Argos No.09 1978 Spring

Page 1

s• e savmgs Here's how we save you money. Discount prices on everything, 1• Our new concept in shopping uses less space, so we The Argos p.rices shown here are, where possible, save on rent and rates. . compared with the Recommended Retail Prices as provided by our suppliers. \Xlhere no such prices exist 2 Computerised warehousing improves efficiency all our suppliers have provided Comparative Retail Prices • round and cuts wastage. ' except where asterisks are printed against the 3 B~k purchasing enables us to sell everything at Comparative Retail Price. In respect of those cases rwith • discount, permanently. No hidden extras.

astensks) a market research study was carried out in D~cember 1?77,which established an average retail . ~ pnce and this has been described as the Comparative Retail Price. These are used to show the genuine savings we offer.

Argos prices already include VAT so there are no "hidden" extra costs to pay. Because our prices are less, you also pay less VAT Our trading policy is to provide you with big savings on everything we sell, but in the event of VAT changes, or for any other reason beyond our control, we may have to make adjustments, so please check against the Master Catalogue in your Argos showroom.

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Index (

Air r


150-151 Audio Equipment .•••.••...••••••••••.•••.•••••. 59-69

Fans ' ' ! 80 Fan Heaters .••••:...•..~•.•..••••••.••.••.••.•......••• 81 I=1ll11s !I Fishing Equipment •.•••.•••.•.....•..••..•.••••••.. 19 Food Mixers .•.•.•........•..•••••.••••...•.•.. 160-163 180 Food Slicers ...•...••••••••..............•.•....•.•••. Footballs 16, 94 Furniture ..............•••••..•..•64, 68, 70-73, 187

by Linen ......••...••......•••••..••..•....•••••• 83-84 n ckgammon Set •...•..•..•:.•.•.•..•.•.••........•99 It dmlnton Racquets •............••..•.•...20,94 173, 176 Ilk ware ~....•.•.........•....••.....•.•.125 II ngles r Accessorie.s ..:.........•..... 99, 197. Games & Toys •.•...•......26-29, 69, 84-94, 99 Ihroom Accessories ...........••...,141-143 30-33 141 Garden Furniture .•.•••.............•••••••.••.• Ihroom Scales ........••..••..•..•.......•.••.•. ttory Chargers .•..•.........•~••••........•..•...52 Gardening Equipment •..•.•..............•..34-41 99-t03 uty Aids ..•..•....••.•,••..........•104-110, 114 .Gent's Gifts .•.••.•.••.•......•.•••.•••..•••...... 124 7s-79 Gent's Rings ddlng 194-195 ds & Bedroom Furrliture .•••...........72-73 Glassware •.•..•.•...••..•....•.•.•••••.•...•.•. 18 dspreads ;00'1'.' 75,78 Golf Equipment •••.•••.......•..••••.•.••••..•••.•.•.. :.-.'Il' 93 fl Icycles I Inoculars ...............•.•.....::..:..•......•.•...•...15 Hair Care •.•.•.•.........102, 104, 106-109, 114 113 Handbag .........•.•" 198 Ird Ca_ge 166 Illankets & Car Rugs •.•••...'.•...•.....••.••55, 78 Heat.Trals & .Trolleys •••.••.•..••.......•...•••• 80-82 160-163 HeatIng pphances ..••...•..•..•.•...•..•.••• I nders Rr celets .........•..........................•..125, 130 Home Extras ...............••..•.•.•..........1~6-198 179 r ad Bins 152-155 . rlcfeases 100-101 Irons ........•...•.......•.•..........•..••...•.•...• Drooches .•..........•....•.•...................126, 131 Ironing Tables ...........•••.•..•..........•..150-151 Brush & Comb Sets .•••••................•....•..114 Jewel Boxes ..........•...•......•.•...........114-115 120-131 Colculators .....•....................•................•..97 Jewellery C meras ....•........•.••.•.•..............••...•... 10, 13 Keep Fit Equipment. •..•..................••.•16-17 Camping Equipment ..•.•.••.....•.........•.21-26 156-157 182 Kettles Can Openers ..................•.•....~ Car Accessories •..•.•.........•.•.•..•.•....... 52-55 Kitchen Cutlery ..•..•..•...................:...•.•.•181 156-169 Car Radios & Cassette Players .•......56-58 Kitchen Appliances ...•..••.•..••••.•....• 51-53 Kitchen Equipment. ............•..•.••..•.179-183 Car Tools .•..•.•...............•......•...•..•....... 187 Carpet Shampooers •..•.•.......•..••......•....148 Kitchen Furniture 182 C~rpet Sweepers •..•.................••••••148-149 Kitchen Scales .•..........••.••••••..•..•.....•..... Knitting Machine .•..••...•.......•..•••..•.•.•.... 112 Cassettes & Cassette Cases .... 62,64,68 Cassette Players/Recorders ....•.....•63-66 Ladders 49 Charms ....•..:...•..•.•.••..................•...127, 131 104-115 190-193 Lady's Gifts China ......•..•..................•••.•.••.•.•...•.. Laundry Equipment .....•...••..•.........150-155 Cleaning Equipment .•..........•.••.•.•.144-149 34-35 199-202 Lawn Mowers ..................•.•.••....•..•....• Clocks ...........•......••.•.•.....••........•....• .: 98 62 Lighters Clock Radios .....•...........•.•....•.•.•..•.........•. Lighting 134-140 Clothes Lines ••.•.•....•.............:•......;...•...151 163 Liquidisers Coffee Makers/Percolators ••........158-159 iI-El Continental Quilts l. 77 1.1ISJSJClg~ 164-168 Cookers & Grills .•.•.•.•...••.•.....•.......• 100, 110 Cooker Hoods .....••....•..•........:.•..•.••..•...•167 Manicure Sets ..........••.•.•.••.••.•.....•• 106 Massagers .....••.......:•..•.•.•..•.••............•.• 166,169-177 Cookware Mincers .••••.•••..•.....•....•.... 160-161, 163, 180 11:1 (:()t..•...•.........•.•••••.•.••.••.•..........•.•.•••.••.•••..• 196-197 ~ " 74 Mirrors .......•..•.........•••...•...............•. Curtains 34-35 Cutlery ••••..••..••.... , 188-189 Mowers .•..•..•..•.........••...•.•.........•........• Mugs 193 66-67 . Decorating Equipment ....•..........•..•...49-50 Music Centre •.•.•.................•.••.•..•••.•... Developing & Printing .•...•........................9 Ml,lsicallnstruments .•............•........•••.•.•69 134 Dimmer Switches 0.1. Y 42-51 Neckchains .............•....•.....••..•••.....126-131 100 Dress Form •.•...............••..•...••...............• 110 Notecases Nursery Equipment .•....................•.•••83-84 Dress Rings .....•............•........•...•...•122-124 Drills (Power) .....•.....•.............•..........44, 47 149 Office Equipment .....•..••..•.•.•...•..........96-97 Dustbin •..•.....................•..•.•.•..•.•............ Optical 15 . ' 198 Earnngs •...............•....•...•126, 128-129, 131 Ornaments 178 Electric Blankets ..............•...••.•.•..........•.79 Ovenwa re ........•.........•.•....•.•..•.•.•..•........ Electric Casseroles .....:..•......•..•••.•.•.•.•. 169 50 81-82 . Paint Brushes •. Electric Fires •......••.••.•.•.•.................•.• 179 Electric Toothbrush ....•.•:.•.•.••...............105 Pedal Bins Engagement Rings 120..122 Pendants & Lockets ..•......•...•••.•..•126, 131 95 123 Pens & Pencils ..,.••••.•....•..•............••...•.•.. Eternity Rings .•.•••.•..: 158-159 Executive Cases .•.••.•.........•...,...•.•.100-101 Percolators ...•••••••••••..........•......••.•. 16-17 Personal Electrics •.•...•....•.....100, 102-109 Exercisers ~ Extractor Fans ;•.......••.......•.... 80 Photographic Equipment •.......•.~••..•....9-15 . ,



Picnic Equipment •••••.•.••...•....••••.••.•.•• 24-25 ;:•••••••••••••.••..•••••••••••.• 78 'Pillows •...•••••••.•••.••.•.. Polishers 148 Power Tools 44 47 1 Pressure Cookers •••.••.••...•..•..••••••••.•.•.. 14-15 Projectors & Accessories ......•..•••••.•. ~ " 113 Purses ..•.•.•......•..




,•..........••.•••..•.........••...•.••• jr7

Radiators 82 Radios & Radio Cassettes ..••••.•••••••.• 56-64 65, 68 Record Cases ••..•....••.•••••••.•.•..........•• Record Playing Systems •••.••.•....•..••• 65-67 · 55 Roof-Racks Rotissoires ~ " 164

170"177 Saucepa ns .....•.....•••.•...•.............•••. Scissors •..•.•.••..•..•..........•..•••••.•..•.•. 111, 180 _.... 112 Sewing Machines ••••••.•..•.•.••.••..••••.• Sewing Stools & Boxes .•...•...•~•••...110-111 Shampooers (Carpet) ••..•...•.........•.~•..•.148 Shavers .•.....•...•.•••..•...•...........•••.••.. 102-104 Sheets : 75 Shoe Racks ' 149 Shopping Bags & Trolleys ..•...•..•.•..•.•..113 Shower Equipment .•.......•....•....••..........143 132-133 SilvelWare .....••..•••.•............•....•••••.. 22-23 Bags ..•.......•...••••...........•••••• Spice Racks 180 Sponge Mop 149 Sports Equipment. ..•.•......•...••.16-29, 26-27 20 Squash Racquets .•..••.•.•.••......••.•••••••...... Stainless Steel Ware ...••...•....179, 184-186 187 Step Stools & Stools •...••..•.............•.••.•• Stereo Equipment ......•..•.....•..•.•.•......65-67 _.;:•••~.•..••..115 Stop Watches ••••••••.••.•.......... Storage Jars ............••...••..............193, 195 Sunglasses 1·5 Sun Lamps :••..105 Table Lamps 134, 138-139 Table Linen 195 195 . Table Mats ..........•.•.••••............•...•.•.••••.. 99 Tankards io-:r.' 159 Tea Makers ~:.: Tea Sets ....•..:: 186, 190-193 195 Tea Towels .•..••.•.•.•.........•..: Tea Trolleys ••.••. 196 15 Telescopes 1rel~"isi()l1s Ei~ Tennis Racquets .....•.•...•......•..••..•....20, 94 164-165 Toasters 1r()()I!t •••••••••••••••••••••• _ lJ~-!;:J Toys & Games ............•26-29, 69, 84-94, 99 Typewriters .•...............•.•.•.•...........•.•,.••.•.96


Umbrellas-Gent's ..•..•............•..••.••.....100 Lady's : ..;....•.•.........•.114 Sports 18-19 Vacuum Cleaners •...•.....••..............144-147 25 Vacuum Flasks .....••.•.••••.•..........•••••••••.... 100 Valet Stand •.••,•..•............•••.•...•.....•...•.•.• Vegetable Racks ...•.......••....••......•..••..•. 183 Wallets 100 Watches 115-119 120-121 . Weddirig Rings .....•..•..•.•••..•.........•. Wine Bottle Rack .....•...••..•....................197 Writing Case •..•.•...•......•'1 100 /


1 Exclusive Expanding GusseHed Cases. Suit,I',(IS have compartment divider in lid for sepa1,.1<' packing. Beautifully lined. Retaining straps. I xucutive style holdall is also lined and has .uparate document compartment. CAtalogue Compo Our Retail Price Number

285/1910 29~"x20~"x7" '85/1903 25~"x1n"xBi" 185/1893 Holdall 201"x12i"x9"

£40.00 £25.95 £35.50 £22.95 £28.95 £18.95

,. Continental Style Zip·Top Cases and Holdall. Iiolge coloured vinyl with overstraps. . Cotalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price

285/1525 25~"xl7"xB" 285/1518 22"x 15~"x5l" 285/1501 19)"x 14"xB)" 285/1941 Holdall 20"x12"x9"

£15.95 £10.75 £14.65 £9.95 £8.85 £6.25 £5.65 £4.25

3. Antler Vinyl Cases. Zip fastening with straps .md buckles. Catalogue Number

285/1855 2n"x 19)"x8' 285/1666 2B"x18"xn" 285/1659 24"x 1B"x7"

Compo Our Retail Price

£23.75 £15.95 £22.50 £14.95 £21.50 £13.95

4. Spartanite

Cases. Supple PVC material on alloy frames. Snap-over locks. Adjustable straps. Compo Our Catalogue Number Retail Price

285/0368 Jumbo 29"x2O"x8l" 285/0351 Traveller 25"xI81"x71" 285/0344 Weekender 21"xI61"x5"

£29.90 £21.50 £27.50 £18.95 £22.00 £15.95


1. Continental Style Cases. Quality expanded vinyl. Comfort grip handles and adjustable straps. Catalogue

Number 28511563 2~"x19"x6" 285/1556 25!"x16~"x6"

Comp. Our Retail Price £19.25£13.45 £17.75£11.95

2. Constellation Cases. Silver coloured trim. Moire lining. Cheney locks. Comp.Our Catalogue Number Retail Price 285/1879 25"x18~"x7" £13.50£9.95 285/1862 23"x16~"x~" £12.50£8.95 28511831 Overnight 15f'x12il"xIW £1.60 £5.25 3. Constellation Vanity Case.Vinyl covered.Two bottles in interior pocket. With lock and twopositionadjustablestrap.Size13!"x 13~"x5". Cat. No. 28511154

CompoRetail £4.96

Our Price £3.75

~ Spartan Expanding Fibre Case. Flip-back locks. Size 29"x21"x 7", when expanded iH"x21"x9". Cat. No.285/1927

CompoRetail £10.50

6. Constellation Nest of 2 Fibre Cases. Sizes ;>4;"x7"x17"and 26rxn"x 19".Cat. No.28511934


Comp. Retail £15.94

Our Price £11.25


7. Jekmoth Travel Suit Cover. Protects against

damp and dust. With generous side gussets. Length36".width 23". Cat. No. 285/1570

CompoRetail £2.10

Our Price £1.45

6. Two-suiter Wardrobe Pack. All round nylon Tip. Capaciousoutside zip pocket. Comfort grip handle. Open size 24"x 37". Closed size 24"x 1n" x 7" :r-':» Cat. No.285/1886

CompoRetail £23.95

. Our Price £18.45

9. Norland Gazelle "Speedy" Luggage Trolley. Platform folds automatically for quick loading. Compactfor storage Cat. No.285/1587

Rec. Retail £6.95 4. Constellation Overnight Case. Two handles with flap-over strap. Fully lined in black moire. Size15!"x13~"x6" Cat. No.285/1996

Our Price £8.25

Our Price £5.25

10. Travel Bag. Reinforced base and handles. Lockablezip fastening.Size20"x 13~"x10!". Cat. Np. 28511958

CompoRetail £6.15

Our Price £4.45

~ !'HINTING AND DEVELOPINGSERVICE. W" will accept ANY POPULAR BRAND OF {at OUR NEGATIVEFILM in 126, 110 and 35 """ Your film will be developed and printed on I ,ltd.rIOS8 silk finish paper by one of Britain's I fHng loboratories. A credit voucher will be ul~..'l lor any unprintable negative which is , ,1 "moble against any future purchases from

"Allllw up to 7 days for collection of completed HI.

1"logue N"",bor 11/0008 110-12Prints 110-20Prints 126-12Prints "'0046 126-20Prints \loon 135·12Prints , 10053 135·20Prints r "/0084 135-36Prints

Comp.Our Retail Price £2.79 £1.99 £4.15 £2.75 £2.79 £1.99 £4.15 £2.75 £3.18 £1.99 £4.70 £2.75 £7.74 £4.75

1U Kodacolor II Film. For colour prints. ProcesJ NOTincluded in price. Comp.Our ".Iogue


,',/0036 Cll0-20 ASA 100 ,",/00'12 C126-20ASA 100 10098 C135-20ASA 1(:)0

Retail £1.17 £1.15 £1.09

Price £1.05 £0.99 £0.99

t I Kodachrome 40 KMA464PSuper 8 Movie , llin ',0' cartridge.Processingincluded in price. Cat. No. 555/0469

omp.Retail £3.52

Our Price £3.15


t' Kodachrome KM459P 50' Daylight Movie '11m ASA 25. For standard 8 cameras.Proces-

1. Travel/Shoulder Bag. Polyurethane material. Zip-top opening with two zip pockets. Folds for use as shoulder bag. Overall size 19"x1CY'x5~". Folded size ~"x6~"x2". . Cat. No. 28511965

~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;::=====! ~~~~=~====~~~====d Comp.Retail £7.15

Our Price £4.75

2. Folding Suitcase. Black Watch tartan. Zip fastening on three sides. Opensize 24"x15"x6". Closedsize24"x8"x2". ... ..Cat.No.285/0997

CompoRetail £6.00

Our Price £4.25

3. Flight Bag. Polyurethane material. Outside pockets.Size14~"xl1tx8~". .....Cat. No.285/1972

CompoRetail £8.65

Our Price £5.95

4. Revelation Shoulder Bag. Interior wallet pocket. External zip pocket with 2 pouch pockets. Removableshoulder strap. Size IT'xll''x8''. Cat. No. 285/1989

CompoRetail £16.65


'Il,"cluded in price.


omp.Retail £2.97

Our Price £2.65

f I KodachromeDaylight Film. Forcolour sfides. ~,... posures.Processingand mounting included If' pnce. (.,,!nlogue Comp.Our Retail Price Number £3.n £3.40 ".,S/0438 KM135-36PASA 25 35 mm £3.77 £3.40 • '15/0445 KRl35-36P ASA 64 35 mm 14 Process-Paid Kodacolor II Film. Supplied ....'111mailing envelope. Exposed film will be pllnted to enprint size and returned to you. A I ,"d,t voucher will be given for any unprintable """ntives redeemableagainsta further purchase ,I process-paidKodacolor II film from !,S. Rec. Our (. !ologue Number Retail Price ~55/0531Cll0-20 Prints £5.43 £3.75 f,S5/0524 C126-20Prints £5.38 £3.75 £5.36 £3.75 1.55/0555C135-20Prints 1>55/0548 C135-36Prints £8.50 £5.45

Our Price £11.25

5. Flight Shoulder Bag. Polyurethanematerial. Outside zipped pockets. Size 13"x1CY'x44". Cat. No. 285/1800

15. Kodak PR10 Instant Print Film. 10 colour prrnts, 2tx3,";;" with 'Satinluxe' finish. For use wrth all Kodak Instant Picture cameras. Cal. No. 555/0500

CompoRetail £7.20

CompoRetail £4.80

Our Price £5~25

Our Price £4.35

6. "Roly-Poly" Casual FlighVTravel Bag. Vinyl with full zip-top opening.Handgripsandshoulder strap. Side pocket. Size 16~"x12"i<6~". Cat. No. 285/1817

Comp.Retail £8.45

Our Price £5.95

7. Flight Bag. Polyurethanecoatedvinyl material. Zip-top opening. Three zip pockets. Adjustable carrying handle with shoulder pad. Size 12"x12"xT'................... ..Cat.No.285/1109

17. Polaroid Type 88 P2 Colour Film. 8 prints, 1:"x3~" For 'Colour Swinger' (,Instant Hl') and Super Colour Swinger' ('Instant 20 and 30') .. ....Cal. No.555/0115 rangeof cameras..

Comp.Retail £7.20'

CompoRetail £2.99

Our Price £5.25

Our Price £2.65

8. Travel Bag. Nylon fabric with full zip-top opening. Reinforced handles. Size 23~"x 13"xT' .. ..Cat. No.285/0959

18. Polaroid Type SX70Colour Film. 10 prints, 3,\", 3;" For use with all Polaroid SX70system cameras ...Cat. No.555/0476

CompoRetail £5.99

CompoRetail £4.99

Our Price £3.99


Our Price £4.45




2. Kodak "Pocket Instamatic 130" Camera Outfit. Sliding lens cover. Complete with Kodacolor II film, Magicube and wrist cord plus free caseas illustrated Cat. No. 560/2290

CompoRetail £16.73

Our Price £11.95

3. Kodak "Pocket Tele-Instamatic.330" Camer"!,. Outfit! Two lenses,one for standard shots and a tete-lenswhich brings the subject into close-upat the flicK ot a switch. Complete with Kodacolor II film, Magicube and wrist cord plus free case as illustrated Cat. No. 560/2300

Compo Retail £28.63

Our Price £19.25

Agfa "Autostar" 110 Pocket Camera Outfit. 1 lens. Shutter speed 1/80 sec-.Automatic flash speedof 1/40 sec. Completewith 110colourfilm, Magicubeand wrist cord Cat. No. 560/2678·

.Comp. Retail £10.25

1t;:'"'--;:;;;;;;;--;;::;'--;::;rP'"'" .... -"'"':"T-----

Our Price £8.95

5. Keystone PE 405 110 Pocket Camera. With built-in electronic flash. Featuresinel~de portrait lens that slides into position at the ffick of a switch and OdS "electric eye" for autematlc ....... ..."..7"...,..~....:-:----i;---;;;;--...::........,-~7:.:.:.:.:;::::;;:::.::~::::!::;;:=:;::::::;:; exposure for perfect pictures. Uses 2xMN1500 batteriesor equivalent. Oat. No. 560/2788

Rec. Retail £47.25

Our-Price £28.95

6. Kodak "Instamatic 1nX" Camera Outfit. Weather guide settings. Complete with ~26 Kodacolor·1Ifilm, Magicube and wrist strap. Cat. No. 560/2630

COmpoRetail £15.26

Our Price £1:t.95

8. Kodak "Instamatic 77X" Coloor Camera Outfit. Complete with "126 Kodacolor II fitm, MagicuOeand wrist strap Cat. No. 560/2623

Compo Reta:1 £11.31

Our Price £8.95

9. Hanirnel' "loadmattc IEF" 110 Pocket Camera. f8/2.7'mm three element lens. Optical viewfinder. Complete with clip on/cup off electronic flash attachment and wrist strap. Flash uses 2xMN1500 batteries or equivalent. Cat. No. 560/2331

Ree. Retail £31.69

Our Price £20.95

It c. Retail £7.~5 fl. Sunpak "Auto 24" Computerised"Electronic I .shgun. Hot shoe or standard co-axial connecuons. Built-in exposure computer with choice of twO apertureiettings. Uses4xMN1.500batteries Cat. No. 560/2719 , , uquivalent...

nec. Retail £28.87

Our Price £19.95

14. Sunpak GX14 Electro.{ic Flashgun. Powerful ..nouph for most homesituations. Hotshoe or co.~Ial connections, Uses 2xMN1500 batteries or IIquivalent Cat. No. 560/2386

Rec. Retail £8.62

Our Price £6.25

1. Kodak EI<2Instant Picture Camera. Electronic shutter gives automatic exposure for daylight or flash. Bright-line viewfinder. Manual print delivery. Dry prints which develop in your hand. Takes Kodak PR10 film. Uses 1x7K67 battery (supplied). ...Cat. No. 560/2836

Compo Retail £26.12

Our Price£65.00 3. Kodak EK6 Instant Picture Camera. Electronic exposure centrol for daylight or flash. Shutter speeds :1/20-1/300 sec. Motorised print delivery . in 3 seconds. Dry prints which develop in your" hand. Takes Kodak PR10 film. Uses 2x7K67 batteries (supplied) Cat. No. 560/2616

Our , Price£35.95 .

4. Kodak EK4 Instant Picture Camera. Electronic exposure control for daylight or flash. Sbutter speeds 1/20-1/300 sec. Manual print delivery. Dry prints develop in"'your hand, Takes Kodak PRlO film. Uses 1x7K67 battery (supplied). N.B. "Flip flasiJ" not supplied....... . Cat. No. 560/2609

Compo Retail£37.61

Our Price£28.95

5. Polaroid "Instant 10" Picture Camera. 'Sensitive "electric eye" gives perfect exposure for colour prints, which develop in 60 seconds. flash cube holder. Takes type 88 colour film. Uses 2xMN15oo batteries (supplied). Cat. No. 560/2805

Compo Retail £10.47*

Our Price£9.45

6. Polaroid "Instant 30" PictUre Camera. Automatic exposure. For colour and black and white prints. Bvilt-in flash holder. Takes type 87,88,107 and lO8 film. Uses 2xMrIIJ5oo batteries- (supptied) : Cat. No. 560/2829

Compo Retail £17.83*

Our Price£16.95

7. PolaroiCll"nstant 20" Picture Camera. Automalic exposure control. For colour and black ana white prints which develop in seconds. With builtin flash holder. Takes type 87 and 88 film. Uses 2xMN1500 batteries (supplied). Cat. No. 560/2812

Compo Retail £14.92*

r •(

Our Price£13.95.



Ullllna 3000 35 mm Camera. With built-in pnsure meter. ·f2.8/45 mm lens. Shutter speeds U) 1/250 sec. Hot shoe' and 3mm flash conI. Complete with carrying case. Cat. No. 560/2166

Our Price£18.95

2. Kodak EK8 Instant Picture Camera. Automatic ' exposure. Coupled range finder for correct focusing down to 3' 6". Motor driven print delivery. Dry prints develop in your hand. Takes Kodak PR10 film. Uses 4xMN15oo batteries (supplied). Cat. No. 560/2843

Compo Retail £47.31 ,

'I llna 2000 35 mIll f2.8/45 mm iens. It! line viewfinder. Shutter speeds 1/30-1/250 Itot shoe and 3mm flash 'col'ltacts. Complete Cat. No. 560/2173 , ", ,.rrying case




Our Price£18.95

10. Revue S3 Camera Tripod. Rigid 3-section

!)<,konglegs. Rising centre column with pan and III head. Height closed 23¥', open 591". Cat. No. 560/2214£23.95

. Our Price£15.95

1I. Olympus "Trip 35" Compact 35 mm Camera. Autornaticallytpreqrarnmed shutter and meter with low light warning signal and shutter lock. 4 position zone focusing. Complete with pouch Cat. No. 560/2795 case

Rec.Retail £62.52

Our Price£44.95

I~C~~~8MS~~8F~e~me_f1N10-~===~====~~======~===~====~~~~~==~~~5~~~==~ 30 mm power zoom with Macro setting. Automauc through-the-Iens metering. Filming speeds 18 t.p.s. and single shot. Complete with case. Uses 3>< MN1500 batteries or equivalent. Cat. No. 560/0560


Our Price£74.95

13. Halina Automatic Super 8 Cine Camera• f1.8/12-24 mm manual zoom lens. Built-in CdS exposure meter and bad light indicator. Direct optical viewfinder. .Footage counter. Uses 2xMN1§OObatteries or equivalent.. " Cat. No. 560/0584


Our Price'£32.50

14. Gaf 102A Super 8 Zoom Cine Camera. Manual zoom, fl.8 colour coated lens. Fully automatic with C~S 'electric eye' tor correct exposure. Electric drive at 18 f.p.s. Push button trigger. Optical viewfinder with exposure warning signal. Remol/able elastic strap attaches to either side for firm effortless grip. lYses4xMN24oo bafteries or equivalent... CaL No. 560/2702



Please note: Ul)less otherWise stated batteries are net supplied. -



1. Eumig 6050 Dual Gauge 8 mm Cine Projector. H .6/17-30 mm zoom lens. Three speeds in both forward and reverse, including slow motion. 100 W Halogen lamp Cat. No. 570111n

CompoRetail £118.45

Our Price £84.50

2. Gat 1200 Super 8 Cine Projector. 11.4/20-32 mm zoom lens. Features include film cutter, framer, automatic film threading and a 12 VI 100 W Halogen lamp. Supplied in self-contained carrying case. ...Cat. No. 570/1191

Reo. Retail £97.15

Our Price £59.95."

3. Cinerex 707 Dual Gauge 8 mm Cine Projector. 1).5120-32mm zoom lens. Auto-threading. Forward/reverse, variable speeds plus still picture. Capacity400' of film Ca.t.No. 510/1012

Rec. Retail £79.95

~~.,,,,ber ·~U/0683 8 x 40 ·.1I()/069010 x 50 .0/070016x50

Our Price £54.95

4. Gnome 7105 "Jaguar" Fully Automatic Slide Projector. 12.8/85 mm coated lens. Remote control slide change and focusing. Fan cooled. With 24 VI150 W Tungsten Halogen lamp and rotary magazine Cat. No. 57011225

Rec. Retail £84.41

Our Price £55.50

5. Gnome 7101 "Jaguar" Slide Projector. Manual operation. f2.8/85 mm lens: Turbo fan cooling with 300W 1.0. lamp and standard magazine. Cat. No. 57011043

Rec. Retail £45.86

Our Price £31.50


6. Gnome 7102 "Jaguar" Automatic Slide Projector. 12.8/85 mm coated lens. Remote control push-button slide change. Side lever focusing with 300 W 1.0. lamp and standard magazine . CaL No. 570/1050

Rec. Retail £62.85

Our Price £43.50 •

7. Gaf 101 Slide Projector. f2.8i'85 mm lens. Manual farward/reverse operation. Turbine cooled. 24 VJ150 W Ouartz Halogen lamp. With easy-edit36 slide tray and 100slide rotary tray. eat. No. 57011160

Our Price £34.95 8. Gat "Pana-Vue" Automatic Table-Top Viewer. 4 x magnification. Holds stack of up to 36 cardboard or'24 plastic mounted slides. Uses 2 x U2 batteries or equivalent (not supplied). Cat. No. 570/0752

Our Price £8.95

13. Reactolite Unisex chromic lenses change from very light1:odark tint In seconds, according to the brightness €If the urroundings. Silver coloured metal frame. Complete with case Cat. No. 580/0669

CompoRetail £14.50

Our Price £8.75

Folding Exercise Cycle. Meter shows. comparable road speed and distance covered~ Weight17lb. . Cat. No. 300/2311 ~ 1. Ablec

Compo Retail £54.86 ~~~~

Our Price £35.00

2., Ablec

Massage Machine. Vibrating head, adjustsfrom 25" to 37" high. 4'" wide cotton belt. Complete with instruction book. Cat. No. 30011903.

Rec. Retail £56.02

Our Price £37.95

3. "5 Minute" Body Shapero Desigl'ledto slim. trim and firm up the total figure with one five minute,exercise twice a day. Hooks onto door handle. Complete. with instructions. . Cat. No. 300/2146

I't!:::::::=:::::::::=~::::::::=~=============::::==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::=~ Rec. Retail £3.99

Our Price £2.25

4. "Firm and FUll" Bust Developer. Lifts bustline and firms upper arms and pectoral muscles. Completewith instruction guide. Cat. No. 300/2328

Compo Retail £5.99

Our Price £4.25

5. Leather Football .. 32 panels.Size 5. Laceless with inflation adaptor...... .Cat.No. 300/1295

Retail £6.99

Out Price £5.45 /

"Workhorse" Exerciser. EmbodiEls{J: principle used by Apollo astronauts.Allows concentrated exercisetor every part of the body"With instruction bookletand "Slim and Trim" wallchart. Cat. No. 300/2335

Rec. Retail £13.50


Our Price £9.45

7. Weider Exercise Mat. Fully illustrated.with 5 stage male and female exercise routines. Size 72"x 26"x H" thick. ..L : Cat. No. 300/2469

Compo Retail £9.99

Our Price £6.95

,,0.18"xH" DartbOard Set. With wire divider and . 12longflight darts Cat. No. 300/2421 Compo Re~iI £5.95

Our Price £3.99

1. Chrisqr O'Connor "World Cup" Half Set of Golf Clubs. Cemprises 1 and 3 weeds with laminated maple heads, 3, 5, 7 and 9 irons and geese neck type putter. irons have stainless steel heads with cavity back givin'g heel/tee characteristics. Cat. No. 321/2651

Compo Retail £72.95

Our Price £49.50-

2. Golf Bag. 6~etop ring. Solid base. Full length zipped clething pocket, tee and card holder en zipped ball pocket. Club divider. Body carrying handle and shoulder strap.........Cat. No. 321/2912

Compo Retail £16.58

Our P.rice£10.45


Flshe~manSea Multiplying Reel. Gear lever IIplastic spool for beachcasting. Line capacity I() yd of 25 Ib monofilament test line. Cat. No. 325/0950

omp.Retail £12.43

Our Price£8.95'

'" Fishing Umbrella: with Tilt Action .. Heavy 'vlon cover. 8 ribs. Frame.size 45". Open size 'Jlprox.7' ; :.Cat. No. 325/0967

omp.Retail £16.50

Our Price £10.45

13 Fishing Rod l:Ioldali. Umbrella pocket and

n"me card holder. Adjustable handle. Drainage notes in pocket and main bag. Length 5'. Cat. No. 325/0510

3. Golf Umbrella. Multi·celeured nylon cover. 30" double frame. Weeden handle'..Cat. No. 321/0189


Compo Retail £6.95

14.Landing Net. Folding head, telescopic handle no nylon net. Extended size 78~". Cat. No. 325/0943

Our Price£5.45.

4. Super Jet 1.620 British Size Golf Balls. conforming to·R& A regulatiens. Set Cif 12 balls: Cat. No. 321/3007

Compo Retail £3.48

Our Price £2.25

5.. "Stowaway" Light-weight Golf Trolley. 'New lighter ty~esreduce total weight to.nib. Cat. No. 321/3014

Compo Retail £12.96

-Our Price£9.45

6. "Stowaway" Ace De Luxe Golf Trolley. Fitted with independent suspension units and new light-weight wide tyres Cat. No. 321/3021

Compo Retail £24.50

Our Price £17.50

7. Pat Jennings Vinyl Sports Holdall. Large capacity. Size 19"x 1W'x7" ........ Cat. No. 30012304

Compo Retail £6.15

Our Price£3.99

8. Sports Bag. Large front pocket. Adjustable shoulder strap. Size 17"x 1H"x6~": Cat. No. 30011721

Compo Retail£3.05

Our Priee~.25

9. Sports Bag. 3 large zipped pocketsincjudmq"

one for' shoes, plus compartment for racquet. With adjustable shoulder sling. Size in" x t H"x7" Cat. No. 30011556

Compo Retail£6.90

Our Price £4.45

10. Tackle Box .and Acc;essories. Rigid polystyrene tackle box with cantilever tray. Includes 3 reels with 0.012 line, hooks to nylon;, bait dispenser, 116atsand shot :Cat. No. 325/0929

Compo Retail £7.65

Our Price £5.25

CompoRetail £8.10

Our Price£,5.75

Our Price£5.45

15. Relull) Fishing Seat with Ba'c.k-Rest.lncorpolilies water resistant nylon holdall with two. zippod compartments. Metal{rame. Cat. No. 325/0936 CompoRetail·£9.50

Our Price £6.95

16. Fisherman 9' Fly Rod. 2 piece hollow fibreolass. cork handle. Screw reel fitting and snake rings ; Cat. 1\10.325/0905

CompoRetail £7.50

Our Price£5.25

17. Fisherman 13' Beachcasting Rod. 3 piece nouow fibreglass. Ceramic rings and screw reel fitting. Rubber hand grips .........Cat, No. 325/0912


Our Price£14.95

18. Fisherman 7' Telescopic Spinning Rod. Cork handle, screw reel filting. Chrome ring and ring protector ': Cat. No. 325/0709

Rec.Retai.1 £6.28

OurPrice £4.45

19.FishE;rmant2' FerrulE;ssMatch Rod, 3 piece ftbreglass, ceramic butt and end ·rings Withhard chromed inter-mediates. Cat. Np. 325/0802 hollow

Rec.Retail £12.10

Our Price £8.95

20. Fisherman Youth's Fishing Outfit, Comprising 5f solid fibreglass rod, screw fitting, fixed spool, reel, l00yd line, hooks and fleat. • Cat. No. 325/0723


Our Price£4.25

16. "Rally"

Tent. Light-weight

ridge tent in QOU-'

hie proofed nylon, with sewn-in reinforced' Ilroundsheet 3-way zip closure. ventilators and e nopy. With poles, pegs and pylon guy lines, I'acked in valise. Size 6' 6"x4' 6"x3' 6" high,with q" walls , Cat: No. 340/1431

Compo Retail £23.:16

Our Price £16.95

17. Camping Wardrobe. Holds up to8 garments. Aust proof frames and swi(iel hook, Folds flat for forage. Size52"x 19"x7" " ..(:at. No; 340/1699

Rec. Retail £4.00 ,

Our Pricef £2.45

18. Windbre<l_k~ ?triped material with S wooderr poles. Size 12'x3' .•.................... Cat. No; 340i15!)8

Compo Reta!' £6.75 fOur


19. Camp Bed. Continental style wit" raised head.Dismantlesfor easys,torage. Cat. No. 34011046

Our Price £5.75

1. Conver:tibie AllrbE~/!Ch,air. fabric. Separately inflated pillow.



Compo Retail £9.95



Cai.,No. 340/1565

" ~.urPrice £7.25 <,

2. Box Sided Airbed. With pillow and side walls. PVC coated nylon material. Designed to 'sleep two persons.Deflatedsize 78"x51". . 'Cat. No. 340/1747

Compo Retail £19.99

Our Price£14.95

3. Box Sided Airbed. With pillow and side walls. PVC coated nylon material. Deflated size 76"x28!" : Cat. No. 34011730

Compo Retail £13.50

Our Price£9.95

4. Foot Pump. High·volume.suitable for inflating airbeds.1250 cc : CaL No. 340/1259

Comp; Retail £1.70

Our Pr.!_ce £1.25

5. Tube'd Airbed with Buill-in Pillow. Rubberised fabric. Deflatedsize72" x 2!W·....Cat. No. 34011211

.Compo Refail £8.99

Our Price £6.45

6. Airbed. Tubed and cross reeded. Rubberised fabric. Deflatedsize83"x30'· ..... CaL No. 340/1228

Compo Retail £10.75

Our Price £7.75

8. "Caroline" Sleeping Bag. 44 oz TERYLENE (polyester) filli(lg. Nylon!covered. All round, full I ngth zip for conversion into a double bed quilt Cat. No. 340/1400

Compo Retail£11.8.5

Our Price£7.95.,

9. "Caroline" Sleeping Bag. 38 oz Geld Label TERYLENE,(polyester)filling. Nylon covered. All round. full length zip for conversion into a double bed quilt.. ' : Cat. No. 340/1273

Compo Retail £10.25


10. Polywarm "Trekker" Lightweight Sleeping Bag. Filled with DACROI)I2 fibre for maximum warmth. No zips. Lined with polyester/cotton. CaL No. 34011716

Compo Retail£25.00

Our Price,,£19.45

to your

artton 5' Pool Table. Coveredin qUali:ty~c:I:O:th~;;~~~:::~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!:!~~~~ til rubbber edge cushions. p'-djustablefeet for IIl1lng..Supplied with two 48'"cues,spirit level, .nole, set of 48 mm pool balls and how to 'play tructions. Size 61¥'x3H"x32" high. Packed I for homeassembly Cat. No. 300/2483

1. Campari "EI Dorado" Frame Tent. With nylon. canopy, flysheet and nylon divider .. Adjustable poles. Fire retardant. Siz1il12' longx9' widex6' 6" high with 5' walls , Cat. No. 340/1668

Compo R~tail£139.00

OurPrice £102.50

romp. Retail£139.00 2. "Eurosoleil" Six Person FrameTent. Sleeping compartment situated at rear of tent which is divided into three compartments,each 5H" wide. x82i" deep. Fitted with sewn-in groundsheet.' With frame pegs and guYs. Pack size: canv~s 30"l' 18~"x9",frame 51Itx9rx9~':. Cat. No. 34011651

OurPrice £179.50


4' Bar Billi.ards Table. Covered in quality '1IIMd table' cloth with rubber edge cushions-. II1Ishedwith simulated teak sides and angled It 01legs. Adjustable feet for levelling. Supplied Ilh scoreboard,two 42"cues,set of 8 balls, spirit 'v I, skittles and how to playinstructions. Size II <24"x33" high, Packed flat for home assem'Iy : T" Cat. No.300/2490

Compo Retail£96.00' 3. Campari 3 Person Inflatable Boat. In rubberised nylon. Suitable for use with outboard motor up to 2! h.p. Deflated size 118"x 59". With telescopic paddlesand pump Cat. No. 300/2517

Compo Retail£149.99



4. Hawtin'''Sea Quest" 2 Person Inflatable Boat. In rubberised nylon. Suitable for use with out-s board motor up to 3 h.p. With swivelling oar locks,marine type brassvalves',2 inflation chambers and repair kit. SUppliedwith earsand pump. Deflatedsize90:'x52" Cat. No.300/2452 .

Compo Retail£75.00

.Our Price£49.95

5. Table Tennis Table. With i" tournament top in accordance.with ETTA specifications. Table has 8 self locking steel folding legs for rigidity and easy assembly.(N.B. net, balls and bats not included). Rec.. Our Catalogue Number Retail Price 300/25248'x4' £48.25 £32.95 £62.50 £42.50 300/2531 9'x5'

OurPrice £95.00

Our Price £64.50

II Clifton 6' Snooker/Billiards Table. Coveredin Illlality billiard table cloth and has rubber edge ushions plus "RiQidec" base.The matching leg 1'lsemblyis easily dismantled allowing playas a , ble model. Fully adjustable feet. With two 48" l~oM3~w~sooreboa~,~~~~s~~~vel, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II,ohteen38 mmsnooker/billiard balls and how to III plllY instructions. Size 72"x36i"x33~" assembled. Packedfiat for homeassembly.Cat. No. 300/2500

Compo Retail£138.00

Our Price £92.50

Please note: All the items on this page will be despatched direct tt:! your home by the manufacturer. Please ailow approx. 21 days lor delivery. FULL MONEY-BAC~GUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer. But in addition to your protection under the law we will exchange or refund you for any unused item that'does not meet your exact requirements:Just return the item to us in it!>original covering, toaether with your receipt, within ·14 days of purchase.

1. Trytonette Multiplay Swing. Stove enamelled tubular steel frame. One wooden seat and one two-seater glide ride. Size 6' high, 5' 6" long. Dismantles for storage. Direct delivery. , Cat. No. 350/9113

Compo Retail £39.74

Our Price £29.95

2. Trytonette Climbing Frame.Stove enamelled tubular steel frame. Complete with fireman's pole. 7' high. Basediameter6' 6". Dismantlesfor storage.Directdelivery CaL No.350/9120

Compo Retail £40.50

Our Price £29.95

3. DekkertoysPaddlingPool.Tubularsteelframe with four plastic corner pieces. PVC liner with drain plug. Size6' x4' x 15" Cat. No.350/6123

Compo Retail £15.79

Our Price £10.75

4. Wembley "Spacehopper". Moulded vinyl. Inflatesto 60"circumference.....Cat. No.350/0026

Compo Retail £3.75

Our Price £2.35'

5. Trytonette Baby Swing.Stoveenamelledtubular steel frame. Sturdy four sided wooden seat. Dismantlesfor storage Cat. No.350/9106

Compo Retail £14.80

Our Price £9.95

6. Gyro Tennis by M.Y. Dart. A game for two players to improve your tennis. Made in steel tubing that is planted in the ground or can be used in a garden umbrella base,see item no. 3, page31.Total lengthof pole6' 1". Cat. No. 350/9144

Compo Retail £9.95

Our Price £6.95

7. Trytonette Garden Slide. Stove enamelled tubular steel frame. Height to platform 4' 2". Lengthof slide 7'. Dismantlesfor storage.Direct delivery CaL No.35017469

Compo Retail £27.65

Our Price £19.95

• Trytonette Garden Swing. Stove enamelled lI11llJlarsteel 'trarne. Galvanised chain. Swing til,.mantles into carrying package, length 4'. A'I"Ambledheight7' 3" Cat. No.35017476

Compo Retail £22.82

Our Price £15.45

Paddling Pool. Self-supporting walls. Drain IIlufj in base.Diameter4' Cat. No.350/4826

Compo Retail £8.95

Our Price £5.95

10. Oekkertoys Paddling Pool. Tubular steel 'r,lrne with four plastic corner pieces.PVC liner wrthdrain plug.Size4'x4' x 12". Cat. No. 35017452

Compo Retail £11.70

Our Price £7.95

11.Oekkertoys Junior Play Tent. Wovennylon. ',lie 5' x4'x3' Cat. No.350/0246

Compo Retail £7.50

Our Price £5.25

12. Oekkertoys Wendy House. Tubular plastic 'r,lme. Flameretardedcotton walls with PVCroof .ind door.Size46"x30"x46"high to apex.

Cat. No. 350/5588

Compo Retail £11.82

Our Price £7.75

Please note: The items'marked "Direct deliv· ry" will be despatched direct to your home by the manufacturer.Pleaseallow approx. 21 days lor delivery. FULL MONEY·BACKGUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer. But in addition to your protection under the law we will exchange or refund you for any unused item that does not meet yourexact requirements.Just return the item to us in its original covering, together with your receipt, within 14 days of purchase.

.,·,IHons severed in floral design cotton M"lal Isame with woodenarm rests. Cat. No. 650/0748 IIp Retail£24.85 OurPrice£14.95


" ..1",,1 Garden Parasol. Floral cotton cover

""t<' Steelshaft lilts and adjusts in height. , I", 7'2" Cat. No. 650/1101


mp. Retail£21.50


Parasol Base. In plastic. When filled support most 72" ".,,,, uaroen parasols Cat. No. 650/1297

I ,n'on

.. , ,II"" sand or water will unp Retail£5.85


frl<lNII 8 Position Luxury Automatic Chair. , Idled cushion covered in floral design ,II I"brie. Metalframewith woodenarm rests. '''.1 rosesas headreclines..Cat. No. 650/0889

unp. Retail£24.30


, rldenl Sprung Bed. Floral design cotton '" Metalframewith multi-position ratchetsin '''HId rest ....Cat. No.65011091

(Imp. Retail£14.25


• TridentSun Lounger Bed. Floraldes.on cotton Metalframewith multi-position ratchets. Cat. No. 650/1204

, h'"

(Imp. Retail£12.52

Our Price£7.95

','lObed Cover in Floral Design. Replacement ,lion canvascover to fit most sunbeds. Com"I,· with hooksand elasticisedbands. Cat. No. 650/0906

r amp. Retail£5.40


Coronet Lantern Set. For indoor and outdoor • ,.. 10Old English Iype lanterns,spacedat ,"lres. Sparkling colours. With 16' 4" extension "I Ideal for barbecues.patios, children's par... " letesetc ..Cat. No. 720/2258




I Trident Sprung Bed. Covered upnolstered ...utrass in floral design cotton fabric. Metal line with multi-position ratchets in the head ,,',1 .. Cat. No. 650/0896

Camp. Retail£23.22


10.Trident 8 Position Foam Cushioned Chair. "oral design cotton fabric. Metal frame with N<lodenarm rests .....Cat. No. 650/0731

CompoRetail£20.52. t


T. Trident Garden Chair. Floral design cotton

t.ihric. Metalframewith woodenarm rests.

Cat. No. 65011084



.1•• ", nrdon Chair. Foam filled cushI •• III" cotton fabric. White enamelled 01u- 11(; nrm rests. Leg rest rises as .....Cat. No. 650/1211

, II 1:36.50

Our Price £24.75

I u.ury Padded Garden I

High Chair. I" r.ouon fabric. Adjustable back rest. plastic arm rests. Cat. No. 65011228

,,,..II,,,, frame with t II 1:25.36


Our Price £12.75

",don Parasol. Floral cotton cover with 1 '1llAft tilts and adjusts in height. Cat. No. 65011242

, ....

, It

11 t II £18.75

Our Price £12.95

I u.ury

Garden Bed. Covered upholFloraf design cotton fabric. ",,,,,olled frame with multi-position rathood rest.. Cat. No. 65011235


• II,,,

R lall £24.84

Our Price £16.95

III Oorden Chair. Courlene seat and back. IITlII ........ Cat. No. 650/0700

Our Price £3.75 III 'lprung Bed. Cotton fabric. Metal frame ". III pos,tion ratchets in the head rest. Cat. No. 650/0865

'P Rotall £13.82

Our Price £8.45

Chair. Wooden frame with cotton/jute ............................ Cat. No. 650/0872


Our Price £4.45

1",,1 Sun Lounger

Bed. Cotton canvas '.4..,." frame with multi-position ratchets. Cat. No. 651)/0188

1 Retail£11.88

Our Price £7.25


Cover. Replacement cotton canvas most sunbeds. Complete with hooks . ticrsed bands. .....Cat. No. 650/0779

.. '0 ',t IIltl


Our Price £3.45

"rdon Table and Bench Kit. In quality Hedwood or Western Red Cedar. "",.,n hll.. nt with a suitable pigmented water repel>I,,·.ervative) to retain natural colour recomApprox. size 46"x48f~x30"high. Packed ,r home assembly Cat. No. 65011280



mp.Retail £45.85

Our Price £37.95


Gorden Furniture. Made in quality Cana",,' Scandinavian timber. Proofed against 11,,1 msect attack. Varnishing or painting mmended for further protection. Packed for '" assembly. Seat size 4'x1' 8"x2' 8f'. Table .1 • I' 6"x1' 6". C"tologue Rec. Our Number Retail Price tl I bO/1266 Seat £24.25£17.95 50/1273 Table £16.04£12.25 Onrden Armchair. Easy clean seat and back. "(' coated steel frame. Stacks for storage. Cat. No. 65011149

nmp.Retail £12.25

Our Price £9.45

Gorden Table. Easy clean top. Plastic coated ..,1 Irame. Provision for hole to be cut in centre I ("Ille top for parasol stem. Table-top diameter Dismantles for storage ...... Cat. No. 650/0920

mp.Retail £21.50

Our Price £:16.75

Gorden Armchair. Easy clean seat and back. coated steel frame. Stacks for storage. Cat. No. 65011259


ornp.Retail £8.50

Our Price £6.25

1. Qualcast "Concorde" Electric Cylinder Mower. 12" cut. 3 cutting blades. Height adjust

J !>Iades.Height adjustment. With grass-

ment with grassbox and 52' of cable. Double insulated.B.E.A.B.approved....Cat. No. 720/0401


2. Black & Decker 0489 De Luxe "Lawnrazor Electric Cylinder Mower. 12" cut. 3 cutnno blades.Height adjustmentwith grassboxand 5(' of cable.Doubleinsulated.........Cat-No. 72010274



3. Qualcast "Panther" Electric Cylinder Mower 12" cut. 5 cutting blades.Height adjustmentwilt grassboxand 52' of cable.Doubleinsulated . Cat. No. 720/0360



4. Wolseley Webb "Wizard" Cylinder Motor Mower. 2 h.p. 4-stroke 108 cc engine with automatic recoil starter. 14" cut. Handlebarcontrolleo optional drive for hand propulsion over difficult areas.Adjustablehandlesand height of cut. With light-weight grassbox. N.B. This item will be despatcheddirect to your homeby the manutacturer. Pleaseallow approx. 21 daysfor delivery Cat. No. 720/2337



notail £21.95

.Our Price£31.95

Our Price£84.95

....Cat. No.72011606


"'"I>I> "Witch" Cylinder Mower. 12" cut. 8 1111"1 I>ladesfor 'superfine' finish. Twin steel

.. ,"lIl'(s. Positive height of cut setting. With I,,,. .......Cat. No.720/2038




Illlnicast Standard"Jetsteam" RotaryMower. • "I 3 h.p. 4-stroke engine. Recoil starter. 4 • 1111(I levels. Grass deflector plate and grassI , ....... Cat. No.720/2021

,Retail £113.45


IIluck & Decker 0484 "L'Flwnderette"Electric """'Y Mower. Height adjustment. Double insu50' of cable Cat. No.72010281


II c. Retail£24.40


Olack & Decker 0808 "Super T" ""'nry Mower.With grasspick-up.Heightadjust1>,,1 Safetycut-out and rear safetyflap. Double ."I.lled Cat. ~o. 720/2416

II c. Retail£39.00


1. Tudor 9" Rotary Lawn Aerator. Spring loaded spikes penetrate turf at approx. 150 holes per 1 sq yd : Cat. No. 720/2090

Rec.Retail £14.95

,1... 1 "Professional" Secateurs. PVC I II"ndlos. Two position catch. Roll and cut I ""nth 6". . Cal No. 720/0621

Our Price £9.95

" t II £3.78

2. Spear & Jackson "Flexo" Lawn Rake. Steel head with 20 flexible tines. Hardwood handle. Length 5' H". . Cat. No. 720/0494

Rec.Retail £5.32

Our Price£2.75

1I~ln.on Sword "Sword" Pruner. Chromed wit resistant blades. Filick thumb catch. ""ud handles. Length 6". Cat. No. 720/0896

Our Price £3.99

" tnll £7.45 3. ICI Lawn Spreader. Fingertip on/off control for distribution of fertilisers, weed killer etc. Holds Cat. No. 720/2344 approx. 6~ lb.

Rec.Retail £6.99



1I0iail £55.00

Our Price £5.25

I (k & Decker 0450 Mains Electric Hedge 12" double edged blades. Wrap around On/off safety switch. Double insulated. " '''''gth t ' 10".... ....Cat. No. 72011981

Sword W435 Hand Shears. chromed steel, rust resistant, hollow ground, notched blades. Spring loaded centre bearing, cushion stop. Polished beechwood handles. Cat. No. 720/0889 Overall length t ' 6"

Rec.Retail £9.99

lIotaii £25.50

Sword W433 Light-weight Hand Shears. 6r chromed steel, rust resistant hollow ground blades. Spring loaded centre bearing, cushion stop. Polished beechwood handles. Overall length t ' 5" Cat. No. 720/2351

7. Wilkinson


Our Price £6.95


Sword W420 Notched Hand Shears.

Our Price £7.25 10. Burgon & Ball Lawn Shears. 7!" stainless steel blades. 2' 6" PVC sleeved tubular steel handles Cat. No. 720/0126


Our Price £7.95

11. Burgon & Ball Edging Shears. 7!" Sheffield steel blades. 2' 6" PVC sleeved tubular' steel handles. ..Cat. No. 720/0085

Rec.Retail £8.10

Our Price £5.45


Our Price£7.95

IIlnck & Decker 0471 De Luxe Cordless Trimmer. 16" double edged blades. Cuts )()() strokes per minute. Dual start safety to I. It Powered by rechargeable batteries which lip to 45 minutes cutting time. Overall length , Complete with charger ..... Cat. No. 720/0315 t.. Retail£38.48 Our Price£29.95

Our Price£2.75

9. Burgon & Ball Edging Shears. 7" stainless steel blades. 2' 6" PVC sleeved tubular steel ..........Cat. No. 720/0133

Our Price£24.45


Our Price £5.95

8. Burgon & Ball Notched Shears. 7!" hollow ground, carbon steel blades. Hardwood handles. Cat. No. 720/2241

Rec.Retail £4.21


UI4Ck & Decker 0982 Hedge Trimmer Attach.11 ,:> .. double edged, zinc coated blades. For ...,,111 double insulated drills only. Overall lit I' 7" Cat. No. 72011974

8" chromed steel blades. Beechwood handles. Overall length t ' 6". .... ......Cat. No. 720/2234

Rec.Retail £7.45

Our Price£19.95

Illuck & Decker DNJ452G Mains Electric , Action Hedge Trimmer. 16" double edged, ,,,tod blades. On/off safety switch. Double .1..(1 Overall length 2' 4".... Cat. No. 720/0308

OurPrice £7.95

6. Wilkinson

Rec.Retail £8.95

Our Price£34.95



5. Wilkinson

Ilc & Decker DN301 10" Chain Saw. 1100

I,,, tnc

motor. Visual oil level indicator. '<>ck off switch fitted to prevent accidental u f nables you to log, trim, prune and fell I' to 20" diameter. chain cuts in wet or _..... Cat. No. 720/2368 (f

Our Price £4.99

4. Burgon & Ball Lopping Shears. Sheffield steel blades. PVC sleeved tubular steel handles. Cat. No. 720/0061 Length l' 6"

Rec.Retail £7.61

Our Price£5.95

Sheen X300 Paraffin Flamegun. Built-in lip unit and pressure gauge. Capacity 1 gallon, • I hour of burning. Length 3' 1". ~at. No. 720/0731 It C. Retail£28.08 Our Price£19.95 Hogo Incinerator. .. t5l"xI5~"x27"high.



Stove enamelled finish. Foldsflatforstorage. Cat. No. 720/0700

Our Price£5.45

Gravity-Ironcrete "KadeH" Wheelbarrow. Iv"nised steel body, rubber tyre. Body size «rnbled 26"x22". Height from ground 20". ,,,plied In carry- home pack. Easily assem,,,I Cat. No~720/1651

c. Retail£17.28

Our Price£11.75

",rkson Allbright frowel and Fork I ("rbon steel with beech handles. Cat. No.720/0528

II 1:7.92

Our Price £5.45

nil "Combisystem" Tool Set. 4' 3" handle fits set of "lock-on" tool .",pnsing garden rake, lawn edging " ~,Iwo and yard broom. Completewith .... Cat. No.720/2375 pilln

II 1:19.06

Our Price £11.95

Gorden Hose. length 120'.Tap con• " ..,·,praynozzle.Conformsto B.S.3746. . Cat. No. 720/2186 1111 Retsil £9.75 Our Price £6.25 II

Roel and Stand. Takes 164' of r hose .....Cat. No.720/0645

Our Price £3.99 'V . I Smoothline Garden Hose. length 60'. '""oclor and adjustable nozzle.Conforms Cat. No.720/1637 1/46

"P Retail £3.99

Our Price £2.99

11",olock "lawn Queen" H700 Oscillating IIlkl r. 4 watering patterns. Complete with " non l" hoseconnector.length l' 7". Cat. No. 720/2045 lip.

Retail £6.08

Our Price £4.45

I'VC I" Garden Hose. Reinforcedwith polynbre. Manufacturer's 10 year guarantee. Inns 10 B.S.3746. ~~~~~ Compo Our I gue

Spear & Jackson "Neverbend" Digging Tools. Carbon steel, solid socket. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle.

Retail Price £11.50£6.95 £5.75 £3.99

Rec. Our Number Retail Price 1. 720/1833 Digging Spade. Lglh.3' 2)"£9.67 £6.45 2. 720/2155Border Spade. Lglh.3' £8.24 £5.75 Fork.Lglh.3' 3;" £10.23£6.75 3. 720/1840 Digging 4. 72011857Border Fork.Lglh3' 2~" £9.18 £6.25


5. "Nu-Frame" Plastic Trellis. Supportsclimbing plants or use as border fencing. Size extended 6'x2' 3".. . Cat. No.720/2007

II ASUairflow "Killaspray Major" Pressure l!fllyor. Capacity 1 gallon. On/off, adjustable j • Iy nozzleand push button control tap. Height ......Cat. No.720/1541


Rec.Retail £4.97

Our Price £3.45

6. Spear & Jackson "Neverbend" Dutch Hoe. Weatherproofedashhandle.length 5'. Cat. No. 720/1905

Rec.Retail £5.58 .

Our Price £3.99

tudor De'luxe Pressure Sprayer. Capacity '1"lIon. On/off switch. Adjustable nozzle. "Idor strap.Height21" Cat. No.720/1039

. Retail £11.50

. Retail £11.55

Our Price £6.75

Our Price£7.45

ASUairflow "Killaspray Cadet" Pressure I rnyer. Capacity 4 pints. On/off, adjustable IH,'y nozzle.Height24" Cat. No.720/1644

H c. Retail £8.65

Our Price £5,25

ASUairflow "Polyspray" Hand Sprayer. IpOIcity2 pints. Adjustablespray nozzle.Quick l1IIrgepumpandtrigger action. Height12". Cat. No. 720/2124


7. Spear & Jackson "Neverbend" lawn Edging Knife. Weatherproofedash handle. length 2' 10;" Cat. No.72011895

Rec.Retail £5.36

Our Price £3.99

8. Harcostar Terrace TUb. Blow moulded .polythene.Diameter20",height 12'. Cat. No. 720/0236.

Rec.Retail £6.65

Our Price £4.45

c. Retail £6.95

Hasel "Thru-Feed" ..Hose Reel. Cast uuminiurn flanges. Unwinds and waters as you N"lk. Takes up to 200' of. hose (not suppJied). ompletewith wall mounting bracket. Cat. No. 720/2193 J,.

Roc.Retail £25.50 9. Spear & Jackson "Neverbend" Garden Rake. Weatherproofedashhandle.length 4' Cat. No. 72011888


Rec.Retail £5.81

Our Price £3.99

Our Price £4.25

Our Price£~6.95

rr. Sharna Watering Can. Capacity2.2 gallons. '1.lslicmoulded.Detachablerose. Cat. No. 720/2203

Ree.Retail £2.80

Our Price £1.99

1. Agriframes "Gro-House". Galvanised steel tubing. Polythene cover. Plants can be grown in

the ground. in containers or "gro-bags". Should be secured to wall for protection against winds etc. Front section fully adjustablefor easy access and ventilation. Size5' x t ' 9"x5' high. Cat. No. 720/2399

Rec.Retail £19.95

Our Price £14.95

2. "Bakaframe" Garden COld Frame. Light, robust and portable. Glazedwith panels of 'Windolite' mounted on galvanisedmetal. Assembled size35"x35"xl7" Cat. No. 72011998

Compo Retail £22.68

Our Price £12.95

3. Netlon Garden Netting. Protects seeds,seedlings, fruit etc. against birds and the elements. Size32' 8"x13'. Meshsize~".....Cat. No. 720/2179

Rec.Retail £4.71

Our Price£3.25

4. Webb "Wizard" 3 h.p. Cultivator. 127cc 4stroke Briggs & Stratton engine with automatic recoil starter. Double slasher rotors. Digging width 26", digging depth 12". Complete with folding transport wheel. N.B. 'This item will be despatcheddirect to your home by the manufacturer. Pleaseallow approx. Cat. No. 720/2430


Our Price £152.45

5. Poly-Gard "Pop-up-Pots". For use in greenhquse or indoors to propagate seeds and cuttings. Moisture, temperature and ventilation easily controlled. Set of 36. Size25"x4"x9" high Supplied with comprehensive instructions and growing guide Cat. No. 720/2306

Rec.Retail £12.96

Our Price£9.45

• Itox "Chelsea" Paraffin Seed Propagator. I"r capacity 2 pints, burns for approx. 7 days 1 'illing. Galvanised steel water tray. 2 removplastic seed trays. :2 plastic covers with "lltttors. @verallsize 17"X 14!"x 17~". Cat. No. 720/2117

. Retail£17.60

Our Price£12.75

Ounleast 6' x 8' Aluminium Greenhouse. "porates window vent, sliding door and builtflittering. Complete with glass and glazing I" Full assemblyinstructions supplied.Overall t· f;' 5"<:8'5". N.B.This itemwill be despatched .,,. t [0 your home by the manufacturer.Please tw HP'PrOX. 21 daysfor delivery. Cat. No. 720/2423 C.


Our Price£124.95

lei P-olythene Tunnel Cloche. Consists of ) • 4.0" polythene sheet, 11 supporting hoops

,,' securing wires. Makes one 35' cloche or Cat. No. 720/2409 ""lIet<sizesif required Il C. Retail£7.69 OurPrice £5.75 Auriol "Gro-Cloche". Plastic coated steel wire ,. tine witli double skin heavyduty polythenefilm. .,t oonsistsof 2 panels,each 36"x27" and 2 end I,·.nels. . Cat. No. 720/2014

Compo Retail£6.35

Our Price£4.25

!0 Eltex "Brighton" Pa'~affin Greenhouse IllIote~. Double wick burner. Size 21"»: 26¥'x7". .".taBlefor a greenhouseup to 8' x6'. Cat. No. 72011314

Our Price £17.45 , , . Aladdin "Master Gardener" De Luxe Pa~affin reenfiouse Heater. 2" burner. Tank capacity 1 Max. heat output 1.75 kW with approx 27 Durning time on one filling. Size x8~" Cat. No. 720/2313


Our Price£22.95

1. Auriol "Kwik-Kast Fantasia" Screen Block Mould. Fibre glass. Galvanised steel ejector plate and ramming tool. Produces concrete screer wall blocks size 1 1n"x3~"..Cat. No. 700/2661


Our Price £5.75

wlngline Heavy Duty Staple Gun Kit. Useful tiles, carpeting, furniture recovering Built-in staple remover. With two boxes of ns and storage/carrying case. Cat. No. 700/2599

Kit. The brickmate tool' I~ designed to help achieve that professional look Ir bricklaying. Set includes 10" brick trowel, spirit level, steel line pins and line .... Cat. No. 70012647


Clamp Cat. No. 70011040

Our Price £5.45

2. Salmen's Bricklaying

CompoRetail £13.50

5" jaw opening.

, Retail£8.10


Rec.Retail £8.20



I IIlng

Our Price £8.95



Our Price £13.75

3. Rabone

Chesterman "Setrite" Aluminium Spirit Level. 2 plumbs and level. Length 48' Cat. No. 700/0539


Rec.Retail £12.47

,. Cotalogue

,,, s.

Our Price £8.45




4. Stanley Aluminium Spirit Level. Replaceable vials, 1 plumb and 1 horizontal. Length 24' . Cat. No. 700/2104

Rec.Retail £4.67


14:' Jack NO.5

100/1174 9)" Smoothing

steel blades.


Rec. Our Retail Price £10.05£6.95 No.4 £8.42 £5.95

Our Price £3.75

5. Salmen's Tool Set. 4 firmer chisels, sizes :". :. ~", 1". Beechwood mallet and 8" sharpening .......... Cat. No. 70011727

Our Price £7.45 Copydex "Joint Master Mk. II". Precision tlo sawing jig for making a wide variety 01' '.ld joints. Size of base plate 8j"x8!('. With fully I Ira ted instruction leaflet. .Cat. No. 700/2386

6. Footprint

Bevel Edged Chisels. Set of 4 Sheffield steel. Sizes I", !", rand r Cat. No. 70011679

Our Price £6.75

. Retail £10.63 7. Stanley "Yankee" Handyman Screwdriver. Spiral ratchet action. Complete with 5 bits stored in magazine handle.. ........Cat. No. 700/2166

Rec.Retail £5.98




Our Price £4.75

Rec.Retail £6.97

...Cat. No. 700/0577

.Our Price £4.99


9. Talco Pair of Tubutar Steel Shaft Hammers. 16 oz adze eye claw and 10 oz joiners/Warrington With shock absorbent handles ..Cat. No. 700/2616

CompoRetail £7.67

Our Price £5.75

10. SSP Plier Set. 4 piece comprising shoulder pincers; radio, diagonal and combination pliers. . Cat. No. 700/0900

CompoRetail £8.64


700/0302 Hand 22" 70010285Tenon 10"

!l Salmen's Carpenter's Tool Cabinet Kit. It Ihogany finished cabinet with drawer, fittings wi clips. Size 29"x2H"x8". With a selection of I quality tools and accessories. Cat. No. 7OO/~317

{ omp.Retail ~83.70

Our Price £53.95

Our Price £5.95 I

Our Price £6.95

Whitmore' Carpenter's 20 Piece Tool Kit. a selection of fully guaranteed car700/2506 nter's tools and accessories ..Cat.


11. Paramo Mechanic's Vice. 3" jaw. 3600 swivel base with locking lever.. ........Cat. No. 700/0515

Rec.Retail £10.52

or & Jackson "Black Prince" Saws. "Teflon coated Sheffield steel blades. Polypropylene nrnes. Catalogue Number

8. Hand Drill. Double pinion, 3 jaw chuck. Capacity ,'.".

Our Price £6.95


c. Retail £22.69


Our Price £14.95

.. A Docker 0986 Jig-Saw Attachment. Ih f' in hard wood, 1" in soft wood. Cat. No. 710/0264

t II £11.50£7.75

& Decker 0984 Circular Saw Attachwood up to 1'>';". Adjustable for depth II ot cut. Includes rip fence and combinaI I md cross cut blade. • ..Cat. No. 710/0271 "IN


1 t II £8.65 I

k & Decker 0983 De luxe 5" Circular

W ' lI'chment. Maximum cut 1N'. Cuts angles

natures sawdust' and chip ejection. loaded guard for additional safety. "lid rip fence for accurate cuts right up to ,l1n. .... ..Cat. No. 71011005

I .tail £13.50 4

Our Price£8.95

III ck & Decker 0988 Finishing Sander tlmont. . ..Cat. No. 710/0233

R tail £8.25


JPI Flexible Drive Shaft. Length 40". Com-

wllh arbor. Indisperrsable accessory when '11 utc. in restrictive areas..Cat. No. 71011469

Retail£9.80 R~c.Retail£34.00

Our Price£6.75

II'I Drill Accessory Kit. Consists of wire

h Qrlnding wheel, arbor, wire cup brush and


2. Black & Decker V830 2 Speed "Mastercraft" Drill. Plus hammer action. :\" chuck. For dril concrete and difficult materials. Double lated Cat. No. 71ID/~15516.




4. Black & Decker DNJ264 2 Speed Buster" Drill. Plus hammer action. i" Double insulated Cat. No.




I oolprint 6 Wood Boring Bits. For use in

"Ie drills. Sizes In, !", ~",3", ~" and 1". Plastic

Our Price;<""':7.:7".


3. Black & Decker V830V2 Speed "Mlaster1craft". Drill. Plus hammer action and variable speed trigger. ¥' chuck. Double insulated. 7"~/'''R'~. Cat. No.


Cat. No. 710/1366

wallet. .........

.....Cat. No. 710/1373

, Retail£6.05

Our Price£4.45

.1 of 8 Drills. 4 high speed twist drills, sizes

• '', 1". N' and 4 masonry drills, sizes 6, 8, 12 16

"mp. Retail£5.25


Cat. No. 710/0398


, Mason Master Concrete Drilling Set. Conyour drill to hammer action. ,",;"chuck. With rubleduty drills. sizes 10and 12. Cat. No. 71011713

, Retail£8.56


5. Black & Decker DNJ364V 2 Speed Buster" Drill. Plus hammer action and acceleration trigger. i" chuck. Double insulated.' Cat. No. 710/1782


Our Price

6. Black & Decker DNJ68V 2 Speed Drill. hammer action and acceleration trigger. i" Double insulated Cat. No. 71

Rec.Retail£37.00 !


7. Black & Decker DNJ622 Speed Drill. i" Double insulated Cat. No. 711~/nI17IA. Rec.Retail£29.50 .. ,OurPrice"-"..c... ".

Black & Decker 0980 Horizontal Drill Stand. oI<lsdrill firm for grinding, polishing, precision "clong,jointing etc Cat. No. 710/0673


'I c. Retail£4.50

Our Price£2.99

'1 Black & Decker 0935 Vertical Drill Stand I . 3" capacity. Holds work securely in the rllcal drill stands, item nos. 23 and 24. Cat. No. 710/1335

" c. Retail£5.75

Our Price£3.99

8. Black & Decker DNJ522 Speed Drill. i" chuck Double insulated Cat. No. 7111l/~115·411 . , Black & Decker GD80 Vertical Drill Stand. Rec.Retail£26.50 OurPrice onverts your Black & Decker drill into a highly curate bench drill Cat. No. 710/0642 9. Black & Decker DNJ70N Single Speed Drill. " c. Retail£12.75 OurPrice£8.45 chuck. Double insulated Cat. No.


Our Price

10. Black & Decker DNJ250 Single Speed N' chuck. Double insulated Cat. No. ".,nH!"7"a.



.. Black & Decker 0915 De Luxe Vertical Drill f nd. For greater drilling accuracy. Features "justable 'depth stop and' gauge. Also. takes IN65 router, page 46 item no. 6. . . Cat. No. 710/.1328

flec. Retail£19.50



1. Black & Decker DN340PowerJig-Saw. Cutting

depth 2" in soft wood, 1" in hard.wood. Versatile for straight and intricate cuts with tilting shoe. Doubleinsulated. ...Cat. No. 710/1751

Rec. Retail £20.00

Our Price £14.95

2. Black & Decker DN35SMulti Purpose Power Jig-Saw. 2 speed. Cuts straight or intricate shapes.Cuttinq depths 2" in soft wood, 1"in hard wood. Tilting shoe for cutting angles. 5 cutting bladessupplied free. Doubleinsulated Cal No. 710/1799

Our Price £19.95



3. Black & Decker DN545" Power Circular Saw 450 Watt motor. Cuts timber up to H". Angle cutting up to 45°.With combination bladeand rip fence Cat. No. 710/1579

Rec. Retail £25.50.


. Our Price £18.95

4. Black & Decker 7900De Luxe 5" Power Bench Grinder. Induction motor. Includes two grinding wheels, tool rests and eye shields. 3,000 r.p.rn For domestic useonly Cat..No. 71011256

Rec. Retail £40.00

Our Price £30.95

5. Black & Decker DN75 Power Plane.'Twin 3' bladesrotate at 13,700r.p.rn,Depthof cut adjustable to 1.5 mm. Snap-upguard allows planeto be used on the edges of materialsand for rebating 450 Watt motor. Double insulated ...... ---1 Cat. No..710/1696 "';.,..;;,......,..;:;;,....,.....

Rec. Retail £60.00



Our Price £45.45

6. Black & Decker DN65 Power Router. For routing, grooving etc. With a speed of up to 30,000 r.p.rn. Takes bits up to 3" diameter. Supplied with one straight ~"bit and edge guide for straight and circular cutting......Cat: No. 710/1452

Rec. Retail £30.00

Wolf "Sapphire" Electric Drill. Y chuck. 420 " motor. 2. speed, double insulated. With ylng case. BSI Kite Mark approved. Cat. No. 71010037 I"

Retail £39.80

Our Price £31.75

1~~leyBridges XJ504Super Power4 Speed ,III , chuck. Manual and .electronic speed 110e. 500Watt motor. Doubleinsulated. Cat. No. 710/1627


. Retail £43.74

Our Price £34.95

Stanley Bridges XKSH 6" Powered Circular w. 340Watt motor. Tilting base enablesangle IIIng from 90°_45°.Depthof cut H". Includes6" I lind cross cut blade and guide fence. Double ulated Cal No. 71011445

II c. Retail £36.67

Our Price £28.95

Our Price £22.95

:;=:::;:::::~~=~~;;:;;::~ 7. Black & Decker'5S§0Power Finishing Sander. For general purpose sanding. No load SPeed 11,000orbits p.m, Double insulated Cat. No. 710/1555

Rec. Retail £21.00

pur Price £15.45

8. Black & Decker 5562Power Finishing Sander 375 Watt motor. 4.000orbits p.m. For heavyduty jobs, Oust extraction for cleaner working Cat. No. 710/1706

Rec. Retail £37.50

Our Price £28.45

I'I Volex VT303Cable Reel. 50' of 3-core cable. Amp plug (3 Amp fused). Suitable for puances up to 750 Watts. Fitted with on/off 1==== .vltchand pilot light .......Cat. No. 710/1720

" c. Retail £9.78

"" Burgess "Powerline" Model 72 Hobbyist Kit. peedengraverand 15accessories.For engrav"I glass, ceramic tiles, plastic, metals, also fl1bossingleatherand lino, wood carving,stencil "'ling etc : L. Cat. No. 710/1287

9. Black & Decker 0764 "Block Buster" Workshop ~it. Contains DNJ2642 speed drill, D984 saw attachment. D988sanding attachment,0986 jig-saw attachment, percussion bits, twist drills. A9101sanding and polishing kit, assortedsanding sheets. wire cup brush, saw blade, jig-saw selection pack Cat. No. 710/1823

II c. Retail £12.91

Rec. Retail £68.50

I c. Retail £5.40

Our Price £51.95

.- Our Price £6.75

0':lr Price £9.95

8. Ever Ready 13Amp Fused Plugs. Conform to I S.1363.Packof 10 Cat. No. 710/0415

Our Price £3.75

1. Black & Decker WM625 "Workmate". Dual height. multi-purpose portable work oonch. Vice 29" with 4" jaw opening. Adjustable feet. Folds for storage Cat. No. 710/1586

Rec.Retail £42.95

III ck & Decker 03000 3-Way Ladder. Made

IllIminium. Convertsto double sided step r "dJustable extension or loft ladder and ul('or wherethe special construction allows on interrupted levels.'Extended height 9' ·.I,dheight6' 4" Cat. No. 700/2410

Our Price£29.95

2. Black & Decker WM600 "Workmate". Dual height portable work bench. Vice 27" with 4" jaw opening. Supplied in simple selt assemolv form............................ . Cat. No. 710/1809

Rec.Retail £32.95

Rec.Retail £24.95

Our Price£24.95

, Retail£35.90

Our Price £18.95

Our Price £19.95

, ASL "Summit Double 5" Convertible Step ',Ier. Tubular steel frame. Wide wooden '" Non-Sliprubber feet. Extendsfrom 5 to 10 .1'. Safetylocking device....Cat. No. 700/0388


5. Black & DeckerWM110"Workmate" Extender Arms. Set of 4. Accepts sheets of wood up tc 6' x3'. For use with any Black & Decker "WorK mate". .. Cat. No. 710/1342

Rec.Retail £6.95

C.Retail £35.09

. Our Price£5.75

~=:=:==.==~==~~~~=~;==~ ~====::::;:==::=:;;::===:::;;;::::::;:::;;:! Rec.Retail £5.99

C.Retail £17.00

Our Price£4.45

8. Rawlplug Arc' Welder Kit. Welds steel tram

im------.......j 22 G (car body thickness) to ~". Includes roos



Beldray "Gazelle" Aluminium Step Ladder. 4 11 slip treads and platform. Platform height 3' .. . Cat. No. 700/2290

Our Price £10.95

7. Burgess "Powerline" Soldering Kit. Ligh' weight with insulated handle. Includes cable solder, holding probe. tweezers and heat desipatoretc. B.E.A.B.approved.,.Cat.No. 71011524

Our Price£20.95

.,dray "Gazelie" Aluminium Step Ladder. 2 " sup treads and platform. Platform height 2' ........................................... Cat. No. 700/1631

6. Weller Soldering Kit. Contains instant heatgur. with built-in spotlight. 2 spare copper 'solderinc tips and accessories Cat. No. 710/1294

Rec.Retail £15.63

Our Price£13.45

.Idray "Top Flight" Aluminium Loft/Step ·Id r. Convertsfrom householdstepsto extenI ladder at variable heights. Non-Sliptreads. I ty locking device.Maximumheight 9' 1HU. Cat. No. 700/2496



II c. Retail£21_40 "

Our Price£12.95

Gravity Randall "Handiweight" Aluminium

, t nsion Ladder. Extendsfrom 12' 11"t023'9".

" n-slip inverted triangular rungs. Delivered '"let to your home.Pleaseallow approx. 21 days L..--:--__ r delivery Cat. No.700/0412

I c. Retail£73.98

Our Price£51.95

brazing kit and safety visor, 18 V-36 V. Operates from 2--3linked car batteries. (Batteries not supplied) .. :Cat.No. 710/1531

Rec.Retail £18.57

Our Price£13_45

9. Alarmat '730'. Mains Operated Danger Detec· tor. Alarm reacts to gas, fuel and smoke giving high pitch warning signal.........Cat. No. 700/2654

Compo Retail £32.06

Our Price£21.95

10. Burgess "Powerline" BK2 Bandsaw. 2 speeds.Suitable for wood and mild metals up to 1" thick. Featurestilting table up to 45°,12"throat and adjustable tence. Ideal for model makers, engineersetc Cat. No. 710/1816

Rec.Retail £94.99

Our Price£74.95


Handyman"Ladder Pack". Consistsof a convertible and "Ladda-Link" for use 'hor (overall length 13' 6") or individually. mcludes plank clamping device for ladders II'ledas trestles(plank not supplied). Cat. No. 700/2609

3. Black & Decker WM400 ·'Workmate". Singl~ height portable work bench. 4" jaw opening. 2<1' vice jaws with taper action. Supplied in' sunple self assemblytorm Cat. No. 710/1737



Our Price£25.95r.


I. Burgess "Powerline" VS646. Electric prayer. With flexible adaptorand 2 interchange'ble nozzles. Sprays creosote, insecticides and mostpaints.Capacity0.9 pints. Cat. No. 710/0336

f1ec.Retail £12.32


Our Price£8.95

)0. Burgess "Powerline" 969 Electric Airless prayer. With flexible and. injection nozzles. , rrrayspaint, insecticide or creosote. Capacity 1 11 nt. Cat. No.71011270

,flec.Retail £15.64

Our Price£10.95


__J L..


1. Ronson RBT3 Blowtorch.


'; dare 23 Piece I" Squar!t Drive Socket Set. 11 vanadium steel. AF,.-?i'-~", metric 11-22 Hillchet, speed brace,vuniversal joint, 2 Ionsand sliding tee Cat. No. 70012630

With cartridge. Cat. No. 700/2458



2. Ronson RBT5Blowtorch Kit. Consists of blowtorch, soldering tip, flame spreader and diffuser head.Completewith cartridge..Cat. No. 700/0807


, dore 32 Piece I" Square Drive ~cket Set. I vanadium steel. AF iI"-l,v', metric "11-32 Inlchet, speed brace, sliding tee, universal IIId extensions Cat. No. 700/2575


3. Parasene 400 Brass Blowlamp. Takes 1 pint of paraffin Cat. No. 700/2465


, Retail£46.45



4. Camping Gaz "Soudokit" Blowlamp Set. Includes paint burner, soldering iron, fine flame burner and Camping Gazcartridge. Cat. No. 700/2283


Our Price£5.75 6. Fleetwood Decorating Kit. Consists of 4 paint brushes, sizes !", 1", 2" and 3", 5" wall brush, 7" roller and tray, scraper, packet of cellulose filler and sandpaper Cat. No. 700/2678


Our Price£7.95

7. Harris 203 Painting Set. Set of 4 pure bristle paint brushes,sizes~",1", H" and 2". Cat. No. 700/0773

Our Price£29.95

dare 41 Piece I" Square Drive Socket Set.

mo vanadium steeL AF N'-l", metric 10-22 nd Whitworth .,J."-l" sockets. Ratchet,speed , , universaljoint and extensions. Cat. No. 700/0962

Our Price£8.75

5. Pasting Table. Hardboard top with tubular metal legs.Folds flat. Sizewhen open 70"x 22". Cat. No. 700/2135

Our Price£19.75



.dore OlE Spanners. Set of 6. Chrome ,dlum steel. Cat. No. 700/2472 " .,c8x9-18x19mm Cat. No. 700/2489

• Ox H "-H"xt"



.dore Ring Spanners. Set of 6. Chrome idlum steel. N'-?'xl/' Cat. No. 700/2018 Cat. No. 700/2025 , Irlc8x9-18x19mm

, Retail£5.60

Our Price£3.45

Norbar Torque Wrench. Automatic reset. ,I)rated20-110Iblft, dual scaled. 3-15 kglm,1" • ite drive, 48 tooth reversible ratchet head. : Cat. No. 700/0890 lilillength 16!"

Our Price£2.99

. Retail£14.97


Gedore AF Motorist 28 Piece Tool Roll. tudes 6 OlE spanners i"x, ...'...."xi", 6. ring nnersl"x~II-fIXt", plug spanner,screwdriver I set of ignition spanners; feeler gauge, ball,n hammerand combination pliers. Cat. No. 700/2269

" c. Retail£26.85 10. Salmen's "Union" Portable Tool Chest. Mahoganyfinish. Fitted with 5'felt-lined drawers, carrying handle, lock and keys.Suitable for precision tools, measuring instruments etc. Size 18~"xl H"x8t" Cat. No. 700/2197



( amp.Retail£5.67

Compo Retail£10.00

Our Price£5.95

12. Talco Cantilever Tool Trolley. On 4 castors.6 trays plus lift-out tray. Blue stove enamelled finish. Padlock fitting and pull-along handle.Size 22"x16!"x 10':1' Cat No. 700/2379

Compo Retail£25.50


. OurPrice£3.99

I Williams Supers11mCyClist's Tool Kit. ComI

11.Talco Cantilever Tool Box. 5 trays. Blue stove enamelledfinish. Size 17"x8"x8". Cat. No. 700/2276


, Multigrip Wrench Set. Consists 'of 10" vice II) wrench and 10" multigrip pliers. Supplied in • tic wallet... Cat. No. 700/2331

es 4 spanners,3 tyre levers, crescentwrench,

t wdriver, puncture repair kit and tool roll.

Cat. No. 700/2623

c. Retail£6.95

'-Our Price£4.75

\ . J Williams Superslim 30 Piece Motorist's Tool .. "II. Includes ii' AF ...."-f', 7 metric 6-19 mm.DIE 'kel plated' spanners, screwdrivers, brake 'juster, plug spannerand pliers: Cat. No: 700/2537 II c. Retail£18.45 OurPrice£11.95

WOber-Hydraulik Car Jack. t.iftin·g capacity 2 Hydraulic lift 4;\n. Heights: closed Gin,

"tied 131'],

Cat. No. 75011227


, Retail£11.39

Our Price £7.75

Tecagun" Grease Gun. Capacity 3; oz.

I' r action. Suitable for heavy oil to grade :2 f

r:,~i~!O~~~~~ 'Retaii·iiis3···················~~·r

~versure Trolley Jack. A compact easily portable hydraulic jack. Lifting capacity ·'lb. Hydrautic 11ft10".Incorporates swivelling " h and overloading valve....Cat. No. 75011045 c. Retail £62.64 Our Price £41.45


Lew-ways Axle Stands. Extend from 10" to Cat. No. 75011014 ,apacity 2 tons per pair



mp.Retail £9.35.

Our Price £5.75

Bell Drainer Can, Capacity 14 pints: Suitable collecttng waste engine oil. A.A. seal of proval. : :. . Cat. No. 75011320

" c. Retail £3.08 ,

Our Price £1.99

Castrol GTXMotor Oil. 5 (1.1gal) of high uormanceoil Cat. No. 75011313

mp. Retail £2.36*


PCl E35 Foot Pump. Universalfitting. Pre-set "I gauge. Complete witli adaptor for inflatin!ij ,'I)()dsetc : : Cat. No. 750/0132

I, c.

Retail £7.85

Our Pri~e£5.45

I PCl E35 Foot Pump. Universal fitti·ng. 6om, 10with chromium plated .tyre gauge. Adaptor I Inflating airbeds etc Cat. No. 750/1258

II c. Retail £5.92


OurPrice £3.99


11. Cyclone Battery Jumper leads. Suitable 6 V or 12V batteries ... Cat. No. 75011

Compo Retail £2.95

Our Price

A~rite Foot Pump. With <;lIal-pressuregauge. ",'dcng 0-100 p.s.i. Umversal fitting. Overload hlasevalve" Cat..No. 750/0053

( omp. Refail £9.07 ..J

Our Price·£6.75


_Velyot "Executive" DoorlWing, Mirror. , steel and chromium plated finish. 'lthlo. Replaceable convex glass. Universal I

Mnnufactured to E.E.C, regulations. Oat. NOY"740/1530


Ourfrice £4.25

• Retail£15.11


!lIlm' Quartz Digital Clock. Olear digital howing hours and'minutes with putsat., ends comma. 2 simple controls to easily I hours and minutes or to use as trip timer; display whilst driving. A.A. Seal of •• 1101. Operated by, 12 V car battery. Cat. No. 740/1712


•• Retail£29.95

Our Price £18.45

•• Oongora Travel Rug. Royal Stewart tartan. wool/10"1o mixed fibres. Size "'C"U(>n.u 7'2:' Cat. No.'74Jrl/1'tQ'~

urnp, Retail £8.53' •r r

Our Price £5.75

cotia Travel Rug. Check design. 100"/0 wool. Including fringe 54"x72"....Cat. No. 74011633,

rnp,Retail £7.50

Our Price £4.99

Imoniz "HI-Speed" Fire Extinguisher. With ,.mUng bracket. Contains IGl's fire fighting mlcal B.C.F. Suitable for home. car etc. Cat. No. 75Ot0307


'. c. !;Ietail£2.82

:. OurPrice £1.99

Smiths Universal Mudflaps. Set of 4. ,Not HI 'ble for Mini fronts or VW "beetles".

Cat. No.

'. c. Retail £6.07


1. Motorola 124 Car Radio. tuning. Variable tone. control. 12 V pos. or neg. earth. Output 3t Watts. Size 7".x5"x2'. . . Cat. No. 500/0098

Rec.Retail £42.98

Wl17 Car Radio/Stereo Cassette \, ' lOuallytuned lW/MW radio. Pushbut,'''change,eject and fast forward controls. ontrols for volume, tuning, tone and Output 2x5 Watts.12 V negative eartll " Gi"x7!"x H" Cat. No.500/1918

Our Price £27.95

JI Retail£73.74 2. Sharp ATR 933 Car Radio. lW/MW. Manual tuning. 12V pos. or Size 6}"x3~"x2" Cat. No. 500/2,278

Rec.Retail £23.75

lone "Grand Prix" Car Radio/Stereo II Player.lW/MW. Separatevolume,tone .1.,ncecontrols. Cassette has auto-stop, lid fast forward buttons. 12 V negative ''''Iy. Output 2x3 Watts.Size 2;\"x6il"x8;\". Cat. No. 500/2302


Our Price £18.95 r,

3. Binatone "Thunderbird" Car Radio. lW/MW Manualtuning. 12 V pos. or neg. earth. Output f> Watts.Size6i"x2"x6" : Cat. No. 50011839

Rec,Retail £17.50

Our Price£48.50.

II tail £59.00

Our Price£44.95

" tp RG 5200 Car Stereo Radio/Cassette

Our Price £11.45

MWIVHF radio with MPX for stereo Auto-stop and eject. Output 2x7 12 V negative earth only. Size 2".. .. , Cat.'No.500/1547

I. IS.

4. Motorola 114 Car Radio. lW/MW. 5 push buttons for pre-selectedstations. Variable tone control.·12V pos. or Output 3~Watts SizeT'x5"x2". . Cat. No.500/0067



',h rp RG5300Car Stereo Radio/Cassette • 1 LW/MWIVHFradio with MPX for stereo c nsts. Auto-stop and eject. Output 2x7 12 V negative I earth only. Size ................................. Cat. No.500/2072

Our Price £34.95

.\ . 5. Radiomobile 1160 RK Car Radio. lW/MW 5 push buttons for pre-selected stations. 12 V negative earth only. Output 5 Watts. Size T'x H"x4f' Cat. No.50011626

Rec.Retail £52.65

Our Price £37.95

etail £83.9~

Our Price £27.50

. hnrp RG5750Car Stereo Radio/Cassette t lW/MW/FM radio with MPX for stereo' tcusts. Auto reverse with interference 'I'lion clrcutt Output 2x7 Watts.12 V negarth only. Size6~"x6t"x2". Cat. No. 500/2319


"I~~~~~~~5~~~~iii~iii~i~ii~iiii~~~~~i~~~ I " ·selectedstations on lW/MW. Output 2x5 Controlsfor volume,tone,balance,tuning, lorward/rewind, rnanuator automatic eject. V negative earth only. Size 5"x7"x2k". With , mountingspeakers......:....CaL No.500/2065


Compo Retail £44.16

• Retail£153.00

8. Harry Moss 331 buttons for pre-selectedstations. 12 V n"n"lliv••• earth only. Output 5 Watts. Size 6;l;"x Cat. ·No. 5Ot~/228!;.

Rec.Retail £36.00

Our Price u,,s.lI:».

Our Price£95.00

Illldiomobile 310 CSR Push Button Car

7. Philips AN361/05Car RadiO.l\l!l/MW. 6 pusr buttons for pre-selectedstations.Output 5.Watts 12 V negl\ltive earth only. Size n~x1f'x5~'·. CaL No. 5OtJ/229l'.

Our Price£31

Our Price£69.95


6. Sharp' AR~7 Car Radio. lW/MW 5 pust buttons for pre-seiedted stations. 12 V pos. 0' neg. earth. Output 5 Watts. Size 6k"x3l"x5~·. CaL No. 50011406

Rec.Retail £33.95

Our Price £59.95

. Our Price£110.00

• note: a) All carl radios and cas~tte y ra are supplied complete' with speakers I 1.lng kiL bl It is imperatIVethat the manu'lurer's instructions regarding .the use of d cleaning cassette.sare followed carefully. lIu'e to do so will reduce the performance of r equIpment:

iii,. M11 Pocket Radio. MWNHF.

With tele" aerial and wrist strap.: Operates from 'I batteries. Size $k"x3"x1 i". Cat. No. 500)'2089

cassette eject and fast forward wind. Output Watts. 12. V negative earth. only. Size 7lj'x2" ,.Cat. No.

Compo Retail £32.16



tUra PO.eketRadio. MWNHF. With earphone, ring strap and case. Operates from PP3 Cat. No. 500/1712 , ry. Size 6"x 3!,"x H"

2. Nippon Electric Car Aerial. Operates on/off switch. 12V. C6mpletewith cable, and fitments Cat. No.

Compo Retail£17.75


Our Price£1

ornp, Retail£16.03



Our Price

6. Harry Moss "Opeta" Output 2x5 Watts. Slider controls tor volume tone. Fast forward and rewind. auto-eject. 12 pos. or neg. ·earth. Size 6~"xH"xSlt . . yat. No.

Blnatone "Navigator". Radio. AM/FMI Aircraft IIIds. Telescopic aerial. Operates from PP3 lIory. Size 6l:"x3W'x2f' Cat. No. 50012096

It c. Retail£12.95

Our Price 7. Philips AC060/97 Car Stereo Cassette Output 2xS Watts. Auto-stop. Slider volume trot Separate balance, tone, fast forward trois'. L.E.D. end of tape indicator. 12 V earth only. Size 7"x 1f'x Sl".......Cat. No•.501)/2:141.


OurPrice t:'1:!I.lIi_

8. Sharp RG2700Auto Reverse Car Stereo sette Player. Output 2x7 Watts. 12' V . earth only. Size 6~"x6l:"x2".......Cat. No.


Our Price£9.45

, Blnatone "Europa" Battery/Mains ·R.adio. ,',/MW, slider volume control. rotary tuning. Car ""I socket. Operates from 240 V A:C. mains. or P11 batteries. Size ~"x8~"x3t.· . r Cat. No. 500/2223 Our Price£9.45 • C. Retail£14.25

Slider controls for volume, tone and Push button eject and fast forward Wind auto-stop. Output 2x3 Watts. 12 V Cat. No. only. Size 6¥'x6"x 2"



ye "Pippin"1172 Radio. LW/MW. Socketfor , mone. Carrying strap. Operates SP11 'I rles. Size3f"x6~'ixH" ........Cat. No.SOO/1217

Our Price£1

4. Sparto Telescopic Car Aerial. plated. 4 sections, fully retractable. Wing titti Complete with co-axial cable and key. Cat.' No.



Ferguson' 3189. Battery/Mains Radio. MVHF with AfC. Telescopic VHF aerial, ear0, Operates from 240 V A.C. mainsor4xSP7 " rles. Size 7!"x'Si\"x2k"........Cat. No. 5(10/2113

3. Nippon Electric 'Car Aerial. 5 telescopic tions. Operates automatically from radio switch. 12 V. Complete with cable, fitments ..: Cat: No.

Compo Retail£26.40

Our Price£6.95

Our Price



Fidelity "Rad 24" Radio. LW/MW. Sockets for lornal aerial and earphone/tape. Operates from I battery. Size 10"xS!,'x2i". .' Cat. No. Soo11688' C. Retail£16.70 OurPrice£11.45

1'1 ase note: a) All car cassette players are upplied complete with speakers a!1dfixing kit.° b) Batteries,. are not supplied ,with ny item. <;) It is imperative. that the. manu'.cturer's instructions regarding the use of '1 ad cleaning cassettes are followed carefully. I lIure to do so will reduce the perlormance of 'he equipment.

2. Grundig "Party Boy 700" Mains Radio. LW7MWIVHF. Slider volume trol and press button waveband selection. phone socket. Operates from 240 V AC. mains 4xSP11 batteries. Size ~H"x6"x2!". Cat. No. "1I4~/"'1&_

Comp; Retail £30.96*

WAltham W144 Battery/Mains " MWIVHF/Aircraft bands with AFC. Rotary 11.. 1 . Telescopic VHF aerial. Earphone sec{)perates from 240 V AC. mains or 4xSP11 .11 s. Size 11"x3"xn" .........Cat. No. 500/2261


Our Price

Qrundig "City Boy 700" Battery/Mains ., . LW/MW/·SWlVf,lF.Slider controls for vollind tone. Telescopic VHF aerial. DIN socket I~peand earphone. Operates from 110/240 V mains (automatically switched) or 4xSP1~ "u I s. Size7"x8t"x2¥' ..........Cat. No. 50012168

3. Grundig "Hit Boy 310" Battery/Mai~s LW/MWIVHF. Slider volume contr0-l__Teles,copiC. VHF aerial, socket for earphone. Operates 240 V A.C. mains or 4xSP11 batteries. 83"x5"x2¥' Cat. No.·SO'O/2!2SO.

Compo Retail£23.96*

Our Price

Our Price £21.95

omp.Retail £38.36*

Our Price £34.95

4. :Ajax "Solar" Mk. 11 Portable ·B~ittE!rv,'M,ain'_ Radio. LW/MWIVHF. Slide dial volume and lone controls.•Swivlll from 240 V A.C. mains or 4xSP2 ""'TIe",,,,. 7~IIX3"X 10i" , Ca~ NO.·..'•.,I7·" ...

Compo Retail£24.35

Our Price £1 Ferguson 3188 Batter.y/Malns. Radio. IMW/SW/W:lF with AFe. Telescopic VHF/SW <j,,1, Slider 1I0ilime and rotary tone controls. 'flhone. Tape socket. Operatesfrom 240VA.C. •tns or 6xSP11 batteries. Size Hli"x6i"x2f·. Cat. No. 500/2175


Cemp, Retail£33.75

Our Price £24~95

GEC R7oo2HPortable Batteryl.Mains Radio. IMWIVHF. Rotary volume and .tone control, rates from 220-240 V.A'G. mains or 6xHP7 IIl)ries.Size6f'x 10i"x2!" ......Cat. No. 50012230

mp. Retail £33.65

. Our!ri~ t;,25.95

Pye 1416 Battew/Malns Radio. LW/MWI Telescopic aeriaL, Socket for earphone. lfH rates from 240 V AC. mains' or 4xSP11 , uterles.Size,4~"x8rx2!" ........Cat. ·No.SOO/2247 14


Cemp,Retail £31.95

• Our Price £19.95

lise note: Batteries are-not supplied with any


Radio,fCassette Waltham 12j'BatfeCY/M~ins orde,r. LW/MW/VHF with AFC. Built-in conI er micropljone. Tuninq/battery level meter. to-stop and ,ALC. Slider ;CoAtrolsfor volur'ne I tone. Sockets for-external microphone and "phone. Operates.from 240 V A.C. mains or HP2batteries.Size 7:i"x12i"x3i". '. . Cat. No. 510/3328

________ ~~~~_O_u~r~p-rl-·c~e-£~4-97·9-5~~===;~~~~~~::~~


Pye 9012 Battery/Mains Radio/Cassette " corder. LWIMWIVHF. Built-in "electret" conI nser micropli<;1ne,auto-level control. '3 digit I e counter and filter switeh to eliminate inter" rence when recording tram radio. Auto-stop, tlder tone and volume controls. Operates from 40 V A.C. mains or 4xHP2 batteries. Size t(x 11t"x3~" ~ Cat. No. 510/3634

Compo Retail £'10.77

.Our Price £51.95

19. Fer4uson 3T04 !3attery/Mains Stereo Radio/Cassette,''Recorder. LW/MW/SWIVHF lereo. Cue "ano review, or02 sWitching, I cord/battery level meters, tape counter and "sleep" facility.. Two built-in 'mics. tor stereo r cording: Separate slider right.and left volume controls. Operates .frorn 240 V /A,O.mains or ex HP2batteries•........................ Cat. No. 510/4042

Compo Retail £145.11 . Our Price £102.50 20. Waltham W139 Battery/Mains Stereo Radio/Ca.ssetteRecorder. tW/MWIVHF'stereo_ 2 built-in -microphones. Rotary controls tor tuning, volume, balance and. tone. Auto-stop, and ALO.OReratesfmm 240 V A.C. mains or 4xHP2 batteries.Size 1·3~"x4"x8" ;.eat. No. ,5"10/4035"

Compo Retail·£97.50

Our p'rice £69.95.

1. Waltham W104 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. AutO-level control. DIN socket. Piano key controls and slider volume control. With microphone. mains lead and earphona, Oper<~tes from 220/240 VAG. mains or 4)<HP11 battenes. Size S!"x2f'x~" Cat. No. 510/2604

Compo Retail £22.42


lid IIty HF42 "Mini" Record Player. Output , ~ltS(music).Will take full size LP. Individual control. Size (unit) 12f'x4"xlQ!". , "Cat. No. 510/2147

Retail £22.90

Our Price £15.95

Ildollty UA10 Stereo Record Player. Output Watts (rms). 2 speed auto-changer. Slider ItolS for volume (L and R channel) and tone. ots for headphones and 5 pin DIN. Size 16J"x 14~", ,..Cat. No. 510/4138

2. Jones 5150 Battery/Mains Cassette der. Built-in microphone. auto-stop and ALC. Sockets for DINand remote control microphone. Operates from 240 V AC. mains or 4xHP11 batteries.Size 10l"x5f'x2!" Cat. No. 510/3696

Rec. Retail £27.95

Compo Retail £28.42

Retail £60.00

Our Price £16.95

3. Ferguson 3289 Battery/Mains' Cassette Recorder. Built-in condenser microphone. Autostop and slider control for volume. Sockets for external microphone and earphone. Opera!es from 240 V kC. mains or 4x HP11battenes. Size 1Of'x5i"x2i" Cat. No.

:\ Our Price £15.95

Our Price £42.95

I er guson 3047Stereo Record Player. OU!put Watts (music), BSR auto-changer. Slider .I,ols for bass.treble and balance,Socketsfor lind headphones.Size (unit) 18"xn"x14!,'. Cat. No. 510/2116

, "mp. Retail £72.87

Our Price £49.95

Idelity UA4 Stereo Record Player. Output ~ Watts (rms). BSR 2 speed auto-changer. ',lrate volume/on/off, tone and balance conI 5 pin DIN socket for tape, Size (unit) n"x 15)," .. , , Cat. No. 51010039

Our Price

, Retail £55.00

Our Price £39.50

Fidelity UA8 Stereo Record Player. Output " Watts (rms). BSR multi-speed single play I'd deck with cueing device. Slider controls volume right and volume left. treble and bass. ketsfor headphonesand 5 pin DIN,Size(unit) 5. Sharp RD600 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in condenser and remote control microphones. Auto-stop and ALC. Operatesfr?m 240 V kC. mains or 4xHP11 battenes. Size 2~"x 1Q!"x5f' , , Cat. No. 510/4059

Rec. Retail £31.50


Our Price £24.95

6. Pye 3214 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in "electret" microphone.Auto-record level. long life heads. pause control and quick repeal facility. Auto-stop with indicator light. DIN sockets for amplifier and external microphone.Operates frern 240 V A,C',P1ainsor 6xHP11 batteries. Size 1m"x 7~"x2f' ,.Cat.No. 510/3359

Comp_ Retail £46.39

II/~:~~f~njjo""""""":'<f::';'ic!1~~~~; ;~;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;~;;;~;;;;:;5F:;::;;1 :;;;::;;:::::;;:::;;:;::::::;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;_~ __ ~:=;;~~

Our Price £35,95

BIb "Musicentre" Care/Kit. Au-In-one record I cassettecare kit. Comprising "groov-kleen" ,wing brush, stylus cleaner. record dust-oft, , ",ette head cleaner. re-record tabs. extractor II and pack of replacement title labels. Cat. No. 510/3476

It c. Retail £5.15

Our Price £3.75

I , Bib Record Care Kit. Comprising automatic

~roov-kleen".' stylus and turntable, ,cleaner, :ord dust-off. cleaning cloth and splnt level. Cat. No. 51011612

11c. Retail £3.28

Our Price £2.45

11 Cambra Record Storage Cabinet. Teakeffect tlh removable smoke coloured lid. Holds up to .;vonty12"LP. records.......,....,Cat, No, 510/3153

omp. Retail £10.80


Price £7.75

III. Record Storage Case. Vinyl covered, Holds : Cat. No:510/3098

Iofly 12"LP. records

~~ c. Retail £3.30

Our Pnce £2.45

I .Record Storage Case. Vinyl covered. Holds lillY 7" single records : , Cat. No: 510~3108

11c. Retail £2.40 9. Schreiber Hi-Fi Storage Cabinet. Teak effect finish. Size 33"x16"x25!" high. Packed flat for homeassembly "., ,.., Cat. No. 610/1721

Rec. Retail £41.30

Our Price £29.95


Our Price £1.75

It ase note:,'Batteries are .not.supplied.


Guarantee: Weoffer a full money-back guarantee in IlIddition to your statutoryrights

Philips AH970 Music Centre. LW/MWIVHF radio. Output 2x6.q W cont. sine wave.2 tid single play record player with cueing vico, ceramic cartridge and diamond stylus. ,,',otte deck hasR.I.F.filter, pausecontrol,ALC ,d auto-stopwith indicator. Socketsfor headwmesand 5 pin DIN tape in/out. Size (unit) , '< 15"x7" Cat. No.510/4114

1. Sharp SG315 De Luxe Music Centre.- Output 2x15 Watts (rms). 2'speed semi-automatic rim driven record deck. LW/MW/SWIVHF radio with stereo decoder and AFC. Stereo cassette recorder with Cr02 facility. Auto-stop, auto-record


level and pausefacility. Socketsfor headphones and5 pin DIN.Size(unit)30/txn"x 13f'. Cat. No. 510/3414

Our Price £199.50

, (Imp.Retail £192.85

Blnatone "Viceroy" Music Centre. Output 10Watts (rms). BSR single play multi-speed ord deck.LW/MW/SW/VHFstereoradio.Cas110 deck has auto-stop,Cr02 tape facility and I C; Socketsfor headphonesand DIN.Size(unit) 15;"x7" Cat. No.510/4121

2. Crown Merton Adjustable Music Centre Stand. Width adjustment between21" and 34". Height 17". Fitted with gliders for easy move. Cat.No.510/4145 ment.

Rec.Retail £16.45

Our Price £9.95

3. Crown Merton Pair of SpeakerStands.Width adjustable between 8" and .13". Height from ground9" Cat.No.510/4152

Rec.Retail £15.18

Our Price £8.95

4. Alba 9071Music Centre. Output 2x7.5 Watts (rms.) BSR multi-speedsingle play record deck with cueing device. LW/MWIVHF radio with stereo decoder and AFC.Stereo cassetterecorder with automatic Cr02• Auto-record level and twin microphones.Socketstor additionalspeakersand headphones.Size(unit)2H"x 16"x7!t. Cat. No. 510/3005

Our Price £149.95


Deck. With auto-programmesearch system on fast forward and rewind. Long life heads,·inde· pendent bias and equaliserswitches.Twin V.U. meters,L.E.D. peaklevelindicator,pausecontrol and socket for headphones.240 V AC. mains. Size6~"x16"x9i". (Must be used in conjunction with stereo amplifier orttereo system).. . Cat. No. 510/4073

Rec.Retail £134.95

Our Price £99.95


c. Retail £225.00

Rec.Retail £124.79

Our Price £92.50

7. Binatone "Contessa" Pre-amp Stereo Cassette Deck. Cr02 tape switch, auto-stop, ALC, digital tape counter and pilot light. Socketsfor headphonesand DIN.Operatesfrom 240 V AC. mains.Size6"x~"x3". (Mustbe usedin conjunction with stereo amplifier or stereo system). Cat. No. 510/4080

Rec.Retail £59.95

Our Price £39.95

Our Price £139.95

IU Waltham STM15Music Centre. Output 2x8 , . tts (music).3 speed BSRauto record player. W/MW/SWNHFradio with stereodecoderand Top loading cassettedeck. Slider controls If volume,balanceand tone. StoragecompartII nt for6 cassettes.Size(unit)20rx15"xn". Cat. No. 510/4097



omp.Retail £147.20

Our Price £105.00

I t Ferguson"Studio 200" MusicCentre.Output

H Watts (rms).Dolby noise reduction system. R P182 single record player with damped '''''ng lever and stereo ceramic cartridge. W/MWIVHF(FM) with L.E.D.tuning cursor.Soct for stereo headphones. Size (unit) • 14;"x6~" Cat. No.510/4107

Compo Retail £235.65

Our Price £175.00

,~, Fidelity UA9 Audio Unit. Output 2x8 Watts ''''S). LW/MWIVHF radio with stereo decoder nel AFC. BSR multi-speedsingle play record , ck with cueingdevice.Socketsfor headphones ncJtape.Size(unit)2H"x 14~"x61". Cat. No. 510/3438

Iil c. Retail £107.50 6. Akai CS-34DDolby Cassette Deck. Built-in Cr02 selector, pausecontrol, sfider record level control and record level limiter. Operatesfrom 220-240V AC. mains.Size15"x4i"x9". (Must be used in conjunction with stereo amplifier or stereo system} Cat.No.510/4066

Our Price £149.95

Our Price £75.95

I' • Waltham STM 25 Audio Unit. Output 2x8 "'"tts (music). LW/MW/SWIVHF radio with tureodecoder.Pushbuttonsfor AFC,waveband -toction, gram and on/off. BSR 3 speed auto, hongerecord player.Slidercontrols for VOlume, I uanceand tone.Socketsfor headphonesand 5 Ilin DIN.Size(unit)17"x14~"x7". Cat. No. 510/3706

Compo Retail £96.60

Our Price £.68.95

Pleasenote: It is imperative that the manulacturer's instructions regarding the use of head cleaning cassettes are followed carefully. Failure to do so will reduce the performance of the equipment.

1. Cambra "Music Mobile". Teak effect finish with hinged dust cover. Holds up to 69 cassettes and 150 t.P, records.' On castors. Size 2H"x23i"x 15i". Packed fla't for home.-assembly .: ; Cat. No. 510/3885

Compo Retail £26.99

Our Price £18.95

2. Crown Merton Cassette Storage or Careying Case. Holds up to 42 cassettes. Slide-away handle. Size 11"x 14il"x3"........:.Cat. No. 510/3878

Rec. Retail £6.94

Our Price £3.99

3. Cambra Cassette Storage Cabinet. Holds 33 cassettes. Teak effect finish with smoked plastic removablelid. Size 15"x 4"x 10:'. Cat. No. 510/2635

Our Price £4.99

II Blnatone "T.V. Master Mk.4" Black and W"lto Video Game'. By connecting to aerial ckot of your T.V. enables you to. play tennis. t • Ilball. squash" anll practise. Remote control '5. Automatic-score recording. Speed control , t built-in sound system. Suitable for most "our or monochrome 625 line UHF'television t Operatesfrom 6 x HPll batteries. . '\ , Cat. No. 530/0523

mp. Retail £19.95 . ~.\\ Our Price £14.95 Blnatone COlou~T.V. Vrcteo Game. By con.. ' the aerial socket of most colour or nochrorne 625 line UHF t.v. enables Y0U to I.y tennis, football. squash and practise. Indihml remote controls, automatic score record1. speed control and built-in sound system. II colour is only picked up from a colour T.V. I) Operatesfrom 6x HPll batteries. . Cat. No. 530/0626


mp. Retail £29:95 ,

Pye "Rambler" Portable Black and White 625 UHF Television. 12" screen, 6 push button gramme selectors, Rotary controls for volIll. contrast and brightness. Operatesfrom 240 /I C, mains or 12 V D.C. car battery. Cat. No. 53010602


omp. Retail £97,33 5. Cassette Carrying Case. PVC covered with internal compartments to hold 32 cassettes. Cat. No. 510/31n

Rec. Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.~5

6. Cambra 69 Cassette Cabinet. Holds 69 cassettes in separate divisions, 36' in top of cabinet and 33 in drawer. Teak effect finish with transparent hinged lift-off lid. Size 11"x 15~"x6f'. .Cat. No. 510/3483

Our_Price £19.95

Our Price £69.95

'4 Ferguson 3848 Portable Black and White 625 I 0 UHFTelevision. 12" screen. Electronic vari'I) tuner with rotary programme selector. Slider mtrots for contrast and brightness. Operates m 240 V A.C. mains or 12 V D.C. car battery. Cat. No. 530/0530

.emp, Retail £97.35

Our Price £69.95

Our Price £9.75 7. Flair "PhOnobar" Trolley. 4 sections on castors. Size 16~"x13"x 12f' Cat. No. 610/1611

Compo Retail £12.98

Bontempi B105 Electric Reed Organ. 2 l!lve keyboard, 8 button bass section with »tructions. Size 25~"xlH"x28" high (incl. U· ) Cat. No. 540/0911

Our Price £8.95

omp. Reta'il ~6.20 .,_"

Our Price £25.95

11 Kay Clasl!ic Guitar. Intermediate size eel.Iold bound body. nickel silver frets ana natural Ip. With nylon strings which are easy on the ""Qers Cat. No. 54010942 9. Mobile Multi-Purpose Unit -,Teal< Meiamine finish. Adjustable shelves. Size.31~"x1n"x15k". Packedflat for home assembly.Cat. No. 610/0928

Rec: Retail £32.35

Our P%ice£21.50

10. Sportel '''Series 600"~€olour ~T.V. Video Game. By connecting to the aerial socket of any colour or monochrome 625 lir:JeUHFT.V.enables you to play football, table tennis or squash. Individual controls with vertical and horizontal movement of players, ball speed control. manual or automatic service. On screen scoring, ball sounds and different coloured players. (N.B. colour is only picked up from .a colour T.V. set). Operates from 240 V A.C, mains. . Cat No. 530/0561

Our Price £34.95

omp. R_etail£26.45

Our Price £18.95

". Kay Guitar Outfit. Student size guitar with 6 It I strings. With bag. plectrum. neck cord and Iruction booklet plus demonstration record. Cat. No. 540/0784

omp. Retail £21.00

Our Price £1f).95

III. Stylophone Portable Electronic Organ. BuiltI amplifier and speaker, fully transistorised. H hromatic octaves. Notes are picked out by Stylus '" a flat keyboard. Output socket for external ""plification.,'Operates from PP3 'battery. Size f ·)(3l"xH"· : : ' a C'at.No. 540/0928


c. Retail £13.99

Our Price £11.45

'I ase note: Batteries'are not supplied with any 11m.

1. Wall Units. Teak effect Melamine laminate finish. Top and base units can be combined in any arrangement. Top Units. Size 3H"x9-j"x46r' high. A. Top UniL Drop flap cocktail cabinet. Adjustable shelf . CaL No. 610/1635


Our Price£33.95

B. Top UniL Three adjustable

shelves. Cat. No. 610/1628

OurPrice£22.50 Base Units. Size 3H"" 1n"x22~" high. C. Multi-Purpose Storage Base UniL Adjustable Cat. No. 610/1099 shelf and vertical divisions

Rec.Retail£35.27 D. Cupboard


Base UniL Interior shelf. Cat. No. 610/1116







can be lam i-

• k('tj and linked. Teak effect Melamine f .. trnish. Size 31~"x9~"x30~" high.

CaL No. 61011439

.Retait £23.70.


Schreiber Wall Units. Teak effect finish. Size 13l"x68" high. Cupboard Base. With shelf storage above for '"s. hi-fi speakers etc Cat. No. 610/1673

II c. Retail£68.25 Our Price£49.95 , Cupboard Base. With cocktail drop flap. Cat. No. 61011680

I. c. Retail£76.95


Cupboard Base. With drawer fitted for cas1111 storage and record storage above. Cat. No. 61011697 Iloc. Retail£74.95 OurPrice£55.0.0

2. Oval Smoked Glass Top Table. Teak veneered surround. Size 42"x21"x 16" Cat. No. 610/0186

Compo Retail£35.10


3. Round Smoked Glass Top Table. Teak veneered surround. Diameter 30", height 16". Cat. No. 610/0227

Compo Retail £34.85

Our Price£26.50

4. Reproduction Nest of 3 Tables. Mahogany veneered tops with gilt embossed leather inserts. Solid mahogany legs. Large table size 2H"x 13"x20g-' high Cat. No. 610/1594

Compo Retail£50.00


5. Reproduction Wine Table. Piecrust edge top. Solid mahogany stem and legs. Gilt embossed leather insert. Diameter 14", height 20". Cat. No. 610/1587

Compo Retail£14.0q..


6. Nest of 3 Tables. Gold anodised alumimurn frames with sm.oked glass tops. Largest table size 17"xi7"x17" high : Cat. No. 610/1745

COITIP. Retail£33.50


7. Reproduction Wine Table. Piecrust edge top. Walnut coloured with leather effect insert. Diameter 14", height 19~" Cat. No. 61011752

Compo Retail£9.75


8. Nest of 3 Tables. Teak veneered top with afrornosia lipping. Large table size 22"x 15~"x 19" high : Cat. No. 610/0258

Compo Retail£34.00 ,

Our Price£26.50

9. Centa Occasional Table. Wood veneered top, polished teak colour. Slatted undershelf. Size 41"x 17"x 15r high... . Cat. No. 610/0021


Our Price£17.50.

I Square Glass Top Table with Undershelf . ""k effect finish. Size 24" x 24"x 16" high. CaL No. 61011501

omp. Retail£19.18


IIAlr Occasional Tables. High grade plastic uunna]. Useful around the house, in the garden " lor picnics. Not suitable for use as stools. "hie size 16"x16"x12¥' high. Set of 3 stacking 11>1<'5 diameter 11i"xlH" high. Catalogue Comp'. Our Number Retail Price 14 610/1350 Set of 3 Tables £6.47 £4.45 I . 610/1343 Table £4.36 ·£2.99 I ,Flair "Piccollo" Storage Unit. Bottom unit has IIOI,ngdoor. Plastic. For l.ounge or bedroom. Size ,~ ..diameterx20~" high Cat. No. 610/1604

Compo Retail£15.29

Our Price£10..45

'7. Trolley Nest. Four circular folding tables ""sting into an occasional table on castors. Teak .....neered tops. Large table size 24~"x16tx21" 1010h. Circular tables size 15" diameterx 18!" Ioll)h. . Cat. No. 61011264

Compo Retail.£45.00


18. Trolley Nest. Three circular folding tables ""sting into an occasional table on castors. Teak Y<,neered tops. Large table size 18!"x12"x21" hrqh. Circular tables size 15" diameterx18!" h'qh Cat. No. 61011738

Compo Retail£38.15


Please note: All items on these pages are lupplied packed flat for home assembly except lIem no. 16.

1. Centa Telephone Table. Vinyl rove red foam cushion. Drawer unit is reversible either right or left hand facing. Size 39" x 16"x21" high.

Cat. No. 610/0272

Rec. Retail £36.56

Our Price £28.50 " !Insuite "Treasure 'Chests", Bedroom Furnl· Supplied with clear instructions tor home ,mbly: ~, . . Drawer Chest. Size 3O"x 16.l'~x3'lB"high'. . ~ ~ s. Cal No•.630/0601

2. Telephone Seat. Chromium plated frame. Two smoked glass shelves. Foam seat upholstered in PVC.Size 35"x l§"x 18~"high....Cat. No. 610/14n

CompoRetail £54.00

.Our Price £31.50

· Retail £59'.50!4

3. Occasional Table. Chromium' plated frame with smoked glass top. Size37" x 19"x 16" high. Cat. No. 610/1518

Compo Retail £36.50

· Retail £13.60

Our Price £24.95

4. Occasional Table. Chromium plated with smoked glass top and ceramic tiles on top and undershelf. Size 17~"x39"x 151" high. Cat. No. 6~011532

CompoRetail £44.00

Our Price £43.95

Mirror Unit. Size ~9i"x-4N'x 18t" high. ~al No. ·tj30/05Q4

Our Price £9.95

Dressing ,:Unit. With 16t"x24ij!' high

3 drawers." Size Cat:.No. 63O/OSn

· Retail £52.00 ~

Our Price £38.95

3 Drawer Chest. Size 30"x 16~"x24~"high. , Cat. No. 630/0591

Our Price £33.95

Our Price £31.50

5. Octa,gonal'Glass Top Table with Undershelf. Teakeffect finish, Diameter30", height 16". Cat. No. 610/1491

CompoRetail £29.94

Our Price £21.00

6. Oval Glass Top Table with Undershelf. Teak effect finish. Size48"x2O"x 16" hign. Cat. No. 610/1484

Compo Retail £38.27 . f

Our Price £26.95

7. Ceramic TIled Table. Polished hardwood frame. Size 32!"x 17"x 12~"higl:t. Cat. No. 61011549

II Overbed Table. Adjustable height and angle. n

k effect Melaminetop. Mounted on castors. Cat. No. 610/1367 '

amp. Retail £12.95

Qur Price £29.95

OufPrice £8.95

8. Pedestal Mirror. White surround; Pin tray. For dressing table or bathroom use. Diameter 12". Cat. No. 630/0687

Our Price 9. Bedside 'Cabinet. Melamine laminate finish. One drawer and adjtJstable 'shelf. Size 19.'xl1:1"x23&" high Cat. No. 630/0649

Rec. Retail £21.55

Our Price £14.95

1(1 Headliner HeadbOard. Finished in wa~hable t1 n coating with brass ooated finials. Tofit' 4 '6" Ionly : , c;:at:: No. 630/0632

(Imp. Retail £22.50 10. Dressing Table Stool. 100% acrylic pile, removable cover. Foam filled seat. Chromium plated swivel stand. Height 16"..Cat:.No. 630/0498

Comp;'Retaii £19.50

Our Price £13.45


.Our Price £14.95

I ase note: Item nos, 1-7, 9 and -i2~18inClusive supplied packed flat for home assembly ..

'Wombles" Nov~.lty Children's Bedspread. It.h bonded non 'woven 60% polyester/40% eso. Machine..washable. Size 70"x 100". Cat. No. 101/8125

( f

mp. Retail £8.95.

Our Price £5:95

Dongora Brushed Cotton. Lace Bedspread. • 96"x100"Cat. No. 10117944

mp. Retail £18.25


: \ Our Price £11.45 '\

I naire Fitted Nylon Bedspread.With printed lire panel. 100%acrylic filling. To fit 4' 6" bed.

Cat. No. 10117951 ................................... : Cat. No. 10117968 Itl Cat. No. 101/7975


cmp, Retail £8.90

Our Price £5.95

Caroline "Ribblesdale" lipread. 75% cotton/25% sarille. Size 88"

I" Cat. No. 101/8132 .................................... ......................................... Cat. No. 101/8149

Our Price £7.45 Laraine Multi-Stripe All Cotton Sheets. Supin pairs. t logue "wnber I -'/4033 70"x100" 'UI/4040 90"x·100" ,

CURTAIN NETS in leI PolyesterJ TER~E

We now offer ready made curtains. There a choice of colours, 3 different styles and sizes. Each curtain has blind stitched sides, top tape and 2" bottom hem. 1.100% Coloured Woven Acrylic. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 120/0696 46"x72" Brown £12.45 £8.95 120/0706 46"x72" Beige £12.45 £8.95 120/0713 66"x90" Brown £22.50 £1 £22.50 £1 120/0720 66"x90" Beige 2. 100"k Duplex Printed Polyester. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 120/0775 46"x72" Tango £9.25 £6.25 120/0782 46"x72" Gold £9.25 £6.25 120/0799 66"x90" Tango £15.95 "~IIU""._ 120/0809 66"x90" Gold £15.95 3. Piece Dyed Npn;;woven Fabric. 80% cose/20% nylon. Stitch bonded. Catalogue Number 120/0737 46"x72" Brown 120/0744 46"x72" Gold 120/0751 66"x90" Brown 120/0768 66"x90" Gold 4. Melova Vision Net. With bold contrastinci. in ICI polyesterlTeryleneeasy fibre. Ready to hang with stitched rod pocket. Drop72".Packof lOyd length...Cat. No. 120/0689

Compo~etail £17.00



araine All Cotton Flannelette Sheets. Multi-

,pc design. Supplied in pairs. .' 29". ., logue ""mber 70"x100" , 1117700 , >11771790"x 100" I 1(11./7724 Pair of Pillow Cases

Compo Our . Retail Price £9.95 £6.45 £12.95 £8.45 £1.95 £1.45

Flannelette Sheets. In mink-brown shade. Illplied in pairs. Minimum 85% cotton. Size ,,100" Cat. No. 10117803

14c. Retail £12.98

Our Price £8.45

" Wintlux Cotton Flannelette Sheets. Multi,ck design. Supplied in pairs. , It logue 'f,.mber 'Q1/4806 70"x100" '""48139O"x100" 14 Laraine "Easy Care" Sheet. Plain dyed 52% lyester/48% cotton. Size 90"x 100". , mon Cat. No. 101/4215 , Ilk Cat. No. 101/4.222 ill Cat. No. 101/4239

( mp. Retail £8.25

Our Price £5.25

Our Price £11.45 I . Dongora Bleached \ Cotton Sheets. Plain

5. Melova Curtain Net. In a modern raschel design. Made in ICI polyester/Teryleneeasycare fibre. Ready to hang with stitched rod pocket. Colour white. Drop .72". Pack of 10 yd length. Cat. No. 120/0672

( amp. Retail £12.70

CompoRetail £16.00

.11 et is supplied.

Our Price £10.45

I ~_.-

»mmed. Supplied in pairs. Size 90"x100". Cal. No. 101/3948

. Our Price £7.95

ose note: Unless otherwise stated only one


• Vltasleep Continental QUilt made by Fios I 1<1.-Slun,berdown.TERYLENE (polyester) P3

7'.5 "togs" minimum. 8.5 "togs" minimum. 9.5 "togs" minimum. 10.5 "togs" minimum. All quilts conform to B.S.I. 5335.·

lumberdown Continental Quilt. Duck feather ttl down filling. 100% cotton cambric case. I.Imlmum "tog" rating 9.5. lologue Humber lO·t/62514' 6"x6' 6" IQI/6268 6' 6"x6' 6"

1. Christy "Three 'n' Easy" Continental cover Set. 50'?1o cotton/SO% vincel

Size 6' 6"x6' 6". Flamingo ", COffee Sapphire

Compo Retail £36.50

, .

Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No•• ".

I ng. 100% cotton covered. Minimum "tog" Ijng 8.5. lologue Rec. Our Humber Retail Price 11)1/21144' 6"x6' 6" £19.75 £11.95 101/62066' 6"x6' 6" £28.95 £17.45


Our Price

2. Dorcas Printed "o.riental Circle" Cn,ntin..nt••I: Quilt Cover. 50% TERYLENE cf

3. Gay Nights "Romance" Continental Cover Set. Comprises printed duvet cover fitted sheet with bleached'body and . 50% polyester/SO%cotton, Single bed size one printed pillow case) 4' 6"x6' 6". Double size (with two printed pillow cases) 6' 6"x6' 6". Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 101/8015 Single Flink £22.50 101/8039 Double Pink £29.25

• Fogarty "Gold Star" Continental Quilt. New I I k feather and down filling. 100%cotton camIe case. With walled channel construction. log" rating 10.5 approx. (Ialogue .... Bec. Humber I 118101 4' 6"x6' 6" 101/8118 6' 6"x6' 6" , Fogarty "Ambassador" TERYLENE (Polyesr) P3 Continental Quilt. Made to lei Pink Label tnndarc to give extra warmth, With easy care o polyester./50%cotton .cover. "Tog" ratinq

05. ( talogue Humber 10118084 4' 6"xS' 6" 101/8091 6' 6"x6' S"


ase note:!Continental Quilt·Sizes: • 6" size fits 3' bed. 6" size fits 4' 6" bed.

Iii. Monogram "Peeress" All-Night Electric lIorblanket. 83% viscose/17% cotton. Double it(] has dual control. Variable heat settings with continuous sensor safety system". Washable. f A.B. approved. nlologue Rec. IIJymber 4SO/0908 78"xS6" l'JO/0922 78"x72" 1. Monogram King Size All-Night Electric Over,I,nket. 83% viscose/17% cotton. Double size ,~ dual .control. Variable heat settings with continuous sensor safety system". Washable. I r A.B. approved. Rec. tRlogue ~~mber I 11206 71"x82~" 1'10/1213 82~"x91" j

1. Biederlack "Horses Head" Blanket. 100%

acrylic fibre on a cotton warp. Fully washable. Cat. NO.101/80n Size60"x80"

CompoRetail £18.95

Our Price £11.95

2. Biederlack "Bengal Tiger" Blanket. 100% acrylic fibre (Dralon) on a cotton warp. Fully washable.Size60"x80" Cat. No. 10117504

CompoRetail £21.45

Our Price £13.50

3. "Leopard" Blanket. In washableprinted ACRI· LAN.Bound all round. Size90"x 100". Cat. No. 10117841

CompoRetail £13.50

Our Price £8.95

I , Dreamland Pre-Heating Electric Underblan- .!I ...... • t. 96%viscose/4%other fibres. 3-heatsettings.• ''--=_--'1, I .A.B. approved. lalogue umber .(10/1141 S6"x24" .'j()/0719 S6"x44" I , Dreamland Pre-Heating Electric Underblan-

4. Witney All Wool Blanket. Nylon taffeta bound ends. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price 101/3821 71"x94" Gold £16.00£11.75 101/3728 91"x98" Gold £21.50£15.45 101/3735 91")<98"Rose £21.50£15.45

.,,1. 96% viscose/4%other fibres. Doublesize has

5. Witney Polychromatic Dyed Blanket. 93% viscose/7%acrylic. Whippedends.Size S9"x79". Cat. No. 10117858

, ... Cozee Cumfort Pre-Heating Electric UnderII~nket. 70% viscose/30% cotton. Double size , Iq dual control. 3-heat settings. Washable. I -.A.B. approved. ·.talogue Rec. Our ~umber Retail Price 4 J()/1127 60"x30" £14.40£9.45 4 0/1134 60"xSO" £21.95£13.95

CompoRetail £5.35

Our Price £3.99

6. Ambassador Pillow. Curled feather filling. 100%cotton cover.Sile 27"x 18". Cat. No. 101/0721

Rec. Retail £3.00

Our Price £2.25

UIII control. 3-heat settings plus extra toot "'Mmth. B.!;;.A.B.approved. lalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price I 10805 60"x 30" £18.88£12.45 I!JO/OB12 60"x48" £26.61£18.45




7. Ariel Pillow. TERYLENE(polyester) P3 filling. Continuous filament fibre. 100% cotton cover. Washable.Size27"x18" Cat. No. 101/6505

Rec. Retail £4.50

Our Price £2.99

8. Dunlopillo "Golden Lullaby" Pillow. Soft latex foam. 100%cotton cover.Size29"x19". Cat. No. 101/0824


Our Price £3.99

9. Ariel 2A Pillow. Duck and curled featherfilling. 100%cotton cover.Size27"x 18". Cat. No. 101/8060

Rec. Retail £7.99

Our Price £4.99

I nket. 86% viscose/14% cotton. 3-heat set- ~

11I10s. B.E.A.B.approved.

atalogue Number I 0/1024 SO"x2S" .50/1031 50"x43"

Comp.Our Retail Price £12.25£7.95 £15.65£9.95

..." underblankets have illuminated switches. ~ rclaycard and Access Card are welcomed '" 011 our Catalogue Showrooms. i~ ~







: -




- -- ~- -~--

~ .:




1. Rima De Luxe Heat/Ught Unit. 750 Wl'itts. and light will operate separately or combined. Cord operated. Diameter 14~",depth 6f'. B.EAB.



Cal No. 415/0891


2. Rima Heat/Light Unit. 750 Watts. Heat and light will operate separately or combined. Cord operated. Diameter 13", depth li". B.E.AB. approved : Cal No. 415/0884



3. Dimplex Intra-Red, Wall Heater. 750 Watts. Co~doperated. length 26l". B.EAB. approved. CC!l No. 415/1508



, Glen Convector Heater. 2 kW. Thermostatically controlled. Can be wall mounted. Size 25!"x 18" high. B.EAB. approved. Catalogue Rec; Number 4. 41511759 White 5. 41511766 Teak Effect


'f "Traveller" Pushchair. Weighs lb. Easily lId quickly folded. Washable cambrei fabric

.It. Conforms to British Safety Standards (BS 41 2)




Cat. No. 37511174

Our Price£16.95

Britax "Comfy Rider" Car Safety Seat. l1proved design incorporating head wings for " ater protection and comfort. 5 strap harness .. ,111 push release buckle. Seat covered 'with u hed nylon fabric. Conforms to British Safety I mdards (BS 3254) Cal No. 375/1129

A c. Retail£28.03

I ,Child's Extending Safety Gate. Extends from

Rec.Reta~1 £19.95

,~ Child's Col Polishedframe and side rails with hlte enamelledend-panels.Size 4' x2;. Cat. No. 375/0962



Dimplex Oil Filled Radiator. 750 Watts. Airsensing thermostat. Size 3H"x2W' high. B.EAB. approved , :.r. : €at. No. 415115"



3" to 2' 10"



Cal No. 375/0182



Our Price£24.95

, . Cot Mattress. Sprung interior. Covered in "In hable PVCwith nursery motif. Size46"x23". Cal No. 375/0948

omp.Retail£11.40 ,

Our Price£7.75

Dongora Baby's Continental Quilt. Cotton lVered with TERYlENE (~Iyester) filling. Size "><40", ~ Cal No. 37511215



Our Price£17.95

Chromium plated rail can be swung 'out from wall if required. Suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. Size24" x 24". B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 415/2071

Our Price£4.99

FULL MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer. But in addition to you:rprotection under the Jaw we will exchange or refund you for any unused item 'that does not meet your exact requirements. Just retu(n the item to us in its originatcovering, together with ' your receipt, within 14 days of purchase.

1. Atcraft ,",ulti-Purpose High Chair. Polished hardwood frame. Washable PVC upholstery. Converts to low chair and separate table. Cat. No. 37511150

O",rPrice £20.95 2. High Chair. Chromium 'plated tubular frame.: Upholstered in PVC. Converts to low chair and separate table Cat. No. 375/1026

Comp;Retail £20.95.'

Our Price £14.95

3. Pifco Battery Transistorised Two-Way Intercom/Baby Alarm. With approx. 45' of flex and battery " Cat. No. 375/0900

Rec.Retail £7.95

Our Price £5.95

5. Fisher-Price Music Box Mobile. Plays a Brahms lullaby for 10 minutes. Revolving figures. Suitable from birth to 1year......Cat. No. 35017153

CompoRetail £10.99

Our Price £8,45

"" 6. Fisher-Price "Rolypoly" Chime Ball. Elo'ckto hear chimes sound and seeanimats move. Watertight, floats. For ages 3 months to 3 years. Diameter 61" Cat. No. 350/8657


Our Price £3.25

8. Fisher-Price "Fozzie ee'ar". From the "Muppet Show" T.V. series. Machine washable. For ages 2-8 years.Height 13" cat. No. 350/9216

CompoRetail £8.99

Our Price £6.75

9. Fisher-Price "Kermit the Frog". From the "Muppet Show" T.V. series. Velcro patches on hands and feet make character fully poseable. Machine washable. For ages 2-8years. Caf. No. 350/8640

CompoRetail £7.99

Our Price £6.25

10. Airfix "Weeble" Playground. 4 'Weebles" can use slide, see-saw,swings and a roundabout. For age_s2-7 years Cat. No. 35017191

comp, Retail £4.62

Our Price £3.25

11. Burbank "Clown" Jack-in-ihe-Box. Wind the handle to play a merry tune and see the clown spring up.......................... ....Cat. No. 350/9058

CompoRetail £4.75

Our Price.£3.25

17. Fisher-Price "Play Family" Toy Camper. Versatile, fully equippetf camper with 19 pieces. Including rowing boat anb! motor-bike. Camper home lifts off and vehicle becomes a pick-up truck. For ages 2-8years Cat. No. 350/5849

CompoRetail £8.49

Our Price.£6.75

18. Fisher-Price "Play Family" Garage. With levator, turntable for parking cars and ramp. For IIges2-8 years Cat No. 350/8712 13. Fisher-Price Music Box Record Player. With 5 double sided nurserY"records. No batteries required. For ages 2-6 years Cat. No. 350/8688

CompoRetail £9.99

Our Price £7.45


Our Price £13.45

19. Fisher-Price "Play Family" House. With carrying handle. 15 pieces including 4 people, dog, furniture and car. For ages 2-8 years. Cat. No. 350/8695

CompoRetail £14.99

Our Price £11.45

14. Fisher-Price "Play Family': Village. Two streets hinge to cross over bridge. Village comprises fire station, post office, dentist, theatre, roof-top restaurant, police station, barber shop, apartment and garage. Cars, shop accessories and figures are also included. Village.folds and locks shut. For ages 2-8 years...Cat. No. 350/9223

20. Fisher-Price "Play Family" School. With carlying handle. Roof and wall open. 62 pieces Including chalkboard. chalks. rubber, magnettsed letters and numbers. clock and bell. For ages :;>·8 years Cat. No, 350,(8705

CompoRetail £19.99


Our Price £15.45

15. Fisher-'Price "Two Tune" T.V. Music box movemenfplays 2 well-known tunes. For ages·2·5 years Cat. No. 350/5832

CompoRetail £6.99

Our Price £5.25

16. Fisher-Price "Chatter" Telephone. For ages 2-6 years Cat. No. 350/5825

CompoRelail £3.99

Our Price £2.85

OurPrice £11.45

21. Fisher-Price Play Oesk. 63 pieces including activity cards. magnetised alphabet and.-chalk. For ages 3-8 years Cat. No. 35017122

Comp.·R~ta,iI £8.99

OU.rPri~ £6.75

Guarantee:Weoffera full money-back guaranteein addition to your slatutllry rights.

~;;:;;=:;;:::::;;~~~:;~=:~~~i:iE~~ ~~:::=:z=:::::::::=::::::;:;:;;;:===::=::::;;:==::;::;:l

1. Palitoy Family Tree House. Opens at of a button. Includes tree top family, family car, folding staircase and a hand lift. For ages 2 and over Cat. No.

CompoRetail £9.98

ttre touch furniture, operated


Our Price £7.45

2. Palitoy "Big Mouth" Singers. 8 note keyboard allows tunes to be playedas "big mouth" singers open their mouths in time to the music. With colour coded song book. Operated by 1x HPll battery(included) Cat. No. 350n847

CompoRetail £7.99

Our Price £6.25

3. Lego 912Advanced Basic Set. Containsmotor and manyspecialisedcomponents.Basicinstructions included. For ages6 yearsand over. Cat. No. 350/6642

CompoRetail £19.85

Our Price £15.75

13. Rod Hull's "Emu" Arm Puppet by Denys Fisher. Put your arm up his back and your fingers In his beak to bring him "alive". He can also be usedas,a pyjamacase.Overalllength 22". , Cat. No. 350/8138

CompoRetail £7.99

Our Price £5.95

14.Rogerde Courcey's "Nookie Bear" by Denys Fisher. Insert your hand in his back and makehis mouth move. You can also make his eyes roll. Height22~" Cat. No.350/8145

CompoRetail £14.99



Our Price £9.75

15.Scalextric "C606" Car Racing Set. Figureof 8 ircuit. 2 cars and power pack. Laid out size 8' "»:3' 6". . Cat. No.350/4943

CompoRetail £30.50

Our Price £22.95

4. Lego 50 Basic Set. Build hundredsof different models.Forages3 yearsand over. Cat. No. 350/6628

CompoRetail £11.75

~~==~~~~====~ !llr~===========;;;;:;;:;;:~===::;-r========::; ;::


Our Price £9.45

5. Lego 30 Basic Set. Build hundreds of different models.For ages3 yearsand over. Cat. No. 350/8781

CompoRetail £6.25

Our Price £4.~

6. Lego Town Nursery Brick Model Set. Large size bricks and figures included. For ages H yearsand over Cat. No.350/8n4

CompoRetail £10.10

Our Price £7.95

7. Lego 90 Super Set. Wooden storage box includes figures, wheels, trees, windows; doors and extra bricks to build hundreds of different models. A building book with many model suqgestions is included. There is also spare storage space for extra bricks. For ages 3 years and over. Cat. No. 350/8798

CompoRetail £23.95

Our Price £6.95

9. Baycliff School Satchel. Front pocket in fluorescent orange. Fluorescent binding and Scotchlite corner pieces.Approved by R.O.S.P.A. Width 11" Cat. No. 350/8925

CompoRetail £2.75

Our Price £1.85

10.Petite "Supertouch 80" Junior Typewriter. Cat. No. 350/6051

CompoRetail £17.35

Our Price £12.95

11. Toy Works Double Sided Blackboard and Easel. With clock, clip-on tray, chalks and wiper. Height3~': Cat. No. 350/8815

CompoRetail £8.40

Our Price £5.95

12. Crescent Baby Walker. Woodenbody. Plastic wheelsand stove enamelledtubular steel handle. Plasticbricks. Handleheight 20!". Cat. No. 350/8516

CompoRetail £11.36

CompoRetail £12.99

Our Price £9.99

18. Hornby "Intercity Express" Electric Train Set. Comprises model diesel locomotive, 3 coaches.card tunnel and oval of track with a 10' running length. Operated by A.C. mains with the useof a power controller (item no. 17) or by use of Ihe battery control modulesupplied and 2x996 Cat. No. 35017610 batteries(not supplied)

CompoRetail £24.46

Our Price £18.45

Our Price £18.45

8. Palitoy Melody Train. Switch on and the train moves and plays a tune. 4 double sided records included. Operated by 2xHP2 batteries (not supCat. No.350nl84 plied). Forages2·5yearsr...

Compo Retail £9.49

17.Hornby R900Power Controller. For use with oJectric trains. Two circuit controllers can be liddedto supply power to three trains. Cat. No. 350/4936

Our Price £7.25

20. Table Football Game. Polished wooden frame. folding metal legs. 22 players. Size 33"" 171"x26"high Cat. No.350/5533

CompoRetail £18.40

Our Price £12.75

21. Freddie Trueman's "Test Match" Cricket Game by Peter Pan. Real over arm bowling. genuine batting action and.full team of fielders. Hit the ball into the pocket itl the fielder'Sfeet and It'Sa "catch". A gameof skill and timing. Cat. No. 350/8286

CompoRetail £8.99

Our Price £5.95

22. Bontempi Electric Style Guitar. 6 stringed with worm gear tuning and shoulder strap- With device for producing Hawaiian effects. [ength 241", Cat. No. 350/8853

CompoRetail £5.83

.OurPrice £4.25

23. Giaccaglia Piano Accordion. 17 keys and 8 bass notes. Instroction booklet with music supplied Cat. No.350/8877

CompoRetail £8.05

Our Price £5.45


1. Denys Fisher "Sb-etch Armstrong". Pull, stretch or tie him in knots, see him slowly unravel and resume normal size. Maximum stretch length

36", normalheight13"


Compo Retail£7.99


2. Palitoy "Batmobile". For usewith the Batman figure.Length13".... ....Cat.No.35017751

Compo Retail£4.28


3. Palitoy "Batman" Figure. Fully poseable73" actionfigure. . Cat.No.35017744

Compo Retail£2.75


4. Toy Works 3 Tier Garage.Handoperatedlift. exit ramp and 2 petrol pumps. Supp.liedflat. easilyassembled.Size22¥'x 11"x 12"high. Cat. No. 350/5052

Compo Retail£10.24


5. Palitoy "Z Victor 4" Police Car. "Radios" six authentic messages.Operatedby 2 y HP7 batteries(notsupplied) Cat. No.350/6374

Comp. Retail£4.48


6. Dinky Toys "U.S.S. Enterprise". Underside hatch opens to reveal shuttlecraft. Model fires smallplasticdiscs Cat.No.350/8341

Compo Retail£3.85


7. Ideal "Evel Knievel" SuperJet Cycle.Stream. lined super bike has blazing jet pods at either side of rear wheel which spit sparks on gyropoweredhigh speed runs. With 7" fully flexible "EvelKnievel"figure. . Cat.No.35017988

Compo Retail£10.99


9. Matchbox "S400 Streak Racing" Set. Com. prisingtrackand2 cars Cat.No.350/4967

Compo Retail£5.50


11.Palitoy"Action Man" Training.Tower.Easyto assemblekit. Includes ropeladderand climbing net. Height 44~".For use with figures (not supplied)up to 12"high Cat.No.35017737

Compo Retail£12.85




Compo Retail£6.60


13. Cherilea Motorcycle and Sidecar. German ~ military insignia. Firing machine gun. Length IS\" Forusewith figuresup to 12"high. Cat. No. 350/6305

14.Cherilea Jeep and Trailer. With operating winchand tow hook.Folddownwindscreen.The lupply trailer carries 17 pieces of military and .urvival equipment. Length 29". For use with I"JuresuptoI2"high. Cat.No.35017902

Compo Retail£8.20


15. Denys Fisher "Six Million Dollar Man" Figure. "Bionic" arm has roll back "skin" to «weal removablemodule. Fitted with "bionic" uve. Height13"............. .Cat.No.350/6855

Compo Retail£5.99


16.Denys Fisher "Dr. Who" Figure. Replicaof I V. character. Fully poseable w.ith "sonic" icrewdriver. Height94" Cat. No.350/8097

Compo Retail£4.25


18. Palitoy "Action Man Eagle Eye" Helicopter Pilot. With moving eyes, movable joints and unppinq hands.Height11~" Cat. No.35017706

Compo Retail£4.75



10.DenysFisher"StOckCar SmashUp". 2 gyropowered toy -stock cars smash into pieces on impactbutareeasilyreassembled. Cat. No. 350/6824

Compo Retail£6.99

up to 12"high Iogures


8. Ideal "Evel KnieveW Stunt Cycle. Gyro. powered motor races over 100' at top speed. Includes7" fully flexible"EvelKnievel"figure. Cat. No. 350/5038

Compo Retail£9.50

12.Cherilea "Viper" Tank. Rotating turret with nlevatinq gun and openinghatch.Movingtracks nave articulatedwheels.Length20".Forusewith


19. Palitoy Talking "Dalek". Speaks 4 commands Modelledon the TV senes "Dr. Who" Operatedby2 x HP7batteries(notsupplied). Cat. No. 35017775

Compo Retail£4.48


20.Airfix "Super" Flight Deck.Catapultlauncher .ondsPhantomJeton flight line.Simulatedflight ur-ckfor landing controlledby joy-s~ick.For use "P 10 40' ." Cat.No.350/6587

Compo Retail£8.33


1. Knickerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Dolls' 'House. Comprises house with carrying handle, 2 minia-> ture dolls, bed, rocking chair, swing, see-saw:' well and dog house with dog. Fences not included. Height 10" , :Cat. No. 350/8523

Comp. Retail£8.99


2. Knickerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Bag. Miniature "Holly Hobbie" rag doll in pocket. Cat. No. 350/5313

Compo Retail£3.49

Our Price£2.75

3. Knickerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Rag Doll. Height16" Cat. No.350/5320

Compo Retail£4.49


4. Denys Fisher "Perfection" Game. Put all the shapesinto the correct holesin the time allowed or they will be shot into the air when the clock stops.Forany numberof players. Cat. No. 350/8169

Compo Retail£5.99


5. Palitoy "Tiny Tears" Care Set. Can be usedas carrycot, feedingchair or changingtray. Cat. No. 35017799

Compo Retail£7.49


6. Palitoy "Tiny Tears" Baby Doll. Drinks, cries andwetsher nappy.Height16".Cat.No.350/6893

Compo Retail£7.99

1•• Ii~~~J

Our Price£5.95

7. Denys Fisher "Bionic Woman and Mission Purse". Figure hasa "bionic" ear which "pings" when head is turned. Roll up the "skin" on her arm to reveal "bionic" module. Mission purse contains pretend cosmetics and documents. Height12" Cat. No.350/8080

Compo Retail£6.99

Our Price£4.99

12.Peter Pan "Frustration:' The famous chase unmewith pop-e-manedice shaker. For 2 to 4 Cat. No.350/8279 players

Compo Retail£2.65

Our Price£1.85

13. Casdon Cash Register. Decimal currency pnce flags raised by 13 button control. Spring mleasedrawerand paperreel...Cat.No.350/5698

Compo Retail£5.42

Our Price£3.50

14. luxitoy "Duchess" Doll's Pram. Chromium nlated folding chassis. Brown stylon body with VInyl interior and motif. With pram tray. Body Inngth26".Handleheight30"....Cat. No.35019027

Compo Retail£26.99


15. luxitoy "Sarah" Doll's Pram. Chromium plnted folding chassis. 2 tone stylon and vinyl body with vinyl interior and motif. Body length ~G".Handleheight29" Cat. No.350/9010

Compo Retail£23.99


16.luxitoy "Elizabeth" Doll's Pram. Chromium Illnled folding chassis.Bluestylon bodywith vinyl rntariorand motif. Bodylength21".Handleheight n\" Cat. No.350/9003

Compo Retail£18.99


17. Welsotoys "Mini-Mum" Toy Cleaning Set. Comprises iron 'with lead and sucker, ironing hoard, carpet sweeper, dustpan, brush and mop Cat. No.350/8884

Compo Retail£6.56


18. Welsotoys "Hoover Junior" Toy Vacuum Cleaner.Authentic working model. No batteries required.Height23" Cat. No.350/5681

Compo Retail£5.60


19.Welsotoys Doll's Folding Push~hair. lightweight aluminium frame with PVCseat. Handle height24" ,..... .. Cat. No.350/5117

Compo Retail£7.86

Our Price£5.25

8. Pedigree "Active Sindy" Doll. Fully poseable. Posing stand included. Removeher ballet skirt and she becomesa gymflast. Height 12". Cat. No. 350/8530

Compo Retail£4.99


9. Ideal "Jaws" Game. Usethe ga!.fhook or your fingers to remove the pieces from' the shark's mouth. Jaws slam shut before all the piecesare removed.Foranynumberof players. Cat. No. 350/8028

Compo Retail£4.75

Our Price£3.25

10. Ideal "Kerplunk" Game. Try to remove the stickswithout dislodging thesuspendedmarbles. Height12".For2 to 4 players.....Cat. No.350/8059

Compo Retail£3.65


21.Telephone Set. A two unit toy telephoneset. able length 30'. Operatedby 4xHP2 batteries (nolsupplied) Cat. No.350/2000

Compo Retail£9.86


22. Palitoy "Girl's World". Headhas "growing" hair and a variety of different styles can be created.Includes hair styling accessoriesand a selectionof make-up Cat. No.350/6903

Compo Retail£9.98


11.Waddingtons "Monopoly". The famous trading game.For2 to 6 players.......Cat. No.350/5382

23.CombexVanity Case with Sindy Cosmetics. Includestalc; soap, 2 bath cubes,shampooand bubble bath with brush, comb and mirror set. Size11"x9}'·x4" Cat. No.350/8619

Compo Retail£4.99

Compo Retail£6.95

Our Price£2.99

Our Price£4.45


*** *** DENYS

1. Bantel Racer Trike. Adjustable steel seat. A child's fi~st trike..... ........Cat. No. 350/0136

Compo Retail £10.23

Our Price £6.75

2. Tri-ang "Mars" Trike. Adjustable seat. For inside leg 15" to 17". Assembly instructions included ......Cat. No. 350/6460

Compo Reta iI £15.65

Our Price £11.95

3. Sunbeam by Raleigh "Chippy" Cycle. With built-in stabilisers. Rear wheel 9". For inside leg 14~"to 17}".· Cat. No. 350/6491

Compo Retail £12.95

Our Price £10.45

4. Bantel3-Wheel Scooter. Height30". Cat. No. 350/0129

Compo Retail £8.16

'Our Price £5.25

5. Plastic Wheelbarrow. With novelty eyes. For indoor or outdoor play. For the young gardener, Length263" Cat. No. 350/8956

Compo Retail £4.87

Our Price £3.25

6. Peter Pan "Roar Mower" Toy Lawn Mower. In


Cat. No. 350/0284

Compo Retail £13.55



10.Sharna."Smiley" Pedal Car. Moulded plastic body. For ages2-3';years.Length28~".

p~stic wHh '~~r~~' co~. Ma~s a clk~ng sound when pushed. For indoor and outdoor play.Handleheight 22". ....Cat. No. 350/8293

Compo Retail £2.75


Our Price £1.85

11. Sunbeam by Raleigh "Champ" Junior. Olcycle.For boys or girls. High rise handlebars. I ront wheel cable brake. 14"wheelswith cushion lyres.For inside leg 17"to 21~"..Cat. No. 370/0534

Compo Retail £34.95

Compo Retail £9.45

Our Price £7.25

8. Denys Fisher "Batcycle" Pedal Motor Cycle. With strong plastic body. For ages 2-5 years. Length29".Assemblyinstructions included. Cat. No. 350/8200

Our Price £9.75

a •

9. Sharna "Countryman" Pedal Tractor. With de,~achabletrailer. For ages 2!-5 years. Length 46 Cat. No. 350/5076 .

Compo Retail £15.15

Our Price £10.45

Our Price £27.95

12.Sunbeamby Raleigh "Snipe" Junior Bicycle.

r or boysor girls. 14"frame,16"wheels.Complete Withsaddlebag.For insideleg 21"to 25". . Cat. No. 370/0606

Compo Retail £46.50

Our Price £36.95

13.Sunbeam by Raleigh "Cobra" Junior Bicy10. High rise handlebars.14" front and 16" rear wheel.For inside leg21"to 25"..Cat. No.370/0541

Compo Retail £46.95

Our Price £37.50

t4. Sharna "City" Sit 'n' Ride Milk FI~at.With 10 "IAstic milk bottles. For ages 1~-2!years. Length 151" Cat. No. 35017933

Compo Retail £6.50

Our Price £4.25

15.Mayco Sit 'n' Ride Freighter. With built-in toy box and lift up lid. Fog horn. Length 23¥'. For .IOOS H-4 years Cat. No. 350/8987

Compo Retail £7.39 7. Raleigh "Trundle Racer" Racing Car. With wide wheels.For inside leg 13!"to 17". Cat No. 350/8994

Our Price £9.45

Our Price £4.99

16. Sharna Sit 'n' Ride Fire Engine. Moulded "t"slic. Forages1~2! years.Length 18~". Cat. No. 35017940

Compo Retail £4.55

. Our Price £3.25

17.Tri-ang "Silverstone" Go-Kart. Chain drive. Adjustablepaddedseat and.brake. For inside leg 16"to 21".Assemblyinstructions included. Cat. No. 350/6484

Compo Retail £33.65

Our Price £2.4.95

18.Sharna Pedal Police Car. Plastic body with t"I"phone and boot space. B.lueflashing light is ,>poratedby 2x HP11batteries(not supplied). For "'los 2i-5 years.Length33"........Cat. No.35017524

Compo Retail £25.40

Our Price £16.95

.. •


1. "ScOrcher 2" Skateboard. 22" veneered wooden deck with kicktail, Mountecfon standard Californian die-cast aluminium trucks fitted"with riser pads. Wheels are' hand paurett urethane. 2,\"x 1~"and are fitted with sealed bearings. Cat. No. 350/9168

Compo Retail£24.99

OurPrice £18.95

2. Skateboard with Kicktail. 22f' polypropylene deck, die-cast aluminium trucks': rubber suspension and double ball bearing wheels. May be supplied in plain or multi-colours. . Cat. Nb. 350/,9151

Compo Retail£16.50

Our Price £11.75

3. Flyer De Luxe SkatebQard. 231" plywood platform, cushioned under-carriage for suspension and steering. Double ball bearing rubber wheels Cat. No. 350/8949

Compo Retail£7.40

OurPrice £5.25

4. Skateboard Safety Helmet. Moulded nylon shell with foam padding for comfort and protection. Supplied in varying colours. . Small (Up to 9 years approx.) ....Cat. No. 350/91'75

19. Sheaffer Gold Plated Ballpoint Pen. "Barley corn" finish Cat. No. 38510745

Rec.RetaiJ£10.75 .

Our Price.£7.45 q

2.0. Parker "25" Set. Matching fountain pen and ballpoint pen in stainless steel. Fountain pen has convertible filling system Cat. No. 38510790

;~F=====~=====~~~~~~~=====================~~~~~_9~~~~~~t.~~~U :i

Compo Retail£8.50

OurPrice £6.25

5. Flyer Protective Pads. Comprising one pair of elbow and one pair of knee pads. Elasticated to fit most sizes Cat. No. 350/9199

Compo Retail£7.99

Q,urPrice £5.25

6. Lew Hoad :rennis set. Comprises 2 racquets with leather grip and three balls. Cat: No. 350/9137

Compo Retail£7.50

Our Price £4.99

7. Badminton Set. Comprises 2 racquets and- 2 shuttlecocks. For beach or garden. .Cat. No. 350/4802

Compo Retail£1.50

OurPrice £1'.10

10. Wembley "Barnstormer" Stunt Kite. 2 independent nylon control lines enable kite to perform loops, dives and other stunts. . Cat. No. 350nSOO

OurPrice £2.25 11. Thomas Salter "StlI!l-sky & Hutch" De Luxe Police Set. Equipment in¢ludes binoculars, ana play "Walkie-Talkie" set. Cat. No. 35018303

Compo Retail £6.49

OurPrice £4.45


OurPrice £6.95

Parker "25" Fountain Pen........Cat. No.



4. Win Gas Lighter. Piezo electric ignition. Requires r:10 flints or batteries....Cat. No 278/0919

Rec. Retail £9.50


Price £7.25

5. bima EC Electronic Gas lighter. Latestelectronic circuit. Re(;Juires no flints 0t batteries. Cat. No 278/1035

Comp_ Retail £13.50 6. Ronson "Firefly" Adjustableflame

Rec. Retail £3.45 7. Noble Gas lighter. flame

Compo Retail £6.60

Our Price £8.75

Varaflame Gas lighter. Cat. No. 278/0809

Our Price £2.60 Flint action. Adjustable " Cat. No. 278/0878

Our Price £'t.2~

8. JP "Rock Crystal" Smoker's Set. Gaslighter in crystal basewith matching ashtray. Cat. No. 278/0926

O'urPrice £6.95 9. Sarome Gas Table lighter. Piezo electric ignition. Requiresno flints or batteries. Cat. No. 27810706

Our Price £9.45 10. Luxuria Gas Table lighter. Green onyx marble base Cat. No. 278/0861

Rec. Retail £11.50

17. Pewter Tankard. Traditional hammered design.Capacity 1 pint approx ..Cat. No. 27011527

Compo Retail £7.95


18. "London" Pewter Tankard. Solid base. !"'gravedeffecf of London scenes. Capacity 1 Cat. No. 270/1170 pint approx

Compo Retail £7.95

Our Price £5.25

19. Silver Plated Tankar~ Georgian style with decorativehandle.Capacity 1 pint apprO"x. Cat. No. 27010535

Compo Retail £:t7.99

11. Colibri "Sport n" Electronic Mole'ctric Gas lighter: Requiresno flints or.batteries. Cat. No. 278/0854

Our Price £'t.99


Rec. Retail £9.15

Our Price £5.45


Our Price £10.9511Ii1111p..i •

, Our Price £6.45

16. Sarome Gas bighter. Piez~ electric i!ijnition. Requiresno flints or batteries...Cat. No. 278/0658


24. Games' Contain-s 2'p~cks playing cards, dice,dominoes and foldin§ cribbage board. Cat.'No. 2'101:1754

Our Price £1..99

13. Gen.t1s Leather Billfold. Ing ,

,PreSs stud fastenCat. No. 27011448

Compo Retail£2.25

Our Price £1.75

14.Gent's Leathel'Wallet..••••..• Cat. No.27011455

Compo Retail£2.68

OurPrice £1.75

16. Pifco Clothes Brush. On/off slide switch. Cleaning brush/comb provided. OPerated by "HP11 batteries(not supplied). . .Cat. No. 270/1802


OurPrice £2.75


Attache Case. Vinyl covered. concertina lyle.Size17J,,"x 1H" Cat. NO•.270t2162

Compo Retail£21.25

Our Price £12.95

18. Custom A.B.S. Executive Case. Aluminium trame.Size 15"x 11"x2¥' Cat. "!o. 27010140

~ec. Retail£19.95

Our Price£13.95

19.Custom A.B.S. Executive .Case. Aluminium Irame. Fitted with compartment in lid. Size t61"x12"x4!" :: Cat. No.27010133

Rec, Retail,£21.50

OurPrice £14.95

20. Custom A.B.S. Ex/cutive Case~Can be used a desk top -or weekend case. Size 19">< 14"x4¥' ; «: .•........•.. :.Cat.No.,270;:0126



Our Price £22.95

t. Executive Case. Vinyl' covered. Twin filing .ompartmentin lid. Size 17"x12~"x3t". " . Cat. No. 270/1950

Compo Retail£9.95

~OUF Price £6.45

'2. Executive Case. Vjnyl covered with .lluminium frame.• win "filing compartment in lid. Ize17"x12!"x3~" :,..Cat. No.270/1967 . ~ee. Retail£10.45

. OurPrice £7.95

23. Custom "Continental"

Executive Case. trong one piec.elaminatedframe coveredinsoft xpanded vinyl. Interier pocket in lid. Size 18"x14"x4" Cat. No. 270/2155

Compo Retail£16,95 lOur

price £12.45

"Sprint" Battery Shaver. Micron" foil .ad. Complete 'withltrimmer and travel casewith 111t-in'mirtor. Requires. 2xH .iI batteries (not 'pplied)···..·..· · o Cat. No. 440/2367

, . Braun

R c. Retail £17.95


Price £12.95

1. Lady Remington "LR60 De Luxe" Electric Shaver. Twin head with special underarm attachment. 240 V A.C. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 440/2329

t. Plfco 1560 Facial Sauna. Stainlesssteel inner , ntainer Safety cut-out. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 440/0424

~ec. Retail £12.50

Our Price£8.95

Our Price£10.25 2. Lady Braun Cosmetic Shaver. Foil head with cutting comb. Dual voltage, 120 Vl240 V A.C B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 44011856

Rec.Retail £16.95

Our Price£11.95

3. Philips HP.2111"Ladyshave" De Luxe Electric Shaver. Two trimmer shaving head. Dual voltage. 110 V/240 V A.C. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 440/2202

CompoRetail £15.24

Our Price £10.95

4. Philips HP.2204"Ladyshave" Battery Shaver. Double sided cutting head. Requires 4xlW batteries (not supplied) Cat. No. 44012068

CompoRetail £11.94

Our Price£8.95

5. Philips HP.2503Electric HomeTrim. For family use. Precision trimmer !Cutters and adjustable cutter guards control depth 01 cut. 220 V/240 V A.C.B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 44012240

Comp..Retaii £1~.94

Our Price £12.95

6. Philips HP.4618/95 Hood Hairdryer and Stand. Variable heat control. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 440/2116

CompoRetail £22.69

Our Pri(!e

7. Pifco 1991/1992 '~Boutique" Hatirdlrv.u Stand. Remote control heat switch. FnM,lw.,v stand.B.E./<.B.approved Cat. No. 44l~/OO!i3

Rec.Retail £23.50



Retail £40.95

Our Price£25.95

, I. AEG-Hanau "Hohensonne' 100" HeaHh ~ mp. Combined infra-red and ultra-violet lamp. . fety cut-out. With instructions and goggles. Cat. No. $10/2044

Rec.Retail £25.95

Our Price£16.75

12."Sundial" by the House of Carmen "1.20/F" .. alth Lamp. Ultra-violet light with quartz glass 1111er. With timer/alarm. measuring gauge. tann ng chart and go'99Ies (:at. No. 440/2051

Rec.Retail £39.95

'3. "Sundial" by the House of Carmen "128" ~I alth Lamp. Combined infra-redand ultra-violet model.With goggles Cat. No. 440/2075 Rac.Retail £19.95

Our Price£13.95

14. Ronson TB717 Rechargeable Toothbrush. three brush heads. Dual voltage. 100-120V/200Cat. No.44011674 40V A.C

Rac.Retail £19.95

Our Price £17.45

Our Price£13.45

t • Pifco 1030 Infra-Tonic Lamp. Rays provided I y a combined infra-red and-radiant heat bulb. Iurniniurn body and ",ylon coated steel stand. Cat. No: 440/2037

nee.Retail £12.50

L....--~-----~ ~_~~

OurPrice £27.95

Our D~'~_,•., ..

8. Calor Electric 9051 "Salonette" De Hairdryer. Variable heat control. Double insulated. Height adjustment. Folds down to hat box size.B.E.A.B.approved Cat. Noc440/1722

Rec.Retail £24.50

10: AEG-Hanau "HAFI 200" Health Lamp. Comhlned infra-red and ultra-violet with filter lamp. .•"'ety cut-out. Individual adjustment for type of In.With goggles.., Cat. No. 440/2082

Our Price£8.75



1. Dateline DLC.24 Heat Retaining Hair Unit. 24 intercliangeable rollers in 3 RE.A.R approved Cat. No.


Our Price

Plfco 1183 "Easy Curl'l. Roller diameter ~". I!h stand. Double· Insulated. REAR proved Cat. No.440/2295

A c. Retail£4.9~

Our Price£3.75

2. Dateline DLC.1616Heat Retaining Hair lers. 16 interchangeable rollers in- 3 REAR approved Cat. No.

10. Pifco 1184"Multi-Styler". Three interchangeIe rollers. Double insulated. With stand. , .A.B.approved :..: Cat. No.440/2305


R c. Retail£5.95

Our Price

3. Dateline DLC.20Heat Reti!ining Hair 20 interchangeable rollers in 3 sizes. approved ;<:••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cat. No.


Our Price£1

4. Clairol UK4003 Way Hairsetter. 20 be used dry, with water mist or r.o.ndi,tionj (supplied).B.E.A.B.approved...Cat No.




11.Moulinex 171 Curling Tongs. King'size roller Cat No. 440/1863 .thstand

R c. Retail£4.45

' Our Price £2.99

I . Lady Braun DLS.20 "Curl Control" Steam

Iyllng Wand. Adjustable heat control to suit "lterent types of liair. "Readyto use" tndtcatcr/ ,lot light. Witli wall bracket......Cat No. 440/2185 ~:;;..;..;...:..:...::,.:..;

A c. Retail£15.~5

Our Price£11.75

t:". ...

5. Carmen BS20"Ca¥ade". 20 rollers in 3 sizes' wl1ich cari be sprayed witli Carmen "Condition 'n' REAB. approved; Cat No.


.Our Price

I . Clairol CK2 "Crazy Curl" Steam Styling WInd. Compact size with heat shield making tlie .,lnd portable immediately after use. Dual vol~ge100/240VAC :..:' Cat. No. 440/2312

R c. Retail£12.95

Our Price£8.45

I~. Lady Braun DtS.tO.··Oulek Curl" Steam

Iyllng Wand. On/off pilot light and "ready to .. indicator :·.Cat.No. 44011887

A c. Retail£13.95

Our Price£9.95

'J Pifco 1182 "Mist Styler". Combined ctlrling ngs and mist-spray. "Ready to use" indicator. I'''~:::'''':::''''::::''''':'' lety cut-out , Cat. No.440/2178

n c. Retail£9.9.5 8. Pifco 1558 Deep Heat Massager. massagerwith the benefit of ti.."n-h",.t combined with vibratory massage.2 with 2 levels of vibration. With apptlcaton 240V A.C.B.E.A.B.approved....Cat.


Our Pri,....II"Q!



Guarantee: We offer a full money-back lIuarantee in addition te!your.statutory'rights.,

I~I 1. Moulinex 162 Hairdryer. Cool/hot and on/oil switches in handle. Automatic safety cut-out. With blow wavenozzle :.Cat. No. 44011760



2. Moulinex 355 Hairdryer. Two heat and speed settings. Automatic safety cut-out. Cat. No. AA,",.' ....... ,



3. Plfco 2170 "Super Go-Girl" Halrdryer. Blow wave nozzle attachment. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 44011784



4. Ronson R14 "Rio" Hairdryer. Dual voltage, 110-t20 V/200-240 V A.C. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 44010149



5. Morphy Richards 4822 "Classic" Hairdryer. Slide action on/off, warm/hot switch. Blow wave nozzle.B.EAB. approved....;....Cat. No. 44011801

Compo Retail£10.50


10. Ronson ES.OO2"Escort De Luxe" Hairdryer In Vanity Case. Variable heat control. Complete with shoulder strap, hood, warm air brush and comb.attachments. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 44011540



11.Lady Braun HLD.50"Plus 2" Hairstyling Set. With waving and styling combs, brush, air concentrator, curling tongs, styling handle and mist pray attachment. 2 heat/speed settings. Safety Cut-out.B.E.A.R approved Cat. No. 44011935



12.Lady Remington HW.700E"Vogue Set Plus". With curling tengs, two brushes, comb and airIlow concentrator. 2 heat/speed settings. Cat. No. 440/2233

Compo Retail£21.95

fOur Pric,£14.95

13.Braun RS65 "Round-Styler" Set. Consisting Of hairdryer, two round brushes, half brush, Comb,air concentrator and curling tongs. Cat. No. 440/2343



14. Braun RS60';iRound-Styler". High powered ~ dryer. 2 heat/speed settings with safety cut-out. With round brush and comb/concentrator attachments.···· " , Cat. No.440/2219



!5. Carmen 710R "Curl and Style" Hairdrying Set. 2 heat/speed settings. With round brush, Curlingtongs, drying/styling ~ozzles and styling comb ·.···· Cat. No. 440/2226 8. Russell' Hobbs 8004 "Mu.ltispeed Styler" Set.'Withstyling comb, brush and Cat. No. 441J/Z33e

Rec.Retail£16.95 ,.


9•.Ronson ES.OO1"Escort" Portable Ha,irdlryer.: Variable heat control. Complete with strap, hood, warm air brush and ments.B.EAB. approved Cat. No.




. OurPrice£15,45

16.Moulinex 360 Hot Comb. Three push-in stylI1gattachments Cat. No. 44011928



17.Lady Remir)9ton HW.22EH..iIPrush Set. Cirular and radial styling brnsnes plus comb Itachment. Swivel "no tangle" cord., . - Cat. No. 44011894

Compo Retail£14.95



Rec.Retail £13.90

Rec.Retail £6.00

2. Sewing Pouffe. Nylon covered with foam ded seat.Accessorytray Cat. I>4UI;"""III

Rec.Retail £12.70


3. Flair "Sit 'n' Sew" Sewing Chest/Stool•. inner compartment, lift out tray and handle.Height 17", diameter 11". Cat. No.

Compo Retail £4.40

Our Price £4.45

. Wooden Sewing Box. Concertina design. Walnut stain finish. Size16f'x8:i"x14~". Cat. No. 260/0628

Compo Retail £9.40

Our Price £6.25

10. Wooden Sewing Box. poncertina design. Walnutstain finish. Size 12f'x 6:i"x1". . • Cat. No. 26011816

Compo Retail £6.80

Our Price £4.45

Our Price

4.'Trinket Case/Manicure Set. Dual purpose base for trinkets etc. and seven piece set in lid J' Cat. No.

Compo Retail £5.55"

Our Price

11. Wilkinson Sword Scissors. light, versatile 1ndcomfortable to use: Cat. No. 260/0893

Rec.Retail £4.89

'-.t.: ...'

Our Price £3.99

12. Sylko Sewing Thread. Size 40.36 reels each holding 100 yd. Assorted colours. Suitable for eothhand and machinesewing. Cat. No. 260/2011

5. Griffon Traveller Manicure .Set. Includes pairs of scissors, tweezers,nail fil~ and six manicure aids. Zipped case.......Cat. No. 260/1

Compo Retail £6~12

Compo Retail £2.70

13. Five Piece Scissor Set. Contains-household.

our Price £1

6. Griffon Manicure Set. Includes two pairs scissors. tweezers,nail file and nine other Cat. No. cure aids.Zipped case


Compo Retail £4.75

Our Price

7. Ardis "-Venus" Dressform. Measuring dows enable programming of when adjusting for size. Covered. with backedbrushed nylon. Bust 33"-39". 7'.... Cat. No.

Compo Retail £28.06


B. Sewing Box Floral print covering. Lined with .ntin, quilted lid. Size II"x9-¥,x5". . Cat. No. 26012004

Our Price £1

Our Price £4.25

Iraight sewing, drapers, emb.roideryand manicure scissors, Gold plated handles. Made in 'heffield·· Cat. No. 260l1n5

Rec.Retail £2.50

. Our Price £1.:75

14. Jones Scissor Pack. Contains 6" household cissors, 8'" dressmaking scissors, hears, four bobbins, seam ripper 5 C.B. noodles · ,: Cat. No. 26011438

Compo Retail £6.95

"Our Price £4.99

15. Fold-a)YayKnitting Basket. Wooden frame. liard wearing fabric bag....'.......Cat. No. 260/2200

Compo Ret~iI£5.10 j • .J.

Our Price £3.75


1. New Home Sewing Table. Suitable for modern full size flat bed machines.'Machine folds away when not in use and table can bE! used for writing. telephone etc: Wood grain effect finish. Size closed 2H"x17"x30" high. Opens to" 43!" long. Packedflat for home assembly.Cat. No. 610/1556

Rec. Retail.£44.00.,

Our PriCe£32.95

2. Jones 672 Zig-Zag Sewing Machine. Buttonholes. oversews. embroiders and se,ws on buttons. Push button reverse stitch. Autematic bobbin winder. Stitch length and width controls. With light-weight 'case and extension table B.E.:A.B. approved j •..• Cat. No. 44011942

Rec. Retail £109.95,

Our Price £62.50

3. Jones 101B Sewing Machine. Straight stitch machine for forward and reverse sewing: Fea.tures pressure selector and drop teed control. B.E.A.B. approved c Cat. No. 440/1629

Compo Retail £57:95

8. Shopping Trolley. Adjustable telescopic Ilandle. Detachable shopping bag. Size :>3"x13..x8" Cat. No. 260/0549

Rec.Retail £10.50·

Our Price £7.45'


Leifheit ~'Shoppy" Shopping Trolley. Fold1wayhandle: Chromium plated frame. Adjustable tarrying strap. Vinyl tiag with pockets, key pouch ''''d umbrella holder, Bag size 21"x14¥'x7!". ,Cat. No. 260/2231

Compo Retail'£25.95

Our Price £15.95

'0. Leather Purse/Notecase. Separate note and , Cat. No. 26011342 r.oincompartments

Compo Retail £3.38

Our Price £2.45

11. Lady's Lealher Pu.rse.12 compartments and Idepocket with flap and strap for tickets. . Cat. No. 260/H20

Comp •.Retaii £2.70

Our Price'£1.99

Our Pri,ce£34.95 12. Leather Purse Wallet. 3 note pockets. Divided pocket in purse. Steer'fr,ame Cat. No. 260/2035

Compo Retail £3.05 -,


'Our Price £1.99

13. Shopping Bag on Wheels. Nylon bag with zipfOpopening and zip front pocket. ' Cat. No. 260/2224

Compo Refi,til£6.85

Our Price £3.99

;4. Denil'fl Bag. Zip-top and 2 zipped front poco k ts. Carrying handle and shoutder strap. _.Cat. No. 260/1768

Compo Retail £2.52

Our Price £1.99

Hi. Tie Dye Rayon Tote Bag..... Cat. No. 260/1919 . Our Price £2.45

Compo Retail £3.38

16. Shopping Bag. Vin;). Zip-top epening' with lipped frontpocket. ,Cat..No. 26012217

Rec. Retail £11.75

Compo Retail £4.65

7. Shopping Trolley. Adjustable , handle. Detachable shopping bag. 18"x 13"x6¥' , Cat. No. 260/1483

cOmpo Retal.1£7.25

Our Price £4.99

,..' Our Price'£3.45

17.Abaca Bag. With wooden handles.• . '. . Cat. No. 260/2042"

Compo Retail'£3.78

Our Price £2~45


3. Lady's Telescopic' Umj)rella. nylon with matching case Cat. No.

·Comp. Retail £6.50

Our Price

4. Mascot 5 Piece Dressing Table Set. Comp ing hair and clothes brushes, hand mirror, and powder bowl. Rosedesign.Cat. No.

Compo Retail ~12.60

Our Price

6. Mascot 3 Piece "Junior Miss" n..... ·,.;n'G'r".... Set. Comprising mirror, hair brush Ballerina decoration: Cat.

Compo Retail £5.36


7.·French Perfume Pack. Ten in presentation box. Approximate total Cat. No.

Rec. Retail £4.50

Our Price

8. Bath Crystals. Set of 6 Ravenhead " glasseseach containing 7 oz of crystals. Cat. No.

Our Price 9. Design Philipp Jewel Case. Lift out tray. with velvet.Gilt studs on lid. Lock and key. Cat. No.

Compo Retail £17.95

Watch. Sweep seconds .......................................... Cat. No. 250/3048

Our Price

Our Price £5.95

10. Design' Philipp Musical Jewel Case. automatic lift-up tray, revolving ballerina mirror. Fitted catch Cat. No.

'9. Saga Girl's WatCh. Chromium plated case. I ull figured dial. .,........ . Cat. No. 250/3062

Compo Retail £7.99

Compo Retail £6.45


Our Price £4.99

20. Girl's Watch. Gold coloured case; Blue dial Cat. No. 250/3079 .vlthwhite figures. (Swiss)

Compo Retail £7.95 12. Design Philipp Jewel Case. exterior. Lined in gold coloured lock Cat. No.

Compo Retail £16.95

Our Price

13. Design Philipp Musical Jewel Case. coloured with red lining. Automatic lift-up Revolvingballerina. Fitted lock.Cat. No.

Compo Retail £9.95. (

Our .........."0."

14. Design Philipp Musical Jewel Box. ballerina : Cat. No.

Compo Retail ~2.99

. Our Price

15. Design Philipp Black Jewel, Case. Lined quality flock. Automatic lift-up tray with Cat. No. ments. Fitted lock :.:

Compo Retail £7.50

, cording 0-60minutes

Stop Watch..~second Cat. No'.250/0553

Rec. Retail £9.95

Our Price £7.25

n. Smiths Gent's Pocket Watch with Albert. Gilt coloured case.Romannumerals. Cat. No. 250/2874 Rec. Retail £9~95

Our Price £7.25


Nurse's Watch. Chromium plated case. hock resistant. Luminous figures and hands. ,weepseconds hand. (Swiss)...Cat. 1110.250/3275

Compo Retail £10.95

Our Price £8.25

'4. Lady's Pendant Watch. Gold coloured case nd chain. (Swiss)

Compo Retail £10.95


Cat. No. 250/3282

Our Price £7.95

Our Price

16. Jewel Case. Automatic tFali Necklace bar and pocket. Simulated Cat. No. ei-itlg.: ~

Compo Retail £20.50

n. Smiths "Sports Timer"

Our Price £5.25

'5. Valtine Lady's Pendant Watch. Antique d· sign. Gilt coloured case, and chain. Roman numerals.(Swiss) Cat. No. 250/3608 Compo Retail £7.95

Our Price 24.99

Our Price

17. Boy's Watch. Chromium dial with sweepseconds hand. I IIml'nOIIlS. . Cat. No. Our Price

Guarantee: We offer a full m«¥'ey-back guarantee in addition,to your statutory rights.

1. Siinba Gent's Automatic Watch. Gilt coloured

case. Brown dial. 25 jewel lever movement. ·Incabloc shock projected. (Swiss)...Cat. No. 250/3464

CompoRetail £26.55

Our Price £18.95

2. Simba Gents Calendar Watch. Gold coloured case.Sweep seconds hand. (Swiss). , Cat No. 250/0663

CompoRetail £8.80

Our Price £6.95

3. 'Simba Lady's Watch. Blue-dial. Gold coloured case with stairiless steel back. (Swiss). Cat. No. 250/0821

Our Price £7.95 4. Simba Lady's Watch. Gilt coloured case and bracelet. 17 jewels. (Swiss) Oat. No. 250/3581

CompoRetail £17.30

Our Price £12.75

5. Simba Lady's Watch. Gilt c.oloured case and !.Cat. No. 250/3598 bracelet. 17 jewels. (Swiss)

CompoRetail £22.75

Our Price £15.95

QUARTZ WATCHES Technology has advanced to SUCRan extent that Ouartz watches are now -so reliable they give far greater accuracy than the coriventional mechanical watch. We offer within our range, three types of Quartz watches: L.E.D.-l'Rese are with a J_ight Emitting Diode (l.E.D.), where at the tOtlcl1rof a button miniature dots light up to form easily readable figures. L.C.D.-s-These are with a Liquid Crystal Display (L.C.D.),giving a permanent display of figures. At the touch of a button the display will C?hange10 give date etc. /oNALOGUE-These are wilh the traditional dial and hands but with all the advantages of great accuracy. Full instructions witi'! 'each watch. 6. ~icoh Gent's Analogue Quartz DaylDate Watch. Stainless steel bracelet. Blue dial. CaL No. 250/3794

CompoRetail £86.50

Our Price £59.95

7. Ricoh G~nt's L.C.D. Quartz Chronograph Watch. Constant display of hours and minutes with day indlcator. At a press of a button seconds, date and month. Full chronograph functions. 'CaL No. 250/3763

Camp. Retail £86.50

Our Price £59.95

8. Ricoh Gent's Analogue Quartz Calendar Watch. Blue dial. Leather strap.Cat. No. 250/3787

CompoRetail ~81.50

Our Price £57.50

9. Ricoh Lady's Analogue Quartz pagne coloured dial. Gold plated case. Cat. No. 250/3nO

CompoRetail £79.95

Our Price £55.00

10. Gent's L.E.D. Quartz Bracelet Watch. Features hours, minutes, seconds, month, date and day (e.g. MO for Monday). Chromium plated case and stainless steel Dracelet Cat. No. 250/3725


Our Price £16.75

11. J P Gent's L.E.D. Quartz Bracelet Watch. Features hours, minutes, seconds, date and day (e.g. MO for Monday). Chromium plated case and bracelet. Cat. No. 250/3615

CompoRetail £15.00

Our Price £11.75

SANDOZ SWISS MADE QUARTZ WATCHES These Swiss made watches carry a two year International, Guarantee against any manufacturIng defects. The batteries are guaranteed for twelve months. I 12. Sandoz Gent's L.C.D. Quartz Chr.,nograph Stop Watch. Constant display of hours, minutes, seconds or alternativetyjtours, minutes, date. Single button press gives month, am/pm information. Triple pressure on button converts to stop minutes, seconds and 1/100th's of sees. Fitted with lapsed time allowing normal time read-out whilst stop watch is.running. Instruqion.Qooklet supplied. Nizen plated case.Adjustabre bracelet... Cat. No. 250/3660

CompoRetail £95.00

Our Price £59.95

13. Sandoz Gent's L.C.D.Quartz Bracelet Watch. Constant display of hours and minutes. At a press of a button, seconds, month and date. Night-light feature. Gold' plated case and adjustable bracelet. Cat. No. 250/3392

Camp.Retail £80.00

Our Price £49.95

14. Sandoz Gent's Qua~ Analogue Watch. Champagne coloured textured dial with calendar and sweep seconds hand. Gold plated case with stainless steel back · CaL No. 250(.3646

Comp"Retaii £60.00

Our Price £44.95

15. Sandoz Lady's L.C.D,Quartz Bracelet Watch. Constant display of hours and minutes. At a press of a button;seconds, mo,nthanddate..Goldplated case.Adjustable bracelet. ..r ...... CaJ' No. 250/3653

CompoRet~iI £90.00

.Qur Price £57.95

16. Lady's L.E.D. QuartZ Watch. Features hours, minutes, seconds, month, date and l;Iay(e.g. MO for Monday). Chromium.plated case. CaL No. 250/3622

CompoRetail £27.75

.Our Pr~ce£16.95

17. lady's Bracelet, Watch. Oval gilt coloured case. Mesh bracelet. 17 jewels. (Swiss). eat. No. 250/0869

Our Price £6.45

Access Card and Barclaycard are-welcomed In aU our Catalogue Sh,?wrooms.,

Mr. B;"ian Selwood, C! Fellow of the {Semmologi'cal Association (;)f Great Britain, has been responsible tor the selection of our prestige range of elegant jewellery by EI!f!abeth Duke. . Mr. Selwoodwrites: "There are many reasons why the Elizabeth Duke collection offers you more jewellery toryour money. Firstly, we have cut out the middlemen-we buy dir-ect. Secondly, we' buy-ahead to aVQiathe increases caused QY the ever.-riSing costs of gold, silver and '. . precious stones. Thirdly, apart from jewellery, we sell a wide range of products; so our huge turnover enables our Jewellery Division to operate witl;lout the jeweller's . . traditioRally high profit margi,n." . Valuer's Certificate. Guarantee. Free Insurance, Ring Sizing Service. The lifetime skills of experts ensure the value of the jewellery you buy from us. With each engagement ring or eternity ring you have the extra surety of a Valuer's ',:-' Certificate. But whatever yO!) bay you also nave the. reassurance of our Guarantee. . "';

With each engagement ring or eternity ring, we also give OReyear's free insurance. A r.ingsizing service is,available for your convenience.

13. Centre Diamond and 8 Sapphires. Set in 18 ct. white gold with 18 C1. yellow gold textured Shank. Diamond carat weight 0.03. Sapphires total w'eight0·ti7 (:1. Cat. No.200/3146

CompoRetail £132.00

OUf Price.£80.00

14. Diamond Cluster. Set in 18 ct. White gold. Cat. No. 200/076:1 Totalweight0.75 ct

CompoRetail £402.00

Our Pri.ce£217.50


15. Centre ~apphire and Diamonds.Set in 18 ct. white .gold with 18 ct' yellow goll1 shank. Sapphire carat weight .1.10. Diamonds total weight0.17 ct.. Cat. No. 200/3139

CompoRetail £189.00 6, Three Stone Diamond.Set in ,18 ct. white gold with 18 ct. yellow go.ldshank. Total weight 0.40 ct ·..· Cat. No.200/0493

,CompoRetail £283.0~

Ou~Price £16'0.00

7, 9 ct. Yellow Gold We"dJ.'ngR!ng. Width 8 mm · · · Cat. No.203/0786

CompoRetail £33.60. '" ,~,

Our Price £122.50

16. DiamondCluster. Set in 18ct. white gold with 18 ct. yellowgold shank.Total weight 0.17 ct. Cat. No. 200/4509


Our Price £99.9~

Please note: All rings are enlarged to show. detail.

Our Price £18.45 Guarantee: . We offe[ a full money-back guarantee in addition to your statutory rights


. '"

Barclaycard and Access Card are wel.comed In all our Catalogue Sh~wrooms.



1. Single Slol'le Diamond. 9 ct. gold~Carat weight 0.05 Cal. No. 200/4035

Compo Retail £39.25

Our Price £21.00

2. Cenlre RJ.lbyand 2 Diamonds. 9 ct. gold. Ruby carat weight 0.20. Diamonds total weight 0.10 ct Cat. No. 20014475

Compo Retail £59.85

Our Price £34.00

~. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring. Set with an oval cameo. Matches item nos. 17. 18 and 19.on page 131 " Cal. No. 206/0749

Compo Retail £35.00

Our Price £18.95

4. Three Stone Diamond. 9 ct. gold. Total weight 0.20 ct..; Cat. No. 200/4482

Comp. Retail £87.75

Our Price £47.50

5. Single Slone Diamond. 9 ct. gold with diamond cut shoulders. Cara t weight O.OS. Matches item no. 4 on page 120 Cat. No. 200/4286

Compo Retail £50.25

Our Price £24.95

6. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring.Set with a cluster of 7 garnets : :.Cal: No. 206/0976

Comp. Retail £25.75 .

.~ur Price £14.95 ~f


11.Lady's set, Gold Dress Ring. Set with an oval Imethyst. Matches item no, 20 on page 131. . . . Cat. No. 206/0756

Compo Retail £36.55

Our Price £19.45

12. Diamond Claw Sel Half Elernity Ring. 7 diamonds. Total weight 0.42 ct. 1.8ct. yellow and white gold Cal. No. 204/0374

Compo Retail £278.00 f3. Lady's 9

Our Price £160.00

ct. Gold Dress Ring. Star set with 3


Compo Retail £14.50

Cat. No. 206/0945

.Our Price £11.95

14. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring. Set with a, cluster of 7 garnets. Heartshape shoulders. Cat. No. 206/0732

Compo Retail £22.55

Our Price £12.95 \

IS. Emerald and Diamond, Half Eternity Ring. Total weights: emeralds 0.15 ct., diamotlds 0.09 C1. 18ct. yellow gold Cat. No. 204/0202

Compo Retail £115.75

Our Price £74.50

16. Ruby and Diamond Olaw Set Half Elernity Ring. Total weights: rubies 0.60 ct.; diamonds 0.30ct. 18 ct. yeJIp'wand white gold. Cat. No. 204/0161

7. Single Stone Diamond. gold. Diamond cut fancy shoulders. Carat weight 0.05. . Cat. No. 200/4028

Compo Retail £264.00

Compo Retail £47.00

17. Diamond. Half Eternity Ring. 7 diamonds. rotal weight 0.35 ct. 9 ct. gold ...Cat. No. 204/0367

Our Pric~ £23.95

8. Lady's 9 ct. G,oldReef Knot Ring. Diamond set. single stone Cat. No. 206/0990

Compo Retail £39.50'

Our Price _£19.95

9. Single Stone Diamond. Set in 9 ct. white gold with 9 ct. yellow gold textured shank. Carat weight 0.015.' , , Cal. No. 200/4444

Compo Retail £34.00

,Our Price £23.95

Compo Retail £140.00

Our Price £157.50

Our Price £65.00 "

18. Diamond Eternity Ring. 10 diamonds. Total weight 0.10ct. 9 ct. yellow go.ld.Cat.No. 204/0501

Compo Retail £45.50

Our Price £29.95

19.Sapphire and Diamofld Claw Sel Half Eternity Ring. Total weights: sapphires 0.62 ct.; diamonds 0.16!et.18ct. yellow ~n9 white gold. . --Cat. No. 204/0044

10. Centre Sapphire and 2 Diamonds. 9 ct. gold. Sapphire carat weight 0.20. Diamonds total weight 0.10ct, Cat. No. 200/4468

Compo Retail £189.00

Compo Retail £59.85

Please note; A!I ~ings detail.

Our Price £34.00


Our Prj~ ~107.50


1. Gent's 9 ct

Gold Engraved Buckle Ring. Cat. No. 206/1030

Compo Retail £62.85

Our Price £34.95

2. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with a cushion shapedhaernatite, intaglio carved with a centurion's head Cat. No.206/1023 C

Compo Retail £46.75

Our Price £24.95

3. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Oval Signet Ring. Patterned shoulders Cat. No.240/1449

Compo Retail £40.50

OUFPrice £:lp.45

4. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Buckle Ring. Cat. No.' 206/0952

Compo Retail £2.0.50

.Our Price' £12.95

5. Lady's 9ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with a cushion shapedhaematite.intaglio carved with a centurion's head Cat. No.206/0983

Compo Retail £29]5

Our Price £16.45

6. Lady's 9ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with a cushion shaped black onyx stone. ' Cat. No. 206/0969

Compo Retail £27.60

Our Price £14.45

7. Lady's 9et. Gold Signet Ring. Set with·anoval blackonyx stone Cat. No.206/0639

Compo Retail £28.85

Our Price £14.95

8. Lady's 9 ct Gold Fancy Twisted Wire Ring. Cat. No. 206/0897

Compo Retail £8.00

Our Price £4.99

9. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Signet Ring. Handengraved Cat. No.206/0835

Compo Retail £18.25

Our Price £10.45

10. Lady's 9 ct. Gold TWisted Wire Reef Knot Ring : Cat. No. 206/0921

Compo Retail £17.00

Our Price £7.95

11. Gent's 9et. Gold Signet Ring.Set with an oval haematite. intaglio cawed with' a centurion'S head Cat. No.24011360

Compo Retail £41.00

Our Price £23.50

12. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Twin Hearts Rillg. Cat. No. 206/0914

Compo Retail £13.00

Our Price £7.95

13. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Fancy.Knot Ring. Cat. No. 206/0866

Compo Retail £18.00


c ! Our Price £10.95

14. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with a cushion shaped black onyx stone. Cat. No. 24011238

Compo Retail £42.55

Our Price £22.50

16. Gent's 9 et. Gold Textured Oval Signet Ring. Star setwith a diamond Cat. No.24011456

Compo Retail £47.00

Our Price £24.95

17. Sterling !:\ilver Hallmarked Charm Bracelet Padlock fastener with safety chain. Cat. No. 215/1012

Compo Retail £21.00

Our Price £13.95

18. Sterling Silver Hallmarked 5 Bar Gate Bracelet. Padlock fastener with safety chain. Cat. No. 215/1407

Compo Retail £20.00

Our Price £13.95

Compo Retail £22.70 20. Sterling Silver Hallmarked 3 Bar Gate Bracelet. Padlock fastener with safety chain. . .Cat. No. 215/1380

Compo Retail £14.30

Our Price £9.95

21. Sterling Silver Hallmarked " Bar Gate Bracelet. Padlock fastener with safety chain. Cat. No, 215/1397

Compo Retail £18.50

Our Price £11.95

22. Sterling Sliver Hallmarked Charm Bracelet. Padlock fastener with safety chain. . Cat. No. 215/1005

Comp. Retail £18.25

Our Price £12.95

23. Sterling Silver Hallmarked Bracelet. 3 strand braided design. Matches item no. 4 on page 126 ; / Cat.1110.215/1517

Compo Retail £21.64

Our Pri~e £12.95

24. Sterling Silver.Hallma.~kedCharm Bracelet. Claspfitted with safetychain....Cat. No.21511445

Compo Retail £22;30

Our Price £16.95

25. Sterling Silver Hallmarked Bracele,t.Safety chainfitted tot:!,ilsp , Cat: No. 215/1184

Co,:"p. Retail £18.25 26. Sterling design

Our Price £1 :U5


Bracelet.' Heart Cat. No.21

Comp. Retail £5.50

Our Price

1. 9 ct. Gold 'Ingot Pendant with Featured Hallmark. On an 18" chain. The ingot weighs approx. ~oz Cat. No. 207/2799

length 15". Any word up to 9 letters available to order. .. Cat. No: 207/2737

C~mp. Retail £141.00,

Compo Retail £34.50

Our Price £79.95

2. 9 ct. Gold Ingot Pendant with Featured Hallma~k. On an 18" chain. The ingot weighs approx. toz. ···· ' Cat. No. 207/2641

Our Price £22.50

13. Cultured Pearl Pendant. 9 ct. gold loop and chain. Length 15" Cat. No. 207/1556

Compo Retail £9.90

'Our Price £8.25

Our Price £27.50 3. 9 ct. Gold Ingot Pendant with Featured Hallmark. On an 18" chain. Ingot weighs approx. i oz. ..... Cat. No. 207/2816

Compo Retail £86.75

Our Price £49:50

4. 9 ct. Gold Chequer Board Pendant. Chain length 18"........ .. Cat. No. 207/2658

Compo Retail £38.38

. Our Price£25.00

5. '9 ct. Gold Bark Finis,hed Rustic Cross. Chain length 18".......................... ......Cat. No. 207/1697

Compo Retail £22.80 ..'

Our Price £13.45

6. 9 ct. Gold Cross and Chain. Diamond cut finish. Chain length 18"..... ...Cat. No. 207/24'52

Compo Retail £19.80

Our Price £12.45

7. 9 ct. Gold Cross and Chain. Diamond. cut fi~ish. Chain length 18" Cat. No. 207/1862

Compo Retail £19.00

Our Price £9.45

8. 9 ct. Gold Cushion Shaped. Tag Pendant. Featured hallmark-on one side, plain other side. Chain length 18" Cat. No. 207/2603

Compo Retail £34.00

'14. Cultured Pearl Stud Earrings. 9 ct. gold. Fittings for pierced ears only ...:.Cat. No. 20711563

Compo Retail £~1.50

Our Price £24.95

10. 9 ct. Gold Pendant Tag. Chain iength 20". Cat. No. 2.07/2672

Compo Retail £66.65

Our Price ~9.95

11. 9 ct. Gold Heart and Arrow Pendant. Chain length 18"· Cat. No:l!0712490

Compo Retail £23.70~·

Our Price £4.99

25. 9 ct. Gold Fancy Stud Earrings. Fittings lor pierced ears only........... .....Cat. No. 207/2366

Compo Retail £8.50

Our Price £6.45

26. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Stud Earrings. Diamond cut finish. Fittings for pierced ears only. .. .. Cat. No. 207/2751

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.75

27. 9 ct. Gold Sfud Earrings. Diamond cut finish. Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 207/2768

Compo Retail £14.45

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £11.45

Our Price £4.75

35. 9 ct. Gold Small ,Faceted Creole Earrings. Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 20711989

Compo Retail £11.50

Our Price £8.45

36. 9 ct. Gold Faceted Creole Earrings. Fittings ....Cat. No. 20711532 tor pierced ears only....

Comp. Retail £17.25

Our Price £10.95

37. 9 ct. Gold Faceted Stud Earrings. Fittings for pierced ears only........... .....Cat. No. 20711965

Compo Retail £8.50

Our Price £6.95.

38. 9 ct. Gold Hoop Earrings. Fittings for pierced ears only J Cat. No. 207/2380

Compo ~etail £11.75

Our Price £7.95

16. Cultured Pearl Necklet. 5 pearls OIi9 ct. gold chain. Length 15" Cat. No. 207/1570

28. 9 ct. Gold Horseshoe Shape Earrings. Fit-. tings tor pierced ears only ......... Cat. No. 207/2335

39. 9 ct. Gold TWisted Wire Hoop Earrings. Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 207/2445

Compo Retail £14.90

Compo Retail £9.80

Compo Retail £21.50

Our Pri,ce£10.95

17. 9 ct. Gold St. Christopher Pendant. Diamond. cut edge. Chain lengt" 18" .....Cat. No. 207/1240

Compo Retail £40.50 18. 9 ct. Gold Horseshoe length 16"..

Compo Retail £22.20

Our Price £19.95 Shape Pendant. Chain ...Cat. No. 207/2483

Ou~_price £13.95

\19. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape ·ft'hoker Pendant. Chain length 13". .. Cat. No. 20711549

·Comp. Retail £25.90

Our Price £15.45

20.9 ct. Gold Oval Locket."Chain length 113". "


Our Price £5.45

29. 9 ct. Gold Bead Stud Earrings. Plttings for pierced ears only Cat. No. 207/2775

Compo Retail £10.15

Our Price £5.45

30. 9 ct. Gold Drop Earrings in the Form of a Cross. Diamond cut finish: Fittings for pierced ears only. ·..·,..__,_,;," Cat. No. 20711941

Compo Retail£10.95

Our Price £5.45

Compo Retail £20.25

Our Price£9.95

Our Price'£27~50

21. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Locket. Chain length 18". · · Cat. No. 20711659

Compo Retail £55.00

Our Price £32.50

22.9 ct. Gold Round Locket. Chain lenqth 18". Cat. No. 20711680

Compo Retail £38.00

Compo Retail £15.20

Our Price £!J.95

33.' 9 ct. Gold Earrings 'in the Form of a Bow." Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 207~1525

Compo Retail £14.20 (

Our~Price £8.45

Our Price £22.50

40.207/1192 PlaIA

Compo Our Retail Price £22.95£11.95-


£24.90 £12.95

'Catalogue Number Engraved

42. 9 ct. Gold Earrings. Diamond cut finish. Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 207/1934

43. 9 ct. Gold Engraved pierced ears 'only. :.....:...

Compo Retail £21.75

34. 9 ct. G~'d Sleeper/Hoop" Earrings. With detachable heart pendants. Fittings for pierced ears only Cat. N;'. 207/2744

Compo Retail £3.95 .

Our Price £2.99

Our Price£19.45 Earrings. Fittings for ....Cat. No. 207/1178

Our Price £11.45

44.. 9 ct. Gold Engraved Earrings. Fittings tor ,.. ! Cat. No. 20712414 pierced ears_only

Compo Retail £16.80

Our Price £9.45

45. 9 ct. Gold Earrings. Diamond cut finish. Fittings for pierced ears only .....Cat. No. 207/2476

Compo Retaif£29.25

Our Price £23.95

23. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Locket. Chain length 18". ...Cat. No. 207/1666

Our:Price.£.13.95 Compo Retail £36.00

32. 9 ct. Gold Daisy Design t;'arrings. Fittings tor pierced ears only: : Cat. No. 207/1958

Ou~Price £11.95

9 ct. Gold Earrings. Fittings for pierced ears only.

Compo Retail £37.95 31.9 ct. Gold Rose Design Earrings, Fittings for pierced ears only Cat. No. 207/1154

Cat. No. 20711673

Compo Retail £41.00 Comp, Retail £39.09

Compo Retail £9.60

15. 9 ct. Gold 4 Leaf Clover' Earrings. Cultured pearl in the centre. Fittings for pierced ears only. .. Cat. No. 20711587

Our Price £22.50

9.9 ct. Gold Ace of Hearts Pendant. Chain length 18". ....Cat. No. 207/2665

Our Price £7.45

24. 9 ct.. Gold Star E·arrings. Fittings for pierced ears only Cat. No. 207/2328

Our Price £17.95

Guarantee: guarantee

We offer a full' money-back in addition to your statutory rights


13. 9 ct. Gold Neck Chain. Length 1S". Cat. No. 207/0894

CompoRetail £9.45 2. 9 ct. Gold B·racelet. Padlock fastener with safety chain .. · · Cat. No. 21511610

CompoRetail £41.75

Our Price £22.50

3. 9 ct. Gold 4 IBar Gate Bracelet. Padlock Cat. No. 21511665

fastener with safety chain

CompoRetail £59.00

Our Price £36.95

4. 9 ct. Gold- 3 Bar Gate Bracelet. Padlock fastenerwith safety chain Cat. No. 215/1658

CompoRetail £49.50

Our Price £29.95

5. 9 ct. Gold 3 Bar Gate Bracelet. Padlock fastenerwithsafetychain Cat. No. 215/1641

CompoRetail £49.50

OUl'Price £29.95

6.. 9 ct. Gold Bra~elet. Padlock fastener with safetychain Cat. No. 215/1490

COmpoRet~iI £53.25

Our Price £34.95

7. 9 et; Gold Bracelet. Padl';c'k fastener with safetychain. ······· ..· Cat. No. 215/1627

CompoRetail £30.00

Our Price £24.95




Our Price £37.50 -.

9. Ii ct. Gold Brace,lei Heart shape design with Cat. No. 215/1074 sunray pattern....•..:'J:

Comp. Retail £41.00

Our Price p6.95

10. 9 ct. Gold. 5 Bar Gat~ Bracelet: padlock fastenerwith safety chain Cat. No. 215/1672

CompoRetail £66.50

Our Price £42.50

11.9 ct. Gold Box Link CIlCikerNecklet. Bar and ball design. Length 15" Cat. No~207t2782

CompoRetail £60.00

Comp.Our Retail Price £21.00£14.95 £22.90 £16.95

'15.9 ct. Gold Neck Chain. Length 24". Cat. No. 20711257


Our Price £15.95

16. 9 ct. Gold Necklet. Falls into 3 strands at the Cat. No. 207/2120 front. Len!!)th16

Comp: Retail £73.37

Our Price £32.50

Our Price £47.50

Cat. No. 216/0955 Keys

26. "I-love-You"

Cat. No. 216/0797

CompoRetail £'14;25


Our Price £21.00

19.9 ct. Golol>rop Earrings. Set with matching came'(>s. Rope pattern border. Fittings for pierced ears dnly. Matches item nos. 17 and 18 and on page 122 item no. 3........ ....Cat. No. 207/2081

Our Price £19.95

20. 9 ct. Gold Pendant. Set with an amethyst. Rope pattern border. Chain length Hr. Matcnes rtern no. 11on page no. 123.......Cal. No. 207/2634

CompoRetail £48.0Q. 9ct. Gold Charms. 21.St. Chrisia'pher

CompoRetail £20.60 22.Stork ana Baby

CompoRetail £38.85

23. Norman Church

Our Price £26.95 ,

Cat. No. 216/0065

.: 'Our Price £8.95 Ca~.,...0.216/0106

CompoRetail £28.95 CompoRetail £29.95

Our Price £16.95 ·

Cat. No. 216/0113

Our Price £16.95

Our Price £10.45



CompoRetail £12.50 29. "1~Love-You"Circle .........

CompoRetail £10.85 30. Heart. With overall floral pattern. Cat. No. 216/0917

CompoRetail £9.00

Our Price £4.99

31. Bible. With "Lord's Prayer", "Ten Commandments'" and "23rd Psalm" inside." Cat. No. 216/0962 32. Old Boot...

18.9 ct. Gold Pendant. Set with an oval·cameo. Rope pattern.border. Chain length 18". Matches item nos. 17and 19and on page 122item no. 3. Cat. No. 207/2586

Cat. No. 216/0649

Our Price £17:.45

27. "Love"

CompoRetail £32.30

Our Price £34.95

Our Price £15.95

CompoRetail £34.50

CompoRetail £72.50

CompoRetail £38.60

Our Price £17.95


17. 9 ct. Gold Brooch. Set with a 30mm cameo. Rope pattern border. MJtches item liIoS.18 and 19and'on page 122item no. 3...Cat. No. 207/2067

12.9 ct. Gold pox link NeclCChaln. Len.gth18". . Cat. No. 20712555

Ou~Price £21.95

Cat. No. 216/0223

CompoRetail £29.00 CompoR'etail£28.45

14. 9 ct. Gold Neck Chain. Catalogue Number 207/0928 Length 20" 20711271Length 24"

CompoRetail £37.65

8.9 ct. Gold Charm Braceiet •.....Cat. No 215/1218

CompoRetail 247.65..

Our Price £6.95

24.Claw & Ball

Our Price £18.45 .

CompoRetail £14.80 33. Crown


Cat. No. 216/0986

CompoRetail £42.60

Our Price £19.95

34. Horseshoe


. CompoRetail £9.90 '35. ~aby Hedgehog


CompoRetail £20.90 36.Gun Dog


CompoRetail £9.00 37. 9 ct. Gold Butterfiy Choker Pendant, Chain length 13". .. Cat. No. 207/2517

CompoRetail £23.95

Our P;ice £16.45

38. 9 ct. G~ld Pendant and Earring Set. Fittings for 'pierced ears only. Chain length 18". . . Cat. No. 207/2548

CompoRetail £38.15

Our Price £18.95

39. 9 ct. Gold Pendant and Earring Set. Fittings for pierced ears only. Chain I~ngth 18". • Cat. No. 20711130

CompoRetail £40.50

Our Price £18.95

3. Queen Anne SiI~er Plated' ~andwich Tray. Swing handle. Tarnish resistant. Size 9~"x5" . Cat. No. 280/1001

Compo Retail£3.78


4. Queen Anne Silver Plated Coasters. Set 01 6 Embossedfloral design. Tarnish resistant. SupCat. No.280/1032 plied in presentationpack

Compo Retail£6.82

Compo Retail£14.00


16. Grenadier Set of 4 Silver Plated Place Mats. Jrameter6~".' Cat. No.280/1946

Compo Retail£16.10



5. Queen Anne Silver Plated Serving Tray Regency style legs. Tarnish resistant. Diameter Cat. No. 280/0992 14"

Compo Retail£11.02

15. Gr~nadier Silver Plated Miniature Cannon and Gun ·Carriage. For "After Eight" mints. Length 13-¥'... ,.... .,.Cat.No.280/1908


17. Silver Plated Family Tree. Bearing 6 photo ramea. Height9!t ..,..........,.,.,.~,.Cat. No.280/1953

Compo Retail£4.95

Our Price£3.75

18. Silver Plated Corinthian !;Iud Vase. Height . ' .. " ... '" . Cat. No. 280/1843


6. Queen Anne Silver Plated Oval Gallecy Tray Tarnishresistant.Length 15~"...Cat. No. 280/1881

Compo Retail£7.20

Compo Retail£12.28

19. Grenadier Silver Plated Miniature Riding Boots. Can be used to give an approximate 1 or. r , fl oz drinks measure. Height 3~". Cat. No. 280/0703


7. Queen Anne Silver Plated Gallery Tray Regency style legs. Tarnish resistant. Diameter 14" ' ~"........ , Cat. No.280/1915

,..;-;,......,-;...,.:.....h".cnr .,lfu,dl~;;_._;;....:.....,..,..:;;...,.....~~-.'-'~:::..,...:..:::...-=~

Comp. Retail£13.86

'. OurPrice£9.95

9. QueenAnile Silver PlateUFoldingCake Stand witH Handle. Tarnish resistant. Size 16"x9~" , Cat. No. 28011874

Comp_ Retail£12.2~

Our Pri<;,e £9.45

10. Queen Anne, Silver Plated Cake Stand Swing handle. Tarnish resistant. Diameter 9' Cat. No. 280/1836

Compo Retail£6.10

Our Pri4fe£4.25


8. Queen Anne RelishlHors d'Oeuvres Tray Comprises 10J,"x15t oval silver plated, tarnisrresistant tray and four division glass dish. Usc togetheror separate , Cat. No.280/1984

Compo Retail£13.86

Compo Retail£7.00

Our Price£5.45

20. Heathware Silver Plated Rose Bowl. Diameter 5" ....Cat. No. 28011867

Compo Retail£8.10

Our Price£5.95

21. Silver Plated 3 Piece Condiment Set. Compnsessalt cellar\.peppershakerand mustard pot Withblue glass'finerand spoon.Cat.N~.280/1,575

Compo Retail£13.60


22. Grenadier Silver Plated 5-Arm Candelabra. Reproduction Georgiandesign. Height 14". Converts to single candle holder. (Candles not supplied) · Cat. No.280/0136

Compo Retail£29.25

.OurPrice £,18.45


11. Queen Anne 5 Piece Silver Plated Cruet Sel f.levolving centre. Tarnish resistant. Comprise! salt and pepper shakers, mustard pot, oil and vinegarbotties. Diameter6!".....Cat. No.28011977

Compo Retail£7.24

Our Price£5.75

12. Queen Anne Salad Bowl and Servers. Tar, nish resistant, silver plated trim and servers Diameterg , , Cat. No. 280/1960

Compo Retail£6.20


25. Pair of Silver Plated Pheasant Figures. Cat. No. 28011362

Compo Ret~n£14:50


16-; Laronde Wall Spot Light. Height 6~". Max. bufb 60 .Watts· .. Cat. No.430/3174

Compo Retail f5.99

Our Price £4.50

17. Cobra Wall/Ceiling Spot Light. Brushed finish aluminium cowl. length 7". Max. bulb 60 Watts.· : Cat. No. 4301154'7

Compo Retail £1.10

O"r Price £4.75

18. Cobra 'Triple Spot Light Fitting; Ceiling plate diameter 12".Max. bulb 3 x 6@Watts. .tCat•.No. 430/2388

Our Price £10.95

20. Eme.55"Suffolk" Metal Porch Lantern. Hand blown amber coloured glassdiffuser. Height 12~. Max.'Dwlb100 Watts : Cat. No. 430/2065

Compo Retail £12.60

Our Price £6.95

21. Emess "Hereford" MetaJ Porch Lantern. Height 14". Max. bulb 100 Watts. Cat. No. 430/0407

" Our Price £5.95 22. Eme$$'""'Warwick" Metal Porch Lante'rn. Height 15". Max. bulb 40 Watts,candle bulb. ". Cat. N.o.43011444

Our Price £7,SO

Please note: Dimmer switches .are neit suitable for fluoresc'~t' lighting.

Cobra Electric Reproduction Victorian Lamps. Glass shades. Max. bulb 100 Watts each.•

Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 1. 430/2553 WallLight.Height9". £8.25 £5.50 2. 430/2546 Pendant.Drop21" £9.99 £6.50 3. "Marie Therese" 3 Light Fitting. Gilt finish wiltl glass overlayand fitments. Crystaldroplets. Over· all spread 21". Max. bulb 60 Wattsper holder. Can be fitted with candle bulbs or shades. Cat. No. 430/2986

C~mp. Retail pO.25

Our Price £19.95

4. Electric "Oil Type" Pendant. Decorated ceramic' and brass plated metalwork. Max. butn 100Watts. . Cat. No. 430/3277

Compo Retail £13.00

Our Price £8.95

5. Crystal "Waterfall" Chandelier.. Diameter 8" Bohemian crystal on brass frame: Max. bulb 100 Watts .'.· Cat. No. 430/2917

Compo Retail £17.50

Our Price £11.95

6. Balena "Georgian" Lantern. Reproduction Georgian pendant in brass finish with glasscylinder and chain suspension. I.,ength including chain 25".Max. bulb 60 Watts....Cat. No.430/3758

Compo Retail £14.85 ., f Our Price £9.95 Flemish Style Light Fittings. Polished brass with candle drips. Max. buib 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number. Retail Price 7.430/3301 Chandelier. Spread17f'.£31.75£14.50 8.430/3363 WallLight.HeightTV'. £17.15 £.7.75 Spanish Style Light Fittings. AntiqOebrassfinish with candle drips. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder Catalogue • Rec. Our Number Retail Price 430/3291 Chandelier. Spread2W' £18.36 £9.95 10. 430/3356 WallLight. Height10" £7.43 £4.50

11. Cobra 3 Light Pendant Fitting. Satin brass plated finish with amber coloured glass shades.. Diameter lW". Max. drop 23". Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. . Cat. No. 430/3318

Compo Retail £16.75

Our Price £10.95

Light. Fittings. Rosewood finish arms with aluminium cups and glass shades. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 12. 430/2481 Walllight. Height9".£7.70 £4.99 13.,.430/2474 TriplePendant. Spread19". Light Fittings. Teakfinish with glassshades.Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 14. 430/2450 Walllight. Height8". £7.08 £4.75 15. 430/2443 Triple.Pendant.r Spread16". . £16.11 £10.50 BaieM Light Fittings. Teak and brass finish with glass shades. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 16. 430/3387 WallJ_i9ht. Length12" £7.35 £4.99 17. 430/3325 Pendant,Spread28". £20.95 £12.95 Light Fittings. Teak and brass finish with amber coloured glass shades. MaJ<.bulb 60 Watts per holder. ' Catalogue Compo Our Number " Retail Price 18. 430/3772 Walllight. Height8". £6.30 £4.75 19. 430/3765 TriplePendant. Spread17". FULL MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE, , We fully respect all you'r lega" rights as a customer. But jn addition to your pro.tection under the 'IiIW' we will ~xch,..nge or refund you for any unused item that does not meet your exact requirements. Just return the item .to us in its originllll·covering, together with your receipt, wi.thin 14 days of purchase.

15" Nurs~1l' "Night Light". tland"decorated pottery, Coml?lete with miniature figures and 15 Walt bulb, Height 7", ", ...""""" ..",, .....Cat. 1110; 430/3569

CompoRetail £6;90

'Our Price £4.75

CompoRetail £6.75 5. Ta~le lamp. .Ceramtcbase, White shade with silver coloured trim. Height 14g".Max. bulb 100 Watts..."." ...." .." ...." ...."" ....,"" ...Cat. No. 430/2759

CompoRetail £5.42

Our Price £3.75

6. "fridenl EleCtric "Gil" Lamp. Victorian style. Etched Qllassglobe. Brassed finish base. Height 141".Max. bulb 60 Watts. "".;.""Cat. No. 430/3459

CompoRetail £8.85

Our Price £5.95

7. Electric Oil Type Table lamp. Decoratedfloral pottery 'base with opal coloured" Qllassshade Max.bulb60Walts. Height 14t .. Cal No.430/3806

CompoRetail £11.15 Price £7.50

Electric Oil Type·Table Lamp. Metal basewith decorated pottery-centre and opal coloured glass shade.Max. bulb 60 Walts, Height 14~". Cal No. 430/3796

OUf Price £6.50 9. Trident Table lamp. Tiffany style Broderie Anglaise shade. White ceramic base.Heiqht 13~". Max. bulb 60 Watts..."" ..""".",,:Cat. No. 43012735

Compo~etail £7.50 'c' r

Our Price £4.99

10. Glass Table lamp with Pleated Shade. HeiQlhtapprox.16".Max. bulb 100Watts. . 'Cat: No. 430/3813

Our Price £4.50

21. "Tiffany" StYle Shade. White Broderie Anglaise w,ith froinge.:' Max. diameter 11". MaK. bulb 100Watts."""" ..·""""""".""." ...C~t. No. 43011798

CompoRetail £2.85

Ou~Price £1.99

22. lumex Pendant Shade. Crystal and copper coloured polystyrene. Diameter 15". Max. bulb 150Watts."" ..."""""""."""""".Cat. No. 430/0036

Rec. Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.75

23.Cascade "Colony" Shade.Cane effect.shade with contrasting trim. Diameter 16". MaK. bulb 100Watts.. "." ....:,,,..,,,,,,.,,.,,.:,,,,,Cat. 1110. 430/3!144

CompoRetail £8.40

. .ou~ Price £5.9~

11. Hanson Ba~room sc!a~,e~.~\~N~O~n~-s~'~iP~p~a!d~d~e~d'!!!~!!~~~~~~~~~~;;~~!!~~~~ at. Weighs up to 20 stone 0"r,'~27 kg: eat.. No. 830/2236

Our Price £2.25 12. Hanson "Smiley" Bathroom Scale. Weighs ip to 20 stone or 127 kg Cat. No. 830/0795

Ree.Retail £5.20

Our Price £2.·99

13. Hanson De Luxe Bathroom Scale. Padded Inyl mat. Weighs up to 20 stone or 127 kg. Cat. No. 830/2243

Ree.Retail £6.75

Our Price £3.99

14. Hanson Bathroom Scale. Two non-slip mats. Neighs up to 20 stone or 125 kg. Cat. No. 830/1866

Rec.Retail £3.45

Our Price £1.99

4. H.H. Clarklite Flush Fitting. Glass Max. bulb 60 Watts. Diameter 5"Cat. No.

Coinp. Retail £3.33


5. H.H. "Light 'n' Shave" Striplight Socket. Suitable for bathrooms, with tungsten tube. Length 16" Cat. No.

Compo Retail £18.05

Our Price

6. Plug-In Fluorescent Light Fitting. 95 consumption, equivalent to a 150 Watt light Plugs into suspended or fixed Length 36", width 5!"... .....,.Cat.

Ree.Retail £8.99


16. Tower Bathroom Scale. PVC upholstered paddedtop. Chromium plated surround anti trim. . Weighsup to 20 stone or 125 kg. Cat. No. 830/1873

Compo Retail £8.45

. Our Price £4.99

17. Flair Bath Bar. Moulded in polystyrene. Fu" for oap, sponge etB~::~ixingscrews supplied. Size 64!"x9f'x3~" Cat. No. 830/1880 I ngth shelf. for toiletries and two .recesses

Ree.Retail £10;75

8. Thorn "Homelite" Filloresceint "U" tube, equivalent to 2x 100 Length 23",width 8"

Compo Retail £14.89.

Rec~Retail £1.95


Our Price £7.45

1. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet. Twin cup boards. sliding mirror conceals medicine com partment. Size 27"x 13¥'x5" Cat. No. 830/2023


Our Price£15.50

2. Cox-Cabot

Bathroom Two sliding mirrored doors. Two locking compartments Melamine laminate surfaces. Size 27"x 13~"x5". Cat. No. 830/0048


Our Price £14.95

3. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet: Two sliding mirrored doors. Locking side cupboard. interior shelves. Melamine laminate surfaces. Size 22ij"> 131"x5" Cat. No. 830/1835


Our Price £11.45

4, Cox-Cabot Bathroom

Cabinet. Two mirrored doors. Interior shelf. Melamine laminate surfaces Size 18~"x12f'x5" Cat. No. 83010025



5. Palette Bathroom Cabinet. White Melamine finish. Two sliding mirrored doors. Interior shelf Size 22~"x 13"x5" Cat. No. 830/2212

Compo Retail £13~95

Our Price£8.75

6. Palette Bathroom

Cabinet. Teak effect laminate finish. Two slidin!jJ mirrored doors. Interior shelf. Size 22t"x13"x5" Cat. No. 830/1512

Compo Retail£13.95

.Our Price£8.75

7. Allibert "Sea Spray" Cabinet. Two mirrored doors. one with safety lock. Adjustable interior shelves. Door back blllcqflies. Size 19~"x25r x7;". .. : Cat. No. 830/22211

Compo Retail£27.97

Our Price £20.95

8. Allibert "Starlette'; Bathroom Cabinet. Three mirrored doors with magnetic catches, door back shelves and adjustable interior shelves. Size 24;' x 15j"x61" : Cat. No. 830/0056

Compo Retail£21.98

Our Price £15.95

9. Gardex Splashback. Sliding mirror conceals cabinet. Lower shelf fitted for 2 tumblers and 4 toothbrushes. Size 21;" x 3~"x 33" high. Cat. No. 830/2085

Compo Reta.iI£14.34




and Telescopic


Set. Extends from 3' 6" to 8' 6". Embossed vinyl curtain, size 54"x 70", with hooks. 11.White .... .... .. .......... . ...Cat. No. 83010276 12.Blue........... ...Cat. No. 830/2267

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.45

13. Redring 6 kW Instant Shower Unit. No tank required. Complete with handset, flexible tubing .md riser rail. Complies with British Standards BS 3456. It is recommended that this shower be installed by qualified tradesmen. . Cat. No. 830/2078


Our Price£35.95

Wall Shower. Tele· 14. Cascade "Corniche" phone style handset on adjustable wall bracket. Spiral metal effect tubing with push-on tap connectors.. .. Cat. No. 830/2250

Compo Retail £7.99

Our Pri.ce£4.95

15. Cascade "Golden Sands" Shower. Handset on adjustable wall bracket. Flexible tubing with push-on tap connectors ...... J .. Cat. No. 830/1952

Compo Retail £4.25

Our Price£2.75

16. Cascade "Riviera" Shower. Handset on adjustable wall bracket. Flexible chromium plated tubing with push-on tap connectors. Cat. No. 830/0207

Compo Retail £9.50 "'.'~


Our Price£6.45

17. Cascade "Sunshower". Handset on adjusta..blewall bracket. Spiral metal effect tubing with push-on tap connectors. Aluminium frame adapts to five styles. Pair of embossed vinyl curtains. size 54"x 70" each. with hooks Cat. No. 830/0331

Compo Retail £16.95

Our Price£10.95

18. Cascade Shower Frame' and Curtain Set. Aluminium frame. Adapts W· 3 styles. Pair of embossed vinyl curtains. size 54"x70" each, with hooks. . Cat. No. 83011622

Compo Retail£9.99

Our Price£6.45

Our Price £7.45

10. Allibert "Little Wonder"

Storage Unit. Toilet roll dispenser. shelf for spare roll. built-in ashtray and deodorant block holder. Fitted witl) toilet brush and holder. Size 30l"x6~"x 5~". Cat. No. 830/2092

Our Price £8.45

Guarantee: guarantee

We offer a full money-back in addition to your statutory rights.

1. Electrolux "Z502" Cleaner. "Bag-change" nat. Head adjusts automatically for carpets hard floors. 425 Watts. B.EAB. approved.

Cat. No.


Anr:.lI,a ••• '

Our Price£51

2.Toolsfor the above item...:...Cat. No..



design.Self adjustingcleaning head. carpets and hard floors. 280 Watts. approved... .. Cat. No.



4.Toolsfor the above item.......Cat. No.



5. PrincessElectric Carpet/Floor Cleaner. weight machine for use on most types of Removabledust bag. 110 Watts. Cat. No.

Compo Retail£19.95


6. Light 'n' Easy Vacuum mounted on/off switch, top-fill bag."., '-In,';7,,nt.'' adjustment for cleaninq under furniture. height adjustment.Weighsonly 10~lb. 290 .....Cat. No. Anr:.l1lna,oa B.E.A.B.approved....


Our Price

9. Goblin "Housemaid" Upright Cleaner. headlight. 4 height adjustments.,275 B.EAB. approved.... ......Cat. No. 4nt:;IlIClllft



10. Hoover "Starlight" Cleaner: "Heic,ht..r'~,hl· •control. Beats as. it sweeps action. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 4n,r;."'a..IlA



'15. Tools for the above item and previoul "Junior" model no. 1346A........Cat. No.405/026t



1. "Aqua Vac" ,Wet and Dry Vacuum 850 Watt motor: Picks up complete household dirt including water. Comc'fel'Jerlsi\/II . ~1ingeof accessories : Cat. No.

Rec. Retail £77.95

Our Price

2. Shop-vac Heavy Duty Cleaner. Watt motor. Will pick up grit, wood ch debris, leaves etc. For USj:1' around the including garages,workshops, attics, basementss fire-places.With set of tools......Cat. No.

Rec. Retail £54.95

Our P~ice

3. Hoover "ConsteUl\Ition" Cleaner. cushion of air. With comprehensive 600 Watts. B.EAB. approved....Cat. No. ""'''".'''' ...

Rec. Retail £52.37

Our Price

4. Moulinex "250" Light-weight· Cleaner. floors, carpets and curtains. Complete with 230Watts. B.EAB. approved .... Cat. No. 4O~5/(1O:Z'.

Rec. Retail £19.95

Our Price

5. Moulinex "Petivac" Cleaner 'and Tools. upholstery, pelmets and curtains. 150 . . Cat. Nci.-

Rec. Retail £13.75

Our Price

6, Hoover "Dustette" Light-weight

Watts.B.EAB. approved

Ree. Retail £27.73


iiiiiiii •• iiliiiii•••••••••••••••

Cat. No. 40,5/(106";

Our Price

7, Electrolux "Automatic 345" Cleaner. tic cleaning head, bag-change control and rewind. 750 Watts. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. .40""1.4111'

Rec. Retail £84.83

Our Price

CompoRetail £30.08 9. Hoover "Freedom 750" Cylinder

Bag-full indicator. With comprehensive tools. 750 Wafts. B.E.A.B. approved. cat..No. 40~;/1lf~7'

Our'Price £41

1Z.Moulinex "T803" Cleaner. Bag-full ind Foot operated on/off· switch. Built-in handle. Moves on tour wheels. With extension tubes, flexible tube, crevice small suction Ioof for. upholstery etc. 8)0 Wattmotor. ...... .......Cat. ~o.

Rec. Retail £58.95

Our Price

13.Trident "Jumbo" Irorii,,9\Table. Floral cover. Ironing surface 48"x 13".Adjusts to 3 heights. \ \,Cat. No. 850/0715

Rec.Retail £15.95'

Our Price £8.99

14. Trident "71" Ironing Table. Ironing surface

151"x 13".Adjusts to 3 heights...Cat. No. 850/0605 Rec.Retail £11.95 Our Price £7.45 Rec.Retail £15.99 3. Beldray "Ideal" Ironing legs with wood composition top. I 36"x 11:r'. Adjusts to 3 heights...Cat. No. 850IlJ7~.

Rec.Retail £12.25

15.SimplU!iDe Lu]!Ce Ironing Table. Tubular steel I 9s. Ironing surface 38"'>< 14!". Adjusts to 12 h ights : Cat. No. 850/0801

Rec.Retail £16.95

Our Pric;:e,£9.95


16. Stow-Away Ironing Board Holder. Easilyfixed to wall or door, Cat. No. 850/0818

Rec.Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.45

17. Beldray Iron Tidy: Enables hot iron to be put Immediately away. SteeI trams with expanded metalcooling plate. Easilyfixed to door or wall. t Cat. No. 850/0540

Rec.Retail £3.40

Our Price £1.99

18. Leifheit "Telegant.100" De Luxe Clothes Oryer. Wall-fixing case. Doors open to reveal 8 pull-out drying rails giving approx. 26' of drying pace.Overall length 41" Cat. No. 850/0832

Ree.Retail £12.95.

Qur Price £7.95

19. ASUairflow "Tidydry" l'ldoor Clothe\line. 5 linesextend to 15'.giving 75' of hanging space. Cat. No. 850/0117

Rec.Retail £6.45

Our Priee£4.25

· O. ASUairflow "Tldyspin Skyliner" Rotary Alrer. Galvanised tubular steel frame with ABS mouldinqs. 150' of hanging space. With soil pearwhich requires no concreting. -,<~.' Cat. No. 850/0784

Ree.Retail £22.40

Our Priee£12.25t.;....¥~ ......"'-

11. ASUairflow Rotary Clothes line. Galvanised tubutar steel frame. Heavy duty mouldings. PVC Overedrayon line. . otalogue . Rec. Our Number Retail Price • 0/0148 90' £12.95£6.45 • 0/0155 120' £15.45£8.75 11. Dennison "Big 0" Airer. tubular steel frame with plastic Expands 59" high, giving 46' of Folds flat for-storage .



FULL MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rightS as a customer. But in·additiqn to your protection under the law' we will exchange."or refund , you for any unused item ~hatdpes not meet I yourexact requirements. Ju'Streturn the item to us in its original covering. togetfler with I your receipt;' within .days of purchase.



7. Proctor-Silex 1598W Spray/Steam/Dry Jet of steam from base. Thermostatic Weight3klb .........•.................. :...Cat. No.

Rec.Retail £19.95


Bec.Retail£22.50 9. Calor Electric/Tefal

11. Morphy Richards Steam/Dry Iron: Thermostatic-control. lb. B.E.A.B. approved.....;.p4.....Cat. No.

Compo Retail £17.16, Steam/D!"yIron. lb. B.EAB. approved

Compo Retail £19.35

Our Price £1

4197 De. Luxe control. Cat. No. 41

Our Price_£1

Guarantee: We offer a (gil money-back guarantee in addition to your statutory rights.

2. Moriphy Richards 4186 Standard Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostatic €0ntrol. Weight 3~ lb. B.E.A.B. approved.::· Cat. No. 410/1541

Compo Retail £16.20

Our Price £10.75

3. Proctor-Silex 1299WSteam/Dry Iron. Fabric guide. T!;)errnostati€control. Weight 2 Ib 5 oz. B.EAB. approved. . Cat.·No.410/1682


Our Price £10.45 1;.-:__;_-=:,:_-2__::!L...

4. Morphy Richards 4111 Senior Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat..No. 410/0353

Compo Retail £12.45

Our Price£8.75

5. SunbeamAD19HDe luxe Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. Weight 2,', lb. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 410/1510

Rec.Retail £11.99

Our Price £7.95

6. SunbeamAD19HStandard Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. Weight 2~ lb. B.E.A.B. approved. , Cat. No. 410/1022

Rec.Retail £10.99

Our Price £7.45

7. Burco F33l "Baby Burco" Washboiler.Stainless steel casing. 6 Ib load. 2:5 kW element. Variable heat switch. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 410/1383

Rec.Retail £36.62

.lOur Price tl24.95

8. Pitco Travel Iron. Safetycut-put. For 1007240 V Folds flat for storage, With travel ease. Cat. No. 41011242

Rec.Retail £9.50

Our Price £6.95


Pitco 1042 Or¥ Iron. Thermostati€ control. Fabric guide. Wei'()~t2b· lb. BEAB. approved. Cat. No. 410/1493

Rec.Retail £7.95

Our Price £5.95

10.Kenwood Rotary Iron. Heatedsole plate and padded 24" roller. Pedal control. B.E.A.B. approved.................... .. .....Cat. No.410/0102

Rec.Retail £97.76

Our Price £72.50

11. Tetal "Washboy" Washilig Machine. 3 lb. load. Wash time 3-5 minutes according to material. Hoses, tap adaptor. and instructions Included. Size 2(}t highx 15l" widex 19" deep. Reduces to 15" high for storage. B.E.A.B. approved....................... ......Cat. No.410/1620

Rec.Retail £44.90

Our Price £29<95




__ ~


4. Swan "President" Electric' Kettle. Chromium plated body. 3000 Watts. Capacity 3 pints B.EAB. approved.. . ......Cat. No. 42011049

Rec. Retail £15.~5

Our Price £11.45

6. Mellerware Aluminium pints. For gas only .

.Compo Retail £5.95 7. Creda "Corvette" Water Heater. Wall mount ing with hose and tap connector. B0i1S up to 7 pints. 2500 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 42011781

Our Price £24.95 8. Pifco Mini Boiler: To boil single cup (or heat resistant glass) up to approx, ,:pint. For use on 100/240 VI.Fitted safety cut-out. Cat. No. 420/283,

Rec. Retail £4.95

OUf Price £3.91

less steel body. Switches off when boiled. Watts.Capacity 3 pints. B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No.,420/21

Our Price £1 K2R Automatic

Rec.,Retail £22.44 -1·1.Swan C:A363FAutomatic KeHle. Chromium plated body. Switches off when boiled. Watts.Capacity 3 pints. El.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. A.,'.I1 .....

Our Price

1. Tefal Ice Cream Maker. Fits into freezer compartment of fridge. Revolving paddles automatically retract when ice cream is made. Capacity 2~ pints. With recipe/instruction book . . Cat. No. 420/3092

'OurPrice £9.45 2. Salton GM35 Electric Yoghol,lrt Maker. Sup .plieq with 5x6 fluid oz glass jars and ther mometer spoon. 14 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved. . Cat. No: "420/3281

Rec. Retail £10.32

Our Price £7.75

3.. Bel Electric Yoghourt Maker. With recipe/instruction leaflet. Capacity 6x 6 fl oz. 18 Watts B.EAB. ap'proved... ....Cat. No.420/1221

Rec.Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.75

4. Russell Hobbs 30(18Automatic Percolator. Stainless steel. Keep-hot element. 59.0 Watts Capacity2 pints. B.E.A.B.approved. , Cat. ·No. 420/0143

Rec.Retail £26.66


....... __,__



Our Price £18.45

5. Swan "Salisbury" Automatic percolator. POlished aluminium. Keep-hot. element. 600 Watts.Capacity2!.pints. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/1582

Our Price £11.45 6. Sona P26Automatic Percolator. ;reak handle Strenqth selector. Keep-hotelement. 625 Watts Capacity23,: pints. B.EAB. approved. . Cat. No.' 420/0033

Our Price £16.25 7, Sona PJ30 Coffee Percolator. teak handle 650 Watts. Capacity 2~ pints. B.E.A.B approved cat, No.420/1575

Cpmp.Rt;tail £18.48

Our Price £12.45

8. Sona PJ27 Automatic Electric Percolator Mirror finish body. Str.engthselector and keep hot element. 625 Watts. Capacity 2. pints B.EAB. approved Cat. No;420/2127

Compo Retail £24.67

Our Price £17.25 11.

1II11:;:::::::=::::;=:~::;::===;=;::::=:;:::::;:::=::::==: 1£

l- __

....;;...;..... __ .;.;:::...::..~'-'--'::....;~..::..~_~~_J.

9. Russell Hobbs "Poppy" Automatic Percolator. Oeramic body. 590 Watts. Keep-hot element Capacity2 pints. B.E.A.B.ap/roved. Cat. No. 420/0150

Our Price £14.95

13. . "Teasmade 860" Automatic Tea or Coffee Maker. With clock/timer/alarm. F.uliwidth light, keyboard switches: 1.4 pint stainless steel kettleand 1 pint ceramicteapot.432/675 Watts. Cat. No. 420/2914

Rec.Retail £49.95

Our Price £36.50

14. Goblin "Teasmade 852" Automatic Tea Maker. Pilot light, 2 pint kettle and teapot. 432/675Watts : ,t..Cat: No.42t)/1238

Rec.Retail £25.20

Our Price £18.95

15.Teeboy De Luxe Tea Maker; With "Metamec" clock/timar/atarrn- Chromium'platect-2ptnt'kettle and ceramic teapot..625.Watts. 12 months manu. facturer's guarar;)tee ..~: Cat.·No.420/2897 Rec.Retail £34.50 Our , . Price £25.95 16. Goblin "Te"i~made 853" Automatic T~a Maker. With clock/timer/alarm, light and 2 pint kettte.432/675 Watts Cat. No.420/1245

Rec.Retail £33.21

. Our Price £24.95"'.....-""-_...:,..""""-'-

17. Goblin "Teasmade' 854" Aut~matic Tea Maker. Wjth clock(.timer/alarm.light. 2 pint kettle and teapot. 432/675Watts.........Cat. No. 420/1252

Rec.Retail £39.69

Our Price £28.50


Barclaycard and Access Card.are welcomed In all our Catalogue Showrooms.

1. Philips 2973 Blender "Maxim" food mixer ..

Compo Retail £7.20 2. Philips HR 2970 "Maxim" Food Mixer. With beaters.dough hooks, mixing bowl, graduated jug and recipe book. 300 Watts. B.EAB approved.... . .......Cat.No.420/3195

Compo Retail £56.16

Our Price £41.95

3. Philips 2971Slicer/ShredderAttachment.For "Maxim" food mixer Cat. No.420/3229

Compo Retail £13.68

Our Price £10.95

4. Philips 2972 Mincer Attachment. For tht "Maxim" food mixer. With coarseand fine mine ing plates Cat.No.420/3212

Compo Retail £15.12

Our Price £11.45

5. Krups 327 "Combi" Food Mixer/Blender Set Poweredmixing bowl. With whisks and dough hooks. Blender capacity 1 pint 100 Watt B.EAB. approved.. . Cat. No.420/2206

11. Kenwood A920 "Chef" Mincer Attachment. ForA901"Chef" only Cat. No.,20/2622

Rec. Retail £26.35

Rec. Retail £11.59

Our Price £18.95

6. Philips HR1171Food Mixer. 3 speedcontrol With stand and bowl. 130 Watts. B.EAB approved.. . Cat. No.420/1166

Compo Retail £19.95

Our Price £14.95

7. Sunbeam"Kitchen Center". Incorporatesfood mixer, liquidiserand mincerfunit,10 speedsand "pulse" button for short bursts of power. 560 Watts.. . ........Cat.No.420/2213

Rec. Retail £94.99

Our Price £62.50

8. Kenwood.A989"Chef" liquidiser Attachment ForA901"Chef" only ..Cat.No.420/2615

Rec. Retail £10.01

Our Price £7.95

9. KenwoodA901"Chef" FoodMixer. Electronrc variablespeedcontrol. With bowl, beater,whisk andspatula.450Watts.B.E.AB.approved. Cat. No. 420/2608

Rec. Retail £84.38

12.KenwoodA991"Chef" PotatoPeelerAttach· ment.ForA901andA701A"Chef" only. Cat. No. 42012639

Rec. Retail £16:20

Our Price £12.75

13. Kenwood A728 "Chef" Slicer/Shredder Attachment. For A701 and A701A "Chef" and Kenwood"Major" mixers.. ....Cat. No.42011805

Rec. Retail £17.89

Our Price £13.95

14. Kenwood A720 "Chef" Mincer Attachment. For A701 and A701A "Chef" and Kenwood Major" mixers Cat. No.420/0679

Rec. Retail £11.59

Our Price £8.95

Our Price £54.95

10. Kenwood A928 "Chef" Slicer/Shredder Attachment.ForA901"Chef" only. Cat. No. 420/2646

Rec. Retail £17.89

Our Price £8.95

Our Price £13.95

15. KenWOOdA788 "Chef" liquidiser Attach· ment. For Aio1 and A701A"Chef" and Kenwood Major" mixers Cat.'!'o. 420/0655

Rec. Retail £13.39

Our Price £9.95

1. Moulinex 118 "Marvel" Food Mixer. 3 speed. Two pairs of blades. Complete with stand and bowl. 150 Watts Cat. No. 420/1087



2. KenwoodA360 "Cheffette" Food Mixer. With liquidiser, stand and bowl. 155 Watts. B.EAB. approved Cat. No.420/0693


Our Price£23.75

3. Kenwood "Mini" Mixer. 3 speed.With stand and bowl.145Watts.B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/0703



4. Kenwood A361 "Mini" Mixer. 3 speed.Cornplete with beaters. 145 Watts. B.E.AB. approved Cat. No.420/2237


Our Price£8.95

5. Moulinex "Minor" Beater. 2 speed.2 pairs of blades.80Watts.B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/0325



6. Moulinex "Jeannette" 5-in·1 Kitchen Machine.Grates,slices, shreds.With citrus fruit squeezer and hamburger mould. 150 Watts. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No.420/0394



7. Moulinex 241 BIEmder/Grinder. Blender capacity H pints, grinder capacity 21 oz. 310 Watts Cat.No.420/0332



8. KenwoodA520ABlender. For soups.purees, 'omelettes etc. Will also chop nuts and make bread crumbs. Capacity H pints. 300 Watts. B.EAB. approved Cat.No.420/0624



9. Moulinex 228"Super Junior" CoffeeGrinder. Capacity2l oz.140Watts.B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/2268



10. Moulinex 301 Blender/Grinder. Blender capacity ~ pint, grinder capacity 2 oz. 220 Watts Cat. No.420/1733



11. Krups Blender. 4 wing stainlesssteel blade. Capacity H pints. Built-in safety switch. 200 Watts.B.EAB. approved. ...Cat.No.420/2976



12. Moulinex 320 "Moulinette" Chopper.Chops raw or cooked meat, fish, vegetablesetc. Capacity 7 oz.700Watts.B.EAR 3JIlproved. Cat. No. 420/2969


Our Price£13.95

13. Moulinex 327 "Moulinette" Blender/Chop· per. Blender capacity 2J pints. Chopper head chops raw or cooked meat,fish, nuts etc. Chopper capacity7 oz.700Watts......Cat. No.420/2275



Barclaycard and Access Card are in all our Catalogue Showrooms.

6. Moulinex B12Rotissoire. For roasting.grilling. and baking. Thermostaticallycontrolled. Presettable automatic timer. Heat proof glass door. Kebaband spit attachmentsincluded. Ovensize 15~"x7~"x10".1600Watts. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/2323

Rec. Retail £83.95

Our Price £54.95

7. Moulinex AS Rotissoire Grill/Spit. 2 position grill and tray. Kebab attachment. Heat resistant door. Automatic 90 minute timer. Self-cleaning oven. Size 12"x8~"x9". 1200 Watts. B.EAB. approved.................. . Cat. No.420/0318

Rec. Retail £39.95

Our Price £25.45

8. Kenwood A120 Automatic Toaster. Variable browning control. 1000 Watts. REAB. ' approved.......................... ...Cat. No.420/2189

Rec. Retail £16.87

Our Price £11.45

9. Wigo Tl069 Automatic Toaster. Mechanical ......Cat. No.420/3171 timer. 800Watts............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~~~~~~~~!!l.~~~~~~~~~ I~I Rec. Retail £14.95


Our Price £9.95

Satin finish body with motif. Largeb~'eadslots. 10 position browning control. 1250Watts. B.EAR approved ' Cat. No.420/2813

10. Philips HD4139Automatic Toaster. Adjustable browning settings v(,ith humiditY control. 1000Watts.B.EAB. approved..Cat. No.420/2433

Compo Retail £21.38

Compo Retail £16.98

Our Price £13.45

Our Price £12_45

2. Morphy Richards 4406 Automatic Toaster. Yellow/brown patternedbody. Largebreadslots 10 position browning control. 1250 Watts. B.E.A.B.approved C·at.No.420/2880

11. Russell Hobb~ 5503 "Poppy" Automatic Toaster. Sideways action. Browning control lever. Takes lat.~~slices. 1000Watts. Cat. No. 420/3164

Compo Retail £21.38

Rec. Retail £23.51

_ .our Price £13.45

3. Morphy Richards 4409 "Blueberry" Pop·Up Toaster. Variable browning control. "Quick release" crumb tray.' 1360 Watts. B.E.A.B approved ;.,.· Cat. No~·420/0497

Compo Retail £22.50

Our Price £14.45

4. Pifeo 1846Automatic Toaster. Stainlesssteel body. 7 position browning control. Hingedcrumb tray. 900 Watts. B.E.A.R approved. Cat. No. 420/21·72



Our Price £16.95

12. Proctor-Silex4201De Luxe Automatic Oven/ GrillerlToaster. 2 baking racksadjust to 3 levels. Non-stick coated grill pan. Pop-up toaster with "selectronlc" browning control. Removable crumb tray. 1500Watts........,.....Cat. No.420/3267

Rec. Retail £49.50

.. Our Price £32.50

Our Price £11.25

13. Proctor-Silex 2202De Luxe Automatic Toaster. "Selectronic" browning control. 1190Watts. B.E.A.B.approved... ......Cat. No.420/3188

5. Sunbeam XAT-08 Pop·Up Toaster. 6 heat settings. Large bread slots. 1250Watts. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/0538

14.Proctor-Silex4 Slice AII~omaticToaster. Two independent 5 position browning controls. 2380 Watts.B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No.420/1647

Rec.Retail £17.99

Rec. Retail £29.65

Rec.Retail £1?50

Our Price £12.45

Rec.Retail £19.50

Our Price £12.95

Our Price £19.95

5. Ekco "Sideboard Hostess". 4x2 pint dishes and heated compartment. Size 28i"x1 H:'x7J". 450 Watts. B.E.A.B.approved.,..C~t. No. 420/1850



6. Moulinex.393 Heat Tray. Thermostatically controlled. Insulated granular filling. Size 20~"x8~". 1200 Watts Cat. No. 420/3157


Our Price£'12.45

10. Rima 551Ductless Cooker Hood: Deodorises, cleans and filters air. Wall mounting type does not require ·holesor ducts. 2 speed fan and hob light. Size. 23tx21 "x6j". 110 Watts. !:J.E.A.B approved Cat. No. 42011441



1. Rima 902 Infra-Red Grill. Pre-set thermostat, Teflon coated grill plates remeve for washing. With baking tin and' "recipe booklet. Ceeking area

8" x 7".1400\(Valts...

..Cat.No. 420/3236

Rec.Retail £24.99

Our Price£15.95

2. Rima 903 Infra-Red Family Cooker. Variable thermestatic control. Teflen coated grill plates remeve fer washing. With baking tin and recipe booklet. Cookinq area 13")<'n". 1750-2000Walts. B.E~A.B.approved......... ....Cat. No. 420/3030

Rec.Retail £35.99

Our Price £23.95

~. Sona GJ10 Speed Grill. Nen-stick plates.width 11", depth 7". Self levelling hinges. Teak side handles. Recipe book included. 1100 Walts. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 420/2347

Compo Retail £31.96

OurPrice £14.45

5. Rima 901 Infra-Red Family Cooker. Variable thermestatic control. Teflen coated grill plates With baking tin and recipe booklet. Cooking area 13"\--rv, 1.750Watts.a.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 420/0222

Rec.Retail £32.99

Our Price£21.50

6. Moulinex Electric Knife. Twin serrated stainless steel blades. Storage tray may be wall meunted.60 Watts........ ....Cat. No. 420/1214

Rec.Retail £12.65

Our Price£2.99

9. Prestige "Crock-Pot" Slow Electric Cooker: Glazed steneware pot conducts even overall temperature and is removable for servinq/washing. Capacity 31 pints. 2 heat settings (115 and 160 Watts). With recipe/instruction. booklet, B.E.A.B.appreved Cat. No. 420/2660

Rec.Retail £32.95

11.Tower 2761"Slo-Cooker" Electric Casserole. Glazedearthenwareinner bedy givesevenoverall temperature. Capacity 6 pints. High. and low ceeking heats (130and 75 Watts.)With recipe/instruction booklet. B.E.A.B.approved. " Cat. No. 420/2990

Rec.Retail £25.50

Our Price £17.45

12.Tower 2439Electric Casserole. Glazesearthenware inner even overall temperature. Capacity 3), pints. High and lew ceoking' heats (120 and' 60 Watts). Recipe/instructiQA booklet included. B.E.A.B.approved: Cat. No. 420/2361

Rec.Retail £21.50

Our Price £13.95

13. Tefa' Safety Deep Fryer. Basket can be lewered and raised into 'ceoking oil ~ith lid closed reducing fire hazard. Stainlesssteel body and filter lid. 'Thermostatic control. Working capacity 5 pints of oit. 1750 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 420/2718

Rec.Retail £39.20'

Our Price £26.95

14. M()uline~';i7fDeep Fat Fryer. Charcoal filter in lid. Thermostaticcontrol. SafetyCUt-6U!.Workmg capacity4; pints of 6il..1600Watts. Cat. No. 420/1678

Rec.Retail £32.85

Our Price £22.95

Our Price£21.95


8. Calor Electric Piezo Gas Lighter. Nee<;!sno flint, fuel or battery. Suitable for all gas appliances. Guaranteed 5 years by manutacturer. ..Cat.No. 42011379

Rec.Retail £4.20

Our Price£19.95

Qur Price£8.25

7. Krups Electric Food SUcE,ll'. Slice thickness adjustment. Blade guard" and stainless steel blade. safety push button switch. Folds for easy storage.70Walts. B.EAB. approved. i Cat. No. 420/0772

Rec.Retail £29.99, .

Rec.Retail £28.69

Our Price£21.50

4. Rima 900 Infra-Red Grill. Pre-set thermestat Teflon coated grill plates. With baking tin and recipe book. Ceoking area 8"y 7". 1200 Watts B.EAB, approved.......... . ...Cat. No. 420/0765

Rec.Retail £21.99

10. Kenwood A135'c"Cook Pot" Slow Electric Cooker.'·Glazea earthenware bewl gives even overall temperature and can be removed for serving/washing. Feod will not burn or boil dry. Capacity51pints. 170Watts. With recipe/instrucCat. No. 420/3009 tion book

Our Price£23.95

15. Swan Deep Fat Fryer. Decerated enamelled aluminium body. AdjustableJhermostat.Working capacity 4 pints of oil. 1650Watts. Matches item no. 3 on page 170 Cat. No. 42013250

Rec.Retail £28.12

. Our Price£19.95

16.'Rima Mini Deep Fat fryer. Requireslessthan 1 pint 01 oil fo.r fast, economical frying of small quantities of food. Teflon coated interior. Complete, with .chip basket.anCil.:redpeboak 1000 Watts. ....Cat. No. 420/3243

Rec.Retail £17.99

Our Pi'ice,£12.45

1. Judge "Provencale" Set of 3 Enamelled Steel Saucepans. With teak handles and knobs. Sizes 6i". 7" and 7~". White stain resistant interiors Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cat. No. 860/3416

6. Mellerware "Atlas" 5 Piece Aluminium Pan Set. 5". 6" and 7" saucepans.6" milk pan and 9" frypan. Satin finish exteriors. Suitablefor gasor radiantring. Cat. No.860/2709

Rec. Retail £17.99

Compo Retail £13.05

Our Price £12.95

Our Price £8.75

.......Cat. No.860/3430

Our Price £4.99 2. Kingcraft "Vitoria" 3 Piece Enamelled Steel Pan Set. Brown enamel interiors. Sizes 61". n" and n". Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cat. No. 860/3227

Our Price £7.95 3. Judge "Marigold" Set of 3 Enamelled Steel Saucepans. Stain resistant white enamel interiors. Sizes6~",n" and n". Suiiablefor gasor radiant ring.· Cat. No.860/3409

Rec. Retail £14.05

Our Price £9.75

Kettle to match above•.......... ~..J!at. No.420/3126

~G;;~;rs;:~z:~r.~=~~~~~iilRec. Retail £17.73

" Our Price £12.45

Electric Deep Fat Fryer to match above. Cat. Nq. 420/3250

Our Price £19.95 Kingcraft "Fleur" 3 Piece Enamelled Steel Pan Set. Sizes6!". 7k" and n". Suitablefor gasor radiantring Cat. No.860/3423

Compo Retail £17.55

Our Price £10.95

5. Oanya "Floral Boutique" by Pointel'1(ltare 4 Piece Enamelled Steel Cookware. Stain resistant cream enamel interiors. 5~"and lk" saucepans. n" frypan and n" oven proof casserole. 'Casserole lid fits frypan. Suitable for gas or radiant ring. . Cat. No.860/3210

Rec. Retail £15.88

Our Price £9.95

7. Tefal 5 Piece Pan Set. Grey non-stick coating inside and tangerine coloured non-stick coating outside for easy cleaning. 6!". 7" and 8" saucepans,6" milk pan and 9~"frypan.Suitablefor gas Cat. No.860/3186 or radiant ring

Rec. Retail £24.99

Our Price £15.45

Fish Fryerto match above..

Cat. No.860/3461

Rec. Retail £7.75

Our Price £4.99

8. 5 Piece Pa[l~·t;'et.Satin finish heavy gauge aluminium with teak fittings. 6". 7" and 8" saucepans. 6" milk pan and 10" frypan have "Fluon" coated non-stick interiors. Suitable for gas or radiantring Cat. No.860/2716

CompoRetail £13.99

Our Price £9.45

9. Swan 3 Piece Ground Ba'seAluminium Pan Set. Sizes6", 7" and 8". Suitable for gas. radiant ring or solid hotplate.' . Cat. No. 860/2352

Re'c. Retail £21.35

Our Price £14.45

Guarantee: We offer a 'full money-back guarantee in addition to your statutory rights.


• the new non-sue

4.. Tower "Carnival" ~4--,;p;-;ie:c:e:-~S~a~ti:n~F~i~n:is:;h:-;:=::;;::=':::::=;::=:;:=====:::;;:~;;;~==I Aluminium Pan Set. 7" and 8" saucepans;6" milk pan and.9" frypan.Teflon 2 coated.interiors..For gasor radiantring. .Cat.No.860/2723 ·Rec. Retail £~3.49 Our Price £7.95

that stay_§ non-stick longer ""E.l. Du Pont de Nemou A (lnc.i reg'isteredh-Ademark

1. Mellerware "Gourmet De Luxe" 5 Piece Pan Set. 6". 7" and 8" saucepans.6" milk pan and 9" frypanwith lid. Teflon2 coatedinteriors.Suitable for gasor radiantring Cat. No.1160/2187 Compo Retail £32.68 Our Price £19.75 8" FishFryerto matchabove....Cat. No.860/3155 Compo Retail £8.45 Our Price £5.50 Aluminium Kettle to match above. Capacity3' pints.Forgas.only":':':":", :;.../:at. No:860/3100 Compo Retail £5.95 '. Our Price £3.99

~::::==:::=.=:;::;:: e-

2. Tower"Celebrity" 4 PieceAluminiumPanSet. 7" and 8" saucepans.6",milk pan and 9" frypan Blue vitreous enamel-exteriors with ·;reffon 2 coated interiors. Suitable tor gas or radiant ring. . Cat. No.860/2785 Rec, Retail £20.27 Our Price £11.75 3. Mellerware Contrast Cookware."Fluon" nonstick interiors. For gas or radiant ring. 5 Piece Pan Set. 6". T' and 8" saucepans.6" milk panand9"frypan Cat. No.860/2558 Compo Retail £23.18 Our Price £14.45 '8" Chip Panto matchabove .....Cat.No.860/2565 Compo Retail £6.85 Our Price £4.50 Kettle to matchabove Cat.No.4~0/1908 Compo Retail £11.67 Our Price £7.25

5. Tower "Black Diamond" Cookware. Satin finish exteriors with Teflon 2 coated interiors. Saucepanset sizes6". 7" and 8". Suitablefor gas or radiant ring. Catalogue Rec. Our Number . ( 860/27303 Pce. SaucepanSet 860/2747Frypanwith Lid 860/2754Chip Pan 860/2761Poacher/OmelettePan£10.90 £6.25 860/3447Milk Pan" '£5.72 £3.45

LT~~~~~~m~~C~kw~~~~~;~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~=~====j~~~~~~~~~ cream coloured with Teflon 2 coated'interiors. Saucepanset sizes6". 7" and 8". Suitablefor gas or radiant ring. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/34543 Pee.Saucepan-Set £25.99 £14.95 860/3478Chip Pan .' £11.73 £6.95 860/3485Frypan £10.65 £6.45

7. Tower "Black Diamond" 4 Piece Bakeware Set. Comprises12 cup' bun tin. T' cake tin and two 7" sandwichtins. Teflon 2 coated interiors. .' ". Cat. No. 860/0880 Rec. Retail £7.75 Our Price £4.99

1. Stainless Steel 3 l'Iiece Pan Set: With copper bases for more efficient and effective cooking Sizes 6i", lk" and lk". For gas;radiant ring or solid


CompoRetail £23.00

Cat. No. 86012792

Our Price £14.95

2. Queensway Ah,lminiumMaslin Pan. Bail ana back bandies. Suitable for jams, marmalades, beer makinq etc. Capacity 2 gallons. Suitable for gasor radiant dng Cat. No.1I60/3306

Oomp. Retail £7.13'

Our Price £4.99

3. Prestige Stainl"ss Steel Cookware. Radiant heat core. Suitable for gas or radiant ring Manufacturer's 10 year guarantee. Catalogue Rec; Our Number Retail Price 860/0488,Milk Pan 2 pints £8.25 £5.95 860/0457 Saucepan 3 pints £10.45 £7.45 860/0464 Saucepan 41 pints £11.75 £8.45 860/0471 Saucepan 6 pints £12.90 £9.45 86010505Chip Pan 6 pints £14.70 £10.45 860/0495 Frypan HI!t £11.55 £8.45 4. Swan Ground Base Triple Pan·Set.3 separate foods can be cooked on one ring. Polished aluminium. 2 pints each. Suitable for radiant ring or solid hotplate. ..... ..Cat. No. 860/1243

Rec. Retail £13.30

Our Price £9.25

5. Swan Ground Base Twin Pan Set. 2 separate foods can be cooked on one ring. Polished aluminium. 3 pints each. Suitable for radiant ring or solid hotplate " Cat. No. 860/1250

Rec. Retail £13.02

Our R_rice£9.25

6. Prestige Stainless Steel Cookware. With copper bases-whichspread heat quickly, evenly and efficiently. For gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Manufacturer's 10 year guarantee. Catalogue Bec. Our Number Retail' Price 860/2819 Saucepan 3 pints ~14.50 £9.95 860/2826 Saucepan 4* pints £15.90 £10.95 _...,.....,....".. '860/2833 Saucepan 6 pints- :1 £17.60 £11.95 .860/2840 Milk Pan 2 pints" £10.85 £7.50 860/2857 Frypan to!" I £14.75 £10.25 .860/2864 Chip Pan 6 Pi,r.its £19.25 £13.45 7. Prestige "Frenc~. Provincial" Cookware. Stainless. sfeel with 'topper bases and .teak knobs and handles, Suitable. for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Manufacturer's f'O ~ear guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/3320 Saucep,an3 pints £15.60'£10.95 860/3337 Saucepan 4a pints £17.15 £12.45 860/3344 Saucepan 6 pints . £1.9.20£13.45 860/3351 Frypan lOa" £14.50 £10.45 860/3368 Chip Pan 6 pints £20.75 £14.45 860/3492 Milk Pan 2 pints £12.05 £8.95

8. Skyline."Major." Pressure Cooker. Aluminium with heat resistant handles.Trivet, separator and recipe/instruction book included. Capacity 9l pints. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Man~fadurer's 10yearguarantee. Cat. No. 860/3313



2. Prestlige 5 Piece Bakeware Set. Comprises 1

each 12 cup bun pan, loaf pan, square cake pan and.2samdwicb pans. Seamless.with a.non-stick silicone glaze surface used extensively throughout the baking industry Cat' No. 860/3265

Rec.Retail £10.90

Our Price£7.45

3. Skylime Bakeware Set by Prestige. 20 specially selected tinware pieces for every baking need-cakes, bread, buns, pies and..roasting. Satin finish tins Cat. No. 860/2967

Rec.Retail £9.26

OurPrice£6_75 \

4. Skylin,e3 Piece Roas.tingSet by Prestige. With unique Ibrown non-stick silicone glaze. Comprises 9~"xn" roastinq tin, 1H"x8Y' roasting fin and 12~"»<9~" Yorkshire pudding tin. Cat. No. 860/3502

~iiiiii~ ••i~i••~;~·. I


5. Tefal- Non-Electric Deep Fryer, [)eodorising filter in lid. Thermo-couple temperature dial for dfeepfrying. Working~drpacity 5 pints of Suitaible for gas or radiant:ring. Cat. No. 860/3296


9. Prestige "Hi-Dome" Pressure Cooker. Polished aluminium with heat resistant handles. Trivet, separator and recipe/instructionbook included. Total capacity 12*pints, base capacity 9~ pints. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate, Manufacturer's 10year guarantee. Cat. No. 860/0512


Our Price£16.95

10. Tefal Safety Pressure aluminium. Mesh basket, dividers and recipe book included. Capacity ~O~pints. SUJtablefor gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Cat. No. 860/3258


Our Price£13.45


11. Prestige "Colour-Clad" Hi-Dome Pressure Cooker. Heat resistant handles.Trivet, separator : and recipe,/in,i;;_tcuction book included. Total capacity 12-1' pints, base capacity 9* pints. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Manufacturer's 10 yearguarantee......Cat. No:860/1827


Our Price£20.95.

Our Price £1~.45 12. Tower Pressure Cooker. Polished aluminium with h~at resistant handles. Trivet, separators and recipe/instruction book included. Capacity7 pints. Suitable for gas, r~diant ring or solid hotplate Cat. No. 860/2936

Rec.Retail£19.95 7. Skyline "Minor" Pressure Cooker by Prestige. Pdlished aluminium with heat resistant handles. Trivet, s.eparators and recipe/instruction book Included. Capacity n pints. Suitable for !!las, iant riing or solid hotplate. Manufacture~'s10 yeargualfantee Cat. No. 860/052S

Rec.Retail £16.70


Our Price£11.95

13. Tower Press.ureCooker. Polished aluminium with heat resistant handles. Trivet, separators and recipe instruction book included. Total capacity 13 pints, basecapacity 10 pints. Suitable for gas, radiant rin!!lor SQlidhotjillate. . Cat. No. 860/2943



steel. able plastic bucket. Catalogue

Pyrex Brand" Heat Resistant Ovenware. Opal glass bases with "Market Garden" decoration. Clear glass covers. Available as follows: 1. Round Casserole. 4! pints .... Cat. No. 810/0672

Compo Retail£2.86*

Our Price£2.45

2. Set of 3 Casseroles.1,2 and 3 pints. Cat. No. 810/0012

compo Retail£5.03*

OurPrice £3.99

3. "Easy Roast" Chicken Casserole. With "hidome" cover Cat. No.810/0029

Compo Retail£3.67*

Our Price£3.25

4. OblongCasserole.3 pints.....Cat. No.810/1200

Compo Retail£3.59*

Our Price£2.99

5. Round Casserole. 2 pints. With serving stand................................. ...Cat. No.810/1255

Compo Retail£3.08*

Our Price£2.45


Number 12. 840/219,5 3{ gall Square 13. 840/1656 2l gall Round 14. 840/2095 21 gall Round

Rec. Our Retail Price £13.12£8.45 £9.80 £5.50 £10.36£5.95

15.Regency Pedal Bin. Stainlesssteelwith black plastic lid and removable plastic container. Cat. No.840/1663 Capacity2~gallons

Compo Retail £6.24

Our Price £3.45

16.Brabantia RollTop BreadBin. Stainlesssteel. Size1n"x9~"x6!" high Cat. No. 84011728

Rec.Retail £9.37

Our Price£5.95

17. Regency Roll Top Bread Bin. Stainlesssteel '!Yith contrasting black plastic sides. Size 16"x10~"x,6~". .; Cat. No.840/2624

Compo Retail £6.46

Our Price£3.75

Compo Retail £~.48

19. Brabantia "Bouquet" Pedal Bin. Decorated stainless steel. With removable plastil: bucket. Capacity21gallons Cat. No.840/23,18

Compo Retail£4.76*

Rec.Retail £10.83

20. Brabantia "Bouquet" Roll Top Bread Bin. Decoratedstainless.steel.Size17},'x10"x6i". Cat. No. 840/2332

7. RoundCasserole.4 pints


Cat: No. 810/1420

_ ~ur Price£2.25

8. OvalCasserole.6~pints

Cat. No. 81011437

Compo Retail£4.70

Our Price£2.99

9. Set of 2 RoundCasseroles. 13and2~pints. Cat. No. 810/1413

Compo Retail£4.65

Our Price£3.25

10.81"Souffle Bowl and 11"Flan Dish. Cat. No. 810/1444

Compo Retail£3.85

Our Price£2.45

11. Pyrex Brand 7 Piece Kitchen Set: Heat ~esistantovenware.Clear glass.Comprises5 pint mixing bowl, 1 and 2 pint pudding basins,2~pint square casserole, square roasting dish, 1 pint measuringjug and 2 pint "flavour saver". Cat. No. 81011217

Compo Retail£7.50*

Our Price£6.95

I~brabantial ~ .

Our Price£6.95

Gourmet "Smoke" Heat Resist,ant Oven to Tableware. Available as follows:

Compo Retail£3.25


Our Price£5.75

6. Pyrex Brand "Autumn Glory" Heat Resistant Ovenware. Set of 3 casseroles.Opal glass bases with clear covers.Capacities 1,2 and3 pints.. Cat. No. 810/1365

Our Price£3.99


18. Regency Drop Front Bread Bin. Stainless steel.Size16!"x 10"x 6!" high....Cat. No. 84Oi1735

Our Price £6.45

21. "Easy Rider" Rollers by Braby. Fit under most domestic appliances to allow movement and cleaning. Maximum load 600 lb. Safety brakes.Extendfrom 16"to 23r.Cat. No. 840/2167

Rec.Retail £4.64

OUrPrice £3.75

22. "Guider Rider" Rollers by Braby. Allows for turning movement (not jus:t backwards and forwards) of most domestic appliances. Maximum loading 600 lb. Safetybrakes.Extendfrom'16"to Cat. No.840/2521. 23~"

Rec.Retail £5.99

Our Price£4.75

23. "Maxi Rider" Rollers by Braby. For easy movementof largeappliances..Maximumloading 1,000lb. Safetybrakes.Extendfrom 21"to 32". Cat. No. 840/2514

Rec.Retail £6.21

Our Price£4.99



1. Geka Food Slicer. Folding teak effect Melamine laminated base. Stainless steel blade. Aluminium body. With food carrier. Cat. No. 840/0774




2. Tower Food Slicer. Aluminium body. Folding Melamine covered base with vacuum suction foot. Stainlesssteel blade.Sliding food carrier. Cat. No. 840/2394

Compo Retail£18.95

Our Price£11.25

3. Salter "Super Chef" Food Slicer. Stainless steel blade. Folding basewith suction pad. With food carrier and catchingtray...Cat. No. 840/1508

, Rec.Retail£19.99


4. ,SpongMincer/Slicer/Grater. Nylon body with suction base. Steel cutters. Slicing and grating drums Cat. No.840/2466



6. Wilkinson Sword Kitchen Scissors. Stainless steej blades. Suitable for meat, vegetablesand tough gristle. Dishwasherproof handles. Cat. No. "840/2545


Our Price£3.25

7. Cole & Mason Spice Rack. 24 jars containing herbs and spices. Mahogany rack. Size 16"x21" x 13¥'high , Cat. No.840/2507

Compo Retail£16.95

Our Price£12.95

8. Cole & Mason Spice Rack. Mahogany rack with 12jars filled with herbsand spices. Cat. No. 840/1216

Compo Retail£9.35

Compo Retail£13.52



, 10. Clear Acrylic Peppermill and Saltmill. 5~" high : Cat. No.840/2662

14. Skyline Kitchen Tool and Knife Set by Prestige. 6 chromium plated tools and strainer with 3 piece knife sel. 1 Cat. No.$40/2064



15. Frozen Food Set. Comprisesfood saw/knife and cleaver/knife. Stainless steel blades with rosewoodhandles...". .....Cat. No.840/2411


Our Price£3.99

16. Leifheit Freezer Bag Sealer. With one roll of tape (200seals)........... ........Cat. No. 840/2538

Ree.Retail £3.85

Our Price£2.75

17. Kitchen Tool Set. 5 piecesand rack.Stainless steelwith wooden handles........Cat. No.84011625

Compo Retail£6.21


18. Skyline Kitchen Cutleo- Set by Prestige. 5 pieces. Hollow ground surgical steel blades. Polypropylenehandles Cat. No. 840/2404

Ree.Retail £6.60

Our Price£4.75


12. Skyline Nylon Bladed Kitchen Tool Set by Prestige. 5 pieces and rack. Recommendedfor non-stickpans Cat. No.840/2057


Our Price£12.95


11. Skyline Kitchen Tool Set by Prestige. Chromium plated with enamelled handles. 7 piecesand rack Cat. No.840/2435




9. RomseyWoodcraft Revolving SpiceWheel. 12 jars containing herbs and spices. Sapele mahogany ·i Cat. No. 840/2497

Compo Retail£6.90

1a~~~~~~n~~S_~in~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~==~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ with bonded wooden handles. 6 pieces and rack Cat. No.840/0451

Our Price£4.75

19. Prestige Kitchen Cutlery Set. 5 pieces.Stainlesssteel blades.Bondedwoodenhandles. . , . Cat. No. 840/0585


Our Price£6.25

1. Tower "Anette" Kitchen Beam Scale. Weighsin ~ oz up to 25 lb. Metric' conversion"chart


Cat. No. 84011151

Compo Retail £7.85 ;'


11. Salter ..Superweigh ..\Ki~chen Scale. Weighs up to 5 Ib by 1 oz graduaii<!!.~s and 2.2 kg by,25 g. Zero adjust facility, fo~ individual weighing of ingredients. Scoop inverts for,storage. , Cat. No•.84011979

2. Salter "Lowline" Kitchen Scale. Scoop inverts when nbt in use. Weighs 'up to 5 Ib by 1 oz gfaduations and 2.2 kg by 25 g. Cat. No. 840/1522

Ree.Retail £5.49

Ree.Retail £6.69

12. Krups "ReCord" Kitchen Wall Scale. Weighs up to 3! Ib by ~oz graduations, 3~~ Ib by 1 oz and O-H kg by 10 g, H-3 kg by 20 g. Removable tray folds flat when not in use Cat. No. 84010743

Our Priee£3.75

3. Prestige Wall Can Opener. Chromium plated steel body. Magnetic lid lifter ... Cat. No. 840/0561

Ree.Retail £3.49

Ree.Retail £7.95

Our Price £2.45

Ree.Retail £6.49

R,ee.Retail £3.:10

Our Price £1.99

Ree.Retail £5.49

Our Priee£5.45

Compo Retail £2.59

'or.~~r Price £3.45

Ree.Retail £6.45

Rec.Retail £9_99

Our Price£6.95

Our Price £4.45

18. 9 Piece Basin Set. t ~. 1, 2 and 3 pint basins with snap-on lids, plus 4 pint mixing bowl, 9!"and 1H" mixing spoons and 9!" cooking spatula. Cat. No, 840/2655

Our Price £1.99

9. Salter "System 80 Multiweigh" Scale. Weighs up to 6! Ib by 1 oz graduatiOns and 3 kg by 25 g. Zero adjust facility for individual weighing -ot ingredients. Scale also incorporates calorie measurements with reference chart included. Cat. No. 840/2363

Our Price £:1.75

17. Salter Zyliss Salad Drier. Dries salad in an instant. CaA,alse be used for pasta, fruit and vegetables.."::..~: Cat. No. 84012648

8. Waymaster Kitchen Scale. Weighs up to 10 Ib .by 1 oz graduations and 5 kg'by 25 g. ,', Cat. No: 84011948

Ree.Retail £2.99

Our Priee£3.99

16. Cannon Sink and Drai,ning Mat Se. Rubber to help prevent scratches and breakages. Sink mat size 12!('x10~".draining mat size 15¥'x20~". Cat. No. 840/2679

7. Hanson Kitchen Scale. Weighs up to 10 Ib by 1 oz graduations and 5 kg by 25 g. Cat. ·No. 840/1955

Ree.Retail £4.99

Our Priee£2.25

15. Nutbrown Icing Outfit. Contains turntable, marking rings, icing pump, 6 assorted nozzles and instruction booklet. :..Cat. No. 84011807

6. Pyrex Brand "Add 'n' Weigh" Scale. Weighs up to 5 Ib by 1 oz graduations and 2.2 kg by 25 g. Zero' adjust for individual weighing of ingredients. 2~pint measuring/mixing bowl. Cat. No. 840/1539

Compo Retail £6.07*

Our Price £3.99

14. Bel Cream Maker. Blends unsalted butter and milk intocream Cat. No. 84011302

Our Priee£6.75

5_ "Metricook" Kitchen Metrication Converter. Simple to' use. Converts imperial weights and measuresinto metric equivalents. Cat. No. 840/2631

Ree.Retail £2.70

Our Priee£5.95

13. Waymaster Kitchen Wall S~ale. Pan closes after use".Weighs up to 7 Ib by 1 oz graduations and 3 kg by 25 g... . Cat. No. 84012370

,4: Prestige "Fold-AwIlY" Wall Can Opener. With magnet. Chromium plated steel body swings away into plastic case when not in use. Cat. No. 840/2686

~:::::t::::-.:z:W,!I Ree.Retail £9.37.

Our Priee£4.45

Compo Retail £2.70 /

Our Price £1.99

----------------------------------19. Crown Merton 3 Tier .Dish Drainer. Plastic coated steel. Top section is removable to make two units Cat. No. 840/2208

Rec.Retail £6.94

Our Price ~.99

10. Waymaster Kitchen Scale. Weighs up to 10 lb by'1 oz graduations and 5 25 g. Pan inverts for storage Cat. No. 840/2349

20. Crown M~rton Mobile Storage Unit. 3 plastic coated baskets on castors, Size 1n"x9~"x24·1" high ..............•.............................. Cat.1'10,840/2222

Rec.Retail £8.62

Ree.Retail £10.69

Our Price £5.75

Our Price £6.25

6. Prestige 3 Piece Carving Set. Satin finished stainlesssteel spikeddish, size 14"x18~".Carving knife and fork. .Cat.No.82511789

Rec. Retail £10.20

Our Price £7.45

7. Stainless Steel Casseroles.Setof 3. Canalso be usedasservingdishes.Sizes5~",64" and yt". Cal. No. 825/1806

CompoRetail £-11 .22

Our Price £5.95

8. Stainless Steel Serving Dish and Cover. Length 10r CaL No.825/1796

CompoRetail £8.60

Our Price £4.99

9. Pair of Goblets.Stainlesssteel.Height5·r. , Cat. No. A2511129

CompoRetail £3.70 1. Fish/Cheese Service. Set of 6 pieces in stainless steel. Comprises 23:1" dish, 11" deep oval dish, 51" sauce dish, 5~" coaster, fork and spoon Cat ..No. 82511837

CompoRetail £12.69

,.,.9ur Price £8.25

Our Price £2.25

10. Set of 6 Wi(le Goblets'and Tray. Stainless steel.Goblet height5".Traydiameter10". Cal. No. 825/1868

CompoRetail £10:75 -c

Our Price £6.95


11.Set of 6 Wine Goblets.Stainlesssteel.Height 5l" .. Cat. No.825/1851

2. Five Division Stainless Steel Hostess Dish. Size14"x1Ol" CaL No.82511624

CompoRetail £12.95

Rec.Retail £8.00

1~. Stainless.Steel Serving Tray with Handles. Size18"x13"........... ............Cat. No.825/1590


Our Price £3.75

3. Stainless Steel Dishes. Set of 3. Sizes8", 10" and 15"long................. ..Cat.No.82511813

Rec. Retail £4.90

Our Price £6.25

Our Price £2.99

Our Price £2.75

13.Set of 6 Stainless Steel SundaeCups.Diameter 3~" Cat. No.825/1363

4. Stainless Steel Cake/Pastry Set. Complete with tray, diameter 9~" and wooden handled .Cat.No.825/1655

14. "Corncob" Set. Comprises4 stainless steel dishesand 4 pairsof holders.....Cat. No.825/1648

CompoRetail £4.13

Our Price £1.99 '5. Set of 2 Stainless Steel Roasting Dishes. Sizes14"x10"and 12"x8".........Cat. No.825/1916

CompoRetail £6.25

Our Price £4.25

CompoRetail £4.43


Our Price £2.75


Our Price £1.99

15. Salad/Frilit Set. Stainlesssteel. One 9" serving bowl, six individual dishes and two serving spoons : Cat: No.82511844

CompoRetail £13.30

Our Price £7.25


12. Folding Stool. Enamelledmetal frame. PVC upholstered seat. flat when not in use. Height2~" Cat. No. 600/1027

Compo Retail£5.25



~~~~~=~~~a S_W~ rosewood trim on handles. Comprises pinl teapot, 1 pint coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug and tray,size 13~"x9" Cat. No. 82511318

Compo Retail £10.49

. Our Price £6.45

2. 5 Piece Stainless Steel Tea Set. ComprisesH pint teapot, 1 pint coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug and tray,size 13"x9" Cat. No. 825/1301

Compo Retail £8.95

Our Price £5.45

3. 5 Piece Stainless Steel Tea Set. With teak· wood trim on handles.Comprises H pint teapot, 1 pint coffeepot, sugar bowl, creamjug and tray, size 14~"x10" Cat. No.82511758

Compo Retail £16.95

Swan 5 Piece Polished Aluminium Tea Sel Traditional willow pattern. Comprises 2 pint teapot, hot water jug, sugar bowl, creamjug and tray Cat. No.860/3272

Our Price £13.45

5. Sona 5 Piece Tea Set. Mirror finish aluminium with teak handles and knobs. Comprises H pint teapot, hot water jug, sugar bowl, creamjug and tray. ...Cat. No. 860/0615

Compo Retail £24.48

Our Price £15.75

6. Sona Teapot. Mirror finish aluminium. Teak handleand knob.Capacity 1'1 pints. . Cat. No. 860/0622

Compo Retail £8.42

Our Price £5.45

7. Tea/Coffee Pot. Mirror finish stainless steel. Capacity2.4 pints Cat. No. 825/1514

Compo Retail £7.48

13. Wooden Stool. Beechwood frame with PVC upholsteredseat.Height21"..... Cat. No.60011106

Compo Retail £7.10

Our Price £5.45

14. Solid Pine Triple Shelf Unit with Sliding Doors. Size 38l"x5¥~x30" high. Packed flat for home assembly. Fixing screv.rssupplied. Cat. No. 600/1151

Compo Retail £34.84.

Our Price £24.95


Welsh Dresser. Solid pine construction with pine veneeredbackboardand plastic sided drawers. Packed flat for home assembly. Size 33i" x 19~"x653" Cat. No.60011230

Compo Retail £165.00

Our Price £99.95

Our Price £10.75


Rec.Retail £19.22

Our Price £3.45

Our Price £3.75

16. Extending Solid Pine Dining Table. Size closed 53A"x 33t"x28". Extends to 72~". Packed flat for homeassembly Cat. No.60011216

Compo Retail £82.50

Our Price £49.95

17. Pair of Solid Pine Dining Chairs. Detachable seat and back cushions,Seatheight 19~".Packed flat for homeassembly Cat. No. 600/1223

Compo Retail £57.50

Our Price £34.50

18. Pine Table and Bench Set. Solid pine construction. Table size 48"x27"x28" high. Pair of bencheseach size48"x 12"x 17" high. Packedflat for homeassembly Cat. No.600/1120

Compo Retail £79.95

Our Price £52.50

19. Bar Stool. Chromium plated frame. PVC upholsteredseat.Height28"..... Cat. No.60011168

Compo Retail £9.60

Our Price £6.45

8. Set of 3 Stainless Steel Canisters. Height 5". Suppliedin presentationpack.~at. No. 825/1772

20. Step Stool. Chromatic finish tubular metal r----:::-~--~---:;: frame. PVC upholstered seat. Foldaway steps with grooved-tr.e',i'ds. Height24¥'. Cat. No. 60011003

Compo Retail £7.75

Compo Retail £10.50

-: . Our Price £4.75

9. Table Set. Stainless.steet, Comprises toast rack, 2 egg cups and 2 spoons, tea strainer and drip bowl,butter otsb.pepper and salt shakers. , Cat. No. 825/1473

Compo Retail £6.47

Our Price ~.99

10. Table Set. Stainless steel. Comprises toast rack, condiment set on tray, butter dish, tea strainer and drip bowl, 2 preservedishes and 6 each napkin rings, egg cups and egg spoons. Cat. No. 82511875

Compo Retail £'t1.25

Our Price £5.45


Stacking Stool. Enamelled tubular metal frame.PVCupholsteredseat.Height20". Cat. No. 6()()/1096

Compo Retail £4.55

Our Price £3.45

Our Price £7.75

21. Prestige Step Stool. Chromiumplated tubular steel frame. Washable padded seat. Foldaway steps with grooved rubber treads. Height 24". Blue Cat. No,600/0114 Yellow....................................•... Cat. No.600/0286

Rec.Retail £23.95

.. Our Price £16.25

22. Step Stool with Detachable Back. Chromium plated metal frame. Upholsteredseat. Foldaway steps with grooved wooden treads. Height 37!", seatheight 23;" ::: Cat. No.600{1209

Compo Retail.£16.50 \

Our Price £11.75

Guarantee:' We offer a "fuli money-back guarantee in addition to your statutpry rights.

A1 Quality E.P.N.S.Silver Plated Cutlery. Traditional designs. Hand finished and made Sheffield. In polished wooden cabinet. 1. "Kings" pattern available as follows: Catalogue Compo ,Our Number Retaili' Price, 82011849 44 Piece Set £110.00 £65.00 82011856 76 Piece Set £186.00 £105.00 82011863136 Piece Set £295.00 £175.00 2. "Oubarry" pattern availa,ble as follows: • Catalogue ; Compo Our Number Retail , Price 82011870 44 Piece Set £110.00 £65.00 820/1887 136 Piece Set £295.00 £175.00 3. Viners "Love Story" Stainless Steel Cutlery. In wooden cabinet. Rec. Our Catalogue Retail Price Number £58,50 £38.95 820/0084 44 Piece .Set £82.50 £55.00 82011265 62 Piece 'Set 4. Viners "Country Garden" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece set in wqoden cabinet. Cat. No. 820/1722

Rec. Retail £65.00


\ Our Price £45.50

5. Viners "Studio" Stainless Steel Cutlery:' 44 piece setin woodencabinet...'...Cat. No. 82011674

Rec. Retail £87.00

Our Price £60.00

6. Viners International "Penthouse" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece boxed set. Cat. No. 82011739

Compo Retail £17.71

Our Price £11.95

7. Viners "Executive Suite" Stainless Steel Cutlery.44 piece boxedset Cat. No.82011296

Rec. Retail £30.50

Our Price £19.95

8. "Homes" Stainless Steel Cutlery. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 820/1n7 44 Piece Boxed Set £13.99 £8.75 8201178469 Piece Boxed Set £19.99 £12.45 9. Oneida "Cameo" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece set in "Burnham" storage box. Cat. No. 82011928

Rec. Retail £32.00

Our Price £24.95

10. Oneida "Mozart" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece set in "Chalfont" storage box. I . Cat. No. 112011595

Rec. Retail £66.00

Our Price £47.50

Rec. Retail £62.70

Our Price £42.95


11. Oneida "Capistrano" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece set in "Burnham" storage box. '. Cat. No. 82011337

44 Piece Set: Six 7 piece ~~a<;f settings plus 2 table spoons. 58" Piece Sef: Six 7 piece place settings plus 0 cake forks, 6 fruit spoons'J"2 table spoons, 1 cake server and 1 fruit server:


62 Piece Set: Six 7 piece place settings plus 6 pairs fish eaters, 6 pastry. forks and 2. table

-. ~."'-

12. Housley. "Silverdale" Stainless Steel Cutlery.44 piece boxedset Cat. No. 820/1942

Rec. Retail £21.16

13. Housley "Kings" Stainless Steel Cutlery. Traditional design, Hand polished for a mirror finish. 44 piece set in ':Waterford" wooden cabinet...................... ......L ...Cat.No.82011935

Rec. Retail £76.46 69 Piece Set: Six 7 piece place settings plus 6 pairs fish eaters,6 fruit spoons, 6 pastry forks, 2 table spoons and 1 fruit server. 7.'6Piece Set: Eight 7 piece place settings plus 8 pastryforks, 8 coffeespoons and 4 table spoons. 136Piece Set: Twelve7 piece place settingsplus 12 pairs fish eaters, 12 pastry forks, 12'coffee spoons and 4 table spoons.

Our Price £14.50

Our Price £52.50

14. "Airedale" Stainless Steel Cutlery. 44 piece boxed set. Cat. No.82011650'

Rec. Retail £18.75

Our Price ~12.45

15. "Intermezzo" Stainless Steel Cutlery. Catalogue ! Compo Our Number Retail Price 8201145444 Piece Boxed Set £1'5.00£8.95 8201176058 Piece Boxed Set £19.25 £11.75


Composition follows:

of sets on pages


12 Pce. 6 each cups and saucers. 18 Pee. 6 each cups, saucers and side plates. 21 Pce. AS,18 pce. plus bread and butter plate. sugar bowl and cream jug.

Dihner Set 24 Pee.6 eachdinner plates.soup platesand side plates, 2 vegetable dishes and lids, meat plate- and gravy-boat

6 each cups, saucers, side and dinner plates and soup bowls. 1. J. & G. Meakin "Blue Willow" Pottery Tableware. From "The Bull in the China Shop" range. Traditional pattern on octagonal plates,'30 piece combination set. . Cat. No. 800/3360

CompoRetail £23.50

Our Price £19.25

3. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunst"JI) Ltd. "Blue Denmark" Pottery Tableware;36 piece combination set. Cat. No. 8,00/2134

CompoRetail £22.94

Our Price £15.75

4. Enoch Wedgwood (Tl!nstall) Ltd. "Butt(;rfield" Pottery Tableware. Delicate floral pattern. 30 piece combination set. : Cat. No. 800/3236

CompoRetail £23.72

Comp-.Retaii £25.70

Our Price £16.95

7. Staffordshire Potteries "Bramble" Pottery Tableware. From the "Kilncraft" range. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/3353

CompoRetail £24.85

Our Price £16.95

8. H. Aynsley & Co Ltd. "Ascot" Pottery Tableware. Gold rims. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/2787

CompoRetail £26.95

Our Price £16.95

9. Staffordshire Potteries "Amberstone" Pottery Tableware. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/2897

CompoRetail £17.94

Our Price £12.45

Our Price £17.95

2. J. & G. Meakin "Poppy" Pottery Tableware. From "The Bull in the China Shop" range. 30 piece combination set. ...Cat. No.800/2811

CompoRetail £25.95

6. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. Doverstone Pottery Tableware. "Floral" decoration. 30 piece combination set. For coffee extras see item no. 5................... . Cat. No. 80012945

10. Biltons "Stonehaven" Pottery Tableware. Catalogue Number 800/2835 30 Pee.Combination Set 800/2426 18..P~.~TeaSet

Comp.Our Retail Price £18.34£11.95 £9.07 £5.95

11. Biltons "Meteor" Pottery Tableware. Modern circular design in dark olive green. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/3346

Comp.Retail £18.34

Our Price £11.95

Our Price £15.95

5. Enoch Wfi!dgwood(Tunstall) Ltd. Doverstone Pottery Tableware. "Heathergates" decoration. Coffee extras comprise coffee pot, sugar' bowl and cream jug which also match item no. 6. Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 8001148930 Pee.Combination Set £21.38£14.25 800/0466 3 Pee.CoffeeExtras £11.06£7.45

FULL MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer. But in addition to your protection under the law we will exchangeor refund you any unuse,d item that does not meet your exact requirements. Just-retUrn the item to us in its original covering, togetl:J~rwith your receipt, within 14 d.ays of purchase.

1. Duchess"Wild Rose" English Bone China. 21

pieceteaset.Gold rims Compo R~tail £17.75

Cat. No.800/3377 Our Price £12.95

2. Duchess "Violetta" English Bone China. 18 pieceteaset.Gold rims Cat. No.800/2969 Compo Retail £13.25 Our Price £9.45 3. Duchess "Pink Roses" English Bone China. 21 pieceteaset. Gold rims Cat. No.800/2976 Compo Retail £17.75 Our Price £12.95 4. "Bramble" Fine BohemianChina.Spraydecoration with gold rims. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price 800/2581 24 Pee. Dinner Set £35.44 £19.95 800/2316 18 Pee.Tea Set £10.76 £6.45 5. "BrigiHa" Fine Bohemian white china with gold band. Catalogue Number 800/1874 24 Pee. Dinner Set 800/1898 21 Pee. Tea Set

China. Elegant Comp.Our Retail Price £42.53 £24.95 £17.33 £10.75

6. "HenrieHe" Fine Bohemian ChitraoFloral pattern with gold rims. 30 piece,C9'ffibinationset. .Cat. No. 800/3267 Compo Retail £29.23 Our Price £14.95 7. T. G. Green "Woodville;' Oven-ta-Tableware. Good resistance to norrnal oven use. Speckled glaze with a rich metalllc brown glazed rim. 30 piececombinationset. Cat. No.800/3250 Compo Retail £29.95 Our Price £19.95 8. Arcoroc "Smoke" Heat Resistant Toughened Glassware. Please note: combination set has soup.pJates,not bowls as describedin the "composition of sets" on page 190. Catalogue Compo Our Retail Price £13.15 £8.95 £3.40 £2.25

9. Crown Pevon "Carnival" Tea, Coffee, Sugar Jar Set. Moderndesignon white glazedearthenware with self-sealing lids. Jar heights 6¥'. Capacity26 fl oz Cat. No.800/3315 Compo Retail £9.90 Our Price £6.45

10. T. G. GreenTea,Coffee,SugarJar Set.White glazedearthenwarewith black lettering and cork lids.Capacity16fl oz. . ......ellt. No.800/3102 ~omp. Retail £8.30 Our Price £5.95

11. Crown Devon "Hen-on-Nest" Egg Storer. Whiteglazedearthenware.........Cat. No.800/3047 Compo Retail £4.18 Our Price £2.99

12. Staffordshire PoHeries "Celtic" Mugs. Set of 6 J Cat. No.&00/3308 Compo Retail £3.82 Our Price £2.50

13. "Bramble" Fine.BohemianChina Mugs. Set of 6. . ..Cat.No.800/3298 Compo Re~ail,g4.20 Our Price £2.45



14. Biltons "Stoneware" Mugs. Set of 6. Various designs. .. Cat. No.800/3281 Compo Retail £3.15 Our Price £2.25

Comp: Our Retail £6.65 £9.35 £6.55

Price £4.45 £6.45 £4.45

4. "Captain's" Deca"nter.Lead crystal. "Ships" stYle with wide base. Elegant design: With iarge ground stopper : Cat. No. 815/1676

Compo Retail £9.50

Our Price £6.45

5. Whisky Glasses. Heavybased lead crystal. Set of 6. .........•............... .....:...Cat. No. 81511'896

Compo Retail £7.35

Our Price £4.99

6. Luminarc Irish Coffee Glasses. Set'of 6. Cat. No. 815/2022

Compo Retail £3.90

Our Price £2.75

7. Luminarc Sherry Glass~s. Set-of 6. Clear bowl with amber coloured stem and base. . Cat, No.\815/2039

Compo Retail £2.95 "

Our Price £1.99

8. Bell. Hand cut lead crystal' with silver plated handle Cat. No. 815/2132

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £3.99

14. Ravenhead "Siesta" Wine/Beer Set. 18qlasses-:-Seach sherry 5~ oz. wirne8 oz and beer 13 oz....... ...Cat.No. 81511092

Compo Retail £5.99


Our Price £4.25

15. Dongora Polyester lace Tablecloth, With cotton trimming. Size50"x70". Cat. No. 120/0665

Compo Retail £7.35

Our Price £4.99

16. Two lone Lace Tablecloth. 65% polyester. 35% cotton. Size 51"x67" Cat. No. 12010517

Compo Retail £i40

. Our Price £5.25

17. Handwoven Maize Leaf Table Mats. Set of S. Natural colour. Diameter 9"....... Cat. No. 640/2987

Compo Retail £3.99 ,. ,

Our Price £2.45

18. Laraine Spotted Terry All Cotton Tea Towels. Set of 3. Size 18"x 28"...... ...Cat.No. 12010373

Com·p. Retail £2.15

Our price £1.50

19. Dongora Cotton Damask Napkins. Ivy leaf design. Set of 6. Size 22"x22". Mat~es item no. 20 : Cat. No. 12010421

Compo Retail £7.70

Our Price £4.99

20. Dongora Cotton Damask Tablecloth. Ivy leaf design. Size 54"x7Q",.Matchesitem no. 19. Cat. No. 120/0414

Comp Ret~il.f;.1!..60 '.


'Our'Price £5.75

21. 10. Williamsport 26 Piece Punch Set. Comprises glass 'bowl, 12 cups w(th plastic ladle and . hooks , : /Cat. No'.815/2;:149

Compo Retail £8.01


Our Price £5.75


11. Ravenhead "White' Fire" Fruit Set!<Glass /. serving bowl and 6 matching dishes. " Cat. No. 81511535

Compo .Retail£3;25

Our Price £2.45

12. Luminarc Hock Glasses. Set of 6. Clear bowl with green stem a'1dbase...:......Cat. No. 81511810

Gomp. Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.25

Cascade .Clear Glass Spaghetti Jar. Hand made.Heightwith lid 24".. .....Cat, No: 815/0684

Compo Retail £7.68

Our P,ice £4.99

13. B~rrel-Shaped Mirror. Teakeffect finish. Can be hung vertically or horizontally. Size 11~"x31t Ca,t.No.640/3838

Compo Retail £8.95

Our Price£6.9&

14.Telephone Table. Teaketfeotwith ondershelf . for directories. Size 19"x~"x6" high.! Cat. No. g,w/3M5

Compo Retail£9.50 ~

Our Price£5.75

15. Bamboo Bead Curtain.lde.alasa spacesaver, dividing rooms or replacing doors. Size 33" wide x 74" high :: ,:Cat.No.640/3852

Compo Retail·£9.90

Our Price £6.95

16. Prints for Pleasure "Nostalgic Street Scene-s".Set of 3. Block mounted,readyto hang, no frame required. Each 12"x9". . Cat. No. 640/3742

Compo Retail£7.95

Our Price£5.25


17. ,Taylor L.C.D. Thermometer. Anodised aluminium casa/Liquid crystal digital display in fahrenheit between66° and 86°.Centigrade conversionscalebelow. Length 8"..Cat. No.64013443

1. Woodmet 3 Tier Trolley. Removabletop tray. Anodised aluminium frame and tray surrounds. Heat and stain resistant trays. Size 25"x15"x29" high. Packedflat for homeassembly. Cat. No. 64Q/3601

Compo Retail £50.00

Compo Retail £5.53 \

Our Price£3.99

18. Weathermaster BarometerlThermometert Hygrometer. Brass bezel, \ wooden mounting. Size 1H"x5" ~.\\ Cat. No.640/0642

OurPrice £27.50

Ree.Retail £15.5~


Our Price£11.75

2. Darlyn 3 Tier Trolley. Removable top tray. Anodised aluminium,frame and tray surrounds. Melamine trays. Size 22"x15"x30" high. Packed flat for homeassembly Cat. No. 640/3591

19. Plasro Plastics Set of 3 Plant Holders. For 3"3~",4"-4¥'and 5"-5!" plant pots. Wipe-cleanASS plastic Cat. No.640/3869

Compo Retail£35.95

Rec.Retail £5.39

Our Price£19.95

3. Darlyn 3 Tier Tea Trolley. Gold coloured anodised aluminium frame. Melamine laminated teak finish trays. Size 22"x14"x30" high. Packed flat for horne assembly Cat. No.640/3072

Compo Retail£26.95

20. Mechanical Chime Kit. Dual tone chime. Simple to fit, requiresno wires..Cat. No.640/3883

Compo Retail £2.99

Our Price£15.95

Compo Retail £5.12

Our Price£11.95

;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;,;:;;~~=~;;~~~==;:=;::=;;;:;:::::~;;;;;;;~ 5. Multi-purpose 2 Tier Folding Trolley. Chromium plated frame with wogdgrain effect

Rec.Retail £6.95.

Our Price£13.95

Rec.Retail £24.30

Our PriCe£13.75


~ OurPrice £6.95

9. Crown Merton Telephone Table. Glass top shelf. Undershelf for;" directories. Size 9!l'x1n"x10" /~ Cat. No.640/3216

Rec.Retail£11.50 '{


10. Crown Merton Corner Unit. White with black metal shelves.Size 18"x9"x35" high. Packedflat for homeassembly Cat. No. 640/31J12


Rec.Retail £12.65

Our Price£5.45

Our Price £9.95

25. Sparklets De Luxe "Executive" Syphon. 22ct. gold plated head fittings. Capacity 1i pints. Instantsodawater. Cat. No.64010271

Our Price£11.75

8. Crown Merton Wall Mirror. White scroll surround. Suitable for hanging verticalty or horizontally. Size15:f'x28" Gat.No.640/3209

Our Price£16.95

24. Sparklets "Aquarius", Syphon. Caj;)acity H pints. Instantsodawater Cat. No.640/3003

7. Pira 2 Tier Oval Trolley. Chromium plated frame with woodgrain effect trays. Size 24~"x17~"x24:f' high. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 640/3814

Compo Retail£15.20

Our Price£5.75 ~!:o:l!!!!""",,=!!!!!!!!!!!'!:i:#

23. KenWOOd "Sodastream". Makesa wide range of fizzy drinks at home. Supplied with gas cylinder and 6x8 fl oz bottles, three of which contain sampleconcentrates Cat. No. 640/2994

6. 2 Tier Folding Trolley. Tubular steel frame. Teakeffect wipe-cleantrayswith"x 16".Height3~". Cat. No, 640/3089

Compo Retail£21.00

Our Price£3.99

22. Sparklets Beertap. Fits 4, 5 and 7 pint cans. Dispensesand keepsbeerfresh for weeks. < Cat. No. 640/0240

trays. Can be used half opened to save space. Folds away flat when not in use. Size 25~"x16"x3H" Cat. No.64013821

Compo Retail £23.95

Our Price£2.25

21. Friedland "Do-it-Yourself" Chime Kit. Two note signal. Compriseschime,push button, 30' of bell wire and fixing screws. Chime size 6"x4~"x1t". Operated by 4xHV batteries (not supplied).: Cat. No. 640/2695

4. Darlyn 2 Tier Trolley. Anodised aluminium frame and tray surrounds. Heat and stain resistant fixed trays. Size .19"x14"x29" high. Packed flat for homeassembly Cat. No.640/3285

Compo Retail£19.50

Our Price£3.75

Rec.Retail £14.95 ,


Our Price£11.95

..... .. 26. Sparklets ·'Hostmaster" Syphon. Capacity H pints. Instantsodawater Cat. No. 640/0257

Ree.Retail £11.95

Our Price£9.75

27. Auriol "Connoisseur" 5 Tier Bottle Rack. Plastic coated steel.Holds up to 25 bottles. Racks can be joined to makelarger·units. Cat. No. 840/1670

COmpo Retail £7.20

Our Price£4.99

28. Homebar Gift Pack. Comprises bracket and' .dispenser, automatic pouring measure k.giUand pourersfor liqueursand juices.Cat. No.640'/3625

11. Oval Mirror. Antique design. Gold coloured finish. Size2H"x 14~" Cat. No.640/3560

Comp. Retail £16.20

Compo Retail£5~95

29. Insulex Ice Bowl. Hermeticallysealed,double wall insulated. Keeps ice for up .to 6 hours. Capacity3pirts Cat. No.640/3618

Our Price £3.95

12. Crown Merton Planter. White with black trOugh. For indoor or outdoor use. Size 231"x8"x24}". Packedflat for homeassembly. Cat. No. 640/3041


Our Price£4.99

Compo Retail £5.n

Our Price £11.~


Guarantee:We offera full money-baCklluara_ln additionto yourstatutory'rightS,.

1. 2 Tier Circular Trolley. Diameter 18". He,ight 20·~",Packed flat for home assembly. Cat. No. 640/3319

Compo Retail £6.30

Our Price £4.95~

2. Footstool. Dralon covered,foam padded, buttoned top. Queen Anne style legs. Size 16"x12"x1H" high " Cat. No.640/3405

Rec.Retail £8.50 .'

Our Price £6.45

3. Magazine Rack. Hand carved in Spain from PyreneanPinewood. Burnt and polished finish. Size19"x6'''xl7i'' Cat. No.640/2750

Compo Retail £10.25

Our Price £8.45

4. Coloni~1Style Woman Porcelain Figurine. .. Cat. No.640/3663 Height8".

Compo Retail £3:50

Our Price£2.45

5; Colonial Style Man Porcelain Figurine.Height 8" Cat. No.640/3670

Compo Retail £3.50

Our Price £2.45

6. Melba Shire Horse. Leatherharnessandmetal Size 12"xll". Cat. No. 640/3649

-.,-::--=-=::-:::-", fittings.

Compo Retail £30.00

Our Price £18.95

7. Melba Shire Horse. Leatherharnessand metal fittings. Size9~"x71" Cat. No.640/2918

Compo Retail £14.50

Our Price £10.25

8. Porcelain Cobbler Figurine. Hand painted. Height6~" Cat. No.640/3340

Compo Retail £2.80

Our Price £2.25

16. Luxuria Onyx Marble Quartz Mantel Clock. Quartz movement (accurate' to within a tew minutes per year). Gilt mourits on top and bottom. Size 5}"xH"x7". Operatesfrom SPll battery Cat. No.255/2178

Compo Retail £58.00

Our Price £29.95

17. Brass Ouartz Carriage Clock. Quartz movement (accurateto within a few minutesper year). Roman numeralson a white dial. Operates_from Cll battery. . Cat. No.255/2604

Compo Retail £39.00"

Our Price £25.95

18..Smiths-Astral "Louis" Battery Mantel Clock. Polishedbrasscase.Whitedial with black Roman numerals.Operatesfrom SPll battery. Cat. No. 255/2374

Rec.Retail £29.50

Our Price £21.95

19: Carriage Style Battery Mantel Clock. Silver coloured case. White dial with black Roman numerals,Operates from SPII battery. Cat. No. 25511571

Rec.Retail £33.70

Our Price £22.45

20. Tempora "Temfall" Battery Mantel Clock. Polished brass case, Black hands and figures, Operatesfrom SPII battery......Cat. N? 255/1650

Rec.Retail £40.75


Our Prtce,.£28.75 ,

21. Luxuria Onyx Marble Battery Mantel Clock. Gilt handle.Operatesfrom HP7battery. . Cat. No. 255/2642

Compo REltaii£2.75

Compo Retail £46.50

Compo Retail £6.99


Compo Retail £33.50 "\ Our Price £23.50

9. "Old Man and Woman" Pair of Figurines. Handpaintedporcelain.Height7". Cat. No. 640/3656

Our Price £1.99

10. Genyk "Rotastak" Hamster Housing Unit. A complete healthy and hygienic home for your pet , Cat.·No.640/3711

-::~;:::::::~ ~

15. EstymaQuartzBrass Carriage Clock.Quartz movement(accurateto "'Iithin a few minutesper year). Romannumerals.Operatesfrom Cll battery , ,,;Cat. No.255/2594

.9ur Price £4.99

11. Topsy Bird Cage. Chromium plated. Complete with feeders,perches.tray, swing and seed guards.Size19"xll"x13~"f ......Cat. NQ.640/3113

Compo Retail £8.86

Our Pric~£5.99

12. "NomadnDoormat(~y 3M. Trapsdirt, easyto cleanarid retainsits shape.Suitablefor indoor or outdoor use.Size30"x18"...:.....Cat. No.64013735

Compo Retail £6.89

Our Price £4.50

Our Price £24.50

22. 'Splendex Miniature Grandfather Clock. White case with' floral design. Romannumerals on white diab Size 3i"x21;"xl0t. . Cat. No. 255/2130

Compo Retail £7.05

Our Price £5.45

23. "Schmidt" Novelty Clock. 8 day movement. Revolving pendulum under plexi-qlass shade. Polishedgilt baseand bezel......Cat. No.255/2635

Compo Retail £23.65

Our Price £15.95

24. Splendex Battery Mantel Clock. Wood veneered casewith brasstrimmings. Gold coloured dial with Roman numerals. Operatesfrom Cl1 battery.. , : Cat. No.255/2611

13.100"10Coir Door Mat. Size 24"x14". Cat. No. 640/3876

Compo Retail £10.40

Compo Retail £3,04

25. Smiths-Timecal"Rosebank" Battery M;antel Clock. Walnut finish case. Operatesfrom SPII battery.......................... .....Cat. No.255/2336

Our Price£2.25

14. Estyma Quartz BatterY Carriage Clock. Ouartz movement (accurate to within a few minutesper year),Gold coloured case.Operates from Cll battery Cat. No.255/2343

Compo Retail £38.25

Our Price £26.50

Rec.Retail £14.95

Our Price £6.95

., Our Price £10.95

Please note: Batteries are not suppli'edwith any item. . "

1. "Chester" Picture Wall Clock. Chester Roman Wall scene. Operates from SP11 battery. Size 21,o."x 17¥' , Cat. No. 255/1045

CompoRetail £14.50

.Our Price £11.25/

2. "Abinger Hammer" Picture Wall Clock. Operatesfrom SP11battery.Size20!"x 1~'. . Cat. No. 255/2673

CompoRetail £14.50

Our Price £11.25

3_ Manley "Pimryn" Battery Wall Clock_Simulated onyx marble centre, hardwood panels with brass radials. Solid brass chapters. Operates' from C11battery Cat. No.255/2769

CompoRetail £23.95

Our Price £17.50.

4. Smiths-Timecal "Shanklin" Battery Wall Clock. Walnut moulded case with gilt coloured dial. Operatesfrom SP11 battery. Cat. No. 255/2680

Rec_Retail £17.95

Our Price £13_25

13. Battery Wall Clock. Black leatlierette face with embossed gold coloured numerals. Operatesfrom SP11battery \ Cat. No.255/1849

CompoRetail £7.91

, \ Our Price £6.25

14. Tempora Battery Wail 'Clock. Wooden case with gilt coloured and black metal dial. Roman numerals,Operatesfrom SP11battery. 'Cat. No. 255/2415

Rec. Retail £15.50

. Our Price £10.75

15. Hanson Qua~ Battery Wall Clock. Quartz movement (accurate to withiA a few minutes per year). Brown moulded case. Fawn dial with brown figures. Operates from HV battery. . Cat. No. 255/2752

Rec: Retail £12.95'

Our Price £8.95

1$. Smiths-Timecal "Denver" Battery Wall Clock. White moulded case. Centre seconds hand. Operates from SP11 battery. Cat. No. 255/2745

Rec. Retail £7.95

Our Price £4.99

5. Smiths-Timecal Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Quartz movement (accurate to within a few minutes per year). Black moulded case with gilt coloured decoration. Operates from SP11 battery : Cat. No.255/2776

17. Smiths-Timecal "Duo" Battery Wall Clock. Incorporates l-hour timer. Operatesfrom SP11 battery Cat. No.255/2563

CompoRetail £13.50

Battery Wall Clock. White moulded case with chromium plated bezel.Operatesfrom SP11 battery,.....c ..•...• , .••..••.•...••......•..... Cat. No.255/1832

Our Price £9.95

Rec •.Retaii £14.50

!_~!!!!~~~~~~!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! coloured frame with modern 6. Hanson Pendulum Batteryglass Wallinterior. Clock. OperSilver atesfrom HV battery Cat. No.255/2-790

Rec. Retail £26.95

Our Price £18.75

7. Hanson Pendulum Battery Wall Clock. Black case and dial with white Romannumerals.OperCat. No;255/2666 atesJromSP2battery:

Rec:Retaii £:12.00,

Our Price £7.95 .

8. Eurastyle Quartz Battery "Sunray'" Wall Clock. Quartz movement (accurate to within a few minutes per year). Brass coloured case and bezel. Operatesfrom SP11 battery. Cat. No. 255/2697

COmpoRetail £31.25

Our Price £21.50

Our Price £10.45


Compo Retail £7.91

Our Price £6.25

19. Smiths-Timecal "Denver" Electric Wall Clock. White moulded case. Centre seconds hand Cat. No. 255/2381

Re.c.Retail £8.95

Our Price £6.95

20. Pentland' RP20 Batt~ry Wall Cloc,," Black hands and numerals.White'moulded case.Operatesfrom SP11battery Cat. No.255/2738

Compo Retail £6.75

Our Price £4.99

Rec. Retail £8.75

Our Price £5.95

9. Estyma Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Quartz movement(accurateto withip-~Iew minutes per year).Bronzecoloured metalcase with simulated rosewood. Operatesfrom C11 battery. , Cat. No. 255/2439

22. Pifco Batter.y-Digital Alarm Clock. 24 hour dial. Oval shaped white case.Operatesfrom HP2 battery Cat. No. 255/2295

CompoRetail £22.75 !

23. Electronic "Snooze" Alarm Clock. 24 hour display with bleep tone alarm. "Snooze" feature givesa 7 minute repeateralarm. Cat. No. 255/2556

Our Price £15.95

10. Smiths-Timecal "Kendal" Quartz 'Battery Wall Clock. Quartz movement(accurateto within a few minutes per year). Gilt coloured case ~ith simulated rosewood panels.·Operatesfrom SP11 battery Cat. No.255/2783

Rec. Retail £23.50

Our Price £17.95

11. Estyma Quartz Batter.y Wall Clock. Quartz movement(accurateto within a few minutes per year). Black and gilt "Sunray" design metal'case. Operatesfrom C11battery Cat. No. 255/2408

CompoRetail £17.85

Our Price £12.95

12. Hanson Battery Wall Clock. Carriage lamp style. White dial with black Roman numerals. Operatesfrom HV battery Cat. No. 255/1636

Rec. Retail £10.45

Our Price £7.25

~iiii.iI •••i.liiiiii.jI•••iiii.iI.ilil

21. Hanson Battery Wall Clock" White case and dial. Black figures and red hands.Operatesfrom I 1W battery , ~.: Cat. No.25511179

Rec. Retail £19.50

Compo Retail £25.00

Our Price £14.45

..Our Price £17.50

24. L.E.D. Electronic Repeater Alarm Clock. 12 hour display.·Incorporates high intensity lamp (adjustable). Shade serves'as lid when closed. Cat. No. 255/2305

Compo Retail £35.50

Our Price £24.75

25. Binatone "Elite" Electronic Alarm Clock. With "snooze" feature that cuts out alarm for 9 minutes, then' resumes rir:lging until switched off : . , , :. Cat. No. 255/2549

CompoRetail £24.95

Our Prjce £14.45

Please note: Batteries·are'not supplied with any item.

Cheques and Credit Cards.

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Cheques up to £50 are accepted immediately if accompanied by a Bankers Card. We welcome •purchases by Access or Barclaycard.

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1. Westclox Alarm Clock. White dial with black, numerals and hands :__ Cat. No. 255/0022

Compo Retail £3.85

Our Price £2.99

2. Columbia coloured numerals

Double Bell Alarm Clock. Flame case with white dial and black _ _____ Cat. No. 255/2525

Compo Retail £5.20

Our Price £3.99

3. Columbia "Minerva

Drowse Dialite" Electric Alarm Clock. Glowing dial for easy night reading. Alarm repeats every 7 minutes until switched off Cat. No. 255/2264


Compo Retail £7.75

Our Price £5.95


Smiths-Timecal "Autosonic" Battery Alarm Clock. Ivory coloured case with black dial. Luminous- Jewelled movement, Operates from SP11 battery Cat. No. 255/2288

Rec. Retail £8.95

Our Price £6.75

5. Smiths-Timecal "Clarion" Repeater Alarm Clock. White metal case.Luminous. Cat. No. 255/2721

Rec, Retail £6.95

Our Price £5_45

Choose from the Catalogue.

Buy}rqm the showroom.

Your advantages, 1 Choose what you want with your family in the • comfort of your home.


Hundreds of high quality products by famous • makers - all at a discount.

Every purchase you rnake is covered by our Full 3• Money-Back Guarantee.

It's easy.

7. Splendex Alarm Clock. 30 hour movement.' Brass and black coloured oured dial.

Compo Retail £4.75

case with gold colCat. No. 255/2518

Our Price £3.75


Check what you want from the Master Catalogues inthe showroom.


Europa Calendar Travel Alarm Clock. Leatherette case . .._.._..__ __ .Cat, No. 255/2240

CompoRetail £8.99

_ jJur Price £6.45

9. Europa Travel Alarm Clock. Tan case with raised gold coloured numerals. Luminous. Cat. No. 255/2109 .

Compo Retail £5.95

Our Price £4.45

Fill in th~'s{~ple selection form: catalogue number and quantity, then take it to the "Service" point. Our staff will be pleased to help you if you need assistance.

10. Estyma Travel Alarm Clock. Blue case with gilt trim. White numerals and bands. Luminous. Cal. No. 255/2233

Compo Retail £7.20

Our Price £5.25

11. Estyma Travel Alarm Clock. Folding case with gilt trim. Luminous ...__ ._......Cat. No. 255/2226

Compo Retail £3.95

Our Price £2.99

-12. Estyma Travel Alarm Clock. Clear white dial. Folding case. Luminous .Cat. No. 255/0163

Compo Retail £8.15

Our Price £6.25

110,126and 135 sizes. We provide superior quality, fast processing at extremely competitive prices. See page 9.

Direct delivery.

Domestic 5 Hour Ringer Timer. White moulded case Cat. No. 25511942

Our Price £4.99

Film Developing and Priniin

easy-to-reach showrooms where you 4• Nationwide, can make your purchases immediately.

6. Smiths-Timecal

Rec, Retail £6.50

Take your purchases home.

You can obtain and use Gift Vouchers at all Argos showrooms. Argos Gift Vouchers are inunits ofD,£2·and £5. They make ideal presents for all occasions and are so convenient to send by post. Remember, Argos showrooms are located inmost important towns.

Your purchases come from the stockroom while you make payment. Simply take them home, it's as easy as that

Certain larger items are marked ip_tR.isCatal rue _- _.....-for "Direct Delivery':

As these would be difficult for you to carry awn they will be delivered direct to your home from the manufacturer in approximately 21 day, at no extra cost. All sizes and capacities are approximate. It i I l~ ...,ll that descriptions may have changed if the sunnl: 'I I I altered his specifications after the catalogu hu,> ~11II to press. Thiscatalogue,publishedFebruary~97? u~ r...·' II previous Argos catalogues and remams mIT' 't Il'IllIl further notice. Prices stated inthe catalo ',r established during December 1977. Information I compiled with all possible care, but the publisht: I, not hold themselves responsible for err rs I orrusslOn .

ALDERSHOT Hippodrome Hse., Birchett Road (Nr. Bus Station). BALHAM 223 Balham High .Roa~ (Nr. Ritherdon Road). }' . BA11-I3 Marchants Passage, Southgate Development. ,

/'BEDFORD 12-16 The Harpur Ctr. /

BOLTON 71-77 Newport Street.

KING'S HEATII 38-44 High St., Birmingham (Opp. Kingsway Cinema) -.

NEWPORT 6 John Frost Square, Gwent (Nr. Kingsway Centre). NORlHAMPTON 31-33 Abington Square.

LEICESTER 17East Street (Opp, Railway Station).

NORWICH 2-4 Back-of-the-Inns (Crn. White Lion Street).

LEWISHAM South Mall, The Lewisham Ctr., Riverdale.

NO'IWIINGHAM 5-6 The Broadmarsh Ctr. (Nr. Bus Stn.). ,

LINCOLN 180 High Street


·Gunet. Wtgford way).

OLD STREET 185..;..197 Old Street, London (Nr. Tube Station).

BOND STREET 10-10a Old Bond Street, London (Piccadilly end). .

LIVERPOOL 227-235 Walton Rd., (Cnr. Croylands Street).

BOSCOMBE 501-5.07 Christchurch RdrI' (The Crescent).

LIVERPOOL 183-186 St.john's Ctr.



BROMLEY 11.Elmfieid Road' , (Behind the Mail Shopping ! Precinct) ..



MANCHESTER The Arndale Ctr. (Ground floor opp. Bus Station).


Sturry Road (A28 East). \ '.


Units 200-204 Amdale Ctr. ..


MANCHESTER 46-50 Oldham Sf'. (Off Piccadilly). ,~,


CHESTER 91-95 Foregate Street (Opp.!.ABC Cinema). CO LINDALE The Hyde; Edgware Road (Nr. Burnt Oak). COVENfRYl-3 The Burges (Nr. Bus Station). CROYDON 9-11 London Road (Nr. West Croydon Station).

MIDDLESBROUGH 20 Newport Road (Nr. United Bus Station).

NEWCAsTI.E 19Whitecross Way, Eldon Square Shopping Centre.

NEW OXFORD STREET 80-110 New Oxford St., London (Tottenham Court Road end).

PORTSMOUlHThe Market Way.

Tricorn Ctr.,

PLYMOUIH 12-14 Royal Parade (Nr. St. Andrews Cross); READING 3-5 St. Mary's Butts (The Butts Shopping Centre). RUGBY 18Regent Street (Off Church Street).


SALISBURY 12-14 Fisherton St. (Opp. General Hospital).

SHEFFIELD 32-62 The Moor, SHEPHERDS BUSH 159-161Shepherds Bush Centre (Opp. Shepherds Bush Green).

DARTFORD 4-10a Lowfield St. (Nr. Arndale Centre).

DUDLEY 211_:213Wolverhampton Street (Opp. Trident Shopping Centre).

PONTEFRACf 15Salter Row (Nr. Public Library).

Rockingham House.

DALSTON 81Kingsland High St. (Nr. Dalston Junction). '

DONCASTER 13-14 North Mall, Arndale Shopping Centre.


OXFO~ North Bailey House, NewInn Hall Street (Nr,, Westgate Shopping Centre).



86-88 East St. "I

SOUTHEND1~3 Talza Wiy, Victoria Circus Centre e,

.ST. HELENS 30-32 La Grange Arcade, The Market Centre (Facing Bridge Street). b

EAST HAM 90-96 High St. North EDMONTON

273 Fore Street . i

EVESHAM 43 High Street (Opp. Bus Station). ' EXETER 29 Guild Hall Shopping Centre. GLASGOW Unit 3, Sauchiehall St. ", Centre, 179 Sauchiehall Street.

HANLEY 16 Piccadilly (Nr. Piccadilly Arcade).

HENDON CENfRAL 43-45 Watford Way (Nr. Tub~ Station). HOLLOWAY 67-75 Seven Sisters. Road (Cnr, Axminster Road). ILFORD187-191 High Road (Opp, Town Hall). ILKESTON 14 Bath Street (Nr. Market Square).



16 High Street Rotunda

GLOUCESTER 22-26 Northgate Street GUILDFORD Norfolk House 193 High Street

SWINDO~,2&~-34 Canal Walk, BJW1e-rc~ntre. WALSALL 10 Stafford Street (Nr. Bus Station). WALTIIAMSTOW 50a High St. (Nr. St. james Railway Station). WANDSWOR1H167-173 Wandsworth High Street (Nr. Police Station). . WARRING1'ON 34-36 Bridge St. (Cnr, Rylands Street). WATFORD 42 The Parade. WEMBLEY Chesterfield House, 444 High Road (Opp. Post Office). WILMSLOW 47-49 Alderley Rd. (Nr. South Drive). . WORTHING 90 Chapel Road .' (Nr. Railway Station).

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