MAY 2012
OV5789|May 2012|Contents|3
Contents Shop Profile
A Sporting Chance This Summer CAN you feel the excitement building? The count-down to Euro 2012 can now be measured in days, as opposed to weeks, as Ireland’s national soccer team is set to appear in its first major finals in a decade, while Olympic fever has already begun in earnest with Katie Taylor’s performances at the AIBI World Championship whetting appetites for the summer to come. One brand that quickly realised the potential of associating with the year’s biggest sporting fixtures was Cadbury. Brand Manager, Karl Tyndall talks us through Cadbury’s decision to sponsor the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams at London 2012 (Page 20). From Gweedore to Goleen, the whole country will be getting behind Trap’s Army as they take on Croatia, Italy and World Champions, Spain, in Poland this June. But what does this mean for your business? Quite a lot, actually. The exploits of Jack Charlton’s squad in Euro ’88, when Ray Houghton put the ball in the English net, are credited in some quarters for kick-starting the Celtic Tiger. While such speculation may be fanciful, and we’re not suggesting that a Tiger-style rejuvenation is on the cards, retailers around the country, particularly those who prepare for the expected seasonal sales surge by effective merchandising, can profit hugely from the sporting summer ahead. With this in mind, RETAIL NEWS presents its ‘Big Night In’ special, covering the food and drinks set to fly off your shelves this summer, as Irish consumers get together for house parties, barbeques and big match days together (Page 22-42). We focus on the beers, ciders, spirits, wines and soft drinks set to soar during the sunny season, as well as examining the food brands guaranteed to shift, from sausages to sauces.
MACE and the McCormack Retail Group are proof positive of just how successful Irish owned and operated companies can be, even during a recession.
Retailers Welcome New Planning Guidelines.
EU Report Slammed by Retailers; Retail Groups Call for ‘Yes’ Vote on Europe.
22 Big Night In
Oireachtas Committee Criticises Proposed Ban on Cheese Advertising; Grocery Market Returns to Growth.
16 Supply Chain
Musgrave Group’s Sales Increase; UK Groceries Adjudicator on the Way. Teagasc Launch New Technology Transfer Strategy for Irish Food Companies; Plain Cigarette Packaging Condemned.
GS1 Ireland’s recent Supply Chain Conference on Visibility and Innovation focused on the significant value that universally accepted global supply chain standards can deliver for businesses, the changing consumer and the importance of accurate data.
Retail News Interview
9 9
Kathleen Belton Editorial & Marketing Director
Londis Reports Profit Growth; Downward Trend in Underage Drinking.
Karl Tyndall, Cadbury Brand Manager, Kraft Foods Ireland, talks us through Cadbury’s decision to sponsor the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams at London 2012.
A RETAIL NEWS special feature, focusing on the brands guaranteed to fly off your shelves this summer across beer, cider, wine, spirits, soft drinks, water and summer dining.
Sinead Manly, Brand Marketing for Philadelphia, Kraft Foods Ireland, discusses the brand’s enduring success with Irish consumers, its versatility as a cooking ingredient and the launch of Philadelphia with Cadbury.
10 22
Industry News
Big Night In:
Big Night In: Beer & Cider
Wines & Spirits
34 7 $ 5 $
Soft Drinks & Water
Managing Director: Fergus Farrell
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Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter Wine Correspondent: Jean Smullen
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Big Night In: Summer Dining
43 46
Market News Shelf Life
4|Retail News|May 2012|
Retailers Welcome New Planning Guidelines RETAILERS have welcomed Ireland’s new Retail Planning Guidelines, an update on the 2005 guidelines, telling RETAIL NEWS that the modification to the size of large-scale supermarkets is “marginal”. Under the cap, the size of stores can be increased from 3,500 square metres to 4,000 square metres in the Dublin area, and from 3,000 square metres to 3,500 square metres in the cities of Cork, Waterford, Galway and Limerick/Shannon. “We’re happy to see the Guidelines are very pro-town centre,” said Tara Buckley, Director General of RGDATA. “There’s a lot of emphasis on regeneration of town centres, vacant and derelict sites, and creating footfall to town centres.” The new Department of the Environment guidelines reduce the amount of locations where warehouse stores can be built. Stores over 6,000 square metres, such as Ikea, could previously be built in a number of towns around the country, including Athlone and Dundalk. Now such stores are restricted
Tara Buckley, Director General of RGDATA.
to the larger cities due to the potential detrimental impact to town centres. Retailers praised the sequential test within the Guidelines, which is geared toward placing new developments in town centres. “That’s where most planning battles are won and lost,” said Tara Buckley, while David Fitzsimons, Chief Executive of Retail Excellence Ireland, noted how “A full application of the sequential test would mean big grocery out-of-town superstores should be compelled to divide up their retail offer into different spaces, if the town centre could accommodate it.” The Guidelines noted that British supermarkets have a combined share of 1.7% in Ireland, due to crossborder shopping, despite having no physical presence in the country. Some retailer representatives believe the new Guidelines could pave the way for new entrants to the market. “From the get-go, we were not happy with them, even though these changes are concentrated on built-up areas and concentrating the increased space in the city centres,” said Mark Fielding, Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association. “We don’t feel there is a need for increased retail space. The danger is opening the door for big buck stores: pile them high, sell them cheap. It gets rid of local competition in the long-term.” Buckley said that there should be no short-term concerns, since the secession has hampered large multiple stores. “Tesco bought a substantial amount of stores and haven’t increased their
market share, despite the size of their development programme,” she said. “Large Tesco stores in Balbriggan and Naas are not delivering what Tesco hoped. That must be a warning that it’s not a license to print money to come here and build vast amounts of large stores.” Frank Gleeson, Chairman of Retail Ireland, agreed: “I think hypermarkets are under pressure, due to the economic downturn. Consumers are shopping more frequently. They’re happy to stay local and support local jobs. I’m not convinced the multiples will continue to grow their hypermarket space. In fact, I think they’ll do the opposite and move more into the convenience space.” The new Guidelines divide the country into five retail planning regions in order to develop a co-ordinated planning strategy. Fielding called this “window-dressing”; other retail representatives said it could end with bad planning. “At
David Fitzsimons, Chief Executive of Retail Excellence Ireland.
Mark Fielding, Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association. the end of the Celtic Tiger, a lot of local authorities granted planning in the border of their jurisdictions,” said Fitzsimons. “Ferrybank Shopping Centre, for example: technically in Waterford City but in the Kilkenny jurisdiction.” Buckley added: “You’d have a County Council in one area, granting permission for a large store. A couple of miles up the road, a different County Council would grant permission for another large store.” The alternative to the current guidelines, retailers contend, was no caps at all. Although the Planning Guidelines were due for review, the Government was under pressure from the Troika – staff teams from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – who insisted on inclusion of the review in the programme for government. In meetings with the Competition Authority and the National Consumer Association, the Troika proposed that retention of the cap was a barrier to competition.|May 2012|Retail News|5
EU Report Slammed by Retailers A LEADING Irish retail representative has condemned a new EU report, calling for a tough legislative solution to tackle abuse of power by multiples against suppliers, as hot air. Frank Gleeson, Chairman of Retail Ireland, said there was no evidence of abuse by large retailers against suppliers. “If there was, it would be presented,” he said. “It’s all noise, as far as I’m concerned. Retailer-supplier relationships are commercial transactions. They’re based on volume and value. There have not been any reported cases of dominance or bad practices by any of the multiples.” The report, Models of Enforcement in Europe for Relations in the Food Supply Chain, emerged from a working group in the European Parliament, chaired by Ireland East Fine Gael MEP, Mairead McGuinness. “Soft law, voluntary codes of conduct, has not been effective where they have been tried,” said McGuinness. “Hard law measures are essential to stem current abuses of power and enable SME suppliers in particular to earn a decent and sustainable living.” Proposed enforcement measures include financial penalties or even sanctions for retailers found abusing their power. McGuinness continued: “Under the framework, a dedicated adjudicator or ombudsman would be created to oversee the food supply chain. This office would facilitate an anonymous complaints
Ireland East Fine Gael MEP, Mairead McGuinness.
Retail Groups Call for ‘Yes’ Vote on Europe
SOME of Ireland’s biggest retailer and employer groups have called for a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming Stability Treaty referendum. “Our sector is Ireland’s biggest employer. With over 260,000 employees, we play a vital role in the Irish economy. Retailers are fully behind the referendum and are recommending a ‘Yes’ vote,” said Retail Ireland Frank Gleeson, Chairman of Retail Ireland and Retail Director of Topaz Ireland.
Director Stephen Lynam. “A ‘No’ vote on May 31 is a leap into the unknown, which will undermine consumer sentiment further. The result could be
procedure and publish routine reports on the food sector to identify good and bad practice.” Gleeson pointed out that if malpractice was taking place, then retailers would be getting prosecuted, as there is legislation in place to deal with such events. The EU report comes on foot of a proposed supplier Code of Practice in Ireland and a simultaneous European Supplier-Retailer Code. In both cases, the initiative appears supplier-led – McGuinness, for example, is a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture – despite the fact there are large international suppliers bigger than almost any retailer in the Irish market. In Ireland, smaller retailers often claim supplier abuses of power, in cases such as mobile phone operators or newspaper distributors changing terms of conditions, or imposing unfair practices, without dialogue or consultation. “It has to go both ways,” concluded Gleeson. “It would be ridiculous to suggest that power only exists on the retail side. Significant power exists on the supplier side too. There are a lot of consolidated suppliers. Some products are almost dominated by certain suppliers. A code or framework, when it comes in, will have to tackle both sides of the argument. There are two sides to every story. Let’s be factual, though - there is no evidence of unfair practices.”
reduced consumer spending and more job losses in the retail industry.” Chairperson of Retail Ireland and Retail Director of Topaz Energy Ireland, Frank Gleeson said: “The retail sector needs the domestic economy to return to growth and for consumers to start spending again. For that to happen, we need to build confidence. The only way to restore confidence in Ireland is a ‘Yes’ vote on May 31.” Indeed, Ireland’s entire business community, which came together under the auspices of ‘Business for Ireland’, called for an emphatic ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum. The new group, which is made up of 76 business organisations from right across the country, including IBEC, the Irish Exporters Association, FDII and almost every Chamber of Commerce in the country, said a ‘Yes’ vote is vital to keep Ireland on the path to recovery and ensure economic stability. The group warned that a ‘No’ vote would lead to dangerous economic uncertainty and raise questions about the future funding of the state.
6|Retail News|May 2012|
Oireachtas Committee Criticises Proposed Ban on Cheese Advertising THE Joint Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture have condemned the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s proposal to ban cheese advertising, which was reported on in last month’s RETAIL NEWS. Following a meeting with representatives of the National Dairy Council, which focused on Draft Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) Children’s and General Commercial Codes, Committee Members expressed strong support for the NDC’s stance, acknowledging the serious concerns among farmers and the wider agri-food sector of the targeting of cheese in these draft codes. “While childhood obesity has been increasing, cheese intake has flatlined, indicating no correlation between cheese consumption and obesity levels,” said Chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee Andrew Doyle TD. “The Committee unanimously takes on board the NDC’s compelling evidence that insufficient calcium intake amongst Irish children is a public health nutrition concern. “Our Committee will make a forceful and common sense contribution to the BAI consultation. We will shortly submit a concise report,
Pictured leaving the Oireachtas following a meeting with the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture about the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s proposed children’s advertising code are (l-r): Maeve Guthrie and Dr. Catherine Logan, The National Dairy Council, with independent economist Ciaran Fitzgerald. pointing to the dangers in how cheese has been classified in the draft advertising codes in the BAI document. A copy will also be forwarded to the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.” The Oireachtas Committee’s findings will be welcome news for the cheese sector, and Ireland’s retailers, who were extremely concerned at the BAI proposals to use the United Kingdom’s nutrient profiling model as a way of categorising
foods, in order to regulate the advertising of foods to children. In its presentation to the Joint Oireachtas Committee, the NDC has called for cheese to be exempt from the nutrient profiling model should the BAI proceed with its proposals, or an exemption for cheese until an independent review is undertaken with a view to developing a model more up to date and appropriate to the needs of the Irish population. The NDC noted how the implementation of a model which categorises cheese as ‘less
healthy’ is likely to confuse Irish consumers rather than promote a balanced diet; will negatively impact on the reputation of the Irish cheese industry when there is no justified nutritional grounds for doing so; and will undermine the planned growth in Irish cheese exports. Dr Catherine Logan, Nutrition Manager, The National Dairy Council, said that the BAI should consider Irish research and statistics in the development of a nutrient profiling model. “By way of example, the UK model [the model used] fails to take account of actual dietary habits in Ireland. It uses 100g as the basis of the model to regulate children’s advertising. This amount (100g) is about 10 times greater than the average daily intake of cheese reported for Irish children and over three times the size of a portion of cheese as recommended in the Irish Food Pyramid.” The National Dairy Council is encouraging interested parties to make submissions to the BAI in relation to their proposals, before the deadline of May 31, 2012. The BAI public consultation document regarding the Draft BAI General and Children’s Commercial Communications Codes is available:
GROCERY MARKET RETURNS TO GROWTH NEW grocery market figures from Kantar Worldpanel in Ireland, for the 12 weeks ending April 15, 2012, show a boost in sales over Easter helping to return the market to 0.6% growth. “Although price inflation remains a challenge for cashstrapped shoppers, with prices increasing by 1.8% this period, the level of inflation has continued to drop over the past five months – now standing at the lowest level for over a year,” says David Berry, Commercial Director at Kantar Worldpanel. “This is welcome news for shoppers as household incomes continue to feel the heat from other areas.” Aldi and Tesco posted the strongest growth in the market, with growth of 20.5% and 4.9% respectively. Aldi’s performance has helped it to reach a milestone, recording 5% market share for the first time. Tesco’s share also remains at the record high of 28.2%, which was first achieved in January. SuperValu also performed extremely well, as David Berry explains: “SuperValu’s recent improved performance is building momentum and it’s now the sixth consecutive month of sales growth for the retailer. This has resulted in a
noticeable increase in market share, growing it from 19.4% to 19.8% in the past year. Shoppers have reacted positively to the recent launch of its SuperValu own brand range, with 87% of all shopping trips to SuperValu including an own brand item, up from 82% last year.” See for more information.|May 2012|Retail News|7
MUSGRAVE GROUP’S SALES INCREASE MUSGRAVE Group has reported a sales increase of 1.6% to €4.5 billion in its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2011. The Group, partner to entrepreneurial food retailers and foodservice professionals across Ireland, the UK and Spain, delivered a profit of €71m, 1% below last year. Debt increased from a net cash position of €21m in 2010 to €187m at year end, following the acquisition of Superquinn. “Despite the economic challenges and a consumer that is focused on spending less, we have delivered a good performance with turnover and profit remaining steady for the third consecutive year,” noted Chris Martin, Musgrave Group Chief Executive. “2012 continues to be tough but our brands are performing well, benefiting from customers who want to shop locally for value.” Musgrave Group initiated a transformation programme to strengthen their brands and to improve the competitiveness of their business, according to Martin: “Through brand innovation, investing in consumer insight, improved partnership with suppliers and a sustained focus on cost reduction, we have delivered better value
to consumers. Together with our retail partners in SuperValu, Centra and Daybreak, we invested €284m in Ireland in 2011 in store openings, refurbishments and acquisitions. This investment programme helped to increase the number of people employed by Musgrave and our retail partners to 35,000, which is almost 14% of the total number of people working in the retail sector in Ireland.” Martin noted how Musgrave’s commitment to supporting Irish SMEs at a community level is a compelling point of differentiation for their brands: “Last year we spent €1.75 billion on Irish sourced goods and services. We are building on this commitment by creating opportunities for Irish companies in the UK. Our Groupwide own-brand strategy is providing 33 Irish suppliers with additional retail sales to our UK network of stores.” The acquisition of Superquinn increases Musgrave Group’s market share in Dublin to 22%. “On completion of the acquisition in October 2011, our immediate focus was on stabilising the business, which has been severely impacted in recent years by changes in the marketplace and declining
Chris Martin, Musgrave Group Chief Executive.
consumer spending,” said Martin. “We are now working on the long term integration plan for Superquinn, with an initial focus on assessing how we best leverage its heritage in innovation and fresh food, while applying our expertise in range and own brand development.” In the UK, Musgrave have continued to make progress with their Budgens and Londis brands achieving retail sales of €2 billion in 2011, while the number of Londis retailers increased by more than 100 bringing the total to 1879. The outlook for the Group for 2012 remains challenging, especially in Ireland where little or no growth is expected in the grocery market, noted Martin. However, Martin feels that the Group’s transformation programme, the launch of the
SuperValu Own Brand range in Ireland (they are forecasting to achieve €1 billion in own brand sales across the Group by 2014), and the Group’s medium-term debt facilities will provide them “with the solid foundations to support our retail partners and to deliver sustainable growth.” “Going forward, our focus will remain on investing in price for an increasingly budget conscious consumer and working with our retail partners to ensure innovation and value are at the heart of our offer,” he concluded. “Through ensuring that our brands are different and better, growing in our core markets and driving efficiencies in every aspect of our business we are confident of delivering sustainable growth for Musgrave and our retail partners.”
UK GROCERIES ADJUDICATOR ON THE WAY THE establishment of a new Groceries Code Adjudicator in the UK, to protect suppliers from unfair treatment by supermarkets, moved a step closer recently, as the Bill to do so was published in the House of Lords. The Adjudicator will be responsible for enforcing the UK’s Groceries Code, including: • Arbitrating disputes between retailers and suppliers; • Investigating confidential complaints from direct and indirect suppliers, whether in the UK or overseas, and from third parties; • Holding to account retailers who break the rules by ‘naming and shaming’ or fining supermarkets. There have been calls from supplier associations, such as Food & Drink Industry Ireland, for a similar type of Ombudsman to be established here in Ireland.
8|Retail News|May 2012|
Teagasc Launch New Technology Transfer Strategy for Irish Food Companies A NEW Teagasc Food Technology and Knowledge Transfer Strategy to support Irish food companies was launched , alongside over 40 Teagasc technologies for the food industry, at the Food Innovation Gateways exhibition in the Aviva Stadium recently. Teagasc’s Portfolio of Food Technologies opens five gateways, or opportunities, for food companies to utilise and exploit. These include a comprehensive resource of technology offers, updates, services, expertise and scientists, available to food companies to actively engage with. The five Teagasc Food Technology Gateways are: TTechnology Offers: Patent applications have been filed for some technologies and
partner companies are being sought for further development and licensing. TTechnology Updates: As new technologies are progressed and discovered, regular updates will flow out to potential industry partners. TTechnology Services: Pilot Plant facilities in Moorepark and Ashtown are available and easily accessible by food companies. TTechnology Expertise: Technology services, expertise, facilities, technical training, consultancy and product development services are offered. TTechnology Profiles: Teagasc scientists work in collaboration with some of the best scientists and researchers
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD; Professor Gerry Boyle, Teagasc Director; and Dr Maria Hayes, Teagasc, are pictured at the Teagasc Food Innovation Gateways event. from around the world. The Teagasc Food Technology and Knowledge Transfer Strategy is the start of a continuous process, with live offers, regular updates and
KELSIUS LAUNCHES FOODCHECK KELSIUS, a company that specialises in food safety compliance, has developed a new product, called FoodCheck, which launched at IFEX at the end of April. FoodCheck revolutionises the control and monitoring of food safety standards for food service organisations. Food safety is a key management issue and FoodCheck offers realtime visibility of compliance and non-conformance across a chain of organisations, including convenience stores, restaurants, hotels, fast-food outlets and catering companies. Ultan O’Raghallaigh, Kelsius Managing Director, and Paddy Hearty, Director of Sales, at the launch Unlike paper-based systems, which require repetitive monitoring, FoodCheck of FoodCheck. is web based and all tasks are completely automated. Because the system utilises systematic and preventative regimes, it means that HACCP processes are fully followed. This results in a more efficient process, as well as significant cost and labour savings. Paddy Hearty, Director of Sales at Kelsius says, “Kelsius has already been working with a number of leading food service providers in Ireland, such as the Merrion and Shelbourne Hotels and so far the response has been overwhelmingly positive.” The three core modules combined within the FoodCheck system are: • Delivery: checking safe food temperatures at goods inwards; • Cook and cool: food temperature monitoring in storage and during food service; • Task management: control management of staff hygiene-related tasks. For more information on FoodCheck or other Kelsius products, visit
follow-through for companies who are seeking innovative solutions in the areas of food bioscience, chemistry and technology, industry and development and food safety.
Plain Cigarette Packaging Condemned UK Government plans to strip cigarette packs and other tobacco products of their distinctive branding have been condemned by the former head of the UK Patent Office’s designs and trade marks division. Peter Lawrence, who was director of the division from 1997 to 2003, said the UK plain packaging proposals for tobacco amounted to the confiscation of intellectual property and would damage business. The proposals were also criticised by Europe’s main IP association, European Sister Organisations, representing national bodies protecting IP rights across the European Union, while the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, John Dalli rejected plain packaging: “We want to reduce the attractiveness of smoking. Packaging can help in this regard but the European Commission doesn’t want to go as far as Australia, where cigarette packets must be completely plain.”|May 2012|Retail News|9
LONDIS REPORTS PROFIT GROWTH ADM Londis plc have reported a robust performance in 2011 recording a 37% growth in pre-tax profits and a dividend payout to shareholders of €0.25 per share. This very creditable performance was underpinned by careful cost control and a significant strategic focus on procurement that saw profit before tax increase to €1.5m in 2011 on wholesale sales of €220m. Like for like wholesale sales performed within 2% of 2010 levels, underpinning the ability of the Londis brand to compete in today’s competitive value-focused market. This positive outcome was achieved despite intense margin support initiatives by the Group for its retailers.
“Core to the Group’s strategy in 2011 was an ongoing commitment to provide high levels of pricing and promotional support to Group retailers,” noted Stephen O’Riordan, CEO, ADM Londis. “This commitment was reflected in the excellent organic performance of Londis retailers, who enjoyed strong momentum as the year progressed, outperforming the convenience market during the crucial three-month Christmas shopping period. This reflects very positively the competitive edge secured for Londis retailers in 2011.” Reflecting its support for its retailers, ADM Londis invested heavily in
Stephen O’Riordan, CEO, ADM Londis.
price and item advertising throughout 2011, supported by exceptional pricing and promotional campaigns and a value-driven procurement focus. 2011 was also the first year of the Group’s sponsorship of the TV programme ‘Come Dine with Me’ on TV3, which has proven a resounding success, giving Londis a daily primetime presence in households throughout the country. To date, the sponsorship has delivered strong results in share of voice metrics, as well as enabling innovative social media engagement. A key factor in the Group’s positive performance and that of the retail members has been ADM Londis’ continued focus on the development of e-retailing. The launch of iSIS, the Group’s web based intuitive ordering portal, has enabled Londis retailers to fine tune their offering and maximise margin. The Group’s commitment to intelligent retailing was further reinforced with the provision of iPads to Londis retailers, providing a business tool to access their entire store operation anywhere at any time. “The initiative is the culmination of a five year €5m investment strategy,” O’Riordan expanded, “delivering efficiencies to our
retail members, enhancing our customer experience in-store and differentiating Londis as one of the most technologically progressive groups in Ireland. In short, with 80% of our retailers now embracing e-retailing, this has enabled intuitive, instantaneous and intelligent solutions from the warehouse through to the shop floor.” Mindful of the fact that all retailers remain under immense pressure, given downward price pressure and reduced consumer spending, Londis believes that it is optimally placed to alleviate some of this pressure for retail members, ensuring the over-riding focus remains on intense price and margin support to retail members. “With this ethos in mind, the Group is set to launch one of the biggest strategic initiatives in its history with the launch of a centralised chilled offering later this summer,” O’Riordan noted. “This will deliver real benefits to Londis retailers in terms of heightened efficiencies, consistent supply, a finely tuned consumer offering and higher sales and margin. This investment will enhance the sustainability at a Group and store level in these still challenging times for the market.”
Downward Trend in Underage Drinking UNDERAGE drinking in Ireland is declining, according to a new survey. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 2010 (HBSC) is a cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, with the Irish survey carried out by the Health Promotion Research Centre at NUI Galway. This survey of children aged 9 to 18 has been undertaken at four year intervals, starting in 1998. Among the main alcoholrelated findings of the 2010 survey are the following: • 54% of the 9-18 year olds reported that they have never had an alcoholic drink. This is an increase of 23% since 1998, and 14% since 2002.
21% of children reported having had an alcoholic drink in the past month - a decrease of some 13% since 1998, and 4% since 2002. When asked if they had ever had so much alcohol that they were ‘really drunk’, 28% responded positively to this question, a decrease of some 5% since 1998.
“It is very encouraging to see a decrease in alcohol consumption among school-aged children and a positive shift in attitudes towards alcohol consumption,” noted Fionnuala Sheehan, Chief Executive, in response to the findings.
10|Retail News|May 2012|
NESTLÉ Ireland staff will raise over €120,000 for the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation by the end of 2012. As the Nestlé Ireland staff charity of the year, it is a strategic relationship which involves employees also providing expert advice and knowledge transfer on an ongoing basis to benefit the work of Jack & Jill. With less than 20% of its €2.7m annual budget coming from the State, the Jack & Jill Foundation relies on corporate fundraisers like Nestlé Ireland to survive now more than ever. The €120,000 raised by Nestlé Ireland will provide 7,500 hours of vital nursing home care for children with severe neurological development issues who need 24-hour-a-day support. Oliver Sutherland, Nestlé Ireland Country Manager, is pictured with staff from Nestlé Ireland raising funds for The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation.
Soccer Legends Launch SuperValu Trip of a Lifetime IRISH goalkeeping legend Packie Bonner reunited with former team-mate and striker Tony Cascarino to kick-off SuperValu’s Trip of a Lifetime to Euro 2012. The boys in green recalled the memories of Euro ’88 with Rowena Williams, Musgrave Retail Partners Assistant Brand Manager, at the launch of this amazing competition. SuperValu is offering one lucky family the Trip of a Lifetime to attend Euro 2012. The lucky winners will travel across Europe in a luxury camper-van from Paris to Poznan. Over the two-week adventure, the winning family will visit some of Europe’s top holiday attractions, from Europe’s largest water park, Tropical Island, to Cologne’s famous Chocolate Factory. With tickets, courtesy of Kia Motors, the winning family will cheer on the boys in green at two of Ireland’s UEFA Euro 2012 matches. For more information, see or see leaflets in-store.
IRISH RETAIL AWARDS LAUNCHED PICTURED at the launch of the Retail Excellence Ireland Awards 2012 are An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, with Keith Rogers, Chairman, Retail Excellence Ireland; and (background, l-r): Brian Wallace, Director, Barclays Corporate; and David Fitzsimons, Chief Executive, Retail Excellence Ireland. The champions of Ireland’s retail industry are set to be recognised in the 16th annual Irish Retail Awards. The 2012 Awards will be presented to retail stores, companies, websites and individuals who best demonstrate evidence of outstanding practice in retail and who make a positive difference to the retail experience being delivered to the Irish consumer. Retailers can receive an entry form by emailing, calling 065 6846927 or visiting
Fyffes Continues Partnership with UNICEF Ireland
2012 marks the fifth year of a very important partnership between Fyffes and UNICEF Ireland, which has achieved outstanding results in preventing the spread of malaria amongst orphaned and other vulnerable children in Mozambique. Through the distribution of mosquito nets and the support of health facilities and community projects, Fyffes supporting UNICEF Ireland has saved the lives of over 11,400 children under the age of five between 2008 and 2011, prevented over 200,000 cases of malaria and sent 50,000 nets directly to vulnerable families in Mozambique. To mark five years of involvement, Fyffes and UNICEF are inviting primary school students across Ireland to design a poster which reflects the theme ‘Saved by the Net’, calling on students to create a poster that tells the story of malaria and how it can be prevented ( unicef or Pictured are (l-r): Peter Power, Executive Director of UNICEF Ireland, Cathy Kelly, UNICEF Ireland Ambassador and Gerry Cunningham, Managing Director of Fyffes Ireland.
CONNACHT Gold has reported a 16% increase in turnover in 2011. Turnover reached €345m, compared to €296m in 2010. Operating profit for the dairy, consumer foods and agri-business co-operative was €3.29m, compared to €3.24 in 2010. The increased turnover was driven primarily by a substantial increase in the value of dairy ingredients sales and a record year for sales in its livestock marts business. Dairy Ingredients turnover rose almost 40%, from €60m in 2010 to €83.5m. Connacht Gold Chief Executive, Aaron Forde said the acquisition of the milk and retail stores businesses from Donegal Creameries at the end of the year will grow the business significantly and consolidate their position in consumer foods, dairy ingredients and retail stores: “The emphasis in 2012 will be on consolidating the enlarged business and ensuring our customers, members and suppliers benefit.”|May 2012|Retail News|11
Industry News Musgrave Signs €3m Uniform Contract MUSGRAVE Retail Partners Ireland has signed a €3m contract with Cork-based companies Trag Limited and Coppinger Limited to provide staff uniforms for the 30,000 employees across the SuperValu and Centra network over the next three years. Commenting on the new contract, Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland, said, “At Musgrave, we have a strong commitment to Irish companies and are delighted to sign this agreement with Trag and Coppingers. It’s vital that we invest in the Irish economy by buying from local suppliers. Together with our retail partners, we are responsible for over €1.5 billion worth of purchases of Irish goods and services per annum, helping to both create and protect almost 40,000 jobs across the country. ” Pictured are Adrian O’Donovan, Trag Ltd, Noreen Dukelow, Coppinger Ltd, and Katherine Keane, Trading Manager, Musgrave, with Sarah Horgan and Joanne Hennessy modelling the new SuperValu and Centra uniforms.
NATIONAL LOTTERY RESULTS 2011 marked the 25th successful year of Ireland’s National Lottery with a further €231.9m raised for distribution by the Government to good causes. This brought the cumulative amount of money raised for good causes since 1987 to €3.9 billion, while €6.3 billion has been returned to Irish players in prizes. National Lottery sales in 2011 were €761.4m, a decrease of 1.4% compared to the previous year. This was achieved in a very challenging retail environment where the average decline in comparable spend was 5%. Lotto related draw games represented half of the National Lottery’s overall turnover, with sales of €379.1m in 2011, while EuroMillions and the Scratch Card portfolio increased significantly. During the year, 34.3 million winners of National Lottery games shared a total prize fund of €422.5m, up from €419.9m in 2010. “We look forward to building on the success of the last 25 years of Ireland’s National Lottery with a strong focus on our vision of providing exciting and engaging lottery games that bring fun and entertainment to our players,” said Dermot Griffin, National Lottery CEO. See for more information.
ASA DISMISSES CHALLENGE TO VELVET THE Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has thrown out all four complaints made by a competitor about Velvet tissue’s ‘Three Trees’ advertising commitment. The TV commercial and website copy refer to Velvet’s ‘three for one’ promise of planting three trees for each one used. Standard industry practice is to replace trees on a three-for-one basis for softwood, but only on a onefor-one basis for hardwood. However, Velvet plant on a three-for-one basis for both hardwood and softwood and the ASA rejected all four challenges and noted that evidence provided by SCA Hygiene Products UK Ltd – the makers of Velvet - not only fully supported statements made in the Velvet TV campaign and on the website, but that Velvet had, in fact, surpassed its commitment to planting three trees for each one harvested in the production of Velvet.
Deloitte Host Food and Beverage Seminar
PATRICK Bewley from Bewley’s is pictured with Samuel Santos Lopez, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, and Paul O’Toole, Master Roaster of Bewley’s. On his first visit to Ireland, the Nicaraguan Minister for Foreign Affairs visited Bewley’s to thank the company for their trading connections with Nicaragua, where the company sources hundreds of tonnes of coffee annually under Fairtrade and ethical contracts. He also met the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamonn Gilmore.
PICTURED at the recent Deloitte Food and Beverage Seminar 2012 in the Four Seasons Hotel are (l-r): Aidan Cotter, CEO, Bord Bia; David Hearn, Head of Consulting, Deloitte; and Ado Carton, Managing Director, Kerry Foods. The theme of the event was Driving Strategies for Growth. Figures released from Deloitte show that half of food and beverage companies in Ireland have observed improvements in the export market in the last 12 months and nine out of 10 companies are currently investing in their businesses.
12|Retail News|May 2012|
Industry News Dragons’ Den Winner Secures
€150,000 Contract DRAGONS’ Den winner Jason O’Reilly has hit the jackpot with a new contract to supply his silicone sports watches exclusively to over 195 SuperValu and 459 Centra stores throughout Ireland. The contract is valued at approximately €150,000 per annum. The sports watches retail at €6.99 and are available in team, county and country colours. Jason O’Reilly came up with the idea at a Dublin GAA match when wearing a plain coloured watch and thought that a watch in team colours would really add to the support of both GAA and soccer teams. Cork hurler Seán Óg Ó hAilpín and Dublin footballer Eoghan O’Gara display the Cork and Dublin Silicone Sports Watches developed by Dragons’ Den entrepreneur Jason O’Reilly and selling exclusively in SuperValu and Centra stores throughout Ireland.
GLEESONS SIGN VOICE TECHNOLOGY DEAL GLEESON Group has signed a €250,000 contract with international mobile technology solutions provider Heavey RF Group to deploy advanced voice warehouse solution technology across its distribution operations throughout Ireland. Heavey RF Group was selected from a thorough tender process to implement a solution which will unify Gleeson’s multiple host back-end systems and provide them full visibility of their operations with easy to access up-to-the-second data. Heavey RF replaced Gleeson Group’s manual system with the progressive voicedirected work technology from their long-time partner, Vocollect. More than 80 end users across various workflows are now able to perform their duties both eyesfree and hands-free, streamlining their tasks and creating a less stressful working environment. Since going live with the first wave of implementations, Gleeson are already realising a 25% productivity gain in both their bonded and non-bonded distribution facilities. Processes have now been standardised throughout the organisation that tackle stringent customs requirements and maintain the necessary restricted access to particular products.
BATCHELORS FARMER OF THE YEAR BATCHELORS Peas have announced the winner of the Batchelors Farmer of the Year competition as voted for by the Irish public. 27-year-old farmer, John Fanning from Gorey, Co. Wexford, edged out the two other candidates in a hotly contested battle which saw thousands of votes cast. Over the course of the month of April, three farmers campaigned fiercely across a wide variety of media to win the much coveted prize. Finishing just a couple of hundred votes ahead of his nearest rival, John, representing Irish Peas, had initially started quite slow in the voting but finished with a flourish to claim the top prize. Limerick farmer Stephen Fitzgerald came in second with Maynooth man Dave Robinson not far behind. Throughout April, the three farmers got the nation’s pulses racing when they featured in eyecatching outdoor posters with lines like “Have me on the kitchen table?” and “Fancy a bit on the side?” or “D’ya wanna spoon?” Many of Batchelors Pea Farmers are featured in the new advertising campaign through a series of interviews on the Batchelors Facebook page.
MINISTER for Small Business, John Perry TD recently met with the National Off-Licence Association to discuss the independent off-licence sector, as part of his on-going dialogue to consult with the small business community across all sectors throughout Ireland, to hear their views, and most importantly, to make recommendations for action on the issues raised. During the meeting, Evelyn Jones raised the concerns of the Association and its members in relation to the survival of the independent off-licence sector in Ireland, such as the issue of alcohol pricing, structural separation, mandatory training and mandatory identification. Responding to these concerns Minister Perry asked the Association to become part of the consultative process on these issues and invited them to make a submission to the Advisory Group for Small Business. Minister for Small Business, John Perry TD is pictured with Evelyn Jones, Chairperson, NOffLA.
LIDL SCORES IN TASTE TESTS LIDL has taken on and beaten top-name brands in blind consumer taste tests, carried out across a range of their own brand products. The independent taste tests found that up to 70% of consumers prefer the taste and quality of Lidl’s own brand products over leading brands. The taste tests, carried out by two independent agencies Wall2Wall and FMI, asked over 100 consumers to sample and compare a range of foods such as sausages, cereals, yoghurts and smoothies. From a sample of Lidl’s range, 25 products outperformed their big brand equivalent including Glensallagh sausages, Naturis Fruit Smoothie and Ocean Trader Fish Fingers. The products that won over their top brand equivalent included chilled foods, dairy, processed meats, breakfast cereals, snacks, beer and wine, jam, ice cream and biscuits.
MACE is the longest established convenience shopping brand in Ireland. We’ve been making people’s lives easy since 1960. Now is a great time to move to MACE. Get unrivalled support from the MACE team, benefit from our nationwide advertising and local in store support. Add our unbeatable buying power, exclusive access to the competitively priced MACE own brand range and you’ll always have that crucial competitive edge. Be a part of the MACE success story – it all adds up to more profit for you. Call John Tully 086-8189312 or Liam Attridge 086-8521362.
14|Retail News|May 2012|
Shop Profile
MACE and the McCormack Retail Group are proof positive of just how successful Irish owned and operated companies can be, even during a recession. John Flanagan, Retail Operations Manager with the McCormack Retail Group, pictured outside the Killeshandra store.
;OL 7LYMLJ[ Partnership RETAIL NEWS first met the McCormack Retail Group in 2010, at the opening of the Group’s eighth MACE Excol forecourt, in Athboy, Co. Meath. The intervening years may have been hallmarked by austerity for most, but it is a testament to the skilful management of MACE and the McCormack Group that the group has just opened its tenth MACE Excol forecourt on the Dublin Road in Killeshandra, Co. Cavan.
The McCormack Group’s third forecourt in Cavan, the Killeshandra store opened for trade in December 2011, after a two-week fit out that saw a recently constructed forecourt on a greenfield site transformed into a modern and convenient retail destination. The concept behind every McCormack MACE is still at the core of the business. Indeed, McCormack Group shops retain almost identical internal layouts. The group has its own dedicated planogram that it has developed in partnership with MACE, which homogenises and familiarises every McCormack MACE so that immediately upon entering, customers are aware that not only is this a MACE, it is a McCormack’s MACE.
Core Values The core values of the McCormack’s brand remain as they were in 2010: consistently high levels of customer service, quality produce and competitive prices. Those values have seen the McCormack Group increase its number of forecourts by 25% in under two years, during a bitter recession. “We have been working extremely hard in the last few years to grow the McCormack Group,” John Flanagan, Retail Operations Manager with the McCormack Retail Group, tells RETAIL NEWS. “Recessions, as well as being a challenging time for businesses, can also be a time of opportunity. The McCormack Group has a fantastic partnership with MACE. Between us, we have a huge amount of knowledge and expertise to draw on. We have developed a business strategy that is proven to work and we are looking to add more sites and grow the McCormack Retail Group.”|May 2012|Retail News|15
Shop Profile The Forefront of Convenience Retailing McCormack’s retail partners in MACE have also been working hard to ensure that they remain at the forefront of convenience retailing, and to make the running of a store as easy as possible for MACE retailers. Chill consolidation is the latest development to be implemented by the MACE Group and it puts the shop manager fully in charge of the dairy by consolidating the various deliveries into a single process, allowing stock selection and levels in the dairy wall to be easily and accurately monitored. uLearn@MACE is a new online training platform offered by MACE that gives staff easy on-site access to training, while the new Customer Assist scheme provides MACE shop owners with a full log of activity for the shop, so that should any issue arise with suppliers, or anyone else, the shop owner will have a record of all transactions or orders. MACE have also been working with suppliers to negotiate increasingly competitive deals for their retailers. Wine sales are a key element within McCormack’s shops, although the proximity to the Border for their Cavan/Leitrim stores means that pricing and value are key concerns. The wines on offer in McCormack MACE shops are now so competitively priced that they prove popular in locations such as Killeshandra, just a short drive from the Border. “Flawless presentation and excellent customer service are a minimum requirement of our stores. But value is the number one concern across our shops,” John Flanagan notes. “As we grow the McCormack Group, we are able to increase our buying power and MACE has been working hard to deliver value on promotional offers, WOW goods and developing its own brand. Every shop is unique: for example, in Killeshanrda, the MACE Cola sells
extremely well. But across all our shops and all our customers, value is what we need to provide.”
Balancing Margins with Value The partnership with MACE gives the McCormack Group the ability to sustain an acceptable margin, while still offering customers good value on their shopping baskets. “To date, MACE has reacted well to our needs and the needs of our customers. The group continues to develop technology and services to help its partners with their business and that is why McCormack’s and MACE have such an excellent partnership,” John notes. His words are echoed by Barry Flynn, Retail Operations Advisor, MACE, who describes the McCormack Retail Group as “the ideal business partner”. Praising their professionalism and dedication, Barry explains how MACE “have worked in partnership with McCormack’s to create a concept that has proven its resilience and success in tough economic times. All of the shops in the McCormack Group perform extremely well in the MACE Excellence Awards, which is a testament to the consistency and quality of each MACE Excol forecourt. At MACE, we know what we need to do to retain partners like the McCormack Group, which is to deliver them a package to let their businesses grow.”
One advantage the McCormack stores have is their loyalty scheme, which allows customers to combine points for purchases in their MACE shops, Excol forecourts and home heating depots. “This has proven very successful in building brand loyalty as it can offer loyal McCormack’s customers significant yearly returns,” notes John Flanagan. The McCormack’s Retail Group has developed a concept with MACE that delivers success time and again, despite the current economic climate. The fact that both McCormack’s and MACE are constantly monitoring, developing and refining that strategy for success leaves us in no doubt that there will be more MACE Excol forecourts coming soon.
McCormack Retail Group
Dublin Road, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan
1,200 square feet
Number of Staff: 12 full time & part time Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 7am-11pm; Sat/Sun, 8am-11pm.
16|Retail News|May 2012|
The Supply Chain
:LJ\YPUN [OL Supply Chain GS1 Ireland’s recent Supply Chain Conference on Visibility and Innovation focused on the significant value that universally accepted global supply chain standards can deliver for businesses, the changing consumer and the importance of accurate data.
Pictured at the GS1 Ireland 2012 Supply Chain Conference, Visibility and Innovation are Mike Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, GS1 Ireland, and guest speaker, Justin Carton, Director of Information, Carton Brothers.
GS1 recently held their national Supply Chain Conference in the Convention Centre, Dublin, with the focus on ‘Visibility and Innovation’. The conference addressed a range of key industry sectors, including food
and consumer goods, as well as new sectors such as aerospace, each of which faces the same dilemma as to how to accurately identify products and assets and exchange information about them. These issues span the entire
supply chain, from raw materials suppliers to finished goods and consumers. “GS1 is dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency|May 2012|Retail News|17
The Supply Chain
Mike Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, GS1 Ireland, is pictured with Tony Minogue, General Manager Business Services, Glanbia, and Chairman of GS1 Ireland.
and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors,” said John Perry TD, Minister for Small Business, opening the conference. “These global standards enable the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally, empowering companies to grow and thrive. GS1 standards can assist organisations in ensuring consumers find accurate, up-to-date information about their products and meet the challenge of satisfying consumer demand for information through mobile and online channels.”
business: “Effective traceability gives consumers visibility of where their food comes from,” said Carton, who pointed out that Carton Bros’ experience of traceability has taught the company a number of lessons: • Standardise your system platforms; • Standardise your Barcode standards to GS1; • Use closed loops to verify your systems data; • Be prepared for DataBar; • Investigate GUSI; • Develop your data stream.
Full Traceability & Recall
The Changing Consumer
A key theme of the Supply Chain Conference was how companies can develop a safe, secure and compliant supply chain, with full traceability and recall capabilities. This includes an examination of safeguards, based on the application of global standards that can best facilitate product traceability and instant recall throughout all stages of the supply chain. Such safeguards will provide a significant source of competitive advantage for the Irish ‘Food Island’ brand, according to Tony Minogue, General Manager Business Services, Glanbia, and Chairman of GS1 Ireland. Justin Carton of Carton Bros spoke about how traceabilty should not be a separate system but should be integrated into all aspects of business, such that it becomes a method of doing
Edel Russell, Customer Innovation and IT Director, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland, assessed the changing consumer. “The new consumer hunts for value and the desire to spend less,” she said. “With less money available, consumers are now very interested in detail, more concerned, more curious and willing to do the work before they make their product choice. There is a real consumer appetite for information about products before their purchase.” The technological revolution enables consumers to do the homework on their own mobiles, she pointed out, with mobiles virtually becoming their wallet: indeed, 25% of content viewed on the internet is from a mobile. “Consumers have the power in their hands to access all of the information they need before making a brand choice,” Russell noted. “The consumer
is looking for ways to do things better, cheaper, simpler and faster, and all of these factors are driving cost. So the four key trends for consumers right now are: value mission, appetite for data, more connected (with smartphones) and reduced costs.” SuperValu currently offer on-line shopping in 37 outlets nationwide, while Centra have just launched an app for recipes and a loyalty solution, the Centra Smile. The use of Radio Frequency ID was another hot topic, particularly its application within the stringent regulatory and safety environment of the aviation sector. Checking on-board safety equipment, which traditionally takes hours, can now be completed in minutes. Security applications can now alert the crew to possible tampering with equipment or access in seconds. It was further discussed how RFID technology is being increasingly used by the retail sector to revolutionise inventory, delivery and customer service levels and to significantly reduce supply chain, transport and logistic costs.
Do You Trust Data? Another presentation from GS1 Global Office focused on ‘Trusted Data’, particularly in a mobile world, and showed how the source of information for consumers has moved from the product package or freephone number to a smartphone application that reads a scanned barcode/QR code. Malcolm Bowden, President, Global Solutions, GS1 Global, explained the “staggering” adoption rate for smartphones, where in most developed markets, over 30% of consumers have a smartphone. While consumers have limitless access to tools and resources to find, research and compare products in this always-on digital age, Bowden asked how trustworthy is the data available? The answer: it varies considerably. Bowden insisted that there is a need for one source of trusted data, so brand owners need to: • Focus on data quality: this is a business requirement that is even more important in a consumer connected world; • Share accurate, authorised product information in a single place by joining the GS1 Trusted Source of Data framework. There were also contributions on this subject from Fintan Lonergan, Managing Director of Media, O2 Ireland, and Damian Lawlor,
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The Supply Chain Managing Director, Media Platforms, Northern & Central Europe, Google. According to Lonergan, “the number of smartphones sold now exceeds the number of PC’s. In a few years, the number of smartphone devices will dwarf PC numbers. Within two years, mobiles will surpass desktop computers for access to the global internet.” He pointed out how mobiles facilitate intelligent targeting, including identification of who you want to talk to, what passions, behaviours or interests you have and where are they located. He cited examples of Heineken’s engagement with rugby fans at a match, Starbuck’s redemption at point of purchase, Guinness with Arthur’s Day etc. In 2010, Google became a ‘mobile first’ company, where they put mobile at the heart of their business. Indeed, Google has identified three key growth trends – social, local and commerce (SoLoCo) – with mobile as the overarching technology fuelling growth across these areas. According to Google, mobile will merge the physical and digital world and make the whole world clickable. “The smartphone in your pocket is more powerful than the computers that put man on the moon, and we believe will be a key technology in enhancing peoples lives and driving SoLoCo trends in ways that have not yet been envisaged,” noted Damian Lawlor, who pointed out that 28% of people check a social network before they get out of bed; 57% of people talk to
For more information on the GS1 Ireland National Supply Chain Conference, see
Pictured at the GS1 Ireland 2012 Supply Chain Conference, Visibility and Innovation, are John Callahan; Mike Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, GS1 Ireland; Edel Russell, Head of Loyalty and Insight, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland; and Tony Minogue, General Manager Business Services, Glanbia, and Chairman, GS1 Ireland.
people more online than they do in real life and 40% of people who ‘Google’ on their mobile phones buy within 60 minutes.
The Co-opetition Agenda Aidan Cotter, CEO of Bord Bia, outlined how the Irish food sector can continue to successfully develop, particularly through exports. He talked about the need for a culture of “co-opetition”, where Irish companies work as partners, not competitors, to increase their ability to win business overseas. He pointed to the Food Harvest 2020 Strategy, which has ambitious targets to increase exports from €8 billion to €12 billion by 2020. John Keogh, Global Director, Product and Consumer Safety, GS1 Global, spoke to delegates on enabling the Irish food sector for growth an exports, with a particular emphasis on meeting the demands for a safe and sustainable supply chain. Providing this helps to reduce risk by ensuring compliance with regulation, reducing the risk profile from insurance companies who can lower premiums, as well as reducing risk of harm to consumers with rapid and
accurate communication. Indeed, overall costs can be reduced in the event of a product recall, which is made more effective and targeted, while revenue can be increased though improved trading partner trust. “The key messages are that brands and retailers care about consumer safety - they care a lot,” said Keogh. “Global Standards are critical but only part of the solution. We need to improve stakeholder collaboration and build lasting trust. We need to explore new ways of working together for improved results and outcomes.”
Delivering Value Mike Byrne, CEO of GS1 Ireland, highlighted how the conference essentially provided a manifest of “the significant value that universally accepted global supply chain standards can deliver for businesses and for their customers. This includes the pivotal role played by GS1 in facilitating collaboration with stakeholders as an independent and knowledgeable partner in each jurisdiction.” The supply chain conference attendance included representatives from An Bord Bia, Allied Foods, Google, Glanbia, Musgrave Group, O2 Ireland, Retail Excellence Ireland, Valeo Foods, Universities and Third Level Institutions, Solution Providers, ICT Specialists, and Legal practices serving the retail and food processing sectors. For more information, see
IF IN DOUBT - LEAVE THEM OUT Smoking is for adults and John Player believes that children should not smoke. Please be ever vigilant. If there is any doubt about a person’s age - always refuse the sale. Information for Trade Customers Only.
20|Retail News|May 2012|
Retail News Interview
*HKI\Y`»Z Olympic
Karl Tyndall, Cadbury Brand Manager, Kraft Foods Ireland.
Karl Tyndall *HKI\Y` )YHUK 4HUHNLY 2YHM[ -VVKZ 0YLSHUK [HSRZ \Z [OYV\NO *HKI\Y`»Z KLJPZPVU [V ZWVUZVY [OL 0YPZO 6S`TWPJ HUK 7HYHS`TWPJ [LHTZ H[ 3VUKVU CADBURY has embarked on one of the year’s biggest sponsorship agreements, certainly in the realm of Irish sport, with the news that the brand is sponsoring both the Olympic Council of Ireland and Paralympics Ireland, thus becoming the Official Treat Provider to the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams in the run up to and during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2008, Cadbury announced its global sponsorship of the London 2012 Olympic Games, so this move comes as a natural extension to this sponsorship, as Karl Tyndall, Cadbury Brand Manager, Kraft Foods Ireland, explains.
Why did Cadbury choose to become sponsor and Official Treat Provider to the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games? Cadbury, as one of Ireland’s best loved brands, is delighted and proud to sponsor the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams. There has never been a more exciting time for a brand to be involved in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and for a brand like Cadbury to be in a position to bring a little of the Olympic spirit and
joy to our customers, the opportunity was simply too good to miss. With a large Irish manufacturing base and heritage here, Cadbury are fully behind each and every Irish athlete taking part in the London 2012 Games and immensely proud to play a role in their journey to London 2012.
What will the sponsorship mean for (a) Kraft Foods and (b) the Irish teams? We are using London 2012 to further deepen and develop relationships with our customers to grow the category, starting with our biggest ever consumer promotion in April and running all the way to the end of the Games. We are implementing an integrated marketing campaign which will maximise the effect of
our sponsorship. In addition to the financial support, the Irish teams will benefit from increased profile and support as they go for gold in London.
How will this sponsorship drive awareness of the Cadbury brand with consumers? As part of the sponsorship, we plan to roll out a number of exciting initiatives over the coming weeks, which will enhance the Irish experience of London 2012. These initiatives include the launch of our largest ever in-store promotion, ‘Unwrap Gold’, which will capture the imagination of Irish sporting fans everywhere and give Irish fans across Ireland the chance to win golden vouchers to London 2012 hidden inside the wrappers of Cadbury bars.
WHAT THE SPONSORSHIP MEANS “TEAM Ireland has been fortunate in its preparations for the London Olympics in having Cadbury on board as a major sponsor,” said Pat Hickey, President of the Olympic Council of Ireland. “This famous brand promoting and supporting our athletes to a very great degree continues to help build public excitement and team awareness as we get ready to ‘go for gold’.” Liam Harbison, CEO, Paralympics Ireland, said, “We are delighted that Cadbury is partnering with the 2012 Irish Paralympic Team towards this summer’s ‘Home Games’. Their support is of huge help, not just to Paralympic athletes like Catherine Walsh who are targeting the podium in London, but also in building the greatestever public support for the team.”|May 2012|Retail News|21
Retail News Interview How is the confectionery market performing in volume and value terms? The confectionery market continues to perform strongly as consumers look to indulge themselves with affordable treats. Ireland remains one of the highest chocolate consumers per capita in the world and this shows no sign of slowing. Volume sales of confectionery are growing faster than value sales, as manufacturers and retailers both strive to offer shoppers great products at a competitive price.
Cadbury’s ‘Unwrap Gold’ promotion will capture the imagination of Irish sporting fans everywhere and give Irish fans across Ireland the chance to win golden vouchers to London 2012 hidden inside the wrappers of Cadbury bars.
Can high profile campaigns like the sponsorship of the 2012 Olympic Games and the Irish teams help to reinvigorate the market? Absolutely: with London only a stone’s throw away, never will the Olympic Games be more accessible to Irish consumers. The plans we have in place will capitalise on this and bring
Irish consumers even closer to London 2012. With plenty of opportunities to win and a fully integrated marketing plan, we believe that we will be able to deliver more for consumers and retailers alike.
How do you see the Irish confectionery market performing in the coming years? The Irish confectionery market is one of the most innovative categories in FMCG. In the coming years, we will continue to see manufacturers developing new products based on changing consumer needs. Cadbury will be at the forefront of this movement, bringing consumers an exciting array of products which match the needs and desires of the Irish shopper. We will continue to see confectionery remain relevant in the Irish basket and can look forward to the evolution of the category over the coming years.
We have also signed up to provide additional support to Olympic athletes Gráinne Murphy and Paul Hession, alongside Paralympic cyclist Catherine Walsh, as Cadbury Olympic and Paralympic Ambassadors. Our commitment to London 2012 is underlined by a huge volunteer programme, which will see many of our colleagues volunteer in London. In addition, members of the Cadbury Ireland Facebook community will be able to keep in touch with all the news and views from the Irish camp as we get closer to London.
‘Unwrap Gold’ is a big part of the Olympic strategy, and is also Cadbury’s largest ever in-store promotion in Ireland. What exactly is involved? With the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games less than six months away, gold vouchers have been placed in a special range of Cadbury singles bars, multi-packs and sharing bags. There will be guaranteed winners in each county, with consumers who find the gold vouchers able to call or go online to claim their prize. Consumers who don’t find a gold voucher will still have more chances to win by entering the pack code online. The instant win mechanic is an excellent way to drive impulse sales and with €500K promotional support, including TV, outdoor, press, radio, digital, in-store POS, as well as advertising around the local winners, we are confident that the promotion will deliver for retailers and consumers alike.
Olympic athletes Gráinne Murphy and Paul Hession, alongside Paralympic cyclist Catherine Walsh, have been named Cadbury Olympic and Paralympic Ambassadors.
22|Retail News|May 2012|
Big Night In: Beer & Cider
Fuel Sales
With Euro 2012 about to kick-off in Poland and the Ukraine, Ireland is set to go football crazy, with serious sales opportunities for smart retailers. SUMMER 2012 is expected to be a bumper one for beer and cider sales. The sunny season generally brings a rise in sales, as consumers embrace home entertaining with barbeques and al fresco dining very much the norm. This year, there is the added bonus of Euro 2012. With Ireland qualifying for their first major international football tournament in a decade, the whole country is sure to tune in to cheer on the Boys in Green. Fans of all ages, will be gathering in each other’s houses for the biggest football event of the year, in what is expected to see a huge surge in Ireland’s already booming off-trade, as they stock up on their favourite tipples for big match parties and BBQs, with a major surge in house parties for each of Ireland’s opening Group C games (see separate panel on page 23 for full fixture list).
Carlsberg The Carlsberg brand, from Diageo Ireland, has sponsored the UEFA Football Championships since 1988. This year, the tournament will be held for the first time ever entirely in Eastern Europe, in the exciting growth markets of Poland and Ukraine. Carlsberg is the Official Beer to UEFA 2012 for all stadiums and fan parks, while the Carlsberg Man of the Match Award and Carlsberg Goal of the Day Award will be presented throughout the tournament. Carlsberg recently launched its new new global television commercial, which paints a picture of football fans and their passion for their country, as the summer’s biggest football tournament approaches.
Former Manchester United and Denmark goalkeeper, Peter Schmeichel is Carlsberg’s global ambassador for UEFA EURO 2012.
From the red and white of Denmark, to the red and yellow of Spain, face painting has developed into a massive demonstration of national pride, support and passion a real show of colours for your team. The television commercial, created by 180 Amsterdam, brings this to life by showing football fans nonchalantly wearing full face paint in a series of inappropriate locations, including a posh restaurant and while reading the news on television, before finishing with a sea of painted faces all cheering on their team at a Fan Park. The commercial has been created so it can be tailored to different teams for the local Carlsberg markets. For more information on Carlsberg’s activity please go to or go to to see the commercial in full.
Heineken The perfect accompaniment to a warm summer’s day and enjoyed around the world since 1873, Heineken continues to grow as the beer of choice at home with 15.8% of off-trade lager sales (Source: ACNielsen, March 2012). Throughout the summer, Heineken makes it easy to cater for every occasion, with offerings including sixpack, 12-pack & 20-pack bottles as well as four-pack, eight-pack & 12-pack cans. Heineken’s busy marketing calendar and prolific sponsorships portfolio across sport and music|May 2012|Retail News|23
Big Night In: Beer & Cider EURO 2012 FIXTURE LIST Friday June 8 Poland v Greece (Group A): 5pm Russia v Czech Republic (Group A): 7.45pm Saturday June 9 Holland v Denmark (Group B): 5pm Germany v Portugal (Group B): 7.45pm Sunday June 10 Spain v Italy (Group C): 5pm Republic of Ireland v Croatia (Group C): 7.45pm Monday June 11 France v England (Group D): 5pm Ukraine v Sweden (Group D): 7.45pm Tuesday June 12 Greece v Czech Republic (Group A): 5pm Poland v Russia (Group A):7.45pm Heineken continues to grow as the beer of choice at home with 15.8% of off-trade lager sales.
Wednesday June 13 Denmark v Portugal (Group B): 5pm Holland v Germany (Group B): 7.45pm
continues to resonate and Thursday June 14 QUARTER-FINALS connect with Irish lager lovers Italy v Croatia (Group C): 5pm Thursday June 21 throughout the summer. Spain v Republic of Ireland (Group C): 7.45pm QF1: Winner A v Runner-up B: 7.45pm Heineken Music is synonymous with great gigs Friday June 15 and musical experiences. Friday June 22 Sweden v England (Group D): 5pm Heineken is offering an QF2: Winner B v Runner-up A: 7.45pm Ukraine v France (Group D): 7.45pm exciting Heineken Music on pack promotion in July Saturday June 23 Heineken Live Access - which Saturday June 16 QF3: Winner C v Runner-up D: 7.45pm gives festival fans the chance Czech Republic v Poland (Group A): 7.45pm to win one of three VIP Greece v Russia (Group A): 7.45pm Sunday June 24 experiences at three of the QF4: Winner D v Runner-up C: 7.45pm world’s best music festivals; Sunday June 17 Sensation in Thailand, Portugal v Holland (Group B): 7.45pm SEMI-FINALS Sandance in Dubai and the Denmark v Germany (Group B): 7.45pm St Maarten Regatta in the Wednesday June 27 Caribbean. This activation will SF1: Winner QF1 v Winner QF3: 7.45pm be supported by innovative Monday June 18 in-store POS & ATL support. Croatia v Spain (Group C): 7.45pm Thursday June 28 With thrilling finals in Italy v Republic of Ireland (Group C): 7.45pm SF2: Winner QF2 v Winner QF4: 7.45pm both the Heineken Cup and UEFA Champions League Tuesday June 19 FINAL on Star Saturday on May 19, England v Ukraine (Group D): 7.45pm Sunday July 1 Heineken remains at the heart Sweden v France (Group D): 7.45pm Winner SF1 v Winner SF2: 7.45pm of worldwide sporting events this summer and the perfect accompaniment for at-home match parties, barbeques and volume share of lager in the off a series of off-trade promotions and summer gatherings of every shape trade (Source: ACNielsen, March exciting brand activity from Heineken and size. See for 2012), supported by a programme of Ireland, Coors Light is set to be the beer more information. promotional brand activity, including on everyone’s shopping list for garden Coors Light giveaways in off trade parties, barbeques and celebrations. accounts this July and an on-pack offer Summer 2012 will see increased Coors Light in September. visibility from the Rocky Mountain As the lager market continues to show This July, fans will be kept favourite as share points continue strong growth, Coors Light’s popularity refreshed as the highly successful to grow, up by 2.5% on 2011 to 6.9% is on the rise. This summer, through
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Big Night In: Beer & Cider Coors Light Thermochromic glass promotion makes a comeback. This quality-centric promotion is aimed to ensure that beer fans enjoy a Rocky Mountain cold experience when enjoying the premium lager at home. An exciting on-pack promotion will follow in September. Born high in the Rocky Mountains, Coors Light has been delivering Rocky Mountain Cold Refreshment since 1873. Keeping things cool this summer, Coors Light comes with an ice cold guarantee. Every bottle and can of Coors Light contains This summer, Thermochromic Coors Light, from Heineken Ireland, icon technology will be supported – a specially through a series of developed icon off-trade promotions that turns blue and exciting brand to indicate activity. that the Coors Light is ice cold and ready to drink. This technology insures every bottle of Coors Light delivers Rocky Mountain Cold Refreshment every time. Coors Light is available in 330ml bottles (6-pack, 10-pack and 20-pack) and 500ml cans (four-pack and eightpack). Keep up to date with all things Coors Light at coorslightireland
Barry & Fitzwilliam Corona Extra has grown dramatically in both the on and the off trade over the last few years and the trend already this year is for more of the same. Corona is currently backed by an intensive radio and poster campaign. Corona will sponsor the Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival for the fourth time this summer.
Model Sarah T. is pictured gearing up for Forbidden Fruit, with Belinda Kelly, Trade Marketing & Events Manager at Bulmers.
THE second Forbidden Fruit festival sponsored by Bulmers takes place this June Bank Holiday Weekend. Winner of Best New Festival at the Irish Festival Awards for 2011, Bulmers and POD promises a Bank Holiday feast of music, art and fashion. The impressive line-up includes Manchester legends New Order, along with Leftfield, Wilco, Friendly Fires and Death Cab For Cutie. The Bulmers Forbidden Fruit music sponsorship was created to appeal to a 20-25-year-old audience and provide a platform to offer a unique festival experience and to showcase Bulmers’ involvement in music. The 2012 Forbidden Fruit festival has been extended to three days with five stages. The non-camping festival is an urban fusion of music, art and fashion. New for 2012 is the Bulmers Pear comedy stage. The music lineup across the three days features true musical icons as well as up and coming artists, offering a variety of different genres to reflect the diverse modern music tastes of today. Each day’s music line-up has a slightly different bend, ranging from an electronic bill on the Saturday to an indie/folk bill on the Monday; with the Sunday bill
somewhere between the two. “Bulmers is delighted with the success of Forbidden Fruit,” said Belinda Kelly, Trade Marketing & Events Manager at Bulmers. “We collaborated with POD Entertainment with the aim of hosting a multi-staged urban festival. We wanted to create an experience which would be different to any other music event. Our partner’s vision and the brand’s vision needed to meet in order to present a tailored event, which would well represent the brand. Key to the experience was participation by and collaboration with the festival-goers, with the emphasis on quality and imagination in every aspect of the event, with meticulous attention to detail to achieve the ultimate urban festival experience. The first year of Bulmers Forbidden Fruit proved a huge success and we’re thrilled to be bringing the festival back for its second year.” Together with a fine array of delicious food, creative craft stalls and the usual festival quirks and oddities, Forbidden Fruit is the finest reason to spend a Bank Holiday weekend in Dublin. See for more information.
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Big Night In: Beer & Cider Corona Light has been an instant hit with the calorie conscious consumer since its launch in February. In Weight Watchers parlance, it only has 3 Pro Points by comparison to 4 pro points for most other light beers and ciders. Ginger Joe is a new 33cl alcoholic ginger beer with an ABV of 4%. It is produced by Stones, who are famous for their Ginger Wine. This will be heavily advertised on satellite TV over the coming month. Global beer brands have seen an increase Corona Light has been in interest. an instant hit with Barry & the calorie conscious Fitzwilliam have consumer since its taken on a range launch in February. of world beers, including the Wells & Young portfolio, the most popular of which is Banana Bread Beer, Waggle Dance and Bombardier and Coopers from Australia, which have gained a very loyal following in the last few years.
Bavaria Bavaria City Racing is transforming Dublin city centre into a racetrack for an amazing demonstration of the world motor sports. Previously hosted in Rotterdam and Moscow, on June 4 it’s coming to Dublin! F1 Teams Vodafone McLarenMercedes and Caterham are both signed up, along with a host of other motor sports teams. Over 150,000 people are expected into the city on the day for the event with 96% of the track free to the public! For those who want to get closer to the action, there are ticketed performance zones. See for more information.
Asian brand as Tiger’s distribution continues to grow, supported by a programme of sampling and promotional activity, including Tiger giveaways in select off trade accounts this August. Originating in Singapore, Tiger is famed for its crisp refreshing qualities, with a hint of tropical fruit making it the perfect premium beer for balmy summer evenings and a natural choice for the BBQ and summer party season. Brewed in Singapore since 1932, Tiger Beer is the world’s most successful pan-Asian beer. Available in 75 countries around the world, Tiger has won over 30 international gold medals and awards, including the To coincide with the Formula One event in June, Bavaria, 2004 Gold from the Gleeson Group, are running a number of very Award exciting on and off trade promotions around the country. of the Association of Brewers World Beer “I’m hugely excited about Bavaria Cup. A strict brewing City Racing Dublin,” noted Bavaria process that takes over City Racing Dublin Ambassador, 500 hours ensures Tiger Eddie Jordan. “This is something delivers perfect quality, spectacular, something you’ve never every time. The finest witnessed before and I, for one, can’t malt, hops and yeast; wait.” taste-testing over 10 To coincide with the Formula samples of water One event in June, Bavaria, from the every day and over Gleeson Group, are running a number 200 quality checks, of very exciting on and off trade all contribute to the promotions around the country. There masterful creation are also a range of trade incentives, of this fine tasting where customers will have the chance premium beer. to win VIP corporate tickets. For With an ABV of more information on Bavaria and 4.8%, Tiger is a full their full range of alcoholic and non bodied beer, malty alcoholic products, please contact your in character yet local Gleeson Incorporating Gilbeys with a clean crisp Representative. finish that makes Tiger Ireland’s most Tiger popular Asian beer From Heineken Ireland, Tiger, choice. Ireland’s most popular Asian beer, Tiger is available continues to go from strength to in 500ml and 330ml strength in the off trade. With a bottles (4x330ml/ strong lager volume growth in the off Tiger, Ireland’s 6x330ml/ 12x330ml) trade, perennial summer favourites Keep up to date with most popular Asian like Tiger are set to feature firmly on beer, continues to all things Tiger at the shopping list again this season. go from strength to This summer will see increased strength in the off TigerIreland visibility from the super-premium trade.
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Big Night In: Wines & Spirits
Summer Sales SURGE PREDICTED Cocktails and sparkling wines are set to be high on the agenda for Irish consumers this summer, as al fresco dining becomes the norm. will appeal to the more adventurous consumers. “We launched Bacardi Oakheart to capitalise on the emerging popularity of spiced rums and rum-based drinks and as such, delivered a product true to the core credentials of Bacardi Oakheart a brand that Bacardi Limited, the largest privately created modern held, family-owned spirits company rum in 1862,” in the world, produces and markets said Tiernan internationally-recognised spirits and O’Morain, wines. Its brand portfolio comprises Market more than 200 brands and labels, Development including Bacardi rum, the world’s Manager, best-selling and most-awarded rum. Bacardi. “Bacardi Bacardi Oakheart, from Edward Oakheart was Dillon & Co. Ltd, was launched created to bring in 2011 to stellar reviews from together a new consumers. The arrival of Bacardi generation of Oakheart in the Irish market gives consumers – a Bacardi strong brand presence across generation all rum segments and reaffirms its that lives for market leadership position. Bacardi Bacardi Oakheart is a adventure, Oakheart is a tribute to modern day smooth, spiced spirit freedom and adventurers and represents their true drink of premium rum with a hint of smokiness spontaneity. essence - fierce loyalty, stout-heart and a unique velvet-like Coming from and unwavering resolve. smoothness. more than These timeless qualities are a century of reflected in the bold taste of Bacardi Bacardi tradition and rum know-how, Oakheart - a smooth, spiced spirit Bacardi Oakheart represents a major drink of premium rum with a hint of development in the rum category.” smokiness and a unique velvet-like Bacardi Oakheart (70 proof/35% smoothness. Using rum taken from ABV) begins with rum mellowed in the heart of charred American white charred American white oak barrels, oak barrels, this expertly blended which is then blended together to premium spirit drink contains specially create the perfect base. Choice flavours selected flavours and spices which WHEN it comes to the Spirits sector, the summer is all about cocktails. Recent years have really seen the Irish consumer embrace cocktail culture, with most bars offering signature cocktails to eager consumers. The good news for off trade retailers is that cocktail culture is coming home, with Irish adults increasingly confident about creating their favourite cocktails in the comfort of their own homes.
and spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, honey and vanilla, are added to this blend and the liquid is filtered. The end result is a bold, spiced spirit drink of premium rum straight from the heart of charred oak barrels with an amber hue, a hint of smokiness and unique velvet-like smoothness. Rich and oaky on the nose, with aromas of smoke and dried fruit, Bacardi Oakheart possesses robust flavour with a hint of maple and honey, followed by vanilla and caramel. Slightly sweet and peppery, with a noticeable kick, Bacardi Oakheart tastes great straight or combined with cola and served over ice in a chilled stein or highball glass. Bacardi Oakheart was developed in close collaboration with thousands of consumers and hundreds of bartenders. Since launching over 12 months ago, the name Bacardi Oakheart has become synonymous with premium spiced rum.
Bacardi Pina Colada The Bacardi Classic Cocktail Pina Colada provides consumers with the ultimate home entertaining solution, giving them the enjoyment of a real legendary cocktail taste in a convenient ready-to-serve package. Thanks to the Bacardi Classic Cocktail Pina Colada, anyone can host a fantastic party or get-together at home as this pre-mixed cocktail will impress guests without the hassle of preparation, leaving the host stress-free and focused on getting the party started. An iconic cocktail, the Pina Colada has for centuries represented celebration and is the perfect partner for any party. Building on the success of the Bacardi Classic Cocktail Mojito, the
Don Facundo Bacardi’s passion was to refine the uncivilised Rum of the 1800’s into a spirit fit for a more sophisticated palate. His dream was realised when BACARDÍ Rum was born on 4th February 1862. BACARDÍ now has almost 150 years of history and heritage.
Rich and warm with a hint of smoke. The robust flavour stands up to any challenge with top notes of maple and honey followed by vanilla and caramel.
THE HOUSE OF THE BAT FLAVOURS & SPICES Our Maestros De Ron Bacardi have added selected flavours and spices honey for the light floral & delicate top notes; vanilla extracted from the finest Madagascan vanilla beans; cinnamon and nutmeg selectively sourced for quality from Vietnam, Indonesia and South East Asia.
Doña Amalia (Don Facundo’s wife) found a colony of fruit bats roosting in the rafters of the original tin-roofed distillery in 1862. Bats were highly symbolic for the Spanish: good health, fortune and family unity. Also for the Taino Indians of Cuba: as guardians of all cultural goods. The symbol was adopted as a logo, BACARDÍ Rum became famous as the ‘Rum of the Bat’.
CHARRED OAK BARRELS The rum rests in specially selected charred white oak barrels to impart a hint of smokiness, further enhanced by the addition of natural charred oak extract to give the liquid woody notes.
/bacardi © 2012 BACARDI, the Bat Device and OAKHEART are registered trademarks of BACARDI & Company Limited.
Backed by 150 years of BACARDÍ tradition, BACARDÍ OAKHEART has been crafted by our Maestros De Ron Bacardi who throughout the production process rely on their senses of sight, smell and taste to ensure that the quality and unique taste profile of BACARDÍ OAKHEART meets exacting standards.
Don Facundo Bacardi’s passion was to refine the uncivilised Rum of the 1800’s into a spirit fit for a more sophisticated palate. His dream was realised when BACARDÍ Rum was born on 4th February 1862. BACARDÍ now has almost 150 years of history and heritage.
Rich and warm with a hint of smoke. The robust flavour stands up to any challenge with top notes of maple and honey followed by vanilla and caramel.
THE HOUSE OF THE BAT FLAVOURS & SPICES Our Maestros De Ron Bacardi have added selected flavours and spices honey for the light floral & delicate top notes; vanilla extracted from the finest Madagascan vanilla beans; cinnamon and nutmeg selectively sourced for quality from Vietnam, Indonesia and South East Asia.
Doña Amalia (Don Facundo’s wife) found a colony of fruit bats roosting in the rafters of the original tin-roofed distillery in 1862. Bats were highly symbolic for the Spanish: good health, fortune and family unity. Also for the Taino Indians of Cuba: as guardians of all cultural goods. The symbol was adopted as a logo, BACARDÍ Rum became famous as the ‘Rum of the Bat’.
CHARRED OAK BARRELS The rum rests in specially selected charred white oak barrels to impart a hint of smokiness, further enhanced by the addition of natural charred oak extract to give the liquid woody notes.
/bacardi © 2012 BACARDI, the Bat Device and OAKHEART are registered trademarks of BACARDI & Company Limited.
Backed by 150 years of BACARDÍ tradition, BACARDÍ OAKHEART has been crafted by our Maestros De Ron Bacardi who throughout the production process rely on their senses of sight, smell and taste to ensure that the quality and unique taste profile of BACARDÍ OAKHEART meets exacting standards.
30|Retail News|May 2012|
Big Night In: Wines & Spirits is a great accolade and gives the brand credibility within the drinks industry. Only 11 brands met the strict criteria for the list in 2011. William Lawson’s is a blended Scotch Whisky which is distilled and bottled in Scotland. It is named after William Lawson, who was born in Scotland in 1853 but moved to Dublin in 1881. He joined EJ Burke, a spirits company on O’Connell Street, where he worked his way up the ranks to become Export Director. William’s passion and dedication to uncompromised quality so impressed his employers that they renamed their blended Scotch Whisky after him. It is this Bacardi Classic Cocktail Pina Colada ethos that has made this big bold gives consumers the enjoyment of a real Scotch Whisky the success that it is legendary cocktail taste in a convenient today. Barardi Martini bought the ready-to-serve package. brand in 1998. Stephanie McLeod, William hand-shaken Pina Colada will continue Lawson’s Master Blender, says to further the popularity of the easy that the secret of William Lawson’s pour-and-serve design. The Bacardi big, bad, bold taste is “all down to Classic Cocktail Pina Colada is made the selection of only the fruitiest with Bacardi Superior Rum, the malts from across Scotland. I avoid original, mixable light-bodied clear any of the more rum that, for more than 100 years, smoky malts that has been used to craft unique drink Bacardi Mojito, would counter the recipes that have become world available in 275ml glorious fruity favourites. bottles, is proving flavour. To ensure The Bacardi Classic Cocktail extremely popular with that a satisfying Pina Colada package features a Irish consumers. balance is achieved, unique translucent bottle and a I chose a selection sophisticated design that emphasises of aged grain whiskies and as such, the premium qualities of these that lend this fruit make them more classics. The 14.9% Alcohol-Byextra bite.” accessible than Volume ready-to-drink cocktail is Over the years, ever to consumers. available in a 700ml size at an RRP William Lawson’s of €13.99. has created Customers can enjoy a rich, William award- winning creamy cocktail experience by Lawson’s advertising with enjoying these three simple steps: It’s been a great its ‘No Rules, 1: Fill a tall glass with ice-cubes; year for William Great Scotch’ 2: Pour Bacardi Pina Colada over Lawson’s, winning campaigns. the ice; a Gold Medal at The adverts 3: Garnish with fresh pineapple and The International have a distinct serve with a straw. Wine & Spirit monochrome Competition style and feature which was held Bacardi Originals Ready to a bare-chested recently in the Serve Cocktail Range UK. The IWSC Bacardi continues to blaze a trail. is the premier In 2011, Edward Dillon introduced competition of its a new range of ready-to-serve kind in the world. authentic cocktail drinks, allowing Equally outlets who could not offer a credible exciting is the cocktail service to serve premium announcement cocktails to their customers with that William little fuss. Bacardi Originals Lawson’s is ranked launched two new Original Cocktails Number 9 in the in a bottle, the Mojito and Cuba International Libre. These were successfully Bacardi Cuba Libre: a rolled out to key bars across Ireland William Lawson’s won a Gold Medal at The sophisticated cocktail in Wine & Spirit International Wine & Spirit Competition, during last summer and were a convenient multi-serve Research Elite held recently in the UK. Brands List. This similarly launched to the off-trade format. towards the end of 2011. Bacardi Originals are sophisticated authentic cocktails that deliver easy to drink replications of perfect serve Bacardi drinks in a convenient multi-serve format in order to maximise value for Bacardi consumers. Available in 275ml bottle serves, with an RRP of €2.69, Barardi Originals offers consumers a refreshing alternative from a beer or wine. Bacardi Originals are created using the finest Bacardi rum, with an ABV of 5% for Cuba Libre and 5.4% for Mojito. Both drinks are inspired by Bacardi’s legacy cocktails|May 2012|Retail News|31
Big Night In: Wines & Spirits SMIRNOFF CELEBRATES WITH MADONNA DIAGEO Ireland has announced the next stage of its exciting partnership between Ireland’s number one vodka brand, Smirnoff No.21 Vodka, Madonna and Live Nation Entertainment. Celebrating Madonna’s 12th studio album ‘MDNA’, available now, and the start of the Material Girl’s forthcoming 2012 World Tour, Diageo Ireland are introducing an exclusive Smirnoff Limited Edition pack into the off trade, offering VIP Madonna access. 150,000 glossy red packs are landing on shelves and will contain a special VIP access card. Each card holds a unique code which, once entered into a dedicated Facebook page, unlocks a host of exclusive content to experience Madonna’s world like never before, including an exclusive download of Madonna’s latest remix track ‘Give Me All Your Luvin’ – Just Blaze Bionic Dub’. The Smirnoff Limited Edition packs provide an excellent opportunity for retailers to harness the power of Madonna’s profile to engage shoppers at the point of purchase and drive category growth. Vodka is currently the largest category in the off trade in Ireland, growing at +2.75% within the grocery channel. With Smirnoff growing ahead of this at +6.11% (Source: ACNielsen Off trade data, MAT TY April 2012), the activity is guaranteed to add excitement to the category in-store and drive incremental sales. “This partnership between a global superstar, Live Nation Entertainment and the number one vodka brand is really exciting and this latest activity is a fantastic opportunity for Madonna fans to gain access to completely exclusive content,” said Simon Breckon, Vodka Marketing Director, Western Europe. “Retailers will also feel the benefit from this high-profile collaboration. The red pack will create significant impact on-shelf, drawing shoppers to the category in-store. We are also launching some striking Diageo Ireland’s exclusive Smirnoff POS kits and display units to signpost the activity and help drive sales for retailers.” Limited Edition pack offers consumers Each consumer who enters their unique code will have access to exclusive content VIP Madonna access cards, which unlock including music downloads, exclusive behind the scenes content, and the chance to a host of exclusive content. win VIP concert tickets.
Highlander who always prevails with his no nonsense attitude.
Hennessy Steeped in Irish heritage, Hennessy from Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd has evolved to become one of Ireland’s most well-known and cherished brands. Founded in Cognac, France, in 1765 by Corkonian Richard Hennessy, the brand’s distinctly Irish heritage has stood the test of time and today draws upon some 200 years of knowledge, talent, expertise and passion. It is a brand that is intrinsically linked to the Irish way of life and is complemented by Hennessy’s commitment to Ireland’s unique sociability and skill in creating unforgettable experiences. Using only the very best ingredients in its production, the Hennessy collection of timeless cognacs includes Hennessy VS, Hennessy VSOP, Hennessy XO and Hennessy Paradis. Hennessy VS is the perfect combination of vanilla, scents of oak and red berries. The versatile cognac can be enjoyed neat or on the rocks and its unique blend of “eaux de-vie” from the best growing areas of the cognac region give reason to its name Hennessy Very Special. Hennessy VSOP is an accomplished blend of around 60 different “eaux de-vie” selected from four of the
best growing areas of the Cognac region. An ideal cognac to be enjoyed straight or on the rocks, Hennessy VSOP is the symbol of roundness and sophistication.
Hennessy X.O, created by Maurice Hennessy, was inspired by his idea for a cognac that boasted a combination of modernity and rarity. This ‘extra old’ cognac has a blend of around one hundred old “eaux-de-vie”, which have been carefully matured in the Hennessy cellars. Its creativity and rarity make it the ideal gift for anyone who enjoys its subtle flavours and aromas. Though the Hennessy brand has evolved throughout the years, the true art form of its traditions and methods remains timeless. For further information on Hennessy, log onto or join Hennessy on Facebook at www.
Barry & Fitzwilliam
Hennessy from Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd has evolved to become one of Ireland’s most well-known and cherished brands.
Barry & Fitzwilliam distribute a wide range of premium spirits. They include Teachers Scotch, Courvoisier Cognac, Rémy Martin Cognac, The Famous Grouse Finest Scotch Whisky, Jim Beam Bourbon, Vladivar Vodka, Boru Vodka and Whyte and Mackay Scotch. Beam, who recently acquired the Cooley brands, have appointed Barry & Fitzwilliam as the exclusive distributor of the Cooley range of whiskey, which includes Kilbeggan, Connemara and Tyrconnell. Cointreau is a cool experience on ice with a warm afterglow, surrounded by
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Big Night In: Wines & Spirits
Bols Crème de Cacao the exotic scent of oranges, while (brown) in a Brandy maintaining its elegant French Alexander. More Bols heritage. Cointreau is the The latest figures from the Irish cocktail recipes are perfect partner for cocktails, Wine Association suggest that available on www. renowned for livening Ireland’s wine market continues up a Margarita, making to grow in volume terms, with A new addition to a long drink even longer overall wine sales increasing by the range that is with 7UP or the stylish 4% over the course of 2011. performing party Cosmopolitan Value for money remains very well cocktail. vital with the Irish wine is Bols Bols Distilleries consumer, with special Natural is one of the largest offers key to volume sales Yogurt. and oldest producers across the category. In their Sourz of fine spirits and latest report into the sector, continues to liqueurs in the world, Euromonitor expect wine to be a great some dating back to take an increasing share of success. the year 1575. Many the alcoholic drinks market It has a of the unique flavours in the long-term. unique, dual of Bols liqueurs are sweet & made with fruit juices, E&J Gallo Wine sour flavour thereby creating the Sweeten your sales this that is both ideal platform for some summer with Gallo Family refreshing of the best cocktails Vineyards Moscato, the and tangy. around. The selection latest addition to the E&J Sourz Apple of flavours available Gallo Winery portfolio. is a lowfrom Bols is vast and Bursting with delicious strength includes Bols Blue, flavours, this sweet, (15%) Grenadine, Advocaat, refreshing white wine has Jagermeister, the famous German shooter Crème de Cacao, an ABV of 8.5%, supporting schnapps, is a huge seller in the Cherry Brandy and the growing consumer trend shooter market, particularly among brand that is taking many more. Among for lower alcohol wines. trend setters, and sales are up the clubs the classics, Bols Having taken the US by again this year. and style Triple Sec Curacao storm, the launch of Gallo Gallo Family Vineyards bars by storm. A new is essential in a Cosmopolitan and Family Vineyards Moscato Moscato, the latest addition to the range is will be supported with a Sourz Raspberry, which is addition to the E&J Gallo comprehensive marketing well supported on satellite Winery portfolio, has campaign, encompassing taken the US by storm TV. trade and consumer and is predicted to do the Jagermeister, the press, sampling, on-pack same here. famous German schnapps, promotions, online brand is a huge seller in the shooter market, engagement initiatives and a strategic particularly among trend setters, programme of trade advertising, led and is growing internationally. A by the ‘Sweeten Your Sales’ strap-line. half-bitter German schnapps with a Working in close partnership, E&J unique blend of 56 herbs and spices, Gallo Winery and 10 International it is ideal served chilled. Sales are up Ireland have exciting plans for the again this year, which is an excellent Gallo brand this summer, including performance. Gallo Family Vineyards Summer Red Tia Maria is a hugely popular coffee and White Grenache. liqueur worldwide, particularly due to The first of its kind in Ireland, its mixability in cocktails, with coffee served chilled; Gallo Family Vineyards or in desserts, or mixed with milk and Summer Red has joined the other ice as a luxurious long drink. It will award winning varietals, including be heavily backed by a TV and press Gallo Family Vineyards White campaign again this summer. Grenache. A medium to sweet rosé Disaronno is a ‘cool’ brand. With its wine with flavours of strawberries and distinctive square glass decanter and watermelon and a 9.5% ABV, Gallo smooth almond flavour, it has a secret Family Vineyards White Grenache is recipe which is said to include the pure currently available in all SuperValu, essence of 17 selected herbs and fruits Dunnes Stores, Superquinn, Centra, with an infusion of apricot kernel oil. SPAR and MACE stores nationwide. With its distinctive square glass decanter It is a very “hot brand” internationally In addition to this, the brand will and smooth almond flavour, Disaronno and B&F are hoping to emulate that continue to drive activity with the has a secret recipe which is said to here. This is another brand which Barefoot portfolio, which includes Pinot include the pure essence of 17 selected will be supported by a satellite TV herbs and fruits with an infusion of Grigio, White Zinfandel and Merlot, apricot kernel oil. campaign. through the summer months, including|May 2012|Retail News|33
Big Night In: Wines & Spirits an up-weighted sponsorship deal with popular music festival, Sea Session in Bundoran, from June 29 to July 1, and a presence at this year’s Taste of Dublin Festival from June 14-17.
Barry & Fitzwilliam
MOËT & CHANDON CELEBRATES SUMMER AS the world’s leading Champagne house, the prestigious Moët & Chandon, from Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd, is the perfect champagne to help consumers celebrate the long summer months ahead. Summer entertaining is all out about relaxed dining and enjoying light and tasteful meals, regardless of the weather! In keeping with the Mediterranean spirit of Moët, food pairings should be simple and intense in aroma and flavour. Rosé Impérial is particularly suited to a variety of summer meals, including grilled shellfish, red meat (raw to lightly cooked), along with sun-ripened vegetables and fresh red berries. Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial is the most extrovert and seductive expression of the Moët & Chandon style. It reflects the diversity and harmony of the three Champagne grapes and the richness of the region’s best vineyards to reveal the magic of the world’s most loved Champagne. Lively and generous, Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial is distinguished by its radiant colour, intense fruitiness and flamboyance on the palate, that instantly seduces and delights. Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial is available from all leading off licences nationwide and retails at €48.99. For more Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial is information on Moët & Chandon, distinguished by its radiant colour, intense please visit
Michael Barry of Barry & Fitzwilliam claims that they now have probably the most successful prestigious French wines on the market, when you take account of the success of Michel Lynch and Guigals wine from the Cote du Rhone. The Gabriel Meffre range, which includes La Chasse du Pape, adds to their armoury of French wine and will be heavily promoted this year. Faiveley Burgundy Wines, Jolivet Loire Wines and Preiss-Zimmer Alsace wines complete an outstanding portfolio of French Wine. From Australia, McGuigan wines continue to outperform the market: according to a recent report, McGuigan is now the number one Australian brand in the multiples. The Black Label range comprises of a Cabernet/ Merlot, Shiraz, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Rosé, Also from California, Robert as well as McGuigan Black Label Mondavi Winery still embodies its Sparkling Chardonnay and Sparkling founder’s commitment to Rosé. The range will have strong excellence, innovation and above-the-line marketing support creative spirit, while continuing for summer, particularly in the to produce wines that stand national press, with a major in the company of the world’s emphasis on Neil McGuigan’s finest. The Woodbridge range award at the IWC Awards as the will be promoted aggressively Best White Winemaker in the during the summer. World and “Winemaker of the A family owned New Year” at the IWSC Awards. Zealand winery. Villa McGuigan recently added a Maria has been New Semillon Blanc to the range. Zealand’s leading From the same wine award winner, company comes Hardy’s, both nationally and where quality, flavour internationally, since and character remain the early 1980s. The the cornerstones of its repositioning of the contemporary wines, while Private Bin Range has respect for Hardy family seen sales surge in the history ensures the wines last 12 months, and Villa benefit from the lessons of Maria is now one of the long tradition. The Hardy’s leading wine brands on the Bin Range will be used as a market. promotional price offering. From the same country, Paul Masson is one of Nobilo is a well-priced the great success stories range of excellent quality from California in the last wines from both the number of years. Sales North and South Islands. continue to do well here Included in the range is the in Ireland. Distinctive by entry level White Cloud. its carafe shaped bottle, Mont Gras, a former the Red, White and Rosé “Chilean Producer of the represent excellent value for Michel Lynch, one of Year”, continues to grow money. Paul Masson is now the most successful strongly. B&F will be available in both litres and prestigious French offering activity across 75cl carafes. wines on the market.
fruitiness and flamboyance on the palate.
the full range, from entry level Blends to the excellent Reserva Range. The Soleus range of Organic Wine, produced by Mont Gras, is also going from strength to strength. From Spain, Beronia Rioja wines from Gonzalez Byass and Raimat from Penedes are two exceptional ranges which have developed a cult following here and the Altozano range of varietals continues to make steady headway. B&F include Argentina’s Santa Julia/Zuccardi ranges in their portfolio. They are a family-owned winery who produce excellent wines at all ends of the spectrum, and have a fantastic price quality ratio. At the top end, Zuccardi Zeta is an absolute wow. B&F have three Champagnes to bring to the party, including Pol Roger, which has a “to die for” Rosé, according to Michael Barry, as well as Charles Heidsieck, the premium champagne from the Heidsieck house, and the fashionable and contemporary Piper Heidsieck. Codorniu, which has a range of styles for every pocket, continues to perform very well in the sparkling category and will be heavily promoted for the party season. B&F also have a strong range of fortified wines, including Harvey’s Bristol Cream Sherry, Croft Original Sherry, Tio Pepe Sherry, Cockburns and Taylor’s Port.
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Big Night In: Soft Drinks & Water
Soft Sells Soft drinks and bottled water remain hugely important sectors for Irish retailers, driving footfall in-store. repaired and improved. Clubs are categorised depending on the number of members so that clubs will be competing against other clubs of similar size. There will also be a draw for €5,000 (£4,500 for Northern Ireland Sports Clubs) for any club that collects at least 400 bottle caps. Heading up the Lucozade Sport Club Crusade campaign are some of Ireland’s best known sports people, including Katie Taylor, Colm Cooper, Henry Shefflin, Conor Murray, Shane Long and Gavin Noble. Supported by a heavyweight campaign across a range of media, including dedicated TV & radio adverting, digital & PR campaigns, in-store promotions and an innovative POS suite to really engage and drive awareness amongst shoppers in-store, the Club Crusade campaign is sure to The Lucozade Sport Club Crusade Campaign invites sports clubs drive Lucozade Sport sales to sign up their amateur adult teams to collect Lucozade Sport in 2012. Lucozade Sport and Lucozade Sport Lite bottle caps for a chance to win €10,000. To drive even more Lucozade Sport from excitement of the campaign, helped improve Irish players’ and GlaxoSmithKline is Ireland’s there is a new limited edition Lucozade athletes’ hydration, endurance and number one sports drink with 64% Sport Club Crusade Summer Berries performance. Now the Lucozade Sport share of the sports drink category flavour, in-store now. This pack offers Team wants to help make a difference (Source: ACNielsen Extended shoppers the chance to earn two Club to three sports clubs anywhere in Scantrack ROI, Data to March 25, Crusade points thanks to the dedicated Ireland – with €10,000 to assist each 2012). The brand recently launched Rep Cap. club in improving their facilities and the Lucozade Sport Club Crusade Clubs can register their teams by equipment. Campaign, which invites sports clubs logging on to Just imagine the difference €10,000 to sign up their amateur adult teams Club members can start collecting as could make to a Sports Club. New kits, to collect Lucozade Sport and Lucozade many Lucozade Sport and/or Lucozade new nets, a lick of paint or repairs for Sport Lite bottle caps for a chance Sport Lite bottle caps as possible the clubhouse, transport to matches to win €10,000 (£9,000 for Northern between now and Friday, August 31, to and tournaments – there’s always Ireland Sports Clubs). be in with a chance to win. something that needs to be replaced, For years, Lucozade Sport has DESPITE the continued recession, big name brands continue to dominate Ireland’s soft drinks market, with multinationals like Coca-Cola high on consumers’ agenda. However, Irish consumers also love domestic brands, with Club, Finches, Country Spring etc all enjoying strong sales countrywide. Private label has also seen more activity in recent years, as consumers seek to reduce their spending. Discounting has kept consumer interest in the sector, as have multi-buy offers across big brands. Increasing maturity overall will temper market growth over the longer term following its recovery from the recession, according to the latest report into the sector from Euromonitor, who also predict continued growth of healthy options in soft drinks as part of the rising health awareness trend, while sports and energy drinks will continue to offer a convenient boost within increasingly hectic lifestyles.|May 2012|Retail News|35
Big Night In: Soft Drinks & Water
Ribena Plus: a brand new range of no added sugar juice drinks with added health benefits, specially designed for growing families.
Ribena Plus For over 70 years, GlaxoSmithKline’s Ribena, Ireland’s number one impulse juice drinks brand (Source: ACNielsen, Extended Scantrack ROI, Data to Feb 26, 2012), has been providing consumers with a tasty way to get their vitamin C. Now, it has launched Ribena Plus, a brand new range of no added sugar juice drinks with added health benefits, specially designed for growing families. Consumers can try new Ribena Plus with added vitamins A and C for immunity support in classic Blackcurrant or brand new Apple & Peach. Or they can raise a glass of Ribena Plus with added calcium for healthy bones in tangy Mixed Berries or refreshing Raspberry & Apple. GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of Ribena, know that it can be difficult to get the ‘goodness’ you need into you and your family while still giving them something they enjoy. Ribena Plus, now in-store, provides this tasty, easy way to get essential vitamins and minerals into you and your families’ diet to help them take on the world. New Ribena Plus is available in both dilute and ready-to-drink ranges – perfect for home, lunchboxes or on-the-go. As every sip is boosted with vitamins or calcium, consumers know that it’s good for their body as well as their taste buds. For more information, visit
Teamed with a high juice content, this guarantees a refreshing recipe to quench any thirst. The quality of Finches was recognised in 2011, when Finches Orange was awarded a gold medal for taste from the BBI. Finches is available to take home in a two-litre single bottle, the great value two-litre twin-pack flashed at €3 and launching this summer, the new 1.5-litre single bottle. Developed
in response to consumer demand for value and suitable bottle sizes for their lifestyle, the new 1.5 litre bottle is available in Orange, Orange Light and Rock Shandy! These take home packs offer consumers a great tasting premium soft drink at a terrific price. The continued success of Finches 500ml highlights consumer desire for quality, Irish products. Available in Orange, Orange Light, Rock Shandy and Lemon, these drinks are great for lunchtimes or consumers on the go. Watch out for a whole new Finches look in summer 2012.
The continued success of Finches 500ml highlights consumer desire for quality, Irish products: perfect for consumers on the go.
Finches Finches, from The Gleeson Group, is one of the few carbonated oranges made with pure natural spring water.
The hugely popular Finches brand offers consumers a great tasting premium soft drink at a terrific price.
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Big Night In: Soft Drinks & Water KOH COCONUT WATER M&D Ltd have been appointed Irish distributor for KOH 100% Pure Coconut Water. Coconut water is incredibly healthy and one of the best drinks to hydrate the body. Besides helping to remove toxins from the body and aiding digestion, coconuts have amazing anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that help to cure disease. KOH coconut water has many benefits. Coconut Water is naturally Low in Carbs, 99% fat free and low in sugars. KOH Coconut Water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help: • Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature; • Orally re-hydrate the body, as it is an all natural isotonic beverage; • Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells; • Naturally replenish the body’s fluids after exercising; • Raise metabolism; • Promote weight loss; • Boost the immune system; • Detoxify and fight viruses; • Cleanse the digestive tract; • Control diabetes; • Aid the body in fighting viruses; • Balance pH and reduce risk of cancer; • Treat kidney and urethral stones; • Boost poor circulation.
KOH Coconut Water: now distributed in Ireland by M&D Ltd.
Coconut Water is a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. In fact, during the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water siphoned directly from the nut to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers. Coconut Water is more nutritious than whole milk – with less fat and no cholesterol. It has lower calories than orange juice. Coconut water is naturally sterile. Water permeates though the filtering husk. KOH Coconut Water 100% Pure (Not From Concentrate) is available from M&D Ltd, Ph: 01 4535955
Country Spring Made from pure Irish spring water, Country Spring, from The Gleeson Group, is the only 3-litre soft drink available in Ireland. Manufactured in Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary, Country Spring is a high quality, 100% Irish product. Available in seven delicious flavours (Red Lemonade, Orange, Cola, Lemon and Lime, White Lemonade, American Cream Soda and Apple), there’s a flavour to suit all the family’s taste buds. Country Spring represents great value to the consumer, offering three litres for the price of two. This summer, Country Country Spring represents great value to the consumer, offering three litres for the price of two. Spring is available|May 2012|Retail News|37
Big Night In: Soft Drinks & Water in convenient pack sizes to suit all consumers’ needs. The single bottle is available for only €1.99, while the Family Size twin-pack is great value at just €3.00. Also, keep a look out for an exciting new on-pack promotion coming this summer.
Bottled water has been bucking the recessionary trend, as the sector continues to perform well across Ireland, according to Euromonitor’s latest report into the sector. Demand is fuelled by manufacturers keeping the products attractive with promotions, consumers trading down from premium drinks, particularly fruit/vegetable juice, and finally the underlying rising consumer health awareness and consequent shift away from less healthy beverages. In some regions, there still remains a question mark over the quality of tap water and this further helps to push bottled water sales into positive territory. Recent years have seen the bottled water category polarise, with mass brands at one end and premium brands at the other.
and 1 litre sizes for the convenience market. Last year saw the launch of a new 500ml Still bottle with a screw cap. The bottle is in the same design as Tipperary’s grocery sizes, helping the consumer to instantly recognise Tipperary Water. The new 500ml has gone from strength to strength, with great retailer and consumer feedback and increased distribution across Ireland. 2. Tipperary Water Take Home Tipperary Water is the ideal choice for a busy household. Available in two large size take home bottles, the whole family can enjoy the purity and quality of Tipperary Water at home. Tipperary Water is available in the hugely popular 1.5-litre bottle, which sits snugly in most fridge doors and is proving to be a clear favourite at home. The 1.5 litre is available in a four-pack, six-pack and new 12-bottle selfmerchandising box. The Celtic-inspired Tipperary Water 2-litre bottle is perfect for the fridge and is available in still and sparkling. Tipperary Water 2-litre offers busy households excellent value for money.
Tipperary Natural Mineral Water Tipperary Natural Mineral Water celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. As part of its anniversary celebrations, Tipperary Water underwent a complete rebrand and introduced new size formats into the Convenience, Kidz and Grocery ranges. The quality and taste of Ireland’s first natural mineral water was again noted, through winning two more Gold Medals from The British Beverage Institute, bringing the total to 10 Gold Medals. Tipperary Natural Mineral Water offers a large selection of product sizes to meet all the Irish consumer’s needs, including: 1. Convenience Tipperary Water is available in smaller 500ml, 750ml
Tipperary Natural Mineral water’s 500ml pack has gone from strength to strength, with great retailer and consumer feedback and increased distribution across Ireland.
3. 250ml Kidz. Burst Your Thirst! Tipperary Kidz water is the perfect water for packed lunches and for quick re-hydration throughout the day. Designed especially for Kids, Tipperary Kidz water comes in an easy-to-hold bottle with a fun sports cap for instant refreshment. Not only is it fun for kids, but parents can be happy too in the knowledge that water is the healthiest option. Launched in 2003, Tipperary Kidz continues to lead the way in the kids’ water category. 2011 saw the launch of two new flavours into the Tipperary Kidz range: Tiger Juice and Fruit Blast flavoured water
Designed especially for Kids, Tipperary Kidz water comes in an easy-to-hold bottle with a fun sports cap for instant refreshment.
drinks made with pure Tipperary Natural Mineral Water. They contain added vitamins and calcium, are sugar free and have all natural flavourings. Tiger Juice is tropical flavoured, with hints of Mango, Passion Fruit, Guava, Banana and Orange. Fruit Blast is fruit flavoured, with tastes of Pineapple and Raspberry. Tipperary Kidz Tiger Juice and Fruit Blast offer more choice to parents looking for healthy, non-sugary drinks for their children to enjoy at school, at sports and at home. 4. Tipperary Flavoured Water 500ml and 2-Litre Tipperary Flavoured Water offers all the same great benefits of water with the added extra of six delicious thirst quenching flavours. Tipperary Flavoured Water comes in six great flavours: Pear, Apple, Peach, Lemon & Lime, Raspberry and Blackberry. The range comes in 500ml and 2-Litre bottles so consumers can enjoy its sparkling refreshment on-the-go or at home.
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Big Night In: Summer Dining
Irish Consumers GRILL OUT for Summer This year’s barbeque season is expected to be the biggest yet in Ireland, as more and more consumers embrace the allure of al fresco dining for those Big Nights In. SUMMER is almost here, and Irish consumers are gearing up for a full season of al fresco dining, house parties and more. Barbeques have been growing in popularity in Ireland for the last decade, and look really set to take off this year, as consumers take advantage of the warmer weather, while the excitement of Euro 2012 is also set to have an impact, as the entire country gets football fever for the month of June, following Trap’s Army in their first major tournament since the World Cup in 2002. Ireland has really embraced BBQ culture, despite our less than inspiring summer weather, and this year looks set to be bigger than ever. One interesting aspect of Irish barbequers has been their increasingly adventurous tastes. Sausages and burgers may be the staples of the Irish barbeque, but consumers are embracing more variety in their outdoor dining, with prime meat cuts and steaks regularly appearing on the barbie, alongside gastro-grill seafood, like swordfish steaks, accompanied by salads, sauces and the perennial favourite, the baked potato. The barbeque season represents a strong sales opportunity for retailers, with commentators valuing the barbeque market at over €300m per year and growing. The growth of the after-work barbeque has helped sales,
although the majority of barbeques in Ireland are still held at the weekend.
HJ Heinz The ‘Heinz Summer Sauces 2012’ campaign will see extensive support across the summer months for Heinz Tomato Ketchup, the recently relaunched Heinz Barbecue Sauces, Heinz Salad Cream and Heinz Mayonnaise. The campaign will span the summer months and lead with a dedicated ‘Heinz Summer Sauces’ TV Commercial, alongside strong radio and digital support. In keeping with the ‘It has to be Heinz’ digital and masterbrand strategies, Heinz will issue an extensive update to the highly successful Heinz BBQ Smartphone app launched in 2011, along with a new look BBQ section on the dedicated Heinz website for Ireland, Digital support will also include display and mobile media, along with integration with ‘It has to Heinz Ireland’ on Facebook, to ensure that Irish consumers derive maximum enjoyment from summer eating occasions through strong engagement with the Heinz Sauces range. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is synonymous with taste and what better accompaniment for summertime BBQs than the extensive Heinz Tomato Ketchup range. Boasting a
large variety of sizes, Heinz Tomato Ketchup is available in Glass, Squeezy and Top Down formats. Heinz Top Down Tomato Ketchup, available in 460g, 700g and 910g sizes, offers the benefits of an innovative no mess, no waste, stay-clean cap and all the taste
Heinz Top Down Tomato Ketchup offers the benefits of an innovative no mess, no waste, stay-clean cap and all the taste of Ireland’s favourite tomato ketchup.|May 2012|Retail News|39
Big Night In: Summer Dining of Ireland’s favourite tomato ketchup with a 58.7% share of the tomato ketchup category in the Republic of Ireland (Source: ACNielsen, March 2012). Barbecue sauce is popular indoors all year round but is also the ideal accompaniment to barbecued foods, making it a household essential in summer months. HJ Heinz, the market leader in barbecue sauce, holds a combined market share of 46.2% (Source: ACNielsen, March 2012), across its two Barbecue brands, Heinz and HP.
Made only using Free Range Eggs, Heinz Mayonnaise is set for further growth following the upcoming Heinz summer sauces 2012 support.
Recently relaunched Heinz Classic Barbecue Sauce is available in the highly convenient Heinz Top Down format.
and Top Down. The Heinz salad cream range also includes the highly successful Weight Watchers from Heinz Salad Dressing. Made only using Free Range Eggs, Heinz Mayonnaise in Regular and Light varieties has grown significantly since launch in both Top Down and Glass formats and following the upcoming Heinz summer sauces 2012 support, the brand is set for further growth.
Hellmann’s is much more than just mayonnaise, which represents 64.3% market share. Hellmann’s smooth and creamy mayonnaise also comes in a variety of mouth-watering twists, so consumers can bring exciting new flavours to all their everyday dishes. Exciting Hellmann’s flavoured mayonnaises like Chilli, Garlic and Lemon (and Mustard in Tesco) are already on the Irish market. This year, Hellmann’s continues innovating by launching Hellmann’s Mayonnaise with a twist of Pepper, Hellmann’s Mayonnaise with a hit of Caramelised Onion and Hellmann’s Mayonnaise with a hint of Wasabi. They are available in the same easyto-use, squeezable packaging format as the existing range. The launch of the new variants in the range is supported by a TV advertising campaign and a print campaign, running until July. Hellmann’s will also promote its product range in-store with some competitions to win a BBQ, quality cookery school classes, trips to a European Capital, iPad3s and more.
Chef It’s that time of year again, the BBQ gets the annual dust-down, the garden furniture comes out of the shed, all in anticipation of the ultimate BBQ experience. Chef is a staple favourite in Irish households and holds the number two position in table sauces. Chef is the ultimate symbol of quality and Irish tradition, with the unique blend of spices giving Chef that distinct flavour. The Chef range of sauces is a must-have for outdoor dining and the summer BBQ season with a range of sizzlin’ sauces and accompaniments. Chef BBQ sauce is ideal for barbecued food, perfect for steaks, burgers, chicken wings or sausages, guaranteeing the ultimate barbeque taste every time. The Chef range includes: Chef Ketchup, Chef Brown
Recently relaunched in two new Hellmann’s is the leader on the Irish delicious varieties, Heinz Classic market with 70.3% value market Barbecue and Heinz Sticky Barbecue share and is growing by 1.1% (Source: are available in the highly convenient ACNielsen, MAT, March 25, 2012). Heinz Top Down format. The HP range of sauces, from HJ Heinz, includes HP Classic Woodsmoke and Spicy Woodsmoke varieties in Glass and Top Down formats. Heinz Salad Cream has been popular with generations of Irish consumers. Heinz Salad Cream offers consumers lots of choice with regular, light and extra light varieties Hellmann’s smooth and creamy mayonnaise includes a variety of mouth-watering twists, so consumers in a range of pack formats, can bring exciting new flavours to all their everyday dishes. including glass, squeezy
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Big Night In: Summer Dining IRISH PRIDE THE soft rolls category is one of the key categories in the bread market. It has grown in importance in recent years, as consumer eating habits evolve. Irish consumers enjoy variety in their diets and the soft rolls category gives the consumer a perfect alternative to the sliced pan, offering everything from delicious burger buns to floury baps and healthy rolls. Irish Pride claims leadership of the soft rolls category. The brand has delivered consistent growth in recent years and it has also been the main driver of innovation, offering the consumer high quality products and great value. The Irish Pride Bunsters burger bun and hot dog roll range is perfect for any barbeque, while the Irish Pride Bap range allows consumers to enjoy either The soft texture of Irish Pride Floury Baps has proved extremely popular with Irish consumers. the soft texture of a Floury Bap or a healthier high fibre option with the Healthy Grain Bap. This summer, Irish Pride will be encouraging everyone to get barbequing by teaming up with Calor Ireland to bring consumers a fantastic on-pack promotion, where one lucky person will win a retro Memphis Barbeque. In addition, four weekly winners will receive hamper packs with Irish Pride products, as well as Calor vouchers for patio gas cylinders, parasols and summer games… all the ingredients for the perfect BBQ gettogether. To be in with a chance to win, Irish Pride are asking consumers to send their favourite barbeque burger recipes. The on-pack promotion is being supported with Point-of-Sale in-store. “Irish Pride wants to encourage consumers to get the barbeques out early this year and we are delighted to team up with another well known brand, Calor Ireland, to help consumers barbeque in style this summer,” said Claire Jackson, Marketing Manager. “Irish Pride is committed to delivering growth in the soft rolls category and we will achieve this by continuing to focus on innovation, product quality and value for our consumers. Watch out for new exciting products coming The Irish Pride Bunsters burger bun and hot dog roll range is perfect for any barbeque. from Irish Pride this summer.”
Sauce, Chef Salad Cream, Chef BBQ Sauce, Chef Relish, Chef Beetroot, Chef Pickles, and Chef Vinegar. Chef has recently launched a new range of BBQ accompaniments. Available in a convenient 385g top down format,
there are two varieties to choose from – XXX Hot Ketchup and Seriously Smokey BBQ Sauce. The Chef brand is owned and distributed by Valeo Foods (
The Chef range of sauces is a must-have for outdoor dining and the summer BBQ season with a range of sizzlin’ sauces and accompaniments.
Levi Roots Reggae Reggae Sauce The legendary Reggae Reggae Sauce from Levi Roots has gone from strength to strength. Levi’s secret recipe has been bottled for everyone to enjoy and contains scotch bonnet chillies and all-spice, combined with Caribbean herbs, making it a unique jerk/BBQ sauce. It comes in a 310g glass jar or convenient 490g squeezy and goes on the side of… everything! If consumers are bored of oldfashioned tomato ketchup, Levi has added his version to the range, combining a little scotch bonnet chilli and a sprinkling of herbs to create a new tomato ketchup with real flavour. It comes in a handy 490g squeezy. Further innovation in the range has seen the introduction of Rasta Pasta sauce. This is a Caribbean sauce that can be used on pasta. It’s lightly spiced, with sun-ripened tomatoes,|May 2012|Retail News|41
Big Night In: Summer Dining Kuhne Dressings
Levi Roots Reggae Reggae Sauce and Tomato Ketchup: available in in a 490g squeezy format.
It’s getting warmer and each day, consumers want to enjoy a crispy fresh salad. No problem, since Kühne offers a wide variety of delicious dressings, distributed by BR Foods, which are naturally free of preservatives and flavour enhancers, and made to Kühne’s high standards of quality. There is a flavour to suit every taste, from the light and fresh flavours of Herb Vinaigrette
in Ireland – gourmet sausages created using 100% Irish, fully-traceable salmon and haddock. Low in fat, low in carbs, but still providing the convenience and traditional appearance of regular pork sausages, Kilmore Quay’s new seafood sausages are the result of an extensive new product development scheme by well-known Co. Wexford seafood business, Atlantis Seafoods. “We firstly launched our Kilmore Quay seafood sausages in select Dunnes Stores, Tesco and SuperValu outlets across the South East and we’re quickly growing our national market presence,” says Joint MD, John Kenny. “The brand has been thriving over the last three months and our seafood sausages seem to be particularly popular with families.” Having transitioned from being a traditional seafood business and seafood wholesaler, Atlantis Seafoods’
pineapple, guava and herbs. A great addition to bolognese and suitable for all the family, it comes in a 350g family sized jar. The Reggae Reggae Sauce range is distributed by BR Foods and is available from stores nationwide.
Kühne offers a wide variety of delicious dressings, naturally free of preservatives and flavour enhancers, and made to Kühne’s high standards of quality.
and Italian Salad Dressings for those who like a lighter salad, to the creamy and tasty flavours of American Caesar and Thousand Island dressings that are the perfect accompaniment to brighten up any salad this summer.
Kilmore Quay
Levi Roots Rasta Pasta Sauce: a lightly spiced Caribbean sauce with sun-ripened tomatoes, pineapple, guava and herbs.
A healthy and innovative alternative to the traditional Irish sausage is ‘making waves’ in the seafood sector. Launched just over two Kilmore Quay’s premium seafood sausages are months ago, Kilmore Quay’s gourmet sausages created using 100% Irish, fullypremium seafood sausages traceable salmon and haddock. are the very first of their kind
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Big Night In: Summer Dining GOODFELLA’S BIG NIGHT IN! GOODFELLA’S, capitalising on the increasing trend for more casual home entertaining occasions, offers consumers a range of Takeaway pizzas for all occasions. This range provides a convenient, high quality pizza to suit those less formal eating occasions and nights in with friends or family where a larger pizza is required. Through research, Goodfella’s have identified that consumers are spending less time eating at the table at the weekend, preferring to opt for a more casual, relaxed eating environment. The range was developed with this in mind, and provides people with a high quality pizza at a very competitive price . . . and no waiting for the delivery driver to arrive! Each of the five variants, Meat Feast, Fajita Chicken, 5 Cheese Margherita, Pepperoni and Spicy Beef, features a stonebaked base and extra toppings to offer consumers the ultimate takeaway experience from the comfort of their own home (all the taste but none of the wait!). The innovative packaging imitates Goodfella’s Takeaway Pizza a takeaway box, range features a stonebaked with a corrugated base and extra toppings to offer look and feel, plus a consumers the ultimate takeaway large product shot experience from the comfort of their own home. to ensure strong standout in the freezer.
Kilmore Quay label is designed to appeal to a contemporary target market that values quality and taste, as well as convenience. Atlantis Seafoods’ Kilmore Quay range also includes: Hot Smoked Trout, Surf ‘n’ Turf (Smoked Scallops & Black pudding) and Seafood Trio (Smoked Scallops, Haddock, & Trout).
Arthur Mallon Foods Arthur Mallon Foods, the awardwinning producer of premium pork products, has announced the launch of its fresh and innovative brand identity. The Monaghan-based food firm’s new image has been designed to reflect the immense achievements of this thriving family business. For over 100 years, Mallon’s sausages have been gracing breakfast tables throughout the land. Based on Arthur Mallon’s original ‘secret’ recipe, these family favourites, made from an incredible 80% pork-meat content, have won numerous international awards in
delectable range of value-added porkthe past five decades, including most based products. These include pork recently, the prestigious ‘Commanderie meatballs, pork burgers, sausage meat des Fins Goustiers’ – one of the and a range of flavoured stuffing. most coveted accolades amongst the food-producing community. Mallon’s have developed a new and revolutionary low-fat sausage offering, containing less than 3% fat, and low in sodium, as well as being gluten free. Whilst best known for its traditional awardwinning sausages, in recent years Mallon’s has further expanded Mallon’s have developed a new and revolutionary low-fat its product range sausage offering, containing less than 3% fat, and low in sodium, by providing as well as being gluten free. customers with a|May 2012|Retail News|43
Market News DUBLINER CHEESE NATIONWIDE CAMPAIGN DUBLINER Cheese has unveiled a new television and radio advertising campaign aimed at promoting brand awareness and reminding consumers that, thanks to its amazing rounded flavour and firm texture, Dubliner Cheese is the perfect accompaniment to a variety of family favourite meals, snacks and sandwiches. The extensive campaign consists of a new television advertisement, with the tagline, ‘Character In Every Bite’, which focuses on an amusing and modern-day misunderstanding which creates intrigue for viewers, as well as an extensive national and local radio campaign, a new website at and an extensive online presence, including a strong Facebook campaign at
BASSETTS JELLY MASCOTS KRAFT Foods has recently launched Jelly Mascots from Bassetts. The individual jellies take the shape of Wenlock and Mandeville, the two official mascots of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. There are six delicious fruity flavours with 25% fruit juice and natural colours and flavours. Jelly Mascots have been launched in a sharing bag format and an impulse pack to complement activity Kraft Foods is undertaking with Cadbury as the official treat provider of London 2012 and sponsor of the Irish Olympic and Paralympic teams. The marketing support package in May/June includes outdoor advertising with a ‘can’t miss’ double decker fully branded bus, a large vinyl poster, tranvisions and ticket wraps in Connolly Station, sampling in key footfall areas – Connolly, Heuston and Pearse stations and Bus Aras.
M&MS PUT “M” UNDER PRESSURE M&Ms’ brand new football-themed campaign, ‘Put “M” Under Pressure’ will see the introduction of limited edition Irish supporters pouches across Peanut, Chocolate and Crispy variants. 3.1m consumers are expected to see the new campaign featuring Ireland’s favourite candies, Yellow and Red, in Irish supporter gear, supported by heavyweight outdoor, digital advertising and a number of eye-catching interactive outdoor specials in high traffic locations. Stand-out football themed Point-of-Sale with a mock soccer pitch has been developed to enable customers to bring football mania into the chocolate aisle, while the bespoke Predict “M” App will allow fans of the M&M’s Facebook page to predict sporting outcomes this summer and be in with a chance to win a trip to a Champions League Group game of their choice.
HEINZ SUMMER SAUCES CAMPAIGN THE Heinz Summer Sauces 2012 campaign will see extensive support for the market leading Heinz Tomato Ketchup, the recently relaunched Heinz Barbeque Sauces, Heinz Salad Cream and Heinz Mayonnaise. The integrated campaign will span the summer months, leading with a dedicated ‘Heinz Summer Sauces’ TV commercial, alongside strong radio and digital support. In keeping with the ‘It Has to be Heinz’ digital and master-brand strategies, Heinz will issue an extensive update to the highly successful Heinz BBQ Smartphone app, along with a new look BBQ section on the dedicated Heinz website for Ireland www.IthastobeHeinz. ie. Digital support will also include display and mobile media along with integration with ‘It Has to Heinz Ireland’ on Facebook.
SHARON Walsh has been appointed Marketing Director of Heineken Ireland, having held the role of Marketing Manager since joining the company in July 2011. Sharon led the development of the Heineken Ireland brand strategy and operations plan for 2012 and has overseen the development of the new Heineken Cup advertising and sponsorship programmes. “Sharon is a top class marketer who has made a significant contribution on key brand initiatives since joining Heineken as Marketing Manager,” said David Forde, MD. “She has a wealth of experience delivering award winning campaigns and I am delighted to announce her promotion to the role of Marketing Director.”
KILMEADEN LAUNCHES NEW CAMPAIGN KILMEADEN Cheddar has launched a new heavyweight TV campaign to further solidify its position as Ireland’s number one branded block cheddar. The new campaign is themed ‘A Cut Above the Rest’ and comprises two creatives that build on the care, craft and expertise that goes into every block of Kilmeaden. “We are very excited about the new campaign,” said Eithne O’Hara, Product Group Manager at Glanbia Consumer Foods, “which focuses on the skill and expertise of our graders and on Kilmeaden’s taste credentials as ‘The Fillet of Cheddar’”. The television campaign will be supported with digital and social media activity, focusing on the grader message and Kilmeaden Taste Credentials.
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Cheese Sinead Manly, Brand Marketing for Philadelphia, Kraft Foods Ireland, discusses the brand’s enduring success with Irish consumers, its versatility as a cooking ingredient and the launch of Philadelphia with Cadbury.
Sinead Manly, Brand Marketing for Philadelphia, Kraft Foods Ireland.
;OL 7OPSHKLSWOPH :[VY` What is the secret behind the success of the Philadelphia brand?
meal occasion, from breakfast to dinner recipes. Since then the ‘LOVE IT’ campaign has shown consumers simple ways to use Philadelphia, expanding the range in the process and introducing new flavour variants such as Grilled Peppers and of course our latest innovation, Philadelphia with Cadbury - the latest twist in the brand’s evolution as the most versatile spread on the market.
In recent years, Philadelphia has helped drive growth within the cheese category and become a firm favourite with Irish consumers. Key to this success is the brand’s ability to evolve and meet consumers’ changing requirements. In 2009, we introduced a new-look range and launched our versatility strategy. This strategy recognised that Philadelphia was much more than a spread for bagels; instead it re-positioned Philadelphia as an ingredient to suit every type of
The launch of Philadelphia with Cadbury (Choccy Philly) was a brave move for the brand. How has it worked out?
The new limited edition lenticular/hologram lid designs on 300g Philadelphia family packs (Light, Original and Garlic & Herb). When tilted, the packs use lenticular technology to reveal images of three delicious dishes that can be made with Philly.
Choccy Philly was a bold cross-category innovation. However, we were confident that it would be a success as we were bringing together two iconic brands to create a unique and great tasting product. Our five star launch campaign, ‘Choccy Philly? Don’t be Silly’, also played on people’s potential scepticism of the product in a light-hearted way, featuring iconic comedian Jennifer Saunders. The integrated marketing campaign included TV, print, outdoor, PR, digital and social media, plus our biggest ever in-store execution on cheese. As a result, the Choccy Philly launch has been a huge success. Latest Nielsen data shows Philadelphia has grown by +35% in the latest 12 weeks, contributing to a 6% share gain of the processed cheese category for Kraft Foods and returning growth to the processed cheese category for the first time in two years (Source:
ACNielsen, Mults, March 25, 2012). The launch also had a positive effect on the Philadelphia core range, growing +14% excluding Choccy Philly (Source: ACNielsen, Mults, March 25, 2012). Overall, it is clear that Choccy Philly wasn’t so silly after all!
The latest campaign is all about highlighting the Philadelphia brand’s versatility. Why? Since its introduction in 2009, the Philadelphia versatility strategy has driven growth in the soft white cheese segment by +27% and has encouraged more people to think of Philly as an ingredient rather than just a spread (Source: Kantar Soft White Cheese value 2009-2011). Therefore, it is important that the brand continues to evolve the versatility message, by highlighting the versatility of Philly in new and exciting ways and remaining at the forefront of category innovation. The recipes we have selected for this campaign are both delicious and simple, making them perfect dishes for all the family.
What is involved in the campaign? The TTL campaign kicked off at the end of April with a new TV creative featuring a busy mum cooking a simple Philly Macaroni Cheese with Ham & Sweetcorn recipe. The ad will be supported by print executions in weekly magazines and newspaper|May 2012|Retail News|45
Cheese supplements, as well as the first ever Philly Radio Roadshow. This summer, the Philly team are touring the country, teaming up with your favourite local radio stations and supermarkets to show the nation how easy it is to rustle up a delicious meal that the whole family will love! As part of this, we will be running a week-long promo asking people to call/ text/email in their funniest and most frustrating kitchen moments! The best stories will win a daily prize and be entered into a draw, where the winner will be selected. The winner will then be invited along to the open broadcast where the Philadelphia team will show them how simple it is to cook with Philly by providing live cooking demonstrations, samples and coupons! In-store will also play a prominent role in this campaign through promotions and in-store theatre. In May, we will also introduce three limited edition lenticular/hologram lid designs on 300g family packs (Light, Original and Garlic & Herb). When tilted, the packs use lenticular technology to reveal images of three delicious dishes that can be made with Philly and the reverse of the lenticular
provides full details of the recipe. The packs are another first for Philly within the cheese category.
What do you hope the new campaign will achieve? The campaign will hopefully get more consumers using Philly in their everyday meals by showing just how quick and easy it is to transform a meal with a dollop of Philadelphia. Each element of the campaign has a role to play: TV/Print will help us to communicate our message to the nation and the Radio Roadshow will give the campaign a regional feel. We hope to then convert consumers at the point of purchase through in-store theatre and innovative packaging such as the lenticular packs.
Considering the Philly brand has proved so successful and is already so popular with Irish consumers, how difficult is it to add value and market share? This is a challenge for most brands. However, at Kraft Foods we pride ourselves on seeking out new opportunities for our categories in
Choccy Philly: a bold cross-category innovation that brings together two iconic brands to create a unique and great tasting product.
order to add value and market share. We continuously look at new ways to keep our brands fresh and exciting, including NPD, new communications and of course our work in-store with retailers. Two key examples of this are the Choccy Philly launch and our innovative lenticular packs, which are both firsts for the Irish market.
Centra launch Table For Two 9HUNL
Brian and Pippa Ormond are pictured launching Centra ‘Table For Two’.
CENTRA have launched an exciting new dinner range called ‘Table for Two’. The new evening meal selection has been developed by Centra in response to growing consumer demand for quality, well priced, convenient meal solutions. Consumers can choose from a range of main dishes and sides, which are perfect to serve two people, for an incredible €6. The delicious new range is produced locally in Ireland and includes a selection of main dishes, such as Char-grilled Chicken Breast with Mozzarella, Smoked Bacon and Basil, Tender Steak Diane in a Rich Creamy Brandy Sauce and Creamy Haddock Mornay. Consumers can pair them with a choice of mouthwatering side dishes, including delicious Potato Gratin, Creamy Potato Mash, Honey Roast Root Vegetables or Garlic Potatoes with Bacon. “We are very excited about the launch of the new ‘Table for Two’ range at Centra,” said Ian Allen, Centra Sales Director. “Increasingly, our customers are asking in stores for convenient evening meal solutions. In response to this, we have developed a range that not only tastes great, but is made to the highest quality standards, using locally produced ingredients. This collection of meal options offers good value and allows customers indulge in restaurant quality dishes in the comfort of their own homes.”
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Shelf Life COLLETTE Twomey, Managing Director of Clonakilty Blackpudding Co., was knighted at a special ceremony by Commanderie de Fins Goustiers du Duche d’Alencon, France, as a result of the Clonakilty Whitepudding, Clonakilty Ispini Sausages and Clonakilty Blackpudding Sausage being recognised by the brotherhood as outstanding products in their class. Collette is pictured with Annie Beresford, Acting Grand Master; and Roger Guerin, Treasurer.
DIETMAR Eiden is the new Head of Division in Trade Fair Management at Koelnmesse, where he is in charge of events for the food and foodtechnology industry. These events include, among others, Anuga, the International Sweets and Biscuits Fair ISM, and Anuga FoodTec. “Dietmar Eiden is a proven expert for trade fairs and marketing who, as Project Manager for Anuga in recent years, brings immense expertise in the sectors for which he is now in charge as Division Head,” noted Gerald Böse, Chairman of the Advisory Board at Koelnmesse.
BEROCCA Boost has teamed up with Spin 1038 to launch ‘Berocca Boost Challenges’. Four teams will battle it out for the title of ‘Ultimate Berocca Boost Challenge Team’ to be in with a chance to win a holiday worth €4,000. From daring balancing to mind-bending puzzles, teams will compete in fun, wacky challenges like log rolling, jousting gladiator-style and cracking brainteasers. The winning team will be decided by the Facebook community. Videos of the challenges will be shared after the event and the Facebook Community will be invited to vote on their favourite: GLENS of Antrim Potatoes has chipped away at 170 years of history by resurrecting a famous potato which has not been commercially cultivated in Ireland since the potato famine of the 1840s. The Irish Lumper, a distinctive ‘knobbly’ shaped potato, was re-launched at the Delicious Ireland exhibition at the famous foodhall in Selfridges, London, recently. Glens of Antrim Potatoes specially cultivated and propagated the heritage crop from a handful of rare seedlings, and a specialist grower in Limavady was used to achieve a yield which retained the distinctive shape and heritage of the Lumper but also excelled in taste and nutrition. Pictured unearthing the historic spud is grower Stephen Christie, David Morrow and Michael McKilliop from Glens of Antrim Potatoes. FINTAN Hogan (Hogan’s Farm, Cortown, County Meath) is pictured with Minister of State, Shane McEntee TD. Fintan was one of the exhibitors at the first Meath Food Showcase, Bia na Mí, which took place in Kells recently, showcasing 35 of the best food producers and processors from Meath. During the event, Meath Partnership announced details of their new support programme for startup food processing enterprises, under the Leader Programme. Legendary Meath GAA football manager, Seán Boylan was the host and keynote speaker during the event.
PICTURED at the Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival Cinematographers Party at The Bodega, Cork were Michael Barry, MD of event sponsors Barry & Fitzwilliam, with Corona Girls Julie Hayes and Rachel Finn. The festival takes place in Schull, West Cork from May 24-27. Schull, a town without a cinema, explores alternatives to cinema and includes Q&A sessions, premieres, workshops and open platform discussions, with notables such as Mike Leigh, Ken Wardrop, Jack Gold and Carmel Winters, as well as numerous screen producers in Ireland and The Irish Film Board. Organisers provide an intranet network and wifi hotspots all over the village, allowing people to access films on laptops, ipads and iphones simply by logging on - so Schull itself becomes the cinema! See www.fastnetshortfilmfestival. com for more information.
THE Irish Security Industry Association (ISIA) has joined forces with TomTom Business Solutions to offer its members a discount on their market leading vehicle tracking solutions. In a bid to help members become more efficient, reduce costs and become safer on the road, ISIA will offer members a combined fleet management, navigation and job dispatch system at special member’s prices on the monthly subscription. “We hope this collaboration with TomTom will bring greater efficiency and profitability to the operations of ISIA members in Ireland,” said Sarah O’Donnell, Communications Director for the ISIA. “TomTom’s Fleet management system is the perfect solution for our members.”
MARKS & Spencer customers across the Republic of Ireland can now get their hands on exclusive online fashion and homeware, thanks to the launch of its much anticipated Irish website,
Enjoy COORS LIGHT Sensibly. Visit
3.1 million adults will view the campaign M&M’s brand supported full year on TV Massive outdoor campaign Massive online campaign Press and sampling campaign M&M’s brand growth of 14% in 2011