APRIL 2012
Something new from an old favourite.
Launching new McCain Jackets from Ireland’s favourite frozen potato brand*. Oven Baked tastiness ready in five minutes. Wrapped up with high level advertising support TV, Outdoor and POS.
It’s all good.
*Source: AC Nielsen Scantrack, February 2012
www.retailnews.ie|April 2012|Contents|3
Contents Retail News Interview
Cheesy Does It! THE recent proposal from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to ban cheese advertising to children has to be one of the most ridiculous calls in recent years, from a body which should know better. Placing cheese in the same category as unhealthy snacks is ludicrous and indeed seems to contradict dietary guidelines from the Irish Government. Our Chief News Reporter, Pavel Barter, hears from those at the heart of the issue (Page 4), who reveal that the BAI used unrepresentative data in their findings. Surely common sense will prevail. Our News pages also look at the controversial ‘Tesco Tax’, recently implemented in Northern Ireland, and ask could such a scheme work here (Page 6), while the recent discovery of a huge illegal fuel laundering plant near Virginia, Co. Cavan, highlights the scale of the illicit diesel trade in Ireland (Page 5). Elsewhere this issue, Michelle Griffin, Marketing Manager, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, talks us through the relaunch of Ireland’s oldest bakery brand and highlights the unique relationship the brand enjoys with Irish consumers (Page 18). Jim Walsh, head of the Online Strategy and Content Provider team at Walsh Public Relations, asks how grocery retailers can best take advantage of social media channels and warns on what to look out for to control your brand message (Page 27). We also preview GS1 Ireland’s National Supply Chain Conference, which takes place on Friday, April 27, in the Convention Centre, Dublin, with the focus on “Visibility and Innovation”, and features key speakers from across the FMCG spectrum.
18 Michelle Griffin,
Dairy Industry Incensed by Proposed Cheese Advertising Ban; Bord Bia and Tesco Programme for Suppliers.
An Post Under Fire Over Stamp Restrictions; Cavan Fuel Laundering Find Highlights Scale of Problem.
30 ‘Wing it’ to the
22 Job creation was high
on the agenda at the SuperValu National Conference, which also saw the SuperValu Store of the Year Awards presented.
32 Jean Smullen looks at must-stock wines from the Americas, North and South.
Tobacco Products
34 The illicit tobacco trade
27 Implementing a
in Clonakilty has thrived since introducing the latest Daybreak package to the store on the edge of the picturesque West Cork town.
strategy is vital if you’re going to take advantage of the vast opportunities presented by social media, writes Jim Walsh, Walsh PR.
Regulars & Reports
T A R A Published by: Tara Publishing Co. Ltd., Poolbeg House, 1/2 Poolbeg Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 2413095 Fax: (01) 2413010
Web: www.retailnews.ie Email: retailnews@tarapublishingco.com
On The Vine
Utilising Social Media
Advertising: Kathleen Belton kathleen@tarapublishingco.com Adrian Murphy
Sunshine State with Moy Park; Moy Park Announces Further Product Extension; A Clear Winner for Moy Park Culinary Competition.
remains a massive problem, costing the Government and retailers millions in lost earnings each year.
14 Noel White’s forecourt
SuperValu National Conference
Grocery Market Slides Into Decline; Dunnes Stores Add New Bakeries.
Shop Profile
Editorial & Marketing Director: Kathleen Belton
Could Northern Ireland ‘Tesco Tax’ work in Republic? Topaz Signs €30m Deal with Musgrave.
for anyone involved in the supply chain industry, as GS1 Ireland host their National Supply Chain Conference in the Convention Centre, Dublin.
Moy Park News
Managing Director: Fergus Farrell John Walshe
28 April 27 is a key date
Marketing Manager, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, explains the reasons behind the brand relaunch and the special relationship between the brand and its consumers.
Kathleen Belton Editorial & Marketing Director
Supply Chain Conference
To advertise in Retail News, call (01) 2413095 or
Subscription to Retail News: e95 plus VAT Email: aoife@tarapublishingco.com
email retailnews@tarapublishingco.com
Origination by: Rooney Media Graphics
Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter Wine Correspondent: Jean Smullen
Reproduction without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Printed by: W&G Baird
8 Industry News 16 Drinks News 24 Snack Foods 41 Market News 42 Shelf Life
4|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Dairy Industry Incensed by Proposed Cheese Advertising Ban A BROADCASTING Authority of Ireland (BAI) proposal to ban cheese advertising to children used “unrepresentative” data, dairy bodies have told Retail News. A new draft of the Children’s Commercial Communications Code – which also calls for the ban of celebrities and cartoon characters in food advertising for children – used UK Food Standards Authority findings to assess the healthy properties of foods. This model is not applicable to Ireland. “These standards are based on 100 gram portions of cheese,” said Frank Hayes, Director of Corporate Affairs at Kerry Group. “It’s of no significance as far as cheese is concerned. The average consumption of cheese by teenagers is no more than 15 or 16 grams... This is a matter of major concern to us. We’re surprised and concerned
that the Authority deems it appropriate to take this action. We see cheese as an entirely nutritious product. Ireland is very proud of its dairy heritage. Our consumption of cheese, if anything, stands behind other developed countries. We consider cheese a totally nutritious product.” Dr Catherine Logan, Nutrition Manager with The National Dairy Council, added: “The BAI are proposing to use a nutrient profiling model that was developed in the UK a number of years ago. According to this model, cheese is categorised in a less healthy category and therefore would be subject to restriction. The model was developed overseas. It’s highly flawed. As a result, cheese has been wrongly categorised.” The BAI’s proposals appear in contradiction with Irish government dietary guidelines.
The Irish Department of Health recommend three servings from the “milk, cheese & yogurt” food group a day as part of a healthy balanced diet. Irish national surveys suggest 37% of Irish girls, and 28% of Irish boys, between the ages of 5-12, have insufficient calcium intakes. Corresponding figures for teenagers are 42% and 23%, respectively. “In Ireland, we have figures and research that give us clear insights into Irish dietary
patterns,” continued Logan. “From those surveys, we can see significant proportions of children and teenagers do not have enough calcium. Cheese is a valuable source of income in the diet. We should be encouraging foods that rectify the calcium shortfall.” BAI are taking submissions on the proposals until May 31, 2012. Kerry Group and other dairy manufacturers are making their views known as part of the consultation process.
Bord Bia and Tesco Programme for Suppliers BORD Bia and Tesco have developed a programme to help food and drink companies to develop the required skills to achieve sustainable growth at multiple retail level. This comprehensive retail programme will equip participants with the necessary skills required to secure, grow and maintain a listing with Tesco. The programme will involve three different levels – Local, National and Export – to assist small, medium and large sized companies in growing to the next level of business with Tesco. This programme will be supported by Enterprise Ireland. 16 companies covering the dairy, seafood, ready meals, beverage, frozen and ambient sectors have been selected to participate in the programme. Clear objectives and targets will be set for each company partaking, to help them achieve key opportunities identified for their business with Tesco. The programme will consist of workshops, bespoke mentoring and access to relevant Tesco consumer data and consumer insights. The companies involved are: Eight Degrees Brewing; Green Saffron; The Foods of Athenry; Fusco Foods; Swift Fine Foods (all in the Local category); Goatsbridge Trout Farm; Keogh’s Crisps; The Different Dairy Company; The Scullery (all in the National category); and Ballymaloe Country Relish; Cashel Blue Cheese; Cully & Sully; Glenilen Farm; Glenisk; Green Isle; and Nature’s Best (in the Export category). The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, noted how “this form of cooperation is something which will drive this sector forward both at home and abroad”, while Aidan Cotter, Chief Executive, Bord Bia, emphasised the importance of Irish food and drink companies working with the retail sector to build their competitiveness on the domestic and export markets alike. “This programme with Tesco is designed to arm the participating companies with the insight required to have success at home and the opportunity to expand abroad,” he said. Pictured at the launch of the Bord Bia/Tesco retail Tony Keohane, CEO, Tesco Ireland, said, “At Tesco, we are long and development programme are (l-r): Aidan Cotter, committed supporters of the Irish food industry… We hope that as many as Chief Executive, Bord Bia; Minister for Agriculture, possible of the programme participants will grow with us to become Ireland’s Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD; and Tony next generation of food entrepreneurs and exporters.” Keohane, CEO, Tesco Ireland.
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An Post Under Fire Over Stamp Restrictions RETAILERS who are not PostPoint representatives can only sell stamps if they buy them over-the-counter in a post office, an An Post spokesperson has told Retail News. From March 1, 2012, An Post restricted the sale of stamps to retailers with PostPoint electronic terminals. “It’s a business decision taken by us. A more effective way of distributing our stamps was through our own agent,” explained An Post’s Angus Laverty. Retail representatives are fuming about the decision. “An Post says to the retailers who contact them: ‘Go to your local post office and queue up and buy the stamps and then you can sell them’,” said Tara Buckley, Director General of RGDATA. “For our members, that means no wholesale difference. Their local post office is often very busy and they feel it’s unnecessary. They feel aggrieved and bullied into getting a PostPoint machine. They think An
Post is abusing its position as the only supplier of stamps.” Vincent Jennings, CEO of the Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association (CSNA), said that some retailers already sell many of the products on a PostPoint terminal and therefore may not need to change their business model. “PostPoint wants our mobile phone business and other services. In return, we continue to get stamps at a commission,” he said. An Post said the deal was not unusual: “An Post and PostPoint operate in a highly competitive sector in which there are a number of suppliers. The provision of products and services as part of a wider suite, through a single supplier, is the norm,” argued Laverty. Although stamps were never a significant part of a small retailer’s sales, they are considered a necessary service to customers. Before March,
Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA.
retailers sold stamps at a 4% margin. “Stamp sales are an ancillary part of our business,” continued Jennings. “If you’re close to offices, there are considerable additional sales from stamps. It’s much easier for them to come to you rather than going to a post office.” Retailers described An Post’s decision as inconvenient for customers and retailers. Letter writing and postcard sending is “a bit of dying medium and they’re going to make it even harder and more complicated for people to do it”, argued Buckley, while Jennings pointed out that the post office is only open 40.25 hours a week. After 5:30pm, nowhere sells stamps, apart from newsagents. An Post disagreed. “The fact is, stamps are available as normal to customers at more than 1,150 post offices nationwide,” said Laverty. “The PostPoint network represents a further 2,400 retailers across the country, providing an extensive additional retail presence. There is no question of our customers being inconvenienced.” Jennings and the CSNA say they have instigated High Court proceedings in the matter, describing An Post’s move as “anti-competitive matters and an abuse of a dominant position.” Laverty concluded: “We take all feedback and reaction from our retail base very seriously, including that of groups representing the retail industry, and we are happy to engage directly with all such parties.”
Cavan Fuel Laundering Find Highlights Scale of Problem
Frank Gleeson, Retail Ireland Chairman and Topaz Retail Director.
RETAIL Ireland, the IBEC group that represents the retail sector, welcomed the recent discovery of a huge illegal fuel laundering plant near Virginia, Co. Cavan. The plant had a capacity so large that the State was being deprived of €5m per year in lost revenue. Retail Ireland estimates that the illegal fuel trade is costing the Exchequer at least €150m in lost taxes every year. The group believes that at least 12% of all diesel sold in Ireland is illegal. “As well as depriving the State of much needed revenue , illegal plants like this are an environmental hazard, polluting local water with harmful consequences for livestock. Illegal diesel is also seriously damaging to cars,” said Retail Ireland Chairman and Topaz Retail Director Frank Gleeson. “More resources should be redeployed within the Customs Service and An Garda Síochána for these type of inter-agency operations. This would be self-financing because of the tax revenue saved.”
6|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Could Northern Ireland ‘Tesco Tax’ work in Republic?
Tara Buckley, RGDATA Director General.
A RETAILER representative has encouraged the Government to introduce a similar initiative to Northern Ireland’s controversial “Tesco Tax”. The Stormont government recently imposed a levy on large retail properties with a rateable value of £500,000 or more. The proceeds are used to reduce rates for smaller businesses. “It would be great if such a scheme could be introduced,” said RGDATA’s Tara Buckley. “We have serious concerns about the affect out-of-town stores have on town centres and traditional retail zones.” The scheme affects 76 large shops in Northern Ireland and is mooted to fund £5m in rate cuts for small shops. Small retailers are granted 50% relief on longterm empty retail premises,
where the property is first occupied during 2012/13. Jackson Charles, immediate past president for Northern Ireland at the National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) told us: “This is something that we have been campaigning for for some time, so the introduction is fantastic news and a much needed boost for small shops in Northern Ireland. Many shops that once served their local communities, such as newsagents and corner shops, are in decline, while those that still trade are threatened by the power of the larger stores. We applaud the Assembly for adopting this proposal to support small shops.” Jane Bevis, of the British Retail Consortium, said the scheme was discriminatory. “We
support the need to give small businesses some relief on their rates,” she told Retail News. “We supported that part of Minister Wilson’s proposals, but we didn’t feel it was right that all small business across the whole of the economy should receive a relief that was funded only by a relatively small number of large retail properties, and not large business across the economy as a whole.” Tara Buckley encouraged legislators to think along similar lines in the Republic: “We think Government and town centre management need to look at ways of making town centres more attractive... We would support some type of system whereby the out-of-town stores paid a contribution to town centre regeneration.”
Topaz Signs €30m Deal with Musgrave TOPAZ have announced a new three-year deal with Musgrave Food Services worth €30m, which will see Musgrave Food Services supply over 115 Topaz deli outlets nationwide with fresh and frozen produce such as salads, meats, pastries and sandwich fillings etc. The contract was awarded to Musgrave Food Services following a tender process. As well as food, confectionery and soft drinks, Musgrave also supplies Topaz with grocery, household and health and beauty products. “We are delighted to sign this contract with Musgrave, which like Topaz, is a fully Irish owned and managed company which focuses first and foremost on customer service,” said Topaz Marketing and Corporate Services Director, Paul Candon. “We sell over six million hot food portions a year, as well as one million sandwiches. Therefore, it is vital we provide Paul Candon, Marketing & Corporate Services Director, Topaz (left), is pictured our customers with a wide range of premium quality food products at a competitive price and with Noel Keeley, Managing Director, Musgrave Wholesale Partners. that is exactly what Musgrave will be sourcing “We are delighted to have won this tender, which will for us.” see our business with Topaz grow substantially and we very Candon noted how Musgrave Food Services’ reputation much look forward to working together in the years to come,” for supporting Irish suppliers and this was a key factor in their said Noel Keeley, Managing Director of Musgrave Wholesale winning the contract. Partners.
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Grocery Market Slides Into Decline THE latest grocery market figures from Kantar Worldpanel in Ireland, for the 12 weeks ending March 18, 2012, show the grocery market has slid back into decline, following four months of modest sales growth. The latest data shows that the sector has fallen in value by 0.5% when compared with the same period last year. “For the past year, any growth in the grocery market has been driven by price inflation, which has been running at an average rate of 3.8%,” explains David Berry, Commercial Director at Kantar Worldpanel. “As
competition between the main retailers has continued, the level of inflation has dropped back over the past four months, with the latest figures showing price inflation of just 1.9%. Although a lower rate of price inflation is good news for shoppers, there is no immediate sign that this is changing their current shopping behaviour.” Shoppers are continuing to look for ways to control their spending. Trading down to cheaper products remains the most popular way of achieving this, with shoppers increasingly buying retailer own label goods. This has placed pressure on branded
items, which have seen a drop in market share from 54.1% to 52.9% in the past year. “Among the major retailers, the most noticeable change this month is a strengthened performance from SuperValu, lifting its share from 19.7% to 20%. This coincides with the launch of its comprehensive
SuperValu own brand range – suggesting this was a good move by the retailer,” noted Berry. Elsewhere, Aldi continues to post the strongest growth, with sales increasing by just over 20%. Tesco and Lidl also continue to out-perform the market and gain share as a result.
Chinese Grocery Market Biggest in the World CHINA has overtaken the United States as the world’s biggest food and grocery retail market, according to the latest research published by IGD. According to the findings, the Chinese grocery sector was worth €736 billion at the end of 2011, while the US market came in at €694 billion over the same period – the second largest in the world. By 2015, the
Chinese market is forecast to be worth €1113 billion, compared to a US value of €819 billion. IGD also predict that all the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations will be in the top five grocery markets by 2015, with India displacing Japan as the world’s third largest grocery market by value.
“China’s grocery growth story is phenomenal,” said Joanne Denney-Finch, Chief Executive, IGD. “Between 2006 and 2015, the Chinese grocery market is forecast to triple in value and to be worth nearly a trillion pounds. This rapid expansion has been fuelled by three main factors: rapid economic growth, population and rising food inflation.”
Dunnes Stores Add New Bakeries DUNNES Stores is rolling out trial bakeries in at least six of its stores. The move to install bakeries, which will not bake products from scratch, but will par-bake a number of items, has been reported as a response to a similar initiative from Lidl, and if it proves successful, it is expected to extend across Dunnes’ store network.
8|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Industry News Calor and Irish Pride Kick-start BBQ Season
New Key Account Manager at Payzone
TWO iconic Irish brands, Calor and Irish Pride, have joined forces to help Irish consumers prepare to barbeque in style this summer, giving consumers the chance to win one of 12 retro Memphis Gas BBQs. The on-pack promotion with Irish Pride Bunsters is visible in-store and on packs across the country as part of the 12-week promotion. This is the first time Calor has teamed up with another Irish brand for a consumer promotion and the company is doing so as part of its 75th anniversary in Ireland celebrations. Aoife Dromey, Cylinder Channel Manager for Calor, is pictured with Claire Jackson, Marketing Manager, Irish Pride Bakeries, at the announcement.
Connacht Gold Open Westport Store CONNACHT Gold have opened the latest of their ultra-modern multi-purpose stores in Westport, Co. Mayo. The new state-of-the-art facility, costing €2.5m, consists of 25,000 square feet of retail space, including an 8,000 square feet garden centre, employing 28 full-time and part-time staff. Connacht Gold CEO Aaron Forde said the investment brings to €70m the total invested by the company in recent years, including the acquisition of the milk and retail stores business from Donegal Creameries at the end of last year.
Repak Welcomes Strong Packaging Recycling Trends DR Andrew Hetherington, CEO, Repak Ireland (pictured) has welcomed the findings on packaging recycling contained in ‘Environmental Indicators Ireland 2012’, the report just published by the CSO, which highlights Ireland’s everimproving approach to the recycling of packaging. “This National Survey clearly demonstrates the success of Ireland’s packaging recycling model with key targets for recovery all being exceeded,” said Dr Hetherington. “The statistics contained in the report, when analysed, confirm Ireland’s progressive performance in packaging recovery and recycling over the past decade and our steady assent up the league table of European Member State performance in this area.”
PAYZONE has announced the appointment of Brian Rouse to the position of Retail Key Account Manager. The appointment builds on Brian’s previous roles in Payzone, in which he has served as both Account Manager and Sales Representative over the past six years. In his new role, Brian will be responsible for directly supporting key retail accounts, symbol groups and multiples, working at both head office and at store/branch level, to ensure Payzone can provide maximum value to its customers. Prior to joining Payzone, Brian worked in sales roles for both Diageo and Pernod Ricard.
Strawberry Market Soars
SUMMER has arrived early! Thanks to Mother Nature and the good weather this year, Keelings, the 100% Irish familyowned company and experts in fresh produce, presents the first Irish strawberry of 2012 which was grown on its own farms, to Irish Rugby team member Tommy Bowe. Keelings estimates the strawberry market to be worth in the region of €50m, up on last year’s figure of €38m, an increase of over 31%. Keelings grow in excess of 150m berries every year from March through December, equating to 6m punnets of fresh Irish strawberries for 2012! Tommy Bowe is pictured with David Keeling, Managing Director, Keelings Fresh.
GS1 Ireland 2012
Supply Chain Visibility and Innovation Conference Friday 27th April 2012 Convention Centre Dublin
Hear from an expert panel of national and international speakers including representatives from Government, Bord Bia, Glanbia, Google, Musgrave, O2, and GS1 Global. Full programme and brochure available to download at www.gs1ie.org To register, call GS1 today on 01 208 0660.
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10|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Industry News BWG Launches Visa Contactless Payments CONOR Langford, Vice President Ireland, Visa Europe, and Willie O’Byrne, BWG Foods Managing Director, are pictured at the announcement that BWG Foods is to become one of the forefront businesses in Ireland to go contactless, in partnership with Visa Europe. BWG will begin accepting contactless payments from the end of April, and the company plans to expand its contactless acceptance across Ireland during 2012 with the majority of its 900 stores being able to offer contactless payments by year-end. The contactless technology will offer BWG Foods’ one million daily consumers an additional payment method that is faster than existing options, resulting in quicker transaction times, reduced queues and increased customer satisfaction. It will also offer a cost effective way for retailers to take payments of up to €15.
SuperValu TidyTowns Calls for 30,000 Volunteers
PICTURED at the official launch of the 2012 SuperValu TidyTowns competition are Phil Hogan TD, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, and Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu. The launch took place in Killarney, Co Kerry, which won the TidyTowns title in 2011. Celebrating 21 years of involvement with the TidyTowns competition, SuperValu is now title sponsor of the SuperValu TidyTowns Competition, and is calling on people all over Ireland to ‘Get
their hands dirty’ for their local community. Last year saw over 820 cities, towns and villages entering the competition and it is envisaged over 30,000 volunteers will get involved with SuperValu TidyTowns in 2012. “I’d like to thank SuperValu for their unwavering support, which has helped to sustain and grow this competition over the years,” noted Minister Hogan. “I am delighted that they have come on board again for the next 5 years until 2016. It must be one of the longest-running sponsorships of its kind in Ireland.”
Bord na Móna Growise Gala Opens Two New Stores Sponsors Incredible Edibles GALA have opened two new convenience stores, one in Bray, Co. Wicklow, and one in Monkstown, Co. Dublin. The Bray store, owned by Alastair McDonald, is located in what used to be McCarthy’s Newsagents and Café, right in the heart of Bray town, while Joan Egan’s new Gala store on Oliver Plunkett Road, Monkstown, spans over 1,500 square feet. Both stores are home to state-of-the-art hot and cold deli bars, serving daily breakfast, lunch and every day specials, as well as the Baker’s Corner range of fresh bakery products. Pictured at the official opening of the new Bray store are (l-r): Gala Regional Manager Tom Hardiman; deli manager, Catherine Du; and Alastair McDonald, owner; with staff member Ken Davis; Liam Murphy of H Murphy & Co.; and Denise Lord, Gala.
GROWISE by Bord na Móna kave kick-started the growing season with the sponsorship of Agri Aware’s Incredible Edibles initiative for primary schools and families. With childhood obesity at an all-time high, Agri Aware’s Incredible Edibles is aimed at increasing consumption of potatoes, fruit and vegetables among children. The campaign sees schools around the country busy growing carrots, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries and turnips just like the green-fingered children in the Presentation Primary School, George’s Hill, Dublin 7 (pictured). Schools are supplied with raised beds and grow packs, including Growise Multipurpose compost: everything needed to grow a feast of potatoes, fruit and vegetables. See www.growise.ie for more information.
12|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Industry News BWG Foods Expands Mitchells Fuel Deal BWG Foods are expanding their partnership with local Irish supplier, Mitchells Eco Fuels, which will see the company supply home heating products exclusively for the SPAR and MACE own brand ranges, in a deal worth in excess of €1m over the next three years. Following a hugely successful trial period at the end of last year, in which target sales were exceeded by 360%, BWG Foods has expanded its agreement with Mitchells Eco Fuels, which will see the local Irish company exclusively supplying home heating products for the SPAR and MACE private label ranges. Two of Mitchells own brand products, the Easyfire Firebag, an eco-friendly product containing no fossil fuels, and the Easyfire 2-in-1 Firelighters will be available in SPAR and MACE stores across the country, along with a range of bespoke SPAR/ MACE branded products. Pictured at the announcement are Allan and Declan Mitchell, co-owners of Mitchells Eco Fuels, with Willie O’Byrne (centre), MD, BWG Foods.
Get Smart without a Smartphone ABBEYCREST Traders have shown that innovation is alive and well in Ireland! The Limerick-based company has recently developed and launched a pioneering text-based voucher system called SMS Texter Plus. With a considerable financial investment behind the company and extensive R&D taking around one year, the system allows you to send promotional personalised text vouchers to your customers, highlighting special offers which can be tailored to specific events, days of the week, or even a specific time of day. You can communicate with your loyal customer base in a cost-effective manner whilst reducing your carbon footprint and print costs! The SMS Texter Plus provides accessibility to all phones, not just Smartphones. Roger Bourke, MD, Abbeycrest Traders, is pictured with Rosanna Davidson at the launch of the system.
Country Crest Harvests New Potato Crop
Bloom Returns this June
BORD Bia is delighted to announce the return of Bloom, Ireland’s leading flower, food and family festival, this June bank holiday weekend. Bloom 2012 will take place from Thursday, May 31, to Monday June 4, at the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Last year’s event was a huge success, with a record 90,000 visitors over the five-day event. To accommodate the increased numbers, this year’s event will offer expanded walking space in which to enjoy the spectacular show gardens, food and family features. Key features for Bloom 2012 include the return of the Food Village, which will be even bigger and visitors will have the opportunity to consume the best of Irish food and drink and purchase top quality Irish produced food from within the market area. Among other features, it will host Ireland’s largest food market, with over 60 artisan food stalls, the Bloom Inn and the Chef’s Summer Kitchen Stage, where some of Irelands favorite and best known chefs will demonstrate throughout the weekend. See www.bloominthepark.com for more information.
SuperValu Predicts Strong Strawberry Sales
SHAUN Doherty, Technical Manager with Tesco in Ireland, and Yvonne Neeson from food, potato and onion producer Country Crest, are pictured at Country Crest’s farm in North County Dublin, where the first of the new season Irish potatoes have been harvested in preparation for sale through Tesco stores nationwide.
THE first of new season Irish strawberries went on sale in SuperValu stores recently, and the retailer predicts that it will account for €4m worth of fresh Irish strawberry sales in 2012. SuperValu sources its Irish strawberries from Keelings in North Dublin, McCarthy’s Strawberry Farm in Naas and Wexford fruit producers in Co. Wexford. SuperValu only stocks ‘Class 1’ fruit and vegetables, ensuring consumers are provided with the best of Irish produce.
Tobacco Focus From Ireland’s Leading Tobacco Company
Show Me I.D – Be Age Ok Awareness Week This is a nationwide youth access prevention programme aimed at providing one consolidated solution to retailers in preventing the sale of age restricted products to minors. This initiative is part of Ireland’s Leading Tobacco Company’s ongoing commitment to prevent youth access to tobacco products in Ireland. Our aim is for this initiative to be used as the comprehensive youth access prevention programme of choice in retail premises across Ireland.
This year, to create greater awareness of the campaign, we are launching a nationwide ‘Show Me I.D – Be Age OK’ Awareness Week
The youth access prevention awareness week will involve:
28th May– 3rd June, 2012.
UÊÊ- ÜÊ iÊ ° Ê* ÃÌiÀÊ > «> } Ê to 1,200 retail outlets
The Awareness Week will aim to prevent youth access to tobacco products and also highlight the zero tolerance approach of tobacco retailers to underage sales of tobacco.
UÊ Ê >Õ V Ê* Ì V> UÊ Ê >Ì Ü `iÊ i` >Ê > «> }
UÊÊ- ÜÊ iÊ ° ÊÌ Ã ÀÌÃ]Ê >ÌÃÊ and badges UÊÊ- ÜÊ iÊ ° ÊÛi ` }Ê >V iÊ tokens in bars and restaurants
Show Me I.D – Be Age Ok has received the endorsement of…
For further information please contact info@showmeid.ie or visit
www.showmeid.ie e
14|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Shop Profile
Noel White’s forecourt in Clonakilty has thrived since introducing the latest Daybreak package to the store on the edge of the picturesque West Cork town. Pictured outside the Clonakilty Daybreak store are (l-r) Trevor Cannon, Daybreak Territory Manager, store owner Noel White and his brother, Danny White.
Daybreak Shines in West Cork NOEL White has operated a forecourt shop for 14 years on his site in Clonakilty, West Cork, under the Star Market banner. The combination of excellent location, along with great staff and high standards, meant that
White’s Texaco won numerous Texaco Awards over the years. His business flourished and he sourced his stock from Musgrave, enjoying a successful working relationship with the group for over a decade. However, 2011 saw Noel “investigating various symbol groups to see what they could offer my business”, as the recession bit deeper and he found it hard for a fully independent store to compete effectively. “The existing shop was no longer functioning properly,” he explains, “because customers’ shopping habits have changed dramatically in recent years. Price is now the main motivation for most purchases, from top-up shops to impulse buys. As a fully independent trader, I wasn’t able to offer my customers the same value for money as my competition, or match their ability to promote that value.”
Finding the Right Partner
Noel’s search for a business partner led him inexorably to Daybreak, thanks to a number of factors: “The first thing that impressed me about the Daybreak package was the people I met. The next thing was the extremely competitive fitout costs provided for the project. Given the trust I had built up over the years working with Musgrave and the quality of the Daybreak brand, I was happy that I had found the right partner.” The project moved at pace, with Daybreak and Noel completely redesigning the interior of the shop. They examined every aspect of the store’s performance and implemented a new space allocation and category management system. Since the project did not involve any major structural work, it was completed in just three weeks. However, while the transformation was quick, it was also dramatic.
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Shop Profile “The shop looks totally different. The Daybreak image is bright and fresh and modern. Not only does it look much better, it actually looks as if it is a larger space than it used to be. A number of customers who knew the shop well thought I had added an extension. With the new category management plan, I am actually offering customers a wider selection of the top-selling brands and crucially, I can offer them at extremely competitive prices.”
Strong Value Offer In-Store
The value for money on offer in White’s Daybreak is evident immediately upon entering the shop, where there are no fewer than 19 value offers promoted on the shelf adjacent to and opposite the main entrance. The strong POS promotion for value continues around the shop and round euro pricing in the deli keeps things simple for customers. The reaction of Noel’s customers was immediate: they loved the new look, but they loved the new prices even more. White’s Daybreak has been trading since November 2011 and sales figures in the shop have been up every month since joining Daybreak. This is at the heart of Daybreak’s retail offering, according to Trevor Cannon, Territory Manager, Daybreak. “We have invested heavily in developing the package that we offer retailers and creating an offer that is robust enough to allow progressive retailers like Noel to develop their business even in the toughest market conditions,” Trevor explains. “The latest Daybreak image has been developed to offer an extremely functional package, as well as one that looks great.” Trevor notes how Daybreak strives to offer retailers “what we believe are the most competitively priced development costs of any symbol group in Ireland.
“As part of Musgrave, we can offer our retail partners extremely competitive prices on the best brands so that they can sustain their margins while operating in an ever increasingly price conscious market,” he notes. “We also offer advice and support on any aspect of their business where they need assistance.”
Support Systems
Daybreak has also developed a range of support systems to help retailers like Noel to minimise running costs. 2012 will see the roll-out of an energy-mapping course for Daybreak retailers. The online ‘Retailer Zone’ lets Daybreak retailers design and produce their own promotional material, offering top quality production values at minimum cost, while the Daily Basics own-brand range is on offer in Daybreak branded shops. With 18 product lines on offer, the range allows Noel to compete effectively on key value products. “My business is much stronger than it was,” Noel White concludes. “I have a fantastic partner in Daybreak. I have always had great staff, but now my staff are better trained and morale is better because business
is better. Choosing Daybreak as a partner has helped me to improve every part of my business and I am delighted with the investment I have made.” With almost a decade and a half of retail experience, Noel White is no novice to retail. In Daybreak, he has managed to find a partner that offers him exactly what his business needs: support and advice on every part of running a successful store, and crucially, the ability to stay competitive in an extremely tight market.
Fact File Owner:
Noel White
Clonakilty, Co Cork
1,200 square feet
Number of Staff: 14 full-time & part-time Opening Hours: 07:00-23:00, Monday-Friday; 08:00-23:00,
Saturday; 8:30-23:00, Sunday.
16|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Drinks News
Irish Distillers Win Icons of Whiskey Awards IRISH Distillers Pernod Ricard, makers of the world’s number one Irish whiskey, Jameson, was named Whiskey Distiller of the Year and Whiskey Brand Innovator of the Year at the Icons of Whiskey Awards 2012. Single pot still whiskey Powers John’s Lane Release was also recognised, scooping the prize for Best Pot Still Whiskey within the World Whiskies Awards. Pictured with the awards are (Back row, l-r): Tommy Keane, Head of Distilling Operations; Peter Morehead, Production Director; David Byrne, Category Development Manager; and Brendan Buckley, Innovation & Category Development Director; (front row, l-r): Billy Leighton, Master of Blending & Maturation; Brian Nation, Distiller; David Quinn, Master of Whiskey Science; and Barry Crockett, Master Distiller.
[yellow tail] Invests in €150k Campaign IRELAND’S fastest growing Australian wine brand, [yellow tail] are investing €150k in an integrated marketing campaign to promote their extensive range of everyday wines. A household name in Ireland, the [yellow tail] brand has experienced astonishing growth in recent years and
over two million glasses of [yellow tail] wine are now enjoyed around the world every single day. Utilising the tagline, ‘Play by your Rules’, the campaign is focused on redefining the experience of buying, drinking and sharing wine, and includes print, radio, online and POS
Tullamore Dew Returns Home WILLIAM Grant & Sons Ltd, the owner of Tullamore Dew Irish whiskey, are to invest in a new, state-of-the-art pot still whiskey and malt whiskey distillery in Tullamore town, bringing whiskey production back to the town for the first time since the original distillery closed in 1954. The €35m investment (see artist’s impression) will meet the long-term production demands for Tullamore Dew, the world’s second largest Irish whiskey brand, which is currently growing by over 15% annually and is central to the growth plans of William Grant & Sons, which bought the brand in July 2010. “This investment by William Grant & Sons underpins our long-term commitment to Tullamore Dew, the town of Tullamore and Ireland,” said William Grant & Sons’ Chief Executive, Stella David. “It represents an important next step in the long-term growth and development of the Tullamore Dew brand, one of Ireland’s food and drink export success stories which is now the second largest selling Irish whiskey worldwide.”
executions nationwide. “This campaign is a significant step forward for the brand and we will work to ensure that we reach the number one Australian wine brand in Ireland,” said Annemarie Tumilty, Brand Manager for [yellow tail] wines in Ireland, Gleeson Incorporating Gilbeys.
Whisky Live Dublin Returns WHISKY Live Dublin, the international whisky show, returns to Dublin on Saturday, May 26, after its successful Irish debut in 2011. Ireland’s premier whisky showcase will take place in The Round Room of the Mansion House in the heart of Dublin’s city centre, which will once again be transformed into a whisky lover’s paradise, with an exciting mix of wonderful whisky, great food and fantastic entertainment. This over 18s ticket-only event caters for the novice to the connoisseur, offering the opportunity to sample the best Irish whiskeys available from Irish Distillers, Grants, Cooley and Diageo. Other exhibitors on the day will include Bord Bia, the Celtic Whiskey Shop and Glencairn Crystal Studio. A broad selection of scotch and international whiskies will also be represented, with sampling stalls lining the Round Room. See www.whiskylive.com for more information.
Kilbeggan Named World’s Best Irish Blended Whiskey KILBEGGAN Irish Whiskey has been named the world’s Best Irish Blended Whiskey at the 2012 World Whiskies Awards (WWA). Part of the awardwinning portfolio of brands produced by Cooley Distillery, which was recently acquired by Beam, this is the third time in the last four years Kilbeggan has earned this top honour. In addition to being named Best Irish Blended Whiskey, Kilbeggan 18 Year Old was also selected as the Best Irish Blended Whiskey 13 to 20 Years at WWA by a panel of international judges made up of media, master blenders, distillers and industry representatives. Also from Cooley, Greenore was named the World’s Best Grain Whiskey at WWA – this year being recognized for the brand’s 18 Year Old expression.
Enjoy COORS LIGHT Sensibly. Visit
18|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Retail News Interview Michelle Griffin, Marketing Manager, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, explains the reasons behind the brand’s relaunch and the special relationship between the brand and its consumers.
Horse-drawn carts were once the delivery method for Johnston Mooney & O’Brien.
to the
IRELAND’S oldest bakery, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien was formed 177 years ago, when three Dublin bakers brought their skill and craftsmanship together to form one master bakery. Many older consumers will remember the Johnston Mooney & O’Brien shops that were commonplace in Dublin from the late 1800s, famed for both their bread and made-to-order cakes. Horse-drawn carts were the delivery method in those days, along with doorto-door deliveries.
A lot has changed over the course of the company’s history, but Johnston Mooney & O’Brien remains one of Ireland’s favourite brands. The company now operates from two ultramodern bakeries, the Johnston Mooney & O’Brien bread bakery in Finglas, Dublin, and Bundy Bakery in Clonee, Co. Meath, and the horse-and-cart fleet and door-to-door deliveries are consigned to the past. But the brand remains proud of its unique heritage. Indeed, March 2012 saw Johnston
Mooney & O’Brien unveil their new packaging designs and advertising, highlighting the brand’s rich history, including the re-introduction of the iconic ‘J’ brand symbol, and the new ‘Through the Ages’ TV advertising campaign. Michelle Griffin, Marketing Manager, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, explains the reasoning behind the new campaign and the special connection between the brand and its consumers.
Why did you decide to relaunch the Johnston Mooney & O’Brien brand now?
While our brand has great awareness in the market, we found through research that our unique attributes – unparalleled history, heritage, product quality and craftsmanship – were not so well known. We, therefore, decided to relaunch with the objective of ensuring every element of our brand, throughout the full marketing
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Retail News Interview Michelle Griffin, Marketing Manager, Johnston Mooney & O’Brien.
mix, emphasised the heritage and craftsmanship that goes into our great tasting bread and buns.
Why focus on the brand’s heritage?
While developing our new brand positioning statement, we noted a quote from consumer research Bord Bia had commissioned just last November: “In these unsettling times, people are looking for things that are real and authentic, that have stood the test of time and remained true to their heritage; these things provide both comfort and reassurance” (Source: Bord Bia Consumer Research, November 2011). As Ireland’s oldest bakery, the Johnston Mooney & O’Brien brand can meet this consumer need in a credible way. By emphasising this unique heritage, Irish consumers can trust that we have the knowledge and expertise to craft great tasting bread.
Why do you think the Johnston Mooney & O’Brien brand resonates so much with Irish consumers?
Butterkrust: one of Johnston Mooney & O’Brien’s popular brands.
Johnston Mooney & O’Brien has a really rich heritage with Irish consumers. Whether you remember visiting one of our stores that we had decades ago throughout Dublin, selling fresh bread, cakes and buns, or simply remember feeding ducks with breadcrumbs from one of our Toastie bags, as our advertising suggests, we really do have a shared history with Irish consumers.
Have consumer tastes for bread and bakery products changed much over the last 177 years? Consumer tastes have certainly evolved over the past 177 years, with a shift from brown to white bread in the early 1900s and a more
Why has the brand been so successful for so long?
There are many reasons why we’ve remained one of Ireland’s most loved bread brands but I think one of the key elements is certainly that we refuse to compromise on the quality of our ingredients. As you’ll see on our new pack designs, we explain that we use more than a century of experience to select high grade flour from the finest wheat-grown harvests. Great quality ingredients mean a great quality end product and our absolute objective is to bake great tasting bread.
How much has the market changed over the course of the bakery’s lifetime?
The market, as much as the country itself and indeed the world, has changed significantly since we began baking in 1835. Back then bread was delivered door-todoor and of course, it wasn’t packaged or even sliced! In all that time, one thing hasn’t changed: bread was a staple of Irish consumers’ diet then and it is today.
Johnston Mooney & O’Brien’s new packaging designs highlight the brand’s rich history, including the re-introduction of the iconic ‘J’ brand symbol.
recent resurgence of brown bread, as consumers are looking for a great source of fibre. The American influence has also had quite an impact in recent years, with the introduction of bagels, pitta bread and tortillas to the bakery category, which wouldn’t have been on Irish shelves 20 years ago.
How has your product range evolved over that time?
There have of course, been many changes over the years to ensure convenience for the consumer, moving to wax paper packaging and sliced bread in the early 1900s to square slices suitable for sandwiches and toasting and the convenient half-pan range to avoid waste.
20|Retail News| April 2012 |www.retailnews.ie
Retail News Interview How much have consumers’ nutritional concerns impacted on the sector?
Goodness of Both, a soft smooth white with all the goodness of wholemeal: a firm favourite with Irish consumers.
What innovations have you introduced to the market?
Johnston Mooney & O’Brien have always prided ourselves on innovation. We were the first to introduce sliced bread to the Irish market and to engage in wax paper wrapping to seal in freshness. We also, through our Bundys brand, introduced the American sponge and dough burger bun recipe to Ireland. Goodness of Both, a soft smooth white with all the goodness of wholemeal, is a more recent innovation that has proven a firm favourite with Irish consumers that love the taste of white but would like the nutritional benefits of wholemeal.
We’ve seen a slight sales shift from white bread to brown in recent times and the introduction of flat breads, such as wraps and bagels, has certainly offered the consumer a much wider variety of choice than was previously available. While still a comparatively small segment of the market, speciality bread for those with allergen concerns is also a relatively new area.
How has the recession impacted on the market in recent years?
Along with most other grocery categories, the recession has resulted in a much more promotionally intense market. At Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, we strive to offer the best value possible to the consumer but also understand the importance of investing in our brand and advertising during a recessionary environment. We’re actually investing more this
History in the baking 1835 The Johnston family set up a bakery in Dublin, before coming together with master bakers Mooney and O’Brien to share their baking expertise and craftsmanship to form Johnston Mooney & O’Brien. 1890s Johnston Mooney & O’Brien bread and cakes: specially made-to-order birthday and wedding cakes are in high demand.
1920s There are 10 Johnston Mooney & O’Brien Bread and Cake shops in Finglas, Cabra, Kimmage, Camden Street, Rathmines, Parnell Square, Dominick Street, Capel Street, Stillorgan and Dun Laoghaire.
1930s Johnston Mooney & O’Brien introduce Ireland to the ‘sliced loaf’ in the mid‘30s.
1960s The company’s horse and cart deliveries are replaced with a new fleet of electric vans.
1980s In the 1980s, the electric van fleet is replaced with the distinctive diesel vans that you see on Irish roads today.
1990s Bread baking is moved to Finglas, where it remains today, while their buns and rolls are baked in Clonee, Co. Meath. The Bundy brand launches, introducing an American-style sponge and dough bun recipe to Ireland. Butterkrust joins the Johnston Mooney and O’Brien family of baked goods.
2012 The launch of the new brand identity and tagline, ‘History in the Baking’.
year in advertising than ever before, as we truly believe product quality and a trusted brand is as important to consumers as value in today’s environment.
Has the fact that bread remains a staple of the Irish grocery shop helped the sector to withstand the current economic climate better than other FMCG areas?
It’s true that the breads category hasn’t experienced the same volume and value losses as other FMCG categories in recent times. As a nation, bread has always played a significant role in our diet: for many of us, it’s one of the first solid foods we eat, it’s in our lunchbox on our first day of school and on the dinner table we share with our families. Bread is certainly a relatively inexpensive food but I think the fact that we as Irish consumers have a shared history with this category mean it’s less susceptible to being replaced in our diets – in whichever form we prefer.
The fact that bread is such a staple must also make it difficult to add value to the market: how can this be achieved?
Value can certainly be added to this market. At a top level, innovation such as our Goodness of Both pan where the product offers the consumer a unique added benefit, the correct positioning of our convenience (half pan) range or value driving promotional mechanics all have a positive impact on the value of this category.
How do you see the future for (a) the bread/baked goods sector, and (b) Johnston Mooney & O’Brien, in Ireland?
It’s an exciting time for the baked goods sector. Consumer tastes are continuing to develop and the demand for variety of choice and nutritionally positive options is likely to continue. Johnston Mooney & O’Brien is growing value and volume share (Source: ACNielsen, Scantrack, MAT, December 25, 2011). We have strong growth ambitions and plan to work with retailers to drive category value through innovation and an effective promotional plan. Johnston Mooney & O’Brien will continue to invest in our brand, engage with our consumers and bake great-tasting bread and buns.
22|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
SuperValu National Conference Job creation was high on the agenda at the SuperValu National Conference.
A Good Year for SUPERVALU will add approximately 400 jobs over the next year, as five new stores are added to its network over the next 12 months. Almost 200 of these jobs will be created in new stores in Celbridge and Milltown Malbay, with the balance of jobs created by store extensions and other independent stores joining the SuperValu network. There stores will be opened as part of a €20m investment programme, which includes the refurbishment and revamps of 30 further stores. These announcements were made at the SuperValu National Conference in Killarney, which was attended by over 500 retail partners from 195 stores nationwide.
Driving Success
“Despite a tough trading environment, 2011 was a good year for SuperValu with €2 billion in retail sales and achieving market share of almost 20%,” Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, SuperValu, told the Conference. “We serve over two million customers per week and we believe it is our value proposition, our Irish sourcing policy and shoppers’ desire to shop locally in order to support their
Michael Morgan, SuperValu Sales Director, Martin Kelleher, SuperValu Managing Director, and Eugene Scally, Council Chairman, pictured with Healy’s Honey from Ballincollig, Co. Cork, and tea from Barber Daly & Co Ltd in Cork, part of the SuperValu ‘Own Brand’ products made in Ireland and available at SuperValu supermarkets throughout Ireland.
local communities and local jobs that are driving this success.” SuperValu’s 2011 performance included sales of almost half a billion euro of Irish fresh food. 100% of SuperValu’s meat, including beef, lamb, pork, bacon and chicken, is born, bred and reared in Ireland, representing €183m in retail sales. Kantar Market Data reports that SuperValu retains the largest market share of the beef, lamb and pork market in Ireland. The factors which contributed to SuperValu’s sales performance included significant price reductions, the roll-out of it Real Rewards loyalty card scheme and the development of new products based on consumer research, such as the new SuperValu ‘Prepared by our Butcher’ range, which delivered over €4m in retail sales alone. Martin Kelleher stressed that the group’s focus on value continues in 2012 with the recent launch of the SuperValu Own Brand Range. “With over 1,500 products now in its line-up, this move represents the biggest product launch in our history,”
he said. “With the range on average 33% cheaper than branded equivalents, it is set to help consumers spend less on their weekly grocery shopping, without compromising on quality. Just one month into its launch, we are seeing a significant sales increase and we expect this to continue, as consumers who want to spend less on their shopping buy more of this new range.”
Pictured at the SuperValu Conference in the Malton Hotel, Killarney are (l-r): Eugene Scally, Council Chairman; Martin Kelleher, Managing Director and Michael Morgan Sales Director.
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SuperValu of the Year
Glanmire Store Lifts Ryan’s SuperValu, Glanmire, was the Gold Award winner at the SuperValu of the Year Awards 2012.
Top Award
while Scally’s SuperValu, Clonakilty, West Cork, scooped the Bronze Award. All 195 SuperValu stores throughout the Republic of Ireland were assessed for the SuperValu of the Year competition by Simon Rawlinson, Executive Associate Director of GfK Mystery Shopping. “Each of the three winning Pictured at the SuperValu National Conference in Killarney, are stores is a perfect winners of the SuperValu of the Year 2012 Gold Award, store example of excellent manager Tom Higgins and owners Diane and Liam Ryan of retailing,” said Ryan’s SuperValu, Glanmire, Co. Cork. the judge. “The SuperValu ethos of ‘Real Food Real The SuperValu Store of the Year People’ is truly demonstrated across all awards were presented at the aspects of these stores. From the time SuperValu National Conference with you enter each store, you are greeted by the top prizes scooped by SuperValu an abundance of top quality fresh food stores in Cork and Meath. A tough in a bright and welcoming environment. contest, which saw fierce competition “These stores place a huge from seven other excellent finalists emphasis on providing excellent from around the country, saw Ryan’s customer service, best value for money SuperValu in Glanmire, Co. Cork, and quality fresh Irish food,” Simon named as the overall winner, receiving added. “Supporting local producers is the Gold Award. Nally’s SuperValu also paramount and these retailers are in Trim, Co. Meath, came a close an integral part of their communities, second, winning the Silver Award, through local
Receiving the Silver Award are Josie O’Rourke, Stephen Nally and Joe Nally of Nally’s SuperValu, Trim, with Michael Morgan, SuperValu Sales Director (left), Martin Kelleher, SuperValu Managing Director (second left) and Darren O’Sullivan, Head of Sector, eircom Business, competition sponsors (right).
sponsorship of community initiatives and sports clubs.”
Exceeding Customers’ Expectations
Delighted with the win, Liam Ryan of Ryan’s SuperValu, Glanmire, paid tribute to his team and said that their passion, enthusiasm and commitment singled out the Glanmire store for the award. “We are delighted with this award, as it recognises and endorses the work we do to exceed our customers’ expectations on a daily basis. Here in Glanmire, we have a solid reputation for consistent quality, superior service and an innovative approach to our delivery. It’s a great boost for the team to be acknowledged for this.” Describing the winning store as “a perfect example of a supermarket that goes that extra mile and ticks all the boxes in terms of its customer requirements”, Martin Kelleher, SuperValu MD, noted how “winning this competition is a great achievement and a real testament to the hard work and absolute dedication of the Ryan’s SuperValu team in providing its customers with a consistently good value product range and top class customer service. “Ryan’s, Nally’s and Scally’s SuperValu stores are a perfect example of local independent retailers working hard for their consumers and delivering stores that are recognised as the best in Ireland.”
Eugene Scally and store manager Adrian White, Scally’s SuperValu, Clonakility, Co. Cork, receive the Bronze Award from Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, SuperValu, Michael Morgan, SuperValu Sales Director, and Darren O’Sullivan, Head of Sector, eircom Business, competition sponsors.
24|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Snack Foods Irish consumers love snack foods, which are viewed as affordable luxuries.
The Snack Box The snack food sector, like every aspect of the FMCG market, has been affected by the recession, with consumers cutting back on their spending. However, much of these spending cuts tend to be on high value items, while snack foods are increasingly seen as an affordable luxury, even in these straitened times. In their latest report into the sector, Euromonitor predict that flavour innovation, health considerations and larger pack sizes will be the most significant drivers in the sector In particular, Euromonitor expects to see considerable new flavour development and purportedly more ‘natural’ and healthy products, containing less artificial additives, lower levels of sodium and lower amounts of trans fats. Crisps ranges will increasingly claim to be ‘baked’, ‘pan fried’, or ‘hand cooked’, according to the report, in order to attract more consumers concerned by the health implications of crisps/chips.
Last April, Walkers Sunbites introduced a new, colourful pack design to help drive sales by drawing consumers’ attention to its great tasting flavours, coupled with a marketing campaign to heighten consumer awareness of the brand’s wholesome taste credentials and driving trial via sampling. By the end of 2011, Walkers Sunbites was the number one BFY NPD in the market (Source: ACNielsen, Total Scantrack, W/E 26 Feb 2012).
Pepper, Oven Roasted Onion & Rosemary and Sun-Ripened Sweet Chilli, together with the new Cheddar and Caramelised Onion NPD. Single serve formats include Sour Cream & Cracked Black Pepper and Sun-Ripened Sweet Chilli.
In 2012, Walkers Sunbites will be supported with press, shopper marketing and digital advertising, as well as sampling events.
In 2012, Walkers Sunbites will be supported with press, shopper marketing and digital advertising. Walkers Sunbites will also run sampling in major multiples as well as experiential sampling events, giving consumers the chance to try these “tiny moments of extraordinary pleasure”. Walkers Sunbites contain 67% wholegrain, including whole oats, corn and wheat. They contain no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. A 25g pack of Sunbites contains 30% less fat than regular crisps and provides more than a third of the suggested daily amount of wholegrain (Source: 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans). Walkers Sunbites are available in six-pack format in five great tasting natural flavours, including Lightly Sea Salted, Sour Cream & Cracked Black
Ireland’s number one large sharing snacks brand (Source: Kantar World Panel, Crisps & Snacks Value Share Data, 52 w/e February 2012), Pringles, from Procter & Gamble, are shaking up the crisps and snacks category with the launch of their best-ever chip, supported by an extensive marketing campaign, including TV, print advertising and PR. Pringles’ best-ever chips have been created using an innovative new technique which enables the seasoning to be spread across the whole chip, giving consumers a more intense and satisfying taste with every single bite. This key improvement is highlighted with a ‘Bursting with more flavour’ claim on-pack for increased consumer awareness in-store. “As Ireland’s favourite large sharing snack, it’s important we continue to lead the category and offer consumers the very best product, and with this launch we feel we are doing just that,” enthuses Fiachra Moloney, Pringles Marketing Manager, UK and Ireland. “Not only does our new
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Snack Foods “Our extensive consumer research has revealed that taste is one of the most important factors in purchase decisions within snacks,” he continues. “We’re confident the new, improved product will not only be a success with existing consumers through increased media awareness, but we hope to drive penetration with new consumers. Retailers should ensure they are stocked up with best-ever Pringles and make the most of the sales opportunity with a range of POS materials to boost in-store presence.”
Tyrrells Crisps
Pringles’ best-ever chips have been created anseasoning innovative new New Pringlesusing have even more and their best-ever taste. With massive multi-million pound media support, your store will be bursting with customers. technique which enables the seasoning to be spread across the whole chip, giving consumers a more intense and satisfying taste with every single bite.
PRU0808_BurstAd2_A4_AW4.indd 1
24/02/2012 13:54
production and seasoning technology ensure Pringles have more flavour than ever but we have also improved the seasoning on some of our core favourites for the best ever taste experience for consumers.
SHS Sales & Marketing has been appointed Irish distributor by Herefordshire-based gourmet snack producer, Tyrrells Crisps. The agreement sees the company, which has operations in Belfast and Dublin, manage the Tyrrells range of crisps in the multiple and convenience trade channels in the Republic of Ireland and the convenience channel in Northern Ireland. The Tyrrells brand is already well-established in the UK and the company has
doubled sales in European markets in 2011. Established in 2002, the firm is best known for its premium HandCooked Potato Crisps and high impact consumer packaging. “We are delighted to be part of transforming a vibrant fresh brand into a strong local market performer and know Tyrrells can excel further within our portfolio,” said David O’Neill, Managing Director of SHS Sales & Marketing. “Its performance to date evidences the potential to accelerate sales and secure optimum positioning in the Irish market. Tyrrells is currently enjoying success in many European markets and it will make a distinctive and exciting addition to our brand portfolio.”
Tyrrells are best known for their premium Hand-Cooked Potato Crisps and high impact consumer packaging.
Snack Time Meanz Heinz Time THROUGH its Baked Beanz, Pasta and Soup brands, HJ Heinz has always delivered tasty, healthy and convenient snack foods. Ongoing investment by Heinz in this sector sees it set to remain a keen player into the future by satisfying consumer demand for convenience, choice and nutrition, without compromising on taste or quality. Heinz Snap Pots are ideal for consumers who seek an even quicker way to enjoy iconic Heinz Beanz and Heinz Spaghetti Hoops, a portion of both of which now provide one of consumers’ five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. The truly innovative Snap Pot format offers four individual 200g portions of Heinz Beanz or Spaghetti Hoops that are ready from the microwave in just one minute, making them ideal for busy families and lunch and snack occasions, both at home and at work. In addition, because Heinz Snap Pots can be popped directly into the microwave, there is no the need to hover by the hob or add to the washing-up! Launched in Autumn 2011, Heinz Squeeze & Stir is a revolutionary new soup in a cup format. Made from concentrated purée rather than powder, each recipe contains one of consumers’ five-aday and has no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or MSG and is low in fat. The purée format delivers outstandingly in terms of taste, consistency and goodness credentials. Available in four varieties including Cream of Tomato, Minestrone, Cream of Tomato & Basil and Mediterranean Vegetable, the Heinz Squeeze & Stir range is available in handy, lightweight squeezable sachets. All consumers need to do is simply squeeze the soup into a cup, add boiling water, stir and enjoy. Heinz Snap Pots are ideal for consumers who seek an even quicker way to enjoy iconic Heinz Beanz and Heinz Spaghetti Hoops.
Heinz Squeeze & Stir is a revolutionary new soup in a cup format, made from concentrated purée rather than powder.
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Utilising Social Media
When is Social Media Good for Business? Implementing a strategy is vital if you’re going to take advantage of the vast opportunities presented by social media, writes Jim Walsh, Walsh PR. FOR retailers in the grocery sector, the attraction of becoming involved in social media raises many questions about what has become the most dynamic and direct way to communicate this century. Are we being left behind? How do we start? How do we control the message? What resources do we need? Surely it cannot cost much if everyone is on Facebook? These are questions companies and organisations of all kinds are asking themselves. The same fundamentals may seem to apply using social media, whether you are an individual or an organisation. But the reality is different. As an organisation, you have a lot more to lose in terms of reputation and business if you do not properly manage your involvement in social and digital media. Yes, it is nice to be seen as progressive, to embrace new technology, to be in tune with the latest communication platforms. But it is much more important to ask who are your audience and are they in tune with social and digital media. Like all other methods of communication, you need to approach social media in a strategic and systematic way. That is not the way an individual approaches Facebook or Twitter, for example. An individual has much more freedom and flexibility in engaging with others on social media.
Tremendous Opportunities
There are great opportunities for grocery retailers using social media, particularly those who invest both time and money in creative integrated campaigns. Look at SPAR’s Facebook page, for example, where it features the ‘See The World with SPAR’ competition, offering customers the chance to travel the world as a SPAR reporter, or Tesco’s ‘The Great Easter Egg Hunt’, inviting consumers to take part in an online Easter Egg Hunt. But, social media is not exclusive to big budgets. The main resources you need are time and the ability to provide interesting and useful content. If you are an SME or corporate where the principal or senior management don’t have the time or interest to become actively involved, it is worth looking internally for someone who does, but under the ‘editorial’ management of a senior person. Alternatively, go to an external company that can provide advice in setting up a social media strategy and/ or become a content provider for you.
environment by having a strategy and guidelines in place for when, why and how it uses social media. Social media is an open and transparent environment where spontaneity can be a double edged sword for an organisation. Online forums allow individuals to give vent to many ridiculous and downright stupid comments and allegations. No organisation would communicate in that way but must have in place a strategy for handling such comments if made about it. Using social and digital media can be an excellent way to engage with your customers and to build longlasting relationships. But like every other way of building relationships, it takes time, commitment and constant nurturing.
About the Author
Protecting Your Reputation
It is one thing for Jim Walsh as an individual to tweet or blog about what’s on TV or make comments about the latest Government austerity measure: it is an entirely different situation for a company to allow someone within its organisation the same freedom. A company must protect its reputation in the social media
JIM Walsh heads the Online Strategy and Content Provider team at Walsh Public Relations.
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Supply Chain Conference
GS1 Hosts
Supply Chain
April 27 is a key date for anyone involved in the supply chain industry, as GS1 Ireland host their National Supply Chain Conference in the Convention Centre, Dublin. John Perry TD, Minister of State for Small Business, is photographed at the announcement of GS1’s National Supply Chain conference on April 27, 2012, with GS1’s CEO, Mike Byrne, and GS1 Chairman, Tony Minogue.
GS1 Ireland’s National Supply Chain Conference takes place on Friday, April 27, in the Convention Centre, Dublin, with the focus on “Visibility and Innovation”. This conference will span a range of key industry sectors including food, consumer goods and clothing, as well as new sectors such as aerospace, each of which faces the same dilemmas as to how to accurately identify products and assets and exchange information about them. The issues span the entire supply chain, from raw materials suppliers to finished goods and consumers. Indeed, the final part of the process – communicating with the Smart Consumer in the Digital Age – will be a key element of the conference, focusing on bringing together brands and
consumers via mobile applications and the critical factors of achieving success and customer satisfaction. Almost two million companies in more than 20 industry sectors globally use GS1 standards and solutions for supply chain efficiency, traceability and collaboration. The GS1 Ireland National Supply Chain Conference will bring together practitioners from a wide variety of industry sectors to share their expertise with Irish organisations on creating more effective and more efficient business processes through the use of GS1 global supply chain standards. Following the Opening Address by John Perry TD, Minister of State for Small Business, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and the Introduction by Mike Byrne, GS1 Ireland’s new CEO, the conference, over a series of four sessions, will bring attendees up to speed on the latest developments and innovative practices regarding:
Session 1 Managing Your Product Data - a key enabler and business asset:
Data drives your business. From the warehouse to the final consumer, product data is key to ensuring your product is available, on the shelf for
consumers to purchase. From product sizes to case configurations to allergy information, getting accurate data to each of these points in the supply chain is a significant business challenge. In this first session of the conference, attendees will hear from both a retailer and a supplier on how they are using parts of the GS1 Standards toolkit to meet this challenge and how these processes are enabling them to be innovative and meet the demands of the smart consumer. Speakers include Edel Russell, Head of Loyalty and Insight, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland, and John Mee, Supply Chain Manager, Glanbia.
Session 2 The Mobile Age - where and how do consumers source product information?
In the always-on digital age, consumers have limitless access to tools and resources to find, research and compare products. But who controls these channels? Is the data they find online accurate? What strategies do you have in place to ensure your customers find accurate, up-to-date information about your products? In this session, speakers, including Damian Lawlor, MD, Media Platforms, Northern & Central Europe,
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Supply Chain Conference Google, look at this dynamic new space and see how GS1 Standards can assist organisations to meet the challenge of satisfying consumer demand for information through mobile and online channels.
Session 3 Innovation in Action
For over 30 years, the barcode has been the technology of choice for enabling data capture along the supply chain. Now RFID adoption is gathering pace and moving from the warehouse and supply chain to the shop floor. In this session, attendees will hear from organisations that have utilised RFID to transform their business processes, deliver efficiency and cost savings, from stock replenishment and control solutions in the apparel sector to meeting the rigorous safety and regulatory requirements of the aviation industry.
Session 4 Traceability and Recall
Ireland has an enviable asset in its agricultural land, climate and food culture to lead on the world stage in
terms of producing high quality and safe food. Capitalising on these assets and growing our international reputation is a key objective for the sector in terms of long term survival and opportunity. Having a safe, secure, compliant supply chain with full traceability and recall capabilities, in line with international standards will be key to enabling this success. In this session, speakers examine how Irish food companies can deploy GS1 Standards for identification and data sharing to position and enable their organisations to take full advantage of the growth and export opportunities that lie ahead. Speakers include: Aidan Cotter, CEO, Bord Bia; John Keogh, Global Director, Product & Consumer Safety, GS1 Global; and Justin Carton, Director of Information, Carton Bros. For more information see www.GS1ie.org, or contact Maria or Karen in GS1 Ireland on 01 208 0660.
New CEO at GS1 Ireland
MIKE Byrne was recently appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of GS1. He joins GS1 Ireland from ComReg, where he was Chairperson and Commissioner of Ireland’s Electronic Communications Regulatory Authority. He was also the elected Chair of the European Commission’s strategic advisory body on the use of radio spectrum for commercial and civil use, the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG). Prior to joining ComReg, he was a Director of Vision Consulting, the international management and technology consulting firm.
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Moy Park News
‘Wing it’ to the Sunshine State with Moy Park MOY Park, Ireland’s number one poultry brand, is giving families across Ireland and Northern Ireland the chance to ‘wing it’ to the sunshine state for a luxury family holiday in Disney World Florida. Recognising that fast lives need flavour and holidays, the premium food company is offering one lucky family of four the opportunity of a lifetime, to escape the hectic pace of everyday life and jet off on a two-week holiday to the USA. The competition, which will run on pack on Moy Park branded products, has been given an innovative new twist using the very latest smart phone technology – Blippar augmented reality. Moy Park is breaking new
ground by becoming the first Northern Irish brand to use this cutting-edge technology, which will bring the competition to life and enable consumers to enter via their smart phone. “To access the augmented reality content, all consumers need to do is simply download the Blippar app for free, then hold their smart phone screen over the Moy Park logo on the pack and they will be taken to a virtual reality Moy Park recipe book and an interactive link to the website to allow them to enter the competition while standing in the supermarket,” explains Paul Burch, Moy Park Accounts Director Ireland. See www.iloveirishchicken.com for more information.
The McKimm family, mum and dad, Mary and Brian, with six-year old Lucy and eight-year old Hannah, help to launch the Moy Park competition to ‘wing it’ to the sunshine state for a luxury family holiday in Disney World Florida.
Moy Park Facts • Moy Park is Ireland’s number one poultry brand and the biggest processor of Irish chicken under the Bord Bia Quality Assured scheme. • The company is recognised as one of the largest producers of free range and corn fed poultry in Europe. • Moy Park supplies leading retailers and foodservice providers throughout Ireland, the UK and Europe with a range of high-quality, fresh, breaded and added value poultry products. • The Moy Park branded products continue to feed a growing consumer demand for locally sourced Irish chicken.
• 47.7% of Irish households bought the Moy Park brand during 2011. • The Moy Park range includes a selection of breaded, fresh and readyto-cook chicken and is supported by a fully integrated marketing campaign, which includes a series of TV adverts. • The latest TV advert, entitled ‘Fast Lives Need Flavour’, runs from March 2012 through to October 2012. • Moy Park has a 30% share of the Irish fresh breaded chicken market. The five top selling products are: 1. Moy Park Garlic Irish Chicken Kievs 2. Moy Park Creamy Garlic Irish Chicken Kievs 3. Moy Park Bacon & Cheese Irish Chicken Kievs 4. Moy Park Breaded Chicken Nuggets 5. Moy Park Breaded Chicken Goujons • Best-sellers in the primary poultry category are Moy Park fresh whole chickens (assorted sizes) and 450g chicken fillet packs. • Over 60% of the chicken that Moy Park produces will exceed ACP (Assured Chicken Production) standards and will either be organic, free range or higher welfare.
• Moy Park has been part of Brazilbased Marfrig Group since 2008. • Moy Park expanded its base through the acquisition of the O’Kane Poultry business in Northern Ireland in 2010, increasing its poultry farming and processing capacity, milling capability and enabling the company to enter the turkey sector for the first time. • Moy Park processes over 200m locally-produced chickens and over 2m turkeys per year and believes its success is based on maintaining close relationships and working in partnership with its farmers, as well as continued investment in the business. • In 2011, Moy Park extended the Moy Park branded range of fresh and breaded poultry and ‘ready to cook meals’ into Northern Ireland. The range has been hugely successful in the Irish market and this success is now being echoed in Northern Ireland. • Moy Park has continued to invest in sustainability and waste management. The company now sends 95% of waste to recycling or re-use facilities and eight of its production sites have already achieved zero waste to landfill.
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Moy Park News
Moy Park Announces A Clear Winner for Moy Park Culinary Range Extension PREMIUM poultry producer Moy Park has launched a range of roast chicken products under the O’Kane brand in a move which demonstrates the company’s on-going focus on new product development. The new product range is being listed in independent stores and supermarkets across Ireland and Northern Ireland, and builds on the O’Kane brand’s strong heritage in cooked products. The new range includes: roast whole chicken; roasted chicken breast fillets; cooked skinless chicken breast fillets; roast chicken legs; roast chicken drumsticks; flame grilled chicken chunky breast pieces; tikka chicken chunky breast pieces; barbecue chicken chunky breast pieces; barbecue chicken wings and hot ‘n’ spicy chicken wings. “We are continually looking at ways to adapt and diversify our range in line with
consumer trends and demand – especially for high quality, locally produced food,” said Paul Burch, Moy Park Accounts Director Ireland. “These new O’Kane products will give our consumers greater choice and a range of convenient options that are quick and easy.” For more information and to view Moy Park’s full range of products, see www.moypark.com
Moy Park ‘Springs’ Into Action TO welcome the start of spring, Moy Park has created a range of scrumptious chicken recipes for consumers with the best of seasonal produce centre stage to invigorate Ireland’s taste buds. Made using a selection of the Moy Park
branded product range, these everyday dishes have been designed with the consumer in mind. For more information and to view Moy Park’s full range of recipes, please visit www.iloveirishchicken.com
ELIZABETH Clear from Dublin has claimed the sought-after title of ‘All-Ireland Winner’ in the My Moy Park Recipe Competition, with her scrumptious chicken dish, Creamy Chicken Pie’. Moy Park had thrown down the gauntlet to all those with culinary prowess across Ireland and Northern Ireland to share their most treasured chicken Elizabeth Clear, winner of the My recipe, to be in with a Moy Park Recipe Competition, pictured with her winning dish: chance of winning a weekend break for two Creamy Chicken Pie. at the award-winning ‘MacNean House’ in Co. Cavan. With over 1,000 entries in the first round of the competition, it was left to the expert judging panel, which included Moy Park’s Executive Chef Aaron Dixon, to identify the cream of the crop and select five recipes to go to the public vote. A range of delicious and imaginative dishes reached the final stage, including Irish Whiskey Chicken, Marinated Chicken Kebabs with Lemon-Pepper Yoghurt Sauce, Vietnamese Sweet and Sour Chicken Soup and Moy Amazing Italian Chicken, but it was Elizabeth’s family favourite Creamy Chicken Pie, which trounced the others and secured the coveted grand prize. Paul Burch, Moy Park Accounts Director Ireland, said, “After a competitive online public vote, we are thrilled to announce that Elizabeth’s ‘Creamy Chicken Pie’ recipe has reigned supreme and won the My Moy Park Recipe Competition. Elizabeth’s much-loved family recipe embodies the values of Moy Park; representing both the importance of using the finest in high quality local produce and recognising that even families with busy lifestyles need flavour.” Delighted with her achievement, Elizabeth Clear enthused, “It’s amazing to have won the My Moy Park Recipe Competition. I’m really excited to take my mother to ‘MacNean House’, who, along with my aunt, inspired my ‘Creamy Chicken Pie’ recipe, which started as a leftover pie at Christmas! I love Moy Park chicken; it is not only great value but its versatility means it can be used in a wide range of dishes.” To view Elizabeth’s winning recipe, along with the full range of delicious Moy Park ‘In the Kitchen recipes, please visit www.iloveirishchicken.com
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On the Vine
American Idols Jean Smullen looks at must-stock wines from the Americas, North and South.
There are three countries that feature prominently when looking at the Americas: Chile, USA and Argentina. Most importers offer a range of wines from all of these countries, with on-going promotions and many special offer price points currently available. When looking at the North American market, the state in question is California, which accounts for over 95% of all American wine sales on the Irish market: the rest comes from either Oregon or Washington State. When considering South America, the focus is very firmly on Chile, one of the key countries of origins on the Irish market at the present time. Argentina is growing, though from a very small
base, and there is also a tiny amount of wine from Uruguay available here, mainly through the supermarket and multiple off licence groups. First of all, it is vital to point out that the market for wine in Ireland continues to grow. After two years of falling consumption, -3.9% in 2008 and -9.5% in 2009, the market grew by 9% in 2010 and returned to its peak 2007 level of 8.7m cases. Preliminary figures indicate that growth continued in 2011, with overall wine sales increasing by 4% (Source: Irish Wine Association). Country of Origin figures to September 2011 show how important California and Chile are to the Irish market. Chile commands just over
20% of the total market, United States (California) just over 10% and Argentina 0.9%. Figures for September 2011 show that Chile grew volume sales by 4.5%, though value was down by -0.9%. Volume sales of Californian wine for the same period dropped by -5.8% with value down by -9.1%, which is
Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato is set to be one of the success stories of the year, with Moscato fast replacing Pinot Grigio as the fashionable “grape of choice” with the young female wine drinker.
Wines Under €10 2011 Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato: €8.49 (10 International) E&J Gallo now handle their own distribution in Ireland, working with a number of wholesale and importing companies, including 10 International. Philip Lynch, who previously worked with IDL, now runs Gallo’s Irish operation. Moscato has been a huge success story in the USA in 2011: with sales of the Moscato varietal growing by a whopping 73%, it is fast replacing Pinot Grigio as the fashionable “grape of choice” with the young female wine drinker. The wine has only 8.5% ABV, so the lower alcohol level is another good selling point. This is poised to be the new big thing and will
be appearing on Irish shelves this spring. Contact Phil.Lynch@ejgallo.com for more information.
2010 The McKenna Range Cabernet Sauvignon: RRP €9.29 but on promotion at €7.49 (Coman’s Wines) Undurraga created this wine range especially for the Irish market. It highlights the historical link between Juan (John) McKenna, one of the heroes of the revolution in Chile in 1810, and Ireland. There are two varietals in the range, Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Both are well made, good quality wines from one of Chile’s top wineries. The McKenna is currently on
McKenna Collection Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon: well made, good quality wines from one of Chile’s top wineries.
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On the Vine Wines over €10 2010 Santa Rita Reserva Sauvignon Blanc DO Leyda Valley: RRP €13.00 (Gleeson Incorporating Gilbeys) This is still the top selling Chilean brand on the Irish market. The Reserva range, with new labelling for increased stand-out, includes Carmenere and Cabernet Sauvignon but it is their Sauvignon Blanc that tops the poll in terms of its visibility. This is a great quality Sauvignon Blanc where the price/quality ratio stands out: lovely ripe, zesty fruit but with that minerality showing through. Leyda is a new cool climate Chilean region that is producing excellent quality fruit. This wine shows why Santa Rita holds so much appeal with the Irish consumer.
2010 Santa Ana Viognier: RRP €12.99 (Classic Drinks) Cork-based Classic Drinks have distributed this wine since 2011, alongside the excellent Michel Torino range from Argentina. This wine is made from 100% Viognier, grown
obviously an impact of the stronger dollar. Argentina grew by +4.5% with value increasing by +1.3% (Source: ACNielsen Sept 2011). The consumer is currently buying on price. Special offers are generating
promotion for €7.49. Coman’s also distribute Trapiche wines from Argentina, with an RRP of €8.99 though also currently on promotion for €6.99. There are four varietals featured in the Trapiche range: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon.
2009 Blossom Hill Cabernet Sauvignon: RRP €9.14 (Gleeson Incorporating Gilbeys) The Blossom Hill range now features a new label for added stand-out on shelf.
in the San Juan River Valley which is aged for nine months in French and American oak. This Viognier is a good quality mid-priced Argentinean white wine. It is a very aromatic grape variety that will appeal to the wine enthusiast.
the winery is owned by Roberto Luca, who works with consultant Michelle Rolland. Malbec is Argentina’s flagship red grape and this is an excellent version of it. There is also an entry level wine from the winery called Altosur retailing at €11.99.
2008 Errazuriz Max Reserva Carmenere: RRP €14.99 (Cassidy Wines)
2009 Carmen Gran Reserva Carmenere: RRP €15.19 (Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd)
The Max Reserva range from Errazuriz punches way above its weight in terms of the price point. This has always been a great quality wine range. The Errazuriz winemaker, Francisco Baettig, is a regular visitor to Dublin. No variety says Chile like Carmenere, whose re-emergence is the story of a happy accident. Carmenere lovers have come to appreciate the low tannins and big, bright blackberry fruit of this grape.
This wine won a Gold Medal at the International Wine Challenge in 2011. Carmen was responsible for the re-discovery of Carmenere in their vineyards in 1994. I tasted this wine with Sebastian Labbe, head winemaker at Carmen, on his recent visit to Dublin and it is a fine example of a mid-priced Chilean wine, which shows the nuances of their flagship grape perfectly. The black pepper/ paprika aromas, a characteristic of the grape variety, shine through on the nose, with chocolate and paprika with bramble fruit in the mouth. This is very much a food wine and one you can recommend to customers for that special dinner party occasion.
2009 Finca Sophenia Reserva Malbec: RRP €14.99 (James Nicholson Wine Merchants) Finca Sophenia is based in Mendoza. This is an estate-grown Malbec, and
sales. Chile, in particular, is driving this, with a range of promotions and special offers. The Irish consumer views Chile in a very positive light: the wine styles are recognisable and they appeal to the consumer. California appeals
This spring, Gleeson Incorporating Gilbeys will be highlighting the varietal wines from the Blossom Hill range, including this key red grape variety, Cabernet Sauvignon. This is a fruitforward style of Californian Cabernet Sauvignon: it shows the firm tannin of the grape, which makes it ideal as a recommendation to serve with meat. Blossom Hill was the top-selling wine brand on the Irish market in 2011, so it is a must stock for retailers.
2010 Cono Sur Pinot Noir: RRP €9.99 but on promotion at €7.99 (Findlater Wines & Spirits) This is probably the best value Pinot
too, especially with their Rosé or Blush wines, while Moscato is now aiming to start a trend. Here is a selection of good value wines from America (North & South) that retailers should have on their shelves this spring.
Noir that there is on the market at the moment. Made by awardwinning winemaker Adolfo Hurtado, this shows the best expression of this iconic grape variety at this price point. The varietal range from Cono Sur will be on special offer during May 2012 at the reduced price of €7.99. It is widely distributed and has great consumer recognition. Cono Sur also have impressive green credentials, having just won Green Company of the Year 2011, a testament to their ongoing work towards preserving the environment. Cono Sur was also the world’s first carbon neutral winery.
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Tobacco Products
Hot Topics The illicit tobacco trade remains a massive problem, costing the Government and retailers millions in lost earnings each year. IRELAND’S illegal cigarette problem is growing at a rapid rate according to figures compiled by the Irish Tobacco Manufacturers Advisory Committee, with 23 out of the 26 counties in Ireland registering illegal cigarette activity in 2011, up from 15 counties in 2010. The Revenue Commissioners Defaulter List figures for 2011 showed that 23 counties in Ireland had convictions related to either the smuggling or selling of illegal cigarettes in 2011, with only three counties, Sligo, Kildare and Roscommon, not registering any convictions. The Defaulters List also showed that average fine for selling illegal cigarettes in 2011 was €2,833, while the average fine for smuggling tobacco was €1,829, with one smuggler from Dublin getting fined just €50 on conviction. “The statistics may be shocking to most people but it’s not surprising to see a 30% increase in activity from 2010 to 2011,” said a spokesperson for the Irish Tobacco Manufacturers Advisory Committee. “A lot of people see the illegal cigarette problem as one that happens in the big cities but this shows that it is now affecting nearly every county in Ireland and subsequently, nearly every community
is being exposed to criminal activity through this. People need to understand this is not just a person trying to make a quick buck, this stems from high level international crime gangs involved in child trafficking, prostitution and terrorism.” The Government’s recent increases to VAT and excise on cigarettes have pushed the cost to the consumer above €9 for a pack of 20. With illegal cigarettes now available on the streets for nearly a third of that price, people are being pushed towards purchasing from the black market. “Without restraint on increases and better enforcement, the problem will continue to grow,” argued the ITMAC spokesperson. “A fine of €1,800 will not deter an illegal cigarette smuggler when they can make profit in one bag or suitcase smuggled into the country. This problem is not going away.” In 2010, the illegal tobacco trade in Ireland represented approximately 23% of all tobacco consumed. As a result, Government lost VAT and excise in the region of €460m and retailers lost approximately €575m in lost turnover. In 2011, we have witnessed another slight decline in the percentage of Non-Irish Duty Paid (NIDP) tobacco. Even though we have seen a decrease from 27% in 2009 to
approximately 20% in 2011, it is still at an unacceptable level. While the big players have welcomed Government initiatives on the issue, including the establishment of the Advisory Group for Small Business and the publication of the Revenue Customs Service’s three-year strategy to combat the illicit trade, industry figures feel that the same focus on this issue is required in the following years to truly reduce the level of the illicit trade and redirect the significant revenues lost annually back in to the Irish economy, local retailers and all tobacco related companies. New trends include the growth of ‘illicit whites’ or lookalike brands for sale on the black market and an increase in the number of seizures of loose tobacco. The tobacco category remains a vital element of the modern retail landscape in Ireland, however. It continues to be a key footfall driver and profit generator, accounting for over €1.9 billion in retail sales in Ireland.
As Irish retailers continue to be challenged by the current economic landscape of unemployment, emigration and waning consumer
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Tobacco Products in Ireland with over 17% market share (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, 17.3% RMC Volume Share, 4 weeks ending 26/02/12). Its stronghold remains in the west with over 30% market share in Connaught (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, 30.3% B&H Volume Share Conn/Ulster, 4 weeks ending 26/02/12). Benson & Hedges Gold has proven to be resilient with the introduction of Benson & Hedges Silver Slide, a new extension to the Benson & Hedges house. The unique Slide pack offering is now available at a new competitive retail price of €8.30. This month, Benson & Hedges introduces a new range of Limited Edition packs, with five unique designs that will take consumers on a ‘Golden’ journey of discovery. As Ireland’s number one brand, Silk Cut has enjoyed 26% market share since 1994 (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, Benson & Hedges is introducing a new 26% RMC Volume Share, 4 weeks range of Limited Edition packs this month. ending 26/02/12) and is admired as a premium brand that provides a consistently high quality product to confidence, the management of the adult consumers. Offering the most tobacco category has never been more diverse range, Silk Cut now has 10 important. individual brands making up the Silk JTI’s Silk Cut, with over 26% share Cut house, with the launch of new of the cigarette market, is the number Silk Cut Choice. During the last five one cigarette brand in the country, decades, the brand has demonstrated followed closely by the iconic Benson its ability to remain a modern classic & Hedges. A reputation for superior with subtle quality and a long and improvements rich heritage means to product and that Silk Cut and pack, while B&H remain Ireland’s remaining true leading cigarette to its original brands. style. There have been JTI’s marketsome interesting new leading portfolio product developments of competitively within the category priced brands too. In 2011 a number in the subof innovations were premium sector, launched by JTI onto includes Mayfair, the Irish market, the number including the very one selling first menthol crush brand in the proposition with Silk value sector in Cut Choice, a B&H Ireland (Source: Gold 23’s pack, while ACNielsen, earlier this year, Amber Extended Leaf was the first RYO Scantrack, brand to include filters Cigarette Volume and papers in the Share (RRP 12.5g CPB. under €8.45), 52 JTI’s Benson & WE 26/02/12), Hedges Gold KS still and Winston, enjoys its number New Silk Cut Choice: the latest the number two one status as the addition to the house of Silk Cut. brand worldwide. best-selling cigarette
JTI Ireland’s Youth Access Prevention Campaign JTI Ireland is launching a nationwide ’Show Me I.D – Be Age OK’ Awareness Week, from May 28 to June 3, 2012 to create greater awareness of their nationwide youth access prevention programme. The week will aim to prevent youth access to tobacco products, and also highlight the zero tolerance approach of tobacco retailers to underage sales of tobacco. The youth access prevention awareness week will involve: • A launch photo-call complemented by a nationwide media campaign; • The Show Me I.D poster will appear on the JTI retail vending machines of 1,200 retail outlets nationwide (they have already begun appearing in many outlets); • Encouraging retail staff across the country to wear Show Me I.D t-shirts, hats and badges; • Show Me I.D branded token for cigarette machines distributed in bars and restaurants across the country. Show Me I.D – Be Age Ok has received the endorsement of the CSNA, RGDATA, the NFRF, VFI and NOffLA. For further information, email info@showmeid.ie or visit www.showmeid.ie.
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Tobacco Products
Amber Leaf has enjoyed rapid growth, to become Ireland’s best selling RYO Brand.
From April 2, 2012, both of these brand houses will retail at the reduced RRP of €8.00. Camel, the original American blend cigarette, dating back to 1913, is also reduced from this date to RRP €8.30. Roll Your Own (RYO) is now firmly established as a mainstream mode of smoking and is a substantial contributor to the tobacco category. Once considered a niche offering, RYO is enjoying a period of sustained growth and is now a significant profit generator for Irish tobacco retailers. One explanation for the recent growth
of the sector can certainly be attributed to the changing economic landscape in Ireland, which is forcing adult smokers to search out less expensive alternatives. The volume of RYO sales has increased by a significant 22.6% in 2011 (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, RYO Volumes, 52 weeks ending 01/01/12). JTI’s Amber Leaf in particular has been the brand driving the growth of the sector. It alone has grown by 72.2% over the same period (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, RYO Volumes, 52 weeks ending 01/01/12). Its rapid growth throughout 2011 has meant that Amber Leaf has surpassed the competition in becoming Ireland’s best selling RYO brand (Source: 44.03% Share of RYO Market, ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, RYO Volume Share, WE 26/02/12). Amber Leaf has gained the reputation as the most innovative RYO brand in the market and is continuing to go from strength to strength. The popular 12.5g pack, which holds both papers and filters, is the latest innovation from Amber Leaf and is the obvious choice for existing adult smokers looking for a quality RYO product at a competitive price. The Amber Leaf portfolio also includes a 12.5g pouch retailing at €4.40. Since its launch in December, it has enjoyed great success and currently holds a market share of 2.12% (Source: Share of RYO Market, ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack, RYO Volume Share, WE 26/02/12). Look out for the 25g Limited Edition pouch design that reaches the market this month.
John Player
For generations, John Player has manufactured and distributed leading brands of cigarettes, cigars, Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco and most recently the innovative Make Your Own (MYO) tobacco. In a an industry under extreme pressure, trading in a dark market Amber Leaf’s new 25g Limited Edition pouch design. and with
counterfeit and illegal tobacco sales at an all time high, John Player have been resilient and continue to be innovative in a restricted category. The latest addition to the John Player family is the new John Player Blue Compact cigarette. Building upon the strong heritage and success of the John Player brand, John Player Blue Compact is sure to impress adult consumers who are looking for a full flavour, premium cigarette with an attractive price point of €8.20. The John Player Blue Compact cigarette is slightly slimmer than a regular cigarette, with a 6.5mm diameter versus 7.9mm respectively, offering adult consumers all the flavour of John Player Blue from a slimmer cigarette. In these times of austerity, existing consumers are looking for even more value, so now is the perfect time to launch this extension to this successful Irish brand, thus a premium cigarette at a reduced price point. The value for money (VFM) sector is growing positively in both the long and short term, which is indicating
The Regulatory Landscape THE regulatory landscape in Ireland continues to evolve. From November 17, 2011, lower ignition propensity (LIP) cigarettes were introduced in Ireland. The Lower Ignition Propensity (LIP) regulation requires all cigarettes sold in the European Union to comply with standards that increase the chances of a cigarette selfextinguishing when left at rest. The new regulation has been introduced by the European Union and aims to reduce accidental fires occurring as a result of burning cigarettes being left unattended. Another regulatory development before the end of 2011 was the publication of new Regulations to introduce Pictorial Health Warnings from February 1, 2013. The regulation requires that all products placed on the market must carry health warnings that include one of a series of 14 pictorial health warnings. Worth noting is that all tobacco products placed on the market prior to February 1, 2013, can continue to be sold or offered for sale until February 1, 2014.
For trade sales and customer queries phone 01 2434900 www.johnplayer.ie
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Tobacco Products sector continues that some adult with strong growth consumers are and is becoming switching to an increasingly cheaper cigarettes. dominant force The value for within the Irish money sector has marketplace, with gained 1.8 and 2.9 the total market share points in the growing at 22.6% in long term and the the latest MAT to short term, the February 26, 2012. latest 12 weeks, Roll Your Own combi respectively, and boxes are leading now accounts for this growth, with 9% of the total combi boxes growing cigarette market. A at 56.3% versus strong ROS backed the previous year. by an increase John Player is the in distribution is number one player driving sales for in the RYO market, the VFM sector in with Drum at 24.3% the total market. and Golden Virginia John Player’s at 25.8% share of offering within New John Player Blue Compact is the VFM sector slightly slimmer than a regular cigarette, market. Both of these brands are is the JPS range, with a 6.5mm diameter versus 7.9mm an internationally respectively, and has an attractive price available in a variety point of €8.20. of formats, including successful value a combi box, which brand. JPS is now includes 50 Rizla green papers. one of the cheapest cigarettes on the To accommodate evolving Irish market, at €7.75 for both the consumer needs, in January 2012, king size and 100s options. The JPS Golden Virginia Yellow reinvented family consists of 5 SKU’s, namely itself by offering RYO consumers an even smoother, more aromatic blend. Building upon the strong heritage and success of the Golden Virginia brand, RYO smokers will have found the enhanced Golden Virginia Yellow a very suitable alternative within the RYO portfolio. The brand continues to grow and build on its 1.5% share MAT, and the new aromatic blend will help Golden Virginia Yellow maintain this growth trend. The Golden Virginia brand comprises 25.8% share of the total FCT market, and with the new blend from Golden Virginia Yellow, one JPS Make Your Own allows adult in four RYO consumers now chooses consumers to make their own stick in minutes with a portion of tobacco, empty tubes and a tubing machine.
JPS Red King Size, JPS Red 100s, JPS Silver King Size, JPS Silver 100s and JPS Green 100s. JPS is a high quality American tobacco blend and is growing at 17.9% versus last year (Source: Total Scan track (ROI) Vols Sales data; 12 weeks to February 26, 2012). It offers adult consumers a wide choice in terms of taste and strength and with the menthol sector growing at 6.0%, JPS Green is guaranteed to satisfy the menthol smoker seeking value (Source: Total Scan track (ROI) Vols Sales data; MAT to February 26, 2012). The Fine Cut Tobacco (FCT)
How to Manage the Tobacco Category MANAGING the tobacco category is especially important around the tourist season. Retailers should ensure they order their stock in time and that they have the optimum levels of all brands in stock to cover demand over the busy summer period. JTI encourage retailers to follow this daily checklist: • Merchandise your tobacco unit to capacity across all ranges first thing in the morning – Tobacco Vending Machines should have at least one day’s sales capacity. Then check stock levels in the afternoon and merchandise if required. • Ensure you have adequate and balanced stock cover across your range. • Ensure that you merchandise stock gaps in Cigars & Tobacco. • Tobacco as a category requires early morning staff attention. Furthermore, prior to a key holder leaving the premises, check stock levels and merchandise again if necessary. (Source: JTI) a Golden Virginia brand. Golden Virginia Yellow combi box retails at €4.20 and is the cheapest RYO brand on the market. JPS Make Your Own (MYO), launched on March 31, 2012, and has gained 0.8% SoM in a dark market. JPS MYO allows adult consumers to make their own stick in minutes with a portion of tobacco (dosettes), empty tubes and a tubing machine. The MYO
JPS is a high quality American tobacco blend and is growing at 17.9% versus last year.
Freephone 1800 604 500 for more information
Toradh caithimh tobac – bás Smoking kills
40|Retail News|April 2012|www.retailnews.ie
Tobacco Products end product very closely replicates a factory made cigarette rather than a “rollie”. MYO has the appeal of factory made cigarettes at an affordable price, with the JPS MYO Kit retailing at €18.95, which allows consumers to make 20 cigarettes for just over €5.
PJ Carroll
The capsule technology within Pall Mall Click On cigarettes gives adult smokers the option to ‘click’ the capsule in the filter to release a burst of liquid that delivers a fresh taste. If the cigarette remains ‘un-clicked’, it retains the same taste and characteristics as
Established in 1824, PJ Carroll is Ireland’s oldest tobacco company and is part of the British American Tobacco group of companies. It is vital that retailers stay up to date with innovations, try new brands and maintain a fully stocked range which should be priced competitively, according to a spokesperson for PJ Carroll. New products create interest in the segment and, with the trend for downtrading continuing, adult smokers have shown they are willing to try new brands. PJ Carroll supports retailers in this by offering new innovations to the market such as the launch of Vogue Perle in September 2011 and Pall Mall The capsule technology within Pall Click On, which Mall Click On cigarettes gives adult launched in March smokers the option to ‘click’ the with an introductory capsule in the filter to release a burst margin of 11.2%. of liquid that delivers a fresh taste.
Vogue Perle: the latest addition to the popular Vogue range.
the current Pall Mall 7mg variant. The launch follows extensive research which indicates that many adult smokers under 30 are keen to try capsule cigarettes, but aren’t prepared to pay premium prices. Pall Mall Click On offers the value segment an innovative option within the Pall Mall range. “Capsule technology has had
a huge impact on the premium tobacco market and we’re really excited that Pall Mall is introducing the innovation to the value for money segment in Ireland,” noted David Alton, Pall Mall Brand Executive at PJ Carroll. “As adult smokers continue to seek better value, Pall Mall Click On is set to be the next big thing!” PJ Carroll’s Trade Marketing Representatives work face-to-face with independent shops on a daily basis to share valuable knowledge and insights. This ensures retailers can successfully communicate new products, as well as product developments, to adult smokers if asked.
Marlboro Gold Touch Launched last year, Marlboro Gold Touch is a high quality cigarette that is slimmer to the touch than conventional cigarettes and is now available in Cash & Carry or directly through John Player Ltd. Marlboro Gold Touch comes in a modern, compact box that fits easily into a pocket or handbag. Marlboro Gold Touch is an innovative new dimension in smoking: slightly thinner than Marlboro Gold Original, it offers a taste that is refined and smooth.
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Market News Think Meals, Think Maggi FOLLOWING on from the successful launch of Maggi So Juicy last year with a range of seven cook-in-the-bag recipe meal solutions, Nestlé have expanded their variety of recipe mix offerings. New to the market is their range of Maggi So Crispy products, which come in three crispy crumb flavours; Herb & Garlic Chicken, Chilli Chicken and Lemon & Herb Chicken. Nestlé have also launched a range of ‘Fresh Ideas For’ pan, tray and oven bakes, including Sizzling Steak with Caramelised Onions, Cheesy Bolognese Pasta Bake, Chicken & Bacon Pasta Bake, Creamy Garlic & Herb Chicken, Honey & Mustard Chicken and Lemon & Herb Chicken. This comprehensive range provides a tasty twist on family meal favourites and contains no artificial colours or flavours.
Guzzle Puzzle Sharing Bag THE Natural Confectionery Company are launching a Guzzle Puzzle Sharing Bag, building on last year’s successful launch of the innovative Guzzle Puzzle Impulse Bag. This ‘magical’ product features different jelly shapes in different flavours which fit together. The magical part comes when the jellies are combined to produce entirely new flavours: cinnamon and lime create cola; orange and banana give you bubblegum; raspberry and lime make ‘pink lemonade’. The new sharing bag includes a new apple flavour, creating further flavour combinations when combined with raspberry to make a blackcurrant flavour. The Guzzle Puzzle concept is unique and certain to drive interest in the sugar category. To maximise sales potential, the product is available in prefilled HODs.
Donegal Catch Partners with Responsible Irish Fish DONEGAL Catch have announced a partnership with Responsible Irish Fish, a group dedicated to developing a brand and label to allow Irish fishermen to differentiate their products in the marketplace and to promote Irish fish being caught in a responsible manner. Donegal Catch also announced their expansion into the chilled category with the launch of their new Fish Creations range, of which the RIF label will appear on the Irish caught species (Haddock, Plaice and Whiting) of the range. “Donegal Catch is proud to be supporting Responsible Irish Fish and will feature the RIF label on the Irish caught species of both the New chilled and existing frozen range, so consumers can easily identify these packs,” said Olivia Kearney, Donegal Catch Brand Manager.
Danone Actimel Powerfruit NEW from Danone, Actimel Powerfruit is an exciting addition to the hugely successful Actimel drinking yoghurt range. The convenient four pack variant is available in two delicious flavours, Multi Fruit and Strawberry-Cranberry. This newest innovation has the added benefit of Acerola Berry, a small but powerful fruit found in the Caribbean and South America and is one of the most vitamin C rich fruits in the world. Each bottle of Actimel Powerfruit is rich in vitamin C, containing 30% of the recommended daily intake. The launch of Actimel Powerfruit will be supported by a full throughthe-line consumer marketing campaign, including TV and outdoor advertising, PR and interactive in-store activity.
Alpro’s New Product Range ALPRO, pioneers of plant-based food and drink products for more than 30 years, are launching four new exciting products, two drinks and two innovative soya yogurts, which are designed to tap into the growing consumer trend in Ireland for plant-based products. In recognition of the popularity, taste and health appeal of nuts, the brand is launching Alpro Almond Milk and Alpro Hazelnut Drink, while Fruity & Creamy is the first luxury soya yogurt on the market, and Alpro Pouring Yogurt is designed to appeal to consumers who are looking for a naturally healthy breakfast option.
Lidl’s Sun Care Range LIDL have developed a top quality range of affordable sun creams under the Cien range, their own specialist skin care brand, so that there is no excuse to get burned this summer! The range is available in varying Sun Protection Factors so consumers can choose one that will give their skin effective protection. Cien’s sun creams carry the ‘Institut Dr Schrader’ quality stamp for added peace of mind – an independent research institute that has carried out extensive research, development and testing for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries for over 30 years. See www.lidl.ie for further information.
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Shelf Life TOPAZ has been crowned the winner of the Overall Logistics and Transport Excellence Award for 2012. Operations Team Leader at Topaz, Mark Koller is pictured accepting the award from Aidan Murphy, President of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Ireland.
TRULY Irish Country Foods’ transport company McAuliffe Trucking have devised a unique way to pay tribute to those who lost their lives on the Titanic, with a special ‘tribute truck’ marking the 100-year anniversary of the sinking of the great ship. The truck, named ‘Lady Rose’ is used to transport pork to Germany for Truly Irish Country Foods.
SCAN COIN have launched CashDro, a point of sale solution with the objective of increasing cash efficiency, profitability, control and security at an affordable cost for all businesses. CashDro is an intelligent POS cash drawer that always balances, even in the most demanding of environments. Customers pay directly into CashDro with notes or coins against the POS transaction value, eliminating counting errors, shrinkage and minimising potential theft. “Recognising and rejecting counterfeit notes and coins is a vital function of the system that will help retailers reduce their losses,” says Tom Weafer, SCAN COIN Ireland Commercial Manger. “SCAN COIN helps retailers remove as many cash handling processes as possible, in order to demonstrate faster in-store cash flow management, increased accuracy and a rapid and significant return on investment.” CashDro has a small foot print and can be integrated with existing software and most POS solutions in under one hour. See www.scancoin.co.uk for more information.
EVRON Foods Group have launched a range of innovative new ‘square’ flat bread wraps. Easiwrap is aimed at consumers of all ages looking for exciting new ideas for delicious meals and snacks. There are three delicious Easiwrap varieties to choose from: regular, wholemeal or a light option, which represents less than 100 calories per serving. Each pack contains six individual wraps and comes in a re-sealable bag to maintain freshness. It’s also incredibly versatile: “You can roll it, fold it, top it or toast it. It can be a traditional sandwich, a Pizza base or a toastie. The possibilities are endless,” said Dominic Downey, Evron Foods Marketing Director, pictured with food stylist Karen Booth. DISCOUNT retailer Dealz has opened its ninth store in the Republic of Ireland, creating 30 new jobs for Dublin. Located at Omni Shopping Centre in Santry, with a retail space of over 8,000 square feet, Dealz Omni brings the total number of jobs created to date in Dublin to 60, with Dealz employing almost 300 people in Ireland. ENTRIES are being accepted for the World Irish Stew Championship - the finals of which will take place in St Angela’s College, Sligo, on May 16 and 17. This is the third year of the competition, which takes place as part of the Só Sligo Food Festival and there is a category for both professional and amateur cooks. Só Sligo Food Festival also includes the Connacht Gold Junior Chef competition for secondary school students and the Sligo Signature Dish competition. JAMIE Oliver is set to open this year’s Taste of Dublin Festival, which runs in the Iveagh Gardens from June 14-17. Jamie will give a live cooking demonstration in stage in Ireland for the first time, joining a stellar bill of Irish and internationally famous chefs, including Valentine Warner, Rachel Allen, Oliver Dunne, Ross Lewis, Derry Clarke and many more to be announced. Internationally renowned chefs, the latest emerging talent, plus 20 of the capital’s hottest restaurants will be joining Taste to champion all that’s great about dining in the city. See www.tasteofdublin.ie for more information.
THE Western Region of the Irish Grocers Benevolent Fund is holding a Golf Outing on Wednesday, May 23, in Athenry Golf Club. A team of 4 for the 4 Ball ABCD Scramble competition will cost €400, which includes Golf, Goodie bag, half-way refreshments and full dinner after your game, with the presentation of prizes at 7pm. There are also special packages available if you wish to stay at the Raheen Woods Hotel.To book a team or to sponsor a hole for €150, contact Brian MacNeill, Commercial Re-order Manager, Musgrave Marketplace Galway on 091 786615, or pay directly to the IGBF bank account (Ulster Bank, Branch Code 98-57-50, Account No. 61646091), referencing your company name.
‘HAVE a Lidl Heart’ was the message from Caroline Morahan and Aoife Clarke, Project Manager with Lidl Ireland, as they appealed for volunteers with Fair City’s Tom Hopkins, who plays Christy Phelan, to support the Irish Heart Foundation’s Happy Heart Weekend sponsored by Lidl Ireland this May 10-12. The national charity aims to raise a half million euro from the sale of Happy Heart badges in Lidl stores, on-street collections and by employees nationwide with support from 2fm. For more info, see www.happyheartweekend.ie
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This advertisement is for tobacco retailers only and should not be made available to the public nor should it be displayed in any area where it is visible to the public. *44.03% Share of RYO Market, Nielsen, Extended Scantrack, RYO Volume Share, WE 26/02/12