Alliance Justice and Compassion 2014-2015 Gift Catalogue

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Faith and Hope in Action



For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Faith and Hope in Action

Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptures are taken from the New International Version.



23 P.

3 P.

3 P. 8

13 P.

20 P. 5

6 P.

Sea to Sea

Silk Road

Desert Sand Caribbean Sun

Note: Alliance Justice and compassion Supports ministries in all areas.

Asian Spice

About the cover: The name of the younger boy is Macario Chon Valenzuela, and the elder is Pascual Chon. These two boys are some of the best thinkers we have amongst the children. Macario and Pascual go to school at the bottom of the canyon in Guacayo, the place where the medical clinic and women’s shelter will be built. They both have it in their minds that it is better to change lives and live in a different way. School is very important to them because they know that this will help them change their future for the better and the future of their people. Pascual Chon has had his life changed in many ways. His father became a believer about two years ago. This strongly impacted the family, and now the entire family has accepted Christ. His mom and brothers serve Jesus together. Macario is a cousin of Pascual. Both boys are learning what is means to worship God through music. Together, they are

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

learning from Macario’s father, who uses his talents


to praise God.

WELCOME TO THE 2014 – 2015 ALLIANCE JUSTICE AND COMPASSION GIFT CATALOGUE! C&MA Vision Prayer: O God, with all our hearts we long to be: a movement of churches transformed by Christ, transforming Canada and the world. By your grace and for your glory: •   Renew and empower us through a fresh encounter with yourself. •   Release us to be strategic in service, kingdom-connected in practice, passionate in pursuit of your mission and mercy. Use us to fulfill your purpose for Canada and the world. We are called to be ministers of Christ’s message of reconciliation, which offers to release people from spiritual, physical, relational, social and economic bondages. As a family of churches, we seek to live out Christ’s mission that redeems our relationships with God, with one another and with his creation. We have International Workers in over 40 countries that we have identified as our Four S regions (Silk Road, Caribbean Sun, Asian Spice and Desert Sand). Together with the Fifth S, the Canadian Sea to Sea region, we are seeking to bring a holistic message of healing and wholeness as we engage in transformative practices that improve, in sustainable ways, the well-being of people who have been made vulnerable by circumstances of poverty, disaster and injustice. This gift catalogue outlines many of these ministries. We invite you to participate with us in offering dignity and hope to those who live on the margins of society. It is our vision that as a result of these kinds of holistic ministries, we will see communities transformed by Christ, set free from the effects of broken, sinful worldviews and behaviours.

Thank you for partnering with us! Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n


Joanne Beach Director of Alliance Justice and Compassion


Proverbs 19  :17

Caribbean Island Ministries The Island is experiencing a time of change and abundant to establish a Christian business training centre called

Leadership development

Entrepreneurs for God. The goal is to develop Christians

Cover all expenses for one student

who will be successful in growing their businesses over

to attend three courses at the

the long term. The centre now has students from over 50

business school.

opportunity in the world of business. This is the time

churches from multiple denominations—one of several collaborative initiatives of believers on this Island. Students will attend three courses per year for training


in business, leadership and discipleship. Alongside the


practical skills needed to administer a micro-business,

Sponsor one new micro-loan for

students will be counselled in the development of godly

a student who has completed

character, dependence on God and a passion to lead others

the training.

to adopt these important life ethics, especially in the marketplace.


Upon successful completion of the training, students will

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

receive a micro-loan that will offer them the opportunity


to put into practice the skills they have learned. Some will


go on to lead cooperative groups, inviting people from the

Economic sustainability is an important

community to participate.

focus for this Caribbean Island. We are praying for the long-term growth of the

He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.

micro-loans initiative, and for God's kingdom to be witnessed through the impact of believers who are serving and blessing their society.

Matthew 25  :40

Inca Link Giving Life a Second Chance

In response to the high rate of teenage pregnancy in place for expectant homeless teens since 2010. This

Prenatal and Infant Care

place of refuge offers an alternative to situations

Your gift of $100 will contribute to the

which often end in abortion. In this stable and

girls’ nutritious meals, personal hygiene

nurturing environment, girls can find emotional

items, maternity clothes, doctor visits,

stability and become equipped with empowering

medications and infant care (typically

maternal skills.


Girls receive support from the beginning of


Quito, Ecuador, Casa Elizabeth has been a welcoming

pregnancy until three months after the baby is born. With your help, five girls at any one time will be cared for with nutritious meals, personal hygiene items, maternity clothes, doctor visits, medications and the necessary provisions for their newborn baby.

Prayer Please pray that the local churches will be renewed with a spirit of service

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

under Christ’s compassion and that the impact on the lives of these young mothers would resound throughout the country at large as they themselves choose to become a living witness to the hope they’ve found in Christ.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

and love as we see families reunited


Psalm 146:7(a) & 9(a)

Sun Compassion Costa Rica God is changing lives in the communities of Costa Rica. Donations last year helped initiate transformation

Buy a Calf

of communities and people. Several initiatives are

A donation of $350 will provide many

currently growing as we continue to teach families,

years of milk, cheese and income

enabling them to support themselves. Last year, 72


children had the opportunity to attend school with all the required textbooks, supplies and uniforms.


This project aims to give families the means to provide for their children, equip them to receive an care of their basic living essentials. When you are poor

Hope for a child’s future

nutrition is often scarce and good food can provide

A donation of $100 will allow a child

both health and basic dignity. Small greenhouses and

to attend school providing the needed

basic training are providing families with a consistent,

textbooks, supplies and uniform.

education, offer them nutritional training and to take

healthy food supply.


Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Build a Greenhouse



A donation of $250 will build a

Please pray that God will raise up local leaders, and

greenhouse, enabling the year-round

provide local men and women the desire to transform

growth of healthy food.

their communities for Christ. Pray also that this program will continue to meet physical, emotional and social needs in Costa Rica.


Proverbs 2:6

Sun Compassion Mexico Coming off the streets can be complicated. After dream: graduating from high school and going on

Hope for a Child’s Future

to tech school. Thanks to your support he has also

A donation of $50 or more will help

recently learned skills in construction and electricity.

us build schools, start small farms,

Javier has started several small, self-sustaining

improve lives through education and

animal farms this year, with help from other boys in

provide promising and healthy futures

the home. He has been discipled in God’s Word, he

of hope.

several years in this home for boys, Javier has a new

has learned about financial stability and one day he hopes to have his own small business.


The C&MA in Mexico is committed to compassion projects which help build income-generating infrastructures, empower young people to develop their leadership potential, allow people to be discipled in God’s Word and to allow people to receive education.

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Please pray that young people would experience the full healing power of Christ as they enjoy an adventure of faith in Him! As they learn and practice new trades, pray that God would also multiply their influence on society.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n



Psalm 146:7-9

Tarahumara Project Imagine a language without words for “hope” or “love.” a remote indigenous group that lives in the Copper

Women’s Shelter and Medical Clinic

Canyon of Mexico. Our Sun Compassion team has seen

Your $100 donation will go directly

first-hand their troubled existence.

to building a place of retreat and

This is what we have learned of the Tarahumara people,

restoration. This gift will have A sobering reality is that 50 per cent of the children die

everlasting results in the lives of the

before the age of 10. The girls who do survive suffer

Tarahumara through the establishment

sexual, emotional and physical abuse that starts around

of this women’s shelter and medical

age 12 and continues into adulthood. There is great


need for a women’s shelter and medical clinic because the nearest health facility is a 10-hour journey on foot.


The Mexican Alliance Church and partnering Canadian C&MA churches have been building strong relationships of trust with this community over the past 18 years, and are now seeing people believing in Jesus and seeking wholeness for their people.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n



God, you are the One who lifts up the

He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.

oppressed, the hungry, the widow and the bowed down. Lift up the Tarahumara people. Show your face, comfort those in distress and provide for those in need.

Psalm 146:7-9

Patarra Project Angered and frustrated by the pattern in her community of adultery, alcoholism, drug abuse and neglect of one’s

Patarra Project

family, Cecilia saw an opportunity to transform her

Your donation of $75 will continue

community for Jesus by feeding neighbourhood kids right

the momentum of this community

out of her own kitchen.

outreach project so that more children can receive meals and more adults can

This initiative has grown so that now over 100 children receive

engage in Bible study and vocational

a daily meal at a newly built community centre. Cecilia’s vision


has expanded to offer weekly Vacation Bible School programs, a vibrant women’s Bible study, a sewing cooperative and


vocational training. Funds are needed to complete additional classrooms. As you contribute to this growing community outreach program, God will continue to transform lives. This is a remarkable story of hope out of darkness. One woman’s compassion has inspired others to make profound changes in their community. Cecilia’s love for Jesus is spreading as she and her team show the Father’s deep love for Costa Rica.

Prayer God please honour the hearts of the leaders in this community as they strive to follow you and honour you in all that they do. Give them the desires of their hearts as they look to you for guidance and direction.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.


Acts 10:35

Community Development Readiness  In the Sun Region, our vision is to equip Christian leaders to reach out in their communities with the hope and freedom

Leadership Training

found in Jesus Christ. We desire to enable leaders to respond

Your gift of $250 will subsidize the

tangibly (Isaiah 58) by supporting community development

training of Christian leaders in Costa

initiatives that often become the catalyst for faith, and

Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Colombia.

to engage in a life, a community, and yes, even a nation transformed for Jesus Christ.


Community development initiatives that nurture dignity and self-worth, health education, sanitation, maternal care, prevention of disease and disaster mitigation are but a few of the areas where discipleship is occurring. We welcome the subsequent effect of strengthening our local churches.

Prayer Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

We pray that God will call local leaders,


who are needed to transform their

God accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.

own people, to rise up. We pray for a generation of leaders to stand and transform their neighbourhoods, communities and countries, in order to bring glory to God.

John 10:10

Guinea Rescue Centre Life for mothers in Guinea is very complex. Poverty and lack of resources is endemic. It is estimated that 90 per cent of the

Medical Care

population lives with an income of under $1.25 per day. Statistics

For $75 a month you can provide

show that 56 per cent of men have more than one wife. Many family

medical treatment for an infant in need.

compounds cannot support another child to feed so a woman often feels she has no other choice than to abandon her infant.


Social services for unwanted newborns is non-existent in Guinea. In response to this, our team has established the Source of Life Infant Rescue Centre. As soon as a baby is received, the infant is given a

Baby Formula

complete medical check-up; often there is serious malnutrition and

For $100 a month you can buy formula

illnesses like malaria that need treatment. These medical remedies

for an infant under 6 months of age.

along with costly formula are necessary expenses during the first year of a child’s life.


After 12 months a judicial court may give full parental custody to the Infant Rescue Centre, along with the right to arrange for an adoptive family, either nationally or internationally. Matthew 22:39 teaches us to “Love your neighbour as yourself.” neighbour. We show love to the babies and, in doing so, extend love to


the mother or family member who brings the child. To the ones who

Father, what will give you glory and

are found abandoned—left alone to perish—we have the privilege of

cause your name to be known in this

caring for them and ultimately placing them with a new family.

land of suffering? You have given us the task of responding to the needs of the

//  Colette Baudais, C&MA International Worker

ones who cannot fight for themselves.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Saving these children is our expression of God’s command to love our


Isaiah 58:7

Impacting Niger Niger continues to land at the bottom of the United Nations Human Development Index. Seventy-six percent of the population

Rebuilding Homes

lives on less than two dollars a day, and less than one third of the

Your gift of $20 will aid in the

adults are literate. The child mortality rate in Niger remains one

reconstruction of the straw-paneled

of the world’s highest, as one in five children die of preventable

huts that are destroyed annually

diseases like malaria and malnutrition before the age of five.

by rain. Working with communities towards innovative, long-term

Those who farm in Niger are subsistence farmers who rely upon

housing solutions, we can counteract

their yield to feed their family for twelve months, until the next

this reality and avert recurring

harvest takes place. Their livelihood is increasingly difficult as

housing crises.

they toil against chronic drought, changing rainfall patterns, soil degradation, pests and poor seeds. The struggle to produce


sufficiently for their families year to year escalates as famine years are increasing in regularity, leaving little time for the farmers to recover and rebuild.

alongside the Fulani and Taureq people groups, in order to see

Improving Agricultural Outputs

them overcome these unfortunate realities, and to see their

Your gift of $150 will go towards

communities transformed both physically and spiritually.

an agricultural training program

It is in this context that our International Worker team is working

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

designed to help farmers learn


agricultural techniques that can


increase their yield to better sustain

Please pray for wisdom as we work with these communities

their families throughout the year.

towards long-term housing solutions. Pray also that farming needs will be met, and that people will recognize God’s provision for them.


Matthew 25:40

Impacting Niger In Niger, children are facing incredible vulnerabilities. Nigerien children are not enrolled in primary school.

A Brighter Future

Many families simply cannot afford to provide the

Your gift of $50 will go toward tuition,

tuition and school supplies their children need.

supplies, educational resources and

Besides being economically disadvantaged, many

tutoring, as well as post-secondary

Nigerien children also die needlessly of preventable

training and scholarships. By helping to

diseases. Seven children under the age of five die

send a child to school, we can empower

every single hour from pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria

a new generation to change their future

and other easily preventable causes. That is one child

and their country.

It is estimated that nearly one and a half million

every eight and a half minutes, and two hundred forty-nine children each day. That is more child


deaths than 50 developed nations put together, yet it costs only an average of $1.25 to save a child from these causes of death.

Medications for kids Your gift of $10 will increase access to medications for 8 children and save them from preventable diseases that cause death.


Prayer Please pray that parents would see the value of education and of accessing public health services, so that their children can have a healthier future full of opportunity.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.


Isaiah 58:10

Kids in Crisis In Guinea, we are working alongside Christian nationals to care for orphaned children; many of

School Kit

whom are HIV positive. There are currently thirty-four

Your gift of $75 will provide one child

kids at the Kids in Crisis Centre, and eight of those

with the required school uniform,

are babies. Local Christians are extending love and

tuition fees and school supplies for one

encouragement to children who need a home. It is a

year. An educated child will have life-

great opportunity to serve the community and model

changing opportunities and hope for

God’s care for the marginalized.

their future.

The orphan ministry ensures holistic development of


the children which includes the provision of school kits for education, nutritious meals and biblicallybased teaching.

Feed a child Your donation of $50 will provide nutritious food for an abandoned child for one month.

“I dream of a home where children who are rejected and cast out because of AIDS or because they were


born out of wedlock will be cared for, loved and

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

introduced to Jesus, the one who rejects no one. I


dream of providing a better future for these children on this earth, a future without stigmas, insults, hate or rejection, a future full of love and acceptance such as


only the Lord can provide through his children.”

Please pray that God will raise up godly, compassionate leaders as we invest in

//  Lizette Lavoie, C&MA International Worker

the next generation of Guineans.

Luke 9:1-2, 6

Sandbox Medical In this North African country the standard of medical in the public hospitals. Private Christian hospitals

Medical Instruments

are experiencing a loss of Christian doctors because

Your gift of $50 will provide funds

of a faith bias that does not allow Christians to study

to purchase much-needed small

medicine. There is a renewed focus by church leaders

medical instruments, such as artery

in this country to equip professionals and to raise

forceps or clamps to properly equip

the standards of their hospitals for the purpose of

operating rooms.

care is not adequate. No one trusts the care provided

becoming a beacon of light and love to their local community. One of our International Workers, who is


a surgeon, has joined this initiative that seeks to train Christian surgeons and provide quality healthcare. African countries.

So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

Patient Treatments Your gift will enable very poor families to have their surgical needs met with quality care at a reasonable cost.


Prayer Pray that patients will experience the love of Christ through the care of the Christian surgeons, and come to experience Christ as their ultimate Healer.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

The training is extended to believers in other North


Jeremiah 29:11

Niger Vocational Training Centre Education for girls in Niger is often not an option.

give practical welding instruction and will partner

Spending their days helping with cooking,

with local instructors to prepare the apprentices

housekeeping and caring for younger siblings, they

for the national welding exam. The program also

are often married by age sixteen or younger. The

includes training in construction and small business

child bride numbers in Niger are among the highest

knowledge. Health and life skills round out the

in the world. Through the Niger Vocational Training

teaching, with biblical truths woven throughout. We

Centre, young girls are given the opportunity to

select unschooled young men who are ready to work

participate in a three-year program that focuses on

for a second chance at life.

health and life skills as well as vocational training, such as sewing. Upon graduation, each student keeps her sewing machine which will enable her to make a steady income in the safety of her own home.

All the girls in the first graduating class passed their National Certificate exam! Now as we visit these young

Males growing up in a pastoralist culture herding

ladies many of them are using their skills to apprentice

cattle and goats do not develop the trade skills that

with tailors or have set up their own tailoring shops.

are desperately needed to provide for their families.

They are confident moms with healthy new babies and

The Niger Vocational Training Centre’s ‘Second

an assuredness that they are prepared for their new

Chance’ apprenticeship program is providing

roles as wives and mothers.

necessary vocational training to young men. Our

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

team, led by a qualified Canadian welder, will


//  Chantelle McIver, C&MA International Worker

Prayer Please pray for the new group of 60 young ladies who will start our program Fall 2014 and for hardworking, eager young men to join our apprenticeship program. Pray for wisdom as we walk with these young people through many hard situations of early marriage, abuse, assault and hopelessness; that Christ will be their comfort and hope!

Hot Lunch for One Month Your gift of $40 will

Protecting and Training young women

Accessing higher education – trades skills

provide a month of meals

Your gift will equip a

Your gift will go towards scholarships

for one student which

student with the sewing

and monthly stipends to allow

will directly impact their

machine, fabric and

promising young men to attend the

physical growth, capacity

supplies needed to

Niger Vocational Training School to

to learn and overall

embark on her new

learn the skills needed to obtain better



jobs to provide for their families.




One of our previous apprentices from the men’s program has found a full-time job at a school where he does welding and construction. They sing praises of this young man’s integrity, work quality and character. We hope many more young men and women of character, knowledge and confidence will come through our school and be ready to change their own lives, and the lives of those around them!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

//  Paul McIver, C&MA International Worker


Isaiah 1:17

Human Rights and Emergency Fund In some countries it is illegal to profess found out is great. There is no legal

Assistance for Persecuted Christians

protection when a charge of apostasy is

Your contribution will help to provide

made; everything is taken away, including

financial support for persecuted

identity, passports, bank accounts and

Christians in crisis. Funds will be used

possessions. Marriages are even annulled

to assist with relocation, legal costs

and custody of any children is taken away.

and emergency medical care (like

Fleeing for your life is the only recourse

hospitalization and medicine).

a Christian faith—and the cost of being

because, once arrested and found guilty by the courts, harsh imprisonment and


Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

even a death sentence are sure to follow.


Learn to do right; seek justice.  D efend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Prayer Pray that those who suffer persecution will know and experience the presence and protection of the Lord. Pray that the oppressors will turn from their ruthlessness and come to know the truth.

Psalm 86:5

Rehab Centre and Recovery Drug and alcohol addictions are an ever-increasing problem in Serbia. Hundreds of thousands of individuals and families are being

Recovery Program

disabled, ruined and killed by rampant substance abuse. Drugs are

Your gift of $75 will cover the cost

available at low cost and lead both individuals and communities to

for one week of room and board,

poverty and despair. Many young men knock on our door, desperate

counselling, physical therapy and

for a solution to their drug and alcohol problems.


Our rehabilitation centre, a ministry of the local church, recently


celebrated a five-year anniversary, where we acknowledged the men who have successfully finished the six-month program. After 15 months, they return to their families, able to work and start afresh. God has healed, restored and opened doors for new opportunities. New men arrive regularly; the need is so great that a second location has opened this year.

“I lived in the park, slept on a bench all alone. I was raised in the orphanage and was sure that no one would ever care for me. Drugs were my way of coping with loneliness. Now all that has changed. I

Prayer Pray that the God will restore health

“God showed me mercy, people at the centre gave me mercy. I

and hope to the men’s lives, giving

finished the program, relapsed and came back. I was welcomed and

them the strength to overcome their

forgiven. This is my only family. I thank God for saving my life and

addictions and to bring healing to

not giving up on me.”   // M.

broken relationships.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

feel loved and accepted by people and by God. I am free, and words cannot explain how grateful I am.”  // B.


Matthew 25:36, 40

Terminally Ill Patients Medicine, hygiene items, diapers, medical assistance—all of these items are luxuries for the

Medical Care

sick in Serbia. Terminally ill people, in particular,

Your gift of $80 makes it possible for

struggle to obtain these necessities. Our hospice

a patient to receive proper care and

teams have the unique privilege of sharing Christ’s

medication for one month.

love by coming alongside, providing needed items and praying with the sick and their loved ones. Many


have made peace with God in the midst of these most difficult times. “Eighty-nine-year-old Andreas had been diagnosed with dementia following a stroke two years ago. Andreas was a construction worker who now lives with permanently damaged knees and has hard time walking. We provided crutches and a walker that now give him greater mobility. Andreas may be deaf, but he

I was sick and you looked after me. . . Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

can see the goodness of God through the love we show him. His daughter-in-law, the family’s sole caregiver, is very open to hearing about Jesus, the One who motivates us to extend acts of compassion, which have

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

been very precious to this family.”


//  Vera and Daniel, C&MA International Workers

Prayer Pray for the hospice teams, that God

This visible expression of God’s love extends to many

will use them as they show compassion

families in Serbia who are deeply touched by this

to those who are hurting. End-of-life

compassionate ministry.

care is a powerful witness for Jesus.

ORDER FORM Justice and Compassion are not just words

ORDER FORM YES! I want to share in the Ministries of alliance justice and compassion CHOOSE YOUR GIFT(S) BELOW GIFT/ITEM


CARIBBEAN SUN Caribbean Island Ministries—Leadership Development


Caribbean Island Ministries—Microeconomics


Inca Link—Prenatal and Infant Care


Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Hope for a Child’s Future


Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Buy a Calf


Sun Compassion Costa Rica—Build a Greenhouse


Sun Compassion Mexico Tarahumara Project Patarra Project Community Development Readiness

$50 $100 $75 $250

DESERT SAND Guinea Rescue Centre—Medical Care


Guinea Rescue Centre—Baby Formula


Impacting Niger—Improving Agricultural Outputs


Impacting Niger— Rebuilding Homes


Impacting Niger—A Brighter Future


Impacting Niger—Medications for Kids


Kids in Crisis—School Kit


Kids in Crisis—Feed a Child


Sandbox Medical—Patient Treatments


Sandbox Medical—Medical Instruments


Niger Vocational Training—Hot Lunch for One Month


Niger Vocational Training—Accessing Higher Education—Trades Skills Niger Vocational Training—Protecting and Training Young Women

$100 $75







SILK ROAD Human Rights and Emergency Fund—Assistance for Persecuted Christians


Rehab Centre and Recovery—Recovery Program


Terminally Ill Patients—Medical Care


ASIAN SPICE Beautiful Gate


Cup of Cold Water—Women’s Literacy and Health


Sustainable Rural Livelihood


Sustainable Village Health Care—Midwifery Kit


Sustainable Village Health Care—Village Health Care


Sustainable Village Health Care—Medicated Family-Sized Mosquito Net


The Dawn Project


Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured


Love Lives Here—Safe House and Skills School


Urban Gardens


Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach


Wonder Products Refugee Ministry


SEA TO SEA Refugee Fund


Defend Dignity—Tool Kits (no tax receipt issued)


Defend Dignity— Awareness and Advocacy


ALLIANCE JUSTICE AND COMPASSION Alliance Compassion—Where Most Needed  (gift of any amount)


Food Aid


Village Savings and Loans


Global Emergency Response Fund


Global Advance Fund  (gift of any amount) M Yes! I would like to make a contribution in support of our C&MA personnel who process and oversee the work of our ministries.


$ Please complete both sides of this form and return to the address on the reverse



The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada protects your personal information.

Option 1 Select the gifts from the projects outlined in this catalogue, then go to our website at, click “Purchase Items” and follow the simple steps on the donation page. If you are purchasing a gift in honour of someone, you may indicate this on the website.

Option 2 Cut or tear out this response form, fill it out and mail it in with your cheque made payable to The Christian and Missionary Alliance. (please print clearly) FIRST NAME








GIFT OPTION  I would like to purchase this gift in honour of:


Please send an acknowledgment card to the following address:

NAME (if different from above) ADDRESS APT/UNIT CIT Y/ TOWN

M  Cheque enclosed—payable to The Christian and Missionary Alliance 30 Carrier Drive  Suite 100 Toronto ON M9W 5T7 Questions? Contact donor services: (416) 674-7878  x234



Please note: For online donations, a tax receipt will be emailed immediately upon purchase. For mailed-in donations, an acknowledgment will be mailed initially and a tax receipt will be issued early in the following year.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada’s Financial Commitment: Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects. Each gift designated toward an approved special or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, funds will be used toward another project in this gift catalogue, then where needed most. Charitable Registration Number: 133063859 RR0001

Matthew 28:19, 20

Beautiful Gate The plight of disabled people so often goes unheeded in great distances for medical aid. Beautiful Gate Church

Beautiful Gate Ministry

acknowledges the difficulties faced by the poorest of the

Your gift of $50 or more will enable

poor, the disabled and the lepers, and it aims to come

Beautiful Gate Church to provide

alongside them with the love of Jesus. Workers at Beautiful

food and housing to villagers coming

Gate Church meet the practical needs of poor villagers by

to the city for medical care, and

providing food and housing in the church compound, and

to offer follow-up pastoral care,

seeing them through all their medical needs. Many of these

encouragement and support in

villagers come to church services held in the compound,

local villages.

the developing world. Villagers frequently have to travel

and some return to their villages as baptized believers. Beautiful Gate’s ministry continues to expand into outlying


areas. Pastoral teams are sent regularly to offer preaching, discipleship and baptisms in new churches.

Prayer Pray that many more will come to faith in Christ through the work of the Beautiful Gate ministry. Pray also for the spiritual growth of these new and developing churches. Finally, pray for the safety of the leaders who travel to houses and newly planted churches in remote areas.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.


Isaiah 30:18

Cup of Cold Water Illiteracy on this Asian Spice island causes many that are freely offered. Forty to 60 percent of

Women’s Literacy and Health

the women here are simply unable to fill out

Your gift of $100 will provide many

the government forms that entitle them and

with needed medical treatments,

their children to medical care. Of the few who

as well as funds for one woman to

can fill out their forms, many still suffer from

complete her literacy course.

people to needlessly go without medications

illness and preventable disease because of their poverty and distance from healthcare. Our Spice


team is offering literacy classes for women while

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

incorporating health clinics for their families.


Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Prayer Please pray that God will bless the women who attend the literacy classes as they learn to read and write. Pray also that they will understand the true source of their blessings as God’s love is expressed to them.

Galatians 2:10

Sustainable Rural Livelihood In one Asian Spice country, rural subsistence farmers but it is impossible for them to earn any income to

Sustainable Rural Livelihood

support additional needs—especially where inequality

Your gift of $75 enables one individual

between the urban privileged and the rural poor exists.

to earn the income they need to pay

may have small plots of land to grow their own food,

for clothing, basic healthcare and The Sustainable Rural Livelihood Project is providing families with a business structure for earning a living within their own villages while continuing to farm. Yarn

educational expenses.


and clothing accessories are made in their homes and then these products are brought to markets around the world. In addition to supplementing their income, this project has opened a door to build relationships in these rural communities and offered opportunities to share the Good News.

Prayer It is our prayer that by providing employment rather than simply giving handouts, women will be dignified as they work to provide for their families. Beyond simply putting food on the table, they will also be able to afford clothing, education and healthcare.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.


2 Corinthians 9:12

Sustainable Village Health Care Many tribes in Papua live too far from urban centres

Many women in this region have participated in

to receive important medical care. As a result, a high

prenatal education; some have become instructors

number of preventable deaths occur because of

and share this valuable knowledge with others.

malaria, complications in childbirth and malnutrition.

Some women have received midwifery skills that are helping to save lives. Our goal is that prenatal training,

Infant and child mortality rates are extremely

along with midwifery care, access to medication and

concerning in areas without access to medical care.

provision of mosquito nets will equip villages with the tools they need for self-governed, self-sustained, long-

It is not uncommon for women to bear 10 children,

term village healthcare.

and yet see only half of these children reach adulthood because of difficulties in childbirth, poor nutrition and lack of medical assistance. Donating to the Sustainable Village Health Care project will provide much needed prenatal education, training in midwifery techniques, access to medication and mosquito netting. Malaria is the number one killer in the lower-lying areas, especially of little children, yet these protective mosquito nets are not readily

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

available to people living in the interior.


Prayer Pray that God will work among these villages to raise up Christian leaders who will seek to bring holistic healing to their communities.

Midwifery kit $50 will provide training for a woman in midwifery techniques and the means to travel to remote villages to assist women in childbirth.

$50 Village Health Care Your $30 gift will allow nationals to be better equipped to help their own people through the purchase of medicine and other health resources.

Medicated Family-Sized Mosquito Net Your gift of $25 will provide a family with protection against malaria.


Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n



Luke 18:16

The Dawn Project The Dawn School, located in a Southeast Asian country, is providing values based on the fruit of the Spirit. Additionally, the school offers

The Dawn Project

extracurricular programs including English classes, dance, art and

Financially stable families in this

music—opportunities that most kids in this country would never

country can typically cover the costs

otherwise have.

associated with education, which

quality elementary education for local children with the addition of

provides for necessities like three The Dawn Project provides nutritious meals for the children and

uniforms, a book bag, notebooks and

hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste, while also

writing supplies. However, many of

maintaining teachers’ salaries and facility rental fees. Students

the less fortunate families cannot do

receive a health check-up every three months, while their parents are

likewise. Your donation will provide

also offered health and nutrition programs as a way to improve their

these items and serve to bless a child

child’s overall well-being.

whose family does not have the means to send them to school.

This school is having a positive influence in several surrounding communities since the children who attend come from all areas and


strata of the city. Your continued support of the Dawn School Project is very welcome to help the school meet educational, family and

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

community needs.


But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Prayer Pray that this school will continue to have a positive influence in the outreaching communities as the children come from various areas and strata of the city.

Deuteronomy 10:19

Urban Gardens In this Asian Spice country, urban gardens are and skills necessary for growing fresh fruits and

Urban Garden Project

vegetables in poor refugee neighbourhoods. In

$50 contributes towards the cost

building greenhouses and gardens, we are offering

of constructing and maintaining a

life skills that empower a refugee community to

growing project.

being developed as a way to provide the tools

provide nutritious food for themselves. It also offers us an amazing opportunity to organically

Construction costs for a greenhouse

deepen relationships and to further the reach of

is $600; establishing a small garden

the Gospel in this region.

costs $200.

“The greenhouses built last year are doing very well


and are providing church-planting pastors with an income! They are incredibly thankful for the opportunity, and enthusiastically spread the word that others are welcome to collaborate in new

And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.

Prayer Pray that these gardens flourish in order to continue providing nutrition and income for these impoverished communities.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

growing projects.”


Isaiah 1:17

Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured The Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured project seeks to bring healing and wholeness to young women who

Treasured Healing!

have been trapped in the sex trade. The counselling,

Your gift of $50 will contribute to the

skills training and employment opportunities offered

freedom of those trapped in the sex

to these women are vital to their healing as they

trade as they enter a healing program

reintegrate into society with dignity.

that offers new skills and knowledge, which will move them towards a hope-

The first indication of one girl’s change was in her demeanour—within the first week, she softened and had a peaceful look on her face. A girl who used to

filled future.


be expressionless and hard to read now smiled and became engaged. When she arrived, her birthdate was unknown to her. When asked to choose a date to celebrate, she chose April 20, Easter Sunday, to represent her new life in Christ. Now it is her desire to

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

share her newfound faith with her family and village.


Learn to do right; seek justice.Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Prayer Pray that the girls will experience Christ’s love, and that they will have the courage to leave the lifestyle that they are caught in.

Acts 2:28

Love Lives Here The Tricked, Trafficked, Treasured ministry to Asian Spice country has helped many escape from

Safe House and Skills School

a life of bondage. The C&MA National Women’s

Your contribution of $30 will support

Ministries 2014-2015 project will enable this

the building of the new training

ministry to expand by providing funds to build a

facility and safe house.

young women rescued from prostitution in an

skills training centre and safe house. By acquiring new skills in a caring environment, these young


women will be empowered to find employment that will change the course of their lives and restore dignity and wholeness.

"I love to live in this place; my life is so different here. This place has love. I see love around me. In this place I am so happy—I start to have joy. I see people care for me and help me when I need help. The safe house gives me hope that I have a future. It gives me new life and a new chance that I can go

“I believe God loves me. Why I believe that—


because I used to live in the suffering life, but

Pray that each young woman who

in this place my life is not the same. It is so

enters this caring place would see

comfortable; I have good food to eat that I never

that “love lives here” and encounter

had before. I never even thought my life could be

the One who provides, restores and

like this. It is like a dream.”  // J.

offers new life.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

back to school."  // B.


Luke 19:10

Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Ministry in Taiwan Migrant workers from Vietnam (the diaspora) have

hygiene care packages. Many choose to follow Jesus

been economically motivated to pursue jobs or

before returning to Vietnam.

marriages in Taiwan that promise to provide income for their families back home. Unfortunately, they

At the Taipei prison, feelings of failure, shame and guilt

are often caught up in systems of injustice and

weigh heavily on the minds of incarcerated foreigners.

exploitation, helplessly unable to provide for their

Visits from those who listen with compassion and offer

families. Attempting to escape these situations,

spiritual guidance can bring hope within these prison

hundreds often find themselves in Taiwanese

walls, and many inmates have experienced the grace

prisons or detention centres.

and love of God. We give thanks for those who now testify of their growing faith.

The Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Ministry has determined to care for the physical and spiritual

Vietnamese Gospel Centre

needs of these people. The influence of the gospel

In the heart of Taipei, the Vietnamese Gospel Centre

message is now reaching into North Vietnam as

welcomes many who are now seeking refuge and

many carry their newfound faith back home.

healing. This drop-in centre offers them a place

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

of safety where they find friendship, love and


Detention Centre Evangelism and Prison Ministry


There are at least four large Immigration Detention

This past year, we have celebrated what God is

Centres in Taiwan. Our team makes regular visits to

doing through the Gospel Centre —a group of new

these centres to share the Gospel and to distribute

Vietnamese believers have planted a new church

Prayer Pray for Vietnamese foreign workers and their families; pray that God will intervene in the lives of their oppressors. Pray for newly formed church groups in Taiwan.

under the Taiwan Alliance Church Union (TACU). The Gospel Centre is in the process of providing ongoing leadership and administrative training for this newly formed church.

Ministry to the Vietnamese Diaspora Your gift of $50 will offer both physical and spiritual care to exploited migrant workers and brides, restoring hope for their future.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n



Genesis 16:13

Wonder Products Refugee Ministry An Asian Spice region juice production venture a neighbouring country (who are otherwise

Wonder Products Refugee Ministry

unemployed). We are modelling and teaching

Your gift of $75 will contribute to

honest work ethics, which are highly valued and

expanding employment opportunities

necessary for integrating into the local society.

for refugee workers.

is making a difference by hiring refugees from

By providing work for these displaced people, we hope to instill dignity and a sense of belonging


Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

within the community.


She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”

Prayer Pray that through this ministry, God will reveal himself as El Roi, the God who sees them and provides for them.

Deuteronomy 10:19

Refugee Fund Refugee Sponsorship Refugee sponsorship, at its best, is a relational investment

Refugee Fund

in which sponsors work together to help displaced persons

A private sponsorship of refugees

resettle into a local Canadian community. The result of

involves a one-year financial

assisting one family can have an impact for years to come,

commitment that may be beyond the

not only on those who have been sponsored, but also the

reach of an Alliance group that wants

whole community and future generations.

to undertake a sponsorship. Your donation can help offset the financial

Alliance churches are often approached by complete

barrier for sponsoring groups who fall

strangers living within their neighbourhoods who are

short in their financial commitment.

desperately seeking sponsors to help bring their loved ones to Canada. By agreeing to become sponsors, Alliance groups


are not only able to help save the lives of a refugee family, but they soon discover Christ at work in their communities as deeper relationships are forged. The C&MA in Canada, as an officially recognized Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada, has the capacity to make a difference in the lives

And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners . . .

of many refugees through the Private Sponsorship of private sponsorship of refugees with the full support and guidance of the Justice and Compassion staff who are SAH representatives.

Prayer Pray for refugee families that are

For more information on becoming involved with refugee

currently being assisted by local

sponsorship, contact

Alliance churches to resettle in Canada.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Refugees program. Alliance churches can enter into the


Psalm 82:3, 4

Defend Dignity Sexual exploitation is on the rise in Canada due to the lucrative nature of human trafficking. Traffickers and pimps in our country make an average of $280,000 per year from each victim. Defend Dignity works to end sexual exploitation by challenging the demand for paid sex and by acting as a catalyst for individuals and churches to get involved in this human rights issue.

Awareness and Advocacy Your gift helps Defend Dignity raise awareness through events and training all across Canada. It also enables us to advocate with governments for law reform that would protect vulnerable people from exploitation.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n



Prayer Pray for people who are being trafficked or who are at risk of being trafficked. Pray for those who are engaged in the trafficking and the exploitation of others. Pray for our governments, law enforcement agencies and organizations working to combat trafficking.

Join the campaign to end modern-day slavery and defend the dignity of every woman and child. Together we can end prostitution in Canada.


The Defend Dignity Toolkit We’ve developed a toolkit for people who are excited to take the next step in helping to defend dignity. This kit contains resources that will fully equip you

Toolkits *

to become another voice advocating and educating

The Defend Dignity Toolkit is an

others to get involved.

excellent resource to help equip you with the tools needed to educate others and to engage in the issue of human

*The toolkit will be mailed to you upon your purchase order; tax receipts will not be issued for this item.


Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.



1 John 3:16-17

Alliance Compassion The Alliance Compassion Fund is used to support Justice and Compassion ministries in Canada and around the world that

Alliance Compassion

need immediate and one-time funding that is not already covered

Your gift will be used where it is

under other projects. We need funds for immediate use as needs

most needed.

are brought to our attention. Alliance Compassion responses are implemented, whenever possible, in partnership with local believers, a national church or a local Christian relief and development agency.

Your Gift of Any Amount $

Donations in the past have gone towards one-time gifts to ministries that cared for lepers in Thailand, new immigrant children in Toronto, orphans in Niger, the sick in Serbia and other

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

compassion needs.


This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

Prayer Our prayer is that as people experience loving compassion, they will be drawn to Jehovah Jireh—God provider—the One who meets every need!

Proverbs 22:9 (CEV)

Food Aid The United Nations reports that 870 million people—or one in eight—suffer from chronic hunger. The majority of hungry

Food Aid

people, 852 million, live in developing countries. It also states

Money designated to this fund will be

that hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and

transferred to our C&MA—Canadian

tuberculosis combined. This happens in a world that produces

Foodgrains Bank account where

enough food to feed our entire population. The World Hunger

it will be eligible to receive up to

Organization states the problem is that many people in the

a 4:1 match from the Canadian

world do not have sufficient land to grow food, money to buy

Government’s development fund to

food or access to food. When we become aware of needs, we are

enable us to offer food programming

called to respond. Through our partnership with the Canadian

throughout the world, either

Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), we are engaged in programming that

administered by our international

seeks to address hunger issues.

teams or other CFGB partners.


The Lord blesses everyone who freely gives food to the poor.

Prayer Please pray for the three agricultural and food assistance projects we are currently funding in Niger that are impacting over 15,000 beneficiaries.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n


Deuteronomy 15:7-8 (ESV)

Village Savings and Loans Village Savings and Loans is a community-based 15-25 people who generate their own fund by making weekly

Village Savings and Loans

financial contributions. This money is then used to make

Your donation will provide a start-

loans to one another. This method equips those in extreme

up kit and implementation training.

poverty with the knowledge and skills that will enable them

It will also contribute funds for

to work as a community to increase their earning ability

sustainable livelihood training.

microfinance method that is based on savings groups of

so they can provide for their daily needs, their children’s education and a system to save money in order to be


prepared for emergencies. Our priority is to train, equip and

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

resource nationals to administrate this program.


If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

Prayer Pray that God will bless communities who desire to support one another and provide for those in need living among them.

Isaiah 58:10

Global Emergency Response Fund The Canadian Alliance Family is committed to respond natural and human-made calamities such as earthquakes,

Global Emergency Response Fund

floods, droughts and war. The Global Emergency Response

Your donation to this account will

Fund is designated for disaster relief for the various stages of

enable the C&MA to respond with

immediate relief, rehabilitation, recovery and reconstruction.

relief aid for people who have been

with disaster relief assistance for situations caused by both

affected by disasters, both globally Our priority for implementing relief programming is to resource and partner with local believers, a national church (when possible) or a local, or international Christian relief

and domestically.


agency. The size of specific responses will be determined by availability of resources and the capacity of our Global Ministry team or selected partners to implement the projects. For current updates, visit:

Prayer Pray for those areas in which emergency response has been needed, that they would experience the love of God, and find spiritual peace and a restoration of hope as they rebuild their homes and communities.

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.


2 Corinthians 8:1-5

Global Advance Fund Your contributions to the projects outlined in this catalogue provide the funds for our International

Global Advance Fund

Workers to do these ministries. A separate fund

Your contribution to the GAF

called the Global Advance Fund (GAF) provides the

will provide the means for our

finances for their cost of living and administrative

International Workers to reside in the

expenses. Through this fund, the Alliance provides

country where they are administering

International Workers with fixed allowances so

the compassion ministries.

they can focus more on ministry and less on fundraising. This is very different from many mission organizations, in which workers are required to raise

Fa it h a nd H o p e in A c t io n

their own financial support.


Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people.

Your Gift of Any Amount $

Prayer Pray that people will generously support the Global Advance Fund so that we can provide for our current International Workers and those whom God wants to send next

Together, through compassion and care, and with your generosity, we are meeting needs, communicating love and seeing peoples’ lives transformed.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada 30 Carrier Drive  Suite 100 Toronto ON M9W 5T7 (416) 674-7878

Follow Alliance Justice and Compassion at @CMACompassion

Faith and Hope in Action


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