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What you need to know about Re-turn

Re-turn, operators of Ireland’s forthcoming Deposit Return Scheme, outline what retailers need to do to ensure compliance with the new scheme, including those who qualify for a Take Back Exemption.

IRELAND’S Deposit Return Scheme will go live on February 1, 2024. Following the introduction of the Separate Collection Legislation to achieve EU recycling targets, retailers who sell ‘in scope’ drinks containers (plastic beverage bottles, aluminium and steel cans) are legally obligated to register with Re-turn, who have been appointed by the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to operate Ireland’s deposit return scheme. Essentially, this is a producer-funded scheme to assist Ireland in reaching its recycling obligations. All producers who put ‘in scope’ products on the market and all retailers who sell ‘in scope’ products are legally required to register with the scheme.

From June 12 to July 19, Re-turn hosted a series of Retailer Roadshows at 11 locations across the country, providing retailers with information and support on how to prepare for the new national Deposit Return Scheme, Re-turn, and how it will operate. There was a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) at each location, together with collateral on options for take back and the collection process.

Re-turn are keen to emphasise that their team are available to support and provide information on all aspects of the scheme and how it will operate.

The retailer’s role

Retailers play a key role in the new Deposit Return Scheme and must comply with Retailer Membership Rules.

Retailers have two options when providing a take back service, either through:

• Manual Collection

• Reverse Vending Machines (RVM) – a list of approved suppliers is available at re-turn.ie

In all point of sale, retailers must display the Deposit Fee separate to the product price and as a separate line item on receipts.

Certain retailers may apply for a

In Scope Drinks Containers: PET plastic bottles, aluminium & steel cans

Deposit Fee: 150-500ml = 15c; Over 500ml – 3 litres = 25c

Take Back Exemption based on eligibility criteria - including those whose retail store size is under 250 square metres - but it is important to note that retailers must register with the scheme first.

How does Deposit Return work?

1. Retailer pays the cost of the product and the Deposit Fee.

2. Consumer pays the cost of the product and the Deposit Fee.

3. Consumer returns empty, undamaged container to retailer for a return of Deposit Fee.

4. Re-turn collects containers and pays retailer a Handling Fee, in addition to reimbursing all Deposit Fees redeemed in-store.

Re-turn have confirmed a Transition Period to facilitate both producers and

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