Argos No.01 1973-74

Page 1

8P8'S bOW This catalogue contains over 4,500 items of merchandise which we buy directly from leading man ufacturers in huge quantities. Brand names you can trust. lt is all NEW merchandise in original factory cartons, with the usual manufacturer's guarantees. We invite you to browse through these pages - then come along to one of our " new look" shops.

it WOPkS

Here you will find a sample of each item on display for your examination. If you wish to make a purchase, we ask you to fill out a simple order form (our staff will help you) and while you are paying your bill at the cash desk- your order will be handed to you . TIME TAKEN THREE TO FIVE MINUTES.


avlnf1s Because of the simplification of handling your rder in this way, we save costs as follows : A. We need less shop space -so we save a lot of rent and our overheads are greatly reduced. We need fewer staff- so our total wage bill is much lower. A com puterised central warehouse has been perfected, again dramatically reducing our overheads. By selling more goods at lower prices we have the great advantage of bulk buying on the 路 lowest possible terms. LL THESE SAVINGS ARE PASSED ON TO OU - YOU MAKE DRAMATIC SAVINGS ON VER YTHING YOU MAY NEED FOR YOURELF - YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR HOME I VERYTHING FROM DISHWASHERS TO DIAM ONDS - COOKERS TO CANDLESTICKS.

This catalogue enables you to choose whatever you require in the comfort of your own home or at your office. From this vast selection you will be able to choose quality items for every need, purpose or occasion. For instance, choosing Birthday, Christmas or Wedding gifts is made so much easier. Instead of tramping around, you can make your shopping decision from this catalogue and be served in a matter of minutes at one of our "new look" 路 shops. Everything at such low prices - at first you may find it all difficult to believe - so call in and see us and prove it for yourself- you are welcome - anytime.

Bu y it at and pocket the difference

All Argas shops are modelled after the one displayed on these pages . A speedy service and witfi prices so low that at first you will find them difficult to believe - call in any time and browse around - we are always pleased to see you .


All Argas shops carry huge stocks on the premi ~es to make good our promtse of supplying you with the RI&HT merchandise at the RIUT moment at the RI&BT price .

All your life you have paid too much for the things you need for your family, your home, and yourself. What's more there have been many occasions where you have had to tramp around for hours to get exactly what you want . Tne Argas system of shopping 路has changed all that in one simple money saving way . In each Argas shop we display one of each of the goods in this catalogue as a kind of " showroom sample ". Should you wish to make a purchase we ask you to fill out a simple order form (our staff will help you) and while you are paying your bill at the check-out, your order will be handed to youall in a matter of a few minutes.

sa slmPtl sa TimE SIUIDI IDD JaU IDitt SIUI PaUDDS

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See pages 239-248

See pages 121-123

See pages

VINERS '' Kings Royale .. Pattern Cutlery Silver plated. 44 pieces set 1n a mahogany finished cabinet Cata lo gue Number 820/ 001 5

MW. Dual polarity. 4W. (France) . Catalo g ue Nu mber ........ .. .......... 500/0036





ARGOS Pr ice









ISee pages

See pages

..----- .........


Recommended Retail


BUSH ARENA System 50 De Lu><tr"'.A M.IFM tuner/ampiifier. Transcription deck. Triple drive speakers . Output 30W. (Denmark). Cata lo g ue Numb er ..................... 510/ 0606



ARGOS Pric e



Recommended ARGOS Retail • Price Price £187.34 £124.75


Recom mended ARGOS Retai l Price Pri ce £19.74




Hi-Fi See pages

See pages 170-17

PYE "Micron " Console Car Radio . LW/




20 - 23



Recommended ARGOS Reta il Price Pnce £40.35



Kitchen (Kettle) Kitchen (Mixer) Watches

See pages 217-227

See pages

TONKA Toy Snorkle Truck Hook the hydrant to garden hose and the deluge gun operates Catalogue Numb er 350/ 1489

RUSSELL HOBBS Automatic Electric Kettle. Chromium plated. Capacity 3 pints. B.E.A.B. approved

Recommended Re tail

Recommended ARGOS Retail Price Price £9.11




ARGOS Pric e


Catalogue Number



420/ 01 36


See pages



Reco mmended ARGOS Retail Price Pn ce £34.50

See pages 1.58- 16

.......... 250/ 086

Recommended lARGOS Aeta11 Pric e Pnce £7 .80


Photography Heating p ages 110-117

See pages


See pages

For Her 38-.42

KODAK ·· p acket lnstamattc ·· 50 . Electronic shutter. 12 7 lens. Focuses from 3 ' to infinity. Catalogue Number . 580/0072

SU NHOUSE " Marlborough " Aadtant Con· vector Elect ric Ft re. JKW. B.EA.B. app roved . Catalogue Number .415/ 0152

Recommended ARGOS Retail Price Price £54.09

Recommended ARGOS Retail Price Price £23.23



See pages 106-109




See pages 141-149

Recommended Retail Pri ce £13.01




Jewellery See pages 130-140


Pyrex · Brand Beverage Set . Compnses large JUQ . medtum JUQ sugar bowl and tray wtth candlewarmer. Catalogue Nu m b er 810/ 0421


Recommended ARGOS Retai l Price Price £4 92


Pri ce

!Bet White Gold Rmg Set wttn <1 bnlltant

cut dtamond Carat werght 1 00 Cata logu e Num ber Recomm e nd ed Re ta11


ARGOS Pric e

£9 25

200/ 2051



For Him

For Her

See pages 196-199

See pages 150-154

See pages 141-149

ANTLER Foxcroft ·" Airtigh t " Case. Leather look vinyl covering with au round nylon zip closure. Catalogue Number ................ ... 285/0117

AEM INGTON .. Lektro Blade too ·· Shaver. Twin shav1 ng heads and gu•de comb Dual voltage. B.E A. B. approved Catalogue Number . 440/ 0747

MORP HY RICHARD$ H a~r dryer . S3fety cut out. B.E.A.B. approved Catalogue Number 440 / 0266




th e eno r mous range in th is cata log ue. Famous BRAND NAM ES you can trust from the co u nt ry's leading manufac ture rs. Th ere a re thousands moreanything you may need from Dia m onds to Dishwas h ers , Cookers to Cand lesti cks, at low, low A RGOS prices. Vis it our " New Look" shops w here s hoppi ng is a pleasure, eli min atin g crowds, tr udg i ng from d epartme nt to depa rt me nt, or s h

Re tail P rice







R etai l P r ice

rRGOS Price

£:7 .25


R eco mm en ded Retai l P rice £:4.98




We have introduced a brand new system of shopping which, as well as being very convenient for our customers , also enables us to cut our overheads to the barest minimum : We purchase all goods directly from the manufacturer in hu ge qu a ntities at the lowest poss ible prices. We are making use of the latest compute r techniques whi c h helps us to cut , our ove rh eads yet again. All this enables us 'to offer you a rang<;! of merchandise for every use and occasion at VASTLY REDUCED PRICES. The Recommended Retail Prices quoted in this catalogue are intended as a guide to dealers who are buying from Argos for resale. YOU, of course , pay the low A RGOS prices when you buy from this catalogue at an Argos store. In most instances the Recommended Retail Price is suggested by the manufacturer. Where no established retail price exists the quoted retail price is that at which com- • parable merchandise is generally offered, and which our buyers feel to be a sound estimate of the retail value of the item, based on the usual trade mark ups. ARGOS prices will be maintained all the year round. However, we reserve the right to make adjustments in the event of changes in Value Added Tax (V.A.T.) or for any other changes caused by c umstances beyond our «_tro l. All merchandise is p~e d in original 1actory .'=-'.frton~ or packaging and covered by manufacturers ' or Argos guarantees. Th is Catalogue is published J uly 21st, 1973.

Every article illustrated in this catalogue is guaranteed to be exactly as described (subject only to Manufacturers change of specification after this Catalogue has been printed) . Should your purchase prove otherwise it can be returned for exchange, credit or refund within 14 days from date of purchase, with the exception of Toys - all toy sales are final. Returned merchandise must be in original manufacturers carton and be accompanied by the sales receipt given to you at time of purchase.

We take pride in our reputation for fair and honourable dealings and our aim is to provide the famous brand name merchandise presented in this catalogue at the lowest possible prices , EVERY DAY of the year and not just for special sales events. We invite you to visit our "new look" shops at any time; you are always welcome. Complete satisfaction guaranteed.

Large and Small Argos Shop In most Argos shops we di play one sample of each ite in this catalogue for yo examination together wi o special seasonal items th I< become available.

enough premises we m " only display a smaller sele tion of merchandise. Neve theless , these smaller sho carry full stocks of all me chandise shown in this cat logue in their stock rooms , that we can serve you i mediately (with the possib exception of some of t larger items such refrigerators and cooker etc. which we undertake deliver).


If merchandise supplied under manufacturers guarantee should prove to be faulty, service should be obtained as instructed in such guarantee.

Latest Models and Designs Latest models and designs are included in our range as soon as they are made available and are displayed in our shops.

We maintain a delivery se vice for LARGE ITEMS ONL This extends to the whole the London Metropolitan ar and for a ten mile radi around our other shops. We indicate in this catalog the items we undertake deliver by using the wor " WE WILL DELIVER " . Plea allow 7 days for delivery. In some instances whe large quantities of small ite are involved, we may be ab to arrange delivery. Plea contact the Store Manager the time of ordering . 11 A charge of £1 ·50 will b 1' made for a single delive irrespective of number items.

>hop e di h ite yo

IDatth aut far tha Daubla lubs li Sauing ganisatians Spatials ' welcome the opportunity tss ist business or profesnn l organ isations who • d top qua lity merchandise resale, pre se ntations, tness gifts, prizes , incenand pre mium s.

m cat ns, u i ssib i t

r as

tam oOS low low prices are 11 trly ava ilable 52 weeks lh yea r and are made lb le by th e NEW ARGOS lE M of trading and dis•t•o n. The ve ry substantial •ng 1n our costs made 1ble by thi s new system pass ed directly on to the IIC

• Stoc ks ee p huge stocks of the chandtse d isplayed in this t 1logue, in o ur stores. The ll Argos system of shopQ ts bac ked by one of the 11 'st ware housing and dis•ul lo n or ga nisations in the mtry, holding never less 1n £6,000,000 of stock at

Low Low ARGOS prices are made possible by buying direct from the manufacturers in huge quantities. Sometimes it is possible for us to make extra special purchases at even lower prices. These savings are passed on to our customers. They are in fact DOUBLE SAVINGS. So when you visit our sh ops , look out for this SPECIAL TAG.

Catalogue No . ______ Page No. _ _ _ __ Recommended

Retail Price


r ~y~~


EXAMPLE Philips Tape Recorder Catalogue Number 510/ 0895 Argos Credit Plan - No deposit. 12 month repayment

FOR A NO DEPOSIT PURCHASE TOTALLING FROM £50-£1 ,000 . To assist in making a purchase of goods in this catalogue Argos and Barclays Bank have devi sed a special loan plan which is a quick and simple method of providing credit. NO DEPOSIT We do not require a deposit and the loan may cover the full amount of your purchase to the nearest lower whole pound. INTEREST Interest is only 9 % per annum (10% per annum on loans of £99 or less) and is based on the original amount borrowed. lt is not varied during the period of the loan. (The rates of interest shown above are those prevailing at the time of going to press). SIMPLE TO APPLY FOR Providing you are between 18 and 60 and in regular employment, please enquire at any of our shops and we will assist you to complete a simple form of application. You will be notified as soon as your application has been processed and, subject to approval, you can collect your purchase or where the goods are specified for delivery, we shall deliver. FREE LIFE COVER In the event of the death of the borrower any balance outstanding will be written ofi, providing the payments are up to date. INCOME TAX Subject to existing income tax regulations you . may be entitled to income tax relief on the interest payable on your loan.













The above example is based on 12 monthly payments of £13.16 with interest cal culated at a flat rate of 9 % (which means a reducing balance rate of 16·20% ) YOU MAY CHOOSE TO REPAY OVER A LONGER PERIOD UP TO 36 MONTHS. WHETHER YOU PAY CASH OR USE ARGOS CREDIT YOU STILL MAKE HUGE SAVINGS. CREDIT CARDS YOU MAY USE YOUR BARCLAYCARD OR ACCESS CARD TO MAKE PURCHASES GOODS SHOWN IN OUR CATALOGUE FROM ANY OF OUR SHOPS.




't(.g~ 'l2.'l 123 'l Sb l8'l - - . nf1/9fJ



(Here is shown a reproduction of a Barclaycard and an Access Card)

The information contained in this Catalogue is compiled with all reasonable care possible, but the Publisners do not hold themselves r esponsible for errors or omissions . All sizes and capacities quoted are approximate .

K Keep Fit Equipment .................... 209, 216 KeHies ............................ .. 84-85, 103-104 Key Rings ...................... .... .... ... ... .. ... 140 Kitchen Cutlery .... ............. ... .. ........ 95-97 Kitchen Equipment. ..71-85, 88-97, 249-251 Kitchen Furniture .... ............... .. .65 , 67-70 Knitting Machines ... ..... . .. ..... .. .. .. .. . 148


s Saucepan s ...................................98Sewing Machines .. Scissors .. Shampooers (Carpet) .... .... .. ..... ....... 71 Shavers ............. ...... .. 151Sheets .. ... ..................... .... ... ....... 242Shoe Racks ... Shoe Cleaning Kits. . . .. .. ..... 150, Shopping Trolleys .. Showers ..

Silverware ... 124-125, 127, 149-152. 249... ... ..... ..... .................... 1~ Adding Machines... .. ....... 62-63 Address Books .. ...................... 61 , 65 , 249 Air Rifles and Pistols .......................... 213 Airers .. ..82-83 Anoraks .. . ........................... 200 Aquanums .. .. ......................... 44, 50, 54 Ashtrays ....... ... .. .. .44, 50, 59, 66 , 152, 251

B Baby Chairs.. ................... 228-232 Badminton Racquets .. .. ........ .... 211 Bakeware ... .. ....... ................. 101-102. 105 Barbec ues ....... 192. 194-195 Baro meters/Thermometers 52, 55, 56 , 58, 249 Bath room Accessories ..... . .......... 233-238 Bath room Scales .................. 235-.,236, 238 Beds... ..... .............................. .... .57 Bedspread s ........... .... .. : ............. . 246-247 B icycles ............................................ 225 Bicyc le Bags ..................................... 225 Billiard Cues ... .. ... ............................. 216 Binoc ulars .......................................... 18 B ird Cag es.. . . .... .... ................. ....... 54-55 B la nkets and Rugs ......... 180, 183, 240-241 Blenders ...... .. .. .. .... .... ......... .. ... ..... 90-91 Boo ks ................ ............................... 218 Bracelets ................................... 138, 140 Brass & Cop per Ware 46-47, so-52, 54- ss Bro o ches .......................................... 136 Bru sh & Comb Sets (Lad y's) ............... 141

....... ... .. .... 170-171 , 173. 179 ..... .................................... 63 .................... . ... .. .................. .71

E Earrings ..................... ................. 136-137 Electric Blankets ................................ 248 Electric Fans .......... ... .... .......... ........... 43 Electric Toothbrushes .. .................... 144 Engagement Rings ... ................... 130-135 Enlarger .................... ............. ............ 16 Eternity Rings ........ .. ......................... 136 Executive Cases. .. . ... . 150 - 152. 154 Exercisers ............ ..... ........................ 209 Extractor Fans .. . ... .. ... .. ....................... 43

F Facial Saunas ................................... 145 Fan Heaters ........... ....... .. ... ... .. ..... ....... 42 Films .................... ..... .. ....................... 11 Fire Guards .. . ............... 54 Fishing Equipment ..... ... ............... 214-215 Fog and Spot Lamps.. . ......... 181 Fondue Sets .. ... .. ... ... ....... 102. 126, 251 Food Slicers ............................. 85, 90-91 Football Equipment.. ..... 208-209 Freezers ............... ...... .............. 86-87, 89 Furniture ................... .... ....... 44-51 , 56-57

Ladders ...................... ......... ............. 175 Lady's Shavers ............ ... ............. 144-145 Language Lessons ............................ .28 Laundry Equipment ...................... 76-84 Lawn Mowers ... ..; ........ ... .... ... ............ 190 Lighters .......................... ..... 156-157, 250 Lighting ....................... .......... ... 32-37, 40 Liquidisers ..... .... ......... .. ................. 90-91 Luggag e ................. .... .. ... ... ....... 196-199

M Massagers ........... ... .. .. ............ 144, 216 Microphon es ......... .. .. .......... ......... 28 . 31 Mirrors ........................ .48-49, 52, 56, 233 Money Clips.... .. ... ............ .. .. 140 Musi cal Instruments ..... .. .... .. .. ..... .... 30-31

N Necklaces ................... ............... 137, 139 Nu rsery Equipment ................. .. ... 228-232

0 Occasional Tables .. ..... 44 , 46-47, 50-51 , 56 Office Equipment. .................... 59-66, 249 Organs ................................................ 31 Ou tboard Mo tors ............................ 21 2 Ovenware ................................... 106-109


c Calcu lat ing Machines ..... ................. 62-63 Cameras ......... ... ............................ 11 -15 Camp ing Equipment .................... 200-205 Cand lehold ers

56, 11 9, 124- 127. 129,251 Can OpenArs..... .. ...................... 9 1, 96 Car Accesso ries .................... 178-185, 250 Car Batteries ........ ... ................... . 184-185 Car Radios & Players... .. ...... .. .. 22 Carpet Sweepers.. .. . ....... ... .... . .. .. 72-73 Carving Sets .... ... .... .. ... .. .................. 95-96 Cassette Players & Recorders.. 15, 22-26. 29 Cateri ng Equipment.. ................ 84-85. 104 Charm s .............. ........ ....................... 139 China ............ ............. .......... 110· 11 7, 250 Christening Gifts ................................ 249 Cigar Cutters .. ....... ............................ 140 Cigarette Boxes .............. 59, 141 , 149, 152 Cloc ks .... . ................ 59. 60, 165-169. 250 Clothes Lines ............................ ... ...... 83 Coffee Makers .. ... .. .. .... .. .. 93, 96, 117, 251 Conso le Tables .... ..... ........... 48· 49 , 52, 56 Cooke rs .............................. 88, 92-93, 97 Cookware ..................................... 98-105 Copper & Brass Ware

46-47, 50-52, 54-56. 58 Cots... .... .................... 228-229, 232 Cricket Equipment ....................... 210-211 Cuff Links .... .. .. .. .... 140 Cushions ..... . ... ..... ..................... 44. 53 C\ery ......... .. .. ...... .... .. .............. 121 -123

D Dartboa'tds ........................................ 216 Decoratiflg Equipment ..... ...... ..... .. ..... 175 Desk SetS.. .. ....... 59 , 249 Dictating Machines ........................ 62-63 Dingh ies ...... ..... ... ...... .......... ..... .. 212-213 Dishwashers ....... .. ........................... 94

D.I.Y ............ ............................... 170-177 Door Chimes.. .. .. .... ... .. .. 56

G Garden Furniture . .. ...................... 192-195 Gardening Equipment .................. 186- 191 Gent 's Rings ..................................... 140 Gent's Gifts ................................ 149-154 Glassware ............ ........ 118-120. 250-251 Golf Equipment ..... ...................... 206-207

H Hair Clippers. ... . .................. 250 Hair Dryers ............... .................. 142-143 Handbags ......................................... 149 Handicraft Kits ............................ 224, 226 Hat & Coat Racks ....................... 52. 58 Headphones ..... ... . ....... .................. 25 Health Lamps ........... .................. 144-147 Heated Curlers ............................ 144-145 Heating Appliances... .. .38-42, 191 Hi-fi Equipment ......... .. ................... 24· 29 Hockey Sticks ... ... ... 216 Holloware ..... ..... .......... ... ......... .... 98- 105 Home Extras .. ............................... 44-58 Hot Plates ...........................................89 Humidifiers ....... ....... .. .... ................ 43-44

Paint B rushes ............... ...... .. .... .. ..... 175 Pearl Jewell ery ............................ 136-137 Peda l B ins ...................... ..... .. ..... .... 88-89 Pendants and Loc kets ................. 137, 139 Pens & Pencil s............................ 155. 249 Percolators ............ 85. 90. 93, 96, 103, 105 Photographic Equipment.. ...... 11 -17 Pic ni c Equipment .......... .200-201 , 203-205 Pillo ws .. . ... ... .. .. ....... ... ...................... 239 Pipes (Tobacco) & Accessories ..... 149, 151 Pocket Knives .......... ...... ..... ... .... ....... 249 Polyoptics .. .. ...... 37 Postal Scales.. .. .......... 61 Pouffes.. . . ..... ................. .44-45 Powd er Compacts ....................... 146-147 Power Tools ........... 170-171 , 173, 179, 190 Prams & Pushc hairs .. . ...... .. ......... 228-232 Pressure Cookers .............. ................ 103 Projectors.. .. ..... .. ..... ... ................ 15-17 Purses ....................... .... .... ..... ...... .. .. 141

Q Quilts (Cont inental) ...... ... ..... .............. 239

R Ice Buckets ............ ........ 58. 124. 127, 129 Identity Bracelets... .. ................ 140 Infra-Red Grills .... . ... .. .. ....................... 97 Infra-Red Lamps .. .. ..... .... ....... 144-147 Irons .................. ........ .... .. ......... 76, 81 M 84 Ironing Tables .............................. 78-79

J Jewellery .. .. ... .... .. ........... ...... 130-140 Jewellery Boxes ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... ............. 141

Radiators ... .. ..... ................................ .40 Radiograms ................. .. ..... .... ........... 23 Radios ................... ............... 19-23, 29 Record Cases ............... ...... ................ 27 Record Playing Systems ... ............... 23-27 Refrigerators. . ......................... 86-90 Roof Racks ............... ........................ 182 Rotary Iron ................. .... .................... 81 Rotissoires .. ...................................... .97 Rucksacks ................... .... ..... ...... 204· 205 Rugs & Mats ......... 44, 46-47 , 50, 52-53, 56

Siide Rules .. Soda Syphons .. . Spin Dryers ...................... .......... .. .8 Sponge Mops .. . Sports Equipment ....................... 206Sports Trophies .. Spot and Fog Lamps .. Squash Racquets . . Stainless Steel Ware ............. ....... 126Stereo Equipment.. ....... 2 Stools (Foo t) .. Stop Watches .. Storage Jars ........................ 107, 116Stud & Valet Bo xes ............... 150, 153Sun Glasses ... Swings & Slides ..

T Table Mats ... Table Tennis Bats ... Tankards ............................. 150, 152Tape Recorders & Dec ks ... Tapewriters ... Tea Sets - Alumini u m ........ ... .... .. .. 103China .. ..... ..... ... .... .. ..... 110Silver ................... 124-125, Stainless Steel. ............ 127Tea Makers.. . .............. ..... .. 85, 95, Tea Trolleys ............................ .45, 47, Telescope .................... ..... .... .. .... ..... . . Televisions .. Tennis Equipment.. . ...... .... ..... 209Tents ............................... .. .... ... . 200Tie Slides .. Toasters ........................ .. .. .... .... .... 92 Toilet Seats .. Torches . .................................... 180, Towels.. . .. .... .. ....... . 235Toys & Games ........................... .. 216Track Suits ................................. 208Trampoli nes... . ............. 209. Trays.. . ............................. 44, 45, Trays & Trolleys (Heated) ....... .. ... 47, 8 Tripods ... Tumble Dryers ................... .... ........ 80 Typewriters ........ ...... ..... .. .. ... .. .. 59-62,

u Umbrel las- Gent's ....................... 150, Ga rden .... 192, 194Lady's... ..146Sports .................... 206,

V Vacuum Cleaners .............. 72-75, 180, Vacuum Flasks... Vases..... .. ...... 120, Vegetable Racks ...

w Wallets .. .. ..... .. ..................... 151 , 153-1 Washing Machines ................ ..... ..... 76 Waste Paper Bins ...................... 58-59, Watches.... . ..... .................. 158Wedding Rings ................... .............. 1 Weight Lifting Equ ipment.. . Wheel Barrows ..................... ... .... ... ... 1 Wine Bottle Rac ks ........................ 89, Wine Coolers ....................... ... .... ...... 1

© Copyri ght 1973. Argos Distributors Ltd .• 1 High Street. Edgware. Middlesex HAS 7AQ. Pri nted by Purnell & Sons Ltd.

Complete with film cartridge , Magicube and strap . Dial t he weather guide. Catalogue Number ..................... 560/0034 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .95 £8.35 2 KODAK " Pocket lnstamatic 500 " Camera Outfit. Electronic shutter speeds 1/300· 20 secs. Complete ..yith 110 film, Magicube and battery. (W. German y) . Catalogue Number .... .. .... .. .. ..... .560/0065 Recommended Retail Argos Price £33.19 £23.25 3 KODAK "Pocket lnstamatic 200' ' Camera Outfit. Complete with film cartridge, Magicube and strap . Catalogue Number .................... 560/0058 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.44 £9.4.0 4 KODAK " Pocket lnstamatic 100" Camera Outfit. Complete with film cartridge, Magicube and strap . Catalogue Number ...... .. .. .. ....... 560/0041 Recommended Retail Argas Price £10.44 £7.40 5 KODAK " Pocket lnstamatic sa·· Camera . Electronic shutter, f2.7 Ektar lens. Focuses from 3 ' to infinity. (U.SA). Catalogue Number ... ... ... ..... .... .. 560/ 0072 Recommended Retail Argos Price £54.09 £34.95

7 KODAK " lnstamatic 28 " Camera. Cartrid ge loading. Takes 126 film . Catalogue Number ... ... .. .. .. ...... .. 560/0010 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.98 £2.10 8 KODACOLOR Colour Film . Rec. Catalogue Retail Number £0.45 560/0230 CX126-12 £0.57 560/0120 CX 126-20 £0.55 560/0151 C1 10-12 £0.76 560/0168 C110-20 560/0175 CX135-12 £0.42 £0.52 560/0247 CX135-20

Argos Price £0.35 £0.43 £0.41 £0.57 £0.32 £0.40

KODACHROME 8m m Movie Film. Processing included in price. Re c. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number £1 .10 £1.47 560/0137 Standard 8 £1 .76 £~.31 560/0209 Super 8 KODACHROME Colour Film . Processi ng included in price. Catalogue Re c. Argos Number Price Retail £1.83 560/0182 K135-36 £1.36 £1.83 560/0199 KX135-36 £1.36 £1.49 560/0144 KX110·20 £1 .10 £1.27 £0.95 . 560/0216 KX126-20 £1 .27 560/ 0223 K135-20 £0.95

colour or monoch rome prints. Built-in flash system . Catalogue Number .... .. ...... ....... . 560/0601 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.18 £11.95 10 POLAROID Type 88 Colou r Film . For the Colorpack 80 camera. Eight 3W'x 3%" · prints. Catalogue Number . . ............. ~60/062 5 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .61 £1 .25 11 POLAROID " Super Swinger" Camera. Produces monochrome prints in 30 secs. Catalogue Number ..... ... .... ..... ... . 560/0591 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.96 £4.95 12 POLAROID Type 87 Black and White Film. Eight 31f4~x 3%" prints . Catalogue Number ... . ... .. ... 560/ 0618 Recommended Retail Argas Price £0.94 £0.75 13 HAUNA 200X Outfit . Consists o f Halina 200X camera , 126 colou r film , Magicube and.battery . (Hong Kong). Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0869 Argos Price Reqommended Retai l £9.49 £6.50 14 HALINA 100X Outfit. Consists of Halina 100X camera, 126 colour film and Magicube. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/0876 Recommended Retail £7.05

13 HALI NA 202 Pocket Instant Load Camera. Takes 110 film. (Hong Ko ng). Cat alogue Number .................... 560/ 0852 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.95 £5.65 14 HALINA 600 35mm Camera. f2.8/40mm lens, fully automatic . (Hong Kong). Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0845 Recommended Retail Arg os Price £21.94 £14.90 15 ASAHI PENTAX SPSOO 35mm Camera. SLR and ITL metering . f2 / 55mm Super Taku mar lens. Shutter speeds 1-1 / SOoth secs. Focusmg from 1 · s~ to infinity. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0711 Recommended Retail Argos Price £133.65 £99.50 16 ASAHI PENTAX " Spotmat ic 11 " 35mm Camera. SL R and TTL metering . f1 .8/55m m Takum ar lens. Shutter speeds 1- 1/1 000t h secs. Focusing from 1' 6u to in finity. (Japan). Catalogue Number ... . ....... 560/ 0670 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price £172.70 £120.00 17 ASAHI PENTAX ES 35m m Camera. SLR and TTL Metering . 11 .4/ SOmm Takumar lens. Focusing from 1' 6~ to infinity. (Japan) .

Lens Reflex Camera. lens. (Japan) . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £131 .60 19 CANON "' Canodate E" 35mm Electronic shutter, provision for numerical references. Shutter 1/ 800th secs. (Japan). Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£88.50 20 CA NON FTB 35mm Single Camera. Fully i;nterch.angeable TTL mete ring . 11 .8 lens. (Japan). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £183.82

Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £154 .56

I Page 131 Fof details of ARGOS credit facilities please see page 9. We also accept Access Card and Barclaycard.

Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0 333 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £32.45 £22.50 4 SOLIGOR f2.8/35mm T2 Lens. Complete wit h Pentax mount. (Japan) . Catalogu e Number ... .. ............... 560/ 0319 Recommended Retail Argas Price £21 .00 £29.82 5 SOUGOR f2.8/35mm T4 lens. Complete with automatic Pentax mount. (Japan). C a talogu ~ Number... .. ........ 560/ 0302 Recommended Retail Argas Price £49.16 £34.50

1 YASH ICA Electra 35 G.T.S. Outfit. Corn· prises camera, case. tripod , lens hood and battery. (Japan) . Catalogu e Number ... .... .. .. .... ..... 560/ 0759 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £89 .87 £69.50 2 SO U GOR f4.5/200mm T2 Lens. Complete with Pentax mount. (Japan). Catalogu e Number .................... 560/ 0326 Recommended Retail Argas Price


kkmnmt' FTN 35mm Camera. ol 11 ,md TTL metering. w•ttl olectronic flash at ·.hu llur speeds 1·111000th ......... 560/ 0735 Argos Price £125.00 "' .111 101 35mm Camera. CLC , ruu ll 7155mm Rokkor lens. .,.... • t tiiOOOth secs. (Japan) . ....... 560/ 0649 Argos Price £135.00 1\utupak 600X" Camera. • " Inns Takes 126 cart· •• Hun1b•r <h1l llattul



... 560/ 0838 Argas Price £29.25

t60T Camera . f3.5/23mm ohullnr speed s 1/ 30th·1 / 250th tnc nye (Japan). •h•r .. ........ 560/ 0814 111111111 Argas Price £35.00

J.flJI lA lh Mnt•c: F' Camera . f1.7/ UukkOI Inn• ( toc tro nic shutter. 4 111000111 ..c't<:ll (JApa n).

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail



. ...... 560/ 0797 Argas Pr ice £49.50

27 MINOLTA " Hi·Matic 7s " Camera. f1 .8/ 45mm Rokkor lens. Shu tter speeds 1!41/SOOth secs. (Japan). Cat alogue Number .. . .560/ 0780 Recommended Retail Argos Price



28 KO N H~A C35A 35mm Camera. f2.8 Hexanon lens. Automatic exposure control. (Japan). Catalogue Number ... ....... ....... .. .560/ 0807 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £46.53 £35.75 29 PRAKTICA L TL 35mm Camera . Domiplan FAD f2.8/50mm lens. Pentacon TTL meter· ing . Sh utter spee9s 1· 1/1000th secs. (E . Germany) . Cata logue Number .................... 560/ 0773 Rec ommended Retail Argas Pric e £69 .80 £47.p0 30 PRAKTICA LLC 35mm Camera. f1.8/ 50mm lens. TIL metering. Shutter speeds 1· 1/ 1000th secs. (E . Germany) . Catalogue Numb er .................. 560/0742 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £104.80 £69.50

6 SO LIGOR f2 .8/135mm T4 Lens. Complete with automatic Pentax mount. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0340 Recommended Retail Argos Price £55.75 £38.50 7 SOLIGOR f3.5/200mm T4 Lens . Complete with automatic Pentax mount (Japan) . Catalogue Number ..... ................ 560/ 0357 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £65.18 £46.00

focusing. Remote control. (Belgium). Catalogue Number ..... ... ....... .... .. 570/ 0068 Recommended Retail Argas Price £109.45 £75.00 9 VICEROY Gadget Bag. Black vinyl wi th zip fasteni ng. Size 11W'x 8W' x 6". (Japan) . Catalo gue Number ..................... 560/ 0900 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £6.27 £3.95 10 WESTON MASTER V Ex posure Meter. Selenium ce ll . Fil m speeds up to 16,000 ASA or 43 DIN. Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0371 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.03 £10.50 11 SU NPAK OC3 Flashgu n . Recharging u nit and batteries. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0436 Recommended Retail Argas Price £13.28 £8.95 12 HALINA 1OOX Camera. Takes 126 earl· ridge fi lm. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0883 Recom mend ed Retail Argas Price £6.17 £4.25

31 ROLLEI E 15 B Flashgu n . Horizontal reflector. 200 flashes. Battery operated . (Singapore) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0450 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.55 £9.50

36 " Miranda Sensomat RE" Camera. f1.8/ 50mm lens. SLR and TTL meteri ng. Sh utter speeds 1~ 1 / 1 00ot h secs. Catalogue Number .. . ..... 560/ 8694 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £125.90 £90.00

32 RO LLEI 835 Camera. Pocket sized . f3.5/40mm Zeiss lens. Sh utter speeds 1/30th·1/500th secs. (Si ngapore) . . ........... 560/ 0890 Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail Argas Price £44.22 £35.25 -

37 MECABLITZ 402 Electronic Flashgun. Flash durat ion 1/250-1 / 40,000th secs. Up to 2.000 flashes per charge. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number .. . ......... .560/ 0395 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £97.78 £69.00

33 CANON "Canonet 28"" 35mm Camera. f2.8/40mm lens. Fu lly automatic exposu re control. (Japan). .560/ 0986. Cata logue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £39.96 £29.50

38 NATIONA L PE 2001 Electronic Flash· gun. Automatic or man ual operation . (Japan) . Catalogue Number ................... 560/ 0429 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £17.62 £12.95

34 Olympus Trip 35 Auto matic Camera. Separate flash control. f2.8/40 mm lens. Catalogue Number .... . .... 560/ 0821 Recommended Retail Argas Price £39.67 £29.50 35 YASHICA TL Electra X ITS 35mm SLR Camera. f1.7 lens. (Jap an). Catalogue Number ................... 560/ 0663 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £120.00 £176.55

40 SUN PAK " Auto 22" Flashgun. Re· chargeable batte ries. (Japan). Cat alogue Number .. ...... 560/ 041 2 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £18.88 £14.25


1 CANON 318M Automatic Super 8 Cine Camera . 3 X power zoom. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ...... .. ........... 560/ 0560 Recommended Retail Argos Price £69.31 £49.95

Catatogue Number ...

2 MINOLTA Autopak 8·04 Super 8 Movie Camera . f1 .8/ 9.5-38mm 4x power zoom Rokkor lens. Synchronised for sound. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. .. ..... 560/ 0498 Recommended Retail Argos Price £135.90 £99.50

16 KODAK XL55 Movie Camera. 11.2 Elder lens. Unique shutter, films In lights. Fully automatic. Super 8 (U.S.A.). Cetelogue Number .......... ..............,u_ Recommended Retail £115.08

3 GAF 738 Super 8 Movie Camera. 11 .7/8· 64mm zoom lens, powered or manual. Focus from 5' to infinity. TIL viewfinde r. Electro·fade syslem . (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . . ........ 560/0481 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £124.50 £85.00

17 KODAK " lnstamatic" M26 11.8 fixed focus lens. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number. Recommended Retail

4 CANON 814 Auto Zoom Super 8 Cine Camera. f1.4/7 .5·60mm zoom lens. (Japan). Catalogue Number ..................... 560/ 0467 Recommended Retail Argos Price


Recommended Retail £19.88

£38.71 18 EUMIG Mini 5 Clno 40mm zoom lens. Automatic meter. (Austria). Catalogue Number................ . Recommended Retail £109.95


5 SANKYO CM300 Super 8 Cine Camera. Focus 4' to infinity. Power zoom lens. TIL automatic exposure meter, both with manual override. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . ... 560/ 0539 Recommended Retail Argos Price £78.26 £59:5o 6 BELL & HOWELL 491 Super 8 Cine Camera. f2.8/12.5-25mm manual zoom lens. Automatic exposure control. (Japan). Catalogue Number ..................... 560/0261 Recommended Retail Argos Price


15 KODAK "lnstamatic" M22 Movie Super 8 film . Simple fixed


7 SANKYO CME 440 Super 8 Cine Camera. 4x zoom lens. Automatic TTL metering. Range finder focusing . (Japan). Catalogue Number ................... 560/ 0508 Recommended Retail Argos Price £130.68 £99.50 8 HA UNA Automatic Super 8 Cine Camera. f1 .8/ 12-24mm zoom lens. Built-in CdS exposure meter. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/ 0584 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £32.96 £24.75 9 ELMO Super 103 T Cine Camera. Superimpose. f1 .8/9.5-30mm zoom lens. (Japan). .. . ... .. 560/ 0546 Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £76.50 £53.50 10 EL MO Super 103 Cine Camera. Automatic exposure meter. f1 .8/9.5·30mm zoom lens. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ... ................. 560/ 0577 Recommended Retail Argos Price £59.90 £39.50 11 EUM IG Viennetle 3/ 160 Super 8 Cine. f1 .9/9-27mm zoom lens. (Austria). Catalogue Number ................ ..... 560/ 0522 Recommended Retail Argos Price £84.95 £60.00 12 EUMIG Viennette 8/ 160 Super 8 Cine. f1.8/7-56mm zoom lens. (Austria). Catalogue Number.. . ... 560/ 0474 Recommended Retail Argos Price £165.49 £115.00 13 EUM IG Mini 3 SuperS Cine. 11 .9/9-28mm lens. (Austria). .. 560/ 0553 Number .. Argos Price Retai l £45.00

.................. 560/ 0106 Argos Price £41 .75

tt SANKYO Oualux 1000 Clne For all 8mm gauge. f1 .4/1~25mm lens. Forward and reverse run. threading. Variable speed. -400' film acity. (~).

Cetelogue Number .•.• Recommended Retail


.......... 570/0350 Argos Price £49.50

D11al Gauge Cine Projector . •uper 8 film. f1 .5/2Q-32mm uto load. Still frame, slow td/reverse. (U .S.A.). lumb•r .... .... 570/ 0343 Id Ret"t Argos Price £47.95

34 ELMO GP-E Dual Projector. Automatic loading . f1.3/15-25mm zoom lens. (Japan). Catalogue Number ..................... 570/0312 Recommended Retail Argoa Price


£59.50 .

35 OPTOMAX CdS Exposure Meter. 'Aperture readings from f1 to f32. (Japan). Catalogue ~umber .. ................. 560/ 0388 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.75 £4.70 \Jnd Prorector. For all mm zoo m lens. 100W ...... 570/0288 Argos Price £11 0.00 11

1 Exposure Meter. Dermany). ... 560/0364 Argos Price C29. 50

r tu Trlllng Set. 120 letters tilling (Belgium) . ....... 560/0917 Argas Price £2.95

36 BELL & HOWELL " Filmosound 8" Dual Gauge Projector. f1 .3/12-28mm zoom lens. Designed to work in conjunction with items 37 and 38. (Italy) . Catalogue Number .................... 570/0044 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £75.00 £92.75 37 BELL & HOWELL " Filmosound 8'' Cassette Tape Recorder and Microphone . Synchronises with camera, item 38 and projector, item 36. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 570/0051 Reco mmended Retail Argos Prit'I Q~ ~ £57.80 £43.50 ,::»rice ""' 38 BELL & HOWELL 493 " FilmosoUnd ts Cine Camera. 11 .9/11-33mm zoom lens. Fully automatic CdS exposure control. For use with items 36 and 37. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 560/0254 Recommended Retail Argos Price £62.21 C46.50

1 GNOME Universal ''Alpha 11 " Enlarger. With condensers and 75mm 14.5 coated lens. Column 29". For 21/4" square and 35mm negatives. Catalogue Number... .. ............. 560/0292 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.54 £22.50 2 PLUS TW7 Microscope Kit. Triple turret. 150-600 x magnification . Supplied in attache case. Catalogue Number .. !?80/0205 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.31 £12.50 3 Jun1or Astronomical Telescope. Focal length of 800mm. Eyepieces 12.5mm. 8mm and 7-1Bmm . Complete with tripod. Catalogue Number... .580/0195 Recommended Retail Argos Price £29.93 £19.95

4 GNOME Standard Masking Frame. Takes paper up to 10"x8" Catalogue Number .. 560/0948 Recommended Retail Argos Price· £3.77 £2.60

control. Magazine holds 80 slides. Supplied without lens. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number ................... 570/0013 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8 1.23 £59.50

5 ROLLEI Automatic Rotary Slide Projector. Remote control. Auto-focus mechanism. Takes 80 slides. (Singapore). Catalogue Number ................... 570/0202 Recommended Reta11 Argas Price £85.14 £64.95

100mm lsco Projar Standard above. Cata logue Number .. Recommended Retail £7.87

6 HANIMEX " La Ronde "' 2000 RF Slide ProJector. 12.8/100mm lens. Remote control. Takes 120 rotary or 36 stra1gh t slide magazines. (Australia). Catalogue Number .. .. 570/0082 Recommended Retail Argos Price £68.55 £49.50 7 KOOAK "Carousel-S " Protector . Remote

Lens for the ..... 570/0037 Argas Price £5.95

70-120mm lsco Vano Projar Zoom Lens for the above. Catalogue Number................... 570/0020 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.04 f.14.50 8 HANIMEX "la Ronde"' 2000 TEF Sl 1de Protector . Takes 120 rotary or 36 stra1ght slide magazines. Electron iC focusing . 1.0. lamp. (Australia)

-- ~- == "':.





...... ==

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail

£86.30 9 " Ennamat " 35mm Automatic Slide jector. Remote control focus. Flash I pointer. (W . Germany). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £49.78 10 PATERSON Slide Box Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £2.93 11 Wedd1ng Album . Contains 1 transparent sleeves. Size 28 x 34 Cata logue Number Recommended Retail


signs are included in range as soon as they available and are displayed our stores.

12 PHOTAX "Solar" Model 3 Slide Viewer. Battery operated . (Not supplied). Catalogue Number... .. .. 570/0240 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £3.59 £2.35 13 PATERSON " Viscount " Slide Viewer. Battery operated . (Not supplied) . Catalogue Number... . .570/0257 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.27 £1 .75 14 GNOM E " lsco" f3.5/70-120mm Zoom Projector Lens . For use with Gnome projectors. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ....... 570 / 0185 Recommended Retai l Arga s Price £:12.50 £17 .29 15 Tnpod Pro JeCti on Screen Spnng tensioned roller All metal hous1ng and tnpod Size 40"'><. 40" Catalogue. Number 570/0226 Recommended Reta1l Argas Price £8 .50 £4.95 16 JOHNSON " Luxor' Tnpod ProteCtiOn Screen . Folds flat for storage Size 36" J<. 36" Catalogue Number 570/0233 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6 .53 £:4.25 17 PHOTAX Extend1ng 4 ' 8" Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £8.47

Tnpod . Height .. ... 560/0278 Argas Price £5.85

18 GNOME Projector Stand . Folds flat for storage. He1ght 44" Catalogue Number .... 570/0219 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.24 £6.45 19 Slide Box . Storage for 180 2"x 2" slides or 5 magazines

Catalogue Number .................... 570/0271 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.90 £1.40

Catalogue Number .... Recommended Retail £25.30

20 Cine Holdall. Black vinyl with red velveteen lining . Size 9 "x s~ x 3" Catalogue Number.... .. ..... 560/0924 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4 .60 £2.50

27 HANIMEX '' Hanimette" 35mm and 126 Slide Projector. Rotary slide change. f2.8 lens. (Australia) . Catalogue Number . .. ......... 570/0178 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £11 .30 £8.50

21 Gadget Bag . Steel frame with PVC covering. Size 11 "x 81J2"X7Y2'' Catalogue Number .................... 560/0931 Recommended Retail Arg as Price £3.50 £:2.25 22 Photograph Album Contains 20 " Selhx " transparent sleeves S1ze 26X30 ems Catalogue Number .. 560/0962 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.95 £1 .95 23 CANON Gadget Bag . Black p1gsk1n exterior with snap/clip lock (Japan ) Cata logue Number 560/0955 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £14 .78 £9.95 24 GNOME ·spnte· Magazme 35mm Slide ProJector . Semt-automat1c . Convect1on cooling . 36 slide magaz1ne Catalogue Numb er ............ 570/0147 Recommended Retail Argas Price £13.50 £19.61 25 GNOME " Sprite " Slide Projector. Stngle sl ide change. f2.8/85mm lens. Convection cooling Catalogue Number.. . 570/ 0161 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.76 £9.95 26 HANIMEX '' Rondette" 400S 35mm Sltde Projector. Semi-automatic . Takes rotary and straight magazmes. f2.8/85mm lens . 1.0. lamp . (Australta)

. ..... 570/0130 Argas Price £18.95

28 GNOME "Supreme " 300 Auto 35mm Slide Projector. Remote control change . Rotary or straight magazines. f2 .8/85mm lens. Catalogue Number .. .. 570/0123 Recommended Retail Argas P"rice £38.05 £26.50 29 HANIMEX " Hanorama '" 300 Sl1de Protector lmpeller cool1ng Sem1-automat1c sl1de change. f2 .8 lens. (Australia) . Catalogue Number 570/0 154 Recommended Reta11 Argas Price £17.82 £12.95 30 VELBON Tnpod. 3 sect tons. Open he1ght 58 ~ Pan and ttlt head . (Japan) Catalogue Number 560/0285 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11.45 £8.60 31 GNOME " Supreme " IQ De Luxe RF Automatic Slide Projector. Complete w1th 36 slide standard and 122 sl1de rotary magazines . f2.8/85mm lens. .. 570/0~t\ll! Catalogue Number .. Argas ~)rice 4 Recommended Retail £:34.50 £49.30 32 HA NIMEX " Rondette " 1200RF Sltde Projector. Remote control. Takes rotary or straight magaZtnes. 1.0 . lamp (A1:stralia) . Catalogue Number .. . .. 570/0099 Recommended Retail Argas Price £39.50 £55.55

1 POLAROID Lady 's Sung lasses. Gold plated frame. Catalogu e Number .................... 580/ 0126 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.00 £1 .95 2 POLAROID Unisex Sunglasses: (Fra nce). Catalogue Number..................... SB0/ 0171 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.00 £1 .95 3 PO LAROID Lady's Sunglasses. Silver coloured frame . (France) . Catalogu e Number... . .......... 580/ 0188 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £3.22 £2.25

4 PO LAROID Unisex Sunglasses. Silver co loured fr ame. (Holland) . Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 0164 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £3.28 £2.25 5 POLA ROID Lady's Sunglasses. Smoke coloured f rame. (Hol land) . Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 0157 Recommended Retail ' Argos Price £1 .63 £1 .20 6 POLAROID Unisex Sung lasses. Black coloured frame . (France) . Catalogue Number ................. 580/ 0140 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1 .63 £1 .20 7 POLAROID Un1sex Sunglasses. Gold plated frame. Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 01 33 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.00 £1 .95 8 POLAROID Unisex Cl ip-on Sung lasses Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 0119 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.18 £1 .50

9 ASAHI PE NTAX 16 x 50 Binocula rs. ZC F. Coated optics. Complete with case. (Japan). 580/ 0047 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Argos Price £45.65 £35.50



10 ASAHI PENTAX 8 x 40 Binoculars. BCFW. Coated optic s. Complete with case. (Japan). Catalogue Number.. . ..... 580/ 0054 Recommended Retail Argos Price £48.40 £37.50 11 ASAH I PENTAX 10 x 50 Bi noculars. ZCF. Coated optics. Complete with case . (Japan). Catalogue Number .. ... 580/ 0030 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £42.7~ £32.50 12 ASAHI PE NTAX 8 x 30 Binoc ula rs. ZCF. Coated optics. Comp lete wi th case. (Ja pan) . Catalogue Number... . ......... 580/ 0016 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £34 .65 £24.50 13 ASA HI PE NTAX 7 x 50 Binoculars. ZCF . Designed for night use . With case . (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . ..... 580/ 0023 Recommended Retail Argos Price £40.64 £29.50 14 MIRADOR 10 X40 Binoculars. WCF. Complete with case . (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 0085 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £39.78 £29.50 15 MIRADOR 8 x 40 Binocu lars. CF. Complete with case . (Japan). Catalogue Number... . ....... 580/ 0078 Recommended Reta il Argos Price £37 .60 £28.50 16 BUSH NELL 8 X30 Binoculars . Fib reglass body. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number .................... 580/ 0092 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.98 £6.75 17 MIRADOR 7 x 35 Binocula rs. Complete wit h case . (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................. 580/ 0061 Recommended Retail Argos Price £35.17 £27.50

18 OPTOMAX 10 x 50 Bmoculars . ZCF. Complete with case. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. .................. 580/0102 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.66 £1 3.50 19 GRUNDIG " Elite Boy" Battery/Mains Radio. LW/MW/SW/VHF . Push button selectors. (Portugal) . Catalogu e Number .................... 500/ 0287 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £34.49 £25. 50 20 GRUNOIG " Solo Boy" Radio . VHF/LW/ MW. Earpiece socket. (Portugal) . Catalogue Number ..... ............... 500/ 0263 Recommended Retail Argas Price £19.37 £14.50 21 PYE 18" Colour Television. Delivery , installation and 12 months ' maintenance are included . Aerial not supplied . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ... .. .......... 53010035 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £205.24 £165.00 22 ELIZABETHAN 9 ~ UHF 625 L1ne Port· able Television. Operates from 12V car battery or mains. Fitted with anli·glare screen . (Japan). (We will dehver) . Catalogue Number ..................... 530/ 0011 Recommended Retail Argas Price £67.72 £48.95 23 PHIUPS 12" " T.Vette" UHF 625 L1ne Portable Television . Battery/mams oper· ated. (Singapore) . (We will del1ver) . Catalogue Number .. ................. 53010028 Recommended Retail Argos Pri ce £52.95 £70.60 24 , GRUNDIG " Top·Boy" Battery/Mains Radio. LW/MW/VHF. Push button controls . (Portugal) . Cata logue Number ................... 500/ 0270 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £23.14 £17.25 25 GRUNDIG " Melody Boy " Battery/ Ma1ns Radio. LW/MW/SW/VHF . 6 external . sockets. Output 4W. (Portugal) . Catalo gu e Number ................... 500/0294 Recommended Retail Argas Price £51.41 £38.50

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included In our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores. 1 PYE " Tornado" Battery/Mai ns 4 Band Radio. VHF/ LW/ MW/SW. Sockets for ea rpiece or speaker and tape. (Taiwan). Catalogue Number .. . .. .. .......... 500/ 0452 Recommended Retail Argas Price £27.40 £18.75 2 PYE " Piccolo" VHF/MW Radio. VHF telescopic aeria l. Ferrite rod for MW. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number .......... .... ..... 500/0469 Recommended Retail Argas Price


3 EKCO "Naut ilus" Battery/Mains Radio. VHF/ LW/MW, mediu m-short and marine wavebands. (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . . ... 500/ 0160 Recom mended Retail Argas Price

trois. Earpiece. Catalogue Number ................ .... 500/0483 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.50 £6.88


7 MUR PHY 944 Radio. LW/MW/ FM with AFC. Push button cont rol. Catalogue Number... .. ..... 500/ 0342 Recommended Retai l Argos Price


4 EKCO Battery/Mains Rad io. LW/M W/SW/ VHF with AFC and tone cont rol. (W. Germany). Cata logue Number....... . ........ 500/0177 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£21 .25

5 PYE " Poppet" Radio. LW/MW. Complete with case. wrist strap and earpiece. (Singapo re). Catalogue Number... .... .... ... 500/0476 Argas Price Recommended Retail £3.95 £5.89

£7.95 6 PYE " Pippin" Radio. LW/MW. Roller con-



8 BUSH TR222 Radio. LW/ MW. Foldaway handle. (India). Catalogue Number... . ....... .. ..... 500/0225 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 1.33 £7.90 9 BUSH VTR1 75 Rad io. VHF/ LW/ MW . Earpiece and tape socket. (Taiwan). Catalogue Number... . .. ......... 500/ 0256 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £15.11 £10.15

11 PH ILIPS RL425 Radio. MW/LW/SW/ FM . piece, tape and record player. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £31.85 12 PHILI PS RL411 Radio. m••• •••••n•• Fine tuning and tone control. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retai l £20.81

... ...... 500/0184 Argos Price


17 ALBA 744 Radio. LW/MW. " Aedline'' station finder. Slider volume control . (Japan) . Catalogue Number......... ... ...... 500/0359 Recommended Retail Argos Price



18 ALBA 780 Radio. FM/LW/MW. Socket for earpiece or speaker. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . ................ 500/0373 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£22.60 Argas Price

£15.50 VHF/MW/ LW. Supplied n)


19 ALBA 677 AM / FM/ LW 3 Band Radio. Telescopic aerial. Earpiece supplied . {Japan) . Catalogue Number... ..... .500/0366 Argos Price Recommended Retail £14 .17


... ........ 500/0218 Argos Price


20 STANDARD Battery/Mains Radio. FM/ LW/MW. Slide controls. {Taiwan) .

Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail


Argos Price


24 FIDELITY " Rad 16" Rad io. L'/VIMW/ SW and marine wavebands. Tone control. Catalogue Number .. ... .. .............. 500/0414 Recommended Retail Argos Price

21 FIDELITY " Rad 19" AM/FM Radio. Catalogue Number ..................... 500/0407 Recom mended Retail Argos Price



Sockets for aerial and earpiece. Catalogue Number ..... ... 5001.0380 Recommended Retail Argos Price


22 FIDELITY " Rad 15" Radio. FM/LW/MW. Magnifying lenses for dial and pointer. Sockets for aerial and earpiece. Catalogue Number .................... 500/0421 Recom mended Retail Argos Price



23 FIDELITY " Rad 21 "' Radio. LW/ MW/ SW/FM and marine wavebands. Sockets for aerial, earpiece and tape . Catalogue Number.... . ........ 500/0438 Argos Price Recommended Retail


----------------· --------------------------------------------------------------·------------ -----------------------------------· - - -. -----------------~

......... 500/0445



25 FIDELITY " Rad 12" Radio . LW/MW .



26 FIDELI:rY " Rad 22" Radio. LW/ MW and bandspread . Sockets for earpiece or tape. Catalogue Number... .. .......... 500/0397 REtCommended Retail Argos Price



Please note: Batteries are not supplied wtth any item.

1 ELPICO Car Radio. LW/ MW . Push button tuning . Dual polarity . With fixing kit . SW . Catalogue Number ....... ....... ...... . 500/0043 Recommended Retail Argas Price £21 .16 £14.75 2 ELPICO Car Radio. LW/ MW. Dual polarity. Complete with fixing kit . 2W. Catalogue Number .............. .. .... 500/0012 Recommended Retai l Argas P'ice £13.23 £9.95 3 MOTOAOLA Push Button Radio. LW/ MW. Dual polarity . With fixing kit . 3 112W . Catalogue Number .................... 500/0067 Recommended Retail Argas Price £33.46 £23.90 4 SMITHS " Courier" Car Radio. MW. Push button preset for Radio 2. Comp lete with fixing kit . 3W . Negative earth. Catalogue Number ................... 500/0029 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.90 £10.95

5 MOTOROLA Car Radio. Manual control. Dual polarity. Complete fixing kit. 3 1hW . Catalogue Number ... .... 500/0098 Recommended Retail Argas Price £26.17 £18.50 6 MOTOROLA Stereo Cassette Player/ Car Radio. LW/MW. With fixing kit. (2 speakers) . SW per channel. Negative earth . {Italy) . Catalogue Number ..................... 500/ 0115 Recommended Retail Argos Price £93.98 £69.50 7 PH IUPS " Turnolock" Car Radio. LW/MW. Negative earth . With fixing kit . SW. (Hol· land) . Catalogue Number .... .. ............ 500/0074 Recommended Retail Argas Price £27 .98 £18.50

Argas Price £25.90 9 SILVER AM/FM Radio. 5 push buttons. Dual polarity. With fixing kit. SW. (Japan). Catalogue Number... .. 500/0081 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £29.79 £20.90 10 PYE " Micron " Console Car Radio. LW/ MW. Dual polarity. 4W. (France) . Catalogue Number ........ ... .......... S00/ 0036 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.54 £10.95 11 PYE Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Player . Dual polarity. With f1x1ng kit . (2 speakers) . 3W per channel. (Japan). Catalogue Number .......... ........... S00/ 0146 Recommended Retail Argas Price £45.57 £31 .90

Negative earth . (Japan). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £28.13 13 PHIUPS Stereo Cassette live earth . (2 speakers). SW per (Holland) . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £38 .74 14 PYE " Consort " Car Radio. With fixing kit. 4W. Dual polarity. Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £21 .34 15 MOTOROLA 8 Track Stereo Player. Sl ider and push button Output 4W per channel. With Negative earth . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £46.35

nlln Af!cord er Radio QJ)n rated. (Japan) . 510/ 0723 Argos Price £29.90

1111 Recorder . Radio

(Japan) 510/ 0709 Argos Price £24.50 f M/LW/ MW. BSA Le ngth 50Y4"

. . 510/0163 Argos Price £63.95 M41111ollo' Stereogra m. W ·t '•P(H'd auto-c hange r. tW Gnrma ny). {We will

510/0170 Argos Price £99.75 PlAyer/ T.V. Stand . up to 22'' tube. 510/ 1124 Argos Price £4.25 VHF/LW/ MW. BSA Length 49'

.510/ 0156 Argos Price £57.50 11 'V

1wo· Way Intercom. ul llcx (Japa n). .510/0765 Argos Price £3.35 LW/MW. BSR Teak veneer.

.. 510/ 0149 Argas Price £34.50

1 PHILIPS 521 Amplifier. Includes scratch, rumble and presence controls. Headphone socket Output SOW. (Holland). Catalogue Number .................... 510/0187 Recommended Retail Argos Price £125.00 £93.75 2 PHILIPS 212 Electronic Deck. Strobe turntable. GP400 diamond cartridge . (Holland). Catalogu e Number... .. .......... 510/0194 Recommended Retail Argos Price £69.00 £51.75 3 PHILIPS 62 1 Hi-Fi AM/FM Stereo Tuner. Presets and manual tuning with AFC. (Holland) . Catalogue Number... .. 510/0204 Recommended Retail Argos Price £110 .00 £82.50 4 PHJUPS Pair of RH407 loudspeaker Enclosures. Capacity 40W RMS each . Height 21 Y• u (Finland) . Catalogue Number .................... 510/0211 Recommended Retail Argos Price £99.80 £75.00 5 PHJLJPS Audio System 04. 4-speed deck. GP205 ceramic cartridge with diamond stylus. Stereo tuner/ amplifier. 5 wavebands with AFC . Output 16W. Pair of speakers. capacity 10W each : · Impedance 4 ohms. (Foreign) . Catalogue Number.. . .... 510/0259 Recommended Retail Argos Price £121 .84 £91.40 6 PHIUPS GF826 Stereo Record Playing System. 4-speed deck. Dual cone speakers. Output 16W. Catalogue Number... . ........ 510/0273 Recommended Retail Argos Price £71 .09 £49.75 7 PHILIPS Audio System 06. Stereo 'tuner/ amplifier. FM/ LW/ MW. Output 16W. 3speed deck. Cassette recorder with Dynamic Noise limiter. Pair of speakers, capacity lOW each . Impedance 4 ohms. (Finland) . Catalogue Number ................... 510/0228 Recommended Retail Argos Price £165.00 £219.54 8 EKCO ZU3 Stereo Unit. Radio and automatic record player . with speakers. Output lBW. (Sweden). Catalogue Number... ... 510/0493 Recommended Retail Argos Price £111.86 £79.75 9 EKCO ZU7 Stereo System . Tuner/amplifier with VHF and 5 wavebands. Record deck and dual drive speakers. Output 30W. (Finland). Catalogue Number .................... 510/0541 Recommended Retail Argos Price £198.12 £142.00 10 EKCO ZUJ Stereo System . Combines VHF tuner/amplifier with stereo decoder. Record deck and dual drive speakers. Output 40W. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number .................... 510/0534 Recommended Retail Argos Price £195.00 £132.00 11 EKCO ZU9 Stereo System . FM with presets and AFC stereo decoder. Triple drive speakers. Output GOW. (Sweden). Catalogue Number .................... 510/0565 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 EKCO ZU4 Stereo Unit. Push button stereo radio. Record deCk and cassette recorder. Pair of speakers. Output 16W. (Sweden). Catalogue Number... . .. 510/0527 Recommended Retail Argos Price £157.37 £110.00

18 FIDELITY UA1 Audio Unit. Stereo radio with AFC . Garrard SP25 deck . Matching speakers. Output 6W per chan nel. Catalogu e Number ..................... 510/ 0486 Recommended Retail Argos Price £102.00 £71 .40 19 FIDELITY UA3 Stereo Audio Unit. Radio with AFC . Auto-change deck. Matching speakers. Output 4W per channel. Catalogu e Nu mber... .. 510/ 0084 Recommended Retail Argos Price £62.00 £43.40 20 FIDELITY UA4 Stereo Record Player. 4-speed turntable. Matching speakers. Catalogue Number ...... ............... 510/ 0039 Recommended Retail Arg os Price £32.50 £22.50 21 ALBA UA1000 Stereo System . 4 wavebands. Tuner/amplifier with stereo decoder. Garrard SP25 deck . Matching speakers. Catalo gu e Number..... .. ... ........... 510/0297 Recommended Retail Argos Price £132.66 £92.50 22 ALBA UA70700 Stereo Unit Audio. Tuner/ amplifier and autochanger. Matching speakers. Output 10W. Cata log ue Number .................. 510/046 2 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £63.49 £57.90 23 ALBA UA772 Stereo Unit Audio . BSR changer. Matching speakers . Output 10W. Cata logue Numb er ........ ............. 510/0053 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5 1.81 £37.45 24 WHARFEDALE lsodynamic Stereo Headphones. Cat alo gue Number ................... 51 0/0626 Recommended Retail Argas Price £21.95 £16.45 25 Cartridge Storage Case. Holds 15. .. 51 0/ 0974 Catalogu e Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .90 £1.25

o\11 NA System 40. FM tuner/ 1• ''P tton deck . Triple drive tt '' .IOW (Denmark) . ..... ......... 510/ 0596 Argos Pric e £140.00

26 GRUNDIG " Studio 310 " Stereo Unit . 4-band radio with decoder. Single play deck and speakers. Output 12W. (W. Germany). Catalogu e Num be r .................. 51 0/ 0510 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £152.65 £11 4.50 27 STEEPLETONE " Tempo Two f Eight ". Combined audio unit and eight track cartridge player. Matching speakers. Catalogu e Number ..... ............... 510/ 0077 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £53 .32 £39.50 28 SILVER Stereo Audio System . AM / FM stereo tuner/amplifier. Built- in stereo recorder. Record deck. Matching speakers. (Japan) . Catalogu e Number .................... 510/ 0558 Recommended Retail Argos Price £249.94 £175.00


........ 510/ 0572 Argos Price £77.90 H NA System 20 . FM tuner/ ud SP25 deck. Triple drive •ut 20W. (Denmark) . w• Number .................. 510/ 0 589 d ne ta tl Argos Price £104.50 1


29 DUETTE Stereo Headphones. (Japan). Catalogue Nu mb er .... ... .............. 510/ 0840 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.58 £6.45 30 PYE " Black Box" Stereo Unit. BSR deck . Matching speakers. Output 20W . Ca talogue Numb er.. . ..... 510/ 0118 Recommended Retail Argos Price



LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 BSR 810 Automatic/ Manual Transcription Turntable. Strobe and micro lift. Shu re 91 DE magnetic cartridge. Catalogue Number .................... 510/0819 Recommended Retail Argos Prlee £77.15 £53.50 2 LEAK DELTA Turntable. 4-speed . Knife edge bearings. Magnetic cartridge . Turntable weight 8.8 lbs. Catalogue Number... ..... Sf0/0675 Recommended Retail Argos Price £65.07 £48.80 3 WHARFEDALE " Linton " Turntable. 4speed sem i-automatic unit. Hydraulic arm. Bias compensator. Shure M44 magnetic cartridge. Catalogue Number ................... 510/0620 Recommended Retail Argos Price £35.11 £25.90 4 BSR MP60 3-speed Single Play Turntable. Complete with Goldring G800 cartridge, plinth and cover.

Catalogue Number... . Recommended Retai l


. .. 510/0792 Argos Price £25.50

5 BSR HT70 3-speed Sing le Play Turntable. Complete with plinth and cover. Catalogue Number... .... ... 510/0802 Argos Price Recommended Retail £26.90 £38.19 6 Record Storage Case. Vinyl covered. Holds 7" records. Catalogue Number .................... 510/0981 Recommended Retail Argos Priee £1.60 £0.95 7 Record Storage Case. Vinyl covered . Holds 12" records. Catalogue Number .................... 51 0/ 0998 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.99 £1.75 8 HISONIC Stereo Pickup Cartridge. Diamond stylus. ADC550XE : 10-20,000HZ. 5My.ADC220XE : 10-18,000HZ.6MV. (U.S.A.).

Catalogue Number 510/0943 ADC550XE 510/0950 ADC220XE

Rec. Retail

£16.45 £9.85

Argos Price £13.25


9 DUETIE Home Music Centre. Stereo Radio. FM-Stereo/ AM , 4- speed record player. 8 track stereo tape player. Matching speakers. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. .................. 510/0479 Recommended Retai• Argos Price



10 Audio Unit Stand/ Record Rack. Tubular steel frame w ith gilt fini sh shelves. Cata logue Number ..................... 510/1007 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.40 £3.45 11 PYE Stereo 3-speed Record Player. Output 7W . Two 7" dual cone speakers. Catalogue Number.................. 510/0060 Recommended Retail Argos Price £42.93 £29.90

15 DUETTE Audio Unit. FM/ AM . Automatic record player. speakers. (Japan). Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £87.01




o System. Comprises rd deck with maghelf speakers. Out-

Catalogue Number ... ... ........ .... .. 510/ 1021 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.52 £2.25

.... ........ .. 510/ 0338 Argas Price £97.50

20 AKAI GXC 46D Cassette Stereo Tape Deck . Includes Dolby No ise Reduct ion system. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .... .. ............ . 510/ 0431 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price £131.09 £94.90

24 " Vari-Table" Multi-purpose Un it. Suitable as record player stand or table. Catalogue Number .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. 510/ 1038 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.16 £4.30

21 AKAI GXC 40D Cassette Stereo Tape Deck . Response to 1S,OOOHZ. Switch for CR02 and distortion limiter. (Japan) . Catalogu e Number ......... ............ 510/ 0424 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £S9.74 £64.90

25 PYE Stereo Cassette Recorder. Automatic tape end stop . Compl ete wit h speakers and microphone . SW . (Holland). Catalogue Number ................. 510/ 0417 Reco mmended Retai l Argas Price £S0 .05 £54.95

22 AIV\1 CRS1D S Track Stereo Cartridge Tape Deck. Twin meters for record ing level. 14W. (Japan ). Catalogue Number .................... 510/1241 Recommended Retail Argas Price £S4.10 £59.90

26 PYE Stereo Cassette Recorder and Radio. 5-band tuner/amplifier. Decoder and Dynamic Noise Limiter. Matching dual cone speakers. Output 16W . (Fin land). Catalogue Number ....... ..... ... ... .. 510/ 0503 Recommended Retail Argas Price

Un1t. Holds recorder and r nll

... ... ......... 510/ 1014 Argas Price £1 .95

o Cassette Deck. InNOISe Um iter. Automatic Dual mains voltage (Holla nd). , .... . . ........ 510/ 0390 IRII Argos Price £47.90 rd Rack. Holds 24 casrecords. Used combined units.

23 EMI C60 Cassettes. Pack of .ten. Catalogue Number .................. ... 510/0448 Recommen ded Retail Argas Price £7 .00 £4.95

£1 17.68


27 DANS ETTE 40 10 Stereo System. Matching speakers. SW. Cat alogue Number .......... .. ...... .. 510/ 1258 Recom mended Retail Argas Price £5S.25 £40 .75 28 AKAI CRS1 S Track Stereo Cartridge Tape Recorder. Will drive speakers or audio unit. One m icron gap head . 2VU meters. 14W. (Japan). Cat alogue Number ..... .... .. ....... 510/0314 Recommended Retail Argas Price £74.50 £102.S9 AKAI Bookshel f Speakers. lOW maxim um. ' s uitabl e for use with above. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .... .. ... .. .... ... .. 5.10/0321 Recommended Retail Argas Price £25.S5 £19.35

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.

1 PHILIPS N4308 De Luxe 4·track Mono Tape Recorder. Facilities for mixing . (Austria) . Catalogue Number .................... 510/0864 Recommended Retail Argos Price £61 .50 £42.90 2 GRUNOtG 4·track Mono Automatic Tape Recorder. 2·Speed. Complete with micro· phone, lead, reel of tape and spare spool. Catalogue Number ..................... 510/0871 Recommended Retail Argas Price £69.76 £52.00 0

~r~~sG~::S~~~s~ ~~~~~a~~dc~~~~:s;o n~= ence course . French Catalogue Number German Catalogue Number Italian Catalogue Number Spanish Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £37 .87

........ 510/1179 .. .. .... 510/1186 ........ 510/1193 .... .. .. 510/1203 Argas Price £23.75

4 PHILIPS N4416 Hi·Fi Stereo Tape Recorder. Duo and multiplay. 3 motors. Twm meters. Mono microphone. Output 2 X5W . (Austria).

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £151 .50

. ...... 510/0888 Argas Price £105.90

5 PHILJPS N4418 Hi·Fi Stereo Tape Recorder. Multiplay. echo. monitoring . tip touch controls. Twin meters. Mono microphone. r reels. 2 x 10W. (Austna) . Catalogue Number .. ... 510/0895 Recommended Retail Argos Price £208.50 £145.00 6 LINGUAPHONE Language Course. Com· prises records, books and correspond· ence course. French Catalogue Number ........ 510/1131 German Catalogue Number ........ 51011148 Italian Catalogue Number ........ 510/1 155 Spanish Catalogue Number ........ 510/1162 Recommended Retail Argas Price £37.87 £23.75 7 PHILIPS N4450 Hi·Fi Stereo Record/ Amplifier. 3 motors. 6 heads . Auto·reverse. 40W. Filters and 10" reels. (Austria). Catalogue Number ................... . 510/0905 Recommended Retail Argas Price £308.00 £228.00

8 AKAI 4000 OS Stereo Tape Deck. Direct monitoring with sound on sound facility . (Reels not supplied). (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 510/0912 Recommended Retail Argas Price £93.50 £67.75 9 Language Course . Comprises five r records and phrase book . French Catalogue Number ....... .510/1083 German Catalogue Number ........ 51 0/1090 Italian Catalogue Number ........ 510/1100 Spanish Catalogue Number ........ 51 0/ 1117 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.29 £1.95 10 PHILIPS LBB 9500 Hi·Fi Mono Microphone. (Austria). Catalogue Number .................. 510/0857 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.40 £12.25 11 AKAI ADM 14 Microphone. Suitable tor all Akai tape recorders. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . .. ...... 510/1272 Recommended Retail Argas PrM:e £6.49 £4.85

12 Rap1d Language Course. cassette and phrase book. French Catalogue Number ... German Catalogue Number ..... Italian Catalogue Number .. Spanish Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £4.13 13 STANDARD 1 Battery/mains operated . recording from radio to tape . Catalogue Number .. Withdrawn 14 PHILIPS Cassette Tape Battery operated . Complete with p hone with on/off switch and direct ing lead. (Foreign). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £21.25 15 SILVER Cassette mains operated . volume control . phone . (Japan).

h .. ,

510/0369 Argos Price £22.90 1w Notse Cassettes

5 10/1227 Argos Price £0.80 Vmyl cove red. 1 11

510/0967 Argas Price £0.95 w No1se Cassettes.

.510/1234 Argas Price £0.75 orde r Automatic w lfltlfa ted. Built·in llolland ). 510/0376 Argas Price £20.75

20 DUETTE Cassette Recorder Battery operated 'AutomatiC record level control Complete w1th microphone _(Japan). Cata logue Number . 510/0345 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.84 £11.95

Speakers . BH bass . 2~ mid/treble . 6 ohm Max imum 18W each S1ze 14 ~, g:v. Hx8:V•" Catalogue Numb er ... 510/0637 Recommended Reta1 f Arga s Price £39 .33 £27.40

21 PYE Casse tte Recorder Battery / mams operated . Record1ng level meter and microphone . (Holland) Catalogue Number .. 510/0383 Recommended Retail Arg as Price £30.03 £19.95

25 WHARFEDALE " Linton " Palf of Speakers_ 8" bass, 2'' mtd/ treble. 6 ohm. Maxtmum tnput 20W each Size 19 Y2"., 10"X9Y2'' Catalogue Number .................... 51 0/0644 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £48.69 £33.90

22 BUSH ARENA 445 Stereo Cassette Deck . Supplied with 2 microphones . (Japan) . Catalogue Number . .. 51 0/ 1265 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7-9 .95 £59.95

26 LEAK " Delta 30'' Amplifier. Bass. treble, balance and filter. 30W . Catalogue Number ............. ·... 510/0668 Recommended Retail Argas Price £76 .89 £57.60

23 WHARFEDALE " Unton " Amplifier. H1 and lo input Scratch f1lter. 40W mto

27 LEAK '' Delta 75 '' Tuner/Amplifter FM / LW/ MW/ AFC / MPX. Two meters. 70W. Catalogue Number .................... 510/0651 Recommended Retail Argas Price £163.83 £122.80

8 ohm. Catalogue Number.. Recommended Reta11 £71 .50 24


.. 510/0613 Argas Price £49.50 " Denton "



28 LEAK 250 Palf of Speakers. 8 ohm. Max. input 18W each. Size 19~"x 11 "X 10".

Catalogue Number Recommended Retatl


510/0699 Argas Price £45.60

29 LEAK 150 Patr of Speakers_ 8 ohm. Max tnput 18W each Stze 15lf4"' 10" x 8 Y2" Catalogue Number .. .. 510/0682 Recommended Retatl Argas Pri ce £46.82 £34.90 Please note: Batte rie s and cassettes are not supplied with any item .

For details of ARGOS credit facilities please see page 9. We also accept Barclaycard and Access Ca rd.

I Page 30 I 1 MELODY MAKER Alto Saxophone. Key of E flat . Mouthpiece, reed and case. (Formosa) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0203 Recommended Retail Argas Price



2 MELODY MAKER Tenor Saxophone. Key of B flat. Mouthpiece, reed and case. (Formosa). Catalogue Number .. . .............. 540/ 0210 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 MELODY MAKER Clarinet. 17 keys and 6 rings. Key of B flat . Complete w ith case. (Formosa) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0179 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 MELODY MAKER Silver Plated Flute. Low pitch . Complete with case. (Formosa). Catalogue Number ..................... 540/0186 Recommended Retail Argas Price


7 DALLAS ARBITER " Conco rd " Electronic Organ . Walnut cabinet. 44 full sized piano type keys. 4 tone selectors and vibrato switch. Built in 7W amplifier. (Italy) . Catalogue Number ..... ............... 540/0131 Recommended Retail Argos Price £83.54 £65.95• 8 DALLAS ARBITER Snare Drum Outfit. Comprises snare drum . stand, cymbal , sticks, brushes and case. {Japan) . Catalogue Number .... .............. ... 540/0227 Recommended Retail Argos Price £23.99 £18.95 9 DALLAS ARBITER Drum prises bass drum . tom-tom . cymbal and stands. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail £76.32

Outfit. Comsnare drum , .. . 540/0234 Argos Price £59.95

10 BONTEMPI Electric Organ . 37 keys. 12 effective chords. Detachable legs. (Italy) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0117 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21.50 £29.99 11 ROSE DALE Chord Organ . 37 treble keys, 6 bass notes and 6 major chords. Catalogue Number .................... 540/0100 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.85 £24.99 12 ROSEDALE Electronic Organ . 29 treble keys, 4 bass notes and 4 major chords. Vibrato switch . Catalogue Number.. .. 540/0124 Recommended Retail Argos Price £46.88 £36.25

I fI I

16 SELMER " C" Descant Recorder. Hand crafted , seasoned and polished wood . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0193 Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 SELMEA/E LKA "Partita" Organ. 13 note pedal board. Automatic drum rhythm. 2 x 44 note manuals . Lockable keyboard cover. (Italy). Catalogue Number .. .................. 540/0148 Recommended Retail Argos Price £305.00 £245.00 18 DALLAS AR BITER Solid Electric Bass Guitar. 2 pick-ups, 4 strings. Amplifier lead included. {Japan). Catalogue Number .................. 540/0045 Recommended Retail Argos Price




6 SWALLOW Trombone. Key ' of B flat. Complete with mouthpiece and case. (Formosa) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0162 Recommended Retail Argos Price £31 .00 £24.75


15 ROSEDALE Chord Organ . 37 treble keys. 6 major and 6 minor chords. Detachable legs. Catalogue Number.. ... 540/0090 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19 .99 £15.95


5 MELODY MAK ER 3 Valve Trumpet. Key of B flat . Complete with mouthpiece and case. (Formosa) . Catalogue Number.. . .......... 540/0155 Recommended Retail Argos Price


Catalogue Number .................. 540/0083 Recommended Retail Argas Price £19.50 £15.50

13 LEARNING UNLIMITED Audio/Visual Learning Course. Tape cassette and instruction booklet. (U .S.A .). Available as follows: Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 540/0313 Trumpet £4.70 £3.75 £4.70 £3.75 540/0320 Trombone 540/0337 Clarinet £4.70 £3.75 540/ 0344 Flute £4.70 £3.75 540/0351 Alto Sax £4.70 £3.75 540/ 0368 Tenor Sax £4.70 £3.75 540/0375 Guitar £3.99 £3.25 14 BONTEM PI Electric Organ. 25 keys and 8 effective chords. Floor or table model. (Italy).

DALLAS ARBITER Electric Guitar. Solid body. 2 pick-ups with tremelo arm . (Not illustrated.) (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 540/0069 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21 .85 £16.50 DALLAS ARBITER Electric Gui tar. Solid body. Single pick-up. (Not i llustrated). (Japan) . Catalogue Number ................... 540/0076 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.29 £14.75 19 DALLAS ARBITER Microphone and Tripod Stand. High impedance. Incorporates an A.K.G. capsu le. Catalogue Number ................... 540/0241 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.44 £15.55 20 SELMER " Compact 15 S.S." Amplifier and Speaker Unit. 15W RMS output. Catalogue Number .. ................... 540/0265 Recommended Retail Argos Price £45.00 £35.95 21 SELMER " Compact 30 S.V." Amplifier. For m'lcrophone. guitar or organ . Catalogue Number ... .... .. ... ........ 540/0289 Recommended Retail Argos Price



22 SELMER " Treble ' n' Bass 50 S.V." Amplifier. Built in reverberation. SOW output. Catalogue Number .................... 540/0272 Recommended Retail Argos Price £84 .50 £67.55 23 SE LMER Scintillation/Reverberation Unit. Fully transistorised. Catalogue Number.. .. 540/0258 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.00 £25.55 24 SELMER Pa ir of Speaker Columns. Each column has three 10" heavy duty and one elliptical speakers. Catalogue Number .................... 540/0296 Recommended Retail Argos Price £74.50 £93.00 25 DALLAS ARBITER " Concord " 30W Combination Amplifier and Speaker Unit. 12 speakers rated at 40W capacity. 2 channels. With reverberation . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0306 Recommended Retail Argos Price £147.71 £119.55 8

26 SELMER " Viva 3" Guitar. Full size. (Formosa). Catalogue Number.. .. ........ 540/ 0014 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.70 £6.95

27 SELMER " Saxon " Folk Guitar. Heavy duty machine heads. Reinforced neck. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ... ... ...... ... ... .. 540/0052 Recommended Retail Argos Price



28 DALLAS ARBITER " Classic" Guitar. Nylon strung . Mahogany finish to back and sides. Rosewood fingerboard and bridge. (Japan). Catalogue Number.. . ........ 540/0038 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.21 £11.95 29 DALLAS ARBITER Students Guitar Outfit. Complete with nylon strung guitar, bag , tutor record and book, cord and plectrum. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 540/0021 Recommended Retail Argos Price



Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.






. J



1 COBRA Flush Fitting Ceiling Light. White with crystal glass. Catalogue Number .. ... .. .. ........... 430/0153 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.00 £2.75

7 SHEEALITE '" Disco" Pendant Shade. Self assemble. Diameter 14~ Catalogue Number .... .. .. ..... ...... .430/0177 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.70 £1 .25

2 SHEER LITE " Debonair " Pendant Shade. Self assemble. Diameter 19". Orange Catalogue Number ... .. 430/ 0225 White Catalogue Number ........ 430/ 0232 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.20 £2.85

8 COBRA Pendant Light Fitting. Copper finish outer halo. Catalogue Number .................... 430/0160 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.30 £2.95

3 LUMEX Pendant Light Fitting . Diameter 15" Catalogue Number .................... 430/0036 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.68 £3.10 4 MAZOA Glass Pendant . Diameter 10¥~~ Opal Catalogue Number ........ 430/1004 Orange Catalogue Number ........ 430/1011 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.74 £5.20

9 COBRA Pendant Light Fitting . Copper finish, with crystal glass shade. Catalogue Number ........ .. .......... 430/0146 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.85 10 SHEERUTE " Fin-Lite" Pendant. Crystal styrene. Diameter 1 0"'h~. Catalogue Number... . . .............. 430/ 0263 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.00 £3.85

5 LUMEX Pendant Light Fitting . Coloured inserts. Diameter 15~. Catalogue Number.. ........... 430/ 0043 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.10 £3.50

11 SHEERLITE Pendant Shade. Metal strip lantern . Width 6¥4~. Height 9"'h~ Silver Finish Cat. Number .......... 430/0249 Red Cat. Number .......... 430/0256 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.00 £1.95

6 "' Room Light "' Pendant. Self assemble. Diameter 11 :Y•n. Yellow Catalogue Number .. . .. 430/ 0201 Purple Catalogue Number ......... 430/ 0218 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.50 £1.75

12 SHEERLITE ""Viking "' Pendant Shade. Self assemble. Diameter 11112". White Cat alogue Number ... ....... 430/ 0184 Purple Catalogue Number .......... 430/ 01 91 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.05 £1.25

13 ABLEC Plug-in Fluorescent Fitting . Twin 2' 20W tubes with reeded diffuser. Catalogue Number... .... 430/1138 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.73 £4.95

shades. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail


14 MAZDA Home- lite Fitting . White with plastic diffuser. Rec. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number 430/ 1080 4' tube 40W £6. 12 £4.60 430/1365 5 ' tube 65W £7.75 £5.75 15 MAZDA Bathroom Light/Shaver Point . Dual voltage shaver socket. 1151230V. 15W. 181f2'' fluorescent tube. Catalogue Number... ..... 43011073 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14 .59 £10.95 16 FOCUS Five Light Chandelier. Cut glass. Nickel Finish Cat. Number........... 430/ 1231 Brass Finish Cat. Number... .. 430/1248 Recommended Retail Argos Price £41.26 £29.95 17 THURBER Three Light Ceiling Fitting. Teak and bright metal finish with crystal

21 MAZDA Circular Fluorescent . Large sparkle glass diffuser . Catalogu e Number ... Recommended Retail Argos £9.25 £6.95

r uiM Fluorescent. 60W tube. J' l'l!o d1ffuser. Diameter 16" ....... 430/1114 t lhtta1 1 Argas Price £6.25

26 ·· strips·· Pendant Shade . Self assemble . Diameter 12". Catalogue Number... ... 430/0270 Recommen ded Retail Argas Price £5.50 £3.95

Star" ' Pendant Fitting . ,flu&or Matches item 38 . Argas Rec . Retail Price

27 LUMEX Pendant Light Fitting . Diameter 17" Catalogue Number .................... 430/0012 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.82 £2.95



£3.90 £11.34

Re c. Retail

£3.10 £8.95

Argas Price

£15.65 £12.20 £7.45 £9.33 £16.55 £12.95 n •• ..

I•Uill1g ht Fitting. Crystal

•n•l copper finished cylin-

........... 430/0081 Argos Price £1.75

28 MAZDA Swedish Pendant Fitting . White dom e with chromed trim . Diameter l 2::Y4". Catalogue Number... .. .430/0892 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £7.37 £5.75~ 29 MAZDA Adjustable Pendant Fitting . Spu n aluminium reflector. Incorporates rise and fall unit. ·Diameter 1 5~. Rec . Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number 430/0878 Silver Fi nish £7.50 £5.95 430/0885 Brass Finish £7 .50 £5.95 30 LUMEX Pendant Light Fitting . Stepped diffusers. Diameter 15~

Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 0029 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4 .35 £2.95

Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 1169 Recommended Retail Argas Price £ 19.00 £12.95

31 COBRA Three Light Flush Ceiling Fitting . Teak and black finish with glass shades. Catalogue Number... . .......... 430/0074 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.30 £3.70

35 COBRA Electric Pendant Light Fitting . Reproduction oil lamp . Polished brass finish with glass g lobe. Catalogue Number.. . .. 430/ 0562 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.20 £3.65

32 THURBER Three Light Ceiling Fitting . Crystal glass shades and copper finish cylinders. Teak ceili ng spreader. Catalogue Number... .. .... ........ .430/0098 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.36 £6.25

36 FOCUS Pendant Light Fitting . Wrought iron surround with white glass shade. (Belgi um). Catalogue Number... .. ........ 430/1 224 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.18 £8.95

33 FOCUS Electric Pendant Fitting . Reproduction o f polished brass oil lamp with funnel and shade. Catalogue Number... .. ... 430/1183 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.00 £12.95

37 FOCU S WroUght Iron Hanging Lantern . Amber coloured glass. (Belgium) . Catalogue Number... . ............. 430/1293 Recommended Retail Argas Price

34 FOCUS Electric Pendant Fitting . Reproduction of cerami c centred oil lamp with glass funnel and shade.



38 MAZDA wall light to match item 23 . Catalogue Number.. . ........... 430/0995 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.87 £3.90

1 CASCADE " Sorrento" Standard lamp. Glass and metal base. Ivory coloured shade. Height 60'12'' Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 0775 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.16 £11.45 2 CASCADE ""R imini "' Standard Lamp. Glass and metal base. Gold coloured. trimmed shade. Height 60'12''. Catalogue Number ....... ... ......... .430/0782 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.16 £11.45 3 CASCADE " Rotunda " Standard lamp. Rosewood effect finish. Turquoise coloured shade. Height 60". Catalogue Number .................... 430/0816 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.76 £5.85 CASCADE "Ciifton " Standard Lamp. As above. teak effect finish with orange coloured shade. Catalogue Number... ............ 430/0809 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.76 £5.85 4 Standard Lamp. Teak finish with orange colou red shade.

Catalogue Number.................... 430/0823 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.05 £5.95 5 Standard lamp. Teak finish. Gold colour· ed, trimmed shade. Catalogue Number... . .... 430/0830 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.25 £6.95 6 FOCUS Wall Bracket. Polished brass finish . 8" amber coloured glass shade . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number... . ... 43011327 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .72 £7.95 7 FOCUS Two Light Wall Bracket . Polished brass finish. Amber coloured glass shades. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .. . . .. .. 43011310 Recommended Retail Argas Price £13.55 £19.96 8 FOCUS Three Light Ceiling Fitting . Polished brass finish. Amber coloured glass shades. ·(w. Germany). Catalogue Number .. . ..... . 430/1303 Recommended Retail Argas Price £30.58 £20.85

9 FOCUS Two Light Wall Bracket . Mounted on a nickel or brass finished frame. Nickel Catalogue Number ........... 430/ 1255 Brass Catalogue Number ........... 430/1262 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.64 £10.95

14 CASCADE " Rossini " Standard Onyx and metal base. Ivory coloured Height 60V2ff. . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £14 .56

10 FOCUS Two Light Wall Fitting . Polished brass finish. White glass shades. Catalogue Number .... ....... ....... 430/1190 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.47 £11.25

15 CASCADE '" Torrino·· Standard Onyx and metal base. Gold coloured Height 60'12'' Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £14.56

11 FOCUS Three Light Fitting . Brass finish with opaque glass shades. Catalogue Number ...... .... .......... 43011279 Recommended Retail Argos Price £27.95 £20.25 12 FOCUS Two light Wall Bracket. Polished brass f inish with opaque glass shades. Catalogue Number .. . .......... 430/1286 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.10 £11 .10 13 CASCADE " Lincoln " Standard lamp. Wood and metal base. Height GOY:!". Catalogue Number ..................... 430/0744 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.22 £6.95

16 CASCADE " Antibes·· Onyx and metal base. Burgundy shade . Height 60'h~. Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £14.56 17 FOCUS Electric Table style. Decorated base. White Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £7 .18 18 SHEERLITE Floor Lamp . Self Diameter 11 ". Height 29". Orange Catalogue Number ..

Number ...... .. 430/0328 ue Number ....... 430/ 0335 Argas Price £4.25



n Up" Wall Spot Light. "118Ctor. Diameter 41f2". u~,o~e Nu mber ......... 430/ 0902 ~u• Nu mb er ....... 430/ 0919 Hnlo•l Argas Price £2.40

23 MAZDA Spot Light. Black and silver coloured finish . Wall or ceiling mounting . Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 0964 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.10 £3.25 Wall Bracket . Teak and bright metal finish with crystal shade . Rec. Argas Catalogue Retail Number Price 24 430/ 0122 Double £5.76 £4.30 25 430/ 0139 Single £3.1 8 £2.25

Wall Mou nting Spot Light.



'otou red fin ish. H••mber .... ....... 430/ 1066 •I ltllloil Argos Price £ 2.85


w •JI Oracket. Black base, teak h(lde. •<~mbe r


... 430/ 0067 Argas Price £1 .85

Wall Brac ket. Teak and w1th crystal shade. • ~·•mber ..... 430/ 0108 I llt'ttatl Argas Price £2.75

26 MAZDA '' Pin-Up " Spot light Standard Lamp. Two adj ustable lamp heads. Height 48". White Catalogue Number .. ...... 430/ 0940 Ora nge Catalogue Number ........ 430/ 0957 Recommended Retai l Argos .Price £12. 10 £9.65

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail


.. ..... 430 / 1042 Argas Price £7.50

29 SHEERLITE Di rectional Double Floor Standard Lamp. Independent switch controL Catalogue Number.. . ...... 430/ 0342 Recommended Retail Argas Price £13.50 £9.95 30 SHEERLJTE Directional Floor Standard Lamp. Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 0359 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £11.00 £7.95 31 SHEE ALIT E Directional Table Lamp. Catalogue Number... . ..... 430/ 0366 Recom mended Retail ;\rgos Price £8.50 £6.25

27 SHEEA LITE Floor Lamp. Teak legs and fibreglass shade. Diameter 6~. Height 44ff. Orange Catalogue Number ......... 430/ 0287 White Cat alogue Number ......... 430/ 0294 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.75 £4.75

32 SPRING FIELD Outdoor Wall Lantern . Wrought-i ron with am ber coloured glass. Catalogue Number ..................... 430/ 0397 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £6.05 £4.50

28 MACLAMP Spot Light Standard Lamp . Maximum height 5' 6".

33 SPAING FJELD " San Marino ·· Outdoor Wall Lantern . Steel frame with colou red

polystyrene panels . Catalogue Number .................... 430 / 0380 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.13 £3.25 34 SPRINGFI ELD Outdoor Wall Lantern . Steel frame with amber coloured glass. Catalogue Number. . . .... 430 / 0373 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.46 £2.50 RAYDYOT Outdoor Lanterns. Cast and anodised al uminium. Venetian style. Catalogue Rec . Argas Number Retail Price 35 430/ 0414 Pendant £6.21 £4.75 36 430/ 0421 Wall Light £6.87 £5.25 37 RAYDYOT Reproduct ion Coach Lantern . Black and brass f inish . Supplied with bu lb. Catalogue Number .. ................... 430/ 0438 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.48 £6.25 38 EM ESS " Hereford '" Outdoor Wall Lantern. " Spotlyte" glass panels. Catalogue Number.. . ... 430/ 0407 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £5.00 £3.75

LU MITRON Light Fittings. Smoke g rey acrylic diffusers. Anodised aluminium metal work. Catalogue Argos Rec. Number Retail Price 430/ 0531 Wall Lig ht £16.09 £11.25 £20.33 £15.25 430/ 0548 Table Lamp £14.27 £10.75 430/ 0524 Pendant 4 ·· strips'' Table .Lamp. Packed flat , easily assembled. Diameter 12". Height 19". Catalogue Number..... .. .. 430/ 0304 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.75 £4.30 5 Table Lamp . Pottery base with tri mmed shade. Catalogue Number ... ................. 430/0483 Recommen ded Retai l Argas Price £1.35 £0.95 6 Table Lamp. Pottery base with trimmed shade. Catalogue Number ............. ....... 430/ 0490 Recommen ded Retai l Argas Price £1.59 £1 .25



Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 1176 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.56 ![11 .95

19 COBRA Electric Table Lamp. Reproduction oil- lamp. Polished brass finish. Catalogue Number .. . .. .. 430/0555 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £5.20 £3.95 20 HEATHWARE Oil-lamp. Complete .'With Duplex burner. glass chim ney and shade. Catalogue Number ..................... 430/ 0579 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.38 £5.55 Electric table lamp , style as above . Catalogue Number ..... ............... .430/0586 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.10 £5.95

21 HEATHWARE Victorian Style Oil-lamp. Complete with Duplex burner, glass chimney and shade . Catalogue Number .................... 430/0593 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £10.56 £7.95

7 Table Lamp. Pottery base with trim med shade. CMelogue Number.. .. ... .430/0500 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £1 .40 £0.95

Electric table lamp, style as above. Catalogue Number.. .. .. .... ........ 430/0603 Recommended Retai l Argos Prlca £11.30 £8.50

8 CASCADE " Roma" Table Lamp. Metal and onyx base . Ivory colou red shade. Height 26W'. Catalogue Number.... . ...... 430/0689 Recommen ded Retail Argas Price £6.44 £4.75

22 CASCADE " Macy". Table Lamp. Metal and onyx base. Gold co loured shade. Height 16Y2". Catalogue Number.. .. ............ 430/0658 Recommended Retail Argo1 Price £4.24 £3.25

9 CASCADE " Milan " Table Lamp. Metal and onyx base. Gold coloured shade. Height 26112''. Catalogu e Number .......... .. ........ 430/ 0672 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.44 £4.75

23 CASCADE "Cindy" Table Lamp. Metal and onyx base. Li lac coloured shade. Heig ht 16¥2''. Catalogue Number .. .. .. 430/0665 Recom mended Retail Argas Price £4.24 £3.25

10 CASCADE "Elba" Table Lamp . Metal and alabaster base. Orange '(:Oioured shade. Heig ht 23". Catalogue Number .................... 430/ 0627 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.28 £5.50

24 CASCADE "Antibes" Table Lamp . Metal and onyx base. Burgundy coloured shade. Height 33 1ht. Catalogue Number ....... .. ......... 430/ 0713 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £10.28 £7.75

11 CASCADE " Sintra" Table Lamp. Metal and alabaster base. Gold coloured shade. Height 23". Catalogue Number ............ ........ 430/0610 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.28 £5.50

25 CASCADE " Seville " Table Lamp. Metal base. Green colou red shade. Height 22Y2•. Catalogue Number.. .. ........... 430/0634 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £5.68 £4.25

12 Table Lamp. Pink wooden base with matching shade . Height 15~. Catalogue Number.. . ......... 430/ 0445 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.18 £1.65 13 Table Lamp. Teak finish wooden base. Gold colou red shade. Height 13¥•". Catalogue Number ... ................ 430/0452 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.09 £1.65 14 Table Lamp . Decorated pottery base . Trimmed shade. Catalogue Number .................... 430/0517 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £1.40 £0,95 15 Table Lamp. Teak fi nish base. Trim med shade. Catalogue Number ............ .. .... ..430/0476 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1 .85 £1 .50 16 Table Lamp. Teak finish base. Orange colou red shade with tri m. Catalogue Number . ............. .. .... 430/0469 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.25 £1.75 17 FOCUS Electric Tii:ble Lamp . Reproduction Regency style o il-lamp with ceramic base, glass funnel and shade. Catalogue Number ..................... 430/1152 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.16 £11 .75 18 FOCUS Electric Table Lamp. Reproduction oil lantern with brass base, glass funnel and shade.

26 CASCADE " Genoa" Table Lamp . Metal base. Red coloured shade. Height 221h". Catalogue Number.. .. .430/ 0641 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £5.68 £4.25

27 CASCADE " Sorrento" Table Lamp. Glass and metal base. Ivory coloured shade. Height 32112". Catalogue Number .. . ... 430/0720 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10 .90 £8.25 28 CASCADE " Rimini" Table Lamp . Glass and metal base. Gold coloured, t rimmed shade. Height 32¥2" Catalogue Number.. .. .... ...... .. 430/0737 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.90 £8.25 29 CASCADE " Angelique" Table Lamp. Twi n light with metal and alabaster base. Single oval shade. Heig ht 23k.


£11 .74



30 CASCADE " Marcia" Table Lamp. Twin light with metal and alabaster base. Green coloured shades. Heig ht 18". Catalogue Number.. .. ... ..........430/06!)6 Recommended Retail Argos Prtce £11.74 £8.85 31 MAZDA " Pin-Up" Spot Light Table Lamp. Adjustable head. Diameter 4¥2:". Height 22". White Catalogue Number ... .. .... 430/0926 Orange Catalogue Number ........ .430/0933 Recommended Retail Argos Prtce £6.80 £5.45

32 MACLAMP No. 8 Desk Lamp. Beech· wood arms, metal shade. Height 23•. Black Catalogue Number ............ 430/1028 White Catalogue Number ............ 430/ 1035 F,~ecommended Retail Argoa Price £2.50 £1.85 33 MAC LAMP No. 1 Spot Light Table lamp. ...... 430/1059 Catalogue Number Recommended Retail Argoa Price £6.00 £4.25 34 POLY·OPTICS " Oasis"" Fibre Optic Light. Wooden base. Height 15~. (Belgium). Catalogue Number.. . . ... 43011341 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e £13.60 £10.50 35 POLY·OPTICS "' Essence" Fibre Optic Light. Height 20~. (Belgium) . Catalogue Number ................. 430/1358 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £56.83 £41.50 36 POLY·OPTICS " NouveUe" Fibre Optic Light. Height 16~. (Belgium) . Catalogue Number .................... 430/1334 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £9.97 £7.95

ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not ·just for special sales events. 1 MAGICOAL " Newberry Suite " Electric Fire. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . . ..... 415/ 0279 Recommended Retail Argas Price



2' SUN HOUSE " Cavalier De Luxe" Radiant Convector Electric Fire. 3KW. B.E.A.B. app roved . Catalogue Number... .. .... ...... .. 415/0200 Recommended Retail Argas Price £34.33 £26.75 3 SPR EOAIAE Radiant Fire. Log effect. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . ......... 415/0293 Recommended Retail Argas Price



4 SUNHOUSE " Regal " Electric Fire. 2V2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . C atalog ue Number... . ..... ...... ..415/0169 Recommended Retail Argas Price £26 .71 £21.25 5 SUN HOUSE " Centre-Glow" Electric Fire. 2Y2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . (Surround not included) . Catalogue Number .................... 415/ 0138 Recommended Retail • Argas Price £19.03 £15.50 6 SPREDAIRE Radiant Fire. Log effect. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ................ : ... 415/0286 Recommended Retail Argas Price £12.75 £15.98 7 SPREOAIRE Radiant Fire. Log effect. 3KW. . ...... 415/ 0303 Catalogue Number...... . Argas Price Recommended Retail £14.95 £18.81 8 MAGICOAL " Orbiter'' Radiant Fire. 1880W. B.E.A.B. approved . . .. 415/0815 Cata logue Number .... Argas Price Recommended Retail £11.46 £8.95 9 SUN HOUSE ' 'Arundel" ' Electric Fire . Comp lete with plinth . 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.. .................. 415/ 0217 Argas Price Recommended Retail £43.84 £34.95 10 SUNHOUSE ' "Herald " Electric Fire. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number.. .................. 415/0183 Argas Price Recommended Retail £31.41 £26.25 11 SUNHOUSE ··coronair'' Electric Fire . 3KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . . ....... 415/ 0145 Argas Price Recommended Retail £23.23 £1 8.55 12 SU NH OUSE ··coronet " Electric Fire. 2KW . B.E.A.B. approved . . ........ 415/0121 Catalogue Number ... Argos Price Recommended Retail £12.95 £16.23 13 MAGICOAL ··aueensberry" Electric Fire. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number.................... 415/0248 Recommended Retail Argas Price £28 .38 £23.75 14 MAGICOAL ' 'Berrylog " Electric Log Effect Fitting . Suitable for use in a hearth. Not a heater. (Grate not supplied) . Catalogue Number.... .. ............ 415/ 0255 Argos Price Recommended Retail • £8.58 £7.25 15 MAGICOAL " Cotswold " Electric Fire. 1880W. B.E.A.B. approved. .. 415/0262 Catalogu e Number... Rec ommended Retail Argas Price £21.77 £18.25

16 SUNHOUSE " Mayfair Suite " Electric Fire. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number .................... 415/0224 Recommended Retail Argos Price £46.90 £37.50 17 SPREDAIRE Radiant Fire . Detachable stand. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number... . ............ 415/0839 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.15 £10.50 18 MAGICOAL " Charnwood " Electric Fire. 21f2KW. B. EA B. approved . Catalogue Number ................... 415/0231 Recommended Retail Argos Price £27.23 £22.80 19 SUNHOUSE " Marlborough" Radiant Convector Electric Fire. 3KW. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number... . ........... 415/0152 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.95 £23.23 20 PRILECT Illuminated Reflector Fire. Two 1KW elements . Amber glow. B.EA B. approved. Free standing or wall mounting. Catalogue Nutnber.. . ........... 415/0877 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.80 £12.87 21 MORPHY RICHARDS " Cray" Radiant Fire. 2KW. Half heat switch . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .................... 415/0781 Recommended Retail Argos Price



22 PR ILECT Reflector Fire . Two 1KW elements. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... ......... 415/0860 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.24 £4.75 23 EKCO Portable Radiant Heater. 2KW. B.E.A.B. approved. Ca'talogue Number .................... 415/ 0774 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.95 £5.50 24 PRILECT Coal Effect Electric Fire. 2KW. B. E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... ..... 415/0327 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.95 £5.95 25 MAGJCOAL "Fi rebrand " Radiant Fire. 1880W heating. Half or full heat switch. Catalogue Number.................... 415/0798 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.50 £5.85 26 EKCO '" Torpedo" Fire. 1KW. B. EA B. approved. Catalogue Number..... . .... 415/0750 Recommended Retail Argos Price



27 PRILECT Reflector Fire. Chromium plated reflector. B.E.A.B. approved . . Catalogue · Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 415/0846 1KW £1 .95 £1.45 415/0853 2KW £3.27 £2.45 28 G.E.C. " Copenhagen"' Radiant Fire. 2KW. Half heat switch . B.E.A.B . approved. Catalogue Number ............. 415/0822 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.37 £5.90 29 MAGICOAL " Berrylog " Electric Fire. 1Y2KW. B.E.A.B. approved. (Surround not included). Catalogue Number.................. 415/ 0176 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.50 £15.76 30 MAGICOAL " Berrywell " Electric Fire. 2 112KW. B.E.A.B. approved . (Surround not inc luded). Catalogue Number... .. ........... 415/0190 Recommended Retail Argos Price



31 SPREDAIRE "' Hearthglow'' Effect Fitting. To fit 16# grates. (Notsupplied). Not a heater. Coal Effect Catalogue Number ..... 41 5/0994 Log Effect Catalogue Number ..... 415/ 0310 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.66 £3.75

1 RIMA Oil Fitted Radiators. Thermostatically controlled . B.E.A.B. app roved . Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 415/0547 750W £16.72 £13.25 415/ 0578 1KW £19.06 £15.25 2 ASL Airflow 1KW Oil Filled Etectnc Radiator . The rmostatica lly controll ed . B.E .A.B . approved . Catalogue Number ................ 415/ 0561 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.28 £12.95 3 ELECTROLUX Oil Filled Electric Radtators . B.EA B. approved Catalogue Argas Rec . Number Retatl Price 415/ 0554 ?SOW £17 03 £13.75 415/0585 1KW £20 .02 £15.50 415/0592 1112KW £23 98 £19.25 415/0602 1VzKW low ltne £2424 £19.25 4 RIMA Heat / Light Untt ?SOW . Heat and ltght can work separately B E.A.B approved . Catalogue Number... 415/0884 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .91 £6.25 5 SELEX lnfralux Stngle Heat/Light Untt . 250W infra- red tamp . Catalogue Number. .. 415/0901 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.60 £1.95 6 SE LEX · tn fra tux Double Heat/Ltght Fttting . Two infra-red lamps. SOOW Catalogue Number... 415/ 0918 Recommended Retatl Argos Price £4.80 £3.95 7 SELEX "Sundowner" Heat/Ltght Filttng . 750W. Heat and light can work separately. B.E.A.B . approved .

Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£12.00 8 RIMA De luxe Heat/light Heat and tight can work approved . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £9.31 9 SUNHOUSE 1KW 8 E.A.B approved . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £7 .SS 10 BERRY MAGICOAL 2KW Heater Thermostattcally B.E A 8 approved Catalogue Number.. Recommended Reta il £11 64 11 MORPHY RICHARDS ant Convector Heater . 1 1'12KW convector B.E.A.B Catalogue Number Recommended Retatl £14 .23 12 MORPHY RICHARDS vector Heater. 2KW with the,rmc,stal. trot. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £12 .12 13 PR ILECT 2KW Convector temperature settings B.E.A.B. approved Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £9 .15

""' 'h l1mo Sw1tch. ll olpproved . 415/0736 Argas Price C11 .95

22 ASL Airflow 750W Nursery Convector Heater. Automatic sa fety cut-out. Catalogue N umber... .. .. 415/0640 Recommended Retail Argas Price £10.41 C8.25

1\i•,lm Heaters. .1pproved. ll N:: Argas llCl !.lll Price I •, 96 C4.75 '• 78 C4.55

23 EKCO 2KW Convector Heater . Heat stabi liser and temperature control. B.E.A.B . approved . Catalogue Number... . 415/0695 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.07 £12.85



415/0963 Argas Price £4.25 Hea ter. 1KW A B approved. 415/0956 Argas Price £3.80


Heate r. 750W . 41511003 Argas Price £3. 50 W<1ll mount-

24 EKCO Convector Heaters. Automatic heat control on 2KW model only . B.E.A.B. approved. Argas Catalogue Rec . Price Number Retail C8.15 415/0633 1KW £10.20 £11.13 C8.95 415/0657 2 KW 25 EKCO Radiant/Convector Heater. 1KW radiant and 1 1hKW convector. Catalogue Number..... ......... 415/0712 Recommended Retail Argas Price £18.59 £14.75 26 EKCO Radiant /Convector Heater. 1KW radiant and 1 V2 KW convector. B .E.A B. approved. Catalogue Number 415/0688 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.44 £11 .55

415/ 0932 Argas Price £5. 10 ll Hea ter . Free onq 8 E. A.B

415/0626 Argas Price £7. 50 I

.m t/Convector B.E.A.B.

11\ ed.

415/0705 Argas Price £12.95

For details' of ARGOS credit facilities please see page 9. We also accept Access Card and Barclaycard.

output. B.E.A.B. approved Catalogue Number. . ............. 415/0 372 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.66 £6 .20 1 RIMA Indu strial Fan Heater. put . Catalogue Number ........... . 415/05 16 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.29 £10.95

2 HOOVER Fan Heater. Choice of 1KW or 2KW heat or cool air. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . ........ 415/ 0437 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9 .50 £7.60 3 HOOVER 3KW Fan Heater. Thermostat CDn trol. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ..... . .......... .. 415/ 0509 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 1.76 £9.45 4 G.E.C ' T rop1cana" 2KW Fan Heater. Choice of heats . B.E.A.B. approved Catalogu e Number ................... 415/0475 Recommended Reta il £9 .43

6 MORPHY RICHARDS "Caribbean " De Luxe 2KW Fan Heater. B.E .A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ................. 415/ 0482 Recomm ended Reta il Argos Price £10.29 £7.75

!~a~Kg~o~~:V :t~ H~=:~r. 0~a~~~:e J

B.E.A.B. approved . Ca talog u e Number Recommended Retai l £13.51

Argt £10 .

7 SUNHOUSE " Galaxy " Radiant Fan Heater. 1KW rad iant and 2KW fan . Catalogue Number. .. 415/ 0808 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14.88 £12.25

11 EKCQ Fan Heater. Cho1ce of 1,300W or 2,000W heat or cool air . ! approved . Catalogu e Number ... Recommended Retail Argt £9 .38 £7.5

8 " Turbollo Hi " 2 1hKW Fan Heater. For wall mounting . AdJUSt angle to use as hair dryer or airer. Catalogue Number... .. ........... 415/0530 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11 .25 £14 .10

12 SUNHOU SE " Sunbreeze " Fan Choice of 1KW or 2KW heat or 1 AdJustable legs Catalogue Number ......... 4 Recommended Retai l Arg• £8 .56 £6.8

9 EKCO Wood -gram Fin1sh Fan Heater . 1KW or 2KW heat output. B.E.A.B. ap proved

13 SUNHOUSE " Sunbreeze " Fan Choi ce o f 1KW, 2KW or 3KW heal

18 VENT AXIA Wall Unit. Automatic shutter. Flush fitting. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 415/ 0107 9V4" sq . hole £26.56 £21.25 415/ 0114 12¥4'' sq . hole £34 .59 £27.50 19 XPELAIR 6" Wall Extractor Fan . Flush fitting . B.E.A.B . approved . Catalogue Number.. . . ... 415/0042 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21 .72 £16.25 20 XPELAIR Window/Wall Extractor Fan. Cord operated switch . Fits 7Y4 ~ diameter hole . Catalogue Number ................... 41 5/0035 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.78 £9.55 21 XPELAIR Window/Wall Extractor Fan. Fits 101fs'' diameter hole. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .................... 415/0059 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21.72 £16.25 22 XPELAIR Window Extractor Fan . Cord operated switch . F1ts 7Y4H diameter hole. Catalogue Number.................... 415/0028 Recommended Reta•l Argas Price £8.80 £6.50 23 XPELAIR " Taurus" 8" Table/Wall Fan . Automatic oscillation. 2-speed control. Tilting head . (Spain). Catalogue Number... .415/0365 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.90 £6.55 24 PIFCO '" Spinair" Oscillating Electric Fan . Table model , 2-speed . Blade span 8". (Italy) . Catalogue Number .................. 415/0396 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.68 £5.70 25 PIFCO Junior Electric Fan . Blade span 6". Table model with adjustable stand . Catalogue Number .................... 415/0358 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.26 £2.45 26 XPELAIR " Taurus" 10" Table/ Wall Fan . Automatic oscillation . 2-speed c ontrol. Tilting head . (Spain). Catalogue Number .. 415/0499 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.57 £9.45 27 PIFCO De Luxe Electric Fan . Blade span 8" Table model with tilt action stand . Catalogue Number ................... 415/0341 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.47 £3.30 28 PIFCO " Concord " 2-speed Electric Fan . Suitable for table or wall . Blade span 8W' Catalogue Number .................... 415/0334 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.20 £3.90 29 PIFCO Oscillating Electric Fan . Blade spal) 9 ~ 2-speed . Push button sw•tches. (Taiwan) . Catalogue Number ................. 415/0420 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.98 £6.70 30 SEEBREEZ Domestic Ozon1fier. Freshens the air with ozone . Catalogue Number ................... 415/0066 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.82 £5.90 31 XPELAIR Powered Humidifier. Capacity 10 pints. B.E.A.B . approved . Catalogue Number .................. 415/0073 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21 .54 £16.50

ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events.

1 Cushions. Dralon cover with zip . Feather filling . Gold Catalogue Number .......... 125/0134 Green Catalogue Number.......... 125/0141 Tango Catalogue Number .......... 125/0158 Recomme1ded Retail Argas Price £2.92 £2.25

two low back chairs and a two seater settee. Zipped cushions. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .... .... 610/0090 Red Gold Catalogue Number ........ 610/0100 Oatmeal Catalogue Number........ 610/0117 Recommended Retail Argas Price £54.21 £43.35

8 Trolley. Two tier in solid teak and teak veneer. Size 26 x ~8 V2"' X 25". Catalogue Number.. . .......... 640/0305 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.58 £13.95

2 Prints for Pleasure. " The Census" by Brueghel. Framed print. Size 24"'x ~ 8". Catalogue Number .. ................... 640/1555 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.94 £4.50

High back chair to match above. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ....... 610/0131 Red Gold Catalogue Number....... 610/0162 Oatmeal Catalogue Number... .. 610/0179 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.58 £13.95

Argas Price £14.45 £15.65

3 Wroug1t Iron Framed Mirror. White stove ena·n elled finish . Catalogut Number .................... 640/0161 Recommended Retai~ Argas Price £8.90 £6.15 4 HYWARE Perspex Aquarium . 36"' bow front . Silicone sealed. Catalogu! Number .. .......... 640/0556 Argas Price RecommEnded Retail £21.90 £27 .39 5 CENTA Cottage Style Suite. Comprises

6 CELBAITE Smokers ' Stand . Lacquered copper finish with teak print. Height 20". Catalogue Number .................. 640/0680 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.86 £2.15 7 MOULINEX Humidifier. Maintains humidity in centrally heated rooms. (France). Catalogue Number .................... 640/0862 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5 .95 £4.60


9 Oval Tabl e. Smoked glass top. 42". Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 610/0186 Teak Finish £20.62 610/0193 White Finish £22.32


10 WOODMET Tray. Silver coloured, diamond cut pattern on black background . Size 18"x12". Catalogue Number.................... 640/0800 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6 .25 ~ £4.70 11 Pouffe/Storage Box . Fabric covered padded top. PVC fining . Size 20 V2"'x 20 V2 X13¥-t high . Catalogue Number.. .. ... 640/0903 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16~ £11S5 8


13 Workbasket Pouffe. Cut Fully lined with underside cushioned . Size 18V2 8 X 14 V2 8 X Gold Catalogue Number ... Blue Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £7 .50 14 Square Pouffe. Traditional filling . high . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £2.05 15 C.K . Rug Chest. Lift off tray On castors. Size 36~x ~8 X 17~ Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £28.30 8

t rlf' Table. White

top 630/0041 Argas Price £:6.75

ut velvet cover. 14~ hig h . ... 640/0460 ..... 640/ 0477 Argas Price £5.35 rHtn White finished upholstered lid . .. 630/0034 Argos Price £:10.45

..... 640/0374 ........ .... 640/0381 ....... 640/0398 Argas Price £:4.20 Tray. Anodised gold 21"X 14"X8" high . ... .640/0109 Argos Price £:9.95


....... ............ 640/0817 Argos Price £4.10 Troy. Laminate base with scenes and gallery



~.,:~',:'l.ilo.,..O .;wm btr. Hotall

.. ...... 640/0790 Argos Price £5.65

1 1 rray Gold coloured anon Mesh pattern base. Argos Rec. Retail Price £5.80 £4.35 £5.10 £3.85 £3.90 £2.95

1 Occasional Table. Chromium plated frame. Smoked glass top. Heigt'!t 16" Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 610/ 0069 25" x 19V2" £:19.70 £13.80 610/ 0076 42"X 21 " £32.70 £:22.90

2 Long John Table. Teak veneer top. Detachable legs. Length 48". Catalogue Number... . ....... 610/ 0241 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.32


3 "' Magyar" ' Octagonal Aug . Diameter 45•. Catalogue Number.. .. .. 130/ 0132 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £:6.50 4 Occasional Table. Smoked glass top. Diameter 30". Teak Finish Cat. Number .......... 610/ 0203 White Finish Cat. Number .......... 610/ 0210

Recommended Retail £17.69

Argos Price £12.40

5 Nest of 3 Tables. Teak veneer. Large table size 22" X15V2"X 19'' high. Catalogue Number .................... 610/ 0258 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:20.81 £14.75 6 Smoked Glass Top Table . Rimmed top. Diameter 30". Aec . Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number £19.51 £13.65 610/ 0227 Teak Finish 610/ 0234 White Finish £20.65 £14.45 7 CENTA Occasional Table . Teak veneer top . Slatted shelf. Size 41 "x 1r x 15V2" high . (Ruman1a) Catalogue Number.. .. 610/ 0021 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .00 £8.80

8 WOODMET " lrina " Trolley . Electrically heated top tray. Size 27"" x 17". (W . Germany). Catalogue Number.. . ... 640/ 0350 Recommended Retail Argos Price £39.50 £31 .60 9 " Magyar"' Octagonal Rug . Diameter 45". Beige Catalogue Number ........ 130/ 0118 Orange Catalogue Number ........ 130/ 01 25 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £6.50

10 WOODMET Trolley. Fixed trays. Laminate base with rosewood finish . Size 19"x 14". Catalogue Number.. . ..... 640/ 0329 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.95 £14.95 11 WOODMET Trolley. Aluminium frame with anodised gold coloured finish. F1xed trays. Laminate base with teak finish . Size 19"x 14".

Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £:9.95 12 Hunting Horn. Polished and finish . Size 9W' overall. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £1.80 13 Brass Coal Bucket. with lacquered finish . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail


Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £10.25

... ............. 64011452 Argos Price £4.60 1tm Brass lions head pat•• d cast feet . Diameter 8H.

...... ......... 640/1256 Argos Price £5.60

c 1p,m1on Set. Comprises to ngs and black

......... ..... 640/1483 Argos Price £3.45

Catalogue Number .................... 640/1421 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.45 £0.95

22 Copper Chalice Vase. Removable brassed wire grille. Diameter 5¥2". Catalogue Number.. . ..... 640/1359 Recommended Retail Argos Price

19 Coal Helmet. Polished and lacquered finish . Height 10H. Rec. Catalogue Argos Number • Retail Price 640/1438 Copper £10.80 £7.70 640/1445 Brass £10.15 £6.55


20 Brass Planter. Embossed patt9rn. Diameter 6H. Catalogue Number .................... 640/1263 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.36 £1.65 21 Copper Maslin Pan. Brass handle and decorations. Diameter 8¥2". Catalogue Number.................... 640/1366 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.00 £5.95


23 Brass Hot Water Can . Polished and lacquered finish. Height 101f2H. Catalogue Number .................... 64011373 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.50 £7.10 24 Pair of Brass Wall Plaques. ·Assorted scenes . Diameter 9Y2". Catalogue Number .................... 640/1407 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .45 £0.95 25 Copper Boot Beer Muller. Polished and lacquered finish . Overall length 18", height 7". Catalogue Number.................... 64011380

Recommended Aetail


Argos Price £4.85

26 Brass Watering Can. Embossed pattern. Suitable for indoor plants. Catalogue Number .................... 640/1294 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £2.75 27 Copper Watering Can . Brass handle. Suitable for indoor plants. Catalogue Number .... ........ ...... 640/1287 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.60 £2.50 28 Planter. Rectangular trough with cast handles and feet. Rec . Catalogue Argos Number Retail Price 640/1232 14" Brass £6.25 £4.40 £4.40 £6.25 640/1225 14" Copper £5.25 £3.65 640/1249 11" Copper

1 Penod Style Wall Console Table. Gilt leaf with marble top . Size 35W'x 9W' X29W'. Catalogue Number ................... 640/ 0013 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.70 £26.15

5 Period Style Console Table . Gilt leaf frame. Marble top . Size 34NX13''x 27" high . Catalogue Number .................. 640/1029 Recommended Retail Argos Price £35.70 £27.75

9 Velvet Miniature. 3 reproduction prints of old masters. Size 16"x 4". Catalogue Number .................... 640/ 0927 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.65


2 Period Style Gilt Framed Mirror. Size 2r x 16~ • Catalogu e Number .. . ........ 640/ 1108 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .55 £3.55

6 Wrought Iron Framed Mirror. Black stove enamelled finish . Catalogue Number .................. 640/ 0178 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.82 £4.55

10 Hand Painted P1cture. Gilt frame . Size 18"X 15" Catalogue Number ................. 640/1146 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.80 £11.90

14 Period Style G11t Leaf Framed Size 29 ~x t 7" Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £13.75

3 Period Style Console Table. Decorated in gold colour. Marble top . Size 23'hNx 91f2''X 21 " high. Catalogue Number .................. 640/1050 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.65 £13.30

7 Telephone Table. Black stove enamelled wrought iron . Glass top . Catalogue Number .................... 640/0185 Recommended Retail Argos Price

11 Velvet Min1ature. 2 reproduct1on prints of old masters . S1ze 10"x 3 V::!" Catalogue Number . . ...... 640/0958 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.10 £1.65

4 Period Style Gilt Leaf Framed Mirror. Size 42" x 28" Catalogue Number ........... 640/1012 Recommended Retail Argos Price £36.30 £28.75



8 Framed Reproduction Print . Size 19"X 13". Catalogue Number .................... 640/1122 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.65 £3.60

12 Period Style Gilt Framed Picture. Reproduction pri nt. Size 17" x 14" Catalogue Number .................... 640/ 0989 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.10 £2.45

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail

15 Period Style Gilt Framed M1rror. 34 "X 18 V2~.

Catalogue Number. . Recommended Retail £8.70

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £3.05

21 Period Style Gill Leaf Framed M•rror. Size 32hx 17'h ~. Cat alogue Number.. .. ........... 640/1005 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.45 £12.95

25 Hand Painted Picture. Gilt frame . Size 13Y2nX 10Y2" Catalogue Number .. .. ........... 64011139 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.90 £6.35

29 Velvet Miniatures. 3 reproduction prints of old masters. Size 7"X5Y2". Catalogue Number .. . ......... 640/0910 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .85 £3.85

.... ........... 640/0068 Argos Price £3.95

22 Period Style Gilt Leaf Framed Mirror. Size 34"x 20". Catalogue Number ................... 640/0037 Recommended Retail Argos Price £20.70 £16.55

26 Velvet Miniatures. 3 reproduction pnnts of old masters . Size 15 "x 3'14 ~. Catalogue Number .................... 640/0934 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.65 £2.10

30 Velvet Miniatures. Set of 3 reproduction prints of old masters. Size 4" x Y. Catalogue Number .................... 640/0941 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2 .65 £2.10

' '1•11nd Style Gill Leaf Framed Mirror. ' .1;' 2 3~ •t•logue Number ............. .. ..... 640/0044 omrnended Retail Argos Price bO £14.90

23 Period Style Gilt Framed Mirror. Size 29hx 17". Catalogue Number .................... 640/0051 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.25 £7.70

27 Metal Framed Miniature . ReproductiOn print of old master. Size 17" X12". Catalogue Number .................. 640/0996 Recommended Retail Argos Price

31 Metal Framed Miniatures. Set of 3 reproduction prints. Size 8"X5 1h " Catalogue Number ................... 640/0965 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.25 £2.60

24 Antiqued Metal Framed Strull Mirror Size 17" x 9'h''. Catalogue Number .. .. ..... 640/0075 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.30 £3.25

28 Set of 3 Miniatures . Reproduction silk prints with metal frames. Sizes 5'12~X 4 " . 7"x 5" and 8"x 5Y2H Catalogue Number ...... .. ............ 640/0972 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.65 £2.70

Ant>qued Metal Framed Strut! Mirror. ,,,, c< T'. .................... 640/0082 Argos Price £2.45


• l'w,od Style Gill Framed Mirror. Size


l'•·r>od Style Gilt Framed Mirror. Size •t•togu e Number .................... 64011098 wnrnended Retail Argos Price ,,, £9.95



Please note : We regret it may not always be possible to supply the reproductionS illustrated. Alternative prints are availabte.

1 Horse Brass Martingale. Polished and lacquered brasses. Catalogue Argos Aec . Price Number Retail 640/ 1335 5 Brasses £4.00 £2.80 64011328 6 Brasses £4.80 £3.35 2 Horse Brass Martingale. Four polished and lacquered brasses. Length 19". Catalogue Number.. . .. 64011342 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 Prints For Pleasure. " Spanish Fishing Boats" by Bruce. Framed print size 30~x 12". Catalogue Number ..................... 640/1517 Recommended Retail • Argos Price



mine surface construction . Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 610/ 0409 Cupboard Unit £19 .30 610/ 0416 Shelf Unit £12.93 610/ 0423 Corner Unit £15.50 610/0430 Low Unit £9.49

Argos Price £15.45

Gold Catalogu e Number . ........... 61 Red Catalogue Number•...... ..... 61 Recommended Retail Argo £30.20 £22.6

10 Trolley. Chromium plated frame. Smoked glass shelves. Size 34 ~x 19 ~x 26 1h'' high. Catalogue Numbe r .. . . . .. 610/ 0083 Recommended Retail Argos Price £37.50 £28.10

14 Nest of 3 Tables. Regency style. gany finish . Large table size 23"x1 high. Catalogue Number .................... 61 Recommended Retail Argo £42.30 £31.7

£9.95 £11 .95 £6.95

6 Miniature Cannon . Cast iron . Black fi nish with brass barrel. Size g ~ Catalogue Number.. . .......... .. 640/ 1311 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £2.75 7 Copper Planter. Embossed pattern. Polished and lacquered . Diameter 5 ~ . Catalogue Number ..................... 640/ 1270 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .75 £1.25

4 Pair of Brass Wall Plaques. Polished and lacquered finish. Diameter 14~. Catalogue Number ..................... 640/1397 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.25 £1 .65

Catalogue Number ..................... 640/ 0570 Recommended Retail Argos Price

5 Wall Units. Free standing and interchangeable. Lacquered beech and Mela-

9 " Serpentine·· Table. Mirror edged glass

8 HYWAAE Aquarium. Hinged cover. Size

16v.. ~x 7 V.."x 8". Capacity 2~ gallons . £1 .65

......... 610/ 0375 Argos Price £19.95


11 Axminster " Casual Care" Aug . washable polyp ropylene. Catalogue Aec . Retail Number £5.66 130/0149 36 ~x 63" 130/ 0170 27 ~ X 53~ £3.60

100% Argos Price £3.95


12 CELBR ITE Smokers' Stand . Brassed and simulated onyx finish . Catalogue Number .................... 640/ 0697 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4 .29 £3.20 13 Nest of 3 Tables. Regency style. Mahogany frame and legs with leather top. Size overall 22"X 14 ~x 20" high.

15 Nest of 3 Tables. Queen AnnE Mahogany finish. Large table si X 16W'x 22" high . Catalogue Number .................... 61 Recommended Retail Argo £47.50 £35.6

16 Coffee Table. Modern design. Sl packed flat , easily assembled . Purple Catalogue Number ........ 61 Orange Catalogue Number ....... 61 White Catalogue Number ........ 61 Recommended Retail Argo £10.00 £7.50

..... ........... .640/ 0769 Argos Price £1.80 Folding frame . ...... .......... 610/ 001 4 Argos Price £8.15 Nost of 3 Tables. Marble tops. Large table size ....... ......... 610/ 0289 Argos Price £35.50

Mahogany based with nete r 14 ~. height 20". Nu mber ............. 610/ 0502 Nu mber........... 610/ 0351 He tail Argas Price £5.60

1 Period Style Gilt Framed Mirror Set. Mirror size 29nx151!2''. Argos Rec. Catalogue Number Retail Price 640/ 1067 Mi rror £5.20 £6 .60 £4.30 £3.45 640/ 1074 Console £2.45 £3.05 640/ 1081 Candelabra 2 Prints For Pleasure. " Juli ette " by Leighton-Jones. Framed print size 30dx 12~. Catalogu e Number.. . ..... 640/ 1531 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3 .99 £2.95 3 Barometer. Double horseshoe with horse brass. Black finish . Catalogu e Number .. 640/ 1153 Recommended Reta11 Argas Price £7.50 £5.95

7 Axmin ster Wove n Rug. Size 54 8 X78". Catalogue Number... .... . .. ..... 130/0211 Withdrawn 8 FIN LAND IA '"Rya " Rectangular Pure wool with long pile. Catalogu e Rec . Number Retail 130/ 0022 Beige 4'x 2' 3'' £8 .16 130/ 0015 0 range4 'X 2' Y£8.16 130/ 0039 Beige 5'X 3' £13.60 130/ 0046 Oran9e 5'X 3 ' £13.60

Rugs. Argas Price £5.75 £5.75 £9.50 £9.50

9 TRAIL Axm inster Woven Circul ar Rug. 3" fringe. Diameter 7' 6". (We will deliver). Catalogu e Number .. . ...... 130/ 0194 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £22.22 £14.95

4 Hat and Coat Rack . White stove enamelled . S1ze 30"x 1 0W' x 6 ~. Catalogue Number ................ .... 640/0202 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.15 £2.55

10 TRAIL Axminster Woven Circular Aug. 3" fringe. Diameter 7' 6". (We w ill deliver). Catalogue Number.. .. . ..130/ 0204 Recommended Retai l Argos Price

5 Shaped Ornamental Jug . Lacquered copper aRd brass. Height 11 ". Cata logu e Number.. . .......... 640/ 1304 Recommended Retail Argos Price

11 FI NLANDIA ' "Rya " Rectangular Rugs . Pure wool wit h long pile. Size 4 ' s ~x 2 ' 3". Curry Cat. No ..... .... ..... 130/ 0084 Persian Orange Cat. No .............. 130/0091 Turkish Red Cat. No ........ .. .... 130/ 0101 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.12 £6.35



6 CENT A Telephone Table. Modern desig n. Vinyl covered cushion. Size 39"X 16 ~x 2 1 high . (Ruman ian) . Catalogue Number... . .... .. 610/0272 Recommended Retail Argas Price £18.15 £13.95




12 FINLANDIA wool with long C.urry Turkish Red

" Rya'' Ci rcul ar Rugs. Pure pile. Diameter 4' 6". Cat. No .. . ....... . 130/ 0060 Cat. No .. ........ ... 130/ 0053

Persian Orange Cat. No ...... ... .... 130/0077 Recommended Retail Argas Price £18.40 £12.95 13 Axminster Rectangular Rug. Size 54 ~x 27". Catalogue Number .. ......... 130/ 0228 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.45 £3.08 14 TRAIL Aya Styled Rug . Catalogue Rec . Number Retail 130/ 0235 54"X 21 ~ £4.50 £12.10 130/ 0266 54"X 78"

Argas Price £3.45 £8.45

15 TRAIL Rya Styled Rug . Catalogue Aec. Number Retail 130/ 0242 54"x 21 " £4 .50 130/ 0273 54 ~x 78 " £12.10

Argas Price £3.45 £8.45

16 TRAIL Aya Styled Rug . Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 130/0259 54" X21" £4.50 130/ 0280 54"x 78" £12.10

Red Catalogue Number. 125/oj· Beige Catalogue Number. ::::::::: 12510 1 Reco mmended Retai l Argas P £4.15 £2.95 19 Pair of Cushions. Brocade covers. Gold Catalogue Number.. . .. ... 12510 Red Catalogue Number ...... ..... 125/ 0 1 Green Catalogue Number .... ... .... 125/ 0 Recommended Retail · Argas PI £4.15 £2.95 1

20 Cushion . Woven rayon brocatelle fi cover. wi th zip . Feather fill ing . Size X 20". Gold Catalogue Number.. 125/ 0 Green Catalogue Number.. 125/ 0


Argos Price £3.45 £8.45

17 Pair of Cusllions. Brocade covers. Green/Red Catalogue Number... 125/ 0024 Gold/Brown Catalogue Number ... 125/0031 Gold/Green Catalogue Number...125/ 0017 Recommen ded Retail Argos Price £4.15 £2.95 18 Pair of Cushions. Brocade cove rs. Gold Catalogue Number.. .. 125/0172 Green Catalogue Number .......... 125/ 0189


~~~~u,:;~:n~:~~~:~~~ Number. A~~:;/~1 £2.90


21 Cushion . Acrylic velvet zipped cover braid edging . Feather fi ll ing. Size 1 x 17Y2". Gold Catalogue Number ...... ... . 125/ q

~~~en g::::~:~: ~~~:=~~~ ::::: :::~~~~~ Recommended Retail £3.12

Argas P £2.45

22 Cu sh ion. Screen printed cover. Fea filling. Size 20"x 20•. Green Catalogue Number .. . .. ... 125/Qi Beige Catalogue Number .. ........ 125/q Gold Catalogue Number .. ...... . 125/0 Recommended Retail Argas P £2.81 £2.20

7 HYWARE 18" Aquanum . Bow front. Capacity 8 gallons Catalogue Number ..... 640/0604 Recommended Reta1 l Arga s Price £4.55 £3.40

13 HAGO Nursery Fireguard . Size 48" x 27". Conforms to British Safety Standards. Catalogue Number.. . ...... 640/0738 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.18 £3.35

19 HYWARE Dog Bed. Hygieni c and tough . Width 24" Catalogue Number .................... 6 40/ 0587 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.25 £1.75

Chro m1um plated wirework high. 11• Num ber ... . ........... 640/0518 ndod Retail Argas Price £2.80

8 HYWARE Aquanum K1l. Filter. lamps, heater. thermostat. pump and thermometer. Catalogu e Number. .. .... 640/0594 Recommended Reta1l Argas Price £5.94 £4.75

14 CELBRITE Spark Guard . Chromed and silvered finish. Size 17" x8"X23- high . Catalogue Number..................... 640 / 0707 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.08 £2.30

20 GENYK " Piaycage". Bird cage w1th plastic base. Catalogue Number..... .. 640/0549 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.75 £5.90

.1qe Stand. Chromium plated full r•pod stand. Height 57" ue Nu mber .................... 640/0501 Argas Price £3.40

9 Collectors P1eces. Set of 12. Copper and brass kitchen/garden miniatures. Catalogu e Number ..................... 640/1184 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.85 £4.40

15 HAGO Fil't!guard . Extends to 5'. Height 27'. Conforms to British Safety Standards. Catalogue Number .................... 640/0745 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £4.84 £3.65

21 Shield Barometer. Armour bright. stove enamelled cind lacquered fin ish. Size 9" x 5". Catalogue Number.... . ...... 640/ 1160 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.85 £4.40

"" Spectra" Bird Cage. Chromium t m.~h . Plastic base. Size 18 71B ~x hig h. ' -.,u n Nu mber .................... 640/0525 nwnded Retail Argas Price

10 Collectors Pieces. Set o f 4. Copper and brass garden miniatures. Catalogue Numb er .................... 640/1201 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.30 £1.75

16 CELBR ITE Coal Box. Copper finish with liner. Height 14". Diameter 11". Catalogue Number ..................... 640/0721 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.95 £3.70

22 Barometer/Thermometer. Walnut style frame. Size 8"x6%" Catalogue Number .................... 640/ 0666 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £6.87 £5. 15

11 Collectors Pieces. Set of 6. Copper and brass k1tchen m1matures . Catalogue Number .................... 640/1191 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.80 £2.10

17 HEATHWARE Companion Set. Solid brass with four implements. Height 17¥4". Catalogue Number..................... 640/ 0484 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.75 £6.55

23 Barometer/Thermometer. Walnut style frame. Size 19V2''x5" Catalogue Number ................... 640/0673 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.92 £:5.95

12 Brass Letter Rack . Complete w1th sword style letter opener. Catalogue Number .................... 640/ 1218 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.65 £1.25

18 CELBRITE Companion Set. Copper and black finish . Comprises brush. shovel. tongs and poker. Height 17". Diameter 5". Catalogue Number .................... 640/0714 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.62 £3.45

24 Barometer/Thermometer. Walnut style frame. Size 21 ~x 6Y2t. Catalogue Number .. . ............ 640/0659 Recommended Retail Argas Price £:11.55 £8.65

1!1rd Cage and Stand. Chromed Plastic coated stand . Height

.................... 640/0491 Argas Price £7.15 . HJl'

~ 1ze 19" X 11 ~X 13~

£3.35 Tripod Bird Cage

......... 640/0532 Argas Price £3.25

.................... 640/0563 Argas Price £4.95


1 MORPHY AICHARDS Door Chime Kit. Gives two tone notes. Complete with bell push , cable and fixings. Catalogue Number..... . ..... .. .. 640/0855 Recommended Retail Argos Price

4 Console Table. White stove enamell ed wrought iron with glass top. Size 20WX10" x 10" deep. Catalogue Number ................... .640/0147 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£4 .08



5 Corner Planter. Wh ite stove enamelled . Black shelves. Size 1 r x 8Y2~X 36YzH high . Catalogue Number .. . . ........ 640/0192 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 HEATHWARE Pair of Candlesticks. Regency style. Solid brass. Catalogue Number .. .. ............. 640/0886 Recommended Retail Argos Price





8 WOOOMET Long John Table. Marble finish polyester top . Size 40Hx 15". Catalogue Number ..................... 610/0296 Recommended Retail Argos Price





3 Anchor Barometer. Cast iron . stove enamelled b lack and gold finish. Catalogue Number ...... .............. 640/1177 Recommended Retail Argos Price




2 Framed Mi rror. White stove enamelled wrought iron su rround . Size 31 ~x 171f2'' . Catalogue Number ..... 640/0154 Recommended Retail Argos Price


7 HEATHWARE Pair of Candlesticks. Period style. Solid brass. Catalogue Number ......... ..... .. .... 640/0879 Recommended Retail Argos Price


9 Axm inster " Casual Care" Rug . 100% washable polypropylene. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

130/0156 36~x 63" 130/0163 2r x 54 ~

£5.66 £3.60

£3.95 £2.65

MET Divan Bedhead Kit. Victorian .nodlsed aluminium . Argas Rec. Price Retail £10.80 £13.50 £13.15 £17.50

14 Prints For Pleasure. " The Haywain" by Constable. Framed print size 24 ~x 18" . Catalogue Number ..................... 64011579 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £3.99 £2.95 15 Prints For Pleasure. " October Morn " by Wood . Framed print size 24"x18". Cat alogue Number .... ..... .... .64011 586 Recommended Retai l Argas Price


Argas Price £4.50

Argas Price £2.95


16 Prints fo r Pleasure. " Evening Anchorage" by Jason. Framed print size 24•x 1a ~. Catalogue Number ..................... 640/ 1524 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.99 £2.95 17 Prints For Pleasure . " Evening Tide " by Bailey. Framed print size 24"X 18". Catalogue Number .. . . .. .... 640/ 1627 Recommended Retail Argo s Price



18 Pri nts For Pleasure. "" Industrial Landscape" by Lowry. Framed print size 24 ~x 1 8".

Catalogue Number .. .. . ... ........... 6401161 0 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price £6.94 £4.50 19 Prints For Pleasure. "The Fisherman 's Chi ldren " by Dallas Simpson. Framed print size 24"x 18". Catalogue Number .. . ..... .. ..640/ 1500 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £3.99 £2.95 20 Prints For Pleasure. " Innocence " by Mojer. Framed print size 24"x18". Catalogue Number ..................... 640/ 1548 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.99 £2.95 21 VONO " Rollaway 8" Bed. Sprung interior mattress. Double sided headboard forms table top when bed is folded. Size open 6' 6"' x2 ' 5"'. Size folded 3' 2"x 2' 8". (We

will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 630/ 0096 Recommended Retail Argas Price £29.28 £23.40 22 VONO " Stowaway 5" Folding Bed. Foam mattress. Size open 6' 4"X 2' 3". Cat alogue Number .................... 630/ 0072 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £12.57 £9.95 23 VONO "Stowaway 9" Foldi ng Bed. Vi nyl headboard. Foam mattress. Size open 6' 6" x 2' 3". Catalogue Number ... ... ......... .. .. .630/ 0089 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.73 £13.85 24 " Worcester Ware" Venetian Scene Tray. 12" folding legs. Size 19"x13". Catalogue Number... . ......... 640/ 0776 Recommended Retail Argas Price



1 HAGO Jardiniere. Brass plated scroll basket and legs. Size 26 VzNx 6"X 24" high . Catalogue Number ..................... 640/ 0123 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6 .16 £'4.90

9 SPAAKLETS Beertap . Fits 4 and cans. Keeps beer fresh for up to 4 we Catalogue Number... .. ........ 641 Recommended Retail Argo! £2.99 £2.39

2 " Worcester Ware". Set of 4 drum·shaped bms . Assorted decorations . Catalogue Number... .. ....... 640/0783 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.08 £1.55

10 SPARKLETS " Corkmaster' '. Pusl ton cork remover for standard wine b Catalogu e Number .................... 641 Recommended Retail Argof £1 .52 £1.20

3 SPAAKLETS " Executive" Syphon. Black and gold design . Catalogue Number... .. ...... 640/0271 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.60 £5.30

11 HAGO " Coronet " Hat stand . Rotatir Height 5 ' 3". Catalogue Number .................... 641 Recommended Retail Argo~ £12.76 £7.95

4 SPARKLETS " Aquarius " Syphon . Capa· city 1 litre . Catalogue Number. .. .... 640/ 0264 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5 .20 £4.15

12 Barometer/Thermometer/Hygro Size 19" x 6" Catalogue Number ..... .. ..... 64( Recommended Retatl Argo· £9.00 £7.20

5 SPARKLETS Ice Bowl. Separator and tongs. Capacity 21itres. Brown/ Black Cat. Number ........ . 640/ 0288 Red / Black Cat. Number ......... 640/0295 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.45 £5.15

13 Barometer I Thermometer I Hygro Size 11 Vz"X 5" Catalogue Number .................... 64( Argo ~ Recommended Retail £6.20 £4.95

6 SPARKLETS De Luxe Ice Bowl. Water separator. Clip·in tongs. Catalogue Number ........... .. ...... 640/ 0226 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5 .02 £3.95 7 SPARKLETS Ice Bowl. Water separator. Clip·in tongs . Catalogue Number .... ............. 640/0219 Argas Price Recommended Retail • £3.60 £4.51 8 SPAAKLETS Hostmaster Syphon. Use with a Sparklets bulb. Capacity 1 litre. Catalogue Number... .. 640/ 0257 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.17 £4.10

14 Barometer. Horse·shoe Diameter T Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £4.00

decot .. 64( Argo~


15 Barometer. Matt satin finish wilt brass ring. Diameter 7". Catalogue Number .. . . .......... 64( Recommended Retail Argot £4.80 £3.85

16 HAGO Jardiniere. Brass plated basket. Size 131Jz"x 6"x 5" high . Catalogue Number .................... 64( Recommended Retail Argos £2.76 £1.95

17 PRESIDENT "Lincoln '' Desk and Return Unit. Desk wilh 3 drawers . Pull out unil with 5 stationery trays. (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number .. ...... 660/0040 Recommended Retail Argos Price C75.24 £52.70 18 OUVETTI "Lettera 36" Portable Electric Typewriter. Carrying case. B.E.A.B. approved . (Spain). Catalogue Number.... . ......... 670/0706 Recommended Retail Argos Price £90.20 £55.00 19 STERLING Executtve Armchair. Swtvel and tilt action . (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number .................... 660/ 0112 Argos Price Recommended Retail £26.95 1:41.50 20 Wastepaper Bin . Silver anodised finish . Height 10". Catalogue Number.. . . ... 670/0490 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.86 £2.15 21 Desk Pen Unit. Bound m Luxan hide leather. size 5~"x 5 ~" Catalogue Number .. . ... 670/0311 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.65 £3 .80 22 Calendar and Pen Holder. Bound m Luxan hide leather. size 7 V2 ~, 2 Vz" Catalogue Number... . ........ 670/0342 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6. 10 £4.30 23 Cigarette Box.. Leather bound and cedar wood lined . Adjustable partition . Catalogue Number .................... 670/0366 Recommended Retail Argas Price C7 .20 £4.95 24 Desk Cigarette Box . Handmade m leather with wooden interior. Black Catalogue Number ........... 670/0373 Red Catalogue Number ........... 670/0380 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.50 £:5.95 25 DESMO Home Office File . Plastic covered wood foundation . Complete with 10 suspended files and index tabs. Green Catalogue Number ........... 670/0665 Blue Catalogue Number .......... 670/0672 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.15 £5.55 26 Perpetual Calendar and Pen Holder. Silver anodised finish . Catalogue Number... ... 670/0359 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .92 £5.95 27 Desk Ashtray . Silver anodised finis~ . Diameter 5 V2" Catalogue Number .................... 670/0438 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.08 £2.30 28 FONAOEK " Copal '" Electric Otgttal Clock . Mini-sized model. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. . .. 670/0627 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .06 £4.95 29 Automatic Digital Calendar. Diameter 3". Red Catalogue Number ............ 670/0328 Black Catalogue Number ............ 670/0335 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.50 £3.85

1 WESTMINSTER Home Desk. Complete office, closes to 4H'4"X15W'x 28 1h " high. (We will deliver). Cataloiue Number..... . .......... 660/0129 Recommended Retail Argos Prlce £31 .85 £23.90

7 MYERS Floor Ashtray. easy cleaning . Black Catak)gue Number... Red Catalogue Number.... Grey Cataktgue Number... Recommended Retail

£2.95 2 FONADEK " Copal " Electric Digital Clock. De luxe alarm model. (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 670/0634 Recommended Retai I Argos Price £13.22 £9.25 3 Desk Blotter. Honey coloured leather. Size 191f.z"X 11'!h". Catalogue Number .................... 670/0414 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £4.75 £3.35

4 SMITH-CORONA " Calypso " Portable Typewriter. 84 character keyboard. Cataktgue Number ..................... 670/0713 Recommended Retail Argos Price £26.95 £16.50 5 STERLING Side Chair. Mahogany finish, upholstered seat and back. Catalogue Number... . .......... 660/0071 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.06 £10.50 6 MYERS " Systemtray 44". 6 anti-static plastic trays , with 5 sets of risers. Catalogue Number ................. ... 670/0548 Recommended Retail Argo• Price



8 "Veloset" Letter Tra'y Unit. Steel frame with removable trays. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 670/0562 3 tier £2.70 £3.75 670/0579 5 tier

9 PRESIDENT " Columbus" Booke&l Teak veneer with glass front. Size 'Jt1 14V:z"x 42Y4" high. Adjustable shelves. will deliver). Catalogue Number... ..660 Recommended Retail Argos £36.96 £27.90

~~z=l~i7!;x~~~~~~~~~~g~~binet. 10dra'1

Cataktgue Number......... .... .... .... 680/011 Recommended Retail Argos £12.24 £9.20


11 " Personal Portfolio ". PVC cov1 filing unit. with lock. Black Catalogue Number ... ..... 670/ Maroon Catalogue Number ........ 670/ Recommended Retail Argoa £3.30 £2.30

Argos Price £12.80 l ettera 32" Portable Typelllbulato r. Zip case. (Spain) . Humber ..... ................ 670/0823 Argos Price £27.00

.. ................. 670/0421 Argos Price tll.90 Nil URE Home Office. For comlnr.lge . Closes to 42"X20"X30"

•·lt rl(l liver).

Humber ..... ............... 660/0136 t1 nctall Argos Price £53.85

18 WAYMASTER Letter/Parcel Scale. Weighs by Y2 ozs. up to 1 lb .. then by 2 ozs. up to 14 lbs. Replaceable postal plate. Catalogue Number..... .............. 670/6-139 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.85 £2.70 19 WAYMASTER Parcel Scale. Weighs by 2 ozs. up to 22 lbs. and in grammes. Replaceable postal plate. Catalogue Number .................... 670/0122 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.63 £2.55 20 ADDRESS Book. Bound in leather with gold coloured lettering. Sheet size 6Y2"x 5'!0". Catalogue Number... ..... 670/0586 Argos Price Recommended Retail £2.55 £1 .80 21 Steel Document Box . Size 1S~x 11 "x 47fl ~. Yale type lock. Catalogue Number .................... 670/0517 Recommended Retail Argos PriCe

£5.50 Argos Price £1.30

£3.98 ..... ............ 670/0146 Argos Price £21 .30


22 Steel Cash Box. Complete with coin tray. Size 12" x 9}"x2i". Catalogue Number.................. 670/0500 Recommended Retail Argos Price


1 PRESIDENT " Lincoln" Double Pedestal Desk. 6 drawer. Size 60" x 29W'x 28V2• high. {We will deliver). Catalogue Number............... ..... 6(;0/0033 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 Steel Filing Cabinet. 4 drawer. Fitted with lock. Size 24•x18"x 52" high. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ......... 860/0208 Recommended Retail Argos Price £30.11 £21.20

2 HANIMEX Electronic Desk Calculator. 12 digit. Mains operated. (Taiwan). Catalogue Number ........ 670/0098 Recommended Retail Argos Price £63.35 £4<1.35

5 STERLING Side Armchair. Mahogany finish . Fully upholstered. . .... 860/0095 Catalogue Number..... Argos Price Recommended Retail £22.22 £15.70

3 IMPERIAL Portable Typewriter. &a character keyboard. 9 position pre-set tabulator. With case. (Japan). Catlllogue Number.... ....... ..... 670/0830 Recommended Retail Argos Prk::e £36.30 £24.25

6 PRESIDENT "Lincoln" Double Pedestal Desk. 4 drawer. Size 53Y.!•x 29Y.z"x 28'h.. high. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail £45.05

7 STERLING Armchair. Chrome base with tub style seat. Catalogue Number................... 660/0105 Recommended Retail Argos Price £28.64 £21 .50 8 SMITH-CORONA Office Electric Typewriter. 88 character keyboard. 15• carriage. (Canada). . .... 670/0737 Catalogue Number .. Argos Price Recommended Retail £99.00 £165.00 9 OMAL Rex Rotary Dictating Machine. Twin amplifier. (Denmark). Catalogue Number.... . ...... ... . 670/0012 Recommended Retail Argos Price £128.70 £96.55 10 HANIMEX " Bowmar" Electronic Calculator. Pocket sized , operates from mains or built-in battery. (Canada). Catalogue Number .................... 670/0108 Recommended Retail Argos Price £84.35 £59.00


~ tMl X Pocket Electronic Calculator. y operated . Supplied with case .


uo Number .................... 670/0081 woonded Retail Argos Price £:44.35 IV£ TTI " Muttisumma" Multiplier. For l1stmg and multiplying . Mains B E.A.B. approved . (Italy) . uo Nu mber .................... 670/0074 · mt'nded Retail Argos Price £:68.55

•• ~

OltVETTI Electric Adding/Listing Has non·add key and repeat key Htpl1cation. B .E.A.B. approved . (Italy). ue Number ..................... 670/0050 mended Retail Argos Price £30.60 (StOENT " Lincoln " Storage Unit. mah ogany veneer. Size 29Yz~ x · 26~'2" high . (We will deliver). .. ....... 660/ 0246 • gue Number... mended Retail Argos Price

£20.55 Vlit tors Book. Bound in leather , with pages. Sheet size a·x 11". • Catalogue Number .......... 670/0603 1 Catalogue Number .......... 670/0610 Hnmended Retail Argos Price £5.30 VHfSID ENT "Columbu s" Telephone 1 Teak veneer. Size 20Yz'' x 15V•·x

............. . .. 660/0253 Argos Price £:19 .70 OltVETTI " Summa Prima 20" Adding/ 1ftQ Machine. Hand operated . 2 colour out and credit balance signaL (Italy) . ... ~gue Number.. . .. 670/0067 ••m me nded Retail Argos Price t7 £41.90 Instrument Set. Comprises nrwlnq pen. compass half set , screw . w1th needles and leads. (Swiss) . • k)gue Number... .. ......... 670/0177 omme nded Retail Argos Price

• l


• OMAL Spirit Duplicator. Prints up to colours in one run . Ma)(imum paper 8'• , 13". (Denmark) . • k)gue Number ............. .. ..... 670/ 0043 ommended Retail Argos Price •o £44.55 •

tmblem " Slide Rule. Scale length m 13 different scales. Complete with ruct1ons. (Japan) . •~11t ogu e Number ........... ......... 670/ 0153 ommended Retail Argos Price X) £1 .55


I mb lem " Slide Rule. Scale length m 22 different scales. Complete with (Japan) . •tllogu e Number .................... 670/0160 ommended Retail Argos Price • 68 £:3.30 IUCIIOOS.

Volos" Trimmer. Cutting length H l/. •1fl 11 :r. Comp lete with guard . Ml logue Number... .. ......... 670/0184 omme nded Retail Argos Price


£5.95 Silver anodised Rec. Retai I C2.71 C3 .74

ends. Argos Price £1.95 £2.80

,. 01ctaphone 10" Portable Recording "' dHne. Mini·cassette lasts 30 minutes. WI .. S)

• t•logu e Number .............. ..... .670/0029 :ommended Retail Argos Price &0 £29.70

For details of ARGOS credit facilities, please see page 9

1 PRESIDENT Filing Cabinet. 4 drawer. Teak finish . Fitted with lock. Size 18:Y•• x 25"x 52 Y•~ high. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 660/0150 Recommended Retai l Argas Price



2 PRESIDENT Fi ling Cabinet . 3 drawer. Finished in sapele mahogany. Size 18W'x 25~x 40" high. Fitted with lock. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 660/0143 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price



3 PRESIDENT " Col u mbus" Wardrobe Unit. Teak veneer. Size 30"x 171h"x 65" high. (We w ill deliver). Catalogue Number Rec ommended Retai l Argos Price



PRESIDENT " Colu mbus" Cocktai l Cabi net/Bookcase. Teak veneer. Size 47¥2" x 14'h"X 42Y• " high . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ........ 660/0291 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price



5 PRESIDENT .. Lincol n" Storage Unit. Sapele mahogany veneer. Sliding doors. Size 581h~x t71h~x 28" hig h. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ..................... 660/0260 Recommended Retail Argos Price




SID ENT " Lincoln " Clerical Desk. tlwor and pull-out in sing le pedestal. c2·· 281/2~ high . (We will deliver) . ... togue Number ....... .. ......... ... 660/0019 nm rnended Retail Argos Price



t"t,[ SIOENT " Columbus" Coffee Table. veneer. Size 4r x 171f2• x 14'h" high . ... logue Number .............. .. ... .660/0301 ®"~m en ded Retail Argos Price £8.20 • n' LEY Fi ling Cabinet. One filing drawer .. th ree 3'12" drawers. Size 18'h.x 18Y2"x ntgh (We will deliver) . ..•logue Number .... .. ...... .... .. ..660/0181 :ommended Retail Argos Price 1/6 £16 .35 •

SLEY Storage Unit . 5 drawer. Overall 16'trtx 11 "x13· high . ... togue Number ............ ... ..... 660/0167 ommended Retail A.rgos Price £5.15 Steel Storag e Cupboard . Adjustable ~., Size 72"x36"x18" high . (We will

. ... . .. .... 660/ 0239 Argos Price £19.95 •

HEE R PR IDE Filing Cabinet. 3 drawer lock . Stove enamelled steel. Size • 18 · .: 40" high . (We will deliver) . •Utlogue Number... . ...... 660/0198 om mended Retail Argos Price £18.90 Beech frame

..... .. . . ... .. .. 660/0325 Argos Price £2.30 OM AL Stacking Chair. Stove enamelled llrame. Upholstered in PVC . tltlogue Number ... ... ..... ........ 660/ 0318 ommended Retail Argos Price £5.10 B-seated Stacking ., ., Suita ble for indoor or outdoor use. 'QO Catalogue Number... .. .... .. 600/0619 Cata logue Number.... 600/0035 ~mme nded Aetat l Argos Price 10 £4.85 ( ,(, ECO Stacking Chair Vinyl coated steel frame Potypropytene seat tlllogue Number ... .... 600/0183 ummended Aelatl Argos Price 1\ ~ £2 .50


Popular' Automatic Shreddt ng • hme Accepts ptns . c ltps and staples f tkl Wtd lh Y11 tlllogue Number .. 670/0115 nmmended Aeta tl Argas Price £:71.10



Duo 300"' Btndrng Machm e Punches produ ces plasttc spiral btndtng •lllogue Number 670/ 0524 ornmended Retat l Argas Price




Btnd tng Pac k tor above Contams u1 eac h 1!4". ~ .. . ptast•c sptnes and M cover boards. (Not illu strated) •t•l ogu e Number .. ... ..... 670/0531 ommended Retatl Argos Price 4 :XJ £9.20 Kl

I ONADEK " Globe Master'' Telephone · IJ)Itlt er . Battery operated . ''•logue Number.. ................ 670/ 0036 c1mmended Retatl Argos Price q•) £18.90 Address Book . Bound in honey coloured lhtu. size 8~x 6 ". A-Z index . •talogu e Number .. . ........ 670/0593 (Hnmended Retail Argos Price £.2.80



ARGOS low, .low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots -or traders• short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase-or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons .

1 PRESIDENT " Columbus" Executive Double Pedestal Desk. 6 drawer and filing drawer. Size 81 .. x 34W' x 29" high. (We will deliver).Nu _ Cotalogue __ , Recommended Retail

£129.14 2 IMPERIAL " Safari " Portable Typewriter. keyboard. Full tabulator facility. (Portugal). Cotalogue N u - ....................111111111 Recommended Retail ~-

88 character




STERLING Typist Chair. Adjustable height. Cetalogue Number.................... 110/0084 Recommended Retail Argo• Price £15.00 £10.!50

4 Pedestal Ashtray. Black stove enamelled body. Silver anodised top and base. Height 25". Cetatogue Number.......... .......... 170/0476 Recommended Retail Argo8 Price £13.26


5 DYMO 1740 Labelmaker. Produces y_.• wide labels. Complete with one roll or tape. (Belgium). Cetalogue Number ....... 170/0111 ArgooPrlce Recommended Retail £2.73 £1.10 DYMO Tapewriters. With one roll of tape. 'l.z• tape for 1470. %" tape for 14ti0. (Belgium), Rec. Argo1 CataJogue Number Retail Price 1 170/0225 1470 T / writer £14.19 £1.10 7 670/0218 1460 T /writer £11 .99 U.40

8 IMPERIAL " 300" Portable Typewriter. Electric keyboard operation. 9 position tabulator. B.E.A.B. approved. (Japan). Catalogue Number..................... 670/0809 Recommended Retail Argos Price



11 OVMO Tapes to fit Tapewriters 1760, 1550 and 1460. Available in 10's. (Belgium). %" Black Catalogue Number ....... 670/0256 %• Red Catalogue Number ....... 670/0744 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.19 £2.30


10 OYMO 1550 Tapewriter. Complete with

Y•"' Black Catalogue Number...... &70/0263 y_. .. Red Catalogue Number ...... 670/0751 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.75




9 OYMO 1760 Tapewriter. Takes ¥..'' or %" tape. Complete with one foil of W tape. ( Belgium) . Catalogue Number .............. ...... 670/0201 Recommended Retail Argos Price


one ro ll each of w· and %" tape. King size and Standard wheels. (Belgium) . Catalogue Number .................... 670/0232 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Dymo Tapes to fit Tapewriter~ 1740, 1760 and 1550. Available in 10' s. (Belgium).

DVMO Tapes to fit 1350 able in 10's. (Belgium). Cata)ogue Number 670/0270 Y•" Black 670/0768 Y•" Red 670/0294 %" Black 670/0782 %• Red 670/0304 'f.! • Black 670/0799 Yz• Red

Tapewriter. AvailRec. Retail

Argos Price

£3.85 £3.85

£2.70 £2.70



£4.73 £6.05 £6.05

£4.25 £4.25


OVMO Tapes to tit 1470 Tapewriter. able in 10's. (Belgium). Yz• Black Catalogue Number.... ;:;~;~~~ 'lh• Red Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £4.18 12 DVMO 1350 Tapewriter. Takes and 'h" tape. Complete with Giant and size wheels and one roll of Y.z" tape. gium). Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £29.15

13 IMPERIAL ' ' Signet" Portable Type· writer. 84 character keyboard . (Japan) . Catalogue Number ..................... 670/0847 Withdrawn 14 C.ENTA Chair. Beech frame. Upholstered Centalon PVC back and seat. {Rumania) . Cat. Number.......... 600/0176 Black Tomato Red Cat. Number ........... 600/0372 Matelot Blue Cal. Number.. ........ 600/0396 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.90 £:3.90 15 CENTA Drop Leaf Table. Beech frame. Melam ine top. Diameter 42" open, 24"X 42" closed . Teak Catalogue Number .......... .600/0420 White Catalogue Number..... . ... 600/0145 Recommended Retail Argas Price £19.24 £15.40 16 CENTA Kitchen Table. Beech frame. Melamine top . Size 32" x 36" open. 15 ¥•~ X36" c1osea . (Rumania) . Catalogue Number ..... 600/0413 Blue Teak Catalogue Number ..... 600/0:152 Driftwood Catalogue Number ..... 600/0602 Reco mmended Retail Argoa Price £:12.95 £10.35

11 CENTA Kitchen Chair. Beech frame. upholstered in PVC. (Czech) . Teak Catalogue Number ............ 600/0190 Blue .catalogue Number ............ 600/0406 Reco mmended Retail Argos Prk:e £4.44 £3.55 CENTA Jumbo Table and Bench Set. White epoxy coated steel frames. PVC upholstery. Table has Melamine top . Storage boK in bench . (Rumania). (We will deliver bench and table) . Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price £18.60 18 600/0475 Ben ch Red t24.79 £18.60 600/0482 Bench Black £24.79 £1 .35 19 600/0499 Corner Red £1.82 £1 .35 600/0509 Corner Black £1.82 £17.15 20 600/0468 Table £2 1.46 21 600/0444 Chair Red £11 .84 £9.45 600/0451 Chair Black £11.84 £9.45

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.

CENTAining Furniture1 White frames. Melami table top, diameter 42"'. Flaps close tl2" x 24•. Chair is upholstered in black P. CataUe Rec. Num Retail 1 600/15 Table £19.24 2 600/Q Chair £7.03

3 ASL Folding Stool. White frame . Foam padded PVC seat. Folds fla t Blue Catalogue Number.......... 800/0097 Tango Catalogue Number .......... 600/0327 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.82 £1.95 4 SOLK Stackable Stool. White coloured plastic-coated frame Polypropylene seat (Sweden) . Tango Catalogue Number.......... 600/0293 Blue Catalogue Number.......... 600/0073 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .85 £1 .35

5 SOLK " Carlisle " Set. Compnses table with laminate top . size 42''x26". Four chairs with beech frames. (Eastern Europe). (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. . ............... 600/0523 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £29.70 £22.25 6 SOLK Bar Stool. Chromium plated frame. Upholstered seal Height 32H Catalogue Number.. . ......... 600/0080 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



7 PRESTIGE StooL Chromium plated steel frame. Upholstered seat . Catalogue Number., .... 600/0011 Blue Primrose Catalogue Number...... 600/0334 Recommended Retail Argoa Price




PRESTIGE Foldaway Step-Stool with Back Rest. Chromium-plated steel frame White Catalogue Number ............ &00/0341 Blue Catalogue Number ............ &00/0028 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



9 BELDRAY " Jane" Step-Stool . Tubular steel frame. Plywood seat and treads. Catalogue Number..................... 600/00~9 Recommended Retai l Argos Price



10 QUALCAST FLEETWAY ··eorvette' Step-Stool. Blue C.talogue Number .......... 600/0121 Yellow Catalogue Number .......... 600/0310 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.91 £5.50

11 PRESTIGE Step-Stool Chromium-plated frame Primrose Catalogue Number Blue Catlllogue Number Recommended Retail £11 .95


Back .

...... 600/0303 ...... 600/0107 Argoa Price


12 ASL " Summit" Multi-purpose StepStooL Stove-enamelled frame. Wooden treads and platform. PVC seat folds back to give platform . Blue Catalogue Number .......... 600/0086 Tango Catalogue Number.......... 600/0279 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.39 ~3.95 13 PRESTIGE Step-Stool. Tubular steel frame. Chromium-plated . Upholstered seat Primrose catalogue Number ...... 600/0286 Blue Cat81ogue "umber...... 600/0114 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e £9.39 £7.50 14 CENTA Dining Chair. Chromed sw1vel base. PVC upholstered. Matelot Blue Catalogue Numbef .. &00/0358 Tomato Red Catalogue Number .. &00/0224 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.17 £12.15 15 CENT A Drop Leaf Table. Beech frame. Metamine top. Size 36~x 24' open. 18•x 24" closed . Catalogue Number ..... 100/0437 Blue Ca.. logue Number ..... 600/0138 Dnftwood Catlllogue Number ..... 600/0578 Recommended Retail Argoe Prk:e £11 .93 £9.55

ARGOS low, low prices regularly available 52 weeks: of the year. We obviously can-> not compete with special salesof job lots-or traders ' short~ term reductions used as an advertising catch -phrase- or 1 with clearance sales. All r goods in this catalogue are 11

CENTA Dining Furnihre. table top, diameter 39''. POI")propylene cha1r upholstered •n nylon Jer~y . Mushroom shaped base. Catalogue Aec . Argos Numb er Retail Price 1 600/ 0231 Table £24 .98 £:18.7 5 2 600/ 0 248 Cha•r £11 . 10 £7 .7 5

factory fresh in makers' cartons.

3 CENTA Dinmg Ta>le. Chrome fin 1sh pedestal with Melam1re top, diameter 39" (We will dehver).

original~ 1

Catalogu e Number... ··· .............. 600/ 0200 RecommendEtd Retai l Argos Pric e £23.50 £17.65

4 SOLK Drop leal Kit<chen Table. Beech frame. heat resistant top . Size 47" x 26" open . (Eastern Europe) 1_ Catalogue Number ............. 600/ 0516 Recommended Reta•l Argas Price £13 .30 £10.65 5 CENTA Chair. Beech 1 frame . Foam pad-

ded PVC covered seat . (Rumama) . Blue Catalogue Number... . .. 6,00/ ,036'1• Teak Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retai l £4 .35

7 SABCO Sponge Mop . Replaceable head . Catalogue Number ..... .. .............. 855/ 0277 Recom mended Reta11 Argos Price £2.05 £1.45 8 SHAA NA Moulded PlastiC Du stbm and L1d . Capacity 2Vz cu . ft . Catalogue Number ... ... .... .. .. .... .. 855/ 0301 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £ 1.40 £:0.95 9 JUDGE Plastic Dustbin . CapacJty 2 cu . ft . Catalogue Number .. ... 85 5/0318 Recom mended Retail Argos Price ('2. 14 £:1 .50

10 JUDGE Plastic Dustbin . Metal hand les secure !id. Capac ity 2 112 c u . it. Catalogue Number.. .. 855/ 0325 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.80 £1.95 11 PLYSU Super Mop Replacea bl e hecid . Blue Catalogue Number 85 5/0 246 A11ocado Catalogu e Number ...... .855/ 0253 Gold Catalogue Number... .855/ 0 260 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.54 £1 .10 1 2 PL YSU Wtndow Cleaner Adtustable head . 4' handle extends to 8 ' Catalogue Number .. 8 55/ 029 1 Recommended Retai l Arg as Price C2.03 £1.40 13 PRESTIGE '"Minit '' Mop . Replaceable sponge head . Catalogue Number ......... .. ... ...... 855/ 0284 Recomm ended Retail Argo s Price £1.98 £1 .60 14 PRESTIGE EW BANKCarpe t Shampooer. Co mp lete with bottle o f shampoo Catalogue Number .855/ 0208 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.34 £4 .25 15 BISSELL ·· super Fo amer · Carpet Shampooer. 4 roller action Shampoo and rug mcluded . Catalogue Number .. . 855/ 0222 Recommended Retail Argo s Pric e £6.98 £:4 .90 16 BISSELL " Foam Master " Carpet Shampacer . 3 ro ll er action . Complete with tug and bottle of shampoo. Catalogue Number... .855/ 0215 Recommended Retai l Arga s Price £5.35 £3. 75 17 PRESTIGE Shoe Rac k . Chromiump lated . Holds 6 pa1rs of shoes . Fo lds fla t. Catalogue Number... ..... 855/ 0332 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.35 £1 .90

18 PRESTIGE Sho e Rack . PlastiC coated steel . Tapered to take most shoe s1zes. Catalogue Number... 855/ 0349 Recommend ed Reta11 Argo s Pric e £1_77 £1.40

1 HOOVER De Luxe Cleaner. Unique height control. Hygienic dir1 disposal bag . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . ............ 405/0324 Recommended Retail Argas Price C40.35 C28.25 2 HOOVER " Junior" Cleaner. Built-in head light. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . . .... 405/0252 Recommended Retail Argos Price £34.35 £25.75

3 HOOVER " Conver1ible" Cleaner. Switch over suction for all types of cleaning . B.E.A.B. approved .

14 GOBLIN "" 104" Cleane r. Replaceable beater and brush . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number..... ....... .... .. ... 405/0197 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £35.20 £23.50

Catalogue Number... . Recommended Retail £41 .03

....... 405/0348 Argos Price C29.95

4 HOOVER '"Junior'" Cleaner. Built-in carpet beater. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... . ............ 405/0214 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.03 £23.95


6 Tools for items Nos. 2 and 4. Catalogue Number.. . ............... 405/0269 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.72 £4.50

and 3 felt pads. B.E.A.B . approved . (France). Catalogue Number..... . ......... 405/0271 Recommended Retail Argos ·Price £38.19 £26.55

7 Tools for item No. 1. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

10 ELECTAOLUX " 170" Cleaner. Self ad~ justing head. For carpets and floors B.E.A.B. approved. ....... 405/0221 Catalogue Number ... Argos Price Recommended Retail C25.50 C33.94


......... 405/ 0331 Argos Price £5.75

HOOVER Shampoo/Polisher. Attachments for shampooing , scrubbing and polishing . B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.................... 405/0142 Recommended Retail Argos Price r25.12 £17.75

8 Tools for item No. 3. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £7.20

Catalogue Number.. . . ............... 855/0026 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.65

Blue Catalogue Number....... 855/ 0150 Gold Catalogue Number....... 855/0167 Avocado Catalogue Number.. ..... 855/0174 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.50 £4.55

. .... 405/0355 Argos Price £5.75

9 ELECTROLUX Floor Polisher. 6 brushes

Tools for above. Catalogue Number.................. 405/ 0207 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.7 1 £4.75

16 SABCO Carpet Shampooer. Rotating sponges and brushes. Bottle of shampoo supplied . (Australia) . Catalogue Number .................... 855/0239 Recommended Retail Argas Price C7.95 C5.55

18 SABCO " Whiskaway " Carpet Sweeper. Horsehair brush and built-in comb. Orange Catalogue Number.....•.. 855/0088

15 SABCO " Colt " Carpet Sweeper. 10" brush with double combs.

17 SABCO ·· supreme " Carpet Sweeper. Full width brushes. (Australia) .

Recommended Retail C4.59

~~~~ado g::::~~~= ~~~::~::::::::·=~~~g~~~ Argos Price C3.20

Tools for above. Catalogue Number..... Recommended Retail £5.09

. ........... 405/0238 Argos Price £3.95

19 PRESTIGE EWBANK " 1000" Carpet Sweeper. Tangerine Catalogue Number...... 855/0071 Blue Catalogue Number...... 855/ 0057 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.73 £3.80 20 PRESTIGE EWBANK "" 1200" Carpet Sweeper. Blue Catalogue Number ........ 855/ 0181 Orange Catalogue Number ........ 855/ 0198 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.45 £5.95

t fl ECTROLU X " 500" Cleaner. Dou ble n bru sh. B.EA B. approved . • t•tog ue Number .................... 405/ 0290 ommended Retai l Argos Price


............ 405/0379 Argos Price £4.80

£27.25 ................... 405/0300 Argos Price £5.45

UOTPOINT " Swa ll ow" De Luxe Cleaner. ••h heig ht control. B.E.A .B. approved. •t•logue Number..................... 405/0362 ommended Retail Argos Price


Tools for item 12. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £6.02


. .... .... 855/01~ Argos Price £5.15 "'500"

13 HOTPOINT "" Light and Easy ·· Cleaner. Ad justable brush and handle. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... ..405/ 0393 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £23.21 £17.40 Toots for above. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail


23 BISSELL " Corvette" Carpet Sweeper. Sprung rubber tyred wheels. Twin dust· pans open separately . Catalogu e Number ................. ... 855/ 0033 Argos Price Recommended Retail £3.25 £2.30


...... ..855/ 0363 ........ 855/ 0040 Argos Pric e £2.75

24 BISSELL "' Minimaster" Carpet Sweeper. Bristle brush and all roun d guard . Catalogue Number .................... 855/ 0064 Recommended Retai l Argos Price



25 BISSELL "' Starmaster" Floor and Ca rpet Sweeper. Two bristle brushes. Catalogue Number.. . ... 855/ 0112 Argos Price Recommended Retail

27 BISS EL L ··sweepmaster" Floor and Carpet Sweeper. Catalogue Number.. . ............ 855/ 0136 Recommended Retail Argos Price




26 BI SSELL " Rotomaster" Sweep er. Two rotary brushes sweep to edge of carpet . Indepe ndently sprung w heels. Catalogue Number ............ ... .... .855/0143 Argos Price Recommended Retai l £7.50 £5.25


28 QUALCAST "' 23" Carpet Sweeper. Pressbutton emptying . Bristle brush. All round guard . Catalogue Number ................... 855/ 0019 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £2.99 £2.55

1 GOBLIN Hand Cleaner. For light cleaning and dusting. Complete with tools. Catalogue Number..................... 405/0032 Recommended Retail

£11.85 2 GOBLIN " 603" Cleaner. tools. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number ................... 405/0173 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 ELECTROLUX " 94" Cleaner. Floor , dusting and crevice tools. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number..................... 405/016& Recommended Retail Argos Price

£31 .19


4 ELECTROLUX " Automatic 330" Cleaner. Motor cuts out when dustbag is overloaded. Self winding flex . B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £42.34 5 MOULINEX Vacuum Cleaner. Complete with tools for home cleaning . (France). Catatogue Number ..................... 405/0104 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 MOULINEX " 350" Floor/ Carpet Complete with tools. B.E.A.B . (France). Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

£14.50 7 GOBLIN " 461 " Cleaner. tools. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail


12 MOUUNEX " Petivac" upholstery, pelmets and curtains. with toots. (France). Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail


HOOVER Cylinder Cleaner. Tools I or r'pets and floors. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number... .. ... 405/0111 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



17 HOOVER " Conquest" Cleaner. 11 ' reach with double stretch hose. Complete with tools. B.E.A.B. approved . CataJogue Number........ . Recommended Retail £38.67 18 HQOVER " Constellation" Cleaner. Floats on a cushion of air. Complete with tools. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail £25.53 £17.95

19 HOOVER " Dustette" Cleaner. Lightight. For awkward cleaning jobs. B .E.A.B. fPproved. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £1 063

........... ......... 405/0070 Argos Price £2.25

HOTPOINT Premier De Luxe Cleaner. Motorised brush attachment. Complete with toots . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .............. ...... 405/0386 ommended Retail Argos PrJce U 4.58 £35.55


For details of ARGOS credit facilities, please see page 9 1 COLSTON Automatic Washing Machine. 13 programmes. 9 lb. load . Detergent dispenser. Removable filter. (Italy). (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ........ 410/0047 Recommended Retail Argas Price £ 125. 90 £99.95 2 BENOIX Automatic Washing Machine. 16 programmes. 10 lb. load . Safety lock d oor. (Italy) . (We w1ll deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 410/0085 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 28.59 £108.50

J MORPHY RICHARD$ " Classic " De Luxe Dry Iron . Non-stick sole plate. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail


. ........ 410/0377 Argos Price


4 MORPHY RICHARD$ " Easispray" Spray/ Steam/Dry Iron. Pilot light and fabric guide. B.E.A.B. app roved. Catalogue Number .................... 410/0391 Recommended Retail Argos Price



5 MORPHY RICHARD$ Senior Midweight Dry Iron. Variable thermostat . B.EAB . approved. Blue Catalogue Number ..... .... 410/0353 Yellow Catalogue Number ......... 410/0360 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.90 £3.50 6 MORPHY RICHARD$ "' Easispray' ' De Luxe Iron . Spray/ steam/ dry iron . Non-stick sole plate . B.EAB. approved. Catalogue Number .................... 410/0401 Recommended Retail Argas Price



7 SEAVIS Automatic Front Loading ing Machine. 9 lb. load. 7 pro·ora mrrt... B.E.A.B. approved . (We will Catalogue Number... Reco mmended Retail £124.71


8 HOOVER Automatic De Luxe Mach ine. 12 programmes for all washable fabrics. 9 lb. load . approved . (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £115. 14

ltOOVER " Keymatic De Luxe" Washing " tune Keyplates for selecting pro111tHmP 9 lb. load . B.E.A .B. approved . !1/" wtl l de l ive r). t l 11logue Number ................ .. 410/0030 "'''""mended Retai l Argos Price 1' 131 .91 £98.95 10 HOOVER Automatic Washing Mach ine. 8 programmes . 9 lb. load. Cold fill only . s heats to four temperatures. B.E.A.B. pproved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number. . ..... .. .... . 410/0023 Hecommended Retail Argos Price C92 .64 £74.50 11 HOTPOINT Automatic Top Loading Washing Machine . 10 lb. load . Simple con trol s. B.EAB. approved. (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number.. 410/0061 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £124.40 £99.50 12 HOTPOINT Automatic Front Loading Washing Machine. 7 programmes. 91b.load . Soap dispenser. Reverse tumble wash action. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number....... .. ........ 410/0054 Recommended Retail Argos Price £130.85 £104.55

-- -

ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR- not just for special sales events. 1 COLSTON "Coronet" Twin Tub Washing Machine. Washes, heats and spins at the same time. Wash load 4¥1 lb. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Calalogue Number.... Recommended Retail

£78 .17 2 COLSTON " Auto Plus" Twin Tub Washing Machine. Automatic controls 8nd timer. Wash load 4Y2 lb. B.E.A.B. approved. (We wiU deliver) . Calatogue Number.................... 410/0597 Discontinued 3 Melamine Work Top. Suitab~ for Colston "Coronet" washing machine. Catalogue Number... . ................ 410/061• Reco mmended Retail Argos Price



4 FAIGIDAIAE Twin Tub Washing Machine. Simple co ntrols. 6 lb. load. B.E.A.B. appr<IVed. (We will deliver). Cataktgue Number... Recommended Retail Argas Price



Metamine Work Top for the above. Catatogue Number... .................. 410/0638 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price £3.74 £3.10

I Page79 l




5 HOTP.OINT " New Supermatic" De Luxe Washing Machine. Automatic controls and timer. Filter tray. 7 lb. load. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. .... ... ............ 410/0559 Recommended Retail Argos Price £98.13 £78.511


6 SERVIS " Supertwin 70" Washing Machi_ne. Two washing actions. 6 lb. load. B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. ... .. .... .... ...... 410/0566 Recommended Retail Argos Price £93.07 £68.50 Laminated Work Top for the above. Catalogue Number.......... .... ....... 410/0573 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.96 £3.20 7 HOOVER " Hoovermatic" Washing Machine. Simple controls. 2 kw heater. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. ............. .. .. .. 410/0535 Recommended Retail Argos Price £81 .70 £61 .50 Laminated Work Top for the above. Catalogue Number..................... 410/0542 Recommended Retail Argos Price 1;4.48 £3.50 8 HOOVER " Hoovermatic" De Luxe Washing Machine. Simple controls. Laminated work top. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .. .............. ..... 410/0528 Recommended Retail Argos Price £96.09 £71.75 9 SIMPLUS " 7 Star" Ironing Table. Ironing surface 38"x 14W'. Cotton cover. Blue Catalogue Number .... .. ...... 850/0083 White Catalogue Number............ 850/0076 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.90 £3.95

10 BELDRAY " 5 Star" Ironing Table. Adjusts to 12 heights. Ironing surface 38"x 14Y2". Catalogue Number......... .. .......... 850/0038 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.89 £3.95 11 BELDRAY " Mayfair" Ironing Table. Milium cover. Adjusts to 12 heights. Ironing surface 48"x 14W'. Retractable iron stand. Catalogue Number ............... .... ..850/0021 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.65 £5.15 12 BELDRAY " Invincible" Ironing Table. 3 height adjustments. Surface 36"x 13". Catalogue Number........ ............. 850/0045 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.52 £3.05 13 QUALCAST FLEETWAY " 909" Ironing Table. Tubular metal legs. Asbestos iron holder. Catalogue Number ..................... 850/0052 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.84 £4.95 14 JUDGE Ironing Table. Scorch resistant. Milium cover. Ironing surface 4B"x14". Height adjustable. Catalogue Number..................... 850/0069 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.48 £4.95

:.-. 'll


ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviouslY. cannot compete with special sales of job lots- or traders• short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in O\lr range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores. '1 HOOVER ·· spinarinse " De Luxe Spin loryer. Automatic spinner brake action and turner control. B.E.A.B. approved. Can be ltinked with item 9. (We will deliver). 8

;~=~~~~~e n~:dm~:;~ii. . '£36.18

.....A~Q~:':,i:! £27.50

2 HOOVER Tumble Dryer. Automatic heater ·and timer. 8 lb. load . 2 heat settings. B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number... . ........... 410/ 0425 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 HOOVER Spin Dryer. Automatic spinner brake action . Mounted on wheels. B.E.A.B. ·approved. (We will deliver). . ..... 410/0449 'Catalogue Number ... Argos Price Recommended Retail £17.95 £23.98

'4 HOTPOINT Pump Drain Spin Dryer. Auto~ 1matic timer and lid brake. Up to 6 lb. load. B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.... . .............. 410/0470 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £36.15 £27.50

5 MORPHY RICHARDS Gravity Spin Dryer. Automatic lid brake. Up to 6 lb. load . B.E.A.B. approved. .. 410/0463 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail £22.79 £18.25


6 SERVIS " Supa-dry" Tumble Dryer. 2 heat settings and automatic timer. 8 lb. load. B .E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.... ..... . .... 410/0418 Recommended Retail Argos Price £52.98 £39.75 7 KENWOOD Rotary Iron . Heated sole plate and padded roller. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number.... . ...... 410/0102 Recommended Retail Argos Price £44.55 £33.45 8 Fold-away stand for the above. Catalogue Number. .. . ... 410/0119 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.60 £7.95 9 HOOVER Washing Machine. 2 KW heater with safety cut-out. Work top lid. B.E.A.B. approved . Can be linked with item 1. (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number......... .. ......... 410/0511 Recommended Retail Argos Price £43.46 £32.75

10 HOOVER Washing Machine. Powered wringer. 2 KW heater with safety cut-out. Work top . B .E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number .............. ...... 410/0504 Recommended Retail Argos Price £65.55 £49.95 11 FRIGIDAIRE Spin Dryer. Pump model which can be used for rinsing. 6 lb. load . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... ..... ... .......... 410/0494 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.69 £25.00 12 FRIGIDAIRE Spin Dryer. Includes retaining mat and safety brake . 6 lb. load. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number................... ..410/0487 Recommended Retail Argos Price £27.56 £18.50 13 COLSTON " Suparinse" Spin Dryer. Lid operated safety switch . 6 lb. load. B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number................ .... .410/0456 Recommended Retail Argos Price £33.99 £21.50

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders• short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 ASL "Space Saver" Rotary Clothes Line. Galvanised steel frame. PVC covered rayon line. Supplied with socket which must be set in concrete. Catalogue Argos Rec. Number Price Retail £3.60 850/0148 90 ' of line £5.35 £4.75 £7.05 850/0155 120' of line 2 HAGO 3-fold Airer. Plastic coated steel. . . ... ... ..850/0090 Catalogue Number.. . ReCommended Retail Argas Price £2.26 £1.50 3 JAYBEAM Rotary Clothes Drier. Galvanised steel, 2 Piece centre shaft. Socket supplied must be set in concrete.

4 ASL " Tidyframe" 3-fold covered steel. Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail £2.30

5 ASL " Compact" Airer. space. Folds away neatly. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £3.60

I Page83j

• ASL "Tidydry" Indoor Clothes Line. lines give 25' hanging space. Tension luck and automatic rewind . cotalogue Number...... .. ... .... .... ..850/0124 11 com manded Retail Argos Price 1"?.30 £1.50


ASL " Tidydry'' Indoor Clothes Line. '• lines give 75 ' of hanging space. Tension luck and automatic rewind. t•tologue Number... ... .. .. ..... .... .. 850/0117 11 ommended Retail Argos Price I 117 £2.25 • 1 KCO "Hi-Dry" Airer. Collapsible woodan rac k. Printed cotton cover. Heater has 111 rmostatic cut-out. B.E.A.B. approved.

Catalogue Number... ... ......... ... ... 410/0092 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.95 £9.25 9 SUNBEAM Steam/Spray Iron. Stainless steel water tank. Broad heel rest. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.. : ......... ... ... ... 410/0281 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.90 £7.35 10 SUNBEAM "Shot of Steam" Iron. Jet of steam button control. B . E .A . B ~ approved . Catalogue Number... .... ........... ... 410/0346 Argos Price Recommended Retail £9.21 £6.50

11 SUNBEAM Iron. 5 position thermostatic control. · Catalogue Number......... .. ...... .. .. 410/0339 Recommended Retail Argos PrJce £4.58 £2.95 12 SUNBEAM Automatic Lightweight Dry Iron. Heat control and fabric guide. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.... ... ..... ... ...... 410/0717 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.50 £2.95

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

1 RUSSELL HOBBS Automatic Kett le. Chromium ~ated. Capacity B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £9.11 2 SONA Automatic Electric less steel with teak h'andle. 3 pints. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £10.62 3 SWAN Popular Range Electric Polished aluminium. Auto-safety Capacity 6 pints. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £5.98 4 SWAN " Regal' ' Electric Kettle. aluminium. Capacity 3 pints. approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £5.25 5 SWAN '·Siren " Top Speed Whistling Kettle. Capacity 3 pints. approved Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £8.18 6 SWAN '' Royal' ' Electric Kettle. ejector safety device. Capacity 3 B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £6.64 7 SWAN " Auto Royal " Kettle . Capacity 3 pints. B.E.A.B. Catalogue Number .... Recommended Retail £9.37 8 HOOVER Spray/ Steam/ Dry level gauge and fabric guide. approved Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £7. 19 9 HOOVER Spray/Steam/Dry level gauge and fabric guide. sole plate . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail C8.11 10 HOOVER Steam Iron. 1 dry settings. Water level gatJge. approved . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £6.89 11 HOOVER Steam Iron. 1 steam settings. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number..... . ... ... .. .•no.r113'1 Recommended Retai l £5.89 12 HOOVER Automatic Iron. fAial. Reversible flex. B.E.A.B. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £4 .76 13 SWAN " Dorchester" Polished aluminium. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail ·£8.23 14 SWAN " Siimline" Electric Auto-safety cut-out. Capacity B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £10.78

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots -or tradfus• short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons. ! •.

SONA Automatic Electric Percolator. tengt h selector and " keep-hot " element .

I Cily 9 cups. •••logue Number... • mmended Retail



SWAN 40-cup Coffee Maker. Separate 11 maki ng and mi lk warming . Percolator • c1ty 10 pints. Mi lk warmer capacity 1015

.. alog ue Number :ommended Retai l

177 '

WAN Electric Urn. Polished al uminium , tolety device. Capacity 6 ga llons. •logue Number..................... 400/0013 :omme nded Retai l

13 WAYMASTER Kitchen Scale with Towel hlr Weig hs in grms. and ounces. •• log ue Number ................... .. 840/ 0327 nmmended Retai l


NG Clampless Mincer. Suction feet. t~~el


Catalogue Number C•talogue Number mmended Retai l

1 ELECTROLUX Freezer/Refrigerator. Sec· tions operate independentty. Refrigerator riett capacity 7.0 cu . ft., freezer 5.7 cu . ft . nett. B.E.A.B. approved , (Sweden). (We will deliver). C8tetogue Number ... ArgooPrice Recommended Retail

· · ·- ~2.95


2 FRIGIOAIRE Refrigerator. Nett capacity 5.98 cu . ft. Two star frozen food compart· menl. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver}. Catalogue Number... . .. 40010271 Recommended Retail AllJOS Price

£53.52 3


£40.50 " Sheertook


Refrigerator. Nett capacity 9.6 cu . ft .. freezer capacity 1.87 cu . ft . (Italy). (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ................... .1100/0422 Recommended Retail AllJOS Price


freezer section 6.61 cu. ft. nett. (Spain) . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. .. ........... 400/0453 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £70.48


8 ELECTROLUX Home Freezer. Nett ity 7.3 cu. ft . Freezes 22 lb. in 24 Waming light. B .E.A.B. approved. mark). (We will deliver). Celelogue Number .... Recommended Retail


£11 .50

i:otologue Nu-r................... ,_,0460

6 HOOVER Freezer. Nett capacity 1.75 cu . ft. Freezes 20 lb. in 24 hours. Height 19". B.E.A.B . approved. Catalogue Number..... .. .. 400/0321 Recommended Retail Arvoo Price

Recommended Retail

Argos Price




4 FRIGIDAIRE Chest Freezer. Fast freeze switch. Nett capacity 21 .5 cu. ft . locka~e handle. (Denmark). (We will deliver).

5 FRIGIOAIRE " Frostproof '' Freezer/Refrig· erator. Two vertical doors and swing+()Ut baskets. Total nett capacity 17.7 cu. ft .,



7 ELECTROLUX Home Freezer. Work top surface. Freezes 18 lb. in 24 hours. Nett capacity 6.0 cu . ft. B.E.A .B. approved. (We will deliver).

9 ELECTROLUX Chest Freezer. ity 13.9 cu. ft . Freezes 42 lb. in Holds up to 280 lb. Complete storage baskets. Waming light. (We will de4iver).

.... -/0350 ArgoaPrtce £11.50 Refrtgerator. Two star frozen co n1pa1rtmomt. Nen capacity 4.6 cu . ft . B. approved. (Italy). (We will deliver). Number ........ ............. 400/0240


Aroo• Price £32.50

12 ELECTAOLUX Refrigerator. Nett capacity 4.7 cu . ft. Three star frozen food compartment. Automatic defrosting. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliVer) . Catalogue Number .................... 400/0233 Recommended Retail Argo• Price



13 ELECTROLUX Refrigerator. Nett capacity 0.8 c u . H. Shelf area of 1.9 sq . ft . B.E.A.B. approved.

Catalogue Number ...

. .. -/0202

Recommended Retail

Argos Price



14 ELECTROLUX Refrigerator. Nett capacity 1.75 cu. ft. Two star frozen food compart-

ment B.E.A.B. ~approved . Catatogue Number .... Recommended Retail £35.61

.... -/0171 Argos Price




15 HOTPOINT " Iced Diamond 50" Refrigerator. Three star freezer compartment and salad drawer. Nett capacity 4.4 cu. ft . B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number... .. 400/0811 Recommended Retail Argoe Prtce


Catalogue Number.... . .............. 400/0295 Recommended Retail Argos Prke

17 HOTPOINT " Iced Diamond 33" Refrigerator. Nett capacity 3.1 cu. ft . Frozen food compartment. B.E.A.B. approved. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number... ........ -/0305 Argos Price Recommended Retail £36.91 £31 .00


16 HOTPOINT " Iced Diamond 40" Refrigerator. Nett capacity 4.0 cu . tt. Two star frozen food compartment. B.E.A.B. approved. {We will deliver).

For details of ARGOS credit facilities, please see page 9

Buy it at ARGOS- and pocket the difference. 1 RIMA Ductless De Luxe Cooke r Hood Hob light and charcoal filters 2-speed Catalogue Numbe r .400/0075 Recommended Reta• l Argos Price £30 40 £21 .25

2 ENGLISH ELECTRIC '' Aap1de 68 .. Cooker Two ovens. Four h1-speed nngs Autot•met B .EAB . approved . (We Will deliver) Catalogue Number 400/ 0068 Recommended Reta• l Argas Price £95.65 £76.50 3 KRUPS RECORD Kitchen Wall Scale T ray fold s away Dual calibration. (Eire) White Catalogue Number.... . ... .840/0743 Gold Catalogue Number ........... 840/0729 Blue Catalogue Number ............ 840/0736 Recommended Reta1 l Argas Price



4 PHILIPS "Snowqueen " Refrigerator. Nett capacity 4.4 cu . ft . Two star frozen food compartment . B .E.A.B . approved . (Italy). (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .. . .... 400/ 0484 Recommended Retail Argos Price £46.51 £37.20

5 PL YSU Peda l Bin Polythene liner All round pedal Blue Catalogue Number ......... 840/ 0121 Tango Catalogue Number .... 840/ 0138 Recommended Reta1 1 Argos Price £2.00 £1.40

10 PLYSU Swing Top Bin . Large capacity. Height 26". Decorated with fl o ral motif Blue/Avocado Cat . Number ... .. 840/0406 Orange/ Avocado Cat . Number .... 840/0413 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £:3.00 £2.10

6 WAYMASTER Kitchen Sca le Weighs 1 oz . to 10 lbs and 25 g rammes to 5 k•tos Catalogue Number 840/0303 Recommended Reta •l Argos Price £1 .90 £1.35

11 PL YSU Bread Bm Holds four large l oaves Drop fro nt with ventilator. removes for c lean1nq Argo s Catalogu e Aec Numbe r Retail Price 840/0107 Blue £1 .05 £1.46 840/0 114 Tango £1.46 £1 .05 840/ 0097 Teak £200 £1 .40

7 SUNBEAM " M1xmaster 12 speeds Two bowls Capac•ties 6¥.! p1nt and 2¥4 pmt B.E.A.B . approved. (Aust ralia) Catalogue Number ....... 420/0480 Recommended Reta1 1 Argos Price £27 .74 £19.45 8 SUNBEAM Frypan Cooker. ThermostatiC control. Heat selector. B.E.A.B . approved. Cooking guide on handle . Catalogue Number .. .. ............. 420/0428 Recommended Reta1 1 Argos Price £ 16.21 £9 .75 9 SUNBEAM Deep Fryer. Combines frypan , stewpot and oven . Removable thermostat. (Australia). Catalogue Number.... . .......... 420/041 1 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:18.48 £11 .75

,- 2- JU ,-,: D-:-: GE: •.-::G,n- gh- am -,.,··--: Ki-t ch-en-wa-re Bread b1 n . !hp top bin and camsters have pivoted lids. Pedal b1 n with removable li ner Bread Bin Blue Cat. Number .... 840/0011 Bread Bin Tango Cat. Number . ... 840/0028 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.61 £1 .15 3 Canisters Blue Cat. Number .. .840/0035 3 Canisters Tango Cat. Number ... 840/ 0042 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.61 £1.15 Pedal Bin Blue Cat. Number .... 840/0059 Pedal B in Tango Cat. Number .... 840/0066 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:2.14 £1.50

steel with afrormosia·· handles 11 ~Y 3W". B .E.A.B approved Catalogue Numbe r Recommended Reta•l £1 1.55

14 CELEBRITY Bottle Bar. or sp~rit bottles . Has separate basket , m1neral water bottles Catalogue Number Recommended Ret811 £2.24 15 TRICITY TUDOR capacity 4.4 cu . ft. Frozen ment. Interior light. Movable will deliver). Catalogue Number Recommended Retail

£60.28 16 TR ICITY TATLER Refrigerator. capacity 3.6 cu . ft. Two star froZen co mpartment. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £47.74

17 HAGO Wine Bottle Racks. Stove enamelled silver finish steel wire. Argos Rec. Catalogue Retail Price Number 840/0224 12 Bottles £1.25 £1.76 £1.75 840/0217 18 Bottles £2.46 18 PHILIPS " Snowqueen· · Freezer. Nett capacity 9.5 cu . ft. Fast freeze compartment. (Italy). (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ................. 400/0477 Recommended Retail Argos Price £101 .19 £83.95 19 EKCO " Hostess" Cabinet/Heat Tray. Size 28"x 1H'• ". B.EAB. approved. Catalogue Number... . ..... .420/0600 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.74 ' £13.85 20 PIFCO Heated Tray. Carrying handles. Indicator light. Catalogue Number............ ........ 420/0246 Recom mended Retail Argos Price



21 PIFCO Heated Tray . Large heating surface, with carrying handles. Size 24~x 10". Catalogue Number.. . . ........ 420/0239 Recommended Retail Argos Price



22 PIFCO " Mini-Hotplate". Keeps food warm. Indicator light. Catalogue Number... .. ... ........ .... 420/0253 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.85 £2.70 23 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator. Nett capacity 3.6 cu . ft. Two star frozen food conlpartment. Salad drawer and chi ll tray. B.E.A.B . approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ...... ......... .... .400/0219 Recommended Retail Argos Price



24 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator. Nett capacity 4.3 cu. ft. Two star frozen food compartment. B.E.A.B. approved . (We wi ll deliver). Catalogue Number ..................... 400/0226. RecQmmended Retail Argos Price


. £32.50

25 SHARNAWARE Pedal Bin . Detachable refuse container. Blue Catalogue Number .......... 840/0169 Tango Catalogue Number .......... 840/0176 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.54 ' £1.10 26 JUDGE Swi ng Top Waste Bin. Large capacity. Blue Catalogue Number .... .. .... 840/0420 · Tango Catalogue Number ......... . 840/0437 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.69 £1 .90

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots- or traders• short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores. 1 TAICITY ·Tnumph " Refng erato r. Nett capacity 6.2 cu . fl . (We w ilt dehver) . Cat alogue Nu mber .. 400/ 0415 Recommended Reta1l Arg as Price


£5.45 5 GEKA Food Sheer . Stamtess steel Suction feet . While base Catalogue Number.. .840 Recommended Reta1l



2 TR ICITY " Tnumph " Refrigerator . Nett capacity 4.4 cu . ft . (We wi ll deliver) . Catalogue Nur;nber .. .400/0518 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£39 .16

4 GEKA Food Sl1cer. Stain less steel Folding wh1te and teak (Eire) . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Reta1l

6 KENWOOD " Chef' ' Food Mixer of speeds. Complete w1th bowl and bf Catalogue Numbe r... .. .......... 420 Recommended Retail Argo•

£34 .50



3 GEKA Food Slicer. Stamless steel blade. Food carrier and thumb guard . White base . (Eire). Catalogue Number .................. 840/ 0815 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.70 £5.40

7 EKCO " Hostess " Sovereign 1r Heated top tray and cupbo ard . He1gt Catalogue Number .. . ... 420 Recommended Retail

£44 .00 8 KENWOOO " Chefette " Food Mix ' LiquidiSer. Comp lete w1th stand and Catalogue Number. . .. ......... 420 Recommended Retail

£ 15.51 9 KENWOOO Blender Catalogue Number ... Recommended Reta1l

£9.90 10 KENWOOD " M ini" M1xer. Complet• stand and bowl. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£9 .35 11 RUSSELL HOBBS Electnc Per Ceramic body . Capac1ty 2 p.nts. B approved . Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £9 .11 12 RUSSELL HOBBS Sta.nless Steel tric Percolator . Capacity 2 pints. B approved . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Reta11

£12.44 13 KENWOOO Sl•cer/ Shredder ment . Catalogue Number Recommended Retail


£6 .00 14 KENWOOO Potato Peeler Attach Catalogue Number ................... ..4 Recommended Retail

£6.75 15 KENW OOD liQUidiser Attachment Catalogue Number ................... 4 Recommended Retail

£6.00 16 KENWOOD Can Opener Attach Catalogue Number .................... 4 Recommended Retail Argot



17 KENWOOO M1ncer Atlachment . Catalogue Number... . .. 4 Recommended Retail £4.77 18 MOUUNEX Liquidiser/Gnnder. T terchangeable . liquid•ser capacity grinder capacity 2! ozs. (France) . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£5.25 19 MOUUNEX Blender/ Grinder changeable tops. Blender capacity tl grinder capac1ty 2! ozs. (France) . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail


MOU LINEX Fruit Squeezer. Extracts • 11nd sieves pulp and pips. (France). togue Number... . ... 420/0370 c>mmended Retail Argos Price £4.25 MOU LINEX Veg Peeler No. 2. Peels ol potatoes. Suitable for other root litbles. (France). . ,.. togue Nu mber... ............. .... 420/0387 ommended Retail Argos Price '1~ £8.95 MOU LI NEX " Super Junior" Grinder. tClllee beans on ly . Capacity 2~ ozs. A fl approved. (France) . ••.W,que Number ...... .............. 420/0260 ommended Retail Argos Price £2.85 MOULI NEX Stand and Bowl tor "Marlt.tnd Mixer. (France).

Catalogue Number... ................ .420/0291 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.45 £2.50

27 MOULINEX Electric Knife. Twin serrated stainless steel blades. (France). Catalogue Number .................... 420/0356 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Catalogue Number. ... .. .... .. .. .... .. 840/0341 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.20 £4.95

24 MOUUNEX "Junior· · Grinder. Grinds nuts, coffee beans, rice, etc. (France). Catalogue Number......... . ...... .... 420/0277 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.95 £1.95


31 MOAPHY RICHARDS '' Easiblend'" Liquidiser. Stainless steel blades. Capacity 1 'h pints. B.E.A.B. approved. (Eire). Catalogue Number .... .. .. ... .. .... .. .. 420/0521 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.83 £6.75

25 MOULINEX Knife Sharpener /Can Opener. Freestanding o r wall mounting . (FranCe). Catalogue Number ....... ... ... ... ... .. 420/0363 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.60 £4.95 26 MOULINEX ' 'Jeannette '' Mincer/Grater or Fruit Press. Fine and coarse cutters. (France). Catalogue Number.. . ... ........ 420/0394 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £9.95 £6.95


28 MOULINEX 2-speed "' Minor" Beater. Beats and whisks. (France). Catalogue Number ........... .... ... ..420/0325 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £3.50 29 MOULINEX '" Marvel " Mixer ai1d Bowl. 3-speed . Two pairs of blades. 4¥2 pint bowl , working capacity 2'h pints. (France). Catalogue Number... ..... 420/0284 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.45 £5.25 30 TOWER Food Slicer. Serrated stainless steel blade with food carrier. Folding base. Suction foot. (W. Germany).

32 SUNBEAM Hand Food Mixer. 3-speed control. B.E.A.B. approved . (Canada). Catalogue Number..................... 420/0569 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.35 £5.25 33 SUN BEAM Mixer. Complete with stand and bowl. B.E.A.B. approved . (Canada) . Catalogue Number ..... .... .... .. ... ... 420/0576 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.64 £7.50

1 G.E.C. " Aibany 4" Cooker. Four rings and large easy clean oven . Autotimer. B.E.A .B. approved . (We wilt deliver). Catalogue Number... . ..... 400/0099 Recommended Retail Argos Price £65.85 £51 .50

4 "Compact Super 4" Cooker. Four radiant rings. Fluorescent hob light. Large oven. Automatic timer. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.................... 400/ 0044 Recommended Retail Argos Price

7 SELEX Minor Cooker. Two radiant Thermostaticall y controlled oven . approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail



2 ENGLISH ELECTRIC '' Rapide 66" Cooker. Four hi-speed radiant rings. Autotimer. Clean liner fitted to oven . B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ................... 400/0109 Recommended Reta'il Argos Price £70.35 £55.50

5 CREOA '' Horizon 22" Cooker. Self-cleaning oven liners. B.E.A.B. approved . {We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 400/ 0161 Recommended Retail Argos Price £76.25 £92.35

3 CREOA " Cavalier 4'' Cooker. Stay clean oven liners. B.E.A.B. approved . {We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 400/0154 Recommended Retail Argos Price £~9 . 25



6 CREOA '' Horizon Circulaire" Cooker. Fan situated in oven . B.E.A.B. approved . (We wilt deliver). Catalogue Number .................. 400/ 0051 Recommended Retail Argos Price



8 SUNBEAM Toaster. Black and B.E.A.B. approved . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £8.29

9 MORPHY RICHARDS Browning control. Hinged B.E.A.B. approved. Blueberry Cat. Number .. Brown Harvest Cat. Number .. Orange Bouquet Cat. Number .. Recommended Retail Argos £9.96 £6.95

Auto· Four" 4 Slice Heavy Duty Auto· roaster. k)gue Number... ...... 400/0628 ommended Retai l Argos Price 10 £14.95 nu SS El l HOBBS '' Two-Way" Toaster. wn1ng control. B.E.A.B . approved . (W. mnny) .

.. ,k)gue Number.... mmended Retail

. ... 420/ 0442 Argos Price £5.95

Rec. Retail £8.93 £7.96

Argos Price £6.25 £5.50

14 RUSSELL HOBBS " Poppy·· Set. (W. Germany). Available as follows: Catalogue Aec . Argos Number Retai l Price 420/ 0435 Toaster £9.48 £6.65 420/ 0150 Coffee Pot £9.11 £6.35 420/0174 Milk Warmer £7.11 £4.95

15 G.E.C. " Cavalcade'' Cooker. Double oven includes rotisserie. Four 7" radiant rings. B.E.A.B. approved . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 400/ 0116 Recommended Retail Argos Price £184.75 £1 45.00

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time - we are always pleased to see you.

will deliverr). Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£126.31 4 COLSTON " Turbo Washes . rinses twice and dries. approved . {We will deliver) . Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £99.12 5 COLSTON " Jetstream 747 " i Four wash programme and water (Italy) . (We will deliver). Catalogue Number... Recommernded Retai l £157.61 " Aristocrat " Washes . rinses twice and dries. approved . (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £117.21 7 HAGO Vegetable Rack. frame. Plastic coated wire Catalogue Number ... Recomm ended Retail

£2.86 8 HAGO :Saucepan Stand . wire . Height 32" Blue/ White Cat. Number... Tango/ White Cat. Number... Recommended Retail


• I'll£ STIGE Dish Drainer. Complete with

'''"Y holder.

·• Catalogue Number.......... 840/0190 •Ill Catalogue Number... . ...840/0200 ommended Retail Argos Price 11 £:1 .10

PHESTIGE 3· tier Vegetable Rack . •••logu e Number.. . .. ........ 840/0286 (ommended Retail Argos Price

£3.30 PRESTIGE 3·1ie r Vegetable Rack. ,, Catalogue Number ............ 840/0262 tlo Cata logue Number............ 840/0279 ommended Retail Argos Price 13 £:2.90 PRESTIGE Dish Drainer . 2·tier Wtth llt~ry ho lder. •111 1ogu e Number................... .840/0444 ommended Retail Argos Price 69 £:2.15 stai nless steel

......... 840/0705 Argos Price

£3.80 stainless steel

.................... 840/0712 Argos Price

£3.50 ur vtng Set. Sheffield stainless steel. •4•1ogue Number ......... ............ 840/0695 ommended Retail Argos Price • I') £:2.90


.... 840/0671 Argos Price £1 .95 Stainless steel with stag

... 840/0688 Argos Price £6.30 SPONG Clamp Mincer . 3 mild steel

...... 840/0640 Argos Price

£0.95 " Easy· Riser" Tea· • t Incl udes light and alarm. togue Number.... . ...... .. 420/ 0710 •mmended Retail Argos Price £:20.40 PONG Suc tion Base Mincer. Catalog ue Number ........... 840/0389 Catalog ue Number ........... 840/0396 .mmended Retail Argos Price I £:1 .55 " Teasmade" Automatic Tea· Incl udes light . alarm and kettle. ue Nu mber... . ... .420/0208 Argos Price £14.55


HlliN " Teasmade" Automatic Tea· Inclu des light . alarm , kettle and ue Number ..... ............... 420/0198 Argos Price £17.95 H IN " Teasmade ". Includes chrome •ntl eart henware teapot . urt Nu mber... .. .. 420/0215 Argos Price £:10.55 tiiN ·reasmade " Automatic Tea· ( . )mp lete with alarm, tray. kettle 1111

Nu mber .................... 420/0583 Argos Price '"nded Retail £:21.95


1 PRESTIGE Wall Can Opener. lid litter. Steel body. Catak)gue Number ... Recommended Retail

£1.98 2 PRESTIGE Wall Can Opener. lid litter. Stove enamelled fini sh. Blue Catalogue Number .... Red Catalogue Number .. Yellow Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail

£2.56 3 PIFCO Mini· Boiler. and economically. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

£1.95 4 PRESTIGE 3 Piece Carving less steel blades , bonded wood Catalogue Number.... .. . 'Recommended Retail


7 ROYAL Beam Scale. Weighs in Y4 up to 11 lbs. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number. Recommended Retail


PRESTIGE 6 Piece Cutlery Set. Stainless 1 blades. bonded wood handles. etllogue Number.................... 840/0602 ommended Retail Argos Price • 00 E5.60 Wall


.................... 840/0633 Argos Price

E3.s0 ........ 840/0451 Argos Price £6.75 Bin. Durable

18 PRESTIGE Kitchen Tool Set. 5 piece stainless steel plus rack. Cata6ogue Number ............. 840/0523 Recommended Retail Argos Price



.......... 840/0145 .......... 840/0152 Argos Price


19 PRESTIGE " Skyline" Kitchen Tool Set. 5 piece plus rack. Blue Catak»gue Number ... 840/0499 Green Catalogue Number ... 840/0509 Wood Grain Catalogue Number... 840/0516 Recommended Retail Argos Price



20 SELEX " Minor Duo" Twin Ring Cooker. Independent rings. Grills and boils at the same time. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .................... 400/0123 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.45 £11.95 21 SELEX " t.•finor" Oven. Freestanding or can be built-in . B.E.A.B . approved . Catalogue NUmber ..................... 400/0082 Rec ommended Retail Argos Price


NurnD<rr ....... .............. 840/0585 Argos Price



22 RUSSELL HOBBS Automatic Toaster Oven. Portable oven and grilL B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number .................... 420/0466 Recommended Retail • Argoa Price



Catalogue Number......... .. .......... 840/0334 Recommended Retail Argos Price

25 RIMA Infra-Red Grill . Cooks steaks in 90 seconds or toasted sandwiches in 1-2 minutes. Thermostatic control. Catalogue Number .... · ....... 420/0222 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£21 .98

23 WAYMASTER Graduate Scale. Wei~hs Y• ozs. to 1 lb .• then 1 ozs. to 7 lbs. .......... 840/0468 ...... 840/0475 Argos Price

E2.55 t

TIGE " Skyline" Kitchen Tool and 10 piece chromium-plated steel. Nu mber.... ................. 840/0482 ded Retail Argos Price



24 RIMA Infra-Red Grill. Cooks steaks and toasts sandwiches. Teflon coated grill plates. Catalogue Number ........ ........ .... 420/0765 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.99 £9.75


26 MOULINEX Rotissoire Spit Roaster. 2 position grill and tray. Kebab attachment. Heat resistant door. (France) . ..... 420/0318 Catatogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail



27 MOULINE)( Rotissoire Grill/Spit. Heat . resistant door. l<ebab and spit accessories. (France) . catai09U 8 Nu~r~ber ......... 420/0301 Argos Price Recommended Re~i·l.. .



call at Your local ARGOS showroolll any time-we are ahii'•Y• llleasec~ to see you.

All items on this page have TEFLON" Hard Base interiors NON-STICK EASY CLEAN SCRATCH RESISTANT

1 TOWER " Flower" Cookware . coated interiors. For gas or radiant r Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 860 / 0677 6" Saucepan £4 85 860/0684 7" Saucepan £5.49 860 / 0691 8" Saucepan £6 .55 860/0718 6". 7" and 8" Set £ 16.89 860 / 0701 Frypan £5.90 8 60/0725 Milk Pan £3.59 TOWER "" Black Dramond "' Teflon coated interiors. Ga s or Catalogue Numb er 2 860/0794 6" Saucepan 860/ 0804 T ' Saucepan 860/ 0811 8" Saucepan 860/ 0866 6 ·. T" and 8" Set 860/ 0828 Frypan 860/ 0842 Egg Poacher 860/ 0859 Mrlk Pan 860/ 0835 Chip Pan 3 860/ 0873 Roaster 4 FINLANDIA Enamelled Alummium ware. Tellon coated mtenors. For radiant nng . {Frnland) . Catalogue Number 860/ 0550 Mrlk Pan 860/0567 6" Saucepan 860/ 0574 6-¥"' .. Saucepan 860/0 581 1 V2~ Saucepan 860/ 0598 Frypan 86010608 Chrp Pan

All items on this page have TEFLOW Hard Base interiors NON-STICK EASY CLEAN

5 TOWER " Maid " Cookware . 5 p1ece set. Comprises 6" milk pan , 10" trypan , 6", 7" and a ~ saucepans. Teflon coated 1ntenors are not scratch resistant . For gas only. Catalogue Number 86011023 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £12.19 £8.15 TOWER " Colour " Cookware . Teffon interiors. For gas or radiant ring . Catalogue Re c. Number Reta1t 6 860/ 0732 sw· Saucepan £4 .85 860/ 0749 7" Saucepan £5.49 860/ 0756 8" Saucepan £6.55 860/0787 6", 7" and 8" Set £16 .89 £5.90 7 860/ 0763 Frypan 860/ 0770 Ch1p Pan £7.25


TOWER Crown Merton " Colour" ware. Teflon coated mteriors . For radiant ring . Catalogue Rec . Number Retail 8 860/ 0897 6" Saucepan 1:4.85 860/ 0907 7" Saucepan 1:5.49 860/ 0914 a~ Saucepan 1:6.55 860/ 0945 6'', 7" and 8" Set £16.89 9 860/ 0921 Frypan £5.90 860/0938 Chip Pan £7 .25

Cookgas or

Argos Price £3 .25 £3 .70 £4 .40 £11 .35 £3.95 £4 .85

Argos Price £3.25 £3.70 £4.40 £11 .35 £3.95 £4.85

10 TOWER " Special " Self Stirnng Saucepan . Teflon coated interior. Battery operated (not supplied). Catalogue Number... . ......... 860/ 1047 Recommended Retail Argos Price. £8.89 £5.95 11 TOWER " Special " Breakfast Pan . Three compartments. TeJion coated 1ntenor. Catalogue Number... .860/1061 Recommended Reta1l Argas Price £7.15 £4.80 12 TOWER "Spec1al" Multi Purpose Casserole. . Includes trivet . Tell on coated mterior. Catalogue Number.................. 860/ 1054 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.80 £5.90 13 TOWER "Special " Egg Bo1ler. Incorporates tlmmg device. Tellon coated interior. Catalogue Number .................... 860/ 1030 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £5.90 14 TOWER Crown Merton " Black Mag1c " Cookware . Teflon coated intenor. For gas or radiant ring . Catalogue Rec . Argas Number Retail Price 860/ 0952 6" Saucepan £3.55 £2.35 860/ 0969 T Saucepan £4.20 £2.80 860/ 0976 a ~ Saucepan £5 .25 £3.50 860/ 1016 6". 7" and 8" Set £13.00 £8.65 860/ 0990 Chip Pan £5.99 £3.95 860/ 0983 Frypan £4 .95 £3.30 860/ 1009 Milk Pan £3.45 £2.30

I JUDGE 4-square Frypan. Aluminium with fel lon coated, scratch resistant inte rior. ............ 860/ 0086 Argos Price £2.20

12 TOWER Crown Merton " Superten " ·Aluminium Coo kware. For gas or radia nt ring. Saucepan set sizes 6". 7• and 8". Chip pan size 8". Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price £11.05 £7.40 86011078 Saucepan Set 860/1085 Ch ip Pan £4.65 £3.10


" Townhouse" 10• Frypan. Enamelsteel. Tefl on coated. sc ratch resistant .......... 860/0062 . .... 860/ 0079 Argos Prk:e £2.60

J HAR BE NWARE " Nordic" Set. 6", 7" and · saucepans. Tefl on coated interiors. Catalogue Number... . . ..... 860/0189 ecommended Retail Argos Price 11 .85 £7 .95,

........ 860/ 0172 Argos Price £3.90 EU ROPA Enamelled Alu mi nium .ware. Teflon coated interiors. Catalogue Aec. lrilumber Retail M0/ 0275 6" Saucepan £3.54 '60/ 0282 1" Saucepan £4.24 160/0299 8" Saucepan £5.31 M0/0309 1O" Skillet £5.16 160/0316 Ch ip Pan £6.00

CookArgos Price £2.40 £2.85 £3.40 £3.45 £3.95

• JU DG E '' Topaz" Al um inium Cookware. " ucepans have Teflon coated, scratch •tsistant interio rs. Teak handles and knobs. or gas or radiant ring . Rec. Argas Catalogue Retail Price lrilum ber £4.45 £2.95 M0/ 0024 Frypan £4 .01 £2.70 teo/0031 6'12'' Saucepan £4.51 £3:15 M0/0048 7'h" Saucepan 160/ 0055 8 1/z" Saucepan £4 .73 £3.25 160/ 0017 Chip Pan £6.43 £4.30

t SWAN " Black Sati n " Cookware. oated interiors. Catalogue Rec . lrilumber Retai l M0/1 092 6" Saucepan £3.04 M0/1 102 1" Saucepan £3.60 M0/1 119 8" Saucepan £4.46 16011 164 6". rand Set £11 .1 0 H0/1 140 4- hole Poacher £5.26 H0/1 133 Chip Pan £5.05 • 60/1 157 Milk Pa n £2.94 M0/1 126 Frypan £4.22

Teflon Argos Price £1 .95 £2.40

£2.95 £7.30

£3.50 £3.40 £1 .95 £2.80

I JUDG E Oval Roaster. Self- basting lid. Offset han dles. Catalogue Number .................... 860/0093 neco mmended Retail Argos Price




JUDGI; " Sien na" Steel Cookware. Heat 1esistant hand les and knobs. Frypan with leflo n coated , scratch resistant interior. For gas or radiant ring. Rec. Argos Cata logue Retai l Price Number 160/ 0110 6 ~ Saucepan £3.02 £1 .95 160/ 0127 7 ~ Saucepan £3.13 £2.10 160/ 0134 8 ~ Saucepan £3.24 £2.20 160/ 0103 6~. rand 8" Set £8.58 £5.75 160/ 0141 Frypan £4.66 £3.15 160/ 0158 Ch ip Pan £4.66 £3.15 10 SWAN 6 Piece Aluminiu m Cookware Set. Consists 6", 7" and 8. saucep ans, milkpan, lrypan and chi p pan. Catalogue Number .................... 86011171 Recommended Retail Argos Price



11 HAR BENWARE Bakeware Set. 7 piece.

feflon coated interiors. (Hong Kong). Catalogue Number..................... 860/0165 Recommended Retail Argos Price t 8.60 £5.80

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you .

7 SONA Percolator. Mirror finish with teak handle. Capacity 8 cups. c ... togue Number.. . .................110/0139 · Recommended Retail Atgos Price



8 SONA Teapot. Mirror finish with teak handte and knob. Capacity 6 cups. Cohllogue ~· ..... 880/0122 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £ . £2.80

9 HARBENWARE 6" Milk Pan and 9"' Frypan. Non-stick interiors. . ....... ... 88010237 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Algool'rice




10 PRESTIGE Aluminium Wh~tling Kettte. Coblloguo Number..................... 880/0880 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £3.67 .£2J5

2. PRESTAG£.. Stainless Steel Cookware. Radiant-CON. Rec.




II0/04n 61h pt. Saiu~p 88010411 ZV• pt. Milk Pan 81010414 5 pt. Saucepan

£ 4.75

81010457 3Y• pt. Saucepan I Enamelled Steel Cookware. Martgold design. (Austria). Available as follows :Cat alogue Rec. Argoa Number Retail Price 160/ 0421 Stockpot £5.10 £:3.40 160/0330 6" Saucepan £3.30 £2.20 160/ 0347 Saucepan £3.80 £:2.55 160/~ 8"' Saucepan £4.51 £2.95 160/0378 Frypan £4.99 £:3.35 160/0323 Milk Pan £2.99 £:1.95 160/0311 Chip Pan £5.66 £3.80 860/0392 6" Casserole £3.68 £:2.45 860/0385 Kettle £6.13 £4.10 160/0402 a• Casserole £4.16 £:2.75 160/0433 Percolator £6.91 £4.65 M0/0419 917" Roaster £5.85 £:3.90


Fondue Set. Design matches above. Methyllted spirit burner. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail


8&0/0505 Chip Pan

3 PRESTIGE Non-stick Bakeware Set. Comprising : 2 sandwich tins. 2 6-hole bun tins, 1 each flan tin, square cake tin, pie plate and Yorkshire pudding tin. Catalogue Number ... 880/0543 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £8.68 £8.75 4 As above, 4 piece set. Comprising : cake tin, 2 sandwich tins and biscuit sheet. Cahllogue Number . .. 160/0531 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £4.97


12 PIFCO " Callboy" Kettle. aluminium. 4-note alarm. Capacity 4 pints. Red Catalogue Number .............180/0641 Blue C•taaogve Number ........ ... .. 8&0/0653 Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 HAABENWARE 5 Piece Pan Set. 5", 6.. and r saucepans, milk pan and trypan. Non-stick interiors. C8181ogue Number. Recommended Retail Argoa Pric:e £7.81 £5.25 14 SONA 5 Piece Tea Set. Mirror tinish with teak handles and knobs. C•talogue Number.. Recommended Retail £11 .08




~ ...

1 SWAN Alumm1um Tea Urn . Capacity 6 gallons Catalogue Number .. . ... 86011322 Recommended Reta11 Arg"tls Price £13.86 £:9.30

4 SWAN Grou nd Base Kettle Capacity 4 pmts. Catalogue Number .................. 860/1308 Recommended Reta11 Argos Price £4 .03 £2.70

7 SWAN Alu mm1um ·· cafe · Teapot CapacIty 4 p•nts Catalogue Number... . ...... 860/ 1353 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.54 £1.70

2 SWAN 12-hole Egg Poacher. Polished alummium . Teflon coated cups. Catalogue Number . . ..... .. . 860/1339 Recommended Reta11 Argas Price £10 .00 £6.70

5 SWAN Ground Base Chip Pan . Wire basket and draining rest . Catalogue Number.. . ............... 860/1298 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.45 t2.95

8 SWAN Quality Pl ate Kettle Capacity 3 pints Catalogue Number . . ... 860/1236 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.59 £3.10

3 SWAN Ground Base Saucepans. 6", 7 ~ and 8wset. 8" only With Side handle. Catalogue Number .. . ......... 860/1267 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.78 £5.90

6 SWAN ·· v1ctor"' Teapot. Capacity 8 pmts. Front handle gnp . Catalogue Number . . ...... 860/1346 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2 .90 £2.05

9 SWAN Ground Base 4-hole Egg Poacher. Teflon coated cups Catalogue Number ................ 860/ 1281 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £4.42 £2.95

10 ALBANY Aluminium Cookware. Blue exteriors . Non-st1ck mteriors. For gas or radiant ring . Rec . A•goo Catalogue Number Retail Prtct 860/ 1360 9YzH Skillet C3.99 C2.U 860/1377 8" Ch1p Pan £4 .39 £2.91 86011384 6" Saucepan C3.29 C2.20 86011391 7" Saucepan £3.59 £2.40 860/1401 8" Saucepan C3.99 C2.61 11 HAABENWARE coated mtenors Catalogue Number 860/0196 6" Milk Pan 860/0206 9" Frypan

Cookware Rec . Retail £2.00 £2.00

TefiOft Argot Price £1 .31 £1 .35

12 HAABENWARE 15 ~ Frypan . Non-stick •ll ll~n or . Fllted with side handles . Cat alogue Number... .860/0213 1\('~;:o m mended Reta1t Argas Price 4 36 £2.95 13 SWAN '" Willow Chrome ·. Traditional wilfJ W pattern design. Available as lollows:Cat alogue Rec . Argas Nu mber Reta11 Pric e 160/ 1212 Spc Tea Set £1 1.20 £7.50 £3.00 £1 .95 160/ 1229 2 pt. Teapot 14 SWAN Ground Base Percolator. Capac•ly 2'h pints . for hotplate only. Cata logue Number .... .............. 860/1315 nccommended Reta1l Argos Price C4 09 £2.75

15 SWAN " Carlton" Range. Decorated aluminium with polished finish . Available as follows:Rec . Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number £5.84 £3.90 1!60/1195 Spc Tea Set £1 .65 £1 .10 86011205 2 pt . Teapot 16 SWAN Ground Base Tnple Pan Set . Capacity 2 pints each . Suitable for radiant ring or solid hotplate . Catalogue Number ................ .. .. 1!60/1243 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £5.91 £3.95 17 SWAN Ground Base Double Pan Set. Capacity 3 pints each . Suitable for radiant ring or solid hotplate.

Catalogue Number ................... 86011250 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.34 £4.25 18 SWAN Ground Base Cookware. 4112'' milk pan and 8" trypan. Teflon coated Interiors. Catalogue Number .................... 860/1274 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.68 £3.80 19 STAFFORDS HIR E HOLLOWARE 10" Oven Top Casserole. Heavy gauge aluminIum. Capac1ty 12 pints . Catalogue Number... . ... 860/0268 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£4 .00


20 To'WER " Black Diamond '" Bakeware Set. Comp ri ses bun t1n , 7" cake tin and 2 x 7" sandwich tins. Teflon coated interiors. Catalogue Number..... ...... 860/ 0880 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.60 £3.10

ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR- not just for special sales events.

1 SCHLEMMERTOPH Roasting Pot. Roman style. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number..... . ........ 810/0335 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.71 £2.60 2 BONNIE Ovenware. Earthenware casseroles . (Norway). Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 810/0366 21Jz pint £2.74 £1.95 810/ 0373 4 pint £3 .34 £2.35 3 CORN ING " PyreK · 3 Piece Bakeware Set. Comprises 21fz pint dish. 31f4 pint square dish and 5 pint oblong dish. (U.S.A.). Catalogue Number.......... .... ....... 810/ 0160 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.40 £1 .95

4 "PyreK " Brand 3 Piece Oval Pie Dish Set. Capacities t'4, 11J4 and 2 pi nts. Catalogue Number..... .. .... ... .. ... .. 810/0122 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .75 £0.95

8 " Pyrex" Brand Clear Oblong Casserole. Capacity 5 pints. Catalogue Number ....... .. .... .. ..... 810/ 0108 Recommended Retail Argos Price £ 1.80 £1 .10

5 " PyreK" Bran d Square Roaster. Heat resistant clear glass. Catalogue Number ... ........ ....... 810/ 0115 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £ 1.35 £0.75

9 " Pyrex" Bran d Oblong Casserole. Clear cover. Capacity 3 pi nts. Market Garden Cat. Number ....... 810/ 0036 Briarwood Cat. Number ....... 810/0562 Autumn Glory Cat. Number ...... . 810/ 0579 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.91 £1 .10

6 " PyreK" Brand 3 Piece Clear Round Casserole Set. Capacities 1. 2 and 3 pints. Catalogue Number ...................810/0139 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.11 £1 .20 7 " Pyrex" Brand Clear Chicken Casserole. Hi-dome cover. Catalogu e Number.... ... 810/ 0098 R\'commended Retail Argos Price £2.14 £1 .25


Candle warmer and stand for above . (Not illustrated) . Cat. Number........ 810/ 0043 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1 .52 £0.90

10 "PyreK" Brand Easy Roast Casserole. Clear Hi-dome cover. Briarwood Cat. Number ....... 810/ 0555 Market Garden Cat. Number ....... 810/0029

11 " Pyrex " Brand Round 3 Piece ole Set . Clear cover. Capacities 1, pi nts. Cat. Number ... .. Briarwood Autumn Glory Cat. Number .. . Market Garden Cat. Number ... Recommended Retail £2.54 12 " Pyrex " Brand Casserole. Clear cover. Catalogue Number... Recommended Reta il £2.15 13 "Pyrex" Brand " Chelsea" C.,;se,·ol••• Capacities 2 and 3 pints. Catalogue Number....... Recommended Reta1t


14 CORNING " Pyrex" Oouble Boiler. Capacity 3 pints. (U.S.A.) . Catalogue Number... ........ . 810/0407 Recommended Retail Argos Price



IS CORNING " Pyrex" 4 Piece Refrigera· Uon Set. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .. . ..... ... ........ .810/0438 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.15 £2.45 16 " Pyrex" Brand " Opal " Glass Twosome Dinner/Tea Service. Tempo Catalogue Number ........ 810/0586 Chelsea Catalogue Number .... .... 810/0500 Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 " Pyrex'' Brand Beverage Set. Comprises

large jug, medium jug , sugar bowl and tray with candle warmer. Catah)gue Number ... ................. 810/IM21 Recommended Retail Argoa Price

Catalogue Number.. . Recommended Retail


21 Flame Proof Pan . Glazed earthenware. Red Catalogue Number.. ......... .810/0270 Blue Catalogue Number ............ .810/0304 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £1 .52 £0.95


18 CORNING "Pyrpx " 3 Piece Mixing Bowl Set. Capacities ~ V• pint, 21/z pint and 4 pint. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .. . ...... 810/0490 Argoa Price Recommended Retail £1.30 £2.22 19 JENA " Opal " Glass Jug. Heat resistant. Capacity 2V4 pints. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number'..................... 810/0658 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



20 " Pyrex" Brand Set of 4 Storage Jars.


............ 810/0445 Argoa Price


22 "'Pyrex" Brand 10oz Beakers. Set of 3. Catalogue Number... . .. .. ... :. 810/0469 Recommended Retail Argoa Price

£1 .29



25 " Pyrex" Brand Pair of Jugs. Capacity 1 pint each. Catalogue Number ................. 810/0476 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.84 £1.65


23 " Pyrex" Brand Rainbow Bowl Set. Capacities 11/z pint, 2 pint and 4 pint. Catalogue Number ................... 810/0452 Recommended Retail Argoa Price


" Pyrex"' Brand " Opal " Glass Fruit Dishes. Set of six . 24 Tempo Catalogue Number.... 81010830 Chelsea Catalogue Number.... 810/0517 Recommended Retail Argoa Price


ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DA V OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events.

1 " Pyrex " Brand Clear Gift Set. Comprises 1 pint casserole, 1 pint basin, 1V2 pin t dish and 8 112" pie plate. Catalogue Number ................... 810/0146 Recommended Retai l . Argos Price £1 .64 £1.15

4 CROWN DEVON Souffle Dishes. Oven to table ware in glazed earthenware. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 810/0249 4 small dishes £1 .65 £1 .15 810/0256 2 pint dish £1.33 £0.95

2 " Lorraine ·· Porcelain Casseroles. For use direct from the oven. Matches item 14, page 110. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 810/0689 3 pint £6.35 £4.45 810/ 0696 4112 pint £7.50 £5.25

" Pyrex " Brand Round Casserole. Clear cover. Capacity 5 pints. 5 Briarwood Cat. No .... . ...... 810/0665 6 Market Garden Cat. No ........... 810/ 0672 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .60 £0.90

3 CROWN DEVON '" Connth " Roaster. Oven to table ware in glazed earthenware. Catalogue Number .................. 810/ 0263 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.25 £1.55

7 " Saxony·· Oven to Table Ware Casseroles. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 810/ 0706 3 pint £2.85 £1.95 810 / 0713 2 Y.o~ pint £2.42 £1.75

8 GOVANCROFT " Lunar" Oven to Table Ware. Stoneware glazes. Matches item 14, page 113. Rec. Argos Catalogue Number Retail Price 810/0380 2 pt Veg Dish £2.64 £1.85 810/ 0397 3 Y2 pt Casserole £3.52 £2.45 9 CROWN DEVON Oven to Table Ware Cassero les. Re c. Catalogue Argos Number Price Retail 810/0816 4 pint £1 .99 £1 .40 810/0823 2 pint £1.17 t0.80

10 JENA Flameproof Soup/ Cereal Bowls. Capacity Y2 pint. Set of six. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number ..................... 810/0641 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.80 £2.65

JENA Flameproof Casseroles. Clear covers. (W. Ge rmany) . Avai lable as follows : Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 11 810/ 0627 4 pint £3.00 £2.10 12 810/0634 5 pint £2.40 £1.70 13 810/0737 3 ¥2 pint £1 .65 £1.15 14 810/ 0720 1112 pint £1 .30 £0.90

15 " Pyrex " Brand 5 Piece Clear Gift Set. Heat resistant clear glass. Comprises roaster. casserole, measuring JUg , pie plate and bowl . Catalogue Number .................... 810/0153 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.68 £2.15 16 ARCOPAL " Menestrel " All Purpose Set Oven proof glassware. Comprises 6 each cups, saucers. dinner and soup plates

.. . jerCOpall ~

I 10aster and 1 casserole. Catalogue Number .................... 810/ 0483 noco mmended Retail Argos Price 1'1 096 C7.65 17 CORNING " Pyrex " Oval Divided Serving f),.-,h with Cover. Capacity 2 pints. Avocado •nd white. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .................... 810/0524 Httcommended Retail Argos Price 1??6 £1 .30

11 CROWN DEVON " Corinth " Oven to hbte Ware Casseroles. Glazed earthenware •1111 a fruit design. C•t alogue Argos Rec . Humbe r Retail Price 110/ 0225 4 pint £1 .95 £2.80 11010232 2 pint £2.08 £1 .45

19 CROWN DEVON " Carnival" Oven to Table Ware. Glazed earthenware. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 810/0177 2 pint £1 .91 £1.35 810/0184 4 pint £2.34 £1.65 810/0191 Roaste r £2.03 £1.45 810/ 0201 4 Souffles £1 .65 £1 .15 810/0218 2 pint Souffle £1 .33 £0.95 20 Flame Proof Stew Pot. Glazed earthenware. Capacity 5 pints. . .. .810/0294 Red Catalogue Number .. Blue Catalogue Number ............ 810/0328 Recommended Retail Argos Price



21 ARCOPAL " Menestret " Mixing Bowls. Oven proof glassware. Set of 3. Sizes 6~. a~ and 9" (France) .

Catalogue Number ................... 810/0414 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.09 £1 .45

22 ··senja" Ovenware. Glazed Scandinavian stoneware. Matc hes item 15, page 113. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retai l Price 810/0359 Large Casserole £5.62 £3 .95 810/0342 Small Casserole £4.62 £3.25 23 '" Honey " Casseroles. Oven to table ware. Catalogue Rec . Argos Retail Number Price 810/0775 3Y2 pint £4.71 £3.30 810/0782 2 pint £2.70 £3.84 24 " June " Casseroles. Oven to table ware

Catalogue Number 810/0799 3Y2 pint 810/0809 2 pint

Rec. Retail £4.34 £3.62

Argos Price

£2.95 £2.55

25 Flame Proof Casserole. Glazed earthenware. Capacity JY2 pints. Red Catalogue Number ........... 810/ 0287 Blue Catalogue Number .......... .. 810/0311 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3 .15 £2.20 26 ARCOPAL " Menestrel '" Casseroles. Oven proof glassware. Matc hes item 16. (France) . Rec . Catalogue Argos Retail Number Price 810/0074 2 and 3 pint £2.94 £1 .95 £2.41 810/ 0081 4 pint £1.70

FINE TABLEWARE from famous makers. A word about quality. China is available in a wide range of prices. The cheapest is called " once tired". This means it has been glazed only once and can be recognised by a slightly rougher " feel ". lt is also softer and liable to break very easily. Most china is "twice tired " having been glazed twice, resulting in a much smoother finish.

1t then goes through a process which we call " selection". This means that all pieces are examined and those with imperfections are discarded. Cheaper grades available elsewhere are NOT selected. Alter this, prices vary according to the length of time certain designs take to manufacture and the amount and quality of decoration.


1 PARAGON " Victoriana Rose" Fine Bone China. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 800/0019 21pc Tea Set £13.53 £10.15 £7.85 800/0026 10'12• Plates (6) £10.46 800/0033 8" Plates (6) £5.82 £4.35 800/0040 6'h" Cereal (6) £5.82 £4.35 800/0057 Dinner Extras £25.81 £19.35 800/0064 Coffee Set £10.78 £8.10

4 QUEEN ANNE '" Belmont " Fine Bone China. 6 piece place setting . Catalogue Number.................... 800/0277 Recommended Retail Argos Price


3 "'Grange Peony'" Bavarian China Tea Set. 18 piece: Catalogue Number .................... 800/1324 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.20 £4.24


6 PARAGON "Tree of Kashmir"' Fine Bone China. Catalogue Number 800/0136 7pc Set 800/0143 Dinner Extras 800/0150 Coffee Set

Argos Price £9.30 £25.85

8 PARAGON " Elegance" Fine Bone Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 800/0071 21pc Tea Set £11.44 800/0088 10Y2~ Plates (6) £9.35 800/0095 a ~ Plates (6) £4.55 £4.55 800/0105 Cereal (6) 800/0112 Dinner Extras £22.80 £8.77 800/0129 Coffee Set

China. Argoa Price £8.60 £6.95 £3.40 £3.40 £17.10 £6.55


5 DUCHESS " Blue Convolvulus'" Tea Set. Fine bone china . 21 piece. Catalogue Number...... . ......... 800/0332 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£7.50 2 '" Floral Bouquet" Bavarian China Coffee Set. 15 piece. Catalogue Number... . ......... 800/1317 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.80 £5.10

Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 800/0208 21pc Tea Set £12.42 li00/0215 25pc Dinner Set £43.40

Rec . Retail £7.13

£29.77 £12.73

Argos Price £5.35 £22.35 £9.55

7 ROYAL ALBERT "'Old English Rose"' Fine Bone China.

9 CROWN STAFFORDSHIRE '' Rosemount' ' Fine Bone China. Catalogue Rec. Argos Price Number Retail £9.40 800/0222 21pc Tea Set £12.50 800/0239 10~ Plates (6) £14.57 £10.95 800/0246 8" Plates (6)



800/0253 Cereal (6) 800/0260 Dinner Ext ras

£8.9 1 £36.50

£6.70 £27.40

10 QUEEN ANNE " Bellisima'' Tea Set. Fine bone china. 18 p fece. . ........ 800/0284 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail A.rgos Price £5.15 £3.90 11 PARAGON " Athena" Fine Bone Catalogue Aec . Number Retail 800/0181 21pc Tea Set £20.23 800/0198 Coffee Set £16.22

China. Argos Price £15.15 £12.15

12 HOSTESS TABLEWARE " Greenway' ' Co ffee Set. Fi ne bone china. 15 piece. . Catalogue Number ..................... 800/0363 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.90 £7.45 13 HOSTESS TABLEWARE "'Angelique"

Tea Set. Fine bone chi na. 21 piece. Catalogue Number....... .. ..... 100/0356 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 0.62 £7.95 14 " Lorrai ne" Wh ite Glazed· Porcelai n. Oven to t ableware. Matches casseroles item 2. page 108. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 80011207 Dinner Plates (6) £6.50 £6.40 800112140essertPi ates (6) £5.94 F4-45 800/1221 Soup Dish (1) £2.63 £1 .95 800/1238 Cups/Saucers (6) £7 .11 £5.30 800/1245 Side Pl ates (6) £4.45 £3.35 800/1252 Coffee Extra s £5.40 £4.10 15 PARAGON " Belinda" Fine Bone Catalogue Re c. Number Retail 800/0167 21pc Tea Set £9 .59 £7.61 800/0174 Coffee Set

China. Argos Price £7.20 £5.70

China. Catalogue Number 800/0291 21pc Tea Set 800/0301 1o• Plates (6) 800/0318 6" Plates {6) 800/0325 Soup (6)

Rec. Retail

£7 .05 £6.04

£3.01 £3.0 1

Argos Price £5.30 £4.55 £2.25 £2.25

17 DUCHESS " Harlequin " Beakers. Fine bone china. Set o f 6. Catalogue Number .. .Sll0/0349 Recommended Retail £3.75

· A.rgos Price £2.8ll

Latest patterns and designs are Included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed In our




!Page 1121




2 GRINOLEYS " Country Inn " Pottery. Rec. Argos Catalogue Number Retail Price 800/ 0923 18pC Tea Set £4.99 £3.75 800/0954 Soup (6) £3.86 £2.90 800/ 0947 10• Plates (6) £2.75 £1 .95 800/ 0930 8" Plates (6) £2.25 £1 .70 £3.75 £2.80 800/ 0961 Co ffee Extras 3 GR INDLEYS " Endeavour" Com bination Set. 34 piece. Catalogu e Number ............. .. ..... 800/0851 Recommended Retail , . Argoa Price £14.09 I £10.60 4 BILTONS " Indiana" Combination Sets. Rec. Argas Catalogue Number Retai l Price 80011568 30pc £6.00 £4.50 80011575 45pc £1 1.64 £8 .75

5 WASH INGTON POTIERIES Combination Set. Sunflower design. 30 piece. Catalogue Number................... 80011056 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.20 £5.40 6 ALFRED MEAKIN " Satu rn " Combination Set. 20 piece. Catalogue Number......... ..... ...... 800/ 1087 Recommen ded Retail Argas Price £5.80 . £4.35 7 WAS HI NGTON POTIERI ES " Saxony White" Combinat ion Set. 20 piece. Catalogue Number..................... B00/ 1063 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £3.50 £2.65 8 WASHINGTON POTTERIES Combination Set . New Mexic o design. 30 piece. Catalogue Number ..................... 800/ 1049 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.20 £5.40

Compoaitlon of sets on pages 110-117 18 Piec e Tea Set : 6 each cups, saucers and side plates. 21 Piece Tea Set: As 18 piece tea set, plus bread and butter plate, sugar bowl and cream jug. 18 Piece Dinner Set : 6 each dinner, dessert and soup plates. 25 Piec e Dinner Set: As 18 piece dinner let, plu s- 2 covered vegetable dishes, gravy boat and meat d ish . 15 Piece Coffee Set: 6 each cups, saucers, 1each co ffee pot, sugar bowl and cream jug . 20 Plec'e Grill Set : 4 each cups, saucers, IOl;I P. side and oval dinner plates. 20 Piece Combination Set : 4 each cups, saucers, din ner, soup and side plates. )() Piece Combination Set : 6 each cups, taucers, dinner, soup and side plates. l4 Piec e Combi nation Set: As 30 piece M t, plus vegetable dish, bread and butter plate. sugar bowl and cream jug . l6 Piece Combination Set : As 30 piece I. plus six 9~ plates. Olnner Extras : 1 each gravy boat and •land , oval meat platter, plus 2 vegetable · Uahes. Coffee EJrtraa: 1 each coffee pot, sugar hOwl and cream jug . 4$ Piece Combination Set : 6 each cups, ucers, din ner, soup and side plates, ssert bowls and egg cups. 1 each sugar wl, cream jug and coffee pot.

I t.1YOTI " Rialto Maroon " Pottery. C•talogue Rec. Number Retail t00/ 0796 18pc Dinner Set £8.25 100/0806 18pc Tea Set £4.95 t00/ 081 3 Coffee Extras £4.30

Argos Price £6.20 £3.70 £3.25

9 BILTONS " Santos " Com bination Catalogue Rec. Number Retai l 800/11 28 20pc £4.40 £11.62 800/1135 45pc

Sets. Argas Price £3.30 £8.75

10 MYOTI " Intone Amber" Catalogue Number 800/ 0820 18pc Tea Set 800/0837 18pc Dinner Set 800/ 0844 Coffee Extras

Argas Price £3.70 £6.20 £3.25

Pottery. Rec . Retail £4.95 £8 .25 £4 .30

11 JON ANTON " Arabesque" Combination Set. 30 piec e. Catalogue Number .................... 800/1032 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.99 £5.95 12 GR INDLEYS ''Tiara Green' ' Combination Set. 20 piece. Catalogue Number ....... .... ....... .. 800/ 0868 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.82 £5.10 13 JOHNSON BROS " Sundance'' Co~bina­ tion Set. 30 piece. Catalogue Number ............. ....... 800/ 0789 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.21 £6.15 14 GOVANCROFT " Lunar" Oven to Tabl e Stoneware. •' Matches casserole item 8, page 108 . Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 800/ 0370 12" Platter (6) £9.25 £6.95 800/ 0387 6~ Plate (6) £3.70 £2.80 800/ 0394 8" Plate (6) £5.28 £3.95 800/ 0404 Soup (6) £5.28 £3.95 800/ 0411 Coffee Set £10.95 £8.25 15 " Senja" Scandinavian Stoneware. Matches casseroles 6n page 109, item 22. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 800/1269 Cups/Saucers (6) £6.36 £f.70 £5.51 £4.10 800/1276 Side Plates {6) £6.75 800/1283 Dinner Plates (6) £8 .97 800/1 290 Soup Plates (6) £6.32 £4.75 800/1300 Coffee Extras £7.08 £5.30

16 ENOCH WEDGWOOD (TUNSTALL) LTO. " Doverstone" Tableware. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 800/1489 30pc Set £7.50 £5.60 800/0466 Coffee Extras £4.90 £3.70

1 RIDGWAY " Vinewood" . Leaf border design with silver coloured trim. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 800/0703 21pc Tea Set £6.10 £4.60 800/0710 25pc Dinner Set £14.75 £10.95 2 WOOD'S " Saracen " Earthenware. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 800/097818 Pc Tea Set · £5.99 800/0985 Tea Set Extras , £2.75 £3.60 800/0992 10" Plates (6) £2.99 80011001 8"'" Plates (6) 800/1018 Soup {6) £5.45 800/1025 Dinner Extras £10.99

Argas Price £4.50 £2.10 £2.70 £2.25 £4.10 £8.25

3 J . & G. MEAKIN "Tulip Time" Oven to Table Ware. From " The Bull in the China Shop" range.

Catalogue Number 800/1513 20pc Set 800/0569 Coffee Extras 800/0583 34pc Set

Rec. Reteil

£8.12 £4.21 £15.26

Argos Price £6.10 £3.15 £11.45

4 J . & G. MEAKIN " Nordic" Pottery. From " The Bull in the China Shop '' range. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Reteil Price 800/0662 34pc Set £13.23 £9.90 £4.95 £3.70 800/0655 18pc Tea Set £3.67 £2.75 800/0679 Coffee Extras 5 HOSTESS TABLEWARE " Nevada" Corn-. t:Unation Set. 20 piece. Catalogue Number .. . ... 800/0899 Argos Price Recommended Retail



6 J. & G. MEAKIN " Poppy" Tableware. From " The Bull in the China Shop" range. Catalogue Aec . Argos Number Retail Price 80011506 20pc Set £8.68 £6.50 £4.48 £3.35 800/0521 Coffee Extras 800/0545 34pc Set £16.12 £12.10

9 MYOTT " Provence " Pottery. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 800/0909 18pc Tea Set £4.29 800/0916 18pc Dinner Set £7.00

Argas Price £3.20 £5.25

7 " Tudor Village " Combination Set. 20piece. Catalogue Number ........... .. ........ B00/1142 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.30 £3.95

10 J . & G. MEAKIN " Contessa" Pottery. From " The Bull in the China Shop" range. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 800/0631 18pc Tea Set £4.95 £3.70 £13.23 £9.90 800/0648 34pc Set

8 RIDGWAY '' Navajo 11 " Pottery. Catatogue Rec. Number Retail £11 .10 80011544 34pc Set 80011551 Coffee Extras £4.00 800/0n2 20pc Grill 5et £6.70

11 HOSTESS TABLEWARE " Debutante" Pottery. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 800/0875 18pc Tea Set £4.75 £3.55 800/0882 36pc Set £12.42 [9.35

Argos Prk:e £8.35 £2.95 £4.95

Attractive oriental Rec . Retail

Argas Price

£6.20 £14 .60

£4.65 £10.95 .

& G. · MEAKIN " Aztec and Inca" Table· in the China Shop "

••,·e. From " The Bull

nge. Available as follows :

I Aztec 30pc Combinatio n No .... 800/0617 Inca 30pc Combination No .... B00/0590 ommended Retail Argoa Price

10 57


15 RIOGWAY " Mosaic Gold" Pottery. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 800/1537 Coffee Extras £4.00 £2.95 800/1520 34pc Set £10.70 £7.95 800/0741 20pc Set £6.10 £4.60 16 J . & G. MEAKIN •"Elite" Pottery. From " The Bull in the China Shop " range. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail P,tlce 800/1496 20pc Set £9.08 £6.80 £4.79 £3.60 800/0480 Coffee Extras £17.13 £12.85 800/0507 34pc Set

... .. .... ..800/0600 800/0624 Argoa Price £2.75

Bulf it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events.

3 RAVENHEAD. " Tubbies" Storage Comprises 2 each Boz, 16oz and Catalogue Number ... Recom mended Retail


1 SAD LEA " Harvest" Coffee Set . Coffee pot , sugar bowl . cream jug and four mugs. Catalogue Number.. . .... .. 800/1427 Recommended Retai l Argos Price



2 SADLER Fun Mug Pack. Set of four. Catalogue Number ..... ............... 80011434 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .50 £1 .15

5 CROWN DEVON " Ca rnival" Catalogue Number 80011393 2 Sitters 800/ 1386 3 Jars

100/1 410 1 pt Jug 100/1403 Bis. Barrel

£1.11 £2.34

£0.85 £1.75

I CONA Electric Coffee Maker. Catering tnodel incorporating hot plate. Capacity 3 pints. Catalogue Number ......... ... ... ..... 800/1599 Aecom mended Retail Argo• Price



1 MEUTTA Complete Coffee Maker. Capity 2 pints. (W. Germany) . C.taJugue Number ...............·..... 100/1465 flecommended Retail Price


r3 46


I CONA Coffee Maker and Accessories. Capacity 2 pints. Catalogue Number ....................100/1801 Recommended Retail Argo• Price

Catalogue Number .................100115a2 Recommended Retail Prtce


11 ENGLISH IRONSTONE Steak Plates. Set of six. Catalogue Number ............. ..... ..80011070 Recommended Retail Argo• Price


9 MELITTA Complete Auto Coffee Maker. Incorporates hot plate. Capacity 6-8 Q(lps. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .. . . ......100/1472 Recommended Retail Price £14 .96 £11.20


10 ARCOPAL " lsabelle" Heat Resistant Glassware. 20 piece combination set. (France).






12 SADLER 3 Piece Set. Comprises teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug.

c:ao...._ N u -....................-1441 Recommended Retail

A,... Pftce



13 SADLER 3 Piece Set. Comprises teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug.

c.t...... -


Recommended Retail

Argoa Prtce



14 SAMPSON BRIDGWOOD " Clyde" ware. Available in sets of 24. Cll1ologue Roe. Number Retail -1159 Cups £6.40

AJgoo Price £4.80

10011116 Saucers _,117161'>" Piates _,1110 91'>" Pl111es _,1117 Soup Pl111es

£2.90 £4.:10 £8.30 £5.20

£3.92 £5.68 £11 .04 £6.90


Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you. OEMA Glassware. Sets of 12. Catak)gue • Rec. Number Retail

ArgOa Price

1 2 3 4 5

£1 .55 £1.45 £1 .65 £0.90 £1 .30

815/0354 Wine 815/0347 Cocktail 815/0361 Brandy 815/0323 Tumbler 815/0330 Sherry

£2.03 £1 .95 £2.16 £1 .18 £1 .79


''Tudo(" -


glassware. Slla Gllla. Catalogue Number 815/0244~

815/0237 Sherry 815/0251 Goblet 815/02e& Whisky

hllnd cut

Roe. Retail £5.32 £4.49 £1.38 £4.38




£4.11 £3.25

glasses. Catalogue Nul'ftber•................... 815/0311 Recommended Retail Argoe Price


Recommended ReWI £1 .75

A..- PIIDe



7 " Aegis" 30 Pktce SUite. Six each sherry, wine, whisky, tumblers and cocktail


llnncly · ~ .._ 111*c - . . . -........................ -

I WATFORD G - ""Derby'" Suite. Hand cui cryolol. G - I n - of olx. Flee. ~


11510134 Sherry 11510141 Whisky 11510151 Claret

Retail £10.25 £9.50 £12.25

...... £7.45

815/01&5 Sherry Decanter £10.00


11510172 Spirit Decanter




...... : ........ 115/0512 Argos Price £5.75 t 2 " Embassy" Suite. Bohemian hand cut d crystal with proper cut stem. (Foreign) . Cetelogue Rec. .Argos H t.~mbe r Retail Price 11510017 Sherry (6) £tt .26 £7.10 lt 510024 Claret (6) £t4.44 £t0.85 l t5100l1 Goblet(~) £t5.75 £11.10 11510048 Whisky (6) £t4.75 £10.15 11 510055 Brandy (6) £22.00 £18.50 11 510062 Beer Mug (t) £6.32 £US



t4 Pair of C a n d - cui .,;,.... 'glass. Cetaktgue Number .... .................11111110 Recommended R•lblll "-£8.t2


15 METROPOUT-'N ··- · · Sulle. Hand cut crystal glassw. .. GIMMe ftail8ble in sets of


.... -· -



t3 W"TFORO Glllia, Bowt Hand cut

C•tlllogae Nu...........................11111141 Recommended RtQif AriM Price


£5.114 £8.114 £8.72

11518111 ShorrJ 111i111111CI11-Tu..1111111211SU115fiZZO o.c.mor 11 Pagoda ,_,


£4.71 £10.44 £7.11 £8.311 . ~rioee

glass ~ jars height lW.

3 -ng

• ....-. llwrlll

c : . . . . _ -....................11Aecommended Retail £1 .45

Argoe Prtce £1.10

1 Optic Vase. Multi-coloured g lass. Height 9". . .... 815/0521 Catalogue Number .. Argos Prlce Recommended Retai l



2 Optic Vase. Multi- coloured glass. Height 7". Catalogue Number .. . ... 815/0531 Argos Prtce Recommended Retail £1.90 £1 .45 3 Vase. Green coloured glass. Heig ht 11 ~. Catalogue Number ..................... 815/0481 Reco mmended Retail Argoa Prk:e £1.29 £0.95 4 Vase. Ruby red coloured g lass. Height

11". Catalogue Number .................... 815/ 0495 Argos Prk:e Recommended Retail £1.29 £0.95 5 Vase. Ultra-blue coloured g lass. Height 11". Catalogue Number ............... ... .. 815/ 0505 Recommended Retail Argos Prlce £1 .29 £0.95 6 Bar Set. Comprises 2 decanters, sha ker, mixi ng spoon and 6 glasses. Catalogue Number.. . ....... 81 5/0440 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.45 £1.10

7 ARCOPAL " Bah1a" Water Set. Comprises decorated jug and six tumblers. (France). ........ 815/0421 Catalogue Number .. . · Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1.95 £1 .45 8 " Monte Carlo" Fruit Set . Comprises serving bowl and six dishes. Catalogue Number .................... 815/0402 Recommended Retail Argos Prlce £1.20 £0.85

9 " Sweet Sue" Sundae Dishes. Set or six. Ca talogue Number .................... 81 5/0419 Argos Price Recommended Retai l £1.25


10 EMBASSY Party Set. Comprises 4 each tot glasses. large and medium tumblers. (France). Catalogue Number .................... 815/0433 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price £1.75 £1 .25 11 RAVEN HEAD " Hobnobs" Bar Set. Comprises 6 each Boz, 11oz and 12oz glasses. Catalogue Number .................... 815/0581 Recommended Retail Argos Prlce £2. 64 £1 .95 12 RAVENHEAD " Siesta'' Party Set . Com· prises 6 eac h Soz. 9oz and 11oz glasses. Catalogue Number ..................... 815/0S91 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £2.26 £1.65 13 " Victory" Sherry Glasses. Matt cut design. Harleq uin coloured stems and bases. Set of six. Catalogue Number .................... 81 5/0371 Recommended Retai l Argos £1 .50

six . Catalogue Number 815/0275 Sherry 815/0282 Goblet 815/ 0309 Brandy 815/0299 Tum blers

Rec. Retail £2.64 £2.85 £2.85 £2.85

" Padua" Glassware. Cobalt blue. twisted stems. Sets of six. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 15 815/0385 Wine £3.05 16 815/0392 Sherry £2.31

Composition of Sets on pages 121-123. 7pc set : 1 each table knife, table fork, dessert knife. dessert fork , dessert spoon , soup spoon and teaspoon . 24pc set: six 4 pc sets. 44pc set: six 7pc sets. plus 2 servers. 56pc set: six 7pc sets, plus 6 pai rs fish eaters and 2 servers. 117pc set: twelve 7pc sets, plus 12 tablespoons, 6 pairs fish eaters, 6 serving spoons and a 3poo carving set.

" Treasure Chest" Cutlery. Stainless steel with patterned handles. Avai lable as follows : Catalogue Argos Rec. Retail Number Price 11 820/0606 44pc £11.10 £7.45 18 820/0596 24pc £3.85 £2 .60 SPEAR & JACKSON " Champagne" Cutlery. Sheffield stainless steel with textured handles. Available as follows : Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 19 820/0723 44pc £32 .66 £:28.55 20 820/0716 24pc £13.96 £12.25 SPEAR & JACKSON " Merton " Cutlery. Sheffield stainless steel with satin finish handles. Available as follows :

Catalogue Number 21 820/0709 44pc 22 820/0699 24pc

Rec . Retail

Argos Price

£29.60 £11.65

£25.90 £10.20

SPEAR & JACKSON "Crystal " Cutlery. Sheffield stai nless steel with textured handles. Available as follows: Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 23 820/0675 24pc £10.75 £:9.40 24 820/0682 44pc £:27.30 £:23.85 SPEAR & JACKSON '' Cresta " Cutlery. Sheffield stainless steel . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 25 820/0651 24pc £:7 .30 £:6.40 26 820/0668 44pc £20.25 £17.75

" Trend" Cutlery. Sheffield stainless steel, satin finish . Available as follows : Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 27 820/0620 44pc £16.36 £10 .95 28 820/0613 ?4pc £7.70 £5.15 " Birch" Cutlery. Sheffield stainless steel, textu red handles. Available as follows: Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 29 820/ 0644 44pc £11 .55 £:7.75 30 820/ 0637 24pc £4.84 £3.25

1Page122l 1 VINERS " Love Story" Stainless Steel Cutlery. Avai lable as follows: 56 pieces set in a coffee table. Catalogue Number .................... 820/0091 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £45.00 £30.15 44 pieces in a mahogany finished case. Catalogue Number..................... 820/0084 Recommended Retail Argos Prtce



· 24 piece Canteen ......... Cat. No. 820/00n Recommended Retai l Argas Price



6 prs Fish Eaters ... Cat. No. 820/0187 Recommended Retai l Argas Price



7pc Place Set. .............. Cat. No. 820/0204 Recommended Retail

Argos Price



6 Teaspoons ................. Cat. No. 820/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price

6 Ta ble Knives .............. Cat. No. 820/0163 Recommended Retail Argas Price



£1 .10


6 Dessert Spoons.......... Cat. No. 820/0118 Recommended Reta il Argos Price

7pc Fruit Set. .......... Cat. No. 820/0170 Recom mended Retail Argas Price



£1 .60


7pc Fruit Set. ............ Cat. No. 820/0486 Argas Prk:e RecOmmended Retai l £3.10 £2.10 6prs Fish Eate rs ... ... . .... Cat. No. 820/0503 Recommended Reta il Argas Price £5.35 £3.55

6 Soup Spoons............. Cat. No. 820/0125 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.70 £1 .85

7pc Pastry Set .............. Cat. No. 820/ 0194 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.65 £1 .80

6 Pastry Forks .............. Cat. No. 820/0431 Recommended Retail Argas Price

6 Dessert Forks ............. Cat. No. 820/0132 Recommended Retail Argas Price .

2 VINE RS " Chelsea" Stainless Steel Cut· lery . Availa ble as foll ows: 44 pieces in a mahogany finished cabinet. Catalogue Number ..................... 820/0383 Recommended Retail Argas Price

Pr Salad Serve i s ... .... .... Cat. No. 820/ 0493 Recommended Retai l Argas Price


£1 .60

6 Dessert Knives ... Cat. No. 820/0156 Recommended Retail Argas Price






6 Table Forks ............... Cat. No. 820/0149 Recommended Reta il Argas Price


24 pieces in a leatherette case. Catalogue Number......... ........... 820/0376 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 3.50 £9.10





6 Teaspoons ................. Cat. No. 820/0390 Recommended Retail

Argas Price


£1 .25

6 Dessert Spoons .......... Cat. No. 820/0400 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.95 £1 .95

jPage 123l I Sou p Spoons ............. Cat. No. 820/0417 Uecommended Retail Argos Price f3 .10 £2.10

7pc Place Set .... ... ... .... . Cat. No. 820/0510 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.55 £2.40

t Grapefruit Spoons .. .. ..Cat. No. 820/0424

3 VINERS " Profile" Cutlery. Stainless steel. (Singapore) . Available as follows : Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 820/0541 24 piece £5.65 £3.80 820/0558 44 piece £11.40 £7.65

necommended Retail


Argos Price £1.50

e·Dessert Forks ......... .... Cat. No. 820/0448 Recommended Retail [2.95

Ar9os Price £1.95

8 Table Forks .. .. ....... .. ..Cat. No. 820/0455 Recommended Retail Argos Price [3.30 £2.20 6 Dessert Knives ...... .... :Cat. No. 820/0462 Recommended Retail Argos Price [3.65 £2.45 6 Table Knives ... ...... ..... Cat. No. 820/0479 Recommended Retail Argos Price C3.95 £2.65

4 VINERS " Shape" Cutlery. Stainless steel. (Hong Kong) . Available as follows : Catalogue Aec. Argos Number Retail Price 820/0527 24 piece £7.35 £4.95 820/0534 44 piece £21 .25 £14.25 5 VINERS '' Kings Royale " Pattern Cutlery. Silver plated . Available as follows : 117 pieces in a Queen Anne style walnut finish cabinet. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number ..... ............... 820/0022

Recommended Retail £219 .00

Argos Price £146.00

44 pieces in a mahogany finished cabinet. . .. .. .. .. 820/0015 Catalogue Number..... . Recommended Retail Argos Price £53.75 £29.95 6prs Fish Eaters ....... ... .. Cat. No. 820/0046 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.25 £6.85 Pr Fruit Servers ............ Cat. No. 820/0053 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.60 £2.40 7pc Place Set.. .. ....... ... .Cat. No. 820/0039 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.55 £5.10 3pc Carver Set ...... .... .... Cat. No. 820/0060 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.45 £6.30

6 VINERS " Sable' " Cutlery. 24 pieces set in a leathereue covered case. Catalogue Number .................... 820/0211 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.30 £12.30 7 ARTHUR PRICE " Minster" Pattern Cutlery. 44 pieces. Afrormosia finished case. Catalogue Number..................... 820/0589 Recommended Retail Argos Price £32.50 £21.80 8 ARTHUR PRICE " Sherwood " Cutlery. 24 piece canteen . .. ... .. 820/0565 Catalogue Number..... . Argos Price Recommended Retail £9.25 £6.15

9 ARTHUR PRICE " Tapestry" Cutlery. 44 pieces. Leatherette covered canteen . Catalogue Number.. ..... ... ........... 820/0572 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.85 £13.30

... .......•.... 210/0253

1 E. H. f'ARKIN Sliver Plated Coffee Pot. Copaclly 4~ pln1s. Methylated aplrlt heater



etand. c.talogue Number...... . Recommended Retail £53.00

. .... 210/0383 Arvo-Prlce 237.10

2 Punch Cup to match Item 5.

c:.t.logue - Retail ······················Recommended ArgH Price £8.00


3 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Gravy Boat JaOMO otyte edge. Copaclty ~ pint. Catalogue Nu-.....................28010394

Recommended Retail



4 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Water Pitcher. SplaSh guard. Copaclly 2 pln1s. Cetalogole N -.... ............... .. 21019411 Recommended Retail ArgH Price £22.'00 215.411 5 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Punch Bowl and ladle. Copacily 14 pln1s. For uae with

ltem2. Cftologua -

.••• .••...••.....•.. . 210/0332

Recommended Retail £53.00

"'-Price l31.70

7 AATHUR PRICE " Caprice" Silver Goble1s. (Italy). Roe. ca..logue Retail Nu£4.50 280/02011 Wine £3.00 280/0215 Sherry 280/0222 Brandy £4.00 £4.50 28010231 Champagne


=£3.15 £2.10 £2.10 £3.15


Recommended Retail £88.00



Cetalogua N u -.....

Recommended Retail £291 .00

I E. H. PARKIN Sterling Sliver Condelabra. Height 12". Cetalogole N u -....•.... •.••. .. •... 21010514 Recommended Retail Argoe Price £107.00 £74.10

14 E. H. PARKIN Sterling Silver Rose Diameter 5". Silver plated net CamtogueNumber .... Recommended Retail £49.00


15 E. H. PARKIN ""Princess" Sterling Tableware. Fluted design. Catalogue N-r

E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Soup Tureen. Capacity 5 pints. Compkrte wtth ladle. Co..logue Numbar ... ...... ..... .......21010351 Recommended Retail Argo1 Price £66.00 £41.20

10 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Tray. Adams style pattornad gallery. Length 18". Catalogue Nu-....... ....... 21010301 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £20.00 £13.75

I E. H. PARKIN "Corlnthlan"" Silver Plated T.....t.4~.

13 E. H. PARKIN Sterling I Reverse gadroon mounted edge.


11 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated ShaH Frutt Dish. Roae mount border. Diameter 10". c:.t.logue Nu-..................... 2111111317

Recommended Retail £23.00


280/0473 Teapot 210/9410 Coffee Pot £1 22.00 210/0497 Jug & Sugar Bowl En.oo

16 E. H. PARKIN Sterling Silver ware. Melon style. Chased and

pattern. Catalogue


280/9421 Teapot 21010435 Coffee Pot 211019442 Sugar Bowl 3011145!1CraamJug

Catalogue Number .......... ... ...... 280/0486 Recommended Retail Argoa Price

£61 4.00


17 VINERS 10" Hors D'Oeuvres Tray. SiiYef plated with 5 removable glass sections. Complete with 3 forks. Catatogue Numbet'... ...-0033 Recommended Retail Argoo-



18 E. H. PARKIN Sterling Silver Christening Cu p. Georgian style. Catatogue Number ................... 280/0507 Recommended Retail Argos Price



19 VINERS Silver Plated 4 Piece Tea Set. Silver rose design. Catalogue Number ... ..... 210/0019 Recommended Retail Argoo-


£21 .50

VINERS Silver Plated Tray. Matches above. Catalogue Number ......... ... ........ 280/0026 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



20 VINERS Silver Plated Cream Set. Comprises jug , bowl and tray. C ata~otue Number .................... 21010071 Recommended Retail Argot: Price

£11.50 21 Cream Jug only. Catlllogue Number .. Recommended Retail



22 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated 3 Piece Tea Set . Chased Georgian design. Catalogue Number... .. .... 280/0260 Recommended Retail ArtO• Price

Catatooue Number ...... .• Recommended Retail


catalogue Number .................... 210/0277 Recommended Retail Argot: Prtce

21 E. H. PARKIN Hors O'Oeuvres Tray. Silver plated with 5 removable glass sections. <:amtogue N u -......... . .......... 210/0370 Recommended Ratan Argos Prtce




23 Coffee Pot to match above. £28.80


.... 210/0281 Argoo£21 .70

30 Silver Plated Tray. Reproduction Geor-

25 Sitver Plated 5 Arm Candelabra. Repro-

Tudor Rose design on body.

duction Georgian design. Height 14". Catlltogue Number ..................... 28010136 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £17.40 £12.20

Cot.Jogue N u -.. .. ..... .. .. .... ... 210/0188 Recommended Retail Argo1 Price

gian scrOll pattern. Diameter 11 v.~. c.t.logue 21010167 Recommended Retail Argoo £6.70 £4.70


31 Miniature Wine Cooler. Silver plated.

26 Silver Plated 3 Arm Candelabra. Reproduction Georgian design. Height 9¥4". Catlllogue Number... . ... 210/0121 Recommended Retail Argol Price


catalogue Number Recommended Retail


........ 210/0174 Argoo£2.40

35 VINERS·Snver Plated Tray. Gadroon and sunflower mount. Length 18". Cllletogue Number ................... 210100t18 Recommended Retail Argoo l'rtce £16.50

£11 .55


24 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Oblong Tray. Scroll and flower design. Gadroon mounted. Length 18" c.t.togue N u -.................... 210/02114 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £41 .00 £21.70



32 E. H. PARKIN Miniature Entree/Butter Dish . Silver plated with glass lining. Catlltogue Number ..................... 210/M04 Recommended Retail Argot: Price



£8.85 33 Sitver Plated Table Mat. Reproduction

27 Sitver Plated Candlestick. Reproduction Georgian design. Height 5Vz". Cot.Jogue N u - .................... 21010112 RecommenQed Retail Argoo£3.90 . £2.90

Georgian scroll pattem. Felt base. Diameter 6 Y,", Cot.logue N u - .................... 21010143 Recommended Retail Argoo-

28 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Gallery Tray. Chippendale style. Length 18".


.. ..... 21010088


£31 .00


£1 .115-

Silver Plated Fruit Bowt. Regency style.



• VINERS Sit- Plated Gallery Tray. Gadroon edge. Length 15". . Catalogue Number ....... .. .. 21010105 Recommended Retail Argoo£11.55 £9.50 37 VINERS Silver Plated 4" SWeet Dish. Clllelogue Number... .. ....... 210/0057 Recommended Retail Argoo-



31 VINERS Silver Plated Tray. Gadroon gallery. Diameter 10". Catlllogue Number ..... .. .. .. 280/0040 Recommended Retail




31 Silver Plated 3 Piece Condiment Set. Reproduction Georgian design. catelogue Number .................... 210/0181 Argos Price Recommended Retail



40 VINERS Silver Plated Fruit or Bread Basket. Diameter a·. ~·N-. 210/0084 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £6.15 £4.80


1 TUDOR KNIGHT Stainless Steel Tray. Contrasting satin and mirror finish . Catalogue Number ..................... 825/0515 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.24 £2.1 5 2 TUDOR KNIGHT Pair of Stainless Steel Ash Trays. Satin and mirror finish. Catalogue Number ..................... 825/0522 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.32 £2.25 3 TUDOR KNIGHT Stainless Steel Flower Vase. Contrasting satin and mirror finish . Catalogue Number.. .. 825/0481 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 TUDOR KNIGHT Decorated Flower Vase. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .... .......... ..... 825/0508 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 Spiked Meat Dish . Stain less steel. Catalogue Number.. . . ..... .825/0577 Argos Price Recommended Retail

12 Cruet Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.................... 825/0649 Recommended Retail Argos Price

steel . Height 41f:z". Catalogue Number Recommended Retail







7 Two Division Dish . Sta inless steel. Catalogue Number ..... ............. .. 825/0584 Argos Price Recommended Reta il £2.50 £1.70

13 Fondue Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0560 Recommended Retail Argoe Prk:e £7.95 £12.00

8 Four Division Dish. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number ................... 825/0625 Recommended Retail Argoa Price

14 TUDOR KNIGHT Set of Six Coasters. Stainless steel. Diameter 3". Catatogue Number................ .... 825/0498 Recommended Retail Argoe Prk:e



£2.46 9 Serving Dish. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .. .. 825/0601 Argoe Price Recommended Retail


£1 .70

10 Three Division Dish. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0618 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£2.50 5 Three Division Dish. Stain less steel. Catalogue Number... . .. 825/0591 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£1 .70

11 Cocktail Shaker. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0656 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.05 £1 .95


15 TUDOR KNIGHT Set of Six Coasters. Decorated stainless steel. Size 4" square. Catatogue Number..... ........... ..... 825/0539 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e



16 TUDOR KNIGHT Decorated Stainless Steel Tray. Size 131f:z"x 8'". Catatogue Number. .. ................. 825/0474 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.43 £2.30 17 CHICHESTER Candlesticks. Stainless

........ 825/0670 Argos Price

£4.1 5

18 CHICHESTER Carving Dish. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0711 Recommended Retail Argoe Price £4.55 £3.10 19 CHICHESTER Goblets. Catalogue Number 825/0687 Wine 825/0694 Sherry 825/0704 Champagne

Stainless steel. Aec. Argoe Retail Price £3.55 £2.40 £3.05 £1.95 £3.40 £2.30

20 CHICHESTER Cruet Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.................... 825/0163 Recommended Retail Argos Price



21 Stainless Steel Teapot. Capacity 2 pints. Catalogue Number.... .. . .... .825/0553 Argos Price Recommended Retail





22 4 Piece Tea Set. Stainless steel . Catalogue Number... . ..... ......... .125/0546 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £6.71 £4.50 23 SWAN " Westbury" 4 Piece Tea Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.... ... ............ 825/0168 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £7.39 £4.90 2 Cup Teapot only. Catalogue Number ............ .... .... 825/0175 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.90 £1.95

24 Breakfast Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.. ...... .. .. ........ 825/0632 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.75 £1 .15 25 TUDOR KNIGHT Salad/Fruit Bowl . Stafnless steel. Catalogue Number. .. ................ 825/0467 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.87 £4.60 26 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Fruit Bowl. Height 4¥2... Overall diameter 12¥2".

Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail


...... 280/0617 Argos Price £18.50

27 REED &·BARTON Silver Plated Cake or Fruit ComPote. Height 4:Y•". Diameter 7". (Eire) . Catalogue Number .. . .. ..... ...... .. 280/0624 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .00 £7.70 28 E. H. PARKIN Silver Plated Wine Cooler. Gadroon mounted and fluted . Catalogue Number.................... 280/0325 Recommended Retail Argos Prf'ce £53.00 £39.70 29 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Table

~=~~~~~~~~~m~~;, j~~(~~re)~nd

c: pdles. Catalogue Number..................... 280/0600 Recommended Retail Argos Price £23.10 £16.20 30 REED & BARTON Modern Style Silver Plated Tableware. (Eire). Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 280/0545 Teapot £31 .90 £23.95

280/0552 Coffee Pot £33.00 £24.75 280/0569 Sugar Bowl & Jug £24.20 £16.95 Tray to match above. (Eire) . Catalogue Number ................ .... 280/0576 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £44.00 £30.80

31 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Candle Holder. (Eire). Catalogue Number .................. .280/0583 Recommended Retail Argos Price · £17.60 £12.35 32 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Salad Platter. Diameter 13'12". (Eire) . Catalogue Number .................... 280/0648 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.30 £9.95 33 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Flower Holder/ Sweet Dish . Height 3'12". Diameter 7". (Eire). Catalogue Number ... ............ .... 280/0590 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.50 £11.55 34 Silver Plated Rose Bowl. Georgian reproduction . Diameter a~.

Catalogue Number ... ... .... ....... ... 280/0150 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.92 £6.25

35 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Ash Tray/ Sweet Dish . Squirrel mount. Diameter 4 '12~. Catalogue Number.. . ......... 280/0631 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.72 £3.95 36 REED & BARTON Silver Plated Ice Bucket. Insulated liner. Height 11 1J2H. Diameter 8 1f2~. (Eire) . ..... 280/0655 Catalogue Number..... Recommended Retail Argos Price £42.90 £29.95

For details of ARGOS credit facilities please see page 9. We also accept Access Card and Barclaycard.

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference. 1 Seven Division Serving Tray. Stainless steel . rosewood handles. Size 19•x 11 Y2". Catalogue Number... . .......... 825/0247 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.40 £2.95 2 Serving Tray. Stainless steel, rosewood handles . Length 16'12". Catalogue Number... . ............... 825/0285 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 Three Division Serving Dish. Stainless steel. rosewood handles. Length 15". Catalogue Number..................... 825/0254 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 Serving Dishes. Set of 2." Stainless steel. Lengths 15" and 10". Catalogue Number... . ............ 825/0302 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.10 £2.10 5 Stainless Steel Jug .


Number 825/0326 1:Y• pint 825/0319 2\7 pint

Aec . Retail £2.40 £3.15

Argos Price £1 .80 £2.10

6 TUDOR KNIGHT Three Division Dish. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.... . ............. 825/ 0429 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.60 £3.10 7 TUDOR KNIGHT Hors D'Oeuvres Dish . Stainless steel , teak frame. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0436 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.49 £6.35 8 VINERS Honey Dish. Stainless steel, glass liner. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0027 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.80 £1 .90 9 Stainless Steel 4 Piece Tea Set. Co m ~ prises teapot, sugar · bowl, cream jug and tray. .. ....... 825/0223 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Argos Price . £17.30 £11.60

10 TUDOR KNIGHT Five Division Dish . Stain less steel. Catalogue Number.. .. . .. 825/0412 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.82 £3.25

15 VINERS Wine Cooler. Stainless steel (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 825/0051 Recommended Retail . Argos Price £8.50 £5.70

11 TUDOR KNIGHT 3 Piece Coffee Set. Stainless steel. Catalogue Number.................... 825/0395 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.55 £10.40

16 Stainless Steel Candleholder. Com· plete with three candles. Catalogue Number.................... 825/0331 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.20 £3.50

12 TUDOR KNIGHT Serving Tray. Stainless steel. Length 12". Catalogue Number... . ............ 825/0405 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.44 £2.30

' 17 OLD HALL 4 Piece Tea Set. Stainlesa steel. Catalogue Number .................... 825/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.75 £15.95

13 TUDOR KNIGHT Divided Dish . Stai nless steel, teak handles. Catalogue Number... .. ............. 825/0443 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.62 £1 .75

18 OLD HALL Stain less Steel Tray. SIH 14"X 9''. Catalogue Number................... 825/0111 Recommended Retail Argoa Pr._ £2.29 £1.95

14 TUDOR KNIGHT Serving Dish . Stainless steel, teak handles. length 9". Catalogue Number .................... 825/0450 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.48 £1.65

19 OLD HALL Carving Dish. Stainle• steel. Size 14.x 9". Catalogue Number ................... 825/01 • Recommended Retail Argos Prtol £2.29 £1.95

20 Casserole wi th Cover. Stai nless steel. Cata logue Number. . ....... .. .... 825/ 0371 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.40 £5.10

21 Stai nless Steel Servi ng Tray . Size 14"X 11Y:l'. Catalogue Number... . ...... .. .. 825/0364 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price 3.15 £2.10

12 Two Tier Cake Stand. Stainless steel, fOsewood fitting. Height 8". Cttalogue Number .................... 825/0182 flecommended Retail Argos Price [3 35


13 Sauce Boat and Ladle. Stainless steel. tze 3"X 61/2''. Ct l alo9ue Number .................... 825/0357 f tcommended Retail Argos Price 75 £2.50 J4 Sta inless Steel Bread Basket. Size 11· x 1". Ctl alogue Number .................... 825/0340 ommended Retail Argos Price



25 Ho rs D'Oeuvres Tray. Six stainless steel dishes on teak frame. Catalogue Number ................... 825/0199 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.90 £5.30

30 Divided Dish. Stainless steel , rosewood handles. Length 15". Catalogue Number .................... 825/0261 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.65 £2.45

35 VINERS Spiked Meat ' Dish. Stainless steel. Length 20". Catalogue Number .................... 825/0034 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.40 £3.60

26 Serving· Dish. Stainless steel, rosewood handl es. Length 151h''. Catalogue Number .................... 825/ 0230 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3. 15 £2.10

31 VINERS Servi ng Tray. Stainless steel. Length 16". Catalogue Number ................... 825/0010 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.25 £2.20

36 SO NA 5 Piece Tea Set. Sat in fi nish staif','l less steel . Teak handles and knobs. Incl udes 6 cup teap ot. Catalogue Number... . .... 825/0388 Recommen ded Retail Argos Price £19.74 £13.25

27 Fruit/Serving Dish. Stai nless steel. rosewood handles. Size 91h"x 16Y2". Catalogue Nul!'ber .. ................... 825/0216 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £3.65 £2.45

32 VINERS Seven Division Hostess Dish. · Stainless steel. Catalogue Number ................... 825/ 0065 Recommen ded Retai l Argos Price £3.95 £2.65

37 SWAN " Westbury" 4 Piece Tea Set. Stainless steel w ith black inset handles. Catalogue Number ..................... 825/0137 Recommended Retail Argos Price

28 Stainless Steel Serving Tray. Rosewood handles. Length 19". Catalogue Number.. ................ 825i 0278 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.80 £2.55

33 VINERS Ice Bu cket. Stai nless steel. Catalogue Number ... .. .. .. .. .. ....... 825/0072 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£1 1.22

29 Stai nless Steel. Fruit Bowl. Heig ht 4" Catalogue Number .............. .. ... .. 825/0209 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3. 15 £2.10



34 VINERS Cake and Pie Servi ng Set. Stai nless steel. (Server Jap an). Catalogue Number .......... .......... 825/0041 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.85 £1 .95


Tray to match above. Size 16" x 11 Y2". Catalogue Number..................... 825/ 0144 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.96 £2.60 6 cup teapot only. Catalogue Number... Reco mmended Retail £4.32

.. ... 825/0151 Argos Price £2.90



* THE GIFT OF A DfAMOND .. is a treasured expression of lasting love. Tl)e presentation of this most pracious of all personal gifts brings wonderful memories of the happy occasion as well as a lifetime of enjoyment and pride. THE DIAMOND ... THE ADVISABLE INVESTMEN-. Diamonds appreciate in value and last forever. And diamonds mounted in an exquisite piece of jewellery make your investment an enjoyable pleasure as it increases in vaiJe. THE STORY OF DIAMQNDS ... goes back ove1 2,..nnJyears. The diamond is simply carbon that nature, through-'h18t and pressure, transforms into diamond crystals. They are found in volcanic "pipes" hundreds of feet below the ear:h. In mining, tons of material must be dug to liberate the diamonds. Only 20% of the diamonds mined are gem quality. A di~mond cutter unlocks this beauty. He shapes the stone and grinds tiny facets, at precise angles, to properly reflect light for brill1ance. HOW TO BUY A DIAMOND ... Diamonds come ir all sizes and prices. Four prime factors determine the value of the diamond. Carat, Colour, Clarity, Cut. CARAT ... is the unit of weight in diamonds. The larger the diamond, the rarer it is, so the larger the diamond, the more it costs and the more it costs per carat. Most popular engagement diamonds are measured in points less than a full carat. COLOUR ... may be any colour of the rainbow, but most are white with tinges of colour visible only to the eye of an expert. Diamonds are usually valued in relation to the intensity of their colour, brilliance and rarity. CLARITY . . . Most diamonds contain natural imperfections, specks or other inclusions formed by nature in the process of crystallization. A flawless diamond is one in which no imperfections are visible to a trained eye when the stone is magnified ten times. CUT . . . applies both to the shape of a diamond and to the accuracy with which its facets are ground onto ~- Perfect cut means that the facets are placed with mathemat,cal precision for maximum brilliance, fire and scintillation. The most popular shapes are the Brilliant or Round, Emerald cut, 111arquise and Pear shape. Due to difficulty in supplying a diamond of the EXACT weight the price may vary accordingly. You will be invoiced for the EXACT weight of diamond we supply to you .

DIAMONDS ARE CUT VARIETY OF. SHAPES. We show here some amples.

BUY WITH CONFIDENCE-WHY WE CAN SELL FOR LESS. We buy direct from the manufacturer. You pay less because we cut out the middle man. Most retailers borrow diamonds from wholesalers. Heavy finance charges are added onto the price of the diamond, which reflects in higher prices to you . LOWER MARK UPS. We are willing to work on a lower mark up because diamonds are not our only business. Once you are happy with an ARGOS purchase you will continue as a customer. VALUER 'S CERTIFICATE. All our diamond rings are of fine. quality and are mounted in 18 carat gold settings. Each diamond fi ng is accompanied by a VALUER'S CERTIFICATE stating market value at the time and by the COMPANY'S GUARANTEE which clearly states description of diamond purchase and the Company guarantees to exchange, credit or refund the purchase price if you are not completely satisfied within 30 days of your purchase. 路 All 9, 18 and 22 carat gold items bear the official HALLMARK as laid down by Acts of Parliament 1854, 1798 and 1575 respectively. RING SIZE. We offer a 3-4 day ring sizing service for your convenience. GOLD AND DIAMOND PRICES. The world-wide market for diamonds and gold is subject to change. We reserve the right to, adjust our prices accordingly at any time. (

Illustrations are enlarged to show detail.

DIAMOND SIZES-All diamonds are a natural product of the earth. They vary a great deal in size. No two diamonds are alike. We, therefore, keep a stock of all sizes and carat weights available at the time. The above prices are examples only. Ask to see our range. You will be charged for the e)!act weight and quality we supply at ARGOS low prices.

.-ill rings shown on this page ar~ 1 Bet gold and are enlarged to show detail 1 White gold. Total weight 0.24cts ..... No. 20010527 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.24cts. ... .. No. 20010534 Rec. Retail £93.15 Argos Priat £65.00

10 White gold. Carat weight 0.18 ..... No. 200/ 1625 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0 .16 ........ . No. 20011632 Rec. Retail £77.« Argos Price £54.00

2 White gold. Total weight 0.52cts.....No. 20010541 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.52cts...... No. 20010556 Rec. Retail £158.50 Argos Price £109.00

11 White gold. carat weight 0.14 .. ... No. 200/1753 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.14 ........ No. 200/1760 Rec. Retail £50.82 Argos Price £35.00

3 White gold. Total weight 0.09cts..... No. 20010448 Yellow gold . Total weight 0.09cts.. .. .. No. 20010455 Rec. Retail £58.00 Argos Prke £42.00

White gold. Carat weight 0.11 .. ... No. 200/0022 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.11 ... ...... No. 200/0039 Rec. Retail £53.25 Argos Price £37.50

4 White gold. Total weight 0.40cts. .... No. 20010486 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.40cts...... No. 20010493 Rec. Retail £115.00 Argos Prke £83.00

13 White gold. Carat weight 0.13 ..... No. 200/0046 Yehow gold . Carat weight 0.13 ..... . ... No. 20010053 Rec. Retail £58.10 Argos 'Prke £42.00

5 White gold . Total weight O .BOcts ~ .. . No. 20010565 Yellow gold . Total wei9ht 0.60cts..'.... No. 200/0572 · Rec. Retail £258.95 Argos Price £183.00

14 White gold . Carat weight 0.25 .. .. . No. 200/ 0280 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.25 .. . ... .. No. 200/0297 Rec. Retail £79.00 Argos Price £56.00

6 White gold. Total weight 0.38cts .... . No. 200/0424 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.38cts .... .. No. 200/0431 Rec. Retail £99.00 Argos Price £72.00

15 White gold . Carat weight 0.15 ..... No. 200/0084 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.15........ No. 200/0091 Rec. Retaill:66.55 Argos Price £48.50

7 White gold . Total.)¥eight 0.27cts ..... No. 200/0462 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.27cts. ..... No. 20910479 Rec. Retail £81 .00 Argos Prke £58.00

16 White gold. Carat weight 0.17.. No. 20010060 Yellow gold . Carat weight 0.17....... No. 20010077 Rec. Retail 1:66.55 Argo s Price £41.50

8 White gold. Total weight 0.06cts..... No. 200/ 0503 Yellow gold , Total weight 0.06Cts...... No. 200/0510 Rec. Retail £44.75 Argos Price £32.00

~~~;.~~:~r;;;~t weight o.-24. A~~ N~~~~~=

9 White gold. Carat weight 0.95 ....... No. 20011928 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.95 ...... ... No. 20011935 Rec. Retail £6?0.00 Argos Price £645.00

18 White gold. Carat weight 0.20 ... .. No. 200/0125 Yellow gold. CarAt weight 0.20 ..... ... . No. 200/0132 Rec. Retail £84.70 Argos Price £51.50


17 White gold . Carat weight 0.24 .... No. 200/0149

A ll rings shown on this page are r8ct gold and are enlarged to show detail

'M'I•te gold. Carat weight 0.23 ..... No. 200/0256 gold. Carat weight 0.23 .... ..... No. 200/0273 lletall £75.00 Argos Price £52.00

47 White gold. Total weight 0.30cts... No. 200/0709 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.30cts...... No. 200/0716 Rec. Retail £93.00 Argo a Pric e £67.00

'lW Me



gold. Carat weight 0.50 ..... No. 200/0228 gold. Carat weight 0.50....... No. 200/0235

Retail £237.15

Argos Price £164.00

-'IOW gold. Carat weight 0.85 ....... . No. 200/0259 .., Retail £605.00 Argos Price £429.00

49 White gold. Total weight 0.37cts. .. No. 200/0747 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.37cts...... No. 200/075-4 Rec. Retail £92.00 Argo a Price £66.00

11 Wh1te gold. Carat weight 0.20 ..... No. 200/0101 ,.,low gold. Carat weight 0.20 ......... No. 20010118 "-< Retail £71 .40 Argoa Prlu £50.50

so Whi te gold . Total weight 0.75cts... No. 200/0761 Yellow gold . Total Wl!lght 0.75cts... ... No. 200/0778 Rec. Retail £164.00 Argoa Price £118.00

U White gold. Carat weight 0.2 1 ..... No. 200/0163

51 White gold. Total weight 0.23cts... No. 200107~5 Rec. Retail £75.00 Argoa Price £54.00

tt While gold. Carat weight 0.85 ..... No. 200/0242

,_.tow gold . Carat weight 0.21 ......... No. 20010170 lt4tf Retail £96.80

Arg oa Price £68.00

Yellow gold. Car'lt weight 0.33 ......... No. 200/ 0194 Retail £:118.60 Argos Price £:13.50

52 Centre diamond with 8 rubies. .. ...................... No. 200/ 1540 Whi te gold..... Yellow gold .................................. No. 20011557 Rec. Retail £101 .00 Argo a Price £71 .50

H White gold. Carat weight 0.43 ..... No. 200/0204 Yello w gold. Carat weight 0.43 ......... No. 200102 11 !lee. Retail £:179.10 Argos Price £:126.00

53 Centre diamond with 8 rubies. Yellow gold ................................... No. 200/1722 Rec. Retail £51.00 Argos Price £37.00

11 White gold . Carat weight 0.36 ..... No. 200/0307 Yellow gold . Carat weight 0.36 ......... No. 200/03 14 ltec. Retail £:114.00 Argos Price £:12.00

54 Centre ruby with 10 diamonds. Yellow gold ... Rec. Retail .50

27 White gold. Carat weight 0.44 ..... No. 200/0321 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.44 ......... No. 200/0338 Argo a Price £95.00 R&e. Re tail £:132.00

55 Centre garnet with 16 diamonds. White gold .. ... . Yellow gold .. . Rec. Retail £94.40

14 White gold. Ca rat weight 0.33 ..... No. 200/ 0187

H White gold . Carat weight 0.56 ..... No. 200/ 0345 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.56 ..... ... No. 200/0352 Rec. Retail £:178.00 Argoa Price £1 28.00 29 Yellow gold . Carat weight 0.07..... No. 200/0390 Rec. Retail £40.00 Argos Price £29.00 30 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.09..... No. 200/0015 Rec. Retail £48.40 Argoa Price £34.00 31 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.06.... No. 200/0383 Rec. Retail £33.00 Argo s Price £23.00 32 White gold. Carat weight 0.63 ..... No. 200/0369 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.63 ........ No. 200/0376 Rec. ~etail £215.00 Argo a Price £155,00 33 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.09.... No. 20010400 Re c. Retail £:53.00 Argoa Price £31.00 34 Yellow gold. Carat weight 0.09 .... No. 200/0417 Rec. Retail £53.00 Argoa Price £31.00 35 White gold. Total weight O.JOcts... No. 200/0792 Rec. Retail £103.00 Argoa Price £75.00 36 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.30Cts.. No. 200/0802 Rec. Retail £:103.00 Argo s Price £75.00 37 White gold. Total weight 3.00cts... No. 200/0682 Yellow gold . Total weighl3.00cts...... No. 200/0699 Rec. Retail £1 .216.00 Argoa Price £169.00 31 White gold. Total weight 0.24cls.. . No. 200/1863 Yellow gold . Total weight 0.24cts.... .. No. 200/1870 Rec. Retail £1 14.95 Argoa Price £79.00 39 White gold. Total weight 1.07cts... No. 200/1904 Yellow gold. Total weight 1.07cts...... No. 200/1911 Rec. Retail £229.00 Argo a Price £165.00 40 While gold . Total weigh t 0.14cts. .. No. 200/ 1784 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.14cts..... . No. 200/1791 Rec. Retail £70.18 Argoa Price £49.00 41 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.40cts.. No. 200/ 0819 Rec. Retail £110.00 Argoa Price £78.00 42White gold. Total weight 0.13cts... No. 20010589 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.13cts..... . No. 20010596 Rec. Retail £52.00 Argo a Price £31.50 43 White gold. Total weight 0.21cts... No. 20010606 Yellow gold. Total weig ht 0.21cts.. .... No. 200/06 13 Rec. Retail £72.60 Argos Price £51.50 44 White gold. Total weight 0.25Cts... No. 200/0620 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.25Cts...... No. 200/ 0637 Rec. Retail £93.15 Argo s Price £65.00 45 White gold. Total weight 0.46cts. .. No. 200/0644 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.46cts. ..... No. 200/0651 Rec. Retail £128.25 Argos Price £91 .50 46 White gold. Total weight 0.66cts... No. 200/ 0668 Yellow gold. Total weight 0.66cts... ... No. 200/0675 Rec. Retail £:310.00 Argoa Price £219.00


56 Centre garnet with 16 diamonds. While gold ........ .................. ..... ....... No. 200/ 1708 Yellow gold ................................... No. 200/1715 Aec. Retail £:80.00 Argo a Price £51.00 57 Centre garnet with 16 diamonds. White gold... .................................. No. 200/ 1667 Yellow gold... .. ... ................ ... No. 200/1674 Rec. Retail £220.00 Argo• Price £156.00 58 Centre citrine w ith 12 diamonds. White gold. .. . ........ No. 200/ 1416 .. ................ No. 200/1423 Yellow gold ... Rec. Retail £72.50 Argo a Price £50.00 59 Centre citrine with 12 diamonds. ................ No. 200/1564 White gold ...... Yellow gold... . ... No. 200/1571 Aec. Retail £104.00 Argo• Price £73.50 60 3 opals and 6 diamonds. . .... No. 20011801 White gold.... .. ... ........ No. 200/ 1818 Yellow gold. .. Rec. Retail £77.44 Argo a Price £.54.00 61 Centre opal with 12 diamonds. White gold ........ ...... ........... ...... ... . f'lo. 200/1605 Yellow gold ... . ...... . ....... No. 200/1612 Argo a Price. £104.00 Aec. Retail £147.00 62 Centre t ourmaline with 12 diamonds. White gold ....................................... No. 200/1588 Yellow gold ... . .... No. 200/1595 Rec. Retail £1 16.00 Argoa Price £82.50 63 Centre tourmaline with 16 diamonds. . ...............'No. 20011526 White gold. .............. Yellovy gold .._.... . ............. . No. 200/1533 Rec . Retail £110.00 Argo a Price £79.00 64 4 emeralds and 4 diamonds. .. ... ...... ...... No. 200/ 1887 White gold ...... . .. .. No. 200/ 1894 Yetlow gold.... . Rec. Retail £184.80 Arg oa Price £129.00 65 Engagement and Wedding Ring Suite. 18ct. gold. Single diamond. Carat Weigh t 0.14. Catalogue Number... . ...... 200/1777 Rec. Retail £68.97 Argoa Price £49.00

For details of ARGOS crtn:lit facilities please see page 9. We also accept Barclaycard and Access Card.

1 3 sapphires and- 6 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ................. No. 200/ 1849 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/ 1856 Rec. Retail £87.12 Argoa Price £59.00 2 1 sapphire and 6 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0826 18ct. yellow gold .. .. ... No. 200/0833 Argos Price £32.00 Rec. Retail £46.00 3 1 sapphire and 6 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ................... No. 200/ 0840 18ct. yellow gold ... , ............ No. 200/0857 Argos Price £34.00 Rec. Retail £48.40 4 1 sapphire and 10 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0912 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/0929 Argos Price £54.00 Aec. Retail £76.25 5 1 sapphire and 10 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0888 18ct. yellow gold .. ... No. 200/0905 Rec. Retail £67.75 Argos Price £48.50 6 1 sapphire and 8 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ... .. No. 200/ 0864 .. ..... No. 200/0871 18ct. yellow gold ..... Rec. Retail £55.60 Argos Price £39.50 7 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .......... ...... .. No. 200/0936 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/0943 Rec. Retail £92.00 Argos Price £65.00 11 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0974 18ct. yellow gold ..... . .. ....... No. 200/0981 Rec. Retail £114 .00 Argos Price £81.50 9 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1014 18ct. yellow gold ...... ...... : ..... No. 20011021 Rec. Retail £147.50 Argos Price £104.00 10 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0950 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/0967 Rec. Retail £110.00 Argos Price £76.00 11 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/0998 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/ 1007

Rec . Retail £137 .00

Argos Price £98.00

12 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold.... .. ....... No. 200/1076 18ct. yellow gold .................,. No. 200/ 1083 Rec. Retail £82.50 Argoa Price £58.00 13 1 sapphire and 14 diamonds. .18ct. white gold ................... No. 200/1090 18ct. yellow gold .. .. ....... No. 200/1100 Rec. Retail £92.00 Argos Price £66.00 14 1 sapphire and 14 diamonds. 18ct ~ white gold .................... No. 200/1038 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1045 Argos Price £131 .00 Rec. Retail £185.00 15 1 sapphire and 10 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ................... No. 200/1052 18ct. yellow gold .. ... No. 200/ 1069 Argoa Price £44.00 Aec. Retail £65.50 16 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1289 Argoa Price £112.00 Rec . Retail £156.00 17 1 diamond and 4 sapphires. 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/ 1234 Rec. Retail £46.00 Argoa Price £34.00 18 1 sapphire and 6 diamonds. 18ct. yellow gold .. .. .......... .... No. 200/1258 Rec. Retail £56.00 Argos Price £41.00 19 1 sapphire and 8 diamonds. 18ct. yellow gold ................. No. 200/ 1272 Aec. Retail £89.00 Argos Price £64.00 20 1 diamond and 10 sapphires. 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1265 Rec. Retail £67.00 Argos Price £48.00 21 1 diamond and 8 sapphires. 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1241 Rec. Retail £52.00 Argos Price £38.00 22 1 sapphire and 2 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1399 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1409 Rec. Retail £63.00 Argoa Price £46.00 23 1 sapphire and 2 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1375

18ct. yellow gold ................. No. 200/1382 Rec . Retail £57.00 Argoa Price £42.00 24 1 sapphire and 2 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ................... No. 200/ 1337 18ct. yellow gold .. . .. .. No. 200/ 1344 Rec. Retail £110.00 Argoa Price £78.00 25 1 sapphire and 2 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1313 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1320 Aec . Retail £75.00 Argos Price £54.00 26 1 sapphire and 2 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1296 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1306 Rec. Retail £53.25 Argos Price £38.50 27 1 sapphi re and 8 diamonds. No. 200/ 1117 18ct. white gold. .. 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/ 1124 Rec. Retail £59.00 Argoa Price £43.00 28 1 sapphire and 10 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1131 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1148 Rec. Retail £77.00 Argos Price £56.00 29 4 sapphires and H diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1155 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1162 Rec . Retail £104 .00 Argoa Prh:e £75.00 30 1 sapphire and 16 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/ 1179 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1186 Rec . Retail £119.00 Argos Price £87.00 31 4 sapp~ires and 17 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1193 18ct. yellqw gold ................. No. 200/ 1203 Aec. Retail £125.00 Argos Price £92.00 32 1 sapphire and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1210 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1227 Rec . Retail £165 .00 Argos Price £118.00 33 3 rhodolites and 4 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/.1739 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/ 1746 Rec. Retail £47.19 Argos Price £33.00

34 1 zircon and 8 diamonds. .. ....... No. 200/1681 18ct. white gold .. 18ct. yellow gold ................. No. 200/1698 Rec. Retail £58.00 Argos Price £42.00 35 1 amethyst and 4 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1351 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1368 Rec. Retail £81.00 Argos Price £57.00 36 1 aquamarine and 16 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1485 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1492 Rec. Retail £104.50 Argos Price £71.00 37 1 amethyst and 16 diamonds. 18ct. white gold ................... No. 200/1461 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1478 Argoa Price £67.00 Rec. Retail £98.50 38 1 peridot and 12 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1629 18ct. yellow gold .. .. ........ No. 200/1636 Rec . Retail £176.00 Argos Price £125.00 39 1 amethyst and 20 diamonds. 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1502 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1519 Aec. Retail £106.50 Argos Price £72.01 40 1 amethyst and 14 diamonds. , 18ct. white gold .................... No. 200/1643 18ct. yellow gold .................. No. 200/1650 Rec. Retail £176.00 Argoa Price £125.DO 41 9ct. gold . Width 7mm ........ No. 203/0322 Rec. Retail £8.80 Argos Price £5.11 22ct. gold . Width 7mm ......... No. 203/0331 Rec. Retail £24.20 Argoa Price 9ct. gold . Width 9mm ........... No. Argos Rec. Retail £10.12 22ct. gold . Width Rec . Retail £32.45

All rings Illustrated on these pages are enlarged to show detail. 43 Set. gold. Width 7mm ........ No. 203/0267 Rec. Retail £9.35 Argos Price £6.50 22ct. gold . Width 7mm .......... No. 203/0274 Rec. Retail £25.30 Argos Price £17.75 Set. gold. Width 9mm ............ No. 203/0384 Rec. Retail £10.12 Argos Prk:e £7.50 22ct. gold. Width Smm .......... No. ·203/03S1 Ree. Retail £32.45 Argos Price £22.75 44 Set. gold. Width 7mm ....... No. 203/0401 Rec. Retail £11.33 Argos Price £7.90 22ct. gold. Width 7mm .......... No. 203/ 0418 Ree. Retail £31 .90 Argos Price £22.75 Set. gold . Width Smm ............ No. 203/ 0425 Rec. Retail £16 .28 Argoa Price £11.50 22ct. gold. Width Smm .......... No. 203/0432 Rec. Retail £50.60 Argoa Price £35.50 45 18ct. yellow gold . Width 4mm .. 203/0085 Rec. Retail £22.02 Argos Price £15.50 18ct. white gold . Width 4mm .... ... 203/0164 Rec . Retail £28.50 Argos Price £20.00 18ct. yellow gold. Width 8mm .... .. 203/011S Rec. Retail £38.72 Argos Price £26.95 18ct. white gold. Width Smm .... ... 203/0195 Rec. Retail £48.00 Argoa Price £33.50 46 18ct. yellow gold. Width 7mm .. 203/0061 Rec. Retail £18.50 Argos Price £13.25 18ct. white gold. Width 7mm ........ 20310078 Rec . Retail £21 .50 Argos Price £15.50 47 Set. gold. Width 7mm ... .. .. No. 203/ 0243 Rec. Retail £9.35 Argos Price £6.50 22ct. gold . Width 7mm .......... No. 203/0250 Rec. Retail £25.30 Argos Price £17.75 9ct. gold . Width 9mm ......... ... No. 203/0360 Rec. Retail £10.12 Argoa Price £7.50 22ct. gold . Width Smm.. . .... No. 203/0377 Rec. Retail £32.45 Argos Price £22.75 48 Set. gold . Width 7mm ........ No. 203/0281 Rec. Retail £11 .55 Argos Price £7.95 22ct. gold . Width 7mm ......... No. 203/0298. Rec. Retail £30.80 Argos Price £21.50 9ct. gold. Width 9mm. . . . .. ... No. 203/0308 Rec. Retail £14.63 Argos Price £10.25 22ct. gold. Width Smm ......... No. 203/0315 Rec. Retail £34.50 Argos Price £24.00 491 8ct. white gold. Width 6mm ... 203/0171 Rec . Retail £38.50 Argos Prtce £27.00 18ct. yellow gold . Width 6mm ...... 203/0102 Aec. Retail £30.25 Argoe Price £21.50 50 18ct. white gold. Wklth 6mm ... 203/0188 Aec. Retail £36.00 Argoe Price £26.00 t8ct. yellow gold. Width 6mm ...... 203/0092 Aec. Retail £29.04 Argoe Price £20.00 5118ct. white gold . Width 7mm ... 203/0205 Rec. Retail £4S.50 Atsto• Price £34.65

18ct. yellow gold. Width 7mm ...... 203/0126 Rec. Retail £42.35 Argos Price £29.75 5218ct. white gold . Width 7mm ... 203/0212 Rec . Retail £57 .50 Argos Price £40.00 18ct. yellow gold . Width 7mm ...... 203/0133 Rec. Retail £47.79 Argos Price £33.50 53 18ct. white gold. Width 9mm ... 203/0229 Rec. Retail £65.00 Argos Prk:e £45.00 18ct. yellow gold . Width 9mm ...... 203/0140 Rec . Retail £56 .25 Argos Price £39.50 5418ct . white gold . Width 8mm ... 203/ 0236 Rec. Retail £70.78 Argos Price £49.00 18ct. yellow gold. Width Bmm ...... 203/ 0157 Rec. Retail £59.89 Argos Price £42.00

1 Dress Ring 9ct . Gold . Set with 5 lapis stones .......................... Cat. No. 206/0093 Rec. Retail £31.46 Argos Price £22.00

14 Diamond half hoop. Total weight 0.66 cts. 18ct. yellow gold .......... Cat. No. 204/0099 Rec . Retail £169.00 Argos Price £120.00

28 Earrings. 9ct. gold . For pierced 8111'1. Catalogue Number. .. . ....... 207/ 0234 Rec. Retail £6.27 Argoa Price £4. .

2 Dress Ring 9ct . Gold. Set with a golden citrine ...... ............ .... ... Cat. No. 206/ 0079 Rec. Retail £25.41 Argos Price £17.50

15 Diamond half hoop . Total weight0.38 cts. 18ct. white gold ..............Cat. No. 204/0082 Rec. Retail £104.00 Argos Price £73.50

29 Earrings. 9ct. gold. Set with culturwd pearls. For pierced ears ... Cat. No. 207/0337 Rec. Retail £5.94 Argas Price £4.11

3 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Set with 5 sapphires. Catalogue Number... . ..... 206/0086 Rec. Retail £31 .46 A.rgos Price £22.00

16 5 sapphire and 4 diamond half hoop . . .. ..Cat. No. 204/ 0075 18ct. white gold. .. Rec. Retail £70.00 Argas Price £49.50

4 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Set with an oval shaped amethyst .... .. ... .. Cat. No. 206/0103 Rec. Retail £34.48 Argos Price £24.00

17 Diamond half hoop. Total weight0.28cts. 18ct. white gold ........ ... .. Cat. No. 204/0051 18ct. yellow gold ............ Cat . .No. 204/0068 Rec. Retail £79.00 Argas Price £55.00

5 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Set with an amethyst. .... . .. Cat. No. 206/ 0127 Rec. Retail £36.30 Argos Price £25.50 6 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Bark textured rope design... . ............. ..... Cat . No. 206/ 0134 Rec. Retail £37.51 Argos Price £26.25 7 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Set with a green agate ....... .. .................. Cat. No. 206/ 0062 Rec. Retail £20.26 Argos Price £13.95 8 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold . Set with a faceted smoky quartz ....... . .. .... Cat. No. 206/ 0055 Rec . Retail £13.50 Argos Price £9.60 9 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Garnets and cui· lured pearl setting .......... Cat. No. 206/ 0031 Rec. Retail £12.40 Argo• Price £8.90 10 Dress Ring 9ct . Gold . Set with an onyx stone .. . ... Cat . No. 206/ 0024 Rec. Retail £9 .02 Argos Price £6.30 11 Dress Ring 9ct . Gold. Set with an onyx stone .. . ...... Cat. No. 206/ 0017 Argos Price £5.CO Rec. Retail £7.70 12 Dress Ring 9ct. Gold. Set with an amethyst ...................... Cat. No. 206/ 0048 Re~ . Retail £13.00 Argos Price £9.50 13 Sapphire and diamond half hoop. . ... Cat. No. 204/ 0013 18ct. white gold .. . 18ct. yellow gold ........ .. Cat. No. 204/ 0020 Rec . Retail £59.00 Argos Price £42.00

18 Sapphire and diamond half hoop. 18ct. white gold ............. Cat. No. 204/0037 18ct. yellow gold... . ...... Cat. No. 204/ 0044 Aec . Retail £73.00 Argos Price £52.00 19 Brooch . 9ct. gold .... .. Cat. No. 210/0025 Rec . Retail £44 .50 Argoa Price £33.50

33 Earrings. 9ct . gold. Catalogue Number... . Aec . Retail £6 .32

20 Brooch . 18ct. gold ... .. Cat. No. 210/ 0056 Rec. Retail £85.20 Argas Price £63.00 21 Brooch . 9ct. gold ...... Cat. No. 210/ 0018 Rec. Retail £38.60 Argas Price £28.60 22 Brooch . 18ct. gold .... Cat. No. 210/0049 Rec. Retail £71 .20 Argas Price £53.00 23 Clip Earrings. 18ct. gold. Catalogue Number. . ...... .... 207/0296 Rec. Retail £63.90 Argos Price £47.00 24 Brooch . 9ct. gold ...... Cat. No. 210/ 0032 Aec . Retail £55.90 Argos Price £41.00 25 Clip Earrings. 9ct. gold. Catalogue Number. ... 207/ 0289 Argas Price £35.50 Rec . Retail £47.20 26 Drop Earrings. 9ct. gold . For pierced ears..... ........ Cat. No. 207/ 0344 Rec. Retail £4 .18 Argos Price £2.95 27 Drop Earrings. 9ct. gold. For pierced ears ............................. Cat. No. 207/ 0351 Rec. Retail £5 .77 Argos Price £3.95

36 Pearl Pendant, chain. Length 16" .. .. Rec . Retail £11 .55 37 Pearl Pendant, chain. Length 16'" ... Rec. Retail £4.00

Smm. 9ct. gold. For ............... Cat. No. '220/0248 Argos Price £9.55 6mm. 9ct. gold. For ............. Cat. No. 220/0200 Argos Price £13.25 44 Pearl Drop Earri ngs, 7'hmm. 9ct. gold. Screw litting .................. Cat. No. 220/0169 Argos Price £13.95 flee. Retai l £18.89 45 Pearl Earrings, 6mm. 9ct. gold. For pierced ears ........... Cat. No. 220/0217 flee. Retail £9 .32 Argas Price £6.95 48 Pearl Drop Earri ngs, &mm. 9ct. gold . For pierced ears .... .............. Cat. No. 220/0152 Rec. Retail tn .41 Argos Price £8.55 47 Pearl Earrings, 8mm. 9ct. gold. For pierced ears.. .. ...... Cat. No. 220/0183 Rec. Retail £5.69 Argos Price £3.95 48 Pearl Earrings, 4'hmm . 9ct. gold. For pierced ea rs .................. Cat . No. 220/0255 Rec. Retail £32 .03 ~rgos Price £23.75 49 Pearl Drop Earrings, 6mm. 9ct. gold. For .. ........ Cat. No. 220/0145 pierced ears.... Aec. Retail £7.70 Argos Price £5.70 50 Uniform Pea.rl Necklace, 5'h mm. Chrysophase pendant. Length 24~ .... No. 220/ 0028 Rec. Retail £36.71 Argos Price £27.50 51 Un iform Pearl Necklace, 6mm. Length (adj ustab le) 24~ .............. Cat. No. 220/0042 Rec. Retai l £66.70 Argos Price £49.95 52 Uniform Pearl Necklace. 71f.!mm. Turquoise clasp . Lengt h 15" .. Cat. No. 220/0097 Aec. Retail £136.44 Argos Price £99.50 53 Uniform Pearl Neck lace, 6mm. Length 15"... . .................. Cat. No. 220/ 0066 Aec. Retail £17 .86 Argas Price £13.40 54 Unifo rm Pearl Necklace. 7V:zm m. 2- row . Len gt h~ 1 5~ and 16". 39 diamond set clasp. CatalogUe Number ..................... 220/0107 Rec. Retail £830.80 Argos Price £599.00 55 Pearl Bracelet, 51f.!m m. 2- row w ith • beads ....................... Cat. No. 220/0262 Rec. Retail £31.04 Argos Price £23.25 56 Uniform Pearl Necklace, 6mm . 9ct. gold pendant. Length 15" ...... Cat. No. 220/0073 Ooc. Retail £22.1 1 Argas Price £16.50 57 Uniform Pearl Necklace, &mm. Fi lig ree · pendants. Length 16" ......Cat. No. 220/0080 nee. Retail £27.54 Argos Price £20.50 $8 Unifor m Pearl Nec klace, 71h mm. 2- row. lengths 20"' and 2 1" ........ Cat. No. 220/0059 Rec. Retail £252.34

18 Pearl 6mm and 9ct. Gold Bar Neck lace. tength 20".. . ......... Cat. No. 220/00 11 flee. Retail £30.25 Argos Price £22.50

H Graduated Pearl Necklace, 3'h x 7mm. tct. gold clasp. Lengt h 19".... No. 220/0035 llec . Retail £36.08 Argos Price £27.20

1 Child's Sterling Silver Bangle, 4.8mm . Catalogue Number ..................... 215/0154 Rec. Retail £4.25 Aroo• Price £2.95 2 Sterling Silver Bangle, 9.5mm ..... 215/0192 Rec. Retail £9.97 Argos Price £6.95 3 Bangle Set. Gold, 4.8mm ........... 215/0202 Rec. Retail £31.90 Argos Price £22.40 4 Rolled Gold Bangle, 7.6mm ...... 215/ 0185 Rec. Retail £7.14 Arvo• Price £4.95 5 Bangle Set. Gold , 6.9mm... . ... 215/0219 Argos Price £21.25 Rec. Retail £41.80 6 Rolled Gold Bangle, 6.9mm....... 215/0178 Rec. Retail £6.56 Argos Price £4.60 7 Rolled Gold Bangle, 9.5pm....... 215/0240 Rec . Retail £8.1S Argos Price £5.75 8 Rolled Gold Bangle. S.5mm ....... 215/0257 Rec. Retail £8.61 Argos Price £5.95 9 Rolled Gold Bangle. 12.7mm ..... 215/0264 Rec. Retail £10.29 Argos Price £7.20 10 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/0051

Rec. Retail £42.90

Argos Price £29.90

11 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/ 0044 Rec. Retail £31 .35 Argos Price £21.95 12 Sterling Silver Bracelet.. ........ 215/0020 Rec. Retail £10 .50 Argos Price £7.60 13 Starting Silver Bracelet .......... 215/0013 Argoe Price £3.15 Rec. Retail £5.56 14 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/0037 Argos Price £7.10 Rec. Retail £11 .00 15 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/0068 Rec. Retail £55.00 Argos Price £31.50 16 Bracelet Set. Gold ................. 215/0082 Rec. Retail £73.20 Argos Price £55.00 17 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ...... ........... 215/ 0109 Rec. Retail £91 .85 Argos Price £69.00 11 Child 's Rolled Gold Bangle. 4.8mm . Catalogue Number..................... 215/0161 Rec. Retail £4.41 Argos Price £3.10 · 11Sterling Silver Bangle, 7.6mm ... 215/0226 Rec . Retail £4.60 Argos Price £3.30

20 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................ .215/0123 Rec. Retail £133.00 Argos Price £H.OO 21 Bracelet 18ct. Gold ............... 215/0130 Rec . Retail £324 .75 Argos Price £245.00 22 Bracelet 18ct. Gold ................. 215/0147 Rec. Retail £322.00 Argos Price £245.00 23 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................ 215/ 0116 Rec. Retail £122.50 Argos Price £92.00 24 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/0075 Argos Price £53.00 Rec. Retail £70.50 25 Bracelet 9ct. Gold ................. 215/0099 Rec. Retail £85.20 Argo• Price £64.00 26 Sterling Silver Bangle, 6.9mm .. 215/0233 Rec. Retail £6.09 Argos Price £3.95 27 Necklace 9ct. Gold. Interwoven design. Catalogue Number... . ......... 207/0069 Rec . Retail £105.80 Argos Price £79.00 28 Necklace 18ct. Gold. Textured finish . ......... 207/0076 Catalogue Number... Rec ..Retail £404.50 Argos Price £299.00

29 Pendant 9ct. Gold. Set with an amethyst. Catalogue Number .. . ~·................. 207/ 0131 Rec. Retail £55.90 Argos Price £39.95 30 Pendant 9ct. Gold. Set with an amethyst. .. .. .207/0162 Catalogue Number... Rec . Retail £101 .00 Argos Price £75.00 31 Pendant Set. Gold. Set with 5 rubies and 1 diamond ............ ... Cat. No. 207/ 0155 Rec. Retail £101 .00 Argos Price £75.00 32 Pendant 9ct. Gold. Sel with a citrine. Catalogue Number........... ........ 207/0100 Rec. Retail £25.29 Argos Price £18.95 33 Pendant 9ct. Gold. Set with an amethyst. Catalogue Number... . .......... 207/0124 Rec. Retail £39.95 Argos Price £21.H 34 Pendant and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Set with gamets. ......................... Cat. No. 207/0227 Rec. Retail £34.10 Argos Price £23.75 35 Pendant 9ct. Gold. Textured and polished finish with three gold droplets. .. ......... 207/0117 Catalogue Number.... Rec. Retail £39.95 Argos Prtee

Set with a cultured .... .... Cat. No. 207/ 0090 Argoa Price £17.95 H Zodiac Pendant, 9ct. Gold. All symbols tvailable............. : ...... ... Cat. No. 207/05 Argos Price £15.95

••tc. Retail £21 .30

M Pendant, 9ct. Gold. Set with a citrine. r.atalog ue Number... ..... 207/ 0148 tltc. Retail £95.85 Argos Price £71.00 M Pendant and Chain, Sterling Silver. Set ••l h an obsidian ............Cat. No. 207/ 0186 Hec. Retail £12.75 Argos Price £9.20 40 Pe ndant and Chain. Sterling Silver. Cstalogue Number ........... 207/ 0179 Retail £9.90 Argos Price £6.95


41 Pendant and Chain, 9ct. Gold. St. George tnd the Dragon .......... .... Cat. No. 207/ 0193 'lee . Retail £65.34 Argos Price £45.75 42 Pendant and Chain , 9ct. Gold. Set with • golden citrine.. . ..... Cat. No. 207/0203 flee. Retail £71 .39 Argos Price £49.75 43 Pe ndant and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Set with • smoky quartz .............. Cat. No. 207/ 0210 Argos Price £8.50 nee. Retail £12.10 44 locket and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Holds 2 ohotographs.................. Cat. No. 207/ 0045 Hec. Retail £14 .00 Argos Price £9.95 45 l ocket and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Holds 2 ohotographs .................. Cat. No. 207/ 0052 Argos Price £24.25 ,.ec. Retail £34.65

4t locket and Chain, 9ct . Gold. Holds 2 $)hotographs... .. ....... Cat. No. 207/ 0320 Rec. Retail £20.46 Argos Price £14.30 47 locket and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Holds 2 photographs.................. Cat. No. 207/ 0313 Argos Price £9.95 nee. Retail £14.52 41 locket and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Holds 2 " hotog raphs .................. Cat. No. 207/ 0306 Argos Price £5.15 Hee. Retail £7.48 48 locket and Chain, Sterling Silver. Holds 7 photographs ............ ... Cat. No. 207/ 0014 nee. Retail £3.00 Argas Price £2.15 SO Locket and Chain, Sterling Silver. Holds 'photographs .. . .. ... Cat. No. 207/ 0021 . Retail £5.25 Argoa Price £3.60

1t locket and Chain, 9ct. Gold. Holds 2 photographs.................. Cat. No. 207/ 0038 nee. Retail £13.75 Argas Price £9.75 Charms, 9ct. Gold. Available as follows : t2 Bri dal Couple in Heart ...... No. 215/ 0350 nee. Retail £10.56 Argas Price £7.15 13 Ch urch and Lord's Prayer.No. 215/ 0367 Aee. Retail £11 .00 Argos Price £7.95 54 Bible and Lord's Prayer .... No. 215/0374 Argos Price £8.75 nee . Retail £12.15 15 Filigree Jug ........ No. 215/0381 nee. Retail £12.50 Argas Price £8.95 SI Flexible Fish .................... No. 215/ 0415 nee. Retail £16.90 Argas Price £12.15 57 Ci nderella Coach.... .......... No. 215/0398 Argas Price £9.90 llec. Retail £13.75 M Pram ......................... .... No. 215/ 0408 ~~~ - Retail £15.75 Argas Price £11 .40 t St. George and Dragon ..... No. 215/ 0422 nee. Retail £23.10 Argos Price £15.95 to Soda Syphon .. .. ....... No. 215/ 0271 ''ec. Retail £6.60 Argas Price £4.55 t l Grouse Claw ........ No. 215/ 0288 Argos Price £5.30 Aoc. Retail £7.59 " 1-Love-You '' ........... No. 215/0295 . Retail £7 .70 Argos Price £5.50 13 Three Rings..... .. ....... No. 215/ 0305 f'lec. Retail £13.75 Argos Price £9.90 ....... No. 215/ 0312 Argos Price £5.95 ... .... No. 215/0336 Argas Price £6.95 .. " 1-Love-You " Spinl')er ....... No. 215/ 0329 Argas Price £6.45 • . Retail £9.24 .............. No. 215/0343 Argas Price £6.95


1 Gent's Signet Ring . 9Ct. gold. Set with a moss agate . . ..... Cat. No. 240/ 0495 Rec. Retail £45.37 Argos Prl~ £31.95

17 Gent's Signet Ring . Sterling silver. Abstract design ........... Cat . No. 240/0378 Rec . Retail £6.60 Argas Price £4.60

2 Gent's Signet Ring. 18ct. gold . Set with a blue onyx doublet .. . ... Cat. No. 240/ 0189 Rec. Retail £101 .00 Argos Price £75.00

18 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. Octagonal shape.... . ...... Cat. No. ·240/ 0457 Rec. Retail £37.51 Argas Price £26.25

3 Gent's Signet Ring. 9ct. gold. Set with an onyx strip ........ Cat. No. 240/ 0464 Rec. Retail £38.72 Argos Price £27.00

19 Gent 's Signet Ring . Sterling silver. Set with a blue agate ........ Cat . No. 240/ 0361 Rec . Retail £5 .74 Argas Price £3.95

4 Gent 's Signet Ring . Sterling silver. Catalogue Number ...............~ ... 240/ 0385 Rec. Retail £9.31 Argos Price £6.50

20 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. s et with a black onyx .. . .. .. Cat . No. 240/ 0488 Rec . Retail £43.56 Argas Price £30.50

5 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. Set with a smoky quartz....... . .. Cat. No. 240/ 0440 Rec . Retail £36.30 Argos Price £25.50

21 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold . Set with an haematite .. .. ..... Cat. No. 240/ 0347 Rec. Retail £14.75 .Argos Price £10.60

6 Gent's Signet Ring . Sterling silver. Set with a cornelian ............. Cat. No. 240/ 0392 Rec. Retail £18.75 Argos Price £12.90

22 Cufflinks. 18ct. gold ... Cat. No. 240/ 0543 Rec . Retail £82.28 Argos Price £57.50

7 Gent's· Signet Ring. 9ct. gold. Rectangular shape.. . .. .. Cat. No. 240/ 0471 Rec . Retail £40.53 Argos Price £28.50 8 Gent's Signet' Ring . 9ct. gold. Set with a " tiger's eye" .............. Cat. No. 240/0505 Rec . Retail £46.58 Argos Price £32.60 9 Gent's Signet Ring. 9ct. gold. Set with a " eat's eye".. ... Cat. No. 240/ 0402 Rec. Retail £15.90 Argos Price £11 .50 10 Gent's Signet Ring . 18ct. gold. Set with a " tiger's eye'' .. Cat. No. 240/ 0172 Rec. Retail £70.50 Argos Price £53.00 11 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. . ......... 240/ 0512 Catalogue Number-..... Argas Price £33.75 Rec. Retail £48.40 12 Gent's Signet Ring. 9ct. gold.

~:~~~~~~=iiN£u~-~~r .... ., Ar~~~ P~i::o~~-;~ an onyx .. ......., .. Rec. Retail £9.90 14 Gent's Signet Ring. a garnet, ..... Rec. Retail £18.50 15 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. Set with a .. Cat. No. 240/0419 garnet .. Rec. Retail· £19.50 Argas Price £13.95 16 Gent's Signet Ring . 9ct. gold. Set with a ..Cat. No. 240/ 0354 " tiger's eye" .. Rec. Retail £15.25 Argos Price £10.95

23 Cufflinks. 9ct. gold .... Cat. No. 240/ 0639 Rec . Retail £18 .70 Argas Price £13.25 24 Cufftinks. 9ct. gold .... Cat . No. 240/ 0567 , Rec. Retail £55.90 Argas Price £42.00 25 Sterling Silver Cufflfnks ..... No. 240/ 0691 Rec. Retail £9.20 Argos Price £6.60 26 Cufflinks. 18ct. gold ... Cat. No. 240/ 0536 Rec . Retail £95.83 Argos Price £72.00 27 Cufflinks. 9ct. gold .... Cat. No. 240/ 0615 Rec. Retail £24.20 Argas Price £17.50 28 Cufflinks. 9ct. gold. Blue agate .. Catalogue Number ..... . ............. 240/ 0581 Rec. Retail £49.25 Argas Pri~e £35.50 29 Cufflinks. 9ct . gold . .. . Cat. No. 240/0574 Rec. Retail £68.97 Argos Price £48.25

31 Cufflinks. 9ct . gold .... Cat. No. 240/ 0598 Rec . Retail £43.56 Argas Price £30.50 32 Cufflinks. 9ct . gold .... Cat. No. 240/ 0622 Rec. Retail £18 .70 Argos Price £13.25 33 " Tiger's Eye'' Cufflinks. 9ct. gold. ' ...... 240/ 0550 Catalogue NUmber.. Rec. Retail £69 .25 Argas Price £52.00 34 Cuff links. 9ct. gold .... Cat. No. 240/ 0608 Rec. Retail £28.60 Argas Price £20.50 35 Cufflinks. Rhodium plated .No. 240/ 0718 Rec . Retail £1 .50 Argos Price £1.10 36 Sterling Silver Cufflinks .... No. 240/ 0677 Rec. Retail £15 .95 Argas Price £11.25

Catalogue Number 240/0031 Sterling Silver 240/ 0048 9ct. Gold 46 Mounted Cigar Cutter. Gives cut. Catalogue Number 240/ 0062 Sterling Silver 240/ 0086 9ct. Gold 47 Cigar Cutter. Gives V-shape cut. Catalogue Rec. Number 240/ 0055 Sterling Silver 240/ 0093 9ct. Gold

37 Cutflinks. Titanium insert ... Na. 240/ 0701 Rec. Retail £2.40 Argas Price £1 .75 38 Cufflinks. 18ct. interwoven white and yellow gold .... ...Cat. No. 240/0529 Rec. Retail £111 .80 Argas Price £84.00 Tie Slides. 9 et. gold . • 39 Squares... . ... .. ... . .. Cat. No. 240/ 0660 40 Stars ...................... .Cat. No. 240/ 0653 41 Stripes.... .. .. Cat. No. 240/ 0646 Rec. Retail £11 .00 Argas Price £7.75 42 Gent's Identity Bracelet . 9ct. gold . .. .. ..... 240/ 0323 Catalogue Number.... Rec. Retail £42.35 Argas Price £29.50 43 Gent 's Identity Bracelet. Sterling silver. . .......... 240/0316 Catalogue Number... Rec. Retail £9.45 Argas Price £6.60 44 Cigar Piercer. Screw out spiral blade. Argos Catalogue Rec. Number Retail Price

~:~:~~ ;~~-r~n~dSilver

~~ts 5 ~~o~:s

50 Treasury Note Clip. Catalogue Number 240/ 0103 Sterling Silver 240/ 0127 9ct . Gold 51 Zodiac Key Holder. 9ct. avail able .. Rec. Retail £35.95 52 St. Christopher Key Ring. Ca't alogue ::-Rec. Number Retail 240/0134 Sterling Silver £4.84 240/ 0158 9ct. Gold £28.98 _53 St. Christopher Key Ring. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 240/0141 Sterling Silver £6.50 240/0165 9ct. Gold £30.48

54 DESIGN PHILIPP Lady's Trinket Box . Ivory coloured finish. Fitted interior mirror. (Sweden}. Catalogue Number ....... . ............ 260/ 0226 Recommended Retail Argos Price


KIGU Cigarette Case. For King size jgarettes. Covered with Mother of Pearl. . .... 260/0336 .atalogue Number necommended Retail Argos Price





61 DESIGN PHILIPP Lady's Jewel Case. Ivory coloured finish. Bed lining. (Sweden). Catalogue Number. ................... 260/ 0202 Recommended Reta11 Argos Price £4.00

leaf decoration. Nylon filled brushes. Catalogue Number... .. .......... .. 260/0051 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Matching rose design. Catalogue Number. Recommended Retail




........ 260/0037 Argos Price


66 MASCOT 4 Piece Dressing Table Set . Floral autumn design. .. . 260/ 0075 Catalogue Number Argos Price Recommended Retail

Finished in stainless steel. Catalogue Number.. . .. ............ 260/0044 Recommended Retail Argos Price




71 LINEK 4 Piece Dressing Table Set.


£2.75 67 UNEK 4 Piece Dressing Table Set .

Argos Price



68 MASCOT 5 Piece Dressing Table Set.



70 MASCOT 5 Piece Dressing Table Set.

Nylon filled brushes. Catalogue Number... . Recommended Retail

Purse Notecase. Crushed calf leather. . .. 260/0161 .ttalog ue Number.. . om mended Retail Argos Price


65 LINEK 4 Piece Dressing Table Set. Gilt

62 DESIGN PHILIPP Lady's Jewel Case. Pink satin and velvet lining. Fitted lock. (Sweden). .. .... .... .. 260/0219 Catalogue Number.. . Recommended Retail Argos Price

····· .... ... ..... 260/0343

69 MASCOT '5 Piece Dressing Table Set. Imitation Petit Point design. Catalogue Number ........ 260/0013 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£3.15 Case. For Kihg



60 DESIGN PHIUPP Lady's Musical Jewel Case. Ivory coloured. Red flocked li ning. Revolving ballerina. (Sweden). Catalogue Number_ .......... 260/0192 Recommended Retail Argos Price





64 Purse Notecase. Red crushed calf leather. Catalogue Number .................... 260/ 0154 Recommended Retail Argas Price


55 DESIGN PHILIPP Lady's Jewel Case. Blac k vinyl covering. Lined in satin and velvet. (Sweden). Catalogue Number ................... 260/0185 Recommended Retail Argos Price


59 Purse Notecase. " Tuscan" finish leather. Catalogue Number .. .. . ........... .... 260/ 0178 Recommended Retail Argos Price


63 Purse Notecase. Red softee calf leather. Catalogue Number .. ... 260/ 0147 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.30



· .. ..... .. 260/0068 Argos Price


In matching cluster of roses design. Catalogue NUmber ......... ........... . 260/0020 Recommended Retail Argos Price



LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 MORPHY RICHARDS " Traveller"

dryer. Hand model . Dual 120V or 240V AC. B.E.A.B. c.talogue Number... Recommended Retail


3 MORPHY RICHARD$ Hair Comprises hose, stand and hood. with item 2. Cat.togue Number... Recommended Retail £2.74

5 PHIUPS Hairdryer. Hand cool settings with cut-out heating. B.E.A.B. approved. Catlologue Recommended Retail £4.60


7 NORTHERN Halrdryer. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £4.75

I RIMA Hairdryer. Hand model. 2 heats and cool. Catalogue Nulnbef...... . Recommended Retail £5.13

t RONSON " Raplde" modeL 3 position switch. proved. Caglogue Number... Recommended Retail £5.12 10 PIFCO " Princess" Hairdryer. model. Automatic cut-out. B.E.A.B. proved. Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail £4.95

lmorphyrichards I

I~ I




16 PHiliPS Hood Hairdryer. Remote temperature control. For use with stand. item No. 26. B.E.A.B. approved. (Holland). . ........ 440/00U Cata logue Number... . Recommended Retail Argos Price (8.83 £6.75 17 LADY SCHICK " Consolette" Hairdryer. Catalogue Number... . ..... .440/0046 Recommended Retail Argos Price

( 13.01


18 PIFCO " Princess" Beauty Sel. Comprises hairdryer. stand, hood. hose and attachments. B.E.A.B. approved. Number.... ........ .... ... .. 440/0211 I Reco•nm<>nded Retail Argos Prk:e £4.95 19 HOOVER '·Pretty Kit De Luxe". Hair-

dryer and manicure set in beauty case. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Number.. . .. ......... 440/0280 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £9.95 £13.70 20 MORPHY RICHARD$ " Vanity Vogue"' Hairdryer. 3 heat settings and cool. Comb attachment. B.E.A.B. approved . ~ 1 Catalogue Number................... 440/0125 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £10.78 £7.50 21 AONSON Escort Portable Hairdryer. Variable heat control. Complete with shoulder strap. hood. warm air brush and comb attachment. B.E.A.B. approved . Catatogue Number ................... 440/0118 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .14 £7.75

22 MORPHY RICHARDS "Salonaire Supreme" Hairdryer and Stand . 3 heat settings. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .................... 440/0039 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.91 £9.75

.25 MOULINEX ''Salon " Hairdryer. Telescopic stand. Can be wall mounted or tree standing . B.E.A.B. approved . (France). Catalogue Number ..................... 440/0077 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.96 £7.50

23 PIFCO "Boutique" Hairdryer and Stand . Remote control heat switch . B.E.A.B. approved. (Belgium). Catatogue Number... ... 440/0053 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .95 £8.40

26 PHIUPS Stand . Suitable for use with items 16 and 24. (Holland). Catalogue Number .................... 440/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price

24 PHILIPS Hood Hairdryer. Variable heat setting. Use with item 26. B.E.A.B. approved. (Holland) . Catalogue Number... . ...... 440/0091 Recommended Retail Aroo- Pdce





27 SUNBEAM " Salon " Hairdryer and Stand . 10 heat settings. Can be wall mounted or free standing. (Belgium). Catalogue Number.. .................. 440/0010 Recommended Retail Argoa Price



1 RONSON Automatic Toothbrush . Powered by rechargeable energy cells. Dual voltage 100/ 120V and 200/ 240V AC. Catalogue Number..................... 440/0431 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.04 £6.95 2 RONSON Automatic Toothbrush . Complete with five brush heads . Battery operated . (Batteries not supplied) . Catalogue Number.. .. .... 440/0448 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.64 £3.95 3 CARMEN 16 " Conditioning Curl ". 16 heat retaining rollers in 3 sizes. B.E.A.B. approved . (Denmark) . Catalogue Number .................... 440/ 0314 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 CARMEN " Companion". Five large heat retaining rollers. B.E.A ..S. approved . (Denmark) . Catalogue Number .................... 440/0345 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.54 £3.90 5 CA RMEN 20 Heat Retaining Rollers. 6 jumbo, 10 large and 4 small rollers. B.E0 A.B. approved. (Denmark) . Cafalogue Number .. ................. 440/0321 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.01 £8.75 6 DATELINE 16 Heated Haircu rl ers. Three sizes of fully interchangeable rollers. B.E.A.B . approved .

Catalogue Number .................... 440/ 0352 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.95 £4.75 7 CARM EN 20 " Conditi oning Curl ". 20 heat retaining rollers in 3 different sizes. B.E.A.B. approved . (Denmark) . Catalogue Number... ...440/0307 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.85 £10.40 8 CARMEN 7+ 7 Heat Retai~ing Rollers. Comprises 7 heaters to heat 14 rollers. B.E.A.B. approved . (Denmark). Catalogue Number .................... 440/0338 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £9.27 £6.50 9 PHILIPS Automatic Toothbrush. Battery operated . Complete w ith four brush heads. (Batteries not supplied). (Holland) . Catalogue Number .................... 440/0455 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.81 £2.75 10 PIFCO Vibratory Massager. Five applicators. Adjustable vibration control. Catalogue Number.................... 440/0493 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.50 £4.55 11 OSTER Vibro-Massager. Both massage and infra-red heat massage setting s. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .................... 440/0486 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.99 £5.55


12 PHILIPS Beauty Set. Comprises " Lady · shave", 3 massagers, 2 cream applicators. cosmetic sponges and manicure set B.E.A.B. approved . (Austria) . Catalogue Number .................... 440/ 0297 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.55 £8.75 13 PHILIPS Health Lamp . Combined ultra violet and infra-red model. (Holland) Catalogue Number ................... 440/0534 Recommended Retail Argas Price £13.89 £10.45 14 PHILIPS " Ladyshave " De Luxe. Dual voltage 110/ 130V and 220/ 240V AC B.E.A.B. approved . (Austria). Catalogue Number .................... 440/ 0478 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.12 £3.55 15 PHILIPS Ultra-Violet Lamp . Catalogue Numbei' .................... 440/0601 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.75 £10.22 16 PHILIPS Infra-Red Lamp . With adjust· able stand for accurate beam direction (Holland). Catalogue Number .................... 440/05H Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 PHILIPS " Ladyshave" Beauty Shaver Dual voltage. B.E.A.B. approved . (Austria) Catalogue Number.. ... 440/0620 Recommended Retail Argos £4.18 £2.95

18 RONSON " Tiara" Lady's Shaver. Dual voltage 100/120V and 200/240V AC. Fully suppressed . B.E.A.B . approved. .. .. .. . 440/0462 Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail Argos Price


24 PIFCO Vanity Curler. ¥4'" diameter roller. Double insulated. Metal stand included. Catalogue Number.................... .440/0383 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £2.95 £1.95


19 PHIUPS " l adyshave" Battery Shaver. (Batteries not supplied) . (Austria) . Catalogue Number ..... .............. 440/0637 Recommended Retail Argos Price C3.71 £2.85 20 PIFCO "Queen " Curler. Dual voltage 120V and 240V. Double insu lated hair curler with ¥4" roller. PVC travel case. Catalogue Number... . .... .. 440/0376 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £.2.90 21 REMINGTON Family Hairstyler. Complete with brush and two comb attachments. B.E.A.B. app roved . (France). .. 440/0369 Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.45 £4.60 22 MOULINEX Curling Tongs. King size roller with stand. (France). Catalogue Number... . .. ..... 440/0400 Argos Price Recommended Retail £1 .50 C2.15

25 PIFCO Illuminated Mirror. Lamps on either side. Gives magnified and life-size images. PVC case. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number ... .... ... .... .... ..260/0233 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4 .75 £3.35 26 LADY SCHICK Facial Sauna . Adjustable mask . (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number... . ............ 440/0417 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.27 £6.50 27 PIFCO Facial Sauna . Sta inless steel inner container. Safety cut-out. Catalogue Number ........ ... ......... 440/ 0424 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.75 £4.75

For details of ARGOS credit faciliti es please see page 9. We also accept Access Card and Barclaycard.

23 RIMA Elect ric Hair Curler. For soft waves and curls. (Italy). Catalogue Number. .. ......... 440/0390 Recommended Retail Argos Price




ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots - or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase - or with clearance. sales. All goods in this cat alogue are factory fresh In original makers' cartons.

1 LAWTEX Lady's Short Umbrella. Proofed nylon cover with crook handle. Ca.. togue Number .................... 260/ 0453

Recommended Retail £1 .55 .

Argos Price £0.95

5 LAWTEX Lady's Telescopic Umbrella. Printed nylon cover and case. Carrying chain. Ca.. logue Numb er ................... 260/ 0484 Recommended Retail Argos Prlee

£3.60 2 LAWTEX Lady's Walking Length Umbrella. Proofed nylon cover with crook handle. Catatogue Number ........ .. ... ........ 260/ 0460 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £1 .95 £1.35

4 LAWTEX Lady's T~escopic Umbrella. Proofed nylon cover and matching case. Carrying chain. Cataklgue Number .................... 260/0477 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.70 £1.90


10 KIGU Slim Gilt Convertible Powder Compact. Diamond cut pattern . .......... ... 280/ 0295 Cat alogue Number Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 KIGU Convertible Diamond cut design. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail


14 MASCOT Gift Set. Powder perfume atomiser. Blue floral Cat alogue Number ... Recommended Retail



7 lady's " See Thro" Umbrella. Catalogue Number .................... 26010491 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£1 .25



6 LAWTEX See Through Umbrella. Clear plastic with proofed nylon top. Catalogue Number................. ... 260/ 0439 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£3.65 3 LAWTEX Lady's Umbrella. Printed nylon cover with crook handle. Catalogue Number .................... 260/0446 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.10 £1.50

9 MASCOT Powder Compact. Ornament on a gilt background . Catalogue Number .................... 260/0305 Recommended Retail Argos Price


I KIGU Gift Set. Convertible powder compact and lipmirror. Red rose design. Catalogue Number. . ....... 260/0116 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.60 £2.55

11 MASCOT Gift Set. Powder compact and perfume atomiser, silvered finish . Catalogue Nuinber .................... 260/ 0109 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 KIGU Convertible Powder Compact. Silver plated pattern and finish on a blue frame. Catalogue Number... . ............. 210/0264 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.05 £2.15

15 KIGU Convertible Blue finish with contrasting Catalogu e Number... Recommended Retail

£2.80 16 KIGU Gift Set. Convertible lipmirror. Silver plated finish. design. Catak»gue Number . Recommended Retail £6.40

17 KIGU Square Convertible Compact. Gilt t lar design . Auburn coloured finish . C1talogua Number.. ................... 260/0240 Recommended Retail Argos Price t3 .05 £2.15

21 KIGU Gift Set. Convertible compact, perfume atomiser and lipmirror. Silver plated finish. Catalogue Number. ................... 260/0082 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:a £7.70 £5.40

25 HELITAON " Baroness" De LU)ce Lamp . Ultra·violet and infra·red. Complete with timer. Catalogue Number .................... 440/0527 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £17.95 £12.50

22 MASCOT Powder Compact. Pink floral design . Catalogue Number...~ .. ... 260/0329 Recommended Retail ArgoaPrtce £1.53 £1.10

26 HELITRON " Baroness" Health Lamp. Ultra·violet and infra·red. Catalogue Number................ .. .. 440/0541 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e £13.95 £10.45

23 HELITRON " Sun Tan Baroness" La'fnp. Ultra·violet element with quartz filter. Twin infra·red elements. Catalogue NuMber .................... 440/0503 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £19.95 £13.95

27 HELITRON " Queen" lnfra·Red Lamp. Catalogue NuMber..... .. ...... U0/0572 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £7.50 £5.55

Powder Compact . ....... 260/0257 Argol Prke £2.15 18 MASCOT Gift Set. Powder compact and perfume atomiser. Amber coloured marbled t llect. Cetatogue Number... .. ... .. 26010130 Recommended Retail Argoa Price 2.85 £1.95

to MASCOT Powder Compact. Diamond cut design on amber coloured background. Cetalogue Number ..................... 260/0312 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.08 £1.50

24 HELITRON " Queen" lamp. Ultra·violet and infra·red. ....... ..... 440/0585 Catalogue Number.. . Recommended Retail Argoa Price £11 .95 £8.95

28 PIFCO " Caribbean" Health Lamp. Mer· cury quartz lamp. Ultra·violet and infra· red model. (Swiss). Catalogue Number.................... 440/0558 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.95 £10.25

29 PIFCO " Ultra-tonic " Ultra·Violet Lamp. Pivots on own stand. With goggles. Catalogue Number.... .. ...... 440/0613 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £9.40 £6.95

30 PIFCO lnfra·Aed Lamp. Pivots on own stand. Catalogue Number..... ...4401058!1 Argos Price Recommended Retail £7.40 £5.25

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.


Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.

3 ARDIS " Twin Fit De Luxe" Oressform. Complete with cover. A Bust 32"-40 ~ Cat. No . .............. 260/0381 B Bust 38•-4e• Cat. No ............... 260/0398 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£9.90 1 FAISTER + ROSSMAN 800 Sewing Machine. Three position. zig·zag modeL (Japan). Catalogue Number ... ."................ 440/0675 Recommended Retail Argas Price



2 FRISTER + ROSSMAN 804 Sewing Machine. Automatically sews fancy stitches. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 440/0682 Recommended Retail Argos Price £~02 . 11 £81.75


4 AADIS " Venus" Dressform . For the home dressmaker. Sections in lightweight

plasti c. A Bust 33•-39" Cat. No ........ ...... 260/0367 B Bust 39 "~45" Cat. No .. .. 260/0374 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.70 £8.90 5 PIFCO Battery Operated Scissors. Self~ sharpening steel blades. (Japan) . Catalogue Numbe_r..................... 440/0644 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 JONES 215 Electric Sewing Machine. All the features of the 214 model plus embroidery patterns. (Brazil) . Catalogue Number .. . ............... 440/0668 Recom mended Retail Argos Price



7 JONES 214 Swing Needle Electric Sew· ing Machine. Full zig~zag model. (Brazil). Catalogue Number ..................... 440/0651 Recommended Retail Argos Price



8 KNITMASTER 280 Knitting Machine. Knits, weaves and makes lace with new punchcard pattern selector. (Japan). Catalogue Number ..................... 260/0415 Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 JONES 588 Kn itting Machine. button automatic machine, with needles. Slide dial and reverse I Lacing attachment. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. Recom mended Retail £67 .95 11 RICHAROS ''Golden Shears and Scissors Set. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £2.10

12 HA RM ONEY leather Hand Bag . Catalogue Number ..................... 260/0S94 Recom mended Retail Argos Price . £8.50 £5.95 13 Leather Handbag. French styled . Multi· gusset. Satin finished metal fittings. Catalogue Number... ............ 260/ 0604 Argos Price RecommenQ.ed Retai l £9.99 £6.95 14 HAMILTON Leathe r Hand Bag . Gilt fittings. Catalogue Number .................... 260/ 0587 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £6.50 £4.55 15 HARMONEY Hand Bag . Vi nyl " glow calf " with gilt fi ttings. White Catalogue Number ........... 260/ 0563 Black Catalogue Number .... ... 260/0570 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.50 £4.10 16 De Luxe Shopper. Zip outside pocket. Heavyweight vinyl. Size 14 Y2~x 11 -x 6". Catalogue Number ..................... 260/ 0525 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.95 £2.1 0 17 lady's Large Casual Bag. Incorporates umbrella holder. Catalogue Number ... ................. 260/ 0532 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £4.75 £3.55 18 Casual Open Shopper. Two outside pouch pockets. Catalogue Number .................... 260/ 0518 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.99 £1 .50 19 NORLAND " Gazeil' ' Folding Shopping Trolley. Catalogue Number ..... .. ............. 260/ 0549 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.80 £3. 35 20 BAYCLIFF De Luxe Foldaway Shopping Trolley. Catalogue Number .................... 260/ 0556 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.25 £3.90 21 MATCHBOX Mahogany Cigarette Box. Model ca r mou nted on lid. Catalogue Number .................... 270/ 0494 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.95 £1.45 22 Cigarette Box . Stain less steel, with decorated lid . Catalogue Number ................... 270/ 0487 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.25 £3.40 23 KAYMET Cigarette Casket. Polished . gold colou red finish . Catalogue Number .................... 270/0470 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.62 £6.45 24 Cigarette Box. Silver plated wit h wooden interior. Catalogue Number .................... 270/ 0463 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.00 £8.95 25 Pipe Smokers Set. Comprises ash tray and pipe rest. Catalogue Number ..... .. 270/0432 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.65 £1 .85 26 Pipe Stand . Wooden gate style. Holds 4 pipes. Catalogue Number .... ................ 270/0425 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .20 . £0.85 27 MATC HBOX Stai nless Steel Ash Tray. Incorporates a model car. Catalogue Number ............... .... 270/ 0504 Reco mmended Retai l Argos Price £1.35 £1.10


ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events. 1 CUSTOM Exet:utive Case. Can be used as desk top d ivider or weekend case.

~=~~~~:n:::=:;~·i ·, · £14.50

· ·········i;S,::~ r~:! 2



2 LAWTEX Gerit's Telescopic Umbrella. Nylon cover. Grained plastic han dle. Catalogue Number... . ........ 270/0023 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £3.99 £2.60

3 pFCO Battery Clothes Brush . Rotary acti<" · (Batteries n ot supplied.) (Hong Koni)Cattlogue Number .. . ... .... ... ... 440/0929 R ee~mm ended Retai l Argos Price


£1 .40

4 Gtnt's Leather Travelling Case. Fitt ings incltde hai rbrush, razor, comb and mirror. Cattlogue Number .. . . ..... ., ..... 270/0298 Aec1mmended Retail Argos Price £ £5.65 s p fCO Electric Trou ser Press. Chromiu m platKI blades. 200/250V ACIOC . Cat11ogue Number .................... 440/0936 Rec,mmended Retail Argas Price



6 DESIGN PHIU PP " The Lynx" Gent 's Stud Box. Lined in velvet. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number .. . .............. 270/ 0353 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.25 £2.45

9 Bridge Set. Two sets of playing card& score sheets and pencils in leather ea Catalogue Number... . ........... 270/0lat Recommended Retai l Argas Prtot £2.55 £1 .65

7 Games Set " M i n i~Casi n o ". 2 packs playing cards and set of poker dice in leather case. Catalogue Number .... ........... ..... 270/0339 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.50 £1 .90

10 Sil ver Plated Tankard. Old English CS. sign. Capacity 1 pint. Catalogu e Number. ... .... .... .... ... .270/0sel Recommended Retail Argas PriOI £5.80 £4.35

8 Ga mes Set " Mini-Casi no ". Two sets playing cards. Roulette gaming set, dice and poker dice sets. In leather case. Catalogue Number.. . . .. .. .. 270/0315 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.50 £3.40

11 PIFCO " Shoe Shine Boy" Cleaning t<• Three brush attachments suitable for su or leather shoes. Battery operated . (Bit teries not su pplied.) (Japan). Catalogue Number............. .... ... 440/ottt Recommended Retail Argoa Prill £3.00 £2.10

15 Tobacco Pouch. Real leather. Selfsealing lining . Catalogue Number. .................. 270/0418 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .30 £0.90 16 CANBERRA London Made Briar Tobacco Pipe. Smooth finish. Billiard Catalogue Number..... .. 270/0377 Pot Catalogue Number......... 270/0384 Apple Catalogue Number......... 270/0391 Bent Catalogue Number.... . .... 270/0401 Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 FLEETLINE Executive Case. Deep style in st rong A.B.S. plastic. Channel frame. Catalogue Number..................... 270/0054 Recommended Retail Argos Price



18 SPARTANITE Executive Case. Document pocket in lid . Catalogue Number ... ................ .270/0119 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.10 £5.65 19 FLEETLINE " Diolile" Executive Case. Recessed locks. Deep case with twin filing compartment in lid. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e £7.45 £5.95 20 BUFFALO Attache Case in Hide. Catalogue Number... . .. ..... 270/0164 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.32 £13.85 21 BUFFALO Attache Case. Catalogue Number .................... 270/0229 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.51 £5.95 CROWN "Super City"" Executive Case. Alloy frame. Vinyl cover with pocket and dividers in lid. Rec . Catalogue Argos Number Retail Price 22 270/0102 Slim Style £11.30 £8.90 23 270/0092 Deep Style £12.15 £9.75 24 CUSTOM Executive Case. Lightweight modeL Black smooth finish interior. Catalogue Number..................... 270/0140 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.20 £5.75 25 CUSTOM Executive Deep weight model. Depth 4'h". CataJogue Number... Recommended Retail £8.84

Case. Light. ... 270/0133 Argos Prk:e £6.45

26 FLEETLINE " Diolite" Executive Case. Aluminium frame. Twin filing compartment in lid. Catalogue Number... . . ........ 270/0085 Recommended Retail Argos Price £.6.00 £4.80 27 CUSTOM Executive Case in Leather. Lined interior.· Catalogue Number.................... 270/0157 Recommended Retail Argos Price £35.00 £25.55

12 REMINGTON " Hot Comb for Men ". Comb and brush attachments. Travel case. ,F rance). Catalogue Number... . ..... .440/0888 Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 Leather Wallet. Four compartments for j\()fes, etc. Catalogue Number.................... 270/0250 Argos Price f\ecommended Retail



14 PHILIPS '" Philishave 90 Super" Shaver. fr pie floating heads. Built-in trimmer. 'lotary action. B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number ................... 440/0826 llecommended Retail Argos Price ( 11.67 £7.95

28 FLEETLINE Executive Case. Strong A.B.S. plastic with aluminium frame. Catalogue Number..................... 270/0061 Recommended Retail Argos Price



ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cal)' not compete with special sales of job Jots-or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

jPage 152 j •

1 BU FFALO Brief Case in Hide. Stitched centre panel. Catalogue Number .................. 270/ 0188 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price £ 16.74 £13.40

5 KIGU Gent 's Cigarette Case. Patterned , g il t fin ish wit h initial panel. Catalogue Number ................... 270/ 0456 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2 .60 £1 .95

2 SC HICK Gent's Styli ng Hai r Dryer . Brush and comb attach ments. In presentation case. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .. . ........... 440/ 0871 Recom mended Retail Argas Price £7 .87 £5.50

6 Leather Wa llet. Catalogue Number .................... 270/ 0243 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £4.00 £2.90

3 Gent 's Leather Travell ing Case. Fitted with hai rbrush, shaver pouch, m irro r and comb. Catalogue Number .................... 270/ 0281 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£8.45 4 Sterling style.

£6.35 Silver

Catalogue Number 270/ 0528 Y2 pint 270/0511 1 p int

Tankard .

Geo rgian

Rec . Retail

Argos Price

£56 .00 £69 .00

£42.00 £44.85

7 Si lver Pl ated Tankard . Georg ian style . Capacity 1 pint. .... 270/ 0535 Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.25 £11.00 8 REMINGTON " Lektro Blade 21 '' Shaver. Twin cutti ng heads. Replaceab le blades . B.E.A.B. approved . (France) . Catalogue Number .. . ... 440/ 0730 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.99 £6.75 9 TUDO R KNI GHT Stai nless Steel Tan kard . Capacity 1 pint. Catalogue Number .................... 270/ 0597

Recommended Retail


Argos Price £2 .45

10 Shoe Clean in g Kit. Leat her case, contains 2 brushes. 2 tins of po lish and d uster. Cata logue Number .............. .... .. 270/ 0308 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1 .95 £1 .45 11 KAYM ET Ash T ray Polished, gold colo u red finish . Catalogue Number .................. .. 270/0449 Recommen ded Retail Argos Price £4.31 £3.25 12 Bar Set. Bar accessories in presentation pack . Catalog ue Number .................... 270/0614 RecOm men ded Retail Argos Price £2.95 £2.20 13 SPONG "Corkette" Cork Extracto r. Catalogue Number .................... 270/0607 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1.00 £0.75

14 LIN EK Gerit 's ··swag ger" Set. Com prl

~~:=~~sg~~u~~~~~,l~~-~-~-~-~-~--~~~-·.270/0,. Reco mmended Retail £3.90

Argos Prilt £2.95




15 VIN ERS Tan kard . Hamm ered pewter

~::~oegrue 270/ 0580 Y2 pint 270/ 0573 1 pint





~:.~~~ ~~~=

16 VIN ERS Tankard . Pewter with base . Catalogue Re c. Number Retail 270/ 0566 Y2 pint £3.20 270/0559 1 pi nt £3.85

~ ~~



gla Argtt Prlot

1 11

£2 ... £2.11

17 RONSON "752" Shaver. Stai nless st head. 4 rechargeable energy cell s in ba Leather case. Catalogue Rec. Argll Number Retail PriOI 440/ 0761 Shaver and Case £14.75 £9 .• 440/ 0778 Shaver o nl y £13.33 £8 .•




1 11

I IIONSON " 45 '' Shaver. Sp rung shave r 1 Sta 1nless steel cutters. B.E.A.B . .................... 440/0792 Argos Price £7.25 Stainless steel . ....... 440/ 0785 Argos Price £7.75 ONSON " 21 '' Shaver. Built-in trimmer. '' ss steel cutters. B.E.A.B. approved. .................. .. 440/0802 Argos Price £6.25 >NSON '" 25 " Electric Shaver. Stai n!I!Oel cutters. 220/240V AC only . A. B approved.

•IOgue Number .. mmen ded Retail

. ....... 440/0819 Argos Price £4.95

JN8EAM Electric Shaver. Steel blades.

Triple voltage. B.E.A.B. approved. (Australia). Catalogue Number .. . .. 440/0857 Recommende<{Retait Argos Price £16.99 £11.45 23 SUNBEAM Electric Shaver. Twin head model with trimmer. B.E.A. B. approved. (Australia). Catalogue Number .................... 440/0864 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .99 £8.45 24 PHILIPS " Philishave Popular 90 Super' ' Shaver. Floating heads. Rotary action . B.E.A.B. approved . Catalogue Number .................... 440/0840 Recommended Retail Argos Priee £6.99 £4.95 25 PHIUPS "" Philishave Compact 90 Super" Battery Shaver. Twin floating heads. Rotary action . Catalogue Number .................... 440/0833 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.77 £4.75

26 REM INGTON " F2" Foil Head Shaver . Fitted with trimmer . B.E.A.B. approved. (Austria) . Catalogue Number ................... 440/ 0723 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .35 £7.95 27 REMINGTON "' Lektro Blade 100 " Shaver. Twin shaving heads and guide comb. B.E.A.B. approved . (France) . Catalogue Number.. . ........ 440/0747 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.25 £4.3 5 28 REMINGTON " Selectro 3"' Electric Shaver. Adjustable to four positions. B.E.A. B. approved. (France). Catalogue Number .................... 440/ 0709 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £13.95 £9.95 29 REMINGTON " GT2" Battery Shaver. Adjustable trimmer. (France) . Catalogue Number ................... 440/0754 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.75 £4.75

30 AEM INGTON " Select ro 2" Electric Shaver. B.E.A.B. approved. (France) . Cata logue Number ..................... 440/0716 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 1.95 £:7.95 31 REMINGTON "Selectro 5·· Rechargeable Battery Shaver. Adjustable to six positions. Dual voltage re-charger. B.E.A.B. approved . ·(France). .... 440/0699 Catalogue Number .. Argos Price Recommended Retail £14.90 £19.95 All sh ave rs are du al voltage 110/127220/240 unless otherwise stated.

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 BUFFALO Brief Case in Hide. Size 17'"x 12". Catalogue Number .................... 270/0205 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.01 £9.60

5 Gent's Valet Stand. Metal lined base. On castors. ......... 27110047 Catalogue Number... Argot Price Recommended Retail C4.36 £3.30

9 Leather Passport Case. Window compartment and 3 pockets. Catalogue Number .............. ...... 270/0236 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.85 £2.85

2 BU FFALO Brief Case. Size 17"x 13... Catalogue Number.. . ........ 270/0212 Recommended Retai l Argas Price C5.58 CUS

6 Electro-valet Trouser Press . nermostatically controlled. Timer switch . Builtin hanger and tray. Catalogue Number.. ................. 441/0895 Recommended Retail Argoi Price £31.15 £24.g;

10 Credit Card Holder/ Wallet. Black grained leather. Holds 12 cards wit h a compartment for banknotes. Catalogue Number .................... 270/0717 Recommended Retail Argos Price C3.65 C2.75

7 Leather Notecase. Spacious pJckets. Catalogue Number ................... 27>10267 Recommended Retail Argol Price £3.50 £2.65

11 DESIGN PHILIPP "' The Coachman '" Gent's Valet Tray. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number... . ... 270/0360 Argos Price Rec ommended Retail [2.50 C3.25

3 BUFFALO Brief Case in Hide. Zipped rear pocket Size '11"x 12H Catalogue Number ............ ........ 270/0195 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £ 15.01 £11 .95 4 BUFFALO Brief Case . Grai ned leather wi th two front p ou ch es. Size 16V2"X 12". (Czech) . Catalogue Number................... 270/0171 Recommen ded Retail Argoa Price £5.28 £4.25

8 Leather Notecase. Window compa1tment. Catalogue Number............ ......... 27>10274 Recommended Retai l Argol Price £2.99 £2.25

12 LAWTEX Gent"s Umbrell a. Catalogue Number ................... 270/0016 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.50 £1 .90

13 Gent's Automatic Umbrella. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail


ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeka of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special salea of job lots-or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase - or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in makers' cartons.

1 FLAMINAIRE Gas Lighter. Fully auter matic action . Patterned gilt finish . (France) . Catalogue Number.. . . ............ 278/0184 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.10 £4.60 2 FLAMINAIRE Gas Lighter. Automatic action . Black case with gilt trim . (France). Catalogue Number ................ .... 278/0191 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.72 £4.30 3 ROWENTA " Ciac" Gas Lighter. Flame shield . Black and chromed finish . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number ... : .. ........ ... .. . 278/ 0263 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.48 £1 .85 4 PANTHER " Tripod " Gas Table lighter. Gold colou red base with chromed legs. Adjustable flame. (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 278/0074 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.62 £3.45

5 ROWENTA Crystal-Electric Action Gas Lighter. Black satin finish case. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number.. . ......... 278/0232 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.55 £4.15

9 PANTHER " Panetric " Gas Lighter. Piezo electric ignition. Requires no flints or batteries. Gilt finish. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ................... 278/0160 . ~;~~mmended Retail


:~~ ~s Pric~

13 ROWENTA " Top" Gent's Gas Lighter Tortoiseshell lacquer finish . (W. Germany) .. ....... 278/ 021 t Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail Argos Prict £6.05 £4.50

14 ROWENTA " Top" Gent's Gas Lighter Chromium plated . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .................... 278/ 022! Recommended Retail Argos Prict £4.79 £3.60

6 PANTHER " Diamond " Gas Lighter. Fliptop design. Gilt finish . (Japan). Catalogue Number .......... ......... 278/0342 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.90 £2.65

10 PANTHER " Throne" Gent's Gas Lighter. Ad justable f lame. Gilt finish . (Japan). Catalogue Number.. . ............. 278/0177 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.49 £4.45

7 PANTHER " Throne " Lady's Gas Lighter. Deco rated gilt finish. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 278/0311 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.49 £4.45

11 FLAMINAIRE Gas Lighter. Silve r plated. Patterned finish . (France). Catalogue Number .................... 278/0153 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £6.60

15 ROWENTA " Petit " Lady 's Gas Lighter Gi lt fi nish with leather pouch . (W . Germany) Red Catalogue Number ............ 278/029' Fawn Catalogue Number ............ 278/0JO.I Recommended Retail Argos Prict £7.39 £5.55

8 PANTHER " Michelle'" De Luxe Gas Lighter. Gilt finish . (Japan). Catalogue Number...... ... 278/0249 Recommended Retail Argos Price

12 FLAMINAIRE Gas Lighter. Decorated gilt finish . (France). Catalogue Number .................. 278/0146 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.90 £7.45

16 ROWENTA " Petit " Lady's Gas Lighter Diamond cut. gilt finish . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ..................... 278/0321 Recommended Retail Argos Prict £6.64 £4.65



I AOWENTA " Petit" Lady's Gas Lighter. mond cut , chromium plated . (W. Ger· ny) • tllogue Number .. . .. .. ... ....... 278/0335 ommended Retail ~~~~s Price


OUPONT Gas Lighter. 20 micron gold tOd Patterned finish . (France) . 11111ogue Rec . Argas mber Retail Price 11/0287 Lady's £42.00 £39.50 tl/0115 Gent's £43.00 £40.50 OUPONT Gas Lig hter. 20 micron gold 11 d Patterned finish . (France) . • talog ue Rec . Argos mber Retail Price 11/0270 Lady's £42.00 £39.50 £43.00 £40.50 11/0108 Gent's AOWENTA Gas



o Chromium plated finish. decor· with many).

an attractive pattern. (West

Catalogue Number .......... ..... ... .. 278/0256 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.81 £2.85

21 ROWENTA " Noblesse" Gas Lighter. Chromium plated . Adjustable flame. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ......... .... ....... 278/0201 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.89 • £4.40 22 ROWENTA Table Lighter. Crystal·elec· tric action with adjustable flame. (W . many). Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 278/0050 Black £10.84 £8.15 278/0036 Ch romed £ 11 .26 £8.45


23 PANTHER " Kieru " Piezo Elec tric De Luxe Gas Table Lighter. Requires no flints or batteries. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ...... .... ... .. ... 278/0012 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.57 £7.20

24 ROWENTA Gas Table Lighter. Chromium plated li ghter. Marble base. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ..................... 278/0043 Recom mended Retail Argas Price £ 10.97 £8.25

28 PANTHER " Dice" Gas Table Lighter. Chromed unit in translucent amber coloured base. (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 278/0081 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£4.62 25 PANTHER " Twisted Glass" Gas Table Lighter. Chromed lig hter in tinted acrylic base. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ............. .. ... .. 278/0098 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.18 £3.15 26 ROWENTA " Top Studio " Gas Table Lighter. Rosewood base. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... . 278/0067 Recorrimended Retail Argos Price



27 PANTHER " Ei ect rO·O·matic" Gas Table Lighter. Flints and batteries not required. Brushed steel fini sh . (Japan). Catalogue Number......... .. ......... 278/0029 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £11 .22 £8.45


29 FLAMINAIRE Gas Lighter. 20 micron gold plated finish . Adjustable flame. (France) . Catalogue Number .................... 278/ 01 22 Recommended Retail Argos Price £23.10 £18.45

30 FLAMINAIAE Gas Lighter. 30 micron silver plated finish . Adjustable flame. (France) . Catalogue Number.. ........... .278/0139 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.60 £13.20

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.



Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference. 1 SI M BA by lngersoll Boy's Watch . Ch romed case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .................... 25011019 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.34 £2.95 2 SIM BA by lngerso ll Boy 's Day/ Date Watch . Gilt case. (Swiss}.

Catalogue Number................... 25011002 Recommended Retai l

Argos Price



3 SIM BA by lngersoll Boy's Date/Spo rts Watch . Rotati ng bezeL (Swiss). Catalogue Number... . ... 250/0993 Recommended Retai l Argos Price



4 SI M BA by lngersoll Boy's Watch . 24 ho ur d iaL Luminous dots. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .86 £3.40

5 SIMBA by lngersoll Boy 's Date/ Sports Watch. Ftbre glass c ase . (Swiss) .

Yellow Ca talogue Number ......... 250/ 0962 White Catalogue Number ......... 250/ 0979 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.32 £4.40 6 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady's Date Watch . 17 jewel led movemen t. Water resistant steel backed case. (Sw iss) . Champag ne Catalogue Number... 250/0900 Blue Catalogue Number ... 250/0917 Silvered Catalogue Number ... 250/0924 Recommended Retail Argos Price



7 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady's Watch. 17 jewe lled lever movement. Gold plated case wit h steel back. (Swiss). Catalogue Number.. . ... 250/ 0890 ReCommended Retail Argos Price £9.80 £6.85

8 SIM BA by lngersoll Lady 's Watch . 17 jewelled lever movement. Gold plated case with steel back. (Sw iss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/ 0883 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.80 £6.85 9 SIM BA by lngersoll lad y's Watch . 17 jewelled lever movement . (Swiss) . Catalogue Number ..................... 250/0876 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.85 £6.15

10 SIM BA by lngerso ll Girl's Watc h. Gilt case. Enamelled bezel. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .................... 250/0955 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.86 £3.40 11 SIM BA by lngersoll Girl's Watch . Enamelled bezel. Gi lt case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number ..................... 250/ 0948 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.86 £3.40 12 SI MBA by lngersoll Girl's Watch . Ch romed case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number................... 250/ 0931 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £4.26 £2.95 13 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady 's Watch . Ova l gi lt case. (Sw iss). Red Dial Catalogue No ... 250/ 0852 Champag ne Dial Catalogue No ... 250/ 0869 Reco mmended Ret8it Argos Price £7.80 £4.60 14 SIMBA by lngersoll lady's Watch . 17 jewelled movement. Steel back. (Swiss). Cat alogue Number ..................... 250/ 0845 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price



15 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady's Date Watch . 17 jewelled movement . Gilt case. Steel back. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... . ............... 250/0838 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.65 £5.40 16 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady's Watch . Blue dial. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... .. ......... 250/0821 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.70 £4.70 17 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady's Watch . Tonneau shape with steel back. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number..................... 250/0814 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.80 £4.75

18 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Date Watch . 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... . ............. 250/0670 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .45 £5.20 19 SI MBA by lngersoll Gent's Digital Watch . 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Chromed case Catalogue No...... 250/ 0728 · Gilt case Catalogue No...... 250/0735 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8 .15 £4.90 20 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady 's Watch . 17 jewelled movement. Gold plated case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... . ........ 250/0780 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £5 .94 £4 .15 21 SIM BA by lngerso ll Lady 's Watch . 17 jewelled movement. Gi lt case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number.. . .... 250/0797 RecOmmended Retail Argos Price £8.67 £5.95 22 SIMBA by lngersoll Lady 's Watch . St~el back and gilt bezel. (Sw1ss). Catalogue Number... . .......... 250/ 0807 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £6.43 £4.50 23 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Date Watch . 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... . .............. 250/0656 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .34 £5.15 24 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Calendar Watch . 17 jewelled movement. Water resistant. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number.................... 250/0711 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.15 £4.90 25 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Date Watc h . Gilt case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .................... 250/0663 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.65 £4.65 26 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Watch . 17 jewelled movement. Chromed case . (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... .. ...... 250/ 0704 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.94 £5.50 27 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent's Day/Date Watch . 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... .. ......... 250/0694 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.65 £5.40 28 SIMBA by lng ersoll Gent's Day/Date Watch . 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number ..................... 250/0687 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.65 £5.40 29 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent 's Watch . Gilt case. Steel back. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... . ......... 250/0649 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.65 £4.65

10 SICURA Lady's Watch. Chromed 17 jewelled shock resistant movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number.................... 250/0405 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £11 .25 £6.75 1 SMITHS Lady's Fashion Watch. Jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... .. .. ......... .... 250/0292 Recommended Retail Argos Price



2 SMITHS Lady's Calendar Watch. Jewelled movement. Water resistant case. (Swiss). Catalogue Number........... .. ....... 250/0326 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 LEG ION Lady's Watch. 17 jewelled lever lncabloc movement. Gold plated case. (Swiss). Catalogue Number ... ................. 250/0601 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £12.07 £7.85

4 LEG ION Lady' s Watch. 17 jewelled lever lncabloc movement. Gold plated case. (Swi ss) . ...... 250/ 0618 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Reco mmended Retai l £9.55 £6.25

7 SMITHS Lady's Watch. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. Chromium plated case. (Swiss). Catalogue Number.......... 250/0319 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.40 £5.45

5 SMITHS Girl's Watch . Gold plated case. Jewelled movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .............. 250/0371 Reco mmended Retai l Argos Price £4.20 £3.55

8 SJCURA Lady's Watch. Gilt case. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss). Catalogu i Number ...... 250/0395 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.85 £6.55

6 SICURA Lady's Watch . Chromed case. 17 jewelled · shock protected movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number.. . ................. 250/0388 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.95 £7.45


9 SMITHS Lady's/ Girl's Watch. Chromed case. Jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Numbei .................... 250/ 0285 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.72 £3.15

11 SICURA " Unisex" Date Watc h. Chromed case. 17 jewelled shock resistant movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .. .. ................ 250/0412 Reco mmended Retail Argas Prlce £12.20 £8.55 12 SICURA " Elegance" Lady's Watch. Chromed case. 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss). Catatogue Number... ..... .......... 250/0431 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.55 £7.55 ,a SICURA " Elegance'' Lady's Watch. Gilt case. 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number... .. .. 250/0450 Recommended Retail Argos Pric=£13.70 £9.60

lCURA Lady's Watch . Gilt case. 17

led shock resistant movement. {Swiss). ue Number ..................... 250/0429 mmended Retail Argos Price 40 £8.70


' ICU RA " Unisex " Date Watch. Gilt 17 jewelled shock resistant move-

24 LUCIEN FAVRAUD Lady's Watch . Rhodium plated bracelet. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .................... 250/0474 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £12.25 £8.35

19 LUCIEN FAVRAUO Lady's Bracelet Watch . 22ct. antiqued gold platirJQ. 17 jewelled lever lncabloc movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number..................... 250/0467 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £14.00 £9.80

22 LUCIEN FAVRAUO Lady's Bracelet Watch. 22ct. gold plated. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss). · Catalogue Number .................... 250/0481 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.25 £8:35

25 LUCIEN FAVRAUO Lady's Bracelet Watch. Copper bronze plated . ·17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number..................... 250/0498 Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e £_ 12.25 £8.35

20 SMITHS Lady's Bracelet Watch. Rhodium plated case. 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/0357 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e £8.77 £7.45

23 LUCIEN FAVRAUO Lady's Bracelet Watch. Black metal finish. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/0522 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.25 £7.35

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time- we are always pleased to see you.

18 SMITHS Lady's Bracelet Watch . Gilt finish. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss) .

•logue Number .................... 250/0443 mmended Retail Argos Price £8.75


MITHS Lady's Bracelet Watch . Gold case. 17 jewelled moveme.nt. (Swiss). • ue Number......... ..... ...... 250/0333 mended Retail Argoa Price £5.80 '

21 LUCIEN FAVRAUO Lady 's Bracelet Watch. Rhodium plated. 17 jewelled shock protected movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/0508 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.25 £7.35

•1 (Swiss).

IMITH S Lady's Bracelet Watch. Gold d case. 17 jewelled shock protected ent. (Swiss) . ue Number .................... 250/0340 mended Retail Argoa Price £5.80

~=~~~~~:n::;~:~-ii ·············A~:~~~~: £8.90

I '

Latest patterns and designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in

1 SMITHS Boy's Watch. Shock protected ~ Jewelled movemEtnt. Catalogue Num~... . ..... 250/0113 Recommended Retail , Argos Price




2 SMITHS Boy's Watch. Gold plated case-. Jewelled movement; · Catalogue Number .................... 250/0120. Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 SMITHS Boy 's Watch . Shock protected. Jewelled movement. Catalogue Number.. .. ............. 250/0144 Recommended Retail A~ Price



4 SMITHS Ge-nt's Day/ Date Watch. Rotating elapsed time bezel. Water resistant case. 17 jewelled movement. Catalogue Number ..•......... ... ..... 250/0016 Recommended Retail Argoe Price



5 SMITHS Gent's Digital Watch . Jewelled

movement. Satin chrome plated case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number. .. .............. 250/0027 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.27 £5.30 8 SICURA "Globe Trotter" Gent's Calendar Watch. 17 jewel. Water resistant:Luminous hands and hour markers. {Swiss). 25010JB2

--- ---ea....._ - ........;. ..........



8 SMITHS Gent's Day/Date Chrome Plated Watch. Jewelled movement. Catalogue Number. Recommended Retail

£6.85 9 SMITHS Gent's Watch. Jewelled move-ment. Centre seconds hand. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number.................... 250/0010 Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 LEGION Gent's Automatic Day/Date Watch. 21 jewelled movement. Centreseconds hand. (Swiss}. Catalogue Number................... 250/0832 Recommended Retail Argoa Price

12 SMITHS Gent's Chronograph. Chromium plated case. 17 jewelled movement. (Swi"). Catalogue Number ..... .. ............. 250/0058 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.60 £8.95

14 SMITHS Gent's Watch. Gold plated,

11 LEGION Gent's Calendar Watch. 17

13 SMITHS Gent's Calendar Watch . Gold plated case. Jewelled movement. Catalogue Number..................... 250/0065 Recommended Retail Argos Price



15 SICURA Gent's Calendar Watch. Chromed case. Shock resistant. 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number............ .... . .. 250/0175 Recommended Retail Argos Price

17 SICURA Gent's

jewelled lever movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number.................. 250/0625 Recommended Retail Argos Prtce ·






water resistant case. Jewelled movement. Centre seconds ttand. Catalogue Number.................... 250/0151 Recommended Retail Argos Price




16 SICURA Gent's Automatic Watch . Shock and water jewelled movement. (Swiss). Catatogue Number... Recommended Retail £16 .30 ium plated case. 17 jewelled (Swiss) . Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail

mu''""'""'· •

11 I> SI

c R c·

......... 250/0247 ......... 250/0223 ......... 250/0230 Argos Price

£10.20 SICURA Gent's Automatic Day/Date Watch . Shock and water resistant. 17 jewelled movement. (Swiss}. c._talogue Number ........... ...... .. 250/0254 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.30 £11.40 UnA " Ctbernetica" Calendar Watch. bezels. Shock and water resistant. .. led movement. (Swiss). · ue Number.. . ....... 250/0216 f nded Retail Argos Price £9.50

URA 7 Jewelled Chronograph . Can •• a Tachymeter. Fly back action. d water resistant (Swiss) . we Number.. . . .. ......... 250/0278 Argos Price lflnded Retail £10.20

20 SMITHS Gent's Day/Date Watch: 17 jewelled mo_vement. Water resistant case. Stainless steel bracelet. Catalogue Number. ........ 250/0106 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.63 £6.45 21 SMITHS "Astf olon " Gent's Watch. Gold plated case. Luminous numerals and hands. Shock protected . (Swiss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/0041 Recommended Retail Argos Price



22 SMITHS "Astrolon" Gent's Watch. Transparent dial. Moulded movement. Catalogue Number. .-................... 250/0137 Recommended Retail Argos Price



23 SMITHS Gent's Calendar Watch. Antimagnetic, shock protected jewelled movement Chromium plated case. (Swiss}. Catalogue Number................... .250/0034 Recommended Retail Argos Price



26 SICURA Digital Watch . Shows date, hour and minutes. Water resistant. 11 j ewelled movement. (Swiss). Catalogue Number... • .............. 250/0199 Recommended Retail Argos Price



27 SICURA Gent's Calendar Watch. 17 jewelled movement Water resistant. (Swiss). Catalogue Number... . . ........ 250/0168 Recommended Retail Argos Price



1 SIMBA by lngersoll Chromed Pocket Watch. Luminous spots and hands. Catalogue Number... . .. 250/0759 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.45 £2.40

2 SMITHS Stop Watch . ,h. second, recording 0-15 minutes. Catalogue Number... . ............. 250/0Sn Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.35 £3.70 3 SMITHS Stop Watch . ,T second split action recording. 3 pressure action Q-15 minutes. 7 jewelled movement. Shock protected. (Swiss) . .. .250/0584 Catalogue Number.. . Recommended Retail Argos Price £29.00 £24.65

9 SIMBA by lngersoll Pocket Watch. 17 jewelled plied with albert. (Swiss). Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £7 .67 10 SIMBA by lngersoll Luminous figures and seconds hand. {Swiss). Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £4.99

11 SMITHS Pocket Watch. Sweep hand. Chromium plated case. Catafogue Number .. . Recommended Retail £2.65

4 SIMBA by lngersoll Football Referee's 12 SMITHS Lady's Pendant Timing Watch. Chromed case. plated case with matching Catalogue Number .................. 250/0742 Catalogue Number...... Recommended Retail Argos Price Recommended Retail £3.85 £2.70 £6.07 5 SIMBA by lngersoll Gent 's Gilt Dress Watch. 17 jewelled movement. Double albert . (Swiss). Catalogue Number .................... 250/0773 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.75 £6.10

13 SIMBA by lngersoll Miniature Watch . Chromed case. Coloured (Swiss). Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £7.45

6 SMITHS Stop Watch. ! second split 14 LUCIEN FAVRAUD Pendant action recording . 0-30 minutes. 3 pressure Chain. 17 jewelled movement. action . 7 jewelled movement. Shock pro- qued gold plated case. Shock (Swiss). tected. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number... ...... 250/0591 Catalogue Number .... Recommended Retail Argos Price Recommended Retail £29.00 £24.65 ~ .95 7 SMITHS " Sport Timer" Stop Watch. 0-60 minutes. Catalogue Number..................... 250/0553 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.35 £3.70

15 SIMBA by lngersoll Pendant Enamelled surround with gilt motif. Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £8.12

8 SMITHS " Yacht Timer" Stop Watch. ! second . 10 minute marking , 0-30 minutes. Catalogue Number... . .... 250/0560 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.35 £3.70

16 SIMBA by lngersoll Watch. Gilt case. Silvered dial. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £6.10

1 second , recording

Gold plated 1••ather fob strap . •logue Number.... . ............ 250/ 0539 umnended Retail Argas Price £3.60


HS " Oorking " Electric Wall Clock . 1 ·.c~o nds hand . Diameter 13Y2". •toque Number .................... 255/0905 11nmended Reta il Argas Price I £8.20 ' A' cTfM Battery Wall Clock. Moulded · omd black dial. .................... 255/0967 Argos Price £5 .55 TIM Battery Pi cture Cloc k . " Village "' w1 th c lock in church tower. Wooden


................... 255/1038 Argos Price £11 .35


At I IM Battery Wall Clock. Moulded " ( 1•ntre seconds hand . .................... 255/0943 Argos Price £5.55


oMI THS " Delhi " Electric Wall Clock. nul coloured moulded case. Oia . 11 H. .................... 255/0895 Argos Price £6.80

t At ·c TI M Ba ttery Wall Clock . Moulded 'iweep seco nds hand . •t •log ue Number ................... 255/0936 nunc nded Retai l Argos Price £5.55 t I , I YM A Battery Wall Cloc k. Moulded

Roma n n umerals. (W. Germany) . ..t•logue Nu mber ..................... 255/1083 onunended Retail Argos Price £7.40 I AND ARD " Chester" Wall Clock. Ro man Wall Scene. Battery


.................... 255/1045 Argos Price £8.95 .Mt!HS " Duet " Kitchen Clock. 30-hour m.. nt . w1th 1- hour ltmer . •toque Nu mber ................... 255/ 0833 Argos Price £3.95 Pull- Wind Clock . ................ 255/ 0826 Argos Price £2.60 .MHHS " Dubarry " Electric Kitc hen • Moulded case. • Catalogue Number ........ 255/0840 Cata log ue Number ......... 255/0857 • Csta lag ue Number ......... 255/0864 r munded Retail Argos Price £3.95 MllHS

" Dulcet "



C•lalog ue Number ........... 255/ 0792 C11ta log ue Number ........... 255/ 0802 Argos Price Hlu•nded Retail £2.60 ( IIM Battery Wall Clock. Moulded metal dial. Number ................... 255/ 0950 unnnded Retail Argos Price


32 SEIKO Battery Mantel Clock. Plastic case with black dial. (Japan) . Orange Catalogue Number Green Catalogue Number Yellow Cafalogue Number .. Recommended Reta1l Argos Price £16 .75 £11 .75 33 SMITHS " Debut " Electric Kitchen Clock . Moulded case with grey dial. Catalogue Number ................... 255/0819 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £3.74 £3.15 34 SMITHS " Kiwi " 30-hour Clock. Black moul ded case. Gold co lou red trim . Catalogue Number ..................... 255/0455 Recommended Retail Argos price £2.93 £2.50


£5.55 "'11 t~S "Delhi " Electric Wall Clock . •Inured case. Diameter 8~ ". '(lue Number .................. 255/0871 •10nnded Retail Argos Price £4.40

35 SMITHS " Quadrant " Battery Clock . " Zebrano " finish case. Blue dial. Catalogue Number .................... 255/0565 Recommended Reta11 Argos Price £13.20 £11.25

Please note : Batteries are not supplied with any item .

1 KIENZLE Battery Mantel Clock. Silver plated case with Roman numerals. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 255/0747 Recommended Retail Argos Price



KIENZLE Clock . As above. but gold coloured case. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number.. . ............ 255/ 0730 Recommended Retail Argos Price


8 SMITHS " Wavertey" 30-hour Qock. Acrylic case with polished bezel. Catalogue Number .... .. .............. 255/0486 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.69 £3.95 9 SMITHS " Snowbank" 30-hour Clock. Walnut finish case. Polished bezel. Catalogue Number ......... .. ......... 25510462 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.55 £2.95


2 KIENZLE Battery Mantel Clock. Brass case with gold coloured panels. (W. Germany) . · Catalogue Number ................... .255/0716 Argos Price Recommended Retail £17.95 £10.75 3 SMITHS " Louis" Battery Mantel Clock. Polished brass case. Catalogue Number.... . . ....... 255/0541 Argos Price Recommended Retail £12.25 £10.40

10 SMITHS " Burlington " Battery Clock. Green acrylic case. Gi lt mounts. Catalogue Number .................... 255!0534 Argos Price Recommended Retail



11 WESTCLOX " Margot" 30-hour Mantel Clock . Wood facade and gold coloured trim . Catalogue Number Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.85 £2.90

4 SM ITHS " Nell Gwynne" Clock. Battery operated . Polished brass case. Cata logue Number .................... 255/0572 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.72 £11.65

12 SEIKO 30-day Pendulum Clock. Day/ date calendar. Walnut finished case. (Japan) . Catalogue Number Recommended Retail £24.25

5 SMITHS " Knightsbridge" Battery Clock. Gilt coloured case. Black acrylic mounts. Catalogue Number .. ................... 255/0558 Argos Price Recommended Retail £12.77 £10.85

13 SM ITHS " Keats" Battery Mantel Clock. Walnut finish case. Polished bezel. Catalogue Number... .. ...... 25510503 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.99 £7.65

6 SM ITHS " Burns" Battery Mantel Clock. Teak finished case with white trim. Catalogue Number.. .. ... ........... ... 255/0493 Argos Price Recommended Retail

14 SMITHS " Bryant" Battery Clock. Green acrylic case . Polished bezel. Catalogue Number. Argos Price Recommended Retail £9.23 £7.85



7 SM ITHS " Ciarendon " Battery Clock. Walnut finish case with gilt mounts. Catalogue Number.. .. ... .. ... . . .... 255/0527 Argos Price Recommended Retail £10.36 £8.80

15 TEMPORA Battery Mantel Clock. Matt brass case. Marble base and sides. (Jcpan). Catalogue Number.. . .......... 25510644 Recommended Retail Argos Price



16 TEMPORA Battery Mantel Clock . Brass case with maroon coloured panel . (W Germany). Catalogue Number .. 255/0606 Recommended Retatl Argos Price £18.09 £13.55 17 TEMPORA Bauery Mantel Clock . Polished brass case . Roman numerals . (W. Germany) Catalogue Number .. 255/0613 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £20.28 £15.20 18 TEMPORA Battery Mantel Clock . Brass case. Roman numeral s. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ............... ... 255/0620 Recommended Retail Argas Price £27.44 £20.55 19 TEMPOAA Battery Mantel Clock . Brass case on marble base. Roman numerals. (Japan) . Catalogue Number . .. .. 255/0637 Recommended Retail Argas Price £28.63 £21.45 20 ESTYMA 8-day Revolving Pendulum Clock. Antique style dial with clear acrylic dome. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ................... 255/0761 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.91 £9.75 21 ESTYMA Miniature Alarm Clock. Luminous . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number... . ........ .. 255/0321 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £2.75

23 ESTYMA Musical Alarm Clock. Floral patterned case . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number ...... 255/0345 Recommended Retatl Argas Price £7 .40 £5.20 24 ESTYMA Mmtature Alarm Clock . Cartouche style drat. Luminous hands and dots. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .255/0338 Recommended Retatl Argos Price £4.35 £2.95 25 TEMPORA 30-hour Travel Alarm. Tim er and alarm combined . Black case with lumtnous numerals and dots. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .. . ... 255/0132 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.92 £2.90 26 TEMPORA 30-hour Travel Alarm . White dial with Roman numeral s. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ................. .. 255/0156 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £4.31 £3.25 27 TEMPORA 30-hour Travel Alarm Clock. Folding case. Luminous hands. (W. German y) . Catalogue Number . .. ......... 255/0091 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.98 £2.25 28 TEMPORA 30-hour Travel Alarm Clock. Folding case. Luminous hands . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 255/0077 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.69 £1 .95

22 ESTYMA Mantel Clock. Gold and silver coloured case. Cartouche style diaL Battery operated . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 255/0778 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19 .73 £13.80

29 TEMPORA 30-hou r Miniature Travel Alarm . Folding case. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .. .. .......... .. ... 255/0149 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.97 £2.95

30 TEMPo"RA 30-hour Travel Alarm Clock. Folding case. Luminous hands. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number .................. 255/0084 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.79 £2.10

34 TEMPORA 400-day Battery Clock . Brass base and col umn s. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ..................... 255/0589 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £14.79 £11 .10

31 ESTYMA Luminous Travel Alarm Clock. Clear white dial. Folding case. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number\ .................. .255/0163 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.45 32 ESTYMA Luminous Travel Alarrn£ 1ock. Blue dial with white numerals. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number .. ........ .. . .. .. ..255/0170 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.45 33 TEMPORA Battery Mantel Clock. Acrylic case. Polished brass fittirg s. Catalogue Number.. . ............ 255/0596 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.13 £H.85

35 ESTYMA Mantel Clock. Battery oper-· ated. Gold-coloured metal case, with floral design . (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ................... 255/0754 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.93 £9.10 36 DERBY Carriage Style Electronic Clock. Brass case with red dial . (Swiss) . Catalogue Number ..... ... .. .. .. ..... .. 255/0785 Recommended Retail Argos Price £23.63 £14.20 Please note: Batteries not supplied with any item .

Buy it at ARGOS- and pocket the difference.

1 SM ITH S " Timecal " 30-hour Alarm Clock. Luminous. Catalogue Number .................... 255/0015 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.74 £1.50 2 SMITHS ' 'Gay Gordon " Luminous Alarm Clock . Ivory colou red moulded case . Catalogue Number..................... 255/0039 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.02 £1 .70 3 SMITHS Copper Finish Double Bell Alarm Clock. Roman numerals, on ivory coloured dial. Catalogue Number .................... 255/0053 Recommended Retail Argos P.rice £2.20 £2.59 4 SMITHS " Gay Dawn " Repeater Alarm Clock. Luminous hands and numerals. Catalogue Number.................... .255/0046 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.63 £2.25 5 SM ITHS Repeater Alarm Clock. Black case with blue dial. Luminous. Loud alarm . Catalogue Number.. .......... 255/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.16 £2.70 6 SMITHS Electric Alarm Clock. White moulded case. Luminous. Catalogue Number... . ......... .. 255/0125 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.64 £3.10


7 ESTYMA 30- hour Luminous Alarm Clcu:;k. Chrom ium plated case with colou red dial. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ............ .. ...... 255/0369 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.10 £5.84

12 SEIKO " Electronic Sound " Battery Alarm Clock . Luminous hands and dots. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .... 255/0273 Red Navy Blue Catalogue Number .. .. 255/0280 Green Catalogue Number .... 255/0297 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.55 £8.10

8 SEIKO " Electronic Sound " Battery Alarm Clock. Luminous hands and dots. (Japan). Catalogue Number ..... 255/ 0242 Red Navy Blue Catalogue Number ... .. 255/0259 Cream Catalogue Number ... .. 255/0266 Argos Price Rec·ommended Retail £11 .00 £7.70

13 WESTCLOX Alarm Clock. White dial with black numerals and hands. Catalogue Number .................... 255/0022 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .61 £1.20

9 SEIKO Battery Alarm Clock. Raised numerals. Luminous hands and dots. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.... ...... 255/0211 Red Green Catalogue Number.......... 255/0228 Cream Catalogue Number.......... 255/0235 Recommended Retail Argos Price

14 CORAL Chromed Pedestal Alarm Clock . Luminous hands and dots. (Japan). Green Dial Catalogue Number..... 255/0417 Red Dial Catalogue Number ..... 255/0424 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £7.92 £5.55



10 CORAL Alarm Clock . Ch romed case. Luminous hands and dots. (Japan). Blue Dial Catalogue Number. .. .... 255/0431 Grey Dial Catalogue Number...... . 255/0448 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.18 £5.45 11 SE IKO Battery Alarm Clock. Gold coloured numerals . Luminous hands and dots. (Japan) . Catalogue Number......... 255/0187 Red Blue Catalogue Number ......... 255/0194 Cream Catalogue Number ......... 255/0204 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £6.15

15 BLESSING 30-hour Pedestal Alarm Clock. Moulded case. Luminous dial. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ................... 255/0376 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.77 £3.95 16 CORAL Cube Type Alarm Clock. 30-hour movement. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . ..... 255/0383 Red White Catalogue Number ......... 255/ 0390 Yellow Catalogue Number ......... 255/0400 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.60 £4.60 17 WESTCLOX Electric Alarm Clock. 24-

hour alarm . Weekend alarm cu t out. Catalogue Number ............... .. .. 255/0118 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.15 18 DERBY-VOX Electronic Alarm Clock. Moulded case. (Swiss) . Catalogue Number .................... 255/0352 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.35 £7.25 19 CHERIE Double Bell Alarm Clock. White case. Floral patterned dial. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ..................... 255/0314 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.65 20 SMITHS Nursery Alarm Clock. White moulded case with animated dial. Catalogue Number..................... 255/0060 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.59 £2.20 21 SM ITH S 1-hour Timer. Moulded plastic case with white dial. Blue Catalogue Number ........... 255/1117 White Catalogue Number ........... 255/1124 Red Catalogue Number ........... 255/1131 Argos Price Recommended Retail £1.94 £1.65 22 SMITHS 5-hour Timer. Moulded case. Blue Catalogue Number ........... 255/1148 Red Catalogue Number ........... 25511155 White Catalogue Number ........... 25511162 Argos Price Recommended Retail £2.40 £1 .95

26 ACCTIM " Sunburst " Wall Clock. Iron frame with brass dial. Roman numerals. (Swiss). Catalogue Number .. . .. .. 255/ 1076 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.75 £13.15 27 HANSON Battery Wall Clock. (Ei re) . Catalogue Number .................. .. 255/ 1179 Argos Price Recom mended Retail £6.10 £4.30 28 ACCTIM Battery " Su nray" Clock . Silver coloured fins with walnut blocks. Catalogue Number .................... 255/1052 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £16.25 £11 .35 29 SM ITH S " Connaug ht'' Battery Wait Clock. Moulded case. Diameter 15" White Catalogue Number.... .. .. .... 255/0912 Wood Catalogue Number ... .... .. .. . 255/ 0929 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.93 £8.45 30 TEMPORA Battery Wall Clock. Wrought iron frame . Haromered finish centre disc. (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number ... .. .. 255/0998 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.32 £9.95 31 TEMPORA Battery Wall Clock. Metal trim. Gilt colou red hands. (Swiss). Catalogue Number ................. .. 255/1021 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.27 £10.70 32 SMITHS " Staray " Battery Wall Clock . Wood and brass rays. Catalogue Number......... ... ... ..... 255/1069 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.61 £13.25 33 SMITH S " Kensington " Battery Wall Clock . Black wrought 1ron. Diameter 14" Catalogue Number... .. ....... .. .. . 255/1 014 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.09 £12.80

23 TEMPORA Battery Wall Clock. Wrought iron with hammered centre. Brass chaplets. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number.. . ... 255/1007 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.60 £10.20 24 SM ITHS '' Swall ow" Battery Wall Clock . Black moulded case. Brass rays. Catalogue Number..... ... 255/0981 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10 .65 £12.54 25 SMITHS " Scorpio" 30-hour Wall Clock . Featuring signs of the zodiac. Catalogue Number...... . .... 255/0888 Reco mmend ed Retail Argos Price £5.43 £4.60 Please note : Batteries are not supplied with any item .

34 ACCTIM Ship 's Wall Clock . Battery operated. Brass case. White dial. Catalogue Number... . .... ... ... .. 255/1090 Recommended Retail Argas Price £18.25 £12.80 35 SMITHS " Libra" Bal1ery Wall Clock. Satin grained brass case. Polished bezel. Catalogue Number..... .. 255/ 0974 Recommended Retail Argas Price £10.36 £8.80 36 SEIKO Electric Digital Clock. Plastic case. Drum-type movement. (Japan) . White Catalogue Number . ..... .. .. 255/0651 Yellow Catalogue Number ..... .. 255/0~68 Red Catalogu e Number ,. .. .. . 255i 0675 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.90 £6.95 37 COMPUTIM Digital 12-hour Alarm Clock . Dial light and day of week paneL (Japan). Catalogue Number.. ... ... ...... 255/0307 Recommen ded Retail Argo s Price £15.75 £:10.95 38 COMPUTIM 12-hour Digital Clock . Battery operated . Teak veneered case. (Japan) . Catalogue Number... .. 255/ 0723 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.50 £:9.45

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders ' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase -or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you. 1 BURGESS " Sprayit" Compressor Spray Unit . Features internal mix nozzle and replaceable diaphragm . Capacity 1 pint . (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number ................... 710/0109 Recommended Retail Argos Price



2 BURGESS " Sprayit " Compressor Spray Unit. Complete with cable and ai r hose. Capacity 1 pint. (U.S.A.). Catalogue Number ... .............. ... 710/0147 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£28 .88


3 BURGESS " Powerline " Bandsaw. Table s1ze 14• x 12". Cutting thickness 3·. Blade and adjustable fence . Cata logue Number.... . .. . 710/0123 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 BURGESS "Powerl ine" Electric Sprayer. Complete with flex ible adapter. Capacity 1V• pints. Catalogue Number.... . ..... 710/0336 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.55 £5.55 5 BURGESS "' Powerline "' Extension Cable Reel. Has safety cut-out and current indicator. 60' of cable. Catalogue Number... . .......... . 710/0116 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £8.75 £7.45 6 BURGESS " Eito " Arc Welder. Mains operated , portable unit . v.~ weld. (Italy). Catalogue Number .................... 710/0130 Recommended Retail Argos Price £54 .95 £40.75 7 SHOPMATE Orbital Sander. For sanding and polishing. Catalogue Number. .................. 710/0604 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.35 £11.50

8 C.K. " Zenses" 499 Drill Stand and Router. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0563 Recommended Retail Argos Price £26.77 £18.75 9 SHOP MATE %" Drill. Double insulated . For steel. hardwood and masonry. Catalogue Number ... .... .... 710/0611 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.15 £9.75 10 BLACK & DECKEA D.932 Woodworking Attachment. For milling , grooving , etc. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 710/0680 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.34 £2.85 11 C.K. "Python " Woodworking Cramps. Tape grip. Set of 2. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 710/0587 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 C.K. Set of Seven " Zenses·· Cutters. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ................... . 710/0570 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£6 .50

13 BLACK & DECKER D.107 Compressor Unit . For use with drill. Also powers spray gun , item 29, page 173."(11aty) . Catalogue Number .................... 710/0666 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.48 £8.85 14 WOLF 6" Portable Saw Attachment. Cutting depth 1tt. Catalogue Number ... .... .. ... ... ... .. 710/0075 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.15 £5.95


15 WOL F Jig-saw Attac hm ent. Cutting depth 1W. Complete with blades for wood or metal. Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0099 Recommended Retail Argos Price C6.54 £5 .55 16 WOL F Drilling , Grin ding and Bu ffing

Set Catalogu e Number ... Recommended Retail £2.75

. ........ 710/ 0020 Argo s Price £2.35

17 WOLF Sanding and Poli sh1ng Set. Incl udes backing pad and di scs. etc. Cat alogue Number .................... 710/ 0051 Recommended Retail Argos Price (192 £1.65 18 WOLF " Sapphire" Elec tn c Drill. 420W . mot or. 2·speed . double insu lated . Complete with carrying case . Catalogue Argo s Rec. Numb er Retail Price 710/001 3 ~~C huck £17.55 £14.95 710/0037 Y2. Chu c k £18.64 £15.85 19 WOLF Finishing Sand er Attac hment. S11e 7 ~x 3.Y.." Complete with assorted sanding sheets . Catalogue Number... . ...... 710/ 0082 Recommended Retai l Argos Price Cl 15 £5.95 2tl WOLF Benc h Clamp. Fixed to a benc h, •t q1 ves a powerful workhead. Cata logu e Number.. .. .... 710/ 0068 R1•co mmend ed Retail Argos Price (' 92 £1.65

21 WOLF " Portapoinr · Portable Cable Reel. 49 o f 3 core cable. 5 amp . Cota logu e Number... . ....... 710/ 0044 f!('(;o mmended Retail Argos Price (<I 35 £3.70 22 EVER READY 13amp Fu sed Plug s. fl ,,, k o f 10. C•ta logu e Number .................... 71 0/ 0415 liP • o mmend ed Retail Argo s Price f:.l '•9 £1.75

)3 BLACK & OECKER ON .35 Mu lti -purpose l•uwer Saw . C•tn logu e Number .................... 710/ 0659 l11· o mmended Retail Argas Price £6.50

t4 .J PI Electric Drill Accessory K1t. C•t;~ l o gu e

Number .................... 710/ 06 35 • t)m mended Retail Argo s Price '8 £3 .75

I IIO VERPOINT " 5" Cable Extension Lead • l•l Incorporates 3 pi n socket . 3 amp. ·, rn c t res of 3 core flex . •lrt log ue Number .................... 710/ 0343 •m mended Reta il Arga s Price • 'l £3.25 IILACK & DECKER 0 .980 Horizontal st a.nd. •t Rio gue Number .................... 710/ 0673 •m mended Retail Arg o s Price £1 .20 lttDGWAY Set of 6 Flatbi ts. For electric S•zes ~". Y2~. S,i( , :y. ~. ¥&", 1" t•to gue Number .................... 710/ 0329 •m mended Retail Argos Price £1 .95 • Jl't Flexible Drive Shaft. For use With . ,, dri lls with v.· c huck . • •t og ue Number ............. .. ... 710/ 0628 m mended Retail Argo s Pric e £2.50 CO Soldering Iron . Moulded handle . "' l•g ht. Y4 ~ pencil bit. ogue Number .................... 710/ 0350 1unended Retail Argos Price C1 .45 >OERG Work Bench . 3 independent tu1l ds. Complete with assembly in'' m~ . Size 53nx 30 ~. (Sweden). que Number .................. : .. 710/ 0594 uncnded Retail Argas Price £38.45

31 BLACK & DECKER GD.BO Vertical Drill Stand . Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0642 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.54 £4.25 32 TR USISE Set of Drills. 4 masonry drill s and 4 high speed dnll s. S•zes ~',t . 1 3~N· ~H ~~"· (Ei re) . ·Cata!ogue Number ................... 710/ 0 398 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £2. 18 £1.50 •

33 TRUSISE Chrome Vanadium Stee l Twist Onlls. Set of 21 . For hand or power tool s. Size ,'6" to i". With !" redu ced shanks. (Etre). Cata logue Number ..................... 710/ 0374 Recommended Reta il Argas Price £2.32 C1.55 34 Wood boring Bits. Set of 5. Sizes !", ?. ~. and ;", with ~~s hank s. Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0408 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.00 C1.45

l~ . ,76~.

35 TRUSISE High Speed Twist Drills. Set o f 13. For hand or power tools. Sizes ,'.H to !" (Eire). Catalogue Number ...... .. 710/ 0381 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.76 £1.25 36 TRUSISE High Speed Twist Dr ills. Set of 7. Sizes ,•.; to r (Eire). Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0367 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .10 £0 .75

1 C.K. Adjustable Wrench . Drop forged steel. Length 91fz~. jaw opening 2~. (W . Germany). Catalogue Number... ...700/0443 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.36 £0.75

6 PARAMO Screwdriver Set. Contains 5 blades, one end Phillips, one end slotted . Adjustable chuck . (France) . Catalogue Number.... .. ........ 700/ 0498 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.58 £2.50

2 AVEN Adjustable Hacksaw Frame. Takes 10~-1 2" blades. Supplied with 10"' Aven

7 GORDON Cantilever Kit. 50 piece AF. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0876 Recommended Retail Argos Price £38.58 £26.95

progressive blade. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £1 .33

. ........... 700/0340 Argos Price £0.75

3 PEACE Open-ended Spanner Set. 7 piece in chrome vanadium steel. Catalogue Number ...... ............ 700/0917 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.82 £2.50 4 SWINBORNE Socket Set. Steel alloy. 14 sockets and accessories. Stove enamelled case. Catalogue Number ......... 700/0955 AF Metric Cata logue Number .......... 700/0948 Recommended Retail Argos Price



5 GORDON Vz~ Square Drive Socket Set. 42 piece combined AF, Whitworth and Metric. Complete with accessories and carrying case. Catalogue Number.. . ....... 700/0838 Recommended Retail Argos Price



8 WILUAMS " Superslim" 46 Piece Socket Set. 36 colour coded sockets and 10 acces· sories in chrome vanadium steel. AF, Metric and Whitworth. Catalogue Number.... .. .. 700/0883 Recommended Retail Argos Price £33.50 £23.45 9 SWINBORNE Socket Set. Steel alloy. 6 sockets and accessories. Stove enamelled case. Catalogue Number . .. .. ..... 700/0931 AF Metric Catalogue Number ...... .... 700/0924 Argos Price Recommended Retai l £7.03 £4.75 10 GEDORE 42 Piece Socket Set. Chrome vanadium steel sockets and accessories. AF. Metric and Whitworth. Steel case. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number ......... ........... 700/0962 Recommended Retail Argas Price £27.51 £18.45

11 Barn Tool Box. Size 14"x 8~x 7u Stove enamelled finish . Removable tray. Catalogue Number ...... ............... 700/0474 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.98 £1.25 12 Cantilever Tool Box. 4 tray. Size 22" x 8~x a"'. Stove enamelled finish . Catalogue Number .................. 700/0467 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £3.30

17 GEDORE Chrome Vanadium Steel Socket Set . 12 piece in carrying case. Ratchet handle and extension piece. 10 sockets. (W. Germany). AF Catalogue Number ......... 700/ 0988 Metric Catalogue Number.......... 700/0993 Recommended RetaU Argos Price £8.97 £6.25

13 PEACE Sheffield Steel Pliers. Set of 4. Catalogue Number.. . ..... 700/0900 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.42 £1.70

18 GOROON Ring Spanners. Set o f 7. Long series. Double offset. Rec. Argoa Catalogue Number Retail Price 700/0845 AF £6.52 £4.25 700/0852 Metric £4.44 £2.95 700/0869 Whitworth £6.52 £4.25

14 GEOOAE Motorist Tool Roll. 28 pieces in chrome vanadium steel. AF . (W . Germany) . Catalogue Number... . ... ........... 700/0979 Recommended Retail Argos Price

19 RABONE CHESTERMAN " Setrite 1400" Aluminium Spirit Level. 2 plumbs. 1 level . Catalogue Number.... ... ... ...... .... .700/0531 Recommended Retail Argos Prlee




15 RABONE CHESTERMAN Mechanics Vice . 360° swivel base with locki ng device. Catalogue Number ... .. ................ 700/0553 ~:~~mmend..ed Retail :~~ ~s Price


16 AONSON Blowtorch Kit. Includes copper soldering tip, flame spreader and diffuser head . Catalogue Number .................... 700/0807~ Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.39 £3.10


20 RABONE CHESTEAMAN " Superview'' Aluminium Spirit LeveL 3 block vials with 9 viewi ng angles. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £7.83

22 BLACK & OECKER 0.760 Power Workshop. Contains 0 .720 2-speed drill and · range of attachments. Catalogue Number .................... 710/0219 Recommended Retail Argos Price £37.07 £24.75

31 BLACK & OECKE R D.986 Jig-saw Attachment. Cutting depth 25 mm . in soft wood , 19 mm . in hardwood. CaJalogue Number .. .................. 710/0264 Recommended Retail Argos Price

23 BlACK & OECKER 0 .390 Power FinishIng Sander. Sandpaper size 85 mm .X 228 mm. 4,000 orbits per minute. Catalogue Number... . .......... 710/ 0295 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.04 £7.95

32 BLACK & DECKER D.984 5~ Circular Saw Attachment Combination rip · and crosscut blade. Rip fence. Catalogue Number... . ... 710/ 0271 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.50 £3.85

24 BlACK & OECKER D.988 Finishing Sander Attachment Catalogue Number... . .... 710/0233 Recommended Retail Argos Price

33 BLACK & DECKER V.820 2-speed DrilL W' chuck. Double insulated . Catalogue Number... .. ...... 710/ 0185 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.44 £10.95



25 BLACK & DECKEA " Workmate" WM .325. Dual height multi-purpose work bench . Catalogue Number.................... 710/0312 Recommended Retail Argos Price £27.44 £18.25



34 BLACK & DECKER V.840 4-speed Drill.

W' chuck. Double insulated . Catalogue Number .................... 710/0192 Argos Price Recommended Retail £19.74 £12.95

26 BLACK & DECKER 0 .996 Flexible Drive Shaft . Measurement 52". (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ............. ....... 710/0226 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.46 £2.25

35 BLACK & DECKER V.830 2-speed Hammer Drill. Y2" chu ck. Double insulated . Catalogue Number.. . ... 710/0556 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.65 £12.95

27 BlACK & DECKER 0 .990 Portable Saw Bench. For use with attachment. Catalogue Number. Argos Price Recommended Retail £6.87 £4.50

36 BLACK & OECKER 0 .520 2-speed Drill. %" chuck. Catalogue Number................ .... 710/0154 Recommended Retail Argos Price

28 BLACK & DECKEA D.103 Electric Soldering Pistol. Double insulated . Complete with 2 soldering bits and a cutting and welding tip for plastics. (Holland) . Cata logue Number..................... 710/0305 Recommended Retail Argos Price



29 BLACK & DECKER D.108 Spray Gun Altac hment For use with item 13 on page 170. (llaly). Catalogue Number.................. .. 710/0257 Recommended Retail Argos Price 1"8 03 £5.25 )0 BLACK & DECKER D.370 5~ Power I nch Grinder. Complete with 2 grinding wheels and adjustable tool rests. Catalogue Number..... necommended Retail Argos Price r1 3.03 £8.55



37 BLACK & OECKER 0 .500 Single Speed Drill. %" chuck. Catalogue Number .................... 710/ 0161 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.84 £6.55 38 BLACK & DECKER D.720 2-sp8ed Drill. ¥2'' chuck. Catalogue Number..... ............... 710/0178 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.34 £10.25

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 SALMEN 'S Portable Tool Bench. Beechwood frame f1tted with 6 ~ carpente(s vice. Easily assembled. Catalogue Number..... . .. 700/0333 Recommended Retail Argos Price £26.40 £18.50 2 RONSON ·varaflame ·· Blowtorch . Copper soldering tip. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0797 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.70 £1 .90 3 HAMILTO N "Perfection " Brushes. Thick and bevelled for paint or varnish. Pure bristle. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price £1 .63 £1 .15 700/0656 2" 700/0663 2¥:£2.48 £1.75 700/ 0670 3" £3.48 £2.25 700/0687 4 ~ £5.94 £4.15 4 HAMILTON " Congo " Flat Wall Brush. Pure bristle . Size 5Catalogue Number .................... 700/0625 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.01 £1.45 5 HAMILTON " Congo" Pack. 3 pure bristle thick bevelled brushes. For paint or varnish . Catalogue Numb~r .................... 700/0649 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.49 £0.95 6 PETER PAINT PADS " Major" Set. Mohair pile. For all domestic paints. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0814 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .65 £0.90 7 HARRIS Decorating Tool Kit. 3" stripping tool , chisel knife. putty knife and scraper, in a PVC wallet. Catalogue Number .. ........ 7ft0/ 0742 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .62 £1 .15 8 Pasting Table. Plywood top. Tubular metal legs. Folds flat. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0821 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £4.73 £3.25 9 HARRIS Painting Outfit. Pure bristle brushes. sizes 'h~. 1", 1V:r'' and 2-. plus a 3" stripping knife. Catalogue Number .. .. 700/ 0728 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.28 £1 .60 10 HARRIS Paint Set. 4 pure bristle brushes. Sizes W' , 1", 1V:r'' and 2". Catalogue Number ................... 700/0773 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .67 £1.15 11 HARRIS 5" Distemper Brush . Pure bristle. Catalogu e Number .. . ..... 700/0766 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .86 £1.25 12 HARRIS Standard Paint Set. 4 pure bristle brushes. Sizes V:z". 1". 11/:z" and ':!'. Catalogue Number .. .. ............ 700/ 0759 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.30 £1 .50 13 HARRIS Distempering/Wallpapering Outfit. Bristle paint brushes 1" and 2". 5" distemper brush . r nylon paper hanging brush. seam roller and 3" stripping knife. Catalogue Number ..................... 700/ 0711 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .68 £3.25 14 HAMILTON " Congo" Paperhanging Brush . Pure bristle. Size 9". Catalogue Number .................... 700/ 0632 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.38 £1 .70 15 SKARSTEN " Andypaster". Steel tray capacity 7 pints. Rollers removable.

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £4.29

...... 700/0704 Argos Price £3.25

16 FLEETWOOD " Major" Paint Brushes. Pure bristle . Sizes r, 1 V2". 2~. 2V:r~ and 3". (Eire) . Catalogue Number .. .. .... 70011215 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.75 £7.00 17 HARRIS Paint Roller Outfit . Comprises polypropylene tray, extension handle and 7" fabric roller. Catalogue Number .................... 700/ 0735 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.20 £1.50 18 ASL "Rollermatic " Pressurised Paint Roller. For all emulsion and water based paints. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0694 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.22 £3.55 19 SALMEN 'S Portable Mahogany Tool Cabinet . 2 drawers w1th a selection of top quality carpenter's tools. Catalogue Number .................... 700/1002 Recommended Retail Argos Price £49.50 £33.75 20 SALMEN 'S Portable Mahogany Tool Chest . Selection of top quality carpenter's tools. Catalogue Number .. . .... 700/1019 Recommended Retail Argos Price £26.95 £18.85 21 BELDRAY " Stepsure" . Tubular steel frame. 2 steps and platform. (Denmark). Catalogue Number .................... 700/0395 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.13 £3.80 22 HILLS Aluminium Step Ladder. 3 treads plus platform . (W. Germany). Catalogue Number.. .. ........... 700/0371 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.40 £5.90 23 ASL Air-Flow " Summit Double 5" Convertible Step Ladder. Tubular steel frame with rigid locking device . Catalogue Number.. . .... 700/0388 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.95 £6.70 24 Hardwood Step Ladder. 4 treads plus platform. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0357 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.83 £2.75 25 GRAVITY RANDALL "Pa kaway" Folding Loft Ladder. Aluminium construction . Cata logue Number.. . ........ 700/ 0429 Recommended Retail Argos Price £20.35 £1 5.25 26 GRAVITY RANDALL " Easiway" Aluminium Lof1 Ladder. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0364 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21.43 £14.95 27 GRAVITY RANDALL " Handiweight " Ladder. Aluminium construction . 12' 11 ~ extends to 23' 9'". (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number.. .................. 700/0412 Recommended Retail Argos Price £24.48 £18.50 28 C.K. 4 Piece Screwdriver Set. Includes mainstester. (W. Germany) . Catalo gu e Number .................... 700/0436 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.35 £1 .50 29 RIDGWAY Auger Bits. Set of 13. Jennings pattern. Sizes V4" to 1" in ,~" steps. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0591 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.18 £8.95

30 SALMEN 'S Tool Hold-all. Rubber bac ked canvas with zip fastening and padlock . Stze 30~x 6"x 7 ~. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0326 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.74 £2.60

35 BELDRAY ·· Home Decorator " Ladder or Scaffold. Steel fram e with hardwood platform. (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number .................... 700/0405 Recommended Retail Argas Price £17.50 £12.85

31 BESTMORE 16 oz Ball Pein Hammer. Ash handle. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0481 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .21 £0.85

36 BURGESS " Powerline " Level and Angle Indicator. Accurate with in Yz a degree. (U.S.A.) . Catalogue Number .................... 700/0223 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.04 £1.75

32 SPIRALUX Swing Head Plier Action Snap Riveter. Catalogue Number .................... 700/1167 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2 .18 £1.50 33 SPIAALUX Set of 4 Screwdrivers. Catalogue Number ..................... 700/1181 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.21 £1 .50 34 C.K. Toot Box . Fitted with rem ovable swivel trays . Size 2 1 1h"x 6 Y2~x5V2''. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number .................... 700/0450 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.17 £3.50

37 VERITAS " Nomad " Butane Blowlamp . Uses standard size butane gas cartridge. Safety nozzle. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0780 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.13 £2.30

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.

1 BESTMOAE 16 oz. Adze Eye Claw Hammer. Hickory shaft. Catalogue Number.................... 700/ 1026 Recommended Retai l Argas Price

£1 .88


2 MARPLES "Bl ue Chip " Bevel Edge Chisels. Set of 5. Sizes 1f4N, ~l!t, 112~. :Y4", 1". Sheffield steel blades. Catalogue Number ............. .. .... 700/0618 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £4 .50 £3 .50 3 MAAPLES " Blue Chip" Firmer Chisels. Set of 5. Sizes 1!4", ~it . ¥.1", 1". Sheffield steel blades. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0601 Recommended Reta•l Argas Price £4.27 £2.95


4 SPIRALUX Spiral Ratchet Screwdriver. Catalogue Number ..... ............... 700/1129 Recommended Aeta•l Argos Price £2.09 £1.45 5 SPIRALUX 10• Spiral Ratchet Screwdriver. Complete with 5 bits stored in handle. Catalogue Number ..................... 700!1136 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £2.44 £1.70 6 SALMEN"S Smoothing Plane. Cata logue Number ................... 700/1174 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.63 £2.50 7 SALMEN'S 6" Mal let . Ca talog ue Number ................... 700/1208 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .05 £0.75 8 OUALCAST " Clipper" Hand Drill. Double pinion . Chuck capacity 0- Y•"Catalogue Number .................... 700/1033 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.45 £1.20

9 RABONE CHESTERMAN Carpenter"s Vice. Catalogue Number... . ............. 700/ 1040 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.03 £2.15 10 RABONE CHESTERMAN Fibron Measuring Tape . Length 100 ft./30m. Catalogue Number..................... 700/11 12 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.82 £3.95 11 PARAMO Mechanic 's Vice. 3" jaws. 360° swivel base with locking lever. Catalogue Number..................... 700/0515 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £3.80 £:2.65 12 MARPLES " Junior"' Mitre Cu tter and Cramp. Takes mouldings up to 2" wide by H'• ~ deep. Catalogue Number.... .. .......... 700/ 1198 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .36 £3.25 13 AVEN "' Trimmatool "' For use on plastics. wood and non-ferrous metals. Double-

sided blade. Cata logue Number.... : .............. 700/1057 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .98 £:1.25 14 SALMEN 'S Aluminium Sp irit Level. Fully adjustable. 36"/ 900mm. Catalogue Number .................... 700/1150 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.28 £:3.50 15 RABONE CHESTERMAN ··canoe" Teak Spirit Level. Lengt h 12''. Catalogue Number .................... 700/ 1143 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.42 £0.95 16 SALMEN "S Jack Plane. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £4 .38

. ...... 700/1 064 Argos Price £2.95

17 SA NDVIK " Viking " 20" Universal Hand Saw. (Sweden). Catalogue Number ................... 700/0247 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .92 £: 1.35

16 SANDVIK 1 0 ~ Tenon Saw. (Sweden) . .. ....... 700/ 0 254 Catalogue Number .. . llecorrimended Retail Argo s Price 1':?. 14 £1 .50 19 SANDVIK " Hard Point " 22" Hand S;lw. Hardened tooth points . Cross cut. (Sweden) . Cata logue Number .................... 700/ 0230 RPcommended Retail Argos Price f 308 £2.15 20 RABONE CHESTERMAN Un1versal R,llchet Brace. Cata logue Number... .. .......... 700/ 0 560 Argos Price APco mmended Retail (4 09 £2.95 21 RABO NE CHESTEAM AN Hand Drill. Doub le pinion . 3 jaw chuck. Capacity of ,~6 ". Cata log ue Number ..................... 700/ 0577 ll1•commended Retail Argos Price Cl "17 £2.25 22 RA BONE CHESTERMAN Permaline Steel M• •.tsun ng Tape. Epoxy resin coating . l (HHJ ih 100 ft ./3Qm.

Catalogue Number .................... 700/ 0546 Recommended Retail Argos Price



ATK INSON' WALKER "B lue Flight " Saw. Propathene handle. Sheffield steel blade. Catalogu e Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 23 700/ 1095 22" £ 1.63 £1.15 24 700/ 1071 10" £1 .23 £0.65 ATKINSON WALKER " Blue Flight "' Saw. Teflon coated blade . Moulded handle . Catalogue Rec. Arga s Number Retail Price 25 700/ 1105 22~ £2.38 £1 .75 26 700/ 10881 0 " £1 .87 £1 .25 1


~aho~:n\M~i~;;h, T~~ edca:i,~et8 Pdr!~:r~ and lock. Catalogue Number .................... 700/ 0319 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.29 £9.50 28 SPEAR & JACKSON Tool Box . Complete with a range of British made quality tools.

Catalogue Number Recommended Retai l £15 .12

............ 700/ 0 261 Arg o s Price £13.50

29 RECORD " Junior" Woodwork Vice. Jaw width 6 ~. Opens to 4 V2q. Catalogue Number ........... ... ...... 700/0584 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £3.08 £2.50 30 PARAMO " Pianemaster" Tefton coated . Includes 5 replaceable alloy blades . Catalogue Number ..................... 700/ 0508 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .02 £2.95 31 SPEAR & JACKSON "Spearier' ' 22" Hand Saw . Hard chromed steel blade. Catalogue Number .................... 700/0292 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.62 £4. 15 32 SPEAR & JACKSON " Black Prince " 22" Saw. Teflon coated blade. Catalogue Number .... .. 700/ 0302 Argas Price Recommended Retail £2.15 £2.48

33 SPEAR & JACKSON Lockjaw Vice . Builtin suction pad . Alloy body. Catalogue Number ............... .. ... 700/ 0278 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5 .77 £5.15 34 SPEAR & JACKSON " Black Prince " 10" Tenon Saw . Teflon coated blade. Catalogue Number... .. ..... 700/ 0 285 Recommended Retail Arga s Price £2.25 £1 .95

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously can not compete with special sales of job lots - or traders ' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase-or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

1 COLT Pistol Grip Grease Gun . Model 100G. For use with bulk grease only. Barrel capacity 110 grammes. Pressure up to 5,000 p .s.i. (S. Africa) . Catal ogue Number .................... 750/004 6 Recommended Reta11 Argos Price £2.86 £1.95 2 TE CALEMIT ''Tecagun · Grease Gun Tngger act1on. Suitable for heavy oil to Grade 2 grease. ..750/0187 Cata logue Number .. Recommended Reta•l Argos Price £4.32 £2.95 3 AERITE Foot Pump . With universal connector. Catalogue Number .. .. .... 750/0060 Recommended Reta•l Argos Price £1.87 £1.30 4 DESMO Foot Pump . Incorporates dial pressure gauge. Universal fitting. Catalogue Number .................. 750/0022 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.40 £2.95

5 PCL Foot Pump. Preset dial gauge . All steel construction . Complete with adaptor for Inflating a1rbeds etc . Universal fitting . . .. .750/0132 Cata logue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.85 £2.70

9 CRYPTO N H.C.5 Battery Charger. Suitable for 6V . or 12V. batteries . Max . charge 5 amps r.m.s. .. ....... 750/0431 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.15 £5.95

6 PCL Tyre Care Pak . Con taimng tools essent1al for tyre safety and care. Catalogue Number .. 750/0118 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.82 £1.30

10 SEL MAR Battery Charger. For 6V. or 12V. battenes. Max . charge 4 amps r.m.s. Catalogue Number .. .750/ 0383 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.40 £2.95

7 EVERSURE 30 cwt. Hydraulic Car Jack. Closed he1ght 63/4" Extended he1ght 13". Catalogue Number .. . .. .... 750/0077 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.05 £4.25

11 DAVENSET " Super 9" Battery Charger. Suitable for 6V . or 12V. batteries. Max . charge 9 amps r.m .s. Catalogue Number... . ........ 750/ 0376 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.45 I £7.30

13 HALTRAC " Drive Thru " 4 Leg Gantry Model G401 . Catalogue Number .. .. ..... 750/0441 Recommended Retail Argos Prlct £12.65 £8.85 14 HAL TRAC 44 H01st . Max1mum working capac•ty 1.000 tbs . Breaking strength 2.000 lbs. Catalogue Number .................... 750/045~ Recommended Retail Argas Prlct £4.8 1 £3.40






In I




8 EVERSURE Hydraulic Trolley Jack. Closed height 5". Extended height 15". Capacity 2.000 lbs. Includes overload valve. Catalogue Number.. .. 750/0084 Recommended Retail Argos Price £25.85 £17.95

12 STAPLES "Space Age Mk. 100" Battery Charger. Automatic battery control system. 6V. or 12V. batteries. Output 5 amps r.m.s. Catalogue Number .. .. ............. 750/0390 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.35 £6.55

15 LAKE & ELUOT One Ton Scissor Jack Closed height 4". Extended height 15¥1" Catalogue Number................... 750/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Prlct £3.69 £2.25 16 LAKE & ELUOT " Black Jack" HydrauliC Jack. For cars up to one ton. Closed heigh1 5¥4''. Extended height 1 H'4". Catalogue Number .................... 750/0091 Recommended Retail Argos Prlct £9.19 £6.45



" "'

Ca (4

20 IO


R<· C3

:'EACE Motorists Kit . Compnses foldw heetbrace, combination plier, plug p.umer. pressure gauge and feeler gauge. Catalogue Number ................. 750/ 0149 l t • 1mmended Reta1l Argos Price I{> £3.55 11

~ w ,•v

18 PCL Engine Air Pump w1th Gauge. car ty res from engine. Suitable for u<>t· on most petrol engines . Catalog ue Number.. 750/0125 fl o•• nm mended Retail Argos Price n 'JO £2.75 ln lto~ws

19 ·'EACE Car Ramps . Angle tron wtlh end ba rs. L1ft from ground 9". Capac•ty 'ltons per pair. Catalogue Number .................... 750/0156 lh!com mended Retail Argos Price (4 40 £2.95 ~o t o~.

20 PEACE Axle Stands. Extends from 10" to 16". Capacity 2 tons per pair. Cata logue Number .................... 750/0163 RPcommended Retail

C3 30

21 GUNSONS ·· carbalancer' " For twin and multtple carburettor engines. Catalogue Number .. . ........ 750/0242 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.29 £2.85 22 GUNSONS " Colourtune 500 " Instru ment for checktng eng1ne performance and diagnos1ng faults Catalogue Number.. ............. 750/0211 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.39 £3.60

25 " Tune lt Yourself ' Kit . ConsiSting of timing light. remote starter vacuum and fuel pump tester and compression tester . (U.S.A.). Catalogue Number 750/0015 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £10.98 £7.70 26 "'Versa Dnll "' Operates from 12V. car battery. V4'' chuck. Catalogue Number.. ... 750/0170 Recomme.ided Retail Argos Price £6.33 £4.40

23 GUNSONS ·· sparktune '. Adjusts dwell angle and corrects tnitial spark tim1ng . (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .................... 750/0228 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.38 £4.25

27 CRYPTON "' Synchro-Check " Mult•carburettor synchroms1ng tooL Catalogue Number .................... 750/0424 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.95 £4.85

24 SMITHS KLG Vacuum Tester. Instrument for checking engine performance. Catalogue Number ..................... 750/ 0204 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.62 £3.70

28 CRYPTON "Portapress" 827 Compression Tester. Catalogue Number.................... 750/0400 Recommended Retatl Argos Price £3.45 £2.40

1 Wool Travel Aug. Anderson 56~X72" including fringe. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

£4.80 2 KAAOBES "Aoyale" Backrest. fining. (Swiss). Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£2.75 3

KAROBES " Monte" Super Expanded vinyl . Fully adjustable. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

£4.95 . 4 SIMONIZ Motorist's Winter Kit. Catalogue Number ..... Recommended Retail £2.37

5 SIMONIZ " Hi-speed " Fire Suitable for home or car. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £1.82

Gauge. Reading 0-100 p.s.i. Universal connector. Overload release valve. Catalogue Number.. ... ... ... . 750/0053 Recommend ed Retail Argos Price

£3 85


I PI FCO 3-cell Rubber Torch. Battery operated (not supplied) . (Hong Kong). Cata logue Number ................. .. ..·750/0352 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.05 £0.75

I PIFCO Car Vacuum Cleaner. Operates lrom 12V. car battery. Complete with tools. (Hong Kong). ' Cata logue Number ................. . 750/ 0266 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.15


10 " Krooklok " Anti-theft Device. C1talogue Number .................... 740/0816 Recom mended Retail Argos Price

£2 97


11 SPAATO Multi-purpose Portable Lamp. Operates from 12V. car battery. C1talog ue Number ........ ............ 750/0321 Argos Price n ecommended Retail tl 11 £0.85 12 KAROBES Pair of Rubber Mats. " Blip " type, with anti-slip backing . C1talogue Number.................... 740/0304 Argos Price Recommended Retail rt I S £0.75 13 PIFCO Red Dome Lantern . Adjus!able

head. Battery operated (not supplied) . (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number ....... .. ... ........ 750/0338 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .65 £1 .10

19 LUCAS s~ " Silver Sabre" Spot Lamp. Sealed beam. Upright or pendant fitting. Catalogue Number ..................... 740/0603 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Catalogue Number .................... 740/ 0548 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.25


14 PIFCO " Superbeam" Lantern. Adjustable head . Battery operated (not supplied) . (Hong Kong). Catalogue Number.. . .......... 750/0345 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .95 £1.40 .

20 LU CAS 7" Sealed Beam Halogen Replacement Headlamps. Supplied in pai rs. Catalogue Number .............. ....... 740/0665 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.30 £9.95

26 ,RAYDYOT Amber Fog Lamp. 12V. British pre-focus bulb. Fluted lens. Chrome and silver enamel .finish. For upright or pendant fitting. Catalogue Number ... ................. 740/0555 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.25

15 Maserati Air Horns. Compressor relay. Full fitting instructions. (Italy). Catalogue Number .................... 740/0067 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.59 £4.55 16 RAYDYOT 12V. Reversing Lamp Set. Complete with illuminated switch . Red lens for emergency use. Catalogue Number... . .. 740/0562 Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 LUCAS 7" Halogen Replacement -Headlamps. Metal and glass. Supplied in "pairs. Catalogue Number................... 740/0658 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.10 £8.50 18 LUCAS 6" '' Silver Sabre" Fog Lamp. Sealed beam . Upright or pendant fitting . Catalogue Number ....... .............. 740/0610 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.75 £6.25


21 LUCAS Rearguard Fog Lamp. Catalogue Number .................... 740/ 0634 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.08 £2.25

27 RAYDYOT Rear Warning Lamp. 12V. tlalogen bulb. Universal bracket. Chrome and silver enamel finish . Catalogue Number.................... 740/0490 Recommended Retail Argos Price

22 LUCAS Reversing Lamp. Clear lens. Catalogue Number................... 740/0641 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.08 £2.25


23 LUCAS " Square 8" Halogen Spot Lamp. A universal mounting bracket. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0586 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.20 £5.75 24 LUCAS " Square 8" Halogen Fog Lamp. A universal mounting bracket. Catalogue Number... .. .... .. ... .. 740/0593 Recommended Retail Argos Price



28 RAYDYOT 12V. Halogen Driving Lamp . 700 series. Stainless steel. cOilforms to European standards. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0531 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.05 £4.25 29 RAYDYOT 12V. Halogen Amber FOg Lamp. 700 series. Stainless steel. Conforms to European standards. Catalogue Number .... ................ 740/ 0672 Recommend9d Retail Argos Price £6.05 £4.25


25 RAYDYOT Driving Lamp. 12V. British pre-focus bul b. Ch rome and silver enamel finish. For upright or pendant fitting .

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

1 SM ITHS " Grand Prix IC" Tachomol_. For positive or negative earthed car Integrated circuit techniques, rotallnt maximum r.p .m. bezel. Catalogue Number ....... .... .... .... 740/0:t• Recommended Retail Argas Pr._ £17.05 £13.65 2 SMITHS '' Grand Prix" Oil Pressur; Gauge. Calibrated 0 to 100 lbs per IQ

~~~~:~~~ :ua~:~: ~~r ........ ..... 740/0:171

.. Recommended Retail £6.27

Argas Pr' " £4.95

3 SMITH S ''Granp Prix '' Water Temperature Gauge. Not suitable for Ford models manu factured after June 1965. or Continental vehicles. Cata'logue Number... .. ...... .... .... 740/0311 Recommended Retail Argas Pra £6.27 £4.95 4 SMITHS " Grand Prix" Performance Gauge. Helps detect loss of compression Unsuitable for 2-stroke or rear eng1ne cars. Catalogue Number .............. :':'... 740/0317 Recommended Retail Argas Pr~


£5.25 .

5 SMITHS "Grand Prix" Ammeter.lndicat" rates of battery charge or discharge 30-0-30 amps indication . Catalogue Number .......... .. .. ...... 740/MO? Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.50 £2.75 6 SMITHS " Grand Prix" Battery Condition Indicator. . ......... 740/0414 Catalogue Number... Argas Price Recommended Retail £3.55 £4.61 7 SMITHS Tachometer Mou.nting Pod Reversible and adjustable pedestal. For use with item 1. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0361 Recommended Retail Argas Prtc. £1.47 £1.20 8 SMITHS Portable Car Clock. Battery operated. (Batteries not supplied). (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . .. .. .. 740/0421 Recommended Retail Argas Price



9 OESMO Roof Rack. Model 4006. Adjust· able gutter fittings. Carrying area 60'"X 36" Catalogue Number..................... 740/0139 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11 .55 £:7.50 10 DESMO Roof Rack. Model 4000. Adjustable gutter fittings. Carrying area 33~x 42'", Catalogue Number..... .... ...... .... .740/0115 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.15 £4.95 11 RAYDYOT Roof Rack. Monorail construction. Rubber suction feet and gutter clamps. Carrying area 31 "x 35". Catalogue Number .................... 740/0500 Recommended Retail , Argas Price £5.17 £3.25 12 CLASSIC Roof Rack. Carrying area Adjustable gutter fittings (Sweden) . Catalogue Number.... .. ......... 740/0021 ~:~~mmended Retail :~~ ~s Prlct

40 ~x 34'".


'13 DESt¥10 Ladder/Dinghy Rack. Tubu_l.~ ~~1 . Adjustable fittings. Crossbo!lr lenglht Caialogue Number..................... 740/01.~ ~:.~~mmended Retail :~~ ~s Prict


14 SIMONIZ Car Care Kit: Contains chrortl4 cleaner. G.T. wax, colour restorer, Cl shampoos. oil. screen wash and duster Catalogue Number... .... .............. 750/~~ ~;~~mmended Retail :;~ ~s PriG


15 WOLF " Kiikfix " Car Wash Set. Unive~ connector, hose couplings, spray nozzti brush and shampoo sticks. (W. Germa~~ Catalogue Number ...... .......... .. .. .750/0~~



:~~~s Prti

18 RAYDYOT 12V. Rear Screen Heater. Size 16 1h:• x 11 ~. Element fits direct to sc reen. C1talogue Number............. ........ 740/0579 Hecom mended Retail Argas Price [J 58


17 KANG OL Rescue Kit. Comprises battery tumper leads and tow rope. C1talogue Number... . ....... 750/0273 tecommended Retail Argos Price "3 82


11 MOUUNEX Car Vacu um Cleaner. )J>(lrates from 12V. ca r battery. (France). C•talogue Number... . ........ .. 750/0259 ocommended Retail Argos Price



tt KANGOL "Speedace'' Safety Helmet. ' ss fibre shell . R.A.C. and A.C.U. app rov·

ed . Co nforms to B.S. 1869 . Size 1. Catalogue Number ......... 740i 0445 Size 2. Catalogue Number ......... 740/0452 Size 3. Catalogue N\'mber ......... 740/0469 Size 4. Catalogue Number ......... 740/0476 Recommended Retail Argos Price


22 DESMO Wing Mirrors. Boomerang type. Convex glass. Arm length 4•. Supplied in pai rs. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0081 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.49 £2.85

25 SEBRING " Mach 1" Flat glass. (Italy). Catalogue Number 740/0036 Chrome 740/0043 Black

23 DESMO Wing Mirrors. type. Convex glass. Arm length SVa''.· Supplied in pairs. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0098 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.49 £2.85

26 AAYDYOT Springback Convex Wing Mirrors. Stainless steel and chromed finish. Supplied in pairs. Oval Catalogue No ......... 740/0517 Rectangular Catalogue No .. 740/0524 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.47 £2.95

Racing Mirror. Rec. Retail

£3.08 £2.75

Argos Price £2.15 £1.75


20 " Aiafoss " Travel Blanket. 100%. 1wool. Size SO"x 7o• including fringe. Catalogue Number ................ ~ .. 740/0878 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11 .25 . £7.75 21 OESMO Caravan Mirro rs. Convex glass. Rat chet adjustment . Extending telescopic arms. Supplied in pairs. Catalogue Number... . .............. 740/0108 Recommended Retail Argos Price ·£.6.91 £4.45

24 Ranger Wing Mirror. Stain less steel head with full angle adjustment. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0074 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.19 £1.45

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

ARGOS low, low prices arl! regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase-or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are lactory fresh in original makers' cartons. 1 Petrol Can. Capacity 1 gallon . Home Office approved . CataJogue Number ................. ... 750/0039 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price


£1 .95

2 GUNSON S Automatic Reserve Fuel Tank. Can be fitted to all cars with carbu rettors. Dashboard control. Cat.logue Number.................... 740/0438 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 TUDOR Electric Screen Washer. 12V. on ly. Catalogue Number ........... .......... 740/0311 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 GUN SONS " Eezi- Bieed''. Complete brake and cl utch bleeder kit.

Catalogue Number.. ·············-r··-750/0235 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.63 £2.45 5 TU DOR Un iversal Mudflaps. Set of 4. Black polyethylene. Not su itable for Mini fronts. Catalogue Number. .................. .740/0342 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £3.30 £2.25 6 LUCAS Hazard Warning System. Works all direction indicators simultaneou sly. Catalogue Number..................... 740/0627 Recommended Retail Argo• Price



7 GORDON Moto~ists Tool Roll . 23 piece. Chrome vanad ium steel spanners. Metric Catalogue Number AF Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail

£14.80 8 KANGOL Electronic Car Alarm. W ill immobilise ign ition and sound' horn if interference occurs. Catalogue Number ... ............. 740/0483 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price



9 TUDOR " Timewipe" Intermi ttent wiper cont rol. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0335 Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 TUDOR Screenwasher Electrification Kit. 12V. only. Catalogue Number... Recommended Retai l

£3.02 11 SPARTO Electric Car Aerial. Operates automatically from radio on/oH switc h . (Japan). Catak)gue Number .. Argos Price Recommended Retail



12 KAROBES '' Rally Sprint' ' Steering Wheel Glove. Press button fitting . (Italy) . Catalogue Number ..................... 740/0218 Recom mended Retail Argas Price £0 .83 £0.55 13 KAROB ES Exhaust Tri m. Si ngle pipe.

~~~~~~t~~Xt~. (~;ai~~~c,k

crinkle finish.

Catalogue Number ................. 740/0225 Recommended Retai l

£0.99 14 KAROBES Universal Rally Seat Cover. Contoured foam pad ding . Cat alogue Number .. .. Recommended Retail Argos Price



!Page 1851 15 KAROBES Simu lated Sheepskin Seat Cover. Trimmed with black stretch Enkalon. Catalogue Number .. ......... ........ 740/0256 Recommended Retail Argos Price



16 CUSTOMAGIC Stretch Covers. Double jersey nylon. Tartan design. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 740/0146 Size A Red £2.48 £1.75 740/0153 Size A Blue £2.48 £1.75 740/0160 Size B Red £2.86 £1.95 740/0177 Size B Blue £2.86 £1.95 740/0184 Size C Red £4.40 £2.95 £4.40 £2.95 740/0191 Size C Blue 17 AUSTI Continental Headrest. Adjustable fittings. (Denmark). Catalogue Number.. ....... .... .. .... . 740/0012 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.39 £2.95 18 CUSTOMAGIC Sheepskin Seat Cover. Catalogue Number...... ....... ....... 740/0201 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.75 £8.95 19 KAROBES- Gear Knob. Leather with G.T. motif. Catalogue Number .................... 740/0249 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .20 £0.85 20 Fibre Glass Car Aerial. Length 6' 8". Catalogue Number... .. ...... 740/0050 Recommended Retail Argos Price



21 KAROBES Press-a-fix " Aqua " Washer/ Windvane. 12 adjustable jets. Universal fitting. (W. Germany). Catalogue Number ... .. ............... 740/0232 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.43' £0.95 22 LUCAS Pacemaker Batteries. Please stale make, year and model of car when ordering. Model numbers available as follows :Catalogue Rec. Argos NumberRetail Piice740/0706 3A9 Gold £13.70 £10.25 740/0113 3AB9-8-85 Gold £13.70 £10.25 740/0720 CPL9/11 Red £13.70 £10.25 £16.12 £11.95 740/0737 CP9/ 11 Red · 740/0799 A7 Red £12.43 £8.95 23 TUDOR Battery Jumper Leads. Catalogue Number...... .. ............. 750/0194 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.20 £1.55

~ ~~ ~

#- . . --


24 CRYPTON Timing Light. For critical ignition timing. Suitable for most makes of cars. Catalogue Number.................... 750/0417 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.45 £2.40 . 25 TUNGSTONE Batteries. Please · state make. year and model of ·car when ordering . Model numbers available as follows:Catalogue · Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 740/0782 654-200 £10.29 £7.50 740~0775 671-214 £8.39 £5.95 740/0768 671·200 £8.39 £5.95 740/0751 652-200 £8.58 £6.20 £8.11 £5.80 740/0744 651-200 26 Retractable Car Aerial. Catalogue Number.. . ................ 740/0696 Recommended Retail Argas Price



27 SMITHS KLG Spark Plugs. Set of 4. Available as follows:F65P Catalogue Number ........ 740/0809 F70 Catalogue Number ........ 740/0823 FE125P Catalogue Number ........ 740/0830 F85P Catalogue Number ........ 740/0847 Catalogue Number ........ 740/0854 FE70 FE65P Catalogue Number ........ 740/0861 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .39 £0.95

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright " Trowel and Fork Set. Polished carbon steeL Cata logue Number... . .... 720/ 0528 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.69 £2.45 2 JOHN GUY Garden Hand Fork and Bulb Lifter. Carbon steel with 11Y2'' hardwood handle . Catalogu e Number .... .. ....... ... ... .720/0205 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.32 £0.95 3 JOHN GUY Garden Hand Trowel. Carbon steel with 11 ¥2~ hardwood handle . Catalogue Number ..................... 720/0195 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.32 £0.95

8 ASL KILLASPAAY "'Vanguard " Pressurt Sprayer. Adjustable nozzle. Capaclly 1 gallon . Catalogue Number ... .... .. .... ... .... 720/0566 Recommended Retail Argos Prlct £4.52 £3.65 9 SHEEN X300 Paraffin Flamegun . Built In pump unit and pressure gauge . Capacity 1 gallon . gives one hour of burning . Catalogue Number ..... .. .. .... ... ... ..720/0731 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.75 £10.30 10 ROLCUT Secateurs. Lightweight. Catalogue Number.. . .......... 720/0614 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.75 £1.95

4 MILLS Hand Trowel. Polished stainless steel with hardwood handle . Catalog ue Number... . .. .......... 720/0762 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.24 £1 .70

11 ROLCUT Secateurs. PVC sleeved handles . Length 8". Cut and roll action . Catalogue Number ..................... 720/0621 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .76 £1.25

5 MILLS Weed Fork. Polished stainless steel with hardwood handle. Catalogue Number .................... 720/ 0779 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.24 £1 .70

12 BUAGON & BALL Secateurs. Angled anvil type. Fine ground cutting blades. (Denmark) . CatalOgue Number ................. 720/1053 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £1 .08 £0.80

6 ASL KILLASPRAY " Courier" Pressure Sprayer. Adjustable spray nozzle. Capacity 4 pmts. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0573 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.46 £2.75 7 TUDOR Pressure Sprayer. Adjustable nozzle . Capacity 2.5 litres. Catalogue Number .... .. .. .. ... ..... ..720/1046 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.52 £2.50

13 WILKINSON SWORD Pruner. Rust resistant blades. Nylon coated non-slip handles. Catalogue Number......... .... ........ 720/0896 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.40 £3.41 14 WILKINSON SWORD " Cutlass" Pruner. Chromed steel blades, pressed steel handles . Catalogue Number ..... .... .... ... .. ..720/ 0968 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.15 £1.50

15 WILKINSON SWORD Pruner . " Armourcote" coated blades. Two open positions. Cata logue Number... . ............. 720/0906 Recommended Retail Argos Price C4 .95 £3.45

22 TUDOR Pressure Sp rayer. Adjustable nozzle. Capaci ty 1 gallon . Catalogue Number... .. 720/ 1039 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.50 £3 .85

29 WILKINSON SWORD Digging Spade. Carbon steel with ash shaft. Sol id socket. Catalogue Number............ ......... 720/0913 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.97 £2.25

16 C. K. ' 'Fiorian " Pruner . Ratchet action . (U.S.A.) . Catalogue Number .................... 720/0030 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price C3.49 £2.60

23 GEECO Greenhouse Watering Can . 2 roses and long reach spout. Capacity 1 gallon. Catalogue Number .................... 720/ 0597 Recommended Retail Argos Price £0.90 £1.27

30 WILKINSO N SWORD Border Fo rk. Solid socket. carbon steel. Ash shaft. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0944 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.00 £2.25

17 HAGO In cinerator. Stove enamelled finish. Folds flat for sto rage. Catalogue Number ..... .... ... .. .... .. 720/0700 Recommended Retail Argas Price C4.02 £2.75 18 TUDOR Rota Edger. Fifteen 1" self sha rpen ing blades. Sectiona l handle. Catalogue Number... .... .. .. .... .. ... . 720/1022 Recom mended Retail Argos Price C4.95 £3.70 19 WILKINSON SWORD Cordless Electric Lawn Shear. Powered by rechargeable batteries with charger unit. {U .SA). Catalogue Number ................. ... 720/ 0999 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price

£1 9.8()


20 WOLF De Luxe Garden Trimmer. 7" chromium plated blades. (U.SA). Catalogue Number .................... .720/0250 Recommended Retail Argos Price



21 WILKINSON SWORD Cordless Electric Grass Shear. Powered by rechargeable batteries with charger unit. (U .SA) . Catalogue Number ..... ............. ... 720/0975 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 5. 18 £10.55

24 GEE CO Alkathene Watering Can. 2 roses and radiator filler. Capacity 2 gallons. Catalogue Number.... .. ...... ... ...... 720/0580 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.21 £0.85 25 WILKINSON SWORD Swoe. 3 edged stainless steel blade. PVC covered handle. Catalogue Number..................... 720/0841 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.45 £3.45 26 WILKINSON SWORD Rake. Stainless steel head . PVC sleeved handle. Moulded grip. Catalogue Number... . ... 720/0872 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.73 £3.55

31 WILKINSON SWORD Border Spade. Carbon steel with ash shaft. Solid socket. Catalogue Number.. ................. 720/0920 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.86 £2.25 32 WILKINSON SWORD Digging Fork. Solid socket. ca rbon steel. Ash shaft. Catalogue Number... . ............. 720/0937 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3. 14 £2.30 33 SPEAR & JACKSON "AIIbright" Digging Spade. Solid forged steel. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle. Catalogue Number... . ..... 720/0418 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .95 £4.45

36 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright" Border Spade. Solid forged steel. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle. Catalogue Nuinber.. . ....... 720/0425 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.40 £3.95 37 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright " Border Fork. Square prongs. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle. Catalogue Number .............. .. .. 720/0449 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.40 £3.95 38 SPEAR & JACKSON " Lawngroom " Rake. 22 curved teeth . Ash shaft. Catalogue Number... .......... ..720/0535 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.52 £3.15 39 ' SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright" Rake. 12 teeth . Ash shaft. Catalogue Number ... .... .. ...... ..... 720/0470 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.75 £2.50 . 40 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright " Draw Hoe. 6~ blade. Ash shaft . Catalogue Number .... .. .. ..... ..... .. 720/0463 Recommended Reta•l Argas Price £2.75 £2.50

27 WILKINSON SWORD Dutch Hoe. 5~ stainless steel blade with bevelled edge. Catalogue Number... ...... 720/0865 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £4.45 £3.45

34 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright" Digging Fork. Square prongs. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0432 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £4.45

41 SPEAR & JACKSON " Fiexo" Lawn Rake. 20 flexible steel tines. Catalogue Number ........ ............ 720/0494 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .37 £1 .25

28 WILKINSON SWORD Edging Knife. Stainless steel blade. PVC covered shaft. Catalogue Number... . ...720/0858 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £4.73 £3.55

35 SPEAR & JACKSO N " AIIbright" Edging Knife. Carbon steel blade. Catalogue Number.. .... ........ ... .. .720/0542 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.50 £2.75

42 SPEAR & JACKSON " AIIbright" Dutch Hoe. 5" blade. Ash shaft. Catalogue Number .................. 720/0456 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.75 £2.50


1 JOHN GUY Border Shears. BMstainless steel blades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number................... 720/0157 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .75 £5.85 2 BURGON & BALL Lawn Shears. 8'12~ stainless steel blades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number... . ..... ·....... 720/0126 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.20 £3.90 3 JOHN GUY Border Shears. a ~ Teflon ··s ·· coated steel blades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number... ....... .720/0188 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.72 £4.30 4 JOHN GUY Lawn Shears. 7w stainless steel bl ades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number... .. . ......... 720/0164 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.75 £5.85 5 BURGON & BALL Edging Shears . Tubular steel handles sleeved in PVC . 8 112• steel blades.

Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail

£3 .60

. ........... 720/0085 Argos Price £2.75

6 BURGON & BALL Lawn Shears. 8 Yz~ carbon steel blades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number... ... 720/0092 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.20 £3.15 7 BUAGON & BALL Lopping Shears. 14w PVC sleeved tubular steel handles. Catalogue Number... ........ 720/0061 Recommended Retail Argos Price



8 BURGON & BALL Edging Shears. B'h'' stain less steel blades. PVC sleeved handles. Catalogue Number... . ........... .. 720/0133 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.60 £3.45 9 MILLS Dutch Hoe . Stainless steel with aluminium alloy shaft. PVC sleeved handle. Catalogue Number ..................... 720/ 0793 Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 MILLS Long Handled Weed Fork . Stain less steel. PVC sleeved aluminium alloy shaft. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0786 Recommended Retail Argos Price



11 MILLS Garden Rake. Stainless steel, PVC sleeved alumin ium alloy shaft. Catalogue Number ..................... 720/ 0803 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 MILLS Draw Hoe. Stainless steel , PVC sleeved aluminium alloy shaft . Catalogue Number .. ... 720/0834 Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 MILLS Push-Pull Hoe . Stainless steel , PVC sleeved aluminium alloy shaft. Catalogue Number.. . ............ 720/0827 Recommended Retail Argos Price



14 MILLS Border Fork. Aluminium alloy shaft . Polypropylene h"and grip.

Catalogue Number .................... 720/0755 Recommended Retail Argas Price C7 13 £5.35

15 MIL LS Border Spade. Stainless steel w1th aluminium shaft. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0748 Reco{Tlmended Retail Argos Price £7 13 £5.35 16 MILLS Edging Knife. Stainless steel, PVC sleeved alloy steel shaft. Catalogue Number ................... 720/0810 Recommended Retail Argas Price C4 22 £3.15 17 AURIOL Variable Fan Trellis. Catalogue Number ......... ............ 720/ 0047 Recommended Retail Argas Price £275 £1.95

18 HARCOSTAR Terrace Tub. Moulded polyt hene. Diameter 20•. height 11 W'. Catalogue Number.... .. .. 720/0236 Recommended Retail Argas Price £282 £1.95

19 GEECO " Purbeck'' Plant Tub. For indoor or outdoor use. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0016 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .18 £0.85

23 JOHN GUY " Siimline" Garden Shears. Teflon " S" coated, notched blades. Catalogue Number ..................... 720/0171 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.00 £3.75

20 HARCOSTAR polythene. Catalogue Number 720/0229 14• D 720/0212 1g' D

24 JOHN GUY " Siimline" Hand Shears. 8V:2" stainless steel notched blades. Catalogue Number ..................... 720/0140 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.94 £4.45




Rec . Retail £1 .76 £2.19

Argos Price £1 .25 £1 .50

21 WILKIN SON SWORD Notched Shears. Chromed finish steel blades. Spring loaded centre bearing, cushion stop. Catalogue Number ................... 720/0951 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.85 £2.55 22 WILKINSON SWORD Notched Shears. Hollow ground blades. Spring loaded centre bearing , cushion stop. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0889 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.44 £3.85

8 Y2~

25 TUDOR " Super" 12" Lawn Aerator. Sp ring loaded spikes. Sectional handle. Catalogue Number ..................... 720/1008 Recommended Retail Argos Price



Can be filled with sand or water. Catalogue Number .. .................. 720/0690 Recom mended Retail Argas P'r ice £9.41 £6.75

28 BELDRAY " Trojan " Wheelbarrow . Galvanised steel body . Rubber tyre . Capacity

-3 cu.ft. Overall size 49"x 2JN X24". Catalogue Number............... .. ... 720/ 0638 Recommended Retail

Argas Price



29 GRAVITY IRONCRETE ''Major" Wheelbarrow. Galvanised steel body, tubular steel chassis. Rubber tyre. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0683 Recommended Retai l Argos Price

£8.25 26 TUDOR Multi-Rake. Angle adjustable on head . Crescent shaped teeth. Sectional handle. Catalogue Number................... 72011015 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.50 27 GRAVITY IRONCRETE No. 1 Roller. Hollow steel cylinder weighs 25 lbs empty.


4 HASEL " Thro' Feed '' 120 ' of hose. Unwinds and waters walk. (Hose not included) . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail ÂŁ7.48

•round handle. Double insulated . (U .S.A.). Catalog ue Number... ........ 720/0243 nccommended Retail Argos Price f1 7.54 £14.90 1 WILKINSON SWORD Cordless Shrub Tnm mer. Non-stick blades. Powered by 1ucha rgeable battery pack . (U .S.A.). Cata logue Number... . ..... 720/0982 ~ eco m mended Retail Argos Price C2 1.61 £15.25

8 BLACK & DECKER DNJ.452 Power Hedge fnmmer. 16" double edged blade. Catalog ue Number.. ......... 720/0308 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 6. 39 £10.95 0 BLACK & DECK ER 0.962 Hedge Trimmer Attac hment. 16" double edged blade. Cata logue Number... . .. .. ... 720/0298 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.25


10 BLACK & DECKER D.471 De Luxe Cordless Hedge Trimmer. 16~ double edged blade. Rechargeable battery. (U.S.A.}. .... .... 720/0315 Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Price £27. 50 £18.30 11 CROYDEX PVC Standard Garden Hose. Husky tap connector and nozzle. Conforms to BS.3746. Catalogue Re c. Argos Number Retail Price £1 .45 720/0669 60' hose £2.04 720/0652 120' hose £3.47 £2.45 12 BLACK & DECKER D.484 "' lawnderette '" 1 2~ Rotary Mower. Height adjustment. Dou ble insulated. 50' of cable. Catalogue Number ............. ..... 720/0281 Recommended Retail ( 14.02

13 OUALCAST " Rota Mini "" Electric Mower. 12~ cut . Double insulated . 50' of cable. Catalogue Number..... . ........... 720/0384 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.24 £11.95 14 OUALCAST 81 De Luxe Lawn Mower. 12" cut. Self-sharpening blades. Catalogue Number.... . 720/0391 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.74 £7.45 15 OUALCAST " Panther" ' Elec~ric Mower. 12~ cut. Double insulated cyli'nder type. 5 blades. 75' of cable. Catalogue Number ............. ....... 720/0360 Recommended Retail Argas Price £31.07 £26.45 16 BLACK & OECKER D.489/D.499 Electric Lawnrazor. 12" cylinder mower. Grass box and 50 ' of cable. Double insulated. Catalogue Number ................ : ... 720/0274 Recommended Retail Argos Price £21.45 £16.95 17 QUALCAST "Concorde'' Electric Lawn Mower. lightweight and double insulated. Catalogue Number... . ...... 720/0401 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.25 £19.25 18 OUALCAST " Superlite Panther" Battery Electric Lawn Mower. 12" cut. Powered by 12V. battery. Catalogue Number ...... .. ......... .720/0346 Recommended Retail Argos Price £41.74 £35.45 19 QUALCAST " Superlite Panther'' Hand lawn Mower. 12~ cut. 5 cutting blades. Catalogue Number .... .......... ..... . 720/0322 Recommended Retail Argas Price £12.04 £1 0.25

and Stratton 4-stroke 5 h.p. engme. Staggered tines. S]ngle control lever with safety reverse. Working width 22Yz" (U.S.A.). Catalogue Number.. .. .......... 720/0267 Recommended Retail Argos Price £137.50 £11 5.00 21 ElTEX Paraffin Heater. For a greenhouse up to 12' ' 8'. Catalogue Number... 720/0676 Recommended Retail Argas Price ' £10.75 £15.45 22 SPEAR & JACKSON " Black Prince" Edging Shears. Teflon ··s" coated 9~ blades. '"Tidy Trim " grass collectmg attachment. Catalogue Number ........ ........ ... 720/0511 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £4.45 23 SPEAR & JACKSON Wedge Axe. 41b head . Solid forged steel with hickory shah. Catalogue Number..................... 720/0487 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.30 £4.78 24 SPEAR & JACKSON Log Saw. Tapered frame. Size 24". Catalogue Number ..'... ... ............ 720/0559 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .37 £1.25 25 SPEAR & JACKSON "Black Prince" Hand Shears. Teflon ··s·• coated notched blades. Catalogue Number ............. ...... 720/0504 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £3.24 £2.90 26 BURGON & BALL Hand Shears. 8¥2'' stainless steel blades with one notch. Catalogue Number.. . ... 720/0119 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.20 £3.15

27 BUAGON & BALL Hand carbon steel blades w1th one Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £3.20

Shears. B lh~ notch. 720/0102 Argos Price £:2.40

28 BUAGON & BALL Sta1nless Steel Hand Shears. 8" tapered notched blades. Catalogue Number.. .720/0078 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3 .55 £2.65 29 LOTUS '" Otter Cub" Garderi Fountain Kit. Fountain height 5'. Catalogue Number .................... 720/0023 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.35 £6.95 30 HOZELOCK "Pulse-Jet " H550 Sprinkler. Designed for watering large areas. Catalogue Number ........ .... .. ... ... 720/0717 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.96 £2.95 31 HOZELOCK " Lawn Queen·· De Luxe Oscillating Sprinkler. Four wat~ring patterns. Catalogue Number .. .......... ... .. .. . 720/0724 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.06 £3.75

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 5,2 .weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders ' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase- or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are fac)ory fresh in original makers• cartons.

10 cushions.

.................... 650/0511 Argos Price


1 Garden Swing Hammock. Steel frame. luttoned , cotton cushion covers. Fringed PVC canopy . C1talog ue Number .................... 650/0504 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price



) Garden Furniture. Aluminium framed c:hairs. with padded seats and backs. Fibreglass table top. C1talogue Rec. Argos Nu mber Retail Price 150/0384 Chair Red £4.75 £3.35 150/0425 Chair Blue £4 .75 £3.35 850/0391 8 pos. Chair Red £9.68 £6.80 tS0/0432 8 pos. Chai r Blue- £9.68 £6.80 850/0401 Relax-si r Red £13.09 £9.15' 150/0449 Relax- sir Blue £13.09 £9.15 tS0/0418 Table Red £6.10 £4.30 150/0456 Table Blue £6.10 £4.30 • EL EGANT " Marina " High Back Chair. Alum inium frame with vinyl covering and loam filled pillow. Cata logue Number...... ... 650/0339 Argos Price Reco mmended Retail



Garden Suite. Polished aluminium frames. Cotton cove red foam cushions. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 650/0061 Chair £1 1.75 £8.80 650/0078 Bench £15.50 £12.75 650/0085 Stool £5.50 £4.10

11 Sun Lounger Bed. Patterned canvas cover. Plated stee l frame with 5 position ratchet. Red Floral Cat. Number... .. .... 650/0195 Blue Floral Cat. Number ........... 650/0205 Richmond Cat .. Number ........... 650/0463 Black Floral Cat. Number ........... 650/0212 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 Sprung Bed . Steel frame. Canvas cover. Two ratchets at one end . Red Catalogue Number .... .. .... ,. 650/0274 Blue Catalogue Number .... ....... 650/0281 Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 Floral Patterned Sprung Bed. Steel frame. Canvas cover. Two ratchets at one end . Red Catalogue Number ........... 650/0298 Blue Catalogue Number........... 650/ 0308 Black Catalogue Number ........... 650/ 0315 Recommended Retail Argos Price



14 " Richmond " Upholstered Sprung Bed .

5 ELEGANT " Pacific Super" Chair Bed. Steel frame with vinyl covering and inflatable pillow. . ......... 650/0322 Catalogue Number..... Reco mmended Retail Argos Price

Plated steel frame. Canvas covered upholstered mattress. Catalogue Number... . .......... 650/ 0470 Recommended Retail Argos Price





I Replacement Sunbed Cover. Complete

15 Sun Lounger Bed. Canvas cover. Plated

with hooks and bands. Plain Red Catalogue Number .... 650/0229 Plain Blue Catalogue Number .... 650/0236 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price

steel frame with 5 position ratchet . Red Catalogue Number .. .. .. ....... 650/0171 Blue Catalogue Number ..... .. ...... 650/0188 Recommended Retai l Argos. Price





Floral Red Catalogue Number ... 650/0243 Floral Blue Catalogue Number ... 650/0250 Floral Black Catalogue Number ... 650/0267 Aecommended Retail Argos Price

16 ELEGANT '' Marina " Chair. Vinyl cover-



£1 .80

ing . Aluminium frame. Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail


.. ...... 650/0353 Argos Price


Umbrella diameter 72:' on adjustable pole. Stable base. Cata logue Number. ................... 650/0607 Recommended Retail Argos Price

17 ELEGANT '' Pacific Super" King Size Chair Bed . Steel frame with vinyl covering . Inflatable pillow. Catalogue Number ................... 650/0346 Recommended Retail Argos Price

fl2 .25


1 LAWTEX Garden Umbrella and Base.


• GEE BRO GROSFILLEX Patio Furniture.· Coated tubular steel frames. Seats and 'acks in white polyethylene. (France). Catalogue Rec. Argos Hu mber Retail Price 50/0016 Patio Chair £6.60 £5.10

£7.75 £13.55

£5.95 £10.15

t Barbec ue. Mains electric spit motor. Adjustable ch romium plated grill. Large rming oven . B.E.A.B. approved. atalogue Number ................... .. 650/ 0528 omme nded Retail Argos Price




ARGOS low, ·low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders ' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase - or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.


1 LUCIFER " King " Barbecue. 20" conical hearth. Hot shelf. (Finland). Catalogue Number... . ............ 650/0535 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.24 £12.90

7 Patio Chair. While coated steel lrame Folds flat for storage. Catalogue Number ................... 650/0047 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.00 £9.10

2 Barbecue. Steel construction. 15" diameter fire bowL Complete with windshield and spit. Catalogue Number ............... ..... 650/0566 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.05 £4.55

8 LAWTEX Chair Umbrella. Cotton cover. Complete with clamp. Catalogue Number .................... 650/0573 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.40 £2.40

3 LUCIFER " Prince" Barbecue: 20" hearth. (Finland). Catalogue Number .................... 650/0542 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.29 £9.60 4 LUCIFER " Luxus" Barbecue. 16" conical hearth. (Finland). Catalogue Number .. . .... 650/0559 Argos Price Recommended Retail £6.25 £9.34 5 LAWTEX Garden Table and Umbrella. Table diameter 29"'. Umbrella diameter 7'Z', on adjustable metal pole. Catalogue Number.. . . .. .......... 650/0597 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.50 £12.95 6 Patio Table. Heat resistant top . Folds flat for storage. Catalogue Number .................... 650/0054 Recommended Retail Argos Price



9 Garden Chair. Tubular steel frame. Courlene seat and back with beech arm rests. Catalogue Number ..................... 650/0157 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.90 £1.95 10 " Richmond " Au-tomatic Chair. Steel frame . Foot rest rises as head reclines. Foam filled cushion. Catalogue Number .................... 650/0494 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.20" £9.25 11 " Richmond " Rocking Chair. Aluminium frame. Detachable foam filled cushions. Catalogue Number... . ............... 650/0487 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.40 £12.00

13 Cedarwood Qordon Furniture Easily assomblod Light to handle Supplied packod llat Argos Rec. Catalogue Retail Number Price £11 .50 650/0092 Bench £14 .25 £10. 10 £8.10 650/0102 Chair £5.80 650/0119 Table £7.60 14 BRANSON " Everle~h " Garden Furn._ ture. Made from West African hardwood. Easily assembled . Re c. Argos Catalogue Number Retail Price £14.05 650/0126 Seat 48• long £20.07 £12.70 650/0133 Chair £18.09 £12.95 650/0140Table 48"X 21 ~ £18.59 15 JUDGE " Diablo" Low Table. Recessed top. Catalogue Number.................... 650/0377 Recommended Retail Argos Price



16 JUDGE "Diablo"' Stools. Pair of stools which nest for storing. Cataktgue Number .................... 650/0360 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.24 £2.60

12 Garden Chair. Tubular steel frame with beech arm rests. Catalogue Number.................... 650/01"64 Recommended Retail

17 LAWTEX Garden/Beach Umbrella. Diameter 48~. Co«on cover on a steel frame. Wooden shaft with metal spike. Catalogue Numbe~ ..... 650/0580 Recommended Retail




Catalogue Number


285/0131 Tourer""23Y2• Rec.

Argos Retail Priee £5.95 £3.95 £6.25 £4.70 £6.75 £5.10 £7.25 £5.45

215/0148 Pullman 27¥2"' 285/0155 Expander 231>" 28510162 Expander 27Y2"

£8.25 £9.25 £8.50 £9.75

Argos Priee

£6.20 £6.90 £6.40 £7.30

3 CROWN "Lancer'' Cases. Aluminium frames with recessed locks. Lined interior with retaining straps. Rec. Argos Cetalogue Retail Priee N.2851-7 24" £12.35 £8.&0


285/0454 26" Case 285/0461 29" case

£13.90 £15.50

£10.45 £11.65

• CROWN " Volant" Cases. Plywood frame covered in English coach hide . Moire rayon lining. Rec. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number

28510571 21 " Case 285/0588 24" Case 285/0595 2T Case

£32.50 £38.00 £45.00

£24.40 £28.50 £33.75

5 CROWN " Winchester" Cases. Thermo-

plastic material on twin aluminium Horizontal inset locks. 24" Case Black/white Cat. 24" Case Cherry/ white Cat. Recommended Retail


2a• Case Black/ white Cat. 28" Case Cherry/ white Cat. Recommenljed Retail £12.30 30"' Case Black/white

M) Case Cherry/white Cat. No .... 285/0557 lletom mended Retail Argos Price 114 50 £10.90

t CR OWN "'G ranada " Cases. Aluminium "am es with inset locks. Rec. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Nu mber· £8.20 £6.15 285/0478 24" Case 285/0485 28.. Case £9.25 £6.95 285/0492 30" Case £10.25 £7.7 0 1 CROWN " Siimlite" Single Suiter Case . Flal outside pocket. Size 21" Catalogue Number... .. ..... 285/0605 Reco mmended Retai l Argos Price C12 30 £9.25 I CROWN " Rivoli " Cases. Nest o f 2. Compnses 16" all purpose case and 13~ fitted lrarn case. Bl ue Catalogue Number ......... 285/0423 Cherry Catalogue Number ........ 285/ 0430 R~r::o mmended Retail Argos Price C9 85 £7. 40

9 CROWN " Rivoli '' Cases. Nest of 3. Comprises 21 ~. 23~ and 25" vinyl covered cases. Blue Catalogue Number .......... 285/0409 Cherry Catalogue Number . .. ....... 285/0416 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.75 £14.80

10 SPARTANITE Cases. " Sk-ai"' material on alloy frames. Snap-over locks. Adjustable straps and buckles. Rec. Argas Catalogue Retail Price Number £8 .70 285/0320 Companion £6.50 285/0337 lnfl ight £9 .90 £7.40 285/0344 Weekender £1 1.80 £8.50 285/0351 Traveller £1 4.70 £10.95 285/0368 Jumbo £16.90 £12.65 11 CO NSTELLATION Vanity Case. Fitted mirror. bottles and ja r. Cheney lock and fitt1ngs. Red Catalogue Number ............ 285/ 0708 Ivory Catalogue Number ........... 285/0715 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 CONSTELLATION Vanity Case. Padded top. Fitted mirror, bottles and jar. Two in terior pockets. Cheney lock. Red Catalogue Number ............ 285/0722 Ivory Catalogue Number ............ 285/0739 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.25 £3.20 13 " Montbello" Cases by SAMSONITE. Rugged polypropylene body with recessed locks. Fitted interiors . (Canada) . Lady's cases as follows: Beauty Case Blue Cat. Number.... 285/ 0746 Beauty Case Red Cat. Number .... 285/0825 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £11.50 £8.95 21~ Overnight Blue Cat. No ......... 285/0753 21'" Overnig ht Red Cat . No ......... 285/ 0832 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £ 13.00 £9.80 24 ~ Pullman Blu e Cat. No .. 24" Pullman Red Cat. No . Recommended Retail £16.50

. ..... 285/0760 . ... 285/0849 Argos Price £12.45

26" Pullman Blue Cat . Number ... 285/0777 26" Pullman Red Cat. Number ... 285/0856 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.50 £14.60 1

Gent s cases as follows : Single Suiter Olive Cat. No ......... 285/0784 Single Suiter Grey Cat. No ......... 285/0863Recommended Retail Argos Price £18.50 £13.95 21 ~ Companion Olive Cat. No ..... 285/0791 21 " Companion Grey Cat . No ...... 285/0870 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.00 £9.75

24" Companion Olive Cat. No ..... 285/0801 24~ Companion Grey Cat. No ..... 285/0887 Recommended Retail Argos Price £16.50 £12.45 3 Sui ter Olive Cat. Number ......... 285/ 0818 3 Suiter Grey Cat . Number ......... 285/ 0894 Recommended Retail Argas Price £21.00 £15.90

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference. 1 ANTLER Foxcroft " Bowline" Soft Top Cases. Rayon lined . Set of 3 cases, sizes 23", 25" and 27". Companion case size 16". Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price

285/0021 Set of 3 285/0014 16" Case

£17.50 £13.15 £4.60 £3.45

2 SPAATANITE Cases. Uniroyal "Royalite" material on alloy frames. Flush fitting


Companion Blue Cat. No .... 28S/0227 Companion Red/ Black Cat. No .... 28S/0234 Recommended Retail Argas Price



lnflight Blue Cat. No......... 285/0241 lnflight Red/Black Cal No... . .. 285/0258 Recommended Retail Argas Price



Jum bo Blue Cat. No.. Jum bo Red/ Black Cat. No. Recommended Retail

Argos Price



Weekender Blue Cat. No..... 285/0265 Weekender Red/Black Cat. No..... 285/0272 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£10. 10


Traveller Blue Cat. No ....... 285/0289 Traveller Red/Black Cat. No . ...... 285/0296 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.00 £8.95 3 ANTLER ' 'G .T.'' Cases. Soft sided cases on an aluminium twin frame. Inset locks. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 285/0076 15" Case £7.25 £5.45 285/0083 21 1f2• Case £9.95 £7.50 285/0090 23'h~ Case £11.00 £8.25 285/0100 27¥2~ Case £12.50 £9.80

4 FLEETLINE '' International " Cases. Moulded thermoplastic material . Aluminium lrame. · Re c. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number 285/0674 24" Case £8.75 £6.30 285/0681 2r Case C9.95 £7.50 285/0698 30" Case £10.95 £7.20 5 FLEETLINE Cases. Deep grained fibreboard with silver colou red trim . Rec. Argos Catalogue Nu mber Retail Price 285/0643 18". 24. & 26. £10.75 £8.15 · 285/0650 Nest 28" & 30"' £9.07 £6.85 285/0667 Exp. 28" & 30~ £13.70 £7.95

I CROWN "Clubman" Travel Bags. Vinyl material with zip top opening. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 285/0629 Size 16" £6.15 185/0636 Size 22" £8.20

Argos Prk:e

£4.60 £6.15

1 CROWN "Atlantic Pack" Case. Expanded ,..jnyl. Exterior pouch pocket. Size 24". Cltalogue Number..................... 285/0612 Hocommended Retai l Argos Price



8 ANTLER Foxcroft " Airtight" Cases. Leather look vinyl covering with all round nylon zip closure. Argos Rec. Catalogue Retail Price Number £8.50 £4.95 285/0117 22" Case £10.95 £8.20 285/0124 26" Case 9 SPARTAN Fibre Cases. Set of 3. Sizes 22", 24" and 26". Catalogue Number................. 285/0203 Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 SPARTAN Expanding Fibre Cases. Set of 2. Sizes 26" and 28". Matches item No. 9. Catalogue Number ..................... 285/0210 Recommended Retail

Argos Prk:e



11 SPARTANITE Cases. " Texon " material on alloy frames. Flush fitting locks. able straps and buckles. Rec. Catalogue Retail Number 285/0375 Weekender £11.30 285/0382 Traveller £13.00 285/0399 Jumbo £15.50


ANTLER " Sunseeker" Twin Cases. Aluminium frames. Inset Brushed cotton lining . Catalogue Rec . Number Retail 285/0179 Tourer 23¥2"' £9.50 285/0186 Pullman 271h" £11 .25 285/0193 Tourer 29'12" £12.50

AdjustArgos Price

£8.25 £8.95 £10.85 Frame locks. Argos Price

£7.15 £8.45 £9.40

13 CROWN Cabin Trunk . Plywood foundation with vinyl covering . Metal hoops for strength . Interior tray. Size 36·. Catalogue Number... . .. ...... .. .. 285/0564 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.50

£11 .65

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time - we are always pleased to see you. 1 CAMPAAI " Aitona " Tent. Proofed cotton . Size 10 'x 6' 7" X6 ' high . including bell end . Walls 2' 2" (Austria) . Cat alogue Number.. . ........... 340/ 0047 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£29 .75

4 ERICA Sleeping Bag . 38 oz Terylene filling. Fu ll length zip for conversion into a bed quilt . Catalogue Number ............... .... . 340/ 0308 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.99 £4.90


2 AMOCO Insu lated Chest. Keeps food and drink cool. Capacity 10 litres. (U.S.A.). Cata logue Number ..................... 340/ 0425 Recommended Retail Argas Price


Cat alogue Number.................... 340/ 028 1 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £7 .99 £6.40


3 ERICA King Size Sleeping Bag . 44 oz Terylene filling . Converts to a bed quilt.

5 VER ITAS " Romany " De Luxe Hotplate and Gri ll . 2 high speed bu rners. Complete with case . Catalogu e Number................. .340/ 0645 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.32 £10.75 6 Camping or Picnic Table and Stool Set. The fou r stools and table fold for storage.

Table size 31 'h ~x 24 - x 24 " high . Catalogue Number .. .. ................ 340/ 0164 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11.56 £8.70

in a carrying case. Catalogue Number ... .. ..... .......... 345/ 0011 Recommended Retai l £4.62

7 CAMPING GAZ " Lumogaz" Lantern . Equivalent of 75 watts . Complete with cartridge. (France) . Catalogue Number... . ..... 340/ 0573 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.35 £5.75

10 Lady's or Gent 's Nylon Anorak . i pockets and f ront . Attached hood . Small Catalogue Number ... Medium Catalogue ~uono•" ········· •••"u''..l• Large Catalogue Number .... Recommended Retail

£2 .98 8 BREXTON De Luxe Li ned Wil low Hamper. For fou r people. Stainless steel cutlery and earthenware. 2 Thermos brand flasks. Catalogue Number..................... 345/ 0042 Recommended Retail Argos Price £31 .30 £23.45 9 MALMO Picnic Set. Supplied complete

11 Lady's or Gent's ll4 Zip front. Small Catalogue Number.... Medium Catalogue Number .. Large Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £4 .08

12 Caravan Awnings. Adjustable l1pped front and doorway. Rec. Catalog ue Retail Nu mber .)40/ 0092 10' £55.68 ) 40/ 0102 12' £63.93 )40/ 0085 14 ' £72. 18

frame. Argas Price £38.95 £51 .20 £57.75

13 Toilet Tent. Fully framed. covered in proofed canvas. Zip front . Catalogue Number ... .... ............. 340/0078 ftecom mended Retail Argas Price 10 10 £7.70 IC Hanging Larder. Nylon cover. Size K)- 14"X 10". C11talogue Number .................... 340/0377 ocom mended Retail Argos Price 3 30 £2.60

15 Pair of Picnic Stools. Lightweight metal fold ing frames. Catalogue Number... .. ...... 340/0126 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .90 £1 .20 16 Picnic Chai r. LightWeight metal folding fram e, with colourful Courlene seat and back. Catalogue Number .. . ........ .. 340 / 0~ 19 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.03 £1.55 17 BE LDRAY Picnic Table. PVC covered top. Folding tubular legs. Size 19¥-l"x 27W' x 231f2• high . (Denmark) . Catalogue Number ................ 340/ 0140 Recommended Retail Arg os Price £4.35 £3.45

18 VERITAS " Nomad '' P1cn1c Stove. Takes standard size butane gas cartridge. Complete with windshield , base and cartridge. Catalog ue Number... . ........... 340/0607 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4. 16 £2.90 19 BREXTON Willow Pic ni c Basket. For two people. Decorated earthenware. Stai nless steel cutlery. 1 Thermos brand fla sk. Catalogue Number ..... ................ 345/0028 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £10.18 £8.15 20 UCHFIELD Ridge Tent. Size 6 'x 4'x 3' s~ high with g• walls. Complete with poles, guy li nes and pegs. Catalogue Number .................... 340/ 0016 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.25 £7.75

21 Water Carrier with Tap. Capacity 5 gallons. Catalogue Number ........ ............ 340/0384 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.54 £1 .95 22 LI-LO " Universal " Air Bed . Defl ated size 72"x29". Catalogue Number .................... 340/ 0212 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3 .58 £2.85

LATEST MODELS or ne~~r designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

JPag e 202J 1 UCHFIELD " Made1ra " Frame Tent . Inner tent to sleep four adults. Size 13' ' 12' x 6 ' 6 ~ high at centre. (We Will deliver) . Cata logue Numb er .................... 340/0061 Recommended Retail Argos Price £: 13190 £99.00 2 LICHFIELD " Suffolk Canadienne· · Ridge Tent. Separate 1n ner ten t with sewn in groundsheet. Size 4 ' 6"x 6 ' 6"x 4 ' s ~ high , plus 1' 6'' bell end . Catalogue Number . .. 340/ 0054 Recommended Reta1l Argas Price



3 CAMPAAI Camper De Luxe Tent . Light* weight nylon with terry towel floor/groundsheet . Size 6 ' s ~x s · x 3 ' Bw high . 12" wall. (Japan). Catalogue Number ................... 340/0030 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£ 19.95


6 Sleeping Bag . Nylon cover w1th 38 oz (Gold Label) Terylene f1111ng . Full length z1p . Catalogue Number . . .. 340 /0298 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6 50 £5.20

12 LI-LO " Regal " A1r Bed . Deflated size 80'"x 29" Catalogu e Number... .. 340/0243 Recommended Retatl Argas Price £4 88 £3.65

7 Jun1or Sleep1ng Bag . 24 oz Terylene f1ll1ng . Nylon covered . Catalogue Number .................... 340/0346 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.95 £2.95

13 LI- LO · Major " Air Bed . Complete with repa1r outf•t. Deflated size 72"x 26W' Catalogue Number... .. .340/0205 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £1.52 £1.20

8 POLYWARM Sleep1ng Bag . 26 oz {Red Label) Terylene filling . Full length Zip . Catalogue Number ................. 340/ 0315 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.60 £4.95

14 LI-LO ""Cavalcade " Air Bed . Rubber•sed fabnc . Deflated size 72" x 29" Blue Catalogue Number ........... 340/0229 Green Cata logue Number .. . ..... 340/0236 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3 .93 £2.95

9 ERICA Junior S•ze Sleepmg Bag . Covered and lined with nylon . Catalogue Number... .. .. 340/0339 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£5.20 4 MARECHAL ·· choc 2'' Frame Tent. Inner tent size 6 ' s~x s · 10 ~. Outer tent size 13'x 6 ' 8". Double canvas at frame contact points. (France) . Catalogue Number... . ........... 340/ 0652 Recommended Retail Argos Price £65.45 £58.50 5 ER ICA Sleeping Bag . Nylon covered with acrylic filling . Catalogue Number.... . ........... 340/ 0322 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.20 £3.15


10 CAMPARI " Seazy Double '" Air Bed. Inflated size 75~ x4r . (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . .. 340/0267 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £7.70 £6.15 11 CAMPARI " Limzy " King Size Air Mattress with Pillow. De luxe model. Inflated size 78" x 51". (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. . ......... 340/0274 Recommended Retail Argos Price £ 11.95 £9.55

15 VERITAS "Nomad "" De luxe Picnic Stove . Windshield fitted burner. Complete with case and cartridge . Catalogue Number ... . .... 340/0621 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.58 £4.60 16 CAMPAAI " Arosa " Tent. Proofed cotton . Size 6 ' r x 4' 3 ~x 3 ' 7'' high with 1' 4~ walls. (Austria). Catalogue Number ..... ............... 340/0023 Recommended Retail Argas Price £16.50 £13.20 17 BREXTON Picnic Case. For lou r people. Polypropylene ware, stainless steel cutlery. 2 Thermos Brand flasks.

Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £10.85 18 Campmg or P1cn•c Table . Folo tubular frame. Size 26 W'-... 19'"X 22~ h J Catalogue ·Number. . ............... 34010 I Recommended Retail £3.42

19 Camp Bed . Tensile steel frame . for easy storage. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £3.30 from butane gas cartridge. cartridge. Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail

£6 .29 21 CAMPARI "' L1mzy 1" Air Bed Pillow . Size 76"x 30 ~. (Japa n) . Catalogue Number. Recommended Retail


ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not jusl tor special sales events.

14 Camping Saucepan Set. 6 piece with detachable handles. Catalogue Number.................... 340/0391 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.60 15 VERITAS Camp Kitchen. Large working area . White epoxy c oated wire storage trays. Catalogue 'iumber................... 340/0188 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.76 £6.60 16 VERITAS "Romany" Twin Burner. Complete with hose and adaptor . Lift off grid . Catalogue Number..................... 340/0638 Recommended Retail Argos Price


Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail £10.28

.. 340/0580 Argos Price


19 THERMOS BRAND Vacuum Jug. " Pour through " stopper. Capacity 36 tl. ozs. Blue Catalogue Number ........... 345/0080 Red Catalogue Number.. ...... 345/0073 Recommended Retail Argo s Price £1.50 £2.10 20 THERMOS BRAND " Big T" Flask . Separate milk container, capacity 7 fl . ozs. Flask capacity 36 11. .:>zs. Catalogue Number .................... 345/0066 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .15 £~5


17 CAMPING GAZ " Griltogaz" Double Burner Stove. Twin burners and grill burner with regulator. Weight lOY2 lbs. (France). Catalogue Number... . ... 340/0597 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.58 £17.50 18 CAMPING GAZ ··savannah " Double Burner. Reversible grids. Weight 5Y2 lbs. Complete with regulator. (France) .

21 ALADDIN "'Concorde" Vacuum Flask. Capacity 32 11 . ozs. Catalogue Number .................... 345/0121 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.00 £1.50 22 ALADDIN Vacuum Jug. " Pour through " stopper. Capacity 32 fl. ozs. Catalogue Number ................... 345/0114 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.47 £1.95 23 ALADDIN Food Flask. Inner plastic shield protects glass. Capacity 32 fl. ozs. Catalogue Number ......... ........... 345/0107 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .32 £0.95 24 TRANSTRIP Camp Light. Fluorescent tube. Operates from 12V car battery. Complete with clips and cable. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 340/0360 8 watt £4.85 £3.90 340/0353 13 watt £6.25 £4.95 25 EKCO " Nova" Picnic Set . 4 each, cups, saucers, bowls, dinner and tea plates. One milk jug and sugar bowl . Catalogue Number .................... 345/0059 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.47 £5.45

1 CAMPAR I " Mont Blanc" Rucksack. Nylon fabric. Magnesium alloy frame 34 ~x 14V2" with folding shelf. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .. . ... 340/ 0494 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £ 17.50 £13.75

2 CAMPARI " Papoose·· Rucksack. Heavy duty cotton duck . 3 pockets. Aluminium frame 31 "x 14Vt ". (Japan) . Catalo gue Number .................. 340/ 0470 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.25 £6.60 3 CAMPARI " Everest" Junior Rucksack. 5 outer pockets. Anodised alloy frame 27" x 13". (Japan) . Catalogu e Number....... .......... .. 340/ 0487 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £12.90 £10 .30 4 Camping Table. " Teak" finish Melamine top. Tubular legs. Size 29 1h ux 24"x 26". . ....... .340/ 0157 Catalogu e Number.. . Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.50 £3.60

5 HARBENWARE " Compact" Set. Comprises a 3-hole egg poacher/trypan and 3 saucepans. Teflon coated interiors. Catalogue Number.. . ............. 340/ 0401 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £:7.80 £9 .83 6 Ice Box. Capacity 25 litres . Cata logu e Number ................ ... .340/ 0432 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £6.36 £4.80 7 CAMPI NG GAZ " Bieuet S200" Stove. Complete with cartridge. (France). Cata logu e Number ...... ....... ... ... .. 340/ 0566 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.23 £3.80 8 BEANSTALK " Kamp Kitchen" . 3 shelves, wind shield , splash plate, hot prate rack and chromed hooks. Cat alogu e Number .... .. ..... ...... ... 340/ 0195 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.75 £6.95

9 THERMOS BRAND Food Jar. Capacity 155 fl. oz. Catalogu e Number .................... 345/ 0097 Recommended Retail · Argas Price £12.94 £10.35 10 RELUM Frameless Rucksack. Two outer pockets. Large capacity. (Czech) . Cata logue Number .................... 340/ 0456 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.86 £2.30 11 RELUM Junior Frameless Rucksack. Two outer pockets. (Czech). Cata logue Number... . ... 340/ 0449 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.92 £1 .55 12 RELUM Framed Jun ior Rucksack. Nylon fabric. Zipped pocket. (Japan). Catalogue Number ............... ... .. 340/ 0463 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.07 £3.95

1 RELUM Ov!'lrsuit. Showerproofed nylon . Elasticated cuffs and t rouser waist. Ankle zip . (Hong Kong) . Dark Green Small Cat. No ....... 321/0048 Dark Green Medium Cat. No ....... 321/0055 Da rk Green Large Cat. No ....... 32110062 Recommend ed Retai l Argos Price

£7.53 Navy Small Cat. No... Navy Medium Cat. No ... . Navy Large Cat. No .. . Recom mended Retai l


£5.95 . ... ... 321/0079 . ....... 321/0086 .. 321 / 0093 Argas Price £5.95

2 BAYCUFF Golf Club Head Covers. Set of 4. Cotton backed vinyl. Catalogue Number... . . ... ....... 321/0024 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price


£1 .65

3 DOUGLAS " Professional " PVC Golf Bag .

sw· oval

top . Catalogue Number................... 321/0110 Recommended Retail Argos Price



7 LAWTEX Gotf Um brella. Nylon cover. Dou bl e rib frame. Wooden handle. Catalogue Number........ ..... ........ 321 / 0189 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£4.85 4 " Foldaway 10" Golf Cart. Metallic bl ue finish. Catalogue Number .................... 321 / 0172 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £7.22 £5.90 5 LI LL YWHITE FROWD Golf Balls. Set of 12. Grade A dimple mesh. Catalogue Number... . . ............ 321/ 0017 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 LILLYWHITE FROWD " Gold Tassie " Golf Practice Net and Frame. Size 9 ' x 6' 6~ . Catalogue Number.. . . ...... 321/0031 Recommended Retail Argas Price £20.35 £16.70


8 " Golfmaster " Golf Cart. Metallic maroon finish. Catalogue Number ... .. 321/0165 Argos Price Recommen ded Retai l £10.85 £8.70 9 MAX FAULKNER " Avenger" Golf Woods. Pro-fit shafts. Nos. 1-5 available. Catalogue Number ....................... 321 / 05 Argos Price Recommended Retail £6.11 £4.90 10 MAX FAULKNER " Avenger" Golf Clu bs. Stainl ess steel. Nos. 2-9 irons and wedge avail able. Catalogue Number ...................... 321/06

Recom mended Retai l £5.24 11 DOUGLAS " Su nday " PVC Golf Bag . 7 oval top . Catalogue Number ... Argos Pr Recommended Retail £6.00 £4.80 12 RELUM Half Set o f Golf Clu bs. Como prises 1 and 3 woods. 3, 5, 7 and 9 irons a"' putter. All shafts chrom ium plated. (Japan• Catalogue Number..... ...... ... ...... .321/01 GI Recommended Retail

£39.82 13 " Pinseeker" Golf Woods. Laminated with inlaid faces. Nos. 1-5 available. Catalogue Number.. .. ... .. ........ 321/0J Recommended Retail


• .UA X FAULKNER "Avenger" Brass Putttunless steel shaft. .. 321/ 0244 Argos Price £4.20 P1nseeker" Golf Irons. Stainless • I()Od fo rg ing . Step down shafts. Nos. 2-9 ' ;md a wedge avai lable. tlalog ue Number ........ .............. . 321/ 04 ommended Retail Argos Price ' 19 £3.90 Brass Putter.

.................. 32110251 Argos Price £3.35


top. Vinyl with Clothing and ba ll

Catalogue Number ................... 321 / 0158 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.25 £6.15 17 MAX FAU LKNER "De Luxe" Golf Woods. Pro-fit shafts. Nos. 1-5 available. Catalogue Number .. .. ............... 321/ 08 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £7.40 £5.90

18 MAX FAULKNER " De luxe" Golf Irons. Stainless steel with Pro-fit shafts. Nos. 2-9 irons and a wedge available. . ... 321/ 07 Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price



19 " Cygnet" Golf Bag. 5~ top. Vinyl with strap and pocket. Catalogue Number ........ .. .......... 321/01 41 Recommended Retail Argas Price



20 Ull YWHITE FROWO MK VII Golf Woods. Laminated heads. Oynalite shafts. Nos. 1-5 available. ... 321/1 0 Cata logue Numbe r .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £9 .90 £7.95

21 llll YWH ITE FROWO MK VII Golf Irons. Steel flanged head . Dynalite shafts. Nos. 2-9 irons and wedge available. .. ............... 321109 Catalogu e Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .95 £6.35 22 DOUGLAS "Standy" PVC Golf Bag . 7"h~ oblong top. Catalogue Number.................... 321/ 0134 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.50 £7.60 23 lll lYWHITE FAOWD Centre Shaft Putter. Chromium plated brass head.

Catalogue Number ................... 321/ 0220 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.10 £3.95

24 l l l l YWH ITE FAOWO Putter. Chromium plated brass head . Plated shaft. (Japan). .. ...... 321/ 0213 Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.45 £1.85 25 l l l lYWHITE FAOWO Putting Set. Complete with telescopic putter and ball . Battery operated. (Not supplied). (Japan) . .. ..... 321 / 0237 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.20 £3.35

1 RUSSELL HALL "Saturn" Spo Nylon faced with vincel fleece lining ski collar. Royal 26~/28~ Cat. Number Red 26"/28" Cat. Numbe·r Royal 29"/31," Cat. Number Red 29~/31 ~< Cat. Number Royal 32"/34" Cat. Number. Red 32"/34" Cat. Number Recomm.ended Retail £6.51 2 RELUM Junior " Classic" Tracksu Fleecy backed cotton. Nylon zips on jac and ankles. (Czech) . Rec . ' Catalogue Retail Number £2.85 330/0130 Royal 26" / 28~ 330/0161 Red 26"/28" £2.85 £3.24 330/0147 Royal 30"/32" £3.24 330/0178 Red 30"/32" 330/0154 Royal 34'"/36" £3.35 330/0185 Red 34"/36" £3.35 3 GORDON BANKS Goal Posts and Ne Galvanised frame. Polythene netting. F standing size 7'x 5' Catalogue Number Withdrawn 4 RELUM Junior Football Outfits. Cott shorts, coloured socks and jer (Foreig n). 22"/24" Cat. No Red/White Royal/White 22"/24" Cat. No Amber/Black 22"/24" Cat. No White 22"/24" Cat. No. Red/White 26"/28" Cat. No. Royal/White 26"/28" Cat. No Amber/Black 26"/28" Cat. No. White 26"/28" Cat. No Red/White 30"/3Z' Cat. No. Royal/White 30"/32" Cat. No... Amber/Black 30~/32" Cat. No.. White 30"/32" Cat. No Recommended Retail £2.10 5 ADIOAS " Mundial " Football. Hand sewn with nylon thread. Size 5. (France). Catalogue Number ....... .. ............ 300/0052 Recommended Retail Argas Price £12.85 £10.40 6 RUSSELL HALL " Olympic" Sportsuit. Bri-nylon with continental twin white stripe. Black Small Cat. Number .... . 330/0329 Scarlet Small Cat. Number ..... 330/0350 Royal Small Cat. Number .. ... 330/0381 Black Medium Cat. Number ... .. 330/0336 Scarlet Medium Cat. Number ..... 330/0367 Royal Medium Cat. Number .... 330/0398 Black Large Cat. Number .. ... 330/0343 Cat. Number ..... 330/0374 Scarlet Large Royal Large Cat. Number ... .. 330/0408 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.47 £6.75 7 FRED PERRY Tracksuit. Cotton and rayon mixture . Junior and adult sizes. (E. Germany) . Royal 28"/29" Cat. Number ........ 330/0549 Black 28"/29" Cat. Number ........ 330/0604 Royal 30"/31 " Cat. Number ... ... .. 330/0558 Black 30"/31 " Cat. Number ........ 330/0611 Royal 32" Cat. Number ..... .. .330/0563 Black 32" Cat. Number .. .... .. 330/06 ; Recommended Retail

£3.73 Royal Small Cat. Number Black Small Cat. Number. Royal Medium Cat. Number ... . Slack Medium Cat. Number .. . Royal Large Cat. Number .. . Black Large Cat. Number .. . Argas P Recommended Retail £3.90 £4.89 8 FRED PERRY Track Suit. cotton mixture. (Denmark). Cat. Number. Royal Small Cat. Number.... Red Small Black Small Cat. Number Royal Medium Cat. Number Red Medium Cat. Number

Blac k Medium Cat. Number........ 330/0484 Royal Large Cat. Number........ 330/043tl Red l arge Cat. Number........ 330/0460 Blac k Large Cat. Number........ 330/049-1 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.79 £6.95 9 LODGE Trampoline. Junior model. Frame size 7' 9" X5' 9"x 1' 9" high. Bed size 6'X 4'. (We will deliver). ...... 30011233 Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail Argos Price £49.95 £58.96 10 LILL YWHITE FROWD " Gamemaster'' Football. Moulded rubber. Size 5. (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 300/0014 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.95 £2.35 11 LILLYWHITE FROWD Rugby Ball. Size 5. Catalogue Number ............... .. ... 300/1264· Recommended Retail Argos Prlc~ C8.35 £6.30

12 AI:'LUM Football. Hand sewn leather. Size 5. (Hungary) . Catalogue Number ... . ........ 300/00Ja Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.40 £5.50 13 International 5 Star Football. leather. Size 5. Autographed by Frank Mclintock, Terry Cooper. Pat Jennings, Ron Daviet; and Colin Todd. Catalogue Number .................... 300/0021 Recommended Retail Argos Pricet £4.68 £3.85 14 FRED PERRY Sports Shirt. (E. Germany)_ Small Catalogue Number......... 330/0721 · Meoium Catalogue Number......... 330/0731) l arge Catalogue Number......... 330/0745 Recommended Retail Argos PrlcCt C2.00 £2.15

15 FRED PERRY Sports Shirt. (E. Germany), Smell Catalogue Number .........330/069)' Medium Catalogue Number .........330/070)' l arge Catalogue Number ......... 330/0714 Recommended Retail Argos Pric' £2.55 . £1.75 16 LODGE Bullworker 2. Catalogue Number ................ .... 30011219 Recommended Retail Argos Prlctt £13.47 £10.75 17 RUSSElL HAll " International" suit. Nylon faced with fleecy cotton Catalogue Aec. Number Retail 33010295 Royal Small £8.52 33010264 Red Small £8.52 33010305 Royal Medium £8.72 33010271 Red Medium £8.72 330/0312 Royal Large £9.27 330J0288 Red Large £9.27

Track-. lining , Argo' Price £6.80 £6.80 £6.90 £6.90 £7.40 £7.40

18 LDDGE Cycle Exerciser. (We will deliver), Catllogue Number.. .. .......... ... 300/1226 Recommended Retail Argos Pric' £5137 £43.65 19 RE LUM "Conquest" Senior Tracksuit. Nylm and cotton mixture. Zip jacket and ankl:ts. (Hungary) . Aec. Argo' Catalogue Retail Price Nunber £7.70 £5.75 33010666 Royal Small £7.70 £5.75 33010635 Black Small £8.09 £6.45 33010673 Royal Medium £8.09 £6.45 33010642 Black Medium £8.49 £6.35 33010680 Royal Large £8.49 £6.35 33010659 Black Large 20 UlL YWHITE FROWD Sculling Exerciser. Catalogue Number .................... 30011202: Aocommended Retail Argos Prk:• f:1 7.25 £13.90 21 " Trim Skiff" Rowing Machine. Cltalogue Number.. ... 300/1123 Aec()mmended Retail Argoe Prk:rt f 11D8 £8.30

• ·~' ;J.


• _....


1 LILL YWHITE FROWO Wicket Keop1 Pads. Padded inner bolsters. instep . Leather straps. ~;;


Cata logu e

Rec .





300/ 0155 Gent 's


~~g~g~~~ ~~~~:·s




2 U LL YWH ITE FROWO Stumps. Engh. ; ash . Complete with bails .




300/0131 Cou nty Size 300/0148 Club S ize

£4.85 £4 .35

£3.1t £3.11

3 LILL YWHITE FROWD " Brian Luckhur ', .. 4 Crown Cricket Bat. Compressed bla<te Sprung rubber cane handle . Catalogue Numbe r.... . ............. 300/ 0101 Recom mended Retail Argos Pr._



4 Ul l YWHITE FROWD Batting Pads. 3 -~ol padded knee. Reinforced Catalogu e Numbe r 300/ 0076 Gent's 300/ 0083 Youth's

instep . (lndill Aec. Argot Retail Prlct £3.50 £2.10 £3.15 £2.50

5 LI LLYWHITE FROWO "Brian Lu ckhu rst Batting Gloves. Padded finger and thumb bolsters. (India) . Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 01 M Recommended Retail Argo s Prlct £3.10 £2.50 6 LILL V WHITE FROWO " Rod Laver" Tennis Racq uet. Mediu m weight. Spiral strung (Belgium) . Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 0825 Recommended Retai l Argos Prke £7.90 £6.35

7 U LL YWH ITE FROWO Tenn is Racq uet White gut st rung. Leather grip. Catalogue Number.. ............. 300/ 0832 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.75 £7.85

8 LILLYWH ITE FROWO " Princess'' Tennis Racquet. Multi-ply frame with spiral stringing . (Belgium) . Catalogu e Number .................... 300/ 0801 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£5 .95


9 RELUM " Power Game" Tennis Racquet. Medium weight. Nylon strung. {Taiwan). Catalogu e Number ..................... 300/ 0784 Recommended Retai l Argo s Price



10 AE LUM Ten n is Racquet . Metal frame. Medium weight. Nylon strung . (Japan) . Cata logu e Number .. ................... 300/ 0791 Recommended Retail Argos Price £12.21 £9.75 11 U LL YWH ITE FROWD "Vitesse" Set of 12 Tennis Balls. Catalogue Number ................... 300/ 0818 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.00 £1 .60 12 SPORTS- LINK Tennis Net . Tubu lar steel posts. nylon net. Rec . Argos Catalogue Retai l Pric e Number £7 .40 £9.25 300/ 0777 8 ' X3' £13.40 £10.70 300/ 0069 16'x 3 ' 13 BAYCUFF Cricket Holdall. PVC backed rayon. Leather straps. Catalogue Number .. . ...... 300/ 0595 Recommended Retail Argos Price



14 SPORTS- LIN K Cricket Bat . Autographed by John Hampshi re. Size 6. Catalogue Number ... ......... ...... 300/ 0117 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £5.45 £4.50 15 RELU M Sports Holdall. Two zipped compartments. Thick vinyl. Size 1 6Hx e~x 1 1 ~ high . (Czech). Catalogue Number .. ............... 300/ 1281 Recommended Retai l Argos Price



16 "John Snow" Cricket Ball. Weig ht SY2 ozs. (India) . Catalogue Number .. .. ........... 300/ 0124 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.18 £1 .75

tl Lll l YWH ITE FROWD Boy's Batting "•ds. 3 roll padded knee. Reinforced •ttcp. (India). C• talogue Number .................... 300/0090 14e<:om mended Retail Argos Price l"i 90 £2.20 l llLYWHITE FROWD Batting llubber finger protection. (India) . Catalogue Re<: . Number Retail . te 300/0193 Youth 's £1.45 19 300/0203 Boy's £1 .40

Gloves. Argos Price £1 .1 5 £1 .10

20 lll l YWHITE FROWD '' Improved Crown '' Badm inton Racquet . Steel shaft. Complete w1th press. Catalogue Number .................... 300/0849 Recommended Retail Argas Price [3 85 £2.85 21 AELUM Badminton Racquet. Metal frame, slip resistant grip . (Japan). Catalogue Number ..................... J00/1116 Recommended Retail Argos Price [2.28 £1 .85 22 U LL YWHITE FROWD " Viscount " Badminton Racquet. Multi-ply frame and steel shaft. Cata logue Number .................... 300/0856 Recommended Retai l Argos Price C4.99 £3.95

23 LILL YWH ITE FROWD " Toyoda " Badmi nton Shuttles. 1 dozen. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ..................... 300/0894 Recommended Retail Argos Price



24 ULL YWHITE FROWO Squash Racquet . Steel shaft . Catalogue Number ................ .... 300/0887 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.50 £6.85 25 RELUM Squash Racquet. Laminated wooden frame and steel shaft. (Japan) . Catalogue Number.. . . ....... 300/0870 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.71 £5.35 26 LILLYWHITE FROWD 'Viscount" ' Squash Racquet. Catalogue Number.. . .. ..... .. 300/0863 Recommended Retail Argos Price



27 " Johnny Leach" Table Tennis Table. Fu ll size. (We will deliver). Catalogue Number .................... 300/0959 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £46. 55 £38.40 28 "Jo hnny Leach " Twin Face Table Tennis Bat. Sponge rubber surface. .. ............. 300/0904 Catalogue Number .. Reco mmended Retail Argos Price [ 2.14 £1.70 29 " Johnny leach " Japanese Wonder Table Tennis Bat . Sponge rubber surface. Pimples in. Cat alogue Number .................... 300/0911 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price £3.00 £2.40 30 " Johnny Leach " Expert De Luxe Table Tennis Bat. Combi ned pimples in and pimples out . .. .......... 300/0942 Cata logue Number... Recommended Retail Argos Price [4.74 £3.80 31 ''Joh nny Leach '' Japanese Wonder Tabl e Tenn is Bat. Sponge rubber surface. Pimples

out. Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail CJ.OO

.. ............. 300/0928 Argos Price £2.40

32 " Johnny Leach" European Standard Table Tennis Bat. Sponge rubber su rface.· Cata logue Number .................... 300/0935 nccommended Retail Argos Price

r2 .33


ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events.

1 CAMPARI Buoyancy Aid . S.B.B.N.F. approved. Adult sizes. (Japan). Cat alogue Rec . Argos Number Reta il Price 300/0492 Large £4.67 £3.75 £3.65 300/ 0502 Mediu m £4.45 300/ 0519 Sma ll £4.01 £:3 .20 300/ 0526 Teenager £3.52 £2.80 2 FIBROCELL "Sea Bee 2 " Outboard Moto r. 35cc. 2hp . Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 0533 Recommended Retail Argos Price £61 .60 £52.00 3 FIBROCELL " Sea Bee 4" Outboard Motor. 73cc. 4hp . Catalogue Number ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. 300/ 0540 Recommended Retail Argos Price £80 .30 £64.25 4 SACHS WANKEL " MAC 10 " Outboard Motor. 9.9hp rotary piston engine. (Italy) . (We will deliver) . Catalogue Number .... .. .. .. ........ .. 300/ 0461 Recommended Retail Argos Price £304.70 £274.00 5 Rotary Air Pump . For use with 12V car

battery. Catalogue Number ..... .. .. ........... 300/ 0485 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £4 .14 £3.55 6 CAMPARi " Miratex 11 " Dinghy. PVC material. Def lated size 83"X 52'". (Japan). Cata logue Number.................. .. 300/ 0409 Recommended Retail Argas Price £10.94 . £8.75 7 CAM PAR I " Miratex I" Dinghy. PVC material. Deflated size 60"x 40". (Japa n). Cat alogu e Number ................. .. .. 300/ 0399 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.44 £4.35 8 CAMPARI "Yacht Tender VI" Hypalon material. Fitting for outboa rd motor. Deflated size 7' 6"X 4' 5~. (Japan). Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 0430 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e £3 1.79 £25.45 9 CAMPA RI " Miratex" 3 Man Vinyl Boat. Deflated size 110"X 60". 4 air compartments with extra tubing for safety. Catalogue Number... .. ...... 300/ 1271 Wit hdrawn

10 CAMPAR I " Grand Petit " 5 Man Di nghy. Hypalon material. Deflated size 11' 4"X 4' 9". Catalogu e Number .. ....... ........... 300/ 0454 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £82.48 £65.95 11 CAMPARI " Yacht Tender 11 " Di nghy. Neop rene material. Deflated size 7 ' s~x 4' 5". Catalogue Number .................. 300/ 0423 Recommended Retail Argas Price £26.23 £20.90 12 Underwater Mask. Black rubber with c hromed rim . Toughened glass lens. External compensator hold . Catalogu e Number .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. 300/ 0344 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.73 £1.40 13 Typhoon Wet Suit. Made from cell u lar neoprene. Catalogu e Rec . Number Retail 300/ 0210 Gent's 3 £35.92 £35.92 300/ 0227 Gent's 4 300/ 0234 Gent 's 5 £35.92 300/ 0241 Gent 's 6 £35.92

microArgas Price £29.75 £29.75 £29.75


14 Harpoon Gun. Powered by compressed air. Su pplied with pump. Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 0375 Recom mended Retai l Argos Price C24.72 £20 .25

18 Underwater Knife. r stainless steel blade with plastic handle and leg sheath. Cat alogue Number ........ ............. 300/ 0382 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.47 £2.75

15 Sectional Paddles . High density PVC material. Catalogu'e Number .. . ........... 300/ 0478 Recomm ended Retail Argos Price £2 .97 £2.25

19 Ha rpoon Gu n . Rubber powered . with single barb head . Catalogue Number ... ....... .. ........ 300/ 0368 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £6.69 £5.45

16 Underwater Mask. Black ru bber with chromed rim. External compensator hold and water expelling valve. Catalogue Number.................. .. 300/ 0351 Recommended Retail Argas Pric e

20 Ty~ h oon Wet Suit. Made frotn cellular neoprene. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 300/ 0258 Lady's 3 £35.9~ 300/ 0265 Lady's 4 £35. 9~ 300/ 0272 Lady"s 5 £35 . 9~ 300/ 0289 Lady's 6 £35 .9~



17 Flippers and Snorkel Set . Available as lollows : Cata logue Argos Rec . Retail Number Price £2.97 300/ 0296 Size 5-6 £2.25 300/0306 Size 6-8 £3.19 £2.55 £3.45 300/0313 Size 8-10 £2.75 £3.66 £2.90 300/ 0320 Size 10-11 £3.93 £2.95 300/ 0337 Size 11-13

microArgos Price

£29.75 £29.75 £29.75 £29.75

21 ADIDAS Shou lder Bag . PVC with full length zip opening . Wh ite Catalogue Number ........... 300/ 0557 Black Catalogue Number ..........• 300/ 0564 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.20 £1 ,75 22


"Petit" '



material. Fitting for outboa rd motor. Deflated size 8 ' 3"x 4' 6". Double air chambers. Catalogue Number ... ........ 300/ 0447 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £42.84 £36.40 23 DIANA Air Gun .. 22" calibre. Hooded p illar foresight and micrometer near sight. De luxe butt. Catalogue Number ... ....... ....... .. 30011075 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £17.54 £1 3. 15 24 DIANA Ai r Gun .. 22" calibre. Hooded p illar foresight and micrometer near sig ht . Catalogue Number .................. 300/ 1068 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.92 £11 .20 25 WEB L EY & SCOTT " Falcon " Air Rifle. .22" calibre. Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 1109 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £24.42 £1 9.90 26 WEBLEY & SCOTT " Jaguar"" Air Rifle. . 177~ calib re. Complete with target cards and pellets.

Catalogue Number ............... . 300/1 099 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £18.52 £14.90 27 WEBLEY & SCOTT Junior Air Pistol. .177" calibre. Complete with target card and pell ets. Catalogu e Number .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 300/1 082 Recommend ed Retai l Argos Price £15.40 £12.30 28 DIANA Pistol. .177" cal ibre. Blade foresight· and V back sight. Cata logue Number.. .................. 30011051 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.93 £2.20 29 ADIDAS Sports Bag . PVC material with full length zip opening . Black Catalogue Number ........... 300/ 0588 White Catalog ue Number ........... 300/ 0571 Recommended Retail Arg o s Price £3.95 £3.15 30 BAYCLIFF Bowls Bag . Cotton backed vinyl. Holds 4 bowls and a pair of shoes. Catalogue Number ..................... J00/ 0605 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £3.15

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference. 1 MORDEX Beach Caster. 12' 2 piece rod. Capable of 6/Bo:z casts. PVC double handle grips . Catalogue Number .................... 325/0149 Recommended Retail Argos Price



2 MILBAO/DAIWA 12' Coarse Rod. Light· weight. Cork grip with plastic butt cap . (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . ......... 325/0297 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 MILBRO Beach Casting Rod . 12' 2 piece, fibreglass . Cork grips above and below reel fittings and at butt. Catalogue Number... . .. .... 325/0046 Recommended Retail Argos Price £15.98 £12.80 4 MILBAO/DAIWA Boat Rod . 6 ' solid glass fibre. Wooden butt and rubber button . (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . .... 325/0259 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.00 £3.20 5 MILBAO Carpmaster Rod . Suitable for carp, pike, etc . Anodised universal reel fittings and butt cap. Catalogue Number .......... ... ...... .325/0307 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.54 £7.65 6 MlLBAO/DAlWA Fishing Set. Comprising glass fibre rod. fixed spool spinning reel and spinning line. (Japan). Catalogue Number... . ..... 325/0273 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.43 £3.65

7 GAACIA-MITCHELL Reel . 2 spools of different line capacities. FoldaWiJ.Y handle, left hand wind . (France) . Catalogue Number .. . .... 325/0022 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.35 £7.45 8 PENN Multiplier Reel. Capacity 461bs.

275yds. (U .S .A.). Catalogue Number .. .................. 325/0053 Recommended Retail Argos Price £18 .81 £15.95 9 MILBAO Tool Box. 23 compartments in three trays. Cantilever action on trays. (Holland) . Catalogue Number ...... .. ............ 325/0235 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.44 £2.75 10 MILBAO Aoddy Reel. Lightweight freshwater reel . Metal drag knob. Line capacity 220yds. (Japan) . Catalogue Number ................... . 325/0228 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.43 £2.75

15 MOADEX 7' Spinning Rod. Solid glass fibre . Screw reel fitting . Catalogue Number .. . ... 325/0125 Recommended Retail Argas Price



16 MOROEX 12' Match Red . 3 piece glass fibre. Cork grip . Catalogue Number.. .. ........ 325/0091 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.36 £6.30 17 MILBAO 8 ' Spinning ACid . Hollow glass fibre . Cork grip . Catalogue Number.. . .. ..... 325/0039 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .00 £8.80 18 MOADEX 10Y2' Coarse Fishing Rod. 3 piece glass fibre . Cork handle. Catalogue Number .. . ......... 325/0077 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.26 £5.80 19 MOROEX 13¥2' Match Rod . Tubular glass fibre . Cork handle. Catalogue Number .. .. ........ 325/0132 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.56 £8.45 20 MORDEX Fishing Umbrella. Telescopic height adjustment. 45wrib. Catalogue Number .... .. ........ 325/0060 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9 .24 £6.45 21 RELUM Fishing Seat/Holdall . Lightweight seat . Holdall has 2 zipped pockets and 1 gussetted compartment. Carrying handle. (Japan). Catalogue Number.. . ......... 325/0187 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.14 £2.50 22 MILBAO Landing Net. Lightweight. Hand operated telescopic action. (Holland) . Catalogue Number .. . ......... 325/0242 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.30 £2.60 23 Willow Fishing Basket . Width 16w. Webbing shoulder strap. (Portugal) . Catalogue Number.. .. ........ 325/0163 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.43 £4.80 24 LAWTEX Fishing Umbrella. Proofed cotton cover. Tilt action. 36wrib. Catalogue Number .. . .......... 325/0084 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.30 £4.70 25 MILBRO 9 ' Fly Rod . 2 piece hollow fibreglass . Catalogue Number... .. 325/0015 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.49 £8.40 26 HARLEX Landing Net. Nylon net. aluminium frame . Telescopic handle. Catalogue Number.. .... 325/0118 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.80

11 MILBAO Aoddy Fly Reel. Aluminium frame. Reversible line guard for left/right hand wind . (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 325/0211 Recommended Retail Argas Price

27 Anglers Stool/Holdall . Aluminium fold· ing frame. Shoulder strap. Catalogue Number.. .. ......... 325/0170 Recommended Retail Argos Price




12 MILBAO Roddy Reel. Left Line capacity 220yds. (Japan). Catalogue Number .. . Recommended Retail £1 .76

hand wind.

28 MORDEX 6 ' Keep Net. Sectional rings with steel bank stick. Catalogue Number .. .. ........ 325/0156 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.20 £2.55

.... 325/0266 Argos Price £1.45

13 GAACIA Fly Line. Double tapered floating line. Size OT. 7F. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number.. .. ,... .. .... .. .. .. 325/0280 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.15 £4.10 14 MOADEX 8 ' Sea Rod . Solid glass fibre. Can be used as 8 ' pier or casting rod . Cork handle. Catalogue Number ................ 325/0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7 .64 £5.95


29 BAYCUFF Rod Case. Vinyl with umbrella pocket. Adjustable shoulder sling . Catalogue Number .. . .. ... ... .. 325/0204 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.65 £2.90 30 BAYCUFF Fisherman 's Bag. Vinyl with removable linings. Catalogue Number... .. ......... 325/0194 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.35 £1.90

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become avail able and are displayed in our stores. 1 Bristle Dartboard . Conforms to all match play specifications. Catalogue Number ................... 300/ 0980 Recom mended Retail Argos Price


5 Ull YWHITE FROWD ''Ju n ior Driver" Hockey Stick. Sprung cane handle. Weight 16·20 ozs. Catalogue Number ................... 300/0966 Recommended Retail Argos Price

Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 1044 Recommended Retai l Argas Price

300/ 0708 12"

£2 1.50

15 RAND Sp orts Cu p .


lite pli nth . He1ght 6". Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail


6 "John Pulman " Billiard Cue. 16 oz. Cat alogue Number .......... 300/1006 17 oz. Catalogue Number .......... 300/1013 Recommended Retail Argos Price




" Match Play" Dartboard . Full size. Wired both sides . Catalogue Number.................... 300/0997 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .66 £1 .35 3 " Automasseur" Electrical Massage Mach ine. Sli p resistant foot mat. Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 1130 Recom mended Retai l • Argos Price £ 17.53 £13.95

7 Billiard Cue Case . Rigid plastic . Catalogue Number .................... 300/1020 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price


£1 .85

8 LILLYWHITE FROWD Discu s. (India) . Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 300/1154 4Y2 lbs. £5.94 £4.75 300/1161 4 lbs. £5.70 £4.55

4 LI LLYWHITE FROWD " Olympic" Hockey Stick. Sprung cane handle. Weight 17-21

9 Chess Set and Board . Onyx c hess board and p ieces o f trad itional Aztec design. Catalogue Number .................... 300/ 1037 Recommended Retai l Argas Price



Catalogue Number .. ... ............... 300/0973 Recommended Retail Argos Price

10 Chess Set and Boa rd . Lewis style.


Mahogany framed inlaid c hess board .




11 RAND Trophy Cup . Solid silver on bake-


. ............ 30011240 Argos Price


with bakelite pl inth . Catalogue Number 300/0629 4 Vz"

300/0636 6V•" 300/0643 avz ~

£37.50 E.P. N.S. Rec . Retail

Argas Price

£7.40 £15.00 £26 .70

£5.90 £11 .95 £21 .35

12 RAND Sports Cup. E.P.N.S. finish with bakelite pl inth . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

16 RAND Sports Cup. E.P.N.S. finish w ith bakelite pli nth . Catalogue Number

Rec . Retail

Argos Price

300/ 0746 3Y2~ 300/0753 SN 300/0760 8N

300/ 0715 3Y2'' 300/0722 5" 300/0739 r

£2.30 £4.30 £9.40

£1.85 £3.45 £7.50

£4.80 £8.70 £20 .70

£3.85 £6.95 £16.55

13 RAND Sports Cup with Lid . E.P.N.S. finish wit h bakelite p li nth . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retai l Price

17 RAND Trophy Cu p . Solid sil ver on bakelite pl int h. Heig ht Bw. Catalogue Number ... ........ ......... 300/1257 Recommend ed Retail Argos Price

300/ 0674 4N 300/0650 8w 300/0667 15N


£4 .40 £15.90 £58.00

£3.50 £12.75 £46.40

14 RAND Spo rts Cup. E.P.N.S. fin ish with bakelite pl int h. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price

300/0681 SN 300/ 0698 gu

£5.40 £18.30

£4.30 £14.65


18 ULL YWHITE FROWD Weight Lift ing Set. Avai lable as foll ows:Catalogue Number 300/1178 115 lbs. 300/1185 200 lbs. 300/ 1192 300 lbs.

Re c. Retail

Argas Price

£30.00 £40 .00 £60.00

£22.25 £32.00 £48.00

l t THE N MAT Sports Mat. Foam with slip o't"itant backing . Size 4 'x 3 ' x 1 ~ C•t alogue Number... . ... 30011147 Uncom mended Retail Argos Price 11] 20 £10.55 20 Baby Walker. Complete with fifteen r.oloured play cubes . C•talogue Number .. . ..... 350/0459 · flN:o mmended Retail Argos Price [4 50 £3.35

21 LE EWAY Nursery Rocker. Tubular frame, plast ic head and seat . Cata logue Number... . . ........... 350/0411 Reco mmended Retail Argos Price C6.95 £5.25 22 AIRFIX Inchworm. Sit 'n ' ride toy. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0404 Recommended Retail Argos Price ('7 69 £5.95 23 CHAD VALLEY Roller Chime. Overall leng th 23". .... 350/0435 Catalogue Number.... Argos Price Recommended Retail £0.95 C1.40

24 COMBEX Sit 'n ' Ride Giant Scrambler. Catalogue Number.................... 350/0394 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.60 £2.60

Fires table tennis balls. Catalogue Number.... Recommended Retail £1 .60

.. ... 350/2110 Argos Price £1.20

26 COMBEX Toddler's Trike. For indoors or outdoors . Catalogue Number ... . .... .350/0356 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.50 £1 .95 27 SHARNA ·· scatty Dog ". A rocker toy with internal chiming bell s. For 1-3V2 year aids. · Catalogue Number... . ...... 350/0428 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.40 £8.35 28 SHARNA " Roadmaster" Sit ' n ' Ride Plastic Bus. For 2-4 year olds. Catalogue Number.... . . ...... 350/0370 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.42 £2.55 29 Wagon of Bricks. Pulialong truck with play bricks . Catalogue Number... . ........ 350/0466 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.89 £1.45 30 LEEWAY Toy Tractor and Detachable Trailer . Catalogue Number... . ...... 350/0332 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.95 £4.95

31 LEEWAY Toy Milk Wagon with Play Bottles. Catalogue Number.. . ........ 350/0387 Recommended Retail Argos Price



37 AIRFIX " Tick-lock" Clock. A plastic take apart toy . (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number ................... 350/2189 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .99 £1.55 •

32 LEEWAY Toy Tractor and Detachable Trailer. Catalogue Number ...... .............. 350/0325 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.80

38 SHARNA Pullalong Plastic Toy Engine. Take apart rings are easily re-assembled . Catalogue Number.. . . ........ 350/2165 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.58 £1.95

33 SHARNA Toy Wheelbarrow. Plastic body. Catalogue Number ..................... 350/0363 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.55 £1.90

39 ROSEDALE " Kiondyke Willie". Toy engine with bell and tipping truck. Catalogue Number ................... 350/1692 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.75 £1.95

34 SHARNA Pull Apart Giraffe. Easily dis- . mantled and re-assembled plastic ring toy. Catalogue Number... .. .. 350/2158 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .60 £1.20 35 AIR FIX Musical (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail £1 .86

40 PEDIGREE Playbench . Hygienic colourfast plastic. Catalogue Number... .. ....... 350/2141 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .14 £0.85

" Jack- in- the- Box ''. .. ........ . 35012172 Argos Price £1.35

36 CHAD VALLEY Toy Train Humming Top . Operated by a spiral plunger. Catalogue Number ........ .. .......... 350/2134 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .75 £1.30

41 COMBEX " Kiimbing Klowns" A preschool toy. Catalogue Number....... ... ......... 350/2127 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.50 £1.15 42 Ladybird . A pullalong , take apart toy in non-toxic plastic. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0442 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .60 £1.25

1 MERIT Commando Kit . Action kit for children . Catlllogue Number ........... 350/2220 Argas Price Recommended Retail


5 CRESCENT " El Bravo" Toy Rifle. cap repeater. Catalogue Number .. Recommended Retail £1.34


2 CYNAT Wigwam . Printed cotton . Height 6'. Cetelogue Number.. . ..... 350/0253 Recommended Retail Argas Price


6 CYNAT Child's Cowboy trousers and hat. For ages 5-7 Catalogue Number Recommended aetail


£2.60 3 PALITOY " Action Man " Commander. Gives 8 different commands. Catalogue Number .. ::- .... ............ 350/0916 Recommended Retail Argas Price


7 CRESCENT " Trail Blazer" Rifle. Uses 12 shot plastic i Catalogue Number...... ..o .... .. •. »OI21• Recommended Retail


£1 .84

4 PALITOY "Action Man " Red Devil Outfit. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number .... ................ 350/0909 Recommended Retail Argoe Price


8 Dolls House. Open front allows interior and furniture to be seen. Catalogue Number Recommended Retai l



9 Toy Castle. Drawbridge works by handwheel. Size 13"'X 22Y:z"'x10"'. Catalogue Number ... ... ..... .. ....... 35011915 Recom mended Retail Argo1 Price £4.95 £3.75 10 TIMPO Toy Desert Fort. Comprises buildi ng and figures. . ....... 350/2316 Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.38 £1 .80 11 MERIT Special Agent. Adventure kit for children . Catalogue Number .. ..... .. ......... 350/2213 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.70 £1.95 12 TIMPO Toy Battlefield Set . Complete with guns and figures. . ............ 350/2323 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.38 £1 .75 13 MATCI:I BOX " Giant Station Maker". Complete with ramps, base, supports and printed signs. 140 pieces.

Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail


. ............. 350/1355 Argoe Price


14 Toy Garage. Includes flashing light, lift and ramp. ·folds flat for storage. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1568 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.50 £3.95 15 Toy Garage. Three floors. Flashing sign. (Batteries not supplied) . Catalogue Number................... 35011575 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £3.99 £2.95 16 PALITOY ' 'Action Man '' Soldier. Realistic hair. 20 movable joints. Catalogue Number ................. 350/0891 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.47 £1 .80 17 TIMPO Model Farm Set. Complete with buildings, figu res and animals. Catalogue Number .. ........... .. ... ..350/2309 Recommended Retail Argas Price



18 Dolls House. Windows and door open and close. Furniture included . Catalogue Number... . .. 350/1946 Recommended Retail Argas Price



19 Four " Fun to Learn " Jigsaws. For ages 3-9 years. Catalogue Number.. . ..... .350/1238 Argas Price Recommended Retail £: 1.40 £0.95 20 PURNELLS Junior World Encyclopedia. 12 illustrated volumes. each containing 80 pages. Laminated covers. Age 9 and over. Catalogue Number ...... .... ... . .. ... . 380/0018 Recommended Retail Argas Price C6 00 £3.95 21 PURNELLS " Adventures in Learning". 6 Illu strated volumes. For ages 6 years and

over. Catalogue Number ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 380/0025 Recommended Retail Argas Price CJ 00 £1.95

25 LEEWAY Dolls Swinging Cot. Timber construction . Catalogue Number ............. ....... 350/2268 Argas Price Recommended Retail £5.95 £4.50

32 PEDIGREE " Lovely Lively Sindy". Fully jointed. Washable and combable hair. Catalog~;~e Number ...... .. ... .. . ... .. 350/0844 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .75 £1 .35

39 CYNAT Nurses' Outfit. Includes dress and bag. For ages 5-7 years, Catalogue Number .................... 35011867 Recommended Retail Argas Price

26 PEDIGREE " Tickles" Doll . Laughs and gurgles. Battery operated (not supplied) . Height 18". Catalogue Number .................. .. 350/0796 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.35 £4.80 .

33 PALITOY "Tracy's Tea Party". Pours tea. serves biscuits and moves her eyes. Battery operated (not supplied). (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number ......... ......... 350/0813 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.90 £5.40

40 COMB EX Toy Rocking Cradle. Complete with pillow, mattress and coverlet. Catalogue Number.. . .. .... .350/2251 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.95 £2.25

27 PEDIGREE " New Sindy" Doll. Movable head, waist and legs. Height 12". Catalogue Number ...... .... .. .... .. .. 350/0837 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£1 .99


28 PAUTdY " Pony Aider" Horse for " Action Girl ". Includes " Action Girl" sweate r and jeans outfit. Catalogue Number ..... ............... 350/0882 Recommended Retail Argas Price



22 CYNAT Child's Commando Outfit Compn ses trousers, tunic and belt. Catalogue Number... . ............. 35011898 Recommended Retail Argas Price t2 25 £1.80

29 PALITOY "Action Girl". 14 movable joints. Rooted hair. (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number ......... ........... 350/0875 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .92 £1.50

23 Child 's Red Indian Outfit. Comprises trousers. jacket and head-dress. For ages 3·6 years. Cetalogue Number ... ... ... .... .. .. .. . 350/1881 Argas Price Recommended Retail

30 PEDIGREE " Sindy' s Horse". Moulded mane and tail . Complete with accessories. Catalogue Number.. . ... . 350/0851 Recommended Retail Argas Price

34 " Penny" Puppywalker Doll. Height 141h". Needs no batteries. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0772 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.60 £3.65 35 PALITOY " Tressy" Doll . Her hair grows. Complete with accessories. Catalogue Number ..... .. .. .. ....... .350/0868 Recommended Retail Argps Price £1 .92 £1 .50 36 " Michelle" Walking/ Talking DolL Push button mechanism. Battery operated (not supplied). Height 34". Catalogue Number .................... 350/0820 Recommended Retail Argas Price





24 PA LITOY " Katie Kopycat". When you drow she copies. Combable hair. Catalogue Number .. .................. 350/0806 necommended Retail Argas Price

16 08



31 PEDIGREE Posing Baby Doll . Washable. rooted hair. Movable head and joints. Height 11 1h''. (Hong Kong). Catalogue Number .................... 350/0734 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.29 £1 .85


37 Dolls Cot. Plastic drapes and metal stand . Catalogue Number .................... 350/2244 Argas Price Recommended Retail £3.36 £2.50 38 PEDIGREE Dressed Doll . Fully jointed . Washable and combable hair. Height 1r. Catalogue Number.. . ... ... ...... .. 350/0741 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.95 £2.25



41 PALITOY " Tiny Tears": Movable arms and legs. Complete with bottle and soother. Catalogue Number.. . ... .. .. .... 350/0758 Recommended Retail Argas Price



42 " Louise" Walking Doll . Height 23'". Catalogue Number... .... ... ...... 350/0765 Recommended Retail Argos Price



43 MERIT Family Doctor Kit. Bag with large selection of toy instruments. Catalogue Number ............. ..... ... 350/2237 Recommended Retail Argas Price



44 PEDIGREE "Sally Happy Talk". Hand walking doll. Laughs and says 7 phrases. Rooted hair. Height 18". Catalogue Number ..... ............... 350/0789 Recommended Retail Argas Price



ARGOS low, low prices are available EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR-not just for special sales events.

1 CRESCENT " Sall y" Toy Carry Cot. Folding stove enamelled steel chassis. Catalogue Number... . .... ........... 350/0277 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.32 £5.65 2 LEEWAY Doll's Push Chai r. Folding chassis. ..... 350/0057 Catalogue Number... Argas Price Recommended Retail £5.95 £7.95

Catalogue Number ............ ........ 350/0174 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £17.09 £12.95 7 SHARNA "Smiley " Pedal Car. Strong plastic body. For ages 11h-4 years. Length

28". Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail


. ..... 350/0284 Argas Price £4.85

8 SHARNA " Rapide'' Toy Motor Cycle and Sidecar. Strong plastic body. For ages 2-6years. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0318 Recommended Retail Argas Price

3 BANTEL Doll's Carry Cot Pram . Tubular frame. Plastic wheels and lyres. Catalogue Number ................... .350/0064 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.40 £3.50


4 LEEWAY Doll 's Pram. Chromed chassis. Removable body. Catalogue Number.................... 350/0088 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.95 £7.95

9 LEEWAY Pedal Car with Tipping Pan. Adjustable seat. Length 39". Catalogue Number... . . ........ 350/0167 Rec ommended Retail Argas Price £8.25 £10.95

5 BANTEL Doll's Push Chair. Tubular frame. Wheel diameter 5¥2''. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0040 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.90 £2.10

10 SHARNA " Oavid Brown " Tractor. Pedal and chain drive. For ages 3-7 years. Catalogue Number.. . . ........ 350/0349 Recommended Retail Argas Price £14 .85 £10.50

6 PLAY-WAY " Sprinter" Pedal Car. Chain drive. Leg length 20" to 30".

11 LEEWAY " Scrambler" Motor Scooter. Front wheel pedal action .


Catalogue Number.... ............. 350/0301 Recommended Retail Argas Price



12 LEEWAY Pedal Car. Strong plastic body . Catalogue Number ..................... 350/ 0291 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11 .95 £8.95 13 LEEWAY Pedal Go- Kart. Adjustable seat. Length 32". Catalogue Number.................... 350/0143 Recommended Retail Argas Price



14 CHAD VALLEY/ CHILTERN Soft Toys. Conform to British Safety Standards. Catalogue Rec . Argas Number Retail Price 350/0662 42" Bear £9 .95 £6.90 350/0679 42" Panda £9 .95 £6.90 350/062415• Bear £1 .25 £0.90 350/06311 5"' Panda £1 .25 £0.90 £2.25 £1.70 350/0648 24" Bear £2.25 £1 .70 350/0655 22" Panda 15 CHAD VALLEY/ CHILTERN " Tom and Jerry'' Soft Toy. Conforms to British Safety Standards. Catalogue Number ...... ........... ... 350/0727 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.75 £3.75

16 PEDIGREE Koala Bear and Baby. Washable toy . .. ... 350/0686 Catalogue Number ... Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.35 £1.75 17 PEDIGREE " Rupert Bear" Soft Toy . Height 14 ~. Catalogue Number .... ................ 350/0703 Recommended Retail Argas Price



18 PEDIGREE " Dougal " Soft Toy. Washable with combable hair. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0710 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2 .62 £2.20 19 GWENTOY Penguin . Acrylic pile fabric. Safety lock eyes. Height 15· Catalogue Number .................... 350/0693 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .93 £1 .35 20 LEEWAY Doll's Pram . Chromed folding chassis. Removable body. Catalogue Number ... ....... ... .. ..... 350/0095 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.95 £10.95 21 LEEWAY Doll 's Folding Pram . Vinyl body and steel chassis.

Catalogue Number.. . Recommended Retail £4.95

. .......... 350/0071 Argos Price £3.75

Catalogue Number ................. 350/0129 Recommended Retail Argos Price


22 BANTEL Junior Shopping Trolley. Detachable bag. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0105 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.75 £0.95

27 BANTEL Racer Trike. Adjustable steel seat. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0136 Argos Price Recommei:lded Retail £3.95 . £2.95

23 PLAY-WAY Climbing Frame. Tubular steel. Complete with fireman 's pole. Height 7' 3", base 5' 2". (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. .......... 350/0239 Recommended Retail Argos Price £17.05 £12.80

28 BANTEL 2-wheel Jun ior Scooter. Height 30". Catalogue Number ................. 350/0112 Recommended Retail Argos Price

24 PLAY-WAY Garden Swing. Tubular steel construction. Seat hung on steel chains. Height 6' 8". (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.. . .... . 350/0215 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.05 £7.65 25 PLAY-WAY " Super Sport Mk. 11' ' Pedal Car. Adjustable padded seat. Length 38". Catalogue Number ................... 350/0150 Recommended Retail Argos Price




29 PLAY-WAY Trampoline. Size 3' 8"X3' 8" X15Y2''. Catalogue Numbef ................... 350/0208 Recommended Retail Argos Price £8.80 £6.65 30 PLAY-WAY Goal Posts. Tubu~r steel frame with brace bars. Polypropylene net. Size 6' 3"x 5'X 3' 9". Catalogue Number .......... J . ..... 350/0198 Withdrawn


26 BANTEL " De Luxe" 3-wheel Scooter. He1ght 31 ".

Catalogue Number .................. 350/0181 Withdrawn


31 PLAY-WAY See-Saw/Roundabout. Tubular steel frame. Length 9'. Height adjusts from 1' 9" to 2' 1".

Catalogue Number .................... 350/~347 Recommended Retail ArgoS Price

£2.35 32 PLAY-WAY Slide. Tubular steel frame, plywood chute. Height 4' 10", length 7' 6". (We will deliver). Catalogue Number.................... 350/0222 Recommended Retail Argas Price £11.39 £8.50 33 METTOY " Mini-Hopper". Inflates to 48" circumference. Catalogue Number.... . ........ 350/0033. Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .62 £1 .20 34 METTOY " Spacehopper''. Moulded vinyl. Inflates to 60" circumference. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0026 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.94 £1.45 35 WEMBLEY International Vinyl Football. Regulation weight. Size 5. Complete with inflator/adaptor. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0019 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .15 £0.85 36 Roller Skates. Zinc plated metal. Junior size.

£1 .80

37 Roller Skates. Ball bearing wheels. Junior/senior size. Catalogue Number .................... 350/2330 Argas Price ReCommended Retail £3.50 £2.65 38 CHAD VALLEY Escalado. A horse race game for 5 people. Catalogue Number ..... ............. 350/1166 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.65 £2.75 39 CYNAT Wendy House. Flame retarded walls and PVC roof. Size 4'X 4'x2' 8". Catalogue Number . . ... ... ......... 350/0260 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.95 £3.75 40 CYNAT Play Tent. Woven nylon. Size 5' X4'X 3 '. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0246 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.95 £2.95

Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

1 HORN BY " Freight master" Train Set . Corn· prises locomotive. 6 wagons and track . Catalogue Number................... 350/1654 Recommended Retai l Argas Price £9.99 £:8.10 2 HORNBY Elec tric Passenger Train Set. Comprises locomotive. 2 passenger coaches and track . Catalogue Number.. . .. 350/1647 Recommended Retai l Arga s Price £5.50 £:4.15 3 HORNBY Electric Freight Train Set . Comprises locomotive, 3 wagons. track and battery con troller. (Batteries not supplied .) Catalogue Number.. .. ........ 350/1630 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 .95 t3.70 4 HORNBY Clockwork Train Set. Comprises locomotive , 2 wagons and a circle of track.

Catalogue Number .................... 350/ 1616 Recommended Retail Argas Price

£1 .25


5 HORNBY " Flying Scotsman " Electric Train Set. Comprises locomotive, 2 coaches and oval track . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1661 Recommended Retail Argas Price £:10.50 t8.40 6 HORNBY Power Controller. For use with Hornby electric trains. Thermal cut-out. Catalogue Number ...... .............. 35011623 Recommended Retail Argas Price £:4.25 £3.20 7 CHAD VALLEY " Wait Disney " Movie Projector. Complete with 2 black and white film s. each having two stories. Catalogue Number ................. .... 350/2062 Recommended Retail Argas Price £:5.50 £:3.95

8 CHAD VALLEY "Siiderama" Projector. " Tom and Jerry" slides. Battery operated . (Batteries not supplied) . Catalogue Number .................... 350/2055 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.40 £1.80

15 ROSEDALE Giant Power Shovel. Cater· pillar track . Working model in moulded polythene. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1678 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .50 £0.95

9 Vehicle Building Set. BeeChwood and plastic. Five different models can be made . For ages 2-6 yea rs. Catalogue Number ................... 350/0617 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.50 £2.50

16 TONKA Toy Car Carrier. Detachable cab . Two " Sting Ray " cars. Truck and cab are steel. cars are plasti c. Non-toxic paint . Catalogue Number.. .. .......... 350/1472 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:3.17 £2.55

10 MINI TONKA " Sun Seeker". Detachable trailer with buggy. Made of steel , non· tOI<ic paint. (Canada) . Catalogue Number : .................. . 350/1441 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.11 £1.70

17 MINI TONKA Toy Tren cher . Lever operated scoop and hoe. Made of steel , non toxic paint . (Canada) . Catalogue Number... . ........... 350/1465 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.93 £2.35

11 MIGHTY-TONKABottom Dump Toy Truck. 5 position dump action. Levers operate dual doors on trailer. See through cab. Made of steel, non·toxic paint. (Canada) . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1496 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.72 £6.95

18 TONKA Bulldozer. 3 position lever controlled blade. Made of steel, non·toxic pa int. (Canada) . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1434 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:1 .84 £:1.50

12 MIGHTY·TONKA Toy Hydraulic Dump Truck . Jumbo size tyres. Made ol steel . non·toxic paint. (Canada) . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1506 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.85 £6.30 13 TONKA " Stake Crate" Toy Dump Truck . Bed raises for easy dumping . Made of steel , non-toxic paint . (Canada) . Catalogue Number .. .................. 350/1427 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .50 £1.20 14 ROSEDALE 30 Ton Tipper Toy Truck . Sturdy plastic construction . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1702 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:3.00 £2.25

19 SCALEXTRIC " Speed Eight " Racing Set. Complete with two cars and power unit and figure-eight track. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1551 Recommended Retail Argas Price £12.95 £9.75 20 MATCHBOX " Dare Devil Challenge ". Battery operated . (Batteries not supplied) . (Hong Kong ). Catalogue Number .................... 350/1317 Recommended RetC~,il Argas Price £6.25 £:4.85 21 CORGI Toy Service Station Set. Complete with breakdown truck. tanker and car. Catalogu e Number ................... 350/1362 Recommended Retail Argos Price £:1.00 £0.80

22 CHAD VALLEY Bagatelle . Table model. · Catalogue Number ................... .. 350/1159 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.80

accessories. Catalogue Number ...... ... ..... .... .. 35011403 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .59 £1 .30

23 SHARNA " Super" Giant Toy Truck and Trai ler. Rem ovable covers and st ruts. Catalogue Number.. .. ... ... ... ... ... .. 350/1513 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9.25 £6.95

31 COAGI Road Construction Set. 7 diecast model s and 5 figures. Catalogue Number ... .... .. .. .. ..... .. 350/1410 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .65 £1.35

24 SHARNA . " Super" Giant Toy Tipper Truck. Manually operated tipper. . .. .. 35011520 Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.85 £3.65

Catalogue Number .................... 35011582 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.69 £1.35 39 TONKA Toy Snorkel Truck. Hook the hydrant to garden hose and the deluge gun operates. Made of steel, non-toxic paint . (Canada) . Catalogue Number ...... ...... ..... .. 35011489 Recommended Retail Argos Price



42 MATCHBOX '' Zoom-a-Round" . Table top racing track . Catalogue Number.. . ........ 35011276 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.98 £2.2543 MATCHBOX T.300 " Sky-Jack" Set. Battery operated . (Batteries not supplied). Catalogue Number .... ... ..... .... ... .. 350/1283 Recommended Retail Argos Price



32 CORGI " Emergency 999" Set. Comprises

6 toy vehicles, figu res, signs and bollards. Catalogue Number .... ... ... ... ....... .350/1386 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .35 £0.95

25 MATCHBOX Drag Race Set. Contains " Thunderbolt '' launcher and 6 cars. Catalogue Number .... .... . ..... ... .. .. 350/1331 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.35 £0.95

33 LEEWAY " Mercedes" Toy Fire Engine. Turntable and 4' extending ladder. Catalogue Number ..... ... .. .......... 350/1537 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.00 £1.50

26 CORGI Toy Transporter Set. Comprises t ransporter and 5 cars. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1393 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .59 £1.30

34 LEEWAY Ice Cream Van . Pushalong musical toy. Catalogue Number .. ..350/1544 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.00 £1 .50

27 CORGl Toy Agricultural Set. Comprises 2 farm buildings and 6 farm vehicles. Catalogue Number ................. .. .. 350/1379 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.35 £0.95

35 PALITOY Scorpion Tank. Hatch openings take two "Action Man " soldiers. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail

28 MATCHBOX Service Station Set. Corn~ plete with vehicles. Catalogue Number ... .......... ...... 350/1348 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.84 £1.35

36 PALITOY Armoured Car. Scaled to suit " Action Man". Catalogue Number ... .... ... .. ... ..... 350/1599 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.08 £2.55

29 MATCHBOX Car Ferry. Complete with 4 vehicles and ferry ramp. Catalogue Number .. .... .. .... . 350/1324 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.25 £0.85

37 ROSEDALE London Transport Model Bus . Complete with interior detail. Catalogue Number ................... 350/1685 Recommended Retail

30 CORGI Club Racing Set. All die-cast modelS with whizzwheels. Complete with

38 AIRFIX Datamatic " Porsche 917'' Model. Data disc controls steering . (Hong Kong) .



40 TONKA Toy " AIIey-Gator" . 4-wheeled amphibian, for land or water. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 350/1458 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.00 £2.35

44 MATCHBOX T.600 Booster Racing Circuit Set. Supplied with 2 cars. Catalogue Number ... ... ... ... ... ..... 35011290 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £3.70

41 MATCHBOX " Big Eight Scorpion" Set. Supplied with 2 cars. Catalogue Number ................ .. . 350/1300 Recommended Retail Argos Price £6.95 £5.25

45 MATCHBOX T.400 Double Loop Racing Set. Supplied with two cars. Catalogue Number .................. .. 350/1269 Re.commendecl Retai l Argos Price £2.30 £1.75

1 REVELL " HMS Victory" Model Kit. Lord Nelson's flagship . Catalogue Number .................... 350/0576 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.30 £0.90

14 CHAD VALLEY Toy Drum . Metal with melonex drum heads. Diameter 9". Catalogue Number ..................... 350/1719 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .60 £1.20

2 REVELL Model Kits. Scale 3\:. Comprising Spitfire and Messerschmitt 109G. Catalogue Number... . ..... 350/0473 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £0.99 £0.80

15 LEEWAY Toy Guitar. Six strings. Length. 31". Catalogue Number ................. ... 350/1733 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.95 £3.70

3 REVELL " Bell Huey Cobra " Helicopter Model Kit. Scale .;,. Catalogue Number... ..350/0497 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .25 £0.85

16 BONTEMPI Toy Piano and Stool. 34 note keyboard. Complete with song book. (Italy). Catalogue Number... . ........ 35011757 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £7.50 £5.75

4 AIRFIX " Apollo-Saturn V" Rocket Model Kit. Height 30". Catalogue Number .................... 350/0583 Recommended Retail Argos Price

17 Toy Electronic Organ. 25 keys. Volume control and vibrato switch . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1764 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£1 .30




5 AIRFIX " 1930 Bentley" Model Kit . Over 270 parts. Scale ,j. Catalogue Number ........ . ...... .. .. 350/0569 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.50 £3.45

18 CHAD VALLEY Toy Record Player. Plays 45 rpm single play records. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1991 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.40 £3.95

6 AIRFIX " Revenge" Model Kit. Catalogue Number.. . ......... 350/0545 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.20 £0.80

19 BONTEMPI Toy Piano Accordion . Complete with instruction book. (Italy). Catalogue Number... . ............ 350/1740 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.85 £3.65

7 AIRFIX " Royal Sovereign " Model Kit. Catalogue Number... ' .. .. . 350/0552 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£1 .30


8 AIRFIX " Lockheed Hercules" Model Kit. Loading ramp and tai l doors. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0514 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .20 £0.80 9 AIRFI X " Messerst::hmitt B 109E" Model Kit. Scale f.-. Over 150 parts. Catalogue Number ................ .... 350/0521 Recommended Retciil Argos Price


£1 .55

10 AIR FIX " Boeing 747'" Model Kit. Scale rh. Length 19". Catalogue Number ... ................ 350/0507 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .20 £0.80

20 LEEWAY "R hyth m and Blues" Toy Guitar. Six strings. Complete with instruction book. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1726 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.85 21 REEVES Poster Set. Non-toxic paints. Catalogue Number... .. ....... 350/1836 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.10 £2.97 22 REEVES Play Paints. Need no water. Catalogue Number .... .. .............. 350/1850 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .98 £1 .50 23 REEVES Stencil Kit in ·presentation Box. Catalogue Number.. . .... ......... 350/1805 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£3.30 11 AIRFIX ' 'Supermarine Spitfire 1A'' Model Kit. Scale f.-. Wingspan 18". Catalogue Number ..................... 350/0538 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 AIRFIX " Pontoon Bridge Assault Set". Model kit contains boats, armoured· vehicles and soldiers. ... 350/0590 Cata logue Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Price


£1 .25


24 REEVES Lino-Kit. Complete kit for lino cutli ng and printing . Catalogue Number... . . ......... 350/1795 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.18 £2.95 25 REEVES " Mod-Roe" Kit. The complete modelling kit. Catalogue Number.. . .. ...... .350/1788 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.18 £2.95

13 AIRFIX '' 829 Superfortress" Model Kit. Scale -;,. Over 200 parts. Catalogue Number... . .... 350/0480 Recommended Retail

26 REEVES " Rainy Day" Kit. For the junior boy or girl. Catalogue Number... . ..... .350/1812 Recommended Retail


£3.30 .

!Page 2251 27 AIRFIX "New Artist Series 3" Numbered oil painting set. Catalogue Number ... . . ....... 350/1771 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.20 £0.85 28 REEVES Water Colours. 12 tubes and 18 tablets of water colour. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1829 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.08 £2.30 29 REEVES Painting for Pleasure Set. Oi l p aints and accessories. Catalogue Number .................... 350/1843 Argos Price Recommended Retail £4.40 £3.35 30 ROYAL ENFIELD Boys Racing Bicycle. 5-speed Dera ill eu r gears. For inside leg 2r to 32". Frame and wheel size 1 9Y2~x 26~. Catalogue Number.. ... .370/0118 Recommended Retail Argos Price £41.00 £28.50 31 ROYAL ENFIELD Gent's Racing Bicycle. 5-speed Derailleur gears. For inside leg 29~ to 34". Frame and wheel size 21 "x 2i'. Catalogue Number ..... . ........ 370/0125 Argos Price Recommended Retail £31 .95 £46.00 32 ROYAL ENFIELD Juvenile Bicycle. Tourist style. For inside leg 24~ to 29 ~. Boys 18"X 24" Catalogue No ..... ...370/00n Girls 18"X 24"" Catalogue No ....... .370/0084 Recommended Retail Argos Price £29 .97 £20.90 33 ROYAL ENFIELD Bicycle. Sturmey Archer 3-speed gears. For teenagers, inside leg 2r to 32". Boys 19¥.t x 26~ Catalogue No ..... 370/0091 Girls 19'h"X 26"" Catalogue No.. .. .370/ 0101 Recommended Retail Argos Price £35.00 £24.50 34 ROYAL ENFIELD Bicycle. Full strength frame. For children, inside leg 21 " to

25·. Boys 16"X 20" Catalogue No ....... 370/0053 Girls 16"x 20~ Catalogue No ....... 370/0060 Recommended Retail Argos Price £27.00 £18.95 35 ROYAL ENFIELD SW20 AG . As item No. 36, with dyno hub lights. Catalogue Number.. . ............ 370/0046 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4 1.75 £29.50 36 ROYAL ENFIELD SW20 AW. Bicycle. Sturmey Archer 3-speed gears. For ladies or gents, inside leg 28" to 34~ Catalogue Number .... ....... ..... .... 370/0039 Recommended Retail Argos Price


39 ROYAL ENFIELD " Harrier" Bicycle. High pressure 16" and 20" tyres. Sturmey Archer 3-speed gears. For boys or girls. Catalogue Numb8r.. . ........ 370/0132 Recommended Retail Argos Price £37.50 £26.50

40 BAYCLI FF " Packeasy" Cycle Touring Bag. Size 16~x 81f.z"X 7Y2". Catalogue Number ... ................ 370/0163 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.90


41 BAYCLIFF " Roughrider" Cycle Bag . Calf grain vinyl. Size 14 ~x to·wx 8". Catalogue Number ..................... 370/0149 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.20 £1.65 42 BAYCUFF Cycle Touring Bag . Calf grain vinyl. Sizh 13"x 9"x 8W'. Catalogue Number... . .... 370/0156 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.65 £1.90 43 CHAD VALLEY Big League Football Game. 22 individual kicking players. Catalogue Number.. . ..... 350/1207 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.05 £5.30 44 PARKER '"Striker" Five-a-side Football Game. Operable players. Catalogue Number .................... 35011173 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.08 £3.95 45 · CHAD VALLEY Soccer Game. Each player controlled individually. Catalogue Number.. . .. 35011197 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.25 £3.20 46 ROS EDALE Table Top Soccer. Catalogue Number ..................... 350/2275 Recommended Retail Argos Price . £3.25 £2.50 47 Table Football Game. 22 playerS. Folding table legs. Size 44"x 22". Catalogue Number... ............ 350/2354 Argos Price Recommended Retail £18.75 £12.95 48 CHAD VALLEY Billiard Table. Complete with accessories. Size 25Y4" x15W'. Catalogue Number ................. .... 35011180 Recommended Retail Argos Price




37 ROYAL ENFIELD SW11 / 14 Bicycle. Adj ustable seat and handlebars. For boys and girts, inside leg 16" to 23". Catalogue Number.. .............. 370/0015 Recommended Retail Argos Price


38 ROYAL ENFIELD SW14/16 Bicycle. Adjustable seat and handlebars. For boys or girls, inside leg 20" to 28" . Catalogue Number .................... 370/0022 Recommended Retail Argos Price £30.56 £21.50


LATEST MODELS or new de· signs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in o,u r stores.

1 Double Sided Dart Board . CompltU• with six darts and rules. Catalogue Number... .. ... 350/106J Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .22 £0.85 2 Table Tennis Set. Includes bats. bsllt and net. . .... 35012211 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommendeil Retail £0.95 £1.35 3 Chess and Draughts Set . Complete w1th board . . .... 350/2211 Catalogue Number ... Argos Price Recommended Retail £1.10 £1.45 4 Paramount Jigsaw. 2,000 cardboard pieces . Size 30" x 40". Safe Harbour Cat. Number .... 350/1245 Esterhazy Palace Cat. Number.. ... 35011252 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .26 £0 .90 5 AIRFIX " Mad Marbles". Family game for up to four players. . .......... 350/0961 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail £1 .10 £1.44 6 PARKER " Risk". Board game for 2-6 players. Catalogue Number.... .. ...... 350/1001 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.76 £2.20 7 AIRFIX " Hanky Panky" Magic Set 85 tricks. . ..... 350/1111 Catalogue Number ... Argas Price Recommended Retail £2.25 £2.83 8 PARKER " Yahtzee ". An adult dice game for one or more players. Catalogue Number ... . .. .. 350/0992 Argas Price Recommended Retail £0.90 £1.24 9 Shooti ng Game. Two cork-firing pistols with five animal targets. Catalogue Number... . ............ 35011049 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.6 1 £1 .20

10 Diplomacy Board Game of International Intrigue. .. 35011214 Catalogue Number ... Argas Price Recommended Retail £1 .95 £2.82 11 MERIT "Merry Milkman " Children 's game. Catalogue Number... . .. 350/0954 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.67 £1 .25 12 MERIT "Confetti The Clown ". Colour matching game. For 2-4 players. Catalogue Number... . ....... 350/0923 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.13 £0.75 13 MERIT Chemistry Set 26 safety-tested chemicals. Catalogue Number... . ...... 35011128 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.00 £3.75 14 DEKKERTOY Magnetic Dart Game. Metal base target. Three darts. Catalogue Number... . ............ 350/1094 Recommended Retail Argoa Price p.62 £1.20 15 Compendium of 12 Games. Catalogue Number... .. .... 350/ 1025 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £1. 19 £0.80 16 MERIT "Tumbl e Track" . Adjustable track section s. Catalogue Number... . ...... 350/1135 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.00 £1.35 17 MERIT " Party Jokes". 21 practical jokes. Catalogue Number... .. ....... 350/1104 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £2.05 £1 .50

18 CHAD VALLEY " Big Game". Shooting game. 19~ double barrel pop-gun . (Japan) . Catalogue Number... . ....... 350/ 1056 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price

35 COMBEX " Cordon Bleu " Toy Cooker. Complete with pots and pans. Catalogue Number .................... 35011984 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.20 £1.70

38 LEEWAY Blackboard and Easel. Double sided board. Folding easel . ...... 350/2103 Cata logue Number .. Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.25 £2.50

41 LEEWAY Desk and Stool. Tubular steel and timber construction. Catalogue Number.. . ........... 350/2093 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £5.45 £4.10

·19 MERIT " Combat" War Game. For 2-4 players. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0930 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.75 £1.95

36 Toy Tool Ben ch. Wooden bench and a set of tools. Catalogue Number .................... 350/2031 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.95 £4.50

39 METIOY '' Secretary'' Junior Typewriter. Full instructions. Catalogue Number .................... 350/ 2024 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.69 £2.20

42 Interphone Set. A two unit toy telephone set. {Batteries not supplied) .

20 Wembley Football Game. For 2-10 players. Based on the FA Cup. Catalogue Number ....... ............. 350/1221 Recommended Retail Argos Price

37 Blackboard and Easel. Elephant shape. Complete with sponge wiper. Catalogue Number ................... 350/2086 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.50 £1.95

40 Magnetic Blackboard and EaseL Complete with accessories. Rotates 360°. Catalogue Number.. . ...... 35012079 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.50 £5.75

43 EUROPA Junior Typewriter. Complete with case. Catalogue Number .................... 350/2017 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£2. 25


£1 .70

21 CHAD VALLEY " Basketball ". Table game. Catalogue Number .... ....... ......... 35011142 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.60 £1.20 22 PARKER " Masterpiece" Auction Game. For 3-6 players . Catalogue Number .................... 350/1018 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.28 £1.75 23 METIOY " Tom and Jerry·· Spinning Target Set. Catalogue Number.................. 350/1087 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.45 £1.85 24 MERIT " 7 Family Word Games" . For 2-4 players. Catalogue Number ................... 350/0985 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.55 £1.15 25 COMBEX " Miss Polly" Toy Tea Set and Kettle. Catalogue Number... . .... ... 350/1953 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £1.95 £1 .50 26 AIRFIX " Up The Pole " Family game for up to 4 players. Catalogue Number .................... 350/0978 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.65 £1.90 27 MERIT Girl's " Handicraft Compendium ". Complete with illustrated handbook. Catalogue Number.... ............. 350/1908 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.25 £1.75 28 METIOY " Six Hole Golf Set". Indoor or outdoor game. Catalogue Number... . ..... 350/1070 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.49 £2.65 29 MERIT ··Driving Test ". Operates by remote co ntrol. . .... .... 350/0947 Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.20 £1 .70 30 AIRFIX Bucket of Bricks. Clip together bricks for 3-6 year olds. Catalogue Number ............... ..... 350/ 0600 Reconimended Retail Argas Price



31 MERIT " De Luxe Roulette" Set. 8:Y."' diameter bowl, with accessories. Catalogue Number..................... 350/1032 Recommended Retail Argas Price



32 MERIT Toy Tool Set. Workmanlike hand toots. Catalogue Number .................... 350/2048 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £2.75 33 COMBEX Toy Tea Trolley Set. Complete with 4 cup tea set. Catalogue Number . ................. 350/1977 Recommended Retail Argas Price



34 COMBEX " Tina 's" Toy Tea Set and Table. Catalogue Number ................ 35011960 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.20 £1.60

Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail £5.19


. ... 350/2000 Argos Price £3.95




!Page 2291 1 LEEWAY Pram. Folding body detaches from folding chassis. Red Catalogue Number..... 375/0010 Turquoise Catalogue Number..... 375/0027 Recommended Retail Argas Price



2 BAVEYBUILT Bow End Cot. Enamelled finish with plastic teething rails. Catalogue Number... . .... 375/0326 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 Spring Interior Cot Mattress. Covered in washable PVC with nursery motif. Catalogue Number ..... .. .. ............ 375/0364 Recommended Retail Argas Price



4 EKCO Super Bath Set. Comprises bath, potty and nursery pail. Catalogue Number ................... . 375/0388 Recommended Retail Argas Price



5 ZORBIT " Popular" Terry Nappies. Pack of 12. Size 24"X 24". Catalogue Number .................... 135/0072 Recommended- Retail Argos Price £4.90 £3.75 6 PIFCO Bottle Warmer. Variable setting temperature control with indicator light. Catalogue Number .................... 375/0371 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.65 £1.90 7 BABY RELAX Infant Seat. Seven progressive positions. Potty and mattress included. Catalogue Number .................... 375/0357 Recommended Ret8il Argos Price



8 LEEWAY Pushchair. Easy folding . Complete with shopping basket. Blue Catalogue Number .... 375/0072 Tuiquoise Catalogue Number . ... 375/0089 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.75 £11.75 9 LUXIETTE " Epsom " High Chassis Pram. Soft vinyl body with mattress. Chromium plated chassis with detachable 14wwheels. Bronze Catalogue Number.......... 375/0120 Jade Catalogue Number.......... 375/0137 · Recommended Retail Argos Price



10 LUXIETIE " Junior" Pushchair. Folding stove enamelled frame. 2-wheel brake. Catalogue Number... . ....... 375/0151 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.30 £4.95 11 BAVEYBUILT High Chair. Chromium plated with upholstered seat and back. Catalogue Number... . . ........ 375/0302 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11.00 £8.95 • 12 BAVEYBUILT Drop Side Cot. Poiished wood. • Catalogue ~umber ................. ..375/0319 Recommended Retail Argos Price £9.50 £7.75 13 LUXIETTe " Capri " Lay/ Sit Pushchair. Folding chassis with 7" chromium plated wheels. Complete with hood and apron. Catalogue Number ..................... 375/0144 Recommended Retail Argas Price £15.80 £12.80 14 LUXI " Imperial'" Carrycot. Adjustable carrying handles. Mattress underlay . Catalogue Number ..................... 375/0199 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.97 £6.40 15 BAVEYBUILT Carrycot. PVC covered with hood and apron. Catalogue Number .................... 375/0216 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.75 £3.85

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

1 ATCRAFT High Chair. Converts to low chair with separate table. Ch romium plated tubular frame. Foam padded seat and back. Catalogue Number .................... 375/0285 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.92


2 BABY RELAX Baby Walker. Adjustable seat height. Folds flat.

Catalogue Number .................... 375/0230 Recommended Retail Argos Price



3 ATCRAFT Playpen. Polished hardwood. Size 3 ' 8"X 3 ' 4" open . Catalogue Number.. . ... : ........ 375/0292 Recommended Retail Argos Price



4 Cot Quilt/Sleeping Bag . 100% nylon cover. Terylene filled. Washable. Catalogue Number .................... 135/0010 Recommended Retail Argas Price



5 BABY RELAX Toilet Trainer. Removable seat fits most lavatory seats. Complete with potty and harness. Catalogue Number .................... 375/ 0247

Recommended Retail

Argoa P



6 Layette Stand . Storage compartment a shelf. Catalogue Number Recommended Retail Argas P £5.25


7 LEEWAY Pram/ Pushchair. Oetacha vinyl Plastic covered body . Chromlu plated frame and removable foot piece Folding chassis. Turquoise Catalogue Number .... 375/00)4 Blue Catalogue Number .. ... 375/004 Recommended Retail Argos Prloe



8 BAVEYBUILT Baby Gate. Extends from ' 2' 3u to 2' 10H.

)Page 2311 Cata logue Number .. Reco mmended Retail


... .. ... 375/0182 Argos Price

Recommended Retail


Argos Price £4.40


0 BRITAX Car Safety Seat. Harness can be used separately. Suitable for most saloon cars. Conforms to British Safety Standards. Catalogue Number ..................... 375/0261 . Reco mmended Retail Argas Price C11.44 £7.45

12 LEEWAY Pushchair. Folding stove enamelled chassis and canvas seat. Catalogue Number.. . ............ 375/0106 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.95 £6.35 13 LEEWAY Pushchair.

Folding frame,

stove enamelled steel. Hood and apron. Catalogue Number .................... 375/0096 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.95 £8.80

15 LEEWAY Pram/Pushchair. Removable foot piece. 2-wheel brake. Folding chassis. Catalogue Number ..... 375/0058 Blue Turquoise Catalogue Number ..... 375/0065 Recommended Retail Argos Price

14 LUXI Car Seat/Low Chair. Detachable tray. Folds flat . Catalogue Number... . ...... ....... 375/0223 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.98 £3.85


10 BAVEYBU ILT Carrycot Transporter. Chromium plated . Catalogue Number.. . .. ..... 375/0168 Recommended Retai l Argas Price C7.40 £5.95 11 LUXI " Buckingham " Carrycot. Complete with mattress. lined hood and apron . Catalogue Number. . . ............ 375/0209



Buy it at ARGOS-and pocket the difference.

1 BABY RELAX Playpen . Nylon net. covered rail and padded base. flat for storage. Rec . Catalogue Retail Number £8.50 375/0333 Round £9.50 375/0340 Square

Plastic Folds Argos Price £6.90 £7.95

2 ZORBIT Baby Pack. Comprises 2 pairs of white cot sheets, sizes 36"x 43~ and 40~x 60 ", and 1 towel , size 24"x 48". Catalogue Number .................... 135/0089 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.32 £3.95

3 LEEWAY Twin Pushchair. Steel frame . Adjustabl e back rest . Catalogue Number ................. 375/0113 Recommended Retail Argos Price £19.95 £15.95 4 ATCRAFT Drop-Side Cot . Enamelled hardwood and nickel plated fittings. Catalogue Number ..................... 375/0278 Recommended Retail Argos Price £14.W £11.95 5 BABY RELAX Mini-Chaise. Rocking action . Removable washable cover.


Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail £3.85

. ......... 375/ 0254 Argos Price £2.95

6 WITNEY Courtelle Baby Blankets. Pack of 2. Nylon bound ends. Machine washable. 30"x 40" White Cat. Number ...... 135/0034 30"x 40" Yellow Cat. Number. ..... 135/0041 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.02 £1.50 45~x 54 ~ 45~x 54"

White Cat. Number.. .... 135/0058 Yellow Cat. Number ... .. .135/0065

Recommended Retail


Argos Price £2.75

7 ' 'Humpty Oumpty " Baby Pack . Comprises Acrilan shawl. Acrilan lace pram cover, two flann elette cot sheets and two flan nelette pram sheets. Catalogue Number... .. .. 135/0027 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.04 £4.95 8 COX-CABOT "De Luxe " Bathroom Cabinet. 2 sliding mirrored doors. 21ocking compartments. Size 27nx13"x 5".

atalogu e Number .................... 830/ 0049 • om mended Retail Argos Price '175 £6.80

t ALLI BERT " Milady" Cabinet. 2 sliding " trrored doors. 2 drawer. Adjustable ti'Oives. Size 25" x 19"' xr. (France) . Catalogue Number....... .............. 830/ 0063 Argos Price Uecommen ded Retai l . f14 .30 £9.60 10 JUDGE Sing le Door Bathroom Cabi net. Plastic constru ction with mi rrored door. Stze 18"x 1 4"' x 5 V4~. Catalogue Number .................... 830/ 0018 nocom mended Retail Argos Price f4 16 £2.90 11 ALLIBERT " AI Ii belle Luxe" Bathroom Cabi net. 3 mirro red doors and 1 mag nifying mtrror. Door·back shelves and strip light. S1ze 28" x 23~x 7 n. {France). Cata logu e Number ... ........... ...... 830/ 0087 Recommended Retail Argos Price C29.70 £19.90

12 COX·CABOT Bathroom Cabinet. Two sliding mirrored doors. Drop· flap cupboard . Size 181'X16" x 5". Catalogue Number .................... 830/ 0032 Recommen ded Retail Argos Price £7.40 £5.20 13 COX-CABOT 2·Door Bathroom Cabinet . Mirrored doors. Size 18~x 12~ x5". Catalogu e Number ................... .830/ 0025 R ec ommende~ Retail Argos Price C7.35 £5.15 14 FLAIR Bath Bar. Polystyrene construction. Two recesses. 64V2 ~X 11 ¥.cw x 3V2~. (Eire) . Cat alogue Number ... .... 830/ 0142 White Blue Catalogue Number ... ... .830/ 0159 Green Catalog ue Number . ...... 830/ 0166 Pri mrose Catalogue Number ... ... .830/ 0173 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.48 £4.95 15 LAN -BAA " Dolphin " Bathroom Fittings. 24 et. gold plated . Available as follows: Catalogu e · Aec . Argos Number Retai l Price 830/ 0410 Soap Dish £1.91 £1 .35 830/ 0427 Double Ri ngs £2.53 £1 .80 830/ 0434 18wShelf £3.23 £2.25 830/ 0441 Mug / Brush Tidy £1.80 £1 .25 830/ 0458 Roll Holder £1 .58 £1 .10 16 ALLIBEAT Hinged Mirror. Easily ad· JU Stable. (France) . Catalogu e Number ...... .............. 830/ 0544 Recommended Retail Argos Price



17 ESTA " Plus" Telescop ic Radiator/ Towel Rail. Fits most panel radiators. Chromium plated . Catalog ue Nu mber .. . ...... 830/ 0575 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e £4.87 £3.40 18 FLAIR " Splashback" . Polystyrene con· struction. Hinged mirrored door. Lower shelf fitted for 2 tumblers and 4 tooth· brushes. (Eire) . White Catalogue Number.. .... 830/ 0104 Blue Catalogue Number...... 830/ 0111 Green Catalogu e Number. ..... 830/ 01 28 Pri mrose Catalogue Number . ..... 830/ 0135 Recommended Retail Argas Price £9. 50 £6.35

A RGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots - or traders ' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phr ase - o r with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers ' cartons.

1 CROYOEX "Poltyanna" Shampoo/Bath Spray. Flexible tubing . Wall bracket. Catalogue Number. ., ........... 830/0180 Recommended Retail Argos Priee

£1 .85


2 CROYOEX " Gulfstream " Bath Shower Unit. Complete with shower frame, curtains and rings. Spray with multi-position wall bracket. White Catalogue Number ..•.... Pink Catalogue Number .... Blue Catalogue Number Recommended Retail

£6.45 3 CROYOEX Shower Curtain Set. Spring loaded. telescopic rod adjusts from 3' s· to 6'. PVC curtain size 1o·x10". White Catalogue Number ........... 830/0245 Pink Catalogue Number .. ., .... 830/0252 Blue Catalogue Number., ......... 830/0269 Recommended Retail Argoa Prk:e



As above but rod adjusts from 3' 6" to

8' 6". White Catalogue Number .. . Pink Catatogue Number .. . Blue Catalogue Number .. .. Recommended Retail £4.74 4 CROYOEX " Tropical" Shower. Push-on connectors. Multi-pOsition wall bracket. . ........ 830/0197 Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail Argos Prk:e



5 CROYOEX "Mistique'' Bath Shower Unit. Complete with shower frame, curtains and rings. Spray with multi-position wall bracket. Black/White Catalogue No......... 830/0331 Pink Catalogue No... ... 830/0348 Blue Catalogue No......... 830/0355 Recommended Retail Argos Price £10.19 £7.15 6 CASCADE " Continental " Shower Unit. Complete with shower frame, curtains and wall shower with adjustable head. White Catalogue Number... ...... 830/0 Pink Catalogue Number ... ., ..... 830/03 Blue Catalogue Number ............ 830/0386 Recommended Retail

£18.98 7 CASCADE Shower Frame and Curtain Set. Two vinyl curtains with rings. Size 72" X 54 ~ each .

White Catalogue Number ........... 830/0214 Pink Catalogue Number ........... 830/0221

~~:om~!~~O:du~~~i~ber ······~ £5.10


8 CROYDEX " Florida" Shower. Chromium plated tubing with push-on connectors. Multi-position wall bracket. Catalogue Number .................... 830/0207 Recommended Retail Af90& Price




9 ALLIBERT "Senorita" Cabinet. 3 hinged, mirrored doors. Toothbrush holder and door-back shelves. Strip light. (France) . Catalogue Number ..................... 830/0070 Recommended Retail Argos Price


,·, OS MAN


10 ALLIBERT " Condor" Bathroom Stool. Chromium plated legs. White coloured seat. (France). Catalogue Number .. . ................. 830/0582 Recommerfded Retail Argos Prfce £3.96


14 OSMAN Jacquard WIIYO Towel AvAil able In pink. blue, gold end or•no Catalogue Attc Number Rotall 110/20 22"X 38" 110121 30"x so·

Cl 00 £200

15 EKCO " Wild Rose" Bathroom Sot Comprises bath rack, brush and holder toothbrush holder and towel ring . Catalogue Number .................... 130/0472 Rec ommended Retail Argoa Prlcl £4.24 £2.95

. 11 OSMAN "California " Plain Dyed Towel.

16 EKCO " Wild Rose" Bathroom Set .

Available in mimosa, turquoise , purple and bronze-green . Catalogue Re c. Argos Number Retail Price

Comprises shelf unit, tidy bin and toilet roll holder. Catalogue Number ...... 830/0496 Recommended Retail Argoa Price £4.41 £3.10

110/15 21 ~x40" 110116 28~x53'" 110117 40 ~x66~

£1.10 £2.10 £3.75

£0.85 £1.60 £2.85

12 CROWN MERTON Bath Rack. Chromium plated. Adjustable. Plastic soap dishes. Catalogue Number ..................... 830/0568 Recommended Retail Argos Price



" Carlton " 3-piece Courtelle Bathroom Set. Available in blue, green and black. Catalogue Number ....................... 110/03 Recommended Retail A.rgoa Price £6.95 £4.95

£1.80 18 " Weight Watchers" Bathroom Scales.

13 CROYDEX " Rubagrip" Safety Bath Mat. Moulded suckers for firm grip . Catalogue Rec. Number Retail

830/0393 30'"X14" 830/0403 38•x14'"

£1.27 £1.50

Argoo Price £0.90 £0.95

Vinyl mat, modern design. Weighs up to 20 stone and 125 kilos. Blue Catalogue Number ........... 830/0105 Red Catalogue Number.. . .... 830/0812 Recommended Retail Argoe Price




[Page 237[ 10 EKCO "Belvedere" Toilet Seat and Cover. Adjustable fittings. Argos Rec. Catalogue Number Retail Price 130/ 0609 Black £5.72 £3.95 e30/0616 Pink £6.77 £4.75 £6.77 £4.75 e30/ 0623 Primrose 830/0630 Blu~ £6.n £4.75 830/0647 White £7.26 £5.10 11 ALLIBERT Toilet Seat and Cover. Adjustable fittings. (France). Black Catalogue Number ........... 830/0702 White Catalogue Number. . ...... 830/0719 Recommended Retail Argos Price



12 ALUBERT Bathroom Fittings. Smoked

blue/grey colour. (France). Catalogue Number 830/0506 Roll Holder 830/0513 Towel Rail 830/0520 Shelf Unit

Rec. RetaU £3.96 £4.40 £4.40

Argos Price £2.75 £3.10


13 EKCO " Wild Rose" Bathroom Fitting s. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 830/0465 Stool £3.80 £2.55 830/0489 Toilet Seat £5.45 £3.80 14 EKCO " Essex" Toilet Adjustable fittings. Catalogue Number 830/0726 Black

Se~t 1 and Cover. Rec. Retail £2.15

Argos Price £1.50

830/0733 Pink 830/0740 Primrose 830/0757 Blue 830/0764 White



£3.56 £3.56 £4.22

£2.50 £2.50 £2.90

15 EKCO " Jubilee" Toilet Seat and Adjustable fittings. Catalogue Re c. Number Retail 830/0654 Black £3.10 830/0661 Pink £4.13 830/0678 Green £4.13 830/0685 Blue £4.13 830/0692 White £4.95

Cover. ·

17 "Vog ue" 3 Piece 100%Cotton Bathroom Set. Mat size 32" X 21~. Non-slip latex back. Machine washable. Available in purple, cerise and golden-buff. Catalogue Number.. . ....... 110/02 Recommended Retail Argos Price

£5.22 Argos Price



18 Scottish Folk Fabrics "Oxford" 3 Piece Trice! Bathroom S~t. Washable. Available in yellow, pink and blue. Catalogue Number .. . ............ 110/05 Recommended Retail -Argos Price £8.03 £5.95

16 EVERWEAA 3 Piece " Evlan" Bathroom Set. Fully washable. Available in pi nk, purple and tango. Catalogue Number.. . ....... 110/01 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.34 £2.95

19 Scottish Folk Fabrics "Chequers" 3 Piece Trice! Bathroom Set. Washable. Available in blue, tango and black. Catalogue Number... . ......... 110/04 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.50 £5.60

£2.20 £2.85 £2.85 £2.85

IPage 23&1




? Duntopm0

1"''"'''"'1"1'<11 ...

1 OSMAN Jacquard Towel . Available in orange. blue, green and pink. Argos Catalogue Rec . Price Number Retail 110122 22"x 4o · £1 .20 £0.90 £1 .80 110/23 30" X52" ,£2.40 2 CHRISTY Plain Dyed Towel. Available in pink, peony, orange and cornflower. Catalogue Rec . Argas Number Retai l Price 110/06 22"X 42H £1.25 £0.90 110/07 27nx 54H £2.37 £1.85 110/08 3&•x 66" £4.40 £3.30 3 OSMAN " Fiesta " Striped Towel. able in 'gold. blue. green and pink. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 110/18 20•x 40• £1 .10 110119 30•x so• £2.00

Avail· Argos Price £0.85 £1 .50

4 ALLIBERT Accessory Pack. Comprises soap dish , toothbrush holder, towel ring and triple clothes hook. (France) . Catalogue Number .................... 830/0537 Recommended Retail Argos Price



7 HAN SON " Smiley" Bathroo'h Scale. Weighs up to 20 stone/125 kilos. {Eire) . Catalogue Number ................ ..... 830/0795 Recommended Retail Ar~os Price


Catalogue Number.. Recommended Retail £1.60

6 TOWER Bathroom Scale. Padded mat in " teak" finish . Weighs up to 20 stone and 125 kilos. {Sweden) . Catalogue Number.. ............... 830/0829 Recommended Retail -Argos Price £3.80 £2.95

. .. .. .. 830/0771 Ar~os Price £1 :15

9 WAYMASTER Bathroom Scale. Wa~hable, candlewick cover. Weighs up to 20 stone and 125 kilos . Pink Catalogue Number ...... 830/0898 Catalogue Number ...... 830/0908 Blue Primrose Catalogue Number ...... 830/0915 Ar~os Price Recommenjjed Retail £5.57 • £3.90

10 KRUPS ' 'Nova L " Bathroorn Scale. Weighs up to 20 stone and 125 kilos. Padded platform. (Eire) . Green Catalogue Number\ ......... 830/0836 Tan Catalogue Number.. . .. .. 830/0843 Blue Catalogue Number .......... 830/0850 Recommended Retai l Ar$os Price

£4.91 5 KRUPS " Princess" Bathroom Scale. Weighs up to 20 stone and 125 kilos. Padded platform . {Eire). Catalogue Number ..... 830/0867 Tan Catalogue Number ..... 830/0874 Black Burgundy Catalogue Number .... .830/0881 Recommended Retail Argos Price £5.47 £4.10


8 HANSON Bathroom Scale. Vinyl mat. Weighs up to 20 stone/125 kilos. (Ei re).


Catalogue Number... Recommended Retail


14 SLUMBERDOWN " Fjord " Continental Style Quilt. Down and feather filling . Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 101/0343 Fits 3' Bed £23.50 £19.95 101/0350 Fits 4' 6" Bed £33.65 £29.95 101/0367 Fits 5' Bed £34.50 £30.95 15 AMBASSADOR Continental Style Quilt. Terylene P3 filling . Rec . Argas Catalogue Retail Price Number £11 .50 £8.50 101/0329 Fits 3' Bed £15.50 £10.95 101/0336 Fits 4' s• Bed 16 DUNLOPILLO " Golden Lullaby" Pillow. Soft latex foam. Size 2T X17". Catalogue Number .................... 101/0824 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.90 £1 .95 17 DUNLOPILLO " Dream Lullaby " Pillow. Size 24"x 15Yz•. Catalogue Number.... .. ........... 101/0800 Recom mend ed Retail Argos Price

£1.30 11 DUNLOPILLO " Sweet Lull aby " Pillow. Latex foam . Size 25•x16o/4". Catalogue Number.. .. ...........10110817 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.45 £1 .65 12 AMBASSADOR Pillow. New fectther and down filling . White sateen cover. Catalogue Number..................... '101/0745 Recommended Retail Ar~os Price



Pillow. New dUOk feather filling. Wh ite sateen cover.

...... 101/0738 Argos Price £2.60


18 AMBASSADOR Co ntinental Style Quilt . Feather and down filling . Catalogue Rec.· Argas Number Retail Price 101/0305 Fits 3' Bed £12.95 £9.75 101i0312 Fits 4 ' 6 " Bed £19.90 £14.90 19 AMBASSADOR Pillow. Dacron fiberfill 2 fill ing. Cotton cover. . ........ 101/0714 Catalogue Number... Argos Price Recommended Retail



20 AMBASSADOR Pillow. New curled feather fitting . White cotton fabric cover. Size 27"'x18". Catalogue Number.... . .. 101/0721 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.45 £1.10

21 SLUMBERDOWN Continental Style Quilt. Terylene filling . Catalogue Rec. A_rgos Number Retail Price 101/0374 Fits 3' Bed £13.75 £11 .95 101/0381 Fits 4' 6HBed £17 .95 £15.95 101/0398 Fits 5' Bed £20 .95 £18.50 22 AMBASSADOR Pillow. New down and feather filli ng . White sateen cover. Size 29•x19". Catalogue Number .................... 101/0752 Argos Price Recom mended Retail



23 OSMAN Pillow. Terylene filling . Wash· able. Catalogue Number .................... 101/0707 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.50 £1.90 24 OSMAN Continental Style Quilt Cover. Printed terylene and cotton . Available in pink. blue and lemon. Arg'os Rec. Catalogue Price Number Retai l 101104 Fits 3' Bed £6 .75 £4.95 101/05 Fits 4 ' 6HBed £8.95 £6.75 101/06 Fits 5 ' Bed £10 00 £7.50

LATEST MODELS or new designs are included in our range-as-soon-as1hey become available and are displayed in -our stores.

- 1 WITNEY " Fiberwoven " Blanket . Bound bot h ends. Available in purple. blue. cerise and tango . Argos Rec. Catalogue Price Retail Number

4 WITNEY Courtelle Blanket. Nylon taffeta bound ends. Available in purple, blue, pink and yellow. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retai l Price

100/ 08 70 ~x 90" 100/ 09 90"x 100"

100/04 70'' X90" 100/ 05 90"x100"

£2.88 £4.12

£2.15 £3.10

2 MOOERNA " Sorrento " Wool Blanket . Available in pink . yellow, blue and purple. Cata logue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

100/1 8 70"x 90" 100/1 9 90"x 100"

£15 .00 £21 .50

£10.95 £15.95

3 MOOERNA " Manhattan " Acrilan Blanket. Washable. Available in orange, primro se. blue and rose. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price

100/ 16 70"X 90" 100/17 90"X 100"

£6.00 £8.60

£3.95 £5.95

£3.85 £5.48

£2.95 £3.95

5 WITNEY All Wool Blanket. Bound both ends. Avai lable in tango. purple, kingfisher and gold . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

100/ 00 70"X 90" 100/ 01 90"x 100"

£5.70 £8.25

£4.50 £6.50

6 MOOERNA " Menno " Wool Blanket . Nylon bound . Woolmark. Available in turquo•se . yellow, purple and pink . Catalogue Rec. Argos Nu mber Retail Price

100/ 14 70"x 90" 100/1 5 90"X 100"

£10.00 £14.50

£6.95 £8.70

7 WITNEY "Fiberwoven" Polychromatic Blanket. Available in blue/purple and tango/lemon . Rec . Argos Catalogue Retatl Price Number £3 .52 £2.65 100/10 70" x 90" 100/ 11 90" x 100 ~ (5 .05 £3.80 8 WITNEY All Wool Cellular Blanket . Bound both ends. Available in pink, purple , tango and kmgfisher. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 100/02 72"x 90" £5.12 £3.95 100/03 90"x 1oo· £7.15 £5.60 9 WITNEY Courtelle Cellular Blanket. Nylon taffeta bound ends. Available in blue and purple. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100/06 72"X 90" £3.93 £2.95 100101 go~x 100 " £5.42 £:3.95

10 MOOERNA Mohair and Wool Lightweight Travel Rug . St:ze SO"x 72". Catalogue Number .................... 100/1204 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.85 £5.95 11 "Tiger'" Blanket. Suitable as a bed cover. car rug , etc. Size 60" x 80". Catalogue Number................... 100/ 1307 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.05 £1.45

Latest patterns and designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores.

lP age 2421

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously can~ot compete with special sales of job lots- or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase-or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.

1 OSMAN Terylene and Cotton Available in pink, blue and yellow. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 100/ 40 70"X104" £2.75


100/ 41 90"x104"



100/ 42 Pr. Pillow Cases


2 OSMAN Printed Terylene and Sheet. Available in pink, blue and Catalogue Rec. Number Retail

100/37 7cr' x 104" 100/38 90"X 104" 100/39 Pr. Pillow Cases -.

£3.75 £4.75 £1 .95

Argos Price £1.95 £0.95 Cotton yell ow. Argos Price

£2.85 £3.60 £1 .45

3 OSMAN Plai n Dyed Cotton Sheets. Avai lable in purple, kingfisher and rose. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

100/43 Pair 70"'X100" 100/ 44 Pai r 90"x100" 100/45 Pr. P illow Cases

£5.75 £6.95 £1 .50

4 OSMAN White Cotton Sheets. factu rer's 5--year guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 100/ 4603 Pair 7o·x 1 oo~ £4.75 100/ 4610 Pair oo·x 1 00~ £5.85 100/ 4627 Pr. Pillow Cases t0.90

£4.15 £5.25 £0.95 Manu· Argos Price £3.75 £4.35 £0.65

5 CHR ISTY Easy Ca re Sheet. Printed vi nee! and cotton . Available in pink, blue and jasmine. Rec. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number 100/ 47 70" X104" £4.30 £3.20 100/ 48 oo·x 1o4• £5.65 £3.95 100/ 49 Pr. Pillow Cases £2.10 £1 .50 6 DURO Dyed Vincel and Cotton Sheets. Manufacturer's 7·year guarantee. Available ' in tango, royal and violet. Rec. Argas Catalogue Retail Price Number 100/53 Pair 70~x 1 00" £5.25 £3.85 100/54 Pair 90~x 100~ £6.70 £4.95 100/ 55 Pr. Pillow Cases £1 .15 £0.S5 7 OURO Dyed Vincel and Cotton Sheets. Manu facturer's 7·year guarantee. Availa ble in pi nk, primrose and blue. Catalogue Rec . Argos Number Retail Price 100/ 56 Pai r 70"x100" £4.60 £3.35 £5.90 £4.40 100/ 57 Pair 90" x 100" £1 .05 £0.75 100/58 Pr. PillowCases 8 CHR ISTY Easy Care Dyed Sheet. Vincel and cotton. Available in pink, blue and jasmine. Rec. Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number £3.20 £2.40 100/50 70 ~x 1 04" £4.40 £3.10 100/ 51 90"X 104" £1 .58 £1 .1 5 100/52 Pr. Pillow Cases 9 DURO White Vin.:;el and Cotton Sheets. Manufacturer's 7·year guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price 100/5901 Pair 7o•x100" £4.20 £2.95 100/ 5918 Pai r go·x 1oo· £5.20 £3.65 100/5925 Pr. Pillow Cases £0.95 £0.70

10 GAY NIGHTS Woven Striped Cotton Sheets. Available in purpl e, coral and tango. (Portugal). Rec. Argos Catalogu e Retail Price Number 100/67 Pair 70" x 100H £5.25 £3.70 £6.35 £4.50 100/68 Pair 90,.X 100" £1.15 £0.85 100/69 Pr. Pillow Cases 11 PEQUOT Easy Care Sheet. Printed polyester and cotton. (U .S.A.). Rec. Argas Catalogue Number Retail Price 100/7002 72" X104H £3.65 "£2.90 . 100/7019 91 "X 11 5H £5.25 £3.95 100/7026 Pr. Pillow Cases £1.80 £1 .40 12 BELDORN Cotton Sheet Set. Two sheets and two pillow cases. Embroideired trim . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100/7301 7Q" X10QH £6.55 £4.90 100/7318 90"x100" £7.75 £5.80 13 BELDORN Sheet Set. Comprises two sheets and two pillow cases. Broderie Anglaise trim . Available in pink, blue, purple and gold . · Rec. Argas Catalogue Number Retail Price 100/71 70Hx 100H £7.30 £5.50 £8.40 £6.45 100/72 90"x100H 14 JOSHUA HOYLE Deep Dyed Sheets. Guaranteed. Available in tu rq uoise and tango. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 100/60 Pair 70Hx 100H £5.67 100/61 Pair 90"X 100" £6.80 100/ 62 Pr. Pillow Cases £1.48

Cotton purple, Argas Price £3.95

£4.95 £1 .10

15 JOSHUA HOYLE Bleached Cotton Sheets. Manufacturer's 7-year guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price £4.85 £3.40 100/6601 Pa ir 70Hx100" 100/ 6618 Pair 90"X 100" £6.35 £4.65 100/6625 Pr. Pillow Cases £1 .05 £0.80 16 JOSHUA HOYLE Pastel Dyed Cotton Sheets. Available in pink. blue and lemon . Catalogue Rec. Argas Number Retail Price £5.20 £3.65 100/63 Pair 70"x100" 100/64 Pair 90"x 100H £6.30 £4.40 £1.37 £0.95 100/65 Pr. Pillow Cases Unless otherwise specified in the text, only one sheet supplied per pack.

Call at your local ARGOS showroom any time-we are always pleased to see you.

Unless otherwise specifi ed in t he text, only one sheet suppli ed per p ack.

1 ERICA Pair of Fitted Sheets. Loop raised nylon . Drip dry. Available in pink . blue and tango. Argos Rec . Catalogue Price Retail Number £4.13 £2.95 100/ 81 Fits 3' Bed £3.70 £5.25 100/ 8 2 Fits 4' s~ Bed £1.45 100/ 83 Pr. Pillow Cases £1 .85

2 " Maid of the Mournes" Pair of FFitted Brushed Nylon Sheets. Available in kingfisher, tango, cerise and purple. Rec . Catalogue Argos Numb er Retai l Price 100/74 Fits 3 ' Bed £3.82 £2.85 100175 Fits 4 ' 6 ~ Bed £4 .67 £3.50 100176 Pr. Pillow Cases £1.06 £0.80

3 GAY NIGHTS Pa1r of Fitted Sheets. Printed loop knit nylon top sheet and toning bottom sheet . Available in purple, coral and kingfisher. (Portugal).

Cat alogue Number 100/ 77 Fits 3' Bed 100/ 78 Fits 4 ' 6~ Bed 100/79 Pr. Pillow Cases

Rec. Retail £5.45

£6.55 £1 .99

Argos Price £3.80 £4.90 £1.50

4 GAY NIGHTS Bunk Bed Set. Pair of fitted sheets and one pillow case. Loop knit nylon . Available in tango and blue. (Portugal) . Catalogue Numbe r .. .............. 100/80 Recommended Retail Argos Prlce £3.75 £2.65

5 OSMAN Plain Dyed Flannelette Sheets. Available in pink, blue and lemon . Catalogue Rec . Argos Price Number Retai l 100/ 23 Pair 70~x 100~ £4.75 £3.75 £4.75 100/24 Pair 90~x 100" £5.75 100125 Pr. Pillow Cases £0.99 £0.75 6 OSMAN Pair of Flannelette Pillow Cases. Gold, pink and blue. Match item 7. Catalogu e Number ........................ 100/ 22 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.60 £1 .25

7 OSMAN Flannelette Sheet. Printed floral design . Available in gold, p ink and blue. Catalogue Rec. Argos Nu mber Retail Price

100/ 20 100121

70~X 100" ga~x 100"

£3.50 £4.35

£2.80 £3.25

8 " Apollo" Polychromatic Flannelette Sheets. Available in royal /turquoise and ta ngo/lemon . Cata logue Rec. Argos Price Num ber Retail £6.50 £4.85 100/29 Pair 7Q"x100"

100/ 30 Pair 90"X100"



9 DURO Dyed Flannelette Sheets. Avail-


tango and


Number 100/26 Pair 70"x 100" 100/27 Pair go~x 100 " 100/28 Pr. Pillow Cases

' Argos



£4.20 £5.40 £0.99

£3.20 £3.95 £0.75

10 GAY NIGHTS Cotton Flannelette Sheets. Avai lable in purple, kingfisher and tango . (Portugal) .

Catalogue Number Pair 70"X100" Pair BO"x100" Pair 90"x100" Pr. Pillow Cases

100/31 100/ 32 100/ 33 100/ 34

Rec. Retail

Argos Price

£5 .00 £5.95 £6.50 £1 .15

£3.50 £3.95 £4.50 £0.85

11 GAY NIGHTS Flannelette Sheets . woven striped cotton. (Portugal) . Catalogue Rec . Number Retail 100/3501 Pair 70"x100" £4.65 100/3518 Pair 80"X 100" £5 .35

MultiArgos Price

£3.25 £3.90

100/3525 Pai r 90"X100" 100/3532 Pr. Pillow Cases

£6.00 £1.1 5

12 GAY NIGHTS Flannelette Sheets. woven check design . (Portugal) . Catalogue Rec . Number Retail 100/ 3604 Pair 58"x 7a ~ £2.99 100/ 3611 Pair 70"x100" £4.95 100/ 3628 Pair 80"x100" £5.50 100/3635 Pair 90"x100" £6.25 100/ 3642 Pr. Pillow Cases £1 .20

£4.40 £0.85 MultiArgos Pric e

£2.25 £3.45 £3.95 £4.65 £0.85

1 DONGORA Brushed Cotton l ace Bed· spread. Catalogue Rec. Argos Retail Price Number £6.00 £4.50 100/9402 75"X100" 100/9419 96"X100" £7.75 £5.80

2 BECTEL Candlewick Bedspread . Twcr tone ribbed design. Avai lable in lilac, turquoise and flame. Rec. Argol Catalogue Retail Price Number £4.51 £3.30 100/87 70"X 100~ £5.05 £4.10 100/88 90" X100"

3 BECTEL Candlewick Bedspread. Box fitted style. Available in purple, kingfisher. cherry, amber and gold. Argos Aec. Catalogue Number Retai l Prtco 100/84 Fits 3 ' Bed £7.48 £5.65 100/85 Fits 4 ' 6" Bed £8.06 £5.95 £8.46 £6.35 100/86 Fits 5 ' Bed 4 CAROLINE Fitted Candlewick Bedsp read . Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100/8908 Fits 3' Bed £9.10 £6.80 100/8915 Fits 4 ' 6" Bed £10.00 £7.50 100/8922 Fits 5' Bed £1 0.50 £7.90

5 CAROLINE Candlewick Bedspread. Avai l· able in gold , blue, lilac and rose. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100/90 70" X100" £7.00 £5.25 100/91 90"x 100u £7.50 £5.65 6 ERICA Nylon Quilt. Terylene filli ng . Brushed nylon back. Washable. Available in pink. blue and yellow. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retai l Price £4.90 £3.70 100/ 95 Fits 3 ' Bed £5.80 £4.35 100/96 Fits 4' 6" Bed 7 " Maid of the Mournes" Nylon Qu ilted Bedspread. Washable. Available in purple, tango, cerise and kingfisher. Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100192 Fits 3' Bed £3.82 £2.90 100/93 Fits 4 ' 6" Bed £4.35 £3.25

8 ER ICA Qu ilt. Terylene filling . Nylon cover with brushed back. Available in chocolate, pu rple and kingfisher. Rec . Argos Catalogue Retail Price Number 101/01 Fits 3' Bed £4.85 £3.40 101/02 Fits 4 ' 6~ Bed £5.60 £3.95 9 ERICA Quilted Bedsp read . Tery lene tilling. Nylon cover with valance. Wash· able. Available in pink and gold. Catatogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price 100/99 Fits 3' Bed £5.80 £4.35 101/00 Fits 4 • 6" Bed £6.80 £5.20 10 ERICA Quilted Nylon Bedspread . Tery· lene filling. Drip dry. Available in pink, blue and lemon . Rec. Catalogue Argoa Number Retail Price 100/97 Fits 3' Bed £7.25 £5.45 100/98 Fits 4 ' 6" Bed £8.25 £6.20

ARGOS low, low prices are regularly available 52 weeks of the year. We obviously cannot compete with special sales of job lots-or traders' short term reductions used as an advertising catch-phrase-or with clearance sales. All goods in this catalogue are factory fresh in original makers' cartons.







Latest patterns and designs are included in our range as soon as they become available and are displayed in our stores. 1 MONOGRAM Electric Overblanket B.E.A.B. approved . Washable. Catalogue,' Aec . Argot Number Retail Price

450/0908 Single 78~x 56" 450/0915 Double 78~x 72" 450/0922 Dual 78"x 7Z'

£13.95 £17.45 £19.25

£10.45 £12.95 £14.40

2 DREAM LAND De luxe Pre-heating Elec· tric Underblanket. Double size has dual control. Waterproof heating element 4 heat settings. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Rec. Argot Number Retail Price

450/0805 60"x 30~ 450/0812 60"X 48"

£9.94 £14.29

£7.50 £10.80

3 DREAM LAND Pre-heating Electric Under· blanket. 3 heat settings. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Rec. Argot Number 8etail Price 450/0702 56"X 24" £7.58 £5.80 450/0719 56"X 44" £9.98 £7.55 4 NORTHERN " Regent" Pre-heating Electric Underblanket. Machine or hand washable. Guaranteed for 3 years. B.E.A.B. ap-

proved . Catalogue Number

450/0018 SO"x 2s· 450/0025 50"X 44"'



Retail £5.25 £6.95

£3.95 £4.95


5 NORTHERN " Cozee" Pre--heating Electric Underblanket . Machine or hand washable. 3 heat switch . Guaranteed for 3 years. B.E.A.B. approved . Argos Catalogue Rec. Price Number Retail £5.10 450/0104 60"><30" £7.75 £6.95 450/0111 60"X 48" £9.50 6 NORTHERN " Star" Electric Overblanket. Hand or machine washable. Guaranteed for 2 years. B.E.A.B. approved. (D=dual control) . Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 450/0207 80Nx60" Fiesta £13.50 450/0214 80"x 60'' Blue £13.50 450/0300 8Q"x 74" Fiesta £15.95 450/0317 80"X 74" Blue £15.95 450/0403 80"x 74" Fiesta D £18.25 450/0410 80"X 74" Blue D £18.25

~~FOR EVERYONE 7 NORTHERN " Morpheus" Electric Overblanket. Machine or hand washable Acrilan. Guaranteed for 2 years. B.E.A.B . approved . (O = dual control). Catalogue Rec. Argos Number Retail Price

450/0609 BO"x so~ Pink o 450/0616 80"x 80" Blue 0 450/0506 80" X60" Pink 450/0513 80"X 60" Blue

£21.95 £21.95 £17.25 £17.25

£15.90 £15.90 £12.50 £12.50

8 KAYMET Desk Set . Comprises desk pad, address book and holder. Gold coloured finish . Catalogue Number .................. .'. 270/0638 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.23 £5.90 9 Telephone Index. A-Z index with space for 600 numbefs. Catalogue Number... ...... 640/1689 Recommended Retail ArgosPrice



10 KAYMET Pen Tray. Two ballpoint pens and holders. Gold coloured finish . Catalogue Number..................... 270/0652 Recommended Retail Argas Price £7.05 £5.10

11 KAYMET Desk Pad and Holder. Gold coloured finish. Catalogue Number.................... 270/0645 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.73 £2.80 12 Dynamo Torch . Pocket size. Self generating . Catalogue Number .................... 270/0621 Recommended Retail Argas Price £6.25 £4.65 13 Trinket Box. Coloured base and clear lid in acrylic . Size 9 ~x 4 ·xY. Catalogue Number ............. 260/0611 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.90 £3.70 14 Cassette Box. Pair of acrylic holders to take up to 20 cassettes. Catalogue Number .................... 510/1289 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.20 £2.55 15 PAPER MATE Ballpoint Pen . Gold plated , brushed finish . (U.S.A.). Catalogue Number .................... 385/0305 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.97 £2.25 16 PAPER MATE Ballpoint Pen . Chromium plated.,brushed finish. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number .................... 385/0312 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.31 £1.75 17 PAPER MATE Ballpoint Pen and Pencil Set. Gold plated, brushed finish . (U.S.A.) . Catalogue Number ..................... 385/0295 Recommended Retail Argas Price £5.94 £4.50

18 PAPER MATE " Profile" Ballpoint Pen and Pencil Set. Chromium plated caps.

(U.S.A.). Catalo.gue Number .................... 385/0329 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.26 £1.75

19 PAPER MATE " Talisman " Ballpoint Pen and Pencil Set. Gold plated caps. (U .S.A.). Catalogue Number ..................... 385/0343 Recommended Retail Argas Price £3.68 £2.80 20 PAPER MATE " Talisman " Ballpoint Pen . Gold plated cap . (U .S.A.) . Catalogue Number ........... ........ 385/0336 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1 .84 £1.35 21 PIFCO Gent's Knife. Stainless steel blade. bottle opener, nail file and nail scissors. (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 270/0669 Recommended Retail Argas Price £1.45 £0.95 22 WILKINSON SWORD Pocket Knife. Two blades and a nail file. Catalogue Number .................... 270/0700 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.81 £1.95

23 Beauty Case. Illuminated with fitted interior. Catalogue Number............. .... ... 260/0635 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.61 £2.95 24 " Easyseal " Bag Sealer. Cuts and heat seals polythene. Supplied with 5 rolls of polythene sleeving. Catalogue Number .................... 420/0727 Recommended Retail Argas Price £8.50 £5.95 25 FALSTAFF Child's Christening Cup. Silver plated. Elephant motif. Catalogue Number .................... 280/0686 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.52 £1.80 26 FALSTAFF Child's Bowl and Spoon . Silver plated with liner. Animal motifs. Catalogue Number ..................... 280/0679 Recommended Retail Argas Price £4.10 £2.90

27 FALSTAFF Child 's Silver Plated Set. Comprises egg cup , spoon and napkin ring . Animal motifs . Catalogue Number .................... 280/0693 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.30 £1 .60 28 FALSTAFF " Duck" Money Box . Silver plated . Catalogue Number .................... 280/0662 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.36 £2.60 29 Outdoor Thermometer. Black weather resistant plastic. Catalogue Number ................. ... 640/1672 Recommended Retail Argas Price



Catalogue Number ...... .... .. ..... ...640/1634 Recommended Retail Argos Price £13.15 £8.80 2 JUDGE Bottle Rack. Eight struts and twelve spacers. Catalogue Number .. ....... ... ....... 640/1641 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1.70 £1.25 3 .'BODA BARON Tankard. Hand made in heavy glass. (Sweden). Catalogue Number... . .. .. .. 815/0646 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.75 £3.20 4 ARABIA " Quartet" Glasses. Set of 4. (Finland). Catalogue Argos Re c. Number Retail Price 815/0725 5'12 oz. £1 .17 £0.85 £1 .62 £1 .20 815/ 07321 0oz. £1.81 £1.30 815/074914 '12 oz. 5 Miniatu re Riding Boots. Silver plated. Can be used to give an approximate drinks measu re. Catalogue Number .................... 280/0703 Recommended Retail Argos Price



6 PIFCO Drink Mixer. Chromium plated body. Battery operated (not supplied) . (Japan) . Catalogue Number .................... 270/0676 Recommended Retail Argos Price £1 .10 £0.80 7 BODA Champagne Glasses. Set of 2. Hand made. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number .................... 815/ 0660 Recommend ed Retail Argos Price £4.50 £3.85 8 CROWN STAFFORDSHIRE Coasters. Set o f six . Fine bone china. Catalogue Number .................... 800/1616 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.85 £3.75 9 Cocktail Caddy. Holds 5 bottles. Useful top shelf. Catalogue Number ............... .. .. 270/0690 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.03 £2.20

Argos Price £5.65 12 PHILIPS Electric Hair Clippers. For family hair cutting . Two gu ide combs. 1201240V. (Holland) . Catalogue Number.................. 440/ 0950 Recommended Retail Argos Price



13 AUTO SNAP Cigarette Dispenser and Lighter. For use in the car. (W. Germany) . Catalogue Number ........... ......... 278/0359 Recommended Retail Argos Price £11 .50 £7.85 14 CORAL 30-hour Alarm Clock. Metallic finished case. luminous dots and hand s. (Japan). Catalogue Number.·... . . ......... 255/1210 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.97 £5.25

10 Sewing Box. Concertina design. Walnut coloured polished finish. Catalogue Number .................... 260/0628 Recommended Retail Argos Price £4.33 £3.10

15 CORAL Alarm Clock. Oval shaped chromium plated case. luminous dots and hands. (Japan). Catalogue Number ................... 25511203 Recommended Retail Argos Price £7.09 £4.85

11 Beetle Boot Jack. Colourful hand painted metal.

16 PIFCo' " Numero" Electric Illuminated face. (Hong Kong) .


Catalogue Number ......... ........... 25511193 Recom mended Retail Argas Price



17 Pean ut Dispenser. Wood grain effect. Catalogue Number ...... ............. 270/0724 Recommended Retail Argas Price £2.42 £1 .80 18 CASCADE Glass Spaghe«i Jar. Height 24". Catalogue Number ...... ... ... ... ..... 815/ 0684 Recom mended Retail Argos Price £2.95 £2.15 19 SANTOS Coffee Maker. Heat resistant glass with filter system . Capacity 8 cup s. (Denmark) . Catalogue Number ...... .... ...... .. .. 815/071 8 Recommended Retai l Argas Price



20 Auto Chop De Luxe Food Chopper. Catalogue Number.. . ..... 840/0884 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.25 £1.60 21 RIMA "Oster" Electric Fond ue Set. Teflon coated interi or. Complete with six stainless steel forks. (U.S.A.) . Catalogue Number .................... 420/0734 Recommended Retail


22 Spi ce Wheel. Mahog any stand with 12 jars containing spi ces and herbs. Catalogue Number ......... 840/ 0860 Recommended Retail Argo • Price £6.66 £4.70 23 Pepper Mill. Clear acrylic with orange coloured top. Height 7". Catalogue Number ................... 815/ 0701 Recommended Retail Argos Pric e


28 DONGORA Kitchen Pack . Contains one each tea to wel, apro n, tea cosy and pair of oven gloves. Cata logue Number .................... 110/2402 Recommended Retail Argos Price £2.75 £1 .95 29 LYNOALWARE Table Mats. Set of 15. In three sizes. Heat and stai n resisting. Cork backed . Catalogue Number .................... 640/1658 Recommended Retail Argos Price £3.96 £3.15 30 Apron Set. Butcher style striped apron and double hand mitt. Catalogue Number .................... 110/2419 Recommended Retai l Argos Price £2.45 £1.90


26 SMI THS 1-hour Timer. Copper and brass case. Catalogue Number ..... ... .. .... .... 255/1186 Recommended Retail Argos Price


£1 .95


25 SODA Glass Cruet. Pepper and salt in bird shape. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number .................... 815/0608 Recommended Retail Argos Price


..... 840/0877 Argos Price



24 PIFCO " Drink·o-matic" Drinks Mixer. Capacity 1Y2 pints. Battery operated (not suppl ied). (Hong Kong) . Catalogue Number......... .. .... ..... 270/ 0683 Recommended Retail Argos Price


C1talogue Number Recommended Retell


31 LYNOALWARE Table Set. Comprises 4 heat resisting, cork backed mats, size and 4 rayon sailcloth napki ns. Catalogue Number .................... .640/ 1665 Reco mmend ed Retail Argos Price £2.35 £1 .90

81h''x 7Y•~.

Cata logue Number ...... ...... .. . .. 815/0653 Reco mmended Retail Argas Price £6.20 £5.25 33 SODA Pipe Holder/ Ash Tray. Ch unky glass. (Sweden). Catalogue Number... 815/ 0677 Recommended Reta il Argo1 Price



34 KOSTA Glass Dish. Lead cry1111 Sun· flower design. (Sweden) . Catalogue Number... 11 51 0822 Recommended Retail Argo• Prl •

c• u


35 CASCADE Corn Cob Ol1h•1 S.f of in textured glass w ith stlckl Catalogue Number... Recommended Reta il

£2.95 36 KOSTA Avocado DllhOI 4tl ul dishes. Leaf pattern (Swttd•nl Catalogue Number Recommended Retail

£2.95 37 BOOA Doasort (Sweden). Catalogu e Number

01 ..

Where to pocket the difference The first ARGOS shops, offering of course, ARGOS LOW LOW prices are now open at:-

London Bond Street 10-1 Oa Bond Street, London, W.1. Clapham 30 Clapham High Street, London, S. W.4. Dalston 81 Kings/and High Street, London, E.8. Hendon Central 43-45 Watford Way, Hendon, London, N. W.4. Old Street 185-197 Old Street, London, E. C. 1. Shepherds Bush 159- 161 Shepherds Bush Centre, London, W. 12. Wandsworth 167-1 73 Wandsworth High Street, London, S. W. 18.

Canterbury Park House, Sturry Road, Canterbury, Kent.

Croydon 9-11 London Road, West Croydon, Surrey. Dartford 4-1 Oa Lowfield Street, Dartford, Kent. Ferndown 31 Glenmoor Road, Ferndown, Dorset. Leicester 25 East Street! Calais Hill, Leicester, Leicestershire. Northampton (1st Floor) 31-33 Abington Square, Northampton, Northamptonshire. Orpington 7-9 The Walnuts Centre, Orpington, Kent. Reading The Butts Shopping Centre, Reading, Berkshire. Southampton (1st Floor) 86-88 East Street, Southampton, Hampshire. Watford 5 King Street, Watford, Hertfordshire.

Watch your local press for early openings in the following areas and in other major centres throughout the United Kingdom:Bedford Cardiff

New Oxford Street Plymouth ARGOS shops are springing up all over.

Shrewsbury Worthing

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