The Villager - Feb/Mar 2010

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FEBRUARY / MARCH 2010 Combined magazine for the parishes of

Harlaxton, Denton, Hungerton with Wyville, Stroxton and Woolsthorpe by Belvoir

Priest in charge— charge—The Reverend Keith Hanson The Rectory, Harlaxton

Telephone: 01476 594608



From The Rectory: Running a Straight Race Never having been athletically inclined, at school I tried to avoid track events wherever it was possible and go in for the long distance crosscountry stuff where it was easier to have a little sit down with a fag and a match carefully stuffed down my sock, and watch the world, and the other runners, go by. The spectators were grateful to me for this because they knew that, when I came in, there would be no one else who was alive coming up behind me, and they could go home. I was the kid who always turned up for games without his kit with the same old dog eared letter of excuse, written in my best imitation of my Dad’s handwriting, hoping in vain to be excused and sent instead into a nice warm corner of a classroom with drawing paper and pencils. “Dear Mr Townend, please excuse Keith from Games this week, he was stung by a wasp on his leg, it is infected and he needs to rest it.” After the first two or three weeks the effect of the letter wore off. On one occasion Mr Townend, AKA “Barney Rubble”, handed me some school issue P.E. Knickers, dark blue and baggy, they reached from the middle of my chest down to my knees. Couple this with a school rugby shirt five sizes too small, you can imagine I looked a sight. I was also the kid who always got picked last when we played soccer. I was always in goals. I suppose they thought being a large 13 year old meant I’d have a greater chance of stopping the ball!! How wrong could they be? However! By some oversight I once found myself entered for the four by two hundred metres relay. I was second in the team and, eyeing up the running track, I came to the conclusion that it didn't seem too far round it and I would just about be able manage. To my horror, my fleet footed colleague, leading the field, ran straight past me with the 3

baton after one circuit and I realised that it was, in fact, a four by four hundred metres relay, a quarter of a mile, and quite beyond my capabilities. It was like one of those nightmares where the monster is catching up and your legs will not go any faster. Try as I might, my legs were like lead, I thought that my heart would explode, and my lungs would not take in any more oxygen. The rest of the field overtook me one by one. Luckily the other two lads caught up again and we all received a plastic ball-point pen as a prize. Kirklees Council were never generous with their rewards. As I lay panting by the track, very red in the face and feeling like death, my fellow team members were scathing in their appraisal of my lack of athletic prowess and used very rude words about it. I feel the same way about February. Christmas and Epiphany have been a long haul. By the time that we pack the crib away at Candlemas, we seem to have been going on for ever. To paraphrase those unforgettable words from 1966: "they think that it's all over - but it isn't yet". Just when we think that we have completed the circuit, Lent appears and we have to keep running for another long lap. In this instance it is a race that we are going to enjoy running, and the reward is more valuable than any cheap ball-point pen. I pray that God will grant you some wonderful insights from your Lenten journey. Keith Hanson

God Bless .................

MOTHER AND TODDLER GROUP Calling all folk with toddlers in their care on Thursdays! Do come along and join us for a cup of tea and a chat while the children play together. Held on Thursdays between 1.15 and 3.15 at Harlaxton Sports and Social Club. Contact Carole Pearson on 560782 for further information. 4

Denton News Parish Clerk The Parish Council is looking for someone to take on the role of Parish Clerk. Please see the advertisement on page 24 for details. Evensong 28 February at 6.00pm The new chairs sponsored by individuals, either in memory of loved ones or as a gift, will be dedicated at this service. The Street Market Put the date in your diaries! Denton Street Market will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, 3 May, as usual. Any enquiries to Daphne (870287) or Gill (870766). A Message from the Treasurer I should like to send my most grateful thanks to everyone who has contributed to the running of St Andrew’s Church during the past year. Your time, prayers, energy and of course financial support are as always deeply appreciated. I am in the process of compiling the annual accounts for 2009 and these will be on public display in the entrance porch of St Andrew’s during the month of March, when the AGM will also be held. Once again, my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to the running of our old church. We, the PCC, feel sure that with your continued support St Andrew’s will still be serving our village well into the future. Diane Head .................

Harlaxton’s New Burial Ground Following the Gift Day on Saturday 23 January, we are well on the way to raising the £20,000 needed. If you live in Harlaxton and have not donated yet, but would like to do so, please get in touch with the Rector (telephone number on the front cover). 5

Woolsthorpe News Many of you will remember with affection Tom-tom the donkey. Sadly he died recently at the ripe old age of 29. For many years he led our Palm Sunday procession from the centre of the village up the hill to the church before the service began. We will miss his gentle presence as will his owner, Eric Pashley. ....................

WI Programmes Denton WI Wednesday 10 February

Gemstones and their Care Mr C Hornsey Refreshments: Mrs Thornton, Miss Green Social time: Mrs Devine Display: A favourite brooch

Wednesday 10 March

GIFTS Hospice Miss L Robinson Refreshments: Mrs Bratton, Mrs Devine Social time: Mrs Blackbourne . . . . . . .

Harlaxton WI Wednesday 17 February

Interesting Historical Finds from Lincolnshire by Tony Lane Open Meeting Hostesses: Sue Carr, Lesley Holden Flowers: Molly Bridge

Wednesday 17 March

Annual General Meeting Pot Luck Supper Flowers: Eve Marshman 6

LENT COURSES A course entitled ’The Well is Deep’ will be run during Lent at two venues, one in Harlaxton and the other in Denton. If you would like to attend, or just want further details please contact: Sheila Finch for Harlaxton (565086) Lesley Devine for Denton (870795) LENT LUNCHES We will as usual be holding a series of simple lunches, comprising soup and cheese, on most of the Wednesdays during Lent. All are asked to make a donation for their lunch. This money is then given to the hostess’s charity of choice. They start at 12.15pm. The dates and venues are: 24 February Hungerton Hall

Lady Le Marchant

3 March

Cornridge Pond Street Harlaxton

Kevin and Barbara Lawry

10 March

Pondside Cottage Stroxton

Betty Madge

17 March ) ) 24 March )

These two dates have yet to be arranged between Denton and Woolsthorpe. See Pew News. .................

I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. Anne Frank 7

The Bishop of Lincoln’s Letter Dear Friends Candle Power For centuries people lived by candle light, chandlers were held in high regard, and candle-stick makers took their place alongside butchers and bakers in the nursery rhyme catalogue of key workers. Of course, electric light has seen off the candle for most day to day purposes, but yet lighting a candle remains powerful as a symbol of hope, prayerful and even defiance. It is indeed better to light a candle than curse the darkness, and the capacity of a small candle to enlighten even the darkest of dark spaces speaks of hope in the face of formidable odds. That is why people light candles and place them on pricket stands at Cathedrals and Churches in ever increasing numbers. And that is why the candle lit daily for the hostage Peter Moore in Lincoln Cathedral throughout his ordeal attracted so much attention during his captivity and on his return home. That small flame became a beacon of light and life in a dark death-dealing world. It became something of an icon carrying the good will and prayers of those who may never have met Peter Moore, but who sensed some kind of solidarity with him and his family through those months and years. So it is that Candlemas on 2nd February has become one of the iconic festivals of the Christian calendar. During the darkness of winter it speaks of light and new life as the days lengthen and the first signs of Spring start to appear. But above all, Candlemas speaks of the incarnate Christ born amongst us at Christmas and now calling us on to journey with Him as the light of the world through the dark days of Lent and Holy Week to victory over darkness and death on Easter Day. As a Diocese, and as individual disciples, let us be drawn to the light of Christ as we embrace our future confident that the Christmas spark, fanned into a Candlemas flame, will blaze the good news of God’s glory amongst us when “The Candles call us to hope and to pray As Christmas meets Easter on Candlemas Day.” + John Lincoln 8

PS: Harvest Appeal 2009 - May I take this opportunity to thank those Parishes which donated so generously to the Shepherd Food Ministries’ Appeal during the Harvest season last year. This will be greatly welcomed by those taking this crucial work into the new year.


LITE BITE Alone in the house or alone in the heart, Circumstances, whatever, keep them apart. Monthly the arms of the Church reach out With a band of ladies, voluntarily about This social gathering for our lonely folk, Happy to have company and joke. Age is a factor, infirmity a hindrance; Often close family are at a distance. Monthly we put on a moderate priced meal Keenly our members attend with true zeal. Us ladies enjoy this gathering and find These meals benefit their body and mind Often our diners ,residentially alone, See no one for days, never speaking a tone. Happiness abundantly clear to see They enjoy being in this family. As homely as possible we lay out the hall, Cooking to try to please one and all. ‘Lite Bite’ is a welcome monthly event, To lots of our diners, a blessed time spent. Pat Owen If you would like to come along to the Lite Bite lunch, which is held on the second Wednesday of each month in Harlaxton village hall, please contact Sheila Finch on 565086. .............. 9

In this issue we are starting a series of articles about the Bible by Trevor Woodgate IS IT TRUE? HOW DO I READ IT? Two of the questions that Christians are asked are the above. Is the Bible true? How can we know that the things that are written are true, and not just myths, particularly in the Old Testament. How do we know that events and people we read about are figures of history, and not just figments of man’s imagination. Can we trust the authenticity of Scripture? Can we prove at least some of the events that are written, and people who are written about, who lived 2-3 millenia ago. Did Jesus really exist and do all those miracles? It is confusing and I don’t understand much of it. How can I read it? Over the next few months I hope to answer some of those questions briefly and show how archaeology has helped us to understand the truth of places and events which have, for many centuries, only been known about in the Bible. It is only in the last 2 centuries that more ‘life’ has been given to the ‘bare bones’ of historical Scripture. It must be made clear that archaeology cannot prove that the Bible is the Word of God. It cannot prove Spiritual truths, they come by faith. It can, however, help to prove the Bible’s historical accuracy. We need to know that, while the Bible gives us a ‘potted’ history of the Jewish nation from its beginning, its real purpose is as a theological work, with God’s laws and ethics being revealed. It also shows the working of God in the life of the Jewish nation. It records the ‘ups and downs’ of that nation, both in their relationship to Jahweh, and to other nations of the time. Christians believe it leads to an open revelation of God, through Jesus Christ, to all men, in the New Testament. The problem many people have is not knowing the way to read the Bible. We read it with minds that are used to modern thinking, as though it were written yesterday, and wonder why it sometimes doesn’t make sense. When we pick up a romantic novel, detective story, war story or sci-fi book, we know roughly what to expect when we read it. If our taste is for one or other, we already know the ‘language’ of the story, what to expect and to how to read it. The fact is that the Bible is all of 10

these subjects put together, but written so long ago we have a job to understand the ‘language’. And that can confuse minds unused to such a situation. I would be lost trying to read Homer’s ‘Iliad’ or ‘Odyssey’ in its original language as I cannot read Greek, but a Greek scholar would have no trouble. The Old Testament in particular has murder, genocide, rape, incest, famines and violent wars. Many of you will feel that these things are not for us today. That things go too far. And yet look around you. Can you honestly say that these things do not happen today, in our ‘civilised’ world!!! Read your paper and you will see that very little has changed in man’s nature, despite our ‘civilised world’. The ways of the Old Testament are indeed often violent, but the ways of the Old Testament world make many of these things normal practice for the time. For instance we have both King Saul and his son Jonathan asking David to spare their descendants when they die and he becomes king. Why? Because so often a new king, particularly one who has taken over by force (though not in David‘s case), would kill the descendants of the previous ruler, and thus prevent them from giving him trouble. Cruel, but in a perverted way, sensible. We would find it odd in our society that, when a man’s brother died and his young widow had no male child, the man would be expected to marry his sister-in-law (even though he was already married) and try to have a son to keep his brothers line intact. This was important to many nations in Old Testament times (not just the Hebrews), to keep property and land in the family, tribe and nation. Even now there are a few places in the world where this is still important. Today, that urgency is not there for us in our modern western society. In reverse, if we were to sit an Old Testament judge in one of our Magistrates Courts to witness a shoplifter being given a fine or a few hours community service, what do you think his reaction would be? Amazement at our leniency, I guess. His guidance would be Exodus 22 v 3-4. ‘If he is caught in the act he must repay double’. Or, ‘A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft’. I wonder what would happen if we brought that back! The Bible has much to teach us if we know how to read it. And its format is similar to any work that we read. 11

At the beginning the background is set on which the rest of the story will be played out. The creation story. Then we are gradually introduced to the family who are to be the main characters in the developing story. Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the founders of the family of Israel. Having set the scene and established the family beginnings, we are led into the development of that family’s history, and the rules (10 Commandments) by which the author expects them to live. We have the stories of their achievements and failures, the setting up of a ‘dynasty’ (David and Solomon‘s kingdom), and its family squabbles which led to the dynasty’s downfall and shame. But like all good stories we have a ’hero’ who comes at a critical time. The New Testament introduces us to that hero, not as a mighty man, but a baby who will grow up to bring a message of hope to his people. He is rejected by his own people after trying to save them from themselves, but is accepted by many outside the earthly family he was born into. His own people put him to death and we think ‘that is the end’. But the story is not finished, it is a ‘never-ending story’. Christ rises from the dead, and is still alive, particularly in the lives of his followers, then and now. It is a story whose conclusion is left to you. Is Christ alive for you, or dead? In the next few issues we will look at other ways of reading the Bible, and archaeological finds in relation to the Bible. ................ A new life begins for us with every second. Let us go forward joyously to meet it. We must press on, whether we will or no, and we shall walk better with our eyes before us than with them ever cast behind us. Jerome K Jerome Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius. Comte de Buffon 12


Wyville Village Hall AGM In the village hall at 7.30pm On Friday 26 February All are welcome as we discuss the future of our Village Hall

‘A 50s / 60s Evening’ Music and Dancing with Ken and Rose Denton village hall March 13 at 7.30pm Tickets available from the churchwardens £6.00 (Inclusive of Finger Buffet) Wine and soft drinks also available


Answers to last time’s crossword


Clues Across 8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 9 ‘Burn it in a wood fire on the — heap’ (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the books of Esdras and the Maccabees are part of it (9) 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 19 ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to — your bodies as living sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1) (5) 22 David’s plea to God concerning those referred to in 14 Down: ‘ On — — let them escape’ (Psalm 56:7) (2,7) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 25 How the book of Ezekiel refers to God more than 200 times (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4) Clues Down 1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11) (6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ‘Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but — him as if he were your father’ (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ‘ — salt to — your offerings’ (Leviticus 2:13) (3,3) 12 Confederation of British Industry (1,1,1) 14 ‘All day long they twist my words; they are always — to harm me’ (Psalm 56:5) (8) 15 The crowd’s reaction to Jesus bringing back to life a widow’s son in Nain (Luke 7:16) (3) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6) 17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if he wasn’t rescued from the cistern where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah 38:9) (6) 18 What the prophets do to a wall, with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) (4,2) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood waters continued to — (Genesis 8:5) (6) 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4) 15

SERVICES for HOLY Sunday 28 March Palm Sunday


Monday 29 March


Tuesday 30 March


Wednesday 31 March


Thursday 1 April Maundy Thursday


Friday 2 April Good Friday

Denton village hall Denton Harlaxton

Sunday 4 April Easter Day

Denton Harlaxton Woolsthorpe Stroxton (Re-opens)


Y WEEK and EASTER 10.00am

Procession to the church Group service of Holy Communion


Holy Communion


Holy Communion


Holy Communion


Maundy Thursday Liturgy and Vigil


Children’s Activities

12.00 noon

Family Service


Stations of The Cross


Silent Meditation


The Liturgy of Good Friday


Holy Communion


Open House Family Service


Holy Communion


Holy Communion




Sing—a—Rainbow ‘Sing and Play in a Colourful Way’ Come along and join in the fun with a FREE taster session BOTTESFORD Baptist Church on Mondays HARLAXTON Village Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays CAR COLSTON Village Hall (near Bingham) on Fridays From birth to pre-school age Experience an interactive class of LIVE music with quality instruments, puppets and colourful props which stimulates your child’s imagination and builds confidence There’s even time for a coffee and a chat afterwards! Contact Tiffany 01476 574978 or

A Message from Georgina Huysse-Smith I have l had lots of people kindly asking how I’m getting on in my journey to become ordained; an answer in the magazine seemed the best way to update everyone. As you all know, my husband Jon and I relocated to Ripon Theological College in Cuddesdon (in the Oxfordshire countryside) about 2½ years ago now. I initially signed up for a two year course, but during my time here was asked if I would like to take part in the college’s exchange programme to South Africa. I was also told this would mean doing an extra year at college. After much thought I agreed and so spent the first two years at college participating in both church and secular placements, pastoral engagement courses, such as: listening skills, spirituality and ethics, and learning from practical experience by participating in activities including leading worship and drinking tea!! I am spending this, my final year, finishing my 19

academic course, an MTh (Masters in Applied Theology at the University of Oxford), and also going on the South African exchange trip. In addition to the compulsory parts of college life, we are also encouraged to take up further roles and responsibilities to help enhance the life of the community. As a result, during my time here I have been: • The Fair Trade Rep – Ordering in and selling fair trade products. It’s amazing how much chocolate we get through! • One of the Kidz Church leadership team – Devising, planning and leading a Christian children’s group. • The Admiral – Organising weekly social events for the whole community (students, spouses, children and staff) and responsible for keeping the college morale up. • Leading creative prayer and worship times – The services I am most known for at college are the ‘Goth Worship’ services I created, which are primarily for those within the contemporary gothic subculture. Spouses are also considered a part of the college community and so, in-between work shifts, Jon has been in charge of the Partners Group (a social and supportive group for spouses at college) and acted as Bar Manager for our college’s bar! I must stress though that life is not all work at theological college; we also enjoy a thriving social life through involvement with the college. We particularly enjoy the monthly discos and Jon and I are part of a small group who are known for always being the last to leave these events! Our college also maintains a tradition that at 4:00 every weekday everyone has a break from work for tea and cake in the common room. This is as much a part of the college’s daily routine as morning and evening prayer, and certainly one I’d like to keep up after I finish my time here!! (Jon and I also continue to maintain a strong interest in heavy metal music and are pleased that we are able to get to London to attend music concerts fairly regularly.) 20

So, as you can tell, theological college is a place where I am managing to work hard and also play hard! By the time you read this, I will surely be in South Africa! I am spending 10 weeks, including Easter, at the College of the Transfiguration in Grahamstown, which in the Eastern Cape. It's the only provincial residential college of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa and is primarily for Anglicans preparing for lay or ordained ministry. I'll be attending their college courses for a term, experiencing what church is like there and doing a placement with a priest for a fortnight. Following this, Jon will be joining me for a further two weeks so that we can have a holiday there, which we are very much looking forward to! For those who are technically minded and who are interested, I will be writing a blog (an online diary) about what I’m up to during my time in South Africa: When I return to the UK it will not be long until my Ordination. I have accepted a position as an Assistant Curate in the Parish of Great and Little Coates with Bradley in West Grimsby. So I am staying in Lincolnshire ...j ust! The job comes with a little bungalow and both Jon and I (as well as our little black cat!) are very much looking forward to moving there and starting a new chapter in our lives. God willing, I will be Ordained as a Deacon by the Bishop of Grimsby on Sunday 4th July at 10:30 at Gainsborough Parish Church. (I will be Ordained to the Priesthood the following summer at Lincoln Cathedral). Do join us on this special day if you wish to and are able. Hope to see you all again soon next time I’m in Harlaxton, and I do hope you have a wonderful 2010. Best wishes

George (Georgina) Huysse-Smith .............

He who hesitates too long before taking a step, will spend the rest of his life on one leg. 21

SERVICES Wednesday 3 February 10.00am Denton

Midweek Communion

Thursday 4 February 7.00pm Wyville

Contemplative Prayer

Sunday 7 February 8.99am Denton 9.30am Harlaxton 11.00am Woolsthorpe

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Holy Communion Open House Holy Communion

Wednesday 10 February 10.00am Harlaxton

Midweek Communion

Sunday 14 February 9.30am Harlaxton 11.00am Denton 6.00pm Wyville

Last Sunday after Epiphany Holy Communion Open House Evensong

Wednesday 17 February 10.00am Harlaxton 7.00pm Denton

Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Holy Communion Both with Imposition of Ashes

Sunday 21 February 8.00am Denton 9.30am Harlaxton 11.00am Woolsthorpe

First Sunday of Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion Open House

Wednesday 24 February 10.00am Harlaxton

Midweek Communion Followed by Lent Lunch

Sunday 28 February 9.30am Harlaxton 11.00am Wyville 6.00pm Denton

Second Sunday of Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong 22

Wednesday 3 March 10.00am Denton

Midweek Communion Followed by Lent Lunch

Thursday 4 March 7.00pm Wyville

Contemplative Prayer

Sunday 7 March 8.00am Denton 9.30am Harlaxton 11.00am Woolsthorpe

Third Sunday of Lent Holy Communion Open House Holy Communion

Wednesday 10 March 10.00am Harlaxton Sunday 14 March 9.30am 11.00am 6.00pm

Harlaxton Denton Wyville

Wednesday 17 March 10.00am Harlaxton Sunday 21 March 8.00am 9.00am 11.00am

Denton Harlaxton Woolsthorpe

Sunday 28 March 10.00am Woolsthorpe 10.30am

Midweek Communion Followed by Lent Lunch Fourth Sunday of Lent Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Open House Evensong

Midweek Communion Followed by Lent Lunch Fifth Sunday of Lent Passion Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Open House Palm Sunday Procession to the church Group Service of Holy Communion

See centrefold for Holy Week and Easter services Wednesday 7 April 10.00am Denton

Midweek Communion 23

Denton Parish Council seek a Parish Clerk To administer the parish council including, calling meetings, writing minutes, maintaining financial records and ensuring all legal requirements are complied with. Attend some day and evening meetings. Confident in a range of computer functions. Communicate in writing and verbally with electors, officials and elected representatives. The clerk is paid on the nationally agreed pay scale ÂŁ8.34 - ÂŁ11.93/hour for 98 hours/year. Up to 498 hours/year from 3 posts available. The post holder will work from home except when attending meetings. Previous experience in this or a similar position will be an advantage, but is not essential. For more information contact: Denton Parish Council, 1 Main Street, Redmile, Nottingham, NG13 0GA or email

Closing date for material for the April / May VILLAGER 20 March 2010 Telephone: 01476 563272 Email:


Contact Numbers Treasurer (Harlaxton)

Frances Warner (566988)

Mothers Union (870795)

Lesley Devine

Pastoral Care & Healing (Woolsthorpe)


Tea & Chat (mums and toddlers)

Carole Pearson (560782)

Pastoral Care (Denton)

Gill Mitchell (870766)

Pastoral Care (Harlaxton)

Barbara Lawry (563272)

Choir (Harlaxton)

Merle Thomas (573359)

Bell Ringing

Liz Carter (568097)

Church Flowers (Harlaxton)

Sue Taylor (574040)

Prayer Circle

Frances Warner (566988) Sheila Finch (565086)

WYVILLE VILLAGE HALL Available for private lettings


Great for children’s parties, etc Dance floor Kitchen Disabled facilities Large grass area outside

Available for Private lettings 01476 574411 Regular Whist Drives

Contact Gill Hoyes 01476 530511

Material for the magazine Is always welcome: articles, short stories, poems, anecdotes, reports from organisations, etc. Anything suitable for a church-based magazine will be considered. To contact the editor, see previous page.


MARK HODSON PROPERTY IMPROVER The essential fixes for your contentment


Fully Insured

FOR QUALITY AND RELIABILITY Please ring Home: 01476 419428 Mobile: 07986 990224 Email:


THE LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN BOOKSHOP 21a Belton Avenue, Grantham Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday 10.00am - 3.00pm Books, Cards, CDs and Jewellery Special orders taken 01476 564222


G. R. SALMON HIGH CLASS DECORATING SERVICES Telephone 01476 578606 10 Walton Way, Harlaxton, Grantham, NG 32 1HY REFERENCES AVAILABLE

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To Advertise In The Villager Contact 01476 563272


Harlaxton Picture Framing 1 West End, Harlaxton, Grantham NG32 1HE Telephone: 01476 570594 Mobile: 07910 798537



CHURCHWARDENS HARLAXTON Mrs Susan Taylor 23 Swinehill Harlaxton Grantham 01476 574040

Mrs Elizabeth Allison The Red House Trotters Lane Harlaxton 01476 564249

DENTON Mrs Gill Mitchell The Shieling Main Street Denton 01476 870766

Mr Derrick Head Harston Road Cottage Harston Road Denton 01476 870779

HUNGERTON with WYVILLE Sir Francis Le Marchant Hungerton Hall Hungerton 01476 870244

Mrs Marion Webb The Flat Hungerton Hall 01476 870374

STROXTON Mrs Betty Madge Pondside Cottage Stroxton 01476 530296

Mr Simon Embley Beckside Cottage Stroxton 01476 530481

WOOLSTHORPE-BY-BELVOIR Mrs Lesley Devine 19 Denton Lane Harston 01476 870795

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