Journal of Research in Ecology
Journal of Research in Ecology
An International Scientific Research Journal
Original Research
Quality assessment of water samples from the river Tamiraparani: a physico-chemical parameter analysis Authors: Raghavan K and Ramesh U
Institution: Department of Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - 625 021, Tamil Nadu, India.
Corresponding author: Raghavan K
Web Address: documents/EC0027.pdf
Journal of Research in Ecology An International Scientific Research Journal
ABSTRACT: Water is an essential natural resource on earth that plays a vital role in our life. Surface water and ground water are the major sources of water. Quality of the water samples collected from the Tamiraparani basin were analyzed for its physicochemical properties. The water samples were collected from the randomly selected 13 sampling stations. Water analysis for physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, Total Dissolved solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), salinity and turbidity were performed to ascertain its quality. Some sites showed significantly increased levels of Temperature (22-39°C), TDS (22.6-286 mg/L), EC (24.8-318 Οmhos/ cm), pH (6.8-8.5), Salinity (23.4-319 mg/L) and turbidity (1.02-3.45NTUs) than the standard IS 10500: 2012 limits. Keywords: Tamiraparani river, physicochemical characteristics, water quality
Article Citation: Raghavan K and Ramesh U Quality assessment of water samples from the river Tamiraparani: a physico-chemical parameter analysis. Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 2(2): 115-120 Dates: Received: 15 January 2015 Accepted: 15 April 2015 Published: 14 June 2015
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115-120 | JRE | 2015 | Vol 2 | No 2
Raghavan and Ramesh, 2015 cotton, sorghum, ragi, pulses and ginger are the other
INTRODUCTION Water is one of the abundantly available resource
crop varieties planted in the rain fed lands of
on earth. Tamiraparani river is a perennial river
Tamiraparani river basin. The present study was initiated
categorized as a major river of Southern India.
in order to assess the quality of water in the random sites
Tamiraparani river water is used for various agricultural,
of Tamiraparani river to study the effect of pollutants of
the river.
(Garrels et al., 1975), natural factors, such as rainfall, temperature, weathering of rocks and
activities that significantly alter the hydrochemistry of
MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of water samples
the river water (Raj and Azeez, 2009).
Water samples were collected in one liter
Tamiraparani river basin is located at 8°30′ to 9°
capacity plastic bottles. Prior to the collection, the plastic
15′N and 77°10′ and 78°10′E. The main river originates
bottles were rinsed once with distilled water and thrice
on the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats at an altitude
with the respective water sample. During collection, care
of 2,000 m above mean sea level, and runs for about 125
was taken to avoid the trapping of air within the bottle,
km in the hills and plains, where it drains an area of
by completely immersing the bottle with the respective
5,869 km (Ravichandran et al., 1996; Kumarasamy et
water sample, until the bottle is completely filled.
al., 2012). This river is being used, intensively, for agricultural
Samples were analyzed for various physico-
chemical parameters such as Temperature, pH, Electrical
Tuticorin districts. The irrigated land is supplied with
Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS),
48% of direct water irrigation (34,934 ha) and the other
Turbidity and Salinity, as per standard procedures
52 % is accomplished by indirect methods through
(APHA, 2006). The quality of water was assessed by
numerous tanks, which are available in the river basin
comparing each parameter with the standard desirable
(IWS, 1988) .The mainly planted crop varieties are
limit, as prescribed by BIS 10500: 2012.
paddy, banana, groundnut and coconut. Additionally, Table 1. List of sample collection sites and their
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION pH, salinity, turbidity, total dissolved solids,
geographic location Site ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Agasthiyar Falls Papanasam Kallidaikurichi Cheranmadevi Melapalayam Kokkirakulam Narayamaal-
08°42’15.2’’ 08°42’46.5’’ 08°41’36.3’’ 08°42’15.2’’ 08°42’54.9’’ 08°44’15.5’’ 08°45’25.3’’
77°21’49.0’’ 77°22’09.6’’ 77°27’48.8’’ 77°33’54.0’’ 77°41’56.5’’ 77°43’03.4’’ 77°44’20.7’’
S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13
puram Seevalaperi Vallanadu Srivaikundam Eral Athoor Punnakauyal
08°46’53.5’’ 08°42’57.5’’ 08°37’42.0’’ 08°37’08.6’’ 08°37’33.4’’ 08°38’28.7’’
77°48’35.9’’ 77°50’03.0’’ 77°54’36.6’’ 78°01’06.1’’ 78°04’04.1’’ 78°06’23.8’’
electrical conductivity were measured as per standard protocols. The results obtained are summarized below, Temperature Temperature was measured using thermometer. Temperature values varied between 24°C and 36°C, were found to be in accordance with the limits prescribed by IS 10500: 2012. pH Most of the waters analyzed were slightly acidic in nature. The pH values of water samples varied between 6.5 and 8.4 and were found to be in accordance with the limits prescribed by (BIS 10500: 2012). The highest pH 8.4 and lowest 6.8 are observed at locations Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 2(2):115-120
Raghavan and Ramesh, 2015 Table 2. Standard values of parameters analyzed as per IS: 10500:2012 Parameters pH
other particles which affects the salinity. The water containing
more than 500 mg/L of TDS is not
IS: 10500
considered for drinking but in certain cases, 1500 mg/L
6.5 – 8.5
is allowed, but only, for domestic purposes (Rao et al.,
Electrical conductivity μmhos/cm
2000). The maximum value (286 mg/L) is recorded at
location S13 and the minimum value 22.6 mg/L is recorded at location S1. In some places (Site ID: S4, S12 and S13), the TDS levels were found to be higher due to
the increased turbidity levels .The higher TDS levels also
ISI - Indian Standard Institution
cause increased EC levels. The location S5 showed
S13 and S1 respectively which are concordant to the
sudden decreases (80.2 mg/L) in TDS and it may be
results of Mophin et al. (2010).
cation chemical compound mixed with industry effluent.
Electrical Conductivity (EC)
Observed TDS values varied from 22.6 mg/L to
Electrical conductivity is a measure of the
286 mg/L as per Krishna kumar et al. (2013). These
capacity of water to conduct electric current. It signifies
values were found to be higher than the prescribed limit
the total amount of dissolved salts in water (Dahiya et
given by (BIS 10500: 2012).
al., 1999). The observed EC values were in the range of
24.8 μmhos/cm to 318 μmhos/cm. The site S4 showed a
Turbidity is mainly influenced by the presence of
significant increase of EC. This could be due to the
colloidal and extremely fine dispersions (Mophin and
presence of the ionized form of the dissolved inorganic
Murugesan 2011). The maximum value 3.45 NTUs is
substances as per Kumarasamy et al. (2013).
recorded at location S5 and minimum value 1.02 NTUs is
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
recorded at location S1. The turbidity values varied
The levels of total dissolved solids indicate the
between 1.02 to 3.45 NTUs and were found to be in
presence of anion chemical compound and salts sodium,
accordance with the limits prescribed by BIS 10500:
potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, carbonates,
bicarbonates, chlorides, phosphates, organic maters and Table 3. Summary of the parameters analyzed in 13 different sampling stations Site ID
Temperature (°C)
EC (μmohs/cm)
TDS (mg/L)
Salinity (mg/L)
Turbidity (NTUs)
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13
22 24 25 27 27 29 30 30 31 32 34 34 35
6.8 6.9 7.1 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.3 8.4
24.8 34.1 75.4 210 118.4 117 124 156 175 189 220 256 318
22.6 23.5 53.5 157 80.2 104 116 137 159 170 196 249 286
23.4 22.1 40.1 121 56.8 82 105 127 167 170 196 249 319
1.02 1.06 1.04 1.87 3.45 2.10 1.76 1.79 1.56 1.93 2.09 2.15 2.39
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 2(2):115-120
Raghavan and Ramesh, 2015
4 3
2 1
70 0
S9 S1 0 S1 1 S1 2 S1 3
Figure 2. Measurement of turbidity using reflection
Figure 1. Measurement of salinity using electrode method
Electrical Conductivity
Total Dissolved Solids
ď mohs/cm
S9 S1 0 S1 1 S1 2 S1 3
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9S10S11S12S13
0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S1 0 S1 1 S1 2 S1 3
Figure 4. Measurement of TDS using electrode method
Figure 3. Measurement of EC using electrode method
The salinity levels range between 23.4 mg/L and 319 mg/L. The site S13 showed the highest salinity levels
due to its close vicinity to the coastal area of Bay of Bengal. The maximum value (319 mg/L) is recorded at
location S13 and minimum value 22.1 mg/L is recorded at 7
location S2. In other sites, the subsurface water was more saline than surface water. The salinity levels increased S9 S1 0 S1 1 S1 2 S1 3
Figure 5. Measurement of pH using digital pH meter 118
gradually from the original site of the river (Mophin and Murugesan 2011). It is also due to the influx of sea water into the river. High salinity levels could considerably affect the soluble oxygen levels of water. Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 2(2):115-120
Raghavan and Ramesh, 2015
Figure 6. Sample collection site S1
Figure 7. Sample collection site S2
Figure 8. Field test on water quality at Site S4
Figure 9. Sample collection site S6
Based on this study, the pH, salinity, turbidity,
quality of water when compared to the
total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity in site S1
Therefore there is needed to initiate some remedial
was 6.8, 23.4, 1.02, 22.6, 24.8 and S13 8.4, 319, 2.39,
measures in polluted sites to reduce the pollutants
286, 318 was respectively. Interestingly, the turbidity of
causing decrease in water quality .
station S5 was 3.45 which is significantly higher than other stations. The significant variation from S1 to S13
may possibly be due to the pollutants which affects the quality of water.
This project was funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
CONCLUSION In this study, the entire Tamiraparani river water
was analyzed. Some sites water are found to be polluted
American Public Health Association (APHA). (1998).
by industrial and anthropogenic domestic utilization. The
Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater,
site S1 is found to have good quality and S13 has very low
20th American Public Health Association.
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chemical characteristics of underground water in rural areas of
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 2(2):115-120