Peter “PJ” Joseph Simien III Obituary

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Peter“PJ”Joseph Simien III


February 15, 1986 - July 15, 2019


THE LIFE OF PJ PJ, as he is affectionately known, graced the world with his magnetic presence on February 15, 1986, in Houston, Texas; born to ReTina Broussard Simien and Peter Joseph Simien, Jr. He was an exceptional entrepreneur, exemplifying his skills in Engineering Logistics, Executive Recruiting, Brand Management, Professional Sales, Music Entertainment and Production, Fashion, and Social Media Influence. Throughout his professional career, he continually proved to be a valuable asset with his demonstration of innovative success-oriented approaches fueled by his dedication, hard work and positive attitude that was contagious. PJ would light up any environment he made his presence. His smile was affectionate.; his zest for life was limitless. He lived his life to the ultimate fullest! He traveled the country; he traveled the world and did so in his own undeniable fashion and style. PJ brought life to any party and was the life of any party. He was a stranger to none. He influenced many through his social media outlets, leaving his indelible footprint worldwide. PJ had a very loving personality and caring Humanitarian heart since childhood. As an adult he worked continuously and tirelessly providing essentials to the homeless and others less fortunate. His philanthropic deeds consisted of him, along with his well-loved dog, Blaze, whom he referred to as his “son”, strolling the streets of Houston, Texas feeding many in the homeless communities. PJ is also notably known for ensuring over a thousand Houston families had a “merry and bright” holiday season by organizing a Christmas tree giveaway. In conjunction with the retail company, The King of Christmas, he reached out to his trusted family members and friends, and gave flocked and lighted Christmas trees to not only families, but to charitable organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Boys and Girls Club. He did not stop there – he even saw to it that the streets along Houston’s Minute Maid Park, which encamps some of the homeless, was adorned with Christmas trees. PJ was a graduate of The Kinkaid School, in which he excelled in both sports and academics. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Industrial Distribution from the College of Engineering and was part of the 2004 season Cotton Bowl team against the Tennessee Volunteers in Dallas Texas. Peter Joseph Simien, III, age 33, joined his family predecessors in Paradise on July 15, 2019. PJ is survived by his mother, ReTina Broussard Simien, his father Peter Joseph Simien, Jr. his sister, Jessica Diane Simien, his beloved dog (“Son”) Blaze, Grandmothers Betty Lemond Kuykendall and Maryann Londo Simien, his stepmother Regina Boyd Simien, stepsisters Giovanna Boyd and Kennedy Boyd, and a host of family, friends and associates who love him extensively...

Order of Celebration Honoring the Legacy of Peter “PJ” Joseph Simien III February 15, 1986 – July 15, 2019 Officiant Dr. Marcus D. Cosby Pastor - Wheeler Ave Baptist Church Processional “I Look To You” – George Powell (Cousin) Welcome and Prayer Dr. Marcus D. Cosby Scripture Readings New Testament: Romans 8:35, 37-39 Iyah J. Pennie (Brother-in-Law) Old Testament: Psalms 23:1 – 6 Shantel Latham (Cousin) Expressions Through Song “Every Praise” – George Powell & Band Resolutions & Acknowledgements Reflections of Love Michael Broussard (Uncle) Marie Lewis (Aunt) David Anderson (Cousin) Expressions Through Movement “A Soldier of Love” Choreography by: Bryan-Keyth Wilson Greetings from the City of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner & Houston City Council Members Eulogy Peter J. Simien, Jr. Musical Selection “Well Done” – George Powell & Band Words Of Comfort Dr. Remus E. Wright – The Fountain of Praise, Senior Pastor Video Farewell “Higher” - Vincent Powell (cousin) Recessional “Blessed” – George Powell & Band

With Love and Gratitude From PJ’s Family Our hearts are broken and we are experiencing unimaginable pain over the loss of our son PJ. Yet, during this time, we are witnessing through each of you overwhelming evidence of God’s grace and love. We are grateful for your prayers and the outpouring of sympathy and other expressions of love shown by each of you to our family. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of our family, friends, pastoral staff, and “PJ’s Crew” who helped prepare the celebrations to honor PJ’s life; words cannot express what you mean to us and how much we appreciate your vigilance and support during this difficult time. To all of our family and friends, please know that your prayers are needed and deeply felt. Your calls, visits, cards, floral arrangements and other gestures have all lifted our spirits from the depths of despair. May God bless your thoughtfulness and may He grant everlasting peace to each and all of us. Eternally Grateful, The Family

Pallbearers Rico Abonce Gregory Auzenne, MD Jarrett Crockett Tracy Gibbs

Clifford “Tre” Johnson III Daniel Osborne Darien Yarborough Stephen Wilson

PJ’s Celebration of Life @: Sugar Land Mortuary 1818 Eldridge Sugar Land, Texas 77478 The Fountain of Praise 13950 Hillcroft Ave Houston, TX 77085 Pastor Remus Wright – Senior Pastor Peacefully Resting @: Houston Memorial Gardens 2426 Cullen Blvd, Pearland, TX 77581

Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd – That’s Relationship! I shall not want – That’s Supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures – That’s Rest! He leadeth me beside the still waters - That’s Refreshment! He restoreth my soul - That’s Healing! He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness – That’s Guidance! For His name sake – That’s Purpose! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death – That’s Testing! I will fear no evil – That’s Protection! For Thou art with me – That’s Faithfulness! Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me – That’s Consecration! My cup runneth over – That’s Abundance! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life – That’s Blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord – That’s Security! Forever – That’s Eternity!

To God be the Glory...

THE SOUL OF MY SON AND THE LOVE HE LIVED OUT LOUD .... My beautiful son Peter “PJ” Joseph Simien, III came into this world in love, as love and lived his entire 33 years of life as a soldier of love. It was February 14,1986 when he began his journey into this world. As a matter of fact he interrupted Valentine’s Day dinner between his father and I that evening. We were living in Texarkana at the time. God knows we barely wanted to live there, so we were definitely not having our baby there. We drove from Texarkana to Houston in less than four hours in a 1977 Corvette, it was small, low, tight and I was in labor. By the Grace of God, we made it safely to Houston and several hours later, he graced us with his presence on February 15th. I’ve reflected on that night over the years and thought how abnormal that seemed and yes, a bit crazy for us to do that. Yet, as PJ has expressed himself in life, it all made sense. He rarely did anything that was normal or average. For example, in true PJ fashion he even received a proclamation from the Mayor to honor his birth. February 15,1986 became his day in Houston, the city he loved dearly and a city that has clearly embraced him in love. As a child he was a busy one, I mean very busy and always moving, the boy rarely kept still, much like he did in his adult life. He would ask anyone who would listen or not, what felt like a thousand questions per day until he was literally asleep. I would always tell him that he was gifted, that one day he would be able to channel all of his energy into something amazing and to never let anyone take the confidence he had away from him. Well, I think he really took that to heart, because as many of you know, my son exuded confidence, enough for us all. His charm was undeniable, his smile made his eyes twinkle, his gift of persuasion was masterful and his connection to people of all walks of life was truly divine. There is a Steven Covey quote I taught him as an adolescent: “The key to winning relationships is making the other person feel important.” My son had a way of doing that, in a way that only he could. The outpouring of love for him is evidence that he made many he encountered feel important and loved. Most people saw the jovial, living life to the fullest side of him everywhere he went, but what they may have missed, I think until now, is that in the midst of all of his expression of loving life, he also lived his life with a kind and compassionate heart of Christ. PJ loved helping the homeless and others in need. He was a quiet mentor to so many of his peers, encouraging and inspiring many to follow their dreams in business and in life and he never needed credit for any of it. The irony is, the same guy who absolutely loved himself, his appearance and loved showing it off to the world for admiration, was the same guy who understood that pouring into people and inspiring them, was his true purpose on this earth. This he did with humility and privately. As a mother, the greatest fear I’ve had became a reality I never fathomed I would actually experience. Naturally, I worry about both of my children, because I love them deeply. The love between a mother and her child is special, but the love and bond between me and my children is extra special for so many reasons; each in their own unique way. I know that I will grieve my son for a very long time. A piece of my soul left with him that morning and left a hole in my heart. I miss his physical presence so much and it hurts that I will never be able to hug him or let him lean against me as he fell asleep on the sofa often when visiting. However, I want you alI to know that I feel PJ’s spirit is with me and we are so much more connected now than ever before. His presence is very strong, he’s showing up through signs, everywhere I go and in many thoughts I have. The morning he made his transition, I was dreaming about him and woke up close to 4:30 AM. The first thing I did was pick up my phone and I checked Facebook, a breaking news report popped up in my timeline. Immediately I saw a picture of a Jeep that I knew in my gut was his, but I told myself as I carefully examined the photo and the location that it was not him, it was not his Jeep, those were not his seats. At 4:32 AM, I sent him a text message that simply read “check in please”. Shortly after that I received a phone call from my niece. He never answered that message of course, but he’s been checking in with me ever since. I have faith that over time his love and light will fill the hole in my heart and soul and help me heal. He will help us all heal, he will help people who didn’t know him heal. This brings me comfort and a level of peace that I pray continues to be with me and all of us for the rest of our lives. When you remember our son, Jessica’s only brother, our beloved PJ, please remember that he was so much more than an “Instagram star”, “socialite” or “social media influencer”, as he’s widely known. We all know his social media presence became a significant part of his life, but it could never capture the totality of the amazing life he truly lived and the gift and blessing he will always be to us. Remember his warm compassionate Aquarian Humanitarian heart that he has always had since childhood. I will never forget something he shared with me, he was around 10 years old, when he began speaking of the homeless and told me how he planned to build a high-rise building for them one day. He even drew a picture of it. PJ continued to speak about this to me as he grew older and he never let go of that dream. In a way, he has fulfilled the essence of his dream, with the things he has been able to do to help them. Now it’s up to us, his family, with the help of his true friends, to see his dream through and keep his beautiful legacy alive. PJ, I am so very proud of who you chose to be and become. To be your mother is a privilege and I am honored that your soul chose me as the vessel that would nurture you, deliver you and share in raising you, so you could live out such a powerful life. Nothing I have ever accomplished in my life compares. Being a mother to you and Jessica has been the greatest purpose and joy in my life. I love you so, so much my only beloved son. Keep flying high and let your healing light shine upon us and continue to sprinkle your love among us. In Love and Light, his mother, his mom ~ReTina Broussard Simien

My precious PJ, When you were small you were on my lap, when you got big you were on my heart. The bond of my first Grandchild cannot be broken, it’s made from love so pure. My love and memories for you has no distance, it lives forever more, until the day we are together again. Love, MiMi “PJ was the greatest Grandson and I will always love him.” Love, Grandmommy Dear Baby Peter, It is an honor and pleasure to be your Aunt Darren and Uncle David You are and always will be our special God son. It comforts our heart to know that you followed your cousin’s David dream “To go out there and make your dreams happen”. You did it in style! You have been and inspiration to so many through your actions. We will always remember and cherish all of the good times, especially holidays and our travels to Denver and Los Angeles. You will be in our hearts and memories forever. Love, Aunt Darren & Uncle David My Amazing Nephew PJ, I will truly miss and cherish your Smile, Respect and your Loving Spirit. Most of all your Love, the greatest of all! 1 Corinthians 13 Just know, I will always be there for your Mom, MiMi, Jessica and Family until we all meet again! Love you, Aunt Pam Peter & Tina, you guys trusted us with PJ & Jessica to keep from time to time with our 5 kids Reggie, Roland, LeVita, Kenya and Zina. All 7 of us were impacted, not only from when they were little, but, to seeing their growth and accomplishments as adults. Pj, you lived each day with a fullness and determination that many of us admired both near and far. You were never anxious about tomorrow, next week or next year. You lived fully for today as in Matthew 6:34, ...” Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it’s own things...” -Reginald & Emelda Martin

Cousins by Blood, Brothers for Life! Your spirit has reached New Heights! We Lived. We Laughed. We Loved. Our bond and memories will forever be engrained in my heart! -Rico

PJ, my “little” cousin. I can fondly remember the times when you were a student at Texas A&M. I was your older cousin with a husband and 4 little ones. But you made it a point to stay connected and would drop by our home when we lived in College Station. You came bearing a box of chicken to feed our crew and you sat and received sage advice from my hubby (Mannaser Marshall TAMU ‘93). You knew the importance of family relationships and it showed. I will miss your smile and laugh. Your “big” cousin - LeVita TAMU ‘92 I am so proud of you. I didn’t tell you that enough. Give Mom and Dad a big hug and kiss for me. Love you nephew, and you will always be with me... - Uncle Michael Broussard He was my best friend and brother for so many years. We grew up together as next door neighbors in Oaks of Inwood and were at each other’s houses literally everyday. We liked the same music and shared each others clothes. We played sports together in middle school and high school, and were college roommates at Texas A&M. We had so many similarities and so many memories I will cherish forever. I am forever grateful for you and our friendship in so many ways, but especially for introducing me to Brooke. I know you two are together again as angels in heaven looking down over us. They say only the good die young, but you will be truly missed by so many. Love you brother RIP PJ -Tracy Gibbs “PJ was one of 8 Aggies in our family. I’m glad to call him my cousin and an Ag.” God now has you. PJ, your assignment on this earth is complete. Although you left us so early and tragically, your spirit will always remain with your friends and definitely your family. -Roland S. Martin

Live like today is the last. Don't have any regrets or unfilled moments. Seize the opportunity. Make new friends, be open to new cultures. Don't second guess yourself. Go with your ambition or gut feeling. It could all be over tomorrow. Don't look back and say, I should have done this or done that. Do it now, ask questions later. It's never late to do anything in life, honestly. Sometimes it takes you 30 years to live to accept that ideology. But once you accept it for what it is, you can apply and attack. Sometimes you have to look back, rehash some of those old goals or milestones. This world is made for us to focus on the wrong things that keep us from focusing on things that help us grow and truly succeed. Everyone has a gift, it's just up to you to tap into it. Carpe Diem. ~Love PJ Written by him on Instagram May 13, 2017

Thank you bro for an Amazing 15 years of friendship. This hurts to even write this but I know your looking down smiling right now to see everyone come together. I’m going to miss the daily phone calls and trash talks we use to have. I’m going to miss those FaceTimes we had saying “I don’t want to see you fool, where my niece at.” You loved my daughter as if she was yours. You left a amazing mark on this Earth and I’m so happy I was apart of it. I forever love you like a real brother bond. Until we meet again please watch over us all bro. Rest Easy PJ #KingOfHouston -Brandon Bush

I’ll always remember Pj for being a great friend but even more of a great person. It was time when i was far away from home and just need a friend to talk to and Pj would pick up the phone no matter the time. PJ helped me get through all of my tough times overseas. PJ i love you! Even though this does not feel real i know you are in heaven watching down over all of us now. You will never be forgotten! -BD

My brotha.. We lived! .. man did we live! I’ll never forget the times we had. To call you a friend is a understatement. You were my brotha! It was like Shaq and Kobe when we linked lol .. Championship times! I still can’t believe you’re gone but I believe there is a God so I know you’re in a better place looking over us. I’ll never let you be forgotten. You’re a legend my brotha. There will never be another you. Love you till the end of time. Forever my brotha. -Emmanuel Sanders

I will never forget our first trip together to Monterrey, Mexico. I was already very hesitant to go, but he assured me “It is the safest place he has ever been to”. Let’s just say PJ was very good at convincing people and making them step out of their comfort zone. We ended up booking our tickets and flying in to Monterrey that same weekend. Our first night we agreed to meet downstairs in our hotel restaurant for dinner and drinks. It’s approximately 8 pm and I’m downstairs waiting for PJ, when I see him walk across the entire restaurant in a bright red baseball jersey and sit next to me. As he approached closer, I realized the front of his jersey said “Cartels” with a bold “El Chapo” on the back. This jersey of course was worn with all of his typical jewelry (chains, Rolex, ring). Nearly everyone in the restaurant was looking at us at that point. He pulled out his chair, sat next to me, paused for 2 seconds and said “I don’t think it was a good idea to wear this jersey”. PJ, This experience truly taught me to always remind my loved ones how much I care about them. You played a major role in my life by being a true friend. The conversations we had and memories we shared will always remain with me forever. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to be your close friend and I know god put you in my life for a reason. I will always keep your memory alive and your legacy going. -Jamil FAZILOV

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal” You influenced us all with your carefree spirit. I am grateful for every talk. I am grateful for every joke. I am grateful for every gym session. I am grateful that I was able to share the same space with you while you were here. The world only got to see a flash of your charisma. The outpouring of admiration is a testimony to the love & respect you’ve grown. Your energy is everywhere. Long Live My Brother, James “VA” McGhee

My brother, There’s so much I could write to you, so much I could tell you, so many memories, so many times I could say, “I miss you bro,” but instead, I’d like to tell you how you have changed me, how you have blessed me. Losing you is so hard. I still have to convince myself the reality of it all. Sometimes, I still have breakdowns about it, and sometimes I am at peace about it. Every time I see your parents & sisters it tears me up inside, because I think of how hard it must be for them to live without you. Every time I see pictures or videos of you/us I stare at it for long periods of time. It sounds so cliché, but there won’t be a single day that goes by that you won’t cross my mind. As awful as the pain is to lose a brother, you have changed my life forever, for the better. Brotherhood is one of the strongest relationships we know. Proverbs 18:24, “A friend who sticks closer than a brother is a trustworthy friend”, we were brothers indeed. Losing someone your age is hard to grasp. Not that losing anyone is good, but when you lose someone your age, someone I grew up with since the age of 16, it’s a huge wakeup call. Losing you at just 33 years old, taught me something so important; it taught me that my tomorrow is not guaranteed. This is something I already knew, but it’s never realer to me until I realize a death so random, so unexpected and so close. I’m reminded of the bible verse, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36). Thank you for teaching me to live my life to the fullest each day like it’s my last. Another thing you taught me is to always help others out in a high-value way. You offered your help because you were good at what you did and could do things that others couldn’t. Perfect example, you coordinated a Christmas Tree give-a-way for hundreds of families that were in need, that’s high-value help. I now have a whole new level of gratitude and love for helping others because of you. You have opened my eyes to just how special helping those in need really is. Lastly, I admired how you genuinely stayed true to yourself. ‘Staying true to yourself ’ sounds too obvious, but this is a tricky subject. You were genuinely yourself, as you made life decisions based on your own moral code, no one else’s code for you. You understood what will bring you the most joy and what will do the most good for the most people. A legitimately genuine ‘true to thy self ’ individual. What also made you genuine was that you made sure that whatever you agreed to do for people was not a detriment to you or your other obligations. ‘PJ’ knew how to say “no” when he needed to, LOL! You didn’t avoid tough conversations with friends or family members, nor turned a blind eye to a serious problem that could end up bringing harm to someone. You shared your strong opinions and wasn’t afraid to disagree with people, not even me, HA! Although some people feel that disagreeing with others is rude, the truth is there’s nothing wrong with having and sharing your own opinions, which you did. I could go on and on about the times we spent talking about life and how we had plans of building an empire (Grand Monsieur) and taking over the world, or the times we spent traveling, partying and living our best life, or the countless conversations we had about sports, music, fashion, and most of all beautiful women… However, I just want to take this time to thank God for those great moments we shared. I want to ask God for wisdom to help navigate this process of tragedy and the strength to tell others, it will be okay, and everything is fine, even though I’m hurting myself. I ask God to fill the broken hearts that your passing has left behind. For all of this I thank you! Growing up together I would have never guessed our time together would be so short. But now I know God needed you sooner. God knew you were ready. He knew you were a “Rockstar” down here on earth, and that you would be an even better angel in heaven. I miss you every day bro, but I know you are proud of me and all your loved ones down here! Rest easy King! See you when I see you “Playboi”! Love, Your Brother “Relly Rel”

PJ never let me down. He always kept it one hundred and pushed me to better myself. We spoke almost every day because his post from his stories would make me laugh with his goofy self. Me and PJ had something cooking on the low and we’re supposed to link up when I came down to visit...May my brother rest in paradise! Salute to him and his family, especially his parents. Y’all raised a good person. Thank you for believing in me, your feedback meant a lot to me. Your humbleness kept me grounded and your insta. stories turned my negative days around. Your attitude towards life kept me focused and motivated me to keep pushing! Your absence is felt, please continue to watch over me from up there brother! -Urban Cliche In just the short amount of time that I have known PJ, he was a friend to me, a protector. I will never forget, getting too LIT in Costa Rica, and trying to walk back to the hotel alone. PJ followed me half way down the dark streets of the foreign country and made me turn around and go back to the house. No matter where we were, it was always a priority for PJ to make sure that I am OK, and having a good time. Just days before he passed, I tattooed an Ankh on his neck, symbolizing LIFE. And that is what PJ is to all of us. He fed life and light into anyone who was lucky enough to know him. I’m so grateful to have shared these last special moments with him and I will cherish them forever. Rest easy PJ. -Katrina (Kat) Jackson That time when me and my baby father weren’t on good terms and I had no one to hang out with, PJ randomly was in Vegas and he sent me a Uber to where he was and got me a personal ticket so I could come to the event and I ended up having the time of my life that day! PJ was in the event of course, and He just had me record and take pics of him doing his thing and I just really enjoyed myself and even forgot I had just had a blowout with my son dad. But anyways, PJ just was always a good friend! I just love and miss you so much. -Kyliea

Guide Me

Bro! First and far most how the hell I ain’t meet all these fine ass girls that showed up at your service. Lol we gonna have to have a talk about that when I see you I’m my dream again. Matter fact I wanna fight. You was holding out on me PJ. Lol. On another note you were bigger than life. Every time we stepped out together all the “pretty girls”, I say “pretty girls” cause this is a public note to you so I ain’t gone say “hoes” lol. Anyways back to what I was saying. When we stepped out all the “pretty girls” would see us together and flip out. We always got “oh hell nawl y’all each other”. Or we’d get “how long y’all been knowing each other”. It made them all nervous cause they knew that amongst us we knew way too much information. Haha Haha. I miss you dawg. You were the connection to the connections out here. I knew that if anybody knew where it was jumping and less ratchet it was you. You died at 33 same age as Nipsey and same age as Jesus. I’m starting to think that, that number is significant in some way or another. I questioned god about your death brother for days I was angry and lost and confused. I’d like to think he needed you more than we did but that would make him selfish. I don’t know man. I got a lot of thoughts and unanswered questions. No matter what bro you did it. You made it. You finally hit 10k plus followers on the gram. And you made the NewYork post. Lol you sneaky bastard you. I heard your evil laugh when I seen that NewYork post. We got the same hair dye before you died. I was gonna change it now I think ima keep it just for you. Show you how to rock this shit. Well I didn’t wanna hold you to long I just wanted to let you know I love you brother and ima miss you. I’m gonna finish a song of yours and put that on my next album. And I’m gonna put a clip of you doing that rusty ass “woah” in my video. Lol That should make us even on the favors. Until we meet again in my dreams brother talk to you later. Forever in all our hearts and minds. -Jamair “JDAGR8” Hubert

I had 2 jay Z front row tickets and I highly contemplated taking a girl, but thank you lord for the quick switch up. My gut said invite PJ over her! I knew if anyone in my crew would enjoy it the most it would be him. He loved JayZ shouting out Blaze! It was a fun experience to share with him. We were hype! I connected with PJ like many by discussing music,fashion,health,wealth & his favorite topic “beautiful women”. One time in 2005 on northgate at A&M I spilled a drink on my shirt. He said, “Wait and didn’t hesitate took his shirt off and gave it to me. Said he lived 2 blocks away and will grab himself another shirt. It was small stuff like that made me think this guys heart of Gold!!!! You haven’t left us. I still talk to you and crack jokes. Talking to you has been the only way to heal for me. I will love you forever and you have impacted my life like many in so many positive ways. I promise to fullfill all the dreams we discussed. Elevate for life PJ. Bro, I’m going miss you making fun of me. Look over your family especially Mom, Dad, Jessica & Rico. I know how much you dearly loved them. You are the gentlemen that you always have been, because of your kind parents. Look over them harder than you ever have before. We wouldn’t stop comparing how successful our dads are and how we need to exceed there success to make them even more proud. We still on the way. Everyone is proud of you my Man. You have impacted a lot of people in life and the legacy will only go on. Your heart is filled with laughter, joy and happiness. I’m going miss your free spirit!!!! I’m going miss you annoying me, by grabbing my phone and logging out of my snap chat and Instagram so you can capture all the moments on your social media. Annoy me for life PJ. I love you bro. Everyone has special moments with you, But we developed a bond in 2004. I knew from the Gecko you were someone special and different from the rest. You always said I’m your Indian twin. In laughter I would always deny and say I’m way more fly. But, in reality we are similar in so many ways. I will never let you be forgotten. The last few days have been extremely tough loosing one of the brothers. I know you wouldn’t want us to be upset and ruin our mental peace. I’m going to always keep the Pj positive energy around & go 100x harder just like you would. You never wasted a day and I’m happy you moved fast. I will always cherish how you brought so many cultures together. You never saw color just saw the good in people. I love you homie! Rest in paradise! Look over us! Your spirit and energy is well and alive! -Rajeev Yalamanchili

Yoo P. It’s MK, best believe I appreciate all the support you showed and the knowledge you dropped. Know that I will always carry your energy with it and paint and live like I have no Regrets. -MAD KYNG For the short time I knew you, you became my brother instantly everyone that knew me and you thought 100 percent we were actual brother and sister... Too much alike that we often clashed lol... It hurts to write this but I’m praying you are in a better place and that your family and friends are taken care of until next time Brother - red

I remember the time me and Rajeev had a extra ticket to the Jay Z concert and we wanted to take someone who would appreciate his music just as much as We did. We knew PJ was the one. Pj ended up taking his dog blaze and jay z shoutout out Pj and said this is my first time in all the concerts I have done that someone brought a dog to my concerts and started the song I got 99 problem but a bit** ain’t one! And he sang to blaze for half the song! Love you bro! Look down on us and keep us safe. Praying for your family and loved ones. You will never be forgotten and I’m so glad I was able to introduce zeta to you who became your best friend. -KZ

Thank you for being the cousin that always made me feel welcomed. You constantly inspired me to do more, be more. Thank you for looking out for me when I was low, always providing a hand up and even a hand out when I needed it. If I had no way to my gigs, I could count on you. When I needed a place to live, you opened your door. You encouraged me towards living healthy and whole, allowing me to see that greatness isn’t just an action, but a lifestyle. Although I go in and out of sadness, reminiscing on the moments that were and could’ve been, I find peace in the laughs we’ve had and the memories we’ve made. I wish we could laugh just one more time. I will always cherish the moments. I will always honor your legacy. Rest In Peace lil cousin. #MuchLove -Vincent Powell

When I came over to your place Sunday afternoon I didn’t think it would be for the last time. When we sang karaoke I didn’t know it would be our last song we’d sing together. My Aquarius brother, you’ve left me undone. I feel like a piece of me has been ripped away. I can’t stop going through our messages. I have to stop myself from calling you because I know you won’t answer. God, there are so many why’s. We were brought together because we shared so many of the same qualities. Your liveliness, positivity, and contagious smile can never be replaced. Your positive energy lives in me forever broski. When something hurts this bad I can only think that God meant for this to make me stronger. Eventually my mind will be able to rest knowing that you are. My heart will grow stronger because I will carry you in it, always. I miss you. I love you. Watch over us all. Help us become the best people we can be. I want to make you proud. Until we meet again... -Bri Drake

PJ, in such a short time frame you taught me so much about life! You taught me more of how to be care-free! How to love strangers and how to make a loving impression. Although we stayed in different units and different floors, my home suddenly doesn’t feel like home. I miss seeing your face. I miss getting those messages of you either wanting food I cooked or needing a place for you or blaze to crash because you lost your keys. I guess you really did run that building because it sure doesn’t feel the same. Thank you and I love you! Rest In Peace Pj

A memory I hold dear to my heart with PJ would be the time we all got invited to a onesie party. I was excited driving to pick up Jamil and Pj wearing my unicorn onesie arriving late, the boys had already changed into their regular clothes. PJ being PJ went in my back seat and changed back into his turkey onesie just so I wouldn’t feel left out and uncomfortable because I had mentioned that I wanted to go home. We all ended up going out in our crazy onesies because PJ had insisted for us to be seen and who cared if anyone looked at us crazy. We ended up having the time of our lives not caring if everyone was looking at us and just being ourselves and letting loose. PJ always pushed us outside our comfort zones, and those moments ended up being some of the greatest times, all thanks to him. Every time I had a bad day I could count on you to be there. Thank you for giving me the chance to know the real you for always protecting and pushing me to live to the fullest. You have made such an incredibly longlasting impact in my life that I will cherish for eternity. Thank you for being you! I love you and see you again! Forever your hype man! -Vivian Bordabechere

PJ was a living, breathing example of living your life to the fullest. The 2003 football season was one to remember. Our team had to come from behind for most of our wins. We were a mostly senior team and was very talented. But through it all there was always one star that shines brighter than the rest and it was Peter Simien. Peter would constantly put us on his back and carry us. He would make amazing play after play. -Marcus Rolls

PJ, your light was bright and authentic! My fondest memory of us, is you having us all over after the 1800 commercial shoot in May, we got to laugh, and joke, and since it was your house...we got to sing on your karaoke mic! You had an awesome taste in music, that will be missed! When I listen to the song, that we were all singing “where I want to be” I will always think of you! I will cherish this moment for life! Thank you for the times! Rest in Power PJ! -Alyshia Kimberly PJ, This is not farewell. This is just another trip you get to go on with out me. Lol. The sky was never the limit for you. I am so grateful to have met you in this life. You always came through for me. You introduced me to good people and life long friends. I will truly miss you and I promise to keep rising to the top. I Love you bro. Till we meet again. -Joey Flaco

Pj, Can’t believe I’m crying writing to you in a google docs format letter. You changed so many lives and made everyone around you happy. I love you brotha and we’re going to miss you. -Ryan ( TokyoNotJapan ) You made me smile everyday . Your energy was untouched. Everyone loved your kind heart. I have no one to keep my Porsche cleaned. -Latrice Sturges

I will never forget the Day PJ and his best friend Emmanuel Sanders brought the Super Bowl trophy into Cle’ and let all his friends hold it and take pictures with it. A moment I will never forget for the rest of my life. He wanted to make sure everyone enjoyed that special moment. PJ you are loved and will be missed by everyone you touched. I am now inspired to live free and show love to others, just like you did. Long Live PJ! -Jerry Mitchell

I’M FREE Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free I’m following the path God has laid you see. I took His hand when I heard him call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to work, to play. Tasks left undone must stay that way, I’ve found true peace at the end of the day. If my parting has left a void, Please fill it with Love & Joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things too, I will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life’s been full; I savored much, Good friends, good times, and a loved one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and peace to thee God wanted me now; He set me free. Until we Meet Again....

Love, PJ

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