Homer 41

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Autumn & Winter 2014 - Issue 41

The Magazine of the Retired Greyhound Trust

Inside this issue: Greyhounds making a difference to young offenders The Trust turns 40 in 2015 The latest news and events

Cover image of Ramsey courtesy of Miranda Haslem

Plus much more

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£1 per ticket

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Dear Friends,

News..................................................3 Fundraisers & Supporters..............8 Rogues’ Gallery..............................10 Veterinary Corner..........................12 Adoption Appeal...........................13 In Memory.......................................14 Poetry Corner.................................16 RGT Merchandise..........................17

Homer Retired Greyhound Trust 2nd Floor, Park House, 1-4 Park Terrace Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7JZ T: 020 8335 3016 E: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk W: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/rgtrust Twitter: twitter.com/rgt_uk

2014 has been a year of many milestones for the RGT, and there are many more great things to come in the next few months. Fall For Hounds, one of our largest fundraisers ever, was a sweeping success (pg 6) and we are participating in a ground-breaking programme with HMP Littlehey in Cambridgeshire where three greyhounds have taken residence to help offenders learn important skills and build responsibility through caring for dogs (pg 4). In addition to the these fantastic achievements, there is a new face at the RGT, as we welcome Jo Blake as Operations Manager (pg 6). She loves greyhounds and I’m sure she will bring many good ideas to the charity. In our new feature, ‘My Greyhound’, supporter Emily Joy talks about the difference her greyhound Chesney has made to her life (pg 16). I was really touched by her story and hope you enjoy it too. This issue also contains your favourite familiar features. Not only have we included many of your photos and poems, but you’ll find our Autumn Raffle booklets enclosed. That’s right, our fundraising raffle is returning this year and one lucky winner will walk away with £1,000--just in time for Christmas. This is a very important fundraiser so I urge you to buy or sell these tickets and help us care for our hounds over the cold winter months.

Charity Numbers: 269668 & SC044047 Editor: Samuel Zelmer-Jackson

Speaking of Christmas, on the back cover you’ll find this year’s selection of Christmas Cards and Calendars, as well as a selection of new merchandise for sale from our shop. Also, you can now order our Pet Greyhound feed, which was created with your greyhound’s needs in mind, directly from us (pg 18).

Deputy Editor: Lucy Ferrier Homer Magazine is produced twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, by the Retired Greyhound Trust. The Trust accepts no liability for any errors or views expressed in this publication.

I hope you enjoy this issue,

The views of contributors and advertisers do not necessarily match the views or policies of the RGT, its trustees, employees or volunteers. While the Trust includes as many submissions and photos as possible, regretfully due to space limitations not everything can be included. To provide a submission for the next issue, please email: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk Get your product or service seen by thousands of greyhound lovers across Britain. Email homer@ retiredgreyhounds.co.uk to find out about display advert opportunities in future issues of Homer. Each issue is read by more than 150,000 people.

Samuel Zelmer-Jackson, Editor

Q: A:

There is a lot of talk about ‘dog laws’ on the news. What should I know as a greyhound owner? Th e l aw c a n b e q u i t e d e t a i l e d c o n c e r n i n g d o g s b u t h e r e a r e a fe w p o i n t e r s t o k e e p i n m i n d .

You must be in control of your dog at all times. If your dog injures (e.g. bites) or causes a reasonable fear to a person or an assistance dog, it could be a serious offence. New legal changes also relate to livestock. You can be in breach if your dog harms or chases livestock, so it is best to keep your dog on a lead when walking through a field of sheep!

The Retired Greyhound Trust comprises 70 branches located across Britain which find around 4,000 homes for greyhounds every year. To locate and contact your nearest branch, visit: retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/BranchLocations/ or call 020 8335 3016.

It is always a good idea to ensure you can properly manage your dog while around people or other animals. Secure them when the door to your house is open to prevent them from running past and slipping away unsuper vised.

Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission from the copyright holder.


Welcome to the Autumn/Winter 2014 edition of Homer magazine.

Don’t forget that while you think a dog is playing or acting happy by jumping to see someone, it can be regarded as an act of aggression by other people who might not know much about dogs or who is uncomfor table around them. Fi n d o u t m o r e a t w w w. d o g l aw. c o. u k .

Homer Magazine Autumn & Winter 2014


We’re Turning 40! Is forty fabulous? We think so! Next year we will be celebrating our 40th year homing greyhounds and we have many exciting plans in the works. Unfortunately we can only share a few of our ideas at the moment, but you can bet next year’s issues of Homer are going to be a true celebration of everything the Trust has grown to encompass over the past four decades. This year of celebration is going to involve individuals from all over the world online through our social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We also hope that supporters will get involved at our local dog shows and the larger events, such as the Greyhound Extravaganza and the Great Greyhound Gathering. Due to popular demand we are planning a new large dog show in Scotland, preliminarily scheduled for 18 July, 2015. The full details will be shared on www.rgtscotland.co.uk when they are confirmed. The piece de resistance for this yearlong celebration is our Ruby-themed fundraising ball, to be held on 7 June, 2015 in London. Again, the details are being confirmed, but keep an eye

The RGT Autumn Raffle The Autumn brings one of the Trust’s biggest fundraisers of the year, the RGT Raffle. We run the raffle for two reasons. Firstly, it is a fun way for supporters to help us make a difference and win great prizes. Secondly, the funds raised ensure that we have the ability to care for our greyhounds over the holiday season. Enclosed with the magazine are two books of raffle tickets. We hope that either you will buy them yourself or sell them to friends and family, but please remember they can only be sold to and by people aged 16 years and older. Completed stubs and payments should be received by 28th November 2014 and the winning tickets will be drawn on 5th December. Winners will be notified directly and the full list will be posted on our website. Good luck!

on our website, as there are a limited number of tickets available which will go on sale in early 2015. Many of our branches will be holding special events and activities throughout the year, so if you have any great ideas for a 40th party, get in touch and let them know. Hall Green, one of our branches in the West Midlands, has already set the

ball rolling and is co-ordinating a very special ‘Greyhound Blessing’ service at Worcester Cathedral on Saturday 18th April 2015 at 2pm. To top it off, the RGT will commemorate this anniversary with a selection of limited edition collectables and gifts, all with the 40th anniversary theme. We’ll have more information about these gift items closer to the new year, so do keep an eye on the website shop: www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk to find out what anniversary treasures are available. If you want to keep up-to-date with the celebration plans as they develop, visit our official 40th anniversary webpage: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/40th. We’re really excited about this milestone and we cannot wait to share it with you, our supporters, who have helped us reach the fabulous age of 40! Now, let the party begin!

We are celebrating 40 years in 2015

1975 FACTS

• First radio broadcast of House of Commons proceedings • The band Queen released ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’

In the year the RGT was founded: • The Vietnam War ended

• Charlie Chaplin was knighted

• United Nations named 1975 “International Women’s Year”

• ‘Bye Bye Baby’ by the Bay City Rollers was the best selling single

• Monty Python and the Holy Grail was released

• First episode of Fawlty Towers shown

These great prizes will be won...maybe by you!

First Prize: £1,000 Second Prize: £750 Third Prize: £500 Fourth Prize: £250 20 people will win a £25 M&S Voucher Autumn Raffle 2014 Charity numbers 269668 & SC044047

I enclose £______________ for raffle tickets. I also include £_____________ as a donation. Please make cheques/postal orders payable to Retired Greyhound Trust. We are pleased to accept payment by credit/debit card: Card no: Start date:

Expiry date:

1st £1,000

2nd £750

3rd £500

First name: ______________________________ Surname: ______________________________ Address: ______________________________ ______________________________

Issue no:

Last 3 digits on signature Can you ‘Gift Aid’ your donation? Please see strip (security code) reverse to find out how you can help for free. Tickets may not be sold by or to any person under the age of 16. Please send all ticket stubs, payment and unsold books by 28th November 2014 to: Autumn Raffle, RGT, 2nd Floor, Park House, Park Terrace, Worcester Park KT4 7JZ If you would like more tickets please call us on 020 8335 3016


£1 per ticket

4th £250

______________________________ Postcode: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________

20 x £25 Marks & Spencer vouchers

Due to Gambling Commission restrictions, raffle tickets can only be distributed on mainland Britain. For full details visit retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/RGT-raffle. If for any reason you did not receive raffle tickets or would like additional books, please call 020 8335 3016.




positive impact on rehabilitation and decreased offending rates.

Greyhounds Help Offenders get back on the Right Track

Three retired racing greyhounds have taken up residence at a prison in Cambridgeshire, as part of an innovative programme teaching offenders valuable skills and responsibilities through caring for dogs. The greyhounds, which are housed in specifically-built kennels within the grounds of HMP Littlehey, are being cared for by a group of carefully selected offenders who are responsible for feeding, grooming and exercising the dogs under the supervision of trained prison staff. The offenders are not only developing new skills and taking on new responsibilities, they are also working towards a nationallyrecognised vocational qualification in animal care from the College of Animal Welfare, which will boost their employment prospects on release. David, one of the participants in this project said: “This has been a great project for me and I’ve managed to get a qualification that will help me get employment when I am released.”

A variation of the Prison Pet Partnership spread to Oregon State in the early 1990’s via the Positive Opportunities Obvious Change with Hounds (POOCH) programme. Prior to bringing dogs into the prison the re-offending rate was as high as 63% but, within a few years, POOCH reported a zero re-offending rate amongst programme participants. Peter Laurie, Chief Executive of the RGT said: “It has been well documented around the world that animals can help rehabilitate offenders, and it was time that a residential programme was introduced in Britain. It is heartening to see the bonds that are already developing between offenders, prison staff and the greyhounds involved with this project. The dogs are receiving the best of care and the offenders are really embracing the training opportunities on offer. “Greyhounds are the perfect choice for this programme as they are easy-going dogs that respond particularly well to companionship and human contact. We hope that this project will not

only deliver real benefits to Littlehey¹s rehabilitation programme but also help to promote the fact that greyhounds make truly wonderful pets.” Barbara Cooper, Principal of the College of Animal Welfare, said: “These offenders now have an opportunity to use their nationally recognised qualification to improve their future prospects and make a valuable contribution to animal welfare.” “It’s good to see that the high level of care and attention that the greyhounds receive from the offenders is also improving the greyhounds’ rehoming prospects.” To provide Littlehey offenders with the opportunity to care for a number of different greyhounds, the dogs are only residing at the prison for three-month periods before moving either directly into homes or returning to one of the Trust’s 70 branches across Britain. The welfare of the dogs involved is of paramount importance and regular inspections of the greyhounds and the facilities by veterinary surgeons are scheduled.

Attorney General, Jeremy Wright said: “We know that one of the keys to tackling re-offending is engaging prisoners in work and giving them life skills to help them lead law-abiding lives on release. “The work that the Retired Greyhound Trust does in partnership with Littlehey is an excellent example of this and I was genuinely impressed by what I saw on my visit. “Encouraging purposeful activity and training in prisons will help offenders address the issues that led to their imprisonment in the first place reducing re-offending and preventing so many needless victims of crime.” While the concept of introducing dogs to a prison on a residential basis and entrusting their care to offenders is a new one in Britain, the initiative has been trialled successfully in North America for a number of years. In 1981 the Prison Pet Partnership, established in Washington State, gave prison residents the responsibility of caring for dogs. The programme showed that creating human-animal bonds had a


Jeremy Wright MP and Peter Laurie visit Cambridgeshire’s Littlehey Prison to see how greyhounds are helping rehabilitate offenders

Homer Magazine Spring Autumn && Summer Winter 2014

An Extra-Greyt Day at the Greyhound Extravaganza The fifth annual Greyhound Extravaganza took place on 25th May and attracted a record crowd of an estimated 1,600 people and hundreds of dogs of all shapes and sizes. RGT Chairman Dr Andrew Higgins opened the show after giving an overview of the charity's important work and praising volunteers from the Trust's Mildenhall and Eastern Counties branches for their hard work in organising the show. The dogs were the true stars of the day, and there were nearly 50 classes for greyhounds and other dog breeds. This year's Supreme Champion was Foxy, a beautiful dun and white hound owned by Tracy Venus. RGT Chief Executive, Peter Laurie, said: "We were thrilled by the success of this year's Greyhound Extravaganza. It was heartening to see so many greyhound owners and their pets come together to celebrate this wonderful breed and to support the Trust. "The show grows every year, and I think this year was the best so far with a huge turnout, a record number of class entries and a great deal of interest in the parade of greyhounds looking for homes. I'd like to thank everyone who attended and the sponsors who helped make the show such a great success." See you at next year’s Extravaganza!

Did you miss the Extravaganza? Don’t miss the Great Greyhound Gathering!


Great Greyhound Gathering Greyhound & Companion Dog Show & Family Fun Day at Nottingham Racecourse Colwick Park, Nottingham NG2 4BE

Saturday 20th September 2014 Greyhound show with classes for pet greyhounds of all ages, plus Kennel Club registered companion dog show for all breeds. Novelty ring with fun classes in a beautiful setting.

Trade Stands º Refreshments Children’s Entertainment º Ample Free Parking Admission: £1 Adults, Children under 16 years old free! Class entry fee: £2 per class - registration from 9.30am Judging in three rings from 11.00am Trophies for all Class Winners & Rosettes to 6th Place

For more info or to register for classes early visit:

www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk try n E Freeth this wi vert ad

or call 020 8335 3016

All Dog Breeds Welcome!

Foxy, the Supreme Champion and Tracy Venus (Image courtesy of Paul Stearman)



Falling for Greyhounds Last issue we mentioned a massive fundraising skydive, Fall For Hounds, which three RGT members of staff and two RGT Trustees were taking part in. Well, on 16 June we went to an airfield near Peterborough to face our fears and joined friends and colleagues to raise money for greyhounds! Despite some weather-related delays, no fewer than 51 brave souls took to the skies to show their passion for greyhounds by jumping from a plane at 13,000 ft and plummeting at 120 mph back down to Earth.

so it is really great to see it all come together, with people travelling from all over the UK to face their fears and skydive more than two miles to raise money for this great charity.” Julie has been finding innovative ways to support the RGT for several years. She continued: “Between all of the donations to the skydivers and the sale of auction items, we raised more than £85,000 for the Trust, which will ensure that even

Fall For Hounds

Fall for Hounds, was a great success and raised an incredible £83,000, making it one of our biggest fundraisers ever. The event was organised by Sky Reporter Julie Collier, who is herself a retired greyhound owner.

“This is a special event that I have been organising for more than six months,

Johanna Beumer MBE, lead volunteer at the Retired Greyhound Trust's Waltham Abbey branch, was awarded the Volunteer of the Year Welfare Award at the Ceva Welfare Awards ceremony earlier this year. The Volunteer of the Year Welfare Award is described by Ceva as being for someone who, through their amazing dedication and tenacity, has helped improve animal welfare and who, in their own time, goes above and beyond the call of duty to help improve the lives of animals. Peter Laurie, Chief Executive of the RGT said: "I can think of no more deserving individual for this award than Johanna Beumer. She is a pioneering lady who has been an integral part of the Retired Greyhound Trust since its inception. Johanna has personally been involved with the homing of at least 5,500 greyhounds and is an inspiration through her leadership at Whittingham Kennels in Waltham Abbey."

After this exhilarating ride, the jumpers were joined by other greyhound lovers for an after party at the Angel Inn Pub, Yarwell, with a BBQ, live music and an auction.

She said: “I love greyhounds and I always do all I can to support the Retired Greyhound Trust, as I think the work they do is fantastic!

Recognition for Johanna

Julie swoops in for a smooth landing. (Both images courtesy of www.steve-nash.co.uk)

more of these great dogs find the loving homes they so desperately deserve. I’d like to thank everyone who got involved and supported this great fundraising event.”

Johanna said: "I am deeply honoured to receive this award and it means so much to me. I have been working to rehome greyhounds for 49 years and I never expected to be recognised for my efforts in this way. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me over the years, and particularly in more recent years my completely dedicated staff and wonderful volunteers, as I could not have done it without them.” To find out more about rehoming a greyhound from Johanna, visit http:// wkretiredgreyhounds.blogspot.co.uk/ or call 0208 444 9649.

Greyhound fans gathered to ‘Fall For Hounds’ at a huge fundraising skydive which raised more than £85,000


Homer Magazine Autumn & Winter 2014

Louise Clarke and Johanna Beumer MBE

The RGT Welcomes Jo Blake as New Operations Manager Hall Green Ball The Retired Greyhound Trust has recently appointed Jo Blake as its new Operations Manager. She will guide the Trust's network of branches, kennelling providers and volunteers while implementing welfare and operational policies and managing the intake of dogs into the charity. Jo, who has two retired greyhounds as pets, brings a love of the breed and a proven track record in canine welfare. Her previous post was Supporter Relations Officer at Dogs Trust where she managed a team of volunteers, supported local fundraising and organised community events. Not only is she a greyhound owner, Jo is no stranger to volunteering. For the past seven years she has been helping a variety of greyhound charities, including the RGT's East Midlands branch and Greyhound Rescue West of England, where she acted as Welfare Co-ordinator. Jo said: "I have been involved with animal welfare for many years, and it is a topic that I am truly dedicated to. My career to date has given me a wellrounded knowledge of the rehoming and the racing industries, and I feel this experience gives me the tools required to take the RGT forward towards its goal of finding more homes for these lovely dogs.

"The Trust leads the way with rehoming greyhounds in Britain and I cannot wait to utilise my skills and share my passion for greyhounds as Operations Manager. I look forward to the new challenges that this position will bring and working closely with the Trust's branches and volunteers to support their work." Peter Laurie, RGT Chief Executive said, "We are really looking forward to welcoming Jo to the team. She combines her skills and experience with a genuine passion for greyhounds and an in-depth understanding of RGT and the challenges and opportunities we face. I have no doubt that she will make a tremendous contribution to the charity.”

The evening included a four course meal, casino, tombola, auction, raffle, fun photo booth, music and dancing. More than £2,350 was raised on the night. The date for next year’s Hall Green Ball is 3rd May 2015, and those who are interested in finding out more can email t.parbery@tweedale.co.uk.

Everyone at the RGT wants to give a massive thank you to Beth Haley, who has retired after many years of working with the Trust and finding homes for greyhounds across Scotland.

Jo Blake and one of her greyhounds Henry

If you would like to find out more or to enrol your pets with Petplan and raise funds for the RGT, please visit: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/PetInsurance/.

Petplan gives 10% of your premium to the charity every time you take out a policy and a further 10% every year at renewal. This helps the Retired Greyhound Trust continue to care for hundreds of retired greyhounds who have not yet found a home.

Beth was the co-ordinator of the West Lothian branch. She has not only helped numerous families across the north find the greyhound of their dreams, she has also been a vital help to the other branches in Scotland. Peter Laurie, the Trust’s Chief Executive said: “We are all so grateful to Beth for her many years of support and we wish her a very happy, well-deserved retirement.”

Fashion Hounds New tags with the RGT logo are available through Tagiffany, makers of fine pet identification jewellery. Your hound will look their best, and you will be helping other hounds as £2 is donated to the Trust for every RGT Homer tag purchased. To find out more or place your order visit www. tagiffany.co.uk, email sales@ tagiffany.co.uk or call 0844 884 2268.

To help give them the best start in their new lives, every greyhound rehomed through the Retired Greyhound Trust receives 4 weeks’ free insurance from Petplan. Over the past few years the funds raised through Petplan have totalled a stellar £500,000.

Pauline McGawley was honoured during the evening when she was awarded ‘Volunteer of the Year’ for her outstanding contribution and endless dedication to the branch.

Happy Retirement Beth!

Supporting the RGT Through Petplan Supporters of the RGT can help boost crucial funds by taking out a Petplan policy for their own dog, whether it is a greyhound, another dog breed or even a cat.

Supporters of Hall Green RGT were recently treated to a fabulous evening of fine dining and fun organised by Branch Chairman Simon Gray, with all proceeds going to helping home the hounds in their care.

Melvyn Wilkins, Petplan, presents a cheque for £500,000 to Dr Andrew Higgins, RGT Chairman, representing their cumulative donations to the RGT


Make sure you quote “Retired Greyhound Trust” to ensure a donation is made for our greyhounds.


Give a Bit Back Keeps Giving Back

Birthday Cakes for Hounds

For the past four years Daren Johnson’s personal project, Give a Bit Back (GABB), has been striving to raise £100,000 for charity, and every year he gets a step closer.

Make your greyhound feel extra special with DeMontfort Delights bespoke cakes to celebrate your best friend’s Birthday, Gotcha Day or any time you want to let them know how much you love them.

This past June, Daren held his third fundraising GABB golf day in support of the Retired Greyhound Trust. This grand event, which was held at the London Golf Club, brought together avid golfers and greyhound lovers eager to raise money for the RGT.

These tasty treats come in two flavours: Roast Sunday Lunch, made with roast beef, and Sunday Lunch Special, made with roast chicken. The cakes are personalised and decorated to your choice and baked fresh to order, posted two days before the special event. They cost £9.25 plus postage and are a minimum of 600g of quality ingredients.

After the golf the attendees enjoyed a meal, auction and entertainment from Bobby Davro. In total this year’s event raised around £15,000. Daren is already looking forward to arranging next year’s event, so if you would like to know more email daren.johnson@ukgunite.co.uk.

And, as if these cakes weren’t special enough, DeMontfort Delights will make a £1 donation to the RGT for each cake sold! To order a bespoke gourmet cake call 0778 654 1615 or email sirmichaeldemontfort@hotmail.com. Daren Johnson raised another £15,000 for the RGT this year

A Superman Marathon Congratulations to Paul Smith who ran an outstanding 90 miles on 21 June to raise funds for the RGT and the Finlay Cooper Fund. He said: “Dressed as Superman I had to call upon all of my running super powers to keep clocking up the miles and ticking off the laps. I started at 12:01am and finished at 00:52am Sunday morning, clocking a total of

All Aboard the Indigo Dream At the end of May Sue and Richard, owners of the narrow boat 'Indigo Dream', took part in a 24 hour boating marathon around the Birmingham Canal Navigations and navigated 60 miles of canals and 79 locks! This fantastic achievement raised more than £1700 (at the time of writing) for Sue and Richard’s nominated charities. They took part in this event to raise money for Greyhoundhomer & Perry Barr RGT branches. Great work!


90.11miles and a staggering 358 laps around the track.” Superman indeed!

Make your hound feel special with a gourmet cake

Meet the Newest Branch, West Scotland RGT One of the RGT’s newest branches, West Scotland, was set up in March and is run by Fiona Lowry and Janice Kennedy. They’ve got off to a great start and have built up quite a following online through Facebook and their website.

These monthly walks last about two hours and are great fun for humans too, whether they want to adopt a retired greyhound, help walk the greyhound or just come along with their own dogs.

West Scotland RGT has monthly walks which are the perfect reason to get homeless hounds out and about, socialising them with other dogs and with the public. There is no better way for a potential adoptive family to find the hound of their dreams.

Just like many of the Trust’s branches, support from new volunteers is always welcome, so if you would like to find out more, visit them online at: westscotland.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk or call them on: 07739827369 or 07765452882.

Homer HomerMagazine MagazineAutumn Autumn& 2013 Winter 2014

Branch News Notices Brambleberry RGT raised £500 in a Facebook auction. It was organised and hosted by a fundraising group called Dogs Guardian Angels, run by Carol, Mandy and Debs. They take no commission for their charity auctions, which means that all the money raised goes directly to the branch for the dogs. Both Mildenhall RGT and Greyhoundhomer Suffolk RGT recently met the amazing Soprano Laura Wright! She is a huge dog lover and spent time talking to the volunteers about why greyhounds make great pets.

Laura Wright meets some new fans

Waltham Abbey RGT held their Annual Easter Dog Show in April(including their Easter Bonnet/Hat Parade) and they had a fantastic turn out! Special thanks to all those who came along or helped out on the day. Shropshire & Borders RGT volunteers ran in the Market Drayton 10k while raising funds, and interest, in greyhounds.

Cheers to our Volunteers Volunteers are the pulse of the RGT and we simply would not be able to operate without their generosity and support. We asked two dedicated volunteers why they devote their time to rehoming greyhounds.

Ashlie Pike

“From first meeting the greyhounds and discovering their individual characters, to finding the ideal forever homes to suit them, is the challenge I enjoy. Then to see them come back to visit, fit, happy with shiny coats is my reward. All they ask for is happy loving homes!” Julie Pike North Cornwall branch

“I have been rescuing and rehoming Greyhounds for 39 years and have been volunteering with the RGT for 14 years. In 2011, my partner, Allen and I, finally managed to get our own kennels up and running. Incredibly hard work, but well worth the effort!” Mandy Hooker Northampton branch Our branches are always looking for volunteers of all kinds with different skills to help find homes for greyhounds. Whether you can walk some of the dogs, help out around the kennels, take the dogs to shows and events, fundraise in your area, or even help promote the RGT and the fantastic pets that greyhounds make, please get in touch. To make the difference to thousands of greyhounds by volunteering, please contact your local branch by visiting: www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/Branch-Locations/

Come visit the UK’s only

Retired Greyhound Trust Charity Shop We have been supporting the RGT since 2010 and have donated more than £90,000 to care for greyhounds. Please visit us for great gifts such as books, DVDs, bric-a-brac, jewellery and good quality clothing. Donation of goods (excluding electrical items) are always welcome and are gratefully received.

Visit us at: L-R Wendy Roberts, Ross Weston, Stephen Slade, Pam Weston, Lesley Spencer and Alf Greyhound

East Anglia RGT would like to give a big thank you to Moulton Chapel Primary School. The children collected a huge hamper for the dogs and raised £70! Thank you all very much!

1b Sherwood Street Warsop Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG20 0JP or call us on:

01623 846307 Open from 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays LJ, Sally and Hudson the greyhounds meet the children at Moulton Chapel Primary School

www.rgtcharityshop.co.uk www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk



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Homer Homer Magazine Magazine Autumn Spring & Winter 2013 2014

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Cutting the cost of veterinary care Join The Healthy Pet Club today and start saving! www.thehealthypetclub.co.uk

Frances Allen is a small animal veterinary surgeon working in Durham, with a particular interest in and considerable experience of working with greyhounds. She is also a Trustee of the Retired Greyhound Trust and Chairs its Veterinary Committee which develops and oversees the implementation of RGT veterinary policies. This column is for educational purposes. You should always contact your veterinary surgeon if you have any concerns about the health of your greyhound.

FEEDING GREYHOUNDS Many greyhounds have finished racing a while before retiring to their permanent sofa, and in that time have been accustomed to a different diet and lower level of protein. When racing, greyhounds are fed a high protein diet (more than 20%) which may be biscuit only, or may have raw or cooked meat, veg or bread added. It is generally soaked and fed quite sloppy, which may contribute to the poor condition of some greyhounds’ teeth. Retired hounds do not need a high protein diet and less than 20% is ideal. After rehoming, as with any new pet, at first it is best to continue to feed them whatever they are used to and introduce any new diet gradually over a period of days to avoid any tummy or bowel upsets. Start by mixing some of the new diet with the old, gradually increasing the former and decreasing the latter.

Do you know how to check your greyhound’s weight?

The choice of food for dogs varies from dry, wet, raw meaty bones, home cooked or expensive equivalents. Your decision will be based on personal preference, cost, availability and most importantly, what your hound enjoys to

eat without producing loose stools or unwelcome smells! The RGT’s Pet Greyhound feed was created with these nutritional and protein needs in mind. Obesity in our hounds, like ourselves, can lead to earlier onset of joint problems so generally your retired greyhound should weigh no more than 2kgs(5lbs) above their ideal race weight. If you would like to find out if your hound is over or under weight, check out the body condition score at www. pfma.org.uk/pet-size-o-meter/. Greyhounds are a ‘deep chested’ breed and as such are prone to ‘gastric dilatation or torsion’, a relatively uncommon condition which occurs in middle age onwards. It has a sudden onset, often a short time after eating and it can be fatal. Immediate veterinary attention is essential if you see your greyhound’s tummy swelling under or behind the ribs, especially if they are trying to vomit a lot but only bringing up white phlegm. To reduce the risk of this occurrence, it is advisable to feed greyhounds at least twice a day, from bowls raised off the floor, and to avoid exercise within an hour of feeding.

EYE CONDITIONS IN GREYHOUNDS Infections such as conjunctivitis, injuries or foreign bodies that damage the cornea (front of the eye) or eyelids may cause a red or closed eye with or

without a sticky discharge. All of these require veterinary examination as soon as possible. Luckily, greyhounds are not prone to many inherited and acquired eye conditions that are common in other breeds apart from one, Pannus (chronic superficial keratitis). It is a bilateral (affects both eyes), slowly progressive, non-painful inflammatory disease of the dog’s cornea which can lead to blindness if untreated. The cause is thought to be an immune-mediated disease that increases in severity with exposure to elevated levels of UV light. Pannus is treatable but not curable so lifelong treatment is necessary. After stabilisation, most dogs will need eye medication administered twice a day to one or both eyes. As UV light can increase the severity of Pannus, it is advisable to keep your hound out of sunlight during peak hours.

Our Sponsor Dogs Reggie, has Pannus and wears ‘doggles’ when in bright sunlight

Error in last edition of Homer: The article incorrectly stated that pets returning to the UK from abroad under the PETS scheme must be ‘wormed at least 120hours before you return’. They must be wormed against tapeworms by a vet between 1 and 5 days (120hrs) before your return.

Cutting the cost of veterinary care. From just £9.99* a month including vaccinations, flea and worming and lots more savings! Join The Healthy Pet Club TODAY and start saving! www.thehealthypetclub.co.uk *see website for full terms & conditions


Essex (Dunton) RGT - Tel: 01708 551689


Cumbria (Workington) RGT - Tel: 01900 881070


Cornwall RGT - Tel: 01209 831177


West Scotland RGT - Tel: 07739 827369


Worksop RGT - Tel: 01909 724901


Northumberland RGT - Tel: 01434 673804


King’s Lynn RGT - Tel: 07825 818158


Sheffield RGT - Tel: 01142 888300


Shropshire RGT - Tel: 01743 872395

We have hundreds of wonderful greyhounds in our kennels looking for a good home. To see more dogs available for adoption contact your local branch or visit:



Dudley Dudley, my boy. 11.11.00 to 15.12.13

Remembering those greyhounds that have meant so much to us...



We achingly miss you. The Benson family

Miss you, love you always and forever, Love Mum & Dad


Mummy & Daddy will always love you!

Millie Missed terribly by all who knew her. xxx


Run free big lad, no more pain. 4 years of great companionship.


We had you for ten wonderful years. Miss you so very much.

Macca Miss you every day. Love you Mum xx


Scourge of the squirrels & lost to leukaemia


A life-changing hound who found me when I needed her most.


Darling Kryssy, you will always be my special one.


My big beautiful boy. Miss you, love you.

Bennie Big, gentle giant and a real comedian. xx


Homer Magazine Autumn & Winter 2014

Bess Bessie Boo, we miss you. Sweet dreams.


Handsome boy, gone but never forgotten...


Turner & Tilly Together again. You were the best dogs a girl could ever have. xxx


Sorely missed by the family. Sweet dreams.

You will never be forgotten, special boy.

Jack We miss you sweet boy!



The best dog. Love Mam, Dad & Aimee-Leigh

Such a gentle girl. We love and miss you.

Pearl Rest in peace sweet Pearl.

Bobby Always my special boy

Bloss You touched so many peoples’ lives.

Milly Moo

Goodbye, you were a good girl. xxx There are so many greyhounds that have touched our lives, made us smile and loved us unconditionally. This page is a tribute to all these greyhounds that have left us. We wish we had the space to include all of them.





Yesterday an Angel came to guide my baby home To run and play in fields of green with a sofa of his own Now my heart is truly broken with an ache I cannot budge For when the Angel came he took my precious Fudge Now all dogs go to Heaven I know this to be true I know he’s fit and healthy now and really happy too So thank you darling Fudge for the good times and the fun And thank you for the privilege of being called your Mum

Now when my heart has mended and my grief is wearing thin I’ll get another hound in sweet memory of him And though he’ll be quite different and that’s as it should be I’ll see him in the things he does and know he’s close to me. by Lorna

Shamoyn There’s my boy, my gentle giant Once again ahead of the pack Head down, ears back Going for the front No more stiffness No more pain Running free as the wind For the thrill of the chase by Linda Johnson Email your poetry submissions to: homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk


So many people contact Homer to share their story and explain how adopting a greyhound has changed their life. These messages are so moving that we want to share them with other greyhound owners. Emily Joy tells us how adopting a greyhound changed her life:

“We got our greyhound, Chesney, in 2008. At this time, I was very unwell with depression and anxiety.

“The thought of owning and looking after a dog scared the heck out of me. I could barely get up in the morning or go outside without having a panic attack, so how was I going to walk a dog, or feed it, or look after it? “Turns out that Chesney, the greyhound we adopted, was a big part of my recovery. “He taught me to take everything one step at a time, and that life didn't stop just because I couldn't face the challenges ahead. He was constantly there, slobbering on me, barking at me, and stealing ham from me. “Also, he never judged me - as long as I took him for a walk, he didn't care that I looked dreadful or burst into tears for no reason.

Emily and Chesney take a ‘selfie’


Bringing home the Blue Ribbon

one of the RGT centres to meet the dogs and talk to the staff as they have such great knowledge of the dogs, and can help you find a personality to match. All greyhounds have such different characters, so it’s really important to find the right dog to fit your lifestyle and needs, and for the dog to fit your lifestyle and character too.

“Six years later, I have my life back, and it's amazing. I owe a lot of that to Chesney.

“Not all of them want to run 100mph all the time either, so don’t be put off by the stereotypes as they are the best breed around!”

“If you are looking for a greyhound I would recommend you visit

Want to share your story? Email it to homer@retiredgreyhounds.co.uk

Homer Magazine Autumn & Winter 2014

WE NEED YOUR HELP! While the RGT aims to help as many greyhounds as possible, last year our veterinary bills alone amounted to nearly £800,000. We rely heavily upon the kindness of supporters like you to help us give our greyhounds the care they need.

DIRECT SUPPORT Donations You can make a single donation by cheque, credit card or even via text message. Don’t forget Gift Aid, as it adds 25% to your donation at no cost to you! Visit www. retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/Make-a-Donation/ or text RGTD22 £10 (or other amount) to 70070.

Sponsor a Long-Stay Greyhound We have several greyhounds that will be with us for a very long time, through no fault of their own. With a small monthly donation you can help them and their friends. Simply visit www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/sponsor-a-greyhound/

Leave A Legacy to Help Greyhounds Your legacy could be the answer to helping us improve the future of thousands of retired greyhounds and to support our work for many years to come. Find out about making a Will at www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/Legacies/

OTHER WAYS TO HELP RGT Credit Card Help the RGT with every purchase when you use an RGT Credit Card, issued by MBNA. To find out more about the benefits of this card call 0800 028 2440 and quote ‘Retired Greyhound Trust’.

Recycling Printer Cartridges & Mobile Phones These unwanted items can help raise a lot of funds for our greyhounds. It is simple, just call 0800 091 0696 or visit www.therecyclingfactory.com/retiredgreyhoundtrust

Recycling Unwanted & Broken Jewellery Got a necklace you haven’t worn for ages? Just contact us for a recycling envelope by calling 020 8335 3016.

Postage Stamps We can sell used postage stamps to raise funds. Simply tear the stamp off your envelope and send them to us when you get a nice collection. Please ensure you pay the correct postage, but don’t worry, we will recycle those stamps as well!

Greyhound Wisdom “Don’t lie on the floor when the sofa is free.” “Buy two couches, one for me and the other for the rest of the family...” “I need many treats, kisses, cuddles, walks and naps. It’s the law!” “There is always time for a little snooze!” “I love treats, especially if they are delivered to my bed and I don’t have to get up.” “I don’t do rain.” “If you don’t want me to eat it, don’t leave it in my reach!” These pieces of greyhound wisdom were shared on our Facebook page. Every month we have fun, interactive contests with dog owners like you. Want to get involved in the conversation? Join us at facebook.com/rgtrust

Beech Hill House Bed & Breakfast and South Lakes RGT Enjoy a break away with your dogs - large or small, one or more, in our truly dog friendly bed and breakfast with a TripAdvisor ‘Certificate of Excellence’ in the Lake District near ‘Grange-over-Sands’. Contact us to book your stay: visit www.bedandbreakfastlakedistrict.com or call 015395 52394





GREYHOUND ESSENTIALS MARTINGALE COLLAR Lined 2” - Purple, Red, Green or Gold £22.00


Treat your dog right with the only dog food endorsed by the Retired Greyhound Trust and created specifically with your pets’ needs in mind. Manufactured by Dodson & Horrell, this feed is formulated for greyhounds but is ideal for all sight hounds and other larger dog breeds too. Rich in chicken and enhanced with key vitamins, amino acids and Omega 3 oils. 1 BAG - £21.05 (£25 delivered*) 2 BAGS - £36.05 (£40 delivered*) Want to get your order quickly or need more bags? Call us on 020 8335 3016. NEW DENTAL GEL & CHEWS This range of oral care products from CEVA will help you care for your dog’s teeth. LOGIC ORAL HYGIENE GEL Multi-enzyme gel toothpaste that breaks down plaque & fights bad breath. £6.60 (inc. applicator & fingerbrush) LOGIC OROZYME CHEWS Multi-enzyme formula attacks mouth bacteria, reduces bad breath & prevents plaque build up. LARGE DOGS (30 kg and over) - £5.60 MEDIUM DOGS (less than 30 kg) - £5.50

* UK Mainland only. Call for other postage rates

GOURMET DOG BISCUITS DeMontfort Delights hand-baked treats for the discerning dog. These meaty baked treats have been given a great big thumbs (or paws) up by the DeMontfort Delights Taste Team, and are sure to put a smile on the face of that special hound in your life. BAG OF TREATS 150 grams £3.25 (per bag) or 2 bags for £6.00


MARTINGALE POLKA DOT COLLAR/ LEAD 2” Unlined - Purple, White, Red, Navy Collar - £20.00 Lead - £14.00 BASIC HOUSE COLLAR - Red only £5.00 MUZZLES - Red, purple, blue or black £6.00 DOGGEE POO BAG HOLDER Holds several bags and fixes to lead. Green with RGT logo. £4.50 GROOMING GLOVE - Double sided brush. Red or blue £6.00 CARE BOOKS Retired Racing Greyhound - Best of Breed , by Mark Sullivan (hardback, 148 pgs) £14.99 Retired Greyhounds: A Guide to Care and Understanding, by Carol Baby (paperback, 112 pgs) £12.99

Harness, Size 5 - 53-77 cm girth size for small & medium greyhounds £25.00 - In Red, Black , Purple or Blue Harness, Size 6 - 61-89 cm girth size for large greyhounds £26.00 - In Red, Black, Purple or Blue





Hi Vis


WALK OUT JACKET Red, Purple, Navy & High Vis Yellow S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £26.00 THERMAL HIGH VIS JACKET S, M, L, XL (please see size chart) £35.00 Please visit our online shop for other colour options. www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk




LIGHT WEIGHT RAIN MACS Available in Red, Purple & Black S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £14.00





DOUBLE FLEECE INDOOR JACKET Available in Red, Lilac, Navy & Black S, M, L, XL (please see size chart below) £18.00


Small: 26”

To measure your dog for one of our coats, measure in inches from the base of the neck to the tail as shown to the right:

Medium: 28”

Please note that the coat will measure LARGER than the area measured, as designed to cover your dog’s rear.

Extra Large: “32

Homer Magazine Autumn & Winter 2014

Large: 30”

SUPPORT THE RGT THROUGH EVERY PURCHASE GREAT GIFTS KEEP CALM AND HUG A HOUND TEA TOWEL Available by popular demand 100% Cotton approx 48cm x 75cm. £5.00 HOPE

HOMER Our best selling greyhound toys are now available in Blue and in a smaller version which is a perfect stocking filler.


LARGE GREYHOUND TOY SMALL GREYHOUND TOY 15” Tall, 15” toes to tail Fawn, Black or Blue HOMER (Fawn), HOPE (Black), HAMISH (Blue)

£14.00 EACH (specify colour)

6” Long, 5.5” Tall

£5.50 EACH (specify colour)



RGT FLEECE (shown) Green & royal blue S, M, L, XL £24.00 RGT POLO (not shown) White & black S, M, L, XL £14.00

Unisex clothing sizing:


Ordering for men - to fit chest S 38” / 97cm - M 40” / 102cm L 42” to 44” / 107cm to 112cm XL 46” / 117cm Ordering for women - UK size S 14 - M 16 L 18 - XL 20 Ordering for women - to fit bust S 36” / 92cm - M 38” / 97cm L 40” / 102cm - XL 42” / 107cm

CARD PACK A - ‘C’mon, we’ve saved you a space in the middle!’ INSIDE GREETING: ‘Best Wishes’ £5.50, pack of 4 of this design

Notelet designs

CARD PACK B - ‘How awkward meeting in the park in the same coat!’ INSIDE GREETING: ‘Best Wishes’ £5.50, pack of 4 of this design

GREYHOUND BOB MAGNET Acrylic 95mm x 65mm


Giftwrap design

BIRTHDAY CARDS His and Her designs £2.50 each - please specify

CARD WALLET - £1.50 CHARM - £1.00 KEYRING - £3.60 TROLLEY TOKEN - £1.00 PIN BADGE - £1.00 PEN - £1.50 DIARY OF A DOG - by Robert Powell

NOTELETS - Set of 12 with envelopes - (3 different designs per pack) - £4.00 GIFT WRAP - 2 sheets of wrap includes 2 gift tags £2.50 per pack


This is the hilarious day-to-day diary of Bandit, a four-year-old retired greyhound adopted by Bertie and taken home to live with a lurcher. All proceeds from this book go to greyhound charities. Paperback, 128 pgs - £12.99


EVERY PURCHASE SUPPORTS THE RGT CHRISTMAS CARDS TRADITIONAL PACK 12 cards, 4 each of 3 designs 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00

CHRISTMAS CARDS SPECIAL EDITION PACK 12 cards, of one design 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00


CHRISTMAS CARDS ANIMATED PACK 12 cards, 4 each of 3 designs 210 mm X 148 mm £4.00

Charity Numbers 269668 & SC044047

Retired Greyhound Trust 2015 Calendar All proceeds from this calendar will help the Retired Greyhound Trust find loving homes for greyhounds

2015 GREYHOUND CALENDAR Annual fundraising calendar featuring photos submitted by greyhound owners. Strictly limited quantities. £7.00


Orders can also be made via the website: www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk ITEM


2015 Calendar Christmas Cards



Personal Details


Name: ___________________________________________________________

I enclose a donation of: £

Address: _________________________________________________________

Postage (Mainland Britain only): £3.95

_________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________ Daytime Tel: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

Payment Methods Cheque, Postal Orders, Mastercard or Visa. Please make cheques payable to: Retired Greyhound Events Ltd. Minimum order for credit card payments is £6.

Name: (as on card) __________________________________________ Card no: Expiry date:


Valid from:

Issue No:

Security Code: Signature: ____________________________________________ The shop is operated by Retired Greyhound Events Ltd, the wholly owned, VAT-registered trading subsidiary (number 3825899) of the Retired Greyhound Trust, charity numbers 269668 & SC044047. All profits from Retired Greyhound Events Ltd are donated to the Trust so by shopping here you are supporting our vital work.

GRAND TOTAL: £ Please call +44 20 8335 3016 for postal charges beyond mainland Britain Enables us to reclaim 25p from HMRC for each pound donated.

Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made: (tick all boxes you wish to apply) Today In the past 4 years In the future Signature _____________________________________ Date ___________________ I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

Order Methods

(Please allow up to 28 days for delivery)


Retired Greyhound Events 2nd Floor, Park House,1-4 Park Terrace, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 7JZ


020 8335 3016

Website: www.retiredgreyhoundshop.co.uk

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