2016 Impact report: Funding research into treatments and a cure for Rett
to international research program at RSRT funding 11 labs (plus mecp2)
£50,000 to Dr Santosh’s team at the CIPPRD for TRIAL Database
for wearable technology
OF continuation funding for HealthTrackerIR infrastructure software for the TRIAL Database
We funded eleven labs
focused on delivering treatments and a cure for Rett
of funding was delivered to MECP2 Duplication projects
Total financial impact on research
In support of the 2017 implementation of UK clinical trials we: Gave evidence at Research Ethics Committee hearing
for the first ever UK clinical trial of a potential treatment for breathing irregularities in Rett Syndrome Committed an additional
for a designated Clinical Trials Coordinator to enable the successful implementation of this and other Rett trials at King’s College Hospital
For every £1 spent... 93p goes on charitable activities 6p is spent on raising income less than 1p is spent on running the charity and other costs In other news… Rhea Kara won young fundraiser of the year at the 2016 Pride of Britain Awards which was watched by over 5 million viewers
Read the full annual report here>> Fundraisers, donors, volunteers, this is your money and energy at work. Thank you!