Brand Style Guide

Page 1



Introduction 06 Vision 08 Mission 08 Promise 09 Tone of Voice 10 History 11

Business Cards 24 Letterhead 25 Envelopes 26 Informal Note Paper 27 Complimentary Slip 28 Email Signature and Format 29 Book Application 30

Identity Guidelines 12 Logo 13 Safety Area 14 Condensed Version 15 Colour 16 Colour Palette 17 Use on Different Backgrounds 18 Use on Photographs 19 Primary Typography 20 Secondary Typography 21 Photography 22 Stationery 23

Identification on Spines 31 Spine Tab 32 Title Pages 33 Back Covers and Barcodes 34 Other Application 35 Print Ads 36 Signage 37 Apparel 38 Website 39 Colour Swatches 41




Karadi Tales are a series of popular audio books for children. To understand the function and value of the our identity, it is important to recognize that every organization has a specific public identity—an identity partly formed by the look of its printed materials, stationery, website, etc. Each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organization. The purpose of this book is to explain the components of the Karadi Tales visual identity program, to define its graphic design standards, and to illustrate how these standards are applied. Many of the standards depend on relative size, proportion, and position. These have been developed through careful consideration of many factors, both functional and aesthetic. Adhering to the graphic design standards will ensure continuity, a high standard of quality, and a clear, consistent identity for Karadi Tales.



To integrate culture with education and make the learning process for the children as fun as possible. To contribute to the alleviation of educational and cultural deprivation of children in disadvantaged groups through creative materials and methods. The vision at Karadi Tales is to create beautiful books that can be seen, read, and touched by all children.


Our mission is to create a partneship between education and culture. To fill the enormous void in the area of tactile picture books for the blind and visually impaired. Our aim is to offer a larger choice of tactile picture books to the children and provide research materials and methods that can offer distinctive tactile and visual experience of a variety of objects and concepts. To publish books that adhere to high quality standards.



Karadi Tales has always prided itself on the very high standards of the books it produces, both in content and quality of production. Our promise is to develop and implement innovative materials and methods for the development of early learning skills among children. To design and produce methods and materials that are less teacher dependant and enables teaching even in environments where adequate teaching proficiency is unavailable. We promise to retain joyful learning as a fundamental basis in the creation and dissemination of all books and materials.


Tone of Voice

The tone of voice allows our brand to convey its values or qualities through the language we use. Our tone of voice is the way in which we write and speak, what we say and how we say it. Like a person, what we say is dictated by our principles, experiences and aspirations, how we say it is informed by our personality.


Clear, uncomplicated and easy to understand. We avoid over-complicated terminology and make our language as easy as possible to understand.


We are supportive, responsive, warm and down-toearth.


We are open to new ideas, We’re people with a vision and with the foresight to see and believe in new ideas.


We celebrate success and we take pride in what we do. This isn’t about being boastful but doing justice to the people and work here.



A young group of educationalists and musicians decided to recreate the joy of stories for children through the medium of Talking Books. The first title of Karadi Tales was launched in December 1996. There’s been no looking back since then. The year 2004 saw Karadi Tales enter the world of Audiobooks for young adults and adults. An imprint called Charkha Audiobooks was formed to cater to this segment of listeners and readers. Now with over 50 titles spanning our catalogue, and many more under production, Karadi Tales is happy to be India’s leader in the world of Audiobooks. Children have taken to Karadi Tales like desert weary travellers to water. Tens of thousands of parents continue to give thanks for providing an enriching alternative to television. Karadi Tales also publishes picture books for young children under the imprint Chitra. Another very special imprint is Dreaming Fingers, which makes tactile picture books with Braille text for children with visual difficulties. The vision at Dreaming Fingers is to create beautiful picture books that can be seen, read, and touched by all children.




The logo

The name of the company comes from Karadi, a story teller bear who tells stories from the Indian Classic books. The logo has been designed to provide a bold, memorable mark to represent the company in all forms of communication. The previous manuscript like logotype has been replaced with this modern logo which is a symbol of a bear. On closer inspection the shape of the bear resembles a book.

3.11 mm


Safety Area

Whenever the logo is used, a safety area around it will ensure visibility and impact. As illustrated, the minimum safety zone measures the size of ‘x’ which is equal to the width of ‘Kar’ from the logo type. The entire width of the logo measures 4x. Use the safety area zone between the logo and other graphic elements such as type, images, and other logos to ensure it retains a strong presence wherever it appears. Where possible, allow even more space around the logo for maximum impact.

Minimum Size

In order to maintain legibility the minimum size of the Karadi Tales logo should be x: 2.3cm y: 1.5cm

2.3 cm

1.5 cm


Condensed Version

The “Bear� symbol combined with the Karadi Tales lettering, which has been specially designed and letterspaced, is the condensed Karadi Tales logo. Always use the original and approved art. NEVER alter any aspect of it. Do not attempt to draw or recreate the Karadi Tales lettering using computer fonts. The condensed version with respect to the original size of the logo is shown.



The use of color is an important aspect of the Karadi Tales identity.The brown and mustard should never be changed to any other colour. The core colour palette is shown and it should be used on all our communications. A set of tonally darker and lighter colours have been developed in order to support the 2 core colours. These supporting colours are designed to work with the core colours, in various combinations. They should be used to add depth and variety. The colour pallet is provided for correct usage.


Colour Palette

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 5% M: 21% Y: 58% K: 0%

: DS19-6C : F0C77C R: 249 G: 199 B: 125

Pantone HEX C: 2% M: 6% Y: 19% K: 0%

: DS19-8C : F9E9CD R: 250 G: 235 B: 207

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 16% M: 57% Y: 52% K: 43%

: 4705PC : 865348 R: 135 G: 83 B: 72

Pantone HEX C: 5% M: 19% Y: 17% K: 14%

: 4745PC : CEB6AE R: 208 G: 183 B: 175


Use on backgrounds

Whenever possible the logo must always be presented with a white background. When using the logo on a coloured background, the preferred colour would be corporate brown and white for maximum contrast. Some good examples and bad examples are shown below. When the background colour is brown then the corporate orange colour is used. The choice of color when used on a book is decided by the book designer in how to make the Karadi Tales logo work best within the design of the book cover. The symbol should never be used in red, blue, green or any other distinctive color.

Correct Usage

Incorrect Usage


Use on Photographs

The choice of color when used on a photograph is decided by the designer in how to make the Karadi Tales logo work best within the photograph. Here are examples of of the correct way to use the Karadi Tales logo on a variety of photographs. It is important to have adequate contrast between the logo and the photograph for optimal visibility.


Primary Typography

One of the key factors in any identity is the use of a specified type family for text or running copy. Using a consistent family of typefaces visually reinforces the identity of the Karadi Tales. The primary typeface used in the Karadi Tales logo is Harabara Regular. This typeface must never be changed and should be used along with the symbol.

Harabara Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ 1234567890.,:;'&$%!?(*)


Secondary Typography

Neutra Text in its various weights and faces can be used for advertisements, brochures and other communications when a sans serif face is appropriate. Neutra Text should be used when special characters and accents are needed.

Neutra Book

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890.,:;'&$%!?(*) Neutra Demi

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890.,:;'&$%!?(*) Neutra Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890.,:;'&$%!?(*)



Creative photography is a powerful media to capture and communicate the brand’s key attributes. Images should engage and inspire the target audience. Measure the image quality itself against the brand attributes and nothing about the images should be common. People and their values are a key part of our identity. Choose imaginative settings and lighting to create beautiful images that reflect the company.




Business Cards 90mm x 50mm

5mm 5mm

The employee name and address are set in 8 pts using the Neutra Book typeface. The logo placement must follow the specifications shown in the diagram.

Name Address 25mm

45mm 5mm 5mm 14.3mm




Letterhead 210mm x 297mm

The company address is set in 9 pts Neutra Book typeface. All letters should be typed in Times Roman 10pt, with 12pt line spacing. Margins for typing the content are listed on the example shown to the right.

44.5 mm

12.5 mm

22 mm

50 mm


Company Address 12.5 mm



220mm x 110mm Address is set in 9pt Neutra Book with the numerals also set in Neutra Book typeface with 11pt spacing. 10 mm

10 mm 15 mm Address


Informal Note Paper

10 mm

136mm x 216mm

The company address is set in in 9pt Neutra Book with the numerals also set in Neutra Book typeface with 11pt spacing. All letters should be typed in Times Roman 10pt, with 12pt line spacing. Margins for typing the content are listed on the example shown to the right.

10 mm

15 mm 50 mm


Company Adress 10 mm


Complimentary Slip 100mm x 200mm

“With Compliments” is set in Neutra Book at 11pt. All the measurements shown in the diagram should be followed. The logo and the “With Compliments” are placed in the center of the complimentary slip.

10 mm

10 mm

10 mm

15 mm

With Compliments

15 mm

10 mm 10 mm


Email Signature

Karadi Tales employees are welcome to include the logo in their email signature. A suggested layout for the signature is shown on the right. The name, title and address information is aligned with the logotype. All information is set in Ariel 11pt, with the persons name set in Arial Bold 11pt. All incoming and outgoing mail should be set in Arial 11pt as a default.

3 mm

3 mm

Name Designation





Identification on Spines

The condensed version of the Karadi tales logo is used for identification of the book spines. The propotion of the symbol to the logotype is bigger to give maximum impact. Always place the logo 12.7mm from the bottom of the book. The diagram below shows how the logo is centered on a book spine. Never use the horizontal version of the logo running vertically on a spine.

Center Line

12.7 mm

12.7 mm

12.7 mm


Spine Tab

If the image on the book cover image is very busy and wraps around to the back of the book the Karadi Tales logo may not read well over it.The following treatment may be used when necessary. The logo is always placed at 12.7mm from the bottom and the height of the tab is scaled to 6mm from the top of the logo.

6 mm

12.7 mm


Title Page

The design of the title page is usually determined by the the design of the book. The two basic layouts shown to the right illustrate how the logo is typically used on center format page as well as a left aligned page. Exact measurements are not given because of the variety of book sizes.

Center Line

25 mm


Back Cover

Here are examples of how to use the logo on the back of both paperback and hardcover book jackets. It is preferred that the logo be separated from the barcode, however, if space is limited the logo can be used above the barcode as shown.

12.7 mm

12.7 mm

12.7 mm




Print Ads

When placing the logo on a print ad the brand guidelines must be followed. If the poster is very busy and uses textures place a white space around the logo for maximum impact. An example is shown to the right. The placement of logo is decided by the designer in how to make the Karadi Tales logo work best within the design of the poster.



All banners for Karadi Tales should be in white to give maximum impact. The logo should be centered as shown in the example below.



When used on shirts, mugs, bags etc., the logo may be used as shown. The symbol and the logotype should be proportional and the colours must not be substituted. All the apparel must be in white.



The design of the web pages for Karadi Tales is very crucial for the promotion of our books. The layout has to deliver information in a clear, consistent and concise way and at the same time follow the identity of the company. An example is shown in the right.


Colour Swatches


Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30

Pantone HEX C: 0% M: 53% Y: 100% K: 0%

: 138 EC : F09E20 R: 247 G: 142 B: 30



Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

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: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Pantone HEX C: 28% M: 95% Y: 88% K: 72%

: 1545EC : 4D0000 R: 77 G: 0 B: 0

Karadi Tales Company Pvt. Ltd., 3A Dev Regency, 11, First Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai - 600 020

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