Millersville University Spring Review

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M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y M A G A Z I N E â– 2012 SPRING


Randi Zuckerberg

Fulton cast Comes to Millersville

Cast members and the director of Lancaster’s Fulton Theatre production of Sunset Boulevard spent a day with Millersville students. It is part of an annual opportunity for theater professionals to share the challenges of their artistic careers with students.

contents table of


Spring 2012 Vol. 125

No. 3

The Review is published by Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and mailed free to Millersville alumni, faculty, staff and other friends of the University.

President Dr. Francine G. McNairy

Millersville Review Staff

Amy H. Dmitzak, Executive Editor Patricia Coulson, Editor Janet Kacskos, Campus News Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Steven A. DiGuiseppe ’82, Alumni News Kelly Davis ’95, Class Notes

Contributors Laura Knowles Madelyn Pennino Kelly Smedley ’93 Frost Imaging Linda Forte Creative

Millersville University’s First

Innovator-in-Residence Social media guru Randi Zuckerberg shares how ideas and innovation can change the world.


Peace Corps More than 100 Millersville University alumni have served in the Peace Corps. Here are some of their experiences.


Printed by Pemcor, Inc. Alumni Association Jerri Anne Johnson ’76, ’87M, president Lori Dierolf ’91, president-elect Stephen Focht ’70, treasurer Kristin Waters ’05, secretary Joseph Choi ’96 M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Carl Ernst ’60, Catherine Glass ’53, John Held ’02, Claire Eleanor Heller ’71, Michael Henry ’83, David Hernandez ’71, Amy Hoffman ’94, Cassandra Pettis Karamanos ’94, Patrick Leahy ’97, Richard M. Moriarty ’72, Scott Muenz ’06, Daniel Sidelnick ’75, Leigh Walter ’88, Patrick Witmer ’81, William Martin ’81, past-president.

Hollywood Stuntwoman Fans of movies starring Reese Witherspoon and devotees of TV’s “CSI” and HBO’s “True Blood” have probably seen stuntwoman Heidi Pascoe ’94 countless times.

PASSHE Board of Governors Guido M. Pichini (chairman), Marie Conley Lammando (vice chair), Aaron A. Walton (vice chair), Leonard B. Altieri III, Rep. Matthew E. Baker, Jennifer Branstetter, Governor Tom Corbett, Sarah C. Darling, Rep. Michael K. Hanna, Ronald G. Henry, Senator Vincent J. Hughes, Kenneth M. Jarin, Bonnie L. Keener, Jonathan B. Mack, Joseph F. McGinn, C.R. “Chuck” Pennoni, Senator Jeffrey E. Piccola, Harold C. Shields, Robert S. Taylor, Ronald J. Tomalis, Christine J. Toretti

Millersville University Council of Trustees Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chairman), Caroline M. Hoffer ’77 (secretary), James P. Argires, Gibson E. Armstrong, Julianne Dickson, Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M, Kevin F. Harley ’86, Shane P. McGrady (student), William B. McIlwaine, Brian A. Rider ’87, Gerald S. Robinson, John C. Cavanaugh, ex officio. Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Cover photo: Randi Zuckerberg, former Facebook executive, is a proud new mother and uses social media to keep in touch and share pictures of her son.

Review online Experience the digital edition of the Review. It includes all of the content of our printed magazine along with interactive features including videos.

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Campus News Campaign Update Retirees Faculty Spotlight Sports Alumni Interest Class Notes Why We Give

Table of Contents Spring 2012  3

Randi Zuckerberg

Innovator in

Residence by Laura Knowles


andi Zuckerberg is quick to point out that she graduated from Harvard in 2003 and that her sibling did not. The sibling she refers to is her brother, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook. When Randi Zuckerberg visited Millersville University on March 22 for the Innovator-in-Residence Program, it was apparent that a healthy dose of sibling rivalry contributed to the success of both Zuckerbergs.

These women are all innovators who have changed the world: Dr. Jane Hannigan, Randi Zuckerberg and Dr. Kay Vandergrift ’62.

4  Innovator-in-Residence Spring 2012

Zuckerberg states that anyone, anywhere has the potential to create value and start something that will have impact.

The subject was exactly what benefactors Dr. Kay Vandergrift ’62 and Dr. Jane Hannigan had in mind when they initiated the Innovator-inResidence Program, with the mission of providing opportunities for students and the extended Millersville University community to interact with entrepreneurial “out-of-the-box” thinkers. Zuckerberg was lured away from a promising career with New York City ad agency Ogilvy & Mather by her brother Mark. At the time, he was in California, preparing to launch his new Facebook enterprise, and he needed his older sis to put her creativity and marketing savvy to use. She turned him down at first, but he convinced her to visit the Facebook offices and find out more about the “big idea” that would give birth to the term social media. “I was amazed at the incredible energy,” recalled Zuckerberg, who then joined Facebook as its marketing director. Her former co-workers at the ad agency shook their heads in dismay. How could she throw away a promising career at one of the world’s top advertising firms for some harebrained idea like Facebook? As it turned out, the decision to join Facebook was one of the best decisions she ever made. What started out with 10 guys coding 24 hours a day for what was intended to be a college dating site quickly transformed into a mass communications tool that could reach millions of people and cover significant issues such as the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, earthquakes in Haiti and the Virginia Tech shootings.

Left: Zuckerberg and Dr. Thomas Boyle, chair of Millersville’s communication and theatre department, at the campus workshop. Right: A student chats with Hannigan prior to the presentation.

Many of today’s college students have been on Facebook for as long as they can remember. They were, after all, born into the global world of social media, where it is possible to have “friends” in places as far away as Japan, Sweden, New Zealand or Kenya. As part of the Innovator-in-Residence Program, Zuckerberg met with Millersville University communication students on campus. In the evening, she gave a presentation open to the community at Millersville University Lancaster’s Ware Center entitled “Mastering Social Media & Creating a Culture of Innovation.” During the campus workshop held at McComsey Hall’s Ford Atrium, Zuckerberg was ready to answer questions posed by Millersville students who have grown up in the pages of Facebook, sharing their likes and dislikes, and presenting themselves as “brands,” through pictures, words, videos​​and thoughts. In a Q & A session, one student asked about the potential for change that social media could impart. “There is a huge potential for change,” said Zuckerberg, adding that the impact of being able to influence and share news and information is more powerful than it has ever been for the general population. Suddenly, social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter give people the opportunity to voice their views on an international level in an instant. Social media gives people with disabilities the same opportunities to communicate and express their views. With one tweet or a Facebook post, it is possible to reach a number of people that could never have been imagined in the past. She discussed the importance of privacy on Facebook and Twitter, saying that consumers need assurance of safety in dealing with social media. She has campaigned against anonymity in social media, in the belief that allowing people to be anonymous enables those who use social media for bullying and spreading rumors. They need to be accountable for their comments. “Before the days of caller ID, people picked up the phone and didn’t know who was there,” said Zuckerberg. She believes that social media needs a form of caller ID so people know who the message is from and can validate what they see and hear in social media. One of the most compelling “lessons” that Zuckerberg had for Millersville University students was that anyone, anywhere has the potential to create value and start something that will have impact. “My brother and I started out in an ordinary middle-class family,” said Zuckerberg. “Ideas can come from anywhere and create value in this world.” She’s a big believer in the power of ideas and taking action to implement them. At Facebook, Zuckerberg led a unique team approach to problem-solving and coming up with groundbreaking ideas. They

held “Hackathons” in which employees could present their own personal “projects.” Sometimes the projects were playful and lighthearted; other times they were as important as helping to put an end to malaria in the world. Zuckerberg also went to bat to end anonymity on Facebook and protect users from bullying and harassment from unknown sources. During her six years as Facebook’s marketing director, her team led the company’s U.S. election and international politics strategy. Zuckerberg launched the live streaming industry with her media partnerships. In 2011, she was nominated for an Emmy Award for her innovative coverage of the 2010 midterm elections. Zuckerberg has also made her mark in more traditional media outlets such as TV, appearing on CNN, Good Morning America, the Today Show, Bloomberg, NDTV & World News and as a correspondent for the 2011 Golden Globes and the World Economic Forum in Davos. With 4,000 employees and 26 offices, Facebook had the resources to change the world. And it has. Zuckerberg has been a vital force in the changes that have made social media a powerful tool for reaching millions. She thinks it can do even more. Last year, Zuckerberg decided it was time to fulfill her own destiny and go out on her own as CEO of her own media company, R to Z Media, to launch an innovative media platform. At the same time, she was appointed to the United Nations Global Entrepreneurs Council and the World Economic Forum’s Global Council on Social Media. The decision to leave Facebook was partly inspired by other family members: her husband Brent Tworetzky, a product leader Innovator-in-Residence Spring 2012  5

at textbook rental company, and her young son Asher. When Zuckerberg was on maternity leave caring for her baby, she realized the huge thirst that new parents had for information about their children. The roots of R to Z Media began there, but also in the concept of helping businesses become more social and learn to use tools that will foster growth in the era of social media. “It was time to do things on my own, and not always be referred to as Randi Zuckerberg, Mark’s sister,” said

Above: Millersville Students were excited to participate in the program. Top, right: After her workshop, Zuckerberg talks with communication students Lauren Bollinger and Kara Weber.

6  Review Spring 2012

Zuckerberg, who admits that there are lots of things she wants to do on her own, such as have a talk show and sing in a Broadway show. As the older sister of the famed Facebook creator, Zuckerberg was ready to come out of his shadow. She is the big sister, after all, known for her energy, creativity and forward thinking. Zuckerberg stunned everyone when she decided to leave the company. Her resignation letter began with: “I have spent my years at Facebook pouring my heart and soul into innovating and pushing the media industry forward by introducing new concepts around live, social, participatory viewing that the media industry has since adopted. We have made incredible progress, but there is still much to be done and other ways I can effect change. Now is the perfect time for me to move outside of Facebook to build a company focused on the exciting trends under way in the media industry.” Social media is indeed a powerful tool. And as one of its innovators, she is ready to make her own mark, with her own company, in her own right. “Social media has changed everything,” said Zuckerberg. “We are never in a vacuum, and it changes by the minute, even as I speak.”

Last year, Zuckerberg decided it was time to fulfill her own destiny... as CEO of her own media company, R to Z Media.


Trends in Social Media: Zuckerberg’s Dozen At Millersville University’s first Innovator-in-Residence Program, Randi Zuckerberg lit up the stage at The Ware Center with her humor, energy, spirit and perception. “I am going to talk to you about some of the trends I am seeing in social media,” said Zuckerberg. “By the time I do, they might be outdated. It changes that quickly.” Those trends—a dozen in all—offer an intriguing glimpse into the new world that social media has created, where people and companies all over the world share information and ideas in seconds. A Sharing Economy. People want to live the good life, on borrowed time. A few examples are Rent-theRunway, where people can rent high fashion and accessories for the night and even Zip Car rentals. and Media Branding. Thanks to Facebook 2 Platforming and social media, we are now able to brand ourselves. “We are all branded and we control our own branding,” said Zuckerberg. We choose the photos, likes and dislikes, political views and other information that give us identities on Facebook. Sourcing. Funding for benefits, naming 3 Crowd products, choosing flavors for beverages and even producing a movie can be a group effort, with input and funds combining into one powerful source. First Websites. This relates to the only web 4 Mobile presence being on iPhones and smartphones. Diners can plan their experience with sites like Foodspotting, and it’s even possible to pay for your coffee at Starbucks with your smartphone.


“I am going to talk to you about some of the trends I am seeing in social media,” said Zuckerberg. “By the time I do, they might be outdated. It changes that quickly.”

People as Curators. Anyone can be an expert on food, art, music—and set up their own page about their passion—without actually being the creator of anything. and Health Communities. Participants share 6 Fitness information on losing weight, getting in shape and eating healthy. Lists. News feeds can be filtered to provide 7 Interest only the information you want to see; favorite book lists are shared on sites such as Amazon. for Brands. Companies use social media to 8 Timeline provide a richer experience for visitors to their pages. Advertising. Gaming sites provide new 9 Incentive incentives for gaming fans. Shopping. Gift packs put a variety of 10 Subscription related products into one convenient package. and Live Streaming. People want to see it live, 11 Video not just hear about it later. And they want video. of Everything. This trend makes 12 Game-ification everything a game, whether it’s working out at the gym or building a “fantasy” wardrobe of fashions you wish you had. It’s even an opportunity to make money for your-​ self or for charity. One trend has snoozers donating $1 to charity every time they hit the snooze button on their alarm.


Innovator-in-Residence Spring 2012  7

By Madelyn Pennino

For generations Millersville University students have traversed the globe in pursuit of knowledge as well as pleasure. Yet others travel for another reason: to serve as members of the Peace Corps. The University has bred scores of alumni, both young and older, who have spent years volunteering abroad—a call to duty that continues to shape their lives. Since 1961, Millersville University has had 122 alumni volunteer with the Peace Corps. Eighty-six-year-old Audrey Marschka ’63 didn’t join the Peace Corps until she turned 65. “We didn’t think we were doing anything special,” said Marschka, who traveled to Liberia in 1990 with her husband, David. During her four months in Liberia, Marschka, a retired nurse, traveled to different areas of the country to administer immunization shots to the poor and teach them about the importance of good nutrition. One aspect of the Liberian culture that Marschka came to admire was the importance of family and how it

played out in everyday life. Marschka said women would nurse each others’ babies, and single women would look after their neighbors’ families without being asked. “The people are so close,” Marschka, of Lancaster, said. “There’s a sense that all children are yours.” The same type of communal life is also part of the culture in Ghana, West Africa. Nathan Heston ’02 is currently in the Peace Corps and serving in Nkwatia, Ghana, where he teaches chemistry and physics at a boarding school. Heston said that children look out for the safety of one another and bask in the simple pleasures of play without expectation. “Some of the most beautiful experiences of my life have been playing with children who are full of curiosity and unbound by social restriction,” Heston said. For 50 years, 200,000 Peace Corps volunteers from the United States have served in 139 host countries to focus on a wide range of issues including education,

the environment, health, agriculture, business, and information technology. The program has had a presence on the Millersville campus for decades, and Heston is helping that to continue. Because he has been so affected by the Ghanaians, Heston is working so that other Millersville students can have the same experience. Heston is now partnering with the University to create a for-credit program in which three or four students will travel to Ghana to teach subjects in science and music during the school’s third trimester from May to July. While Heston’s experience in the Peace Corps has been primarily as a teacher, some volunteers find themselves digging wells or setting sail. For Brian Luprek ’88, his adventure took him to the deep sea off the coast of the Polynesian Island of Tuvalu in 1990. Luprek was placed in Tuvalu to go on deepwater excursions with local fishermen to catch red snapper and grouper, and create fishery management plans.

Below and next page, top right: Nathan Heston ’02 is currently serving in the Peace Corps in Nkwatia, Ghana.

Above, top to bottom: Audrey Marschka ’63 and husband David following their Peace Corps swearing in ceremony. Marschka takes in a beautiful morning at their living quarters in Klay, Liberia. Signs identify the health services office where Marschka, a nurse, was based. Marschka and her husband with friends and neighbors.

The management plans were designed to help local fishermen learn how to market and sell fish as a source of income. However, trips to sea weren’t always easy. “It’s hard to accomplish things when you don’t understand the culture,” Luprek said. “It’s hard to get the job at hand done.” But after spending two years there, Luprek learned the native language, the customs and found a real connection to the people of Tuvalu. He even met his wife, Fonga, there. The process of opening himself up to explore another culture now helps him in his job as park manager at Youghiogheny Lake in Confluence, Pa., where he works with many people from different nationalities. “The experience of trying to understand it has helped me better know my co-workers and strengthen our working relationship,” Luprek said. Having a desire to serve others is the main reason people volunteer for the Peace Corps. While this is true for Robert Smiles ’65, he also joined for another reason—to pay tribute to President John F. Kennedy. “He [JFK] had proposed it a few years before he died,” Smiles said. “I thought it would be a way to honor him.” Shortly after graduation, Smiles headed to Bucaramanga, Colombia, where he was a teacher

trainer and helped native teachers create multimedia curriculum. As part of the project, sponsored by USAID, televisions were being installed at about 30 schools throughout the city. Smiles, a retired English teacher and part-time college instructor, said it was a concept very new to students and teachers, many of whom didn’t have televisions in their own homes. “It was a huge deal and everyone was very excited,” said Smiles, who now resides in Rehoboth Beach, Del. “When you walk into a classroom in America, you see resources and colorful classrooms. Some of the classrooms [in Bucaramanga] didn’t have anything on the walls and didn’t have books.” Leo Shelley ’64 also witnessed how exciting education was to students in Liberia when he joined the Peace Corps after graduation. There he taught third- and fourth-graders in a one-room schoolhouse alongside several other teachers and their classes. While the school was crowded, Shelley said that students were extremely focused. “The thirst for knowledge exists everywhere, and these students understood that education will open doors for them,” said Shelley, a retired reference librarian at Ganser Library and former chairman of the library department. Shelley taught for three Peace Corps Spring 2012  9

months and then spent more than two years at a rural college library in Liberia. There, he organized more than 40,000 books shipped to the library and converted them to the U.S. Library of Congress Classification System. He then transferred the books to the school’s new library that was being built. Shelley said his time in Liberia made him better appreciate his own life. “It caused me to think about what type of life I live, what Americans have and the advantages we have compared to the majority of the rest of the world,” Shelley said. Volunteering in the Peace Corps also made Marschka take pause. While serving in Liberia, the country became mired in civil war. As fighting progressed in the spring of 1990, the

American embassy directed volunteers to return to the United States. “It had become so dangerous, but we didn’t want to leave,” Marschka said. “We had made so many friends and weren’t done with our job there yet.” Lynn Ross ’82 felt the same way after a two-year stint in the Peace Corps in Sri Lanka teaching adults to become English teachers in 1984. That’s why she worked in Peace Corps administrative offices for several years after her return in 1986. “By being in the Peace Corps, I learned how to be creative in solving problems and work hand in hand with those who we are trying to solve problems for,” Ross said. It also gave her a new perspective on how similar people are, no matter the cultural differences. “People are the same,” Ross, of Red Bank, N.J., said. “We all have the same desire to live a

Above: Peace Corps volunteer Brian Luprek ’88 served in the Polynesian island of Tuvalu and met his wife there. Almost twenty years later in 2009, he returned to the island with his family.

Above: Heston teaches chemistry and physics at a boarding school Nkwatia, Ghana. He is fond of the simple pleasures of the communal life and the playfulness of the children.

comfortable life and take care of our families. “We are all moving in the same direction.” Throughout his years working at Millersville University, Shelley has encouraged students to think about joining the Peace Corps and hopes future generations will take advantage of the invaluable experience. “[I’ve told them] you will learn a great deal and won’t be the same person after living in a different culture,” Shelley said. Heston certainly isn’t. “I hold a greater appreciation for the innovations that have improved the world, but I am also dismayed at the wasteful way that Americans consume resources,” Heston said. He’s also discovered something new about himself. “I’ve also learned that to get things done, you need to be persistent and take responsibility,” Heston said. “It’s easy to say, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’ But it’s much more rewarding to do it today.” While Peace Corps volunteers said they feel a sense of self-accomplishment, they are also proud of their country’s allegiance to the program. “The United States has a commitment to underdeveloped countries,” Smiles said. “We do this as a national policy. We’re teachers.”

Top: In Liberia in the mid-1960s, Leo Shelly ’64 (right) poses with fellow Peace Corps volunteer Ed McMillon and a Liberian friend. Above: Shelly is standing among some of his students. He taught elementary school and organized a library of more than 40,000 books.

Peace Corps Spring 2012  11

HOLLYWOOD stuntwoman Heidi Pascoe’s job has its ups & downs Be it diving off hundredfoot cliffs or getting smashed to the ground by a car, the 1994 Millersville graduate-turnedprofessional-stuntwoman enjoys every minute of her roller-coaster career.


by Kelly Smedley ’93

was a daredevil as a child,” said Pascoe, speaking from her home in Los Angeles. As a child growing up in Wilkes-Barre, she watched “The Fall Guy” on TV. Her dream was to be the fall girl. She said, “I loved to do adrenaline stuff.” A member of the swimming and diving team at Millersville, Pascoe got her start in stunts as a high diver at Lancaster’s Dutch Wonderland Amusement Park. After college she began working for a variety of stunt show venues, including Six Flags and SeaWorld. Pascoe admitted that her mother worries about her. “So I never tell her when I’m doing a big stunt. I wait till after I finish it before I tell her. “My dad passed away before I got into stunts, but knowing him, he would’ve totally approved of it and supported me. When I was still high diving, he always came to watch the shows and was very proud of what I was doing,” said Pascoe. Encouraged by her friends, Pascoe began entering cliff diving competitions. In 1996, she was the first woman to win the competition at Acapulco’s famous 148-foot cliff.

12  Hollywood Stuntwoman Spring 2012

Authors? Now that’s a different story. Two years later, a producer saw footage of her “When I met Clive Barker and Stephen King, award-winning dive. “That’s what got me my SAG [Screen Actors I almost fell over,” Pascoe laughed. Pascoe said she once had her own 15 minutes Guild] card,” Pascoe remembered. She said her broadcast communications degree from Mill- of fame when actress Kristin Chenoweth recogersville has come in handy when she edits her nized her in a dressing room. Pascoe recalled, demo reels. “Chenoweth said she remembered me as the Pascoe’s list of screen and television credits mermaid in ‘Pushing Daisies.’ I said ‘You recruns deeper than the most prolific actor, reason ognized me?’ It was my one true Hollywood being that there are only a handful of stunt- moment.” women preforming at her level. To keep in shape, Pascoe says she exercises “There are only about a dozen of us who have a lot and eats four or five small meals a day to won awards,” said Pascoe, keep her metabolism high. While referring to the Diamond staying fit is a priority, Pascoe said in the Raw Awards given she needs to be careful not to bulk to stunt artists. She was up too much. honored recently for “Best “Actresses are not that musHigh Work.” cular,” said Pascoe, a 5’2” beauty For the past five years, who does yoga and Pilates to keep Pascoe has worked reguher body stretched out. “Doularly with the HBO series bling stuntwomen have to be “True Blood” as the stunt nondescript.” double for the female lead, Pascoe said her first major injury Anna Paquin, who won an came last year while she was hangOscar for The Piano. ing in a ratchet 15 feet off the “We are like a family,” ground. said Pascoe. “It is the best “The contraption was supposed stunt ensemble. I don’t to be pulling me where I needed Heidi Pascoe take long-run movies right to go, but it kept over-rotating,” now because I am committed to ‘True Blood.’” explained Pascoe. “I got spiked on the ground Pascoe is one of the most sought-after stunt- like a football. You have to rely on a lot of people. women in Hollywood largely due to her rare Basically I’m a dope on a rope.” combination or fearlessness and experience. Pascoe said she hit the ground twice while She has been Reese Witherspoon’s stunt double hanging upside down. “I think I dislocated my since 2004. Pascoe said, “I’ve worked on six proj- shoulder on the first hit and popped it back ects with her—the latest being This Means War. in the second time I hit.” Pascoe sustained a The gigs I did were car stunts, stunt driving and concussion and shoulder injuries, but was back a bug-to-jeep transfer.” working soon after the accident. “A lot of times I am the one they bring in,” said “I’ve been in car crashes countless times, and Pascoe. “The more work the merrier.” it’s a 15-foot drop that gets me,” Pascoe noted. A few years ago, Pascoe got the opportunity “At least 60 percent of the time it is not due to to live out one of her childhood fantasies. our error. I’ve had friends who were burned “I have always wanted to be a mermaid,” Pas- when a pyro load exploded too soon.” coe admitted. “I would wrap myself up in a towel According to Pascoe, stunt doubles typically and pretend to be one.” have a shelf life of 10-15 years. Although she Pascoe got her wish, twice, when she doubled doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon, as a mermaid in both Pirates of the Caribbean Pascoe started training for her second career in and the short-lived TV show “Pushing Daisies.” show business as a set coordinator. “I had to go through six hours of makeup,” “I worked as a coordinator for the American said Pascoe, referring to her mermaid scene in Girl movie,” said Pascoe, who had to manage 50 “Pushing Daisies.” kids during a swimming pool scene. “You need While she has met countless actors in Hol- to find the right person for each shot…someone lywood, Pascoe seems immune to their star with the right hair and right measurements. It’s quality. harder than it seems.” “I see a lot of celebrities. Some are focused Pascoe is still amazed to be where she is on their lines, and some are super friendly,” today. “If you have a dream, you have to follow said Pascoe. “They are just normal people. I’ve it because you never know where it will go. I never been starstruck.” feel really blessed.”

To view Pascoe's stunt reel, click here. Hollywood Stuntwoman Spring 2012  13

Pascoe (left) is the stunt double for Anna Paquin, who stars in HBO’s hit series “True Blood. “

Pascoe’s dream of being a mermaid came true in “Pushing Daisies” and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Campus News

Kevin Harley ’86 delivered the winter commencement address.

Millersville president retiring Earlier this year, Dr. Francine G. McNairy announced she​ will be retiring as president of Millersville University. Her retirement will be effective January 30, 2013. In her email to the University community, McNairy wrote, “After nearly forty rewarding years of a professional career in public higher education, I have decided that it is now time for me to retire.” McNairy has served as president of the University since March 2003. Prior to this position, she served as Millersville’s provost and vice president for academic affairs for nine years. The announcement gives the University’s Council of Trustees and chancellor of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) the time to conduct a search for the next president of Millersville University. “In the meantime, I strongly believe that the transition period should not be a time of ‘running in place.’ Our planned transformation is appropriate for our needs, our community and this region,” wrote McNairy. “It is important to continue the University’s momentum in this endeavor, thereby assisting the new president in moving forward from a position of strength based on thoughtful deliberation.” She added, “I look forward to this, my last, year and our work together to fulfill the promise to our students for an educational opportunity that is second to none.” For more details about the national search process for McNairy’s successor, click on the link “Presidential Search” on the left side of the University’s main website page,

Governor’s Education Advisory Committee Gerald C. Eckert, vice president of advancement for Millersville University, was appointed to serve on the new Advisory Commission on

14  Campus News Spring 2012

Postsecondary Education established by Gov. Tom Corbett. The 30-member commission will study funding options for higher education and make recommendations on how to make it affordable to students and fair to taxpayers. The commission will submit its findings to Corbett by Nov. 15.

Winter Commencement On December 18, 2011, 469 students completed a milestone of their educational journey and joined the ranks of Millersville alumni as their families and friends looked on. Of the graduates, 99 earned cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude honors. Kevin F. Harley ’86 delivered the keynote speech. Harley, who was a political science major at Millersville, is director of communications and the press secretary to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett. In his speech, Harley emphasized the importance of improving one’s community a step at a time. To illustrate, he shared an experience from his military service. “Major Macdougal told us that you can’t change the whole Army. But you can make whatever part of it you’re in the best in the world. I don’t know if I improved the Army, but I do know the formula for improving the world: One piece at a time.” Harley urged students to aim high, and focus on achieving happiness through hard work. “That is how to attain a fullness of life,” he said.

Campaign Update

Freddie the Fossil Fish The Salvation Army is usually the recipient of gifts, but in an interesting twist of fate it became a benefactor to Millersville University. Brett Williams was sorting through anonymous donations to Carlisle’s Salvation Army thrift shop when he discovered a prehistoric fish fossil, which has been dubbed “Freddie the Fossil Fish.” “Once we started to research it and delve further into the history of the fossil, it made sense to us to donate it. As an organization that is so generously supported by the community, for us to be able to give back is great,” said Jeanne Troy ’78, director of development at the Salvation Army. Dr. Dominique Didier, associate professor of biology at Millersville and a trained ichthyologist, made the most immediate and enthusiastic case for how the fish would be used as a teaching tool, providing opportunities for student research.

Members of the Salvation Army of Carlisle (l to r): Major David Wetzel, Jeanne Troy ’78 and Brett Williams with the prehistoric fish fossil.

The fossil is approximately 165 million years old and originates from the Santana Fish Formation in Brazil. Thank you, Salvation Army!

Total Goal: $85 million; $81.5 million raised (as of 4/6/12)

By campaign priority—Dollars raised to date are expressed in millions, except for Health & Wellness.


Visual & Performing Arts Center


Student-Faculty Research


Community & Civic Engagement

Global Partnerships

Health & Wellness

Unrestricted gifts of $1.4 million are included in the total, but not represented in the eight priorities below.

$20.8 M

$20.7 M

$19.2 M

$8.1 M

$4.6 M

$4.2 M

$1.7 M


Campus News Spring 2012  15

Retirees Linda J. Fogg ’73 At Millersville 1994 to 2002: Adjunct professor of psychology Highlights since retiring: Traveled to 48 countries, all 50 states and all of Canada. Belongs to two book clubs, volunteers at hospice. Robert H. Fogg At Millersville 1969 to 1995: Communication and Theatre Highlights since retiring: Traveled to 48 countries, all 50 states and all of Canada. Belongs to two book clubs, volunteers at hospice. Donald W. Lovett At Millersville 1985 to 1999: Housekeeper Fondest Memories: Students’ attitudes and desire for matriculation. Highlights since retiring: Part-time bank teller, emergency substitute teacher, desk monitor at the F&M fitness center and great grandfather of four with one more on the way. Dr. Carol Y. Phillips At Millersville 1985 to 2008: Professor & Chair of Department of Nursing; Associate Provost; Executive Assistant to President Fondest Memories: Working with colleagues in nursing to achieve MSN program, national accreditation of BSN and MSN programs, establishing a Sigma Theta Tau International chapter on campus. Also, working with colleagues across campus in building an outstanding first-year program which

16  Retirees Spring 2012

What are they doing now? Paul Wighaman At Millersville 1976-1986: Professor of industry & technology Fondest Memories: There was a great sense of rapport with fellow staff members; those of us in the industry and technology department had a strong sense of camaraderie and enjoyed day-to-day interactions. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching students and was inspired by their enthusiasm. Highlights since retiring: I have been an active retiree. Since leaving Millersville I have built several additions on homes for loved ones, have continued to travel throughout the country, and just recently finished my book entitled An American Life. With the help of

has enjoyed a national reputation for excellence. Highlights since retiring: Traveled to the British Isles, Germany, Austria, Netherlands and throughout the U.S.; volunteered with the United Way of Lancaster County; joined the Hourglass Board and served on the Lancaster County Government Study Commission. James Robertson Jr. At Millersville 1972 to 2010: Maintenance repairman and electrician Fondest Memories: President of AFSCME, spending time with my co-workers. My contribution to making Millersville University a better place.

my daughter, Elizabeth Valle, I was able to capture the history of my life and am fortunate Millersville University was a part of it.

Gordon D. Rowe At Millersville 2000 to 2010: Secretary Fondest Memories: The close relationships I had with a number of the faculty and administration. Highlights since retiring: Rotator cuff surgery and subsequent physical therapy, spent nearly three weeks in Switzerland. Robert R. Sauders ’90 At Millersville 1972 to 2008: Associate vice president of information technology Fondest Memories: All memories from Millersville are fond ones. Highlights since retiring: Hempfield school board member, coaching youth baseball for Mountville and traveling.


Spotlight After more than 30 years in communication, Dr. Diane Umble knows one thing for certain. “Our world is changing faster than we can comprehend,” says Umble, interim dean of Millersville University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. She has also been a communication professor at Millersville since 1989. Umble can look back at her own youth, when no one had cell phones, college calls were made from the dorm’s hallway phone and the only way to make a phone call while traveling was from a phone booth. Today that has changed completely. “Our children are from a generation that has always been connected,” says Umble. In some ways that can be good. People get news the moment it happens from around the globe. They can stay close to friends and family regardless of distance. They can hear the latest music, see the newest films and be in touch at all times. “But there is a price,” she says, adding that always being connected means that it is nearly impossible to spend time immersed in nature, reflecting, creating and simply turning off the fast-paced world. Umble has done considerable research on the ways we choose to be connected in the world. In Lancaster County, she has been able to look at a unique group that tries to resist getting caught up in the ever-changing world. Her published work includes Holding the Line: The Telephone in Old Order

Dr. Diane Umble Communication & Theatre

Mennonite and Amish Life. “By not having telephones or driving cars, the Amish choose how they want to handle the level of communication. They purposely slow down the speed of communication,” says Umble. Umble continues to be intrigued with the way Americans communicate, and looks at the world through the ultraconnectivity of communication. “What is the sacrifice and what is the gain?” asks Umble, adding that receiving so much information from so many different directions forces people to develop skills for judging the accuracy and reliability of what they hear. When information is gathered so rapidly, there is little time to check facts. And in the rush to have it first, the wrong news can make it to the airwaves or social media sites before it is fully verified. “That means that we need to develop our critical abilities,” says Umble. “We

need to filter through all the news we are getting. And sometimes we need to turn it off to have a respite.” One thing Umble believes to be universal is the need for people to see, hear and touch their world. Seeing live theater, listening to music performances, watching dancers on stage, or looking closely at art and sculpture right before your eyes is still a vital part of the human experience. That’s why Umble is so thrilled about the new visual and performing arts center, which is set to open in fall 2012. She has seen the collaboration and teamwork that goes into planning a live stage performance and has also seen the excitement and inspiration that comes from experiencing a concert or an art exhibit up close and personally. “You can’t get that online; you have to be there,” says Umble. The new facility will enhance the music, theater and art departments, providing opportunities for students that were not available before. Students will be able to design and build sets on a professional level with the new scene shop. There will finally be a climate-controlled, secure gallery to showcase works of art. “It’s all very exciting and something that will benefit Millersville and our students tremendously,” says Umble. Her husband, Ron Umble, is a professor of mathematics. Their two adult children are both musicians and have benefitted from the closeness of communication, allowing them to form friendships and creative bonds with musicians all over the world. “It is possible to make and sustain connections that never would have been possible in the past,” she says. When she wants to escape the rapid-fire world of emails, texts and live feeds, she knits. “That’s my way of relaxing,” says Umble. Faculty Spotlight Spring 2012  17

Soccer 2012 Marauders

take program to new heights Prior to 2011, Millersville’s greatest soccer season also included perhaps its most heartbreaking moment. The 2008 team was 18-3 and was on the precipice of the NCAA semifinals, but with the score tied, Northern Kentucky advanced 5-4 on penalty kicks (PK), ending the Marauders’ season. Flash forward to Oct. 19, 2011. Millersville is mired in an up-and-down season. Its record is 7-4-1 and they’re staring a loss to nonconference foe District of Columbia square in the face. With just 1:33 left to play and the scored tied 2-2, Ethan Daubert, a member of what would become the most successful senior class in program history, drew another penalty kick (PK). Daubert, a four-time PSAC Scholar-Athlete, lined up his shot and beat the keeper for a 3-2 win. In retrospect, Daubert’s goal was a season changer.

“We had been through a bit of a tough time results wise, so that PK had a lot riding on it,” said Millersville head coach Steve Widdowson. “We needed to win that game, and to do it in that manner gave us a really big lift that we then rode out for the rest of the season.” Even after beating UDC, the Marauders lost two of its next four and were seemingly limping into the PSAC their tournament. But never bet against a battle-hardened, veteran team in the postseason. Seniors Daubert, Aaron Roland, Eric Pepper, Pat Baffuto and John Claffey reached the NCAA tournament twice and PSAC tournament three times. “Our mind-set was that we had to learn from our difficulties and turn those tough results into positives for the future,” said Widdowson. “We decided that we needed to work harder and improve on a few things, but most importantly we had to keep believing in ourselves. We kept focusing on the long-term understanding that if we did learn lessons and work harder, then everything would come out right in the end, and that proved to be true.” Jump ahead exactly one month to Nov. 19. Millersville has won five consecutive postseason games, storming to 18  Sports Spring 2012

the first PSAC championship in program history with a 1-0 win over Bloomsburg and then defeating Mercyhurst and California (Pa.) at Chryst Field at Biemesderfer Stadium to clinch its second NCAA Atlantic Regional title in four seasons. The Marauders are tied 0-0 with Rockhurst and it’s time for penalty kicks. The senior class provides an answer once again. Pepper and Claffey score two in a row. In the seventh round of PKs, freshman goalkeeper Brad Benzing, who has not allowed a single goal in six consecutive postseason games, dives to his left on a shot from John Merlo and makes the save. Millersville advances—further than any team in the previous 51 seasons. Finally, triumph in PKs. For the seniors who were freshmen in 2008, the demons are exorcised. The Marauders’ season eventually came to an end against NCAA champion Fort Lewis, yet only two words can describe the 2011 team and the season: the best. “With absolutely zero disrespect to any other team or player in the past, [this team] has to be described as the best ever,” said Widdowson. “They have increased the standards within the program and achieved things that have never been done before. It was a very complete team and very unified team, and that team mentality was a massive factor in our success.” For Widdowson, a two-time Atlantic Region and PSAC Coach of the Year, his greatest achievement gives way to his greatest challenge: how to sustain the success and continue competing on a national level and relying heavily on homegrown talent? “It’s very simple, hard work,” said Widdowson. “We all know what our restrictions are, but I never look at them as negatives. I just look at them as challenges, and it just means I have to work harder. Having said that, it’s not just about hard work, it’s also about smart work. I am constantly looking at how I can improve our program, and that’s not just in soccer. It’s also looking for ways to improve in recruiting, player development, personal development and academic development. We never stand still and we are never scared to make changes. I love what I do, and I love being at Millersville.”

W O M E N ’ S c o a c h

Mia Gambino Hall


ia Gambino Hall ’07, ’09M was the portrait of a successful student-athlete at Millersville. She was an All-PSAC First Team selection twice for the Marauders and graduated cum laude. After graduation, she raced through the coaching ranks at Shippensburg University and now finds herself in the position she always wanted: head coach of the Millersville women’s lacrosse program. She replaced Barbara Waltman ’73, who coached here for 33 years.

What went through your mind when you saw Coach Barb Waltman was retiring? Mia Hall: I always had a vision that this was my dream job —running a program at Milllersville. That’s why I pursued coaching. When I heard Barb was retiring, I had been at Shippensburg for two years. I really thought I was going to be at Ship longer and establish myself as a coach. But coaching at Millersville was my dream. I decided to put my name in and hoped that they liked my experience at Ship and that I would be a good fit here. What made you want to be a coach? MH: My high school coach at Pottsgrove (Kyra Ebert) went to the College of New Jersey and was a four-time national champion. I picked up the sport my freshman year. I was a basketball player before then. She, by far, changed my life. Some of the things she did then, I still do and model after her today. I always thought I would be a coach. There’s just something about being able to coach and help young women. The college career in women’s lacrosse is all they get. Those years should be the most special and most impactful. What did you learn in two years at Shippensburg? MH: As a young coach, I didn’t want people to think I was buddy-buddy with the players or that I would let them do whatever they wanted. People would look at the team and ask, “Who’s your coach?,” and I would have to tell them it was me. So No. 1 was setting the ground rule that it was my program and this is how I wanted it run. Throughout those two years, I had to tweak that for sure with the personnel and players I had. You can’t always be tough. Another challenge was learning how to be a mom for the players. For many of them it’s the first time being away from home, or family issues arise and you have to step outside of being a coach and be the support system. Their family could be 600 miles away.

What’s something you learned from Coach Waltman that you carry into this position? MH: Compassion for studentathletes and everyone you work with. To always be there and be someone people can go to for help. Coach Waltman will give you the shirt off her back. That was one quality I took from her. She also gives back to the community, something I want to continue. With the tournament [we ran], we raised money for people who need it around Thanksgiving time. We are going to do stuff like that all the time. It’s about getting the kids out there and realizing that you don’t just live in this little bubble in Millersville; you give back to the community that supports you. How do you balance trying to maintain tradition but still running the program your way? MH: Right from the very beginning, it didn’t really feel like it was still [Waltman’s] job. This is my dream job. From day one, I’ve stated my vision and my plans. There is a legacy to continue. Being a former player, I’m thrilled that I’m here now. It means a lot to me because this was my program as a player. The girls on the team now—except the freshmen— all relate because we all played for her. We all exude what she did for 33 years, and we want that to continue. What are your expectations this year? MH: We are working a lot on fundamentals right now, getting our stick skills up, and also working on new tactical items. We are going back to square one, and I’m teaching a lot of these girls the game of lacrosse, the college game today, the way it has progressed. Every year, women’s lacrosse is changing both in rules and strategy. Where do you see the talent level now, and where can you take it? MH: There is something special going on right now. I can’t describe it to you, but I am very fortunate to have a team that will run through a brick wall for me. Their attitudes are phenomenal, and have been from day one. They will work 24 hours a day for me. You can’t teach that as a coach. I’m not going to say we will win the PSAC overnight, but I would say in the next four years we’ll be a top program if that attitude continues. You met your husband (Wyatt Hall), a track athlete, at Millersville. Your ties to Millersville run deep. MH: The University is very special to both of us. It completely changed our lives. This is where we met. Those core values, what Millersville athletics is about, we both share that. It has a special place in both of our hearts. Sports Spring 2012  19



Smith ends career atop rankings Wrestler Shane Smith completed his Millersville career in 2012 with 89 career victories, which ranks 10th all-time. Wrestling the majority of his career at 174 pounds, Smith set the school record for pins with 53. He was also a two-time NCAA Championships qualifier and the 2010 PSAC runner-up.

McBride wins PSAC James McBride became the first male Marauder to win an individual event at the PSAC Indoor Championships since 2004 when he raced to a first-place finish in the 5,000-meter run on Feb. 25. McBride’s time of 14:45.66 was five seconds faster than the runner-up. He also placed third in the 3,000-meter run to become the first athlete since Dan Ober in 2004 to be All-PSAC in two events at the same championships.

Obade becomes center of attention Junior center Elijah Obade had one of the top seasons in recent Millersville history by averaging 9.8 rebounds and 2.2 blocked shots per game. Obade led all of the PSAC in rebounding and blocks. He was the first Marauder to lead the league in blocks since 1996, and his rebounding average was the best by a Marauder since 1988.

20  Sports Spring 2012

All-American Anderson enters rare company Elicia Anderson qualified in the 5,000-meter run for the NCAA Indoor Championships for the second year in a row. Anderson, now a four-time NCAA championship qualifier in three sports, was also All-PSAC in both the 5,000- and 3,000-meter runs at the 2012 PSAC Indoor championships. She placed second in the 5,000 and third in the 3,000. At the NCAA championships, Anderson placed sixth to become just the second runner in school history to be an All-American in cross country, indoor track and outdoor track.

Field Hockey rookie of the year Not only was Rachel Dickinson selected as the top freshman in the PSAC East, she was recognized as the best freshman in Division II during the field hockey season. named Dickinson as the Rookie of the Year following a season in which she scored four goals and played outstanding defense.

Newman and Fleig hit milestones

Bernhardt sets new records

On Feb. 1, junior Mashira Newman became just the 18th player in women’s basketball history to score 1,000 career points. Newman finished the 2011-12 season with 1,082 points, which now ranks 14th all-time. Along with teammate Aurielle Mosley, Newman was named All-PSAC East First Team. It was the second time in as many years that the teammates have been named All-PSAC East. Mosley ranked fifth in Division II in doubledoubles and led Millersville in scoring, rebounding and blocked shots.

Junior swimmer Sarah Bernhardt earned All-PSAC honors with top-eight finishes in the 50-yard freestyle and the 100-yard butterfly at the 2012 PSAC Championships. Bernhardt’s top finish was third in the 100 fly. During the course of the season, she set school records in the 50-, 100- and 200-yard freestyle as well as the 100 fly, and helped set school records in four relay events.

A season after winning the 500th game of her career, women’s basketball coach Mary Fleig won her 400th game as the coach at Millersville. Fleig, the winningest coach in program history, has led the Marauders to 16 consecutive PSAC tournaments and 21 straight winning seasons.

Consolidating athletics program In February, Millersville University announced a reduction of three varsity intercollegiate athletic sports in order to strengthen existing teams’ competitive opportunities and ensure a sustainable financial future for the athletics department, according to Dr. Aminta Hawkins Breaux, Vice President of Student Affairs, who oversees the intercollegiate athletics program. “This decision was made after careful deliberation when trying to concentrate diminishing budget dollars,” she said. “The University cannot sustain 22 intercollegiate teams and be responsive to growing needs that affect all student-athletes.” The discontinued sports include men’s indoor and outdoor track and field and men’s cross country. Millersville, which fielded the second-highest number of teams in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC), will move from 22 to 19 teams. During the past few years Millersville University reduced its budget by $15.5

million by eliminating or freezing more than 124 faculty and staff positions, reducing repair and renovation budgets by 50 percent, and cutting the instructional equipment budget. Governor Corbett’s budget for 2012-13 proposes an additional 20 percent decrease in funding to Pennsylvania state universities. The University will realize approximately $200,000 in savings. This will bring funding per sport in line with other PSAC and NCAA Division II athletic programs. Millersville athletics has already taken steps to reduce its operating budget by more than $100,000 over the last two years. Steps include freezing positions, eliminating overnight travel and reducing preseason meals. The decision takes into consideration recommendations made in a 2006 study by the University’s Blue Ribbon Task Force, the 2010 study completed by Oliver & Lindemenn, a nationwide athletic consulting firm, and an internal assessment conducted by the Department of Athletics in the spring of 2011.

The consolidation will result in the elimination of one full-time head coaching position. Coach Andy Young will be retained as the head coach of the women’s cross country and track and field teams. He had served as the men and women’s cross country head coach and the director of the track and field programs. In addition to financial impact, the decision also factored each sport’s history of competitive success, moving closer to compliance with Title IX and the principles of gender equity, as well as improving Millersville athletics’ competitive standing. Current team members who want to transfer are being helped by the athletics department, and those with scholarships who remain at Millersville will continue to receive their athletic scholarships for a period equal to their remaining eligibility. Students are also being encouraged to establish a club team as part of the University’s Campus Recreation program. Sports Spring 2012  21

Alumni Interest

UPCOMING EVENTS Presidential Farewell

PASSHE Travel Travel with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Alumni and Friends Travel program. A new travel partner, Grand Circle Travel, is planning the April 2013 river tour. All other trips are being arranged by Cruisin’ Inc./Main Line Vacations. For additional details and reservations, contact Christie or Craig at 800-506-7447, or visit Pricing shown is per person, based on double occupancy.

The schedule for 2013 includes: Southeast Asia Land & Cruise—Jan. 21-Feb. 11, 2013: 21-days including Bali, Bangkok, Singapore and Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Cruising Burgundy & Provence to the Cote d’Azur—April 29, 2013: 13-day river cruise-tour aboard a private Grand Circle river ship exclusively for American travelers. For more information, call 800-866-3275, option 1. Germany—July 2013: Land trip including three days in Marburg to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Philipps-Universität Marburg Study Abroad Program. San Francisco and Wine Country Delights—August 16-23, 2013. Mosaic Masterpiece—Sept. 19-Oct. 1, 2013: Oceania Cruises and ports of call include Spain; Gibraltar, United Kingdom; Morocco; Portugal. South Africa—November 3-15, 2013: Land tour including Cape Town, Johannesborg, Victoria Falls and more.

Please join President McNairy at an alumni event prior to her retirement in 2013. Austin, Texas - Tuesday, May 22, 6-8 p.m. Home of Peggy (Hess) ’73 and Andy Greenawalt ’73 Cocktail reception - $20 per person Lancaster - Wednesday, June 20, 7-9 p.m. Meadia Heights Golf Club Cocktail reception - $20 per person Please visit our alumni website for additional details and reservations.

Alumni Association Family Program Turkey Hill Experience (Columbia, Pa.) June 12 at 10 a.m. Family program adult price is $10; 62+, $8; ages 5-7, $7; 4 and under, free.


High Tea Millersville alumni and their friends and family met at Sugarplums & Tea, a local shop in Lancaster County, for high tea service on a Saturday afternoon in February. Guests enjoyed scones and a selection of sweet and savory items, and lots of great conversation. The event sold out quickly, and another tea will be planned in the future. Check for information on upcoming events.

22  Alumni Interest Spring 2012

Mini Marburg Reunion In October 2011, alumni from the 1971-72 group met in Marburg, Germany. According to Terry Long ’73, “It was a wonderful time together after 40 years. Everyone is hoping to attend the program reunion in 2013 since that is also the 40-year anniversary of our class graduation from Millersville.” From left to right are Barb Fonnes (Allegheny ’73), Terry Long ’73, Barb (Taylor) Schubert ’73, Ellen Herman (F&M ’73), John Snyder ’73 and Wolfgang Binder (Marburg ’75), who was a friend of the group. Note the PASSHE trip planned for July 2013 and more Marburg alumni and reunion plans on page 25.

PSECU: New MUAA Credit Card Partner Millersville University Alumni Association (MUAA) has selected the Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union (PSECU) to offer MU/PSECU Visa® credit cards to its 59,000 alumni members. This endorsement replaces a seven-year relationship with U.S. Bank. According to Stephen Focht ’70, MUAA treasurer, the new partnership represents an ideal alignment of the interests of the alumni association and the credit union. Both organizaPSECU President Greg Smith and MUAA Presitions are nonprofits founded dent Jerri Anne Johnson hold an extra-large verspecifically to serve their sion of the new PSECU/MUAA credit card, which members’ needs. will benefit Millersville’s alumni association. All Millersville University alumni—regardless of where they reside—are eligible to be members of PSECU. PSECU has served the Millersville family for several decades and has been a generous sponsor of important events and activities such as Homecoming and Senior Send-off. As a nonprofit, member-owned and federally insured financial institution, PSECU provides credit cards and a full array of convenient, electronically delivered services at no or low cost. Headquartered in Harrisburg, PSECU has more than $3.5 billion in assets and 380,000 members. It is important to note that a portion of the proceeds from this credit card program helps support the mission of the association and the University through research grants, scholarships, construction projects, and alumni and student events. PSECU’s Visa operates in full compliance with recent state and federal credit card marketing legislation. Help support your alma mater. Choose the new Millersville University Alumni Association/PSECU Visa credit card! Cards will be available in the late spring. For information about rates, fees, other costs and benefits associated with the use of PSECU’s credit card, visit

Class reunions planned for fall 2012 Mark your calendars now for Homecoming Weekend 2012, October 12-13, as Millersville University welcomes the Classes of 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1992 and 1997 back to campus. Additionally, an “I Love the ’80s” Decade Reunion will be held on Oct. 13 featuring the classes of 1982 and 1987. If you would like to help plan your reunion, contact Lorie Mahoney in the Alumni Services Office at 800-681-1855 or email Start making your plans now to get back to Millersville and reconnect with friends.

October 12-13, 2012

Featured events include: • Visual & Performing Arts Center Grand Opening • Alumni & Friends Golf Outing • Class Reunions: 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1992, 1997 and “I Love the ’80s” Decade Reunion (featuring the classes of 1982 & 1987) • 18th Annual Athletic Hall of Fame Induction • Millersville Community Parade • Fall Fest with food vendors, a Greek Reunion, trivia, children’s activities and more • Author, Author (a special booksigning event for alumni, retirees and faculty/staff) • Volleyball Reunion • Schools of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Science and Mathematics Gatherings • Marauder Football vs. Cheyney • Marauder Volleyball vs. Lock Haven and East Stroudsburg • Movies and more…. A special calendar of Homecoming weekend events will be mailed around September 1, or visit the alumni website at


For event information:

Call Millersville University’s Alumni Services Office at 800-681-1855 or 717-872-3352, or email

To register for an event online: Click on Event Calendar; locate the event and click Register.

Alumni Interest Spring 2012  23

Millersville Alumni

in F lorida!

Venice - February 17

Above: (L-R) Seated: Peggy Stark ’65, Marilyn Manning ’73, Carole Sherr ’62, Stanley Wills ’58, Marjorie Trout, Janet Keiser ’52, Roy Keiser ’53 Standing: Duwayne Litz ’66, Cy Fritz, Mary Fritz ’73, Francis Schodowski, Joan Evans ’62, Barbara Lashley ’70, Richard Sherr ’56, Bill Lashley, Ann Wikoff ’60, Aminta Breaux, Kathy Sherr, Carol Ann Beyer, James Wikoff, Carole Wills, Dick Trout, Fern Martin, Elton Martin ’58.

The Villages - February 18

Above: (L-R) Francis Schodowski, Joseph Abromaitis, William Brown ’71, Robert Jones ’69, Elizabeth Abromaitis, Judy Brown, Donna McCollum, Tim McTaggart ’70, Jim McCollum, Denis Foley, Anne Mallery, Julianne Dickson, Patricia Foley, Agnes Hacker, Cynthia Eckman ’99, Ray Hacker, Mitzi Buechele, Evelyn Duncan ’90, Mike Buechele, Joan Krick ’57, Thomas Krick ’57, Aminta Breaux.

Clockwise, starting above: William ’71 and Judy Brown at The Villages; Mary Fritz ’73 and Marilyn Manning ’73 in Venice; George Stine and Steve Sieger ’88 in Naples and Michael Gildar ’80 in Venice.

24  Alumni Interest Spring 2012

Naples - February 16

Above: (L-R) Francis Schodowski, Helen Stine ’64, George Stine, Aminta Breaux, Joan McCaskey ’65, Judith Fowski, Bill Lashley, June Duncan ’54, Lee Duncan, Barbara Lashley ’70, Jean Tobias, Fred Tobias ’65, Steve Sieger ’88.

class notes • 1950s

Class Reunions for 1952 & 1957 scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 12-13, 2012 • Dale L. Schaeberle ’55, Hanover, received the 2011 McDaniel College’s Joseph R. Bailer Award, presented each year to a master’s degree recipient who has made a significant contribution to the field of education. He retired as superintendent of South Western School District in York County.

• 1960s Class Reunions for 1962 & 1967 scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 12-13, 2012

• 1970s Class Reunions for 1972 & 1977 scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 12-13, 2012 • Ernest Schreiber ’70, Lancaster, retired in July 2011 after 40 years as a journalist. He served as editor of the Lancaster New Era and LancasterOnline, where he worked for the past 37 years. In October, he received the Benjamin Franklin Award for Excellence from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association for his contributions to passage of an open records law in Pa. • Thomas R. Hassler ’71, Lancaster, retired after 32 years

in logistics management with the Department of Defense, the last 17 years with naval ammunition at NSA, supporting training and combat operations for the Navy, Marine air wings and special forces. • Christian C. Heine ’72, ’76M, Marlton, N.J., retired from Bensalem Township School District in 2011 after 38 years. • Edward Lauginiger ’72, Marcus Hook, retired from teaching in June 2011 from Academy Park High School/Sharon Hill High School after 39 years of service, where he taught biology, paleontology and physical science, and coached track and girls’ basketball. He has published numerous articles on paleontology and fossil collecting. • Carroll J. Staub ’72, ’90M, Millersville, retired as the high school principal for the Lampeter-Strasburg School District in June 2011 after 39 years in education. He continues to volunteer at Millersville University with the Chalkboard to Classroom program for senior education majors.

Memories from Old Main North These longtime Millersville friends met at Millersville (then MSC) as freshmen in September 1961, when they were residents of the small Music Hall ground floor dorm wing of Old Main North. Maintaining their friendship ever since, they are now all retired and enjoy meeting for lunch every other month to reminisce about MSC days and more recent events. Seated are (L to R) Linda (Young) Lindenberg ’65, Janet (Ankrum) Simon ’65, Carol (Anderson) Snyder ’64. Standing are Fredi (Large) Cannon ’75 and Grace (Gallagher) Whealan ’65. Thanks to Janet (Ankrum) Simon, former Snapper sports editor, for this submission.

Marburg reunion • Eric L. Wolf ’73, Reading, was appointed to a three-year commission as assistant superintendent of the Governor Mifflin School District in Shillington. His wife, Shirlee (Degler) ’73, holds the Bible as Judge Jeffrey Schmehl conducts the ceremony.

In 2013, Millersville University will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Junior Year in Marburg program and will host a reunion for alumni who studied in Germany. There was a mini Marburg reunion in Germany last fall, and a special PASSHE trip is planned in July 2013 (see page 22). Among the alumni working on the reunion are (l-r) Grace Whealan ’65, Bill Aust ’65 and Immogene Smedberg ’65. For more information, email Alice McMurry at

Class Notes Spring 2012  25

• Craig Miller ’74, Ephrata, retired from the Reading School District after a 37-year career as a teacher and coach. He was inducted into the Northeast Middle School Hall of Fame. • Florence (Ceperich) Piccolo ’74, Fairfax Station, Va., retired after 30 years of teaching Spanish and ESOL in Prince William County. She continues to teach part-time for Northern Va. Community College and supervises student teachers for George Mason University. • Nina L. Brown ’75, ’91M, Lititz, serves as a regional consultant for Scholastic Achievement Partners. • Edward Gibbs ’75, Virginia Beach, Va., was named Three Oaks Elementary School’s Teacher of the Year for 2012. He has been employed with

Happy Birthday to all This group of alumni, from various years, gathered in Ocean City, N.J., in June to celebrate a number of 60th birthdays. The group admits that “a wide assortment of college stories were told, most true, all embellished. It's hard to believe we did all those things, got away with them and went on to live fairly normal lives.” From left to right: Pam Manelius ’78, Carl Manelius ’72, Al Sabol, Sheila Sabol, Lee Jennings, Charlene (Smith) Jennings, Lanny Morgnanesi ’73, Mary Ann Sheridan ’77, Ann (Sheridan) Martin ’74, John C. Martin ’73, Penny (Meyer) Dusak ’73 and Richard Dusak ’73. the Virginia Beach City Public Schools since 1977. • Daniel B. Wilson ’75, Elkins Park, retired after 36 years of teaching Spanish and ESL in the Philadelphia School District. • Nancy S. Zimmerman ’75, New Providence, graduated from Penn State Harrisburg with her doctorate in education. She

teaches Spanish and teaching methods at Kutztown University. • John J. Adiletto Jr. ’77, Collegeville, was inducted into the Montgomery County Community College Alumni Hall of Fame in 2011. He served as the principal of Upper Merion Area Middle School for 16 years and was named Middle Level

Principal of the Year by the Pa. Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals. • David W. Thomas ’77, White Hall, Md., retired as principal from Harford County Schools in December 2009. He is presently the director of York County School of Technology in York, Pa.

Friendships formed at the University Apartments

Riding for a good cause Marilyn (Gazzillo) Hansen ’79, who works for Princeton University, and her husband Les Hansen participated in a motorcycle charity ride, which raised $10,000 for the Red Cross at New Jersey’s McGuire/Fort Dix Air Force Base. Fort Dix is a major military base, which transports troops and supplies to Afghanistan and Iraq.

26  Class Notes Spring 2012

This group of Millersville alumni met one another while living in University Apartments in the 1970s. The group includes a member of the Dolphin Club, players from the men’s golf team, and avid Marauder basketball fans. After graduation, their lives took some of them overseas for a time and scattered them across the Mid-Atlantic. However, they have all ended up in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and now get together at least once a year at Robert Miley’s Philadelphia-area home. Left to right are Richard Fulmer ’71, Al DiGiovanni, Tom “Sparrow” Renninger ’72 and Robert Miley ’72. Front row: JoAnne (DiPasqua) “Mouse” Barton ’70.

Saving the Strings A

s a child, Trish Doll ’82 learned two valuable lessons—the importance of the arts and that practice leads to perfection. “Playing the violin gave me the discipline to be persistent and move beyond failure,” said Doll, the owner of Publicity Works, a full-service public relations agency based in northeastern Lancaster County. “It is part of who I am and had a tremendous influence on my career path.” Doll, who has family members who were members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, began playing the violin at age five. She views the instrument as both an extension of her brand and a way to give back to her community. “Music is so powerful,” said Doll. “I think the magnitude of the arts in general is often underrepresented.” Since founding her company 21 years ago, Doll has received numerous accolades for both her entrepreneurial spirit and her commitment to the arts. Her most recent award came from the Business Committee for the Arts

(a division of Americans for the Arts), who named Publicity Works one of the 10 Best Companies Supporting the Arts. Doll shared the honor with household names such as Macy’s, 3M and Walt Disney World Resorts. “It was so gratifying for me to be part of this award,” Doll said. “I was truly humbled to share the honor with these big corporations.” A program started by Doll in 2009 caught the attention of the committee. The grassroots movement, known as Save Our Strings (SOS), was sparked by a single letter brought home from school by her daughter. “The letter said the school district was planning to cut the strings program,” Doll recalled. “I was appalled. I knew I had to stop it.” Doll, whose son also plays a string instrument, immediately embarked on a mission to save the program. She had three days to pull together a proposal to present at the next school board meeting. Doll read books on the effects of music on academics and made countless phone

• 1980s

Legacy Planning Partners, an independent financial services company. • Lorraine “Lorie” Y. Runion ’80M, Kill Devil Hills, N.C., was promoted to executive vice president, chief administrative officer and corporate secretary of ECB Bancorp, Inc. • Joyce (Denelsbeck) King ’83, Quakertown, was elected to the Quakertown Community School District board of directors.

Class Reunions for the 1980s decade featuring 1982 & 1987 scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 12-13, 2012 • Jan L. Graybill ’80, Orefield, completed his master’s degree in financial services from the American College. He is a senior partner and vice chairman of

calls to rally support. The public relations campaign continued as Doll gathered parents, graduates who were professional musicians and other supporters. “It took six months, but we reversed the decision and saved jobs for teachers,” she said. The district met Doll halfway and created a parttime position to fill the role of the retiring music director. In addition, other teachers were trained in string instruments so all students could continue to receive individual instruction. “This in essence saved the remaining music teachers’ positions by making them more valuable to the music program, with no further layoffs,” Doll added. The string music program continues to grow with more opportunities for orchestra trips and increased student interest. Doll is currently working to take the Save Our Strings initiative to the national level, with the goal of making music a core discipline of academics. While Save Our Strings helped launch her into the national spotlight, Doll has been advocating for the arts for years by weaving it into both her professional and personal life. Doll has

incorporated music into many of her publicity events, including a full-scale concert that launched an author’s new book. She also spent over a year being trained as a music therapist. Doll regularly volunteers at her local hospice to provide music therapy to many of the residents. After more than 20 years of business success, Doll is pleased to be able to give back to the community in such a meaningful way. “Helping people is my main position in life,” said Doll. “I enjoy sharing my gift with others. There’s an unbelievable reciprocal effect.”

• Lois (Himmelmann) Kubinak ’83, Reading, was selected as Region 11 director-elect and achieved One Stop Shop certification through the Association of Collegiate Conference and Events Directors-International. She serves as director of conferences for Albright College. • Steven “Steve” A. Hollingsworth ’84, Glen Mills, opened Fit Ryde Indoor Cycling and Fitness Studio in West Chester.

• Kenneth “Ken” Burton Jr. ’85, New Tripoli, published his most recent book, Crafting Wooden Lamps. He continues to teach technology education at Boyertown Area Senior High School and operates Windy Ridge Woodworks. • Peter Costelli ’85, Redondo Beach, Calif., serves as producer for an international family-based episodic show titled “Animal Movers.”

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class notes • Barbara (Snyder) Buchko ’86, Millersville, graduated with a doctorate of nursing practice from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in May 2011. She was promoted to director of evidence-based practice and nursing research for WellSpan Health, following 22 years at WellSpan Health/York Hospital as a clinical nurse specialist. • Amy Randolph ’86, Harrisburg, works for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, overseeing natural gas development on state forest lands. In 2011, she had a research article published in two petroleum history journals. • Mitchell L. Miller ’87, Countyline, Okla., serves as pastor of the Santa Fe Presbyterian Church in Edmond, Okla. • Eric Tate ’87, Lake Forest, Calif., is manager of medical coding for Allergan and served as a panel expert during a focus

group for the biopharmaceutical industry in October 2011. • David Henriques ’88, ’91M, Harrisburg, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled “Testing the Efficacy of Learning Communities for Underprepared First-Semester College Students.” He is the assistant dean in the School of Academic Programs and Services at Shippensburg University. In addition, he was selected to serve on the executive board of the Pa. Association for Developmental Educators. • Timmy L. Smith ’89, Dillsburg, teaches graphic arts at Dover High School and owns TDZines, a screenprinting and graphic design business.

• 1990s Class Reunions for 1992 & 1997 scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 12-13, 2012

Groundhog Day 2012 Ashley Wallace ’08, her fiancé Brian Edwards ’08 and Matt Matash’08 celebrated Groundhog Day with Punxsutawney Phil. With VIP tickets, they were in the limelight with the TV cameras and even snagged a photo session with Phil afterwards. According to Wallace, “We like to believe in the myth that he [Phil] is always right, but we know that he is right less than 30 percent of the time.” She is a chemistry graduate student at University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Teaching Certification Program at Lycoming College. Edwards is a meteorologist at Accuweather and Matash is a meteorologist at Raytheon.

28  Class Notes Spring 2012

Educators Share Millersville Pride At McIlvaine Early Childhood Center in Delaware’s Caesar Rodney School District, four Millersville alumni from three different decades are co-workers. Left to right: Elizabeth Morrison ’09, teacher; Sherry (Sharpe) Kijowski ’94, principal; Michelle (Morey) Pearson ’88, teacher; and Sarah Seale ’09, teacher. • Robert D. Kreider ’91, ’98M, Manheim, completed his doctorate in educational leadership from Widener University. He is the instructional facilitator for the Manheim Central School District. • David Gerbstadt ’92, Berwyn, wrote his autobiography, One Breath at a Time, which recounts his journey of recovery after being hit by a tractor trailer while riding his bike in Florida. • Margaret “Meg” (Garland) Barney ’93M, Media, was named 2011 Pennsylvania Outstanding Art Educator of the Year. She teaches art at the Rose Tree Elementary School in Media. • Linda (Schmelder) Dwight ’93, ’00M, Leominster, Mass., was named principal at Hildreth Elementary School. She previously held similar positions at Penn Manor and Pequea Valley school districts. • Jennifer (Ward) Market ’93, Columbia, Mo., has become a regular exhibitor of photographic artwork in the juried shows of the Columbia (Mo.) Art League.

In 2011, she also joined the artists’ cooperative in the Artlandish Galleries, where she has permanent gallery space. • Kirsten N. Keim-Shendge ’94, Birdsboro, was named marketing manager of Bellco Federal Credit Union, a community-based credit union in Berks County. • James E. Moniz II ’94, Bethlehem, was named curriculum supervisor of secondary education for Parkland School District. • Jacqueline “Jacqui” (Spevak) Williams ’95, Cypress, Texas, earned credentials as a certified manager of community associations and association management specialist from the Community Association Institute. She serves as a property manager for high-rise condominiums in Houston and started her own homeowners association management company. • Brian Hughes ’97, Eldersburg, Md., joined Unisys as weather program manager. • Kurt Garrison ’98, Pittsburgh, was appointed music editor for

Harry Kalas statue at Citizens Bank Park

Pittsburgh Magazine. • Chad Harvey ’98, Harrisburg, was named board secretary for Mid Atlantic BX. • Joyce (Borzik) Krolikowski ’98, Lancaster, received a grant from the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees to launch a new reading program. This is the first time it has been awarded in Lancaster County. • Abby Pattishall ’98, Schecksville, has been overseeing streamside rehabilitation in the Allentown park system. She is director of rivers conservation with the Wildlands Conservancy. • Brian Kahn ’99, Santa Monica, Calif., serves as creative director for the world’s largest fitness website, • Michelle M. (Jacoby) Nelson ’99, Elizabethtown, graduated summa cum laude from Cabrini College in July with a master’s degree in education. • Tamara C. Willis ’99, Harrisburg, joined the School District of the City of York as the assistant superintendent for elementary education.

The statue was in fact commissioned by legions of loyal fans who offered monetary donations and words of encouragement for the project. In fact, work on the statue began without knowing if the Phillies organization would accept the statue for installation at the ballpark. It took more than two years to become a reality, but on August 16, 2011, the seven-and-a half foot bronze statue of Harry Kalas was unveiled in Citizens Bank Park. The Phillies accepted the statue as a gift from the Dear Harry, Inc., supporters. The statue’s permanent home is in the left field plaza, behind Section 141—near the Harry the K’s restaurant. Check out the Facebook group for “The Harry Kalas Memorial Statue,” which has a following of more than 36,000 fans. For more information about sculptor Nowlan, view the summer 2010 issue of the Review.

Photo courtesy of LJN Sculpture

The spirit of Harry Kalas, beloved announcer for the Philadelphia Phillies who died in 2009, has always been part of the Phillies baseball team franchise and its loyal fans. And now, a larger-than-life-size statue of “Harry the K” is immortalized at Citizens Bank Park. The statue is a reality in large part to Millersville alumni Lawrence J. Nowlan ’87, world-renowned sculptor, and Todd Palmer ’88, who owns Virtual Farms Creative, an advertising and multimedia agency in Phoenixville. The two friends were roommates while at Millersville. The initiative began simply enough after Kalas’ death sparked a petition on Facebook, from a fan trying to organize a memorial in the announcer’s honor. A lifelong Phillies fan, Nowlan knew he could do more to help than simply sign a petition. With the help of a few friends, a grassroots nonprofit organization called Dear Harry, Inc., was formed. Palmer created a website and media outreach campaign for the project to raise $80,000 to fund a bronze statue of Kalas.

Lawrence Nowlan ’87 sculpted the statue of Harry Kalas, which is now at home in Philadelphia’s Citizens Bank Park.

2000s • Paulina Melin-Catepillan ’00, Brooklyn, N.Y., was named assistant director of alumni relations, development and external affairs at the Teachers College at Columbia University. • Nathan M. Reck ’00, Dillsburg, has been named a director at GeoDecisions, an information technology company specializing in geospatial solutions. • Jodie Wimer ’00, York, earned her master’s degree as a reading specialist in 2010. • Kristen (Barlet) Breininger ’01, Hamburg, serves as marketing and communications manager for the Reading Hospital Medical Group. • Cheryl Miehl ’01, Arlington, Va., completed her master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies in painting and mixed media bookmaking from Virginia Commonwealth University.

• Bradley Nelson ’01, Elizabethtown, had his book, Numismatic Art of Persia, The Sunrise Collection, Part I: Ancient 650 BC to AD 650, published in 2011. • Jocelyn (Horenci) Dillman ’03, Lancaster, was promoted to sales support manager at ECORE International. • Jennifer Lynn Rivelli ’04, Bordentown, N.J., earned her master’s degree in education and reading specialist certification from the University of Pennsylvania. • Lauren (Herb) Dow ’05, Breinigsville, earned a master’s degree in leadership and business ethics from Duquesne University. She works at Lehigh University as assistant director of student and young alumni philanthropy. • Laura Herbst-Agee ’06, Wrightsville, earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in geoscience from Mississippi State University in 2007 and 2010, respectively. She is a quality assurance specialist for a

Department of Defense agency. • Seth Lennon ’06, Carlisle, is the staff director and assistant to the president for the National Association of Postal Supervisors in Washington, D.C. • Stephanie (Ettelman) Stauffer ’06, North Liberty, Iowa, received her medical degree from the University of Iowa in May 2011. She is completing her residency in pathology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. • Rochell “Shelly” Hitz ’07, Lebanon, was part of a team of 14 women that climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in October 2011. The team raised more than $85,000 for the American Foundation for Children with AIDS, which provides lifesaving medicine in sub-Saharan Africa. • Matthew J. Klimasauskas ’07, Roaring Brook Twp., received a J.D. from Albany Law School in May 2011, graduating cum laude. He is an assistant district attorney at the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office. • Licia Marinelli ’08, Drexel Hill, earned a master’s degree in

Class Notes Spring 2012  29

class notes education for mathematics from Cabrini College in August. • Mallory Cohen ’09, Langhorne, was promoted to assistant vice president at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. • Barbara M. Rutt ’09, Lancaster, earned her master’s degree in occupational safety and health in December from Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

2010s • Colleen Ciano ’10M, Lititz, is a nursing instructor at Immaculata University. She has also served as a faculty member and educator at Lancaster County Career and Technology Center, Harrisburg Area Community College, Lancaster General College and Ocean County College.

Marriages • Susan Kropinski ’79 and William Haas, 7/4/08. • Christy Hull ’97 and Jeffrey Beane, 1/14/12. • Tara McCoach ’97 and William Metzler, 4/12/08. • Michael Deshields ’99 and Steven Birkeland, 7/24/11. • Christine Bear ’00 and Christopher Weaver, 10/15/11. • Emily Schriver ’02 and James Trang, 6/24/11. • Jarad Tucker ’02 and Amy Rudge, 8/20/11. • Jennifer Rivelli ’04 and Matthew Anderson, 6/25/11. • Lindsey Snyder ’05 and Jaret Crass, 10/14/11. • Christina Wright ’05 and Jose Fields ’05, 8/13/11. • Seth Lennon ’06 and Samantha Kempf ’08, 8/6/11.

30  Class Notes Spring 2012

• Irene Zammetti ’06 and Jason Altland, 4/2/11. • Annika Schneck ’07 and Stewart Pullan, 3/26/11.

Births • John Krause ’86 and wife Kristin (Neill) ’93, a son, Harrison John, on 11/5/10. • Shain (Artz) de Manincor ’91 and husband Joseph, a son, Collin Joseph, on 1/16/12. • Marni Honigman ’92 and husband Neil Weissman, a son, Jacob Cole, on 8/11/11. • Daniel Hollinger ’96 and wife Kelly (McGee) ’97, a daughter, Lydia Susan, on 7/11/11. • Amy (Green) Higgins ’97 and husband Bill, a son, William Joseph, on 4/11/11. • Tara (McCoach) Metzler ’97 and husband William, a daughter, Kadence Lynne, on 8/30/11, and a son, Kyle John, on 5/6/09. • Stacey (Kroll) Pappalardo ’97 and husband Gaetan, a daughter, Elaina “Lainy” Maple, on 7/17/11. • Amy (Walter) Rice ’98 and husband James, a son, Broderick “Brody” James, on 11/3/11. • Michelle (Jacoby) Nelson ’99 and husband Bradley ’01, a son, Jack Jacoby, on 11/23/11. • David Longabaugh ’99 and wife Chelsea, a son, Charles William, on 10/12/11. • Lea (Janowicz) Millhouse ’99 and husband Andrew, a son, Alexander, on 3/15/11. • Nancy (Wetzel) Benson ’00 and husband Erik, a daughter, Lilia Reese, on 4/4/11. • Jessica (Hemcher) Gondek ’00 and husband Brian, a daughter, Reagan Marie, on 11/29/11.

Christina Wright ’05 and Jose Fields ’05 were married on 8/13/11, in Marlton, N.J. From left to right: Larry Hargrove ’02, Raushanah Shamsid-Deen Hargrove ’02, the groom, the bride, Shallah Hart Swindle and groomsman Albert Swindle ’03. Bridesmaids included Brianna Carter ’04, Jennifer Johnson ’05, Samirah Billips ’07 and Karissa Smith ’99. Irene Zammetti ’06 and Jason Altland were married on 4/2/11 at Millersville University. The photo of the couple was taken at the back of Dutcher Hall, near the pond.

• Deana (DiGiacomo) Good ’00 and husband Joshua ’02, a daughter, Kenzie Elizabeth, on 12/28/11. • Kate (Colver) Goodberry ’01 and husband Daniel, a son, Samuel Evan, on 10/18/11. • Kathryn (Karlavage) Strite ’01 and husband Andrew, a daughter, Elizabeth Kathryn, on 10/3/11. • Gregg Tavalare ’02 and wife Jennifer, a daughter, Emily Lynn, on 1/31/12. • Jeremy Troop ’02 and wife Lindsay (Peters) ’03, a son, Cayden Robert, on 12/30/11.

• Lisa (Wieser) Beightol ’03 and husband Jonathan, a son, Aiden Thomas, on 10/27/11. • Emily (Stadden) Stier ’05 and husband Timothy ’06, a son, Benjamin Clark, on 9/10/11. • Lauren (Leshak) Espenshade ’06 and husband Troy ’09, a son, Cole Michael, on 11/24/11. • Claire (Eaton) Howell ’07 and husband Andrew ’07, a daughter, Kierra Marie, on 12/15/11.

Emily Schriver ’02 and James Trang were married on 6/24/11 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. To the left of the bride is her sister, Suzanne (Schriver) Nolan ’05.

Matt Kerper ’05 and Karen Moss ’07 were married on 9/17/11. Included in the wedding party were Krystle Freed ’08, Breanne Dibble ’10M, Alyssa Laughner ’07, Nick Eddy ’05 and Tim Preston ’05.

Kristina “Nikki” Brown ’08 and Don Burchett were married on 10/15/11. The wedding party included Michelle Frey ’09.

Annika Schneck ’07 married Stewart Pullan on 3/26/11.

Remembrances • Irene E. Bjerknes Heisey, Millersville, died on 8/26/11, at the age of 91. She was a registered nurse and lieutenant in the U.S. Army during World War II and later worked as a stewardess for Northwest Airlines. She retired from Millersville University, after serving as a college nurse. • Louis G. Jennings, Lancaster, died on 1/9/12, at the age of 93. He taught at Millersville for 33 years, beginning as a professor of English in 1947 and becoming chair of the English department in 1966. He also served as dean of humanities, a position he held until his ​retirement in 1980. • Anna Mary Kachel, Honey Brook, died on 2/1/12, at the age of 91. In 1987, she retired as an administrative assistant for Millersville

University’s Department of Education. She was also an active member of the American Business Women’s Association. • Leophus “Skip” Shakespeare King Jr., Lancaster, died on 12/2/11, at the age of 62. He served as the assistant director of Millersville University’s Lancaster Partnership Program since 1993. He was also the coordinator of tutorial services and an instructor at Millersville. He was a former master teacher of history and communications, and a reading specialist for IU13 and the School District of Lancaster. • Lila Rose McDowell, McBee, S.C., died 11/14/11, at the age of 88. She worked at Millersville University until her retirement in 1986.

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class notes Deaths • Lillian (Colyer) Hall ’32, Marysville, died on 11/19/11, at the age of 99. She retired from the Susquenita School District after serving 25 years. She was an organist for two churches in Marysville. • Eunice (Brackbill) Robinson ’34, Lancaster, died on 12/30/11, at the age of 96. She was an elementary school teacher with the Pequea Valley School District and taught Sunday school at Leacock Presbyterian Church, where she was a lifetime member. • Margaret “Peg” (Schaeffer) Moran ’36, Cornwall, died on 11/25/11, at the age of 96. She was an elementary school teacher in Lebanon for 19 years and in Toms River Regional Schools in New Jersey for 21 years. • James F. Shank ’36, Lititz, died on 10/31/11, at the age of 96. “Doc Yankum,” as he was affectionately known, retired from his dental practice in 1986. • Janet J. (Hoover) Garner ’37, Greenville, died on 11/24/11, at the age of 95. She was an elementary schoolteacher in the Central Bucks and Lancaster school districts. • Henry H. Shissler ’42, Philippi, W. Va., died on 8/1/11, at the age of 92. He taught at Pfeiffer College, West Virginia Wesleyan and Edinboro University, where he was voted distinguished professor. He also served as a Methodist minister in both West Virginia and Pennsylvania. • Jean (Huntzinger) Wesley ’45, ’68M, Lancaster, died on 1/11/12, at the age of 88. She taught

first grade for almost 38 years at Brecht Elementary School in Manheim Township. • Donald K. Huber ’47, North Wales, died on 12/6/11, at the age of 88. He taught shop and math at North Wales High School and was a guidance counselor at North Penn High School for 30 years. • Edward B. Aston Jr. ’49, Harrisburg, died on 10/20/11, at the age of 90. He was a retired job placement coordinator for Harrisburg Steel-High Vo-Tech School and spent more than 35 years in education as a teacher, counselor and administrator. • Jay W. Filling ’49, Millersville, died on 9/21/11, at the age of 86. He started Filling’s Clothing Store, a division of Filling’s, Inc., in 1948. He retired as president of the company in 1995, after an entire career building the family business, now being run by the third generation. • LeRoy E. “Dukie” Duke ’50, Lancaster, died on 9/4/11, at the age of 84. He was the proprietor of LeRoy E. Duke Distributor in Lancaster. While a student at Millersville, he was part of the school’s first wrestling team. • Shirley M. (Hoffecker) Myers ’51, Lancaster, died on 10/18/11, at the age of 82. She retired from Manheim Township School District, where she served as dean of girls and assistant principal at the middle school. • Gloria L. (Brosius) Peffley ’52, Millersburg, died on 1/7/12, at the age of 81. In retirement, she traveled and enjoyed cooking and baking. • Joseph Chiccino ’53, Devon, died on 8/8/11, at the age of 87.

He was an elementary school teacher in the Upper Merion School District and retired in 1984. • David V. Swartz ’55, Lancaster, died on 12/8/11, at the age of 78. He retired from the School District of Lancaster, where he taught fourth grade for 30 years. • John “Jack” J. Evans ’57, Lancaster, died on 10/31/11, at the age of 76. He was a lifelong educator, serving as a teacher, principal and director of elementary education for the Penn Manor and Conestoga Valley school districts for 39 years. • John R. Lent ’57, Carlisle, died on 12/13/11, at the age of 80. He was a retired industrial arts teacher from the Susquehanna School District. • H. Bruce Fasnacht ’59, East Petersburg, died on 10/26/11, at the age of 77. He was a history teacher, guidance counselor and school administrator for the Hempfield School District until his retirement in 1992. • Jack E. Flick ’59, Manheim, died on 11/18/11, at the age of 79. He retired in 1993 from Manheim Central School District, where he taught history. He was a PIAA softball umpire for 26 years and he also had 31 years of service with the Manheim Lions Holiday Wrestling Tournament. • Herbert “Jerry” G. Groff ’59, Lebanon, died on 12/25/11, at the age of 79. After teaching in Puerto Rico and Spain, he taught English at Lebanon High School for many years, retiring in 1990. • Cynthia (Clayton) Schafer ’59, Ocean Pines, Md., died on 12/11/11, at the age of 73. She was a librarian, serving in several

libraries, including the Upper Saddle River Library in New Jersey and the Worcester County Library system in Maryland. • Gene J. Grubb ’60, Murrells Inlet, S.C., died on 12/2/11, at the age of 81. He taught for 28 years with the Hempfield School District and was the former owner of the Craft Shop and Village Art in Intercourse, The Kissing Bridge in Gettysburg and The Salt in Rehoboth Beach, Del. • Harry L. McKeague ’60, Lock Haven, died on 10/4/11, at the age of 79. He retired from the Keystone Central School District as an industrial arts educator. • George P. Starkey ’60, Denver, died on 10/10/11, at the age of 76. A teacher, principal and administrator, he retired in 1994 as business manager for North Penn School District, then headed a school district consortium for eight years. • A. Louise (Mann) Coffman ’61, York, died on 1/4/11, at the age of 86. She was a retired elementary school teacher for the Spring Grove Area School District. She wrote a column for the York Sunday News called “Notes from the Country” and published three historical fiction books on Pa. German culture. • John “Jack” M. Deaner ’61, ’65M, Millersville, died on 11/20/11, at the age of 73. He was a history teacher in the Hempfield School District for 35 years. He also worked as a tour guide for Brunswick Tours of Lancaster and Amish Tours. He obtained his life’s goal of becoming a certified guide for Gettysburg National Park.

Profile in 1980s section-- alums & Harry the K statue most of the page

32  Class Notes Spring 2012

• Anna Mae Boeshore ’62, Fredericksburg, Pa., died on 5/4/11, at the age of 71. She taught third grade at the Fredericksburg Elementary School. • Bernice “Bernie” Joan (Getz) Brown ’62, Mount Joy, died on 11/9/11, at the age of 75. She retired in 1998 as an operating room nurse from Lancaster General Hospital. In retirement, she worked in the pharmacy at Weis Markets and volunteered at the Masonic Village. • Byron R. Detwiler ’62, Manheim, died on 9/19/11, at the age of 71. He was professor emeritus of French at Millersville University. He joined the faculty in 1966 and retired in 1995. In retirement, he was active in the community as an advocate for victims of discrimination. • Edith (Gehman) Miller ’63, Greenbelt, Md., died on 6/26/11, at the age of 88. She retired as an elementary schoolteacher from the School District of Lancaster. • Donald E. Ranck ’63, Lititz, died on 11/1/11, at the age of 84. He taught math for 25 years, primarily at Pequea Valley Intermediate School, where he also coached the chess team. • Robert R. Burnley ’64, Hatboro, died on 12/26/11, at the age of 68. He worked as a librarian at Eugene Klinger Middle School in Centennial School District. • Michael “Packey” A. DeFilippo ’65, Harrisburg, died on 1/16/12, at the age of 71. He was a retired teacher for the SteeltonHighspire High School, with 31 years of service. He also served as athletic director for many years.

• Nancy (Joyce) Fox ’65, York, died on 10/31/11, at the age of 89. She retired from Red Lion Area Schools. She also taught art history at the York campus of Penn State University. • Willard B. Long ’66M, Mifflinburg, died on 4/29/11, at the age of 77. He was a teacher for 30 years at the Helen Minard, Ulster-Sheshequin and Athens Area schools. • Marie (Pangborn) Bedient ’67, Dalton, Mass., died on 12/23/11, at the age of 90. She was an active member of Grandview United Methodist Church, served several years as president of the Manheim Township Ambulance Association and volunteered with several local organizations. • Mary (Douglass) Risser ’67, ’73M, Millersville, died on 2/4/11, at the age of 81. She taught eighth graders in the Hempfield School District. After retirement, she continued to edit the literary magazine, Expressions, for Landisville Middle School. At the time of her death, she still held her nursing license. • Charles “Chick” Williamson ’67, Davidsonville, Md., died on 7/25/11, at the age of 66. He taught social studies in Prince George’s County, Md., for 29 years, retiring in 1996. • Palma (Seibert) Reed ’68, ’90M, Mountville, died on 7/16/11, at the age of 67. She served as a supervisor for the Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 for 20 years. She previously taught at Sacred Heart Parochial School. • Linda (Light) Davish ’69, Lancaster, died on 11/12/11, at the age of 64. She retired from the School District of Lancaster

after teaching at Elizabeth Martin Elementary School for 23 years. • Richard H. Hendrie ’70, Paradise, died on 9/22/11, at the age of 64. He was an electrician who taught electrical occupations for 33 years in the Coatesville School District and at the Center for Arts and Technology, Brandywine campus. • Sue Ellen Snyder ’70, Willow Street, died on 12/16/11, at the age of 63. She spent more than 30 years as an educator in elementary schools in the Lampeter Strasburg School District. • Hazel (Root) Cassey ’71, ’73M, Mountville, died on 12/28/11, at the age of 87. She taught in both Hempfield and Donegal school districts and, during that time, was named to the “top ten teachers in Pennsylvania.” • Larry J. Kunder ’72, Zelienople, died on 10/13/11, at the age of 60. He retired in 2009 as CEO of National Rehab Equipment Inc. Previously, he was an employee and president of the former Liken Home Medical Inc. • Phyllis (Ford) Autry ’79, Lancaster, died on 8/18/11, at the age of 61. She completed doctoral coursework at Penn State and the University of Texas at Dallas. • Rebecca (Droz) Baran ’80, Lancaster, died on 10/13/11, at the age of 53. She spent her career in jewelry and estate appraisals. She was an active member of the American Heart Association, the Arbor Day Foundation and the ASPCA. • Monica (Holinowsky) Fasnacht ’80, Wrightsville, died on 10/31/11, at the age of 53. She was a certified dietary man-

ager and served as the director of admissions and marketing at the Hamilton Arms Center in Lancaster. • Gregory L. Fisher ’82, Laguna Beach, Calif., died on 11/16/11, at the age of 53. He spent his career in the insurance industry and most recently was working with CCMI as a consultant. • Theodore C. Grimm ’84, ’86M, Las Vegas, Nev., died on 10/28/11, at the age of 58. He entertained locally in the 1960s and 1970s with his own band, “Ted Grimm and the Celestials,” and was associated with the “Sin City Sinners” band in Las Vegas. • Ruth A. Baker ’88, Lancaster, died on 8/12/11, at the age of 52. She worked at York Hospital as a cardiostenographer. • Beverly (Ardinger) Belt ’88, Wheaton, Ill., died on 11/15/11, at the age of 52. She enjoyed horseback riding, gardening and postcard collecting. • Theodore “Ted” A. Gerhart ’02, Lancaster, died on 12/2/11, at the age of 58. He was a sculptor, artist and sign carver who worked out of his shop on Pine Street for 30 years.

Class Notes Spring 2012  33


Why we

Dr. Jane A. Hannigan and Dr. Kay E. Vandergrift ’62

A Lifelong Contribution to Literature, Women’s Issues & Public Service Dr. Kay E. Vandergrift ’62 is a Rutgers University professor emerita and a leading scholar in children’s literature. Dr. Jane A. Hannigan is a professor emeritus from Columbia University. Both have spent their entire careers in academia and are making a difference at Millersville University.

Both Vandergrift and Hannigan were—and still are—deeply committed to education and women’s issues. They began by funding scholarships for women in academia, which are awarded to nontraditional female students who are returning to college. “Women have made great strides, but there is still a long way to go,” stresses Hannigan. “These are women who can benefit greatly from an education that will make them more productive and competitive in the world,” said Hannigan. But Vandergrift and Hannigan wanted to do something more to impact students at Millersville. That something turned out to be funding the Innovator-inResidence initiative, which brings speakers to Millersville on a variety of topics ranging from 34  Why We Give Spring 2012

technology to women’s issues. The first Innovator-inResidence Program featured Randi Zuckerberg, former director of marketing for Facebook (story on pages 4-7). She has now started her own business to help companies increase their competitive advantage through social media. Not only is Zuckerberg a powerful woman with forward-thinking ideas, but she has played a major role in the transformations brought about by social media. “That ability to transform society through social action was always important to us,” explained Vandergrift. “We were in the thick of the Civil Rights Movement back in the 1960s, then the Vietnam War protests, then the Women’s Movement. We spoke up. We made a difference. That’s important,” said Hannigan. The two women have been longtime friends, ever

since they met while teaching at Columbia University. Hannigan retired first, then when Vandergrift was ready to retire, they decided to look at Lancaster County. “I already loved the area and knew it would be a wonderful place to retire,” said Vandergrift. “And Jane agreed.” After Vandergrift earned her bachelor’s degree in library science at Millersville, she received a fellowship to Columbia University, where she earned her master’s and doctoral degrees. After 23 years teaching at Columbia, Vandergrift spent 19 years at Rutgers University as a professor, a dean and the founding director of two programs: An online post-master’s certificate in youth literature and an undergraduate information technology and informatics major. She continued to teach online after her retirement. Vandergrift has been a classroom teacher, a librarian, and a school principal as well as a faculty member in graduate programs in library and information science and elementary education. She created an extensive website in youth literature, feminism, and historical children’s literature, including the award-winning Snow White site at Her latest site delves into the hidden messages and cultural significance in Mother Goose rhymes and explicates both technological and educational decisions made in developing electronic teaching resources ( Hannigan was born in Brooklyn and lived most of her life in Manhattan, so she is a confirmed “city girl” who has taken to country living in Lancaster quite well. Unlike many young women of her generation, Hannigan always knew she would go to college. She graduated from Manhattanville College and earned a master’s degree from Villanova and her doctorate from Columbia. She taught at Simmons College in Boston for several years and then returned to Columbia as a professor, working primarily with doctoral students. Since moving to Willow Valley, Hannigan and Vandergrift established The Life of the Mind Consortium, a cooperative venture with Millersville University, Franklin & Marshall College, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design and Willow Valley Retirement Communities to develop intergenerational educational and social action projects. The Consortium offers lectures, seminars, Socrates Café, Great Decisions workshops and a Poetry Circle, as well as facilitates access to university events for retirees. They also initiated an Oral History Project at Willow Valley and have been actively involved in community service activities to improve school and public library facilities in

Lancaster County, funded largely by H.W. Wilson Foundation grants secured by Hannigan and Vandergrift. Many of these initiatives benefit from participation by Millersville faculty and students. Of course, that wasn’t enough for these two active women. They wanted to do more. Through the Innovator-in-Residence Program at Millersville, they hope to fund awareness and understanding of innovation across the disciplines. Their teaching has spanned the arts, humanities, education, information science, women’s studies and research methodologies, but they have always been excited by encountering new ideas and new ways of thinking.

Regarding the Innovator-in-Residence Program at Millersville: “Moving beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone often enabled me to return to my own research and teaching with renewed vigor and fresh insights,” asserted Vandergrift. “We hope that Millersville will continue to invite ‘out-ofthe-box’ innovators from all fields,” added Hannigan. Living so close to Millersville has enabled them to benefit from many of the exciting programs offered on campus, and they wanted to help the University continue to bring students, faculty and the community together, encouraging them to consider new and creative possibilities for a better world. They agree, “This is something we wanted to do to make a difference at Millersville.”

Why We Give Spring 2012  35

Whether it is playing guitars (no electricity needed) or sailing in a “tub,� the pond has always been one of the favorite gathering places on campus— especially on a lovely spring day.

Entertainment at Millersville before the digital era.

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