Millersville University Review - Fall/Winter 2021-22

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FALL | WINTER 2021-22


“WE’RE ” Back

Campaign Celebrates Imagine the Possible | PAGE 4 HOMECOMING 2021 | PAGE 12 Class NOTES | PAGE 26

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UNIVERSIT Y REVIEW Fall | Winter 2021-22



DEAR MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY FRIENDS & FAMILY, With the holidays upon us, this is an excellent time to reflect on the challenges we overcame and opportunities that came our way this calendar year. Most of our employees returned to work on campus in stages during the summer to prepare for the arrival of our students for the fall semester. After working feverishly, we began the semester with a goal to return to near normalcy by delivering face-to-face and online classes at levels similar to the pre-pandemic period while filling our residence halls. We welcomed our first-year students with our traditional candlelight ceremony around the pond. Our intercollegiate athletic competitions restarted in compliance with NCAA and PSAC guidelines. Our campus has once again become a vibrant community. Throughout this pandemic, the health and safety of our University community have been our top priority and we will continue to keep it that way because it is not yet over. We continue to emphasize vaccinations for eligible and able adults and regular COVID-19 testing and monitoring using the guidelines from the CDC, Pennsylvania Department of Health and PASSHE. To ensure access and affordability, we continue to give in-person open houses/tours for prospective students and their families. We waived application fees for fall 2022 and made the SAT/ACTs optional for fall applicants. We are actively promoting our new academic programs that will lead to career readiness to attract new students while addressing the local and regional workforce needs. As a result of the generosity of our alumni and friends, the “Imagine the Possible” campaign is on track to exceed our fundraising goal of $90 million by June 2023. These funds will provide scholarships for students, enhance student-faculty interactions and improve our academic and athletic facilities. In this issue of the Review Magazine, we provide updates on the campaign and highlight some of our student scholarship recipients. In February 2021, our networks were subjected to a cyberattack, which impacted our operations. However, it also provided a hands-on learning opportunity for our students in computer science. In this issue, Dr. Nazli Hardy discusses the growing importance of cybersecurity. Other topics covered in this issue are the role of our alumni, who have been on the front lines during the pandemic. And, we welcome our new provost, Dr. Gail Gasparich. Homecoming is a special event for me because it brings our alumni back to campus and our community together, starting with the parade. A new addition to homecoming was the Block Party, which was spectacular, as shown in the photographs in this issue. I look forward to seeing you at next year’s homecoming celebration and I hope you enjoy this issue and stay connected to the ‘Ville.

With warm regards,



No. 2

The Review is published by Millersville University, a member of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education.

PRESIDENT Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D.


AVP FOR UC&M Gregory Freedland


Janet Kacskos, Executive Editor Cheryl Lockley, Designer Kelsey Madas, Copy Editor John Cheek, Creative Director Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Corinna Linn, Alumni News, Class Notes

CONTRIBUTORS Laura Knowles-Callahan, Freelance Kylie Stoltzfus ’22

MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chair) Richard L. Frerichs, Ph.D. ’64, ’69M (vice chair) Rep. Jordan A. Harris ’06 (secretary) Thomas J. Baker ’02 Brandon W. Danz ‘03 Saul W. Fink ’85 Rick Rodgers Kathryn R. Ross Amber M. Sessoms, Ed.D. ’06, ’08M Holly L. Trego ’98 Madison Whitcomb (student member) Chancellor Daniel Greenstein, Ph.D. (ex officio) President Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D. (ex officio)

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Joyce King ’83 (president) Matt Olphin ‘95 (president-elect) Bill Martin ’81 (treasurer) Tamika Mack ‘96 (secretary) John Held ‘02 (past president)


FALL | WINTER 2021-22

Daniel A. Wubah



“WE’RE Back ”

Campaign Celeb rates Imagine the Possible HOMECOMI NG 2021 | PAGE | PAGE 4 12 Class NOTES | PAGE 26

Joseph W. Garner ’90 (president) Darryl L. Landis, M.D. ’85 (vice president) Kemah E. P. Washington, Ed.D. ’03 (secretary) Suzanne J. Walstrum ’94 (treasurer) Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

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the POSSIBLE IMAGINE Campaign Celebrates Historic Milestones and Enhances Student Experience with Campus Revitalization


When the “Imagine the Possible” campaign

progress. In 2021, Millersville University


was launched in 2017, the three-year

announced a record-setting $1.5 million gift


campaign started with an overall fundraising

from Lois Morgan ’54 – the largest single


goal to raise $32 million by July 2020,

gift in the history of Millersville Athletics


with a focus on three campaign priority

– toward a three-phased renovation of


areas of Scholarships, Student Learning

Biemesderfer Stadium to become the


Experiences and Marauder Athletics. In the

Morgan Athletic Complex, in honor of


spring of 2020, as the “Imagine the Possible”

Morgan’s generous gift. The comprehensive


campaign was approaching its conclusion,

renovation of Biemesderfer Stadium will


the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the

include an overhaul and expansion of


Millersville University community and the

the locker rooms and athletic training


world, and introduced tremendous financial

rooms at the stadium, with future phases


uncertainty for Millersville University

of the plan to include the installation of a


students and their families. To address

video scoreboard to replace the existing


the needs of students seeking support

scoreboard from 2003, and a new press box.


during a difficult time, the University

The Morgan Athletic Complex will become


announced an extension of the “Imagine

a state-of-the-art facility that will enhance


the Possible” campaign.

athletic recruitment opportunities,


In July 2020, through the generous support

improve team building and foster


of donors and friends, the “Imagine the

competitive excellence.

Thousands of Millersville University

Possible” campaign surpassed the original

In August 2021, Millersville University

students have benefited from the support

$32 million goal with a three-year campaign

announced the largest single gift in the

of the “Imagine the Possible” campaign,

fundraising total of more than $52.8 million,

history of the University as a $5 million

and the potential to assist every student

exceeding the three-year goal by more than

gift from Dr. Samuel Lombardo and his

in need of support is possible through a

65%. This outstanding fundraising progress

wife, Dena, toward funding the complete

recent announcement of an extension of

continued into 2021, when extraordinary

transformation of Brooks Hall to become

the campaign to include a new campaign

donors made University history with

the Samuel N. and Dena M. Lombardo Hall.

priority area of Campus Revitalization and

transformative gifts to benefit Millersville

The generous gift will provide the future

a new overall fundraising goal to raise

University students.

physical home for the Lombardo College

$90 million in private support by 2023.

With the introduction of the Campus

of Business and create a collaborative and

As of September 2021, the campaign has already raised more than $81 million and has reached more than 90% of the overall fundraising goal.

Revitalization priority area, the “Imagine the Possible” campaign has established a $15 million goal for the new priority area, as historic gifts contribute to the fundraising

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inclusive campus space that brings together business, entrepreneurship and innovation. The historic building of Brooks Hall will be reimagined and renewed to maintain the

Imagine the POSSIBLE

tradition and legacy of the building while incorporating the latest technology. Across the Millersville University campus, the Campus Revitalization priority area will support the transformation and restoration of physical spaces that will enrich the student experience and rejuvenate the landscape. The focus on Campus Revitalization includes the restoration of two campus ponds – the landmark campus pond/lake and Roddy Pond, located adjacent to the science complex on Creek Drive. Currently, an algae bloom in the pond water of the historic campus pond has created a critical need for restoration to maintain a healthy habitat. Donations from the Millersville University community for the Swan Drop event at Homecoming 2021 are providing financial support toward the essential funding needed to restore the campus pond for the future. At Roddy Pond, a campus space that has served as an outdoor laboratory for biology, earth sciences, chemistry and geography courses for decades, the pond has unhealthy oxygen levels for organisms to survive. Additionally, there is a current need to establish an on-campus field station that could allow a greater number of students and faculty to conduct class studies and empirical research at Roddy Pond and provide an aesthetic improvement to the campus landscape. Through upgrading and maintaining Roddy Pond, the on-campus field station can


expand the effort to train Millersville University students for the next generation of careers. In the effort to develop top-notch facilities to nurture student success, an upgrade to the chemistry laboratories to replace the chemistry lab fume hoods and the building automation system is needed to improve the laboratory facilities for Millersville spaces will provide students with high-quality facilities that foster new ideas, discoveries and exploration. As the historic “Imagine the Possible” campaign continues, the investment in students that is the foundation of the campaign will multiply the exceptional accomplishments that will be achieved in the future by the thousands of Millersville University campaign fundraising support. The tremendous generosity of donors over the past four years has marked momentous milestones at Millersville University, and the lifelong journeys of student success resulting from the “Imagine the Possible” campaign will make history for years to come. 


Kent County, Maryland

University students. Establishing cutting-edge laboratory

students whose lives have been positively changed through

Taiyana Goldsborough ’23 Taiyana Goldsborough is achieving success as a student-athlete on the Millersville University women’s lacrosse team and in the classroom as a junior majoring in government, policy and law. With the support of scholarships, Goldsborough has excelled athletically and academically and was named a PSAC Scholar-Athlete in 2020 and 2021. “As a first-generation student and the oldest of seven siblings, it has not been easy paying for school. I am happy to say that this year is the first year I have been able to attend school for free! It is only with the help of Millersville’s generous donors and the athletics program,” she explains. Goldsborough enjoys studying government and global politics and plans to pursue a master’s degree in a related field in the future. “In Global Politics, I was always encouraged to look through a different lens than as an American citizen. This helped expand my perspective on many situations to apply to real-life situations,” she states. 

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Imagine the POSSIBLE

Leah Miksa ’24 HOMETOWN:

Doylestown, Pennsylvania Leah Miksa is a sophomore majoring in international business and marketing with a minor in computer-aided drafting and design, as well as a student-athlete on the Millersville University women’s swimming team. She has received academic and athletic scholarships, which have provided Miksa and her family with a sense of stability. “The support that scholarships provide relieves financial burdens, therefore allowing me to focus my attention on the classroom, volunteering, leadership opportunities and the pool,” she says. Miksa is a student in Millersville University’s Honors College and made the dean’s list throughout her freshman year. “I chose to pursue International business and marketing because I felt that it encompassed many of my interests all at once, including world perspectives on commerce, art and culture,” she explains. For her future plans, she is considering a variety of options including pursuing an MBA or attending law school. Miksa says, “Within the next 10 years, I hope to use my learning from Millersville University in the workforce and continue to contribute to my local community through volunteering.”  MIKSA ’24

Luke Misciagna ’22 HOMETOWN:

Parkesburg, Pennsylvania As a senior majoring in business management, Luke Misciagna is a scholarship recipient of the Gray H. and Ellen C. Sellers Business Administration Endowment. “This scholarship will allow me to put my entire focus on classes and learning. This scholarship has made it much easier to graduate from college for me and my family,” he says. Misciagna is excelling academically as a student in the Lombardo College of Business and is proud of his accomplishments. “I would consider my high GPA of 3.94 my greatest achievement,” he says. He decided to attend Millersville University because of the positive reputation of the business program and the career paths available in the industry. “I chose Millersville because it offers a great business program… I chose business management because I love learning about how organizations function. There are many opportunities in business that have a bright future,” says Misciagna. His entrepreneurial ambitions include achieving professional success in the field of business management. “My ultimate career goal is to start my own business,” he states. 


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Imagine the POSSIBLE

Gabriella Rodriguez ’22 HOMETOWN:

Lancaster, Pennsylvania Gabriella Rodriguez is a senior with a dual major in sociology and Spanish and the recipient of the Michael G. Kovach Foreign Language Scholarship Endowment. “Financially, the scholarship has lifted a weight off my shoulders, allowing me to worry less about the cost of going to school full time,” says Rodriguez. Rodriguez has been inspired by the support of her professors at Millersville University and is actively involved in the campus community. “I’ve always been passionate about people and social justice. Taking a few sociology courses confirmed my love for the field, and my amazing professors helped me along the way. Same can be said for Spanish. It’s my first love. I always knew I wanted to honor my heritage by studying Spanish in undergrad and beyond,” she says. In the future, she plans to pursue a career that will apply her academic experience in sociology and Spanish. She explains, “I plan on going straight to grad school. I hope to combine my majors and work with immigrants and children, and eventually become a Spanish professor.” 


CAMPAIGN GOAL: $90 MILLION IN PRIVATE SUPPORT BY 2023 “Imagine the Possible” Campaign Fundraising Progress (July 2017–September 2021):

• Percent toward goal as of September 2021:................ 101.88% MARAUDER ATHLETICS

• Goal: ........................................................................................... $8 million

• Four-Year Fundraising Total: ............................................. $81,956,803

• Fundraising Total: .................................................................. $6,455,144

• Percent toward goal as of September 2021: ............... 91.06% overall

• Percent toward goal as of September 2021:................ 80.69%

“Imagine the Possible” Campaign Fundraising Highlights:

Campaign Priority Areas: CAMPUS REVITALIZATION

• Goal: ........................................................................................... $15 million

• Fundraising Total: .................................................................. $6,714,204 • Percent toward goal as of September 2021:................ 44.76%

• The largest single gift in the history of Millersville University – a $5 million gift from Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Dena Lombardo • The largest single gift in the history of Millersville Athletics – a $1.5 million gift from Lois Morgan ‘54


• Goal: ........................................................................................... $17 million

• Fundraising Total: .................................................................. $17,849,391 • Percent toward goal as of September 2021:................ 105% STUDENT LEARNING EXPERIENCES

• Goal: ........................................................................................... $50 million

• Fundraising Total: .................................................................. $50,938,064

• An estate gift of $4.8 million from Liselotte Wehrheim ’74 – the largest gift from an alumna in Millersville University history • The first unrestricted athletic scholarship fund in the history of Millersville University – the Morgan Fund for Athletic Scholarships, established by Lois Morgan ’54

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Millersville Alumni Serve ON THE FRONT LINES of Crisis and Community Care B y Ky l i e S t o l t z f u s

Alumni across the country were on the front lines during COVID. LEILANY TRAN, SOCIAL WORKER WITH LANCASTER POLICE DEPARTMENT


Millersville alumna Leilany Tran is a social worker with the Lancaster City Police Department. She graduated from Millersville University in 2012 with a bachelor’s in psychology and went on to receive her master’s in social work from Temple University. Tran works with police officers, community leaders and residents in the city of Lancaster and surrounding area. She coordinates care for residents struggling with mental health issues, assists with housing support, and connects elderly residents with resources and services. LEILANY TRAN

“The bulk of my work also consists of supporting officers on scene when needed for populations who call 911 and need social service support,” says Tran. Tran joins police officers on incident calls to provide de-escalation services and resources. As the conversation surrounding police brutality increased in the United States during 2020, Lancaster City resident Ricardo Muñoz was shot and killed by an officer with the Lancaster Police Department in September 2020. Following the death of Muñoz, a group of protesters gathered outside Lancaster’s police station.

Estefania Martinez is a 2020 graduate of biology from Millersville University. Martinez currently works as a medical assistant in the Department of Women’s Health at Apple Hill Medical Center. “The experience is different than previous years when I worked as a medical assistant elsewhere, pre-pandemic,” says Martinez. “I wasn’t ever terrified of contracting COVID-19, but I definitely was more aware and took more caution when dealing with patients.” ESTEFANIA MARTINEZ

Martinez says now that the vaccines are being made available, there is less fear. However, patients and staff are still being cautious.

“The education I received at Millersville definitely helped me in the role I have today,” says Martinez.

“I spent the majority of my time with the crowd when the riots were actively happening. Sometimes it was 10 or 11-hour days out there on the front lines, talking to people, hearing their demands, explaining what my role is,” says Tran. “A lot of that time was spent just listening and trying to see how I can continue to advocate. That’s where the work begins, is being right there with them where they are.” 

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“It also was a little stressful when having to prioritize patients, as in who could be seen, and what procedures can be done, due to restrictions and protocol,” says Martinez. “The education I received at Millersville definitely helped me in the role I have today.” Martinez is grateful for the courses she was able to take at Millersville, such as genetics, immunology, anatomy and physiology. Martinez believes that these courses equipped her to be able to answer questions patients may have.  LEAH MCDONALD, PATIENT CARE ASSISTANT AT MENTAL HEALTH AND BEHAVIORAL HOSPITAL IN CINCINNATI, OH

Leah McDonald graduated from Millersville University in 2020 with a degree in psychology and a sociology minor. As a patient care assistant, McDonald takes care of patients and ensures that they have what they need. She also helps to ensure that they attend any necessary events or meals they are scheduled to attend.

ON the FRONT LINES “My experience has been wonderful,” says McDonald. “I absolutely love my job!” McDonald observed that more people have been going through mental health units during the pandemic. “Most are there for a short time to get their medications correct due to anxiety or depression,” says McDonald. “My education at Millersville has helped me understand what some mental LEAH MCDONALD illnesses look like. It has also helped me to understand how to help those who need my help and to be patient with them as well.” 

ORLANDO BERMUDEZ, WEATHER FORECASTER FOR NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Orlando Bermudez is a weather forecaster in San Antonio, Texas and a recent graduate of Millersville’s master’s degree program in emergency management. He volunteers his time with Multimedia Assistance in Spanish. They assist the National Weather Service’s Southern Region with providing Spanish translations when there is severe weather. “We saw the need in the Hispanic community to get the message in Spanish for them to take cover, to be prepared,” says Bermudez. DENNIS MERRIGAN, DEPUTY CHIEF OF PHILADELPHIA FIRE DEPARTMENT


Dennis Merrigan is a deputy chief in the city of Philadelphia and the city’s fire marshal. He received his master’s degree in emergency management from Millersville.

Peggy Johnson, MHSA, RRT, graduated from Millersville in 2004 with a degree in biology with a focus on respiratory therapy. Johnson currently works as a respiratory therapist at both Penn State Hershey Medical Center and Albert Einstein Medical Center in North Philadelphia.

“I think Millersville opened my eyes to a lot of the broader issues and it definitely helped me at a management level, where I am now,” says Merrigan.

“My role involves helping patients to breathe through medication administration, assistance with code blues, intubations, and airway and ventilator management,” says Johnson. As a respiratory therapist, Johnson works with a team of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals across the health-care field, to ease or assist in breathing treatments to help patients overcome asthma, COPD, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, and lungs or breathing affected by traumatic injuries.

“I do believe that the clinical experience that I received at Millersville is unmatched at other schools. I was taught to think critically, to speak up and advocate for my patients. I was encouraged to have empathy,” says Johnson.

Johnson says that working as a respiratory therapist at the start of COVID-19 was a scary and anxious time.



“For the first month or two, I panicked a lot driving home, thinking I somehow contracted COVID-19,” says Johnson. “It was all anxiety.”

“We had increased incidences of patients in critical condition come through our emergency room,” says Johnson. “Most days were nonstop, and while we were saving many patients, after a few months it seemed like we were losing a lot.” Johnson says the days were sad and exhausting, coupled with the fear of getting loved ones sick at home. “We take our work seriously,” says Johnson. “We adjust, we focus, and we plow through it to do the best we can for our patients. I do believe that the clinical experience that I received at Millersville is unmatched at other schools. I was taught to think critically, to speak up and advocate for my patients. I was encouraged to have empathy.” 

Merrigan continued serving in the fire service through the pandemic. “I think we’ve done an excellent job,” says Merrigan. “We’ve continued to maintain our staffing levels every day and respond to jobs all over the city, throughout the entire pandemic without missing a beat.” JESSICA MOORE, BEHAVIORAL SAFETY ASSISTANT AT CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL Jessica Moore graduated from Millersville University in the fall of 2020 with a bachelor’s in biology. She works in the pharmacy department at CVS and as a behavioral safety assistant at Chester County Hospital.

During the pandemic, Moore says she has observed many patients struggle financially and physically. Moore says Millersville taught her how to be understanding of people and their backgrounds, and to listen closely to everyone’s story. “Millersville taught me that as individuals, we all have something to give to others,” says Moore.  SAM WALDMAN, SECOND-GRADE TEACHER AT WEST CREEK HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sam Waldman graduated from Millersville’s education program in spring 2020. She currently teaches second grade at West Creek Hills Elementary School in East Pennsboro Area School District, in Camp Hill. Waldman says a big challenge during the pandemic was the ‘uncontrollables,’ noting that many of her students experienced a lot of adversity in the past year. “The relationships with their teachers and classmates keep them motivated and still willing to learn,” she says.  Read more about each of these alumni working on the front lines, as well as additional stories on Emily Hendricks ’17, a first-grade special education teacher in Barrington, New Jersey and Mara Tate ’20, a 6th grade teacher at Martic Elementary School in the Penn Manor School District. You can find their stories and photos in the online version of the Millersville Review at

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Campus NEWS

CAMPUS NEWS | Fall/Winter Aspiring Emergency Managers Honor 9/11 Victims


To mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Millersville’s student chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a memorial featuring a violinist and short service at the campus pond. Members of Millersville’s Army ROTC were present at the service as well. Dr. Duane Hagelgans, an associate professor of emergency management at MU, delivered a speech to the crowd, urging them to remember the tragic lessons learned on that fateful day. “I now have college students in my classes that have no memory of September 11, 2001,” said Hagelgans. “I fear that we will forget, that we won’t plan, that we won’t prepare and that we won’t educate our future generations, and this is a tragedy. That moment in time will win, and we will all lose if we let this happen. It’s about education, it’s about preparedness, it’s about not dwelling on the past, but remembering the past and all the sacrifices.” 

New Provost Named After an extensive nationwide search, Dr. Daniel Wubah announced that Dr. Gail E. Gasparich was selected as the next Provost and Vice DR. GAIL E. GASPARICH President for Academic Affairs for Millersville University. “I am very pleased that Dr. Gail Gasparich will be joining us,” said President Wubah. “She

is an experienced administrator with vision and enthusiasm that will help us elevate undergraduate education to new heights at Millersville University.” Gasparich joined Millersville on July 1, 2021, and succeeded Dr. Vilas A. Prabhu, who retired in June. Gasparich was the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Salem State University since spring 2016. Prior to that, she was a professor of biological sciences and associate dean for the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics and acting assistant provost at Towson University. “I am excited to join the Millersville University community,” said Gasparich. “I look forward to working with the faculty and staff to support the success of all our students.” 

Millersville Alum Kyle Elliott Named Director of the Weather Information Center


Kyle Elliott, a former meteorologist/ forecaster with AccuWeather, has been named director of the Weather Information Center at Millersville University. He was named director after a national search to replace Eric Horst, who retired in 2020. Elliott graduated from Millersville with a bachelor’s degree in meteorology. He was on the dean’s list at Millersville and graduated magna cum laude. He went on to receive a master’s in meteorology from Penn State. In his new position, Elliott works at Caputo Hall. He is responsible for the direction and management of all aspects of daily operation of the center, including twice daily weather updates, supervision and mentorship of students working for the Campus Weather Service. He also handles

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outreach to the community, provides expert weather information to the public, works with agencies and media outlets on behalf of the meteorology program, and offers expert weather guidance for University decisions. While at AccuWeather, Elliott issued realtime snow, ice and severe weather warnings for clients, including school districts, transportation and sanitation departments, airports, credit unions and shipyards. In addition to verbal and written warnings, he created snowfall and rainfall maps to outline these threats visually. He used long-range computer modeling, analogs and teleconnections to contribute to seasonal forecasts. 

Nursing School Named After Wehrheim The Council of Trustees at Millersville University approved the naming of the Wehrheim School of Nursing earlier this year. It becomes the first named school of nursing within PASSHE. Liselotte R. Wehrheim, the namesake of the college, was the oldest known living alum of Millersville University when she died in 2019 at the age of 103, leaving the University $3.5 million. The gift added to the previously established Liselotte R. Wehrheim Scholarship in Nursing Endowment, bringing it to $4.8 million. Wehrheim was a nontraditional student who graduated with her degree in nursing in 1974 at age 59. Her scholarship is for nontraditional students who have unusual or special circumstances affecting the completion of their education.

“Ms. Wehrheim’s transformational gift is already helping to prepare students for jobs in the growing healthcare industry,” says President Daniel A. Wubah. “We thought it was very appropriate to name our school

Campus NEWS of nursing after her. She will have a lasting impact on hundreds of our nursing students now and into the future.” 

New Education Certification The College of Education and Human Services is now offering a certification

concentration within the master’s degree for assessment, curriculum and teaching. The program provides a path for certification in selected content areas for emergency certified teachers who are currently working in classrooms.

and targeted supervision. The 11-month program takes students through online courses that meet standards for teacher competencies from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. To learn more or apply, visit 

The program will focus on 7-12 certification in science, social studies, English and math and is designed to support the practicing beginning teacher through coursework

Millersville Alumni are in the


PATCHTOWN FILMS Casey Prosick ’16 and Eric Griffin ’16 | MAJOR: Government and Political Affairs (Prosick), Graphic Design (Griffin) PatchTown Films is a full-service production company, creating videos for a variety of clients, ranging from recipe developers to small business owners, artists and musicians.  RHINESTONE EVERYTHING Elana Rapoport ’15 | MAJOR: Social Work

Based in Lancaster, Pa., BloomBox is the area’s largest e-commerce nursery that delivers plants, trees and garden supplies to customer’s homes. BloomBox currently delivers to five states and the District of Columbia. BloomBox has over 15,000 customers and employs more than 30 people.  JASS ELAINE | Branding, Marketing & Design Jasmin Leath ’18 | MAJOR: Communication Studies with a minor in Business Management

As a brand coach, marketing strategist and design guru, Leath works with entrepreneurs and those aspiring to create, launch and grow their small businesses. She teaches JASMIN LEATH ’18 them how to attract loyal customers and increase confidence in their journey through 1-on-1 coaching, graphic and website design, and social media strategy development. 

ROTH PRINTING & DESIGN, LLC Adam Roth ’02 | MAJOR: Bachelor of Science in Technology Education


Rhinestone Everything is an Etsy shop selling rhinestone accessories, home décor and customized gifts. Her Etsy shop dovetails with her full-time job, giving her the opportunity to express her creativity. 

RIAN REED AND CO, LLC Rian Reed ’11 | MAJOR: Elementary and Special Education with a concentration in History Rian Reed and Co, LLC empowers individuals and organizations through career and business development strategy. They design products like websites, LinkedIn profiles, pitch decks, RIAN REED ’11 resumes and cover letters. They also do grant writing and coach their clients on using these tools. 


Roth Printing & Design, LLC specializes in high-quality, custom screen prints featuring appealing graphic designs on many different types of apparel, from T- shirts to jackets. 

THE MORPHING ELEGANCE Barsha Thapa ’21 | MAJOR: Accounting The Morphing Elegance is a semi-ethnic online shop, primarily marketed through Instagram. The Morphing Elegance sells ethnic clothes and jewelry BARSHA THAPA ’21 from India, with a subdivision called “With All My Heart,” featuring T-shirts and handmade items. 

GET MORE DETAILS on these enterprising Millersville University graduates and their innovative businesses. Check the Millersville Review magazine online at

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We were back for Millersville University’s Homecoming 2021! From the Millersville Parade and the ribbon-cutting ceremony commemorating the completion of the Divine Nine and Cultural Greek Council Unity Plots on Memorial Walkway, to the Swan Drop fundraiser for the pond, there were events for everyone. The block party featured balloon making for the kids and other games, while friends had a chance to catch up. The football game included the Homecoming Royalty and, of course, Skully. 

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ALUMNI | R E U N I O N S Homecoming 2021 was a time for friends to reconnect at a host of events and reunions. From the 50th Reunion Celebrations for both the Class of 1970 and 1971 to honoring the 45th Anniversary of Greek Life and the 75th Anniversaries of Field Hockey and Wrestling, there was plenty of time for conversation and reminiscing. Here are photographs from the weekend. 

CLASS of 1971 Left to Right FRONT ROW: Betty Daller Atwood, Janet Leinbach Sanders, Jean Madigan Young, Bonnie Lusk Shue, Linda L. Esbenshade, Gail Wren Boyle, Kathrine Shurskis Mihalko, Carol Larzelere Stender, Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, Paul Stewart Beideman, LHD, Brenda Wallick Breffitt, Jim M. Leonard, Robert “Bob” Elwood Smith, Lyman Brenner, Susan Kile Ellenberg, Dr. Carol Annette Mattee Welsh, Kathleen A. Heil, Ruth Althouse Malone BACK ROW: Brenda McVeigh Auerbach, Ingrid Benjamin DeBellas, Barry L. Kulakowsky, Debra Dietz Hempfing, Diane Alexander Bridi, Shelley Raubenhold Olsen, Steven Wayne Breffitt, John Arthur Moyer Jr., John H. Bricker III

45TH ANNIVERSARY OF GREEK LIFE Alumni gathered to celebrate

CLASS of 1970 Left to Right TOP ROW: Richard “Rich” Barbacane, Bob Bentley (Virtual Event Host) BOTTOM ROW: Susan Sliker, Elaine Altschuler Rostolsky 14 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • Fal l | Wi nter 2 021-22

their lives, reminisce, and create new memories in honor of the 45th Anniversary of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. The group partied with a cause as all proceeds from the celebration benefitted the African American/Latino American Alumni Scholarship Endowment.


t CLASS of 1970 Faith Holzman Adams, Judith Ann Nace Bleacher, Kathleen Legenstein Brabson, Daniele Loisueau DeCamp, Joan Marie Sinitsky Decker, Barry Decker, Richard A. Dodds, Dale G. Fair, Stephen E. Focht, Kathy Glenn Focht, Janice Breneman Hackman, Mary Ann Ferrara Heltshe-Steinhauer, Mervin W. Hess, Stephen Kepchar, Judith Klock Kulakowsky, Kenneth Kulakowsky, Louis Kulp, Barbara Reiner Lashley, Chester F. Marshall III Jean Devonshire Martin, Donald William Miller, Pamela Grace Cathcart Miller, Leroy M. Miller, Larry N. Ream, J. Harold Sahm, EdD, Albert P. Schmidt, Nancy Schimpf Schuler, James Howard Stamm and Linda Rose Steffy

The MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY WRESTLING TEAM Celebrates its 75th Anniversary with alumni.


Left to Right FRONT ROW: Meredith Fagan (current graduate student), Morgan Klaiss (current first year), Margo Thorwart ’17 (assistant coach), Hannah Brown (current senior), Keaghan Keracher (current senior) MIDDLE ROW: Joyce Herr ’80, Brittany Troutman Lentz ’14, Olivia Hershey Rowe ’17, Lauren Sotzin Boltz ’15 BACK ROW: Kathleen Bishop ’18, Brooke Troutman ’21, Natalie Pinder ’21, Brynne Ehrlacher (current senior), Donna Eshleman (equipment manager), Moriah Woods Hoffman ’18, Shelly Behrens (head coach), Michelle Wagner ’95, Katrina Swarr ’94, Melissa Sipe Yowler

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Alumni Honors SIX

Millersville University is proud to have a very diverse and successful alumni body throughout the world. Each year the Millersville University Alumni Association recognizes and celebrates outstanding alumni achievements through the Alumni Awards program. To read the full biography for each of this year’s award recipients, and to nominate other deserving alumni, visit We’d love to hear from you.





KEVIN MAHONEY ’81 Kevin B. Mahoney is chief executive officer for the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS). He assumed this role on July 1, 2019. Beginning in 1996, Mahoney’s leadership posts at Penn Medicine have included serving as executive vice president and chief MAHONEY ’81 administrative officer of UPHS, executive vice dean of the Perelman School of Medicine and senior vice president of UPHS. He also served as executive director of Phoenixville Hospital, as executive director and chief operating officer for Clinical Care Associates, and as director of network development. Mahoney’s operational portfolio at Penn Medicine has included information technology, strategic planning, the primary care network, human resources and capital planning. He has led several transformative construction projects which have expanded and enhanced Penn Medicine’s clinical care, teaching and research missions, including the Smilow Center for Translational Research and the Henry A. Jordan M’62 Medical Education Center. Mahoney directs the development and construction of the Pavilion, Penn Medicine’s new $1.5 billion hospital on its West Philadelphia campus, set to open later this year. He also oversaw the implementation of a common electronic health record platform across five hospitals, numerous outpatient clinics and home care–the only comprehensive system of its kind in the Philadelphia region. He is a graduate of Millersville State College, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1981. During his time at Millersville, Mahoney played intercollegiate lacrosse, participated in the search committee for the University president and made the dean’s list. He found mentors in professors Clarence Jefferson Randolph, David Ostrovsky, Paul Nichols and Terry Madonna. Professor Randolph spent hours counseling and mentoring Mahoney, and the pair stayed in touch until Randolph’s passing. Mahoney met his wife, Pam Kane ’82, during their sophomore year, and they celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary in August. Mahoney also holds an MBA and a doctorate from the Fox School of Business at Temple University. 

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CARROLL “BUTCH” STAUB ’72, ’90M Carroll “Butch” Staub graduated from Millersville State College in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in social studies education. Staub returned to Millersville and earned a Master of Education degree in counseling in 1990, teaching certification in special education, permanent certification in social STAUB ´72, ´90M studies and counselor certification. While a student, Staub played intramural soccer, was a member of the Madrigal singers, participated in the first All Campus Musical, and was a writer, then editor, of the student newspaper, The Snapper. Volunteering is a labor of love for Staub, and he is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of young people. He served as a member of the Millersville University Alumni Association (MUAA) Board of Directors from 2012 until 2020 and returned in July 2021 for another term. Staub’s contribution of 200 to 300 hours of yearly volunteer service has been a rewarding opportunity to connect with students. He has volunteered at many University events, including Move-in Days, Commencement ceremonies, Legacy Breakfast events, New Student Orientation Days and more. Staub has mentored five students through the Mentor Collective program and conducted mock interviews for senior education majors. A highlight of Staub’s volunteer service is his involvement with the free lunch program for Millersville students at The HUB, which he joined as a volunteer in 2016. Staub enjoys managing the entire free lunch process on the second Thursday of each month, including purchasing the food, preparing the meal and serving the students. Professionally, Staub has dedicated his life to education, with a career spanning more than 40 years. Staub worked in the School District of Lancaster for many years, including 21 years at J.P. McCaskey High School as a social studies teacher and eight years as an associate principal. After nine years as principal of Lampeter-Strasburg High School, Staub retired in 2011. Staub and his wife reside in Millersville and have three sons and three wonderful grandchildren who make every day special. 


HONORARY ALUMNUS Award THIS AWARD, ESTABLISHED IN 1993, IS PRESENTED TO AN INDIVIDUAL (NON-MU ALUMNUS) WHO HAS PERFORMED CONTINUOUS EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY OR MADE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS OF TIME, TALENT OR WEALTH TO THE UNIVERSITY. ED WEBER Ed Weber served the Millersville University campus and community as the director of The HUB since 2014. He WEBER, 1969-2021 graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a bachelor’s degree in missions and had more than 25 years of youth and young adult ministry service in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He directed youth camps and conferences, led summer traveling ministry teams and

served on staff in churches and parachurch organizations, with a vision of impacting the next generation of students. As the founding director of The HUB, Weber led the formation of The HUB board of directors, recruiting members from local churches, the campus and local community. Embracing the simple vision of “Campus, Community, Mission,” The HUB has worked to expand the impact of the Campus Cupboard food pantry, launch weekly community events and establish two weekly free lunch programs. In 2019, he worked with the School of Social Work to develop

the Campus Closet–a professional clothing bank for Millersville University students. Weber also served as a campus minister for United Campus Ministry since 2014 and was a charter member of Millersville University’s Interfaith Council of Ministers (ICM). For the past three years, he served as a coordinator volunteer for ICM, working to formally establish an Office of Faith & Spirituality at Millersville University. On July 20, 2021, Weber passed away unexpectedly due to natural causes. He was married to his wife, Vicki, for 24 years and was the father of five children. 

YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT Award CREATED IN 2012, THIS AWARD RECOGNIZES MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY BACCALAUREATE GRADUATES IDENTIFIED AS BEING OUTSTANDING IN THEIR PROFESSIONS AND WHO SERVE AS AN EXAMPLE OF EXEMPLARY ACHIEVEMENT TO CURRENT MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. ALL BACCALAUREATE GRADUATES OF MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY, WITHIN THE PAST FIVE TO 20 YEARS AT TIME OF NOMINATION, WHO HAVE RECORDED NOTABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THEIR CHOSEN PROFESSIONS, ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS AWARD. JERRY MARTIN ‘11 Jerry Martin graduated from Millersville University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in government and political affairs. He received a MARTIN ‘11 Master of Science degree in disaster medicine and management from Thomas Jefferson University in 2017 and an advanced-graduate certificate in public policy from Northwestern University in 2019. Martin currently serves as a senior intelligence analyst with the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP), where he works with the FBI on various biotechnologyfocused initiatives as well as manages NJOHSP’s various analytic partnerships with external organizations. Previously, he led a team of analysts focused on international and domestic terrorist groups and threats to critical infrastructure in New Jersey and provided support to national-level terrorism investigations. Additionally, he serves as NJOHSP’s liaison to military facilities and units across the state and as a certified instructor for New Jersey’s Regional Intelligence Academy. In addition to his role with NJOHSP, Martin is a chief petty officer with the U.S. Navy Reserves and is currently assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence in Fort Dix, New Jersey. 

DANIELLE ELLIOT ’16, ’21M Danielle Elliot graduated from Millersville University in 2016, receiving a bachelor’s degree ELLIOT ’16, ’21M with a dual major in elementary education and special education. She is pursuing a master’s degree in special education at Millersville University and will graduate in December 2021. In 2018, she became a learning support teacher at Burrowes Elementary School in the School District of Lancaster. Elliot goes above and beyond to support her students and is known for her kindness and patience, and for making a positive impact through her work. Since 2017, Elliot has been a volunteer head coach with Girls on the Run for Burrowes Elementary in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In 2019, Elliot was named the Girls on the Run Lancaster Coach of the Year. As an educator, mentor and role model, Elliot is an inspiration for her students and colleagues, and exemplifies commitment, grace and dedication to making a difference. 

JEFF ROOD ’04, PH.D. Dr. Jeff Rood graduated from Millersville University in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree ROOD ’04, PH.D. in chemistry. He earned departmental honors and carried out undergraduate research with Dr. Edward Rajaseelan. Rood is a professor of chemistry and chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the School of Science at Elizabethtown College. After graduating from Millersville University, Rood went on to attend the University of Notre Dame, where he joined the lab of Ken Henderson and received a doctorate in inorganic chemistry. Upon graduating in 2009, Rood began his academic career as an assistant professor at Elizabethtown College. He was tenured and promoted in 2015 and became department chair in 2019. In 2021, he was promoted to the rank of professor. Rood has published 20 peer-reviewed papers in areas such as synthetic inorganic chemistry, inorganic materials and crystallography. His work at Elizabethtown College has earned several merit awards for teaching, research and service, and in 2021 he was awarded the Elizabethtown College Honors Program Outstanding Professor Award. 

Visit the Millersville University Alumni webpage at to learn about our latest events and other news. M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m i ller sv i lle. edu

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Millersville University

Alumni Association Honors Alumni with Board Emeritus Status

Board Emeritus status is an honor that is awarded by the board president of the Millersville University Alumni Association (MUAA) to recognize alumni who have dedicated significant time and talent to the MUAA. Eligibility requires serving on the board for three terms, marking a 50th anniversary of graduation, and distinguishing themselves in service to the MUAA. These individuals have been awarded Board Emeritus status by the MUAA: DR. KATHLEEN “KATHY” BRABSON ’70


Kathy Brabson served in public education as a teacher and a principal in school districts in Lancaster County. She was president of the Pennsylvania Association of Elementary School Principals, board member of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and director of the Teaching Center at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

Brabson served as president of the Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors, the University Campaign Committee and the Selection Committee for the University Educator of the Year Award, and the MU Class of 1970 Reunion committee. She and her husband, Chip, contributed to the rededication of Stayer Hall, established a scholarship for MU physics students and volunteered for the Millersville Homecoming Parade. She has published “Life of Thad Stevens: What Part of ‘All Men Are Created Equal’ Do You Not Understand?” Brabson received an undergraduate degree in elementary education from Millersville University, and a Master of Education degree and a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Pennsylvania State University.  MARY ANN GERBER ’67, ‘70M Mary Ann Gerber taught English in the Solanco School District for 30 years and was English department chair. Gerber received a J.D. degree from Widener University in 1996 and was admitted to both the Pennsylvania and Maryland bar associations. She served on the GERBER ’67, ‘70M Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors. She and her husband, Phil ’67, ‘80M, support Millersville University’s Archives and Special Collections. She was treasurer of the MUAA Board of Directors and president of Millersville Borough Council. Gerber helped found the Millersville Area Historical Society. She was a volunteer coordinator on the Millersville Community Parade Committee, co-chair of Millersville 250 and a Millersville Community Parade grand marshal. Gerber was Lancaster County Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court from 2008 to 2015. She served as a member of the Lancaster Library board and the Rotary Club of Lancaster South, and is a borough councilwoman and board member of Lancaster County Children and Youth Social Service Agency. She received an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in English education from Millersville University, certification in school psychology and certification in curriculum and instruction. 

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BARBARA HUNSBERGER ’65 Barbara Hunsberger was associate professor of the library at Millersville University for 28 years and a librarian in local public schools for seven years. She served as president of the Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors from 1987-1989, MUAA board member from 1994-1995, Millersville University HUNSBERGER ’65 Foundation Board member, and on the Academic Computing Advisory Committee, Administrative Computing Advisory Committee, The Computing Policy Council and the University Long-Range Planning Committee. From 1998-2000 she served as an advocate for the Virtual University, for Millersville, Shippensburg and West Chester University. In 2001, Hunsberger retired from Millersville University as an associate professor of the library. During her tenure at Millersville, Hunsberger developed a proposal that was accepted to automate the library at the Lancaster County Historical Society (LCHS). She has been an active volunteer at LancasterHistory. Hunsberger is also president of the Lancaster County Bird Club and a graduate of the 1989 class of Leadership Lancaster. She received an undergraduate degree in education from Millersville University and master’s degrees from Villanova University and Pennsylvania State University.  ELIZABETH KAUFFMAN ’52, ‘76M

KAUFFMAN ’52, ‘76M

Elizabeth Kauffman served as the director of development for the Community Hospital of Lancaster and as the director of development for the American Heart Association. She served as an interim director of the Millersville University Alumni Association and was a high school English teacher.

Kauffman also served as president of the Millersville University Alumni Association. She was a Millersville University representative on the Pennsylvania Council of Alumni Associations and served on the board of directors of the Millersville University Foundation. Kauffman served on the boards of Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning (formerly Citizens Scholarship Foundation of Lancaster County), Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Lancaster County, and Leadership Lancaster. Kauffman received an undergraduate degree in secondary education and a Master of Education degree from Millersville University. She also received a Master of Arts degree from Central Michigan University. 




Greek life has been embedded in the campus culture of Millersville University for 45 years. Fraternities and sororities play an important role in the student experiences of ‘Ville students. Not only do they provide opportunities for like-minded students to develop friendships and connections, but their philanthropic work has contributed to the campus and local community. “I think Greek life is important because it gives you the chance and confidence to pursue roles and opportunities you never would have gotten without it,” says Delaney Bosworth, current president of the All Greek Council. “When you join Greek life, you’re instantly connected to not only your organization, but all the others on campus.” In recognition of the contributions of the traditional Black Greek letter organizations and other Latinx fraternities and sororities, Millersville constructed the Divine Nine and Cultural Greek Council Unity Plots, located along Shenks Lane near the Student Memorial Center. The walkway includes 12 plots and serves as a walkway and gathering place for members of the organizations. This project honors the long-established history and service of these organizations, many of which are presently represented with active chapters at Millersville. 

Occupational Safety & Environmental Health Program Celebrates


The Occupational Safety & Environmental Health program at Millersville is celebrating 40 years on campus. The program, designed for those pursuing professions in the safety and health fields, requires courses that focus on applying math and science skills to the various aspects of maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. “The Occupational Safety & Environmental Health program is one of only six schools in the nation that offers a degree that is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology under the

Environmental, Health and Safety Criteria,” says Dr. Jack Ogutu, associate professor and OSEH program coordinator at MU. “The accreditation sets us apart from most of our peers.” The program is one of just a few in the nation that’s a grantee of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Training Grant Program. This grant helps meet the nation’s need for skilled, knowledgeable practitioners and researchers in OSHA and enhances the diversity of the workforce. 



When field hockey and wrestling first started at Millersville, Dr. Daniel L. Biemesderfer was president of Millersville State Normal School. While 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of field hockey, because of COVID, it’s being celebrated this year. 2021 also marks the 75th anniversary of wrestling. Both programs have come a long way since the 1940s. Three-time PSAC Coach of the Year and two-time Division II Coach of the Year Shelly Behrens has built the Millersville field hockey program into a contender at both the PSAC and national level. The winningest coach in Millersville history, Behrens guided the team to the first NCAA Division II Championship in Millersville women’s sports history in 2014. Her Marauders have appeared in five of the last eight PSAC Championship games, winning the 2013 and 2016 titles, and have reached the NCAA Tournament in five of the last seven seasons.

the program, producing Millersville’s first national champion in 39 years, three AllAmericans, and led the team to its most dual wins in a decade. 



In 1982, Millersville began a theatre program, thanks to the acquisition of an extensive costume collection. Now, 40 years later, the costume shop continues to operate, and its collection ranges from exquisite gowns to clown costumes and everything in between. The 40th anniversary is particularly special to the director of the costume shop, Priscilla Kaufhold. “For 38 years I have been fortunate enough to meet, create for, and work with some of the most fascinating and artistic people in Lancaster and beyond,” says Kaufhold. “It also means that we are due for a celebration!” The collection housed at the shop on campus continues to grow. Recently, Maranatha Productions, located in Lancaster, donated hundreds of additional items to Millersville, including 160 costume pieces, 31 boxes of accessories and more. Kaufhold notes that the shop is open year-round for rentals, for things like costume parties, Halloween events and productions of plays and musicals. Their extensive collection includes everything from Mummers costumes to uniforms from World War One to the Gulf War. 

Since his hiring as Millersville’s wrestling coach in June of 2017, Kerry Regner has championed “The Resurgence.” Going into his fourth season, Regner has infused energy into M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m i ller sv i lle. edu

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SPORTS | 2021-22

SPORTS | 2021-22


Impressive athletes honored during Homecoming weekend BY E THAN HULSE Y The Millersville University Athletics HALL OF FAME officially inducted its 2021 and 27th annual class of inductees with a

ceremony on Oct. 15 as part of Homecoming weekend. The class included Abbey Neff Anderson ’01 (women’s tennis), Lauren Sotzin Boltz ’15 (field hockey), Mashira Newman ’13 (women’s basketball), Frank Oslislo ’67 (men’s basketball), Lee Rizzotto ’00 (football), Zach Stone ’14 (baseball), and Jeremy Yoder ’11 (men’s soccer).

ABBEY NEFF ANDERSON ’01 WOMEN’S TENNIS A four-time All-PSAC performer from 1997-2001, Abbey Neff Anderson ranks among the most winning singles players in program history ANDERSON ’01 and was one-half of Millersville’s most dominant doubles team. Neff Anderson’s play helped Millersville to four straight PSAC Championships and four straight NCAA regional titles. Neff Anderson’s 92 career singles wins rank second all-time. She teamed with Lauren

Witmer to win 107 doubles matches—44 more than any other Millersville duo. The two paired for four seasons, winning at least 27 matches three times, including a program record 31 in 2000-01.  LAUREN SOTZIN BOLTZ ’15 FIELD HOCKEY Voted the MVP of Millersville field hockey’s first PSAC Championship in 37 years, and the anchor to the only NCAA Division II Championship team SOTZIN BOLTZ ’15 in the history of Millersville women’s athletics, Lauren Sotzin

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Boltz set a new standard for goalkeeper play at the ‘Ville. Sotzin Boltz earned All-PSAC recognition three times, landed All-America First Team honors in both 2013 and 2014, and was voted the 2013 Synapse Sports National Defensive Player of the Year after leading Division II in shutouts and goalsagainst average. She led the nation in those categories again in 2014, helping the Marauders to a national championship. In the title game, she shutout the nation’s No. 1-ranked offense and was named to the NCAA All-Tournament Team. Sotzin Boltz graduated with Millersville records in career wins, shutouts and goalsagainst average. 

SPORTS | 2021-22 MASHIRA NEWMAN ’13 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Whether it was scoring, distributing to teammates, grabbing rebounds or playing stifling defense, Mashira Newman impacted NEWMAN ’13 every facet of the game. She is the only player in the long and distinguished history of the women’s basketball program to finish her career ranked in the top 10 in points, assists, steals and blocks. A three-time All-PSAC East selection and two-time first team pick, Newman helped the Marauders to 84 wins in her career, and as a freshman she served as the starting point guard for a team that won the PSAC East and reached the NCAA Atlantic Regional title game. Newman remains the only Marauder to total 1,000 points, 500 rebounds and 500 assists.  FRANK OSLISLO ’67 MEN’S BASKETBALL A versatile and dynamic offensive player for the highflying Marauders of the 1960s, Frank Oslislo scored 1,538 points and set a Millersville record for career assists that OSLISLO ’67 stood for 22 seasons. Oslislo and fellow hall-of-famer Phil Walker remain the only Marauders to rank in the top 10 in career points, rebounds and assists. A two-time team captain, Oslislo helped his junior and senior season teams set school records for wins in a season. As a senior, Oslislo averaged 18.4 points per game and led the team in assists. The year prior, Oslislo set a Millersville record with 7.5 assists

per game—a mark that still stands. Oslislo died in 2008 following a long fight with cancer. After graduation from Millersville, he served in the United States Navy for 20 years and achieved the rank of lieutenant commander. Following retirement from the military, Oslislo worked for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for 32 years. The department’s visitor center at the Merkle Natural Resources Management Area was named in his honor.  LEE RIZZOTTO ’00 FOOTBALL A tackling machine and two-time team defensive MVP, Lee Rizzotto’s outstanding linebacker play helped Millersville to a PSAC East title in 1998 and an NCAA RIZZOTTO ’00 playoff appearance in 1999. Rizzotto was voted All-PSAC East and All-ECAC First Team as a junior and as a senior. He led the team in tackles three seasons in a row, and in 1999 he delivered an incredible 122 tackles and 13 sacks—a mark that remains tied for fifth all-time. Rizzotto finished his Millersville career ranked fourth in total tackles and third in sacks with 28½. Also an outstanding student, Rizzotto graduated cum laude. 

three PSAC East titles and an NCAA Atlantic Regional Championship in 2011. In 2013, Stone became the first Marauder named PSAC East Athlete of the Year, and a year later, he became the first Marauder named All-America twice. He played anywhere the team needed him, earning All-Atlantic Region recognition at three different positions, winning an ABCA Regional Gold Glove as a third baseman in 2011.  JEREMY YODER ’11 MEN’S SOCCER From 2007-10, when the Millersville men’s soccer program emerged as a powerhouse and perennial PSAC contender, Jeremy Yoder was at the heart of a staunch defense YODER ’11 that led the PSAC in goals against and shutouts two years in a row. A four-year starter at center back, Yoder led Millersville to two PSAC East titles, two PSAC runner-up finishes, a national No. 1 ranking and two trips to the NCAA Tournament. As a junior in 2009, Yoder was named NSCAA All-America Third Team, becoming Millersville’s first All-American since 1991. He was twice voted All-PSAC East First Team and NSCAA All-Atlantic Region First Team. 

ZACH STONE ’14 BASEBALL A pure hitter and fierce competitor, Stone came to Millersville as a walk-on and turned himself into an AllAmerican and the program’s career leader in hits and STONE ’14 RBIs. His fiery play helped spark Millersville baseball on to a tremendous run of success that included


CHAS MCCORMICK ‘17, a former PSAC East Athlete of the Year and the PSAC’s all-time hits leader while playing for the Marauders, became the first Millersville alum to play in the World Series when he started in center field in game one for the Houston Astros. McCormick drove in the Astros’ lone run in the game. The series was ongoing at the time of the Review’s publication. M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m i ller sv i lle. edu

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SPORTS | 2021-22


TRUST FRIENDSHIP Leads to PSAC Doubles Title for Millersville duo In early October, CARLOS MARTINEZwant to break us up, coach?’ At this point, LUCAS and FRANK YANNI battled back we definitely don’t,” said Helsel. from a 4-1 deficit in the finals of the PSAC In doubles tennis, trust is crucial to success. Doubles Championship to become just the Not only must players complement each second Millersville team–and the first in other with their skill sets, they must believe more than a decade–to win the tournament. that their teammate will be where he is And to think they almost didn’t have the supposed to be on the court and hit the ball chance to play together. The same resiliency where he is supposed to hit it. There are and determination Martinez-Lucas and synchronous movements, and there must Yanni used to rally against their Edinboro be confident anticipation. A close friendship opponents they used to convince their and playing against each other every day coach to keep them paired together. One YANNI, MARTINEZ-LUCAS AND HELSEL in singles practice for two years builds that year ago, Martinez-Lucas and Yanni teamed CELEBRATE THE TEAMS WIN. needed familiarity. for an 11-2 record and All-PSAC East First Team recognition. But with an influx of new players, Coach Matt “Chemistry in doubles is key,” said Yanni. “I’m always at his house. We Helsel thought it might be best to pair his two most talented and get each other on a friendship level, and we respect each other as most veteran players with newcomers, giving him more balance to tennis players. He knows where I’m hitting before I even hit it.” the doubles lineup. “We play a high-risk, high-reward brand of doubles,” said Helsel. “We “I talked to them about changing up the teams and trying something take a lot of chances with the expectation that if we dictate, we will fresh,” said Helsel. “They clearly did not want to do that.” win more battles than we lose than if we play reactionary tennis. One of the keys to that style of play is commitment. Commitment to Yanni, the more outspoken of the two players, ardently lobbied on shots and plays, putting yourself in harm’s way. If you don’t do it with behalf of his doubles team. The players both saw value in Helsel’s conviction, you might as well not do it. These guys are committed perspective. It would be a difficult task to piece together an to each other, they believe in each other, they have 100 percent all-new doubles lineup, trying to evaluate the strengths, playing complete trust in each other, and when they demonstrated that styles and chemistry of players you’d hardly seen play live. It took with their words, that spoke volumes to me. some convincing. Yanni argued that instead When you pick doubles teams, you try to pair of building three new teams, keep the top complementary styles and skill levels, but team together to anchor the lineup. Yanni there is no substitute for having belief in your “These guys are committed and Martinez-Lucas, best friends off the partner. If that was at that high of a level, I to each other, they believe in court, had spent an offseason planning wasn’t going to mess with that.” and dreaming of the potential success that each other, they have awaited in 2021-22. They wanted a chance to A friendly rivalry between Martinez-Lucas 100 percent complete trust in make it a reality. and Yanni had existed since they both joined each other,” said Helsel. the program in 2018-19. It was during the “Carlos and I are very close off the court, height of the COVID-19 pandemic when their too,” said Yanni. “We had goals set and an friendship grew. Travel restrictions prohibited unspoken goal to win PSACs. When coach Martinez-Lucas from returning to his home came to us about splitting us, it was a firm ‘no’. We wanted to be country of Spain. Yanni elected to stay in his Millersville apartment to open to his idea, and we understood where he was coming from, but keep family back home safe. With campus shut down and the sports we believed in keeping the team together.” season canceled, the players were isolated and leaned on each other. “Coach brought it up at the first practice,” said Martinez-Lucas. “Frank They followed the pandemic with a brilliant 2021 spring season that and I are friends. We did a good job last year, and we believed that we included a win over Division I La Salle. could do even better this year. Coach believed in us and trusted us.” Martinez-Lucas and Yanni are examples of opposites working The trust was rewarded. The duo went 3-0 at the PSAC well together. In singles, Martinez-Lucas is a grinder. He outlasts Championships and closed the fall season with a 7-2 record that opponents with his stamina and doggedness. He doesn’t beat included a win over a team from Division I Bucknell. himself. Yanni, on the other hand, is explosive and aggressive, looking to hit winners with every stroke. Surprisingly, the styles “After the [championship] match, Carlos said to me, ‘Are you sure you

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SPORTS | 2021-22 work well together. And they’ve learned from each other, which has helped them grow as players.

serve a couple more times to win. Quite frankly, I thought we were in big trouble. Our opponents were very tough, two newcomers, both big guys with big serves bringing a lot of firepower.”

“Since I’ve been playing with him, I’ve learned a lot from him and tried to implement some of his style into my game. He takes some of my style and adds it to his game,” said Yanni. “Playing together has helped us become more “I had goosebumps the three-dimensional players. In doubles, he’s whole time,” said Helsel. our base. He gets to a lot of balls and keeps it in play. I’m more of the attacker. I’m loud “They played as if they had and can be obnoxious. Carlos has had to get done it a million times,” louder to keep up.” Opposites on the court, the two share a common goal, and that is to improve Millersville tennis and make it a destination program in the Division II ranks. The two arrived on campus at the dawn of a massive rebuild. Helsel inherited a team that had lost 17 consecutive PSAC matches, and his first two teams went a combined 3-32. Martinez-Lucas and Yanni put the rebuild into overdrive, and the team has qualified for the PSAC Tournament each season since. Martinez-Lucas, the team’s No. 1 player from day one, is building a hall of fame resume with his 2019 PSAC Athlete of the Year award and sterling .712 singles winning percentage against the stiffest competition the region has to offer. Yanni has provided a winning record each season as one of the top two players in the lineup. Their competitive success has elevated the program, and the doubles championship is a sign that Millersville tennis is back on the map. That’s the accomplishment of which MartinezLucas is most proud. “Coming from Spain, Millersville is giving me the opportunity to study in this country,” said Martinez-Lucas. “The only thing that I can do is to try to win for Millersville. Millersville has given me my degree, my friends. I’m very proud to be a part of the history of Millersville. This year we have a very good team and excellent new players. We are at a point where people are doing what [Yanni and I] did in trying to win matches, change a loser’s mentality to a winner’s mentality and improve the program.” In Helsel’s first years on the job, a coach from a rival PSAC school made a not-so-veiled comment to him about none of his players making it past the first day of the PSAC Championships. That remark came back to Helsel as he hoisted the championship trophy with Martinez-Lucas and Yanni. The hardware was well-earned, as the Marauder tandem scratched from behind with their trademarked resiliency and determination after being overwhelmed early in the match by the power-hitting Rocco Palombarini and Bruno Sabio of Edinboro. “Doubles is one of those things where you play one set, and if you have a slow start in doubles and you get behind, you are in trouble,” said Helsel. “It’s very hard to break serve with two players on the court. If a team is up 4-1, they only need to hold

After dropping four of the first five games, Martinez-Lucas and Yanni met with Helsel to rethink their strategy. They focused on holding serve, taking away the deadly backhand of Sabio, keeping the ball in play and extending rallies. “[Martinez-Lucas and Yanni] certainly did not give up or lose track of winning the whole thing,” said Helsel.

With Yanni serving, the Marauders won a game to bring the score to 4-2 and then broke the Fighting Scots’ serve in the very next game. The duo then evened the score at 4-4, and they noticed a change in their opponents. “When good teams see that you don’t back down, they start to question why,” said Helsel. “They think ‘what are these guys seeing about me that makes them not quit?’ We saw that because the one player really started to struggle, missing some shots. We saw an opening and took advantage.” “We weren’t panicking,” said Yanni. “The moment I knew we’d win was when we tied it, and they were serving. They had a double fault. The player changed his racquet and had another double fault. Carlos and I looked at each other and said, ‘They don’t want it. They are nervous.’” Martinez-Lucas and Yanni incredibly won six of seven games before Edinboro won a game to tighten the match at 7-6. The serve was in the hands of Martinez-Lucas, however, and on match point, the return volley from Edinboro sailed long, clinching the championship for Millersville. “I had goosebumps the whole time,” said Helsel. “They played as if they had done it a million times.” “We went in confident, we trusted each other, played well and the victory came,” said Martinez-Lucas. Martinez-Lucas speaks of leaving a legacy at Millersville. He’ll be glad to know that the plaques he and his best friend won will be on display in the Anttonen Lobby trophy case for years to come. And if he and Yanni have their way, more trophies will follow. “We’ve got some bigger goals in sight,” said Helsel. “As much as it is awesome, our goal as a team has never been individual achievements. We don’t want to lose sight of the bigger prizes that may be ahead. But it is a great indicator of where we were and from where we’ve come.” 

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W h at Us e r s Ne e d t o K no w A b o u t K e e pi n g I n f o r m at io n S e c u r e Cybersecurity has become an international focus. In just the past year, there have been cyberattacks involving DR. NAZLI HARDY Colonial Pipeline, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, T-Mobile, Volkswagen, Audi and Parler. Locally, businesses and institutions like Millersville University and LNP Media Group have been targeted by cyberattacks. The issue of cybersecurity affects everyone, whether they are checking bank balances, paying college tuition, getting medical care, working from home, managing a company, using social media, holding a Zoom meeting, or keeping the United States secure from cyberattacks. The dilemma of cybersecurity is that open and reliable access to the Internet is essential to functioning in modern-day society. Yet, cyberattacks threaten to limit that access. “There will always be the challenge of security versus usability. For a company to run efficiently and effectively, you need a balance that aligns with the company’s business model,” says DR. NAZLI HARDY, associate professor of computer science. Since 2008, Hardy has been teaching

CSCI 415: Computer & Network Security. As she points out, “Seasoned hackers know as much as security experts, and their nefarious motivation keeps them learning. Hackers can often find a way to infiltrate the most secure system, because they have an additional trump card.” What is that card? The users who actually USE the system. In an academic institution, that may include everyone from the president to the faculty to the students to the alumni. Every time a student pays for food with their mobile phone or an alum makes an online purchase, their knowledge of how security works is vital. “Institutions like banks seem to do a very good job with security, because they understand how people use the system. They make it easy for customers to use their systems securely through things like passwords and photo recognition, without making it cumbersome,” says Hardy. Hardy explains that the most secure or hardened system in the world can be compromised by a surprisingly simple and nontechnical method known as social engineering. As Hardy points out, social engineering relates to the social way we use the Internet to connect to others and share information. For cybersecurity to be effective, the users need to be invested. They need to understand how cybersecurity works. Many people

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using social media may innocently reveal information that can be used to hack accounts. Every time they answer a question like “What was your first car?” they may be revealing hints that are often used for security questions. The most effective way to overcome the challenges of user security in any institution is to provide multiple means of feedback for users. When users have difficulties with a system or don’t understand how it works, that opens the door to a security breach. “It takes the inadvertent action of one unsuspecting user to compromise a system,” explains Hardy, noting that unintentional breaches can be caused by things as simple as losing a cellphone or giving away password clues. Some effective security measures that can be deployed include Virtual Private Network, where online activity can be masked from potential hackers; security measures such as backing up data and installing encryption software that uses strong Public Key Infrastructure; and role-based access control, which minimizes risk and exposure. As Hardy points out, educating users and encouraging feedback help to prevent security gaps within a company, because it makes the user a part of the security system while aligning the institution's core mission to keeping the institution safe. 


Millersville University PARTNERING

with Mentor Collective to Support Students as They Return to Campus By Kylie Stoltzfus THIS FALL, MILLERSVILLE STUDENTS RETURNED TO

was able to provide guidance and insight about the challenges


involved in the field.


“Due to my mentor’s influence, I was finally able to come to


some decisions about which population I would like to work


with after I graduate from Millersville University,” says Williams. “I was also able to share humor about our chosen profession and the unique challenges associated with it during our conversations.”


As Williams reports, “I would recommend to any student considering a mentorship relationship


to give it a try. You owe it to yourself to acquire

first launched in 2019 to connect students to

knowledge from sources inside and outside the

mentoring resources. The program seeks to

classroom so that when you enter the working

provide support for students as they navigate

world, you are fully prepared to take on the

the college environment and work to set goals

responsibilities your field requires.”

for their personal and professional lives.

Josh Kennon, Millersville University alum says,

“The ultimate goal of the program is to make

“Millersville was a huge part of my life, and I

sure all students who desire to have a mentor

wouldn’t be where I am today without it. I am

are connected with one and supported

looking to give back by being a mentor.”

throughout their college,” says

Kennon graduated from Millersville

Audrey Bare, Assistant Director for

in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science

Mentorship at Millersville.

in business administration with a

Akilah Williams is a senior in

concentration in management.

Millersville University’s social work program. As an adult

“I love being able to give back to Millersville as an alumni by

learner, Williams found her mentorship experience to be a beneficial source of encouragement as she pursued a degree in social work.

being able to mentor other students,” says Jonathan Parker. Parker graduated from Millersville University in 2020 with a degree in meteorology. 

“The most valuable piece of information I gained while working with my mentor is that it is okay to take a circuitous path in my career as a social worker, to try new things, and to be open to the process of evolving professionally. This gave me peace of


mind, since I am an adult learner and have felt insecure about


changing careers during this stage of my life,” says Williams.


Williams was partnered with a social work professional, who


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Class Notes | 2021 1960 s u TERRY ZELLER PH.D. ’64, Mount Joy, developed the website to showcase the poetry and life of William S. Trout, an English department faculty member at Millersville State College in 1958. u JAMES NAUMOWICH ’67, Ocean City, NJ, retired as department head from Southeast Delco School District in 2003. u FRANK OSLISLO ’67, Annapolis, MD, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for his contribution to the men’s basketball program.

1970 s u RUTH WILLIAMSON BARAN ’70 and LAWRENCE BARAN ’70 recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They met on campus their freshman year. u JAMES “JIM” THOMAS ’71, New Providence, has been honored with the Achievement Award from Lancaster Bar Association on 1/22/21 in recognition JAMES THOMAS ’71 of his long and distinguished career as a member of the LBA. Thomas served as past president of the LBA, chairman of its judicial committee, and a member of its local rules committee.

publication of her book, “Can You Say A Few Words?” She is also the author of four public speaking books, including “How To Write & Give A Speech,” which the Washington Post praised as “a how-to classic.” u GEOFFREY HENRY ’73, Oxford, retired after 42 years in the long-term care industry. He was most recently employed as the Executive Director of Brookdale Senior Living in Hockessin, DE. u JAURES (JOE) P. JOHNSTON, PH.D., ’74, Havertown, retired from the School District of Philadelphia, where he served as a school psychologist for 40 years. Johnston continues to maintain his private practice as a licensed psychologist in Havertown, where he resides. u BRIAN WORRELL ’76, Wernersville, retired from Prudential Financial after 43 years of being a financial professional. During that time, he also was the president of the Pennsylvania Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and a Life Member of the Million Dollar Round Table, an international network of leading insurance and investment advisors. u DAWN ZUMBRUM ’76, Hanover, retired on 6/1/19 after 32 years of teaching math to middle school students, 12 years at New Oxford Jr. High School, 13 years at Littlestown Christian Academy and seven years at Adams County Christian Academy. u WAYNE ZUMBRUM ’76, Hanover, retired on 8/30/19 after 44 years at Hanover Shoe Co./Clarks America as an IT project manager and an IT applications manager-logistics.

u VINCENT COTTER, ED.D. ’72 ’79M, Bradenton, FL, recently published an article, “The Pandemic Funding for Education is an Opportunity to Fix It.” The article appeared in on 7/31/21. u BOB MILEY ’72, Warrington, reunited with friends dating back to the late ’60s from Millersville.


u JOAN DETZ ’73, Philadelphia, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the

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u CAROLYN KING BURNO ’78, Lake Villa, IL, retired after teaching a total of 42 years in Octorara School District; Prince George’s County School District, MD; Great Valley School District and Fremont School District 79, IL.

1980 s u GEORGE MINICK ’80, Lititz, retired after 35 years of ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on 12/1/20. u ROXANNE WITMER-DEWITT ’80, West Hartford, CT, retired as a tax accountant after 25 years. u DR. KEVIN DIXON ’81, Columbus, OH, retired after 34 years as the vice president of community and cultural engagement for the Franklin County Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Board. He was also featured in the Columbus African American News Journal about his career achievements. Dixon continues to teach a graduate course at The Ohio State University and serves on numerous boards and committees. u CAROLYN EPLER ’81, Duncannon, retired from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Banking and Securities as a financial institutions enforcement administrator after 29 years. u BRIAN KOCSI ’81, Lancaster, retired from West Shore School District after 10 years of serving as principal for New Cumberland Middle School. Since then, BRIAN KOCSI ’81 he has accepted a position as a realtor with Century 21 Core Partners, serving Lancaster, York, Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin and Lebanon counties. u KEVIN MAHONEY ’81, Malvern, accepted the Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve Secretary of Defense Employment Support Freedom Award on behalf of Penn Medicine in December 2020. u FRANK KAMBIC ’82, New Cumberland, was elected president of the West Shore School District in December 2020 and has served on the school board since 2007.

CLASS NOTES | 2021 u CHERYL SELL BEHRENSHAUSEN ’84, Mount Holly Springs, retired after a rewarding 36-year teaching career in the Shippensburg Area School District, where she spent the first five years as a kindergarten teacher and the remaining 31 years as a first-grade teacher.

u JAMES SLEMMER ’88, Millersburg, accepted a position as an elementary vocal and instrumental music teacher in the Millersburg Area School District in August 2020.

u NOEL WOLFE BENSON ’84, Kennett Square, wrote and published a book titled “What Men Don’t Know About Dating is A Lot: A Post-Pandemic Dating Wake-Up Call in the New Normal.”

u HUGH HERR ’90, Concord, NH, is the lead of the biomechatronics group at MIT Media Lab. He also starred in a TED Talk titled “The New Bionics That Let Us Run, Climb and Dance,” where he discussed his personal journey and how it inspired his life’s work of creating bionic limbs that emulate the function of natural limbs.

u MAUREEN REILLY ELLIOTT ’84, Savannah, GA, has retired from the Southern Lehigh School District after 36 years in the education field and 16 years of coaching. u TROY JANDRASITZ ’84, Spring, TX, retired from ExxonMobil after 23 years of service in various positions within research; lubricants operations; and corporate safety, health and environmental. Troy Jandrasitz and wife Beth Oleski ‘85 will be returning from The Woodlands, TX, to West Chester. u GREGG “BOOG” WILLIAMS ’85, Philadelphia, had a drink called “The Boog” named after him at The Twisted Tail restaurant in Philadelphia. u JOHN CAMPBELL ’86, Sarasota, FL, accepted the position of CFO for the SKY Family YMCA, serving the southwest coast of Florida. u MONICA WEISS-NOLEN ’86, Easton, accepted a position as a patent information specialist with the Zoetis legal department after 15 years with Sanofi Pasteur. u LORI MERVINE JACOBS ’87, York, retired from Central York School District after 20 years. u TIMOTHY KEARNEY ’87, Coopersburg, has retired after 34 years with the Allentown School District. He is also a former member of the PSEA Board of Directors and is a local Outstanding Educator Award recipient. u SHERRY OSTROFF ’87, Lititz, has penned her third novel, “Mannahatta,” a multigenerational time travel story that interweaves the multigenerational SHERRY OSTROFF ’87 story of two young women separated by 300 years, yet bound by a few mysteries.

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u CHRISTINE BRENNAN COOK ’92 was named the 2021 Alumna of the Year by Milton Hershey School in recognition for her 35-year career teaching kindergarten at the school. u DR. STEVEN SCOTT WOLFE, ’92, Largo, FL, completed a Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language degree from the Universidad de Salamanca. u TIMM WENGER ’92, KRISTINA WENGER ’91, ‘98M, Lancaster, started a coffee roasting company, Wanderlust Coffees, providing organically grown, fairly traded, specialty coffees, air roasted in small batches in Lancaster City.

u TRINA REDFORD ’90, Philadelphia, earned her Ph.D. in public health/ epidemiology from Walden University. u MELISSA COMPTON SANDERS TRINA REDFORD ’90 ’90, Centreville, VA, retired on 3/31/20 after 23 years as an IT technical lead for Freddie Mac. u JEFFREY CLOUSER, ’91, Mount Joy, graduated with a Master of Arts in Church Music from Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University JEFFREY CLOUSER, ’91 on 5/22/21. He was also the recipient of the May Schwarz Award given to “a graduating student who shows outstanding potential for and commitment to the church’s music ministry.” Clouser serves as director of music ministries at Palmyra Church of the Brethren in Palmyra and works as a special education paraeducator for Lancaster-Lebanon IU13. He resides in Mount Joy with his husband Brent. u DAVID HUNSBERGER ’91, Elizabethtown, retired after 26 years in the West Shore School District.


uALFRED “KAPONE” QUARLES ’91, Willow Grove, earned a doctorate in educational leadership from Gwynedd Mercy University in May 2020.

u DR. JONATHAN ROSS ’91, Douglassville, recently assumed the presidency of the Pennsylvania Principals Association.


u JEFFREY KAHLER ’94, Altoona, FL, started his own business, Trent Advisors, an insurance and benefits company based in Central Florida. u CRAIG PARKINSON ’94, West Chester, was named superintendent of Chester Upland School District.


u TARA EYER DAUB ’95, Sea Cliff, NY, a partner with Nixon Peabody LLP, has been promoted to Practice Group Leader of the firm’s national labor and employment law practice group. u JEFF PALMER ’95, Philadelphia, accepted a position as the senior quality manager for Jushi Holdings, a multi-state operator in a newly opened vertically integrated medical cannabis cultivation, production and packaging facility in Manassas, VA. u EDWARD SOWERS JR. ’95, Lithia, FL, was promoted to a healthcare expertise specialist at Amerisure Insurance. This role is in addition to his ongoing Risk Management Specialist consultative duties. u CAREY BORZELLECA BURKE ’97, Spring City, received her Executive Women in Leadership Certificate from Cornell University. CAREY BORZELLECA She currently works BURKE ’97 as director of product management for Hartford Funds.

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CLASS Page HEADER NOTES |Left 2021 u JOSH HARTRANFT ’97, Lancaster, was named the 2021 Staff/Faculty Honoree for the Person of the Year by the MU Student Government Association for his resiliency this past year working and leading the technical support services team. u KIM GRAHAM PFEFFER ’97, Lilburn, GA, was recognized as Outstanding Volunteer of the Year in 2020 and was elected to serve on the Board of Directors KIM GRAHAM of the National PFEFFER ’97 Association of Campus Card Users for a three-year term beginning in April 2021. u JOE WOWK ’97, Bellefonte, started a new position as market general manager for Seven Mountains Media of State College. JOE WOWK ’97

u MIKE JOHNSTONE ’98, Lancaster, recently accepted a role as an assistant director of information technology. He also attained his FAA-certified remote pilot’s license. u GARY LEWANDOWSKI ’98, Holmdel, NJ, published his new book titled, “Stronger Than You Think: The 10 Blind Spots That Undermine Your Relationship…and How to See Past Them.”

u MATTHEW ROGERS ’01, Ashburn, VA, was appointed director of finance at Steampunk. u ADAM SHOFFNER ’01, Downingtown, MATTHEW ROGERS ’01 joined Foreside Financial Group as a director and fund chief compliance officer in December 2020. u MATTHEW WALDERON ’01, Mechanicsburg, was appointed by Governor Wolf as Pennsylvania’s delegate to the Coastal States Organization. u THOMAS BAKER ’02, Pittsburgh, has been selected to serve as Executive Director of North Hills Community Outreach, a community and interfaith-based THOMAS BAKER ’02 organization addressing the needs of people in crisis, hardship and poverty. He received the Community Champion Award from the Pittsburgh North Regional Chamber of Commerce and was also named Community Supporter of the Year by the Pittsburgh Job Corps Center. Tom has served as Vice President of the Job Corps Community Relations Council for the last decade. He is a current member of the Millersville University Council of Trustees. u ERICK MACEK ’02, Royal Oak, MI, accepted the position of vice president of creative at BSB Group International in Cincinnati, OH.

u ANDREW HOUSER ’98, Mount Joy, received his Ph.D. in psychology, with an emphasis in cognition and instruction, from Grand Canyon University in December 2020.

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u LEE RIZZOTTO ’00, Allentown, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for his contributions to the football program. u ABBEY NEFF ANDERSON ’01, York, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for her contributions to the women’s tennis program. u ROSS HAERTTER ’01, Boca Raton, FL, has become a certified quality auditor, ASQ-CQA, through the American Society for Quality. He performs quality compliance audits at company facilities and external supplier sites to ensure compliance with procedures, and state and international regulatory agencies.


u JOSEPH GILLILAND ’03, Swiftwater, was promoted to senior director for Health, Safety and Environment U.S. In this position he is responsible for all HSE activities for Sanofi Pasteur U.S. locations.

u JANELLE WEAVER HUMMER ’03, McSherrystown, received her Doctorate of Healthcare Administration from Capella University in January 2021. She currently works as a clinical transformation consultant for Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.

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u ERIK RATKO ’03, Oreland, accepted the position of senior manager of spatial analytics at PwC. u RON SCOTT ’03, Cibolo, TX, published his debut novel, “Privileges & Immunities: Tale of a Military Trial,” as an Amazon Kindle e-book. u TIFFANY SHOFFNER ’03, Downingtown, joined HemaCare, a Charles River Company, as associate sales director in August 2020. u CHARECE COLLINS ’04, Hummelstown, began a new position as an administrative law judge with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. u JUSTIN RULE ’04, Columbia, developed a website,, that showcases the poetry and life of William S. Trout, an English department faculty member at Millersville State College in 1958. u NICHOLAS BIERZONSKI ’05, Mechanicsburg, was interviewed for a feature article of the April 2021 edition of Pennsylvania Musician Magazine for his band, The Austens. In the time since then, The Austins have appeared on Good Day PA and released a music video. Since joining Tik Tok, their videos have been viewed over 127,000, liked over 119,000 times and have nearly 20,000 followers since joining. u MATTHEW BUTCH ’05, Coatesville, accepted a position as platform team manager for Fastmail, an email provider based out of Australia and Philadelphia. u JOSEPH MACNAMARA ‘05 and wife NATALIE ’06 celebrated their 10-year anniversary with a vow renewal at the Millersville pond in July 2020. JOSEPH He successfully MACNAMARA ‘05 defended his dissertation, “Factors Contributing to Attrition of Novice Teachers in a Secondary School Setting.” On 10/15/20, he began a new role as assistant principal of student services and house principal for grades 10-12 at the Radnor Township High School. u KEVIN NEYHARD ’05, Lancaster, was honored as the 2021-2022 Alaska Teacher of the Year Alternate. KEVIN NEYHARD ‘05

| 2021 CLASS PageNOTES HEADER Right u LINDSAY BANDY ’06, Ephrata, published her first novel, “Nemesis and the Swan,” a young adult historical fiction set at the height of the French LINDSAY BANDY ‘06 Revolution, with Blackstone Books. The audiobook recently won an Earphones Award from AudioFile Magazine. u RYAN BYLER ’06, Marlton, NJ, earned his MBA from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.


u KEITH HENNINGER ’06, Lancaster, accepted a position as the AV coordinator at Penn Manor School District and oversees their brand-new theater, as well as assists with

building technology. u SETH LENNON ’06, Woodbridge, VA, was named director of research for Ankord LLC, a corporate management firm based out of Los Angeles, CA. u BRIAN R. MARCHUCK ’06, Lancaster, was promoted to principal at Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz in January 2021. u BRAD FESSLER ’07, Pine Grove, has been contracted with the International Technology Engineering Education Association as their national teacher effectiveness coach.


u DR. MEGHAN GONICK, ND, MSACUP, ’07, Pequea, has been promoted to associate professor at the University of Bridgeport, teaching DR. MEGHAN GONICK, western biomedicine ND, MSACUP, ‘07 and botanical medicine in the master’s and Ph.D. programs of the Acupuncture Institute.


u JULIE DUSSINGER JABAUT ’07, Windham, Maine, accepted a new role as corporate counsel with Hailey & Aldrich, Inc., based in their Portland, ME office. u LESLIE MCROBBIE ’07, Columbia, was recently promoted to the executive-level position of education director for Community Action Association of Pennsylvania. u SAMEER SHAH ’07, Broomfield, CO, started working as a financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual. u STACEY BAINBRIDGE ’08, West Chester, SAMEER SHAH ‘07 recently accepted a position with Coach as the senior director, Omnichannel Membership. u RYAN HAYES ’08, Lancaster, accepted a position as e-commerce website manager of customer experience with Scrip Companies. u PAUL MAYHUGH ’08, Greer, SC, was promoted to director at Bank of America in the Global Equities business.


u AMBER SESSOMS ’08, Hummelstown, was named the Pennsylvania School Psychologist of the Year for 2021 by the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania.

u CHRIS VALENTINE ’08, Springfield, began a new position as vulnerability management engineer for the Attack Surface Reduction team at SAP in Newtown Square, PA. u JOSH DONALDSON ’09, Lancaster, passed the CFP Board Exam to become a Certified Financial Planner with Wells Fargo Advisors in Lancaster. JOSH DONALDSON ‘09

u AMANDA HENRY ’09, Feasterville, co-authored a fant asy novel, “The Road to Knowhere,” with some of her colleagues under the pseudonym HT Chronicle. The book is part of the Requiem After Dark series.


u AMI REIST JACHIMSKI ’09, Ocean City, MD, celebrated the 10th anniversary of her business, Little Miss Lovely Floral Design, specializing in wedding florals.

u ADAM LAUVER ’09, Millvale, started a new position as the consumer liaison at the Wood Street Commons location of Community Human Services, a nonprofit organization that offers housing services to the homeless population of downtown Pittsburgh. u KYLE SLUSSER ’09, Carlisle, was hired as principal of Mooreland Elementary School in the Carlisle Area School District.

2010 s

u NIKKI EVANS CAMBELL ’10, North East, MD, earned the designation of Certified Professional Services Marketer in October 2020. u MATTHEW GUARINO ’10, Warrington, was added as a senior tax accountant at the Duane Morris Tax Accounting Group. u GERALD JACKSON ’10, Philadelphia, released a book entitled “A Father’s Love.” u BRIANA BOLIN ’11 ’13M, Lancaster, was promoted to senior talent acquisition coordinator at Harrisburg Area Community College. u MICHELLE RAY ROOT ’11, Los Angeles, CA, completed her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Southern California. u WILLIAM SHIRK ’11, Skippack, completed his doctoral degree in education from Gwynedd Mercy University in December 2020. u JEREMY YODER ’11, Marietta, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for his contributions to the men’s soccer program. u MARK AHNER ’12, Newark, DE, accepted the position of risk control service director at Liberty Mutual.

We are proud of you! Share your professional achievements, personal accomplishments and life milestones with us so we can share them with fellow Marauders. M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m i ller sv i lle. edu

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CLASS NOTES | 2021 u LAURAELLEN GOCHNAUER ASHCRAFT ’12, Conestoga, received her Ph.D. in social work from the University of Pittsburgh in July 2021. Her research focuses on implementation science and chronic pain.


u IAN HOVENKAMP ’12, West Chester, launched a fullservice digital marketing agency based out of Philadelphia called Disruptive Digital.

u GREG VRABEL ’12, Philadelphia, was promoted to global procurement lead for the Platinum Group Metals Services business unit within the Efficient Natural Resources sector.


u JEREMY YOUNG, ’12, Lancaster, was promoted to director of community and economic development at Lancaster City Alliance in January 2021.


u TRACY BARNETT ’14, Bellefonte, was named to the inaugural class of Vincent J. Dooley Distinguished Research Fellows by the Georgia Historical Society. u RACHELL DACZKA ’14, Dover, was promoted to career pathways coordinator at Reach Cyber Charter School. u KELLY MCNELIS DEMOND ’14, Bordentown, NJ, was promoted to marketing project manager at CRC Industries.

u SAMANTHA GALVEZ ’13, Enola, was promoted to press secretary of the Treasury Department, where she will be responsible for internal and external communications, writing press releases and newsletters, and dealing with media requests. u BRITTANY MAZZURCO MUSCATO ’13, New York, NY, completed her Master of Public Administration degree at NYU and was promoted to adjunct assistant professor of public service at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service. There, she teaches courses on data visualization and economics. She also continues her role as a research scholar at NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban, specializing in training local government officials across the United States in local housing policy.



u PAT GLOWACKI ’13, Aston, was promoted to paid social supervisor at Publicis Health Media, one of the largest health media agencies in the country.


u DANIELLE FORRY GREINER ’14, Manheim, was promoted to president of Amish Country Gazebos. She has been with the company since 2014.

u TYLER RIDGE ’14, Hanover, was named Superstar of the Month for July 2020 and the 2020 Associate of the Year by his employer, Carroll Hospital. u DEANNA TULLY SUNSERI ’14, Schwenksville, helped to launch The Big Favorite, a recyclable undergarments brand.

u IMANI THOMAS ’14, Philadelphia, accepted a position as a benefits coordinator at Condé Nast. Condé Nast is a premier media company renowned IMANI THOMAS ’14 for producing the highest quality content for the world’s most influential audiences.

u ANGELICA TORRES REYES ’14, Lancaster, was recently promoted to lead regional recruiter – supply chain at Lowe’s Companies, Inc. u BRYAN TUER ’14, Towson, MD, is onboarding specialist at Superhuman.

u ZACH STONE ’14, Bealeton, VA, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, BRYAN TUER ’14 class of 2021, for his contributions to the baseball program. u JAVAR COLON ’15, Reading, accepted the position of business development specialist for the Lancaster Chamber.

u MARVIN GASKILL ’14, Harrisburg, started working as a food service sales representative in Central Pennsylvania for PepsiCo.

u KERRI ANDERSON ’13, Philadelphia, was promoted to senior sales director at VideoAmp, an advertising technology company that specializes in helping advertisers and their agencies to more efficiently plan, buy and measure their media campaigns. u TYLER BARTON ’13, Adirondack, NY, released his first book, “Eternal Night at the Nature Museum,” in November 2021.

u SARA STEVENS ’13, Littleton, CO, was featured in a Washington Post article titled “The Race To Rescue Florida’s Diseased Corals.”

u MASHIRA NEWMAN ’13, Glenside, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for her contributions to the women’s basketball program. JAVAR COLON ’15

u EMILY REED ’15, Hummelstown, accepted the position of scientific recruiter at R&D Partners. u ALEXANDER ROHRER ’15, Lancaster, began working as a community school director with Communities in Schools for Burrowes Elementary in the School District of Lancaster. u LAUREN BOLTZ SOTZIN ’15, Harrisburg, was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2021, for her contributions to the field hockey program. u LOGAN WEIGHER ’15, Camp Hill, has accepted a position as a clinical territory associate at the Intuitive company. u EZZELDIN ABOUSAIF ’16, accepted a position at Power Home Remodeling. u LUKE DRESSER ’16, Cockeysville, MD, accepted a position with Labcorp as a key account manager.

Want to know what they named the baby? Want more details on the big wedding? The new job? The award? Pictures too? Check out

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CLASS NOTES | 2021 u IVAN GONZALEZ ’16, Marietta, was hired as a police officer for the Lancaster City Police Department. u JOSEPH GRATZ ’16, Landsdale, was IVAN GONZALEZ ’16 promoted to digital experience content manager at QVC. u ANGIE MARPOE ’16, Newville, earned PMP Certification from the Project Management Institute. She has also formed an LLC/business, Legends Entertainment, in Carlisle, PA.

u SAMANTHA WOLFE ’17, Harrisburg, earned her Juris Doctor from Widener University Commonwealth Law School in 2020.

u MADISON GOMLEY ’20, Schuylkill Haven, accepted a position as event coordinator at Dynamic Global Events.

u HALEY POUST FLOCKEN ’18, Stevensville, MD, accepted a customer solutions team leader position at the WebstaurantStore in Tampa, Florida.

u DANIELLE GREEN ’20, East Setauket, NY, started a new position as a full-time science teacher at Cocalico High School.

u EMMALI MONTGOMERY ’18, Mountville, was promoted to technical project manager for Seisan Consulting, LLC.

u ASHLEY OREHEK ’16, Glasgow, KY, was given the Outstanding Information Sciences Graduate Award for the 2020-2021 year. She also started working as an instructional librarian at Lindsey Wilson College. u BRIAN ROBERTSON ’16, Baltimore, MD, accepted the position of portfolio investment analyst at T. Rowe Price.


u CARLOS VARGAS RAMIREZ ’16, Philadelphia, accepted the position of clinical talent acquisition recruiter for diversity and inclusion with Humana.

u CASSIDY COLLINS ’17, Gilbertsville, accepted a position as a research associate II for Charles River Laboratory, working closely with clients to ensure their viral clearance studies go smoothly. u MADELEINE MURPHY ’17, Lancaster, accepted a position as a freelance copywriter for Nuna in April 2020. u ALEX OTTHOFER ’17, East Petersburg, accepted a position with Lancaster City Alliance as their programs and outreach coordinator. ALEX OTTHOFER ’17


u JESSICA BETANCOURT PEREZ ’17, York, published her first children’s book, “A Thousand White Butterflies,” with co-author Karen Lynn Williams on January 19, 2021.

u KAYLEE HERNDON ’20, Marietta, started working as a fencing coach at the Lancaster Fencing Academy.

u ROBERT MCMINN ’18, Augusta, GA, administered some of the first coronavirus vaccines to eligible and enrolled veterans at the Charlie Norwood VA starting in January 2021 in his role as an active-duty nurse practitioner for the U.S. Public Health Service.

u RACHEL LAUGHLIN ’20, New Ringgold, was promoted to scientist 1 at Eurofins Lancaster Labs LLC. KAYLEE HERNDON ’20


u ANDREW MOSSBROOKS ’18, Sunbury, was named director of public relations and broadcasting and play-by-play voice announcer for the Cincinnati Cyclones ice hockey team. u HELEN RUSH ’18, Philadelphia, accepted the position of environmental health and safety coordinator at Morton Salt. u JAIRO TOBON ’18, Lancaster, accepted the position of senior relationship banker for Santander Bank. u TARA KURITNECZ ’19, Mechanicsburg, accepted the sales and project assistant position at SOLAR23, an Afro-European company dedicated to promoting the usage of renewable solar energy. u CARLEE NILPHAI ’19, Raleigh, NC, was hired by Syneos Health Communications, a global healthcare marketing company, creating strategic marketing solutions for pharmaceutical, biotech, and health and wellness clients. u TIGER SPROUT ’19, Lancaster, was promoted from sales consultant to service advisor at Lancaster Nissan.

2020 s u NICOLE BURKE ’20, Baltimore, MD, now works as a registered behavior technician for Strategies Inc.


u MADISON MONSCHEIN ’20, Lititz, was promoted to marketing manager after six months of working as a business development manager at Five Star International in Harrisburg, PA.

u ERIKA SALOMON TAYLOR ’20, Nashville, TN, was hired as the disaster program manager at Hands On Nashville in January 2021. u ETHAN VAUGHN ’20, Lancaster, received a certificate of recognition from Pennsylvania Senator Scott Martin ‘02 in June 2021 to honor his admirable ETHAN VAUGHN ’20 perseverance and successes in academia despite adversity after surviving a near-fatal car accident in 2011. The Lancaster City Council has also adopted a resolution to recognize his miraculous recovery on the 10th anniversary of the accident. u MARCY YEICH ’20, New Holland, started working as an RN Healthroom nurse at Solanco School District. u AZLYNN HILL ’21, Lancaster, accepted a position of lifecare coordinator for SmartLife Via Willow Valley.

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WE DDINGS u MEGAN BONNER COOK ’01 and Daniel Cook, 8/9/19. u HEATHER PFEFFER ELSTON ’04, Birdsboro, married Matt Elston on 10/06/20. u JUSTIN MINER ’15, married Amanda Allison Miner ‘15 at the home of Julie and Shawn Miner ‘84, on 10/10/20. JUSTIN MINER ’15

u LUKE DRESSER ’16, Cockeysville, NC, and Shannon Fitzgerald married on 9/5/20. u JESSICA FINK MARKLE ’16, Dover, and Joshua Markle on 11/07/20.


u HALEY POUST ’18 and BEN FLOCKEN ’18, 11/26/20.

u JANET MUTTER MCGEE ’90, and MICHAEL MCGEE ’91, East Petersburg, were married on 9/24/16.


u MEGAN BONNER COOK ’01 and husband Daniel, a daughter, Carsyn Elizabeth, 12/27/20.


u ELAINE JAENKE BENNER ’07 and husband MATTHEW ’05, a son, Felix Drake,

6/16/21. u CHRIS VOLSKI ’07 and wife Amy, a son, Chase Robert Volski, 9/30/20. u HEATHER ZANDER CAMPBELL ’11 and husband, Adam Cambell, Willow Street, a son, Landon Paul on 10/14/20. Landon joins big brother Andrew, who is two years old. u HEATHER MORGAN STEM ’10, Royersford, and husband, Matt, a son, Jace Maverick on 12/10/21. He has two older brothers, Ethan and Parker Stem. JACE MAVERICK

u KAYTEE MOYER ISLEY ’18, a girl, Francine Lois Rose, on 10/25/20. u BAILEE SANDY ANDERSON ’20 and husband, a daughter, Quincee Marie, 6/12/21.


u CHARLES DENLINGER, Lancaster, died on 12/24/20 at the age of 81. He joined the mathematics faculty at Millersville University in 1964 CHARLES DENLINGER and retired in 2005. For 11 of those years, he was chairman of the Department of Mathematics. He also served on numerous departmental and University committees over the years. He was the co-author of two college-level calculus textbooks and the sole author of an advanced-level Real Analysis textbook. He claimed that teaching mathematics to college students was the ideal job. u ALMA DUNCAN died on 1/1/21. Alma Duncan shared 69 wonderful years with her husband, Dr. William H. Duncan, former president of Millersville State ALMA DUNCAN College, who died in 2013. In 1946, William accepted a position with Millersville State Teachers College, his alma mater. Alma Duncan found in Millersville the community that would last her lifetime. She welcomed her role as faculty wife. As William Duncan’s positions at Millersville evolved, so did hers. She felt privileged to serve as first lady of Millersville State College from 1968 to 1981. u YVONNE KING, Scarsdale, NY, died on 1/12/21 at the age of 84. Yvonne was an associate professor at Millersville University for 24 years, retiring in 2010. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. u DR. HARRY D. STRATIGOS, Lancaster, died on 12/15/20. Throughout his life, Stratigos served as a teacher of mathematics and then chair of DR. HARRY D. STRATIGOS the Mathematics Department for Mount Pleasant School District from 1963 to 1978. From 1978 to 1992, he was a mathematics supervisor for the School District

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of Lancaster. He also taught at Cedar Crest College, Duquesne University, Muhlenburg College and Millersville University. From 1993 to 2000 he was with the Pennsylvania Department of Education as supervisor for the Mathematics Department and developer of standards for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exam. After retiring in 2000, he became a mathematics consultant for the PSSA exam and the Intermediary Units for the Department of Education in Pennsylvania until 2008. u ANITA WINTER, Lancaster died on 12/22/20. She and her husband Charles were very proud of the contribution they made through the Charles R. and ANITA WINTER Anita B. Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center at Millersville University. u RICHARD FISHER ’48, Devon, died on 7/13/20 at the age of 95. u THOMAS HAFFNER ’50, Fullerton, died on 2/1/21 at the age of 95. After completing 30 missions while serving as a tail gunner on a B-17 Bomber plane in the U.S. Army Air Corps during WW II, THOMAS HAFFNER ’50 Thomas earned his degree in industrial arts education. Haffner’s tenure as an industrial arts teacher spanned 30-plus years. He taught in Wilson Boro briefly, and continued with students in his wood shop for many years at Trexler Middle School in the Allentown School District. Haffner retired from the school district in 1987. u RANDALL R. BOYER ’53, Pottstown, died on 12/31/20. At Millersville State Teachers College, he was president of Alpha Phi Omega and a member of Phi Sigma Pi, the Literary Society and the Student Christian Association. After completing a master’s degree at Temple University and further coursework at the University of Pennsylvania, he served as teacher and principal in several Pennsylvania public schools.


u JOSEPH GLASS ’53, Chambersburg, died on 1/03/21 at the age of 90. Glass was a proud veteran of the U.S. Army, serving from 1953–1955. He taught at Hempfield High School in its

CLASS NOTES | 2021 inaugural year, 1955. In 1961, he joined the Geography Department at Millersville, where he taught cultural geography until retiring in 1990. Glass served as a faculty representative to Millersville University’s alumni council and a variety of alumni committees. He was one of six alumni to receive the 1998 Outstanding Service Award presented by the Millersville Alumni Association. Joe was active in the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Retired Faculty, serving as treasurer until his passing. He also served a term on the Millersville Borough Council and was recognized for outstanding service in 1996. Joe served on the board for Millersville Area Meals on Wheels and delivered meals for many years. The Millersville Lions Club named him its Citizen of the Year in 2002. u GERALD HODGE ’53, Line Lexington, died on 12/27/20 at the age of 90. u JEROME SHERVANICK ’53, Shamokin, died on 6/06/21 at the age of 90. He captured an NCAA Championship title in wrestling while earning a Bachelor of JEROME Fine Arts in education SHERVANICK ’53 and geology from Millersville State Teachers College. Following graduation, he served two years in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. Upon honorable discharge, he went on to be a lifelong educator for the Chambersburg Area Public School District. u JOAN BRENEISEN ESHLEMAN ’54, Lititz, died on 12/11/20. Joan taught in the Hempfield School District beginning in 1954 as a secondgrade teacher and later as a remedial reading specialist. Eshleman was a member of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and retired in 1992 after 25 years of teaching. u FRANKLIN SCHMITT ’54, Wanaque, NJ, died on 7/14/21 at the age of 88. He served in the U.S. Army Intelligence Corps, with overseas duty in Germany FRANKLIN SCHMITT ’54 as an interpreter and interrogator. After returning home, he worked for Curtiss-Wright Corp, and then in management capacities with the U.S. Postal Service, including general manager of two bulk mail centers in New York and Philadelphia, as well as postmaster/area manager in Poughkeepsie, NY, and plant manager and director of operations both in Paterson, NJ, and Newark, NJ.

u BOB LEHR ’57, Millersville, died at home on 4/20/21. After serving in the U.S. Army, Lehr started his career as a sixth grade teacher in Lancaster Township. He became BOB LEHR ’57 a principal at Paradise Elementary School and at Price Elementary School in Lancaster, retiring after 40 years in education. Lehr was active in community organizations, such as the Millersville Historical Society; the Lancaster Woodcarvers Club, where he served as president and was a recipient of the John Herrington Award; and the Millersville University Alumni Association, where he received the Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. While at Millersville University, he played baseball and basketball. An avid supporter of Millersville University basketball, Lehr was especially proud of carving a 6-foottall Marauder, which stands in Jefferson Hall, MU’s Athletic Department. u JACQUELINE ZELLERS JURY ’58, Lititz, died at age 83 on 11/01/20. She pursued a teaching career prior to dedicating her life to home and family. JACQUELINE ZELLERS JURY ’58


u LARRY SNYDER ’58, Shamokin, died on 12/31/20. Snyder taught math at Spring Grove High School in York County and at Randallstown High School and Hereford High School, both in Maryland. After 36 years, he retired from teaching in 1994.

u BARBARA HAPGOOD ’59, Fayetteville, AR, died on 8/8/20 at the age of 83. u ERNEST RICHARDSON ’63, Lampeter, died on 01/04/21 at the age of 82.


u WAYNE E. STRAUSSER ’64, Berwick, died on 11/15/20. Strausser taught industrial arts to special-needs students at Penn Manor High School in Lancaster County for three years. He subsequently returned to Berwick to take over his parents’ business, Strausser Construction


Company, Inc., where he was named CEO and had a lengthy career in building 69 schools, hospitals and churches, including the beautiful St. Mary’s Church in Berwick and Christ the King Church in Benton.

u PAUL MIHALIC ’69, Baden, died on 1/28/20. Mihalic taught English at South Park High School in South Park. He put on many plays at the school and enjoyed teaching and spending time with his students. u GLENN EYER ’70, ’76M, Shillington, died on 2/17/21 at the age of 72. He graduated from Governor Mifflin High School in 1966 and furthered his education in secondary education at Millersville University, where he received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. After 38 years of teaching, Eyer retired from East Stroudsburg School District in 2010. u DENNIS STEPHEN ’70, Allentown, age 72, died on 11/28/20. Stephen started his career as a math teacher in the Boyertown School District. He transitioned to financial advisor in 1973 and earned his Certified Financial Planner designation in 1984. He also served on the finance committee for the MU Alumni Association. u ANNE MARIE BARE ’71, ’75M, Lititz, died at the age of 92 on 12/28/20. She began her teaching career in 1971 as an English teacher at Hempfield High School. Following ANNE MARIE BARE her retirement from ’71, ’75M Hempfield High School in 1990, Bare served as an adjunct professor for the English department at Harrisburg Area Community College - Lancaster Campus. u RUTH FERGUSON STAS ’72, Long Level, died on 5/9/21 at the age of 92. Stas attended Millersville University, where she received a bachelor’s and master’s degree RUTH FERGUSON in education. She also STAS ’72 pursued her doctorate in Asian studies from NYU. A three-time Fulbright scholar, Stas traveled to Japan, India and Korea, where she studied the culture and was honored to meet privately with Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda (Japan) and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (India). For 25 years, she was a beloved teacher and staple of Manheim Township

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CLASS NOTES | 2021 School District, where she taught social studies, was a K-12 coordinator and a senior class advisor. She was an instructor at Millersville University, where she taught methods of teaching for over five years. u DOUGLAS ZIMA ’77, Lancaster, died on 5/30/20 doing what he loved: caring for others as a paramedic. Zima was a paramedic for 26 years, serving communities DOUGLAS ZIMA ’77 throughout Lancaster County. Zima taught for 16 years at Lancaster Catholic High School and continued to teach adult education as an EMT, CPR and medical instructor until his passing. u LINDA THOMPSON ’84, Malvern, died on 7/18/21. After graduating from Great Valley High School in 1980, she came to Lancaster County to LINDA THOMPSON ’84 attend Millersville University and never left. While studying math, she was a founding sister of the Kappa Lambda Chi Sorority. As a people person, Thompson was actively involved with many organizations on campus. u MICHAEL STETTNER ’88, Gilbertsville, died on 2/13/21 at the age of 55. Stettner taught earth and space sciences at Lower Merion High School for MICHAEL STETTNER ’88 27 years. He coached LM’s award-winning Science Olympiad team and served on local and state committees as an officer for PSEA. Stettner was recently awarded the Fitz Brennan award for school and community service. He leaves behind his wife, Kathy, and his daughter and son, Laura and Ryan. u ROBERT F. AMBACHER ’93, Lancaster, died on 04/12/20. Robert was a professor of German at Millersville University from 1970-1998 and director of the Elderhostel program for many years.

u HARRISON JOMYERBO DENNIS ’93, Lancaster, died on 3/4/21 at the age of 67. Harrison was born in Zleh, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia, West Africa, and was HARRISON JOMYERBO the loving husband of DENNIS ’93 Maniva Bargblor Dennis for 20 years. Harrison was a member of the Crossway Church in Millersville for over 30 years and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.


u JENNIFER ORLANDO FARRAR ’96, Allentown, died on 10/28/20. She was an elementary school special education teacher in Brick Township, NJ, who loved teaching and directing student

musical theater performances each year. Her interests included singing, musical theater, Cub Scout activities with her son, reading and spending time with family. u REBECCA “BECKI” BITTING ’98, Macungie, died on 03/28/21 at the age of 45. Bitting was a school librarian and social studies teacher at Trexler and Raub Middle Schools in Allentown since 2006. In January, she received the first 69 News Golden Apple Award for her dedication and relentless pursuit of making sure her “kids” had the latest technology to be successful students. u LATOIA GLOVER WILLIAMS ’01, York, died on 6/19/21. She received her degree in early childhood/elementary education from Millersville and graduated as a licensed beautician with Empire Beauty School of York, PA She was a homeschool teacher and a reading interventionist at Davis Elementary School, as well as a beauty consultant for Mary Kay since 2009. She was married to Trevor Williams and had three children. 



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WHY I GIVE | 2021

Baseball Alumni Contribute over $60k to Millersville ONE DAY GIVE By Kylie Stoltzfus

Alumni of Millersville University’s baseball program pulled together to contribute the highest number of financial gifts made during the University’s 2021 One Day Give, which was held on Feb. 14, 2021

program stem from his relationship with head coach, Jon Shehan. “He has been like a surrogate father to pretty much all of us. We all feel a deep connection to the baseball program and the University,” Bishop says. “Jon underscored the student in student-athlete. The vast majority of us have to get real adult jobs after this. He prepared us for life after Millersville.”

A total of 314 gifts were attributed to current or former members of Marauder baseball, amounting to $63,079 raised to benefit the University. WALTER BISHOP took the lead, rallying former Marauders to make financial gifts to the fundraising event.

According to Bishop, participating in Millersville baseball taught him the value of preparedness, a value he has carried with him throughout


“Someone had to be the one to shepherd the flock. I was happy to play that role with our teammates,” Bishop says. “So many folks involved are now at a point in their careers where we can give back from a financial perspective.” During his time in the program, Bishop and his teammates went on to play in the NCAA Division II Baseball Championship in 2011. Bishop went on to work on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., engaged in work within the nonprofit sector, and eventually went on to work as Deputy Chief of Staff and Strategic Advisor for Federal Affairs for the Mayor of New York. Bishop held his role working for the City of New York for five years before being offered a position working for the City of San Diego. Bishop is currently working for the City of San Diego as Strategic Advisor for Federal Affairs. Bishop says the team shares a special bond with the University and wanted to give back by contributing to Millersville’s One Day Give. According to Bishop, the positive feelings he holds towards Millersville and its baseball

the growth of his career. “Everything you do in the professional world, if you’re not prepared, you’re not going to be successful,” Bishop says. “We were always prepared, always doing the work behind the scenes to get ourselves ready for the game.” Bishop believes that if something has left a positive impact in one’s life, it’s important to give back as you are able, whether that is financially or through volunteering your time. Bishop values his time at Millersville, the lifelong relationships he formed, and the personal and professional growth he experienced through the baseball program. Bishop says he was compelled to give back to the University so that future teams can enjoy upgrades in facilities and equipment, as well as be given additional opportunities to travel during their time in the program. “We can leave the program in a better place than we left it,” Bishop says. The next ONE DAY GIVE will be in February 2022 

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@VALENTINAZ_PRODUCTIONS What a crazy weekend! Loved being the field reporter for the Millersville day parade

@MXDISONPAIGE on miss r and miss brennah’s next adventure, they become teachers!

Social Media

@MSU_LAZULINE We would like to thank all sisters, faculty, and administration for making the Greek Unity Plot project come to light! @AMBER.RANGE Happy Hoco

@SUXRYA a beautiful rainbow over campus

@VILLE_NAVS The Navigators at Millersville University wish you a happy Fourth of July!


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