focusing on investing in brand building;

• Rising input costs and inflationary pressures are the biggest business threats;

• Ireland and the UK are viewed as the largest growth markets for Irish food businesses.

product innovation (64%), process efficiencies (64%) and increased revenue (61%).

Heartening news

“In the context of significant geopolitical uncertainty, it is promising to see such confidence in Irish food businesses in their growth potential, despite these producers facing challenges in the areas of inflation and labour retention,” noted Kieran Rumley, Executive Director, Love Irish Food. “There have been noticeable developments since last year, with businesses investing in sustainability measures positively impacting on input costs, such as reducing energy consumption, reduced packaging and water consumption. It is heartening to see this confidence continue as investment extends through other areas of their businesses.”

Lucy Ryan, Head of Food & Beverage Sector, Bank of Ireland, said: “Whilst there are ongoing challenges being faced in the sector, it is encouraging to see such positivity amongst Irish food producers in the survey responses. Product innovation, developing new markets and enhanced staff retention practises are clearly priority areas, and I am also delighted to see companies placing an emphasis on implementing targeted sustainability measures.

“Bank of Ireland is the first Irish bank to set scientifically validated targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and remains on-track to meet our sustainablefinance target of €15 billion by 2025. Irish food producers are keenly aware of both the environmental benefits and benefits to their own bottom line by implementing ongoing sustainability measures, and we will continue to provide them with meaningful supports to help them thrive in this area.”

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Tesco: the largest buyer of Irish food and drink in the world

Tesco remain the largest retail buyer of Irish food and drink in the world, spending €1.6 billion per year.

TESCO Ireland are one of Ireland’s largest grocery retailers, having operated in the Irish retail market for over 25 years. With more than 175 stores, Tesco are responsible for over 45,000 jobs directly and indirectly nationwide, including almost 13,500 colleagues in towns across Ireland.

Tesco are the single, largest retail buyer of Irish food and drink in the world, buying €1.6 billion a year, more than any other single country in the European Union.

“We take great pride in the long-standing partnerships we have with the Irish agrifood sector,” revealed Joe Manning, Tesco Ireland’s Commercial Director.

“We work with over 500 food and drink companies around Ireland, and in turn support over 13,000 farming families.”

Love Irish Food

Tesco Ireland and Love Irish Food have this year extended their partnership by a further two years. The collaboration which began in 2021 has been very successful, with member brands growing from 60 to 80 in that time. Retail sales of Love Irish Food brands in Tesco stores have also increased by 40%. The partnership with Tesco Ireland involves in-store activations to help shoppers identify Love Irish Food member brand products, helping to bridge the knowledge gap for those who wish to support local and Irish.

Blas na hÉireann

Tesco Ireland received 45 awards at the 2023 Blas na hÉireann awards in another

and Employment; Joe Manning, Commercial Director, Tesco Ireland; and Colman Keohane, Managing Director, Keohane Seafoods.

Tesco Ireland and Love Irish Food recently announced a two-year extension to their partnership.

Pictured are Tesco Ireland Commercial Director Joe Manning with Love Irish Food Executive Director Kieran Rumley and LIF Chairman Donald Williamson.

hugely successful year for the retailer and its producers. This prestigious competition sees the best tasting Irish food and drink rewarded for its outstanding taste and quality, along with recognising the passionate and dedicated producers who make them.

Retailer of choice for Irish suppliers

Tesco Ireland was named the retailer of choice with Irish suppliers, in a recent

Tesco Ireland and Cork-based cheese company Bandon Vale, announced a major extension to their partnership, in recent months, which will see the value of the contract grow from €12 million to €17 million. Pictured are Eilis Mahon, Bandon Vale, Managing Director, with Aisling Pearce, Senior Buying Manager of Chilled and Frozen Foods, Tesco Ireland.

‘Voice of the Supplier Report’ from Advantage Group UK and Ireland. In the report, Irish suppliers scored Tesco as their best-in-class partner for engagement and collaboration.

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Pictured in Crosshaven, Co. Cork, at the extension of the deal between Tesco Ireland and Keohane Seafoods are (l-r): Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade

Drinks News

Bee smart with Ballygowan!

BRITVIC Ireland have announced that their Ballygowan facility in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, has become an official Area of Conservation for the Native Irish Honey Bee. The commitment fell on World Bee Day on May 20, which aims to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators and their contribution to sustainable development and makes Ballygowan the only bottled water company in Ireland that has a commitment to being an Area of Conservation with the National Irish Honey Bee Society (NIHBS). The Newcastle West site is the biggest industry in Limerick to have a conservation area that boasts over forty acres of protected land, part of which is used to house five Native Irish Honey Bee colonies as part of the Area of Conservation for the species. Managing Director of Britvic Ireland Kevin Donnelly is pictured with Cathy Cooper, Ballygowan Beekeeper, and John Greenaway, Conservation Area Officer, National Irish Honey Bee Society.

Roe & Co launch annual Summer Garden Experience

New whiskey from Copeland Distillery

THE Roe & Co Whiskey Distillery, located in the heart of Dublin 8, has announced another summer of its hugely popular Summer Garden Experience, welcoming four exciting restaurants to the luscious outdoor surrounds of the Roe & Co Distillery Power House Garden - El Milagro, Street by Sunil, The Salt Project and Socafro Kitchen. Running from June to September, each restaurant will devise a unique tasting menu for their monthlong residency and work with the team at Roe & Co to create paired custom-crafted Roe & Co whiskey cocktails. Expect plenty of rich and diverse flavours as each takeover represents a different culinary tradition, from Mexican to Indian and Irish to Afro-Carribean, all joined by the passion for bringing forth their cultural culinary roots to create meaningful dining experiences.

Pictured is Alistair Jeje from Socafro Kitchen, a bustling street food venture in Waterford City.

Serve up summer with Barefoot wine

IT’S time to get the party started and kick off summer in style with Barefoot Wine, the number one USA wine brand in Ireland (Source: Nieslen, total off-trade ROI, FY 2022, total wine). Barefoot have put together a guide to help you host the ultimate summer barbecue. From scrummy pairings to dressing up your garden and plenty of games, they've got you covered from start to finish. Fun, flavourful, and approachable, there is a Barefoot Wine for everyone. The range includes Barefoot Moscato, Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon, Barefoot Malbec, Barefoot Chardonnay, Barefoot Pink Pinot Grigio, Barefoot Buttery Chardonnay and Barefoot Pink Moscato, alongside Barefoot Pinot Grigio, Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc, Barefoot Merlot and Barefoot White Zinfandel.

Teeling release 40-year-old single malt

THE Copeland Distillery have released a 5-year-old Single Grain Irish whiskey, the second permanent addition to their Merchants’ Quay blended Irish whiskey range. Aged in single-use American Bourbon barrels, and finished in Muscatel and Pedro Ximenez wine casks, the 5-year-old whiskey has been carefully curated by the distillery team in the harbour town of Donaghadee, Co. Down. “2024 marks a significant moment in our whiskey journey. We continue to establish pedigree and showcase our creativity and craftmanship in blended whiskey through our Merchants’ Quay range, and it’s particularly important we do so, as we prepare for the first release of our own pot-stills and single malts later this year,” noted Gareth Irvine, founder of The Copeland Distillery. “There are currently over 500 casks filled and maturing in our cask warehouse on the Ards Peninsula, which equates to over 150,000 bottles.”

TEELING Whiskey have released the oldest in their award-winning limited release Vintage Reserve Collection, the Teeling 40-Year-Old Irish Single Malt. The 40-Year-Old release, which is limited to just 140 bottles, is one of the oldest bottlings of Irish Single Malt ever released, making it one of the world’s most exclusive Irish whiskeys. The Teeling 40-Year-Old Single Malt was distilled in 1983 and matured exclusively in an ex-Bourbon cask for over 40 years, before being hand-bottled in a new style decanter at 42.2% straight out of the cask. Each decanter has been hand-decorated with gold infill, along with a hand-crafted super premium gift box. Each bottle is individually numbered and comes with its own unique certificate of authenticity and invitation to come to the Teeling Whiskey Distillery for a very special tasting.

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Snack to the future

Irish consumers munch their way through €425 million in snacks per year, with new product development key to market growth.

IRISH consumers love snack foods: fact. In fact, Ireland’s crisp and snacks market is worth a whopping €425 million per year, according to the latest figures from NielsenIQ Ireland (figures for the 52-week period to March 31, 2024).

Value sales are up 9.9%, but it is felt that a lot of this is attributable to inflation, as the rise in unit sales is more modest, at 1.7%. However, unit sales of snacks are growing faster than their crisp counterparts, 5.5% compared to 1.3%.

Own label is a factor, accounting for approximately 12% of sales, and growing at 12.9%, while other trends include the rise of sharing bags and multipacks, growing at 3.2% and 2.8% respectively.

According to the latest report into the sector from Euromonitor International, snacking remains a key priority for Irish consumers in their daily lives, but they maintain that consumers are actively checking nutritional labels on snacks prior to purchase.

Euromonitor also reveal that discounters have emerged as big winners in the snack foods market, thanks to their affordable pricing and wide variety, particularly in light of the cost-of-living crisis, with many consumers wanting to indulge in snacking without breaking the bank.

Innovation is hugely important to this category, where new products and

flavours launch regularly to catch the attention of hungry consumers.

Euromonitor believe that the savoury snacks category in Ireland is set to undergo a significant transformation from 2024 to 2028, driven by the diversification of product offerings. As consumers continue to seek new and unique experiences, manufacturers are expected to innovate and diversify their product lines to stay competitive.

“Irish consumers will continue to prioritise health and wellness in the forthcoming years, and we can expect to see more healthier snack options launching into the category,” the Euromonitor report reveals. This includes snacks made with natural ingredients, gluten-free options, low-fat, and low-calorie snacks.

Tying in with the trend towards health and wellness, snacks such as roasted chickpeas, ancient grain crackers and vegetable chips are rapidly gaining popularity in Ireland. Euromonitor believe that these types of snacks have an “inherent advantage” as they contain higher levels of protein and nutritional value than other savoury snacks, serving as the perfect alternative to perceived unhealthy indulgent snacks.

Vegan and plantbased products are likely to gain further popularity in the coming years, as an increasing number of consumers become interested in both the environment and animal welfare, with these products also benefiting from a healthy image, according to Euromonitor.

Products that offer functionality or fortification will continue to increase in popularity, with their consumer base widening beyond those with specific health issues and sports lovers to people seeking to strengthen their metabolism and become generally more resilient to health problems, Euromonitor predict. As such,

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Snack Foods

products that claim to offer a good source of omega 3s, a fortified/functional health and wellness attribute, are anticipated to record positive growth in snacks over the coming years, albeit from a low base.


In a landmark year for Ireland’s number one crisps and snacks brand (Source: Nielsen Scantrack sales MAT, May 2024), the Tayto brand has embarked on its 70th year with remarkable momentum.

There was a strong start to the year with Tayto Lentil Chips, the number one lentil chips brand (Source: Nielsen Scantrack sales MAT, May 2024) making further waves in the 'Better For You' category by expanding the range with the launch of the irresistible Creamy Paprika flavour and with an unmissable advertising campaign across various platforms.

Lunchtime, which is a key purchase occasion for the impulse pack format, is being targeted throughout the year via Tayto’s ‘Add Some Crunch to your Lunch’ campaign. Tayto are using time focused radio advertising across some of Ireland’s most loved stations, encouraging consumers to pick up a packet of Tayto at lunchtime.

Tayto will also launch their latest impulse limited edition across the summer months. Tayto limited editions typically sell out within three weeks of launch, so retailers are urged to stock up at launch to avoid missing out and disappointing their shoppers (Source: Tayto LE sales out).

All of the brand’s key occasion activities are being underpinned by Tayto’s 70th celebrations. Mr. Tayto himself kicked off the festivities by taking part in this year’s annual St Patrick's Day parade, with his

very own birthday float to commemorate the occasion. Mr. Tayto isn’t finished celebrating and consumers are being advised to keep an eye out for the Tayto 70th Birthday Roadshow.

Tay70’s Birthday Roadshow promises to be an unforgettable and engaging experience that will celebrate Tayto's 70th birthday in style. Showcasing the brand's rich history through memorabilia and interactive experiences, the tour will be fun and engaging for all ages. Between May and July, Tayto’s best-selling C&O impulse and six-packs will feature the ‘Tay70’ logo and retailers are urged to stock up on Tayto to capitalise on the upcoming Tayto 70th birthday activity.

No doubt, Mr. Tayto will have more surprises up his sleeve throughout the rest of 2024, so keep an eye out for even more exciting Tayto brand activity and keep stocked up on the full Tayto range to see sales soar.

Retailers are encouraged to gear up for this year's ‘Summer of Sport’ by stocking up on Hunky Dorys, the sport loving fan’s much-loved crinkle cut crisp.

Hunky Dorys

Hunky Dorys, Ireland’s number one crinkle cut crisp brand (Source: Nielsen Scantrack sales MAT, May 2024), made a bold start to the year by launching their ‘scrum-ptious’ rugby campaign. Dubbed ‘Slam a Grand’, the campaign was strategically timed to coincide with the 6 Nations snacking occasion, where 10 lucky consumers had the chance to win €1,000. The campaign was executed through a combination of in-store activations, social media and digital advertising, and it further solidified Hunky Dorys as the go-to snack choice for rugby enthusiasts.

In what’s penned as a big year for sports, Hunky Dorys will also leverage further sporting snacking occasions this summer, with a strong in-store presence delivered through eye-catching POS. Retailers are encouraged to gear up for this year's ‘Summer of Sport’ by stocking up on Hunky Dorys, the sport loving fan’s much-loved crinkle cut crisp.


O'Donnells Hand Cooked Crisps continue to solidify their position as Ireland’s number one hand-cooked crisp brand, commanding 12.1% value market share (Source: Nielsen MAT Value Sales, w/e 24/03/2024, Crisps). Since 2010, O'Donnells have captured the hearts of Irish consumers with their superior quality and delectable range of flavours.

Proudly boasting the title of the ‘Most Awarded Crisp in Ireland’, O'Donnells have been honoured with an impressive 11 awards in the past year alone, including five Free From Food Awards, three Irish Quality Food Awards and three Great Taste Awards. These prestigious accolades serve as a testament to the exceptional quality offered by Ireland's favourite hand cooked crisp brand.

In further good news, O’Donnells are delighted to announce the launch of their

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The hugely popular Tayto range will be top-of-mind with consumers throughout 2024 as Mr. Tayto celebrates the brand’s 70th birthday.

Snack Foods


The O'Donnells Hand Cooked Crisps range, including their brand new flavour: Fire Roasted Buffalo Wings.

brand new flavour: Fire Roasted Buffalo Wings. O’Donnells Fire Roasted Buffalo Wings perfectly combine bold tangy flavours with roasted spices to deliver an indulgent experience that is designed to be savoured.

Hitting the shelves just in time for summer, O’Donnells’ delectable new flavour is the snack of choice for those leisurely summer moments. Consumers can indulge in O’Donnells’ exquisite fusion of flavours during a relaxing summer evening, or delight guests with this fire-roasted taste sensation at BBQ gatherings.

O’Donnells has successfully brought the ‘Taste Above All Else’ campaign to life, spanning across TV, VOD, OOH, social and in-store, which will continue throughout the summer. The new product launch will be activated across the summer months, driving significant mental and physical availability, enhancing sales performance in-store.


Pringles is going Green, White and Orange with limited-edition cans this summer, with a competition offering football fans the chance to win a holiday.

transfers and a choice of a football stadium tour, a spa day, or a cultural experience, depending on their preferences.

The new Pringles limited-edition cans are available in supermarkets across Ireland since May.

this growing segment, while also boosting footfall too.

The Flamin’ Hot platform is already a global sensation, with the platform worth $2.9 billion in the US (Source: 2023 Full Year Ticket Sales; internal Pep Data), while it is Mexico’s second biggest PepsiCo brand, just behind Doritos (Source: Financial FY FCST AOP 2024). Leveraging success from across the world, the new Extra Flamin’ Hot range will deliver an elevated flavour experience on existing brands, adding spice to the crunch of Doritos, Walkers Max and Wotsits Crunchy.

“Shoppers are looking for elevated snacking experiences and intense flavours, so we’re turning up the heat with this

This summer, Pringles are going green, white and orange with a range of limitededition cans with an Irish flag on their Original and Sour Cream and Onion flavours.

With these cans, Pringles and football fans alike can be in with the chance to win a holiday for two worth €5,000. To enter, shoppers simply scan the QR code on any can of Pringles and play a football-inspired game to be put into the draw.

The four lucky winners will have the choice of a holiday for two people to a European destination, with a choice of Barcelona, London, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul or Milan, where they will stay for five nights in a 4-star hotel, with €400 spending money, dinner at a top restaurant, airport


PepsiCo are set to heat up crisp aisles from this summer with the launch of their new Extra Flamin’ Hot platform. The new threestrong range will add a deliciously intense twist to the nation’s much loved favourites: Doritos, Walkers Max and Wotsits Crunchy, answering the consumer demand for more varied spicy snacks.

Gen Z consumers are hungry for spice, with 51% saying they love spicy food (Source: Quantitative Usage and Attitude Study, Ipsos, 2022). Utilising familiar household brands and a proven global platform to entice shoppers both in and out of store, the launch of Extra Flamin’ Hot will help retailers maximise sales in

New Extra Flamin’ Hot Doritos, Walkers Max and Wotsits Crunchy: answering the consumer demand for more varied spicy snacks.

launch,” noted Liz Finlay, Pepsico Snacks Marketing Manager. “We can’t wait to bring Extra Flamin’ Hot to Irish consumers, and given the response we’ve already seen worldwide, we’re certain shoppers will be just as excited.”

Extra Flamin’ Hot Doritos, Walkers Max and Wotsits Crunchy have been rolling out in-store since April. The launch is being supported by a two-month million euro marketing campaign from the end of April to June across TV, social, digital and consumer PR and POS solutions in-store.

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Waste Management: Repak

“We need a single, national message on waste management”

Zoë Kavanagh, Repak’s new CEO, reflects on what attracted her to the role, what she hopes to achieve with Repak and how Ireland needs “a single national message on segregation, recycling, training platforms, targeting businesses and consumers”.

ZOЁ Kavanagh is just over a month into her role as the new CEO of Repak, Ireland's environmental not-for-profit organisation committed to enhancing packaging recycling in Ireland and promoting a circular economy. Zoё began her tenure as CEO on May 1, succeeding Séamus Clancy, who is retiring following a decade in the role.

The former CEO of the National Dairy Council, Zoё has almost 30 years of experience in domestic & international markets within dairy and FMCG, including PepsiCo, where she spent 16 years.

Zoё’s appointment marks a significant milestone in Repak's history, promising to build upon its legacy of sustainability and environmental advocacy. Her extensive background in advocacy, strategy and stakeholder engagement, combined with her passion for driving growth and sustainability, aligns with Repak's strategic objectives to enhance recycling rates and support Ireland's transition to a circular economy.

The new CEO explains to Retail News what she hopes to bring to the role and outlines the challenges facing Ireland if we are to meet our obligations when it comes to EU recycling targets.

How have you found your new role as CEO of Repak?

“I am delighted to join Repak and continue

the important work this organisation has done in transforming Ireland's recycling landscape. I look forward to building on this foundation, working alongside our members, stakeholders and the community to further our impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.”

What attracted you to the role?

“With climate change now at board level, Repak is in the business of packaging for recycling, to help meet Ireland’s EU packaging recycling targets for 2025 and

2030 to ensure not only a greener Ireland for us all but a better environment for future generations to come. Individual efforts both at home and within businesses are imperative and can contribute to Ireland’s shared journey towards sustainability.”

What do you hope to achieve as CEO of Repak?

“My ambition is to grow Repak’s membership base, developing long-term strategic partnerships with operators

As a producer responsibility scheme, Repak ensures that packaging placed on the market in Ireland, by manufacturers and retailers, can be separated, collected and recycled as efficiently as possible.

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who are committed to improving Ireland’s packaging recycling performance, while providing expertise and leadership. All efforts will be made to ensure we capture materials for recycling, helping us move from a linear economy to a circular economy.”

How important is the role of Repak in Ireland’s waste journey, both currently and into the future?

“As a producer responsibility scheme, Repak ensures that packaging placed on the market in Ireland, by manufacturers and retailers, can be separated, collected and recycled as efficiently as possible. Repak has been doing this for Irish business since 1997 and along with these recycling efforts, we will also be helping and encouraging businesses to reduce and reuse their packaging into the future.”

What will the proposed PPWR agreement mean for the Irish packaging industry and Irish retailers?

“As well as working to attain EU recycling targets for packaging materials, the new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) will introduce Prevention and Reuse targets and introduce a range of additional reporting requirements for all Irish business, not just the ‘major producers’ that are covered by the current legislation.”

How onerous are the EU packaging regulations on Irish business?

“All manufacturers and retailers of packaging and packaged products will need to be added to a national Producer Register. To be added to the register, a business must comply with a number of reporting and labelling requirements and produce certificates of conformity for their packaging or packaged products, containing information on their recyclability and reuse characteristics.

“All of these requirements will be subject to audit by conformity assessment bodies, by designated competent authorities. The detail of how this is to be carried out is still to be worked out, mainly through secondary legislation which will come into force at various times during the lifetime of the legislation.”

Are Irish businesses underperforming in terms of segregation of waste?

“The proper separation of materials for recycling is crucial for our environment. With the introduction of enhanced commercial waste regulations in July 2023, recovery operators in the commercial

Waste Management:

Paper packaging is one third of all our packaging exports and barriers to entry of new infrastructure must be overcome, including planning and permitting.

sector have to provide three bins to their business customers. Effective management of packaging for recycling not only reduces the burden on landfills, it also conserves our natural recourses and minimises pollution.

“In Ireland, as in many other places, separating our materials into categories to include residual, recycling and compost can significantly improve recycling rates and reduce the environmental impact. When businesses take the lead in proper management of their packaging for recycling, its sets a positive example for consumers and encourages responsible behaviour at home as well.”

New legislation requires separation of commercial waste into three bins (residual, mixed dry recyclable and bio-waste bin). Has this already been happening in grocery retail?

“Approximately 69% (EPA Municipal Waste Characterisation Studies 2023) of items in commercial general bins should be in the recycling or organic/food bin. This is a waste of our valuable resources that costs businesses millions of euro per annum. By separating properly, businesses can save money and there is a significant opportunity in this area; if packaging is separated properly, it will increase our recycling rates to help meet future targets.”

What you should expect from your waste contractor: are Irish waste contractors doing enough to support businesses?

“All businesses should be on a price plan where general waste will always be the more expensive option, incentivising a commitment to mixed dry recycling and food recycling. The motivation lies in reduced waste management costs for

businesses and a meaningful contribution to the environment. Through individual efforts demonstrated by separating packaging, Ireland's path to a sustainable future becomes a shared accomplishment.

“To support Ireland in reaching its EU recycling targets for 2025 and 2030, more valuable resources must be captured for recycling, with businesses using their three bins correctly. This is a win-win for everyone: the environment, cost to business and maximum use of resources.”

What do we need to do to achieve EU recycling rates, which include a recycling rate of 50% of plastic by 2025, with current rates standing around 33%?

“We must have a single national message on segregation, recycling, training platforms, targeting businesses and consumers. Quality data should be shared openly between all stakeholders to include the EPA, Repak, NWCPO etc. We need to remove any barriers to achieving quality data that focuses our attention in the right areas. We have a common goal and that must be manifested in data preparation and sharing. We must have enforcement and re-look at the whole area of pay-by-weight to drive good behaviour. Repak members are already surpassing all targets for their materials but Ireland as a whole needs to do more to reach the EU targets.

“We welcome the work that is being done on classification of MSW waste and the C&D waste content and encourage further review of all waste classifications to ensure that the data we build on is as robust as possible. We need accountability on all of us, to keep us on track, measuring achievements, informing business and consumers on progress and demonstrating that their efforts, small or large, do produce results. Let’s not accept the status quo."

Is Irish waste infrastructure improving fast enough so that we can (a) meet our EU targets and (b) recycle our own waste rather than ship it out of the country?

“Export is not holding us back from meeting EU targets. Over €40 million has been invested in infrastructure to support Ireland’s waste management system, primarily in the processing of plastics. All glass is kept on the island in a fully circular solution. However, the industry is not moving fast enough and we still need significant investment in infrastructure to retain valuable material in a local circular economy. Paper packaging is one third of all our packaging exports and barriers to entry of new infrastructure must be overcome, including planning and permitting.”

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Waste Management: Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go hits milestone million

Food waste app Too Good To Go has rescued one million surprise bags of food from waste, enough to stretch from Sligo to Cork.

TOO Good To Go, the social impact company behind the world’s largest food saving app, has saved an incredible one million Surprise Bags of food in Ireland. The announcement launch was attended by Ossian Smyth TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement, eGovernment and the Circular Economy, and Too Good To Go co-founder, Jamie Crummie.

The free app enables users to purchase food from local eateries, shops and cafes across Ireland that would otherwise

be discarded, at a significantly reduced price. Saving one million Surprise Bags is equivalent to avoiding the yearly CO2e emissions of 290 Irish citizens, saving 427 Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water, and preserving the yearly land use equivalent to 392 football pitches.

A key player in sustainability Launched in Ireland in 2022, Too Good To Go has rapidly become a key player in the country’s sustainability efforts, amassing a dedicated user base of 590,968. Over the

last year and half, the app has expanded its network by welcoming over 1,000 new partners, including the likes of Aldi Ireland, Boojum, SuperValu, Krispy Kreme and Moldova stores, bringing the total number of participating businesses to 2,191. The most active engagement comes from counties Dublin and Galway, where communities are especially committed to reducing food waste.

“Our partnership with Too Good To Go has not only been successful in addressing food waste, but has also allowed us to offer even lower prices to our customers,” revealed Joe Mooney, Sponsorship Manager, Aldi, Too Good To Go's biggest partner in Ireland, exemplifying how major retailers can effectively contribute to sustainability initiatives and the fight against food waste.

“We are committed to minimising food waste and providing our customers with the most affordable range of quality products, which makes this partnership work so well,” Mooney continued. “Thanks to the excellent work of all our colleagues in stores nationwide, we’ve provided over 175,000 Surprise Bags to our customers since the partnership commenced.”

The app also has many independent partners across the country (local coffee shops, restaurants, and bars), including Camerino, Hanley’s Cornish Pasties, Grá Chocolates, and Lotts & Co., who were also in attendance to celebrate the milestone million.

A significant milestone

Minister Ossian Smyth TD, described the news of the millionth Surprise Bag as a “significant milestone”, noting how the work of Too Good To Go “aligns perfectly with our national goals for sustainability and the circular economy. Saving one million bags of food not only helps to reduce waste but also demonstrates the power of community action in addressing environmental challenges.”

Jamie Crummie, co-founder of Too Good To Go, said, “Reaching the milestone of saving one million Surprise Bags in Ireland is a testament to the collective effort of our Irish partners and users, who are committed to combating food waste. This achievement not only highlights the impact we can make together but also inspires us to continue expanding our reach and efforts.”

Jamie Crummie from Too Good to Go celebrates with some of the food waste apps’ partners including Aldi, Camerino Bakery, Hanley’s Cornish Pasties, Grá Chocolates, and Lotts & Co. Too Good To Go co-founder, Jamie Crummie with Minister Ossian Smyth TD (Green Party), celebrating the milestone million.
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Waste Management: Kelsius

Donegal-based Kelsius have recently announced expansion plans, following increasing demand from food retailers who want to reduce food waste and improve efficiencies using timesaving, automated processes.

Using digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring to reduce food waste

THE figures from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on food waste are a clear message to businesses and households that there is still some way to go to reduce food waste. With the high costs now associated with raw ingredients and the cost to prepare and produce food, as well as the environmental implications, the issue is drawing closer attention from all parties within the sector and beyond.

Globally, more than 25% of food produced is wasted (Source: EPA). It is estimated that Ireland wastes about 750,000 tonnes of food each year. By far, households and manufacturing and processing are responsible for most food wasted, each estimated to account for 25% of all waste generated in Ireland in 2021. Waste from retail and distribution is estimated at 10%, which still represents 75,000 tonnes of food that goes into general waste, landfill or incineration; which is really potential profit going into general waste, landfill or incineration.

Controlling food waste

At a time when cost-saving is critical for food retailers, food waste is one area that the retailer can control. Technology can help, but the technology must deliver return on investment that results in savings and does not increase demands on staff when labour is already in short supply.

Speaking to their customers about using automated technologies in their operations, Kelsius found that food retailers were very conscious about leveraging innovation to reduce food waste, as well as helping them to save cost and time. But the solution must be simple for both management and staff to use.

According to Kelsius CEO, Karl Simmons, “Because the Kelsius system is so easy to install and use, we’re experiencing an ever-increasing demand for our advanced temperature monitoring and HACCP solutions. This is a testament to the quality and innovation that Kelsius brings to the food sector.”

This highlights one of the key challenges to reducing food waste. While no one wants to see food waste increase, the solution must be convenient, easy to install and easy for staff at all levels to adopt.

Expanding facilities

This has been the key to the success of the Kelsius system, and which has resulted in the company taking their digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring systems to the next level as they expand. Expanding their facility means that Kelsius will be able to accommodate increased production requirements and enable state-of-the-art manufacturing.

Growing and improving their range of temperature sensors and probes, as well as other equipment, means that Kelsius can continue to help their current customers and their growing global customer base to meet their food waste reduction targets in a way that saves cost and can be seamlessly integrated into their day-to-day operations.

Kelsius are expanding their facility, accommodating increased production requirements and enabling state-of-the-art manufacturing.

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Karl Simmons, Kelsius CEO.

Waste Management: Deposit Return Scheme

Ireland hits 150 million containers returned before transition deadline

Irish consumers are embracing the Deposit Return Scheme, averaging 2.5 million returns per day in May.

IRISH consumers achieved over 150 million drinks containers returned since the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme on February 1, including over 75 million in May alone. May’s total return figures exceed the first three months of the Scheme combined.

The Scheme averaged 2.5 million containers returned daily in May, a significant rise from the two million containers returned in the entire month of February.

Since June 1, only drinks containers displaying the Re-turn logo can be legally sold to consumers. Since the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme on February 1, 2024, retailers were given four months’ notice to sell through any remaining nonlogo and non-deposit stock.

Guidance from Re-turn Re-turn, operator of Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme, has the following guidance:

1. Any PET bottle or aluminium can from 150ml to 3 litres bought from a retailer should now display a Re-turn logo. If consumers are sold an in-scope container without a Re-turn logo after June 1, 2024, they should contact Return at

3 litres.

3. Deposits will be refunded when empty and undamaged drinks containers are brought back to Deposit Return Points, either RVMs (Reverse Vending Machines) or Manual Return Points.

4. Bottles and cans on which deposits were paid before June 1, 2024, can still be returned to any Deposit Return Point.

5. Vouchers must be redeemed in the same store from where they were issued. They can be spent against in-store purchases or exchanged for

2. The deposit on all Re-turn logo drinks containers is 15c on drinks containers from 150ml to 500mls, and 25c on drinks containers from over 500ml to Ciaran Foley, CEO, Re-turn.

cash at a checkout. While there is no expiry on vouchers, Re-turn advises consumers to use them promptly to avoid misplacing them.

6. With all in-scope cans and bottles now subject to a deposit, deposit return points may become busier. Re-turn data shows that the most popular days to return drinks containers are Friday, Saturdays and Sundays. Return recommends returning your cans and bottles mid-week to avoid busy periods.

Speaking at the end of Ireland’s transition period, Ciaran Foley, CEO of Re-turn, said: “Our goal has been to ensure a smooth transition period as we launch the Scheme in its fullest form. We are delighted to see the growth to date in the average numbers of containers returned, and we expect to see this continue as we move out of the transition period. The cooperation of producers, retailers and the public has significantly contributed to the success of Ireland's Deposit Return Scheme so far. Together, we are taking important steps towards a more sustainable future."

Consistent increase in return rates

The Deposit Return Scheme has seen a consistent increase in average return rates since it was launched on February 1, 2024.

Daily Average of Drinks Containers returned in months:

• 69,000 containers a day in February

• 670,000 containers a day in March

• 1.7 million containers a day in April

• 2.5 million containers a day in May

Over 9.2 million drinks containers were returned over the June bank holiday weekend, with an unprecedented 3.5 million containers returned on Bank Holiday Monday alone.

Re-turn is dedicated to helping everybody navigate this circular economy initiative. Businesses and consumers can contact with any queries. An FAQ is also available on the Re-turn website at

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Waste Management: MyWaste

Workplace waste made easy!

A free toolkit from MyWaste, which includes signage and training materials, makes waste segregation in the workplace easy.

A TOOLKIT designed to take the uncertainty out of waste segregation in the workplace is now available from MyWaste, Ireland’s official guide to waste.

This Government-funded initiative provides a free and extensive suite of signage and training materials to help workforces make accurate recycling decisions. This will assist Irish businesses achieve greater circular economy performance through increased recycling and composting rates.

A recent waste characterisation study carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency found that 74% of waste placed in the general commercial waste bins should be placed in either the recycling or food waste bins (www.epa. ie/news-releases/news-releases-2023/ epa-calls-for-urgent-action-to-improveirelands-household-and-commercial-wastesegregation-and-recycling-performance-. php). Food waste, paper and plastics are currently the top three waste types found in commercial general waste bins.

Reducing food waste through proper segregation

Action on reducing the amount of food waste in commercial bins throughout the country is now required, as food waste has not only economic consequences, but environmental and social consequences as well. Therefore, all food waste should be source separated and placed in dedicated food waste bins which will ensure that it can be processed correctly, further aiding Ireland’s transition to a circular economy.

Proper waste segregation means more waste materials can be diverted to the circular economy, which in turn reduces the need for new raw materials and resources. Following the guidance within the Commercial Waste Toolkit can significantly improve the quality and quantity of

recyclable and compostable waste generated in Ireland.

Speaking on behalf of the Regional Waste Management Planning Offices, Kevin Swift, Connacht/Ulster Region Waste Office, said: “This initiative will empower small and medium size businesses, particularly those in the retail, hospitality, manufacturing and corporate sectors, to further improve how their waste is managed. With clear language and visuals, the materials will make it easy for staff to quickly understand what waste goes in what bin and should significantly increase the amount of recyclables and food waste diverted from the general bin and correctly placed in the recycling and food waste bins.”

Assets include posters, bin labels, brochures, checklists, training animations and testimonials; materials are available to order (while stocks last) or download free of charge from business/

In addition to using the assets linked, tips to help maximise recycling include visually checking your bins to identify incorrect segregation, colour coding, ensuring bins are placed in accessible, designated locations, and continuously increasing awareness and knowledge within the workforce.

Incentivised waste charging

To further support waste segregation in Ireland, incentivised waste charging and other changes for waste collection in the commercial sector have been introduced through the introduction of the Waste Management (Collection Permit) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023, which came into effect on July 1, 2023. Measures in this piece of legislation include:

• all waste collection companies are



now required to provide a residual, mixed dry recyclable and food waste bin to all their commercial customers;

• waste collection companies must ensure that all business customers are placed onto a price plan that ensures that the cost to the customer for mixed dry recyclable or food waste is less than the cost of disposal for municipal waste;

• all waste collected must be weighed, with details on the weights of the individual bins communicated to customers;

• waste collection companies will be required to at least collect the recyclable waste materials as specified on; collection of recyclable waste and food waste must occur at least fortnightly.

The various measures outlined, in addition to the toolkit resources, will assist in improved waste segregation, environmental sustainability and will also contribute to Ireland’s transition to a more circular economy.

Additional information available from or

to to download a FREE TOOLKIT designed to help you better manage your business
and a step-by-step guide
better business
#circularworkplaces mywaste_Toolkit_publication.pdf 1 20/10/2023 10:46
toolkit includes posters, bin labels
waste management.
copies are also free to order while stocks last.
40|Retail News|June 2024|

Made Easy

Free to order while stocks last. This toolkit includes poster s, bin labels and a step-by-step

Go to FREE toolkit

Feline groovy!

Naturo Natural Pet Foods' wet cat food pouches herald a new era in pet nutrition.

NATURO Natural Pet Foods, a renowned name in the pet food industry, have launched an 85g wet cat food pouch in January, designed to meet the dietary needs and preferences of cats.

Commitment to quality ingredients

Naturo emphasise using high-quality, natural ingredients. Each pouch is filled with high quality animal proteins, fish and fruits, ensuring essential nutrients without fillers or artificial additives. The company sources its ingredients locally where possible, maintaining transparency. The new pouches come in a range of flavours like Chicken, Turkey, Tuna and Salmon, each crafted to offer a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. The use of recognisable ingredients appeals to cats’ natural preferences and reassures pet owners about the quality of the food.

Naturo’s wet cat food pouches have received excellent reviews from consumers and industry experts.

Nutritional excellence

These pouches provide a high protein and moisture diet, crucial for cats. The high meat content supplies essential amino acids and proteins, supporting muscle health. Taurine is included for heart function, vision and reproduction. The moisture content supports urinary tract health, while Yucca helps deodorise stools. A blend of Sunflower and Salmon Oil delivers Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids for healthy skin and a shiny coat. The recipes are grain-

free, catering to cats with allergies or sensitivities, ensuring even picky eaters and those with delicate digestive systems can enjoy their meals.

Convenience for pet owners

Naturo’s wet cat food pouches are designed for convenience. The 85g size is perfect for single servings, avoiding messy leftovers. The easy-to-open pouches make mealtime hassle-free. Pet owners appreciate the practicality of the packaging, which is ideal for busy lifestyles. Whether at home or on the go, providing a nutritious meal for cats is straightforward. The packaging retains freshness, ensuring each meal is as nutritious and delicious as the first.

Market reception and future prospects

Since their January launch, Naturo’s wet cat food pouches have received excellent reviews from consumers and industry experts. The timing of the launch aligns with the trend towards premium, natural pet food at affordable prices. As pet owners become more aware of the benefits of highquality nutrition, the demand for products like Naturo’s wet cat food pouches is rising. This trend indicates a promising future for Naturo and its innovative products.


By focusing on quality ingredients and convenience, Naturo has created a product

The new Naturo wet cat food range aligns with the trend towards premium, natural pet food at affordable prices.

that satisfies both cats and their owners. With their commitment to excellence, Naturo continues to lead in providing superior nutrition for feline companions. For retailers and pet owners, these pouches offer the perfect blend of nutrition, taste and convenience.

For more information on how Naturo can meet the needs of pet owners and boost sales, contact

Mackle Petfoods

40 Corrigan Hill Road, Moy, Bt71 6SL

Phone: +44 (0) 28 8778 4641

Email: Website:

Mackle Petfoods 42|Retail News|June 2024|

Applegreen MD named CEO of the Year

FIONA Matthews, the Managing Director of Applegreen’s Republic of Ireland business, has been named CEO of The Year at the prestigious Image PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards.

Fiona picked up the award at a gala event at the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road, Dublin, attended by more than 960 guests, having topped the CEO of the Year category ahead of 10 other nominees.

Fiona Matthews said that she was “absolutely thrilled to have won the award” and “felt humbled and privileged to have been shortlisted alongside the other phenomenal nominees”. She dedicated the award to her family and “the brilliant support that I have at home and also to my Applegreen family and the brilliant teams who inspire me every day.”

Applegreen Group Chief Executive Joe Barrett said that winning the CEO of the Year Award represents “a significant achievement for Fiona and is a fantastic recognition of her wonderful leadership skills” and her overall impact on the business: “Fiona has a huge passion for the retail sector and for empowering our people across the business to work together to deliver the best experience on the road for our customers.”

CEO of the Year Fiona Matthews, Managing Director of Applegreen, with Bobby Kerr on behalf of sponsor Kuehne+Nagel, at the Image PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2024.

Maxol announce roll-out of hvoPro

AS part of their greener vehicle mobility strategy, Maxol have announced the introduction of HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), a second-generation biofuel, to selected forecourts nationwide.

Produced from renewable feedstocks, including non-food grade vegetable oils, used cooking oils and residue fat fractions, Maxol hvoPro reduces carbon emissions by up to 90% compared to regular diesel.

Since early April, eight sites offer Maxol hvoPro: M3 Mulhuddart and Turvey in Dublin, Coolshannagh in Monaghan and in Northern Ireland - Mallusk, Townparks in Antrim, Eglinton in Derry, Ballymore in West Belfast and Tannaghmore on the A26 from Antrim to Ballymena, with additional sites to be added later this year.

“Maxol hvoPro underlines our commitment to customer choice and is a key element of our strategy to be a leading provider of greener fuels in Ireland,” explained Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group. “We are hugely focused on mobility innovation, and this includes providing lower emission fuels and EV charging solutions for our private motorists, fleet and Fuel Card customers.”

Maxol aim to have 30% of their fleet running on Maxol hvoPro by the end of May, with plans to increase that to 50% by early 2025. This move aligns with Maxol’s mission to reduce their carbon footprint across various aspects of the business.

Circle K extend Jack and Jill partnership

CIRCLE K have extended their partnership with the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation for another year. The now three-year partnership with the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation will see at least €500,000 raised for the charity through several fundraising campaigns at participating sites nationwide.

The announcement also marks €370,000 raised to date by Circle K for the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation. The funds have been raised through various campaigns such as ‘miles for Jack and Jill’ and the brand’s annual Christmas car wash initiative, where €1 from every car wash sale the week before Christmas is donated to the charity. These campaigns have resulted in the provision of over 20,000 hours of in-home nursing care and respite support to the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation to date.

“We are delighted to announce that we are renewing our partnership with The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation for another year,” revealed Ciara Foxton, Managing Director at Circle K Ireland. “This partnership is incredibly important to us, and we are proud to have raised €370,00 in just two years, providing much-needed support to many families across Ireland. Reaching this crucial fundraising milestone would not have been possible without our customers, colleagues, and dealer partners and I would like to thank them for all their ongoing support. Customers can continue to help us in our fundraising efforts for the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation in the months to come by supporting several fundraising initiatives, and we will be announcing more details of those campaigns soon.”

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Deirdre Walsh, CEO of the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, with Ciara Foxton, Managing Director at Circle K Ireland.
ARE YOU MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR FORECOURT SPACE? YOU COULD BE SITTING ON HIDDEN TREASURE t. +44 (0) 7801 285 613 | e. Unit 3, Cido Business Complex, Carn Industrial Area, Carn Road, Portadown, Co Armagh, BT63 5WH

Certa appoint new Managing Director

FUEL supplier Certa, part of DCC plc, have announced the appointment of Orla Stevens as their new Managing Director, succeeding Andrew Graham, who has been appointed as Managing Director of Mobility at DCC Energy.

Certa formed in September 2022 when Emo Oil, Campus Oil and Jones Oil, all owned by DCC plc, rebranded under one name. Orla Stevens was instrumental in this process.

“Certa’s vision is to become Ireland’s most exciting energy company,” noted Orla Stevens. “I’m delighted to be appointed Managing Director and to lead the company as we continue to work together to connect people and businesses to the most progressive energy solutions available.

“Certa are leaders in delivering HVO and solar solutions and I look forward to leveraging our relationship with other companies within the wider DCC Group, such as Flogas, to extend our customer offering to also include BioCNG which is a renewable form of natural gas made from organic waste.”

Certa are currently rolling out a plan that will enable their network of 49 forecourts to generate their own power from solar energy, following the acquisition of renewable energy specialists Alternative Energy Ireland (AEI). The acquisition of AEI is enabling Certa’s commercial, industrial and domestic customers to make

greener, sustainable choices and to transition to renewable energy solutions that reduce their carbon emissions and lower their energy costs.

Fabian Ziegler, Chief Executive Officer of DCC Energy, said, “At DCC, we are putting cleaner energy into our customers’ power. Orla’s leadership has helped to shape the Certa Ireland brand, to rapidly establish the company as a market leader, and to deliver our vision for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. We look forward to working with Orla in her new role as Managing Director.”

Circle K launch loyalty programme

CIRCLE K have launched Extra, Ireland’s newest retail loyalty programme, which rewards loyal customers with a discount on every purchase of fuel, with a special launch offer of 3c off every litre of fuel to every member until July 31, after which a tiered programme of offers will come into effect.

Launching the programme, Circle K research revealed that many people love being recognised by retailers for being loyal, and 70% are likely to spend more with a retailer that rewards them for it.

Circle K Extra replaces Play or Park and offers customers even more rewards and special offers than before! To start getting Extra at Circle K, people just need to download the Circle K app and register, which takes a matter of minutes.

Stamps are available to members on several brands and services, which means when people redeem a stamp with each purchase within the stamp offer, they get the seventh purchase free. The products and services included in the stamp offer include dispensed beverages (which include Circle K tea, hot and iced coffee, and K-Freeze), cold drinks, sandwiches, wraps and

Nice ice, baby!

rolls, and car wash.

“For several years we have been developing a loyalty programme to give our valued and loyal customers what they want, and to make their lives a little easier,” said Ciara Foxton, Managing Director of Circle K Ireland. “We are proud to launch it today and give customers exactly what the name of the programme suggests – extra savings on fuel, as well as special offers on our customers’ most loved products and services.”

CIRCLE K have revealed that sales of iced coffees are at the highest ever, with the volume of iced coffees purchased in the summer months increasing by 78% in 2023, compared to the previous year. The figures were revealed as Circle K revealed that shoppers can personalise their iced coffee experience at the push of a button through their new generation bean-to-cup coffee machines with a choice of syrups to suit individual tastes – including the bestselling Iced Caramel Latte as well as Vanilla and Hazelnut flavours. “As the seasons shift, so do our tastes and preferences, and our latest drinks offers have been created to give everyone their perfect coffee, including the growing number of iced coffee connoisseurs nationwide,” revealed Gillian McGowran, Director of Market Development at Circle K Ireland.

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Orla Stevens, Managing Director, Certa.

Stay safe in the sun with Nivea

SUN safety is just as essential in Ireland as when you are abroad. The sun emits damaging UV rays all year-round, even on cloudy days. As up to 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate the skin, it’s important that your skin is always protected.

Let Nivea Sun, Ireland’s number one sun care brand (Source: Nielsen 52 w/e Feb 29, 2024), look after you and your family with these top picks for essential sun protection for the whole family:

Nivea Sun Protect & Moisture Sun Lotion SPF 30 / SPF 50+, 200ml, RRSP €13

Make Nivea Sun Protect & Moisture Lotion your ultimate summer essential. It contains highly effective UVA/

UVB filters for immediate protection, 48 hours of moisture and is suitable for all skin types. Available also in spray.

Nivea Sun Protect & Care Kids

Trigger Spray SPF 50+ 270ml, RRP: €15.50

Make sun cream application easy and fun for kids with the Nivea Sun Protect & Care Kids Trigger Spray. The fun spray application is a simple and quick way to apply lotion to your kid’s skin.

they go. With its childfriendly colourful handy roll-on format for easy and playful application, it is simple and quick to apply on the skin. Nivea Sun’s innovative formula works immediately and ensures reliable, highly effective UVA and UVB protection. A fast-absorbing, nonsticky and extra waterresistant formula also makes applying sunscreen fun for kids.

Nivea Sun Protect Caring Lip Balm SPF 30, RRP: €5.99

Nivea Kids Protect & Care Roll-on 50ML, RRP: €11.00

This roll-on provides children with highly effective UVA/UVB protection wherever

The innovative formula of the Nivea Sun lip balm, enriched with Vitamin E and sunflower extracts, provides effective UV protection from the effects of the sun, and provides long lasting moisture, leaving lips feeling smooth and well-protected.

For more information, please visit

PROTECTS MOISTURISES EFFECTIVE SUN PROTECTION AND TRUSTED SKIN CARE UVA & UVB protection 48h moisture and Vitamin E Water resistant Ocean Respect Formula IRELAND‘s Sun Care Brand*

A feast of flowers and food

More than 100,000 people attended Bord Bia Bloom over the June Bank Holiday weekend.

BORD Bia Bloom 2024 attracted more than 100,000 visitors to Dublin's Phoenix Park throughout the June Bank Holiday weekend. Event organisers reported that business was thriving, and spirits were high all weekend long in part due to the sunshine, which made a welcome appearance and remained constant throughout.

“We were thrilled to see such a high turnout at the festival this year and to receive such overwhelmingly positive feedback from both attendees and participants,” said Jim O’Toole, Bord Bia’s Chief Executive. “We work hard every year to plan and deliver an event that appeals to our diverse and broadening visitor demographic and the success of this year’s event demonstrates that after 18 years, Bloom remains popular and relevant among the Irish people.”

Bloom is also an important trading platform for many of Bord Bia’s client

companies. “We collaborate with over 100 Irish food and drink producers, as well as Ireland's top garden designers, nurseries, and horticulture companies, all of which are showcasing their goods and services to the 100,000+ festival attendees. Exhibitors have an opportunity to engage with consumers, and introduce their businesses, products and new services, which results in order books being filled for the upcoming year. As event organisers, we are delighted to see how Bloom has established itself as a must-attend summer event for both businesses and consumers.”

Business was Bloomin’ Visitors were spending their money at Bloom and many exhibitors reported strong sales and a need to restock over the weekend.

Friday, May 31, saw Ireland’s leading retail and foodservice buyers descending on the Food Village at

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Bord Bia Bloom
Pictured are (l-r): Charlie McConalogue TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, with An Tánaiste, Micheál Martin TD.

Bord Bia Bloom for an early morning business event at which they met with both new and existing Irish food and drink suppliers to explore potential new business opportunities. From zero sugar to zero emissions, this year’s product offering has captured some of the growing and emerging trends in food and beverages.

“Bord Bia Bloom is a wonderful public showcase of the best of Irish horticulture, food and drink but it also offers a fantastic platform to do business,” Jim O’Toole noted. “For the 100+ food and drink companies exhibiting at this year’s festival, the Bloom Trade Breakfast provides them with a much-anticipated opportunity for face-toface engagement with decision-makers in Ireland’s leading retail and foodservice businesses. This event has a proven track record of delivering commercial business for our exhibitors and it is encouraging to see the event grow from strength to strength.”

Many of the food and drink companies this year are exhibiting products capturing emerging trends such as no and low alcohol options e.g. Hope beer Hop Off 0.0 brew; low and no sugar products such as Mama Bear, the family-friendly low-sugar range of condiments and ketchups, and Glenilen Farm’s No Added Sugar kids yogurt pouches; as well as low carbon products such as the range from Ireland’s first zero energy emissions distillery, Ahascragh Distillery from Co. Galway.

For the first time this year, Food Works, the accelerator programme for start-up food and drink companies run by Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc hosted a stand in the Food Village to showcase a range of new products which are currently in development. The Food Works 2024 products include Blynk+ Craft Beverages; Chimac Sauces; Element Irish Whiskey; FemFuelz female supplement brand; Fire & 5th non-alcoholic spirit alternative range; Mór Taste low sugar jams and chocolate spreads; Reso Health supplements; Shaker & Co zero alcohol gin and SomaTech fermentation.

New product launches

Many of the exhibiting food and drink companies also use the Bord Bia Bloom platform to introduce new products to the market. Among the companies introducing new products this year were:

• Mallow Mia, Donegal, who launched a new selection of fruit and floral inspired marshmallows, including rose and raspberry, orange and passionflower and lemon and elderflower.

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The hugely colourful Broderick’s Brothers stand at Bord Bia Bloom. Chocolatiers Lily O’Brien’s exhibited at Bord Bia Bloom for the first time and reported brisk business. Bord Bia CEO, Jim O’Toole, pictured at Bord Bia Bloom 2024.

Bord Bia Bloom

Ballymaloe Foods, Cork, who launched a new sauce ‘MayoLish’ which combines two favourites, Ballymaloe Relish and Ballymaloe Mayo.

• Velo Coffee Roasters introduced new Velo Coffee + Protein, designed to energise and nourish.

Hope Beer launched a limited-edition Fruit & Flower Sour, a passionfruit and hibiscus sour beer with a striking pink/ red colour.

Among the new offerings in the Bloom Inn this year was the Poitín Experience, which included a selection of four Irish

O’Neills served up delectable bacon and ham products throughout Bord Bia Bloom.

Poitīn producers, among them Micil Distillery and Intrepid Spirits.

Buying power

Among the buyers in attendance were some of Ireland’s largest retailers and foodservice buyers, including Musgrave, Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Lidl, Aldi and M&S, alongside specialist retailers such as Donnybrook Fair and Fallon and Byrne.

Prominent buyers in the Irish foodservice sector include Dalata Hotel Group, the biggest hotel chain in Ireland; Freshly Chopped food chain, forecourt operators Circle K and Applegreen and

Keelings B*Witch at Bloom

EDELE and Keavy Lynch, Lindsay Armaou, and Sinéad O'Carroll, known collectively as B*Witched, joined Keelings to kick off Bloom 2024, opening the ‘Love That Keelings Feeling’ garden. Their track "C’est La Vie" now features in a brand new Keelings advert, airing across TV channels, capturing the fun of that ‘Keelings Feeling’ when enjoying delicious, fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers.

“At Keelings, we want to inspire more people to enjoy fresh produce, and our garden at Bloom is a celebration of that,” revealed Caroline Keeling, CEO of Keelings. “Taste and enjoyment are at the essence of everything we do at Keelings, and that’s something we hope visitors to our garden will experience.”

Sinéad O'Carroll, Edele Lynch, Keavy Lynch and Lindsay Armaou of B*Witched, pictured with Keelings CEO Caroline Keeling at the ‘Love that Keelings Feeling’ Garden at Bloom in Dublin.

corporate providers Aramark, Compass and Sodexo. National foodservice distributors, Sysco, Musgrave Wholesale Partners and BWG Foodservice were also in attendance.

Focus on agriculture

This year’s Bord Bia Bloom had a special focus on the vital role of agriculture in nourishing and sustaining Irish life, with Mike Neary, Bord Bia’s Director of Horticulture and Farmer Engagement, noting how “Bloom is an ideal vehicle to educate the public about Irish agriculture through accessible and educational features.”

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Wexford Preserves enjoyed a busy festival. Seibhe Little, Ballymaloe Foods, who launched their new MayoLish product at Bord Bia Bloom.

Bord Bia, Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), collaborated on a new feature in the Food Village that celebrates the importance of Ireland’s horticulture industry. Titled ‘Horticulture is Life’, the interactive and educational feature aimed to deepen the public’s appreciation for the work of Irish growers. The exhibit also showed how the three organisations work collectively to support the Irish horticulture sector to bring consumers local and sustainable produce and plants.

In the Conservation Zone, Agri-Aware, supported by Bord Bia, returned with new features to highlight how Irish farmers are committed to continuous environmental improvement, while producing high quality meat and dairy.

Donating to good causes

A children’s hospice, a Cork cancer support centre, a North Dublin nature reserve, and a primary school in Kildare are being donated plants and other design materials from the Bord Bia Bloom Show Gardens this year.

The ‘Coming Home to Nature’ garden designed by Nicola Haines for Fingal County Council, which was awarded the best large garden at Bord Bia Bloom 2024, announced that all components of the garden will be rehomed to nature reserves and public gardens in the Fingal region, after the event.

The plants from Rewild!, designed by Nóra Tombor, and The Mind Yourself Garden, designed by Sarah Buckley, will go to Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice in Dublin. All elements of the 2024 Super Garden winning design, Johnny Dooley’s ‘Back to the Future’ garden, will go to Castledermot

Bord Bia Bloom 2024 in numbers

This year’s show featured 22 show and feature gardens, 13 postcard gardens, 18 nursery displays, and over 100 food and drink producers.

• An estimated 4,250 ice cream cones were enjoyed by Bloom visitors.

• 30% of visitors arrived via public transport or on foot.

• There were 5,000 plants potted by children over the five days and 900 sunflower seeds given to children attending.

• Over 250 retail and foodservice buyers met with 100-plus Irish food and drink companies at the Bord Bia trade breakfast on Friday morning.

• Over 1,800 people worked onsite each of the five days, including 100 Bord Bia staff and 130 volunteers.

• It will take 14 days to clear the Bord Bia Bloom site.


The plants and materials from the ‘Early Cancer Detection is Key’ garden, (designed by David Gallagher and sponsored by the Marie Keating Foundation and AstraZeneca) will be donated to The Cork Arc Cancer Support Centre.

The final day of the festival marked the announcement of a number of awards, including the People’s Choice Award, where visitors to the festival vote for their favourite show garden, which was awarded to Tusla Fostering Garden - ‘Together We Grow’ designed by Robert Moore, which will now be donated to a children's residential home.

Bord Bia also presented two food awards this year for the first time. The Visitor’s Choice Food Award gathered votes from visitors for their favourite food truck and the Eathos food truck, which has three restaurants in Dublin City Centre, was selected as this year’s winner. The Best Dressed Award went to the Co. Westmeath based Killua Farm food truck, for their creative Bloom-inspired floral display.

Dates for 2025

Bord Bia has confirmed that Bloom 2025 will take place from Thursday, May 29, to Monday, June 2, next year.

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Grá chocolates, part of the delectable Food Village at Bord Bia Bloom. School, Co. Kildare. The Coffee House Lane team at Bord Bia Bloom. Kilowen Farm, regular visitors to Bord Bia Bloom.

What’s New


SOME very exciting news to drop from Ireland’s number one RYO brand (Source: RYO SOM, NielsenIQ Extended Scantrack, MAT, April 21, 2024). Following the success of last year’s campaign, Amber Leaf is offering Irish Trade members yet another opportunity to win big! With over €10,000 up for grabs, the trade can ‘Drop to Win!’ one of many instant win prizes with Amber Leaf’s latest onpack, Limited Edition bundle promotion; available across Amber Leaf Original 30g CPB and Original 30g Pouches. Don’t drop the ball on this one! The Limited Edition outers are now available; find the unique code printed inside and enter online. The more codes you enter, the more prizes you can win! Last year, one in 32 entries won a prize; will you be a winner this time?


BALLYMALOE Foods have revealed a delicious new product ‘MayoLish’ which arrives just in time for summer dining. The family-run food company has taken two firm favourites, the legendary Ballymaloe Relish and creamy Ballymaloe Mayonnaise, to create a perfect blend that is simply delish! MayoLish is a velvety smooth, creamy and tangy sauce that is versatile whether enjoying a ‘fakeaway’ at home, BBQ, sandwiches, crispy fish, or salads. MayoLish is now widely available at stockists nationwide and comes in a squeezy bottle that is made from 100% recycled plastic (rpet) reflecting Ballymaloe Foods’ commitment to sustainability. Ballymaloe Foods also announced a key charity partnership with FoodCloud to help Irish consumers consider the small habits they can change to help tackle food waste, along with supporting the endeavours of the social enterprise.


GLENILEN Farm in West Cork are strengthening their commitment to providing locally sourced wholesome yogurt options by introducing a range of No Added Sugar Kids Pouches. The product launch builds on the success of the brand’s move into convenient pouch formats last year and is a welcome addition to their popular children’s range. Perfect for healthy snacking on-the-go, Glenilen Farm's No Added Sugar Kids Yogurt Pouches are packed with gut-friendly cultures and made with pure, natural ingredients. Available in two flavours, banana and natural, the pouches are designed to cater to the needs of both parents and children, helping young children to feed themselves, making them ideal for weaning from six months onwards.


SUDOCREM, the much-loved antiseptic healing cream, has unveiled a major, multi-market brand campaign, notably expanding its focus from babies to the entire family. ‘Not just for babies, for everybody’ marks the first time the brand has employed a unified communications platform across all territories and has begun rolling out in more than 15 international markets. The campaign, including a new 30” TV commercial, sees the Teva Pharmaceuticals brand expand its long-standing focus on exclusively being a treatment for nappy rash and messaging around its ‘soothing’ properties – leveraging its versatility by shining a light on other use cases, such as cuts and grazes, eczema and acne spots.


GALWAY-based Sons of Butchers, the fourth-generation master butchers turned plantbased foodie masterminds, have announced the expansion of their already popular range with the launch of seven exciting new products. Sons of Butchers swapped herds for herbs in 2021 and developed a wide range of plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. The new products are perfect for vegans, veggies and anyone looking to reduce their meat or dairy intake, without sacrificing on taste and texture. The new products include Falafel, Jalapeño Bluff Burger, Sweet Potato and Chilli (Veggie Burger), Garden Veg (Veggie Burger), Green Power (Veggie Burger), Plantcetta (Plant Based), and Parmasham (Plant Based Cheese).

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