Homer Magazine - Issue 39

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Autumn 2013 - Issue 39

The Magazine of the Retired Greyhound Trust

Inside this issue: The Great Greyhound Gathering New Pet Greyhound feed Reader photos, stories & poems

Bonnie by Fran Donovan

Plus much more

ffle for Play our ra win e to the chanc rizes fantastic p

Also, great gifts for your pets, friends & family

CONTENTS News..................................................3 Great Greyhound Gathering.........7 Fundraisers & Supporters..............8 Rogues’ Gallery..............................10 Veterinary Corner..........................12 Adoption Appeal...........................13 In Memory.......................................14 Poetry & Art Corner.......................16 RGT Merchandise..........................17

Homer Retired Greyhound Trust 2nd Floor, Park House, 1-4 Park Terrace Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7JZ T: 020 8335 3016 E: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk W: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/rgtrust Twitter: twitter.com/rgt_uk Charity Numbers: 269668 & SC044047

Homer Magazine is produced twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, by the Retired Greyhound Trust. The Trust accepts no liability for any errors or views expressed in this publication. The views of contributors and advertisers do not necessarily match the views or policies of the RGT, its trustees, employees or volunteers. While the Trust includes as many submissions and photos as possible, regretfully due to space limitations not everything can be included. To provide a submission for the next issue, please email: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk Get your product or service seen by thousands of greyhound lovers across Britain. Email homer@ retiredgreyhounds.co.uk or call 020 8335 3016 to find out about display advert opportunities in future issues of Homer. Each issue is read by over 80,000 people. The Retired Greyhound Trust comprises 70 branches located across Britain which find around 4,000 homes for greyhounds every year. To locate and contact your nearest branch, visit: retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/BranchLocations/ or call 020 8335 3016. Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission from the copyright holder.


Dear friends, Welcome to the autumn 2013 edition of Homer magazine and I hope that you are having a great year. Over the last few issues we have been aiming to bring you more news, photos and stories in a fun and exciting way. Thank you to everyone who has contacted us with ideas and feedback on previous issues of Homer...it is appreciated and helps us to constantly improve the magazine. Thank you also to everyone who attended the Greyhound Extravaganza in May. It was a great day out, the weather was perfect, and there were hundreds of gorgeous greyhounds in attendance. If you missed out, we’ve shared a few photos on the facing page. Please do mark your calendars for next year. I’m excited to announce the RGT raffle is back for the third year. It is a very important annual fundraiser and helps us ensure we can pay for the 850 greyhounds in our care. Not only that, the top prize is £1,000, which will be drawn just in time for Christmas. Our other annual fundraising favourites are our greyhound Christmas cards. This year’s designs are simply fantastic, and I hope you love them as much as I do. All of your favourite features return in this issue such as RGT news stories, compelling photos, artwork, poetry and greyhound memorials. The Veterinary Corner is a must read and examines autoimmune disease and coughing in greyhounds. As a thanks and an early seasonal gift, we have enclosed a special RGT window sticker, which we hope you will display in your car window, home or local shop with pride. I really hope you enjoy reading this issue of Homer and please keep contributing your stories, poems and photos. We try to include as many as we can and wish we could share more, but we do read every submission and love them all. Thanks as always for your continued support and interest in the Trust, and I hope to see you at the Great Greyhound Gathering in Nottingham.

Samuel Zelmer-Jackson Editor, Homer Magazine

Q: A:

I always see charities asking about Gift Aid. What exactly is it and how does it help charities like the RGT?

Th e G i f t A i d s c h e m e i s fo r g i f t s o f m o n e y b y i n d i v i d u a l s w h o p ay U K t a x . A s a r e g i s t e r e d c h a r i t y, we ( t h e R G T ) t a k e yo u r d o n a t i o n - w h i c h i s m o n e y yo u’ve a l r e a d y p a i d t a x o n - a n d r e c l a i m t h e b a s i c r a t e t a x f r o m H M R e ve n u e & Cu s t o m s ( H M R C ) o n i t s ‘g r o s s’ e q u i v a l e n t , i . e. t h e a m o u n t b e fo r e b a s i c r a t e t a x w a s d e d u c t e d. G i f t A i d t h e r e fo r e e n a b l e s R G T t o c l a i m a n a d d i t i o n a l 2 5 p fo r e ve r y p o u n d yo u d o n a t e. I n o r d e r t o m a k e a G i f t A i d d o n a t i o n yo u’ l l n e e d t o m a k e a G i f t A i d d e c l a r a t i o n . Yo u c a n c o m p l e t e a s i m p l e fo r m a n d o n e fo r m c a n c o ve r e ve r y g i f t m a d e t o t h e s a m e c h a r i t y fo r w h a t e ve r p e r i o d yo u c h o o s e, a n d c a n c o ve r g i f t s yo u h ave a l r e a d y m a d e a n d / o r g i f t s yo u m ay m a k e i n t h e f u t u r e. Yo u c a n e a s i l y u p d a t e yo u r g i f t a i d fo r m b y d o w n l o a d i n g a n d f i l l i n g i n t h e fo r m a t w w w. r e t i r e d g r e y h o u n d s. c o. u k / g i f t - a i d.

Homer Magazine Autumn 2013

2013 RGT Autumn Raffle For the past two years the RGT has run very successful fundraising raffles to help pay for the care and veterinary expenses of the greyhounds in our kennels. Enclosed with this magazine are two books of tickets which you can either buy yourself or sell to friends and family. Please remember that tickets can only be sold by or to people aged 16 years and over. Full details are on the tickets or at retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/RGT-raffle.

Please note: Due to Gambling Commission restrictions, raffle tickets can only be distributed on mainland Britain. If for any reason you did not receive raffle tickets or would like additional books, please call us on 020 8335 3016.

Great prizes to win: 1st prize - £1,000 2nd prize - £750 3rd prize - £500 4th prize - £250 20 x £25 M&S vouchers

Please send completed stubs, payment and unsold tickets to us in the envelope provided by the closing date, 29th Nov 2013. The draw will take place on 6th December and winners will be notified and posted on the website.

Four Years and Counting On the late Bank Holiday Sunday in May approximately 1,500 dog lovers and their pets rushed to the fourth annual Greyhound Extravaganza in Newmarket. The show was opened by Andrew Higgins, the RGT Chairman, who gave an overview of the important work of the Trust in the East of England and praised the show organisers from the Trust’s Eastern Counties and Mildenhall branches.

There were almost 50 classes for greyhounds and other dog breeds backed by sponsors including the

Greyhound Board of Great Britain, HFL/ LGC and William Hill. The Supreme Champion of the day was sponsored by Chudleys’ newly launched Pet Greyhound feed and won by Patch, a gorgeous white and black hound owned by Carly Adams (see their photo on right.) Peter Laurie, the Trust’s Chief Executive said: “Each year the Extravaganza gets bigger and better and this year was undoubtedly the most successful yet. Not only were we blessed with perfect weather, there was a lot of interest in the parade of greyhounds looking for homes and we received record entries for the classes. Events like these create a wonderful feel-good factor amongst greyhound owners and I’d like to thank everyone who helped organise and supported the day.”

Patch, the Chudleys’ Pet Greyhound Feed Supreme Champion, with his owner Carly Adams and Robert Harley (Chudleys)

Next year’s Greyhound Extravaganza is scheduled for 25 May 2014. Get the details at: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/ Greyhound-Extravaganza Mr T (left), the greyhound who fronted our veterinary appeal last issue, attended the Extravaganza. It was his first day out since surgery , and he was happy to get cuddles and attention after making a good recovery. Don’t forget that you can help more dogs like him by visiting our website.




Pet Greyhound Feed Now Available You may remember from the past issue of Homer that there is a new greyhound feed on the market. ‘Pet Greyhound’ is a complete feed that has been designed especially for greyhounds in the home. It has all the nutrition they need to stay happy and healthy, and each time you buy a bag, you will be supporting the RGT too. This food is made by Dodson & Horrell/ Chudleys and it can be ordered from www.dodsonandhorrellpetfood.co.uk/ pet-greyhound or by calling them on 01832 737300. For each bag purchased, Dodson & Horrell will donate £1 to the Retired Greyhound Trust.

A Review of 2012

Dr John Lowe, Consultant Nutritionist for Tuttons Hill Nutrition worked with Dodson & Horrell and the Retired Greyhound Trust to create the ‘Pet Greyhound’ recipe. John said: “The diet was designed to meet the needs of a dog making a change in lifestyle from racing to leading a healthy and active life as a pet. Therefore the recipe, along with the moderate energy and protein content, contains a number of nutritional features to help support joints, coat condition, gut well-being and overall antioxidant status. Consequently we have used such specialist ingredients as green lipped mussel, salmon oil, mannan oligosaccharides from yeast and a number of fruits and vegetables.”



The Trust has recently published its Annual Review of 2012, summarising its activities and performance of that year. The document, and the 2012 Audited Accounts and Trustees’ Report, can be downloaded from:

Statement of Financial ended 31 December Activities for the year 2012 Incoming Resources from Generated Funds Voluntary Income: Donations and gifts Grant from BGRF Donation from Retired Greyhound Events Limited Branch Income Total Incoming Resources Resources Expended Charitable activities: Branch expenditure Kennel charges Veterinary fees Hardship expenditure Homefinding expenses Education and awareness Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare Cost of Generating Funds Governance Costs Total Resources Expended Net incoming /(outgoing)re sources for the Year and Net Movement in Funds


Fund balances brought forward at 1 January 2012

2012 view annual re Charity Number


Fund balances carried forward at 31 December 2012

2012 £ 1,210,107 1,400,000 9,660 1,014,793 3,634,560

1,072,245 1,432,801 567,214 9,723 88,303 321,999 0 83,444 2,400 3,579,029

the UK enjoyed the

Great Greyhound Gathering

Incoming Resources

Donations and gifts £1,210,107

Donation from Retired Greyhound Events Limited £9,660

Resources Expended

Grant from BGRF £1,400,000

Cost of generating Education and awareness

funds £83,444

Governance costs £2,400

£321,999 Homefinding expenses £88,303

Branch expenditure £1,072,245

Hardship expenditure £9,723

Veterinary fees £567,214

Kennel charges £1,432,801

55,531 825,359 880,890

Of the fund balances carried forward, the held as a restricted sum of £12,560 is fund. All of the above results were derived from activities. The Charity continuing has no recognised gains or losses other than those dealt with in the Statement of Financial Activities. Annual Review.indd

33+38128 29+4016129 Visitors from across

Branch income £1,014,793


Number 269668 Retired Greyhound Trust 2nd Floor, Park House, 1-4 Park Terrace, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7JZ T: 020 8335 3016 E: info@retiredgreyhounds.co W: retiredgreyhounds.co.uk .uk www. twitter.com/rg t_uk If you would like more information or to view a copy of the 2012 Trustees’ Report and www.retiredgreyhounds.Audited Accounts please visit: co.uk



annual rev

Charity Number 2696

Greyhound Trailer Unveiled in Cornwall

Homer, the 6 Foot Lizard & Harry’s Tail

The RGT branches in the South West have been the recipients of a fantastic new trailer to use at regional shows and events. The trailer was funded thanks to a very generous grant from The Mrs D M France-Hayhurst Charitable Trust.

The Bridlington RGT branch has been very busy. They recently had a local show, which was incredibly fun for the attendees. Don’t believe us? Check out the photo of Homer wheeling around a six foot lizard at the show...where else could you see that? This branch has also been sharing the story of Harry, a greyhound who is making a real difference to his family. Please follow his moving story at: http://bridlington.retiredgreyhounds. co.uk/Harry/.

Pet Greyhound is competitively priced at £25 per 15 kg bag or 2 bags for £40 with free shipping. Buyers also have a money back guarantee on their first purchase. In time it will be available in retail outlets and from some RGT branches. If you would like to see it locally, please ask your retailer or local RGT branch to stock Pet Greyhound.

retired greyhound trust annual review 2012 The Trust is pleased to acknowledge the tremendous generosity of those who left bequests in their Wills during Ms M Batchelor; Ms 2012, including: M Bevens; Ms D Bryant; Cullen; Mr J Fletcher; Ms E Cotter; Ms D Ms J Honnywill; Mr A Jones; Fryer; Ms B Hembery; Ms E Holt; Ms C Ms L Lyster-Todd; Ms Miller; Mr A Morris; S McGuigan; Ms J Ms D Mummery; Mr A Nash; Ms C Pearson; Mr D Ricketts; Mr D Taylor; Ms P Tilyard; Ms P Tonkin; Ms T Mr M Vaquer; Mr R Toole; Wright; Mr C Wills. The Trust was fortunate to of grants from a number receive financial support in the form during 2012. We extend of charitable trusts and foundations our thanks to: The Charity Fund; The Mrs DM France-Hayhu Agnes West Dunlop rst Charitable Trust; The Doris E Clarke Charitable Trust; The Dunn and Whieldon Charitable Trust; The George and Margaret Trust; The Greyhound Trotter Charitable Board of Great Britain Fund; The Pedigree Retired Greyhound Adoption Drive; and Support Adoption for Pets.

Veterinary Appeal In the last issue we discussed Mr T, a greyhound who needed emergency medical care, and introduced a Veterinary Appeal. We want to help other greyhounds that need veterinary care, and that is where we need your help. If you can give a few pounds to help cover treatments for hounds like Mr T, please visit: https://mydonate.bt.com/events/ rgtveterinaryappeal

Greyhounds Feature on Microsoft’s Bing Microsoft’s search engine, Bing.com, featured the Retired Greyhound Trust on its homepage this spring, to tell our story to its 12.7 million UK users. To mark the occasion, the Bing homepage featured an exclusive image that celebrated the charity, as well as providing in-depth information about the valuable work RGT does finding loving homes for greyhounds at the end of their racing

Homer Magazine Autumn 2013

careers. The Retired Greyhound Trust was chosen by the British public as part of Bing’s ongoing Help Your Britain campaign. The campaign is all about encouraging the public to do more for charitable causes.

Great British Greyhound Walk - A Round Up On 23 June greyhound owners joined together across the country to take part in the Great British Greyhound Walk (GBGW). Many of the RGT branches hosted events in their area. The GBGW co-ordinators reported on the events of the day, and what a day it was! From all corners of the country, messages and texts were flying round with the numbers from each of the 74 walks.

At midday on Sunday there were over 500 participants, very healthy considering the weather in some places. By early afternoon the total had surpassed 1500 and as the last few texts were delivered in the early evening the total of 2602 sighthounds was reached!

Free Qualification for RGT Volunteers The College of Animal Welfare is helping RGT volunteers top up their skills, by offering free training towards a City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care.

This massive result is truly amazing, and a real testament to the love and dedication all those volunteers have for sighthounds.

Thank you for helping our hard-working volunteers learn new skills and continue the fantastic work they do.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the day and made it such a success!

Hazard’s New Home Some time ago a black dog named Hazard was taken in by the Darlington RGT. They took pictures and chose a write up deserving of his loving and friendly nature and waited...and waited.... and waited. Dogs went out and new one replaced them but as the months went on Hazard remained. Before they knew it he had been with them for quite a while.

Rainham group of the Great British Greyhound Walk

2014 Greyhound Calendar In the last issue of Homer we invited readers to send photo submissions for the 2014 RGT calendar. Last year we were thrilled with about 400 entries. This year we were amazed to receive close to 2,000 entries. Somehow the judging panel chose the final pictures and the new copy

is available to purchase on page 19 and in our online shop. If you want to have this fantastic calendar make sure you buy it early, as it sells out quickly. Best of all, the proceeds help care for the greyhounds in our care.

However at the beginning of June the branch spoke to a few people at the Great North Dog Walk. A few days later, someone called interested in Hazard! Arrangements were made to come and see him, it was all the branch could do not to put him in a tux with some Brut! I think love at first sight is the best description for the introductions, he made friends right away with the young daughter and it was decided that at last Hazard was to be rehomed. Now Hazard’s kennel is empty awaiting another needy greyhound.

Greyhounds Abroad

Honiton MP Visits RGT

Mayor Visits Harlow RGT

Tiverton and Honiton MP Neil Parish recently visited his local branch of the Retired Greyhound Trust, located in Honiton. Mr Parish met branch coordinator Vicky Gregory, her family and the greyhounds that are housed at the kennels.

Volunteers from the Harlow branch were honoured by a vist from Will Breare-Hall, the Mayor of Epping. Mr Breare-Hall met Karen Titheradge, Joy Battley, Sue Barber and the greyhounds Ciaron and Maggie.

Ingrid Van Huenen’s family has been completed, with the addition of Ivy the greyhound. She said: “As the proud owner of three greyhounds we were looking for a fourth dog. This to complete our pack. In our search for the right dog we saw a picture of Bea (now called Ivy) on the Facebook page of Kama’s Cave, the East Anglia RGT branch. “It was love at first sight. One year old and with a smile on her face, looking for a forever home. Then it went quickly, we adopted Ivy and on June 8 she arrived in Calais, France. From Calais we went to the Netherlands, where Ivy has found her forever home. “She now lives with our three other greyhounds and she is doing well, she is happy and such a sweet dog and fits in with the rest of the pack. We are very happy to have her and hope many people will follow and adopt a Greyhound.”




Heart of PBB Award Pet Blood Bank (PBB) UK presented its first ever Heart of PBB Award to Alison Waggott, who runs the Hollin Hall RGT branch near Crook, Durham. She won the award for her work in support of PBB UK, the charity she has been helping since 2008. PBB UK is the first and only charity of its kind that provides a canine blood bank service, giving the veterinary profession quick and easy access to life saving blood for ill and injured dogs. Alison first found out about PBB UK when a local veterinary practice held a blood collection session. She brought 2 of her dogs along and she volunteered to help out as an animal care assistant. Wendy Barnett for PBB UK, said: “Alison has given so much of her time to PBB UK and continues to work extremely hard on behalf of our organisation, helping us to spread the word about this vital, life-saving work for canines across the country and by offering us her kennels as a host venue for our blood collection sessions.”

Alison (centre) receives the Heart of PBB Award

Looking for Volunteers in Rugby & Coventry The Rugby & Coventry branch of the Retired Greyhound Trust is calling for local greyhound enthusiasts to get involved as volunteers and help promote greyhounds in their area.

If you are in the Redditch area on 18th September, why not see: ‘Memories are made of This’, a fundraising show to support the RGT?


Mary Ridgeway, the branch co-ordinator, is urging anyone who has homed a greyhound from this branch in the past, or anyone who loves dogs across the West Midlands to give any time they have to help spread the word about the fantastic dogs available for rehoming. To find out more about volunteering in the Rugby

Ian O’neill, Gary Ridgeway, Mary Ridgeway, Joyce Dorricott & John Dorricott pose with an Eddie Stobart truck in Bilton.

Andy’s New Start Andy was diagnosed with epilepsy shortly after coming into Hall Green RGT’s kennels, but with careful check-ups and medication his condition is successfully managed. Country life & plenty of TLC have proved the best tonic of all. His family say that he has developed into a happy, confident hound.

Winnie the PAT Dog

Arik’s Adventure Arik the greyhound has had a big change this year.

Winnie the greyhound has been visiting a care home in Dorking for 9 months now and all the residents love her! She brings smiles to faces and lightens the mood when she walks in the room. As part of the Pets as Therapy programme, Winnie gives people what they need: a cuddle and chat for some, memories of their own dogs and happier times or just a few moments of companionship.

He moved from Essex to the Isle of Wight! He has produced a diary that is available to read at www. retiredgreyhounds. co.uk/news.

Find out more at www.petsastherapy.org

Memories are Made of This There are many great and fun ways that you can support the Retired Greyhound Trust in our efforts to find loving homes for greyhounds.

& Coventry area, please visit:

costumes and brilliant choreography! ‘West End’ and international vocalists, along with the stunning ‘Memory Lane’ dancers perform some of the greatest hits from each decade including Swing, Country and Western, Movies and Musicals to name but a few. Don’t miss this superb feel good show.

Nostalgia just doesn’t come any better! Another sensational show from the producers of ‘Memory Lane’, ‘All our Yesterdays’ and ‘Rolling back the Years’. One of the biggest shows of its kind in the UK, taking the audience on a thrilling and breathtaking musical journey through the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, with stunning

To find out more or enquire about tickets please call 01527 65203 or visit www. timelesstheatre.co.uk/theatre-shows-andtour-itinerary.html


Homer Magazine Autumn 2013

Memories are Made of This Palace Theatre, Redditch Wednesday 18th September, 7.30pm

Easter Bonnet Parade, Greyhound Style Whittingham Kennels held its annual Easter Bonnet Parade on Easter Monday. There was a great turnout and the greyhounds showed off their fantastically fun costumes. Here is Buffy the greyhound in all her Easter bunny splendour!

Please join us for


Great Greyhound Gathering 2013 at

Nottingham Racecourse

All dodgs bree me

Colwick Park, Nottingham NG2 4BE


Greyhound & Companion Dog Show and Family Fun Day

Saturday 21st September 2013

Greyhound show with classes for pet greyhounds of all ages, plus Kennel Club registered companion dog show for all breeds. Novelty ring with fun classes in a beautiful setting. Trade Stands


Children’s Entertainment

Ample Free Parking

Show admission: £1 Adults, Children under 16 years old free! Class entry fee: £2 per class - registration from 9.30am Judging in three rings from 11.00am Trophies for all Class Winners & Rosettes to 6th Place


For more info or to register for classes early please visit:

www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/Great-Greyhound-Gathering www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk


FUNDRAISERS & SUPPORTERS 5th Annual £’s for Hounds Homer’s Great North Run Throughout June the Wolverhampton RGT branch held its annual Pounds For Hounds campaign. This one manic month of fundraising each year provides the funds the branch needs to continue supporting hounds in need. A full timetable of events included pub quizzes, golf days, raffles, fun activities for children, and much more. There was even a silent auction for a signed goalkeeper shirt and gloves from Wayne Hennessey. The month-long campaign culminated in a Dog Show and Family Fun Day out, which had rosettes galore, happy people, well behaved dogs of every breed, and the sun shone. There were plenty of stalls and the total raised from this show alone was £1,692. After a final review of this frenzied but exciting month, the branch proudly announced the grand total of £17,542! These results were only possible due to the dedication of the Wolverhampton branch volunteers. The real winners are the greyhounds, who have quickly been going to their forever homes in the wake of June’s activities. In fact, 14 dogs were rehomed during the first week of July! Amazing!

Homer, our mascot, is taking on the Great North Run this year. Well, not Homer, but greyhound owner and fan Stephen Letchford. He said: “This will be my second Great North Run. I have always had retired greyhounds as pets. Oz is our latest dog and he is a fantastic and loyal member of the family. He is our fourth greyhound. All of our greyhounds have similar characteristics but come with their own individuality and personality. They have provided so much fun and laughter to my life so it is time I did something for them, so I will be running the Great North Run dressed up as a Greyhound.” You can support Stephen in his quest to raise money for the RGT by sponsoring him at: www.mydonate.bt.com/ fundraisers/steveletchford1

Greyhoundhomer Golf Day Greyhoundhomer RGT in Essex had a fantastic fundraising golf day in July, raising almost £900. Thank you to all of the individuals and sponsors who helped make the day such a success. Below is an image of Pat Philpot, the RGT branch co-ordinator with the winning team, headed by Mark Wallis, Champion Trainer.

Lesley is Legging it! Lesley Spencer, who volunteers at the Shropshire & Borders RGT branch recently completed her first half marathon and is also running the Lake Vyrnwy half on September 15th. So far she has raised over £800 of her £1,000 target. Lesley hopes to get a place in next year’s London Marathon to raise even more money for greyhounds. Congrats!

Giving a lot Back The Retired Greyhound Trust was recently honoured to be the beneficiary of the ‘Give a Bit Back’ charity fundraising golf day.

donated all the trophies for the winning teams, and those that donated and bid for some fantastic auction prizes.

‘Give a Bit Back’ was set up by Daren and Lee Johnson to raise money and awareness for charities close to their hearts. It started in 2011 with a running and cycle challenge from John O’Groats to Land’s End and has been followed by two golf days at the prestigious London Club in Kent. This year’s event raised over £16,000 thanks in no small part to the generosity of supporters during the evening auction.

“I hope everyone enjoyed the day and it was great to raise so much money to support retired greyhounds.” Amanda Ainsworth, the RGT Welfare and Operations Manager said: “Last year’s ‘Give a Bit Back’ golf day was such a success and we were delighted that Daren and Lee wanted to support us this year as well.

Daren said: “Thank you to everyone who was involved with the golf day and made it a success. I’d like to give special thanks to Mark Burridge, who


Homer Magazine Autumn 2013

“It’s not very often that you come across people as generous who give so much of their personal time to coordinate and run these fundraising events for the benefit of a charity they believe in. They really are one in a million. ”

Knitting Nannies A group of ladies called “The Knitting Nannies” in the Oxford area have been busy knitting coats for the greyhounds. These colourful coats are favourites of the retired dogs especially in the colder months, and they look great!

It’s Ladies Night at Pelaw Ladies donned their best attire recently for a fundraising evening to support the Pelaw Grange RGT. Thank you everyone who participated in the fun evening.

Cheers to our Volunteers Volunteers are the pulse of the RGT and we simply would not be able to operate without their generosity and support. We asked two dedicated volunteers why they devote their time to rehoming greyhounds. “After homing hundreds of greyhounds over the past six years, we are proud to know that everything we have achieved for the dogs who touch our lives has been thanks to volunteers. Volunteers are essential to Greyhound Lifeline. Without them we simply wouldn’t be able to exist.” Marie Harris Greyhound Lifeline, Hampshire & Surrey Borders branch “I have made so many new friends at the branch with my fellow volunteers and we have so much fun. I only have to look at a greyhound to go weak at the knees. I feel very honoured to help them get a forever home.” Debbie Wilmott Lancashire & Belle Vue branch Our branches are always looking for volunteers of all kinds with different skills to help find homes for greyhounds. Whether you can walk some of the dogs, help out around the kennels, take the dogs to shows and events, fund-raise in your area, or even help promote the RGT and the fantastic pets that greyhounds make, please get in touch. To make the difference to thousands of greyhounds by volunteering, please contact your local branch by visiting: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/Branch-Locations/

Jenningsbet Raises Funds for Greyhounds High street betting shop chain Jenningsbet has raised £1000 for the Retired Greyhound Trust. Julian Knight from Jenningsbet said: “We are proud to present this cheque for £1000 to the Retired Greyhound Trust in recognition of the fantastic work they do finding homes for the greyhounds that have retired from racing. We collected £800 from our customers in charity collection tins that were displayed in our shops and we rounded the donation up to £1,000.” If your workplace would like to raise money with a RGT collection tin, please contact us on 020 8335 3016.

Driving in Style Alison, a volunteer at the Hall Green RGT, has a great car number plate that shares her love of the RGT. She has left it in her Will to help support the RGT in the future. Thanks Alison!

Boost for Lancashire RGT Coast to Coast The Belle Vue owners association fund raised £1000 for the Lancashire RGT branch, through a raffle. Thank you to everyone for your generous help!

A group of fundraisers has completed the daunting task of walking from Whitehaven on the West coast to Sunderland on the East coast all to raise money for the greyhounds at the Perry Barr RGT branch, which is located near Birmingham. The super star fundraisers are Rob Boswell, Ray Woodbridge, Paul Warman, Pete Barrett and Mark Neal. Fantastic job, guys!

Folk CD Supports RGT

Derby Donation

Cheviot Hill, a six piece Soul/Folk/ Country band from Cardiff, has released their debut album ‘Out of Nowhere’, with some of the proceeds donated to the Hartlepool RGT. With influences including Johnny Cash, Gomez, Crosby Stills and Nash, Mumford & Sons, Bob Dylan and Cat Stevens, Cheviot Hill create original music for wide ranging audience. Their album is available on iTunes.

Bookmaker William Hill recently gave free charity bets to SKY Sports presenters Jonathan Hobbs, Darrell Williams and journalist Mick Livesey to use during the recent Greyhound Derby that the firm sponsors.

Auctions for Greyhounds For the past few months, Julie Collier, a SKY Sports Reporter, has been coordinating fundraising auctions for the RGT on Racing Post TV. She has been


Between them, Jonathan, Darrell and Mick returned a fantastic combined profit of £4,587. securing great prizes from high profile sports stars and has raised several thousand pounds for the Trust. Thank you Julie and the entire Racing Post team for your support!




your photos f o n io t c e ll A co reyhounds’ g g in r u t p a c onalities. unique pers

Homer Magazine Autumn 2013

es. g your Rogu in r a h s r fo issions Thank you great subm y n a m o s d We ha em all. uld share th o c e w h is w and

photos at: Upload your .co.uk/ greyhounds d e ir t e .r w w w mit/ GallerySub at: he full gallery Check out t hounds.co.uk/ grey www.retired ry-albums/ e -g rogues all



VETERINARY CORNER Frances Allen is a small animal veterinary surgeon working in Durham, with a particular interest in and considerable experience of working with greyhounds. She is also a Trustee of the Retired Greyhound Trust and Chairs its Veterinary Committee that develops and oversees the implementation of RGT veterinary policies. This column is for educational purposes. You should always contact your veterinary surgeon if you have any concerns about the health of your greyhound.

COUGHING GREYHOUNDS Coughing in greyhounds is really no different to coughing in any other dog. It is most commonly caused by an infection but can also be a sign of heart disease. If the cough persists more than two or three days or your dog is unwell you must seek veterinary advice. The commonest infection is known as ‘kennel cough’ although a dog does not actually have to have been in kennels in order to acquire infection; he can catch ‘kennel cough’ simply by being near an infected dog. ‘Kennel cough’ is rarely fatal but it can produce a hacking deep cough which can last up to six weeks and may require antibiotics to cure it. There are several infectious agents that can cause kennel cough. We can vaccinate against two of them: parainfluenza virus, which is often included in the annual booster vaccination and Bordetella bronchiseptica as a nasal vaccine against a bacterium very closely related to whooping cough.

is obviously ill – very depressed, not eating with a very high temperature and rapid shallow breathing. So far, few cases have been seen in greyhounds in the UK from which the bacterium, Streptococcus zooepidemicus has been isolated. I will keep readers of Homer informed if more cases are seen or the disease is found to be spreading but for now there is little to be done to prevent the disease and hopefully the risk is small. The list of other possible causes of a greyhound cough is endless but can also include parasitic infections such as lungworm, other infections, tonsillitis, the presence of a foreign body (such as a twig or piece of bone) in the dog’s throat, allergies, injury or anatomical abnormalities of the windpipe. And we must not forget the possibility of cancer. There has even been some work to suggest that influenza virus, transmitted from close contact with horses or possibly by eating meat from horses that were infected with flu, may affect hounds. (See www.thedogs. co.uk/respiratorydisease.aspx.)

of the body affected. In greyhounds we most commonly see autoimmune disorders of the blood e.g. haemolytic anaemia or thrombocytopaenia, joints (polyarthritis), skin (pemphigus foliaceus) and nails (symmetrical lupoid onchodystrophy, known as SLO), muscles (myositis) or multiple organs (systemic lupus erythematosus). Most are not easily diagnosed in that there are few specific tests for the conditions so diagnosis relies on clinicians’ clinical skills and elimination of other causes. Sadly, most autoimmune diseases are not curable but most can be controlled well by long term or even life-time antiinflammatory medications. One of the most obvious and painful autoimmune diseases is SLO which affects the nails. Initially only or two nails may be swollen, crumbly or excessively long and twisted and easily break off but eventually most, if not all, become affected. It has been suggested that a food allergy may be involved.

So it really gets down to common sense. If your greyhound’s cough persists for 2-3 days, get your vet to check.

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE What does it mean when your greyhound is coughing?

It is worth alerting greyhound owners about a new and far more serious chest infection, canine haemorrhagic pneumonia. Fortunately, this is still a very rare disease but when it does occur it is rapidly fatal without immediate and intensive veterinary care. Coughing maybe only slight but the greyhound


Autoimmune (or immune mediated) disease occurs when the body attacks its own organs or body systems. The cause is usually unknown but can occasionally occur after stimulation of the immune system by vaccination or drug therapy. Unfortunately autoimmume diseases tend to have complicated names but I will try to make it as simple as I can. The clinical signs vary according to the part

Nails can become affected by autoimmune disease

Treatment depends on the severity but could include removal of all affected nails under anaesthesia (they should grow again over time), feeding oral fatty acids, and treating with oral and/or topical anti-inflammatories, antibiotics or anti-fungal drugs.

Want to sponsor this page in future issues? Email homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk

WE’D LOVE A HOME BEFORE CHRISTMAS These greyhounds are looking for a good home and have been in our kennels for a considerable time. Please consider adopting one of these beauties and give them the happy home they have dreamed of.

ARTHUR Happy chap that loves cuddles East Midlands RGT Tel: 01636 822032

KATIE Joyful and bouncy girl Dorset & Somerset RGT Tel: 01823 480835

TOBY Striking lad that loves affection Greyhound Homer Suffolk RGT Tel: 01473 659866

SPACER Jolly guy, always ready to play Portsmouth RGT Tel: 01730 893255

MAGGIE She’s very gentle with cats Pelaw Grange (Durham) RGT Tel: 01228 560901

SABRE Sweet girl great with children Leicestershire RGT Tel: 01664 812361

BEN Beautiful big black boy Greyhoundhomer Essex RGT Tel: 01708 551689

HILLY I’m shy but very loving Brambleberry (Spalding) RGT Tel: 07843 655003

ROBBIE Looking for a comfy sofa of his own South Wales RGT Tel: 01633 892846

THEO Gentle Giant & Real Gentleman Hall Green RGT Tel: 01214 264810

TRINA Looking for her human companion Fife RGT Tel: 01592 890583

BOYCIE He’s got lots of love to give Sittingbourne RGT Tel: 01227 722847

CEILIDGH She’s a real beauty queen Cumbria - Workington RGT Tel: 01900 881070

REX Handsome lad with silver muzzle Cheshire RGT Tel: 01270 620225

PATCHES Loving lad great with children Shropshire & Borders RGT Tel: 01743 872395

DESSIE Happy to live with small dogs Bridlington RGT Tel: 01262 609343

We have hundreds of wonderful greyhounds in our kennels across Britain looking for a good home. To see more dogs available for adoption please visit:

www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/adopt-a-greyhound/ www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk




Your passing has left a huge void. We miss you lovely girl xxxxx

Remembering those greyhounds that have meant so much to us...


Flo & Ranger

Miss you. x

Best friends for nine years. Love you forever xx

Gogo We all miss you very much, have fun with Jess and Midge xx

Snoopy Pa

The Stewarts are missing one of their pack.

Well known on the Thames as the Lock Keeping Greyhound. The river just isn’t the same without you.

Jeff So sad that we lost you and we all miss you every day

Ellie and her pal Kassie

Rest in peace Kas - till we meet again xxxx


He was loved by everyone who met him and will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Laddie Miss you so much big boy,


Reunited with your friend once again...


Homer Magazine Autumn 2013




Remained a gentleman right to the end.

Love from mum, dad, Jack and Becky xx

Adored by everyone who met me

Portia Falcon Sleep tight till we meet again xx


We miss her so much but still love her and keep a special place in our heart for her...

We will all miss you...

Harry My beautiful boy Harry on his last holiday.



RIP Deedles. We Love You xxxxxxxxx

All our love forever -Mum, Dad, Rhianna and Elesha xxxxx

Krystal & Jojo To my beautiful girls. We miss you so much

There are so many greyhounds that have touched our lives, made us smile and loved us unconditionally. This page is a tribute to all these greyhounds that have left us...we wish we had the space to include more images.





Brewster-the one in a million dog My greyhound,Brewster, made me smile. At Wimbledon he could run a mile. He won lots of prizes,cups and rosettes But most of all he was our family pet. When his racing days were over he came home to stay. We would go to the common where he would play. Brewster’s days are over now ,he has been laid to rest. He was more than dog ,he was my best friend.

Lithe and sleek, she moves with grace Her silky coat warm to feel. The lovely eyes reflect her mood Sometimes mischievous, always with appeal Her sweet and gentle ways,

- Charlotte Perry

Wax artwork by Laura

Allows her access anywhere She has her special loves in the human race Her wagging tail betrays her happy air. The working day is spent at a forces base Where her popularity reigns supreme, In the show ring rewards have been reaped As her quality is noted, surely the cream. A treasure to the family well beyond compare Our lives are all enriched with her just being there. Written by Mrs J Clarke about her daughter Sheena’s greyhound.

TOBEEEEEE! I miss you

My Beautiful Brindle Bridie so elegant and full of grace Who greeted me in the morning with a grin on that funny long face Oh how I miss you my sweetheart though I know that you had to leave So I recall happy times spent together even when I grieve -Trisha Nunn

I miss your company in the morning, and I love the way you would wait for my car to start, before sneaking up to see Mum.

Drawing by Phoebe

For Bridie 17/02/2001 to 07/02/2013

Thank you to everyone who submitted poetry. While we try our best to include a wide selection of poems, space limitations prevent us from including everything. Email your submissions to: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk


I miss your welcoming face bouncing at the window when Mum said “daddy’s home” and love you for being daft enough to do it when I was sat in the room with you! Loved the way your muscles and ears moved when in “stealth mode”, stalking rabbits and squirrels or chasing gulls in giant circles on the beach. Or the time that you were so fascinated by a herd of deer that you tripped over a pot hole. I love Mum for having the faith to let you run free and you for repaying that faith by coming when called. I loved your look of ecstasy when I scratched your back or tickled the inside of your ears. You hated getting wet but adored being towelled dry, bouncing around the kitchen demanding more and more rubs. Thank you for being willing to sit and shake paws when you visited Granny Sharpe. Your two favourite words were sausages and walkies. I loved the way that at walk time you would run to tell Mum where we were going. Thank you for the unconditional love and the hug you gave me last Sunday morning, maybe you knew something we didn’t. Tobywoby fruit cake radar lurve omally sharpe. -J Sharpe

Homer Magazine Autumn 2013



BRANDED SET -Leather in red or brown £26.00 collar & lead £16.00 lead only £10.00 collar only

BASIC HOUSE COLLAR Red only £5.00 DOGGEE POO BAG HOLDER Holds several bags and fixes to leads for convenience. £4.50 CARE BOOKS Retired Racing Greyhound Best of Breed by Mark Sullivan

GROOMING GLOVE Double-sided dimple & brush Red or blue £6.00

(hardback, 148 pgs)

£14.99 Retired Greyhounds: A Guide to Care and Understanding by Carol Baby

MUZZLES Red, purple, blue & black £6.00


MIDLAND SET Leather collar & lead set Pink, green or blue £26.00

OVERHEAD PASTEL COLLAR Un-lined 2” Blue, pink or cream £14.00

MARTINGALE COLLAR Un-lined 2” , Blue or red £20.00

MARTINGALECOLLAR Lined 2”, Purple or red £22.00

HOUSE COLLAR Un-lined 1” , Blue, red, pink, rust, cream or purple £11.00

OVERHEAD HEART COLLAR Lined 1.5” - Pink, orange, black or green £20.00 TASSELS Handmade tassels, each unique. Please indicate colour £4.00 each

(paperback, 112 pgs)






Hi Vis

WALK OUT JACKET Red, Purple, Navy & High Vis Yellow S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £24.00




LIGHT WEIGHT RAIN MACS Available in Red, Purple & Black S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £12.00





DOUBLE FLEECE INDOOR JACKET Available in Red, Lilac, Navy & Black S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £16.00

Please visit our online shop for other colour options. www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk THERMAL HIGH VIS JACKET S, M, L, XL (please see size chart) £35.00

COAT FITTING GUIDE To measure your dog for one of our coats, measure in inches from the base of the neck to the tail as shown below: Please note that the coat will measure LARGER than the area measured, as designed to cover your dog’s rear.


Small: 26” Medium: 28” Large: 30” Extra Large: “32




REGGIE Limited edition collectable cuddly toy 13” Front to back paws, 6” Tall




15” Tall, 15” toes to tail


BIRTHDAY CARDS (His and Her designs) £2.50 each GIFT WRAP (2 sheets of wrap includes 2 gift tags as shown above) £2.50 per pack

SMALL DOG TOYS Fawn, Black or Blue 6” Long, 5” Tall £4.00 each


Bo - £4.00 Stephenson’s Rocket - £3.99 With the S.A.S. and Other Animals - £19.99 Bookmark £1.00 Made from recycled tyres


GREETING CARDS Sold individually Blank inside, handmade B A. Home Sweet Home! B. Life is Good! C. You will always be my No. 1 £3.50 EACH


RGT BADGES RGT Dog or Oval Logo £1.00

NOTELETS Set of 12 (3 different designs in each pack) £4.00


RGT MUG - Earthenware £5.00 THERMO MUG Insulated travel mug with grip £5.50


Please allow 28 days for delivery. Made in the UK. Please visit the website for full colour options and product specifications.

MOUNTED PRINTS by Hilary Cargill-Phillips (see website for full range) 11” x 14” £16.00

COZIE L (40” X 34”) - £127.00 XL (50” x 40”) - £ 157.00 Giant (57” x 43”) - £232.00 COUCH One size 36” x 25” x 11” £157.00

Hound with Pony

Hound with Toys

Snow Hounds

Relaxing Hound

COAT S, M, L & XL (sizing chart on pg 17) £57.00


Homer Magazine Autumn 2013


SEASONAL FAVOURITES CHRISTMAS CARDS 2013 TRADITIONAL PACK 12 cards, 4 each of 3 designs 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00

ANIMATED PACK 12 cards, 4 each of 3 designs 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00


SPECIAL EDITION PACK 12 cards, of one design 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00 2014 Greyhound Calendar Annual fundraising calendar featuring photos submitted by greyhound owners. Strictly limited quantities. £7.00


Orders can also be made via the website: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk ITEM


Christmas Cards 2014 Calendar



Personal Details


Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________

I enclose a donation of: £ Postage (Mainland Britain only): £3.95

_________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________ Daytime Tel: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

Payment Methods Cheque, Postal Orders, Mastercard or Visa. Please make cheques payable to: Retired Greyhound Events Ltd. Minimum order for credit card payments is £6.

Name: (as on card) __________________________________________ Card no: Expiry date:


Valid from:

Issue No:

Security Code: Signature: ____________________________________________ The shop is operated by Retired Greyhound Events Ltd, the wholly owned, VAT-registered trading subsidiary (number 3825899) of the Retired Greyhound Trust, charity numbers 269668 & SC044047. All profits from Retired Greyhound Events Ltd are donated to the Trust so by shopping here you are supporting our vital work.

GRAND TOTAL: £ Please contact +44 208335 3016 for postal charges beyond mainland Britain Enables us to reclaim 25p from HMRC for each pound donated.

Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made: (tick all boxes you wish to apply) Today In the past 4 years In the future I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

Order Methods

(Please allow up to 28 days for delivery)

Post: Retired Greyhound Events, 2nd Floor, Park House, 1-4 Park Terrace, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 7JZ Telephone:

020 8335 3016

Website: www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk


pet greyhound

Everything your greyhound needs in one complete feed Find out why hundreds of greyhound owners are raving about‘Pet Greyhound’, the first dog feed endorsed by the Retired Greyhound Trust and created specifically with your pets’ needs in mind. Manufactured by Dodson & Horrell/Chudleys and produced in conjunction with the Retired Greyhound Trust, this feed is specially formulated for greyhounds but is ideal for all sight hounds and other larger dog breeds too.

from every bag £1 purchased is donated to the Retired Greyhound Trust

Rich in chicken for an appetising meal for fussy eaters Protein level of 19% that is perfect for pets Enhanced key vitamins, amino acids and trace nutrient levels for improved coat condition Green lipped mussel, Omega 3 fatty acids and mobility herbs to provide nutritional support to joints Functional fibres and prebiotics to provide nutritional support to digestive and immune systems Natural, wholesome ingredients with no added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives Quality Life Care - a patented anti-oxidant package to mop-up free radicals and provide nutritional support for your dog’s own natural anti-oxidant system

To order call 01832 737300 or visit dodsonandhorrellpetfood.co.uk MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

If your greyhound does not like the feed, call Dodson & Horrell to receive a refund on your 1st purchase. *UK mainland only. For other postage rates, please call Dodson & Horrell.

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