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Zoom Family Reunions

We have chronicled reunions for over 30 years but never was there a year like 2020. In the early months of the year when the Novel Coronavirus was declared a pandemic it became clear that at least reunions planned early in 2020 would have to be rearranged. But as the year went on and states and areas were locked down and whole populations quarantined, sheltering in place, reunions became a victim, first postponed and then cancelled for the year. As this is being written, it is not yet clear what will happen to the reunion season in 2021 though slowly we are learning about reunions planning cautiously for this year and into 2022.
But resilience was the word for reunions as for much of life and activities which we would have normally enjoyed. Words like virtual, face-time and skype popped up along with ZOOM, all of which became solutions to what would otherwise have been massive, sad isolation for most of the population. Everyone was forced to adjust to a new normal of unknown duration, hidden behind face masks and shields to prevent spread of the deadly virus. Those of us fortunate enough to avoid the scourge adjusted with little complaint because the alternative was unthinkable. So many members of so many families lost so much that being isolated translated to safety and blessings as we waited for the protection of vaccines and the all-clear signal to resume whatever our next normal looks like.
The following are reports from reunions who did not give up their annual events but, instead, found new ways to celebrate, stay in touch and make the best of a truly bad situation. EW The Wagner Family Reunion, descendants of Martin and Betsy Wagner, has celebrated for 50 years. We had to postpone the 51st reunion in 2020 scheduled in San Diego, California. We put our heads together and the committee decided to hold a virtual reunion. It started Friday with a Meet and Greet, and Words of Wisdom from our elders, and an Awards section. Saturday was the Virtual Cookout wearing family reunion t-shirt. There was a scavenger hunt during the cookout. Family members searched for and showed various cookout related items on screen. It was very entertaining. Sunday we closed with a Church Service at a family member’s church via Facebook Live. If The Roots Be Holy So Are The Branches...

ROMANS 11:16 Reported by Darlene M. Smith, J.D, Somerset, New Jersey.