50 50
October 2007
Stir up your profits, with new Uncle Ben’s Stir Fry sauces.
Supersize your profits
Avonmore Super Milk is now available in a new 2 Litre carton, specially designed to protect the vitamins, the taste and the environment. Our October launch will be backed by an extensive â‚Ź600,000 support programme, which includes TV Weather sponsorship, national advertising, including outdoor, press and on-line, as well as consumer promotions and PR. So stock up on new supersized 2 Litre Super Milk and watch your profits get supersized too!
Introducing our new 43403 Avon S.Milk 2L A4.indd 1
2 Litre family size carton 19/09/2007 09:31:19
RN October07Contents ●
■ inside view Beverages Brewing? In this month’s jam-packed news section (Page 4-8), we examine the results of a new report into Irish consumers’ alcohol purchasing patterns, while the Beverage Council of Ireland have launched a new series of health and marketing guidelines for Ireland’s soft drinks sector. We also report on the danger of potential milk shortages in the run-up to Christmas, and the advent of a new service from a Bray-based company, which is set to revolutionise the relationship between suppliers and retailers. Carmel Linnane looks at the importance of monitoring cash flow to a business’ survival (Page 16), while Karen Meenan advises on how to effectively manage your waste, offering a host of cost-saving tips for retailers (Page 22). Jerry Greenfield, one half of the dynamic duo behind Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, was in Ireland recently, and RETAIL NEWS caught up with him. The engaging and entertaining businessman explains the ethos of his Climate Change Ambassador initiative and delves back into the brand’s hippy heritage (Page 26). Also inside, we examine the growing Healthcare & OTC Medicines sector (Page 36), where the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association argue that self-medication is yet to reach its full potential for the benefit of patients in Ireland, and call on the Government to simplify the process of ‘switching’ healthcare products to non-prescription status. In our Security feature (Page 47), we examine the results of a new report by the world’s leading risk consulting company, which found that 76% of retail companies felt their exposure to fraud had increased over the past three years (Page 47), while Barry Long, Sales Manager for Zetes Ireland, writes about the implications for retailers of new payment card security standards.
“Celebrating 50 Kathleen Belton, Editorial & Marketing Director.
years serving the Irish grocery trade.”
Whether eating in or dining out our seafood experience will enhance yours
Managing Director: Fergus Farrell Editorial & Marketing Director: Kathleen Belton, email: kathleenbelton@tarapublishingco.com Editor: John Walshe
Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter
Wine Correspondent: Jean Smullen
Financial Correspondent: Carmel Linnane
Advertising Manager: Aaron Stewart
Just look for the Seafood Circle www.seafoodcircle.ie
Advertising Executive: Caoimhe St. John
T A R A Published by: Tara Publishing Co. Ltd., Poolbeg House, 1/2 Poolbeg Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 2413095. Fax: (01) 2413010. ISDN: 01 2413050 Web: www.retailnews.ie Email: retailnews@tarapublishingco.com Subscription to Retail News: €110 plus VAT Email: simone@tarapublishingco.com Origination by: Rooney Media Graphics
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RN October07Contents ●
Contents 50 50
October 2007
News 4 Irish Alcohol Purchasing
Conference, ADM Londis plc announced that they are on target to break their target of recruiting 40 new stores to the Group this year.
Patterns Examined; New MEAS Campaign Highlights Alcohol Abuse.
5 Milk Shortages on the Cards; Breeo Foods to be Sold?; Glanbia May Face UK Fine; Musgrave Group Wins Award.
26 8 Jacob Fruitfield Group
6 Beverage Council Launch New Guidelines for Soft Drinks; SPAR Scoops Top International Award.
7 Drinks Industry Slams European Report into Alcohol Advertising; New Service to Revolutionise Supplier Relationships; Food Prices Set to Soar; New CEO at National Dairy Council.
Welcomes Fig Rolls Decision; Rehab Unveil New Lotto; HSA to Focus on Manual Handling Injuries.
Shop Profile 14 After many years as a fully independent store, Oliver Hynes decided to align his Galway city centre retail outlet with the Mace group, a move which has already led to increased profits.
Money Matters 16 Effectively monitoring your cash flow may be timeconsuming but it’s an essential part of running your own business, writes Carmel Linnane.
ADM Londis Conference 20 At their Annual Retail
Karen Meenan’s Top Tips 22 Retail consultant Karen Meenan advises on how to manage your waste, offering cost-saving tips and even showing how your waste could make you money.
The Retail News Interview 26 Jerry Greenfield, from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, tells Retail News about his Climate Change Ambassador initiative and the hippy ethos behind the brand.
On The Vine 28 Jean Smullen looks at the NOffLA Gold Star Award winners for 2007/08.
Security 47 84% of retail companies have suffered from corporate fraud in the past three years, according to a new survey, while new payment card security standards
could have wide-reaching implications for retailers.
Forecourt Focus 62 Gerry Casey and Terence McShane’s brand new Centra forecourt on Limerick’s Dock Road is a contender for the most ambitious forecourt development ever seen in Ireland.
Shelf Life 68 All the latest news and gossip from the trade.
Regulars 10 Industry News 30 Drinks News 65 Update 66 What’s New Sectoral Reports 32 Home Baking 36 Healthcare/OTC 44 Biscuits 52 Soups 55 Frozen Food 3
RN October07News ●
Irish Alcohol Purchasing Patterns Examined MORE than half (57%) of Irish consumers purchase their alcohol for home consumption from supermarkets, while 28% buy from off-licenses, according to a new report carried out by Empathy Research. “500 people members of Pigsback.com, an offers and rewards website - were sampled, consisting of 18 to 44 year olds. They were spread by region, age group and gender,” Empathy’s Angela Healy told RETAIL NEWS. The research revealed that 89% of consumers consider price to be the most important factor in deciding where to purchase alcohol. Convenience is also important for 81% of consumers (this rises to 88% amongst women); other factors that come into play include the “variety of brands on offer” (73%) and “special offers available” (72%). Richard Barry, NOffLA spokesperson and owner of Uncorked off-license in Dublin’s Ratharnham, told RETAIL NEWS that he is not concerned by the report. “I wouldn’t say it is a threat. We have an issue with the multiples in regard to the manner in which they train their staff and the manner in which they promote alcohol, but competition has been good for the off-license trade in general and the shift in consumption patterns has moved toward home drinking over the last number of years,” he said. Empathy’s research also revealed that the younger generation, 18-24 year olds, are almost as likely to purchase their drink in an off license (40%) as they are to purchase it in a supermarket (45%). On the other hand, the older age groups of 35-44 year olds were a lot more
likely to purchase alcohol in a supermarket (69%) than off licenses (24%). Barry questioned the report’s conclusions. “A huge chunk of an independent offlicence’s business comes from a consumer base aged 35+, who want more than just convenience. You might find that someone buys a bottle of wine because they are doing their shopping on a Monday. Then, at the weekend, they go into a standalone off licence. I think you might find, as the week goes on, when consumers look for specific products, they go into an off licence. “The questions should be asked, ‘How often do you buy alcohol? What quantities do you buy in a supermarket and an off licence? Why would you buy it in an off licence as well as a supermarket?’ You would need to ask another 10 questions before you get into the intrinisic answer as to whether supermarkets are more popular than off licences.” Richard Barry concluded that most off licences, despite any threat from multiples and supermarkets, are sufficiently competitive. “Independent off licences
are competitive both on pricing, but also on added value services like sale or return: they have experienced, trained staff, who are better able to advise on things like quantities for parties. There is also the added benefit of a better range. In a supermarket, the range is dictated by the items that have the largest marketing budgets. In a stand alone off licence, more care is put into the range of products, price ranges and price points.”
New MEAS Campaign Highlights Alcohol Abuse THE unnaceptable face of drunken behaviour was recently highlighted in a campaign that featured adverts on TV, in bars, nightclubs and cinemas, with extensive outdoor, commuter, online and radio advertising. Launched by MEAS, the social respon4
sibility organisation behind drinkaware.ie, the campaign was backed by the Irish Nurses Organisation and the Irish Taxi Federation. “The message is powerful in its simplicity: the days of drunken behav-
iour being acceptable to Irish society are over,” said MEAS Chief Executive Fionnuala Sheehan, “The primary aim of the campaign is to remove the social permission for public drunkenness and anti-social behaviour that has been tolerated in Ireland for so long.”
RN October07News ●
Milk Shortages On the Cards? IRELAND faces milk shortages this winter, unless the price of milk at retail rises, Jackie Cahill, President of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA), has told RETAIL NEWS. According to Cahill, farmers are likely to shift away from milk production into SMP and cheese, leading to bare milk fridges and frustrated customers. “Grain prices have increased dramatically, so the cost of feeding cows is going to be far greater than it was last year,” he said. “Manufacturing has increased by roughly 50-60% this year, so farmers will be looking at the option of not producing milk all the year round. I would say we will be hitting a situation across the 26 counties, where we won’t have enough milk to provide our liquid trade in the months of November, December and January.” The ICMSA recently held a meeting with the National Milk Agency and Cahill said that they also acknowledge the fact that the price of milk at retail is undervalued. Since farmers are not getting a reasonable return from milk production, they are likely to ‘cold shoulder’ it altogether in favour of other more profitable areas. “The retail trade is definitely trying to keep down the price of milk,” Cahill argued. “Food inflation has become a fact of life but we have not had food inflation for a large number of years. The retailers have to realise that if grain prices have risen by 70%, then the price of milk on the shelf must reflect that. From my point of view, the price that the producer is getting should reflect that, but there is no point in increasing the price if the retailer takes a greater margin.” Cahill, who runs his own co-op, told RETAIL NEWS that smaller convenience stores are less at fault – since they can put up the price of milk without much
repercussion – but the larger retailers are “using milk as a loss leader. That situation just cannot continue. They are using their retail power to force fees off the dairies. That situation is not tenable going forward.” The solution? “If farmers do not see a reasonable return, they will opt out and the supply will dry up,” he stated. “The dairies have to be able give a better price to the farmer for his contract. All milk sold in this country must have a contract that is ratified by The National Milk Agency. My view is simple: that contract has to allow for the extra cost of producing milk in the winter time and the price must reflect that. In a nutshell, the price that the retailer is paying the dairies has to increase.” “Producers who supply milk on an all-year-round basis for the domestic fresh milk market are confronted by uncertainty as to future milk price developments relative to commodity prices,” agreed Muiris O’Ceidigh, CEO, National Milk Agency. “Towards the end of this year, these producers will have to choose between continuing with all-year-round milk production for the fresh milk market or alternatively switching to seasonal milk production for commodity products. “Processors also may consider a shift of their product portfolios away from fresh milk products for the domestic market into more lucrative products for export markets, if a timely adjustment of price returns from the domestic market does not take place,” he continued. “Such switches could lead to shortages of fresh milk from domestic milk supplies, in the winter months, in 2008 and in future years.”
B r e e o F o o d s To B e Sold? BREEO Foods, the company that owns the Galtee, Dairygold, Mitchelstown, Shaws and Calvita brands, has been subject to a buyout bid, according to a report in the ‘Farmers Journal’. Reox Holdings received the offer for their consumer foods division Breeo Foods Ireland, and are seeking coporate finance advice before they take the next step. John Walsh, Reox Chairman, was quoted as saying, “The approach, which may or may not lead to a formal offer, will not distract the business from pursuing its strong marketplace ambitions.”
Glanbia May Face UK Fine FOOD company Glanbia could face a multi million euro fine after a former dairy subsidiary, The Cheese Company, was accused of allegedly fixing prices in the UK. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in the UK are conducting the investigation against The Cheese Company (TCC) and nine other dairy processors and supermarkets, who are alleged to have set retail prices of butter, cheese and milk, in 2002 and 2003, according to a recent report in ‘The Irish Times’. The investigation is set to be concluded by late 2008, allowing the companies an opportunity to respond to the OFT’s findings.
Musgrave Group Wins Award MUSGRAVE Group recently won an Outstanding Achievement Award in Corporate Social Responsibility, courtesy of Chambers Ireland. This is the first time the award has been won by an indigenous company, having previously been awarded to multinationals. The Award recognises the contributions made by Irish businesses to three areas of social responsibility: the environment, the workplace, and the community.
RN October07News ●
SPAR Scoops Top International Award
Beverage Council Launch New Guidelines for Soft Drinks
Alfie Lydon, President of the Beverage Council of Ireland (left) is pictured with Michael Ahern, Minister State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment at the launch of the new guidelines.
SPAR Ireland recently scooped the Global Award for Convenience Retailing at the Retail Industry Awards, held in London. The award, which was presented to the flagship EuroSPAR store on Barrow Street in Dublin, recognises innovation in the convenience retailing sector worldwide. “This award is a tremendous vote of confidence, not only for the EuroSPAR brand and SPAR Ireland, but also for the Irish convenience retailing sector as a whole,” said Leo Crawford, Chairman of SPAR Ireland and President of SPAR International. “For many years, convenience retailing in Ireland has led the way in terms of innovation, store design and product offering - to have this recognised by our international peers is testament to the strides we have made. “EuroSPAR Barrow Street is a perfect example of collaboration between SPAR Ireland and SPAR International to innovate in terms of product offer, design and layout and to innovate in delivering convenience in a city centre supermarket where customers’ expectations are demanding and competition is high.”
A SERIES of new health and marketing guidelines for Ireland’s soft drinks sector have been launched by the Beverage Council of Ireland (BCI) at their annual conference. The new guidelines deal with the issues of: • The Marketing and Promotion of Soft Drinks to Children; • The Sale of Soft Drinks in Schools; • Additives; • Sugar and Sweeteners; • Dental Health. They set out the standards that BCI members will be adopting for non-alcoholic beverages such as bottled water, fruit juices, sport drinks, energy drinks, regular, diet and caffeine-free soft drinks. “The guidelines are a way for the Beverage Council to take the initiative and, rather than react to something, take a positive step,” BCI President Alfie Lydon told RETAIL NEWS. “There has been a lot of regulatory movement around the areas of marketing and advertising. From the industry’s point of view, self-regulation and agreed standards should be introduced. We are conscious that healthy lifestyles are one of the big consumer affairs issues.” Lydon denied that these guidelines would adversely affect retailers: “They won’t have a negative impact on sales, nor will they herald any massive changes in terms of retail trends. It’s more about making sure that the industry is concerned with the highest levels of health
and recognising that producers put a high priority on these issues.” The ‘Sale of Soft Drinks in School’ paper affirms the sector’s commitment to measures that promote a healthy school environment, including developing vending machines with healthy lifestyle imaging and messages, offering a wide and healthy range of products. The ‘Marketing & Promotion of Soft Drinks to Children’ paper includes commitments to ensure the promotion of beverages is in accordance with adequate labelling, food consumption and portion sizes, and that all marketing and promotion should promote a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle. The BCI paper on ‘Additives’ clarifies the research concerning additives used in soft drinks and health. All food additives undergo a rigorous scientific safety evaluation before they are approved for use and their use is to keep products safe, improve their quality, meet the expectations of the public about the appearance and shelf-life of products, and to enhance the choices that are available to them. The paper on ‘Dental Health’ clarifies the relationship between soft drinks and good dental health. The ‘Sugar and Sweeteners’ paper outlines the varying mix of sugars in the different soft drinks categories, highlights the important role that sugars play in the diet, and addresses health related questions on the safety of artificial sweeteners for common medical conditions.
RN October07News ●
Drinks Industry Slams European Report A NEW European report suggesting that alcohol advertising still encourages young people to drink has been criticised by the Irish drinks industry. The Enforcement of National Laws and Selfregulation of the advertising of Alcohol (ELSA) report stated that, “As long as alcohol advertising is appealing to young people through humour, animation, bright colours and music, reinforcing the link between drinking and socialisation and being accepted by peers, the codes will be ineffective in terms of reducing the pressure put on young people to drink.” However, the Irish drinks industry reacted angrily to the report, with Rosemary Garth, Director of Drinks Manufacturers Ireland (DMI), stating that ELSA’s conclusions do not apply to Ireland’s self-regulated landscape. Garth pointed out that in Ireland,
Rosemary Garth, Director of Drinks Manufacturers Ireland (DMI).
New Service to Revolutionise Supplier Relationships A NEW service from a company in Bray is set to revolutionise the relationship between suppliers and retailers, using the web, in much the same way as the web has changed the way we order airline tickets, music and conduct our banking. Retail Connections is an online portal through which independent and symbol group retailers will be able to order products and services and get information from their suppliers with all the convenience and benefits of the web. It is a one-stop-shop for the retailer, allowing them to access all participating suppliers’ products in the one location. The service is free to the retailers and it gives them more opportunities to order, better access to promotions and new launches, and ultimately puts them in a better position to compete with the major multiples.
Suppliers who have already committed to the service include Jacob Fruitfield, Jeyes, Nestlé Cereals, Robt. Roberts, and SHS, distributors of brands such as Tropicana and McCain’s. Daragh Monahan, Sales Director of Jacob Fruitfield, says that “through Retail Connections, we are able to offer a better service to our existing customers, and to reach more customers very costeffectively, giving them more opportunities to order products such as Jacob’s biscuits and Chef sauces”. Managing Director of Retail Connections, Paul Kelly says that “We will be targeting the Pharmaceutical market (estimated at €2.3 billion) and the €6 billion Wines and Spirits markets in Ireland and also plan a roll-out to the UK and Europe during the course of our threeyear business plan.”
the drinks industry is an important partner in the challenge of regulating alcohol advertising. “The steps we’ve agreed, including the requirement that alcohol ads must be approved as compliant with the regulatory code before and during the ad production process, have made a real impact in changing the tone and creative direction of alcohol advertising,” she noted. “We believe that this partnership approach is the most effective solution to the new challenges posed by advertising on new media and by the proliferation of satellite and international media. “Measures like watersheds for TV advertising are pretty ineffective when it comes to controlling ads on UK or foreign channels or internet based advertising – whereas partnership with the industry can be more effective in respect of these media.”
Food Prices Set to Rise OWEN Killian, the CEO of IAWS food group, has warned that food prices are set to rise considerably, due to huge pressure on global food supplies. “Over a 20-year period, the cost of food has lagged general inflation by 20%,” noted Killian, speaking at the launch of IAWS’ results. “In effect, you have seen food deflation over that time, and in a very short period, we are now starting to see food inflation.” He warned that consumers will have to adapt to the changing market environment and is predicting double-digit food inflation over the next three to six months.
New CEO at National Dairy Council THE National Dairy Council (NDC) has announced the appointment of Helen Brophy as Chief Executive Officer. She joins the NDC from Bord Iascaigh Mhara, where for the past seven years she has been Market Development Manager.
RN October07News ●
HSA to Focus on Manual Handling Injuries THE Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is to run a series of initiatives during European Safety Week, highlighting musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which are “widespread in the Irish economy, not least the retail sector”. MSDs are the most common work-related injuries in Europe – around 25% of workers complain of backache and 23% report muscular pains. 47% of all the injuries in the retail/wholesale sector reported to the HSA in 2006 were caused by manual handling. During 2006, the Health and Safety Authority received more than 2,650 reports of MSDs, in each case caused by manual handling. Since such injuries can result in days off work, and they cause an overall cost to the economy of approximately €3.6bn annually, the HSA advise retailers to get clued up on the risks involved. European Safety Week starts on October 22 and the HSA will be running regional seminars to promote awareness of MSDs. For further information highlighting the dangers of MSDs, visit www.hsa.ie.
Planning Ahead DUNNES Stores have opened a new store at the Citywest Shopping Centre in Saggart, Co. Dublin. The shop, sized 76,736 square feet, is creating 200 new jobs, accommodating up to 675 vehicles, and will benefit from a proposed Luas extension planned for 2009/2010. Superquinn’s store in Finglas, Dublin 11, is set for redevelopment. Dublin Property developers Bernard McNamara and David Courtney, who are rumoured to be buying the €14m+ Full Shilling complex in Finglas village, have a stake in the outlet. Tesco’s plans in Carrick-onShannon have been met with disapproval by local County Councillors. Objectors claim that Tesco’s plans for filling station, shop kiosk, car wash and canopy, will have serious consequences for the small family run businesses in the local area. 8
Jacob Fruitfield Group Welcomes Fig Rolls Decision THE Jacob Fruitfield Food Group has welcomed the High Court decision granting an injunction against United Biscuits to prevent its launch of McVitie’s Fig Rolls in the Irish market. The injunction was sought on the basis of the potential damage that could be done to sales of Jacob’s Fig Rolls, given that the packaging and format of the McVities product was extremely similar to the Jacob’s Fig Roll packaging. Welcoming the decision, Michael Carey, Chairman of the Jacob Fruitfield Food Group said, “We are absolutely delighted that the court has agreed with our strong belief that the McVitie’s packaging could confuse Irish consumers. Fig Rolls are a flagship product in the Jacob’s biscuit portfolio for over 100 years. As a result of our ongoing investment in the brand, they have become
firm favourites with Irish consumers. We believed that if McVitie’s were to launch their Fig Rolls in the current packaging, they could easily be mistaken as Jacob’s brands, thus damaging our business.”
Rehab Unveil New Lotto REHAB Lotteries has unveiled its new lotto, Rehab Easy Win. It is significantly easier for consumers to win with Rehab Easy Win than with any other existing lottery product, as there’s a one in seven chance of winning a prize. Rehab Easy Win prize money is not shared, so match five of the 42 numbers and the top prize of €100,000 is yours John McGuire, CEO of Rehab Lotteries, Strongman alone. There are two Edward Fossett, Katy French and Colin Delaney, chances to win each week, Business Development Manager, Alphyra, at the launch with prize draws taking of Rehab Easy Win. The strongman demonstrates that place on Wednesdays and it’s easier with Rehab Easy Win, with a one in seven Saturdays. €3 buys a fourchance of winning a prize. line quick pick, including an extra chance to win with the ‘extra ferent. Our research told us that people want a better chance of winning, so we chance number’. Commenting on the launch of Rehab developed Rehab Easy Win with a top Easy Win, Dr John McGuire, CEO of prize of €100,000. With a one in seven Rehab Lotteries, said, “We believe that chance of winning a prize, more people the time is right for a new lotto product win with Rehab Easy Win than any othwhich offers consumers something dif- er lotto.”
18255 Award Press Ad A4B
11:55 am
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Pictured at the presentation of the prestigious award was (l-r) Padraig McManus, Vice Chair of Business in the Community Ireland, David Pierce, President of Chambers Ireland, John Curran, Group Environmental Executive at Musgrave Group, Pat Carey T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and Terence Brannigan, Chief Executive of resource.
Musgrave Group wins Overall Outstanding Achievement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) At The Chambers Ireland Presidents’ Awards for CSR, Musgrave scooped the top award for “Overall Outstanding Achievement in CSR”. Musgrave beat off stiff competition from top multi-nationals such as Intel, Microsoft, Dell, AIB, BOI and Ulster Bank. This is the first time the overall award has been won by an indigenous Irish company. The judges recognised Musgrave Group's continuing commitment to excellence in the area of CSR and to embedding its principles within the DNA of its organisation. The development of the new sustainable head office building was cited as a practical example of Musgrave Group's strong commitment to putting its sustainability policy into action.
RN October07Industry News ●
Londis Link Up With Newstalk EAMON Keane, presenter of Newstalk’s afternoon show ‘Lunchtime’, is pictured with Ruth Norton, Group Marketing Manager, ADM Londis plc, announcing the launch of Londis’ sponsorship of Newstalk’s Time of Day bulletins. The sponsorship covers 20-second communications broadcast from Monday to Sunday, eight times per day during peak listenership hours and gives Londis increased scope for developing interesting and versatile creatives, designed for appropriateness to the particular time of the day.
SuperValu Snuggles Up With Top Designer SUPERVALU has teamed up with world-renowned Irish designer Stephen Pearce to create an exclusive, luxury bedspread, which is currently available in SuperValu stores nationwide, as part of their in-store collector scheme. The bedspread costs €49.99 when customers collect 75 tokens in-store, with one token on offer with every €10 spent in SuperValu until the end of November.
Campbell’s Soupfulls Nationwide Campaign
CAMPBELL’S Soupfulls has launched an exciting new campaign - ‘Soup Goes Solo’. The ‘Soup Goes Solo’ promotional team are travelling around the country, handing out free Soupfulls samples. Specially created for today’s busy lifestyles, the Campbell’s Soupfulls range was launched in August 2005 and currently claims a 53% market share in the pouch sector (Source: ACNielsen September ‘07). Premier Foods Ireland will invest heavily to support the Campbell’s Soupfulls ‘Soup Goes Solo’ campaign with strong bursts of TV advertising, radio promotions and PR, as well as in-store promotions.
Dolmio Search for Irish Mamas BUSY Mum Gail Kaneswaren and Denise Geraghty, Dolmio Marketing Activity Manager, are pictured at the launch of Dolmio’s new Best Ever Bolognese range, with a new recipe that has 30% more tomato chunks and is made using 100% good honest ingredients. To celebrate the launch of their new Bolognese recipe, Dolmio announced a search for 6 Irish Mamas from around the country to cook alongside Celebrity Chef, Lesley Waters on web TV. They are
inviting mums to submit their very own Best Ever Bolognese recipe, the answer to their dinnertime dilemmas, with one winning ‘Mama’ starring on national TV.
BIM Launch Major Ad Campaign BORD Iascaigh Mhara has unveiled a new advertising and promotional campaign worth in excess of €250,000 to promote seafood through its Seafood Circle initiative, which identifies those businesses that consistently deliver excellent seafood, product knowledge and service to their customers. Using the tagline, ‘From Tide to Table – a Superior Seafood Experience’, this major campaign will promote over 100 restaurants, pubs, hotels and seafood retailers from all over Ireland who have met the criteria necessary for becoming a member of BIM’s Seafood Circle, while BIM will also engage in outdoor advertising on 48-sheets, regional press advertising and instore promotional activity, which will include a ‘CatchBack’ competition in participating shops and restaurants.
RN October07Industry News ●
Barry Group Raise €80,000 for Children’s Hospital THE very first Barry Group Golf Classic teed off to a great start, raising €80,000 for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. The tournament, which took place at the exclusive Fota Island Golf Resort, attracted 40 teams of three from some of Ireland’s largest companies. Following a full day’s golf, guests attended dinner and an auction, where the generosity was overwhelming. Pictured at the presentation of the cheque are (l-r): David Doran, CEO of the Crumlin Foundation; and Jim Barry, Barry Group’s Chief Executive.
‘Parisien’ Challenge BRIAN Twomey from Montenotte, Cork, holds off the marauding French attack, as he protects Olivia Caslin, Senior Product Manager, Cuisine de France, and her precious Cuisine de France Parisien baguettes. Brian was one of the winners of the Cuisine de France Bastille Day promotion, winning a trip to the Ireland V France Rugby World Cup game, courtesy of Cuisine de France.
SuperValu Support Breast Cancer Action THROUGHOUT the month of October, SuperValu stores nationwide are selling fabulous limited edition, pink shopping bags in support of Action Breast Cancer Month. The exclusive pink ABC bags will be the only long-life bags on sale in SuperValu during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to raise funds for ABC. The bags will sell for €3, with €2 going directly to ABC. SuperValu aims to raise close to €200,000 for this very worthy cause. In addition, the ABC Breast Cancer Awareness Month roadshow mobile unit is visiting selected SuperValu stores around the country during October. TV3 presenter Colette Fitzpatrick is pictured launching the limited edition SuperValu shopping bag.
M&S To Open Mullingar Store
GAA Stars Launch ‘Brain GAAme’ 2007
MARKS & Spencer has announced plans to open a new store in the Fairgreen Shopping Centre, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. The brand new 17,000 square feet store will open in December 2007, creating 100 new jobs for the area. It will be the 17th Marks & Spencer store in the Republic of Ireland and the 32nd across the island of Ireland and will include a wide range of fashion, as well as a Food Hall with an in-store bakery and an M&S Café.
PICTURED at the recent launch at Croke Park of Arthritis Ireland’s nationwide ‘Brain GAAme 2007’, sponsored by Donegal Catch, are (l-r): John Church, CEO, Arthritis Ireland; Cork hurler Diarmuid O'Sullivan; Dublin football team captain Colin Moran; Galway hurler Alan Kerins; Sharon Whelan, Brand Manager, Donegal Catch, and Eadaoin McCarthy, Senior Brand Manager, Donegal Catch, along with ‘up-and-coming’ GAA players from Foxrock
GAA Club. The Brain GAAme is an AllIreland educational initiative which aims to promote safe sports practice amongst children in an effort to offset the potential to develop arthritis in later years.
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RN October07Shop Profile ●
The New Face of Mace After many years as a fully independent store, Oliver Hynes decided to align his Galway city centre retail outlet with the Mace group, a move which has already led to increased profits.
RETAIL NEWS travelled to the City of the Tribes to visit Oliver Hynes’ Mace store, the city was celebrating Galway’s Minor Football triumph, but Oliver has far more to celebrate: the winning partnership he has developed with the Mace Group. Oliver was born into the retail trade: in fact, he was born into the house adjacent to the family shop on Fosters Street in Galway. He worked in the shop as a child and eventually grew up to take over running of the shop back in 1988. When Oliver took over control of the shop, it was trading as a fully independent local store and so it remained until early this year. So strong was the customer loyalty that the Hynes family had built up over the decades, that Oliver saw no need to align himself with a symbol group, firmly bucking the trend seen in the sector over the last decade. Two years ago, however, Oliver demolished the 700 square feet family shop and the adjacent house. He rented a property opposite the site and kept trading through the development. After the demolition and construction works were completed, Oliver began thinking of working with a symbol group to get the best return from his new, larger shop. “My family has had a successful shop on this site for decades and I was confident that this latest project was sure to make it even more successful,” he explains. “Although this shop had never before traded in partnership with a group, over the course of the project I began to feel that choosing a symbol group partner would enhance the profitability of a new shop. Joining with a group gives you three huge bonuses: a strong identity, strong support and the ability to take advantage of group offers.” Oliver studied a number of different groups to see what they could offer the business, before deciding on his symbol group partner of choice. “The shop had always used the local Mangan’s Wholesale, so I knew the people in Mangan’s well and the shop had prospered, working with them in the past,” Oliver notes. “Mace seemed the most attractive choice to me and the group immediately became intimately involved with the remainder of the project.”
Extensive Redevelopment The redevelopment project saw the shop size increase to 1,000 square feet and Oliver worked closely with Mace to design the interior of the shop. The previous shop had never had a deli, so it was new territory for Oliver, and here Mace’s experience was invaluable. The Mace development team helped Oliver to design the deli, with the implementation and operation of HACCP systems in mind every step of the way. The Country Deli branding, developed by Mangan’s Wholesale and Kerryfresh, has proved very successful in Mace shops throughout the region and is a big hit with busy city centre customers.
Oliver Hynes, store owner, and his son, Michael, are pictured outside his new mace store.
RN October07Shop Profile ●
Indeed, the store’s location, just off Eyre Square and adjacent to the bus and rail terminals, ensures a massive amount of passing trade, so Oliver’s new Mace store focuses specifically on high-end convenience goods. “Although this project increased the size of the shop, we still had to work with a relatively small space,” Oliver states. “Every inch had to be utilised to best effect. Our main priority is to serve customers quickly to accommodate high volumes of relatively small purchases.”
Value Added Services Given the number of tourists that visit Galway, the shop offers a Bureau de Change service to customers. Even though the advent of the euro has removed the necessity for changing currency for many Europeans, a high number of American and English tourists find the service extremely useful, especially on the weekends. Not one to limit the aspirations of a city centre shop, Oliver is currently considering utilising part of the shop to provide room for a PC, offering Internet access to customers. According to Oliver, “There is a huge amount of competition in the area and the standards in Irish grocery retail are so high that everyone is looking for some kind of edge to make their shop a destination for customers. That’s why I am so happy working with Mace, because we are constantly thinking of ways to refine and develop the shop. It’s great to have a team of people supporting you like that. For example, we are considering increasing the range of fresh fruit on offer and possibly introducing a fresh veg offering, and we’re also looking at possibly expanding the
deli to include a smoothie offering for a more health conscious customer base.”
Successful Business The partnership with Mace goes both ways. Joe O’Connor, Symbol Group Sales Manager with Mangan’s Wholesale, who operate the Mace franchise in the West of Ireland, tells RETAIL NEWS “We are delighted to work with a dynamic driven retailer of the calibre of Oliver. He and his family have operated a successful business here for decades and now we are able to contribute to future success. The image we have developed in this shop is a bright, fresh, vibrant look that will be developed in other locations similar to this one in towns and city centres throughout the region in the near future.” Oliver Hynes’ partnership with Mace has produced a top quality city centre convenience store, which has seen the traditional family shop transformed and brought into the world of 21st century retailing. Oliver’s mother and brother work alongside him in the shop and the future may see his son FA C T F I L E working in the family shop, like his Owner: Oliver Hynes dad before him. Location: Fosters St, Galway City With the conSize: 1,000 square feet tinued supNumber of port of Staff: 5 full time & part time Mangan’s Opening Wholesale and hours: 07:00-22:00, seven days. Mace, that seems a distinct possibility. 15
RN October07Money Matters ●
Monitoring Your Cash Flow Forecasting your cash needs in advance may be timeconsuming but it’s well worth it, writes Carmel Linnane. “Knowing what stocks to carry requires constant monitoring of your market. Knowing you are generating sufficient cash flow is another matter… The cash flow forecast basically includes any item that involves a movement of cash and is normally prepared on a month-by-month basis for one year.”
small business owners run their companies as lifestyle businesses. They are run to keep their owners in a certain lifestyle and that is all. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as it lasts. However, there are others that want to grow and prosper. But growth and prosperity are not always synonymous. Growth without adequate profit is not sustainable. Even profit is insufficient, unless it can be translated into hard cash when needed. Every business must have sufficient cash to meet its day-to-day commitments. A full order book is of little value without finance to pay for the goods. For retailers, the problem of payment lag times for sales is not as much of a problem as for other businesses. The product on the shelf is sold and cash is handed over at the point of sale. On the other hand, the retailer has to have the stock on the shelf before it can be sold, so they must commit resources to building up stock and if stock does not move, valuable cash is tied up. Outlets such as garages order parts when the need arrives. In countries like France, almost everything you want to buy has to be ordered. In the Irish retail sector, large stocks are still carried and this is a major drain on
cash flow and can be disastrous if you have misread demand and end up with large amounts of unwanted stock.
Flows Knowing what stocks to carry requires constant monitoring of your market. Knowing you are generating sufficient cash flow is another matter. Keeping track of cash movements is vital to your business survival. It is essential that time is allocated to monitor and forecast cash flows. The cash flow forecast basically includes any item that involves a movement of cash and is normally prepared on a month-bymonth basis for one year.
Inflows Cash received in respect of sales is the main source of cash inflow for any business. For the retailer, this means counting the money in the till at the end of the day. Nowadays, knowing what stocks are moving is simplified by technology. The till has become a computer that tells you what is selling and what stocks are required. This allows some insight into what the future sales are likely to be, although changing trends require continuing research of your market. Other sources of cash inflow could be things like share capital, govern-
RN October07Money Matters ●
ment grants, cash from the sale of fixed assets, deposit interest and so on. When all cash inflows have been detailed on a monthly basis, a total cash inflow for each month can be set out. This amount, plus reserves, gives you a cumulative cash flow for the period and will be the opening balance for the next period.
Outflows Cash outflows will include expenditure on such items as wages and salaries, administration costs, general and financial expenses, capital expenditure and so on. No distinction is made between capital expenditure, such as new equipment purchased, or revenue expenditure, such as wages etc. Purchases of stock will be a sizeable outflow for the retailer. But remember it is the date of payment for the stock that is important, not the date it was bought. So taking account of the credit terms for purchases, you can then reach a total cash outflow for each period. This figure should then be compared with the total cash inflow to give a net cash flow figure for each period. As a business grows, coming to grips with financial forecasting becomes more complicated. If the business’ activities are not carefully monitored, predicting the financial future becomes no more than guesswork. Knowing payment schedules in advance should influence all aspects of the business, including pricing, late payment policies and sales effort. To do this, you need to carefully manage the flow of cash.
Process Cash flow management as a process has not changed much over the past few decades. All businesses need to get to grips with their finances to understand what is coming in and what is going out. Business may be booming but overtrading can spell ruin if cash flow is not adequate. Overtrading occurs when a business is growing its sales levels without the appropriate working capital funding in place to match increased costs. To avoid situations like overtrading, you need to set up a cash flow forecast, outlining expected inward and
outward flows of cash in a period before these flows actually take place. Regularly adjust the forecast to take account of changes in a business’ cash flow pattern that were not anticipated when completing the original forecast. This knowledge provides the business with a means of estimating the level of activity at which the business can operate. It provides information on how much cash is available during a particular month.
Caution Even the most accurate of cash flow forecasts may not allow for the vulnerability of the smaller company. The owner may feel that the business is in a sufficiently strong liquidity position to take on a special order later in the year, but unforeseen circumstances, such as rising costs, rising interest rates, unpaid bills, staff problems etc., may necessitate updating the cash flow forecast, or allowing for a cash cushion to cover such unforeseen events. A cash
“Should you find cash flowing out is greater than that coming in, then you must act. There are a number of things you can consider. You could streamline stock, staff or reduce fixed assets.”
flow forecast requires a constant awareness of danger and vigorous control. Should you find cash flowing out is greater than that coming in, then you must act. There are a number of things you can consider. You could streamline stock, staff or reduce fixed assets. Borrowing to grow is a risky option as it distorts the profit-to-sales ratio. A highly geared company, particularly a small company, has added vulnerability to increasing levels of interest rates. Even when the underlying business risk is relatively low, this financial risk can still sink a business. In the past, most companies owned their premises, machinery and equipment. These days, many large companies enter into sale and leaseback agreements on land, buildings and equipment. Leasing and renting items such as machinery, office equipment, motor vehicles or sub-contracting out particular processes like deliveries and collection can all lead to reduced cash outflows and must be considered.
Equity When looking at profits, take in the broader picture. Do not just look at profits relative to sales. Instead relate profits to equity. Equity consists of the original investment, together with profits that have been ploughed back in. A business with a high return on equity and good growth prospects is in a very strong position. Planning and information are the main keys to successful cash flow management. Planning ahead, through cash flow projections and forecasts enables management to make the fullest use of its most valuable asset, namely cash. It allows likely cycles of inflows and outflows to be smoothed over and longer-term cash needs to be anticipated and catered for. Setting up a chart of cash moving in and out of the business each month takes time but is worth it. Putting the time and effort into forecasting your cash needs well in advance, and ideally allowing for that rainy day cushion, will pay off in the long run.
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RN October07ADM Londis Conference ●
ADM Londis to Break 40 Store Target for 2007
Pictured are (l-r): Paddy McGarry, Joint CEO, ADM Londis plc; Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM Londis plc; Leo McCauley, Chairman ADM Londis; and inspirational speaker Mark Pollock.
At their Annual Retail Conference, ADM Londis plc announced that they are on target to break their target of recruiting 40 new stores to the Group this year.
Londis plc has announced that it is on track to break its target of recruiting 40 new stores to the network for 2007. The company has signed up over 70 new stores over the past 18 20
months, including 32 new stores in the nine months to September 2007. A further six stores will be added this month. The store growth announcement was made at the Group’s Annual Retailer Conference, which took place at Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny, which was attended by more than 350 delegates from Londis stores all over the country.
value of their investment, with further increases anticipated this year.” Earlier this year, ADM Londis announced its decision to embark on a store purchase strategy to acquire sites that are of strategic value to the Group. This is being progressed through a new, wholly owned subsidiary of the group. The company also announced a €6m development of new corporate headquarters and extension to the existing warehouse and distribution facility in Johnstown, Co. Kildare. This milestone development is due to be completed by the end of October. Approximately
Store Recruitment Programme Speaking at the conference, Stephen O’Riordan, Joint Chief Executive, ADM Londis plc, said, “We are very pleased to break our 40-store target for 2007, given an increasingly competitive retail environment. The most satisfying aspect of our store recruitment programme has been the diversity of the retailers recruited. Some are conversions from other symbol groups, others are competitive tenders at greenfield sites and some are stand-alone, independent retailers. The common thread is the appeal of ADM Londis’ offering of scale, expertise and autonomy. “A key differentiator in attracting new stores is our unique structure, which enables store owners to benefit from share ownership and profit sharing opportunities, whilst continuing to own their own stores,” he continued. “Since 2005, ADM Londis shareholders have enjoyed a 65% increase in the
Pictured receiving their Retail Excellence Award from Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM Londis plc (left) and Jerry McDonnell, Head of Sales, ADM Londis plc (right), are Paul & Val Boggan, Boggan’s, Rosslare, Co Wexford.
Sean O’Kelly and Noel Scally from O’Kelly’s Londis, Cleveragh Road, Sligo, are pictured receiving their Best In Category Award for Off License from Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM Londis plc, and Jerry McDonnell, Head of Sales, ADM Londis plc.
RN October07ADM Londis Conference ●
is Chairman of the Association of Convenience Stores (representing over 30,000 retail outlets in the United Kingdom) and former Chairman and current board member of the Association of News Retailing, representing over 19,000 newsagent stores Joan & Seamus Lowthe, of Lowthe’s in Duleek, in the UK. “By identifying and segwinners of the Deli & Hot Food ‘Best in Category’ Award, are pictured accepting their menting the demographics of award from Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, the shopper, we are able to ADM Londis plc, and Jerry McDonnell, Head of gain some understanding of Sales, ADM Londis plc. Pictured are Paddy McGarry, Joint CEO, their lifestyle and their prodStephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, Leo McCauley, uct/ service needs,” Greene Chairman ADM Londis and speaker Neil Stern. noted. “Based upon these factors and also the criteria which originally might have seemed insurare important to consumers, mountable. Mark has completed a when they shop, consume or visMasters Degree in Business Studies. it, we can demonstrate how you He has won medals while rowing for as retailers can improve your Northern Ireland at the 2002 category offering to consistently Commonwealth Games, completed six meet the shopper needs profmarathons in one week in China’s Gobi itably.” Desert, raced in the world’s most Teresa and Peter Byrne , from Byrne’s Londis, Aughrim, Co. Wicklow, are pictured Neil Z. Stern, senior partner extreme marathon at the North Pole, receiving a Certificate of Achievement from of McMillan Doolittle, gave a developed an international speaking Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM Londis presentation on ‘What’s hot in business and co-authored a book plc, and Jerry McDonnell, Head of Sales, ADM retail – a review of the most sigfocused on the motivation and life Londis plc. nificant developments in retail choices of successful people. concepts’, which provided candid Michael Carey, Chief Executive of insightful perspectives and the Jacob Fruitfield Group, presentactionable recommendations. ed an authoritative insight into the “We understand what it takes retail market in Ireland. A finalist in to develop, launch and profitably the Industry Category of the prestioperate a retail concept,” Stern gious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur said. “We not only include comof the Year Award in 2005, Michael prehensive assessments of conhas spent the over 20 years working sumer, competitive and industry in the food industry in Ireland and trends, we also strive to underthe UK. stand a retailer’s strategy, operaPictured receiving the Retail Excellence Award tions, capabilities and culture. This provides a founfrom Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM Londis plc (left) and Jerry McDonnell, Head of dation for successfully Sales, ADM Londis plc (right), is Dave defining the retail posiBridgette from Griffin’s Londis, St Stephen’s tioning, differentiation and Green, Dublin. competitive edges of a successful retail concept.” 7,000 people are employed in retail, distribution and support services through the Londis network. Motivation International speaker, adventure athlete and author Mark Pollock Keynote Speakers of Making it Happen gave an Keynote speakers at the Conference inspiring presentation, examinincluded Mike Greene, CEO of HIM, a ing how we make decisions and UK retail consultancy firm, who spoke Pictured receiving the Retail Excellence Award that, when facing uncertain on ‘Employing shopper trends to drive from Stephen O’Riordan, Joint CEO, ADM times, by deciding what we want growth and profitability’. Mike was also Londis plc (left) and Jerry McDonnell, Head of to change and what we want to recently nominated as one of the 5 most Sales, ADM Londis plc (right), is Andrew see persist, we can find a powerinfluential people in the UK convenBrodigan from Dixon’s Londis, Quay Street, Dundalk. ful way through obstacles that ience retailing industry. In addition, he 21
RN October07Karen Meenan’s Top Tips ●
Turn Waste Into Money Retail consultant Karen Meenan advises on how to manage your waste, offering cost-saving tips and even showing how your waste could make you money!
In order to manage waste efficiently, the very least you need is a baler for cardboard.
come a long way as retailers with regard to how we manage our waste. A decade ago, we were happy to have a man with a trailer call to the back door to collect our waste and bring it to the local dump for a small fee. Thankfully, we have moved on since then and now most retail stores would be proud owners of a baler and would think nothing of separating all waste, always mindful of the costs involved and the environmental issues associated with waste too. As retailers, naturally we think of costs first and so we should – waste is a serious overhead when it is not managed efficiently. Luckily, the byproduct of excellent waste management at store level is an environmental result.
efficient too, but if you cannot afford to upgrade your baler – shrink wrap plastic can be easily stored in black plastic bags until you are ready to bale your plastic. It takes about 5 bags of plastic to compress into a bale of plastic, so be aware that you need to store these bags until baling. Don’t be tempted to put shrink or other plastic straight into the bin, shrink wrap will expand and you will effectively be paying for half full bins to be emptied, hard on your cash flow and plastic will never break down in a landfill. If you are just about to purchase a baler or upgrade your existing one, the model which bales both cardboard and plastic is the most efficient in the long run.
High grade paper waste is very valuable to the recycling community. This includes all your office waste: envelopes, flyers, leaflets, brochures, circulars, letters…Think of all the
In order to manage waste efficiently, the very least you need is a baler for cardboard. A double barrelled baler with a chamber for plastic is very 22
High Grade Paper Waste
high grade paper waste currently going into your rubbish, your black bin or your skip. If you use a recycling bin in your office for high grade paper waste and keep this separate from other paper waste such as cardboard, newspapers and magazines, your waste contractor will usually take this from you free of charge. In some instances, I have heard of contractors who will pay a small sum of money to have such high quality paper bagged ready for recycling.
Steel Another retail waste item prized by waste contractors is steel. Steel cans, like the catering cans of tuna and sweetcorn, which are opened and used in the deli every day, are worth money in the right hands. Check with your waste contractor how to return these, but usually the most efficient way is to rinse out the food waste from these steel tins and place them in the office waste (high grade paper) waste bag.
RN October07Karen Meenan’s Top Tips ●
be clearly marked with store details, everything except the bar code) in order for credits to be refunded to and the rest of the magazine the retailer. (i.e. everything but the front It seems that some stores are cover) became the seeing full copy returns as a solution responsibility of the retailer to to the waste problem but are not dispose of. In the past, these properly identifying the returns went straight to landfill and process. Boxes of magazines and bales more recently, they have been of unsold newspapers are returned to returned to recycling plants by both Eason and Newspread with no placing these unsolds directly means of identification, no agent into a recycling bin. These bins number and without store name or are expensive, however, and address. As much as €400 per box is you also need to factor in the being returned to these distributors time and wage costs involved with no means of them giving you with ‘topping’ the papers and credit for these unsolds. ‘stripping’ the magazines. Full copy returns means that you return the full copy of The Black Bin unsold newspapers and the full Ten years ago, almost everything copy of unsold magazines – went into the skip or was taken by a High grade paper waste is very valuable without removing the bar codes or man with a trailer for dumping. Now to the recycling community. front covers. Full copy returns are we have facilities to recycle not a magic solution, however, and cardboard, plastic, newspapers, while they are very much welcomed magazines, high grade office waste With these two valuable products by retailers as an efficient solution to and steel… so what is actually going packed together and separated from the newspaper bin, full copy returns into the black bin? the rest of your waste, you will find must be managed and proper records Deli and food waste seems to be that you will be able to part with kept by the person sending back the last mountain to climb for these … for a sum! unsolds, in order for you to ensure retailers in order to provide a full that you are receiving full credits for recycling solution and put an end to Unsold Magazines and unsolds. the black bin. There has been much Newspapers Unfortunately, there have been talk of composting, wormeries and Not so very long ago, unsold many cases in Dublin recently where other environmentally sound ways to newspapers and magazines used to go retailers operating a full copy returns process deli waste. The most efficient straight into a skip or black bin. Then system (now the standard way of deli waste solution I have encountered about seven or eight years ago, returning unsolds) are not getting has just been installed in a ground Indaver and others provided a proper unsolds credits. This is due breaking SuperValu store in Granard, newspaper/magazine recycling bin mainly to staff not fully Co. Longford, operated by Canice which saved on black bin charges. understanding that all returns must Dunphy, which uses the Jora 5100 Practically all waste contractors offer a news bin facility at reduced costs from the standard black bin charges. We have moved on from there and now full copy returns are accepted by major distributors Eason and Newspread. In the past, in order to claim that a newspaper was not sold in your store, you only had to provide a bar code (without a staple through it!) to prove that this issue was not sold and you were issued with a credit for this unsold on your next invoice. Magazines were treated in a similar fashion: you only had to return the front cover (or in cases, the back cover if the bar code was on the back) in order to claim a credit for an unsold magazine. The rest of the newspaper (i.e. Waste is a serious issue, and a cost concern, for anybody in the retail trade.
RN October07Karen Meenan’s Top Tips ●
Commercial Food Waste Digester or ‘The Digester’ from Grow Green Solutions. I had heard that this ‘Digester’ was in place in the Brook Lodge Hotel, which is famous for its organic produce and its emphasis on all things environmentally sound. All food waste from the kitchens of this hotel are fed to the Digester, along with wood chip pellets, which mulch together at a heat above 65 degrees, which six weeks later produce bags of compost. These bags of compost, nicknamed locally as ‘liquid gold’ by the farmers who work to produce the organic food for the hotel, are then used to feed the crops which make the food for sale in the hotel’s award winning restaurant. The kitchen waste is then fed to the Digester, which combines once again with the wood chip pellets to provide some more compost… and so it goes, a unique environmentally efficient, no waste, waste solution.
Digesting Waste So as retailers, how can we piggy back on this fantastic discovery and reduce waste costs and produce a ‘liquid gold’ by-product too? Canice Dunphy from SuperValu Granard uses his Digester as often as he uses his cardboard baler. Every time he has some food waste, he feeds it to the first chamber of the digester. Wood chip pellets are added automatically to the first chamber and are mixed with the food waste. It takes about 2-3 weeks for the first chamber of the digester to fill. The
Pictured with the Digester are Paddy and Patricia Macauley, Grow Green Solutions, with Canice Dunphy, proprietor, SuperValu Granard, Co. Longford.
reason for this is that most of the food waste has a high water content, and so the volume in the first chamber reduces by 95% every 24 hours. The temperature of the digester is kept above 65 degrees. This temperature exceeds the department of agriculture standards for the industry and ensures that the end product, the compost (or liquid gold) has fully completed the aerobic process and that all micro-organisms are rendered safe for sale to organic farmers like those in Brook Lodge Hotel. The food passes from the first chamber to the second chamber after 2-3 weeks and is stirred constantly by revolving paddles within the sealed chambers. After another 2-3 weeks, the compost can be removed from the second chamber and bagged as ‘Liquid
About the Author RETAIL consultant Karen Meenan runs her own consultancy business, Results Training & Marketing, focusing on net profit and how to maximise profit for the retailer. For more information, contact Karen on 086 6027711 or by email kmeenan@eircom.net.
Results Training & Marketing When Results Really Matter
Gold’. In Canice Dunphy’s shop, he fills three bags of compost per week. This whole process costs €2 per week in energy costs and €8 for the bag of wood chip pellets. A total of €10 for a bag of compost which he can sell to local farmers (or garden centres). And not a black bin in sight… Canice used to have three black bins (1100 litre size), collected and emptied each week. He used to separate and recycle all his other waste (plastic, high grade office, steel etc) and kept locks on his bins so effectively he used to fill 3,300 litres with deli and food waste. This is now a thing of the past – he has invested in a Digester – he spends €10 per week in running costs to produce compost which he can now sell. He reckons that the Digester will have paid for itself within the first two years of its installation (he has it about six months now). So in about 18 months’ time, Canice will have no waste charges at all!
The Digester FOR more information on the Jora 5100 Commercial Food Waste Digester, please contact Grow Green Solutions on (0404) 49893, email growgreensolutions@eircom.net or see www.growgreensolutions.com.
RN October07Retail News Interview ●
Creaming Climate Change Jerry Greenfield, from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, tells Retail News about his Climate Change Ambassador initiative and the hippy ethos behind the brand.
the man behind a brand is often an underwhelming experience, which is what makes an appointment with Jerry Greenfield so special. As one half of ice-cream duo Ben & Jerry’s, this rambunctious 50something is a celebrity unto himself, having been name checked across popular culture – from TV shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy to movies like Bridget Jones’ Diary and Hot Fuzz. Jerry recently visited Dublin to launch a new search for the 2008 Irish Ben & Jerry’s Climate Change Ambassador. In person, he is jovial, warm-hearted, and injects something of a hippy spirit into the world of big business. 26
“The Climate Change Ambassador initiative came from Marc Cornelissen, a polar explorer from the Netherlands who had been visiting the North and South Poles for years, exploring and trekking,” he explains. “Marc had begun to notice a lot of climate changes and started doing some research, so he contacted Ben & Jerry’s and WWF [World Wide Fund for Nature, the global conservation organisation] with the idea for a climate change college to get young people passionate about the issue, involved and give them skills and tools to run their own campaigns. Two or three years ago, I travelled with
him to Greenland to see some of the changes that were taking place. We started a project from that moment forth.” Interested parties can visit the website www.climatechangecollege.ie, fill in an application, and make a video explaining why they should be chosen. 30 candidates from Ireland – as well as Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands – are selected and this group is whittled down to a single Ambassador. The representative then joins those from other countries to partake in a six-month training programme where they learn the skills required to become an active Climate Change Campaigner. The college includes a 10-day field programme in the Arctic. “The first year, it was just the UK and Netherlands, but we expanded it last year,” explains Jerry. “Our students are crucial because they are so passionate - they want to do something but don’t have the tools and the access. WWF is a good content provider, while Ben & Jerry’s provides people with contacts and a means to bringing them all together.
Brand History The Ben & Jerry’s brand was conceived by Jerry and his school friend Ben Cohen in 1978, when the pair opened an ice cream parlour in Burlington, Vermont. As the business expanded, Jerry left to accompany his fiancée to Arizona as she completed a PhD. He rejoined Ben in 1985, travelling across the US during the summer of 1986 in the Ben & Jerry’s ‘Cowmobile’, serving up free samples of their ice cream. Although the ‘Cowmobile’ burnt down during the trip, their brand was on the rise. Today, the company is owned by Unilever and delivers quirky flavours like Bohemian Raspberry and Chocolate Fudge Brownie to the Irish market. Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951, Jerry Greenfield grew up in the thick of the Sixties counterculture movement. Indeed, this background has translated into Ben & Jerry’s flavours (for example, Peace of Cake, and Phish Food, named after the American hippy rock group) and also their business ethos. “I was a child of
RN October07Retail News Interview ●
the 1960s,” smiles Jerry. “I went to college in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. The counterculture was not just about environmentalism, it was also about peace and love and creating a more compassionate world. In the early days of environmentalism, people who were concerned were considered to be on the fringe. They were considered tree-huggers. Now the ideology is completely mainstream.” Ben & Jerry’s have been undertaking environmental assessments for the last 16 years, he explains. The brand’s factory in the Netherlands, which produces ice cream for Ireland,
“If you are not doing that well environmentally, it means that you have a lot of waste and inefficiency and that always adds up to more cost. Being environmentally efficient is better for your bottom line.”
done. He’s a risk taker. He’s the guy alongside the rest of Europe, underwho always came up with the new takes a complete eco assessment of flavours at Ben & Jerry’s. He likes big the ice-cream making process: from chunks. He likes putting things the cows through to the distribution. together that don’t normally go “A big part of our impact is through together, such as the idea of big refrigeration because ice cream manuchunks and smooth, creamy ice facturing is so energy intensive. We cream. He likes the idea of caring and use efficient freezers and bio fuel for compassion in a business, which is transportation,” Jerry notes. typically driven by money making. He It is no secret that the United loves to combine things and get the States has been humming and hawing symbiotic relationship of things that about taking direct action against clidon’t normally go together.” mate change. Jerry contends that any institution, whether business or govern“In the early days of environmentalism, ment, does not like change. Compelling people who were concerned were an organisation to institute change – workconsidered to be on the fringe. ing together and “filling out the right paperwork” – They were considered treewill inevitably meet resistance. Environmentally friendly huggers. Now the ideology is manufacturing and distribution is not technically difficult or even completely mainstream.” expensive, he says, but the resistance to change is powerful.
Consumer-Driven Change However, now the demand for change is emanating from consumers. “I think it is impractical to think that business and industry is going to take a leadership role,” Jerry notes. “They are going to get pushed along by consumers, who are way ahead of business. That’s kind of always the way it is! Businesses respond to the needs of their customers.” Furthermore, being energy efficient can also be cost efficient. “If you are not doing that well environmentally, it means that you have a lot of waste and inefficiency and that always adds up to more cost,” he adds. “Being environmentally efficient is better for your bottom line. The Ben & Jerry’s brand is set to continue innovating and introducing new flavours to the market. Jerry is typically modest when it comes to the brand’s success and praises the skills of his partner. “The real innovator is Ben. Ben is a person who just loves to do new things. He is your classic entrepreneur: a guy who would rather try and fail at something new than do something that has already been
New Ideology Ben and Jerry’s is without doubt the largest brand born from hippy culture. But does Jerry believe that the Sixties generation, one which was heavy with ideologies, had any impact on the current climate? Or was the counterculture a lost cause? “It wasn’t a lost cause,” he says. “During that time - I was in my early 20s - there was a real feeling that we could create a fundamentally different kind of world. We thought that our parents were nice people but they really screwed things up. We were not going to screw things up. Despite all the wonderful things that we have done, I don’t think that my generation has done any better than my parents’ generation. I’m hoping that my son’s generation is going to learn from what we did. There’s certainly opportunity to be better.” History repeated itself then? “Yes, it’s true!” A tour of Ireland’s colleges will kick off in October to drive recruitment for the Ben & Jerry’s Climate Change College. The closing date for entries is the 24th October. For more information, log on to www.climatechangecollege.ie 27
RN October07On The Vine ●
NOffLA Gold Star Awards 2007 Jean Smullen looks at some of the winners from the NOffLA Gold Star Awards 2007, as well as some international award winners, and reports from a tasting of Spain’s newest wine stars.
, the National OffLicence Association, has revealed its list of Gold Star Award wines for 2007/08. These 15 recommended wines (six white, six red, two sparkling wines and one rosé) were chosen by a panel of 18 wine tasters. The National Off-Licence Association (NOffLA) represents 330 independent off-licences throughout the country. This innovative trade association has worked extremely hard to promote the independent off licence sector and the sale of quality wine in Ireland. NOffLA continue to be a driving force in terms of market development and aim to encourage the sale of unique quality wines and wine styles from all over the wine world. During the past decade, NOffLA have set up a number of performance based initiatives which have created a quality benchmark for wine retailing in Ireland. The Off Licence of the Year competition, (currently in the judging stages), sets high standards and encourages retailers to raise the bar. In 2000, they instigated the Irish Wine Show, a trade-only event which is attended by all the major national and international wine distributors and suppliers, as well as the Gold Star Awards, a wine competition of international standards, which aims to find the best value wine at various price points from both the old and new world wine countries. NOffLA have also developed a programme of ‘Responsible Trading in the Community’ (RTC) which their members must take as a membership requirement. This programme has been acknowledged both in Ireland and internationally as the most posi-
tive pro-active initiative to promote responsible retailing of alcohol.
Successful Initiatives
very strong with Irish consumers. Masi Masianco is a blend of Pinot Grigio (75%) and Verduzzo (25%) grapes. Each varietal is picked and vinified separately. The Verduzzo goes through the ‘apassimento’ process, where the grapes are laid out on racks in lofts so that the warm air ensures partial drying (raisin like) after harvesting. The Verduzzo is aged in barriques prior to blending. Another two wine winners in the Old World White sector come from France and include the 2006 Fortant Sauvignon Blanc (€6.99), from Irish Distillers/Pernod Ricard, and The 2003 2006 Mouton Cadet Blanc, Errazuriz Max Reserva Cabernet Baron Philippe de Rothschild (€11.99), from Sauvignon, Acongagua Findlater/Grants.
Speaking at the 2007 Gold Star Awards, NOffLA Chairman Jim McCabe said that with the liberalisation of licencing and the resultant availability of alcohol in an increasing number of retail outlets, the prospect of increasing alcohol abuse will escalate even further if staff in those businesses are not properly trained. The success of NOffLA’s initiatives is very much in evidence. The Irish wine market is now the most buoyant sector of the Irish drinks business. Annual sales of wine has now reached 8.2m cases, with offlicence outlets accounting for Valley (€15.99) more than two thirds of all from Allied wine sales. The Irish wine Wine of the Year Drinks, one of the drinker is well serviced by 2007 NOffLA Gold this sector, with a typical speWine of the Year 2007 was Star Award Winners. cialist off-licence stocking up awarded to a wine from to 500 varieties of wine. The California, the Gold Star Award winners will all fea2004 Beringer Old Vine Zinfandel ture prominently on the shelves of Red, Founders Estate (€13.88), from NOffLA members in the run up to the Galvins Wines & Spirits. Beringer use Christmas selling period. the cooling influence of the Pacific Ocean and cooler night time temperatures in North Coast, California, to The Winning Collection obtain the essential peak ripeness The White Wine of the Year 2007 title that Zinfandel requires. These grapes went to a wine from Italy, the 2006 come from wonderful 25-year-old Masi Masiacono Pinot Grigio (€15), vines. The wine is vinified to maxdistributed by Findlater/Grants. This imise fruit expression and then aged wine further emphasises the fact that in barrel for nine months to help intePinot Grigio is the ‘new Chardonnay’. grate the wine. Beringer have long This white grape variety is hugely been to the fore of organic viticulture popular with Irish consumers and in California and many of their vinesales of this wine style are currently
RN October07On The Vine ●
yards are very active in the use of sustainable viticulture. Another wine in the New World Red category is 2004 Ducks Flat Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz (€7.99), from Barry Fitzwilliam Maxxium. The wine is produced from grapes grown in South Eastern Australia by the McGuigan family, who have been involved in the Australian wine industry for four generations. Meanwhile, the 2003
International Wine Awards THE awards season is in full swing, with the ultimate accolades for 2007 recently announced in London at the Decanter World Wine Awards and the International wine Challenge. New Zealand swept the board, winning a total of five international trophies, with its Pinot Noir, in particular, triumphant. After beating stiff competition from around the world, Burgundy and New Zealand went head to head for the International ‘Pinot Noir Over £10 Trophy’ at the Decanter World Wine Awards, with New Zealand’s Bald Hills lifting the award. Further praise for New Zealand's other varietals continued with Siefried Estate (distributed here by Classic Drinks) winning the ‘International Sweet Over £10 Trophy’ for their 2006 Sweet Agnes Riesling from Nelson. New Zealand also won the IWC White Wine Maker of the Year, which went to Alistair Maling MW of Villa Maria Estate (distributed here by Allied Drinks). Winner of the best red from Australia in the 2007 International Wine Challenge was the 2005 The Musician by Majella Wines (€15), which also picked up the Coonawarra Trophy. Majella Wines are distributed in Ireland by Tindal Wine Merchants.
Spain Makes It Claim ICEX, the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade, organised an excellent tasting of Spanish wines recently in Dublin. Spain, more than any other European country, is poised to give the New World producers a run for their money. The emergence of new Spanish wine styles, in terms of both quality and value, show that Spanish winemakers have been quick to take new technology to their bodegas, which now house some the most modern wineries in Europe. There were many wines which stood out but pressure of space allows mention of only a few. One of the most important distributors of quality Spanish wine here in Ireland is Raphael Alvaraz of Approach Trade Ireland, whose list includes some of the top Spanish producers. The 2004 Les Terrasses (€29.50), DO Priorat, from Bodegas Alvaro Palacios is an example of modern Spanish wine making: a blend of Gerenace, Carignan and Cabernet Sauvignon, this is one of Spain's new ‘Icon Wines’. The 2001 Pago la Jara (€31.95), DO Toro, from Telmo Rodriguez is another classic: made from 100% Tinta de Toro (Tempranillo), this is a must have for any serious wine merchant who wants to show what Spain can do. One of the most popular Spanish wine styles at the present time is the white Albarino grape from the DO Rias Biaxas. Febvre & Company have a very good example of this wine: the 2005 Terra Firme Albarino, DO Rias Biaxas (€23.45). Made from 100% Albarino, it ticks all the boxes and is a very good example of this wine style, showcasing what is best about new style white wine making from Spain. Liberty Wines also have a very good range of modern Spanish wines. I particularly liked their 2004 Rivola, Sardon de Duero (€16.99), by Abadia Retuerta. Made from a blend of Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, this is modern Spanish wine making, which includes French grapes to add structure. This wine has a slightly savoury tone, with ripe fruit and good tannin structure and it is very Spanish in style, but new generation Spain. Straffan Wines have the wonderful 2003 Senorio de Sarria Crianza (€12.95) from DO Navarra. A blend of Tempanillo and Cabernet, this is an elegant easy drinking wine with ripe summer fruit and a touch of vanilla and is very good value for the mid-price range. Errazuriz Max Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon, Acongagua Valley (€15.99) from Allied Drinks, is vinified from grapes grown in the semidesert of the Aconcagua Valley: these grapes were picked in April, whole berry fermentation was followed by 25 days on the skins to extract maximum fruit flavours and finally aged for 15 months in oak barrels. The Champagne/Sparkling wine collection included Green Point NV (€24.99) from Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd, and Piper-Heidsieck NV (€38.99) from Barry Fitzwilliam Maxxium.
The Best Reds The best red wines from the Old World (i.e. anywhere in Europe where the vine is cultivated), all came from Spain and included the 2004 Altozano Tempranillo (€7.99)
from Barry Fitzwilliam Maxxium, the 2002 Campo Viejo Reserva (€11.99), from Irish Distillers/Pernod Ricard, and the 2004 Portia, Ribera del Duero (€18.99) from Gilbeys Wines, proving that in Europe, Spain is the country to watch. The best white wines from the New World all came from Australia and included the 2005 JJ McWilliams Semillon/Chardonnay (€7.99), from Cassidy Wines, the 2005 Peter Lehmann Chardonnay (€12.99) from Coman's Wholesale, and the 2007 Knappstein Three Gewurztraminer (Clare Valley) from Gilbeys Wines(€15.99). Best Rosé came from Chile: the 2007 Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon Rose (€10.99) from the house of Torres, distributed in Ireland by Woodford Bourne.
RN October07Drinks News ●
Murphy’s Easy Draught System MURPHY’S is currently rolling out its innovative new draught dispensing unit, the ‘Easy Draught System’, to pubs and selected restaurants throughout Ireland. The specially designed unit, which utilises 20 litre kegs, will facilitate pubs, bars and restaurants to deliver premium quality stout consistently and conveniently. The Murphy’s Easy Draught System is cost efficient, compact, easy to install and maintain, and ensures constant freshness and temperature.
Beck’s Fuse Art and Music BECK’S Fusions is an exciting event launched by Beck’s Vier, which takes place in four iconic centres across the UK and Ireland, fusing art and music. Temple Bar hosted ‘The Beck’s Fusions Experience’ recently, when Calvin Harris took to the stage with Novak 3DDisco to create an electrifying 3D performance, supported by home-grown talent Jape. Meanwhile, an interactive gallery was located in Temple Bar Square, providing the ultimate audio-visual experience, as exciting works spanning animation, media art, film and video sampling were projected onto a giant screen, placing the viewer at the centre of the action and at the heart of the fusions.
Appointment at Castle Brands
Coole Swan Cocktail Competition
CASTLE Brands Inc., the owner of Boru Vodka, has announced the appointment of Jason Finnegan to the position of Commercial Director, Republic of Ireland, of its subsidiary, Castle Brands Spirits Company Limited. Finnegan has held the position of Southern Regional Manager with Castle Brands since joining the company in July 2004 and in his new role, he will be responsible for developing and growing the current portfolio of premium brands, which includes Boru Vodka, Gosling’s Rum, Knappogue Castle Whiskey and Pallini Liqueurs.
COOLE Swan, the super-premium dairy cream liqueur,, hosted their inaugural Coole Cocktail Competition in The Champagne Bar at Ron Blacks recently. Mixologists from many of Dublin’s top bars, hotels and restaurants created an array of tantalising cocktails, wowing judges and setting a precedent in the Cream Liqueur category as they battled it out for the coveted first place, which was won by Kate Kovalchikova, from The Westin Hotel, who is pictured (third from right) with (from left): judges Adrian Walker, Liam Campbell, Jenny Coffee, David Phelan, MD, Scion Spirits Co. Ltd, and Myles McWeeney.
Budweiser Back on TV BUDWEISER has launched the third instalment of its successful ‘Answer the Call’ ATL advertising campaign. Currently on air on Irish TV channels, ‘Tunnel’ builds on the good-natured humour and the overall theme of mates getting together for a drink, seen in the previous two ‘Answer the Call’ executions, ‘Unstoppable’ and ‘Damsel’. The campaign has been credited for increasing talkability and driving improved brand performance for the Diageo-owned drinks company.
Wake up to the smell of success. The all new MACE. We see it all around us, a constantly evolving consumer, an increasingly dynamic retail environment and increased prosperity. How can you be a part of it? Mace are happy to announce the shop of the future. A totally new shop designed to respond to consumer needs and guaranteed to be a winner with today’s demanding shopper. From changeable window graphics to clutter-free counters for greater access, from a new deli to a customer services centre, Mace have thought of everything. Early in the morning is a good time to make a great decision, so pour the coffee, wake up to the smell of success and get one of Ireland's finest retail packages working for you now. And into the future.
www.mace.ie Contact: Brian O’Toole on 087 2599282
RN October07Home Baking ●
Bake Expectations The last few years have seen a resurgence in home-baking, with younger consumers attracted to the category by innovative, convenient new products.
majority of home-baking products are sold between October and December, as the festive season approaches, so now is the key period to stock up on all those home-baking essentials. Worth over €50m at RSP, the market includes ingredient pastry, flour and mixes and baking fruit, as well as a host of new products which make home-baking easier and far more convenient for today’s time-starved customer base. Indeed, the home-baking sector is growing primarily due to its diversification into more convenient products, which are encouraging younger consumers to try their hand at baking, leading to strong category growth over the last number of years. Indeed, 2006 saw the market rise to a value of €50.7m, up 7.3% over the previous year’s value. Home-baking has made a strong comeback in recent years, according to Peter Duffy, Shamrock Commercial Manager. Consumers are looking to
Odlums Quick Mini Muffins are available in Chocolate Chip (400g) and Double Chocolate Chip (350g) varieties, while the brand has launched new Toffee Apple Quick Pancakes.
Odlums have extended their Quick Pancake range with the introduction of delicious Toffee Apple Quick Pancakes. These new products will be strongly supported with instore sampling and eye-catching point of sale material available to retailers. With Christmas fast approaching, Odlums Quick Mix Scones, Breads and Cakes offer the ultimate in convenience, with a preparation time of just five minutes. The re-launch of Odlums Quick Scones and Luxury Cake Mixes over the coming months will see the packaging take on a fresher look, giving greater on-shelf stand out. These cakes can be made as tasty
get “back to basics” in an increasingly hectic world, while baking is also a great way for parents to bond with the kids, and with the poor weather this summer, many found it a great way to while away a few hours indoors.
Odlums Odlums claims leadership of the home-baking category with a 75% market share. Investment in innovation has been key to the company’s long-lasting success and has enabled Odlums to become Ireland’s top baking brand, according to the company. Over 220 international buyers awarded Odlums’ new Quick Pancake and Mini Muffins ‘Best in Show’ at this year’s Marketplace Ireland. These innovative mixes in a bottle simply require the user to add water to the mix, shake and pour! Quick Mini Muffins are available in Chocolate Chip (400g) and Double Chocolate Chip (350g) varieties and offer an exciting baking experience for parents and kids. To coincide with Halloween,
Double Chocolate Cake Mix from Odlums, contains real Belgian chocolate, and has a preparation time of just five minutes.
RN October07Home Baking ●
the perfect decoration for all alternatives to the traditional cakes, buns and treats. Christmas cake. Wonderbar Cooking With the traditional baker Chocolate, which is made in in mind, Odlums have an Ireland, comes in a variety exciting Christmas Baking of flavours to suit all tastes – Campaign planned for 2007. Dark, Milk and White – This will include sponsorship available in 150g, 450g and of the Christmas Food Section the 1kg catering size. New at Off the Rails Live Homecook Wonderbar Cooking Chocolate has undergone a this year is Wonderbar Exhibition, nationwide radio makeover this year with contemporary new packaging and Microwaveable Cooking advertising, special price promobest ever chocolate recipe. chocolate, which is availtions and sampling. Catherine able in a handy microwaveable pouch. Leyden, the ‘Odlums Lady’, will also have no artificial additives, flavours or Wonderbar is supported in 2007 by an continue her regular morning baking preservatives - all that’s added are the extensive press campaign. slot on TV3’s ‘Ireland AM’. juiciest Seville Oranges and water. As all tastes differ, so to does the cut of the Homecook Seville Oranges, which Shamrock Gem Pack Foods Ltd come in Medium Cut, Thick Cut and Shamrock is one of Ireland’s longest The Gem range of baking products, No Peel, and are packed in very established brands and continues to which are packed in Ireland in Gem attractive colour coded cans. claim the number one position in the Pack Foods’ state of the art factory, All Homecook Fruits are carefully home-baking category, providing a offers retailers a one-stop shop when hand selected and processed to ensure it comes to stocking up for the that they are succulent in texture and Christmas season. The range includes full of flavour. They are convenient sultanas, raisins, currants, fruit mix and simple to use and require no preand flour. Their complete range of sugsoaking. ars, the only sugar packed in Ireland, Homecook Raisins and Sultanas are all being re-launched in exciting fit perfectly into the widely recognised new packaging, featuring an on-pack movement toward healthy eating promotion. habits and an active lifestyle. Homecook raisins and sultanas are a great source of natural energy and make it easy for consumers to satisfy their daily fruit Shamrock has revealed a brand new requirements. Not only modern and premium design for the are they are ready-to2007 home-baking season. eat, they are also perfect for all home-baking strong contribution to the category’s needs, and are available annual growth. throughout the year. Shamrock has revealed a brand Homecook Chilean new design for the 2007 home-baking Golden Sultanas, season. The design is modern and preCalifornian Thompson mium, whilst maintaining an “everyRaisins and day” positioning, according to Peter The Gem Gourmet range of dried fruits was launched Californian Flame Duffy, Shamrock Commercial in response to consumer demand for premium baking Raisins are seedless Manager. Quality continues to be and snacking products. and are available in paramount at Shamrock. “We consisresealable 500g packs. tently strive to deliver the exceptional The Gem Gourmet range of dried Homecook Wonderbar Cooking quality to which our consumers have fruits was launched in response to Chocolate is a firm favourite in housebecome accustomed,” Duffy notes, consumer demand for premium bakholds throughout the country. ”whilst maintaining affordable prices.” ing and snacking products. This Wonderbar has undergone a range includes sultanas, raisins, makeover this year with contempogolden raisins, currants and fruit Homecook rary new packaging and best ever mix, all packed in the latest standHomecook Preserves and Fruit, from chocolate recipe. It is so versatile it up stabillo packaging with a resealBoyne Valley Group, are perfect for all can be used in a wide variety of able tab. occasions and ideal for all home-bakrecipes, including chocolate chews, The Gourmet range will include ing needs. Homecook Prepared Seville buns, cakes, toppings, mousses and of extra value, extra fill packs for the Oranges make 6lbs of Homemade course, coming up to Christmas, it is Christmas baking season. Marmalade in only 30 minutes. They 33
Senior Brand Manager, Linda Sheehan and Brendan Young, National Account Manager, explain how the Sqeez brand is performing this year and how this highly competitive market has resulted in some interesting NPD developed in response to consumer’s demand. Overview
Benefits Range – Zest for Life
The market for fruit juices continues to perform strongly as more Irish consumers are switching to healthier choices. The leading fruit juice brands are looking to functional and light variants aimed at supplying the demands of the health conscious consumer. Sqeez is no exception with a number of new and exciting launches in the pipeline.
• MultiVitamin • Cranberry Orange • Orange Juice with Calcium and Prebiotic • Cranberry • Wild Blueberry
Smooth Operator.. Sqeez is the no 1 juice in the ambient category with almost 30% value share of the market (Source: ACNielsen Sept 2007). The extensive range is sub-divided into “Originals” and “Benefits” so consumers can easily find their favourite juice.
How many of you have an unused Smoothie maker in the corner of your kitchen? Who really wants to wash up all that equipment? Where is all the fresh fruit when you need it? If this describes you – then why haven’t you tried a wickedly good Sqeez Smoothie?? Find them on the juice aisle or the chilled cabinet at a great price considering the amount of fruit we’ve packed in. Sqeez’ s entry into the Smoothie category in 2006 has certainly caused a stir! It has quickly lead to the brand gaining a 24.5% volume share of the market. The Smoothies category is worth €7.5m and growing by a massive 111% year on year in value and 120% in volume terms (Source: ACNielsen Sept 2007). Smoothie range – Bursting with Fruit: • Strawberry & Banana • Peach, Pineapple & Passionfruit • Mango & Orange • Redberry & Pomegranate
Originals Range – The Juiciest Juice • Orange • Apple • Tropical • Pressed Apple • Grapefruit • Pineapple • Orange with Bits
Sqeez Smoothies are an ideal way to start the day especially as each 200ml glass contains 2 of your “5 a day” requirements.
The Blues that make you feel good! Sqeez Wild Blueberry in particular is proving hugely popular with those looking for a tasty juice that offers great health benefits. Blueberries have been shown to protect our bodies from harmful molecules that we are exposed to every day of our lives. Blueberries have a wide range of health benefits including anti-ageing properties and Sqeez brings consumers a tasty convenient way to enjoy this nutrient rich 'Superfood' every day.
Promotions A 1st for the No 1 Juice.. A must stock promotional line this autumn is the great value Sqeez 1L + 50% extra free promotional packs which are proving to be a big hit with consumers and retailers alike. Available in Orange and Apple flavours.
SUPER BRAND Cool for Kids Sqeez ready-to-drink 200ml juices are a way to sneak goodness into your kids’ lunchbox. The range includes firm favourites such as: • Orange juice • Apple juice • Tropical juice • Orange with Calcium • Multivitamin Following the huge success of the 1L Smoothie range, Sqeez launched handy size packs of smoothies and these are a definite winner for consumers looking for a healthier lunch alternative. We all know the importance of our children getting the recommended 5 a day portions of fruit and vegetables. At Sqeez we understand this isn’t always easy so we decided to lighten the burden. The delicious Smoothies are available in Strawberry & Banana and Peach, Pineapple & Passionfruit. Recently launched are the new Sqeez 100% juices - made with 100% juice and available in 250ml PET 4pack bottles. According to Linda Sheehan “this range was developed following requests from mums looking for a 100% pure fruit juice in a resealable wide mouth bottle. Sqeez 100% consists of two flavours – Orange and Apple”. Sqeez 100% bottles contain • no additives • no preservatives • no added sugar Amigo PET 250ml 4 pack was introduced in time for the back to school period this year in two delicious flavours –
Apple & Blackcurrant and Orange & Tropical. Amigo juice drinks are a popular choice with Irish kids and their parents alike. Amigo is also available in a 250ml Tetra carton in a combination of sizes 3’s, 6’s and 9 packs.
A taste of things to come.. The NPD doesn’t stop there, Sqeez are gearing up to launch an exciting new 1L product in winter 2007. Sqeez “100% SuperJuice” is made with a blend of 100% juice that will tingle your taste buds and put a spring in your step in the cold winter months. Consisting of Yumberry, Pomegranate and Red Grape – this combination is a surefire winner and will pique the interests of those on the look out for the next big thing in juice. Linda Sheehan explains “Red fruit and their juices are now known to play an important part in our body’s wellness. This juice contains innovative superfruits specifically chosen for their health properties. Yumberry is new fruit of the moment in terms of superfruits – it is rich in antioxidants that protect the body against cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol & eyesight degradation.”
Sqeez on-line The Sqeez brand returned to our TV screens this year with its “Angel and Devil” TV campaign featuring the tagline “Wickedly Good Fruit Juices from Sqeez”. Sqeez have also recently re-launched their website which now incorporates the look and feel of this advertising under the tagline “Wickedly Good”. The site features a “5 a day” club which allows you to track how much fruit and vegetable you eat per week and if you hit the recommended 5 portions recommended per day. Log onto www.sqeez.ie to explore your “wicked” side!!!!!!
Now there’s a plan.. Batchelors Category Management online allows retailers to maximize sales in-store by providing planogram and merchandising guidelines along with recommended ranges for Litre and RTD juices as well as canned vegetables, canned fruit and canned fish categories. www.batchelors.ie/category-management.html
RN October07Healthcare & OTC ●
Over the Counter Intelligence Bad news for consumers but good news for retailers is that Ireland tops the European league for minor ailments, with a corresponding opportunity to increase profits in the Healthcare/OTC sector.
comes top of the European ranking for minor ailments such as headache, indigestion, toothache, cold and flu, according to a pan-European research report, conducted by ACNielsen. The findings were announced at the launch of an education campaign by the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) and the Irish Pharmaceutical Union (IPU), which aims to help people feel better, faster. Almost half of all Irish people (45%) report headache as the most prevalent of their problems, ahead of all other minor ailments. The other most common forms of minor ailment reported by Irish people are sleeping problems (33%) and colds (33%) with
stomach upset (31%) coming a close fourth - ranking high amongst respondents. Commenting on the findings, John McLaughlin, President of the IPHA said, “Ireland appears to ‘suffer’ more than our European cousins. Whilst there are no conclusions drawn as to why this might be, changing lifestyles and the hectic pace of life may be contributing to the frequency of minor ailments such as headache, backache and Pfizer Consumer Healthcare’s Benylin’s deep sleeping problems.” penetrating action is clinically proven to relieve The aim of the campaign chesty coughs without causing drowsiness is to inform the public how for your consumers. to self-treat minor ailments cough bottles, pain relievers etc). effectively, how to use non-prescription Across Europe, the demand and medicines correctly and to know when the cost of healthcare is growing to seek advice from their local pharmafaster than the Gross National cist or GP. Product in most countries. The IPHA feel that Ireland has Additionally, medical technology not yet realised the full potential benadvances and population ageing efits of self-medication and that there means that such costs will continue to is an opportunity for Government increase. Self-medication is now wideDepartments and Agencies to specifily and appropriately used for many cally encourage self-care in general ailments and is a hidden asset in the and responsible self-medication in primary healthcare system. People particular in the interests of public want to actively manage their own health. Self-medication is the treathealth and are taking greater individment of common health problems, ual responsibility for their healthcare. with medicines specially designed and Effective self-medication through labelled for use without medical the use of non-prescription medicines supervision and approved as safe and can help patients feel better quickly, effective for such use. Medicines for safely and inexpensively and has self-medication are often called ‘nondefined health, social and economic prescription’ or ‘over the counter’ benefits. (OTC) and are available without a Ireland has a little bit of catching doctor’s prescription through pharmaup to do in comparison to some other cies, supermarkets and other outlets. European countries in the number of In Ireland, in one week alone durmedicines that have been switched to ing 2007, nearly 700,000 people were non-prescription status (e.g. the UK affected by respiratory related ailhas 118 non prescription medicines ments, and many people successfully compared to 103 in Ireland). used non-prescription medicines to If the timing of the switching treat these ailments – medicines process in Ireland was more frequent which are specifically labelled for use and predictable, IPHA believes that without medical supervision (e.g.
Take a good look at the subject here, because at the rate it sells this may be your only chance. As the No. 1 cough brand in Grocery for three years running, Benylin for Chesty Coughs commands over 52% of grocery’s cough remedy sales. To make sure you capture the sales and cough relief your customers demand, stock up today.
Nothing is more effective without prescription
Contains Guaifenesin PA 823/20/1. PA Holder: Pfizer Consumer Healthcare For further information please contact Johnson Brothers on 01 408 1400
RN October07Healthcare & OTC ●
the number of switch applications made by industry would increase, thereby enhancing the range of products available to the public for selfmedication. They have called for a more pro-active approach from the Government to switching. For the switch from pharmacyonly to general sale (GSL) status, the situation is extremely complex, since the vast majority of pharmacy-confined medicines in this country are controlled under the Poisons Regulations, 1982-2003, and currently there is no mechanism for seeking the appropriate amendment to these Regulations. IPHA has formally called for these Regulations, insofar as they apply to medicinal products, to be repealed. While the 2007 Poisons Act amendment prospectively prohibits products whose sole use is as a medicinal product from being deemed a poison, it does not affect existing products controlled under the Poisons Regulations. Consumer safety is of the highest priority. Numerous regulatory safeguards exist to ensure that non-prescription medicines used without medical supervision are safe, appropriate and effective, whilst information and education provided to the public ensures that relevant conditions can be safely and effectively managed via self-medication, via pack information, advertising, public education initiatives etc.
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Almost 50% of the adult population will suffer from cough during the year.
The grocery cough market is growing at 4.5%. Benylin is the market leader, claiming a 50% share of the category and growing at 4.3%. Benylin’s deep penetrating action is clinically proven to relieve chesty coughs without causing drowsiness for your consumers. Benylin Chesty Non-Drowsy is available in two sizes, 125ml and 300ml bottles. Benylin 125ml pack has the highest cash rate of sale of all grocery cough products. Benylin’s Children’s Chesty Cough is the only specific children’s cough product in grocery. It is available in a 125ml bottle and is suitable for children between the ages of 2 -12 years.
GlaxoSmithKline Panadol continues to perform exceptionally with 9% growth year on year and 52.3% value share of the analgesics market (Source: ACNielsen, ROI, Market Track, Total Grocery,
Panadol continues to perform exceptionally in Ireland, enjoying 9% growth year on year.
Benylin Children’s Chesty Cough is both sugar and colour free. Benylin is supported through the season with heavy weight advertising including TV, radio, consumer press and public relations activities. The Paediatric Analgesic category is worth €1.32 million and is growing at 5% versus last year. Calpol claims top spot in the paediatric analgesic sector in grocery, with an 86% market share. Calpol Infant Suspension has been available in grocery outlets for a number of years. Calpol have launched Calpol Six
Calpol claims top spot in the paediatric analgesic sector in grocery, with an 86% market share.
Plus Suspension in grocery, available in a 60ml bottle. Suitable for children six years and over, Calpol Six Plus is available in two variants, Original and Sugar/Colour Free. Calpol is supported throughout the winter months with TV and trade advertising, public relations activities, educational leaflets and display materials.
Andrews Liver Salts continue to enjoy strong sales in the effervescent digestive remedy sector.
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RN October07Healthcare & OTC ●
Cough and Cold Sachets 5’s Oral Analgesics, Value Sales, (1000mg Paracetamol, MAT, W/e 01 July 2007). 200mg Guaifenesin). This Newly launched Panadol product treats all the sympExtra tablets can give 30% toms of a cold and flu, more pain relieving power comincluding a chesty cough. As pared to standard paracetamol. always, this new addition to The vibrant red packaging the range will be supported gives excellent stand out on heavily on TV, radio, outdoor shelf and distinguishes and in press. It will also be Panadol Extra from Panadol supported in-store with eyeRegular and Panadol ActiFast. catching POS. Panadol Extra represents a Lemsip are also extendlogical extension to the ing their expertise into Panadol grocery range and will cough remedies, with Lemsip complement the existing Dry Cough Syrup and Panadol grocery portfolio. Strepsils: one of the best known sore throat remedies available in grocery. Lemsip Chesty Cough Panadol is gentle on the stomSyrup. These two products ach, Panadol ActiFast is twice as are available in 100ml bottles and will fast and now Panadol Extra can give 01 July 2007). Lemsip is a tried and be supported with a heavyweight 30% more pain relieving power, when trusted brand with a strong heritage radio campaign. compared to standard paracetamol, in relieving consumers’ cold and flu Strepsils is one of the best known offering consumers another option to symptoms. Lemsip is available in a sore throat remedies available in gromeet their varying requirements for range of variants across the range: cery. Claiming 29% market share and pain relief. Lemsip Max Cold and Flu Hot Lemon growing at 8%, this tried and trusted Available in a 12-pack tablet for5’s (1000mg Paracetamol with added brand provides fast, soothing and mat, Panadol Extra is indicated for Vitamin C), Lemsip Cold & Flu Hot effective relief from the discomfort of migraine, headache, muscle pain, Lemon 5’s & 10’s (500mg sore throats. Each lozenge contains a backache, toothache, rheumatic pain Paracetamol), Lemsip Cold & Flu combination of two anti-bacterials to and period pain. The brand will be the Head Cold 5’s & 10’s (500mg help kill the bacteria which can cause focus of heavyweight marketing supParacetamol with added Menthol), sore throats and mouth infections. port activity over the coming months, Lemsip Cold & Flu Capsules with The Strepsils range available in the including a new TV commercial from Caffeine 12’s (500mg Paracetamol and grocery channel includes Strepsils late October. 65mg Caffeine). All variants deliver Honey and Lemon, Strepsils Orange Andrews Liver Salts, also from fast and effective relief from fever, and Vitamin C, Strepsils Original, GlaxoSmithKline, continue to enjoy headache, sore throat, body aches and Strepsils Strawberry Sugar Free, and strong sales in the effervescent digespains. Strepsils Extra Blackcurrant, alongtive remedy sector. Simply adding This season, Lemsip have also side new Strepsils Sore Throat and water to the recommended dosage introduced their most complete cold Blocked Nose. Strepsils will continue prepares a remedy which provides and flu hot remedy: new Lemsip Max to be supported with a very strong TV refreshing relief from indigestion and and radio campaign during the cold upset stomach. and flu season. “As the digestive remedy sector becomes increasingly competitive, we predict that Andrews Liver Salts will Wyeth Consumer remain a firm favourite, backed by the Healthcare brand’s contemporary positioning, The ever popular Tramil Analgesic which is coupled with a long-standing Capsules have just been relaunched heritage,” comments Jim Geraghty, in a modern new pack. Although comAndrews Brand Manager, pletely redesigned, one of the key GlaxoSmithKline. “Furthermore, we requirements of the design brief was will also continue to support the that the new Tramil pack would be brand in the grocery trade with the instantly recognisable to loyal conprovision of dedicated Point of Sale sumers. The design process has taken material to highlight its presence ina long time but initial feedback from store”. both the trade and consumers is very positive. The face of the pack retains Lemsip have introduced their most the same bold red and blue colouring Reckitt Benckiser complete cold and flu hot remedy: but is printed on ultra shiny foil board Lemsip is the number one cold and flu new Lemsip Max Cough and Cold Sachets 5’s (1000mg Paracetamol, to give great impact and standout onhot drink remedy in grocery, claiming 200mg Guaifenesin). shelf. At the same time, the layout of 80% share (Source: ACNielsen 10 WE 40
RN October07Healthcare & OTC ●
a taste children love. Centrum Junior offers retailers the opportunity to add incremental sales through the introduction of an additional age group to the brand. Centrum will receive a very high level of media supTramil Analgesic Capsules have just been port throughout the coming relaunched in a modern new pack. months, including both national TV and radio advertising. the instructions on the back of the pack has been improved to increase legibility. Bayer Ireland Centrum, the world-leading multiLong-established as a safe reliable vitamin and mineral supplement, ‘family brand’, Disprin is tried and claims to be the number one selling trusted to deliver safe, fast acting multivitamin in grocery in Ireland. relief when and where consumers Centrum is one of the best-known VMS (vitamins, minerals and supplements) brands, enjoying a high level of brand awareness amongst consumers, thanks to high on-going levels of media support. Centrum’s success has been built on a number of important factors, not least of which has been the product’s complete and balanced formulation. Centrum makes the consumer’s task of choosing a vitamin supplement straightforward as it contains all the scheduled nutrients, many of them at 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Both Centrum and Centrum Select 50+ are ‘Complete from A to Zinz’. They also contain Lutein, an antioxidant, which has been shown to help maintain healthy eyesight. Disprin is an extremely well known The Centrum range also includes brand with over 89% brand awareness. Centrum Junior, a chewable multivitamin with minerals, formulated with
Berocca’s specific combination of B vitamins and other essential nutrients work in synergy to keep consumers mentally sharp and alert.
need it most. With its distinctive blue packaging, Disprin is an extremely well known brand with over 89% brand awareness. Available in a range of Aspirin-based formats, including Disprin Extra Strength 500mg Soluble tablets, Disprin Direct 300mg tablets (no water needed), Disprin Original 300mg tablets and Paracetmaol by the makers of Disprin. Also from Bayer Ireland, Berocca has taken the position of number one multivitamin in the grocery trade after only launching in April 2007 (Source: ACNielsen Scantrack Aug 07). Berocca’s specific combination of B vitamins and other essential nutrients work in synergy to keep consumers mentally sharp and alert. Berocca is recommended for people with demanding jobs who live a fast paced hectic lifestyle. A sampling campaign in September gave new consumers a chance to trial the product. Berocca is being supported with a new revised TV commercial, which is airing through to the end of December, reaching over one million households.
Seven Seas
The Centrum range: one of the best-known VMS brands, enjoying a high level of brand awareness amongst consumers, thanks to high on-going levels of media support.
Seven Seas claims top spot in the valuable VMS (vitamin and mineral supplements) sector, with a 60% share of the grocery market (Source: ACNielsen, MAT/1Jul07). Fish Oils is biggest category and is worth almost €5m. The successful launch of Multibionta Activate last year has been the driving force behind the growth in the multivitamins category, according to Seven Seas, which is the second largest category in the VMS market. 41
RN October07Healthcare & OTC ●
range of vitamin and dietary supplement products and natural cosmetic products for the domestic market and also exports to Europe and other world The Multibionta brand from Seven Seas: driving markets. growth in the multivitamins category. Distinctive packaging with strong shelf This year sees the launch of two appeal, coupled with high new products to Seven Seas’ extensive quality products and value range. Within the Multibionta range, for money to the consumer, Multibionta Immune hit the shelves have ensured that the marin April. This innovative product has ket share of the company the added benefit of green tea extract has increased consistently. and bioflavanoids, which protect and At present, the company support the immune system. claims to be the number The Pulse range sees the addition two brand in Ireland for its of Pulse Cardiomax Omega-3 Pure vitamin and dietary suppleFish Oil. Pulse Cardiomax has been ment range (Source: specially formulated to help maintain ACNielsen, 2007). Beeline heart health, providing a full 725mg claim leadership in several of Omega-3 per capsule, with the fast growing product cateadded benefits of Folic Acid and B gories such as Ginseng vitamins. (energy), Vitamin C, Echinacea (colds and flu), Beeline Healthcare Ltd Folic Acid (prenatal care) Irish-owned Beeline Healthcare Ltd and glucosamine (Joint manufactures and markets a wide care). Beeline and its sister brand Greenline are consistently growing brands in the grocery sector and the company feels assured of further growth in Ireland, due to the fact that usage of VMS in this country lags behind usage rates in markets such as the USA and the UK. Beeline Healthcare has forged a strong niche in this highly competitive sector through strong distribution, impactful dedicated merchandising units, targeted trade promotions, extensive consumer marketing support and high quality innovaBeeline Healthcare Ltd manufactures and tive products, with strong markets a wide range of vitamin and graphic design creating dietary supplement products and has been on-shelf standout and enjoying tremendous success both in impact. Ireland and abroad. 42
C ONSUMER S AFETY SAFEGUARDING the consumer is the highest priority of the pharmaceutical sector. Indeed, a variety of regulatory safeguards exist to ensure that non-prescription medicines used without medical supervision are safe, appropriate and effective. At the same time, information and education provided to the public ensures that relevant conditions can be safely and effectively managed via self-medication. These come in many forms, including pack information, advertising and public education initiatives. The entire basis of responsible self-medication is built on the premise that the consumer has appropriate information to select and use non-prescription medicines correctly. To ensure that consumers realise that a safe and effective remedy may be available for their minor ailment and do not suffer in silence unnecessarily, there are many ways in which appropriate information about non-prescription medicines is provided to consumers. Pack labelling provides details on the rational, safe and correct use of the product and assists consumers in deciding if the medicine is right for them. The manufacturers of non-prescription medicines are committed to ensuring that their products are used correctly. There are clear instructions on the pack and package leaflet of all non-prescription medicines, which advise people using the product: • What the product is for; • How to use it; • When not to use it; • Not to exceed the stated dose; • To consult a doctor or pharmacist if symptoms persist – some packs indicate a specific number of days after which medical advice should be sought; • To consult a doctor or other health professional for advice if too many tablets are taken accidentally. Advertisements for non-prescription medicines play a useful role in advising consumers of the availability of effective treatments for their minor ailments and are governed by a strict legal framework and also by further detailed requirements set out in the IPHA Code of Standards of Advertising Practice for the Consumer Healthcare Industry. The Code provides detailed guidance on the implementation of the Regulations in practice. Consumer healthcare companies value the right to promote their products to members of the public and accept fully their responsibility to ensure that their advertising encourages the rational use of medicines without exaggerating or being misleading. Public education initiatives carried out by IPHA and its members educate consumers on the responsible use of non-prescription medicines and provide advice and information about taking medicines correctly. These include nonpromotional booklets, posters on specific conditions, helplines and numerous booklets and non-promotional campaigns.
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RN October07Biscuits ●
Taking the Biscuit Ireland’s love affair with biscuits shows no signs of abating, with the sector worth over €150m per annum.
people love their biscuits, a fact that is quickly borne out by a visit to the biscuit aisle in any supermarket or convenience store, where the variety of biscuits on offer is staggering. Indeed, figures from ACNielsen confirm that the Irish biscuit market is currently valued at €153m, representing 22 million kilos in volume. As the festive season approaches, all the main manufacturers will be launching tinned biscuit ranges and speciality products to capitalise on this peak selling period.
Jacob Fruitfield Food Group Jacob Fruitfield Food Group claims leadership of the biscuit market, with a 32% value share (Source: ACNielsen Market Track, June ’06). Jacob Fruitfield Food Group enjoys a leadership position in the majority of sectors within the biscuit market. Jacob’s continues to enjoy success, with iconic brands such as Fig Rolls and Mallows dominating their respective segments with over 87% value share in each. Jacob Fruitfield Food Group also holds the number one position in the savoury category, claiming 49% value 44
lio with new innovations. A new product range developed and launched in 2007 is Jacob’s Junior’s, a brand new range of tasty, yet healthier treats for kids.
Batchelors Despite being active in many of the sub sectors within the entire biscuit category, Fox’s continue to hold a sizeable share of the CBB sector. This is a key area of focus for the company with its key brands in this area being Classic, Jacob’s Juniors: a brand new range of tasty, Rocky and Echo, all of which yet healthier treats for kids. continue to perform well. CBBs in general have sufshare of the sector. Key brands fered from the shifting consumer include Jacob’s Cream Crackers, trend away from chocolate covered Jacob’s Mediterraneo range and Tuc. lunchbox treat products. Fox’s has At the luxury end of the biscuit addressed these changes with prodmarket, Jacob’s holds the number one ucts such as the recently launched position with its Elite brand claiming Choc Chip Cookie Bars. 40% value market share. The Elite These are going down a treat in range includes Chocolate Kimberley, store, particularly with the current Chocolate Teacakes, Chocolate promotion, offering consumers 100% Dreams and Chocolate Treats (Source: extra free. ACNielsen Market Track August 07). Launching later this year, ‘Fox’s New TV campaigns were develOrganic Mini Crinkles’ are an organic oped for most key segments in version of an established and success2006/2007, focusing on the uniqueness ful Fox’s recipe. Two variants will be and quality of the individual brands. introduced, Butter Crinkle and Oat Jacob Fruitfield Food Group conCrinkle. These products will also tartinues to focus on its key iconic get the ‘healthier’ kids’ market. There brands in terms of marketing support. are 5x25g mini bags in this multipack At the same time, the company is conoffering. stantly developing its product portfoMini Crinkles will be merchan-
Fox’s Choc Chip Cookie Bars are going down a treat in store, particularly with the current promotion, offering consumers 100% extra free.
RN October07Biscuits ●
range. Its premium Cookie range is being refreshed to emphasise its distinctive ‘chunkiness’, along with the Creations and Viennese ranges, each emphasising their own respective ‘chocolately-ness’ and ‘melt like sensation’ attributes. New too is the introduction of the delicious new Fox’s Dunked Oat and Shortcake products. These Fox’s are ideally positioned to meet the have been developed to satispremium needs of consumers this festive The Royal Edinburgh shortbread range fy the fun element of ‘dunking’. season, with their Creations brand always proves popular for Christmas. Both products are enrobed with a proving particularly popular. generous coating of real milk chocolate. Consumers are increasingly aware of dised in the kid’s biscuit section the importance of reducing trans fats alongside CBBs. in their diets, so Jammie Dodgers’ As it’s October, the seasonal bisFlanagan’s Sales & healthier approach will further cuit business is now in full swing, and Marketing increase permissibility with purFox’s are ideally positioned to meet The Burton’s range of popular brands chasers. This successful line also conthe premium needs of consumers this includes Jammie Dodgers, one of tains a twin pack festive season. The which is price brand trebles its marked at €1.49, a share of market durgreat offering for ing the festive seathe price conscious son, due to its shopper or for speemphasis on seasoncial promotions. al business with preThere will be spemium brand ranges, cial extra value Creations and packs available Speciality. Both Jammie Dodgers, one of Ireland’s top selling children’s biscuits. soon. Also from Burton’s, Royal Ireland’s top selling children’s Edinburgh shortbread lines always biscuits. This must-stock line prove popular for Christmas. Made in is available in a convenient a time-honoured tradition, this rich case size of 12 packs, ideal buttery treat is perfect for everyday for limited shelf space in sharing or gifting over the festive seasmaller retail units. Whilst son. maintaining a classic taste, Burtons have responded to growing consumer health Kelkin Ltd concerns by ensuring Jammie nairn’s biscuits were launched onto Dodgers are made without artifithe Irish market last year by Kelkin cial colours, flavours, GM ingrediLtd. They are available in three Fox’s Speciality has been refreshed for 2007 ents and hydrogenated fats. flavours: Stem Ginger, Mixed Berries with a new and improved look.
product ranges have been refreshed for 2007 with a new and improved look. Fox’s will be aggressive this year with their planned seasonal activity. The Fox’s brand is looking to exploit its premium credentials in the coming months with a refreshed look to its special treat
nairn’s biscuits are available in three flavours: Stem Ginger, Mixed Berries and Fruit & Spice.
RN October07Biscuits ●
and Fruit & Spice. nairn’s success is due to wholesome, simple recipes. They are baked with oats, contain no hydrogenated fat or GM ingredients and are wheat free. They also have no artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives. To top it off, they are a low GI product, high in fibre and they taste fantastic. Kelkin Ltd plan to support the brand with ATL activity and trade promotions.
It’s Nut Free It’s Nut Free was formed in 2002 by Angela Russell, whose daughter Kirsty was diagnosed with a serious allergy to nuts when she was two years old. It is the only company specialising in manufacturing nut free products for nut allergy sufferers and its range includes traditionally made flapjacks, cereal, cakes, biscuits and confectionery. The company has just secured a deal to supply 12 product lines to Musgrave stores throughout Ireland. It’s Nut Free flapjacks - in Crunchy, Fudge and Choc Chip vari-
eties - are perfect to include as part of a balanced lunch. They provide a tasty snack, which boosts energy levels, and are available in independent retailers throughout Ireland. The company has also just launched a new lower fat, lower sugar bar which will also appeal to many parents. Delicious Apricot & Raisin Baked Bar will be available later this year in either 60g or 35g bars. Company director and founder Angela Russell notes that their products “are suitable for everyone, whether they have a nut allergy or not. “As the numbers suffering from nut allergy continue to increase,” she continues, “more and more schools throughout the country are introducing nut free policies. - so parents need to be able to find good quality, nut free snacks, made from the highest quality ingredients and without the use of any unnecessary additives. All our products are made to traditional family recipes for an exceptional homemade taste.”
It’s Nut Free, who specialise in manufacturing nut free products, have just secured a deal to supply 12 product lines to Musgrave stores throughout Ireland.
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RN October07Security ●
Corporate Fraud a Reality bribery (25%); financial mismanagement (24%) and internal financial fraud or theft (22%) are cited as the areas of frequent loss. The Kroll Global Fraud Report highlights the extent and nature of fraud today across a number of sectors and the strategies to fight it. “As our society has become more reliant on information technology, increased globalisation and greater interconnectedness, certain exposures have expanded right along with them,” according to Jules Kroll, founder of the company. “Dramatically new exposures such as ID theft, various IT crimes, and false reporting by asset managers were rarely seen 25 years ago.”
84% of retail companies have suffered from corporate fraud in the past three years, according to a new survey.
than four out of five (84%) retail companies have suffered from corporate fraud in the past three years, according to a survey published today by Kroll, the world’s leading risk consulting company. 76% of retail companies felt their exposure to fraud had increased over the past three years. Theft of personal assets or stock (44%); vendor, supplier or procurement fraud (31%); information theft, loss or attack (29%); corruption and
Survey Results: Retail, Wholesale & Distribution The report draws on a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit of 900 senior executives worldwide. It reveals that in the retail, wholesale and distribution sector: • More than one in five of retail,
wholesale and distribution businesses consider themselves to be highly vulnerable to theft of physical assets and an alarming 44% have experienced this problem in the past three years; Procurement fraud is a similar worry for almost as many companies (19%) and 31% of companies have experienced this problem in the same period; Information theft, corruption and financial mismanagement have all been experienced by roughly one quarter of retail businesses; Over three quarters (76%) of firms in the sector believe their exposure to fraud has increased, although this is slightly lower than the average for all industries of 81%; Although information theft is one of the most widespread types of fraud for these firms, affecting 29% of retail companies, only 57% currently deploy IT countermeasures, and a similar number (52%) are looking to invest in this area in the future. These are both figures that are well below the averages (70% and 59%). In conclusion: the retail sector will need to maintain or increase their vigilance in order to keep up their relatively strong performance against corporate fraud and to reduce the worrying frequency of several particular types of it
Increased Exposure to Fraud Although often reluctant to discuss it, almost every business will at some point have been the victim of corporate fraud. The extent to which industries experience different categories of corporate fraud varies according to the nature of their business. For example, companies that deal with 47
RN October07Security ●
physical assets, such as consumer goods and retail, are more likely to suffer from the theft of physical assets or supplier fraud. The most frequent cause of the increased exposure to fraud is high staff turnover, which is cited by 32% of respondents. Close behind are: complex IT arrangements (31%), entry into new markets (28%) and increased collaboration between firms (26%), all of which are factors that are closely tied with modern business practice. Although the Kroll report focuses on differences in corporate fraud between sectors, certain risks are far more strongly correlated with company size and location. For example, larger companies are obviously bigger targets. On average, they lose six times more money to corporate fraud than smaller ones.
Vulnerability Assessment In Kroll’s experience, companies conduct many investigations after a theft is discovered, but often are unwilling to conduct a fraud vulnerability
Security Officer of the Year Award 2007 BRINKS Ireland are the main sponsors of the Security Officer of the Year 2007. This award enables the security industry to recognise exceptional services to the customer or the public by security and CIT officers. The award is also intended to foster employee morale and encourage employee initiative, innovation and commitment by demonstrating the importance management attaches to excellence of performance and exceptional achievements and service by recognising the contributions of individual officers to the overall operation of the security assignment. “The qualities which merit this highly prestigious award – initiative, innovation, excellence of performance – are all qualities which are synonymous with Brinks Ireland and very much the core centre of our company,” noted James Hughes, Commercial Director, Brinks Ireland. “We are honoured to sponsor this award.”
ADT Tackles Europe’s Growing Card Skimming Problem ADT is unveiling a range of antiskimming solutions to help prevent fraud on credit and debit cards across the region. Card skimming at automatic teller machines (ATMs) is a growing international problem. Figures from the European ATM Security Team, an ATM industry representative body, show a 32% increase in reported card skimming incidents across Europe between 2005 and 2006. Losses from attacks against the ATM network exceeded €306m in 2006, with the vast majority of these attributed to card skimming. ADT has entered into a strategic alliance with TMD Security, a leading anti-skimming technology company and developer of the Card Protection Kit + (CPK+) product range. The suite of CPK+ products available from ADT offers protection for both the people using ATMs and self service terminals (SSTs) such as those used for rail ticket purchases, as well as for the businesses that provide these facilities to their customers. CPK+ solutions can protect ATMs and SSTs that use either motorised or non-motorised card readers. A variety of product options are available to protect against all types of card skimming attempt, including devices that are placed over the card entry slot, false fronts that cover the entire fascia of the ATM or SST and
assessment which could prevent it from occurring. The most common explanations are that margins are tight, resources thin, and the immediate payback neither
devices that are placed over the entrance to a lobby where ATMs or SSTs are located. In all cases the technology, which emits a signal to disrupt the skimming device, makes it impossible to successfully capture data from the card being used. The technology offers a number of unique benefits. Whilst disabling the functionality of the skimming device, it allows the ATM or SST to operate normally, which means there is no disruption to customer service and no need for intervention by the service provider, resulting in lower machine downtime and reduced costs to the operator. Furthermore, CPK+ can send a silent alarm to the ATM or SST owner as soon as it registers that criminal activity is in progress. The range of products is also easy to install, no software adjustments are required to allow them to work with the ATM or SST and the solution is invisible from the outside of the machine. quantifiable nor material. The reality is that an immediate payback often occurs. In most cases, fraud vulnerability assessments identify fraud, waste and abuse well in excess of the cost of the review. Teaming up experienced fraud investigators with internal auditors, physical security, and information technology specialists to conduct these reviews and examine every department helps set the proverbial “tone at the top.” Most important, the investigative team identifies the workarounds and loopholes before the bad guys begin exploiting them. This protects a company’s financial statement, reputation and customer relationships.
RN October07Security ●
Wireless Security a Big Issue made more significant following the recent problems faced by one retailer, TK Maxx, who suffered a security breach during which 5m credit card details were intercepted via their wireless network and stolen. As a consequence of this series of events, it was inevitable that the credit card companies would take action against the way their customers’ financial information can be transmitted over data networks. So what does this ruling mean for retailers in practical terms? Basically, all data that traverses over the same Barry Long, Sales Manager for Zetes Ireland. network as one used for credit card info must be “justified” and the credit card network installed in a manner which limits the type of data traffic able to be transmitted. This restriction is causing problems for the retail sector because most retail outlets just have a single wired network in their stores and to segregate this information requires a major change to their network infrastructure, with significant cost implications. The timing of this ruling coincides with a move by many retailers towards the implementation of wireless networks into stores to allow real time stock management and scanning for customers. So now, these wireless networks must be secured with encryption as a minimum level of security and all data traffic originating from the wired network must be monitored and segregated to justify required traffic. Only business critical information is permitted to come from the the 1st July 2007, new payment wireless network onto any network card security standards came into force where credit card info is being sent or for all retail outlets which transmit stored. credit card information. This ruling was Zetes has been delivering auto-ID brought to the public’s attention and
New payment card security standards could have widereaching implications for retailers, writes Barry Long, Sales Manager for Zetes Ireland.
solutions to the retail sector for many years and our experience suggests Irish retailers are not fully prepared for this requirement. Although many of the largest retail multiples are covered for wireless network protection, the biggest problem lies with small to medium sized retailers who can’t justify the outlay for a firewall in every single store. There are a wide variety of options retailers can select when scoping security for a wireless network, which are based on either authenticating the user, and encrypting the information communicated across the network.
Authentication Authenticating the device or the user to the wireless network using an authentication e.g. a RADIUS (Remote Dial In access User Service) server is a common method. In this case, when the user tries to access the wireless network, it has the user name and password encoded within and also a digital certificate for checking identity and authenticating the user. The most secure option is to run digital certificates with an encryption server to secure wireless traffic. But this comes at a cost in both management and implementation terms because the RADIUS server can take some time to implement. An additional downside of combining these two methods comes with having to manage authentication certificates on mobile devices because certificates have a limited lifespan. For instance, if the encryption key on a ruggedised device being used in a distribution centre expires, the user will be unable to get onto the RADIUS server – the only way around the problem would be to recall the device to head office and reload a new certificate, which always means downtime. 49
RN October07Security ●
Access Control Lists (ACLs) Access Control Lists provide filtering for advanced network traffic control, enabling administrators to allow only authorised users and devices to access your network.
Certificate Based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) This method uses secure digital certificates to provide robust authentication capabilities, including verification of identity, as well checking the integrity of data (i.e. ensuring that tampering or corruption has not occurred), and authorisation for network access.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) The 802.11 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) provides static key encryption—a single key is distributed to all users for encryption and decryption of data. WEP generates either a 40- or 128-bit key using the widely used RC4 encryption algorithm. WEP allows full inter-operability with legacy clients and provides basic over-the-air security in less-critical environments, such as an open public-access application. Each device using the wireless network has a key stored within it, so that when user tries to connect to wired network, the access point where it connects checks the key in registry settings and if it matches, it lets the user in. However, the downside of using WEP is that the key doesn’t change, so all someone has to do is analyse enough data packets to be able to unravel the key very easily.
WPA — Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) WPA-TKIP is the next level up in terms of security and addresses wellknown vulnerabilities in WEP encryp50
Network Access Control
Network based packet filtering or ACLs that limit access based on MAC and IP addresses, and more.
Restricts authorised users and devices to specific resources.
Application Access Control
Authenticates users based on application or networkbased packet filtering using TCP/UDP ports.
Restricts authorised users and devices to specific applications.
Device and User Authentication
Provides one-way or mutual authentication between the network and associated mobile clients.
Allows control of who and what attaches to your network.
Transport Encryption
Transforms or scrambles data into a form that is unreadable without the key.
Enables privacy of data to be maintained when sending data across an insecure network.
Encryption Key Management
Provides automatic distribution and maintenance of encryption keys.
Reduces management overhead by automating key distribution and increases security by constantly changing base keys.
Creates audit logs of who/when/how.
Allows tracking of activity and network status.
Encryption Encryption ensures that data privacy is maintained while in transmission. As a rule of thumb, the stronger the encryption, the more complex and expensive it is to implement and manage.
tion. TKIP provides key rotation on a per-packet basis, along with message integrity check (MIC), which determines if data has been tampered or corrupted while in transit. This robust method of encryption provides a higher level of protection for data and protects your network from a variety of types of attacks.
Conclusion However, there are limitations with using all of these methods in isolation and no single one is 100% secure. Ultimately, a layered security
approach which combines authentication and encryption achieves the most robust and cost-effective security, deploying multiple mechanisms throughout the various layers of your wireless network—the perimeter, the network, the servers, and client devices (also known as the link, network and session layers). User rights, network access, application types, content classes and location dependencies can all be grouped into layers, creating aggregate security policies that are simpler and less expensive to deploy and manage.
About the Author BARRY Long is the Sales Manager for Zetes Ireland, experts in creating Auto ID solutions for retailers using mobile technology. Zetes Industries is a leading pan-European company in the value-added solutions and services industry for Automatic Identification of Goods and People (Goods ID and People ID). Zetes uses both emerging and mature technologies (barcode, voice recognition, RFID, smartcards, biometrics), and develops Solution Architecture Frameworks to optimise the business performance of many customers in many market segments: manufacturing, transportation, logistics, retail, healthcare, finance, telecommunication, government and public services. For more information, see www.zetes.com
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RN October07Soups ●
Soup Stars Knorr Soup
The advent of premium, more filling soup products is fuelling market growth.
Irish soups market is valued at over €60m annually, and continues to grow. Indeed, between 2001 and 2006, the market expanded by an average annual rate of 4.4%, and the figures for 2007 show an annual growth of 8% over 2006’s results (Source: ACNielsen Extended Scantrack MAT to 12th August 2007). The soup market can be segmented into five categories: Dried Soup, Canned Soup, Chilled Soup, Frozen Soup and UHT Soup. Soups dovetail neatly with consumers’ needs for convenience and nutrition. Market development is being driven by the development of new flavours, especially ethnic varieties, healthier options and premium soups, which are more like meal replacements than a mere snack.
Heinz Soup The Heinz and Weight Watchers from Heinz soup ranges have long proven their popularity with Irish consumers. Heinz remains ever-relevant to its consumers though continuous investment in its soup portfolio to drive incremental sales and satisfy consumer tastes and needs, such as eating on the go, health and putting the pleasure back in soup. The Heinz Classics range remains a firm family favourite, with classic recipes such as Cream of Tomato and Cream of Chicken. Through its exten52
The Heinz soup range have long proven their popularity with Irish consumers.
sive investment in R&D, Heinz now offers some of the lowest levels of salt, sugar and fat across the total soup category. Heinz remains ever responsive to consumer demands for healthy and convenient products that do not compromise on taste. Weight Watchers from Heinz claims leadership of the healthy eating soup market, with their extensive range of varieties in tinned and instant formats. All Weight Watchers from Heinz varieties exclusively carry the Weight Watchers Points Value on-pack.
The good news for Knorr soup is that it is actually outperforming the market with growth of 12% and claims to be Ireland’s number one family favourite soup, with 31.3% of the overall soup market (all figures sourced from ACNielsen Extended Scantrack, MAT to 12th August 2007). Knorr operates within the packet, instant and wet ambient soup markets and claims leadership in both packet and instant soup, with a market share of 68% and 56% respectively and still growing strong. The wet ambient sector is the collective term used for pouch and canned soup combined and this is growing at a rate of 18%, but interestingly this is being fuelled by pouch soup, as canned soup is in decline. Knorr does not operate in canned soup but is growing faster than its competitors within the wet ambient sector at a rate of 107% thanks to the success of its range of pouch soups. Knorr Special Recipe Soups have a deliciously fresh, homemade taste which consumers really love. Currently, Knorr is the main brand driving innovation in the soup market and this autumn is a very busy time for Knorr, as it has just launched many new exciting products onto the market, both in pouch and dry packet soup. Not only has Knorr introduced two new delicious flavours to its existing range of Special Recipe Soups, it has also just launched a new range of “Chunky” Special Recipe Soups in both Family Size and Single-Serve
Knorr has introduced two new delicious flavours to its existing range of Special Recipe Soups, as well as launching a new range of “Chunky” Special Recipe Soups in both Family Size and Single-Serve pouches.
RN October07Soups ●
Knorr has just launched a new premium range of dry packet soups which contain 50% more vegetables than any other dry packet soup on the market.
pouches. The new Family Size pouches come in three tempting flavours which are perfect for a satisfying family lunch or a light, flavoursome meal that kids and adults will love. The new Single-Serve pouches are available in four tantalising flavours and ideal for a filling and convenient lunch or a quick and tasty dinner. Knorr has also just launched a new premium range of dry packet soups which contain 50% more vegetables than any other dry packet soup on the market. Knorr Packed Full of Veg Soups are available in three scrumptious flavours and ideal for anyone watching their weight because, due to their high vegetable content, they are deliciously rich and filling, yet very low in fat. Knorr Soup Brand Manager, Judy Fusco-Linnane, is confident that “all of this dynamic innovation is certain to ensure that Knorr Soup continues to be successful and maintains its phenomenal pattern of growth”.
Premier Foods Ireland Premier Foods Ireland claims 25% of the soup market in Ireland through its key brands: Campbell’s, Loyd Grossman and Erin. The Premier Foods brands represent €18.75m in annual soup sales (Source: ACNielsen Scantrack w/e 9 Sept 07). The wet ambient market of
pouched and canned soup is the fastest growing sector in the ambient soup market. The pouch sector is worth €8.8m and has grown by a phenomenal 54% over the last 12 months. Premier Foods Ireland claims 65.5% share of the pouch sector, with the very popular range of Soupfulls holding 53%, and Loyd Grossman
The massively popular Campbell’s brand, one of the most popular soup brands in the country.
Produced by Glanbia Consumer Foods and claiming 23% of the total soup category, Avonmore Fresh Soup is the perfect solution. “Homemade without the hassle,” Avonmore Fresh Soup offers busy consumers a mouth-watering meal solution with fresh ingredients in an easy, microwaveable format. Avonmore Fresh Soup is Irish-made with the finest ingredients and offers many flavours including Farmers Choice Mixed Vegetable, Vine Ripened Tomato & Basil, Classic Cream of Chicken, and more. Available nationwide in all good chill cabinets, the packs
Avonmore Fresh Soup is Irish-made with the finest ingredients, offering a range of flavours and sizes.
holding 12.5% (Source: ACNielsen Scantrack w/e 9 Sept 07). Specially created for today’s busy lifestyles, the Campbell’s Soupfulls range was launched in August 2005. Available in six delicious flavours, Soupfulls are full of chunky meat, pas-
The Campbell’s Soupfulls range is available in six delicious flavours, full of chunky meat, pasta and vegetables. 54
ta and vegetables and are ready in just three minutes. The Soupfulls Beef & Vegetable variant is the number one selling ambient product in the Irish soup market, according to the company. Loyd Grossman soups are a premium range of soups that use only the best ingredients and the most authentic recipes. Available in seven flavours, with the introduction of the delicious new Minestrone recipe, the taste of Loyd Grossman soups speak for themselves.
are available in 300g, 600g and 1kg sizes – designed for any family size, no matter how big or small. For consumers who can’t seem to find the time this winter to create homemade meals from scratch, Avonmore Fresh Fare is the perfect, satisfying solution. Healthy and delicious, Fresh Fare offers busy consumers an easy to prepare meal that helps get them through the day. Also, Avonmore Fresh Fare is low in saturated fat and packed fresh to seal in the wholesome flavour and freshness. A brand new flavour, Irish Beef Stew, has been added to the Fresh Fare range, made with 100% Irish Beef and a dash of tradition and nostalgia.
RN October07Frozen Foods ●
Professional Freeze The frozen foods market continues to tap into consumer needs for convenience and health.
Irish market for frozen foods has undergone something of a change in recent years as consumers’ tastes are changing towards fresh produce. Some of the main players in the market have been vigorously addressing this trend, however, with targeted campaigns highlighting the nutritional benefits of frozen food, particularly frozen vegetables. Convenience continues to be the driving force in packaged food. However, this is now running in tandem with an increased consumer interest in healthy foods. As obesity problems persist, health and wellness products prosper, while time-sensitive, affluent consumers are fuelling growth in premium convenience foods, including premium frozen products, of which there are many. Indeed, the frozen food market includes a massive variety of sectors, such as frozen fish, seafood, meat products, potato products, vegetables, fruit, pizza, ready meals, bakery products and desserts.
Green Isle Foods The Green Isle brand has been enjoyed by Irish consumers for the past 30 years, with a continuously growing range of products across several frozen food categories. Green Isle
The Green Isle brand has a continuously growing range of products across several frozen food categories.
have a very strong focus on new product development and all their recent launches are in line with the changing consumer focus on healthier foods and a desire to add more vegetables into their diets. A new ‘Super Veg’ range has been launched by Green Isle in a convenient 300g pack size. The range has three variations, called Garden, Baby and Greens, and contains combinations of petits pois, sugar snap peas, baby corn cobs and broccoli. Following on from the very successful Winter Root Vegetable product, which was launched last year, Green Isle have now launched a Vegetables for Soup mix. It contains all the ingredients for a traditional home-made soup. All the vegetables, including baby potatoes, are peeled and chopped, all that is required is to add water and cook - tasty and nutritious home-made soup in minutes!. Green Isle have also launched a delicious selection of oven roasting vegetables that would make a convenient accompaniment to any meal. All the recent launches in the Green Isle vegetable category have the Green Isle ‘SuperFoods’ stamp of approval and are free from any artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives. This makes the Green Isle new prod-
ucts clear winners for consumers aiming to increase their daily intake of vegetables. Green Isle have also added two new products to their Stir Fry range – an Asian and a Classic stir fry mix. These products are already proving very popular with consumers of all ages and are a new option for consumers for a snack or dinner time. Green Isle continues to be a leading brand in both the chip and potato categories. In their potato range, Green Isle have launched a new oven roasting baby potatoes product. These delicious roasting baby potatoes still have their skin on and are enrobed in a light herb dressing. Once again, Green Isle are providing a convenient and delicious side order for consumers at dinner time when consumers are looking for products that are both healthy and convenient to prepare. Green Isle are also enjoying great success following their launch last year of a complete range of 100% Whole Chicken Fillet products, with goujons and fillets in a Golden Crumb and Southern Style Flavour. Green Isle maintain their number one position in the Garlic Bread category and are still growing year on year (+ 5%, Source: ACNielsen, August 07). 55
RN October07Frozen Foods ●
Recently relaunched, Goodfella’s Deeply Delicious is a range of restaurant quality Deep Pan pizzas.
developed products which will encourage the consumer to eat fish differently through new usage occasions. Consumers are experimenting more with food in general and a natural progression to eating more fish has evolved. Donegal Catch has introduced a new Seafood range, which consists of Natural King Prawns, Marinated King Prawns, Seafood Medley and Arctic Charr. A comprehensive support programme has been planned with the launch.
pizzas will satisfy the healthiest of McCain Foods appetites. Ireland’s number one pizza brand, McCain continues to be the nation’s Goodfella’s offers unrivalled choice to favourite chip brand, claiming a suit all tastes and leads the way in 65.4% value share of the frozen oven Donegal Catch product innovation. The brand promchip market. McCain have launched a Donegal Catch is Green Isle Foods’ ise is to provide a restaurant experimajor campaign, ‘It’s All Good’, reinfrozen fish brand. In keeping with ence in both taste and atmosphere forcing McCain’s reputation for makconsumer trends, the brand continues and to appeal to all ing good, tasty, pizza eaters by favourite food, offering a complete and have supportrange under four ed this with a sub-brands: heavyweight Goodfella’s Delicia advertising cam(Thin), Deeply paign, a fresh new Delicious (Deep pack design which Pan), La Bottega highlights Traffic (Premium) and Light labelling Solos (Individual). and Guideline Recently Daily Amounts relaunched, (GDA), and a Donegal Catch’s new seafood range consists of Natural King Prawns, Goodfella’s Deeply move to sunflower Marinated King Prawns, Seafood Medley and Arctic Charr. Delicious is a range of oil across the restaurant quality Deep Pan pizzas, McCain range. to create excitement through innovarepresenting major innovation by the McCain has a wide range of chip tion in the in the frozen fish category. frozen pizza market’s biggest player. products, including Home Fries, It continues to maintain its strong Goodfella’s master bakers have created Original Oven Chips, Crispy French position as brand leader in frozen the lightest, tastiest deep pan pizza Fries, Southern Fries, Curly Fries and fish, claiming a market share of over ever. The new pizza dough contains sigMicro Chips and the brand has con52%. nificantly less salt and no hydrogenattinued to drive growth in the category Consumer research proved there is ed fats, without compromising on great with the introduction of new lines a market for people who wanted to eat taste, so it’s sure to please both parents such as Rustic Oven Chips, which more fish but didn’t have the knowand kids alike. With recipes inspired offer a wholesome healthy option to how to do so. Donegal Catch have from pizzerias and restaurants consumers. around the globe, these generously topped
McCain continues to be the nation’s favourite oven chip brand, with a range of products to suit all tastes. 56
McCain Retail News ad 07
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McCain are continuing to lead the frozen potato category with an exciting new range of products to meet consumer needs. The launch of these new products will be supported with heavyweight advertising and promotional activity as part of our 'It's All Good' campaign.
McCain Potato Gourmet An innovative new ovenable range of potato products prepared with real potato, real ingredients and a twist of imagination. With four great tasting recipes it's taking frozen potato to new meal occasions and new consumers. Sophisticated food that's great anytime.
McCain Roast Potatoes basted in Goose Fat Goose fat is your guarantee of roast potato perfection. Its light and buttery texture produces an unparalleled golden crunch that melts to a succulent fluffiness in the centre. This premium roast offers the perfect opportunity to convert homemade roast potato consumers and is guaranteed to drive extra sales in the frozen roast category.
McCain Rustic Roasts Another great roast potato from McCain, using the whole potato and just adding sunflower oil. A natural, tasty and healthy option.
McCain Potato Winners Winter Herb Wedges An exciting new wedge seasoned with rosemary, thyme and parsley to compliment the popular range of McCain Wedges. The potato wedge category growth is driven by variety and versatility of use e.g. meal accompaniment, snacking and parties.
McCain Beer Battered Chips Ridge cut chips cooked in a delicious crunchy beer batter. Inspired by restaurant food, and driving incremental growth in the chip category.
RN October07Frozen Foods â—?
McCain continue to launch new, innovative frozen potato products onto the market.
McCain claims a 25.9% value share in the frozen potato category, and is the brand leader in Frozen Roasts, Wedges and Shapes/Other categories. McCain continues to drive incremental growth in this sector with the introduction of exciting new products such as Oven Roasts, Oven Wedges and Potato Gourmet, which is a delicious and imaginative range of potato products prepared with real potato, real ingredients and a twist of imagination.
1st Choice Unislim Healthy Oven Chips continue to win customers back to the chip category.
Clayton Love
1st Choice Chicken products continue to grow market share, with the Clayton Love distribute the sumptuous ever popular 1st Choice American Hot range of ready meals from 1st Choice Chicken Wings, delicious and unique and Unislim, including casseroles, 1st Choice Chicken Skewers and the lasagnes, curries & pasta dishes. Each latest addition to the range, 1st product carries its own Unislim units Choice American Style Drumsticks. and is preservative free. Chicken Clayton Love also distribute the Casserole, and Chicken Sweet and Sour Findus brand, which has just are gluten free also. Of course, the launched a range of superb restauentire range is supported nationwide rant-quality Ready Meals, created by by a network of classes run by Unislim. master chef, Jaen Christophe Novelli. 1st Choice Unislim Healthy Oven The remainder of the Findus range, Chips continue to enlist back all those people who thought they couldn’t eat chips again, according to Clayton Love. With less than 4% fat, the brand claims leadership in the healthy sector, now completed by new Family Chunky Chips, less than 3% fat for families. Both Chips are gluten free! Synonymous with healthy eating, and quality, 1st Choice frozen vegetables offer a range of premium quality vegetables which are rich in vitamins 1st Choice frozen vegetables offer a range of and minerals, and also offer premium quality vegetables, rich in vitamins and healthy cash margin for minerals, and also offer healthy cash margin for retailers. retailers.
RN October07Frozen Foods ●
including Chicken Curry, Shepherds, and ever populasr Findus pancakes, have all had a fresh makeover over recent months. Rosies Broadway Bagels are one of the great success stores in frozen food this year. Authentic American Bagels, they are made with passion in Dungaravan, Co. Waterford, and are also low in fat and cholesterol. Finally, Clayton Love also distribute ‘Jus Rol’ pastry and Vol Au Vents, which always prove popular in the run-up to Christmas. Indeed, 50% of annual volume sales take place between September and December.
Kepak Convenience Foods Big Al’s understands that with today’s hectic lifestyle, people often have less and less time to spend in the kitchen. However, everyone still wants to be able to cook interesting and healthy meals that are full of flavour. With this in mind, Big Al’s have developed a delicious and healthy new chicken range, available in two appetising varieties: Roasted Chicken Fillets and Mini Fillets – simply roasted to give a fuller flavour, and Sweet Chilli Mini Fillets – for those looking for a bit more spice in life. Big Al’s new chicken range is 100% whole chicken breast and naturally low in fat.
Dr. Oetker has added two new spicy flavours to its award-winning Ristorante range of frozen pizzas: Pepperoni Salame Piccante and Vegetale Piccante.
Dr. Oetker Dr. Oetker has added two new spicy flavours to its award-winning Ristorante range of frozen pizzas. The new Piccante (meaning ‘spicy’ in Italian) range combines Ristorante’s unique thin and crispy base with Ireland’s growing love of spicy cuisine. It will be available in two flavours; Pepperoni Salame
Big Al’s have developed a delicious and healthy new chicken range, including Roasted Chicken Fillets and Mini Fillets, and Sweet Chilli Mini Fillets.
Piccante (meat) and Vegetale Piccante (vegetarian) and aims to bolster consumer choice within the hugely successful Ristorante range. Piccante Ristorante is a premium quality pizza with a unique thin and crispy base and rich toppings, in two delicious varieties: Pepperoni Salame Piccante has spicy pepperoni with cheese and tomato, richly topped with red and green jalapeno chillies, while Vegetale Piccante has cheese and tomato, richly topped with grilled peppers, red onion and green jalapeno chillies. The launch of Dr. Oetker Piccante was supported with a €200,000 TV campaign. Declan O’Leary, Commercial Manager at Dr. Oetker Ireland, notes, “Irish tastes have developed in recent years and consumers are craving spicier food choices, which is increasingly reflected in the breadth of choice to Irish food consumers. By launching Ristorante Piccante, we are delivering a restaurant-quality pizza range, but with a more sophisticated spicy taste which will appeal to a wide audience. We are really excited about the Piccante range, as it really is a superior restaurant-quality pizza, with our unique thin and crispy base, but with a delicious spicy edge.” 59
RN October07Spreads & Preserves ●
Spread the Word The spreads market includes everything from jams to peanut butter, and is showing consistent annual value growth.
market for spreads in Ireland increased between 2001-2006, growing at an average annual rate of 1%. The spreads sector is growing in value terms, but it is effected by changing dietary habits, with Irish adults increasingly opting to eat breakfast out of the home and eating less bread in general. The spreads market can be split into six categories: chocolate spreads, honey, savoury spreads, jams & preserves, nut-based spreads and yellow fats. Aside from yellow fats, the jams and preserves market is still dominant, but generally shows the lowest growth rates due to its maturity. The advent of organic options, however, is adding extra vitality to the sector, while nut-based spreads have been showing the most dynamic growth in value terms, albeit from a low base.
Fruitfield Food Group The Fruitfield brand can be traced back all the way to 1853 when the Lamb Brothers started making jams and marmalades for the Irish market. Fruitfield claims dominance in the 60
marmalade sector, with approximately 50% market share. Fruitfield Old Time Irish Marmalade consists of a range of marmalades with intense Seville orange flavour, packed with thickly cut slices of orange peel for full flavour. Old Time Irish Coarse Cut is the single biggest-selling marmalade in Ireland; in addition to this tradiFruitfield claims dominance in the marmalade tional favourite, there sector, with its Fruitfield Old Time Irish Marmalade are also Fine Cut and No and Little Chip Marmalade ranges. Peel varieties available. The Little Chip Marmalade range Group continue to support the brand tends to have bittersweet citrus with a heavyweight national promoflavours and finely cut fruit pieces for tional campaign. a smooth, spreadable marmalade. Bonne Maman, with its unique Little Chip Orange Fine Cut is the design and ‘home made’ image, really second best-selling product in the marstands out in-store. Irish consumers ket and so is another must-stock item are trading up to premium offerings for retailers. As well as this family in jam with an emphasis on quality favourite, there are also Lemon, and Bonne Maman jams boast a miniLemon & Lime and Orange No Peel mum of 50% whole fruit per 100g of varieties available. jam product. Fruitfield have recently launched Bonne Maman is available in a new range of tasty jams on the Irish strawberry, apricot, blackcurrant, market. There are three tasty variblackberry, raspberry, peach, damson eties to choose from – Strawberry, plum, berries and cherries, wild blueBlackcurrant and Raspberry. With an berry, orange marmalade and manRSP of €1.79 for a 340g jar, these darin marmalade flavours. Bonne jams provide consumers with great Maman Jams are a 100% natural value for money. product and are free from preservatives, flavouring and colouring.
Bonne Maman Bonne Maman, the premium French jam, has full distribution throughout Ireland and has seen a very impressive 25% growth year to date. For many years, Bonne Maman has been the uncontested leader in its market with a continuing strategy to sustain growing consumer demand and Boyne Valley
Bonne Maman, the premium French jam range, with its unique design and ‘home made’ image, really stands out in-store.
RN October07Spreads & Preserves ●
Boyne Valley Honey is 100% pure and natural and is a delicious and versatile spread.
Boyne Valley Honey Boyne Valley Honey has been available to Irish consumers for almost 50 years and is the most popular brand of honey in Ireland, claiming over 61% market share. Boyne Valley Honey is 100% pure and natural and is a delicious and versatile spread. Boyne Valley Honey is popular with all members of the family and is available in a range of formats to suit everyone, from the 225g tumbler right up to the 907g jar. The innovative, no mess squeezy bottles are available in three sizes – 250g, 340g and 500g. The 250g squeezy has been specifically developed with young consumers in mind and features the ‘Bizzy Bee’ character. Boyne Valley Honey is supported in 2007 by an extensive marketing campaign, including consumer press advertising, heavyweight radio advertising and NPD.
Panda Panda chocolate spread, from Boyne Valley Group, a favourite with Irish
This Panda 400g and chocolate spreads comes in a range of three flavours, Chocolate, Hazelnut and Two Tone, while the range also includes Panda Peanut Butter.
households, is so versatile that it can be used for practically any occasion. This delicious range of Panda 400g chocolate spreads comes in a range of three flavours, Chocolate, Hazelnut and Two Tone, so there’s one to suit all tastes. Panda Peanut Butter is another much loved favourite with school children. Panda Peanut Butter comes in three flavours, Smooth, Crunchy and new Extra Crunchy, which are available in both a 1kg and 510g jar.
Blackcurrant, Orange & Ginger, Kumquat, Blueberry, Cranberry & Blueberry, Raspberry & Pomegranate, Marbella Plum and Golden Peach. St Dalfour has also recently launched two premium mono-floral honeys; Orange Blossom Honey and Acacia Honey and initial sales of these look extremely promising.
Kelkin Ltd The St Dalfour Rhapsodie de Fruit range of preserves is produced to a traditional French recipe which captures the delicious, natural taste of fresh fruit. The St Dalfour range contains no added sugar, preservatives, colourings or additives, ideal for the healthy choices being made more and more by consumers today. The St Dalfour brand is growing at 25% year on year and has seen more new products added to the range this year. St Dalfour preserves are available in a range of different flavours, including Strawberry, Thick Cut Orange, Raspberry, Thick Apricot,
The St Dalfour Rhapsodie de Fruit range of preserves is produced to a traditional French recipe which captures the delicious, natural taste of fresh fruit.
Breeo Foods mins and Folic Acid. Dairygold claims leadership of the yelFinally, Dairygold Omega 3 was low fats market, with an overall marlaunched in 2006, backed by findings ket share of 24% (Source: ACNielsen) of an IUNA survey demonstrating and annual sales in excess of €33m. that 98% of children do not get Dairygold dominates the taste spread enough Omega 3 in their diet. sector with over 30% market share. 2007 sees five new ads on air for Well known for its taste and qualithe revitalised Dairygold, with an ty, Dairygold Original is a brand exciting innovation program in the leader, continuing to dominate the pipeline also. taste spreads segment with 31.7% value share. Moving into the health sector, Dairygold Heart contains plant sterols that are clinically proven to reduce cholesterol by up to 10%. Dairygold Heart now contains 33% less salt, making it even better for managing blood pressure and overall heart health. Dairygold Light+, the brand’s low fat offering, was also relaunched in 2007 and is now enriched with 12 essential vitaDairygold dominates the taste spread sector with over 30% market share. 61
RN October07Forecourt Focus ●
Centra Showcases The Future Gerry Casey and Terence McShane’s brand new Centra forecourt on Limerick’s Dock Road is a contender for the most ambitious forecourt development ever seen in Ireland.
Retail News
first met the dynamic duo of Gerry Casey and Terence McShane, at their extremely impressive Centra in Castlebar last year. The business partners have raised the bar even further with their latest venture, the Centra forecourt development on the Dock Road in Limerick, which is a stunning example of the future of retailing in Ireland. Anyone who has heard an AA Road-watch bulletin at rush-hour will have heard of the Dock Road in Limerick. It is one of the country’s busiest thoroughfares. It now also boasts one of the most striking forecourt sites in the country, designed and built to target the tremendous volume of passing traffic and local trade. Terence McShane tells RETAIL NEWS, “Gerry and myself have developed an extremely successful relationship with Musgrave and the Centra brand over the years. We have always received enormous support in all areas from store design to marketing, HR to IT, and in particular, the Centra
Store owner Terence McShane pictured in the stunning Dock Road Centra forecourt store. 62
central distribution system is hard to match in terms of efficiency and quality. We had an eye on this particular site on the Dock Road for a Centra store for a long time. Four years ago, we looked to purchase the site. However, it wasn’t until two years ago that we were able to acquire it.”
Top Quality Forecourt Shop They then set about arguably the most ambitious forecourt development yet seen in Ireland, deciding to demolish the existing structures, completely removing the forecourt building, including underground tanks, from the site.
RN October07Forecourt Focus ●
Incredible Innovation
“We knew this was a fantastic location and we wanted to do something special,” enthuses Terence. “Centra was also keen to develop an absolutely top quality forecourt shop here. We hired a local architect to design something special for us. We asked him to create an attractive, eyecatching building and we were all very happy with the resulting design for the forecourt.” Work on the project began in November 2006 and finished in June of this year. Serendipitous timing on the project meant the Centra store design team was developing the interior of this store to coincide with the introduction of the new Centra brand positioning. The new store environment and image very much brought to life the new Centra brand essence of ‘Bright ideas for everyday living’.
New Centra Brand Image Casey & McShane’s Centra in Dock Road opened its doors not only with cutting edge architecture, but with state-ofthe-art interior design, focused single-mindedly on the new Centra brand image. There is no doubt that this Centra targets the food-togo market very aggressively. The large deli looks immaculate and offers an incredible variety of food offerings whatever time of the day. The selection is both amazing and mouth-watering and truly reflects the requirements of new Ireland – a generation of people on-the-go with busy lifestyles, looking for fast but healthy food options. From early morning the store caters for a thriving breakfast trade, providing a hot food selection to fill the breakfast roll or a healthy options choice of porridge, muesli, fresh fruit and yogurts. The deli offers a wide choice of freshly made sandwiches, rolls and hot ciabattas. A Wok element sizzles up healthy fresh stir fries and a pasta bar provides a range of healthy pasta dishes to appeal to any taste buds, while a more traditional hot carvery creates wholesome meals. A smoothie and juice bar, a crepery, luxury ice cream and a gateaux selection completes the mouth-watering choice of delivered treats, which are offered all day long and late into the night. The food-to-go customer is further pursued, through the inclusion of a Supermac’s franchise in the forecourt shop.
“Considering the size of the shop, we have kept the ambient grocery offering relatively small here,” admits Terence. “We knew exactly the type of destination shop that we wanted to create and we were looking to innovate on every level with this project. Gerry and myself have incredibly high standards for our stores and Centra has equally high standards and is equally concerned with innovation.” This innovation is evident throughout the store, as Terence explains: ”If you look around this shop, you won’t see a single aisle. This was an idea put forward by Centra. Rather than placing ambient grocery on the floor in the traditional aisle arrangement, we have everything displayed on new ‘quad’ units offered by Centra. It makes it very easy for customers to navigate around the shop and they are perfect for category management. For example, a food-to-go quad will have pre-prepared sandwiches on one face, fruit on another, drinks on another and packaged desserts on the fourth face.”
Customer Service Other elements presenting innovative category management include a newspaper rack with a built-in chilled drinks compartment and magazine racks that include options to display bags of sweets in amongst the magazines. Gerry Casey and Terence McShane invested heavily in the project and it is apparent that Centra has put a tremendous amount of effort into delivering an interior that goes above and beyond standards of best practice. According to Terence, “Another benefit of working with Centra is the exacting standards that the Group applies to customer service. All Centra employees undergo rigorous customer service training. It’s very important to have welltrained and highly motivated staff. Because we invest so heavily in our staff, we also look to retain them for as long as possible. In order to do that, you really have to give them a sense of participation in the development of the business: that means they need to be absolutely clear about their areas of responsibility and well trained to perform those duties.” In closing, Terence explains that, “We have tried to create a state-of-the-art facility here that is the motorists’ friend and serves the local community. We offer convenient top-up shopping, and more than that, we show our customers that you don’t have to go to a restaurant to get fresh food of the absolutely best quality.” The Centra on Dock Road in Limerick is a spectacular example of a forecourt shop. For those who want to see just how high the standards of grocery retail can be pushed in the foreFA C T F I L E court sector, it’s well worth stopOwner: Gerry Casey & Terence McShane ping off on Dock Location: Dock Rd, Limerick City Road to have a look and, of Size: 5,000 square feet course, find Number of out just how Staff: 55, full time & part time delicious those Opening deli delights really hours: 24 hours, seven days a week. are. 63
RN October07Update ●
Bulmers International Comedy Festival PICTURED at the launch of the 2007 Bulmers International Comedy Festival were international comedians Patrick Kielty and Ardal O’Hanlon. Now in its fourth year, the Bulmers International Comedy Festival is firmly established as one of the five largest comedy festivals in the world! This year the festival was bigger and better than ever and took place from September 3-23, 2007. Over 100 of the top Irish and international comedians, including Lenny Henry, Jimmy Carr, The Panel Live, Ross Noble, Patrick and Ardal, performed across Dublin and beyond in over 20 venues, including theatres and pubs, during the three week festival.
Ben & Jerry’s Climate Change JERRY Greenfield, one half of ice-cream duo Ben & Jerry’s, visited Ireland to launch the search for the 2008 Irish Ben & Jerry’s Climate Change Ambassador. Jerry is pictured with Lesley Butler, who is coming to the end of her tenure as Ireland’s Ben & Jerry’s Climate Change Ambassador, describing it as “the experience of a lifetime”. Climate Change College is a global, hands-on initiative, established by Ben & Jerry’s in association with the WWF and Polar Explorer Marc Cornelissen and 2008’s Irish Ambassador will join representatives from Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands on a six-month training programme where they will learn all the skills required to become an active Climate Change Campaigner, incluging a 10-day field programme in the Arctic.
Java Republic to Spoil Coffee Lovers DURING October and November, Java Republic are set to spoil coffee lovers by giving away a box of their award-winning Real Leaf Speciality Tea free with the purchase of any of their retail coffee range, which retails at approximately €6.29. Java Republic launched their super premium coffee range on shelves two years ago and have enjoyed tremendous success since, including winning gold at the International Great Taste Awards.
Xpress Stop Hits Magic 75 THE 75th Xpress Stop store, part of Mangan’s Wholesale Ltd, recently opened in Bishopstown, Co. Cork, and celebrated by donating €1,000 to the Hope Foundation. Niall Mangan, Mangan’s Wholesale, said: “We have always been very impressed with the work that the Hope Foundation undertakes and we are happy to contribute to their tireless efforts. Mangan’s Wholesale are in business 75 years this year and we could not have chosen a better store to coincide with our 75th store as this one in Bishopstown.” Pictured are (l-r): Niall Mangan, Marie Coakley and Maureen Forrest of the Hope Foundation with Kevin Coakley and Jim Coakley, owner of Xpress Stop in Bishopstown, Cork.
Ireland’s Biggest Stir Fry TO coincide with the launch of its new Stir Fry sauce range, Uncle Ben’s invited celebrity Chef Nancy Lam to help cook Ireland’s biggest stir fry in a giant wok spanning nine feet in diameter and four feet in height. Nancy and her team of talented chefs stirred it up in Mayors Square in the IFSC, on Friday, September 28, whetting the appetites of hungry passers by with the authentic smells and aromas of the five new varieties of Uncle Ben’s delicious Stir Fry sauces. 65
RN October07What’s New ●
New Aquafresh Kids Range
Dangerously Delicious Vertigo
AQUAFRESH Kids is set to grow the kids dental care category with the creation of additional children’s-specific purchases. The newly redeveloped range now includes Aquafresh Kids Little Teeth toothpaste, formulated for use from 2-6 years, whilst Aquafresh Kids Big Teeth is for use from 6 years and up. In addition, two corresponding new toothbrushes now complete the range, Aquafresh Kids Little Teeth and Big Teeth Toothbrushes. Spotlighting these moves, Aquafresh Kids will be the focus of high profile marketing support activity in retail outlets during the early autumn.
VERTIGO, the half candy, half chocolatey, half crazy confectionery from Topps, is being supported by a strong promotional and marketing programme this autumn that includes an action packed TV ad campaign. Vertigo is fast becoming a best selling confectionery item. It’s a whole new taste sensation that combines delicious hard candy and a rich chocolaty layer to create a totally new rush of taste that lasts in three lipsmacking flavours – strawberry, orange and cookies & cream.
It’s Nut Free! IIT’S Nut Free, the specialist UK “free from” manufacturer of bakery products and confectionery, is entering the Irish market for the first time, after securing its first order from Musgrave. Musgrave has already taken delivery of 11 pallets of It’s Nut Free products including flapjacks in Crunchy, Fudge and Choc Chip varieties, for distribution to its retail outlets throughout Ireland. In total, 12 lines are being supplied to 550 stores. It’s Nut Free director and founder Angela Russell, said: “We’re delighted that customers in Ireland will now be able to choose food that is manufactured to the very highest standards, based on traditional family recipes using top quality ingredients, and which is totally safe for anyone suffering from nut allergy.”
Avonmore Freshly Whipped Milkshakes
John Player Twin Pack
GLANBIA Consumer Foods have introduced a new and exciting addition to the flavoured milk category, with the launch of Avonmore Freshly Whipped Milkshakes. They’re a delicious chilled blend of fresh creamy milk with real chocolate and real strawberries, which are whipped into delicious light and airy, bubbly treats. A heavyweight marketing campaign supports the launch of Freshly Whipped Milkshakes, including TV, outdoor advertising, a targeted press campaign plus promotional and PR support.
THE new John Player King Size Twin Pack (2x10) is the answer to Ireland’s former 10-a-day adult smokers who were prevented from managing their daily consumption since the ban on the sale of packs less than 20 came into force at the end of May. The product will retail at €7.00, the same price as the normal pack of 20. Packaged in a 20 box but with two packs of 10 inside, the unique hard pack protects the product, while allowing adult smokers to manage their daily intake.
Birds Eye Omega 3 Fish Fingers BIRDS Eye has officially launched its new Omega 3 Fish Fingers, a natural source of Omega 3, an essential polyunsaturated fat, which is proven to aid the physical development of the brain and helps keep the heart healthy. Omega 3 Fish Fingers are low in saturated fat, a rich source of protein, a natural source of vitamin B12 and contain all the essential amino acids. The new Birds Eye Omega 3 fish finger is made with Alaska Pollock, a member of the cod family.
RN October07What’s New ●
Avonmore Launch Unique TV Partnership AVONMORE in association with RTÉ recently launched a unique promotional programme, through which five children will win the opportunity to present their weather bulletin to the nation. Details of the promotion are being carried on 12m Avonmore milk packs and promoted through an integrated mix of RTÉ platforms including TV, print, online and radio, making this partnership one of the most extensive RTÉ has ever undertaken with a commercial company. The cross media partnership is designed to reinforce Avonmore’s flagship sponsorship of RTÉ Weather.
Bulmers Back on TV THE change in the seasons brings the Bulmers Autumn Ad campaign back on TV this month. Entitled ‘Harvest’, the commercial is the third in the successful ‘Seasons’ II series and celebrates the busiest time of the year in the Bulmers orchards – harvest time. The commercial shows how the rich colours and textures of the orchard in autumn – the vibrant browns and golds of the leaves and the reds of the apples – yield a harvest of 17 varieties of apples that are blended and vat matured by traditional methods to create the cool, crisp, refreshing taste of Bulmers Original Cider.
Lucozade Alert’s Puzzling Promotion CHALLENGING consumers to ‘sharpen’ their mental performance, new Lucozade Alert has launched a superb consumer promotion, running in stores during October. Shoppers will receive a free retro Rubik’s Cube with every two bottles of Lucozade Alert purchased. Ensuring maximum awareness, impact and uptake, the promotion will be showcased in stores around the country with a full range of impactful PoS material. Additionally, Lucozade Alert will continue to benefit from a major launch package, which will continue to roll out through the line over the coming months.
Kids’ Big Teeth Mouthwash SPELLING a major market opportunity for retailers, Aquafresh Kids continues to lead the way with the launch of Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash – specifically formulated for children from six years upwards. Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash is a unique product offering for this age group, delivering all round protection for new big teeth, remaining little teeth, gaps and gums. Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash is both sugar and alcohol free, delivers antibacterial action and provides fluoride to assist in the development of strong teeth. Creating maximum awareness and uptake, this launch will be supported in stores around the country.
Sensational Sharing Occasion With Walkers THE sharing category of crisps and snacks is in strong growth and Walkers are contributing to this with their Sensations & Doritos brands claiming a 24.4% share of the sharing sector (Source: ACN MarketTrack Data 01 July 07). A new bigger pack format, new pack designs across both brands and heavyweight investment, such as the Sensations TV Now awards, on-pack promotions and sampling have made these products must stock items, while Walkers Sensations joint promotion with Gallo Family Vineyards, Divine With Wine, proved a great success.
Avonmore Super Milk Gets Bigger GLANBIA is set to launch the first nationally available 2 litre milk pack in a paper carton format. Responding to continued growth in the fortified milk sector, of which Glanbia claims a 90% market share (Source: ACNeilsen Scantrack, Value MAT, June 2007), as well as a consumer shift towards 2 litre packs, Avonmore’s new Super Milk ‘family pack’ is set to drive further growth in the valueadded milk sector. The launch is underpinned by a significant marketing support programme, including TV Weather sponsorship, national advertising (outdoor, press and on-line), and consumer promotions.
RN October07Shelf Life ●
Shelf Life YAKULT has launched a new €750,000 advertising campaign which offers a new look to the active health drinks market. The new 30-second TV ad travels deep into the digestive system of the human body - 'Planet You' - on an intensely magnified journey to the intestine walls, revealing the good and bad bacteria that live there, for what is one of the most scientifically accurate representations of the human intestines ever shown on TV. THE County and City Enterprise Boards and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, have launched a national advertising drive aimed at encouraging small and medium sized businesses to put their companies through a technology check-up that will identify ways to boost productivity and profitability through the better use of technology. The ‘TechCheck’ scheme is substantially subsidised, giving a full independent report on a company’s technology needs for just €150.
WHILE most of us are dreading the clocks going back and the advent of winter, Best Birthdays, one of Ireland’s leading suppliers of children’s birthday party supplies, are really looking forward to it, as it means Halloween is on the way. Best Birthdays gets in to the ‘spirit’ of Halloween with a spectacular range of decorations, party tableware and trick or treat goodies, from dangly warty witches to batty bats, spider door curtains and friendly ghosts. See www.bestbirthdays.com for more details.
A NEW energy drink, Energise Edge, has just been launched in response to a growing demand from consumers for a product that offers that extra boost needed to help manage the busy schedules of 21st Century Ireland. Energise Edge will boost the Energise brand’s long-standing support of and commitment to the Gaelic Players Association (GPA) with money from every purchase of Energise Edge going back to the players and the GPA. Energise Edge is available nationwide in a funky 250ml silver and red streamlined can.
LISA Carroll has joined Grayling PR as a Senior Account Manager. A highly experienced marketing practitioner, Lisa will manage key accounts, including The Magners League, Musgrave SuperValu-Centra, Yakult, Colt, Bulmers Light and Cidona.
DUBLIN based Joseph Brennan Bakery picked up the NI Product Launch Award at Asda’s annual Supplier Conference recently, in recognition of the successful introduction of the Brennans range into Asda’s Northern Ireland stores. Pictured at the event are (l-r): Derek Beatty, Commercial Director at Brennans Bakery; Colin Todd, Business Development Manager at Brennans Bakery; and Michael McCallion, Asda's NI Trading Manager.
WEETABIX nutritionist and registered dietician Sian Porter joined the Weetabix team recently for a special breakfast at ‘Eat Up’, Donnybrook Fair, Dublin 4. Attendees sampled a wide selection of the Weetabix product portfolio, including recent new additions to the range, such as Alpen High Fruit, Oatibix Bitesize and Weetaflakes. Pictured at the Weekabix Breakfast Morning are Jane Baerselman and Lucy Egerton. NEW shopping trolleys in the UK will be able to alert consumers when ‘junk food’ items are dropped into them. Bar codes will alert the ‘smart trolley’ when foods are high in fat, sugar or salt. It is also expected that the trolley’s computer screen will also display most information about a product, including country of origin, nutritional facts, allergy information and even if the packaging can be recycled. Unveiled by the UK’s Institute for Grocery Distribution at its annual conference on the future of retailing in Britain, the ‘smart trolley’ has already gone on trial in the US.
FAIR play to Irish company ‘Solutions Solutions’, who are proudly displaying their green credentials with the launch of Stik & Stak, a water-based, environmentally friendly adhesive which helps to transport pallets with minimal amounts of stretch or shrink wrap. LYONS Tea is launching a new charity initiative with the help of celebrity chef Rachel Allen. Lyons Tea will be giving away €120,000 to Irish charities over the next 12 months. Rachel Allen has taken some time out of her hectic schedule to demonstrate just how easy Lyons Tea is making it for consumers to give something back. By collecting the tokens on special packs of Lyons Tea, and sending a letter highlighting their nominated charity’s extraordinary qualities, people can enter a competition to win €10,000 to present to their charity. Rachel Allen is pictured with Keith Farrell, Marketing Manager, Lyons Tea, at the launch. 68
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