Argos No.10 1978 Autumn

Page 1

Discount prices on everything.

mcutthe yougetth

The Argos prices shown here are, where possible, compared with the Recommended Retail Prices as provided by our suppliers. Where no such prices exist our suppliers have provided Comparative Retail Prices, except where asterisks are printed against the Comparative Retail Price. In I:.,~,~.~tof those cases (with asterisks )f-U'" :lrket research study

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was carried out in June 1978, which established an average retail price and this has been described as the Comparative Retail Price. These are used to show the genuine savings we offer. All sizes and capacities are approximate. Itis possible that descriptions may have changed if the supplier has altered his specifications

after the catalogue has gone to press. This catalogue, published August 1978 supersedes all previous catalogues and remains in effect until further notice. Prices stated in the catalogue were established during June 1978. Information is compiled withall possible care, but the publishers do not hold themselves responsible for errors or omissions.

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YOU~ SECOND DISCOUNT; In all Argos Showrooms

'J there IS!l Green Shield,Exchange Centre where your Saver

Books wil] be accepted In full or part-payment, The choice is yours-use Saver Books and 'top up' with casr or get what you want absolutely free WIththe full number of books. We have prepared a handy pocket-sized Ready Reckoner for your convemence. .J

1. Fisher-Price Activity Centro. Comprises 10 intriguing activities. For ages 3 months to 2 years C t, No. 350/7160

Compo Retail £8.99

Our Price £6.75

2. Fisher-Price "Xylo Drum"'" complete activity toy. For ages 9 months to 3 y nr Cnl. No. 350/9261

Our Price £2.99

Compo Retail £3.99

13. Fisher-Price "Two Tune" T.V. Music box movement plays 2 well-known tunes. For ages 2-5 Cat No. 350/5832 years

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £5.45

14. Fisher-Price

Teaching Clock. Clock plays "My Grandfather's Clock" tune as minute hand revolves and pictures appear. Hands turn manuCat. No. 350/9371 ally. For ages 1-5 years

Compo Retail £7.49

Our Price £5.75

3. Fisher-Price "Happy Applo" and Musical Chime. Soft pliable IOQvO IlMd 10mfor teething. Floats in water. For ago 3 tn()(lIh 103 years. C t. No. 350/9254

15. Fisher-Price Music Box Record Player. With 5 double sided nursery records. No batteries required. For ages 2-6 years ......Cat. No. 350/8688

Compo Retail £2.99

Compo Retail £9.99

Our Price £2.25

4. Fisher-Price "Jack-In-Ih ,UOI'''. Jack pops up squeaking. Press rov r. t1 '<I"llIlks again. with eyes and mouth movtn r "tlllI< , 7 years. ot. No. 350/9333

Our Price £4.25

Compo Retail £5.49

Shopo orl r lou. different 5. 'Fisher-Price shapes fit through hoi. fllllinn t)<lhlt1timnlching doors which open dlff IlIl1t WilY' S"'lllng lace bobs up and down nd (llHlllk willi" pushed. For ages 6 months to 3 y II! C",t No. 350/9278

Compo Retail £4.49

Our Price £3.45

Our Price £3.25 7. Fisher-Price

"Toot T chugs as it is pulled along

Compo Retail £1.89 8. Fisher-Price 2-6 years.......


Compo Retail £3.99


I noln . Engine I I " I 3 yums. ClOt No. 350/9319

Our Price £1.50 T I phono. I or ages elll No. 350/5825

Our Price £2.99

9. Fisher-Price Music 80. Mobil . Plays a Brahms lullaby for 10 mlnut!)lvlt11lfigures. Suitable from birth to 1 year ..... Cllt. NO. 350/7153

Compo Retail £10.99

Our Price £8.45

10. Fisher-Price Horse. Hora loll ntonq on wide-track wheels making "cllpphy clop" sound. Pull rein handle for "whinny" Bound. Size 17f'x 9rx 16i". For ages 1-3years. Cot. NO. 351/0607

Compo Retail £14.99

Our Price £11.45

11. Fisher-Price "Snoopy Sniffer". Legs and teet waddle. tail wags and he mutters 10 himself as he's pulled along. For ages 1-4 years. Cat. No. 350/9388

Compo Retail £8.49

Our Price £6.75

Compo Retail £10.99

17. Fisher-Price "Play. Family" Toy Camper. Versatile. fully equipped camper with 19 pieces, including rowing boat and motor-bike. Camper home Iitts off and vehicle becomes a pick-up truck. For ages 2-8 years Cat. No. 350/5849

Our Price £6.75

18. Fisher-Price Circus Train. Engine has driver and whistle. Coach doors open, animals' limbs move, elephant holds people in trunk. For ages 2-7 years Cat No. 350/9395

Compo Retail £11.99

Our Price £8.99

19. Fisher-Price "Play Family" School Bus. Seven play family figures sit in colour matched seats. As bus travels along driver looks from left to right and eyes of bus look up and down. For ages 2-6 years Cat. No. 350/9364

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £5.45

20. Fisher-Price "Fun Jet". Pilot looks left and right as jet is pulled along making whirring sound. 4 passengers and 2 suitcases. For ages 2-6 years Cat. No. 350/9340

Compo Retail £5.49

Our Price £4.25

21. Fisher-Price

"Rescue Helicopter". Trigger activated gripper to pick up raft. Two crewmen. For ages 4-9 years Cat. No. 350/8729

Compo Retail £7.99

Our Price £5.99

22. Fisher-Price Cash Register. Includes colourl size- coded coins, sale and change keys plus change chute. Cranking handle rings bell and opens drawer. For ages 2-6 years. Cat. No. 350/8671

Compo Retail £8.49

Our Pri'ce£6.75

23. Fisher-Price Xylophone. Plays a tune when pulled along. Notes on music are colourcoded to keys. For ages 1-6 years Cat. No. 350/9357

Compo Retail £6.49

Compo Retail £3.99

24. Fisher-Price Play Desk. 63 pieces including activity cards. magnetised alphabet and chalk. For ages 3;8 years Cat. No. 350n122

Our Price £2.99


Our Price £8.45

12. Fisher-Price "Melody"

Push Chime. Chiming tune plays as the toy is pushed. For ages 1-3 years............................... .......Cat. No. 350/9326


verts to sea plane with floating pontoon), "all terrain" vehicle, sleeping bags. tow rope and grappling hook. For ages 5-9 years. Cat. No. 350/9412

Compo Retail £8.49 111m.. Ilnll. Rock to 6. Fisher-Price "Rolypoly" hear chimes sound and "IJIIIII "'"vo Watertight, floats. Diamalor I" f 01 IIUI1 I months to 3 C t No. 350/8657

Our Price £7.75

16. Fisher-Price "Wilderness Patrol". Comprises 3 adventure people. with dog. bush plane (con-

Compo Retail £8.99

Our Price £4.99

Our Price £6.95


1. Fisher-Price "Play Family" Garage. With elevator. turntable for parking cars and ramp. For " Cat. No. 350/8712 ages 2-8 years

10.Matchbox "Live 'n' Learn Shuffly" Farm.Set shufflies" in' motion and they make their way .iround the farm............. .....Cat. No. 350/9436

Compo Retail £17.99

Compo Retail £13.50

Our Price £13.75

2. Fisher-Price"Play Family" Houae.With carrying handle. 15 pieces InCluding4 people. dog yoors furniture and car. ForOg06:;>·8 Cat. No 350/8695

Compo Retail £14.99

Our Price £11.45

3. Fisher·Prlce"Ploy Fnmlly" School.With carryplocesinclud· ing handle.Roofand wall opon 6:;> ing chalkboard, chalks. rubbo•. magnetisedletters and numbers.clock rId boll For ages 2-8 " "".. Cllt. No. 350/8705 years

Compo Retail £14.99

Our Price £11.45

4. Fisher·Price "PI y F mliy" Village. Two streets hinge to cross OIiOrbddf)O Village comprises fire station, po I oHlr . dontlst. theatre. barbershop. roof-top restaurant.polle ,,11111011. apartment and garago. COlli•• hop nccessaries and figures are also Includ rt Vlllngo folds and locks shut. Forages2-8y , C t. No. 350/9223

Compo Retail £19.99

Our Price £15.45

11. Airfix "Weeble" Playground. 4 "Weebles" can useslide, see-saw.'Swingsanda roundabout. ....Cat. No. 350/7191 for ages2-7years......

Compo Retail £4.99

Compo Retail £18.49


Our Price £13.95

6. Fisher-Price"Play Famliy" Chlldr n's Hospital. Includes 7 play family poopto. ombulance, stretcher. X-ray machlno.sC1l1 ole. Patio front shuts for storage. Carrying 110"dloFor ages2-6 years.......... ............"."". COl.No. 350/9405

Compo Retail £14.99

Our Price £11.45

7. Fisher-Price"Fozzle Boor". Fromthe "Muppet Show" T.V.series.Machinewashable.Height13". For ages2-8years. """.Col. No. 350/9216

Compo Retail £8.99

Our Price £6.95

8. Fisher-Price "Rowlf" Hand Puppet. Piano playing character of the "Muppet Show" TV series. Made of machine washableshaggy pile. Forages2-8years Cat. No. 350/9515

Compo Retail £9.99

Our Price £7.75

9. Fisher-Price "Kermit the Frog". From the "Muppet Show" T.V. series. Velcro patches on hands and feet make character fully poseable. Machinewashable.Forages2-8years. Cat. No. 350/8640

Compo Retail £7.99

Our Price £6.25

Our Price £3.45

12.Airfix "Weeble" Dare Devils. Completewith Irapeze. see-saw. canon and trampoline. With ladderremoved;basecan be turned overto form roundaboutfor "Weebles" Cat. No.350/9443

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £4.99

13. Berwick's "Whippersnappers" Train Set. Theystand on each others together to marchand click into their seatsfor a train ride. Cat. No. 350/9467

Compo Retail £3.50

Our Price £2.45

14. "Slinky" Pull-Along Dog. When pulled the dog stretchesandwalksalongwith awiggle. Cat. No. 350/9450

Compo Retail £2.85 5. ·Fisher-Prlce"Ploy Fomliy" Airport. 19 pieces including plane. hellcoptor nd vomcres. For ages2-8years ".. C I. No. 35017146

Our Price £9.45

Our Price £1.99

15.SharnaMusical "Neddy" Donkey.Coveredin non-inflammable acrylic material. Strong moulded base. Hand grips and musical tinkle chimes.Length25".ForagesH to 3 years. Cat. No. 35017971

Compo Retail £21.25

Our Price £14.95

16. Sharna "Bronco" Rocker. Moulded saddle with blanket, leather bridle and reins with metal stirrups. Wood grain finish rocker base. Size 34"x51"x 16........ .. Cat. No.350/9302

Compo Retail £36.65

Our Price £25.95

17. Welsotoys Baby Rocker. Stove enamelled steel body. Suitable for use in nursery or garden.. .. Cat; No. 350/9292

Compo Retail £10.70

Our Price £7.45

18.Crescent BabyWalker.Woodenbody.Plastic wheelsand stoveenamelledtubular steelhandle. Plasticbricks.Handleheight·2~". Cat. No. 350/8516

Compo Retail £11.36

Our Price £7.45

19. Combex lion Baby Walker. Converts to a ride-ontoy. Handleheight 18"...Cat. No.350/~285,

Compo Retail £8.52

Our Price £5.75

9. Cresta Bear. Soft white bear as shown on T.V. Height 14" Cat. No. 350/9508

Compo Retail £7.95

Our Price £6.25

10. Burbank Talking "Buzby". Pull the string to hear him say his random TV. catch phrases. No batteries required. Height 2G'....Cat. No. 350/9539

Compo Retail £12.99

Our Price £9.45

11. Chad Valley "Huggy Bear". Will cling to your arm, leg, the edge of a table etc. No mechanical parts Cat. No. 35O/~481

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £4.99

12. Chad Valley "Mr. Men" Pack. Contains "Mr. Bump" and "Mr. Tickle" from the T.V. series. Cat. No. 350/9522

Compo Retail £9.98

Our Price £7.45

13. "Zo-Zo" the Monkey. With a wind-up music box playing well-known tunes. No batteries required. Height 1G' Cat. No. 350/9474

Compo Retail £4.99

Our Price £3.75

14. Lego 30 Basic Set. Build hundreds of different models. For ages 3 years and over. Cat. No. 350/8781

Compo Retail £6.25

1. Palitoy Family Tree House. Opens at the touch of a button. Includes tree top family, furniture, family car, folding staircase and a hand operated lift. For ages 2 years and over ....Cat. No. 35017830

Compo Retail £10.29

Our Price £7.95

2, Palitoy Melody Train. Switch on and the train moves and plays a tune. 4 double sided records included. Operated by 2x HP2 batteries (not supCat. No. 35017184 plied). For ages 2-5 years

Compo Retail £9.77

Our Price £7.25

3. Matchbox "Playboot" Play Set. The roof, side and front open. Figures and many accessories are included.. ...Cat. No. 350/8750

Compo Retail £10.50

Our Price £7.45

15. Lego 107 Complete Motor Set. For motorizinq Lego models. Operates from 3x HP11 batteries (not supplied) Cat. No. 351/0243

Compo Retail £6.95

Compo Retail £8.76

Our Price £6.45

5. Palitoy "Tutor Typer". Teaches the alphabet and shows words and pictures, the next letter automatically appears as carriage is returned. For ages 3-6 years............. .Cat. No. 350/9429

Compo Retail £5.14

Our Price £3.75

6. Rod Hull's "Emu" Arm Puppet by Denys Fisher. Put your arm up his back and your fingers in his beak to bring him "alive". He can also be used as a pyjama case. Overall length 22". Cat. No. 350/8138

Our Price £5.99 7. Denys Fisher "Nookie Bear" Set. Comprises matching handbag, purse and hat in fur fabric. Cat. No. 350/9498

Our Price £4.99 8. Roger de Courcey's "Nookie Bear" by Denys Fisher. Insert your hand in his back and make his mouth move. You can also make his eyes roll. Height 22~" Cat. No. 350/8145

Compo Retail £14.99

Our Price £9.95

Our Price £5.75

16. Lego 90 Super Set. Wooden storage box includes figures, wheels, trees, windows, doors and 'extra bricks to build hundreds of different models. A building book with many model suggestions is induded. There is also spare storage 'pace for extra bricks. For ages 3 years and over Cat. No. 350/8798

Compo Retail £26.95

Our Price £20.95

17. Lego Town Nursery Brick Model Set. Large size bricks and figures included. For ages 11 Cat. No. 350/8774 years and over.

Compo Retail £9.99 4. Palitoy "Big Mouth" Singers. 8 note keyboard allows tunes to be played as "big mouth" singers open their mouths in time to the music. With colour coded song book. Operated by 1x HP11 battery (not suppl ied) Cat. No. 35017847

Our Price £4.99

Our Price £7.99

18. Lego 523 Nursery Brick Train and Station. Large size bricks. For ages H years and over. Cat. No. 351/0229

Compo Retail £8.25

Our Price £6.45

19. Lego 375 Fort. With 14 knights in armour, 4 of which are on horseback. Fort walls hinged to open and drawbridge works Cat. No. 351/0267

Compo Retail £13.95

Our Price £10.95

20. Lego 853 Technical Set Car Chassis. For boys aged 9 years and over Cat. No. 351/0250

Compo Retail £16.95

Our Price £13.95

21. Lego 50 Basic Set. Build hundreds of different models. For ages 3 years and over. Cat. No. 350/6628

Compo Retail £11.75

Our Price £9.45

22. Lego 911 Advanced Basic Set. Contains many specialised components. For ages 6 years and over. · Cat. No. 351/0236

Compo Retail £13.85

Our Price £10.95

23. Lego 912 Advanced Basic Set. Contains motor and many specialised components. Basic instructions included. For ages 6 years and over. . . ..Cat. No. 350/6642

Compo Retail £19.85

Our Price £15.75

1. Scalextrlc "C6OS" Car Racing Set. Figure of 8 circuit. 2 cars and power pack. Laid out size 8' 3"x 3' 6" Cat. No. 350/4943

Compo Retail £30.57

Our Price £23.95

8. Hornby R900Power Controller. For use with electric trains. Two circuit controllers can be addedto supplypowerto threetrains. Cat. No. 350/4936

Compo Retail £13.50 2. Scalextric "C607" Car RacingSet. Rallycross circuit. 2 cars and power pack. Laid out size 7'x3' 3" Cat.No.350/4950

Compo Retail £33.76

Our Price £26.95

3. Scalextric Lap RecorderPack.Compriseslap recorder. high hump bridge and a "chicane" sel.......... .Cat.No.351/0195

Compo Retail £12.20

~~Ii~ ••

Our Price £9.45

4. Twin PackScalextrlc Rally RacingCars. One each "Porsche Turbo 935" and "Ford Escort Mexico"cars. ...Cat.No.351/0188

Compo Retail £11.50

Our Price £8.99

5. Playart"Supertrack 2" Slot RacingSet.2 cars with engine roar noise and figure of 8 circuit. Operatedby4x HP2batteries(notsupplied) Cat. No. 350/6226

Compo Retail £12.24

Our Price £7.95

6. Ideal "TCR Jam' Car Speedway". Revolutio· nary "Formula 5000" cars. Incorporatinginstant lanechanging,with third car independentlycircling the track at a slower speed.Overtakeor be jammed..... ....Cat.No.351/0212

Compo Retail £42.75

Our Price £32.50

7. Matchbox PT4000Power Track Racing Sel Comprises21' of track and 2 cars with working headlights.Pistol grip control.Worksfrom 6 Volt transformer........ ..Cat.No.351/0205

Compo Retail £29.95

Our Price £21.00

Our Price £10.75

9. HornbyB.R.HighSpeedPassengerTrain Set. Full cab interior detail. Powered by Ringfield Silver Seal Motor. Illuminatedheadlights.10' of ovaltrackandcardtunnel. Cat. No.351/0140

Compo Retail £23.75

Our Price £19.75

10. Hornby "L.M.S. Duchess" Express Passenger Train Set. Comprises locomotive. 3 coaches.largeovalof track (12').cardtunneland mainspowerunit... . Cat. No.351/0164

Compo Retail £31.51

Our Price £25.95

11. Hornby "Diesel Express Freight" Electric Train Set. Comprises"Co-Co" locomotiveand 6 assortedfreight wagons,largeovalof track (12'), cardtunnelandmainspowerunit. Cal No. 351/0157

Compo Retail £25.16

Our Price £19.95

12.Hornby"Motive" PowerPack.Handoperated turn-table. Comprises1 "inlet" and 7 "outlet" tracks.engineshedandsi9rialbox. Cat. No. 351/0171

Compo Retail £11.03

Our Price £8.95

13. Hornby Clockwork Train Set. Comprises model locomotive.3 wagons,2 cars, level crossingandcircle of plastictrack.. Cat.No.35017627

Compo Retail £4.75

Our Price £3.99

Guarantee:We offer a full money·back guarantee In addition to your statutory rights.

"Evel Knlevel" Stunt Cycle. 'Gyropowered. will do "wheelies", mid-air somersaults and much more. Includes 7" fully flexible "Evel Khi'ElVel"figure: :Cat. No. 350/5038

Compo Retail £9.50

Our Price £6.99

2. Ideal "Evel Knlevel" Super Jet Cycle.Streamlined super bike has blazing jet pods at either side of rear wheel which spit sparks on gyropowered high speed runs. With 7" fully flexible "Evel Knievel"figure Cat. No.350n988

lii~~FJ~iiiij~i~~~~~~13' Cpmp. Retail £10.99


Our Price £7.99

4. Denys Fisher "Stopk Car Smash Up". 2 ~yropowered toy stock cars smash into pieces on impactbut areeasilyreassembled. Cat. No. 350/6824

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £5.25

6. Palitoy "Repeatin' Ricochet Tracer Racers". Fun of shooting and motor racing.Rifle can be fired whensafetymechanismsareoperated.Cars glow in the dark Cat. No.350/9955

Compo Retail £10.29

Our Price £7.75

11.Tonka ConstructionSet. Set of 4 building site vehicles.Madefrom pressed-steelwith non-toxic L-="'-~~..!:.._";_-'-_--,-""::" enamelfinish andplasticfittings. Cat. No.'350/9948

CompoRetail £8.95

OUr Price £6.45

12. Tonka Mighty Dump Truck. With tipping action. Made of steel with vinyl tyres. Length 18\" .: Cat. No.350/6381

CompoRetail £13.95

Our Price £9.95

13. TonkaAirport'Play Set. Compriseshelicopter supported by 6-wheeledtanker. baggagetractor with two detachabletrailers and luggage.Made from pressed-steelwith non-toxic enamelfinish andplasticfittings Cat. No.350/9931

CompoRetail £1.95

Our Price £5.95

Our Price £4:99

5. Mettoy "Slam Bam Sam" Cars.Try to dismantle your opponent'scar and keepyour own intact. Carseasilyre-built. Operatedby 2x HP2batteries (not supplied)for eachcar........Cat. No.350/8389

Compo Retail £7.45

CompoRetail £11.35

Our Price £7.99

DenysFis'her"Barry Bike. Detachable figure sitsSheene'sSteponit" astride his "Lucky 7" racing bike. Put bike on the ramp and rev the acceleratorby hand or foot until it is readyto go then tap the start button Cat. No.350/9962

Compo Retail £11.99

10.Toy Works 3 Tier Garage. Handoperatedlift. exit ramp and 2 petrol pumps. Supplied flat. easilyassembled.Size22~"x11"x12"high: Cat. No. 350/5052

Our Price £7.75

14. PaUtoy"Z Victor 4" Police Car. "Radios" six authentic messages.Operated by 2x H~7' batteries(notsupplied) Cat. No.350/6374

CompoRetail £4.62

Our Price £3.25

15. Corgi "James Bond Lotus Esprit". Model car/submarine. includes retractable stabiliser fins. hydroplanesand rockets...Cat. No.350/9917

CompoRetail £2.59

Our Price £1.99

7. Matchbox "S400 Streak Racing" Set. Completewith track and2 cars Cat. No.350/4967

16. i'Sonlc" Car. Operated by 2x HP7 batteries (not supplied). No wires. operates by remote control from "sound" emitted from hand control Cat. No.350/9979

Compo Retail £5.50

Comll. Retail £11.35

Our Price £3.99

8. Denys Fisher "Speed Burners" Senior Set. Revup the2~"friction operatedcarsthen let them .racearoundthe track Cat. No.350/9986

CompoRetail £10.49

Our Price £7.75


9. Ideal "Evel Knlevel" Scramble Van. The vehicle acts as workshop. kitchen and caravan. Complete with furniture. tools. bike trailer and ramp.Length16!" Cat. No.35017995

Compo Retail £9.99

Our Price £7.45

Our Price £7.99

17.Matchbox CommandoTask ForceSet. Cornprises landing craft with 3 vehieles .and 6 figures c::at.No.350/6453.

Comp,.Retail £2.99

comp, Retail £2.89

'Our Price £2.25

t. Dinky Toys "U.S.S. Enterprise". Underside hatch opens to roveat shuttlecraft. Model fires small plastic discs As soen in the T.V. senes "".,,""" "Cat. No. 350/8341 "Star Trek"., """""

Compo Retail £3.49

Our Price £2.85

2. Dinky Toys "Eagle" Transporter. With detach· able container. Replica from T.V, series "Space 1999".. "..... "Cat. No. 350/6415

Compo Retail £3.49 3. PaUtoy "Batmoblle".

Our Price £2.75

figure. Length 13".."""

For use with the Batman """.:Cat. No. 35017751

Compo Retail £4.38

Our Price £2.99


4. Palitoy "Batman" Figure. Futlyposeable action figure ......... " ..."."""".,, ...Cat. No. 35017744

Compo Retail £2.84

Our Price £1.99

5. Palitoy "Batcycle"

with Side Car. Designed to transport figures of Batman and Robin Cat. No. 351/0078

Compo Retail £4.38 .

Our Price £2.99

6. Palitoy Talking "Batmobile". ~---'~~___,

6 phrases from Batman and Robin .. """" ......"".Cat. No. 351/0085

Compo Retail £5.15

Our Price £3.75

7. Dekkertoys

"Superman" Outfit. Comprises jerkin with motif, trousers, cap, belt and gaiters. Inside leg 16". For ages from 4 years. Cat. No. 351/0092

Compo Retail £5.99

Our Price £4.45

8. Burbank "Superman" Figure. Fully poseable 124" action figure ..."" .."., .....,.....Cat. No. 351/0102

Compo Retail £3.99

Our Price £2.99

9. Denys Fisher "Bionic

Woman and Mission Purse". Figure has a "bionic" ear which "pings" .when head is turned. Roll up the "skin" on her arm to reveal "bionic" module. Mission purse contains pretend cosmetics and documents. Height 12", """".. .."".Cat. No. 350/8080

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £4.99

10. Denys Fisher "Six Million Dollar Man". 13" action figure of Steve Austin with "bionic" eye, lifting arm and grip action. "Skin" on power arm rolls back to reveal "bionic" module. Cat. No. 351/0054

Compo Retail £6.49

Our Price £4.75

11. Denys Fisher "Six Million Dollar Man" Bionic Mission Vehicle. With 3 wheels for ground travel, detachable wheel guards and a cover at front end for flying. Length 2G', """""."""Cat. No. 351/0061

Compo Retail £12.99

Our Price £9.75

12. Denys Fisher

"Stretch Armstrong". Pull, stretch or tie him in knots, see him slowly unravel and resume normal size. Maximum stretch length 36", normal height 13".. """" .." ..Cat. No. 350/8114


Compo Retail £7.99

Our Price £5.99

13. Denys Fisher "Stretch Monster". Has "scaly" skin, hideous eyes and fearsome fangs. Stretches then shrinks back to normal size. Cat. No. 350/9900

Compo Retail £7.99

Our Price £5.99

14. Palltoy Talking "Dalek". Speaks 4 commands. Modelled on the T.V. series "Dr. Wh0". Operated by 2 x HP7 batteries (not supplied). Cat. No. 35017775

Compo Retail £4.62

Our Price £2.99

15. Denys Fisher "Dr. Who" Figure. Replica of T.V, character. Fully pose able with "sonic" screwdriver. Height 9~"...... " ......Cat. No. 350/8097

Compo Retail £4.49

Our Price £3.10

16. Denys Fisher "Dr. Who Tardis". Turn the "light" on top to make Dr. Who "disappear" and "reappear". Height 13l" .... " ....".Cat. No. 350/8107

Compo Retail £6.99

Our Price £4.75

17. Corgi "Starsky & Hutch" Torino Car. Cornplete with miniature figures of Starsky and Hutch and a criminal. ...'......" ......" ......".Cat. No. 351/0119

Compo Retail £2.49

Our Price £1.85

18. Thomas Salter "Starsky & Hutch" De Luxe Police Set. Equipment includes binoculars and play "Walkie-Talkie" set. Cat. No. 350/8303

Compo Retail £5.99

Our Price £4.25

1. Cherllea Jet Fighter" Single-seater planewith Includes 2 missile. retractable undercarriage.

launchersthat fire soft nosemissiles.Length23". Forall figures up to 12" high Cat. No.350/9993

Compo Retail £7.85

Our Price £5.45

9. Cherllea Motorlsed Missile Patrol Boat. With' elevating triple sort- rockets and IIwlvel action firing machine gun. Powered by 1 x HP7 battery (not supplied).'L,engttl23l". For usewith figuresup to 12" high..Cat..No.35017919

Compo Retail £8.95, .

Our Pric;e£5.95

2. Palitoy "Action Man" Pursuit Craft. Converts to 4 different vehicles i.e. seaplanewith working winch, land-car,seacraft andaeroplane. Cat. No. 351/0023

Compo Retail £9.26

Our Price £6.95

3. Cherilea "Viper" Tank. Rotating turret with elevatinggun and opening·hatch.Moving tracks havearticulatedwheels.Length2(1'. For usewith figures.upto 12" high"' Cat. No.35017885

Compo Retail £10.65

Our Price £7.25

4. Chlnllea "Cub" Patrol machinegun. Length 15". For usewith figures up to 12" high Cat. No.35017531

Compo Retail £4.95

Our Price £3.45

5. Cherilea Jeep and Trailer. With operating winch and towhook, Fold down windscreen.The supply trailer carries 17 pieces of military and survival equipment. Length 29". For use with figures up to 12" high Cat. No.35017902

Compo Retail £8.50

Our Price £5.75

6. Cherilea Motorcycle and Sidecar. German military insiqnia. Firing machinegun. Length15". For usewith figures up to 12" high. Cat. No. 350/6305

Compo Retail £6.90

Our Price £4.75

7. Cherilea Transporter Bridge. With ramps. barrier, detonater, length of fuse and dummy explosives.Will takemostvehiclesfor 12" figures. Extendsto almost4' Cat. No.351/0030

Compo Retail £6.25

Our Price £4.25

8. Cherllea Military Helicopter. Easyto assemble' kit. Detailedmoulded body with working winch. Rotor blades operated by 2x HP11 batteries(not supplied). Length 24". For usewith figures up to 12" high Cat. No.350/6295

Compo Retail £10.00

Our Pr~ce£6.95


17. Palltoy "Rlvlton '2", Makesa ,varietyof toys. Use "riviton" gun to assemble parts,:Rubber rivets are re-useable,plast,ic''Pieces: 'very flexIble .: Cat. NO.,35:1/0274

Compo Retail'£tO.04

Our Price £;7-.25


1. Palltoy "Commander Power". With double fist action. Height8f' ·· Cat. No.351/0126

.Comp. Retail £3.86

Our Price £2.75

2. Palitoy "Rocket CommandCentre". Fourvehicles in one. The command pod opens to reveal equipmentand banksof simulatedcontrols. Cat. No. 351/0133

Compo Retail £10.29

Our Price £7.75

3. Airflx "Super Gyro" Helicopter.Fly it to height of SO'.then try and land it on target area. No batteriesrequired Cat. No.350/9883

Compo Retail £8.95


Our Price £6.25

fO. Aevell "Boeing 747" and "Enterprise" con:.1rii;i~~§f~:::;;~~===:;~~~..,-=" .'ructlon KIt. A detailed kit of the "N.A.S.A:" ,ulrth·moonspaceshuttleand a launchingJumbo I' t Wingspan17'. Length18"whencomplete. Cat. No. 350/9838


Compo Retail £4.95

Our Price £3.75

11. Palltoy "Barber Shop" Play Doh. Crank the h,1rber'schair handle and,"hair" grows on the , uzz family. Possibleto clip, shaveand style the "hair". Completewith accessories. Cat. No. 350/9797

Compo Retail £6.70

Our Price £4.45

4. Airfix "Super" Flight Deck. Catapultlauncher sendsPhantom'Jeton flight line. Simulatedflight deck for landing controlled by joy-stick. For use up to 40' Cat. No.350/6587

12.Pailloy "Buzby" Talking Telephone.Will ring until the receiver is picked up then it will say 6 dIfferentsayings Ca,t.No.35019821

Compo Retail £8.45

Compo Retail £5.92

Our Price £5.75

Our Price £4.45

5. Alrflx

"Super Copter" Twin Rotor Helicopter. Attachedto a central console and is operatedby a rocker push button control. Flies backwards, forwards,up, down and at differentspeeds.Operatesfrom 4x HP2batteries(not supplied). Cat. No. 350/9890

Compo Retail £12.75

Our Price £8.95

13. Harbutt's "Plasticine" Muppet Set. Make MissPiggy.Fozzie,Kermitand Animalin approp~Iatecolours. With plastic modelling tools and tnstructions Cat. No.350/9780

Compo Retail £3.00

Our Price £2.25

6. Alrfix Mobile·"ExplorationLab". Extracapsute" vehicle included. Observation dome on safety missile launcherrocket jet. Jointed arms. Height 13" whenfully constructed Cat. No.350/9869

Compo Retail £13.30

Our Price £8.99

7. Airflx "Biotron" Vehicle/RobotlPlayset.Walks or rolls on caterpillar wheels.Put a "micronaut" in his chest and it converts into space vehicle. Operates from 2x HP11 batteries (not supplied) Cat. No.350/9876

Compo Retail £13.99

Our Price £9.75

8. Airfix "Hydro Copter". Plastic bubble with caterpillar tracks. Convertsfrom land vehicle to water vehicle to "whlrly-bird". Operates from 1x HP7battery(notsupplied)....Cat. No.350/9845

Compo Retail £5.99

. Our Price £3.99

9. Airfix "Microtron" Mobile Robot.With 2 heads, 2 setsof wheels,pair of armsanda drill that spins when robot moves. Operatesfrom 2x HP7 batteries(notsupplied) Cat. No.350/9852

Compo Retai,1£6.50

Our Price £4.45

15. Mettoy Movie Projector. Battery operated with on/off switch and focus adjuster.Operates from4x HPll batteries(notsupplied). Cat. No. 350/9814

Compo Retail £7.95

Our Price £5.95

16. Burbank "Mickey M~use" Watch. Watch worksapprox.2! hoursafterwinding up. Cat. No. 350/9773

Compo Retail £2.55

Our Price £1.99

17. Berwick's "Mr. Frosty" Ice Crunchle Machine. When you add flavouring you have a mouth-watering drink. Ice lolly "factory" also inciuded Cat. No.35019807

Compo Retail £7.00

Our Price £4.99


1. Palltoy "Tiny Tears" Baby Doll. Drinks, cries and wets her nappy. Height 16".Cat. No. 350/6893

Compo Retail£8.23

Our Price£5.99

2. Palltoy "Tiny Tears" Baltltlme Set. Comprises soap,sponge,towel, hair brush, comband shampoo Cat. No.350/9601

Compo Retail£3.86

Our Price£2.75

3. PaUtoyTwin Set. Carrie in pink and her twin brother Christopher in blue. Each has a toy "baby bouncer" Cat. No.350/9584

Compo Retail£4.84


4. Palltoy "Tiny Tears" Care Set. Canbe usedas carrycot, feeding chair or changingtray. , Cat. No. 35017799

OurPrice£5.99 5. Dekkertoys "Fairy" Rocking Cot.Plasticframe with patterneddrapes,hood and coverlet.Overall height 26" Cat. No.350/5289

Compo Retail£7.50

11. Oenys Fisher New "Kiss Kiss" Doll. Gives «isses and blows kisses.Height1~".

Our Price£4.99

6•. Denys Fisher "Swimming Sue" Doll. When placed in the water a mechanismworks her arms to simulate the backstroke. With multi-coloured swimsuitandyellow bathing cap.Height 12'. Cat. No. 350/9577

Cat. No. 350/9625

Compo Retail£8.49


12.Pedigree "Active Sindy" Doll. FulIy poseable. Posing stand included. Removeher ballet skirt .ino shebecomesa gymnast.Height12'. Cat. No. 350/8530

Compo Retail£4.99


13.Ideal "Suntan TuesdayTaylor" FashionDoll. rans in daylight,then whenshe'stakenout of the light sheloseshertan. Height1H". Cat. No. 350/9553

Compo Retail£3.99


14. Ideal "Suntan Tuesday Taylor" SummerWinter Vacation House.Convertsfrom a summer beach house to a 2-storey winter chalet. Complete with furniture. Size 2O;\"x4~"x25~" when lolded. Doll not included Cat. No.350/9560

Compo Retail£13.95


15. Palitoy "Pretty Miss Emma". Raiseone arm and she wili walk with you. Reliable talking mechanism.Height19' Cat. No.350/9656

Compo Retail£13.3&


OurPrice£3.75 7. TeUtoy"My Baby Love" Layette. 6" baby doll with sleeping eyes, mix 'n' match garments, feeder bottle, brush and sponge.Doll drinks and wets Cat. No. 350/9591

Compo Retail£4.95


8. Telitoy "Debbie and Trudy" Twin Trousseau. "Drink and wet" 1H" baby dolls. Additional clothing, brush, mirror, rattles. bottles and sponge Cat. No. 350/9618

Comp. Retail£8.50


9. Palltoy "Baby Alive" Doll. Life-like baby doll eats and drinks. Comescompletewith bottle and special food. Height 17". Operated by 2)(HP11 batteries(not supplied) Cat. No.35017816

Compo Retail£12.36


10. Denys Flsl:ler "Baby Needs You" Doll. Lay her down and first she sleeps,then cries. Pick up and she stops by herself. Operated by 2x HP11 batteries(not supplied).Height 1n". Cat. No. 350/8121

.Compo Retail£12.99


17. Pedigree "Kirsty" Walk 'n' Talk Doll. Sleepinq eyes. Pull a ring and hear her say 7 random phrasesand laugh.Height17"...Cat. No.350/9632

Compo Retail£11.99


18. Palitoy "Kell)" Sabrina and Kris". Fully JOinted"Charlie's Angels" dolls with hair that can bestyled.Height9" Cat. No.350/9663

Compo Retail£10.05


19. Knickerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Bag. Miniature "Holly Hobbie" ragdoll 'in pocket. Cat. No. 350/5313

Compo Retail£3.99

Our Price£2.99

20.. Knickerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Rag Doll. Heiqht27" Cat. No.350/9546

Compo Retail£9.99


21.. Kn;ckerbocker "Holly Hobbie" Rag DoH'. Heiqht16" Cat. No.350/5320

Compo Retail£4.49



f uldtoy "Elizabeth" Doll's Pram. Chromium 11.1 d folding chassis.Blue nylon bodywith vinyl

rlor and motif. Bodylength21".Handleheight II" opprox Cat. No.350/9003




Luxltoy "Duchess" Doll's Pram. Chromium I .Iod folding chassis. Brown nylon body with Inyl Interior and motif. With pram tray. Body • rl ,Ih 26".Handleheight3(1'approx. Cat. No. 350/9027



I. Luxltoy "Countess" De Luxe Doll's Pramwith r roy and Bag. Chrome folding chassis.Nylon I (uric body. Body length 27". Handleheight 31" ;pprox Cat No.351/0717

Compo Retail£33.95


"Vicky" Doll's Twin Pram. Chromium plated folding chassis.Fitted with 7" metallisedwheels. lIudy length27". Handleheight30". Cat. No. 351/0700 4

Compo Retail£27.9~


s. Wesba"Pauline" Doll's Pram.Foldingchrome "flocl chassis. Two tone vinyl body with stylon f,'brlc hood and apron. Body length 26". Handle Might 29 Cat. No.351/0690

Compo Retail£23.40


8. Telltoy "Paddington Bear" 4 Piece Bedding a.t. For doll's cot or pram. Printedtransfer quilt I.nd pillow in nylon trimmed with lace: Set also mcludes PVC mattress and pair of overlocked nylonsheets.Washable Cat. No.351/0724

Compo Retail£2.99


7. "Rosy" Doll's Pram. Folding metal chassis, Bodyin plasticcloth. Handleheight2~". Cat. No. 351/0683

Compo Retail£10.95


II. Doll's CombinationChair. Convertsfrom high chair to separatewalker and rocker chair. Height :>7j" Cat. No.350/6563

Compo Retail£10.95


9. Welsotoys Doll's Folding Pushchalr. lightweight aluminium frame with PVCseat. Handle holght24" Cat. No.350/5117

Compo Retail£7.86


10. Welsotoys "Hoover Junior" Toy Cleaner. Authentic working model. No batteries required.Height23" Cat. No.350/5681

Compo Retail£5.60


11. Welsotoys "MinI-Mum" Toy Cleaning Set. Comprises iron with lead and. sucker, ironing board. carpet sweeper. dustpan, brush and mop : Cat. No.350/8884

Compo Retail£6.37


12. Chad Valley "Holly Hobble" Tea Set and Table. 3 each cups, saucersand plateswith'milk lug, sugar bowl and tea pot. Tablediameter12j", height1H" Cat. No.350/9759

Compo Retail£7.25



13. Peter Pan Playthings "Homeprlde" Pastry Set. Features"flour graders" as pastry cutters. t::;..-=-"Homepriderecipebook included. Cat. No. 350/9766

Compo Retail£2.99


14. Chad Valley "Holly Hobble" Musical Jewellery Box. Greensatin lining with mirror, ring tray and revolving"blue girl" figure. • Cat. No. 350/9742

Compo Retail£7.25


15. "Little Betty" Miniature Hand OperatedToy Sewing Machine. Adjustable tension, 'deal for makingdoll's dresses Cat. No.350/6886

Compo Retail£6.95 ... .~.; .

~ ~ "'"'



16.CasdonToy Electric Washer.Tumblewashes and spin dries.Operatedby 2x HI;!2batteries(not supplied) Cst. No.350/6927

Compo Retail£6.91


17. Casdon Cash Register. Decimal currency price flags raised by 13 button control. Spring releasedrawerand paperreeL.Cat. No.350/5698

Compo Retail£4.93



1. Denys Fisher "Jaime's Hair Styling Boutique". Head has long rooted hair to style and soft "skin" for- making up. Head lifts off base to 'reveal cosmetic tray with accessofies. Cat. No. 350/9670

Compo Retail£10.99_

OurPrice £7.95

2. Burbank Beauty Salon. Head has long wa"" hair to style and face to make-up. Complete with accessories Cat. No. 350/9687

Compo Retail£8.99


3. Combex Vanity Case with "Slndy" Cosmetics. IAcludes talc. soap. 2 bath cubes, shampoo and bubble bath with brush. comb and mirror set. ·.··Cat.No. 350/8619 Size 11"x (}f'x 4

Compo Retail£6.95

OurPrice £4.15

4. Palitoy "Girl's World·~.Head has "growing" hair and a variety of different styles can be created. tncjudes hair styling acsessories and a selection of make-up Cat. No. 350/6903

Comp. Retail£10.28

OurPrice £8.45



5. Thomas SalterIncludes "Charlie's Beauty H~lr Care Set. 10"xAngels" 14" poster: hair styling tips and roller bag (not shower cap as shown). Battery operated hair dryer-(takes 1x H,P7 battery-not supplied) Cat. No. 350/9704

Compo Ret~1I£4.75

OurPrice £3.25


7. BerchetlSUperlouet Beauty Trolley. Complete with 35 items including a working, battery operated hairdryer (takes 1x HP7 battery-not sup-· plied) and adjustable mirror- .....Cat. No. 350/9711

Compo Retail£18.07


OurPrice £10.95

. 8. Dekkertoys Staff Nl,lrse Outfit. Dress length 21".For ages4 years and over...Cat. No. 350/9735

Compo Retail£3.58.

OurPrice £2.60


BerchetlSd.,erlouet M.edlCllI Trolley. Com· plete with 37 items'including toy microscope and hospital uteAsils Cat. N'9·350/9728

Compo Retail£18.07

OurPrice £10.95

1. Milton Bradley "Operation" Game. Each "doctor" must operate to win money. Buzzer sounds and nose lights up if you slip. Operates from 2x U2 batteries (not supplied) ... Cat. 1'10. 351/0470

Compo Retail £5.99

Our Price £4.45

2. Palltoy "Super Striker" Football Game. Comprises Wembley"fast pitch", 8 kicking figures, 2 diving 'goalkeepers, goals and nets. Length 33J," Cat. No.350n878

Compo Retail £11.34

Our Price £8.45


Freddie Trueman's "Test Match" Cricket Game by Peter Pan. Real over arm bowling. genuine batting action and full team of fielders. Hit the ball into the pocket in thefielder'sfeet and it's a "catch". Agame of skill andtiming. Cat. No. 350/8286

Compo Retail £8.99

Our Price £5.99


4. Milton game. BradleyEach "Twister" indoor or outdoor spin Game.An requires players to move a hand or foot into a different coloured circle on the gamerug. First one to topple is the loser Cat. No.351/0463


Compo Retail £4.95

Our Price £3.75

5. Milton Bradley "Connect 4" Game.Thewinner .isthe first to completea line. Forall ages. . Cat. No. 351/0449

Compo Retail £4.49

Our Price £3.45

6. Marx Toys "Space 1999" Bagatelle.Featuring the charactersfrom the famousT.V.series. Cat. No. 351/0504

Compo Retail £4.25

Our Price £2.99

7. Palltoy "Blip" TenniS Game. Use skill and :::~~:;;~ ~

speedto makea return shot. The gamefeatures automati.cdigital scoring and timing. No T.V. needed.Requires2x HP7batteries(notsupplied). Foroneor two players... .....Cat. No.351/0559.

Compo Retail £7.71

Our Price £5.75

I 1. Rod Hull's "Emu" Game by Denys Fish 1lick the chips into the revolving Emu's mou~~' \;~~~~~ I or 2·4players.Operatedby 1x HP11battery(not ""pplled) Cat. No.350/8183 " .

Compo Retail £7.99

Compo Retail £6.49

Compo Retail £4.99

Our Price £3.25

9. Spears "Scrabble". The famous word game. For 2-4players · ·cat. No.351/0401

Compo Retail £3.55

Our Price £2.75

10. Peter Pan "Frustration". The famous chase game with pop-a-matic dice shaker. For 2-4 players Cat. No.350/8279

Compo Retail £2.80

Our Price £1.99

Our Price £4.75

13.Denys Fisher "Trac 4" Game. Pit your wits .iqainsteachother and the clock. eachplayerhas to reconstructthe pattern on their card by placlr1q ontheslot on the tower........Cat. No.351/0487

Compo Retail £7.99

Our Price £5.99

14.Crash Tower Game.Eachplayertakesa turn to push-ononeof the legsof the tower.Makeit fall first and you come in last. For 2-4 playersages5 yoarsandover Cat. No.35110542

Compo Retail £3.95

Our Price £2.75

15. Ideal "North Sea Blow-Out" Game. Players attemptto accumulateoil againstthe threatof an 011 rig blow-out. Challenge your opponents to Cat. No.351/0456 pump011 out of the rig

Compo Retail £4.49

Our Price £3.45

16. Ideal "Up Against Time" Game. Stack the barrels with multi-shapeends, drop the gate in timeallowedor the barrelswill fall. Cat. No. 351/0425

Compo Retail £3.99

Our Price £2.99

17. Ideal "Jaws" Game. Use the gaff hook or your ,fingers to remove the pieces from the sharks mouth. Jaws slam shut before all the piecesare removed.Foranynumberof players. Cat. No. 350/8028

Compo Retail £4.75

Our Price £3.25

18. Ideal "Kerplunk" Game. Try to removethe SlicksWithoutdislodgingthe suspendedmarbles Height12".For2-4players.........Cat. No.350/8059

Compo Retail £3,65 8. Waddingtons "Monopoly". The famous trading game.For2-6players Cat. No.350/5382


Our Price £5.75

12.Denys Fisher "Perfection" Game.Put all the '.hopesontothe correct holes in the time allowed or they will be shot into the air .whenthe clock -irops.Foranynumberof players. Cat. No. 350/8169

OLirPrice £2.75

19. Ideal "Buck-a-Roo" Game. Load the mule who bucks when over loaded.For any numberof players ; Cat. No.351/0418

COmpo Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.45

20. Demolition Derby. Steer the demon car into lhe pop-up cars. You have30 secondsto smash as manyof the carsas you can and returnto your Pit before.the gate closes. For any number of players.Forages5yearsandover. Cat. No. 351/0432

Compo Retail £4.95

Our Price £3.45


5. Owl Target Game. ElectFonlc owl with built-in

score counting system and pistol. Gat.: No. 351/Q535

Our Price ÂŁ9.95

1. Toy Works "Pot Black" 4' plied complete with two cues, a triangle and how to' play 45)"x 221"x4fo·' ·

Pool Table. Supa set of pool balls. instructiol'1S. Size ·Cat. No. 351/0384



2. Toy Works Billiards/Snooker. Table. Includes 18 balls. triangle and 2 tipped cues. Size Cat. No. 350/8822 46f'><23"x 3;"



3. Brunswick'S Air Soccer ~ame by AuroYa.240 V motor drives air through small holes in the table surface. The puck skims over the top for a fast moving game. Wooden sides. Size .45"x23"'x4!" Cat. No. 350/6240

Co~p. Retail£37.00



4. Table Football Game. Polished wooden frame, folding metal legs. 22 players. Size 33"x .17i1"x 26" high , ".Cat. No. 350/li533



Flyer Senior Rol!er Skates.• Rubber wheels Ilh ball bearings. Adjustable for shoe'sizes 9 mlor to 8 adult. ......"" ...." .."" ...Cat. No. 350/5564


.omp, Retail£6.99



Dekkertoys ":Iylon Play Tent. Tubular plastic r .me. No guy tines required. 0ne-piece nylon «ever. Ideal for indoor or outdoor "lay S' ',><4'><3'high.,..: . tze Cat. No.".350/8255



13.Rusti~ Wheelbarrow. Made from sturdy plasHe material. Wheelbarrow has two handles Ie ,nd spoked fr?nt wheel. " ....."."Cat. No.351i03:





Dekkertoys Wendy House. Tubular plastic rome. Flame retarded, cotton walls with PVC 30"x 46" high to apex. lOQfand door. Size46">< Cat. No. 350/5588



IS. Combex Hatch Bac_kSit 'il' Ride Car. with teerlng wheel and horn. For ages 'H-3 years l.ength in". ":.".;"..."...""..... ",,.Cat. No. 351/0580


Our Price£5.75

16.S.har~a"Clty': Sit 'n' Ride Milk Float. Witli 10 ~la~lc milk bottles. For ages H-2l years. Length Cat. No. 350n933

d'fomp.Retail£6.45 .""........"......."......."........"...Our Price£4.45 17. Mayco Sit 'n' Ride Hor!le and Cart. Made of heavy duty polythene. Size 37"x 12!"x 17" F 1gesH-3 year~." ...":"""""""",,Cat. No. 351i05~;



18. Peter .Pan "Roar Mower" Toy Lawn M In plastic with "starter:' cord. Makes a Cli::i~~ s~und when pushed.. For indoor and outdoor pay. Handle height.22".".""".".Ca,t. No. 350/11293



19. Skateboard "Rider" Sit, ;n' Ride. For' the younger child. With large platform and wheels. Cat. No. 351/0573



20. Denys Fisher "The Outrider" Skatebo I'd Three-w~eel rider has a "T" handle at the f:on;, for steerrngand manoeuvrability. Cat. No. 351/0353



hooter and a load platform with wind-up crane. Forinsideleg 15'to 2a'. Length37'. Cat. No. 351/0645

11. Play-Way "Laser Sport" Bicycle. For boys Semi-rise handlebars. Front and rear caliper brakes.1£1' wheels.Forinsideleg2a' to 26" Cal No. 370/0613

Compo Retail £30.95

Compo Retail £56.90

1. 'Raleigh A.A. Vehicle. Fitted with telephone.

Our Price £23.95

2. Sharna Super Army Car. In moulded plastic. Action accessories include fitted telephone. aerial,boot and insignia.Adjustablepedals.wide wheels and twin dummy lights. For ages 2~5 years.Size33"x19"x19i!". ......Cat.No.351/0638

Compo Retail £22.60

Our Price £16.95

4. Combex Big Wheel. With comfortable seat, motor soundandwide track wheels.Forages3-7 13f'x 24".........Cat.No.351/0621 years.Size14~"'>(

Compo Retail £22.75

Our Price £14.95

5. Combex "Ridem" Motor-Cycle. Rotate the hand grip to makea "rewing" sound.Forages25 years.Size3a'x 16~"x14"........Cat.No.351/0614

Compo Retail £19.00

Our Price £13.45

6. Denys Fisher "9atcycle" Pedal Motor-Cycle. With strong plastic body. For ages 2-5 ·years. Length2g'. Assemblyinstructionsincluded. Cat. No. 350/8200

Compo Retail £14.49

Our Price £9.95

7. Sharna "Smiley" Pedal Car. Mouldedplastic body.Forages2-3~years.Length283". Cat. No. 350/0284

Compo Retail £13.90

Our Price £9.75

8. Sharna "Countryman" Pedal Tractor. With detachable trailer. For ages 2~5 years. Length 4~" Cat.No.350/5076

Compo Retail £15.15

Our Price £10.45

9. Bantel Racer Trike. Adjustable steel seat. A child'sfirst trike Cat.No.350/0136

Compo Retail £9.99

Our Price £6.95

10.Bantel3-WheelScooter.Height3a'. Cat. No. 350/0129

Compo Retail £7.85

12.Sunbeamby Raleigh"Snipe" Junior Bicycle. Forboysor girls. 14"frame.1£1' wheels.Complete with saddlebag.Forinsideleg 21"to 25". Cal No. 370/0606

Compo Retail £51.50

Our Price £38.95

Our Price £14.95

'3. Sharna Pedal Police Car. Plastic body with telephoneand boot space. Blue flashing light is operated by 2x HP11batteries(not supplied).For ages2!-5years.Length33"........Cat.No.350/7524

Compo Retail £25.30

Our Price £39.95

Our Price £5.25

13. Sunbeam by Raleigh "Champ" Junior Bicycle. For boys or girls. "Hi-rise" handlebars. Frontwheelcablebrake.14"wheelswith cushion lyres. For inside leg 17" to 2H". Cat. No. 370/0534

Compo Retail £39.50

Our Price £29.95

14: Sunbeamby Raleigh "Tomahawk" Bicycle. Strong wedge frame. "hi-rise" handlebars.front and rear caliper brakes. 11" front Y"heel. 16" rearwheel.For insideleg 2a' to 24". Cat. No. 370/0668

Compo Retail £56.25

Our Price £42.50

15. C.I.T. "Concorde" Special Cycle. Steel bike with 1Z' solid lyre wheels.front caliperbrakeand rear wheel brake operated by pedals.Complete with stabilisers.Forinsideleg 15' to 18". Cat. No. 351/0669

Compo Retail £24.95

Our Price £16.95

16.Play-Way"MX Sport" Cycle.Withdetachable stabilisers.Frontwheel cablebrake.12!"wheels. Forinsideleg 18"to 22f' Cal No.350/8970

Compo Retail £46.20

Our Price £32.50

17. Raleigh "Bobcat" Cycle. With detachable stabilisers.FroAt wheel cable brake. 11"wheels. For insideleg 15"to 18".. ........Cal No.351/0676

Compo Retail £31.95

Our Price £24.95

18. Raleigh "Chippy" Cycle..With built-In stabiliser?:.Rearwheel9".For insideleg 14~"to 11J" Cat. No. 350/6491

Ci:omp.Retail £14.25

Our Price £10.95

19. Raleigh "Scrambla" Cycle. For Juniorrider Insideleg 17' to 20" Cat. No.351/0652

Compo Retail £17.50

Our Price £13.50






1. Texas Instruments tific Calculator



Slide Rule" ScIenCat. No. 67011815


2. Decimo "Vatman" Calculator. Cat. No. 67011963

Rec.Retail £10.74


.3. Oeclmo "Super Vatman" Calculator. Cat. No. 670/1970


Our Price£9.45

'4. Sharp "Scientific EL-500" Calculator. Cat. No. 670/1798


Our Price£12.95

.5. Blnatone "Mastermind" Calculator. Cat. No. 67011640


Our Price£5.75

6. Silver-Reed "Mini M" Calculator. Cat. No. 670/2058 CASIO CBM Rec.Retail£6.95 FEATURES No. ofdigits

T~30 8

• • • • •

• •

RedLEDor LiquidCrystalLED Memory Constant facility %



Drycellpower/Battery No.1XPP3 240 V A.C. Rechargeable facility Mains adaptor facility Caseincluded



PERSONAL MASTER· SUPER LCSK 7. Caslo "Personal M-1!' Calculator. VAlMAN VAlMAN EL500 EL203 MIND MINIM SR12TPD M·1 Cat. No. 670/2010 8 12 8 8

Digitron Display Algebraic Logic


Our Price£4.99


• • •

• • • • •

• • • •• •• •





• • •

• • •

• •



LCD 8. Sharp "EL-203" Calculator ..•Cat. No. 670/2065

• • • •



• •

Our Price£7.95

9. Commodore' "LC5K" LCD Calculator. Battery lasts up to 5,000 hours ...............Cat. No. 670/2003

R~. Retail £11.95

2xMS76 4xHP7 2xHP7lxPP3-C 1xPP3 1xPP3 4xHP11 2xAA

• • •

Our Price£6.95

Our Price£9.50

10. Texas Instruments "TI-5200" Desk Top Calculator. With mains lead............Cat. No. 670/1994


Our Price£31.95

"SR12TPD" Desk Top Calculator. Thermal print-out on paper tape and/or display , Cat. No. 670/2072


Our Price£49.95

12.Smith Corona "Courier" Portable Typewriter. Complete with free touch typing course comprising "flip-over" charts and 2 cassettes. Cat. No. 670/2027

Rec.Retail £55.00

Our Price£44.95

13.Imperial "202" Portable Typewriter. Cat. No. 670/2034


Our Price £39.95

14. Silver-Reed "Silverette" Porta'ble Typewriter. All metal construction. Black ribbon. Cat. No. 670/1468

Rec.Retail £58.95

Our Price£35.95

15. Brother "800T" Portable Typewriter.

Cat. No. 670/1475


Our Price£46.95

16.Olivetti "Lettera 35" Portable Typewriter. Cat. No. 670/1499 FEAl1JRES Rec.Retail £93.96 . Our Price£59.95 Ca-rr-iage-s-jze-------l-l'----1l'------------------..,---~-Number of characters 84 17.Olympiette "Special" Portable Typewrlte·r. Cat. No. 670/1956 ---------------------------~----------Rec.Retail£69.93 Our Price£39.50 _BI_ackl_red_ribbo_n ~..:.:...____ Stencil position 1B.Sliver-Reed "SR1000" Semi-Electric Portable table Typewriter. Manual .carriaqe and electric Erasure keyboard. Conforms to B.S.I.....Cat. No. 610/1509 Marg~n • release key














•• • •

• • • • • • • • • • • ~ •• •• • • • • • • • ------------------------~---------------------,--~---------• • • • • • ----~----------------~--------------~------------~------• • • • • • • I •• • • • • • • ~-------------------------------Ree.Retail£129.95

Our Price £79.95


Our Price£89.95 Carrycase/lid

Carriage lock 19.Smith Corona "Auto" Electric Typewriter. Cat. No. 670/2041 Electric keyboard

Please note: Dry cell batteries are not supplied.

Automatic ribbon reverse

_=.:...__ __













1. Blnatone "Micro" Cassette Recorder. Built-in microphone, pause control, and earphone socket. Battery operated (not supplied). Mains adaptor facility Cat. No. 670/2089



13. Parker "International" Ballpoint Pen. Silver piloted"fine barley" finisli Cat. No.385/0848

A.c. Retail£8.00

Rac.Retail£9.00 2. Twlnlock Personal File. Steelcasewith built-in lock and carrying handle. Complete with 12 foolscapheadedfolders Cat. No.67011846



3. Personal Home File. PVC casewith carrying Cat. No.67011420 handle.Manillaindex


14. Parker "International Insignia" Ballpoint Cat. No.385/0288 "on. Rolledgold


Hi. Parker "45 Classic" FountainPen.14ct. gold I1lh Stainless steel cap. Convertible filling sys"lin .., CaL No.385/0783

flec. Retail£8.00



1 . Parker Lady Ballpoint Pen.Whiterolled gold. I nwavedfinish Cat. No.385/0831

4. 3M Scotch Copier. Copies letters, invoices, photographs etc., quickly on A4 size paper (50 sheets supplied). Machine size 15'x111"x5!". Cat. No. 670/1853

17. Parker "61 Custom Insignia" Fountain Pen. lIolied gold. 14 ct. gold nib. Convertible filling Cat. No.385/0130 .ystem




5. Platignum "Big 3" Gift Set. Comprises cartridge pen, propelling pencil, ballpoint pen,6 ink cartridges, spare nib unit, 2 erasers.leadsand a ruler. Cat. No.385/0659



6. Collins "Universal" Dictionary. 1,280pages. Contl/ining approx. 100,000references. Cal. No. 670/2096



7. Papermate "Powerpolnt" Ballpoint Pen and Propelling Pencil SeL Brushed chrome finish. Manufacturer'slifetime guarantee. Cat. No. 385/0518



Papermate "Powerpolnt" Ballpoint Pen. Brushed chrome finish. Manufacturer's lifetime guarantee Cat. No.385/0312



8. Papermate"Powerpolnt" Ballpoint Pen.Gold plated, brushed finish. Manufacturer's lifetime guarantee Cat. No.385/0305



9. Parker "25" Set. Matching fountain pen and· ballpoint pen in stainlesssteel. Fountainpen has convertiblefilling system CaL No.385/0790



Parker "25" FountainPen

Cat. No.385/0604



Parker "25" Ballpoint Pen

CaL No.38510769



10. Parker "25" Fibre Tip Pen. Stainless steel. Refiliable Cat. No.385/0721



11. Parker "45 Flighter" Ballpoint Pen. Stainless steel. CaL No.385/0233



12. Parker Calendar Ballpoint Pen. Black and stainlesssteel with chrome trim. An inexpensive ballpenwith afamousname CaL No.385/0941







18.Sheaffer Gold Plated Ballpoint Pen. "Barley Cat. No.385/0745 corn" finish



III. Sheaffer"Triumph" Gift Set.Comprisesfounflun pen with convertiblefilling system,ballpoint pon and pr.opellingpencil. Black with brushed nntlnchromefinish Cat. No.385/0642



20. Sheaffer "Triumph" Fountain Pen. Brushed ,ofln chromefinish with stainlesssteel inlaid nib. Convertiblefilling system Cat. No.385/0068



21. Lady Sheaffer Ballpoint Pen. Brushed satin finish with chrome"Florentine" band. Cat. No. 385/0738



n. Lady Sheaffer Fountain Pen. Brushed satin II",sh with chrome "Florentine" band. Convertihlefilling system Cat. No.385/0934 Rec.Retail£6.50


'3. Conway Stewart President "Classic" Trio Sot. Matchingfountain pen,ballpenand pencil in hlllck with gold colour trim. Fountainpen has 14 r.t goJtInib ana convertiblefilling system.Ballponandpencil areboth push-buttonaction. Cat. No. 385/0893

Compo Retail£14.35


ConwayStewart "Classic" FountainPen. Cal. No. 385/0903

Compo Retail£7.35


ConwayStewart "Classic" B,lIlpolnt Pen. ..Cal. No. 385/0910



ConwayStewart "Classic" Propelling Pencil. Cal. No. 385/0927

Compo Retail£3.50


24. Conway Stewart "Executive A80" Fountain Pen. Brushed satin stainless steel finish. Cartridgefillin@.With 2 ink cartridges. Cal. No. 385/0886



The tFGZdMd. ,Z')uM!-

collection offers you more jewellery .

, for your money

Mr. Brian Selwood, a·Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain, has been responsible for the selection of our prestige range of elegant jewellery by Elizabeth D';Jke.Mr. Selwood writes: "There are many reasonswhy the Elizabeth Duke collection offers you more jewellery for your money. Firstly: we have cut out the middlemen-we buy direct. Secondly, we buy ahead to avoid the increases caused by the ever-rising costs 'of gold, silver and· precious stones. Thirdl.~,~~partfrom jewellery, we sell a wide range of products; so our huge turnover 'enablesour Jewellery Division to operate without-the jeweller'S traditionally high profit margin." Valuer's Certificate. Guarantee. Free.Insurance. Ring Sizing Service. The lifetime skills of experts ensure the value of the jewellery you buy from us. With each engagement ring oneternity ring you havethe extra surety of a Valuer's Certificate. But whatever you buy you also have the reassuranceof our Guarantee. With each engagement ring or eternity ring, we also give one year's free insurance. A ring sizing service is available for your convenience.

1.9 ct Gold Identity Bracelet. Ropedesign. Cat. No. 215/1713

CompoRetail £20.50

Our Price £13.25

2.9 ct. Gold Charm Bracelet.....Cat. No. 21511218

CompoRetail £49.90

Our Price £39.25

ct. Infety chain. Catalogue Number 8. 215/1665 4 9. 215/1782 6 10. 215/1641 3 11. 215/1658 3 12. 215/1672 5 13. 215/1775 5 14. 215/1768 4

Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar

Come· Retail £62.00 £80.00 £49.50 £49.50 £70.00 £70.00 £62.00

3. 9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Heart shape design with sunraypattern Cat. No.21511074

16. 9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Padlock fastener with Ilfetychain Cat. No.215/1627

CompoRetail £38.75

CompoRetail £31.45

Our Price £25.95

4. 9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Heartshapedesign. Cat. No. 215/1737

CompoRetail £54.00

Our Price £27.50

Our Price £26.25

16. 9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Padlock fastener with nfetychain Cat. No.215/1490

CompoRetail £53.25

Our Price £34.95

17. 9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Padlock fastener with ""fety chain Cat. No.215/1610

5.9 ct. Gold Identity Bracelet...Cat. No. 21511634

CompoRetail £41.75

CompoRetail £52.45.

Plene note: Items are enlarged to show detail.

6.9 ct. Gold Bracelet


Our Price £27.95 Cat. No.21511720

Our Price £15.00

7.9 ct. Gold Bracelet. Ropedesign.Matchesitem no.29on page45 Cat. No.21511751

CompoRetail £53.00

Our Price £31.00

Our Price £22.50

Access Card and Barclaycard are welcomed In all our Catalogue Showrooms.

1. 9 ct. Gold Heart and Arrow Pendant.Chain


Compo Retail£25.95



2. 9 ct. Gold Chequer Board Pendant. Chain length 18" Cat. No.207/2658

Compo Retail£39.50


3.9 ct. Gold PendantTag. Chainlength2U'. Cat. No. 207/2672

Compo Retail£66.65


4. 9 ct. Gold "Ace of Hearts" Pendant. Chain length18" ·.·Cat.No.207/2665

Compo Retail£38.94


HI 9 ct. Gold Cross and Chain. Diamond cut Cat. No.207/2452 finish.Chainlength18"

Compo Retail£19.80


, 1. 9 ct Gold Musical Note Pendant. Chain ""'oth 18".Matchesitemno.6 on page 42. } Cat. No. 207/3080

Compo Retail£21.00


111. 9 ct. Gold Bow Shaped Choker Pendant. Chainlength15" Cat. No.207/3107

Compo Retail£23.06


19.9 ct. Gold Key Hole Pendant. Chain length Cat. No.207/3066 I tr

5. 9 ct. Gold Double Heart Choker Pendant. Cat. No.207/3035 Chainlength14"

Compo Retail£22.75

Compo Retail£15.00

70.9 ct. Gold TeddyBear Pendant.Chainlength tS" Cat.No.207/3121


9 ct. Gold Ingot Pendantwith FeaturedHallmark. Each ingot is supplied with 'an 18" chain sufficiently substantial to bear the pendant weight. Weights approximate. Come· Our Catalogue Retad Price Number, £55.00 £27.50 6. 207/2641 -;;oz. £141.00 £79.95 7. 207/2799 ~ oz. £86.75 £49.50 8. 207/2816 t oz. 9. 9 ct. Gold St. Christopher Pendant.Diamond cut edge.Chainlength18" Cat.No.20711240

Compo Retail£41.20


10. 9 ct. Gold Pendant. Set with a cluster of 7 garnets.Chainlength 18".Matchesitemno.30on page51 Cat. No.207/3145

Compo Retail£35.50


11. 9 ct. Gold Pendant. Set with an amethyst. Ropepatternborder.Chainlength18". Cat. No. 207/2634

Compo Retail£48.00


12. 9 ct. Gold Pendantand Earring Set. Fittings for piercedearsonly.Chainlength18". Cat. No. 20711130

Compo Retail£41.20


13. 9 ct. Gold Cross and Chain. Diamond cut finish. Chainlength18" Cat.No.207/1862

Compo Retail£19.40


14. 9 ct. Gold Cross and Chain. Chain length 18" Cat. No.207/3004

.Compo Retail£12.50


15.9 ct. Gold Bark FinishedRusticCross.Chain length1!F. Cat. No.207/169T

Compo Retail£22.80


Compo Retail£24.60



)1.9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Locket. Chainlength IA" Cat.No.207/1666·

Compo Retail£3.2.00


n. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Locket. Chainlength 10"

Compo Retail£48.00

Cat. No.207/1659


ll. 9 ct. GoldOvalLocket.Chainlength18". Cat. No. 207/1673

Compo Retail£38.00


'4.9 ct. GoldRoundLocket.Chainlength18".

Cat. No. 207/1680

Compo Retail£32.00


e ct. Gold CameoJewellery. Rope pattern bor<1mMatchesitem no. 32 on page 51. Catalogue Come. Our Number Retail Price "1.207/2067 Brooch 30 mm. £72.50£34.95 16. 207/2081 Earrings. £38.60£19.95 '7. 207/2586 Pendant 18". £37.65£21.00 '8. 9 ct. Gold "1·Love-You"Choker Pendant. Clvoralilength15~" ' ..Cat. No.207/3097 Compo Retail£24.00

'Our Price£14.25


9 ct. Gold "Namechaln" Pendant. Total I""9th 15".Any word up to 9 letters availableto o,der. Orders for Christmasdelivery cannot be ..coeptedafter 25thNovember1978. Cat. No. 207/2737

Compo Retail£39.50


Pleaae note: All Items are enlarged to show Ifetall.

,1. 9

ct. GoldStar ShapeEarrings. Cat. No. 207/2328



2. 9 ct. GoldHorseshoeShapeEarrings. Cat. No. 207/2335



3. 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape .Stud Earrings. Diamondcutfinish"""."""""""Cat. No.207/2751



5.9 ct. GoldStudEarrings.Diamondcut finish, Cat. No. 207/2768



6. 9 ct. Gold Musical Note Stud Earrings. Matchesitemno, 17 on page41, Cat. No. 207/3011




12.9 ct. GoldTriple RingStud Earrings. Cat. No. 207/2964



8. 9 ct. Gold Stud Earrings.Inthe form of a cross, Diamondcut finish..""""""",,,,,Cat. No.20712919



13.9 ct. Gold"Snowflake" Stud Earrings. Cat. No. 207/2957



14.9 ct. Gold FlowerStud Earrings. . Cat. No. 207/2971




15. 9 ct. GoldTwin HeartStud Earrings. Cat. No. 207/2940



16.9 ct. GoldEarrings.Inthe form of a bow, Cat. No. 207/1525



17. 9 ct. Gold Stud Earrings. In the form of a leaf "."."" .." "."." ..""."""Cat. No.207/3042

CompoRetail£13.80 7.9 ct. Gold DropEarrings.Inthe form of a cross, Diamondcut finish"""""""" ..",Cat. No.20711941




4.9 ct. GoldFancyStud Earrings. Cat. No. 20712366


11.9 ct. Gold FacetedStudEarrings. , Cat. No. 207/1965


18. 9 ct. Gold Ingot Earrings. Featured hallmark." " Cat.No.207/3138



19.9 ct. GoldDaisyDesignEarrings. Cat. No. 207/1958



9.9 ct. GoldEarrings.In theform of a bow, Cat. No. 207/2995

20. 9 ct. GoldRoseDesignEarrings. , Cat. No. 207/1154




10. 9 ct. Gold' Fancy Twisted Wire Stud Earrings."."" ....." ....."." ...""" .."."."Cat. No.•207/3028




21.9 ct. GoldBeadStud Earrings. Cat. No. 207/2n5



'2 9 ct.GoldHoopEarrings.""Cat. No.207/2380

Compo Retail£11.75


23. 9 ct. Gold Sleeper/Hoop Earrings. With tfntachableheartpendants"".".Cat. No.207/2744



24.9 ct. GoldTwistedWire HoopEarrings. Cat. No. 207/2445



'5. 9 ct. GoldSmallFacetedCreoleEarrings. Cat. No. 207/1989

Compo Retail£11.50


26.9 ct. Gold FacetedCreoleEarrings. Cat. No. 207/1532

Compo Retail£17.25

Our Price£10.95

27.9 ct. Gold EngravedEarrings. Cat. No. 20711178

Compo Retail£22.80


" ct. Gold Earrings. Catalogue Number 28. 20711192 Plain. 29. 207/1202 Engraved.

Comp.Our Retail Price £24.00£12.45 £26.00£13.45

30. 9 ct. Gold EngravedEarrings.

Cat. No. 207/2414

Compo Retail£17.60


31.91:t.GoldEarrings.Diamondcutfinish. Cat. No. 20711934

Compo Retail£38.15


32.9 ct. Gold Earrings.Diamondcut finish. Cat. No. 207/2476



All earrings are for pierced ears only and item nos.1·21 and 27-32 are enlarged to showdetail.

6. 207/0894 Trace Link 18".

Compo Our Retail Price £9.90 £6.95

7. 207/0928 Curb Link 20'.

£21.90 £15.75

22. "I-Love-You" Keys

Cat. No.216/0649

8.. 207/1271 Curb Link 24".

£24.00 £17.50

Compo Retail £34.50

Our Price £17.45

9, 207/1257 Rope Link 24".

£22.75 £16.75

23. Horseshoe

10. 207/2555 Box Link 18".

£38.85 £21.95

Compo Retail £10.20

Our Price £5.75

24. Stork and Baby

Cat. No. 216/0106

Catalogue Number .


Compo Retail £12.00

Our Price £7.45

2. 9 ct. Gold 4 Leaf Clover Earrings. Cultured pearl in the centre Cat. No. 207/1587

Compo Retail £16.95

Our Price £11.95

3. Cultured Pearl Pendant. 9 ct. gold loop.and chain. Length 15' Cat. No. 20711556

Compo Retail £12.95

Our Price £8.75

Cat. No.21611'019 25. Eros

Our Price £16.95


Cat. No. 216/0326

12. Emergency Box. Containing a folded £1 note : o Cat. No.216/1026

Compo Retail £19.50

27. Norman Church

Our Price £6.95

Our Price £13.95

Compo Retail £25.00

f3. Wishbone

Cat. No. 216/1002

Compo Retail £29.95

Compo Retail £6.00

Our Price £3.92

28.St. Christopher

Cat. No.21'6/0979

Compo Retail £20.60

'4. Baby Hedgehog Compo Retail £22.00 , S. Holy Bible

Compo Retail £33.00 16. Crown

Our Price £15.95 Cat. No.216/0113"

Our Price £16.95 ..

......Cat. NO.216/0065

Our Price £8.95

Our Price £11.45 Cat. No. 216/0962

.Our Price £18.75 Cat. No. 216/0986

Compo Retail £42.60

.. Our Price £19.95'


~ Cat. No.216/0955

Compo Retail £18.50

Our Price £14.50·


Our Price £6.95

'8. Old Boot...

Compo Retail £34.00

Cat. No.216/0618

Cat. No. 216/0223

Compo Retail £29.00

5. 9 ct. Gold Fluted Bead' and Chain Necklet. Interspersedwith 3 cultured pearls.Length 15'. Cat. No. 207/3114

Our Price £6.45

26.Claw and Ball.

4. Cultured Pearl Necklet. 5 pearls on 9 chain. Length 15".....•................Cat.No. 20711570

Our Price £11.20

Cat. No.216/0924

Compo Retail £10.85

Compo Retail £12.50

Compo Retail £11.7.5

1.Cultured Pearl Stud Earrings.9 ct. gold. Cat. No. 207/1563

21."I· Love-You" Circle

Compo Retail £28.95

Il ct. Gold Charms. 11. Dolphin

Compo Retail £14.25

Our Price £16.25

29. 9 ct. Gold Rope Design Choker Necklet. Length 14~".Matchesitem no. 7 on page38, Cat. No. 207/3152

Compo Retail £90.00

Our Price £57.50

" 30.9 ct. Gold Choker Necklet. Length 15i". , Cat. No. 207/3059

Compo Retail £22.00

Our Price £12.25

Cat. No. 216/0931

Compo Retail £14.95

O~r Price £8.50

'9. Gun Dog -. Compo Retail £9.00

Cat. No. 216/0900

Our Price £4.99

'31. 9 ct. Gold Necklet. Falls into 3 strands at the front. Length 16"............ .........Cat. No.207/2720

Compo Retail £75.55

Our Price £48.95

Sterling Sliver Charms. 1. Wedding Bells •....................... Cat. No. 216/0388

Compo Retail £3.35

Qur Price £1.99

2. Big Ben•.................,

Cat. No. 216/0395

Compo Retail £3.40

Our P"ice £1.99

3. Tower Bridge•......................... Cat. No. 21610474

Compo Retail £5.95

Our Price £3.45

4. Flexible Flsh•......................... :Cat. No. 216/0498

Compo Retail £6.25

Our Price £3.45

5. Norman•.....;

Cat. No. 216/0515

Compo Retail £5.25

Qur Price £3.45

Compo Retail £17.0.0 Sterling Sliver Hallmarked Gate Bracelet. Pad. lock fastener with safety chain. Catalogue COmpo Our Retail Price Number 19. 215/1407 5 Bar. £23.30213.95 20. 215/1469 6 Bar. £26.60£15.95 £14.85£9.95 21. 215/13803 Bar. 22.215113974 Bar. £21.50£11.95

6. Wishing Well•......................... <::at.No. 216/0429

Compo Retail £3.65

Our Price £2.99

7. Crown•..................................... Cat. No. 216/0704

Compo Retail £4.45

Our Price £2.99

8. Teddy Bear

Cat. No. 216/0711

Compo Retail £2.50

. Our Price £1.99

, 9. Hedgehog•.....................

Cat. No. 216/0742

Compo Retail £4.35

Our Price £2.99

10.Holy Bible

Cat. No. 216/0663


Compo Retail £5.45 H. Sterling finish


Compo Retail £5.90

Our Price £3.7.5 Earrings. Diamond cut : Cat. No. 20711477

Our Price £3.92

12. 'Hallmarked Sterling Silver 2 Strand Braided Necklet. Length 17¥'.Matchesitem no. 24. Cat. No. 207/1879

Our Price £18.95 13. Sterling finish


Compo Retail £4.25

Earrings. Diamond cut Cat. No. 207/2043

Our Price £3.45

23. Sterling Silver Hallmarked Charm Bracelet. Padlockfastener with safety chain. Cat. No. 215/1005

Compo Retail £11.00

Our Price £1'1.95

24. Sterling Silver Hallmarked Bracelet. 3 strand braideddesign. Matchesitem no. 12. Ca·t.No. 215/1517

Compo Retail £21'.64

Our Price £12.95

1. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with a natural oval quartz "Cat's Eye".Cat. No. 240/0354

CompoRetail £54.50

Our Price £28.95

2. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Signet Bing. Set with a cushion shaped black onyx stone. Cat. No. 240/1236

CompoRetail £42.55

; Our Price£22.50

3. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Signet Ring. Set with an oval haematite. head



with a centurion's Cat. No. 240/1360

CompoRetail £42.00

18.9 ct, Yellow Gold Wedding Ring: Width 6 mm Mlllches item nos. 13 and 14 on page 53. Cat. No. 203/1606

Camp.Retail £26.00

Our Price£14.95

19. 9 ct. Yellow Gold Wedding Ring. Width 6 .. Cat. No. 203/1493


CompoRetail £24.75

Our Price£14.95

10. 9 ct. Yellow Gold Wedding Ring. Width 8 mm CaL No. 203/0786

Comp.Retail £33.60

OuiPrice £18.45

Our Price£23.95

4. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Oval Signet Ring. Patterned shoulders ,...... . CaL No. 240/1449

CompoRetail £40.50

Our Price£19.45

1.9 ct. Yellow Gold Wedding Ring. Width 6 mm . ....Itches item no. 12 on page 53. Cat. No. 203/1479

"omp.Retail £24.75

, Lady's 9 ct. Gold Fancy Twisted Wire Ring. Cat. No -. 206/0897

5. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Textured Oval Signet Ring. Star set with a diamond Cat. No. 240/1456

omp.Retail £7.50

Our Price£24.95

CompoRetail £47.00

6. Gent's 9 ct. Qold Signet Ring. Set with a cushion shaped haematite. intaglio carved with a centurion's head CaL No. 206/1023

CompoR~tail £46.75

Our Price£14.95

Our Price£4.99

J t Diamond Eternity Ring. 10 diamonds. total . high I 0.10 ct. 9 ct. yellow gold.Cat. No. 204/0501

CompoRetail £49.00

Our Price£30.95

Our Price£24.95

7. Gent's 9 ct. Gold Engraved Buckle Ring. Cat. No. 206/1030

CompoRetail £62.85


8. Lady's 9 ct, Gold Buckle Ring. Cat. No. 206/0952

CompoRetail £20.50

Our Price£12.95

4. Sapphire and Diamond Claw Set Half EterIllty Ring. Total weights: sapphires 0.62 ct.. Hllmonds 0.16 ct. 18 ct. yellow and white g0ld. Cat. No. 204/0044

CompoRetail £196.00

5. Emerald and Diamond Half Eternity Ring. 10101 weights: emeralds 0.15 ct., diamonds 0.09 t 18 ct. yellow gold CaL No. 204/0202

CompoRetail £115.75 9. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Heart Shape Signet Ring. Hand engraved Cat. No. 206/0835


Our Price£10.75

10. Lady's 9 ct, Gold Signet Ring. Set with an oval black onyx stone Cat. No. 206/0639

CompoRetail £28.85

Our Price£14.95

Our Price£107.50

Our Price£74.50

20. Diamond Claw Set Half Eternity Ring. 7 tlnrnonds, total weight 0.42 ct. 18 ct. yellow and white gold.. .. Cat. No. 204/0374

, amp.Retail £294.00

Our Price£160.00

1. Diamond Half Eternity Ring. 7 diamonds, total Wllight 0.35 ct. 9 ct. gold Cat. No. 204/0367

CompoRetail £140.00

Our Price£65.00

11. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Fancy Dress Ring. .

Cal. No. 206/1102

CompoRetail £13.30

Our Price £7.95

e. Ruby and Diamond Claw Set Half Eternity , Ing. Total weights: rubies 0.60 ct., diamonds ~IOct. 18 ct. yellow and white gold. Cal. No. 204/0161

o 12. lady's 9 ct. Gold Fancy Dress Ring. Cal. No. 206/1119

, CompoRetail £15.60

13. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Heart Ring. Twisted wire shank Cat. No. 206/1126

CompoRetail £16.00

Our Price£10.95

15. lady's 9 ct. Gold Twin Heart Ring. Cat. No. 206/0914

CompoRetail £13.00 16. 'Lady's Ring

Ii ct.

Our Price£7.95

. . Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring. Star set with 3 'Ipphires Cat. No. 206/0945

Comp.Retail £21.00

CompoRetail £25.75

Our Price£14.95

t Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress. Ring. Set with a IU9t~rof 7 garnets. Heart shape shoulders. Cat. No. '206/0732

Our Price£12.95

Wire Reef Knot Cat. No. 206/0921'

Our Price£8.25

17. 9 ct. Yellow Gold Wedding Ring. Width 10 mm. .. Cat. No. 203/0975

CompoRetail £42.00

Our Price£12.95

O. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring. Set with a luster of 7 garnets. Matches item no. 10 on page o Cat. No. 206/0976

Comp.Retail £22.55 Gold Twisted

CompoRetail £17.00

Our Price£157.50

Our Price£9.95

14. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Fancy Knot Ring. Cal. No. 206/0866

CompoRetail £18.00

omp.Retail £215.00

Our Price£8.95

Our Price£25.75

2. Lady's 9 ct. Gold Dress Ring. Set with an oval linea. Matches item nos. 25. 26 and.27 on page 1 Cat.,No.206/0749

Comp.Retail £35.00

. Our Price£18.95

101lgenote: Rings are enlarged to show detail.

1.4 Rubies and 17 Diamonds. Set in 18 ct. white gold with 18 ct. yellow gold shank. Total weights: rubies 0.55 ct.. diamonds 0.30 ct. Cat. No. 200/2972

Compo Retail £256.50

Our Price £140.00

2. Centre Diamond and 8 Rubies. Set in 18 ct. white gold with 18ct. yellowgoldtexturedshank. Diamondcarat weight 0.03.Rubiestotal weight 0.57ct... Cat.No.200/4499

CompoRetail £136.00

Our Price £82.50

3. Centre Rubyand 2 Diamonds.9 ct. gold. Ruby carat weight 0.20. weight 0.10 Cat. No.200/4475 ct.

Compo Retail £61.00

Our Price £36.00

4. Three Stone Diamond.9 ct. gold. Totalweight 0.20ct.. Cat. No.200/4482

Compo Retail £89.t5

Our Price £49.95

5.'DlamondCluster. Set in 18ct. white gold with 18ct. yellowgold shank.TotalweightO.17ct. Cat. No. 200/4509

Compo Retail £178.00

Our Price £99.95

6. Centre Sapphire and 2 Diamonds.9 ct. gold. Sapphire carat weight 0.20. Diamonds total weight0.10ct. Cat.No.200/4468

Compo Retail £61.00

Our Price £36.00

7. CentreSapphireand 2 Diamonds.Setin 18ct. white gold with 18 ct. yellow gold split shoulder shank. Sapphire carat weight 0.33. Diamonds total weight0.06ct Cat. No.20011382

Compo Retail £132.00

Our Price £79.95

8. 3 Sapphires and 12 Diamonds.Set in 18 ct. white gold or 18 ct. yellow gold textured shank. Total weights: sapphires0.80ct., diamonds0.35 ct Cat.No.200/3036

Compo Retail £200.00

Our Price £127.50

9. Single Stone Diamond.Set in 9 ct. wnite gold with' 9 ct.' yellow gold textured shank. Carat weight0.015 Cat.No.200/4444

Compo Re~ail £37.00

Our Price £23.95

10. Single Stone Diamond.9 ct. gold. Diamond cut tancyshoulders.Caratweight0.05. Cat. No. 200/4028

Compo Retail £47.00

Our Price £24.25

11 Single Stone Diamond. 9- ct. gold. Carat Cat. No.200/4035 Iph!0.05

omp. Retail £40.75

Our Price £21.95

1'1 Single Stone Diamond. 9 ct. gold with ',unond cut shoulders. Carat weight 0.05. . lurchesitemno.21on page51. Cat. No. 200/4286

CompoRetail £51.50

Our Price £25.95

'J. DiamondCluster.9 ct. gold.Totalweight0.21 I Matchesitemno. 18on page51Cat. No. 200/4530

CompoRetail £125.00

Our Price £56.50

14. Centre Diamondan(l8 Sapphires.9 ct. gold mount with wide textured shoulders. Diamond Hut weight 0.03.Sapphirestotal weight 1.00ct.

ruchesitemno. 18on page51.CatNo.200/4451

CompoRetail £54.95

Our Price £29.95

I . 3 StoneDiamond.Setin 18ct. white goldwith III ct. yellowgold shank.Totalweight 0040 ct. Cat. No. 200/0493

CompoRetail £305.00

Our Price £160.00

I . Single Stone Diamond. Set in 18 ct. white

lold with 18 ct. yellow gold ·shank.Caratweight 13 Cat. No.200/0314

omp. Retail £302.00

Our Price £167.50

11. Centre Sapphire arid 10 Diamonds. Set in 18el white gold with 18 ct.' yellow gold shank. Ipphire carat weight 1.10. Diamonds total "M'nh!0.17ct. Cat. No.200/3139

CompoRetail £196.00

Our Price £122.50

tao Diamond Cluster. Set in 18 ct. white gold. tolol weight0.75ct. Cat. No.200/0761 Comp. Retail £427.00

Our Price £217.50

10.Centre Sapphire and 2 Diamonds.Set in 1~ I w~ite gold with 18 ct. yellow gold shank. tpphire carat weight 1.30. Diamonds total "It1lght0.30ct. Cat. No.200/3191

.omp. Retail £340.00

Our Price £185.00

O.Centre Diamondand 8 Sapphires.Set in 18 I white gold with 18 ct. yellow gold textured hunk. Diamond carat weight 0.03. Sapphires ulotlweight0:57 Cat. No.200/3146

.omp. Retail £134.00

Our Price £80.00

. 2. JP Onyx Cigarette

Box. Gold plated frame. Cat. No. 278/1073

Rec.Retail £14.95


,3. Luxurla Onyx Marble Smoker's Set. Comprisescigarette box. lighter and two ashtrays.. Cat. No. 27811-224

CompoRetail £35.~0

Our Price£19.95

4. Colibri "Pompeii" Molectric Switch Table Lighter. Pottery base with gold plated mechanism. Requiresno flints or batteries. Cat. No. 278/1217

·Rec.Retail £16..50

Our Price £12.95

5. Sarome Table Lighter. Piezo electric ignition. Requiresno flints or batteries ...Cat. No. 27811200

Rec.Retail £16.00

Our Price~10.50

6. JP "Rock Crystal" Smoker'SSet. Gaslighter in crystal basewith matching ashtray. . Cat. No. 278/0926

Rec.Retail £9.95

Our Price£4.75

9. Colibri "Sports 77" Electronic Mole.ctdc Gas lighter. Requiresno flints or batteries. Cat. No. 278/0854

Rec.Retail £6.50

Our Price£4.75


c. Retail £7.50

Our Price£2.99

8. Noble 'Gas Lighter. Flint action. AGjustable flame Cat. No. 278/0878


( amp.Retail £6.50

Our Price£6.95

7. Ronson "Comet Firefly" Varaflame Gas Lighter. Adjustableflame (:at. 1)10.,27810809


11 Hlra "Rodan 76" Gall Lighter. Piezo ,,,IlIon.Requiresno flints or batteries. Cat. No. 21811145

Our Price£5.45


Gas Lighter. Piezoelectde.ignition. Requires ,flints or batteries Cat. No.27811231


omp.Retail £9.07

Our Price£6.95

Collbri "Supertronic 19".GasLighter·.Golden ncdlsed finish. Batteryoperated. . Cat. No. 278/1176

Our Price£1'1.95 ~' Litex by Maruman Gas Lighter. Battery operlr d I~tegratedcircuit Adjustable flame.

10. Colibri "Envoy. 87" Gas Pocket I-ighter.. Quarzo electric ignition. Requires no flints or. batteries Cat. No. 27811107

Rec.Retail £11.95

Our Price£9.25

Our Price£9.95

11. Colibrl 75 Molectric Gas Pocket..Llgl\ter. Piezo el'ecttic ignition. Re(]juiresno flints or batteries _ Cat. No. 278/1'1.1'11'


Cat. No. 278/1169

, c. Retail £11.75

Our Price £7-.95

" C. Retaif£11.45 'lose note: Batteries are supplied , essary.


Compo Retail £7.00

Our Price £4.99

3. Gent's Leather WaUet

Cat. No. 270/1455

Compo Retail £2.68

Our Price £1.75

4, Leather Cheque Book CoverlWaliet. Space for notes and 2 credit cards .......Cat. No. 270/2083

Compo Retail £3.90

Our Price £2.99

5. Leather Billfold. With removable coin pocket plus compartments suitable for driving licence. stamps etc..... .:................ .Cat. No. 270/1730

Compo Retail £2.80

Our Price £1.99

6. Gent's Valet Stand on Castors. Trouser bar. Tray for cufflinks etc Cat. No. 270/0047

Compo Retail £9.20 7. Gent's Automatic ribs. ..

Compo Retail £3.26

Our Price £6.95 Umbrella. Nylon cover. 8 . Cat. No. 270/0030

Our Price £2.25

8. Gent's Telescopic Umbrella. Nylon cover and Cat. No. 270/0023 case. Crook handle. 8 ribs

Compo Retail £8.25

Our Price £5.75

9. Leather Billfold/Credit Card Holder. With 4 transparent pockets to hold 8 credit cards back to back. Separate divisions for notes. Cat. No, 270/2179

Compo Retail £3.15

Our Price £1.99

10. Leather Billfold. In best quality goat skin. Space for credit cards. Window compartment. Cat. No. 27012337

Compo Retail £3.75

Our Price £2.45

11. Twinlock Leather WalleVNotecase. In Morocco leather, with tab index and writing pad. Small loose leaf mechanism takes refills. Cat. No. 27012344

Compo Retail £8.21

Our Price £5.45

12. Pifco Clothes Brush. On/off slide switch. Cleaning brush/comb provided. Operated by 2:<HP11 batteries (not supplied). Cat. No. 270/1802

Rec. Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.45

13. Cougar Bath/Shower Gift Set. Comprises talc and "soap-on-a-rope". ... ....Cat. No. 270/2430

Compo Retail £3.15

Our Price £2.25

14. Cougar Gift Pack. Comprises "splash-on" lotion and "soap-on-a-rope" .....Cat. No. 270/2454

Compo Retail £5.15

Our Price £3.25

15. Cougar Shaving Gift Set. Comprises shave foam and after shave lotion.. .Cat. No. 270/2447

Compo Retail £5.95

Our Price £3.45

16. Cougar Gent's Toiletry Set. Comprises aftershave, talc and "soap-on-a-rope". Cat. No. 270/2423

Compo Retail £7.15

Our Price £4.45

17. Faberge "Brut 33" Travel Bag. Comprises deodorant. talc, "splash-on" lotion, cotton face cloth and two tablets of soap. All in a nylon zipper bag. . .. Cat. No. 270/2485

Compo Retail £5.50

Our Price £4.45·

18. Faberge "Brut 33" Gift Set. Comprises talc, deodorant and "splash-on" lotion. Cat. No. 270/2461

Compo Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.75

19. Faberge "Brut 33" Gift Set. Comprises talc and "splash-on" lotion. .. .....Cat. No. 270/2478

Compo Retail £2.20

lit.. IU'

.".. ". u..

Our Price £3.99

2. Pocket Shaving Set. Comprises Gillette Gil razor and spare cartridge, nail nippers, nail file, comb and tweezers in leather case. Size ........Cat. No. 270/2375 $"x 2~"x H"................

Our Price £1.75


"" 'H'

.:::' ::::::::::: 11••• ' •• 1


We are proud 10 bring


.u.tI:::::::::""''':::::. ..... •

1. Gent's Manicure Set. 12 essential aids in a Cat. No. 270/2076 zipped case. Size 8"x 3¥'x f'

Compo Retail £6.25

...... " ..........



. .. .. .. .. .. ..

. "

:::: ::::::'



lil:::'.':::I":::'.'::: ..'::: ..':::'.'::: ..':::'.




Executive Case. Custom "Continental" Strong ona.pleee laminated frame coveredin'soft 'expanded ,vinyl. Interior pocket in lid, Size 18"x " Cat. No. 270/2155 14"x 4", :; 1.

Compo Retail£17.95

10 Executive ,Case. Vinyl covered. Twin filing mpartment in lid. Size 17"x 121"x:W'. , Cat. No. 270/1950

r mp. Retail£10.05


OurPrice£12.95 'I. Rege~t ·A.B.S. executive Case. Aluminium

2.• Vinyl Brief Case. Three interior divisions, brassed lock and swivel.handle. Size 17",.: 12". Cat. No. '270/1400

t .

me. Die-cast locks. Two stage pocket in lid. Cat. No. 270/2306 I:t 17"x 1H"x3!".,

( mp. Retail£20.50


OurPrice£5.45 '3. Leather Brief Case. With centre partition and two front pockets. Size 16¥'x 12". Cat. No. 270/0171

Compo Retail'£11.95


4. Folio/Document Case. Full length zip-top qpeAing ,with 12" outside zip pocket. Size '; Cat. No. 27011~1 15¥'x 11",

Compo Retail£4.20' '. ?II


5. Attache Case. Vinyl covered. concertina style. Si;ze17¥'x 1 11"............•............... Cat. No. 270/2162

--..."..,..-__,.,.."",.,...-; Compo R!tall £21.25,


6. Silver Plated Tankard. Georgian style with decorative handle. Capacity 1 pint approx, Cat. No. 270/0535

OurPrice£10.95 7. "l:ondon" Pei.vte~ Tankard. Solid ·base. Engraved effect' of London scenes. Capacity 1 pint approx " Cat. NO.270/1170

Compo Retail£7.95


8. Pewter Tankard. Traditional hammered design. Capacity 1 pint approx..Cat. No. 27011527

Compo Retal~£7.95


Executive Case. Vinyl covered with • umlnlum frame, Twin filing compartment in lid. • 17"x 121"x 31".: Cat. No. 27011'967

( mp. Retail£10.50



Executive Case t,"9atherlook Vinyl. Fitted "t rlor with twin filing compartment in lid. Flush "tllng locks. Size 18"x 12f'x3" .. Cat. No. 270/2313

romp. Retail£30.00


Custom Saddle Bag. Expanded vinyl. Two uch pockets. Deslqnedto convert an executive • 0 Into a capacious overnight case. Size each . Jo 18"x 1(J·x2!" Cat. No. 270/2320

.omp. Retail£15.50


t· . executive Case. In leather look vinyl. Filing Impartments in lid. Comfort style handle. Size T 12"x3!" Cat. No. 27()/2014

(.omp. Retail£23.60


Custom A.B.S. Executive Case. Can be used desk top or weekend case. Size 19"x 14"x :.Cat. No. 270/0126 ............................................




!, Custom A.B.S.' Executive Case. AhimiAium I me.Size 15"x 11..x2/{' Cat. No. 270/0140. fI c. Retail£20.95 OurPrice£14.75' Custom A.B.S. Executive Case/Aluminium me. Fitted with eompartment in.lid. Size 16.!"x x ~" Cat. No. 270/0133 II C. Retail£22.50 OurPrice£15.95

1. Dual RoadAtlas Britain. Deluxe gift edition of

the Road Atlas Britain and a specialisedatlas of motorways.Forall motorists.....Cat. No. 270/2492

CompoRetail £9.50

Our Price£6.95

2. Merlin Gift Set. Comprisingdiamond cut cufflinks, key chain, tie-tack and retractableballpoint pen Cat. No. 270/2416

CompoRetail £2.20

Our Price£1.45

3. Zipped Leather Writing Case.Containswriting pad,envelopesand calendar....Cat. No. 270/1479

CompoRetail £4.95

Our Price£3.75

4. Seven Piece Bar Set. Comprises bar fork, spoon, strainer, cheese knife, can and bottle opener,corkscrewand tongs....Cat. No.270/2382

CompoRetail £6.65

Our Price£3.99

6. Digital ''Thermo''/Desk Calendar/PenHolder. 3 year calendar by month with thermometer showing correct temperature in C. and F. Size S"x 2l· CaL No. 270/2399

Comp.Retail £7.20

Our Price£4.75

7. RelumGolf Putting Machine.Batteryoperated. Machine will return golf ball to you if putt is correct. Batteriesand ball not supplied. Cat. No. 270/2368

CompoRetail £6.50


£3.55 £2.25

Our Price£4.99

5. Three Piece Bar Set. Comprises chromium plated leveraction corkscrew,can piercer/bottle openerand nutcracker Cat. No.27011840

CompoRetail £5.95

13. Llssadell "Beleek" Towel. In two sizes,100% "pun cotton. Medallion design in brown. Cotalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 120/0902 20"x 36" £1.90 £1.25

Our Price£4.99

14. Glenaire Full Length Towelling Wrap. Ideal for beach or bathroom. 73% cotton/27% nylon. Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 260/2406 12/14 £12.45£8.95 260/2413 16/18 £12.95£9.45 15. "Princess" LuxuryTowelling Lounger. Loose flltlng with wide sleevesand zipper. 100% cotton towelling. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price 260/2420 12/14 £29.95£19.95 :;>60/2437 16/18


8. Games Set. Contains magnetic chess and backgammonset in gift box Cat. No. 270/2351

16. Lady's Travel Cosmetic/Beauty Case. Fully 7:1". linedand fitted interior.Size10¥'x Cat. No. 285/2146

CompoRetail £4.30

CompoRetail £14.75


~m;:=~~ii~~~~~;;;;~;:;~~~~ 9. Games Set. Contains 2 packs playing cards, " dice,dominoesand folding cribbageboard. Cat. No. 27011754

CompoRetail £3.10

Our Price£1.99

10. Design Philipp BackgammonSet. With checkers,dice, dice cupsand instructions. Cat. No. 270/1565

CompoRetail £15.35

Our Price £10.95

11. Chess Board. Hand inlaid wood of American walnut andsycamoreveneer.Squaresizeapprox. 'Z' Cat. No. 270/2052

CompoRe~iI £10.95

Our Price£7.45

12. "Mandarin" Chess Set. Made of hand finished ground stone/resin. Colours jade green/ivory.King height approx.4". Cat. No. 270/2045

CompoRetail £24.00

Our Price£14.45


Our Price£9.95

t7. Llssadell "Coventry" Towel Set. Setof 6. In3 ~Izes.100% spun cotton in oriental design.Sizes ? each1S"x 27", 20"x38" and 27"x5'Z'. Cat. No. 120/0926

CompoRetail £18.00

Our Price£11.45

18. Aronde Cosmetic Bag Set. Toilet bag and make-upbag."Holly Hobbie" ~esign. Cat. No. 260/2396

CompoRetail £3.40

Our Price£2.45

HI. Lady's Cosmetic Bag Set. Fully lined toilet bogand make-upbagto match.Cat.No. 260/2389

CompoRetail £5.25

Our Price£3.75

Guarantee: We offer a lull money-baCk guarantee In addition to your statutory rIgh1s.

1. LeHhelt "Shoppy" Shopping Trolley. Foldaway handle. Chromium plated frame. Adjustable carrying strap. Vinyl bag with pockets, key pouch and umbrella holder. Bag size 21"x 14¥'x 7¥'. Cat. No. 260/2231

Compo Retail £25.95

Our Price £15.95

2. Norland Gazelle "Kangaroo" Shopping Trolley. Detachable bag has pouch pocket. Telescopic handle.Size23"x 13"x 8". Cat. No. 260/2028

Rec. Retail £11.75

Our Price £8.95

3. Shopping Trolley. Adjustable telescopic handle. Detachable shopping bag. Size 16~"x13"x6~" Cat. No.260/1483

Compo Retail £7.75

Our Price £5.45

Shopping Trolley. Adjustable telescopic handle. Detachable shopping bag. Size 23"x 13"x 8" Cat. No.260/0549

colouredcase.Romannumerals. Cat. No. 250/2874

Rec. Retail £10.70

Our Price £7.75

13. Smiths "Sport Timer" Stop Watch. l second .,.cording0-60 minutes Cat. No.250/0553

Ree. Retail £11.25

Our Price £7.75

14. Boy's CalenderWatch.Chromecase.24 hour ,lIal.Sweepsecondshand.........Cat. No.250/3811

Compo Retail £7.30

Our Price £5.75


Rec. Retail £11.95

16. Boy's Watch. Chromiumplated case.24 hour 'IiAI with sweepsecondshand.Luminous. .

Cat. No. 25012702

Our Price £7.95 Compo Retail £6.90

Our Price £5.45

16. Girl's Watch. Champagnecoloured dial with hlock numerals. Gold coloured case. Anti· ,,,agnetic.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3804 6. DenIm Bag. Zip-top and two· zipped front pockets.Carryinghandleand shoulderstrap. Cat. No. 260/1768

Compo Retail £7.90

Compo Retail £2.52

I ull figureddial.

Cat. No.250/3062

Compo Retail £6.45

Our Price £4.99

Our Price £1.99

7. Tartan Shopping Bag. Reinforcedhandlesand base.Waterproof... Cat. No.260/2475

Compo Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.45

Our Price £5.95

17. Saga Girl's Watch. Chromium plated case.

18. Saga Gent's Watch. Chromium plated case. I ull figured dial. Sweepsecondshand. Cat. No. 250/3828

8. MaizeStyle Basket. Plasticlining. Cat. No. 260/2444

Compo Retail £7.95

Compo Retail £2.25

19. Saga Gent's Automatic CalendarWatch.Gilt rolouredcase.Sweepsecondshand. . Cat. No. 250/3440

Our Price £1.45

9. ShoppIng Bag. Vinyl. Zip-top opening with zippedfront pocket Cat. No.260/2217

Compo Retail £4.65

Our Price £3.45

10. ShoppingBag on Wheels.Nylonbagwith ziptop openingand zipfront pocket. Cat. No. 260/2224

Compo Retaii £6.85

Our Price £3.99

11. SIsal Bag with Wooden Handles. Cat. No. 260/245t.,

Compo Retail £1.99

Our Price £1.25

Compo Retail £11.95

Our Price £5.25

. Our Price £8.25

:10. Gent's Calendar Bracelet Watch. Chromium pillted case. Stainless steel back. 17 jewels. ';weepsecondshand Cat. No.250/2740

Compo Retail £10.60

Our Price £7.95

". Gent's Slim Watch. Gold coloured case. 'lilver coloureddial. Sweepsecondshand. Cat. No. 250/2719

Compo Retail £7.95

Our Price £6.25

1. Oglval Lady's Watch. White gold plated case

and bracelet. 17 jewel levermovement.Incabloc shock protected.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3000

Compo Retail £40.75

Our Price £23.75

2. Old England Lady's Watch. Rhodium plated bark finished bracelet. 17 jewel lever shock protectedmovement.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3550

Rec. Retail £36.90

Our Price £28.95

3. Old England Lady's Watch.Gold plated,bezel decorated with white stones and woven chain adjustableintegral bracelet.Black dial. 17 jewel levershock protectedmovement.(Swiss). Cat. No. 250/3952

Rec. Retail £39.90

Our Price £29.95

Our Price £7.95

11. Lady's Pendant Watch. Gold coloured case lind chain.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3282

Compo Retail £12.60

Our Price £9.25

12. Nurse's Watch. Chromium plated case. Shock resistant. Luminous figures and hands. Sweepsecondshand.(Swiss)...Cat. No.250/3275

Compo Retail £13.25

Our Price £9.95

13. Lady's Watch. Rectangular case. Black (lomannumeralson a white dial. 17jewels. Cat. No. 250/3866

Compo Retail £8.95

Compo Retail £8.45

14. Old England Lady's Watch. Rhodiumplated I,,'egral bracelet. 17 jewel lever shock protected Cat. No.250/3938 movement.(Swiss)

Compo Retail £7.95


Compo Retail £10.95

4. Saga Lady's Watch. Gilt coloured case with Romannumerals Cat. No.250/3512

Our Price £5.45

5. Lady's Watch. Gold coloured case. Silver coloureddial. 17jewels Cat. No.250/2881


10.PendantWatch.Heartshapedcase.Supplied withgilt chain.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3969

Our Price £6.25

Our Price £6.75

Rec. Retail £39.90

Our Price £29.75

6. Lady's Bracelet Watch.Goldplatedbarkfinish caseand "Bricket" bracelet.Silvercolouredsunburst dial with raisedgilt batonsand black hands. 17 jewel lever movement. Incabloc shock pro-

16. Old England Lady's Watch. Gold plated Integral bracelet. Champagne dial and raised '"eeted signs. 17 jewel lever shock protected Cat. No.250/3945 movement.(Swiss)


Rec. Retail £41.90


7. Chalet Lady's Bracelet Watch. Gold plated * caseand bracelet.Champagnecoloureddial with gilt batons.Fullyjewelledlevermovement. Cat. No. 250/3907

Rec. Retail £36.50

Our Price £23.95

8. Sandoz Lady's Watch. Gold plated caseand bracelet. White dial, gilt batons and hands. 17 jewel lever movement.Incablocshock protected. (Swiss) Cat. No. 250/3897

Compo Retail £39.45

Our Price £27.75

9. Sandoz'Lady's Watch. Champagnecoloured dial with black batons and hands. Gold plated integral case and bracelet.17 jewel lever movement.Incablocshockprotected.(Swiss). Cat. No. 250/3914

Compo Retail £41.85

Our Price £28.95

Our Price £29.75

18. Saga Lady's Bracelet Watch. Gilt Milanese IHncelet.Full figured dial.. Cat. No.250/3873

Compo Retail £12.25

Our Price £7.95

17.lady's Bracelet Watch. Silver coloured dial Withraisedbatons.AdjustableMilanesebracelet. t 1jewels.(Swiss) ; Cat. No.250/3880

Gomp. Retail £19.95


Our Price £14.95

18. lady's Watch. Gold coloured case and nxpandingbracelet.17jewels...Cat. No.250/3220

Compo Retail £8.65

Our Price £6.75

10.Simba Lady's Watch. Gilt coloured caseand llrncelet.17jewels.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/3581

Compo Retail £17.30

Our Price £12.75



Technologyhas advancedto such an extentthat Quartzwatchesare now so reliablethey give far greateraccuracythan the conventionalmechanical watches. We offer within our range, three types of Quartz watches: L.E.D.-These are with a Light Emitting Diode (L.E.D.),whereat the touch of a button miniature dots light up to form easily readablefigures. L.C.D.- Theseare with a Liquid Crystal Display (L.C.D.),giving a permanent.displayof figures.At the touch of a button the displaywill changeto give date etc. ANALOGUE-Theseare with the traditional dial and hands but with all the advantagesof great accuracy. Full instructions with each watch.

1. Beltime Gent's L.E,D.QuartzWatch.Features hours, minutes, seconds,month, date and day. Chromeplatedcase CaL No.250/3976

Compo Retail£36.70


2. Beltime Gent's L.C.O.Quartz Chronograph Watch. Slim chrome case with stainless steel bracelet. 6 digit in-line display. Night-light feature.(Swiss) Cat. No.250/4023

Compo Retail£55.00


8. Lady's Quartz Analogue Watch. Slim gold pla"tedcase. White dial with Roman numerals (Swiss) Cat.No.250/4102

Compo Retail£59.95

9. Sandoz Gent's Quartz Analogue Watch. Champagnecolouredtextureddial with calendar nnd sweepsecondshand.Gold plated casewith Cat.No.250/3646 stainlesssteelback

Compo Retail£65.00

€omp. Retail£39.95


4. Gent's L.C.D.Quartz Watch. 5 functions plus back-light.Stainlesssteelbracelet. Cat. No. 250/4054

Compo Retail£28.50


5. Lady's L.C.D.QuartzWatch.Constantdisplay of hours and minutes,At the pressof a button. seconds, month and date. Stainless steel bracelet.. Cat.No.250/4061

Compo Retail£28.50


6. Gent's Quartz Analogue Day/Date Watch. BIIoIe dial. Stainlesssteelbracelet. Cat. No. 250/4085

Compo Retail£29.75


7. Gent's Quartz Analogue Watch. Slim gold plated case. White dial with Roman numerals. (Swiss) Cat.No.250/4092

Compo Retail£62.50



10. Beltlme Gent's L.C.O. Chronograph/Stop WatcR.Stainless steel case and bracelet. Stop watch function indicatesminutes, secondsand 1/100of sec. Facility for lap-timer,totalizer and memory.Night-lightfeature......Cat.No.250/4047

Compo Retail£69.00

Our Price£48.95

11.BeltlmeGent's L.C.D.QuartzWatch.Chrome nlatedcaseand stainlesssteelbracelet.Constant nlsplay of hours, minutes and seconds.At the press of a button. month and date. Night-light Cat.No.250/3983 loature

Compo Retail£36.50

Our Price£20.75

12.Beltime Gent's L.C.D.QuartzWatch.Chrome plated case. Front push button selection. Contant display of hours, minutesand seconds.At thepressof a button,monthanddate.Night-light Cat. No.250/4016 loature

Compo Retail£43.00 3. Gent's L.C.D. Quartz Chronograph Stop Watch. With night-light feature. Stainless steel bracelet................ .....Cat. No.250/4078

Our Price£36.95


13.BeltlmeGent's L.C.D.QuartzAlarm Watch.6 ellgit display. Easy to set alarm. Night-light fnature Cat.No.250/4030

Compo Retail£65.00

Our Price£44.75

14. Beltime Lady's L.C.D. Quartz Watch. Ctrromiurnplatedcase,stainlesssteelback.Contant display of hOUfSand minutes.At the press 01 a button, month,date,dayandseconds.Night· light feature; Cat.No.250/3990

Compo Retail£41.00

Our Price£29.75

15. Beltime Lady's LC.D. Quartz Watch. Oold plated case.Constantdisplayof hours and minutes.At the press of a button, month. date, tinyandseconds.Night-lightfeature . Cat. No. 250/4009

Compo Retail£48.00

Our Price£32.95

FULL MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer.But In addition to your protection under the law we will exchange or refund you for any unused item that does not meet yourexactrequirements.Just return the item to us In its original covering, together with your receipt, within 14 days of purchase.

10.Estyma Quartz Brass Carriage Clock. Quartz movement(accurate to within a few minutes per year). Roman numerals.Operatesfrom G11 batCat. No.255/2594 tory

Compo Retail £32.70

Our Price £22.95

11. Luxuria Onyx Marble Quartz Mantel Clock. Quartz movement (accurate to within a few minutes per year). Gilt mounts on top and bottom. Size 5!"x H"x 7". Operates from H V battory.··· Cat. No.255/2178

Compo Retail £58.00

Our Price £29.95

12.Estyma Quartz Carrfage Clock. Quartzmove ment (accurate to within a few minutes a yearj White dial with black Roman numerals. Height (excl. handle) 3r. Operates from MN1500 battery.······ ..········.· Cat. No. 255/2893 1. Old England Gent's Watch. Gold plated with champagne dial. 17 jewels with shock protected movement. Sweep seconds hand. (Swiss). Cat. No. 250/3842

Rec. Retail £44.90

Our Price £33.45

2. Sandoz Gent's Watch. Stainless steel case. Sweep seconds hand. 17 jewel lever shock protected movement.(Swiss) Cat. No. 250/3110

Compo Retail £22.00

Our Price £13.45

3. Sandoz Gent's Calendar Watch. Gold plated case. Stainless steel back. Luminous dots and hands. 17jewel levershock protected movement. (Swiss) Cat. No.250/2812

Compo Retail £27.35

Our Price £18.45

4. Sandoz Gent's Automatic Day/Date Watch. Stainlesssteel caseand bracelet.Sweepseconds hand. 25 jewel lever movement.Incabloc shock protected (Swiss) Cat. No.250/3756

Compo Retail £37.50

Our Price £7.95

6. Chalet Gent's Calendar Watch. Gold plated case with stainless steel back. Silver coloured dial with batons. 17jewel lever movement.Incabloc shock protected Cat. No.250/3835

Rec. Retail £17.95

Our Price £12.75

7. Gent's Alarm Watch. Blue dial. 17 jewel lever movement.Incablocshock protected. (Swiss). Cat. No. 250/3488

Compo Retail £24.50

Our Price £19.95

13. Luxuria Green Onyx Quartz Battery Mantel Clock. Quartz movement (accurate to within a lew minutes a year).Gilt handle.Size4~"x2!"x5t high (excl. handle). Operatesfrom MN1500battery.······ Cat. No.255/2941

Compo Retail £46.00

Our Price £24.95

14. Hettich Battery 400 Day Mantel Clock. Polished brasscaseand dial with black numerals nnd hands. Featurescentre second hand. Operntes from SP11battery Cat. No.255/2886

Rec. Retail £34.50

Our Price £24.95

15. "Schmid" Novelty Clock. 8 day movement. Revolving pendulum under plexi-glass shade. Polishedgilt baseand bezel......Cat. No.255/2635

Rec. Retail £23.90

Our Price £16.95

Our Price £25.25

5. Saga Gent's Sports Calendar Watch. Chromium plated case with elapse ring. Cat. No.250/3859

Compo Retail £11.75

Compo Retail £32.00

Our Price £16.95

16. Carriage Style Battery Mantel Clock. Silver coloured caseand dial with black Romannumerols.Operatesfrom Gl1 battery..Cat. No.255/1571

Rec. Retail £33.70

Our Price £22.95

17. Splendex Miniature Grandfather Clock. White case with floral design. Roman numerals on white dial. Size3~"x21/'x1~". Cat. No. 255/2130

Compo Retail £7.05

Our Price £5.45

18. Splendex Battery Mante! Clock. Wood venoered case with brass trimmings. Gold coloured dial with Roman numerals. Operates from C11 battery Cat. No.255/2611

8. Simba Gent's Automatic Watch. Gilt coloured case. Brown dial. 25 jewel levermovement.Incabloc shock protected. (Swiss)...Cat. No.250/3464

Compo Retail £10.60

Compo Retail, £26.55

19. Westclox "Montrose" Mantel Clock. Simulated wood case. With white dial. 30 hour movement. Cat. No.255/2879

Our Price £18.95

. 9. Estyma Quartz Battery Carriage Clock. Quartz movement(accurate to within a few minutes per year). Gold coloured case. Height (excl. handle) 51/'.Operatesfrom C11battery..Cat. No.255/2343

Compo Retail £35.75

Our Price £25.95

Rec. Retail £6.70

Our Price £7.45

Our Price £4.99

Pleasenote: Batteries are not supplied with any lIem.



6. Hanson Battery Wall Clock. Carriage lamp style. White dial with black Roman numerals. Operatesfrom HV battery Cat. No. 255/1636



1. Pentland Batte~yWall Clock. Black leatherette face with embossed !fIOld coloured numerals. Operatesfrom SP1.1battery Cat..No. 255/1849

Compo Retail£8.25


8. Westclox "Aster" Pull-ta-Wlnd Wall Clock. Simulated woodgrain case with silver an(flgold COloureddial. · ··., Cat. No. 255/2934



9. Tempora Battery Wall Clock. Wooden case with gilt coloured and biack metal dial. Roman numerals.Operatesfrom SP11battery. Cat. No. 25512415 'i,'



10. Pentland "Chester" PIcture Wall Clock. Chester Roman Wail scene. Operatesfrom SP11 Cat. No. 25511045 battery.Size 20!"x 163"

Compo Retail£15.50


11. Hanson Battery Wall Clock. White case and dial. Black figures and red hands. Operatesfrom 1~Vbattery.·..·· ··· Cat. No. 255/1179



12. Hanson Battery Wall Clock. Moulded "plate" ffect. Brown floral design. Operates from 1W battery···········.··· Cat. No. 255/2862



14. Pentland Battery Wall Clock. White moulded case with chromium plated bezel. Operatesfroni SP11battery ·.·•..........: : Cat. No. 255/1832

OurPrice £6;45

Compo Retail£8.25

15. Smlths-Tlmecal "Denver" Electric Wall Clock.White moulded case Cat. No. 255/2381


1. Smiths-Astral Quartz Battery "Marine" Clock. Polished brass case. Diameter of case 5 ", Operates from SPt1 battery Cat. No. 255/2910



2. Smiths-Astral "Louvre" Battery" Wall Cloclt. Gilt coloured metal case. Operates from SP11 battery Cat. 1\10.255/2927



3. Pentland "Ablnger Hammer" Picture Wall Clock. Operates from SP11 battery, Size 20¥'x 16f' Cat. No. 255126'73

.Comp. Retail£15.50

Our Price£11.95

4. Pendulum Wall Clock. Moulded case with woodgrain finish : Cat. No. 255/2903

Compo Retail£8.95 ,


5. H"ansonPendulum Battery Wall Clock. Black case and dial with white Roman numerals.Operates from H V battery Cat. No. 255/2666





16. Hanson Quartz Battery, Wall Clock. Brown moulded case. Fawn dial with brown figures. Operatesfrom SPi1 battery Cat. No. 255/2752



17. Smiths-Timecal "Duo" Battery Wall Clock. Incorporates 1 hour timEir.Operates from SP11 battery·········· ..· Cat. No. 255/2563


Our Price£11.45

18. Smiths-nmecal Do.mestlc 5 Hour Rll'1ger TImer.White moutded case Cat. No, 255/1~2


Our Price£5.45

19.·Pentland Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Brown case with white numerals. Operates from SP11 battery············· : Cat. No. 255/2855

Compo Retail£10.95

Out Price£7;95

Please note: a) With quartZ cloclCs the quartz movement is generally accurate 'to within a few mInutes per year. b) Batteries -arenot supplied with any Item.

13. Eurastyle Single Bell Alarm

ease with white and gilt finished dial. With black

2. Westclox Alarm Clock. numerals and hands

CompoRetail £4.05

White dial with black Cat. No. 255/0022

Our Prlee £2.99

3. Smlths-Tlmecal "Clarion" Repeater Alarm Clock. White metal case. Luminous hands. Cat. No. 255/2721

Ree. Retail £7.25

Our Price £5.75

4. Estyma Travel Alarm Clock. Blue folding case .with gilt trim. White numerals and hands. Luminous Cat. No. 255/2233

/Comp. Retail £7.45

Our Prlee £5.45

5. Estyma Travel Alarm Clock. Clear white dial. Folding case. Luminous Cat. No. 255/0163

CompoRetail £8.40

Our Price £6.45

7. Europa Travel Alarm Clock. Tan case with raised gold coloured numerals. Luminous. Cat. No. 255/21.09

:::::;:=:;:;::;:;::::;::==~:;:;!:~::;;::::==~=~~~~~~~=======i=;:::;::::;:~ CompoRetail £5.80

Our Priee £4.45

8. Eurastyle Quartz Battery "Sunray" Wall Clock. Brass coloured case and bezel. Operates from MN1400battery Cat. No. 255/2697

Ree. Retail £29.95

Our Price £20.95

9. Estyma Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Bronze coloured metal case with simulated rosewood. Operatesfrom Cll battery Cat. No. 255/2439

CompoRetail £21.50

Our Price £18.75

11. Estyma Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Black and gilt "Sunray" qesign metal case. Operates from C1l battery ; Cat. No. 255/2408

CompoRetail £16.35

Our Price £11.95

12_Splendex Alarm Clock. 30 hour movement, Brass and black coloured case with gold coloured dial, Cat. No. 255/2518

CompoRetail £4.90

Our Price £4.75

14. Columbia Double Bell Alarm Clock. Flame oloured case with white dial and black numarIs Cat. No. 255/2525

CompoRetail £5.30

Our Price £3.99

16. Braun "Exact" Quartz Alarm Clock. Operates 'rom HV battery Cat. No. 255/2824

CompoRetail £14.95

Our Price £9.95

16. Smlths-Tlmecal "Autosonlc" Battery Alarm Clock. Ivory coloured case with black dial. Spot luminous. Jewelled movement. Operates from SP11battery Cat. No. 255/2288

Rae. Retail £9.95

Our Price £7.45

17: Columbia "Minerva Drowse Dlallta" Electric Alarm Clock. Glowing dial for easy night reading. Alarm repeats every 7 minutes until switched c Cat. No. 255/2264 nil

CompoRetail £7.80

Our Price £5.75

18. Eurastyle Digital Repeater Alarm Clock. Ivory coloured case with dark brown front. 12 hour l .E.D. display. Operatesfrom 240 V A.C. mains. Cat. No. 255/2831

Rae. Retail £17.95

Our Price £14.95

19. Sankyo Electronic I:Ilgltal Alarm Clock. 12 hour L.E.D. display. Alarm setting and snooze larm feature. Operatesfrom 240 V A.C. maini.'-·, Cat. No. 255/2846

CompoRetail £22.00

Our Price £15.95

Our Price £15.4.5

10. Smlths-Tlmecal "Kendal" Quartz Battery Wall Clock. Gilt coloured case with simulated rosewood panels. Operatesfrom SPll battery. Cat. No. 255/2783

Rec. Retail £24.50

Cat. No. 255/2817

CompoRetail £6.50

Our Price £6.25

6. Europa Calendar Travel Alarm Clock. Leatherette folding case Cat. No. 255/2240

Ree. Retail £8.95

numeralsand hands

Our Price £3.75

20. Plfco Battery Digital Alarm Clock. 24 hour dial. Oval shaped white case. Operatesfrom SP2 b ttery Cat. 1110.255/2295

Rae. Retail £19.50

.Our Price £14.45

ll. Electronic "Snooze" Alarm Clock. 24 hour dlsp'laywith bleep tone alarm. "Snooze" feature Qlvesa 7 minute repeateralarm. C.aL No. 255/2556

Rae. Retail £20.85

Our Price £15.45

PI.ase note: a) W!th quartz clocks the quartz movement is generally accurate to within a few I~I"""",,,,!,,!,'" minutes per year. b) Batterl~s are not supplied with any Item.

9. Braun SDE.850"Electronic Sensor" HairstylIng Set. Variable temperature control (850Watts max).2 speed airflow. Built-in sensor keepsheat output constant to protect hair. Completewith 5 attachments ; Cat. No. 440/2460 2. Bra'un RS60 -"Round-Styler".



hairdryer (550 Walts), round brush and comb/ concentrator attachments. 2 heat/speed settings with safetycut-out., Cat. No. 440/2219

Compo Retail£18.95


. 3. Lady Remington HW.701 "Vogue Set pius". (600 Watts.) With, curling tcng, two ,Brushes, corrib, airflow concentrator and swivel cord. 2 heat/speedsettings Cat. No. 440/2233

Comp. Retail£21.95


4. Moullnex 384 Styler-Dryer Set. Consisting of hairdryer (.750Watts), brush, two combs, spray attachment and swling handle.SafetyCU!-?ut. . Cat. No. 440/2594

Rec. Retail£16.75


5. Moullnex 360 Hot Comb. Three push-in'styling attachments..·· ·· :'..:r -' Cat. No. 440/1928

Rec. Retail£11.55


Compo Retail£24.95


10. Dateline DLC.1616Heat Retaining Hair COrlers. 16 interchangeable .rollers in 3 sizes. Cat. No. 440,(0352 B.EAR approved

Rec. Retail£16.61


11-.Dateline DLC.20Heat Retaining Hair Curlers. 20 intercliangeable rollers in 3 s.ize~.B.EAB. , Cat. No. 440/1306 approved



12. Dateline DLC.24Heat Retaining Hair Curler Unit. 24 interchangeable rollers in 3 sizes. Cat. No.44011832 B.EAB. approved



13. Carmen BS20 "Cascade". 20 heat retaining rollers in 3 'sizes which can be individually sprayedwith Carmen "Conditio.n 'n' Set" lotion. Cat. No. 440/2161B.EAB. approved




15.Clalrol UK4003 Way Halrsetter. 20 rollers can' be used dry, with water mist or conditioner (supplied).B.E,A,R No. 440/2288.



... Barclaycard and Access Card are welcomed In all our Catalogue Showrooms.




Compo Retail£22.9~






1. Moullnex 162 Halrdryer. Cool/hot and onloff switches in handle. Automatic safety cut-put. With blow wave nozzle Cat. No. 44011760

10. Krups 945 ''Thermjc 450" Halrdryer. Cool/hot air. With blow wave nozzle attachment. REAB. approved ::.Cat. No. 440/1818


Compo Retail£8.49


2. Moullnex 355 Hairdryer. Two heat and speed settings. Automatic safety cut-out.. Cat.. No. 44011777

11. Morphy Richards 4828 "Classic" Hairdryer. With blow wave nozzle attachment. Safety cutout Cat. No. 440/2415


Compo Retail£10.88


12. Braun HlD.1000 Halrdryer. A powerful two speed dryer (1000 Watts). With air concentrator. : Cat. No. 44012130


Compo Retail£17.95




5. Plfco 199111992 "Boutique" Halrdryer and Stand. Remote control heat switch. Foldaway stand. B.EAB. approved Cat. No. 440/0053

f~\lit;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::=======~;::==================::::: II Ree.Retail£23.50


6. Philips HP.4618/95Hood Halrdryer and Stand. Variable heat control. B.E.AR approved. . Cat. No. 440/2116

Comp. Retail£23.42


7. Ronson ES.OOl"Escort" Portable Hairdryer. Variable heat control. Complete with shoulder strap, hood, warm air brush and comb attachments. B.EAB. approved" ......,.Cat. No. 44010118




3. Ronson R14 "Rio" Halrdryer. 'Dual voltage, 110-120 V/220-240 V AC. B.EAB. approved. . Cat. No. 44010149

4. Plfco 2800 Jet Hairdryer. Lightweight. With' blow wave nozzleattachment...Cat. No. 440/2422




8. Ronson ES.OO2. "Escort De luxe" Halrdryer In Vanity Case. Variable heat control. Complete with shoulder strap, hood, warm air brush and comb attachments. B.E.A.R approved. ·Cat. No. 44011540




9. Calor Electric 9051 "Salonette" De luxe Halrdryer. Variable heat control. Height adjustment. Folds down to hat box size. REAB. approved : Cat. ~o. 44011722




13. Clairol1200 lightweight Halrdryer. 2 speedl heat settinqs. Blowwave nozzleattachment. (1200 Watts.)With safety cut-out ........Cat. No. 440/2446.



14. Dateline DlHD.40 Halrdryer. 2 speeds. Blow wavenozzle attachment Cat. No. 44012439



15. Moulinex No. 12 Halrdryer. 4 heat/speed settings (1200 Watts max.). Automatic safety cutout Complete with blow wave. nozzle. I ,-----,-----Cat. No. 440/2587 '"


I~I --l




16.Plfco 1560 Facial Sauna. Stainlesssteel inner container. Safety cut-out. B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 440/0424



17. Ronson TB717 Re~argeable Toothbrush. Three brush heads. Dual voltage, 100-120 Vl200240V A.C., Cat. No. 440/1674


pur Price£13.45


18. Philips ·HP.2503 family use. Precision trimmer cutters and adjustable cutter guards control depth of cut. 220V1240 V AC. REAR approved..........,Cat. No. 440/2240

Compo Retail£17.80


Guars_:We offer a lull mcine~.IIuarantee addltlon to ';our statutory rights.


IPIFcol l

Sundial by the House of Carmen "!i120/F" infra-red and ultraHealth Lamp. Combined violet with quartz glass filter. 'With timer/alarm, mea,suring gauge, tanning chart and goggles. Cal. No. 440/2051

Ree.Retail£39.95 -

Our Priee£27.95

2, AEG-Hanau "HAFI 200" Health Lamp. Combined infra-red and ultra-violet with filter. Safety cut-out. Individual.adjustment according to type of skin. With timer/alarm and goggles. Cal. No. 440/2082

Ree.Retail £42.99

Our Priee£26.95

3. Calor Electric 7601 Vlbro-Massager. Five attachments for effective head to toe massage. Cat. No. 44011430 B.E.A.B.approved

Ree.Retail £14.95

Our Priee£~.95

4. Plfco 1558 Deep Heat Massager. Twin action massagerwith the benefit of deep-heattreatment combined with vibratory massage.2 levelsof heat with 2 levels of vibration. With 5 applicators. 240 V A.C.S.E.A.B.approved CaL No. 440/2350

Ree.Retail £14.95


5. Sundial by the House of Carmen "151" Port'able Solarium. Can be used with stand only, wall' mounted or horizontally suspended from wall bracket (included). Filters can be completely closed withbut worry of distance, timing or goggles. 240 V A.C only. Qelivered direct to your home. Allow approx. 28 days,.for delivery, but *mas orders should be placed by 13th Nov. '78. Cal. No. 440/2532

Ree.Retail £295.00

Our Price£225.00

6. Plfco 1030Infra-Tonic Lamp. Raysprovided by

a combined infra-red and radiant heat bulb. Aluminium body and nylon coated steel stand. Cal. No. 440/2037

Rec.Retail £13.95

Our Price£9.95


. Sundial by the House of Carmen .:;:'1~2~8~"~H~e~a~l~th~Ii~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=i~iC;J~~~~~~~=:~ Lamp. Combined infra-red and ultra-violet model. CaL No. 440/2075 With goggles

Rec.Retail £19.95

Our Pri~ £13.95

8. AEG-Hanau "100" Health Lamp. Combined Infra-red and ultra-violet lamp. Safety cut-out. With goggles : : CaL·No.440/2044

Ree.Retail £27.24

Our Price£17.75

II. Jones 671 Zig-Zag Sewing Machine. Sews forward and reverse. Will overcast raw edges, blind hem, buttonhole; darn, embroider and sewon buttons.' Built-in sewing light. Complete with eose and extension' table. 220 V/240 V A.C. B.E.A.B.approved..L Cat. No, 440/2549

Rec.Retail £11.9.95

Our Priee£59.95

10. Alfa 606 Seroi-Automatic Zig-Zag Sewing Machine. Will buttonhole, overcast raw edges, blind hem, satin stitch, cord, hem, quilt, darn and mbroider. Automatic bobbin winder. Complete with 20 cams for producing Various patterns and . n carry cover and base.240 V A.C. Cat. No. 440/2556

Ree.Retail £114.95


11. Jones 1018 Sewing Machine. Straight stitch machine for' forward and reverse sewing. Features pressure selector and' drop feed control'. U.E.A.B.approved , ::..Cat. No. 44011629

Ree.Retail £57.95

Our Priee£35.95

l2. New Home 632 Zig-Zag Automatic Light-· .....,ghtSewing Machine. Featuresautomatic buttonnole, stretch-stitch, blind hem, tr.lcot stitch lI"d twin needle sewing. Complete with base, overand extension table. Weight 26~lb. Cat. No. 440/2563

Rae.Retail £150.00

Our Price£84.95

1.. Lady Braun DLS.20 "Curl Control" Sl!tam Styling Wand. Adjustable heat control. "Ready to use" indicator. With wall bracket. Dual voltage 120V/240VA.C : Cat. No. 440/2185 .

CompoRetail £13.95

Our Price £9.95

10. Philips HP.2111"Ladyshave'~ De Luxe Electric Shaver. Two trimmer shaving head. Dual voltage. 110V/240V A.C.B.EA:B. approved. Cat. No. 440/2202,

CompoRetail £16.00


Our Price £11.75

2. Clalrol CK2 "Crazy Curl" Steam Styling Wand. Compact size with heat shield making the.wand portable immediatelyafter .use.Dual voltage 100 V/240 VAC , Cat. No..440/2312

11. Philips ·HP.2122Beauty Set. Consists of "Ladyshave Special" and 9 beauty care attachments.B.E.A.B.approved Cat. N.o.44012525

Ree. Retail £12.95

CompoRetail £29.91

Our Price £8.45

3. Plfco 1184 "Multl-Styler". Three interchangeable rollers.' Double insulated. With stand. B.I;:.A.B.approved Cat. No. 440/2305

Ree. Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.99

4. Plfco 1182 "Mist Styler". Combined curling tongs and mist-spray. "Ready to use" indicator. Safetycut-out Cat. No. 44012178

Ree. Retail £9.95

Our Price £1.45

5. Plfco 1183 "Easy Curl". Roller diameter f'. With stand. Double insulated. B.E.AB. approved Cat. No. 440/2295

Ree. Retail £5.50

Our Price £3.99

6. Moullnex 171Curling Tongs. With stand, Cat. No. 44011863

Our Price £3.25 7. Lady Remington LRSOOO De- Luxe Lady's Shaver. Designedto removeboth long and short hair. Featurescoil cord and on/offswitch. 220 VI 240V A.C..................•.................. Cat. No. 440/2570

CompoRetail £15.95

Our Price £22.95

1i Corby PI Electric Trouser PressNalet Stand. Thermostatically controlled. Built-in hanger and tray.· ! Cat. No. 440/0895 CompoRetail £51.00

Our Price £44.95

13. Braun HLD.51 "Man-Styler". Styling comband brush attachments plus air concentrator. Two heat/speed settings. Safety cut-out. B.E.A.B Cat. No. 440/1911 approved

CompoRetail £17.95

Our Price £13.25

14. Philips HP.1213".Phlllshave Compact" Battery Shaver. Twin "90 Super" floating heads. Requires4x HP7batteries (not supplied) cat. No. 44011966

Comp. Retail £12.67

Our Price £9.25

15. Ronson RS.65 Battery Shaver. Push button trimmer. Requires 4x HP7 batteries (not supplied) cat. No. 440/1416

Ree. Retail £15.50

"Our Price £10.75

Our Price £10.95

8. Philips HP.2204"Ladyshave" Battery Shaver. Double sided .cutting head. Requires4x HP7batteries (not supplied) Cat. No. 440/2061f

16.Braun "Sprint" Battery Shaver. "Micron" foil head.Completewith trimmer and travel casewith built-in mirror. Requires 2x 1,1: V batteries (not upplied) Cat. No. 440/2367

Co!"p. Retail £12.53

CompoRetail £17.95

Our Price £9.45

9. Lady Braun.Cosmetic Shaver. Foil head with cutting comb. Dual voltage, 120 Vl240 V AC. E.E.A.R approved Cat. No.440/1856


Our Price ~11.~5

Our Price £12.95

17.Remington "GT3U Battery Shaver.Adjustable trimmer. Requires 4x HP7.batteries (not supplied).With travel sleeve Cat. No. 44011959

CompoRetail £11.95

Our Price £7.95.

1. Braun "Synchron Plus De Luxe" Electric Platinum coated foil' shaving head. Shaver. Built-in' trimmer. Complete with leather travel pouch.i Dual voltage 120 Vl240 V AC. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 440/2491

9. Philips HP.1139"Phllishave De Luxe" Electric Shaver. Three "90 Super" floating headswith 12 blade cutters. Integral trimmer. Dualvoltage. 110130V1220-240V A.C.lD.C.B.E.A.B.approved. . Cat. No. 440/1997

CompoRetail £31.95

CompoRetail £30.94

Our Price £19.45

2. Remington "M3" Triple Action Mains Shaver. Twin foil head with unique "Intercept Cutter" to remove any stray, long whiskers. Full width trimmer. Travel case. Dual voltage 110-127V/220240V AC. B.E.A.B.approved....Cat. No. 440/2408

Compo Retail £29.95

Our Price £17.95

3. Remington "Radial" Electric Shaver. Three adjustable heads and full width trimmer. Dual voltage, 110-127 V/220-240 V AC. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 44011698

Compo Retail £26.95

Our Price £17.45

4. Braun "Micron" Electric Shaver. Platinum coated foil traps hair faster, shaves closer. Precision trimmer. Case with built-in travel mirror plus wall bracket. Dual voltage, 120V1240 V A.C. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 440/2257

CompoRetail £35.95

Our Pflce £25.45

1-----,,---------,,...---,,.----, 5. Braun "Synchron Plus" Electric Shaver. Platinum coated foil shaving head. Built-in trimmer. Travel casewith mirror. Dualvoltage, 120VI 240 V A.C. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 440/1681

Our Price £19.95 6. Remington "Selectro 12" Electric Shaver. Twin adjustable heads. Dual voltage 110-127VI 220-240V AC. Completewith travel pouch. Cat. No. 440/2477

Compo Retail £17.95


Our Price £9.95

7. Braun "Compact" Electric Shaver. Ultra-slim. Platinum coated foil head. With trimmer. Travel case. Dual voltage, 120 V/240 V AC. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 440/2381

Compo Retail £24.95

Our Price £15.95

8. Philips HP.ll34 " Standard" Eleotrlc Shaver. Twin "90 Super" shaving heads.Dual voltage, 110-130 Vl220-240 V A.C. B.E.~.B. approved Cat. No. 44011980

CompoRetail £20.79

Our Price £14.95

Our Price. £21.95

10. Ronson RS.25Mains Shaver. Foil head with trimmer. Completewith travel wallet and cleaning brush.2OQ-240V AC. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 440/2374

Rec. Retail £15.95

Our Price £10.95

11. Ronson "'Splrotechnlc" Mains Shaver. Stairiless steel foil head. Push button trimmer. Dual voltage 110-120/220-240 V AC. B.E.A.B. : Cat. No. 44012518 approved.......•: :

Rec. Retail £27.50

Our Price £18.45

12. Braun "InterCity" Rechargeable Shaver. "Micron" foil head.Completewith charger travel case, wall bracket and cleaning brush. Operates


from any voltage between100-240V AC. Cat. No. 440/2501 ·r

CompoRetail £39.95

Our Price £28.45

13.Ronson RS.751Rechargeable Shav~r•.Stainless steel foil head and trimmer. With charging unit. Dual voltage, 1.00-120Vl200-240 V AC. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No. 440/2398

Rec. Retail £29.95

Our Price £19.95

14. Remington M3 Triple Action Rechargeable Shaver. Twin foil head with unique "Intercept Cutter" to remove any stray, long whiskers. Full width trimmer. Compact charger operates from anyvoltage between105-240V AC. . . Cat. No. 440/2484

CompoRetail £42.95

Our Price £29.95

Access Card and Barclaycard are welcomed in all our Catalogue Showrooms.

1~~~~~~~~~~mm~~~~==~=2=~iiiiiiiiiiiii'~~~:::=~~~9~~~~~ Bright-line viewfinder. Shutter speeds 1130,.1/250


sec. Hot snoe and 3 rnmflash contacts. 60mplete with carrying case Caf. No. 560/2173

Rec. Retail £23.95

us. AlloY!'up .to 7 days for co.llectlon of completed work.

Camera. With Guilt-in exposure meter. f2.8!-45mm .Iems.Shutter speeds 1/30'1/250 sec. Hot shoe and 3 mm flash contacts. Complete witt; carrying case. Cat. No. 56012166

Rec. Retail £28.95

Catalogue Number 56510008 110-12 Prints 565/0039 110-20 Prinfs 565/0015 126-12 Prints 565/0046 126-20 Prints 565/0022 135'-12Prints 565/0053 135-20 Prints 565/0084 135-36 Prints 565/0091 135-24 Prints

Our Pric;e£14.75

Our Price £18.95

14. Revue EXa Camera Tripod. Rigid 3 section locking legs. Gearedcentre column with pan and tilt head. Height closed;23~",:open59¥'. Cat. No. 560/2214

Our Price ~_,......',,_,.

9. Kodacolor II Film. For colour prints. sing NOT inciui;led in price, Catalogue _ .Comp.Oar Retail Price Number 21.17 £1.05 555/0036 C110-20ASA 100 555/0012 8126-20 ASA 100 _ £1.15 £0.99 £1.20 £1.10 555/0098 C135-24ASA 100 £1.35 . £1.20 55510603 CG110-20ASA 400 10.Canon 3~8M Su~r 8 Cine Camera. n.8/10· 30 mm power Z00m with Macro setting. Autornatic tMrough-the-lensmete~iAg.Filming speeds 18 t.p.s, and single shot. Complete with case. Uses 3x MN~5oobatteries or equivalent Cat. No. 560/0560

Our Price £69.45

It-in cover to protect camera and give rigid when taking pictures. Precise shutter with double exposure prevennon, Shutter speed 1/250 and 1/40 sec Cat. No. 560/2908

Compo Retail£17.77


2. Kodak "Ektra 22" Camera Outfit. Built-in cover and support handle. Bright-line Viewfinder. Weather selector operated by a simple slide. The w~ather symbol selected appears in the viewfinder. Shutter speeds of 1/250 and 1/40 sec. Cat. No. 560/2915

9. Kodak EK8 Instant PIctUre Camera. Automatic exposure. Coupled range finder for correcl focusing down to 3' f/'. Motor driven print delivery. Dry prints develop in your hand. Takes Kodak PR10 film. Uses 4xMN1500 batteries (supc... : Cat. No. 560/2843 plied)

Compo Retail£87.27.


OurPrice £18.45 3. Kodak "Tele Ektra 32" Camera Outfit. Built-in cover and support handle. This model has a normal lens and two position "tele" lens. weather guide and bright-line viewfinder. Weather sym-' bois and tele position. close up or view are shown in the viewfinder. Shutter speeds of 1/250 and 1/40 sec Cat. No. 56012922

Compo Retail£32.61


"Inatamatlc 1nx" Camera Outfit. guide settings. Complete' with 126 Kodacolor II film. Magicube and wrist strap. Cat. No. 560/2630

OurPrice£10.99 6. Kodak "lnstamaUc 271X" Camera' Outfit. Three element "Reomar" lens for sharp pictures. Weather guide settings. Camplete with 126 Kodacolor IIfilm. Magicube and wrist strap. Cat. No. 560/2647

Compo Reta!'£22.63


7. Agfa "Aldaatar" 110 Pocket Camera Outfit. f11 lens. Shutter speed 1/80 sec. Automatic flash speed of 1/40 sec. Complete with 110colour film. Magicube and wrist cord ....:..•...Cat. No. 560/2678

Compo Retail£10.25

OurPrice £8.95

8; Kodak EK2 Inatant Picture Came~a.Electronic;: shutter gives automatic exposure for. daylight or flash. Bright-line yiewfind,.er.Manual print delivery. Dry prints which develop in your hand. Takes Kodak PR10 film. Uses lx1K67 battery (supplied) Cat. No. 560/2836

Comp. Retail£26.12

12. Polaroid "Instant 10" PIcture Camera. Sensitive "electronic eye" gives perfect exposure for colour prints. which develop ill 69, seconds. Builtin flash cube holder. Takes ~pe 88 colour film. Uses2x f.)fN1500batteries (supplied). Cat. No. 560/2805

Comp. Retail£11.9P-*

Our Price £10.75

13. Polaroid "Instant 20" Picture Camera. Automatic exposure control. For colour and black and white prints which develop in seconds. With builtIn flash holder. Takes type 87 and 88 film. Uses 2x MN1500batteries (supplied).. Cat. No. 56012812

Compo Retail£15.95* .. OurPrice £14.45 14. Polaroid "Inatant 30""Picture Camera. Automatic exposure. For colour and black and white prints. Built-in flash holder. Takestype 87.'88.107 .nd 108 film. Uses 2xMN1500 batteries (supplied) C,t. No. 560/2829

Compo Retail£19.95*


OurPrice£16.95 Please note: Unless otherwise stated batteries re not supplied.


1. Berkey Keystone XR406 110 Camera. Extended 'range capability when using 400 ASA film. gives better pictures outdoors in lower light conditions and doubles the flash range. CdS electric eye automatically sets exposure and adjusts aperture. Low-light warning signal indicates when insufficient amount of light for proper exposure. Uses2x AA (MN1500)batteries. CaL No. 560/2788

Ree.Retail £47.25

Our Price £33.75

iiiiiiiii•••• iiliiiiiiiif.jDijiji~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~

2. Keystone PE205 110 Instant Load Camera. With built-on electronic flash which takes approx. 150 flashes from 2x AA batteries. Built-in portrait lens slides into position with a flick of the finger for close up at 3'-4' CaL No. 56012946

Ree.Retail £35.10

Our Price £25.75

3. Hanl",ex "Loadmatlc IEF" 110'Pocket Camera. f8/27 mm three element lens. Optical viewfinder. Oomptete with Clip on/clip ()ff electronic flash attachment and wrist strap. Flash uses . 2x MN1500batteries or equivalent. CaL No. 560/2331

Ree.Retail £31.69 -

Our Price £20.95

4. Hallna "Super Mini 88" 110 Pocket Camera. Closes down to "compact" pocket size when not in use. f9.5/SO mm lens. Push/pull film advance.

'~~==;:==;:=::;;;:=:;::::======::;:~ ~;~~~... :i.~~ ..~'.~.~.~ ...~~~ .. Our Price £8.95 Ree.Retail £12.95 ~:;:::o.a~:~~

5. 'Halina "Mlpl Electro" 110 Pocket .Camera. With built-in electronic flash. Closes down to "compact" pocket size when not in use. Push/ pull film advance. Complete with wrist chain. Uses·4xMN2400batteries or equivalent. CaL No. 58012513

Our Price £19.95 6. Hallna MF200110 Camera. Easyto use instant load camera. Complete with flash cube attach- . ment and wrist strap. Uses2x MN2400batteries or equivalent Cal No. 560/2939

Ree.Retail £7.99

Our Price ~5.75

7. Cinerex 707 Dual Gauge 8 mm Cine Projector. 11.5/20-32 mm Z90m tens. Auto-threading. Forward/reverse, variable speeds plus still picture. Capacity400' of film CaL No. 570/1012


Our Price £54.95

15. Re~nt ~Inoculars. Z.C,F. fully coated 8. Imac 100 Super 8 Cine Projector. f1.5/~ mm optical lenses. Oentral focusing and right eye lens. Auto-threading and spooling 400'. Sproe- . correction. Complete with carrying case and ketless reel... Cat. No. 57011263 neckstrap, r- Compo Retail £56.95 Our Price £32.95. Catalogue Ree. OUr Retail Price Number £26.15218.95 9. Eumlg 60$0 Dual Gauge 8 mm Cine Pt:oJector. 580/0683 SOl< 4Ci £27.42£19.95 11.6)17-30mm zoom lens. Three speeds in both 580/0690 rex 50 forward and reverse, including slow motion. 100 5801070016x50 £31:,00£22.4$ W Halogen lamp _ , CaL No. 57011177'

Comp:-Retail £119.90

Our Prlce £85.50 .

10. 'Gaf "Pa!1a-Vue" Automatic Table-toP. Viewer. 4x'magnificatiori. Holds stack of up to 36 cardboard or 24 plastic mounted vslides. Uses2x U2 batteries or equivalent. CaL No. 570/0752

CompoRetail £12.25

Our Price £8.95

SunglaSSes. chromic lenses change from v.erylight to dark tint 11. Gnome 7102 "Jaguar" Automatic Slide Pro- in seconds, ·according to the brightn~ of the jector. 12.8/85 mm coated lens. Remote control surroundings. Silver coloured metal f~ame.Compush-button slide change. Side lever focusing , plete with case ~ Cat. No. !i8(ll0689 with aoo W I.Q. lamp and standard magazine. Gomp.Retail £14.50 Our Prlce.£8.75 CaL No. 57011050

Ree.Retail £65.99

Our Price £45.50

tion with coated objective lens. Complete with 12. Gnome 7105 "Jaguar" Fully Automatic Slide table-top tripod. Ideal for the young obserVer. Prol8Ptor. 12.8/85 m!TIcoated lens, ~emote conCaL No. 580/0717 trol slide change and focl:lsing. Fan eooled. With Our Price £8.75 24 Vl150 W Tungsten Halogen lamp and rotary magazine.. : : _. -a CaL 0.570/1225 " 19. Tasco Pocket Telescope. SOx magnification Ree.Retail £88.63 Our I?rice£58.25 with fully coatedobjective lenses. . <:,at: No. 580/0614 13. Malroy Projector Table. Teak effect vinyl top _.Ree..Retail £'1.75 Our Price £5.75 and sheiL White enamelled tubular steel legs. Folds flat when not in use. Height open 38". Top shelf size 16"x 12" :..Cat. No. 57010927

Comp.Retail £11.30

Our Plice £7.95

1. Nippon Electric Car Aerial. Operates from on/off switch. 12 V. Complete with cable. harness and fitments Cat. No. 740/1671

Compo Retail £18.40

Our Price £10.99

2. Nippon Electric Car Aerial. 5 telescopicsections. Operatesautomaticallyfrom radio on/off switch. 12 V. Completewith cable, harnessand fitments Cat.No.740/0689

Compo Retail £27.15

Our Price £16.50

3. TelescopicCar Aerial. 4 sections.fully retractable. Wing fitting. Completewith co-axial cable and key Cat. No.740/1145

Rec. Retail £3.95

Our Price £1.60

4. Blnatone GT)( Car Stereo Cassette Player. Slider controls for volume, tone and balance. Push button eject and fast forward wind, with auto-stop.Output2x 3 Watts.12V negativeearth only. Size6!"x 6"xZ' Cat.No.50011925

Rec. Retail £37.50

Our Price £21.95

5. Waltham Wl18 Car Stereo Cassette Player. Slider volumeand balancecontrols. Pushbutton cassette eject and fast forward wind. Output 2x 5 Watts. 12V negative earth only. Size S'x ?l"x Z' Cat.No.50011554

Compo Retail £31.95

Our Price £21.95

6. Harry Moss "Opera" Car Stereo Cassette Player. Output 2x 5 Watts. Slider controls for volumeand tone. Fastforwardand rewind,autoeject. 12V negative earth only. Size 6i"x H"x 5/{' Cat. No.500/2333

Rec. Retail £59.45

Our Price £37.45

7. PhilipsAC060/97Car Stereo CassettePlayer. Output 2x 5 Watts. Auto-stop. Slider balance control. Separatevolume,tone, fast forward controls. L.ED. end of tape indicator. 12 V negative earth only. Size7"x 1f'x 51".......Cat. No.5qO/2340

Rec. Retail £68.16

Our Price £45.00

8. Sharp RG2700Auto ReverseCar Stereo.Cassette Player. Output 2x 7 Watts. 12 V negative earth only. Size6&"x6l"x Z' ....... Cat. No.500/2326

Rec. Retail £69.95

Our Price £55.95

9. Waltham Wl17 Car Radio/Stereo Cassette Player. Manuallytuned LW/MWradio. Pushbutton wavechange:eject andfastforward controls. Rotary controls for volume, tuning, tone and balance.Output 2x 5 Watts.12 V negative earth only. SizeSf'x 71"xIf· Cat. No.500/1918

Compo Retail £71.95

Our Price £48.50

10. Binatone "Grand Prix" Car Radio/Stereo CassettePlayer.LW/MW.Separatevolume,tone and balance controls. Cassette has auto-stop, eject and fast forward buttons. 12 V negative earth only. Output 2x 3 Watts. Size Cat. No.500/2302 2tx Gi"x8~"

Rec. Retail £75.00

Our Price £43.95

11. Sharp RG5200Car Stereo Radio/Cassette Player. MWIVHF radio with MPX for stereo broadcasts. Auto-stop and eject. Output 2x 7 Watts. 12V negallve earth only. Size 6&"x 6}"xZ' Cat. No.500/1547

Rec. Retail £75.95

Our Price £62.50

12. Sharp RG5300Car Stereo Radio/Cassette Player. LW/MWIVHFradio with MPXfor stereo broadcasts, Auto-stop and eject. Output 2x 7 Watts. 12V negative earth only. Size 6&"x 61"xZ' Cat.No.500/2072

Rec. Retail £85.95

Our Price £69.95

13. Sharp RG5750Car Stereo Radio/Cassette Player. LW/MW/FM radio with MpX for stereo broadcasts. Auto reverse with interference absorptioncircuit. Output 2x 7 Watts.12V negative earth only. Size6~"x6¥'xZ'. Cat. No. 500/2319

Rec. Retail £116.65

Our Price £95.00

14. Radiomoblle 310 CSR Push Button Car Radio/Stereo Cassette Player. 5 push buttons for pre-selectedstationson LW/MW.Output2x 5 Watts.Controlsfor volume,tone.balance.tuning, fast forward/rewind, manual or automaticeject. 12 V negative earth only. Size 5"x7"x21". With Cat. No.500/2065 door mountingspeakers

Rec. Retail £160.65

Our Price £115.00

Pleasenote: a) All car radios and cassetteplayers are supplied complete with speakers and fixing kit. b) It is Imperative that the manufacturer's instructions regarding the use of head cleaning cassettes are followed carefully. Failure to do so will reduce the performanceof the equipment. c) Batteries are not supplied with any item.

Access Card and Barclayciud are welcomed In all our Catalogue Showr~oms.



1. Motorola 124 Car Manual tuning. Variable tone control. 12 V pos. or neg. earth.Output3! Watts.Size7"x S"x'Z'. Cat. No. 500/0098


Our Price£27.95


Compo Retail£12..50


12.Ajax "Playtime" MW Pocket Radio. Operates from PP3battery.Size2~"xH"x 3i1". Cat. No. 500/2364


Compo Retail£4.19

Our Price£10.95


13. Binatone "Navigator" Radio. AM/VHF.Telescopic aerial. Operates from PP3 battery. Size Cat. No.500/2096 5'i'x 3i"x 2f'

Rec.Retail£12.95 -


OurPrice£39.95 14.Pye "Pippin" 1172Radio. LW/MW.Socketfor earphone.Carryingstrap. Operatesfrom 3x SP11 batteries.Size3."x6~"xIf' Cat. No. 50011217

5. Motorola 114 Car Radio. LW/MW. S push buttons for pre-selected stations. Variable tone control. 12 V pos. or Output 3~Watts. Cat. No.500/0067 Size7"x S"x'Z'

Compo Retail£13.48


15. Fidelity "Rad 24" Radio. LW/MW.Socket for' external aerial. Operatesfrom ppg battery. Size '--


Our Price£36.95

Our Price£31.95

7. Sharp AR947 Car Radio. LW/MW. S push buttons for pre-selected stations. 12 V pos. or SWatts.Size61"xZ'»: SA". Cat. No. 500/1406




3. Blnatone "Thunderbird" Car Radio. LW/MW Manual tuning. 12 V pos. or neg. earth. Output 5 Watts.Size6f'x 'Z'xf/, Cat. No. 50011839

6. Philips AN361/05Car Radio. LW/MW.6 push buttons for pre-selectedstations.Output SWatts. 12V negative earth only. Size71/'x 1if'xSf'. Cat. No. 500/2292

I Harry Moss I


11. Hira Pocket Radio. MWIVHF.With earphone, carrying strap and case. Operates from PP3 battery.Size6"x3!"x H" Cat. No. 500/1712



Compo Retail£9.90

2. Sharp ATR 933 Car Radio. LW/MW. Manual tuning. 12 V pos. or neg. earth. Output 2 Watts. Size6~"x3f'x 2" ...•........•..........•.. Cat. No.500/2278

4. Radiomobile 1160 RK Car Radio. LW/MW. 5 push buttons for pre-selected stations. 12 V negative earth only. Output S Watts. Size 7"x H"x 4i1" Cat. No.50011626

Ie PHILlPsl.

scopic aerial and wrist strap. Operates from 4x SP7batteries.SizeSA"x3"x 1f. Cat. No. 500/2089


8. Harry Moss 331 Car Radio. LW/MW. S push buttons for pre-selectedstations. 12 V negative earth only. Output S Watts. Size 6"x 'Z'x 7" Cat. No. 500/2285


Our Price£23.95

9. Alba ACR5Car Radio.LW/MW.Spush buttons for pre-selectedstations. 12 V pos. or Output 4 Watts.Size6~"xZ'»:S".Cat.No. 500/2429

Compo Retail£23.60

Our Price£16.95




Cat. No.500/1688


16. Pye 1072 Pocket Radio. LW/MW. With wrist strap and earphone. Operatesfrom 2x HP7 batteries.Size4."x 2f'x H" Cat. No.50011664

Compo Retail£10.77


17. Binatone '''Europa'' Battery/Mains Radio. LW/MW.Slider volumecontrol, rotarytuning. Car aerial socket. Operatesfrom 240V A.C.mains or 4x SP11batteries.SizeSf'x a."x 3i". Cat. No. 500/2223


. OurPrice£8.95

18. Ferguson 3189 Battery/Mains Radio. MWIVHFwith AFC. Telescopic VHF aerial, earphone.Operatesfrom 240V A.C.mainsor 4x SP7 batteries.Sizen"x SA"x2." Cat. No. 500/2113

Compo Retail£18.14


Pleasenote':a) All car radios are supplied complete with speakers and fixing kit. b) Batteries are not supplied with any Item.

-"' __




3. P.hlilps AL380 Batte;y/Malns Radio. LW/MWNHF. Telescopic VHF aerial. Earphone socket. Operates from 240 V A.C. mains or

4x HP11 batteries. Size 9f'x 3"x 7:1" (handle rilised) :: Cat. No. 50012395

Compo Retail£25.75

OurPrice £19.95

4. GlUndlg' "party Boy 700" BatterylMalns Radio, LW/MWNHF. Slider volume control and press button waveband selection. Earphone socket. Operates from 240 V A.C. mains or 4x SP11 batteries. Size 11¥'xP"x21"........Cat. No.~/2144

Comp. Retail £35.50

Our Price £31.95

13. Blnatone "Dolphin;' Bat!8ry/M~lns Radio.' LW/MWIVHF and aircraft bandl1. Push button wavechanqe and onloff, slider volume and tone controls. External telescopic aeriaL Sockets for earphone and 5 RinDIN.Ope~atesfrom 240 V AC. mains or 4x SP2 batteries. Size 11f'x'E!¥!x2¥'. 'Ca,t. No. ,500/2:151

OUfPrice £19.95

11. GEe R1OO2H Portable Battery/MaiM Radio. LW/MWN.HF. Rotary volume and ,tone controls. Operates from 22();'240V AC. mains or 6x HF!7batteri~. Size6i"x 10ll"x2!". ' Cat. No. 500/2230

Compo Retail,£33.65'

Our Price £24.95

Please note: Batteries are not supplied Item.

with any ,

3.' Ajax "Reveille" Pl13 Digital Clock/Radio. LW/MWIVHF. Will awaken you at selected time (alarm or radio). Features include "snooze" and sleep facilities. Green digital display. .. Cat. No. 510/4183

Our Price £19.95 4~'Ultra 6191 Digital Clock/Radio. LW/MWIVHF. 12 hour clock shows hours. and minutes. Automatic. clock brightness control. Sleep control "snooze" switch. Size8f'x 61"x31". . . Cat. No. 510/4190

O.urPrice £24.95 5. Fidelity CRI L.E.D. Clock/Radio. LW/MW. 12 hour clock with a.m.lp.m. indicator will awaken you at selected .tlme (alarm or radio). Sleep switcti. Automatic display dimmer, slider volume control and earphone socket. Size 12!nx 3!"x 6". . Cat. No. 510/4004

Rec. Retail £39.50

Our Price £28.95

6. Blnatone "Royal" L.E.D. Electronic Clock/ Radio. LW/MWIVHF.. 12 hour automatic clock

12. Waltham Wl55 L.E.D.,Digital Clock/Stereo Radio/Cassette Recorder. LW/MWIVHF stereo wavebands. Ster!lo cassette recorder with piano key controls. Two built-in condenser microphones. Pra-set alarm to awaken you by radio, cassette recorder or buzzer. Can also Qe pre-set to record trom radio. Sensor touch "snooze" and' sleep switches. Operatesfrom 240 V A.C. mains. Size 14¥~xSf'x31" , ,..Cat. No. 510/4255

CompoRetail £79.95

13. Pye 9.014 Radio/Cassette Recorder. LW/MWIVHF. Built-in "electret" microphone and auto-stop. "Sleep" facility and filter switch to eliminate lnterterence when recording. trom radio. Sockets for DIN, external microphone and earptione. Operates from 240 V A.C. mains or 4x HP2batteries Cat. No. 5-10/4224.

Comp. Retail £46.50

Rec. Retail £52.50

Our Price £24.95

7. Blnatone "Dlglmatlc" Clock/Radio. MWIVHF. 12 hour leaf type automatic clock. Will aWaken you at selected time (alarm or radio). Sleep switch. Size 11~'x3~"x6¥' Cat. No. 510/23~2

Rec. Retail £42.50

Our Price £21.00

8. Pye 7411 LE.D. Digital Display Clock/Radio. LW/MWNHF. 12 hour clock with a.m.lp.m. indicator. Will awaken you at selected time (alarm or radio). Sleep facility. Size 2f'x 9"x 7". . Cat. No. 510/4406

CompoRetail £37.13

Our Price £25.95

9. Bush BA 5453 Battery. Alarm Clock/Radio. LW/MW radio. Ideal as a travel clock/radio. Analogue clock, Will awaken you at selected time (alarm or radio). Operatesfrom 3x SP11batteries, Size n"x 3"x 3!'\ ................•........ Cat. No. 5.1013586

Compo Retail £28:62

Our Price '£19.95

10•. Philips ARQ6!l "Hipster" Battery/Mains Radio/Cassette Recorder. MWNHF radio with telescopic VHF aerial. Built-in "electret" microphone, radio interference tilter and auto-record level. Operates frorn 220-240 V A.C. mains or 6x HP11batteries. Size 9i"x Sf'x 2¥'. . Cat. No. 510/3658

Our Price £39.95

Our Price £35.00

14. Waltham l~a Battery/Mains Radlo/Cas.sette Recorder. LW/MWIVHF with AFC. Built-in .eondenser microphone. Tuning/battery level meter. Auto-stop and ALC. Slider controls tor volume and tone. Sockets for external microphone and earphone. Operates trom 240 V A.C. mains or 4x HP2batteries. Size 7.i"X'12i"x3i". Cat. No. 510/3328

~~~i~~i~ii~~i~ijii~i~~~~~~iiiijii~ij~iiiiiiij~i~~ selected time (alarm radio). am.l~m. ~&~M or will ~~~ Sleep ~u and ~ "snooze" switch, fast and slow set (time and Cat. No. 51'0/3579 alarm). Size 1H"x.6"x 3¥'

Our Price £5;l.50

Our Price £47.95

15. Sharp GF 1704 Battery/Mains Radio/Cassette Recorder. LW/MWIVHF.. Built-in microphone and tape counter. Auto-stop, L.E.D. record/battery indicator. Operates from 240 V A.C. mains or 4x HP2 batteries. Size 8i"x 12"x4" .............•... " Cat. No. 510J4011

Rec. Retail £59.95

Our Price ~~7.95

16. Philips AR073 Radio/Casette Record!tr. LW/MWIVHF with AFC. Pause f.asility•.auto-stop and built-in "electret" microphone. Automatic recording lellel control. Radio interterimce filter and sockets for external micrcphone, amplifier and external loudspeaker. Operatestrom 220/240 V A.C. mains or 6x HP11 batteries, Size 91"x:r:x 1.H~(handle r.aised) Cat. No. 510/4231

CompoRetail £73.40

.:Our'Price £49_95

------~ ~ _' .. ~,,~. --- --------


1. Pye 3210 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder .. Built-in "electret" microphone. Auto-stop and electronic tape speed control with auto-record level. Operates from 240 V AC. mains or 6x HP11 :Cat. No. 510/4286' batteries

Compo Retail £35.39

Our Price £25.95

2. Waltham W139 Battery/Mains Stereo Radio/Cassette Recorder. LW/MWIVHFstereo. 2 built-in microphones. Rotary controls for tun' ing, volume, balance and tone. Auto-stop and ALC. Operatesfrom 240 V AC. mains or 4x HI?2 batteries.Size13f'x 4"x 8" Cat. No. 510/4035

Compo Retail £87.50

Our Price £65.95

Super" Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in condenser microphone,autostop and ALC. Sockets for DIN and external microphone.Operatesfrom 220-240V A.C.mains or sx HP11batteries.Size9i"x 7i"x 21". Cat. No. 510/4279

Compo Retail £37.59

Compo Retail £118.12

Our Price £89.95

4. Pye 9103 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in condensermicrophone.Auto-stop.Slider volume control. Sockets for DIN, earphone and separatemicrophone. Operatesfrom 240 V A.C. mainsor 4x HP2batteries.· .........Cat. No.510/4262

,~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~£2aM [1

Om~~~~~ 5. Waltham W129 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in condenser microphone and auto-stop.Slider volume control. Piano keyfunction controls. Sockets for earphoneand external microphone.DINsocketfor direct recordingfrom external source. Operatesfrom 240V AC. mains or 4x HP11batteries.Size10!"x 5f'x 2i" Cat. No. 510/3665 , Our P~lce £16.95 6. Jones 5150 Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in microphone, auto-stop and ALe. Socketsfor DINand remote control microphone, Operates·from 240 V A.C. mains or 4x HP11 batteries.Size10l"x 5~"x2~"......Cat. No.510/3696

Rec. Retail £27.95

Our Price £15.95

Our Price £29.95

10. Binatone "Contessa" Pre-amp Stereo Cassette Deck. Cr02 tape 'switch, auto-stop, ALC, digital tape counter and pilot light. Sockets for headphonesand.DIN.Operatestrom 240 V A.C. mains,Size6"x 9l"x 3".(Must be used in conJunction with stereo amplifier or stereo system). Cat. No. 510/4080

Rec. Retail £65.00 3. Ferguson 3T04 Battery/Mains Stereo Radio/Cassette Recorder. LW/MW/SWIVHF stereo. Cue and review, Cr02 switching. , record/battery level meters, tape counter and "sieep" facility. Two built-in mics.· for stereo recording. Separate slider right and left volume controls, Operatesfrom 240V AC. mains,6x HP2 batteriesor 12Vear battery.......Cat. No;510/4042

Our Price £39.95

11. Akai CS-34DDolby Stereo Cassette Deck. Built-in Cr02 selector, pause control, slider record level control and record level limiter.


Operates from 220-240 V AC. mains.. Size lS"x4f'x9": (Must be used in conjunction with r stereo amplifier or stereo system). Cat. No. 510/4066

Rec. Retail £127.60

Our Price £94.95

12: Sharp RT-1155Front Loading Dolby Stereo Cassette Deck. With auto-programme search system\on fast. forward and rewind. Long life heads.independentbias and equaliserswitches. Twin V.U. meters, L.E,D. peak level indicator. pausecontrol and socket for headphones.240V A.C. mains. Size 6!,"x16"x91".(Must be used In conjunction with stereo amplifier.or stereo system) Cat. No.510/4073

Rec. Retail £134.95

Our Price £99.95

13. Fidelity UA10 Stereo Record Player. Output 2x 2 Watts (rms). 2 speed auto-changer. Slider controls for volume (L and R channel)and tone, Sockets for headphones and S pin DIN. Size 6~"x18¥'x14~ Cat. No.510/4138

Rec. Retail £63.00

Our Price £45.00


14.Ferguson 3047Stereo Record Player.Output 2x 4 Watts (music). BSR auto-changer. Slider F controls for bass,treble and balance.Socketsfor tapeand headphones.Size(unit) 18"x7:\"x14~". Cat. No. 510/2116

Compo Retail £72.87

Our Price £52.50

7. Philips N2213Battery/Mains Cassette Recorder. Built-in "electret" microphone.Auto-record level, long life heads, pause control and quick repeat facility. Recording indicator light. DIN sockets for- amplifier and external microphone. Operates from 240 V A.C. mains 6x HP11 batteries.Size1~'x n"x 21' ...... Cat. No. 510/3359

15. Fidelity UA8 Stereo Record Player. Output 2x8 Watts (rms). BSR multi-speed single play record deck with cueing device. Slider controls for volume'right and volume left, treble and bass. Socketsfor headphonesand.Spin DIN.Size(unit) , 6~"x21;i"x143 Cat. No.510/3445

8. Sharp RD610B~ttery/Malns Cassette.Recorder. Built-in condenser and remote control microphones. Automatic recording level and autostop. Operatesfrom 240V AC, mainsor 4·xHP11 batteries.Size2f'x 10¥'x Sf' ......Cat. No.510/4396

Please note: a) Batteries are not s!JPpliedwith any item. b) It is imperative that' the manufacturer's instructions regarding the use of head cleaning cassettes are followed carefully. Failure to do so will reduce the performance of the equipment. . .


Compo Retail £43.39

Rec. Retail £24.95

Our Price £34.95


Price £19.95



Rec. Retail £81.00

Our Price £59.00

1. Alba 9072 Music Centr~. Output 2x 10 (rms). BSR 3 speed single play automatic/manual record deck with cueing device, ceramic cartridge and dual sapphire stylus. LW/MW/VHF radie with stereo decoder and AFC. Stereo cassette recorder with automatic Cr02 tape facility. Single record level control and tWin microphones. Sockets for additional speakers. 5-pin DIN ahd headphones. Size (unit) 3~"x 6~"x15)".

6. Blnatone "Viceroy" Music Centre. Output 2x 10 Watts (rms). BSR single play multi-speed record deck. LW/MW/SWIVHFi,_ stereo radio. Cassette deck has auto-stop. cr02tape facility ansi ALC. Socketsfor headphonesand 5 pin DIN.Size (unit) 25'x 1!;!"x 7" Cat. No.510/4121

Rec. Retail £225.00

Our Price £.139.95

Cat. No. 510/4293

Compo Retail £214.40

Our Price £155.00

2. Philips AH970 Music Centre. LW/MWIVHF stereo radio. Output 2x 6.5 Wattscont. sinewave. 2 speed single. play record player with cueing device, ceramic cartridge and diamond stylus. Cassettedeck has R.I.F.filter, pausecontrol, ALC and auto-stop with indicator. Sockets for headphones and 5 pin DIN tape in/out. Size '(unit) 22f'x 15"x7'· , Cat. No. 510/4114

Compo Retail £179.95

~=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~15M~~~~~~8 ~

Our Price £139.95

Watts (music)'.3 speed BSfI auto record player, LW/MW/SWIVHF radio with stereo decoder and AFC. Top loading cassette·deck.'Slider controls for volume, balance and tone. Storage compartment for 6 cassettes.Size(unit) 20¥'x 15"x7i". Cat. No. 510/4097

Our Price £105.00 4•.Waltham STM25 Audio Unit. Output 2x 8 Watts (music). LW/MW/SWIVHF radio with stereo decoder. Push buttons for AFC,wavebandselection" gram and on/off. BSR3 speedauto-change record player.Slider controls for volume.balance and tone. Socketsfor headphonesand 5 pin DIN. Size (unit) 17"x14!"x7" Cat. No.510/3706

C-mnp. Retail £96.60

Our PriCe£68.95

7. ITT MC5042M'uslcCentre. Output zx 25 Watts (music). BSR P1823 speedautomatic single play record deck with damped cueing device. LW/ MWIVHFstereoradio with AFC. Cassetterecorder with automatic record level. cr02 facility. pause,~9ntrol ~nd auto-stop. Sockets for microphone. additional speakers, 5,pin',DIN and headphones.Size(unit) g3"xm"x 161". cat. No. 510/4303

Compo Retail £240.00

8. Ferguson "Studio 200" Music Centre. Output


~6~tts~~~~~se~~~~m·~~~=~~~~i~~~~~==~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BSA-P182single play record deck with damped cueing' device and stereo ceramic cartridge. LW/MWlVtfF/(FM) with L.E.D. tuning cursor. Socket for stereo 'headphones. Size (unit) : Cat. No. 510/4,107 22"x 14f'x6f'

Compo Retail £235.65

Rec. Retail £113.00

Our Price £79.95

Our Price £179.95

9. GECA5022HMusic Centre. Output 2x 30)/\Iatts (music). LW/MW/SWIVHFstereo radio with AFC. 3 speed'automatic single play record deck. Cassette recorder with automatic record and playback. levels and Cr02 facility. Size (unit) 26"x 16~"x7" : Cat. No.510/4310

Compo Retail £267.37 5. Fidelity UA9 Audio Unit. Output 2x8 Watts (rms). LW/MWIVHF radio with stereo decoder and AFC. BSR multi-speed single play record deck with cueing device.Socketsfor headphones and tape. Size(unit) 2H"x 14f·xm". cat. No. 510/3438

Our Price £175.00,

'Our Price £193.50 '»,

Please note: It Is Imperative tl!at the manufacturer's Instructions regarding' the use of head cleaning cassettes are followed carefully. Failure to do so will reduce the performance of, the equipment.

Wlfona "Corona 1925" Portable Stereo Record Player. Output 2x 3' Watts (rms). 2 speed single Rlay record deck with cueing device. Separate tone and volume controls for each channel. DIN standard tape socket. Two speakers form' lid. Operates from 220-240 V A.C. mains. Size

p"x 11"x 5l'


Compo Retail £48.90

Cat. No. 510/4327

Our Price £17.50

3. Schreiber Extending HI-Fi Storage Cabinet. Suitable for positioning into or around a corner or simply along a wail. Teak effect finish. Top can be extended from 47" to 7(1'.Depth lSi", height 21". Drawer for cassette storage. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 610/1707

Rec. Retail £64.50 .

Our Price £49.50

4. Schreiber Hi-FI Storage Cabinet. Teak effect finish. Size 42"x17~"x21" high. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 610/1714

Rec. Retail £38.95

Our Price £28.95

5. Extending Storage Unit. Teak effect vinyl

finish. Top can be extended from 47i" to 78t". "";====:::~~=~~~~~~~=::;;::;;:~;;:~ :;:: Suitable for use in a corner. Depth lSi', height 19'. Delivereddirect to your home. Allow approx. 28 days for delivery but Xmas orders should be placed by Nov. 13th '78 Cat. No. 610/1446

Compo Retail £59.95

Our Price £49.95

6. Schreiber Hi-Fi Storage Cabinet. Teak effect finish. Size 32i"x 16"x25!" high. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 610/1721

Rec. Retail £42.75

Our Price £31.50

7. Skyline Mobile MultI-Purpose Unit. Teak Melamine finish. Adjustable shelves. Size 3H"x 17;\,'x1s,y'. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 610/0928

CompoRetail £33.25

Our Price £22.50

8. Flair. "Phonobar" Trolley. 4 sections on castors. Size l~"x 13"x 12¥' Cat. No. 610/1611

CompoRetail £13.10

Our Price £8.95

9. Cambra 88 Muslc'Moblie. Teak effect finish. With pull-out, drop down drawer. Holds up to 69 cassettes and up to 170 L.P. records. Fitted with castors. Packed flat for home assembly. Size 20¥'x 24f'x 15!" (assembled)..... Cat. No. 510/4389

CompoRetail £28~95

10. Cambra 69 Cassette Cabinet. Holds 69 cassettes in separate dlvisions, 36 in top' ot cabinet and 33 in drawer. Teak 'effect finish with translucent hinged lift-off lid. Size 11"x 15;\"x6l'. Cat. No. 510/3483'

CompoRetail £13.99 lOur

Price £9.75

Our Price £37.95

2. Fidelity HF42"Mini" Record Player. Output H Watts (music). Takesfull size LP. Individual tone Cat. No. 510/2147 control. Size 12i"x4"x 1m"

Rec. Retail £24.00


Our Price £19.95

11. Cambra Cassette Storage Cabinet. Holds 45 cassetteswith or without library casesin separate divisions. Teak effect finish with smoked translucent remoilable lid. Size 15!"x 14!"x 4;\". Cat. No. 510/4358

CompoRetail £8.99

Our Price £6.45

12.~GambraCassette Storage Cabinet. Holds 33 cassettes.Teak effect finish with smoked translucent, hinged lift"ofi lid. Size 15"x4"x 1(1'. Cat. No-.510/2635

CompoRetail £6.99

Our Price £4.99

13. Crown Merton Adjustable Music Centre Stand. Width adjustment between 21" and 34". Height 17". Fitted with gliders for easy movement Cat. No.510/4145

Rec. Retail £16.45

Our Price £9.95 ._ __

14.Crown Merton Pair of Speaker StandS.Width adjustable between 8" and 13". Height from ground g' Cat. No. 510/4152

Rec. Retail £15.96


Our Price £9:95


15. AVF Superior Quality Speaker Wall Brackets. Will pivot. tilt and clamp speakersfrom 6" to 1(Y' in depth and weighing up to 35 Ib each. Designed by professionals· for the true' enthusiast. Cat. No. 510/4365

Compo Retail £14;00

:. Our Price £8.95

Barclaycard and Access Card are welcomed in all our Catalogue Showrooms.


~ __




10. Bib "Mu8Icentre~' Care Kit. AII-in-one record and cassette care kit. Col11prising "groov-kleen",

cleaning brush, styh,ls cleaner, record dust-off, cassette head cleaner, re-record tabs, extractor tool and pack of replacement title labels. Cat. No. 510/3416

Rec. Retail £5.15

Our Price £3.75

Purpax Record Storage Case. Vinyl covered. fifty'7" single records Cat. No. 510/3108

Rec. Retail £2.64

Our Price. £1.75


Cambra Record Storage Cablne:t.Teak effect with removable smoke coloured lid. Holds up to sixty 1Z' L.P. records Cat. No.,510/3153

Compo Retail £10.80

Our Price £7.75

7. EMI Standard Cassettes. Pack of 3. tiines c;::go...:.90 mins.:C6()-60·mins. Catalogue Rec. Number Retail 510/31~ C90 • £5.34

Playi"g '

Our Price £2.99

£3.90 £2.35

14;·lnger8011Colour T.V. Video Game. By connecting to aerl~1socket.of your T.V. enables you to play.6 'games(tennis,.footbaillhockey. squasb,


solo/practise, _target 1 and ta~get '2). Pistol included. Automatic scoring, individual "attack"'1' buttons, angle a.nClspeed controls. Operates on 6x HP7 batteries o~A.C. adaptor (availaQleseparately). (N.B. Will operate on most 625.line tlHF televisions_bJJtcolour is only picked up from a colour T.V.set) Cat. No. 530/0664·

Compo Retail £29.95

Our Price £23.95

cap tuner with rotary programmeselector.Slide, controls for contrast and brightness. Operates from 240VAC. mainsor 12V battery Cat. No. 530/0530

7. GlaccagJia3718M"Condor" Electric Organ. 37 keyspius 18bassnotesand 1 row of trebles.2 speedelectric motor for soft/loud effect. Shock proof polystyrene cabinet. On/off pilot lamp. Musical instruction book included. Size 283"x13f'x 3Of' Cat. No.540/0935



1. Ferguson 3848 Portable Black and White 625 Line UHF Television. 1Z' screen.Electronicvan-

Our PriCe£68.50

2. Pye "Rambler" Portable Black and White 625 Line UHFTelevision. 1Z' screen.6 push button programme selectors. Rotary controls for votume.contrastand brightness.Operatesfrom 240 V A.C.mainsor 12V battery. Cat. No. 530/0602

Co~p. Retail£97.33


3. Sharp 12P32HPortable Black and White 625 Line UHFTelevision. Approx. 12"screen.Rotary programmeselector. Operatesfrom 240 V AC mainsor 12V battery...Cat.No. 530/0619



4. Binatone"T.V. Master Mk.4" Blackand White Video Game. By connecting to aerial socket of your T.V. enables you to play tennis. football. squash and practise. Remote control levers. Automatic score recording. Speed control and built-in soundsystem.Suitablefor mostcolour or monochrome625 line UHFtelevisionsets.Operatesfrom 6x HP11batteries......Cat. No.530/0523



5. Binatone Colour T.V. Video Game. By connecting to the aertai socket of most colour or monochrome625 line UHFT.V.setsenablesyou to play tenniS, football, squash and practise. Individual speed control and built-in sound system. (N.B.colour is only picked up from a colour T.V. set.) Operatesfrom 6x HP11batteries. Cat. No. 530/0626



6. Binatone T.V. Video Game. By connectingto aerial socket of your T.V.enablesyou to play 10 games(football, hockey.gridball. basketball1 & 2. tennis.squash1 & 2 and target1& 2).Operated by joystick hand control and separatebutton for target 1 & 2. Automatic scoring. built-in sound system and speed control. Suitable for most colour or monochrome625 line UHFtelevision sets. (N.B. will appear in black and white only-even on colour set).Operatesfrom 6x HP2 batteries Cat. No.530/0695


Our Price£19.95


8. Stylophone Portable Electronic Organ. Builtin amplifier and speaker,fully transistorised.H chromaticoctaves.Notesarepickedout bystylus on a flat keyboard.Output socket for external amplification. Operatesfrom PP3 battery. Size 61"x3'1"xH" Cat. No.540/0928



9. Bontempi B9.1Electric Reed Organ.3 octave keyboardcomprising22white keys,15blackkeys plus 12button basssection.Completewith music stand and instructions. Size 33"x11f'x 30;" high Cat. No.540/0904


Our Price£41.95

10. Bontempl B105 Electric Reed Organ. 2 octave keyboard, 8 button bass section with instructions. Size 25'1"x1H"x 27" high (incl. legs) Cat. No.540/0911



11. Kay Classic Guitar. Intermediatesize celluloid bound body. nickel silver frets and natural top. With nylon strings which are easy on the fingers Cat.No.540/0942



12. Kay Folk Guitar. Intermediatesize. De luxe adjustable pin bridge, 2 decorated pick guards andsteelreinforcedneck.Steelstrung. Cat. No. 540/0966


.Our Price£21.00

13. Kay Guitar Outfit. Student size guitar with 6 steel strings. With bag, plectrum, neck cord and instructionbookletplusdemonstrationrecord. Cat. No. 540/0784



Pleasenote: Batteries are not suppliedwith any item.

1. Skyline "Economy" Kitchen Furniture Range. In wipe-clean Melamine laminate finish with smokey-grey/silver handles. Base units have black "kick plate" and are supplied with pine effect worktops (except for sink base unit). Supplied packed fiat for home assembly. Will be delivered direct to your home. Normally allow approx. 28 days for delivery but Xmas orders should be placed by November 13th '78. Single Wall Cupboard. Size 19H"x 12f'x 23i". CaL No. 600/1278



DoubleWallCupboard.Size39i"x 12f'x 23f'. CaL No. 600/1285

Comp. Retail£38.45


Single Base Unit with Drawer.Size19H"x19H"x 35,..' CaL No.600/1292

Comp. Retail£44.95


DoubleBaseUnlLSize39i"x 19H"x3Si". CaL No. 600/1302

Compo Retail£60.65


SinkUnlL Base.only.Size39i"x 19H"x35!". CaL No. 60011319

Comp. Retail£49.95


Stainless Steel Sink Top. To fit above. N.B. Supplied in left hand drainer form only (as illustrated) CaL No.60011326

Compo Retail£38.40


2. Solid PineTriple ShelfUnitwith SlidingDoors. Size 38;"x5!"x3<Y'high. Packed flat for home assembly.Fixingscrewssupplied. CaL No. 600/1151

Compo Retail£32.50


3. Traditional Style Pine Welsh Dresser. Pine construction throughoutwith plastic sideddrawers for smooth operation and pine veneered backboard.Size 36"x16"x64"high. Will be delivered direct to your home. Normally allow approx. 28 days for delivery but Xmas orders shouldbeplacedbyNovember13th'78. CaL No. 600/1261

Compo Retail£98.50


4. Pine Table and Bench SeL Solid pine construction. Table size approx, 48"x24"x30" high. Pair of bencheseach approx.46"x12"x17"high. Packedflat for homeassembly.CaL No.600/1120

Comp. Retail£65.00


7. Prestige Step Stool. Chromiumplatedtubular steel frame. Washable padded seat. Foldaway steps with grooved rubber treads. Height 24". Blue CaL No.600/0114 Yellow CaL No.600/0286



8. Folding Stool. Enamelledmetal frame. PVC upholstered seat. Folds flat when not in use. Height2<Y' CaL No.60011027

Compo Retail£5.95


9. Wooden'Stool. Beechwoodframe with PVC upholsteredseat.Height21".....CaL No.60011106

Compo Retail£6.75


10. Step Stool. Chromatic finish tubular metal frame. PVC upholstered seat. Foldawaysteps with groovedtreads.Height24~". CaL No. 60011003

Compo Retail£10.75


11.Step Stool with DetachableBack. Chromium plated metal frame. Upholsteredseat. Foldaway steps with groovedwooden treads. Height 3n", seatheight23!" CaL No.600/1209

Compo Retail£17.50


12.FoldingWall Table. Idealfor usewherespace is limited. Size 32"x20"x3<Y'high when raised. Projects only 4" from wall when closed. Teak effectlaminatedtop with lockingstay. Cat. No. 600/1254

Compo Retail£16.50


13. New Home Sewing Table. Suitablefor most modernfull sizeflat bed machines.Machinefolds awaywhen not in useand table can be usedfor writing, telephoneetc. Wood grain effect finish. Size closed 2H"x 17"x3<Y'high. Opens to 43¥' long. Packedflat for homeassembly. CaL No. 610/1556



14. Flair Set of 3 Tables. High grade plastic material.Usefularoundthe house,in the garden or for picnics. Notsuitablefor useasstools.Size 11f'x 1H" high CaL No.61011350

Compo Retail£6.55


5. Bar Stool. Chromiumplatedframe.PVCupholsteredseat.Height28" Cat. No.60011168

15.Flair "Piccollo" StorageUniLBottomunit has sliding door. Plastic.Forloungeor bedroom.Size 14"diameterx20A"high CaL No.61011604

Compo Retail£9.95

Compo Retail£15.84


6. Stacking Stool. Enamelled tubular metal frame.PVCupholsteredseat.Height20". Cat. No. 60011096

Compo Retail£4.85



16. Flair OCcasionalTable. High grade plastic material.Usefularound the house,in the garden or for picnics.Size15"x15"x123"high. CaL No. 61011343

Compo Retail£4.36


1. Grosvenor "Munich" Occasional Table. 'Ohrorne plated frame with teughened smoked glass top. Size 38"x 2(1'x 16" high. Cat. NO'. 61011824

Compo Retail £27.27

Our Price£15.95

2. GrO'svenO'r"BrentwO'O'd"Nest O'f 3 Tables. Chrome plated frames with toughened smoked glasstops. Largetable size 2(1'x16"x 15"high. Cat. NO'.610/1831

.Our PriCe£18.95 -3. Nest O'f3 Tables. Gold anodised aluminium frames with smoked glasstops. Largesttable size Cat.·NO'.61011145 17"xl7"x 17"high

Compo Retail £33.50

Our Price£24.95

ifl=========~~~;;;;;;;~;:========~=======:;;;:::::~=====~ l.'

4. TrO'lley Nest. Three circular fol~ing tables nesting into an occasional table on castors. Teak veneered tops. Large table size 18¥'x12"x21" high. Circular tables size 15" dlameterx l8l" high Cat. NO'.61011138

Comp. Retail £36.90

Our Price.£29.95

5. TrO'lleyNest. Four circular felding tables into an occasional table 'on casters. Teak .veneered tops. Large table size 24"x 1'6!"x2r high. Circular tables size 15" diameterx18!" high : Cat. NO'.610/12~

Compo Retail £43.50

Our Price£34.95

6. Teakcraft Trolley Table. A really strong yet elegant multi-purpose trolley with solid teak frame, smoked glass top and twin wheel castors. Size.33"x 1~"x 17" high:-Stlpplied packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 61011848


Comp. Retail £35.00

Our Price£24.95

1. $moked Glass Top Trolley Table O'nCastors. Teakeffectfinish. Size 41"x 15"x is' high. cat. NO'.61011570

Compo Retail£39.16

Our Price£27.50

8. ,Nest O'f 3 Tables. Teak veneered top with afromesia lipping. Large table size 22'x 15!"x 19" high ; Cat. NO'.610/0258

Compo Retail £35.00

Compo Retail £19.18

Our Price£13.75

11. Oval Smoked Glass Top Table. Teak veneeredsurround: Size4Z'x21"x 16!". -r Cat. No. 610/0186

Compo Retail £36.8.5


~ . 12. Occaslonal :rable. Teak wood veneeredwith selected hardwood legs, sealed and polished to blend. Size3Z'x 16"x16"high...Cat. No.610/1817 Compo Retail £15.50

Our Price£10.95

13.c Ceramic Tiljild Table.. Polished hardwood frame. Size32r'x17"x 12il"high. Cat. No. 610/1549

Rec.Retail £46.~0

Our Price£31'.50

14. ReproductlO'nWine Table. Piecrust edge top. Solid mahogany stem and legs. Gilt embossed leather insert. Diameter 14",height 2(1'. Cat. No. 610/1587

Compo Retail £15.00'''"

Our Price£11.50

15. Reproduction Nest of 3 Tables. Mahogany veneeredtops with gilt embossed leather inserts. Solid 'mahogany legs. Large table size 21¥'x 13"x20i'~.high Cat. No. 61011594

Compo Retail £54.00

Our Price~39.95

16. ReprO'ductlonCoffee Table. Mahogany veneered top with gilt embossedleather insert. Solid mahoganylegs.Size30"x 1S"x16"high. Cat. NO'.610/1855

Compo Retail £28.00

Our Price£20.95

17. TelephO'neSeat. In teak effect laminate with vinyl' covered seat which is :hinged to .reveal a roomy storage compartmenL ..ClIt. .NO'.610/1886

Compo Retai.-£32.00

Our Price£21r95

Our Price£27.50

........., ......Occaslonal Table. Woed veneeredtop, polished teak colour. Slatted undershelf. Size 41"x 17"x 16"high..·..; Cat. No. 610/0021

Rec.Retail £22.90'

10. Square· Glass Top Table with Undershel_f. Teakeffect finish. Size24"x 24"x 16:' high. Cat. No. 61011501

Our Price£18.50

18. Centa Telephone Table. Vinyl covered foam cushion. Drawer unit, is reversible either .right or left hand facing. Size39"x 16"x21"high. .' Cat. No. 610/0272

Rec.Retail £38.47

' Our Price£29.95

nylon coating with brass coated finlals. To fit 4'6" bed only

Compo Retail£24.00

Cat. No. 630/0632

Our Price£15.50

3. ,Myers Double Divan Headboard.White vinyl with decorativebutton feature.Teakrail. Fits item no. 6 and alsoany4' 6" bed Cat..No.63010759


Our Priee£19.95

Dressing Table Stool. 1.00%acrylic pile, removable cover. Foam filled sea). Chromiwm platedswivelstand.Height16"..Cat. No,630/0498

Compo Retail£20.00

Our Price£13.75

Llnderbed-Rack with White Laminate Front Board. Plastic coated wire frame and plastic wheels. Providesextra storage spade'under any divan with a minimum clearance of ·S'. Size 2n"x24"x6)f' high (front fascial. Cat. N.o.630/0742

Our Price£

10. Child's ExtendingSafety Gate. Extendsfrom 2' 3"to 2' 10" " Cat. No.375/0182

Compo Retail£10.60

11. Baby Relax Babyseat. Designedfor correct back support with adjustableangle.Canbe used asIbwfeeding chair,potty,chair or carrychair. Cat..No. 375/1260

Compo Retail ~9:50, Myers "Miranda" Double sprung }irm edge divan base. Sprin§ _interior mattresshas heavyweiqhtcover of printed tabric and is upholsteredwith a layer'of woollen mixture felt over a naturalfibre insulator.S~ze4' S'x 6'2i/". (Headboardnot included.) N.B. This item will be delivered direct to your home. Pleasenormalty, allow approx, 28 days for delivery but Xmas orders should be placed by November 13th 1978.: Cat. No.630107.66


.Our Price£95.00

7. Trident Folding Guest Bed. Upholsteredmattresswith floral viscosecover.Easilyopenedto 6' 3'x 2' 3"x 11)"high Cat. No.630/0429

Compo Retail£27.99

Our Price£17.95

8. Atcraft Multi-Purpose Polished hardwoodframe.WashableP.}I,C upholstery.Convertsto low chair and separatetable. Cat. No. 375/1150

Our Price£21.45

Our Price£6.95


12.Child's Cot. Polishedframeandside railswith white enamelled end panels. Size 4'x2'. Complieswith,BS1753(t977) Cat: No.375/0962

Compo Retail £36.75

Our Priee£25.59

13. Cot Mattress. Sprung interior. Covered in washablePVCwith nursery';'olif. Size46";>< 23" Cat. No. 375/0948

Compo Retail £11.50

Our Price£7.75

FULL MONEY-BACK'GUARAN'I"EE We fully respect all your legal rights as a customer. But In addition to your protection under the law we will exchange or refund you for any unused item that does'not meet your,exactrequlrements.Just return the Item to us In Its original covering, together with your receipt; within 14 day,sof purchase.

Access Card and Barclaycard are welcomed in all our Catalogue Showrooms.

• iiM


i ••

mirrored doors with magneticcatches,door back shelves and adjustable interior shelves. Size 24!"x 15!"x 61" Cat. No. 830/0056

Compo Retail£23.98 "




"Osprey" Bathroom Cabinet. Door back balconies, adjustable interior shelves. Safetylock on door. Size12f'x 17"x ~". Cat. No. 830/2339



11. Palette Bathroom Cabinet. Teak effect laminate finiSh. Two sliding 'mirrored doors. Interior shelf.Size22f'x 13"x 5" Cat. No. 830/1512

Compo Retail£14.35


12. Palette Bathroom Cabinet. White Melamine finish. Two sliding mirrored doors. Interior shelf. Sizem'x 1'3"x5" Cat. No. 830/2212

Compo Retail£14.35 1. Brltax "Comfy Rider" Car Safety Seat. Improved design incorporating. head wings for gre~te~ protection and comfort. 5 strap harness

with push release buckle. Seat covered with brushed nylon fabric. Conformsto British SafE!ty StandardsCBS3254) Cat. No.37511129




3. High Chair. Chromium plated tubular frame. Upholstered in PVC. Converts to low chair and separatetable Cat. No.37511026

Compo Retail£21.25 :·ll.-~;m"-'1ii"!!'iiilrii1ii"-'*""iiiiifiijji£"'iiii~w"iiii;;;;;;;;;i;; ....'!W'"TI


4. Dongora Baby's Continental Quilt. Cotton' covered with TERYLENE(polyester)filling. Size 54"x 4U' .- ~ Cat. No.375/1215


Compo Retail£7.78


-5. Codeg Rabbit Style Nightdress Case. Zip opening Cat. No.375/1277

Compo Retail£4.99




14. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet. Two sliding mirrored doors. Locking side cupboard, interior shelves. Melam:ine' laminate surfaces. Size zzr« 131"x5" Cat. No.83011835



15. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet. Twin cupboards, sliding mirror conceals medicine cornpartment, Size27"x 131"x5"...... Cat. No.830/2023



16. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet. Two sliding mirrored doors. T)lVo locking compartments, Melaminelaminatesurfaces.Size27"x 13l"x 5". Cat. No. 830/0049




6. PHco Battery 'Translstorised Two-Way InterCom/Baby Alarm. With approx. 45' of flex and battery..: Cat. No.375/0900


13. Cox-Cabot Bathroom Cabinet. Two mirrored doors. Interior shelf. Melaminelaminatesurfaces. Size18"x 12f'x S'..: Cat. No.830/0025


lb. Easily 2. "Traveller" Pushchair. Weighs and quickly folded. Washable cambrelle fabric seat. Conforms to British Safety Standards (BS 4792) Cat. No.375/1174

Compo Retail£22.95



17. Cox-Cabot linen Bin. Melamine laminate surfaces with cork seat pad.. Size 16i"x 14"x 1.H" Cat. No.830/1653



7. Zorblt "Superior" Napples. 50% cotton, 50% viscose.Packof six, Sizeapprox.24"x 24". Cat. No. 375/1208

18. Gardex Bllthroom Shelf. Incorporates storage for 4 toothbrushes and 2 tumblers. Size .2Of'x41" , : Cat. No:830/2353

Comp~ Retail£6.75

Compo Retail£4.06



8. Allibert "Sea SRray" Cabinet. Two mirrored doors, one with safety lock. Adjustable interier shelves. Door back balconies. Size 25~"x1n"x 5!" Cat. No.830/2229

19. Cannon Non-SlipRubber Bath Mat. Moulded .----suckerson underside.Size22"x 14". Cat. No. 830/0403

Compo Retail£27.97

Comp. ~etall £2.37







vinyl mat. Weighs up to 20 stone or 127 kg. Cat. No. 830/2243

Our Price £3.99 2. Hanson "Super De Luxe" Bathroom Scale. Vinyl upholsteredmat. Chromium plated handle. Weighsup to 20stoneor 127kg.' Cat No. 830/1581

Rec. Retail £7.95

Our Pfice £4.99

3. Hanson Bathroom Scale. Two non-slip mats. Weighsup to 20stoneor 125kg. "Cat. No. 83011866

Rec. Retail £3.45

Our Price £1.99

4. Hanson"Smiley" Bathroom Scale.Weighsup to 20'stoneor 127kg Cat.No.830/0795

Rec. Retail £5.20

Our Price £3.25


5. Hanson Bathroom Scale. Non-slip padded mat.Weighsup to 20'stoneor 127kg. .' . Cat. No. 830/2236

Rec. Retail £3.60

Our Price £2.25

6. Weight Watchers De Luxe Bathroom Scale. Cushioned vinyl mat. Chromium'plated handle and dial surround. Weighs up to 1"9stone or 130 kg Cat. No.830/1598

CompoRetail £11.95

Our Price £6.99

7. Tower BathroomScale. PVCupholsteredpadded top. Chromium plated surround and trim. Weighsup to 20stoneor 125kg. Cat. No. 830/1873

Our Price £5.25 8. Gardex Splashback. Sliding mirror conceals cabinet. Lower shelf fitted for 2 tumblers and 4 toothbrushes.Size21Jr"x3~"x33"high. . Cat. No. 830/2085

CompoRetail £14.34

.Our Price £7.75

9. Allibert "Little Wonder" Storage I:Init. Toilet roll dispenser,shelf for spare roll, built-in ashtray and deodorant block holder. Fitted with' toilet brushand holder.Size31»"x61'x5~". Cat. No. 830/2092

CompoRetail £12.90

Our Price £8.75

10. Flair Bath Bar. Moulded in polystyrene-,Full length shelf for toiletries 'and two recessesfor soap. sponge etc. Fixing screws supplled, Size 64~"x93"x3~".............. . Cat. No.830/1880

Rec. Re.tail£11.80


.Our Pfice £7.99

CompoRetail £6.95

Our Price £4.45

Our Price £4.60

14. Redrlng 6 kW Instant Shower Unit. No tank required. Completewith handset.flexible tubing and riser rail. Complies with British Standards (8S3456).It is recommendedthat this showerbe installedbyqualified tradesmen. Cat. No. 830/2078

Comp.'Retaii £49.90

Our Price £36.50

15. Cascade "Sunshower". Handseton adjustable wall bracket.Spiral metal effect tubing with push-ontap connectors.Aluminiumframeadapts to five styles.Pairof embossedvinyl curtains,size Cat. No.830/0331 54"x7(1'each,with hooks

CompoRetail £16.95

Our Price £10.95

16. Cascade Shower Frallle and Curtain Set. Aluminium frame. Adapts to 3 styles. Pair of embossedvinyl curtains,size 54"x 7(1'each,with hooks Cat. No.830/1622


Our Price £6.75

17. Cascade "Lady Jane" Hand Spray. Flexible tubing with push-on tap connectors and telephone.stylehandset Cat. No.830/2346

CompoRetail £1.75

Our J:lrice£1.15

18. Cascade "Riviera" Shower. Handset on adjustable wall bracket. Flexible chromium platedtubing with push-ontap connectors. ,Cat. No; 830/0207

CompoRetail £9.50

.. Our Price £6.75

19. Cascade "Corniche" Wall Shower. Telephone style handset on adjustablewall bracket. Spiral metal effect tubing with push-ontap COIJnectors : Cat. No.830/2250

CompoRetail £7.99

11. Flair Double Bath Shelf. Moulded tn polystyrene. Fixing screws supplied. Size 26f'x 91'x3~" ,.Cat.No.'830/1897

.Rec. Retail £6.40

Cascade Shower Curtain and'Telescopic Rod Set. Extends from 3' 6" to S' 6". Embossedvinyl curtain, size 54"x 70", with hooks. 12.White Cat. No.830/0276 Cat. No.830/2267 13.Blue....•..................................

Our f'rice £4.99

20.·Cascade".Goldensands" Shower. Handset on adjustabie wall bracket. Flexible tubing with push-ontap connectors....:.......Cat. ~o. 830/1952.

CompoRetail £4.25

Our Price £2.99

1. Dongora Bleached Cotton Sheets. Plain hemmed. Supplied in pairs. Size 9(y'x 100' .

. Cat. No. 101/3948

Compo Retail £·12~86

Our Price £8.25

2. Flannelette Sheets. In mink-brown shade. 3upplied in pairs. Minimum 85% cotton. Size 9(y'x 100'. · · Cat. No.101n803

Ree. Retail £13.30

Our Price £8.95

3. Flannelette' Sheets. Multi-stripe design. Minimum 85% cotton. Supplied in pairs. Size 9(y'x 100' Cat. No.101/8170

'CompoRetail £13.30

Our Price £8.95

4. Cotton Flannelette Sheets. Multi-.check desiqn. Supplied in pairs. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Pride 101/4806 7(y'x 100' £10.75 £6.75 101/4813 g(Y'x 100' £13.50 £8.75 5. Laraine Co-Ordlnating Flannelette Sheets. 10001> cotton. One printed: one plain. Suppliedin pairs.Size9(y'x 100' Cat. No.101/8187

CompoRetail £12.95

Our Price £8.45

Ree. Retail £7.99 11/ Glenaire Nylon Fitted Bedspread, 100% acrylic filling. Two-tier printed fabric with lace and contrastinq-trlm,Washand drip-dry. To fft 4' 5' bed : Cat. No.101/8204

CompoRetail £17.50

12. Dongora Brus.hedCotton Lace 8edspread. Size98'x 100' Cat. No.1.0117944

Compo Retail £18.68

Our Priee £11.95

.13. Glenalre Nylon Fitted Bedspread. 100010· acrylic filling. Two-tier with frou-frou trim. Wash and drip-dry. To fit 4' 6" bed. White Cat. No.101/8211 Brown : Cilt. No. 101/8228

Compo Retail £14.50 6. Laraine All Cotton Flannelette Sheets. Multistripe design. Supplied in pairs. Pillowcasesize 19"x2g'. •. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Pdee 101/7700 7(y'x 100' £9.45. £5.95 101n717 so-x 100" £12.25 £7.95 101n724 Pair of P-illowcases £1.85 £1.25

Our Price £10.95

OU/Prlce £9.45

14. "Maid of the Mournes" Prl~ted Bedspread. 60% polyester/400/o viscose.Size90"x 1(XT.... Cat. No. 101/8235

Compo Retail £8.30

Our Price £5.95

7. Ambassador Pillow. Curled feather filling. 1'00010cotton cover.Size27"x 18". Cat. No. 101/0721

Ree. Retail £3.00

Our Priee £2.25

8. Ariel Pillow. TERYLENE(polyester)P3 filling. Continuous filament fibre. 100010 cotton cover. Washable.Size27"x 18" Cat..No.101/6505

spread. 75% cottonl 25%sarille. Size 88"x1l8". Gazelle : Cat. No. 101/8132 Beige , : Cat. No.101/8149

Ree. Retail £4.70'

Compo Retail £10.95

Our Price £3:25

Our Price £7.45

DUV,ETQuilt cover. Two pillOw cases and fitted ~~<,.;~~.bottom she,et which incorporates valance.



7.5 "togs" minimum, 8.5 "togs" minimum, 9.5 "togs" minimum and 10.5 "togs" minimum. All quilts conform to B.S.I. 53~5.

1. Chdsty "Three 'n' Easy" Coffee Continental Quilt Cover Set. 50% cotton/SO% vincel modal. Comprises printed cover, pair of pillow cases and fitted bottom sheet with frilled valance comblned. .....Cat. No. 101J7920 Size 6'6"x 6'6"........

CompoRetail £36.50

Our Price £24.95

2., Gay· Nights

"Romance" Continental Quilt Cover Set. Comprises printed duvetcover. frilled fitted sheet with bleached body and 'printed frill. '30"/~polyester/50"/0 cotton. Single bed size (with printed pillow case) 4'6"x6'6". Double bed size (with two printed pillow cases) 6'6"x6'6". Catalogue CompoOur· Number Retail Price 101/8039 Double Pink £29.25£18.50 101/8015 Single Pink £22.50£13.45

Christy "Three "n' Easy" Continental, Quilt Cover Set. 50"/0 cotton/50"/o vincel modal. Comprises orinted cover, pair of pillow cases and fitted oottom sheet with frilled valance combined. Size

6'6"x 6'6". .Cat. No. 10117913 .Cat. No. 10117937

Our Price '£23.95

6. Siumllerdown Continental Quilt. New feather and down filling. 100%- cotton cambric case. Minimum "tog" rating 10.5. Catalogue Number 101/6251 4'6"x 6'6" 10116268 6'p"x 6'6"

7. Fogarty "Ambassador" TERYLENE (Polyester) P3 Continental Quilt. Made to ICI Pink Label Standard to give .extra warmth. With easy care 50"/0 polyesterf50% cotton caller. "Tog" rating . 10.5. approx. Catalogue Number 101/8084 'V6"x 6'6"

8. Fogarty "Gold Star" Continental Quilt. New feather and down filling: 100"/0 cotton cambric case. With walled channel construetlon. "Tog" rating 10.5 approx.. Catalogue

~umber •. 101/8101 10~/81t8

4'6"x 6'6" 6'6"x6'6"

1. Biederlack "Horses' Helld" Blanket. 100% acrylic fibre on a cottonwarp. Fully wasl:1able. Size sa'x 8a' ,Cat, No. 101/8077

CompoRetail £18.95

Our Price £11.95

2. Biederlack

"Bengal Tiger" Blanket. 100% acrylic fibre (DRAlON) on a cotton warp. Fully washable. Size sa'x 80:' .7••••0at. No. 10117504

CompoRetail £21.45

Oui' Priee£13.50

3. Witney All Wool Blanket. Nylon taffeta bound ends. Size 91"x98". Catalogue Number 101/3728 Gole 101i3735 Rase

4. Witney Honeycomb Blanket. TELI'.E (acrylic)/16% nylon. Size.91"x 98" , ~, .

84% COUR·

Ree.Retail £9.50 5. Witney ,Polychromatic viscose/7% acrylic. 59"x 79". r •••••••••••••• , •••••• "

Dyed Blanket. 93% Whipped ends. .Size •••••••••.•••• Cat. No. 10117858


Our Price £3.99

6. "Leopard" Blanket. In washable printed 100% ACRILAN. Bound all round. Size.9a'x 100". Cat. No. 10.117841

CompoRetail £13.50

Our Priee£8.95

7. Dreamland Pre-Heating Electric blanket. 96% _viscose/4% other fibres. settings. B.EAB. approved. Catalogue _ Ree. Number 45011141 56"x 24" 450/0719 56"x 44"

8. DreamlalJd Pre-Heating Electric Underblanket. 96% viscose/4% other fibres. Double size has dual control. 3-tieat settings warmth. B.EA.R approved. Catalogue Number, 450/0805 6a'x 30" / 450/0812 6a;<48"

Ree. Our Retail Priee £18.88£12.45. £26.61£18.45


Dreamland Pre-Heating Electric Underblanket. 96% yiscose/4% other fibres. B.E.A.B. approved. CatalogUe Ree. Number 45011103 48"x 24" 450/1110 48" x 44"

10. Monogram "Peeress" All-Night Electric Overblanket. 83% viscose/17% cotton. Variable heat settings with continuous "sensa, safety" system. Washable. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue Ree. Our Number Retail Priee 450/0908 78"x 56" £30.72£21.50 450/0915 78"x 72:' £36.87£25.95 . 450/0922 78"x72". Dual Control £41.40£28.50



11. Monogram King Size AII·Night Electric Overblanket. 83% liiscose/17% cotton. Double size has dual control. Variable heat settings with continuous ·"sensor safety" system. Washable. B.EAB. approved. Catalogue Rec. Number 450/1206 82:'>,71"

450/1213 82"x·9a'

oOZ.B .- aum.-unPRE-HEA

:TINGUNDERBLANKET _ _" ., -.,,"~-'"'--

1. Cozee Cumfort Pre-Heating Electric Underblanket. 85% viscose minimum. Double size has dual control. 3-heat settings. Washable. B.EAB. approved. Rec. Our CatalogueRetail Price Number £14.40£9.75 450/11276£Y'x3O" £21.95£14.25 450/1134 OO'x 5!Y' 2. Cozee Cumfort Pre-Heating Electric Under-blanket. 85% viscose minimum. .B.E.A.B. approved. Rec. Our Catalogue Retail Price Number £10.55£7.25 450/1000 5a'x 25' £13.85£8.95 450/1017 5!Y'x42" 3. Hot Water Bottle. With 100"10 cotton removable cover Cat. No. 45011268


5. Sunbeam Ali-NIght ElectrIc Overblanket. 83% IIiscose/17% cotton. Double size with dual controls. l1-heatsettings. Size81"x72". ' Cat. No. 450/1251

O'urPrice £24.50 6. Dongora Polyester LaCe Tablecloth. With cotton trimming. Size5£Y'x7a'_ .Cat. No. 120/0665

OurPrice £4.99

7. Nottlngham Lace Tablecloth. Wl:li.tepolyester (TERYLENE).Machine·washable. . Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 120/0957 Round 7a' Dia. ,£9.50 £6.45' 120/0940 Rectangular 52'x'!2' £7.50 £4.99




8. TWo Tone Lace Tablecloth. 65% polyester. 35% cotton. Size 51"x 67" Cat. No. 120/0517


OurPrice £5.75

11. Melova Vision Nel With bold contrasting desiqn, Made in ICI polyaster/Terylene easy care fibre. Ready to hang with stitched _rod pocket Drop 72'. Pack of 10yd length...Cat. No. 120/0689


Our Price £11.45

12.Malova CurtaIn Nelln a modern Raschellace design. Made in lei polyester/Terylena easycare fibre. Ready to hang with stitched rod, pocket. Colour white. Drop 72'. Pack of lOyd length. Cat. No. 120/0672 ~


OurPrice £10.45

We now offer ready- made curtains. There is a choice of colours, 2 different styles and 2 sizes. Each curtaIn has blind stitched sides, 1" top tape and 'Z' bottom hem. 13. Piece Dyed Non-woven Fabric. 80% viscose/20% nylon. Stitch bonded. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price 120/0737 46"x 72:' Brown £6.25 £4.25 120/0744 46"x 72' Gold £6.25 £4.25 120/0751 66"x9£Y'Brown £10.45£7.45 120/0768 66"x9£Y'Gold £10.45£7.45 14. 100% Coloured Woven Acrylic. Catalogue ; CompoOur Number Retail Price £12.45£8.95 120/0696 46"x72" Brown 120/0706 4S"x72:' Beige -- £1-2.45£8.95 120/0713 66"x9£Y'Brown £22.50£15.95 120/0720 66"x90" Beige £22.50£15.95

15. All Cotton Tea Towels. Set of 3. Size 2£Y'x30" _ : Cat. No. 120/0964


Our Prtce £1.12 _""""""""

OurPrice £5.45

9. Dongora COtton Damask Napkins. Ivy leaf design. Set of 6. Size 22'x 22'. Matches item no. 10 Cat. No. 120/0421-



OurPrice £1.99'

4. Slumberheat 3-Heat Pre-Heati,ng Elec;trlcUnderblanket. Illuminated variable control, 86% IIiscose/14% cotton. B.E.A.B. approved. Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 450/10245!Y'x25' £12.95£8.45 45On031 5!Y'x43" £16.35£10~45


10. Dongora Cotton _DamaskTablecloth. Ivy leaf design. Size54"x7£Y'.Matehesi.temno. 9. Cat. No. 120/0414

OurPrice £4.99

16. Laraine Spotted Terry All Cotton Tea'Towels. Set of 3. Size 18" x 28" Cllt. No. 120/0373


Our Price £1.50

1. Darlyn 3 Tier Trolley. Removable top tray. Anodised aluminium frame and tray surrounds. Melamine trays. Size 22"x 15"x 30" high. Packed Cat. No. 640/3591 flat for home assembly

Compo Retail £39.95

Our Price £19.95

2. Darlyn 2 Tier Trolley. Anodised aluminium frame and tray surrounds. Heatand stain resistant fixed trays. Size 19"x14"x29" high. Packed flat for homeassembly Cat.No.640/3285

Compo Retail £19.50

Our Price £11.95

3. Darlyn 3 Tier Tea Trolley. Gold coloured anodisedaluminium frame. Melaminelaminated teak finish trays.Size22"x14"x3G' high. Packed flat for homeassembly..... ....Cat.No.640/3072

Compo Retail £30.00

Our Price £15.95

4. '2 Tier Folding Trolley. Tubular st~el fram·e. Teak effect wipe-clean trays with aluminium beading.Traysize24"x16".Height30~". Cat. No. 640/3089

Compo Retail £21.00

Our Price £13.95

5. Multi-purpose 2 Tier Folding Trolley. Chromium plated frame with woodgrain effect trays. Can be used half opened to save space. Folds away flat when not in use. Size 25~"x16"x3H" Cat.No.640/3821

Compo Retail £23.95


Our Price £14;95

6. 2 Tier Circular Trolley. Diameter171".Height 22~".Packedflat for homeassembly. Cat. No. 640/3319

Compo Retail £6.60

Our Price £4.99

7. Sewing Stool. figured velvet. Satininterior lining. QueenAnnestylelegs. Cat. No. 64010460

Rec. Retail £15.00

Our Price £9.75

12.Barrel-ShapedMirror. Teakeffectfinish. Can be hung verticaUy or horizontally. Size 1H"x 3H". Cat.No.64013838

Compo Retail £9.70

Our Price £7.45

13.BambooBeadCurtain.Idealasa spacesave, dividing rooms or replacing doors. Size 33" widex 74"high. . Cat.No.640/3852

Compo Retail £10.50

Our Price £7.45

14.TelephoneTable.Teakeffectwith undershelf for directories.Size19"x9~"x6" high. Cat. No. 640/3845

Compo Retail £9.65

Our Price £5.95

15. Crown Merton Wall Mirror. White scroll.surround. Suitablefor hangingverticallyor horizon tally.Size15~"x28" Cat. No.640/3209

Rec. Retail £14.03

Our Price £7.25

16. Crown Merton Telephone Table. Glasstop Undershelf for directories. Size shelf. 8J"x17"x10~". .Cat.No.640/3216

Rec. Retail £11.50

Our Price £5.95

17,·Crown Merton Corner Unit. Whitewith black metal shelves. Size 1n"x8"x34r' high. Packed Cat. No.64013182 flat for homeassembly

Rec. Retail £10.10

Our Price £5.75

Compo Retail £6.76

Our Price £4.75

19. Vintage Car Watch Collage Kit. Createthrs beautiful watch to make, easy to foUow instructions. AU materials provided. Size 12"x9". (N.B. Components vary from pack to pack). .. Cat. No.640/4019

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £4.99

8. Footstool. Acrylic pile (DRALON)covered, foam padded, buttoned top. QueenAnne style legs.Size16"x12"x1W' high....Cat.No.640/3405

20. Crown Merton Planter. White with black trough. For indoor or outdoor use. Size 235"x8"x241".Packedflatlor homeassembly Cat. No. 640/3041

Rec. Retail £9.80

Rec. Retail £8.92

Our Price £6.95

9. Sewing Pouffe.Nylon coveredwith foam paddedseat.Accessorytray Cat.No.640/3096

Rec. Retail £13.40

OUI Price £8.95

10.Woodmet3 Tier Trolley: Removabletop tray. Anodised aluminium frame and tray surrounds. Heat and stain resistant trays. Size overall. 25"x15"x29" high. Packedflat for home assembly Cat.No.640/3601

Comp., Retail £54.00

Our Price £28.95

Our Price £4.99

21. "Wishing Well" Nutcracker. Wooden bow! can be used for nuts and fruit. Bowl diameter 7)" Cat. No.640/3948

Compo Retail £3.25

. Our Price £2.25

22. Crown Merton Wall Bracket. 3 shelf coholder can .be used to display plants or ornaments.Size15"" 14~"x4~" Cat. No.640/3962

Compo Retail £5.95

Our Price £3.75

11. Oval Mirror. Antique design. Gold coloured finish. Size2H"x 14r. .... .....Cat.No.640/3560

23. Plant Pot Stand.White plastic with 3 holdint brackets containing 3 pots. Overall height ~. stand37"....:..... ........Cat. No.640/4007

Compo Retail £6.75

Compo Retail £9.25

Our Price £3.99


18. Set of 4 Scatter Cushion Covers. 54% cot ton/46% viscosewith nylon back. Floral design with zip., ...Cat. No.64013979

Our Price £6.75

1. "Marie Therese" 3 Light Fitting. Gilt finish with qlass overlay and fitments. Crystal droplets. Overali spread 21". Max bulb 60 Watts per holder. Can be fitted with candle bulbs or shades. Cat. No. 430/2986

Compo Retail £35.00

Our Price £19.95

Cobra Electric Reproduction Victorian Lamps. Glass shades. Max. bulb 100 Watts each. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 2. 430/2553 Wall Light. Height 9" £8.25 £5.50 3. 430/2546 Pendant. Drop 21" £9.99 £6.50

Light Fittings. Rosewood finish arms with aluminium cups and glass shades.Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 11. 430/2474 TriplePendant. Spread19" £21.66 £13.25 12. 430/2481 WallLight.Height9" £8.47 £5.50 13. Cobra 3 Ught Semi Flush Fitting. Teak and brass finish with crystal structure glass shades. Drop from ceiling l1f". Max. bulb 60 Watts per Cat. No. 430/4049 holder

Compo Retail £18.40 4. Electric "Oil" Type Pendant. Decorated ceramic and brass plated metalwork. Max. bulb 100Watts Cat. No. 430/3277

Compo Retail £13.00

Our Price £8.95

5. Crystal "Waterfall" Chandelier. Diameter 8". Bohemian crystal on brass frame. Max. bulb 100 Watts.. . Cat. No.430/2917

Compo Retail £17.75

Our Price £11.95

6. Balena "Georgian" Lantern. Reproduction Georgianpendant in brassfinish with glasscylinder and chain suspension. Length including chain 25'. Max.bulb 60Watts....Cat. No. 430/3758

Compo Retail £14.85

Our Price £12.75

14. H. H. Clarklite Ught Fitting. Teak and brass finish with crystal clear glas;;. Drop 20". spread 24".Max.bulb 60Wattsper holder. Cat. No. 430/4063

Compo Retail £16.25

Our Price £10.95

Light Fittings. Teakfinish with glassshades.Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 15. 430/2450WallLight.Height8" £7.79 £5.25 16. 430/2443 TriplePendant. Spread16" £17.72 £11.75

Our Price £10.75

Spanish Style Light Fittings. Antique brassfinish with candledrips. Max. bulb 60 Wattsper holder. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 7. 430/3291 Chandelier. Spread21f' £19.55 £11.25 8.430/3356 WallLight.Height1(),'£8.17 £4.99

Light Fittings. Teak and brass finish with amber coloured glass shades. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 17. 430i3772 WallLight.Height8" £6.60 £4.99 18. 430/3765 TriplePendant. SpreadlT' £16.50 £11.85

Flemish Style Light Fittings. Polishedbrasswith candle drips. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 9. 430/3301 Chandelier. Spreadm" £33.50 £15.25 1O. 430/3363WallLight.Height7i" £17.75 £8.25

Balena Ught Fittings. Teak and brassfinish with glass shades. Max. bulb 60 Watts per holder. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 19. 430/3387 WallLight. LengthlZ' £7.35 £4.99 20. 430/3325 Pendant. Spread28" £20.99 £13.45

1. Cobra 3 Ught. Pendant Fitting. Satin brass plated finish with white and gold coloured glass shades. Dia. 11". Max. drop 23". Max bulb 60

Wattsper holder.


Cat. No.430/4032

Our Price£10.95

2. Trident 3 Light Pendant Attlng. In brass coloured effect. with amber coloured glass shades. 22" drop. Max. bulb 60 Watts per hol- ... der Cat. No.430/4056


Our Price£9.95

3. Cascade "Harp" Pendant Lantern. Brass finish. chain suspended,drop easily adjusted if required.Width 1m". Max.bulb 100 Watts. Cat. No. 430/4070 ,


Our Price£9.95 -

4. Sheerllte Pair of Pendant Shades. Selfassembly.Max. bulb 100 Watts. Pack of two as follows: Fawn-tan-brown(12" diameter). Fawntan (9" diameter) Cat. No.430/4094


Our Price£2.99

5. White Shade.Translucentplastic with interior anti-dustfunnel. Finishedwith three tier fringe in brown : Cat. No.43014087


Our Price£5.75

6. Sheerllte PendantShade.Self-assembly.Pine effectfinish. Dia.16".Max.bulb 150Watts. Cat. No. 430/4104


Our Price£3.45

7. Cascade "Colony" Shade. Caneeffect shade with contrasting trim. Diameter 16". Max. bulb 100 Watts Cat. No.430/3844


Our Price£6.25

8. Lumex Pendant Shade. Crystal and copper coloured polystyrene.Diameter 15'. Max. bulb f 50Watts Cat. No.43010036


Our Price£4.99

9. "Tiffany" Style Shade. White Broderie Anglaise with fringe. Diameter 11". Max. bulb 100 Watts Cat. No.430/1798


Our Price£1.99

1.0. Cascade RIse and Fall Pendant. Acrylic shade.Chromedeffecttrim and handle.Diameter 13r. Max.drop 55'. Max.bulb 100 Watts. Cat. No. 430/3741


Our Price£14.25

11. Trident Rise and Fall Pendant Attlng. White with chrome coloured trim. Louvred diffuser. Diameter 14". Max. drop 40". Max. bulb 100 Watts Cat. No.430/3088


Our Price

12. Sheerllte Rise and Fall Pendant. "Fume" colouredacrylic shade.Chromiumplatedhandle Diameter 14". Max. drop 64". Max. bulb 100 Watts , Cat. No.430/2436

Comp.Retail £17.75

OurPrice £11.95

13.Table Lamp.Ceramicbase.Beigeshadewith gold coloured trim. Height 13". Max. bulb 60 Watts ; Cat. No.430/2742

Comp.Retail £4.50

Our Price£3.25

14. Trident Table Lamp. Tiffany style Brdderie Anglaiseshade.White ceramicbase.Height 13~". Max.bulb 60 Watts Cat. No.43012735

CompoRetail £7.65

Our Price£5.45

15.Table Lamp.Ceramicbase.Whiteshadewith silver coloured trim. Height 14i". Max. bulb 100 Watts.................•......................... Cat. No.430/2759


Our Price£3.75

16. Trident Electric "0"" Lamp. Victorian style. Glass globe. Brassed finish base. Height 14!" Max.bulb 60 Watts Cat. No.430/3459

CompoRetail £8.85

Our Price£5.95

17. Electric "011"Type Table Lamp. Decorated floral pottery base with opal' coloured glass shade.Height14¥'. Max.bulb 60 Watts. Cat. No. 430/3806

Comp.Retail £11.75

Our Price£7.95

18. Electric "Oil" Type Table Lamp. Metal base with decoratedpottery centreand opal coloured glassshade.Height14!". Max.bulb 60 Watts. Cat. No. 430/3796

CompoRetail £9.45

OurPrice £6.75

19. Table Lamp. Decoratedpottery base.Height 11".Max.bulb 60Watts CaL No.43013428

Comp.Retail £2.90


20. Glass Table Lamp with Pleated Shade. Heightapprox.16". Max.bulb 100 Watts. Cat. No. 43013813

Rec.Retail £6.50

Our Price£4.75

21. Pine Wood Table Lamp. Height approx. 21"' Max.bulb 100 Watts Cat. No.430/3820

Rec.Retail £7.25

Our Price£4.99

22. Lomond Onyx Table Ught. Onyx centreand base with brass finish fittings. ,Gold coloured shade.Height13". Max.bulb 60Watts. Cat. No. 430/3789

Comp.Retail £7.35

Our Price£5:25

1. WoodenStandardLamp.Teakcolouredfinish with gilt coloured spacers. Height approx. 57". Cat. No.430/2663 Max.bulb 100Watts

12. Crestworth "Glitterllte". Silver coloured flakes move slowly through blue liquid giving a twinkling effect.Height17!,'......Cat.No.430/2814

Compo Retail £13.75

Compo Retail £10.50

Our Price £8.75

2. LomondOnyx Standard Lamp.Onyxcolumns with brass plated fittings. Gold coloured shade. Height61".Max.bulb 150Watts. Cat. No. 430/3837

Compo Retail £26.65

Our Price £18.75

3. DoubleEffectGlobe.Showspolitical colouring when lit and physical-political colouring when unlit. Specialcartographyshowsearthandseain visualrelief.Diameterla'. Max.bulb 25Watts. Cat. No. 430/4128

Compo Retail £16.74

Our Price £11.45

Our Price £6.95

13. EmessCrystal Glass Flush Fitting. Diameter Cat.No.430/3253 1a'. Max.bulb 100Watts

Rec. Retail £7.90

Our Price £3.99

14. H.H. Clarkllte Flush Fitting. Glass diffuser. Diameter5".Max.bulb60Watts. Cat. No. 430/3246

Compo Retail £3.56

Our Price £2.65

15. H.H."Light 'n' Shave" Stripllght and Shaver Socket. Suitable for bathrooms, with 60 Watt tungstentube. Length16" Cat.No.430/3222

4. Carriage Style Optic Lamp. Featuresapprox. 8,000blackfibres,24"spread....Cat. No.430/4111

Gomp. Retail £19.85

Compo Retail £54.50

16-. Ablec Circular Fluorescent Fitting. With crystal effect shade.40 Watt tube, equivalentto 150 Watt light bulb..Plugs into any ceiling type Cat.No.430/1145 lampholder.Diameter16"

Our Price £36.75

5. Fibre Optic' Lamp. Changes colour and revolves. Approx. 7,400 glass fibres giving a spreadof 24"approx Cat. No.4.30/2780

Compo Retail £40.95

.Our Price £25.75

6. Emess Porch Lantern. Black polypropylene body with amber coloured panels. Height 21". Max.bulb60Watts Cat. No.430/4025

Compo Retail £11.45

Our Price £5.95

Rec. Retail £19.03

Our Price £15.45

Our Price £13.45

17. Thorn Circular Fluorescent Fitting. Glass diffuser.Diameter17".60Watttube,equivalentto. Cat.No.430/1114 3 x 75Wattlight bulbs

Compo Retail £20.72

Our Price £15.95

7. Emess "Hereford" Metal Porch Lantern. Height14".Max.bulb 100INatts. Cat. No. 430/0407

18. Thorn "Homellte" Fluorescent Fitting. 40 Watt "U" tube, equivalentto 2 x 100Watt light bulbs.Length23",width 8" Cat.No.430/2405

Compo Retail £12.30

Compo Retail £16.57

Our Price £6.25

8. Emess "Warwick" Metal Porch Lantern. Height15".Max.bulb40Watts,candlebulb. Cat. No. 430/1444

Compo Retaii £14.50

Our Price £7.50

9. Emess "Suffolk" Metal Porch Lantern. Hand blown ambercolouredglassdiffuser.Height12~". Max.bulb 100Watts Cat.No.430/2065

Compo Retail £13.80

Our Price £7.45

10. Nursery "Night Light". Handdecoratedpottery. Height 7". Completewith miniature figures and 15Watt bulb......•................. Cat.No.430/3569

Compo Retail £6.?O

Our Price £4.75

Our Price £10.95

19. Thorn "Arrowsllm" Fluorescent Fitting. 30 Watt tube, equivalent to a 180 Watt light bulb Can be mounted on wall, ceiling or behind pelmetsetc. Length36",width H". Cat. No. 430/2395

Compo Retail £10.52

Our Price £7.25

20. Plug-In Fluorescent Ught Fitting. 95 Watt consumption,equivalentto;' 150Wattlight bulb. Plugs into suspended or fixed lampholder. Length36",width 5!" : Cat. No.430/3198

Rec. Retail £9.49

Our Price £6.75

11. 'Crestworth "Telstar" Bubble Lamp. Filled with two contrasting liquids which give ever changingpatterns.Height17~".Cat. No.430/2151

21.GEC'~Europa"FluorescentFitting.Complete with diffuser and 40 Watt tube, giving more light thana 150Wattlight bulb. Length49i". Cat. No. 430/2261

Comp; Retail £10.50

Compo Retail £15.00

Our Price _!:6.95

Our Price £9.95

1. Sheerlite Cllp-On Spot Light. Adjustablespot. Max.bulb 60Watts..: Cat.No.430/4001

Compo Retail£6.25


2. Pifco "Studio" Table Spot Lamp. Flexible neck. Push button switch in base. Height 1~". Max.,bulb60Watts Cat. No.43011860



3. Sheerllte Table Spot Lamp. Flexible neck. Switch in base.Height13".Maxbulb 60Watts. Cat. No. 430/4018

Compo Retail£7.99


4. Anglepoise Lamp. White epoxy enamelled metalwork.chromium plated springs. Reach30". Max.bulb 60Watts Cat. No.430/18n



5. Maclamp Desk Lamp. Simulated wood arms. Metalshade.Height24".Max.bulb 40Watts. Cat. No. 43011035



6. Maclamp DoubleSpot Standard Lamp. Height 60". Max. bulb 2x 60 Watt mushroom or 2x 100 Wattreflectortype Cat. No.430/2357



8. Maclamp Spot Table Lamp. Max. height 23"'. Max. bulb 60 Watt mushroomor 100Watt reflector type , Cat. No.43011059



9. Trlmllte Dimmer Switch. Replaces existing on/off switcheswithout additional wiring. Rotary on/off and light level adjustment.Max. load 300 Watts Cat. No430/3851




11. Cobra Triple Spot Light FItting. Ceiling plate diameter1Z'. Max.bulb 3x 60Watts. Cat. No. 430/2388

Compo Retail£16:_99


12. Cobra Doub'le Spot Ceiling Fitting. Centre columnlZ'. Max.bulb 2x60Watts. , Cat. No. 43011530

Compo Retail£12.75


13. Cobra Wall/Ceiling Spot Light. Brushed finish aluminium cowl. length 7". Max.'bulb 60 Cat. No.430/1547 Watts ·

Compo Retail£7.25


14. Triple Spot Track/Bar Light Fitting. Can be used for ceiling or wall mounting. Spots fully adjustable.Lengt!136".Max.bulb 3x 60Watts. . Cat. No. 430/3727

Compo Retail£18.95



7. Maclamp Triple Spot Light Fitting. Aluminium oendant with adjustable spotlights. Max. bulb 3x60 Watt mushroom or 3x 100 Watt reflector type Cat. No.430/3703


10.Trimlite Dimmer'Switch. Both control knobs push to SWitchon or off and rotate for light intenSity. Can be used in single or two-way circuits. Max.load300Wattsper control. Cat. No. 430/3868


15. Triple Spot Light FItting. Spots can be indi· viduallydirected. Ceiling platediameterlZ'. Max. bulb3x 60Watts Cat. No.430/3710

Compo Retail£22.00

~ur Price£12.95

16. Triple Spot Light Fitting. Spots can be individually directed. Drop 171": Max. bulb 3x60 Watts · Cat. No.430/3181

Compo Retail£16.95


17. Wall Spot Light. Height 6!". Max. bulb 60 Watts · · Cat. No.430/3174

Compo Retail£6.95


Guarantee: We offer a full money-back guarantee in addition to your 'statutory rights.

ill 1. Bruno "Tristar" Log Effect Fire Suite. 2! kW. Fuei effect independent of heaters. Three angled fires separately switched. Surround finished in African walnut. Size 38J"x22i"x9i1". B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 415/2325




11. Rima 408 Fan Heater. 3 kW with thermostatic control. Choice of 1, 2 or 3 kW settings or fan only. B.EAB. approved Cat. No. 415/1443



12. Philip's Choice of approved

Fan Heater. 3240 "Mini Turbo" 1 or 2 kW settings. B.E.A.R Cat. No. 415/2253

Compo Retail£19.87



4. Belling "Tivoli" Radiant Heater. Period style. Coal effect which works independently of elements. Choice of 800, 1600 or 2400 Watt heat high. B.E.A.B. Size 28~"x9"x 19r ................ Cat. No. 415/2095


1a~_~~~~~~n~~3~~~~i~~6i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~@~~~ Choice of 1, 2 or 3 kW settings or fan only. Fitted with 2 thermal cut-outs. REAB. approved. Cat. No. 415/2246



OurPrice£47.95 5. Berry Magicoal "Newberry" Fuel Effect Fire. 3 heat settings sx 750 Watts. Fuel effect independent of heater. Teak finish surround. Textured canopy and side decks. Size 25}"x8i1"x21". B.E.A.R approved Cat. No. 415/2370



14. Ekco FH51 Fan Heater. 2 kW. Woodgrain effect finish. Thermostatic control. Choice of 1 or 2 kW 'heat settings or fan only. B.E.A.B. approved. ··· Cat. No. 415/2136



6. Berry Magicoal "Chester" Fuel Effect Heater. 3 heat settings 3x 750 Watts. Fuel effect independent of heater. Size 26:I"x lm"x2H". B.E.A.B.

~~~~~~~~~i:==~~~:;i ;==::::===~==::::===::::=:::===:


7. Prilect Reflector Fire. 2 kW. Chromium plated reflector. Choice of 1 or 2 kW settings. Size 14"x 9;"x 9r. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 415/1649

OurPrice£9.45 8. Glen Fan Heater. 1 kW heat setting or cool fan only. B.EAB. approved Cat. No. 415/2040


16. Belling "Tango 3" Fan Heater. 3 kW. Woodgrain effect finish. 1,2 or 3 kW heat settings or fan only. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No. 415/1728




9. Rima 406 Fan Heater. 2 kW. Choice of 1 or 2 kW settings or fan only. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 415/1450

. Rec.Retail£17.99

.__ ,""-


3. Belling "Lyric" Radiant Heater. Period style. Total heat output 2400 Watts. 3 radiant elements Coal effect which works independently of elements. Size 28"x 9r'x 19". B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 415/2301


Cat. No. 415/2057

Rec. Retail £19.99


2. Sun house "Coronet" Radiant Heater. Coal effect. 2 heat settings, 900 or 1800 Watts. Fuel effect independent of heater. Teak effect surround. Size 2H"x 2~"x9". B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 415/2318


10. Rima 407 Fan Heater. 3 kW. Choice of 1,2 or 3 kW settings or fan only. B.E.A.B. approved.


17. Sunhouse 443T Fan Heater. 3 kW. Choice of 1. 2 or 3 kW.heat settings or fan only. Thermostanc control. B.E.A.B. approved ...Cat. No. 415/2260

Rec. Retail £25.27


IXpelairl J7


1. Rima Oe Luxe Ceiling Heat/Light Unit. 750 Watts. Heat and light will operate separately or Combined. Cord operated. Diameter 1#", de'pth Cat. No.415/0891 6f'


10. Ekco PC96Convector Heater. 1.8 kW. Thermostatically controlled. Slim designwith one side honey coloured and the other brown. Size 24f'x 13"x4". B.EAB. approved. . Cat. No. 415/2332

Our Price£12:95

Compo Retail£21.05

2. Rima'Ceiling Heat/Ught Unit. 750 Watts. Heat and'"light will operate separately or combined. Cord operated. Diameter 13",depth n°. B.EAB. approved Cet. No.41510884·


Our Price£10.95


4. Bruno Infra-Red Wall Heater. 1 kW.Adjustable angle brackets. On/off pull cord. Length 28". B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No.415/2291






Our Price£22.95



16. Smiths' "Imerset" Immersion Heater TIme Switch. Switches on/off twici. in 24 hours. With over-ride switch. For tmrnerslon heaters up to 3 kW : Cat. No.41511632 Rec.Retail£13.55

Our Price£23.45

Our Price£18.75

13. Aladdin "Aladdlnette" Paraffin Heater. Tank capacity# pints, giving up to 15hours of burning on maximum flame, equivalent'to 1.75 kW. Size 2S'x 11"x g' c Cat. No.41511883


. ,Our Prlce£27.95

9. Belling "Banta"," Convector ~eater.• 2.kW. Variable heat control. Size 24"x 19!"x4"..S.E.A.B. approved : , Cat. No.41~/2349


15. Sniiths "TIme Controlle," Plug-In TImeswitch. To control almost any electrical appliance.Capableof up to 48 on/off cyclesin 24 hours Cat. No.415/2363

OurPrice £32.45

8. Dlmplex Oil Filled Radiator. 500Watts. Air.sensing thermostat. Size 26"x21!" high. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No.415/1584




7. Dimplex Oil Filled Radiator. 750 Watts. Airsensing thermostat.Size 31!"x 21!" high: B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No,4'1511577



1~. Glen 011 Filled Electric Towel Rail. 60 Watts. Chromium plated rail can be swung out from wall if required. Suitable for bathroomsand kitchens. Size24"x 24".B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 415/2071

6. Dlrnplex 011 FlII~d Radiator. 1 kW.Air-sensing thermostat. Size 36!·x 27l" high. B.E.A.B. approved _ Cat. No. 41511735


Our Price£14.95·

12: Xpelalr GXC6Window or Wall Extractor Fan. Blade diameter 6':.Cord operated. Fits 71" diame- . ter hole. B.E.A.B.approved.......Cat. No.415/0035


Our Price£7.75

5. Sunhouse 164 Infra-Red Wall Heater. 750 Watts. Heat direction can be adjusted. On/off cord switch. Length 26". B.EAB. approved. Cat. Ncr.415/2284




11. Xpelalr FXC6 Window Extractor Fan. Blade diameter 6". Cord operated. Fits 7l" diameter hole. B.EAB. approved Cat. No.415/0028

3. Glen Convector Heater. 2 kW. Thermostaticaliy controlled. Can be wall mounted: Size 2l;l"x 18" high. B.EA8. approved. Catalogue Rec. Ou'r Number Retail Price 41511759 White £25.95£15.95 415/1766 Teak Effect· £26.95.,£16.75

Rec. Retail£10.99




17. Superswltch "Tlmac" Automatic Plug-In .Timer.Fits mostta Amp wall sockets.Oneor two programmes in 24 hours. With manual over-ride switch. For anyelectric applianceup to 3 kW. , Cat. No. 41511924


Our Price£9.45


1. Electrolux "Autom,tir;: 345" Cylloder Cleaner .. Automatic cleaning head, bag-change control and flex rewind. 7qo Watts. B.E.A.B.'approved.

"Completewith tools......•............ C8t. No. 405/0410


Our Price£63.95

4. Electrolux "87" Cylinder Cleaner. Idealfor the smaller home.Hoseswivels and givestreedorn of movement with accessories.B.E.A.B.approved, Completewith tools Cat.·No.405/1323


Our Price£39.95

5. Phlli~s H;R.6222 "Swivel Top" Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner. 3600' full circle swivel top' hose. Extra large dust bag. Suction power regulator 800 Watts.' B.E.A.B. approved: Complete with tools Cat. No. 40511275

Compo Retail£52.99

Our Price£37:75

6. Ajax Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner and Tools. 420 Watt motor. Foot operated .on/off switch, Includespaint sprayer.B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 405/1196

Our PJice£19.95 7. Hoover "Constellation" Cleaner. Floats on a cushion of air. Finger tip suction control'. 600 Watts.B.EAB. approved.Completewith tools. Cat. No. 405/0135


Our Price£42.95

8. Hoover "Freedom 750" Cylinder Cleaner. Bag-.fullindicator. 750 Watts. RE.A.B. approved Completewith tools : Cat. No,405/0647


Our Price£41.45

9. Moulinex "TS03" Cylinder Cleaner. Bag-full indicator. Foot operated on/off switch. Built-in carrying handle. Moves on four wheels. With .chromed extension tubes. flexible tube.,crevice tool and. small suction foot for upholstery etc. Powerful800 Watt motor Cat. No.40511110

Rec.~etail £64.95

Our Price £43.95

.iiirji~~~iiiiiiiiii~iii.iii.i ••

10. Hoover "Celebrity Alrrlde" Cleaner. Air ride feature.. King size disposal bag. Wrap round fOrniture guard. B.EAB. approved. 800 Watts. Comprehensivesetof tools Cat. No.405/1268


Our Price£44.95

11. Goblin "Compact Super 666" CYlinder Cleaner. 600 Watt motor. Incorporates"bag-full" indicator. B.E.A.B. approved. Complete- with tools Cat. No. 40511282

Rec.Retail £42.93

Our Price£31.75

~--'-~=~~12. Goblin "CC;mpact555" CYlinderCleaner and Tools. 500Watts.B.E.A.B.approved. . Cat. No. 405/0702

. Our£27.95 Access Card an'd Barclaycard are welcomed in all our Catalogue Showrooms.

1. Ewbank "525" Carpet Sweeper. Built-in brush comb. Simple press open twin dustpans. Case .......Cat. No. 855/1207

Our Price£5.99 2. Ewbank "1000" Carpet Sweeper. Indepen· dently sprung wheels. Flick-up lever for emptying twin dustpans. All round protective bumper. Case size 12~">< B~". . C"'t. ·No. 855/0057



3. Ewbank "Minit" Mop by Prestige. Lever action wringing. Rleplaceable cellulose sponge head. All round protective bumper Cat. No. 855/0284

Rec.Retail £4.45

Our Price£2.99

4. Ewbank "1200" Carpet Sweeper. Built-ln comb cleans brush whilst in use. Independently 'sprung wheels. Flick-up lever for emptying twin dustpans. All round protective bumper. Case size ......Cat. No. 85510181


Our Price£10.95

5. Ewbank "2500" Floor and Carpet Sweeper Twin dials for brush height adjustment and dustpan emptying ..Case size 13"><B~" Cat. No'. 855/0497

Our Price£11.25 6. Door Hanging Shoe Rack.' Takes up to 10 pairs of shoes plus polish, brushes etc. Fits neatly onto any door with special brackets provided. No screws or other fittings needed.Oat, No. 855/1173

Compo Retail£7.3.0

Our Price£4.99


Crown Merton Vacuum Cleaner Tool Tidy. Wh~te plastic coated steel. Can be fixed to either door orwall........................ ..Cat. No. 855/1180

Rec.Retail£4.37 8. Judge Plastic Dustbin. Iid Capacity 3~ GU ft.

Rec.Retail £8.95

Our Price£1.99 Metal handles 'secure Cat. No. 855/0624

Our Price£5.99

9. Leifheit Telescopic Shoe Rack. Extends from 21" to 39". Additional units can be stacked on one another. Holds up tot 0 pairs of shoes. Cat. No. 855/0514

Our Price£3;45 10. Leifheit "Delphin" Carpet Sweeper. Bristle brush. Independently sprung wheels. F'lick·open dustpans. Case size 11"x 7~' ....Cat. No. 855/0545


Our Price£4.75

11. Leifheit "Trabant de Luxe" Carpet Sweeper. Twin rotary brushes sweep up to wall. Bristle brushes. Independently sprung wheels. Twin fltck-open dustpans. Case size 11"x 9". Cat. No. 855/0662


.Our Price£6.55

12. Leifheit "Rotaro" Floor and Carpet Sweeper. Twin rotary brushes sweep up to wall and around furniture legs. Brush height control dial. Bristle brush and built-in comb. Case size 1H"><1~" ............................ : Cat. No. 855/0480

14. Leifheit "Super Container" floor and Carpet Sweeper.' Twin rotary brushes sweep up to wall and around furniture legs. Single large capacity lift-out dustpan. Bristle brushes. Brush height control. Case size 12"x 9¥' .Cat. No. 855/1142'

Rec.Retail £13.95

Our Price£8.75


15. Prestige Dustpan and Brush Set. 1 hard ano 1 soft brush. ..Cat. No. 85511317

Rec.Retail £2.85


16. Sabco "Mini" Shampooer. Foam applicator has. B brushes and 6 sponges .. Ideal for carpets and upholstered surfaces in the horne ana in the car. .. Cat. No. 85511166


Our Pr.lce£2.80

17. Bissell "Sweep Easy" Floor anil Carpet Sweeper. Removable dustpan. Built-in comb which cleans brushwhilst tn use. Brush height control. Case size 1H"x Bi" Cat. No. 855/1159

Compo Retail £10.95

Our Price£6.95

18'. Bissell "8000R" Fioor and: Carpet Sweeper. Slide lever bruah height adjustment. Lift-out dustpans for ease of emptying and cleaning. Twin rotary brushes. Case size 1H"x 10".' . Cat. No. 855/0583

Compo Retail £14.95

Our Price£9.~5

19. Bissell "9000S" Carpet Shampooer. Four roller action. Hip level lever for foam control. 500 ml bottle of shampoo supplied ..Cat. No. 855/0222

Compo Retail£15.50

Our Price£9.95

20. Bissell "Foam Master" Carpet Shampooer. Three roller action. Hip level lever for foam control. 500'mJ'b0ttle of shamp@os'upplied. Cat. No. 855/0215

Compo Retail £12.50

Our Price£7.95

1. ASUalrflow "Tidyspln Sky:llner" Rotary Alrer. Galvanised tubular steel frame with ABS mouldings. 150' of hanging space. With soil spear which requires no concreting...&at. No. 850/0784



2. ASUalrflow Rotary Clothes Line. Galvanised tubular steel frame. Heailyduty mouldings. PVC covered rayon line. ··Rec. Our Catalogue Retail Price Number £13.95£6.99 850/0148 90' £16.45£9.45 850/0155 120' 3. LeHhelt "Telegant 100" De Luxe Clothes Dryer. Wall-fixing case. Doors open to reveal 8 pull-out drying rails giving approx. 26' of drying space.Overalllength 41': Cat. No.850/0832



4. Probus "Linelock" Twin-Hooked Hangers. Hold securelyon a line. Idealfor rotarydryersand ordinary clothes lines. Setof 12. Cat. No. 850/0870

Compo Retail£2.64


5. Dennison 3-Tier Alrer. Stove enamelledtubular steel frame with plastic coated ralls giving 38' of hanging space. Wheels fitted for mobility. Foldsflat for storage.Extendedheight 53". Cat. No. 850/0825



6. Dennison "Big 0" Alrer. Stove enamelled tubular steel frame with plastic coated rails. Expandsto 59"high, giving 46' of hangingspace. Foldsflat for storage Cat. No. 850/0636



7. ASUalrflow "Compact" Alrer. Expandsto 49" high, giving 29' of hanging space. Folds flat for storage Cat. No. 850/0131



8. ASlJalrflow "Tidyframe" Alrer. For use over bath or free-standing.30' of hangingspace. Cat. No. 850/0760



9. Radiator AirerlTowel Rails. Set of 4. bength 24~"each 0'8t. No.850/0777



10. 5-FoldAirer. Plasticcoatedsteelframe,giving SO'of hangingspace.Foldsflat for storage. Cat. No. 850/0746



11. ~elfhelt Kitchen Towel Dryer. Wall fixing. 4 swir:Jg-outaluminium rails and 4 liooks. Closesto a compact case Cat. No. 840/2789



12. ASUairflow "Tidydry" Indoor Clothes Line. 5 linesextend to 15'. giviAg75' of hanging space Cat. No. 850/0117



We fully respect all your legal rights as a I customer. But fn addition to you. protection , under the law we will exchange or refund . you for any unused Item that does not meet your exact requirements. Just return the Item to us In Its original covering, together with your receipt, within 14 days of purchase.

5. Trident "Jumbo" Ironing Table. Floral cover. lroriting surface 48"x 13'~.Adjusts to 3 heights. Cat. No. 850/0715

Our Price £9.45

15. Hoover P2002 Dry Iron; Weight 2 Ib 10 oz. fhermostatic control. B.E.A.B. approved. <:at. No. 41011833

Our Price £7.95 16. PHco 1042 Dry Iron. Thermostatic.control. "'abric guide. Weight2~lb. S.E.A.B.approved. C{lt. No. 41011493

8. Bendix 7514 Spin Dryer. 1400 r.p.m, spin speed.4llb load. Height 2~r. width 13f'. B.EAB. approved Cat. No,410118~O

Rec. Retail £7.95

Rec. Retail £57.94

17.. AJax 162 Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. Fabricguide. Weight 2Ib Cat. No. 41011826

Ou'rPrlc~ £:42.50

Compo Retail £5.99•

Our Price £5.95

Our Price £3.99

G:B~; @] ~'I SHOT OF STEAM I STEAM I SPRAY I DRY I 1. Morphy Richards ~197 De Luxe Spray/Steam/ Dry Iron. Thermostatic controi. Control knob has HLCC settings. Weight 3~ lb. B.EAB. approved. Cat. No. 410/1572


10. Calor Electric/Tefal De Luxe "Jet-ofSteam"/Spray/Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. Visible water tank. Self cleaningaction for hardwaterareas Cat.No.410/1785



2. Morphy Richards 4196 Standard Sprayl Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol. Control knob has B.E.A.B. a'pproved Cat.No.41011778

11. Sunbeam SD30 De Luxe "Shot-ofSteam"/Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol andfabricguide.Waterlevelgauge.Weight3! lb. B.EAB.approved Cat.No.410/0346

Compo Retail£19.13



3. Calor Electric/Tefal 1503 Spray/Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol. Visible water tank. Centrecord for left/right hand use.Weight2 Ib 9 oz.REAB. approved Cat.No.410/1259



12. Sunbeam ISS1 "Super" "Shot-ofSteam"/Spray/Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostatic control. Stainlesssteel water tank. Water level gauge.Weight3~lb. B.EAB.approved. Cat. No. 41011606

4. SunbeamGSS3HDe Luxe Spray/Steam/Dry Iron. Water level gauge.Thermostaticcontrol. . Weight3~lb. B.EAB.approved. Cat. No. 41010982

13. Sunbeam XSS23HSpray/Steam/Dry Iron. [ Thermostatic control. Weight 3~ lb. B.EAB. approved i.. Cat.No.410/1338








14. Hoover 4004Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostatic. control.Weight3~lb. B.EAB.approved. Cat. No. 41010315

Rec.Retail£15.20 6. SunbeamAD19HStandardDry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol.Weight2~lb. B.EAB.approved. Cat. No. 41011022



7. Morphy Richards 4150 "Classic" Standard Dry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol.Controlknobhas HLCCsettings.Lightweight(2 Ib 15oz).B.EAB. approved Cat.No.41011761

Compo Retail£14.57


8. MorphyRichards4157"Classic" De LuxeDry Iron. Thermostatic control. Control knob has HLCCsettings.Lightweight(2 Ib 15oz).B.EAB. approved Cat.No.410/1534

Compo Retail£15.94


9. Proctor·Sllex1598WSpray/Steam/DryIron. Jet of steam from base.Thermostaticcontrol. Weight3itlb Cat.No.410/1699




15. Morphy Richards4187De Luxe Steam/Dry Iron. Thermostaticcontrol. Control knob has HLCC settings. Weight 3! lb. B.EAR approved Cat. No.410/1558

Compo Retail£19.13


1~MMP~~~*~M~~a~Ste~rory~~~~~~~§§~i~[~~~[~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~=;;=~~=~ Iron. Thermostatic control. Control knob has HLCC settings. Weight 3~ lb. B.E.A.R approved Cat.No.41011541

Compo Retail£17.75


17.Proctor-Silex1299WSteam/DryIron. Fabric guide. Thermostaticcontrol. Weight 2 Ib 5 oz. B.EAB.approved Cat.No.410/1682



18. Sunbeam GS23 Steam/Dry Iron. Fabric guide. Thermostatic control. Weight 3i lb. B.EAR approved........... ...Cat.No.410/1235



~. Sona KJ16 Electric Kettle.polished aluminium with teak handle and knob. 2400.Watts. Capacity


3 pints. B.EAB. approved

Cat. No.420/3391

Comp.Retail £11.78

OurPrice £8.75

5. Mellerware "Contrast" Electric Kettle~ 2750 Watts. Satin finish. Capacity 3 pil')ts. B.E.A.B. approved.See matching rangeon page178. Cat. No. 420/1908

Our.Prlce£7.45 1"5. Automatic Kettle. Decorated aluminium. S~itche.sott when boiled. Safetycutout. 2400Watts.Capaeity3 pints. . Cat. No. 420/3119

CompoRetail £14.75 7. Mellerware Aluminium Kettle. Capacity 3~ pints. For gasonly Ca.t.No.860/3100


16.. Sona KJ92 Automatic Kettle. Polished aluminium. SWitchesoff when boiled. 2400Watts. Cat. No.420/2828 Capacity34 pints

'~~~~~ii;;~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~; Comp. Retail £6.41


OurPrice £3.95

8. Pifco Mini Boiler. To boil single cup (or heat resistant glass) up to approx. : pint. Suitable for 120/240 V. Safetycut-out incorporated. Cat. No. 420/2835

Our Price £4.45

CompoRetail £16.48

Our.Price £11.95

1. Swan "Salisbury" 'Automatic Percolator . • Polished aluminium. Keep-hot _element. 600 Watts. Capacity 2~ pints. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 420/1582


Our Price£12.75

2. Russell Hobbs"Poppy" Automatic Percolator. Ceramic body by Wedgwood.590 Watts..Keephot element. 'Capacity 2, pints. .B.E.A.B. approved :~at. No.420/0150

Rec.Retail £24.24

Our Price£16.95

3. Sona.PJ51G1Coffee Perc~lator. Mirror finish body with ,teak handle, Strength selector and keep-hot element. 9 cup capacity. 600 Watts B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No:420/3401 "

Comp.Retail £22.68.

Our Price£16.45

4. Russell Hobbs 3008 Automatic Percolator. I Stainless steel. Keep-hot element. 590 Watts. Capacity2 pints.B.E.A.B.approved. f , Cat. No. 420/0143




Our Price£18.45

5. Sona PJ30 Coffee Percolator. Mirror finish. I;, Teak handle. 650 Watts. Capacity 2:1 pints. Cat. No.420/1575 B.EAB. approved

I CompoRetail£17.19

Our Price£12.45

6. Moullnex 377 Automatic Filter Coffee Maker. Can be programmedto switch on automatically at any pre-settime.-Built-in 24 hour digital clock.

Dlliiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~' II

~~~~~~~~.i.~,~.I.I~ ..~.~".tr~.I.I.e.~.~~.~~~eN~~~~~~~


Our Price £24.95

7. Moulinex 349 Coffee Maker. Filter principle Built-in hotplate.720Watts.Capacity2 pints. Cat. No. 42012859


Our Price£14.45

8. Kenwood A151Filter Coffee Maker.·Built-in hotplate.Capacity'2pints Cat. No.420/3140


Our Price£16.95

9. Bodum Vacuum Type Coffee Maker. Heat resistantglass.Capacity8 cups.Suitablefor gas, radiantring or solid hotplate.....Cat. No.420/3566


Our Price£6.45

10.,Goblln "Tea!lmade 860" Automatic Tea or CoffeeMaker.With clock/timer/alarm.Fullwidth light. keyboardswitches. 1.4 pint stain'lesssteel kettleand 1pint ceram-icteapot. Cat. No. 420/2914

Rec.Retail£49.95 :,._---_---_-----



Our Price£36.75

11.Creda "Corvette" Water Heater.Wall mounting with hose and tap connector._Boilsup -to 7 pints. Plugsinto 13or 15Ampsocket.2500Watts. protectivecut-out. B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 420/1788


Our Price£24.95

12. Goblin "Teasmade 854" Automatic Tea Maker.With clock/timer/alarm.light. 2 pint kettle andteapot... Cat. No.420/1252

Rec.Retail £41.67"

Our Price£29.95

13. Goblin "Teasmade 853" Automatic Tea Maker. With clock/timer/alarm. light and 2 pint kettle Cat. No.420/1245


Our Price£26.45

14.TeeboyDe LuxeTea Maker,With "Metamec" , clock/timer/alarm. Chromiumptated z pint kettle and ceramicteapot. Cat. No.420/2897

Rec.Retail £39.80

Our Price£27.95

15. Goblin "Teasmade 850" Automatic Tea or Coffee Maker. Neon pilot light indicates"on". 2 pint kettleandteapot. Cat. No.420/3418


Our Price£19.75

1. Sunbeam "Kitchen eenter·.·. Incorporatss food mixer. small and large bowl, liquidiser and mincer unit. 10 speeds and "pulse" button for short bursts of power

Rec.Retail £99.99

Cat. No. 420/22:13

Our Price£65.95

2. Philips HR1171Food Mixer. 3 speed control. with standand bowl. B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 420/1166

Our Price£13.45

4. Kenwooc!20193"Chef" Dough Hook Attachment. ForA901andA701A "Chef" only:' • eat. No. 420/3470

Rec:Retail £2.14

Our Price£1.75

Kenwood"Major" mixers

Rec.Retail £18.90 5. KenwoodA901"Chef" Food Mixer. Eleotroruc variable speed eontrol'With bowl, beater.wh'isk and spatula.450Watts.REAB.approiled·. Cat. No. 420/2608

Rec.Retail £88.99

Our Price£59.95

6. Kenwood A920 "Chef" Mincer Attachment. ForA901"Ch~f" only · Cat. No.420/2622

Rec.Retail £12.2'6

..Our P~ice£9.45

7. Ken)llloodA720 "Chef" Mincer Attachment. For A7Q1 and A701A "Chef" and Kenwood "Major" mixers , , Cat. No.420/0679

Rec.Retail £12.26

OurPrice £9.45

8. Kenwood A991 "Chef" Potato Peeler AHa.cllment. For.A901andA701A"Chef" only. Cat. No. 420/2639


"Chef" and Cat. No.42011805

Our Price£14.75

10, Kenwood A788 "Chef'" Liquldlser Attachment. For A701and A701A"Chef" and Kenwood 'Major': mixers...':· Cat. No.420/0655

Rec.Retail £14.18

Our Price£10.45

Food Mixer. 3 speed. Fir:lger tip control fer speed selection- and blade ejection. One pair of beaters,one pairoof kneadiflg hooks. With stand and bowl which rotates lily . drive of motor. DetachaDlemixerfor handuse. Cat. No. 420/3463

Our Price ÂŁ15.95


1. Berry Magicoal 3003 "Minorcook" Cooker. Vitreous enamel finish. 2 hi-speed radiant rings with independent simmer control. Thermostatically controlled oven. Both rings, grill and oven can be used simultaneously. Removable hob for .....",;..1cleaning. Plugs into 13 Amp supply. 3000 Watts. Size 18"x 14"x 16~"high. B.E.A.B. approved. Cat. No. 420/3274



2. Trlclty 2000MicrowaveOven.Providesinstant heatwithout warm up period.Controlpanelwith on, off and cook buttons with 28 minute timer. Bell ringsautomaticallyat end of cookingperiod. Interior light, "see through" ovendoor. Loading 50 Hz6 Amp,frequency2450MHz.Plugsinto 13 or 15Ampsupply.Delivereddirect to your home. Pleasenormallyallow approx. 28 daysfor delivery but Xmas orders should be placed by November13th1978 Cat.No.420/3308



3. Proctor-Silex4201De Luxe AutomaticOven/ GrlllerlToaster. 2 bakingracksadjustto 3 levels. Non-stick coated grill pan. Pop-uptoaster with browning control. Removable "selectronic" crumbtray.1500Watts Cat. No.420/3267




4. Moulinex A5 Rotissoire Grill/Spit. Stainless steel casing. 2 position grill and tray. Kebab attachment. Heat resistant door. Automatic 90 minute timer. Self-cleaning oven. 1200 Watts. B.EAB. approved..... . Cat. No.420/0318



5. Glen "Speedgrlll" Grill/Boiler. 2 kW element enables fast boiling, grilling or toasting. "Simmerstat" control. 2000 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved Cat.No.420/2457



6. Bel De Luxe Yogurt Maker. Makesplain or flavouredyogurt. Capacity6x 5 fl oz. 22 Watts. Cat. No. 420/3542



7. Bel Electric Yogurt Maker. With recipe/instruction leaflet. Capacity6x 6 fl oz. 18 Watts. B.EAB. approved Cat. No.420/1221



8. MorphyRichards44072 SliceAutomaticPopUp Toaster. Satin finish body with motif. Large bread slots. 10 position browning control. Easy clean crumb tray. 1250 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved............................ .....Cat. No.420/2873

Compo Retail £23.31


9. MorphyRichards44092 Slice AutomaticPopUp Toaster. 5 position browningcontrol. "Quick release", easy clean crumb tray. 1360 Watts. B.E.A.B.approved Cat.No.420/0497

Compo Retail£24.60


10. Morphy Richards 4406 Automatic Toaster. Yellow/brownpatternedbody.Largebreadslots. 10 position browning control. 1250 Watts. B.E.A.B.approved.... ......Cat.No.420/2880

Compo Retail£23.31


11. KenwoodA120Automatic Toaster. Variable browning control. 1000 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved Cat. No.420/2189

13.Plfco1846AutomaticToaster.Stainlesssteel body.7 position browningcontrol.Hingedcrumb tray.900Watts.B.E.A.B.approved. Cat. No. 420/2172



14. Philips HD4139Automatic Toaster. Adjustable browning settings with humidity control. 1000Watts.B.E.A.B.approved..Cat. No.420/2433

Compo Retail£16.98


15. Sunbeam XAT-oBPop-Up Toaster. 6 heat settings. Large bread slots. Hinged crumb tray. 1250Watts.B.EAB. approved..Cat. No.420/0538




16. Wigo T1069 2 Slice Automatic Pop-Up Toaster. Mechanical timer. Removablecrumb tray.800Watts Cat. No.420/3171

12. Proctor-Silex 4 Slice Automatic Toaster. Chrome finish. Two independent 5 position browning controls. Hinged crumb tray. 2380 Watts.B.EAB. approved Cat. No.42011647

17. Russell Hobbs 5503 "Poppy" Automatic Toaster. Sideways action. Browning control lever.Largebreadslots. 1000Watts. Cat. No. 420/3164








8. Xpelalr NKH60 24" Cooker Hood. Suitable for extraction or recirculation. Hob light and 3 speed motor. Fire safety flaps.. Wall mounted. Size 19t!tx st"x 23i". 200Watts Cat. No. 420/3559

Ree.Retail £80.43.

Our Price £57.95

9. Prestige '''Crock-Pot'' Slow Electric Cooker. Glazed stoneware pot conducts low heat and is removable for serving/washing. CapacitY' 31 pints. 2 heat settings (1.15and 160 Watts). With' reci~/instruction booklet. B.E.A.B.approved. , Cat. No. 420/2660."" ..

Rec.Retail £32.95

OUI:Price £23.95

10.Tower 2761"Slo-CoOker" Electric Cassero'le. Glazed.earthenwareinner body gives evenoverall temperature. CapaCity 6 pints. High and low cooking heats (130 and 75 Watts). Detachable lead for kitchen-to-table set'ving. With recipe/in. struction booklet. B.EAR approved. Cat. No. 420/2!KI0

Rec.Retail £27.50

Our Price£18.50

11.: Kenwood A135 "Cook Pot" Slow Electric Cooker. G.lazed earthenware bowl gives even' overall temperature and can be removed for serving/washing. Food will not burn or boil dry. Capacity 5i pints. 170Watts.With recip-eiinstr-uc. tion book C8t. No. 420/3009

Rec.Retail £28.69 1. Rima 903 Infra-Red Family Cooker. Variable thermostatic control. Teflon coated grill plates remove for washing. With baking tin and recipe booklet. Cooking area t3"x7~". 1750-2000 Watts. Cat. No. 420/3030 B.E.A.B. approved

Rec.Retail £35.99

Our Price £24.50·

2. Rima 900 Infra-Red. Grill. Pre-set thermostat. Tetlon-coated grill plates. With baking tin and recipe book. Cooking area Pl'x7". 1200 Watts. REAR approved Cat. No. 420/0765

Ree.Retail £21:99

Our Price £23.95 4. Rima 902 Infra-Red Grill. Pre-set thermostat. Teflon coated grill plates remove for washing. With baking tin and recipe booklet. Cooking area f!'x7". 1400Watts Cat. No.•42013236

R.e. Retail £27.99

12. Tow_r 2439 Electric Casserole. Glazed earthenware inner body gives even overall tempera. ture~ Capacity 3! plnts. High and low cooking heats (120 and 60 Watts). Detachable lead for kitchen-ta-table serving. With recipe/instruction booklet, REAR approved.......Cat. No. 420/2361

Rec.Retail £21.50

Our Price

Our Price £14.95

3. Moullnex 507 "Express" Cooker. Suitable for up to 4 persons.Thermostat controls for required temperature and grill .heatinq, Removable nonstick ribbed plates and drip-spout. 1600Watts. Cat. No. 420/3494


.Our Price £19.95

Our Price £17.45

Rec.Retail £30.90 14. Tefa' De Luxe Super FlYer. Basket can be lowered or raised into cooking oil with lid closed reducing fire hazard. Stainless steel body and filter lid. Thermostatlccorrtrol. Working capacity approx.4 pints of oil. Lid-lock hermetically seals pan when in use. 1600Watts.....Cat. No. 42012718

Rec.Retail £~.95·

Our Price£29.951------

5. Power-Iectrlc H8WCooker Hood. Incorporates grease retaining and deodorising filters. Wall mounting type does not require holes or ducts. 2 speed fan. Built-in hob light. White stove enamelled.,finish. Width 23!". depth 18".' 80 Watts. B.EAB. approved C8t. No. 420/2385

15. Moullnex 391 Deep Fat FlYer. Thermostatically controlled. Safety cut-out, Capacity ~ pints. Slide knob for heat settings. 1600Watts. Filter lid with disposable cartridge for easyreplacement, Cat. No. 420/3511

Ree.Retail £49.02-

Rec.Retail £35.85

Our Prlce'£34.75

6. Rima 551 Ductless Cooker Hood. Deodorlses, cleans and filters air. Wall mpunting type does not raqulre holes or ducts. 2 speed fan and hob light. Size ~"x21"x6f'. 110 Watts. B.E.A.B. approved _.Cat.·No.420/1441.

Ree.Retail £52.48

Our Price £35.75 .01:

16. Swan Deep Fat FlYer. Decorated enamelled aluminium body. Adjustable thermpstat. Working capacity 4 pints of oil. 165QWatts. Matches item no. 40n page 178..· , Cat. No. 420/3250

Ree.Retail £28.84'

Our Price £19.95


7. TrlcltY 9024W Cooker Hood. Grease retaining and charcoal-deodorising filters. Built-in fan an~1' booster, Hob light. Wall'mounting ty~ does not. require holes or ducts. Width 23~".,dep~h21'''.,114" Watts. B.E.A.B.approved Cat. No.'420/3298

Rec.Retail £61.08

OUrPrice £24.95

Our Price £39.95

17. Rima Mini Deep Fal FrYer.Requires le.5sthan 1 pint of oil for fast; economical'frying otsmau quantities of food; Teflon coated interior. Com. plete with chip basket and recipe book. 1000 Watts........:.....:....:...:........:.,·..:.....Cat. No. 420/3243

Ree~Retail £20.75

Our Price £13;75


• the non-stick that stay..§. non-stick longer ~E.LDu Pont de Nemours .. registered trademark


3. Prestige '''French Provincial" Cookware. Stainlesssteelwith copper basesand teak knobs and handles. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate.Manufacturer's10yearguarantee. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/3320 Saucepan3 pints £17.25 £12.25 860/3337 Saucepan41 pints £18.75 £13.45 860/3344 Saucepan6 pints £20.40 £14.45 860/3351 Frypan 10l" £16.50 £11.75 860/3368 Chip Pan 6 pints £21.95 £15.25 860/3492 Milk Pan 2 pints £13.55 £9.95

1. Tower "Royale" Heavy Gauge Cookware. New "Silverstone" long-life non-stick interiors. Regency red vitreous enamel exteriors. Steam control vent in lid knob. Suitablefor gas, radiant ring, solid hotplate or ceramic hob. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/3746 Saucepan6" £7.75 £6.25 860/3753 Saucepan7" £9.25 £7.45 860/3760 Saucepan8" £11.00 £8.75 860/3777 Frypan 101" £12.75 £10.25 860/3784 Chip Pan 8" £12.75 £10.25 860/3791 Milk Pan 6" £6.50 £5.25

4. Prestige Stainless Steel Cookware.With copper baseswhich spreadheat quickly, evenlyand efficiently. For gas, radiantring or solid hotplate. Manufacturer's 10 year guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/2819 Saucepan3 pints £14.25 £9.95 860/2826 Saucepan41 pints £15.75 £10.95 860/2833 Saucepan6 pints £17.45 £11.95 860/2840 Milk Pan 2 pints £10.55 £7.50 860/2857 Frypan 101" £14.55 £10.25 860/2864 Chip Pan 6 pints £18.95 £13.45

2. Tower "Black Diamond" Cookware. Satin finish exteriors with Teflon 2 coated interiors. Saucepanset sizes6", 7" and 8". Suitablefor gas or radiant ring. Catalogue Ree. Our Number Retail Price 860/2730 3 Pce. SaucepanSet £22.92 £14.25 860/2747 Frypanwith Lid £8.87 £5.75 860/2754 Chip Pan £10.65 £6.95 860/2761 Poacher/OmelettePan£10.90 £6.95 860/3447 Milk Pan £5.72 £3.75

5. Prestige Stainless Steel Cookware. Radiant heat core. Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Man. ufacturer's 10 year guarantee. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 860/0488 Milk Pan 2 pints £8.75 £6.45 860/0457 Saucepan3 pints £10.95 £7.95 860/0464Saucepan41 pints £12.45 £8.95 860/0471 Saucepan6 pints £14.05 £10.25 860/0505 Chip Pan 6 pints £15.55 £10.95 860/0495 Frypan 101" £12.25 £8.95

"Gourmet De Luxe" 5 Piece milk pan and 9" with lid~Teflon 2 coated interiors. Suitable orradiant ring : <:at.No. 860/2187

u.,I1 ..,.... ar ..

, 7'~and,8",saucepans, fi'


Compo Retail£34.33


8" Fish Fryer to match above••.:.Cat.No.860/3155

Comp. Retail£9.11


2. Judge "Provencale" Set of 3 Enamelled Steel Saucepans. With teak handles and knobs. Sizes st", 7" and n°. White stain resistant interiors. Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cat. No. 860/3416



6. Klngcraft "Fleur" 3' Piece Enamelled Steel Pan Set. Sizes st", 7V'and 7l/'. Suitable for gas or radiant ring :..Cat. No.,8601~23

Compo Retail£17;55

Our Price£10.95


7. Tefal 5 Pan Set. Grey non-stick coating inside and tangerine coloured non-stick coating outside for easy cleaning. 61", 7" and 8" saucepans, 6" milk pan and 91" frypan. Suitable for gas or radiant ring , Cat. No. 860/3186


Our Price£15.95

Fish Fryer to match above........Cat. No. 860/3461



9" Frypan to match above•••••••••• Cat.Ho. 860/3430



3. 5' Piece Pan Set. Satin finish heavy gauge aluminium with teak fittings. fI', 7" and 8" saucepans. B" milk pan and 10" frypan have "Fluon" coated non-stick interiors. Suitable for gas or radiantrlnq Cat. No, 860/2716

Compo Retail£14.50


4. Stainless Steel 3 Piece Pan Set. With copper bases for more efficient and effective cooking. Sizes 6¥',7//' and n". For gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate , ,..Cat. No. 860/2792

Compo Retail£23.95

Compo Retail£12.60


9. Mellerware "Atlas" 5 Aluminium Pan Set. S', 6" and 7" saucepans, 6" milk pan and 9" frypan. Satin finish, exteriors. Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cal. NO. 860/2709

Compo Retail£14.76

. OurPrice£9.25


5. Tower "Ca~nlval", 4 Piece Satin Finish Aluminium Pan Set. 7" and 8" saucepans,6" milk pan and 9" frypan. Teflon 2 coated interiors ..For gas or radiant ring : , Cat. N!).86012723


8. Klngcraft "Viloria" 3 Piece Enamelled Steel Pan Set. Brown enamel interiors. Sizes 61", n" and 7i". Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cat. No. 86013227


FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE We fully tel[lpect all your' legal rights as a customer. But in addition to your protection under the law we will exchange' or refund you for any,unused Item that does not meet your exaCtrequirements. Justretum the Item to us in its orlglnai covering, together with your receipt, within 14 days of purchase.

Coloured exteriors with Teflon 2 coated interiors. Comprises 7" and 8" saucepans,10"frypan and

milk pan. Suitable for gas or Blue Flame Coffee/Cream


radiant ring. Cat. No. 860/3533 Cat. No. 860/3526 Cat. No. 860/3540

Chip Pan to match above. Blue.............................•............... Cat. No. 860/3818 Flame Cat. No. 860/3801 Coffee/Cream Cat. No.860/3478


2. Swan 3 Piece Ground Base Aluminium Pan Set. Sizes6", 7" and 8". Suitablefor gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate Cat. No. 860/2352



3. Mellerware "Contrast" Cookware.'"Fluon" non-stick interiors. For gasor radiant ring. Kettle to match see item no. 5 on page 160. 5 Piece Pan Set. ft, T and 8" saucepans,6" milkpanand9" frypan Cat. No. 860/2558

Compo Retail£25.74


8"Chip Panto match above•.....Cat. No. 860/2565

Compo Retail£7.23



7. Prestige "HI-Dome" Pressure Cooker. Polishedaluminium with heat resistanthandles. Trivet, separator and recipe/instruction book included. Total capacity 121 pints, basecapacity ~ pints. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate.Manufacturer's10yearguarantee. Cat. No. 860/0512


4. Judge "Marigold" Set 01 3 Enamelled Steel Saucepans. Stain resistant white enamel. interiors.Sizes6!", 7~"and 7~".Suitablefor gasor radiantring Cat. No. 860/3409,


5. Skyline "MaJor" Pressure Cooker.Aluminium with heat resistanthandles.Trivet,separatorand recipe/instruction book included. Capacity ~ pints. Suitable' for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate.Manufacturer's10yearguarantee. Cat. No. 860/3313




8. Tower Pressure Cooker. Polishedaluminium with heat resistant handles. Trivet, 3 individual separators,visual indicator and recipe/instruction book included.Total capacity14i pints,base capacity9~pints. Suitablefor gas,radiant ring or solid hotplate Cat. No. 860/2943



9. Tower Pressure Cooker. Polishedaluminium with heat resistant handles. Trivet, 3 individual separators, visual indicator and recipe/instruction book included. Total capacity8 pints, base capacity7 pints. Suitablefor gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate Cat. No. 860/2936







6. Skyline "Minor" PressureCookerby Prestige. Polishedaluminium with heat resistanthandles. Trivet, separators and recipe/instruction book included. Capacity 7! pints. Suitable for gas, radiant ring or solid hotplate. Manufacturer's10 yearguarantee Cat. No. 860/0529


10. Prestige "Colour-Clad HI-Dome" Pressure Cooker. Heat resistanthandles.Trivet,separator and recipe/instruction book included. Total capacity 121 pints. base capacity 91 pints. Suitable for gas, radiantring or solid hotplate.Manufacturer's 10yearguarantee......Cat. No.860/1827



11. Telal Safety Pressure Cooker. Polished aluminium. Mesh basket, dividers and recipe book included. Capacity 1m pints. Suitable for gas,radiantring or solid hotplate. ' Cat. No. 860/3258



9. Queensway AlumInIum Maslin Plln. Sail and back handles. Suitatile for jams, marmalades; beer making etc. Capacity 2 gallons. Suitablfi!for Clllt. No. 860/3306 gas or radiant ring :.:

Comp. Retail £7.57

Our Price £5.25

10. Pyrex Brand '~AutumnGlory" Heat ResIstant Owenware. Set of 3 casseroles. Opal glass bases . with clear covers. Capacities 1,2 and 3 pints, r---~--'--'--~-~~-~~-------=.-_.:_~~""'-'-Cat. No. 810113651 . __

Comp. Retail £6.35

Our Price £4.75

Pyrex Brand Heat ResIstant Ovenware. Opal glass bases ..with "Market G.arden" decoration: Clear glass. covers. Available as follows: '" 11.Set of 3 Casserolea.1,2and 3 pints. CIIIt.-No. 810/0012

Compo Retail £6.35

Our Price £4.75

41 pin~ .. Cat. No. 810/0672

12.Round CIIIaserote.

Comp. Retail £4.05 4. p,.stlge

5 'Piece Bakeware

Set: Comprises


each 12 cup bun pan, loaf pan, square eake pan and 2 sandwich pans. Seamlesswith a non-stick silicone glaze surface used extensively throughout the baking industry ; Cat. No;"86013265 Rec; Retail £11.95

Our Price £7.95

5e , Tefal Non-Electric Deep Fryer. Deodorising filter in lid. Thermo-couple temperature dial for perfect deep frying. Working capacity 5 pints of oil. Suitable for gas or radiant ring. Cat. No. 860/3296

.Our Price £12.75

Our Price £2.85

13.Oblong Caase~ole.3 pints..•Clllt. No. 81011200

Comp. Retail £4.80

Our Price £3.SO

14. "Easy Roaaf' Chicken Caaserole. With "hieat. No. 810/0029 dome" oover.i..

Comp. Retail £5.05

Our Price £3.75

15. Round CIIIaserole. 2 pints. With serving stand. ···•····· Clllt. No. 810/1255

Comp. Retail £3:90

Our Price £2.75

Gourmet "Smoke" Heat ResIstant Oven-toTableware. Available as follows: 16. Set of 2 Round Caasero·lea.Hand 2l pints. Cat. NO"810/1413

Comp. Retail £4.65

Our Price £3.25

17.Oval c.sserole. 6l pints

Cat. No. 810/1437

Comp. Retall £4.70

Our Price £2.99

18.Round CIIIsserole.4 pints ....Cat. No. 810/1420

Compo Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.25

19. Set of 2 R.eclpePie Plates. Lemon Meringue and Quiche Lorraine Clllt..No.810/1619 ~


7. Swan Ground Base Triple Pan Set. 3 Separate toods Can 'be cooked on' one' ring. Polished aluminium. 2 pints each. Sultabletor radiant ring or solid hotplate ,·No.860/1243

Re.c.Retail ~14.29

Comp. Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.25

.20.81" SotIffIe Bowl and 10}"FlIln Dish. '. Cat. No. 81011444

Comp. Retall'£3.85

Our Price £2.45

Our Price £9.75 . 21. Pyrex Brena 7 Piece Kitchen set. resistant ovenware. Clear glass.'Comprises 5 mixing bowl, 1 and 2 pint pudding basins, 21pint square casserole; square roasting dish. 1 pint measuring jug SOd 2 pint'''flavour salier". . cat. No. 81011217

Compo Retail £10.70

Our Price £7.95

__ -"-



of sets on pages

182-185 are as

follows: Tea Sets 12 Pce. 6 each cups and saucers. 18 Pce. 6 each cups. saucers and side plates. 21 Pce. As 18 pce. plus bread and butter plate. sugar bowl and cream jug.

5. Staffordshire Potteries "Bramble" Pottery Tableware. From the "Kilncraft" range. 30 piece combination set Cat. No.800/3353


6. Staffordshire Potteries "Amberstone" Pottery Tableware. From the "Kilncraft" range. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No.800/2897

Comp.Retail£18.99 Dinner Sets 24 Pce.6 eachdinner plates,soup platesand side plates. 2 vegetable dishes and lids. meat plate'and gravy boat. 23 Pce. As 24 pce. but 1 of the vegetable dishes does not have a lid. Combination Set 30 Pce. 6 each cups, saucers, side and dinner plates and soup/cereal bowls.

1. J. & G. Meakin "Windswept" Pottery Tableware. From "The Bull in the China Shop" range. 30piece combination set Cat. No. 800/3418



2. Blltons "Stonehaven" Pottery Tableware. Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 800/2835 30 Pee.Combination Set £19.45£12.95 800/2426 18 Pee.TeaSet £9.55 £6.45

3. J. & G. Meakin "Blue Willow" Pottery Tableware. From "The Bull in the China Shop" range. Traditional pattern on octagonal plates.30 piece combinationset Cat. No.800/3360



4. J. & G. Meakin "Poppy" Pottery Tableware. From "The Bull in the China Shop" range. 30 piece combination set Cat. No. 800/2811


OurPrice £19.25



7. Blltons "Meteor" Pottery Tableware. Modern circular design in dark olive green. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/3346



8. Carrlgallne ~'BlueMoon" Pottery Tableware. Attractive banded design in blue and grey on a clear white glaze. Tea extras comprise teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price 800/3401 30 Pee.Combination Set £19.65£13.45 800/3449 18 Pee.TeaSet £8.92 £6.45 800/3456 3 Pee.TeaExtras £6.75 £4.99 9. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. Doverstone Pottery Tableware. "Heathergates" decoration, 30 piece combination set...........Cat. No. 80011489



10. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. Doverstone Pottery Tableware. "Floral" decoration.30 piece combination set. Cat. No.800/2945



11. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. "Butlerfleld" Pottery Tableware. 30 piece combination set Cat. No. 800/3236



12. Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. "Blue Denmark" Pottery Tableware. Distinctive traditional pattern. 30 piececomblnatlon set. Cat. No. 800/2134


OurPrice £16.45

Fine Bohemian 1. "BrlgIHa" .white china with gold band. Catalogue Number 81)01187424 Pce. Dinner Set 80011898 21 Pce. Tea Set

Comp.Our Retail Price £44.15£25.95 £18.00 £10.95

2. "PInk Rose" ConUnental China. Floral pattern with gold rims. Catalogue Number

800/3463 30 Pee. Combination Set 800/3470 21 Pee. Tea Set

Comp.Our Retail Price £19.45£13.95 £13.25£9.45

8. Myott-Meakln "Regent Royalty" Pottery Tableware. Traditional design with maroon and gold rims. Catalogue Comp.Our Number Retail Price

• 800/3425 23 Pce. Dinner Set 800/3432 21 Pce. Tea Set

£31.95£19.95 £14.50£9.75

9. T. G. Green "Woodville"

Oven-tO'-Tableware. Good resistance. to normal olien use. Speckled glaze with a rich metallic brown glazed rim. 30 piece eombination set. Cat. No. 800/3250

Rec. Retail £30.72

Our Price £20.95

· 10. 3. "Bramble" Fine Bohemian ChIna. Spray decoration with gold rims. Comp.Our Catalogue Retail Price Number 800/2581 24 Pce. Dinner Set £36.75£21.95 £11.00 £6.75 800/2316 18 Pce. Tea Set

4. Duchess ''VloleHa'' piece tea set. Gold rims

Bone China. 18 Cat. No. 800/2969

CompoRetail £14.50

Our Price £9.95


5. Duchess "Wild Rose" English Bone China. 21 piece tea set. Gold rims Cat. No. 800/3377

CompoRetail £19;00

Our Price £13.45

6. Duchess "Pink Roses" English Bone China. 21 piece tea set. Gold rims Cat. No. 800/2976

CompoRetail £19.00

Our Price £13.45

Arcoroc "Smoke" Heat Toughened Glassware. Please note: combination set has soup plates, not bowls as described in the "composition of sets" on page 182. Catalogue CompoOur Number Retail Price 800/290730 Pee. Combination Set £13.25£8.95 800/2914 12 Pee. Tea Set £3.40 £2.45

11. Blltons "Stoneware" · designs. ··.·

CompoRetail £3.37 12. Broadhurst ous designs:


Fine Bohemian China. Floral pattern with gold rims. 30 piece combination set. Cat. No. 800/3267

CompoRetail £27.90

Our Price £15.95

Our Price £2.45 Mugs. Set of 6. VariCat. No. 800/3494

CompoRetail £3.00

Our Price £2.25

13. "Bramble" of 6

China Mugs. Set Cat. No. 800/3298

CompoRetail £4.40

Our Price £2.65

Fine Bohemia;'

14. Kilncraft "Baltic" 7. "Henriette"

Mugs. Set of 6. Various Cat. No. 800/3281

Mugs. Set of 6. Cat. No. 800/3504

CompoRetail £4.45

Our Price £2.99

Guarantee: We offer a full money-backguarantee In addition to your statutory rights.

1. Square SplrH Decanter. Lead crystal. With large ground stopper ............•.... Cat. No. 81512266

Compo Retail £7.25

Our Price £4.99

2. "Captaln's" Decanter. Lead crystal. "Ships" style with wide base. Elegant design. With large ground stopper Cat. No. 815-11676

Compo Retail £9.25

Our Price £6.45

3. Whisky Glasses. Heavybased lead crystal. Set of 6 Cat. No. 815/1896

Compo Retail £7.25

Out: Price £4.99

4. Bell. Hand cut lead crystal with silver' plated Cat. No. 815/2132 handle. In presentation box

Compo Retail £6.95

Our Price £3.99

5. GolJlet. Hand cut lead crystal with silver plated stem and base. In presentation box. Cat. No. 815/2259

Compo Retail £7.25

OUf'Price £4.25

14. "Georgian" Glasses. SetS of 6. Hand cut, mouth blown. '! Catalogue Number 815/2077 Sherry 815/2084 Goblets 815/2091 Whisky Tumblers 15. "Claudia" by Crystalex of Bohemia Glasses. Classic design with finely finished rims. Setsof 6. Catalogul! • Comp. Our Number Retail Price 815/2211 Sherry £5.1-2 £3.25 81512228 Wine £5.85 £3.75 815/2235 Brandy £5.85 £3.75 16. "Pastabar" Storage Jar. Cork stoppers. With wall fixtures and screws. Length (excl. stoppers) · Cat. No. 815/1920 23"

Comp. Retail £3.85

Our Price

17. Cheese Bell. Wooden cheese board with glass dome Cat. No.815/2273

Comp. Retail £5.25 6. Williamsport 26 Piece Punch Set. Comprises glass bowl, 12 cups with plastic ladle and hooks Cat. No. 815/2149

Compo Retail £8.01

Our Price £5.75

7. Lumlnarc Hock Glasses. Set of 6. Clear bowl with green stem and base Cat. No. 81511810'

Compo Retail £3.25

Our Price £2.25

8. Durobor "Galla" 24 Piece "Home Bar" Set. Comprises 6 each sherry, wine, beer and champagne/sundae glasses.....Cat. No. 815/2242

Compo Retail £10.20

Our Price £6.95

Our Price £3.45

18. Ravenhead "Tubbles" Glass Storage. J~rs. Set of 6 with cork stoppers. Two each 8, 16and 26 fl oz..·· :Cat..·No.815/0514

Comp. Retail £~:36

Our Price £2.99

19. Cas'cadeMel';n Dishes. Set of 4. Hand made. Textured glass Cat. No. 81511559

Compo Retail £6.35

Our Price £3.99

20. Ravenhead "Knobstopper" ·Jars. Set of 3 glass jars with ground lids. One each 1H, 24 and .48 fI oz : Cat. No. 815/2170

Compo Retail £3.49

Our PriCe £2.45

9. Ravenhead "Siesta" Beer Tankards. Set of 6. Capacity 13fl. oz each Cat. No. 815/2204

21. Cascade Clear Glass Spaghetti Jar. Hand made.Height with lid 24" Cat. No.1I15/0684

Compo Retail £4.13

Comp. Retail £7.65

Our Price £2.99

10. Lumlnarc Sherry Glasses. Set of 6. Clear bowl with amber coloured stem and base. Cat. No. 81512039

Our Prlce.~1.99

Our Price £4.99

22. Ravenhead' "WhHe Fire" FruIt Set. Glass serving bowl and 6 matching dishes. . Cat. No. 81511535

Comp. Retail £3.49 ,

Our Price ,£2.45 '


11. Ravenhead "siesta" Tumbler Set. 18.glasses.6 each 5, 9. and 11fl. oz. In textured glass. Cat. No. 815/0598

23. T.G. Green Tea, Coffee, Sugar Jar Set. White glazed earthenware with black lettering and cork lids. Capacity 16fl oz Cat. No 800/3102

Compo Retail £5.40

Rec. Retail £7.n

Our Price £3.75

12. Ravenhead "Siesta" Wlne/Beer Set. 18 glasses. 6 each sherrY5! fI oz, wine 8 fl oz and beer 13 fl oz ; ; Cat. No. 81511092

Compo Retail £f;.16

Our Price £4.25'

13. Lumlnarc Irish Coffee Glasses. Set of 6.. Cat.·No.815/2022

Compo Retail £3.95

Our Price £2.75

:. OuiPr'ce £5;95

24. Crown Devon "CarnIval': Tea, Coffee, Sugar Jar Set. Moder!) design on'white glazed'earthenware with self"sealing lids. Jar'heights 6!". Capacity 26 fl oz. ·..· Cat. No. 80013315

Comp. Retail £10.40

Our,~rice £6.95

25. Crown' Devon ','He.n-on-Nest'\'Egg Storer. White glazed earthenware........,;Cat.No. 800/3047

Comp. Retail £4.50 ,.


Our Price £3.25

- 24. ,Sliver Plated 3 Piece Condiment Set. Comprises salt cella~. pepper shaker and mustard pot with blue glass liner and spoon. Cat. No. 280/1575

ComP.Retail ÂŁ13.60

Our Price ÂŁ8.95

1~pint teapot, 1 pint coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug and tray, size 14.fx 10" Cat. No. 825/1758 wpGd trim on handles. Comprises

(::om.p. Retail £16.95

Our Price £10.95

12. 5 Piece $tal"le88 Steel Tea Set; Comprises' 1.6 pint teapot, 1 pint coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug and tray C8t. No. 825/2001

Comp.Retail £11.02

Our Price £7.25

14. Hanson Kitchen Sc;-IIle.Weighs up to 10 Ib by 'I:oz. graduations and 5 kg by 25 g. Cat. No; 840/1,955

Rac.Retail £4.99 Brabantla Pedal Bins. Stainless able- plastic- bttcket,

Catalogue Numbar 2. 840/2105 3! gall. Square a 840/1656 21 gall. Round 4. 840/2095 2! gall. Round

steel. Remov-

Rec. Our Reta'" Price £13.12£8.75 £9.98 £5.65 £11}.45 £6.25

5. Brabantla Roll Top Bread Bin. Stainless steel. Size 'I7J!'x9i"x 6¥' high Caf No. 840N728'


Our Price£5.99

6. Brabantla "Bouquet" Roll Top Bread Bin. Decoratedstainlesssteel. Size 'In"x 'IO"x6i'!. Cat. No. 84012332


Our PrIce

Our Price £3.45


15.Waymastar KItchen Scale. Weighs up to 10"b by 'I OZ graduations and 5 k_gby 25,g. ., Cat. No. 84011948

Rec.Retail £3.14-

Our Price£1.99

16. Pyrex Brand "Add 'n' Weigh" Scale. Weighs up to 5 Ib by 'I oz graduations and 2.2 k_gby~5 g. Zero adjust for individual weighing of ingredients. 2! pint measuring/mixing bowl. Cat. No. 840/1539

Comp.Retail £8.48

Our Price£5.75

17. Hanson KItchen Scale. Weighs up to '10Ib by 'I oz graduations and 5 kg by 25 g. Cat. No. 840/2734

Rac.Retail £2.15

Our Price£1.75\

18. Saltar "Lowllne" Kitchen SCale. Scoop inverts when not in use. Weighs up to 5 Ib by 'I oz


graduations,and2.2kg 840/15221iiiiiiiii Rec.Retail £5.49 by 25 g..Cat. OurNo. Price£3.99


8. Regency Drop Front 'Bread Bin. Stainless steel.Size 'I~"x 'IO"x~" higIL ..Cat. No,.84011735

Compo Retail £9.50

Our Price£5.99

. 9. Regency Roll Top Bread Bin. Stainless steel with contrasting' black plastic sides. Size 16"x '1l)l"xSf' Cat. No. 84012624

Compo Retail


Our Price£3.99

10. Regency Drop Front Bread Bin. Stainless steel with contrasting black plastic sides. Size 16"x 9!"x 7" high.. " Ca1.No. 84012727

Compo Retail£7.15





Our Price£4.99

12· "Easy Rider" Rollers· by Braby. Fit under most domestic appliances to allow movement and cleaning. Maximum load 600 lb. Safety brakes.Extendfrom 'I6"to~·.Cat. No. 840/2167

Rec.Retail £4.64

Our PrIce£3.99

13. "Maxi Rider" Rollers by Braby. For easy. movementof lar~ appliances. Maximum loading '1.000lb. Safety brakes.Extendfrom 2'1"to 32". Cat. No. 840/2514

Rec.Retail £6.21

Our Price£4.99


19. Salter'''Su~rwelgh'' Kitchen Scale. Weighs up to 5 Ib by 'I oz graduations and 2.2,kg by 25 g. Zero adjust facility for individual weighing of ingredients. Scoop invertsfor storage. Cat. No. 84011979

Rec.Retail £6.69

Our Price£4.45

20. Salter "Sysl8m 80 Multlwelgh" S~le. Weighs up to 6! Ib by 1 oz graduations and 3 kg by 25g.Zera adjust facility for individual weighing of ingredients. Scale also inocrporates calorie measurementswith referencechart inch:lded. Cat. No. 840/2363

Our Price£4.25

11. "Guider Rider" Rollers by Braby. Allow for turning movement (not just backwards and forwards) of most domestic appliances. Maximum loading 6oo'lb. Safety brakes. Extend from '16"to 23l".····..· · Cat. No. 840/2521


£6.951iiiiiiii.~iiiiiil~~~§~~~~ I

Rec.Retail £9.99


Rec.Retail £9.05

Our Price£5.99

21. Waymastar Kitchen Scale. Weighs up to 10Ib by 1 oz'graduations and 5 kg by 25 g. Pan inverts for storage, Cat. No. 840/2349

22. Tower "Anette" Kitchen Beam Scale. Weighs in :I- oz up to 25 lb. Metric conversion chart included.·· · Cat. No. 84011151

Comp.Retail £8.15

, Our Price£5.25

23. Krups "Record" Kitchen Wall Scale. Weighs up to 3llb by l oz graduations, 3!-6i Ib by 'I oz and ~1! kg by 10 g, H-3 kg by 20 g. Removabletray folds flat when not in use Cat. No. 84010743

Comp.Retail £8.48


24. Waymastar Kitchen Wall Scate. Pan closes after use. Weighs up to 7 Ib 'by 1 OZ graduations lmd 3'kg by25g : Cat. No. 84012370


Our Price£4.25

10. Probus "Metrlcook" Kitchen Metrication Converter. Simple to use. Converts imperial weightsand measuresinto metricequivalents. Cat. No. 840/2631



11.Tower Food Slicer. Aluminium body. Folding Melamine covered base with vacuum suction foot. Stainlesssteelblade.Sliding food carrier. Cat. No. 840/2394

Compo Retail£18.95


12. Salter "Super Chef" Food Slicer. Stainless steel blade. Folding basewith suction pad. With food carrier and catchingtray...Cat. No.84011508


1. Skyline Kitchen Tool Set by Prestige. Superchrome plated steel tools with simulated ceramic finish handles. 5 pieces and hanging rack. Cat. No. 840/2796

~ec. Retail£5.59


13. Geka Food Slicer. Folding teak effect Melamine laminated base. Stainlesssteel blade. Aluminium body.With food carrier. Cat. No. 840/0774




3. Skyline Kitchen Tool and KnHeSet by Prestige. 6 chromium plated tools and strainer with 3 pieceknife set Cat. No.840/2064



4. Prestige Kitchen Tool Set. Stainlesssteelwith bondedwoodenhandles.6 piecesand rack. Cat. No. 840/0451



5. Prestige Kitchen Cutlery Set. 5 pieces.Stainlesssteel blades.Bondedwoodenhandles. Cat. No. 840/0585



6. Skyline Kitchen Cutlery Set by Prestige. 5 pieces. Hollow ground surgical steel blades. Polypropylenehandles Cat. No.840/2404



7. Frozen Food Set. Comprisesfood saw/knife and cleaver/knife. Stainless steel blades with rosewoodhandles Cat. No.840/2411



8. LeHhelt Freezer Bag Sealer. With one roll of tape (200seals) Cat. No.840/2538



9. Kitchen Tool Set. 5 piecesand rack. Stainless steelwith woodenhandles Cat. No.84011625

Compo Retail£8.04



14. Spong Suction Base Mincer. Nylon top. 3 steelcutters.········ ..·.·· Cat. No.840/2442

Rec.Retail£5.50 2. Skyline Nylon Bladed Kitchen Tool Set by Prestige. Simulated ceramic finish handles. 5 piecesand hangingrack. Recommendedfor nonstick pans Cat. No.840/2057



15.Spong Mincer/Slicer/Grater. Nylonbodywith suction base. Steel cutters. Slicing and grating drums················.· Cat. No.840/2466



16. Spong Mincer. Traditional, brightly tinned mincer.Suppliedwith 3 steelcutters. Cat. No. 840/2n2



17.Prestige "Fold-Away" Wall CanOpener.With magnet. Chromium plated steel body swings awayinto plastic casewhen not in use.


Cat. No. 840/2686 Ii?~:::::::~:::;::::::ilij


18. Prestige Wall Can Opener.Chromiumplated steelbody.Magneticlid lifter....Cat. No.840/0561



19. Leifheit Hand Can Opener. Hardenedsteel cutting wheel. Built-in crown cap lifter/can piercer················ Cat. No.840/2758



20. Salter Zyllss Salad Drier. Dries salad in an instant. Can also be used for pasta, fruit and vegetables.············.···· Cat. No.840/2648



21. Wilkinson Sword Kitchen Scissors.Stainless steel blades. Suitable for meat, vegetablesand tough gristle. Dishwasherproof handles. Cat. No. 840/2545



22. 9 Piece Basin Set. }, t 1, 2 and 3 pint basins with snap-on lids, plus4 pint mixing bowl, 9!" and 11::1" mixing spoonsand 9~"cooking spatula. Cat. No. 840/2655

. Compo Retail£2.89


12. Cooler Bag. Insulated to help keep contents . hot or cold. Capacity' 15Iitres ....Cat. No. 34510808

. CompoRetail£3.45 1. Crown Merton Mobile Storage Unit. 3 plasticcoated baskets, on castors. Size In"x.93''x24~'' high Cat. No. 84012222



2. Prestige Dish Drainer. Heavy gauge steel wire with thick plastic coating Cat. No. 840/2741



3. Cannon Sink and Draining Mat Set. Rubber to help prevent scratches and breakages. Sink mat size 121"x 1(>3". draining mat size 1~"x20!". Cat. No. 840/2679

OurPrice£1.75 4. Crown Merton 3 Tier Dish Drainer. Plastic coated steel. Top section is removable to make two units Cat. No. 840/2208

Rec.Retail£6.94 ----


5. Nutbrown

Icing Outfit. Contains turntable, marking rings, icing pump, 6 assorted nozzles and instruction booklet Cat. No. 840/1807



6. Bel Cream Maker. Blends unsalted butter and milk into cream Cat. No. 840/1302



7. Clear high

and Salbnlll. ~'. Cat. No. 840/2662





8. Cole & Mason Spice Rack. Mahogany rack with 12 jars filled with herbs and spices. Cat. No. 840/1216



t::~=~ 9. Cole & Mason

Spice Rack. 24 jars containing herbs and spices. Mahogany rack. Size 16"x21"x 13i" high Cat. No. 840/2507



10_ Brexton Picnic Case. For four people. Comprises decorated earthenware, stainless steel cutlery, tea/sugar and milk containers, 2 food boxes and 2 vacuum flasks Cat. No. 345/0138



11. ''Thermosbag'' Cooler Bag. Insulated to keep contents hot or cold. Ideal for camping or picnics. Capacity 14litres. : Cat. No. 345/0475




13. Style Cooler Box. Ideal for camping or picnics. Capacity 22 litres Cat. No. 345/0578



14. "THERMOS" Brand Vacuum Flasks. Set of two. Polypropylene cases. Capacity 16 fI.oz. each ·..·..·..·..· · Cat. No. 345/0499



15. "THERMOS" Brand "Big T" Vacuum Rask. Separate milk container, capacity 7 fl.oz. Flask capacity 36 fl.oz Cat. No. 345/0066



Brand Vacuum 16. "THERMOS" through stopper. Capacity 36 fl.oz.

Jug. Pour-

Cat. No. 345/0389



17. Tilley Paraffin Pressure Stormllght. Gives up 12 hours light on one filling. Will operate in all weathers. Height l~" Cat. No. 34011637




18. 2·;1\01 Fluorescent Lantern/Emergency Torch. For indoor or outdoor use. With carry strap. Operates from 6x SP2 batteries (not supplied) · ; Cat. No. 34011802



19. Camping Gaz "Super Grillogaz" Double Burner Stove. Stainless steel hob, large grill tray. Integral side windshields, lid acts as splash-back and windshield. With regulator. Cat. No. 340/0597



20. Camping Gaz "Lumogaz C200S" Lantern. Equivalent of 75 W. Complete with cartridge. Use only with Camping Gaz "International 200" cartridge ..·..·..···..······· Cat. No. 340/0573



21. Camping Gaz "Mod S2ooS" Stove and Cartridge · ; Cat. No. 340/0566



22. Camping Table. Non-slip surface. Converts to an easy-to-carry tray. Size 19"x 14"x 6" high. Cal. No. 34011534

Rec.Retail£5.90 Guarantee: We offer guarantee rights.



OurPrice£3.99 a full money-back to your statutory

5. "Caroline" Sleeping Bag. 38 oz Gold Label TERYLENE(polyester)filling. Nylon covered.All round. full length zip for conversioninto a double bed quilt Cat. No.340/1273


OurPrice £6.45

6. "Stowaway" Ace De Luxe GoHTrolley. Fitted with newwide lightweighttyres. . Cat. No. 321/3021


OurPrice £17.50


top ring. Solid base.Full length 7. GoH Bag. zipped clothing pocket. tee and card holder on zipped ball pocket. Club divider. Body carrying handleandshoulderstrap Cat. No.32112912


OurPrice £10.45

8.'GoHUmbrella. Multi-coloured nylon cover.30" double frame.Woodenhandle..Cat. No.321/0189


OurPrice £5.45

9. Super Jet 1.620British SIze GoHBalls. Conform to R& A regulations.Setof 12balls. Cat. No. 321/3007

OurPrice £2.50 10. Admiral Sports Large Grip Bag. In strong waterproofmaterial.Size18l"x 12"x 7". Cat. No. 300/2627



11. Leather Football. 32 panels.Size 5. Laceless with inflation adaptor Cat. No.300/1295


Our Price £5.45

12. Pat Jennings VInyl Sports HoIdaI!. Large capacity.Size19"x 1H"x 7'· Cat. No.30012304


Our Price £3.99

13. Admiral Sports Shoulder Bag with Zip Pocket. In strong waterproof material. Size 151"x 1H"x5" Cat. No.300/2610 1. Box Sided Alrbed. With pillow and side wa!ls. PVC coated nylon material. Deflated size

76"x 28~"................................•..... Cat. No.340/1730


Our Price £9.95

2. Box Sided Alrbed. With pillow and side walls. PVC coated nylon material. Designed to sleep two persons.Deflatedsize78"x 51". Cat. No. 340/1747


Our Price £14.95

3. Sleeping Bag. 38 oz polyes.terfilling. Ny!on covered.All round. full length ZIPfor conver:~ into a doublebed quilt Cat. No.3401


Our Price£5.75

4. "Caroline" Sleeping Bag. 44 oz TERYLENE (polyester)filling. Nylon covered.All round. full length zip for conversion into a double bed quilt. Cat. No.34011400


Our Price £7.95


OurPrice £3.45

17. Nash ~. Mag Wheels.Set of 4. Designedfor speedskatingand slalomracing. Cat. No. 300/2696


OurPrice £7.95

18.. Nash 21" Supergrip Wheels. Set of 4. DeSignedfor trick riding Cat. No.300/2672


Our Price £12.50

19. Skateboard Helmet. High density polypropylene shell. Extra thick shock absorbing lining. Special sizing strip allows for most head sizes Cat. No.300/2689


OurPrice £3.45

20: Aronstead."Okula" SkateboardHelmet.Fully adjustableto fit mostheadsizes. Cat. No. 300/2706


OurPrice £5.75

21. "Shockers" Knee and Elbow Pads. Set of 4. Y?"o.w body with black ABS cap and orange e astic Cat. No.300/2720



22: ~ronstead S.kateboardPads. Set of 4. ComPrising one pair of elbow and one pair of knee pads.Elasticatedto fit mostsizes. . Cat. No. 300/2713


OurPrice £3.95

23. Flyer De Luxe Skateboard. 23i" plywood platform, cushi?ned under-carriagefor suspension and steering. Double ball bearing rubber wheels··········· Cat. No.35018949


Our Price£4.99

24. Skateboard with Klcktall. 221'polypropylene deck. die-cast aluminiumtrucks. rubber suspension and double ball bearing wheels. May be suppliedin plain or multi-colours. Cat. No. 350/9151


OurPrice £7.95

OurPrice £2.95

25. Flyer Multi-Coloured Skateboard. 27" polypropylene deck. MV300 die-cast aluminium trucks and 2,z.-·x21i' MK3 D.J. Lynx urethane wheelswith sealedprecisionbearings. Cat. No. 300/2641

15. BayclHfSkateboard Holdall. For skateboard and pads. CompoOur Catalogue Retail Price Number 300/2751 For 23" skateboards £3.90 £2.50

26. Nash "Parkrider 72" Skateboard. 27" solid mahoganydeck with supergrip tape. riser pads and "Park" trucks. The 21"x 2}" urethanewheels are 'fitted with double shielded precision bearIngs ·.··· Cat. No.300/2658

14. Admiral Sports Shoulder Bag. In strong waterproofmaterial.Size15"x 1CY'x5'. Cat. No. 300/2603


300/2744 For 27" skateboards

£5.10 £3.25

16. Skateboard Tune-Up KIt. Comprising multipurpose wrench. one bottle each degreaserand lubricant.4 suspensionand 2 swivelrubbers. Cat. No. 300/2737


OurPrice £2.45



Our Price £18.45

Our Price £24.95

27. Jaguar "Rexl" Skateboard. Glass fibre/ plywood laminated deck. MV300 die-cast aluminium. trucks. 2-?"x2~" MK3 D.J. Lynx urethane wheels with sealed precision bearIngs.················· Cat. No.30012665


* *'_*_ E3a5o

6' Snooker/Billiards Table. Covered in quality billiard table cloth with "Rigidec" base. Full length lacquered hardwood Side and entl rails are fitted' wiih rubber cushions. Supplied with two 42" cues, triangle: scoreboard, eighteen 35 mm snooker/bullard balls and how to play instructions. Size 713"x35f'x361'. high. Packed flat for home assembly :Cat. No. 30012634

2. Camden

Comp. Rett'll £112.00

Our Price £79.95

3. 4' Bar Billiards Table. Covered in}QualitY billiard table cloth with rubber edge cushions. Finished with simulated. teak sides and angled steel legs. Adjustable feet for levelling. Supplied with .scoreboard,two 42"cues, set of 8 balls, spirit level. Skittles and how to play instructions. Size 48"x 24"x33" high. Packed flat for home assembly Cat. No. 300/2490

Our Price £69.50

CompoRetail £101.00

Please note: Item nos. 1. 2 and 3 will be' despatched direct to your home by the manufactUrer. Normally pl.ase allow approx. 28 days for delivery. but we recommend orders for Xmas should be placed by November 13th 1978. Rod. 3 piece 4. Fisherman 13' Beachcastlng hollow fibreglass. Ceramic rings and screw reel fitting. Rubber hand grips.........Cat. No. 325(0912 .

CompoRetail £20.96


Our Price £14.95

5. Rshennan 9' Fly Rod. 2 piece holh?wfibreglass. cork handle. Screw reel fitting and snake rings : Cat. No. 325/0905

CompoRetail £7.50

. Our Prrce £5.25

6. Fisherman 12' Ferruless MatChRod. 3 piece !ioUow_fibreglass, ceramic butt and end .rings with hard chromed intermediates. . Cat. No. 325/0802

Our Price £8.95

10. Landing Net. Folding head,telescopic handle and nylon net. Extendedlength 783". . Clit. No. 325/0943

CompoRetail £8.10

Our Price £5.45

11. Fishing Umbrella with nit Action. Heavyduty nylon .cover, 8 ribs. Frame size 45".. Open size approx. 7'·..··· , Cat. No.325/0967

Co~p. Retail £20.00.

Our Price £11,95

12. Rsherman Sea Multiplying Reel. Gear le~er and plastic spool for beachcasting. Line capacity 300yd of 25 Ib monofifamenttest line. . Cat. No. 32510950

Our Price £8.95

1. Gravlty-Ironcrete "KadeH" Wheelbarrow. Galvanised steel body, rubber tyre. Body size assembled 26"x22". Height from ground 20". Supplied

in carry-homepack. Easilyassembled. Cat. No. 720/1651

Rec. Retail £15.66

Our Price £10.95

2. Spear & Jackson "Neverbend" Digging Tools. Carbon steel, solid socket. Ash shaft with polypropylene handle. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 72011833DiggingSpade.Lgth.3' 2ln£9.92 £6.75 720/1840 DiggingFork.Lgth.3' ~n £10.50 £6.99 720/2155 BorderSpade.Lgth.3' £8.47 £5.95 720/1857 BorderFork.Lgth.3' 2¥' £9.43 £6.50 3. Webb "Wizard" 3 h.p. Cultivator. 127 cc 4stroke Briggs & Stratton engine with automatic recoil starter. Double' slasher rotors. Digging width 26", digging depth 12". Complete with folding transport wheel. N.B. This item will. be despatcheddirect to your home by the manufacturer. Please normally allow approx. 28 days for delivery but Xmas orders should be placed by November13th 1978 Cat. No. 720/2430

Rec. Retail £206.95

Our Price £167.95

4. Rotocrop "Accelerator 14" Compost Bin. PVC panels interlock to form cylinder. Completewith hinged lid and base ventilator. Cat. No. 720/2519

Rec. Retail £20.95

Our Price £15.95

5. Tudor 9" Rotary Lawn Aerator. Spring loaded spikes penetrateturf at approx. 150holesper 1 sq yd Cat. No. 720/2090

Rec. Retail £15.95

Our Price £9.95

6. Hago Incinerator. Stoveenamelledfinish. Size 1~"x 15~"x27"high. Foldsflat for storage. , Cat. No. 720/0700

Compo Retail £8.20

Our P,ice £5.45

7. Spear & Jackson "Rexo" Lawn Rake. Steel head with 20 flexible tines. Hardwood handle. Overalllength 5' H" Cat. No. 720/0494

Rec. Retail £5.58

Our Price £4.25

8. PVC I" Garden Hose. Reinforced with polyester fibre. Length 30 m (approx. 100').Manufacturer's 10year guarantee.Conformsto B.S,3746. Cat. No:' 720/2052

Our Price £7.25 9. Wilkinson Sword "Sword" Pruner. Chromed steel. rust resistant blades. Flick thumb catch. Nylon coatedhandles.Length 8". Cat. No. 720/0896

Rec. Retail £8.15

Our Price £6.50

10. Rolcut "Professlona'" Secateurs. PVC sleevedhandles.Two position catch. Roll and cut action. Length8" Cat. No.720/0621

Rec. Retail £3.78

Our Price £2.95

11. Burgon & Ball Pocket Pruner. Curvedcutting and holding anvil blades.Moulded nylon handles. Length 7" Cat. No.720/2485

Rec. Retail £2.70

Our Price £1.75

12. Burgon & Ball lopping Shears. Sheffield steel, rust resistant blades. PVC sleevedtubular steel handles.Length l' 8"......•..Cat. No. 72010061

Rec. Retail £7.94

Our Price £5.45

13. Black & Decker DN30110" Chain Saw. 1100 Watt electric motor. Visual oil level indicator. Safety lock-off switch fitted to prevent accidental starting. Enablesyou to log, trim, prune and fell trees up to 20" diameter. f' chain cuts in wet or drywood Cat. No. 720/2368

Rec. Retail £55.00

Our Price £34.95

14. Black & Decker DNJ452G Mains Electric Dual-action Hedge Trimmer. 16" double edged ~inc coated blades.On/off safety switch. Doubl~ Insulated.Overalllength 2' 4......Cat. No. 720/0308'

Rec. Retail £33.50

Our Price £25.95

15. Black & Decker D450 Mains Electrtc Hedge Trimmer. 12"double edged blades.Wrap around handle. On/off safety switch. Double insulated. Overalllength l' 10".···· Cat. No.72011981

Rec. Retail £26.50

Our Price £19.95

16. Eltax "Brighton" Paraffin Greenhouse Heater. Double wick burner. Size 21"x26!"x7" Suitablefor a greenhouseup to 8'x 6'. . Cat. No. 72011314


.Rec. Retail £26.29

Our Priee £18.50

17. Eltex "Chelsea" Paraffin Seed Propagator. Heaterca,?~city2 pints, burns for approx. 7 days on one filling. Galvanised steel water tray. 2 re.movabl.eplastic seed trays. 2 plastic covers WIthventilators.Overallsize 17"x 14!"x 1n". Cat No. 720/2117

Ree. Retail £18.30

Our Price £13.45

18. Oualcast "Concorde" Electric Cylinder Mower. 12" cut. 3 cutting blades. Height adjustment with grassbox and 52' of cable. Double Insulated.B.EAB. approved....Cat No. 720/0401

Rec. Retail £41.45

Our Price £33.95

19. Black & Decker 0808 "Super T" Electric Rotary Mower. With grasspick-up. Heightadjust~ent. Safety cut-out and rear safety flap. Dauble Cat. No. 720/2416 Insulated····

Ree. Retail £39.00

Our Priee £31.95

20. ~ualcast 07 Side Wheel Mower. 12" cut. 5 cutting blades. Height adjustment. With grassbox. ·········.·.······ Cat. No.720/1606

Ree. Retail £22.95

Our Price £16.99

21. A~L "Klllaspray MaJor" Pressure Sprayer. Capacity 1 gallon. On/off, adjustablespraynozzle and push button control tap. Height27". Cat. No. 72011541

Ree. Retail £12.95

Our Price £7~95

Z!. ASL ':Polyspray"

Hand Sprayer. Capacity 2 pmts. AdJu~table spray nozzle. Quick charge pump and trigger action. Height 12". . Cat 1110. 720/2124

Rec. Retail £7.97

Our Price £4.45

Nord~~n Growing Kits. Comprise 6 tubs each, containinq seeds and growing medium with full growing instructions. 23. Dried Rower KIt. Contains ornamental grasses, ~elipterum, Helichrysum, Molucella Leavis, LunariaAnnuaand Xeranthernum, Cat. No. 720/2502

Ree. Retail £2,60

Our Priee £1.75

24. House Plants Kit. Contains Passion Flower Cactu~, Polka-dot plant, Sensitive plant, Coleu~ and WInterCherry..· Cat. No. 720/2492

Ree. Retail £2.60

Our Price £1.75

1 BI ck & Decker D720H 2 Speed Drill. Plus h~mr::er action. !" chuck. Double insulated.

Cat. No. 710/0707


Our Price£24.45

2 Black & Decker DNJ522 Speed Drill. i" chuck. Double insulated Cat. No.710/0154


Our Price £19.50

3 Black & Decker DNJ622 Speed Drill. !" chuck. Double insulated Cat. No. 710/0178

Rec.Retail £29.50

Our Price£21.95

4. Black & Decker DNJ68V2 Speed D~~".Plus hammeraction and accelerationtrigger. ~ chuck. Doubleinsulated Cat. No. 710/1n5

Rec.Retail £37.00


~::: R~~i·i"£4i·oo················~:

6. Black & Decker V830V2 Speed."MastercraW' Drill. Plus hammer action and vanable speed on trigger.~" chuck. Double insulated. Cat. No. 710/1689

Our Price£32.95

7 Black & Decker DNJ264 2 Speed "Block Buster" Drill. Plus hammer action. f' chuck. Double insulated Cat. No.710/1672


Our Price£19.99

8. Black & Decker DNJ250 Single Speed Drill. f." chuck. Doubleinsulated CaL No.710/1768

Rec.Retail £16.50

Our Price£14.50

11. Black & Decker 5562 Power Finishing Sander. 375 Watt motor. 4,000orbits p.m. For heavy duty jobs. Dustextraction for cleanerworking. Cat. No. 710/1706

Rec.Retail £37.50

Our Price£28.50

12. Black & Decker 5550 Power Finishing Sander. For general purposesanding. No load speed 1.1.000 orbits p.m. Doubleinsulated. Cat. No. 71011555

Rec.Retail £21.00

Our Price£14.99

13. Black & Decker DN75 Power Plane. Twin 3" blades rotate at 13.700r.p.m. Depthof cut adjustable to 1.5 mm. Snap-upguard allows planeto be used on the edges of materialsand for rebating. 450 Watt motor. Doubleinsulated. Cat. No. 71011696

Rec.Retail £60.00

Our Price£45.95

14. Black & Decker 0111 Power Centre. Induction motor. Tool rest and eye shield. One end 60 grit grinding wheel. other end standard thread for flexible drive shaft, chuck or other standard accessorymounting for increasedversatility. Cat. No. 71011885

Ree.Retail £40.00

Our Price£29.99

15. Black & Decker DN545' Power Circular Saw. 450 Watt motor. Cuts timber up to 1f'. Angle cutting up to 45°.With combination bladeand rip fence.·..·· Cat. No.71011579


. Our Price£17.99

Our Price£11.99

9. Black & Decker DN35SMulti Purposl_tP~er JIg-Saw. 2 speed. Cuts straight or ~,~tncate shapes.Cutting depths 2:' in soft wood, 1 In hard wood. Tilting shoe for cutting angles. 5 cutting bladessupplied free. Double insulated. Cat. No. 710/1799


Rec.Retail £20.00

Our Price£27.99

5. Black & Decker V830 2 Speed "Mastercraft" Drill. Plus hammer action. !" chuck. For drdhng concrete and difficult materials. Double InSU-

Rec.Retail £44.00

10. Black & Decker DN340Power Jig-Saw. Cutting depths 2:' in soft wood, 1" in hard wood. Versatilefor straight and intricate cuts with tilting shoe.Double insulated Cat. No.71011751

Our Price£19.99

16. JPI Flexible Drive Shaft. Length 40". Complete with arbor. Indispensableaccessorywhen drilling etc. in restrictiveareas..Cat. No;71011469


Our Price£6.99

Guarantee: We offer a full money-back guarantee In addition to your statutory rights.

& Decker 0986 Jig-Saw Attachment. Cutting depth !I" in hard wood, 1"in softwood. Cat. No. 710/0264

13. JPI Drll! Accessory Kit. Consists of wire brush, gnndlng wheel, arbor, wire cup brush and accessories········· Cat. No.710/1366



1. Black


2. Black & Decker 0983 De Luxe 5" Circular Saw Attachment. Maximum cut 1,>.".Cuts angles to 45°. Featuressawdust and chip ejection. Spring loaded guard for additional safety.Graduatedrip fencefor accuratecuts right up to saw blade. Cat. No. 710/1005




4. Farnworth Rotor Plane Attachment. For rebating and planing most types of timber. Depth of cut adjustable to ~".Completewith 2 free blades. (N.B. Not suitable for use with item nos. 5 and 6 on page210) Cat. No.710/1878



5. Black & Decker 0915 De Luxe Vertical Drill Stand. For greater drilling accuracy. Features adjustabledepth stop and gauge. Cat. No. 710/1328

Rec.Retail£19.50 2:'_;~_.l


6. Black & Decker GD80 Vertical Drill Stand. Converts your Black & Decker drill into a highly accuratebenchdrill. Cat. No. 710/0642



7. Black & Decker 0935 Vertical Drill Stand Vice. 3" capacity. Holds work securely in the vertical drill stands,item nos.5 and 6....Cat. No. 710/1335



8. Talco 21 Piece Twist Drill Set. Chrome vanadium steel. For hand or power drills. Sizes N' to r'. With full shanks Cat. No. 710/0374



9. Set of 8 Drills. 4 high speed twist drills, sizes N', N', 1", N' and 4 masonrydrills, sizes 6,8, 12 and 16 Cat. No. 710/0398

;:::==~~:;:==:;:;~;:;;;;,;:~~;;~~ Comp.Retail£5.25


10. Footprint 6 Wood Boring Bits. For use in electric drills. Sizes i", !", f', '1", ~" and 1". Plastic storagewallet. Cat. No. 710/1373


14. R~ell 4~50 Variable Reversing Drll.. For matenals ranging from wood to masonry and glass. chuck and drill speed ranging from ~1200 r.p.m. Also a reversingSWitchfor removIng screwsandjammedbits etc. Cat. No. 71011861



3. Black & Decker 0988 Finishing Sander Attachment. Cat. No. 710/0233


11. Ever Ready 13Amp Fused Plugs.Conform to B.S. 1363.Packof 10 Cat. No. 710/0415




15. ~oc~ell 4400 Power Orbital Sander. For sandln~.nght up to vertical edges.Large handles for POSItIve control. 10,000orbits p.m. Cat. No. 710/1847



16. Rockwell 4320 Variable Speed Power JigSaw. I?eal for intricate scroll work etc. Cutting depth ISZ' with a calibrated tilting basefor angle Cat. No. 71011854 cuts of up to 45°.·· ·



17. Stanley Bridges XJ504Super Power4 Speed Drill. ~" chuck. Manual and electronic speed .change.500Wattmotor. Doubleinsulated. Cat. No. 71011627



18. Stanley Bridges XKSH 6" Powered Circular Sa~. 340 Watt motor. Tilting baseenablesangle c_uttlngfrom 90°-45°.Depth of cut H". Includes6" ~IPand cross cut blade and guide fence. Double Insulated.·········· Cat. No.710/1445



19.Wolf "Portapolnt" Portable Cable Reel.49' of 3-core cable.Capacity1,000Watts. Cat. No. 710/0044



20. Volex VT303Cable Reel. SO'of 3-core cable. 13 ~mp plug (3 Amp fused). Suitable for ap~hances ,:,p to 7SOWatts. Fitted with on/off SWItchand pilot light... Cat. No.71011720



21. Wolf "Sapphire" Electric Drill. !" chuck. 420 Watt. motor. 2 speed, double insulated. With carrying case.BSIKite Mark approved. Cat. No. 710/0037



12. Mason Master Concrete Drilling Set. Converts your drill to hammeraction. N' chuck. With two double duty drills, sizes 10and 12. Cat. No. 710/1713

22. Black & Decker 0764 "Block Buster" Workshop Kit. Contains DNJ2642 speed drill, 0984 w attachment, 0988 sanding attachment.D986 JIg-sawatta?hment, percussion bits, twist drills, A9101sandIng and polishing kit, assortedsandIng s~eets, wire cup brush. saw blade. jig-saw selection pack. ··· ··· Cat. No.710/1823









1. Black & Decker WM625 "Workmate". Dual height, multi-purposeportablework bench. Vice 29"with 4"jaw opening.Foldsfor storage. Cat. No. 710/1586



2. Black & Decker WM400"Workmate". Single height portable work bench. 4" jaw opening. 24" vice jaws with taper action. Supplied in simple :.Cat.No. 710/1737 self-assemblyform



3. Black & Decker WM600 "Workmate". Dual height portablework bench. Vice 27" with 4" jaw opening. Supplied in simple self-assembly form Cat. No.71011809



4. Black & Decker WM140 "Workmate" Saw Table. Includes mitre guide, large and small rip fences. For use with any Black & Decker"Work· mate" Cat. No.710/1359



5. Black & DeckerWM110"Workmate" Extender Arms. Set of 4. Accepts sheets of wood up to 6'x3'. For use with any Black & Decker "Workmate" Cat. ·No.7"1"0/1342



6. Weller SolderingKit. Containsinstantheatgun with built-in spotlight. 2 spare copper soldering tips and accessories Cat. No.710/1294



7. Burgess "Powerllne" Soldering KIt. lightweight with insulated handle. Includes cable. solder, holding probe, tweezers and heat dis,sipatoretc Cat.No.710/1524



8. PHcoGeneral Purpose Soldering Iron. Incorporatesnickel platedcopperbit. protectivefinger shieldand integralstand Cat. No.710/1830



9. Burgess "Powerllne" Model 72HobbyistKit. 2 speedengraverand 15 accessories.For engraving glass, ceramic tiles, plastic, metals, also embossingleatherand lino, wood carving,stencil cutting etc Cat. No.710/1287



10. Burgess "Powerllne" BK2 Bandsaw. 2 speeds.Suitablefor wood up to 3", brass,copper and mild steelup to 1"thick. Featurestilting table up to 45°, 12"throat and adjustablefence. Ideal for modelmakers,engineersetc. Cat. No. 71011816



11. Burgess Powerllne "Spraylt" 122 Compressor Spray Unit. Sprayspaint, varnish, cellulose and insecticide. Ideal for spraying car bodies. fencing,furniture etc Cat. No.710/1744




16. Salmen's Carpenter's Tool Cabinet Kit. with drawer, fittings and clips. Size 29"x2H"x8". With a selection of 45 qualitytools andaccessories. Cat. No. 700/2317

Compo Retail£83.70



Footprin_t"Housemaster" Handyman Tool Kit. An 11 piece tool set for general household Jobs Cat. No 700/2692



18. Whitmore Carpenter's 20 Piece Tool Kit. Comp~lsesa selection of fully guaranteedcarpenters tools andaccessories..Cat. No.700/2506



19. Paramo Mechanic's Vice. :5' jaw. 3600 swivel basewith locking lever Cat. No.700/0515

Ree.Retail£10.52 ~~. Carpenter's Vice. I Ing···············.···


OurPrice£7.25 e

jaw opening. Clamp Cat. No.70011040



12. Burgess "Powerllne" 969 Electric Alrless Sprayer. With flexible and injection nozzles. Sprayspaint, insecticideor creosote.Capacity1 pint Cat. No.710/1270


15. Copydex "Joint Master Mk. 11". Precision made sawing jig for making a wide variety of wood joints. Size01baseplate8~"x8~".With fully Illustratedinstructionleaflet.....Cat. No.700/2386


Spear & Jackson "Black Prince" Saws. "Teflon S" coated Sheffield steel blades.Polypropylene handles. Rec. Our Catalogue Retail Price Number £8.17 £5.75 13. 700/0302 Hand 22" £6.60 £4.95 14. 700/0285 Tenon 10"

21. HeavyD':"YStaple Gun Kit. Usefulfor ceiling tiles. carpeting, furniture recovering etc. With spare boxes of staples in ;{ storage/carrying case.··········:········ ..··· Cat. No.700/2599



22. Salmen's "Union" Portable Tool Chest. Mahoganyfinish. Fitted with 5 felt-lined drawers carryinghandle,lock and keys.Suitablefor precision tools, measuring instruments etc Size 181"x 1H"x 8~".············ Cat. No.700/2197



Double 5" Convertible Step Ladder. Tubular steel frame. Wide wooden treads. Non-slip rubber feet. Extends from 5 to 10 treads. Safety locking device .... Cat. No. 700/0388



2. ASL Handyman"Ladder Pack". Consistsof a 5x 5 convertible and "Ladda-Link" for use together (overall length 13' 6") or individually. Also includes plank clamping devicefor ladders to be usedas trestles(planknot suppled). Cat. No. 700/2609



3. ZambaShelf Unit. 4 shelves.Adjustableheight from 37"to 61".Shelfsize3H"x 12". Cat. No. 700/2740



4. Beldray "Top Flight" Aluminium LofVStep Ladder. Convertsfrom householdstepsto extension ladder at variable heights. Non-slip treads. Safetylocking device.Maximumheight9' 111.". Cat. No. 700/2496



5. Black & Decker 03000 3-Way Ladder. Made from aluminium. Converts to double sided step ladder, adjustable extension or loft ladder and stair ladderwherethe specialconstructionallows for use on interrupted levels.Extendedheight 9' 5".Closedheight6' 4" Cat. No.700/2410

Rec.Retail£34.95 .


6. Beldray "Gazelle" Aluminium Step Ladder. 2 non-slip treads and platform. Platform height 2' 2¥' Cat. No.700/1631



7. Beldray "Gazelle" Aluminium Step Ladder. 4 non-slip treads and platform. Platform height 3' 8" Cat. No.700/2290



10.RonsonRBT3Blowtorch.With cartridge. Cat. No. 700/2458



11. Parasene 400 Brass Blowlamp. Takes 1 pint of paraffin.··········.·.· Cat. No.700/2465



12. Camping Gaz "Soudoklt S" Blowlamp Set. Includes paint burner, soldering iron, fine flame burnerand CampingGazcartridge. Cat. No. 700/2283



13. Ronson RBTS Blowtorch KIt. Consists of blowtorch, soldering tip, flame spreader and dIffuserhead.Completewith cartridge. .' Cat. No. 700/0807



14. Fleetwood Paint Roller Set. Comprises 7" smooth sleeveand frame, extension handle and metalpaint tray.;., Cat. No.700/2685

Comp. Retail£3.47


15: Harris 203 Painting Set. Set of 4 pure bristlp paint brushes,sizes~",1", H" and 2". Cat. No. 700/0773



16.Fleetwood Decorating Kit. Consistsof 4 paint brushes,sizes ~". 1", Z' and 3", 5" wall brush 7" roller and tray, scraper, packet of cellulosefiiler and sandpaper.·..· · Cat. No.700/2678

Compo Retail£13.71


17. Pasting Table. Hardboard top with tubular metallegs.Foldsflat. Sizewhenopen7rJ'x2Z'. Cat. No. 700/2135

Compo Retail£8.20


8. RaacoSteel StorageCabinet.With 25transparent drawers which can be subdivided. Size 12"x5i"x 13" high. Suitable for garage, sewing room,fishing tackleetc Cat. No.700/2582

18.Talco Cantilever Tool Troll~y. On 4 castors.6 t~a~, plus lift-out tray. Blue stove enamelled flnlsh. Padlockfitting and pull-along handle.Size 22"x 16!"x 1m" ·· Cat. No.700/2379


Compo Retail£26.00



9. Raaco Slorage Cabinet. With 15 transparent drawers. Suitable for nuts, bolts, fishing tackle. cotton reelsetc. Size1Z'x 5!"x 5!". Cat. No. 700/2393




19.Talco Cantilever Tool Box. 5 trays.Bluestove enamelledfinish, Size17"x8"x 8". Cat. No. 700/2276

Compo Retail£10.00

OurPrice£5.95 !

,~. Stanley No.4 Smoothing Plane. Fine grey iron casting. Sheffield steel blade .... Cat. No. 700/2159


15. Gedore 23 Plece.i" Square Drive SOcketSet. Chrome vanadium steel. AF ,z."~". metric 11-22 mm. ~atchet. speed brace. universal joint. 2 extensions and Sliding tee Cat. No. 700/2630

OurPrice £8.95 p



'16.Gedore 41 Piece i" Square DrIve SOcketset. Chrome vanadium steel. AF ,z.~-t".ltJetric 10-22 mm and Whitworth ;,3.",.1' sockets. Ratchet. s~ brace•..universal joint and extensions. ·Cat.·No. 700/0962

Rec, Retail£87.79



17. Talco 25 Ple~ Motorist's Tool Roll. Incluijes ., dual.spanne~s(AF f'-1' plus metric 10-17 mm). re~erslble scrE1wdrivers.pliers. feeler gauge. 'tappet and ignition spanners. plug spanner. spark p,lugtester screwdriver,and brake spanner. . . Cat. No. 70012726

Compo Retail£15.23


18. WIlliams Supersllm 30 Plece.Motorlst's Tool Roll. Includes 5 AF ":;'''-1'.7 metric &,.19mm DIE nickel plated spanners. screwdrivers brake adjuste~.plug spanner and pliers. " Cat. No. 700/2537



19. Gedore AF Motorist's 28 PIece Tool Roll. Includes 6 DIE spanners' l"x":;'''--/i'x i". 6 ring spanners l"X ....'-1'X3". plug spanner. screwdriver se~.set of ignition spanners, teeler gauge. ball. pern hammer and combination pliers. . Cat. No. 700/2269

Compo Retail£26.97 Catalogue Number 70011174 9¥' Smoothing No.4 700/1064 14" Jack No.5'

R~e. Retail £8.42 £10.05

Our Price £5.95 £6.~5



20. Norber Torque Wrench. Automatic reset. Dual scaled. 20-110 Ib/tt. 3-15 kg/tn. Reversible ~ tooth, ," square drive ratchet head and pushpull steel adjusting knob. Length 1~". Cat. No. 700/2757

9. Rabone Chestarman "Setrlte" Aluminium Spirit Level. 2 plumbs and level. Length 48". . Cat. No, 700/0539

Ree. Retail£17.14


OurPrice £8.75 10. Hanei DrIll. Double pinion. 3 jaw chuck. Capacity.,:;." Cat. No. 7oo/OSn


OurPrice £5.45

11. Talco Pair of Tubular Steel Shaft Hainmers. 16 oz adze eye claw and 10 oz joiners/Warring' ton. With shock absorbent handles. Cat. No. 700/2616

21. Gedore OlE Spanners. vanadium steel. Metric 8x9-18x19 mm AF 'x.M"-wx1/' ;

Cat. No. 700/2489 Cat. No. 70012472

Rec. Retail£4.99



OurPrice£5.75 12. SSP Pller set. 4 piece. comp'rising shoulder pincers. radio, diagonal and combination pliers Cat. No. 700/0900

Compo Retail£9.50'

OurPrice £6.50

13. Kamasa 42 Piece I" Square Drive Socket Set. Chromed carbon steel. AF 1."-1". metric 1Of-22 rom. 'Whitworth }"-1'. Reversible ratchet. sliding tee. speed brace. u';iversal joint and extensions ':: Cat. No. 700/2733

flee. Retail£55.08


14: Gedore 32 Piece I" Square Drive Socket set. Chrome vanadium steel. AF f·-11". metric 11-32 mm. Ratchet. speed brace. sliding tee. universal ioinj and extensions Cat. No. 70012575


OurPrice £32.9!i

~~~~~~f===~i~;;:==========:::;====;::;====~ II

~ccess Card and Barclaycard are welcomed on all our Catalogue Showrooms.

1. Eversure Trolley Jack. A compact easily transportable hydraulic jack. Lifting capacity 2500 lb. Hydraulic lift 10". Incorporates swivelling crutch and overloading valve Cat. No. 75011045



2. Car Creeper. Wooden frame .with padded headrest.Four independent running castors on ball bearings.Size15¥'x35¥'.Heightfrom ground ,..Cat. No.750/1148 3"

Compo Retail£8.20

. OurPrice£5.75

3. Trolley Jack. 3 piece handle,screw operated for positive controlled lowering. Compact for boot storage. Maximum lifting capacity 14 cwt. Cat. No.750/1344 lifting height 15"

Comp. Retail£25.92


4. Interlube "Tecagun" GreaseGun. Capacity3~ oz. Trigger action. Suitablefor heavyoil to grade 2 grease , Cat. No.750/0187



17•.Selmar "Startrlte" Battery Charger. 4 Amp. SUItablefor 12V batteriesonly.Cat. No.750/0383

5. Lew·waysAxle Stands.Extendfrom 10"to 16". Capacity2 tons per pair Cat. No.75011014


Compo Retail£9.57

18. Aerite Foot Pump.With dial pressuregauge. ReadIng 0-100 p.s.i. Universalfitting. Overload releasevalve · Cat. No.750/0053


6. ScIssorJack. Maximumvehicleweight 30 cwt. Closedheight 4". Extendedheight 15k". Cat. No. 750/1007

Comp. Retail£6.80


7. Weber-HydraullkCar Jack. Lifting capacity 2 tons. Hydraulic lift 4k". Heights: closed 6~", extended13 " Cat. No.750/1227



8. Gunson's "Colortune 500". Savespetrol by ensuring a perfect fuel mixture. Valuable fault diagnosisfeatures.AA approved. . Cat. No. 750/0211



9. Gunson's "Sparktune 2" DweliNoltage Test Meter. For improving m.p.g. and performance. Allows accurate point setting, point condition, measurement,static timing and electrical fault tracing.A.A approved Cat. No. 750/1337



10. Command4 Piece Tune-Up Kit. Comprises vacuum and fuel pump tester, neon timing light, remote starter switch and compressiontester. Aidsfault finding andenginetuning. Cat. No. 750/1076



~~~~;;;;::====:;~_iiiii_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Sii.iiiiii ••• ~ or11.12CommandTune-UpAnalyser. Operateson 6 eV systemsfor 4, 6, or 8 cylinder engines. Measuresthe idle r.p.m.,camdwell angle, condition of points, voltage potential and output currentof chargingsystem Cat. No.750/1210



12. Sparkrlte "SX2000" Electronic Ignition System. Savesfuel, improvesperformanceandgives instant starting. 12V negative earth only. . Cat. No. 750/1382



13. Selmar "Star" Battery Charger.4 Amp (d.c. mean).Fully automaticand self-resettingagainst output short circuit. 12 V only. REAR approved : Cat. No.750/1234

Compo Retail£12.94


14. Bradex "Standard 1" BaHery Charger. 3.5 Amp (d.c, mean). 12 V only. Capable of fully rechargingflat batteriesin 24 hours.A.A.Sealof Approval.B.EAB. approved.....Cat: No.750/1124



15. Jumper Leads. Suitable for 6 V or 12 V batteries Cat. No.750/1100

Compo Retail£2.42


16. Davenset "Super Battery Mate". 5.5 Amp (d.c. mean).Auto-reset,short circuit and reverse polarity protection. Suitable for 12 V batteries only.Conformsto B.S.3456......Cat. No.750/1296




Compo Retail£9.07


19. Foot Pum~.Wi~hdial p~essuregauge.ReadIng 0-100 ~.s.1.~nrversalfItting. Completewith adaptorfor inflatingairbedsetc. Cat. No. 75011399

Compo Retail£5.49


20. ~ewcom Foot Pump. Steel frame, strong plastic barrel. With screw-ontype valveconnector. ········· Cat. No.750/1375

Compo Retail£4.82'


2~. PCLE35Foot Pump.Universalfitting. Pre-set dial gauge. Completewith adaptor for inflating arrbedsetc Cat. No.750/0132



22•. Raydyot "Exe~tlve" DoorlWlng Mirror. St~lnless steel and chromium plated finish. ~dJustable.Replaceableconvex glass. Universal fItting. Manufacturedto E.E.C.regulations. Cat. No. 740/1530



23. Plfco "Super Beam" Lantern. Adjustable head. Push button onloff switch. Operatesfrom 1x 6 V battery(996),(notsupplied). Cat. No. 750/0345



24. Plfco Rubber Torch. Operatesfrom ax SP2 batteries(notsupplied) Cat. No.750/0352



25. Stadl~m "Multlgrlp" Inspection Lamp with Cable. AdjustableJawgrips, 1" to 41'.Fully insulated.240VAC Cat. No.750/0761

Compo Retail£8.30


.26.Raydyot "700Series" HalogenLamps.Stainless steel shell. 55 Watts, 12 V. Vertical or horizontal mounting. Complete with lens cover onloff switch an~ cable. Conformsto Europea~ st~n.dards.Councilof IndustrialDeSignapproved. : Cat. No.740/0531 DrlvinqLamp AmberFogLamp Cat. No.740/0672




27. Lucas Rearguard Red Lensed Fog Lamp. Chromiumplatedwith ABSplasticbody.12V. Cat. No. 740/0634



28".Sparto Reversing Lamp Set. Comprisestwo stainless.steel surface mounting lamps, illuminatedSWItchand cable.12V.....Cat. No.740/1138



-----=~J 1.

Wash-Matlk. Specially developed priming valve draws clean or soapy water to brush head from bucket (not supplied). Ideal for cars. boats. and paintwork. Cat. No. 750/1241 Rec. Retail £5.95 Our Price £3.45 2. Gardena Car Wash Set. Comprises slimline brush with flexible head.tap connector. click-on hose and water stop connector; adjustablespray nozzleand 10shampoosticks.,Cat. No.750/1289 Rec. Retail £8.40 Our Price £5.25 3. Simoniz Car Care Kit. Contains chrome cleaner. G.T. wax. colour restorer. car wash. screenwash andoil. Cat. No. 750/0280 Rec. Retail £5.00 Our Price £3.75 4. PlfcoCarVacuum Cleaner. Operatesfrom 12V car battery.Completewith tools. Cat. No. 750/0266 Rec. Retail £8.95 Our Price £6.75

5. Moullnex Car VacuumCleaner. Operatesfrom 12 V car battery. Complete with tools. Can be -' usedto inflate/deflateairbedsetc. Cat. No. 750/0259 Rec. Retail £15.95 Our Price £9.99


6. Bradex "Motor Pack". Comprises screen cleaner. damp start. de-icer and a Vileda duster Cat. No. 750/1368 Rec. Retail £3.85 Our Price £2.50 7. Holts Service KIt. 8 piece kit comprising engine clean. hoseweld bandage.gun gum bandage. Radweld.damp start. Redex.rust eaterand de-icer Cat. NO•.750/1351 Rec. Retail £6.74 Our Price £4.99

"'-- __


8. Smiths Rear Screen Heater. 12V. Multi-circuit fits direct to screen. Supplied with switch and cable.Size3O'·x9!" Cat. No. 740/1217 Rec. Retail £6.43 Our Price £4.25 9. Raydyot Rear ScreenHeater. 12V elementfits direct to screen. Supplied with switch. warning light and cable.Size26!"x 9l"....Cat. No.740/0579 Rec. Retail £6.21 Our Price £3.99 10. Lucas Rear Screen Heater. 12 V. Supplied with illuminated switch and cable. Size 32"x 10". Canbe trimmed to fit smallerscreen. Cat. No. 740/1640 Rec. Retail £7.95 Our Price £5.45


11. Genuine Sheepskin Seat Cover. Complete with holding strap. Fits most bucket seats. Cat. No. 740/0201 Comp, Retail £19.95 Our Price £13.99 12. Karobes Beige Simulated Sheepskin Front Seat' Cover. Trimmed with 100% nylon. Fully washable.Fits mostbucket seats. Cat. No. 740/1626 Rec. Retail £7.83 Our Price £5.25 13. Karobes Simulated Sheepskin Front Seat Cover. 100% high pile acrylic. Fully washable. Fits most bucketseats Cat. No.740/1231 Rec. Retail £13.98 Our Price £8.50 14. Karobes Simulated'Sheepskin Seat Cover. Trimmed with black stretch nylon. Fully washable. Catalogue Rec. Our Number Retail Price 740/1482 RearSeat(exel.armrests)£16.45£10.50 740/0256 FrontSeat £7.83 £5.25

15. Dongora Travel Rug. Royal Stewart tartan. gook wool/10% mixedfibres. Size including fringe 56"x 7'Z· · Cat. No.74011396 Compo Retail £8.76 Our Price £5.99 16", Dongora "County" Travel Rug. Check desiqn. 70%wool/30% mixed fibres. Size includCat. No. 74011633 ing fringe 54"x 7'Z' Compo Retail £7.10 Our Price £4.95 17. S,:"I~s Battery Operated Car Clock. Top dashfitting. Black caseand dial with white hands and figures. Red centre seconds hand. Takes 2x H V batteries(not supplied).Cat. No.74011547 Rec. Retail £15.64 Our Price £9.99 L-....::..._:::::: 1~. Optlm Qu.artzDigital Car Clock. Clear digital display showinq hours and minutes with pulsatIng seconds comma.2 simple controls to easily adjust hours and minutes or to use as trip timer. Constant display whilst driving. A.A. Seal of 12V car battery. Cat. No. 74011712 Rec. Retail £29.95 Our Price £17.95 19. Simoniz "HI-Speed" Fire Extinguisher. With mounting bracket. Contains ICI's fire fighting chemical B.C.F.Suitablefor etc. Cat. No. 750/0307 Rec. Retail £2.82 Our Price £1.99 20. Paddy Hopklrk "Sport" Twin Air Horns. 12V. Conforms to current regulations. Completewith compressor.fittings and instructions.A.A.Sealof Approval. Cat. No.74011475 Rec. Retail £15.66 Our Price £9.99


21. Smiths Universal Mudflaps. Set of 4. Not suitablefor Mini fronts or VW"Beetles".. Cat. No. 740/0342 Rec. Retail £6.26 Our Price £3.99 22. "Krooklok" Anti-Theft DeVice.Also acts as a viSiblE! deterrent. Supplied with two keys. Extended length 31". closed 223". Fits most cars : Cat. No.740/0816 Rec. Retail £5.49 . Our Price £3.99 23. ','Classlc:' Roof Rack. Steel tubing and alloy castings.Adjustablegutter fittings. Carryingarea 4O"x34" Cat. No. 74010029 Rec. Retail £14.58 Our Price £9.99 24. Desmo ladder/Dinghy Rack. Tubular steel. Adjustablefittings. Crossbar length 51". Cat. No. 74011657 Rec. Retail £15.42 Our Price £9.99

Spartanite Cases. Supple PVC material on alloy frames. Snap-over locks. Adjustable straps. Catalogue

Compo Our

Number 285/0344 Weekender 21"x 11»"x5" 285/0351 Traveller251"x 1Srx 71" 285/0368 Jumbo 29"x23")(6~"

Retail Price £18.9513.95 £22.95£16.95 £25.95£18.95

2. Spartan Expanding Fibre Case. Flip-back locks. Size 26"x 21")(7". When expanded 26"x21'·x9" Cat. No. 285/1927

Comp. Retail£11.15

OurPrice £8.75

3. Constellation Vanity Case. Vinyl covered.Two bottles in interior pocket. With lock and twoposition adjustable strap. Size 13~"x13!"x5". Cat. No. 285/1154

Compo Retail£6.00

OurPrice £3.99

4. Constellation Overnight Case. Silver coloured trim. Moire lining. Cheney lock. Size Cat. No. 285/1831 15i"x 14\"x6"

Compo Retail£9.50

OurPrice £5.95

5. Antler Vinyl Cases. Zip fastening with straps and buckles. Shoulder bag size 13"x 14~"x6" Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 285/1666 26"x 111"><n" £23.25£15.95 285/1659 24"x 16"x 7" £22.25£14.95 28511855 27!"xlWx6" £24.25£16.45 285/2115 Shoulder Bag £16.25£11.25

6. exclusive expanding Gussetted Cases. Suitcases have compartmentdivider in lid for separate packing. Beautifully lined. Retaining straps. Executive style holdall is also lined and has separate document compartment. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price £40.00£25.95 285/1910 ~"x 2m"x 7" 28511903 2Q"x lnHx~" £35.50£22.95 285/1893 Holdall 2m"x 12!"x9" £28.95£18.95 7. Continental Style Cases. Quality expanded vinyl. Comfort grip handlesand adjustablestraps. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 28511556 2Q"x1~"x6" £18.50£12.45 28511563 ~"x1g'x6" £20.00£13.95 8. Continental Style Zip-Top Cases and Holdall. BeIge coloured vinyl with overstraps. Catalogue Compo Our Number Retail Price 285/1518 22"x 15~"x5~" £14.65£9.95 285/1501 1~"x 14"x6~" £8.85 £6.25 28511525 25~"x17"x6" £15.95£10.75 285/1941 Holdall 20"x 12"xg: £5.65 £4.25 9. ExpandingOvernight Case.Fully lined.Zipped outer pocket, studded base and nickel plated lock. Size16~"x14"x 5" Cat. No. 285/2139

Rec. Retail£12.75

OurPrice £8.75

10. Constellation Soft-Sided Scmcase on Wheels. In Skai material. Spring-Ibaded extended handle for easy manoeuvring. Size 26"x 7",>< 19'. ·········.· Cat. No.285/2122

Compo Retail£29.50

Our Price£18.95


1. Folding Luggage Carrier. Chromium plated with locking wire deviceandelasticstrap. Cat. No. 28512108

Compo Retail£5.90


2. Norland Gazelle "Speedy" Luggage Trolley. Platform folds automatically for quick loading. Compactfor storage Cat. No.28511587


Our Price£5.95

3. Travel/Shoulder Bag. Polyurethanematerial. Zip-top opening with two zip pockets. Folds for use as shoulder bag. Overall size 19"x 10"x5~". Foldedsize8!"x 6¥'x Z' Cat. No.285/1965

Compo Retail£7.15


4. "Roly-Poly" Casual RlghtlTravel Bag. Vinyl with full zip-topopening.Handgripsandshoulder strap.Sidepocket.Size16l"x lZ'x6!". Cat. No. 28511817

OurPrice£5.95 5. Travel Bag. Nylonfabric with full zip-topopening. Reinforcedhandles.Size23l"x 13"x 7". Cat. No. 285/0959

OurPrice£4.45 6. Folding Suitcase. Black Watch tartan. Zip fastening on three sides. Opensize 24":><15"x 6". Closedsize24"x8"x Z' Cat. No.285/0997

Compo Retail£6.00


7. Jekmoth Travel Suit Cover. Protects against damp and dust. With generous side gussets. Length36",width 23" Cat. No. 28511570

Compo Retail£2.10


8. Flight Bag. Polyurethanecoatedvinyl material. Zip-top opening. 3 zip pockets. Shoulder strap. Size11"x 13"x7" Cat. No.285/1109

Compo Retall,£6.20


9. Right Bag. Polyurethane material. Outside pockets.Size14!"x 1H"x 8t" Cat. No.28511972

Compo Retail£8.65


Airers Audio Equipment

154-155 l03-109

Baby Linen BackgammonSet BadmintonRacquets Bakeware Bangles Bar Accessories BathroomAccessories BathroomScales Battery Chargers...: BeautyAids Bedding Beds & BedroomFurniture Bedspreads Bicycles Binoculars Bird Cage Blankets & CarRugs Blenders Bracelets Bread Bins Briefcases Brooch Brush & CombSets

:?:120 :

Calculators Cameras CampingEquipment Can Openers CarAccessories Car Radios& CassettePlayers CarTools CarpetShampooers CarpetSweepers Cassettes& CassetteCases CassettePlayers/Recorders Charms China CleaningEquipmen.t Clocks Clock Radios Clothes Lines CoffeeMakers/Percolators ContinentalQuilts ContinentalQuilt Covers Cookers& Grills CookerHoods Cookware Cot Curtains Cutlery DecoratingEquipment Developing& Printing DimmerSwitches D.I.Y Dress Form Dress Rings Drills (Power) Dustbin Earrings Electric Blankets Electric Casseroles Electric Fires Electric Toothbrush EngagementRings Eternity Rings ExecutiveCases Exercisers

60 205 180 .47 60 121·123 122 221 62, 78-82,84 126-130 116·118 128 33 93 : 134 128,223 164-167 38-39, 47 196 58-59 46 62 34-35 89-92 201·202 199 220-223 94-96 219-221 153 152-153 107-108 101-105 44-46 182-185 148-153 73-77 l00-l0l 154-155 162 120, 127 126 170 172 169, 174-180 119 131 190-192 216-217 88 143 210-218 64 50-51 210-213 152

:: .

42-44, 46 129-130 173 144,146 81 52-53 51 58-59 204

Extractor Fans.,



Fans FanHeaters Films FishingEquipment FoodMixers : FoodSlicer Football Furniture

147 144-145 88 207 164-167 168 : 202 l06-107, 112-118

Games& Toys....4-33, 60,109-110,203,205-206 GardenFurniture 207 GardeningEquipment 208-209 Gent's Gifts 56-60 Gent's Rings 50 Glassware 186-187 Golf Equipment 202 Hair Care Handbag HeatTrays & Trolleys HeatingAppliances HomeExtras

62, 78-81 66 : 169 144-147 132-135

Irons Ironing Tables

157-159 156-157

Jewel Boxes Jewellery

62-63 38-53

Keep Fit Equipment Kettles Kitchen Cutlery Kitchen Appliances Kitchen Equipment Kitchen Furniture Kitchen Scales Knitting Machine


204 160-161 198 160-173 196-200 112-113 197 64

PhotographicEquipme,nt Picnic Equipment : , Pillows :· Polisher PowerTools . PressureCookers Projectors& ,6.ccessories Purses

, 88-93 ~ 201 :.! 124 149 210-213 ~: 179 :T92-93 .' 64 "


120, 127

Radiators Radios& RadioCassettes RecordCases RecordPlayingSystems Roof Racks Rotissoires

!.;.146 94103 108 103-106 223 170

Saucepans Scissors SewingMachines SewingStools& Boxes Shampooers(Carpet) Shave'rs Sheets ShoeRacks ,: ShoppingBags & Trolleys ShowerEquipment.. Silverware :, · SleepingBags J Spice Racks SpongeMop Sports ~quipl"eIit.:. SquashRacquelf :..:..r StainlessSteel W~re..f:, Step Stools& Stools ,

174-178,180 65, 199 83 64-65, 132 153 84-87 124, 126 152 66 123 188-189 ; 202 200 152 202-207 205 192-196 113

~!~~a::~ca~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1~~ Sunglasses , 93 Sun Lamps 82

~:=~~~ift~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::61~~~ I Table Lamps ;;L~ : 139-140 154-159 209 ~:::: ~~~sn.:::::::::;:.<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~~~ 54,55 Tankards .', 58

LaundryEquipment.. LawnMowers Lighters Lighting Liquidisers Luggage

136-143, 146 164-168 224-226

ManicureSets Massagers Mincers Mirrors ; Mugs Music Centres Musical Instruments

56, 62 82 164-165,168 133 185 l03-105 111


Neckchains Notecases NurseryEquipment OfficeEquipment Optical , Ornaments Ovenware Paint Brushes PedalBins Pendants& Lockets Pens& Pencils Percolators PersonalElectrlcs

44-46 56 119-120 ,

34-36 93 135 181 217 196 40-41. 48-49 36-37 162 78-82.84-87

Tea Makers : 163 Tea Sets , 182-185 TeaTowels :..131 TeaTrolleys 132 Telescopes 93 Televisions ll0 Television Games 109-110 Toasters 171 Tools 210-221 Toys & Games 4-33, 60, 109-110.203, 205-206 Typewriters 35 Umbrellas-Gent·s Lady's Sports..:

56 64 202, 207

VacuumClell;ners VacuumFlasks


148-151 / ..201

~::~t!::d:~~·k·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.~.~2~ Wallets Watches WecidlngRings Wine Bottle Rack Writing Case


56 67-72 51 135 60

ALDERSHOT Hippodrome Hse., Birchett Road BALHAM 223 Balham High Road (Nr. Ritherdon Road) BARNSTAPLE 1-2 Northgate Development, 57 High Street BATH 3 Marchants Passage, Southgate Development BEDFORD 12-16 The Harpur Ctr. BELFAST 20 Great Victoria Street BIRMINGHAM 16 High St., The Rotunda, ..Subway 2 Kings Heath 38-44 High Street Solihull59-61 Mill Lane BOLTON 71-77 Newport Street BOSqOMBE 501-507 Christchurch Road, I

(The Crescent) BRIDGWATER 7 Binford Place BRIGHTON 41-45 St. James St. BRISTOL 89-91 Fairfax Street BROMLEY 11 Elmfield Road (Behind the Mall Shopping Precinct) CANTERBURY Park House, Sturry Road (A28 East) CARDIFF 14-15& 22 Oxford Arcade, The Hayes CHELMSFORD 22-23 High Chelmer CHESTER 91-95 Foregate Street (Opp. ABC Cinema) CHISWICK 382-384 Chiswick High Street COVENTRY 1-3The Burges (Nr. Bus Station) 1-2Fleet House, Corporation St. CRAWLEY 91 High Street CROYDON 9-11 London Road (Nr. West Croydon Station) DALSTON Security House, 1a Sandringham Road, E8 DARTFORD 4-lOa LowfieldSt. DONCASTER 13-14North Mall, Arndale Shopping Gentre DUDLEY 179-183High Street EAST HAM 90-96 High Street EDGWARE 47 High Street EDMONTON 273 Fore Street

EVESHAM 43 High Street EXETER 29 Guildhall Shopping Centre GLASGOW Sauchiehall Street Centre, 179 Sauchiehall Street GLOUCESTER 22-26 Northgate St. GUILDFORD Norfolk House, 193 High Street HANLEY 16 Piccadilly HENDON 43-45 Watford Way HOLLOWAY 67-75 Seven Sisters Rd. HASTINGS 20-22 Castle Street ILFORD 187-191HighRoad ILKESTON 14 Bath Street KINGSTON 28-30 Castle Street LEEDS 19-21Eastgate LEICESTER 17 East Street/ Calais Hill (Opp.Railway Station) LEWISHAM 72-73 South Mall, The Lewisham Centre, Riverdale LINCOLN 180 High Street LIVERPOOL 227-235 Walton Road 183-186Elliot St., St. Johns Centre LONDON (CENTRAL) Oxford Street 80-110 New Oxford Street Bond Street lO-lOa Old Bond St. Old Street 189-197Old Street (Nr. Tube Station) LUTON 200-204 Arndale Centre MANCHESTER 46-50 Oldham Street Store 6a, The Amdale Centre MIDDLESBROUGH 20-20a Newport Road NEWCASTLE 19 Whitecross Way Eldon Square Shopping Centre

OPENING SHORTLY COLCHESTER 108-109High Street WOOD GREENWood Green Shopping City, High Road

NEWPORT 4 Emlyn Square, Kingsway Centre NORTHAMPTON 31-33 Abington Square NORWICH 2-4 Back-of-the-Inns (Cnr. White Lion Street) NO'ITINGHAM 5-6 . The Broadmarsh Centre (Nr. Bus Station) OXFORD North Bailey House, New Inn Hall Street (Nr. Westgate Shopping Centre) PONTEFRACT 15 Salter Row PORTSMOUTH 29-32 The Tricorn PLYMOUTH 12-14Royal Parade PRESTON 61-63 Friargate Walk, St. George's Shopping Centre READING 3-6 St. Mary's Butts, The Butts Shopping Centre RUGBY 16-18Regent Street SALISBURY 16 Fisherton Street (Opp. General Hospital) SHEFFIELD Rockingham House, 32-62 The Moor SHEPHERDS BUSH 158-161Shepherds Bush Centre (Opp. Shepherds Bush Green) SLOUGH 12-14Old Crown, High Street SOUTHEND 1-3Talza Way, Victoria Circus Shopping Centre SOUTHAMPTON 86-88 East Street ST. HELENS 30-32 La Grange Arcade, The Market Centre SWANSEA Metropole House, 47-49 Wind Street SWINDON 28-34 Canal Walk, Brunel Centre WALSALL 10 Stafford Street WALTHAM STOW 50a High Street WANDSWORTH 167-173 Wandsworth High Street (Nr. Police Station) WARRINGTON 34-36 Bridge St. WATFORD 42 The Parade, High Street WEMBLEY Chesterfield House, 444 High Road WILMSLOW 47-49 Alderley Rd. WORTHING 90 Chapel Road (Nr. Railway Station) WIGAN 1 New Square, Standishgate

ARGOS DISTRIBuroRS LIMITED, 112 Station Road, Edgware, Middlesex. G~EN

SHIELD TRADING STAMP CO. LTD., Green Shield Houae, Station Road, Edgware, Middlesex.

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