Converting Customers to Brand Evangelists Many of us have been brand evangelists at some time. The title refers to consumers who are truly satisfied with the products they have purchased so that they want everyone to know about their experience. While this is a natural response for the customer who wants to share their satisfaction with everyone they know, it is one that marketers truly enjoy seeing in their business reviews. Brand evangelists are what businesses hope for when they attempt to build customer loyalty. Following are some of the ways that you can convert your customers to brand evangelists: ● Customer Feedback – You need to take what your customers have to say about your product to heart. That includes the good, the bad, and the differences between your product and that of the competition. That’s the information that you need in order to make your product the best and let your customers know that what they think really does matter. According to a study performed by McKinsey and Company, 70% of purchases are made as a result of how customers feel they are being treated. Confirming that their opinion is important is what will make them buy your product instead of any other brand. ● Brand evangelists genuinely believe that they are using the top brand. It is up to you to include results from market research and the comments consumers are making about the competition’s products. Providing them with customer ratings and reviews of your products and those of the competition will let them know they are indeed using the best product. A great way to turn the competition’s ratings and reviews into an advantage for you is with the services from ReviewInc ( ● Take advantage of top social media sites to learn why people are choosing another product over yours. Use the feedback from other companies’ customers and treat it like it was your own. Once you have made important changes, use every available channel to make those changes known to inspire customers to become brand evangelists for your brand. ● To inspire customers to become your brand evangelists, you have to have a product that stands out from the rest, and you must let them know what makes it unique. Conforming to the norm simply isn’t acceptable for customers who want nothing but the best. One way to do this is through social media. Interact with customers and respond to bad reviews, so that they know their opinions matter to you. This is your opportunity to turn a negative review into a positive interaction that will spread to the customer’s friends and family. ● Make your content informative, interesting, and straight to the point. People who use social media to guide their purchases want the experience to be convenient. The simpler and more streamlined the process, the better the experience will be, and the happier the customer will be with the results. Keep simplicity in mind when creating the sign-up, offering information on your product, and offering help to any visitor who is ready to take the next step toward purchasing your product. ● Don’t overlook the happiness of your employees when trying to create brand evangelists. They are the heart and soul of your business, and the direct line that customers have to your business every day. All of your efforts to make customers happy will be lost, without the employees who are happy to be on-board with you. Happy employees are more likely to treat
your customers with the level of care and concern that makes them want to do business with you. Creating brand evangelists for your product is the most cost-effective type of advertising available to you today. Instead of having to spend your entire marketing budget to persuade customers to buy your products, the brand evangelist is likely more than willing to do it for free! The end result? The brand evangelist will be a minimum of 10 times more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods, making their assistance the most cost-effective method of marketing available today.