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Grant-Johnson Family Reunion
In 1935, Henry Grant visited his son Ezra Belmont, North Carolina. They talked about relatives whom they’d not seen since many moved from Georgia to South Carolina in 1919. Ezra told his father he would organize a family reunion. Henry went home and told his brothers, Andy and Tommy Grant, about the idea and the three brothers agreed to organize the first Grant-Johnson Family Reunion in August 1935. It was at Andy’s home in Westminster, South Carolina, near the Tugaloo River. Relatives and friends were notified.
It was soon time to begin the work of sweeping the yards, scrubbing the wooden floors, making tables and benches under the oak trees, baking cakes and pies, gathering watermelons, cantaloupes and tomatoes, catching and frying chickens, along with other preparations. Lemonade was made by the men of the family, a tradition continued for many years.
The setting was a two-story frame white house with a long front porch, used for the platform. Relatives and friends gathered from far and near for the first reunion. Family and friends sat on homemade benches under big oak trees in front of the porch throughout the program which consisted of talks, songs and speeches. After the program, a delicious meal was served and great joy was expressed by hugging, kissing and shaking hands. This was an enjoyable and wonderful fellowship for all.
Andy Grant was elected the first President and Olivia Grant the Secretary.
Later it was decided they needed a President and Secretary for Georgia and Isaac Johnson was elected President and Dorthula Simpson, Secretary. The second reunion was also head at the home of Andy and Zelia Knox Grant, the third. at the home of Isaac and Lucy Grant Johnson. Then, reunions rotated every year between, Seneca/Westminster, South Carolina, and Hartwell/ Lavonia, Georgia. In 1999 the reunion broke tradition and traveled to Columbus, Ohio, by invitation from descendants of Willie Grant. Family members enjoyed the road trip and were