Journal of Research in Ecology
Journal of Research in Ecology
An International Scientific Research Journal
Hydrobiological parameters and phytoplankton analysis in Kadamba pond and Arumugamangalam pond of South Tamilnadu Authors: Esther Isabella Eucharista.F Mohanraj Ebenezer
Institution: PG & Research Department of Zoology, St.John’s College, Palayamkottai627002, TamilNadu.
ABSTRACT: The planktonic composition along with the hydrobiological parameters of the Kadamba pond and Arumugamangalam pond was studied during the period of January 2012 to December 2012.The hydrobiological characteristics of pond water have direct impact onprevailing human activities and exploitation of agricultural fertilizers, manures, pesticides and insecticides. A total number of 130 micro algae were observed. Among these 48 species belongs to Cyanophyceae, 33 species belongs to Bacillariophyceae,32 species belongs to Chlorophyceae, 07 species belongs to Euglenophyceae, 04 species belongs to Dinophyceae ,01 species belong to Chrysophyceae, 01 species belong to Noctiluciphyceae, 01 species of Prymnesiophyceae,01 species belong to Pyrrophyceae, 01 species belong to Ulvophyceae and 01 species belong to Zygnemophyceae were present. Included to this some of the zooplanktons such as Bosmina longirostris, Chaborus, Asplanchna and Daphnia longispina were present. In the present investigation Cyanophyceae emerged as a major Algal group.
Corresponding author: Esther Isabella Eucharista.F
Web Address: documents/EC0030.pdf
Keywords: Phytoplanktons, zooplanktons and Physico-chemical parameters.
Article Citation: Esther Isabella Eucharista.F and Mohanraj Ebenezer Hydrobiological parameters and phytoplankton analysis in Kadamba pond and Arumugamangalam pond of South Tamilnadu Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020 Dates: Received: 3 Nov 2014
Accepted: 5 Jan 2015
Published: 16 Mar 2015
This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License ( licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Research in Ecology An International Scientific Research Journal
001-020 | JRE | 2015 | Vol 3| No 1
Esther et al., 2015 flows out through ammanpuram and periakulam .It
INTRODUCTION Water is an elixir of life. It governs the evolution
belongs to Tiruchendur Taluk.
and functions of universe on the earth hence water is the Arumugamangalam pond “Mother of all living world”(Mahima Chaurasia and
Arumugamangalam pond is also an annual water
Pandey, 2007). The life cannot exist without the water. body receiving water from Thamiraparani and its To maintain a stable community presence of safe and tributaries.The total area of arumugamangalam pond is reliable drinking water is an essential one Sujata Sen et about 786 acres (Figure 2). It is located between 8 al.(2011) . Pond a natural resource are of fundamental 39’25”N and 78 importance to the ponds
2’59”E.It belongs to Srivaikuntam
surrounding settlements. Nowadays Taluk.
multidimensional purposes (Raiagopal et al.,2010). Water MATERIALS AND METHODS is a natural resource used for enomorous activities such as
The study was carried out during January to
drinking, irrigation, fish production ,power generation, December 2012.Water samples were collected in cleaned etc. The physical and chemical properties of the pond Polythene bottles without any air bubbles. Before ecosystems are adversely affected because of the collecting the sample bottles are rinsed with the same interactions of human. Hence there is a need of scientific water and tightly sealed and labeled in the field. The management of exploitation and conservation of these hydrobiological pond natural resources. The
temperature, primar y
parameters pH,
turbidity, electrical
of conductivity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, total
phytoplankton serves as a food chain for the other aquatic
alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, sodium , potassium,
plants and animals. It accounts substantially for the chlorine, sulphate, carbonate, bicarbonate, total coliform organic production of waters ways. They provide and feacal coliform were analyzed in the laboratory as per information on the productivity of the environment standard methods (APHA, 1985; Manivasakam, 1987) Balakrishnan
et al. (2012). Hence, the present study while
aimed to know the influence of
hydrobiological Phytoplankton samples were collected by plankton net by
parameters of water on phytoplankton population and
their seasonal changes.
formaldehyde. Identifications of phytoplanktons were
Study site description
made as per references and manuals (Desikachary, 1959; R.Subramanyan, 1968; X.N.Verlencar and Someshekar
Kadamba pond 0
Kadamba pond is located between 8 Desai, 2004; Bhosale et al., 2010). 35’17”N and 7801’4”E.It is an annual water body receiving domestic waste water almost throughout the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION year and
exhibits abundance of phytoplankton
The quality of the physicochemical parameters
population. The total area of kadamba pond is about and phytoplankton population are interrelated with each 1104/1 sq. feet of which water spreads over an area of other. A total number of 130 species of phytoplankton 667
hectares and 29 acres (Figure 1). The water is were recorded during the study period. The study area’s
used for domestic purposes like washing clothes and for water inhabits forty eight species of Cyanophyceae, thirty domestic animals, etc. The kadamba pond receives water three species of Bacillariophyceae, thirty two species of from papanasam .It has 10 water inlets and the water Chlorophyceae, seven species of Euglenophyceae, four 002
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015 species of Dinophyceae, one species of Chrysophyceae, month of May in both the ponds indicated that it was one
of greatly
Ulvophyceae , one species of Pyrmnesiophyceae, one Cyanophyceae (Table 5). Khare (2011) reported that a species of Noctiluciphyceae, and one species of moderate temperature between 200c -400c was found Zygnemophyceae are presented in table 5 and plates 1-6.
suitable for the luxurious growth of Cyanobacterial taxa .
Analysis of the phytoplankton revealed that, of Vetriselvi et al.(2011) reported that all the metabolic and all the phytoplankton studied, members belonging to physiological activities and life process such as feeding, Cyanophyceae emerged as a major Algal group.
reproduction, movements and distribution of aquatic
The turbidity was found maximum at Kadamba organisms are greatly influenced by water temperature. pond in the month of May as 6.6 ±0.317 NTU and
The maximum pH value of 8.3 ±0.317 was
minimum in the month of August as 3.0 ±0.707 NTU recorded during March and minimum in October as 7.3 (Table 1). Similarly, the turbidity was found maximum at ±0.317
Arumugamangalam pond in the month of May as 5.3 arumugamangalam pond, maximum pH was recorded ±0.317 NTU and minimum in the month of March as 3.6 during April as 8.7 ±0.317 and minimum during ±0.317 NTU (Table 3). The photosynthetic activity November as 7.9 ±0. 317 (Table 3). High pH value results depends upon the penetration of light into the water. The in the production of high algal growth (Plate 4). George more turbidity during the month of May in both the (1961) reported that high pH value promotes the growth Arumugamangalam pond and the Kadamba pond results of algae less penetration of light into the water. Hence during the .
The high concentration of dissolved oxygen was
month of May, the activity of photosynthesis in the recorded in the month of December as 8.8±0.317 mg/l and autotrophs was reduced due to less penetration of light. As low in the month of June as 7.0 ±0.707 mg/l (Table 1) at a result there is an emergence of Cyanophyceae members the Kadamba pond, whereas in the Arumugamangalam abundantly (Plate 1& 2). The less turbidity during the pond high concentration was recorded during January as month of August in the Kadamba pond and March at 8.7 ±0.317 mg/l and low during August as 5.7 ±0.317 mg/ Arumugamangalam pond results in the emergence of l (Table 3). The amount of dissolved oxygen is governed Chlorophyceae members (Plate 3). Kensa (2011) reported by the photosynthetic activity produced by the autotrophs. that the more turbidity means less penetration of light into The uniform distribution of dissolved oxygen in the the water. Therefore, the amount of photosynthesis can aquatic ecosystem is greatly influenced by factors such as decrease. This results in a decrease in the amount of the atmosphere, rainfall and the rate of photosynthesis in oxygen produced by aquatic plants. Temperature
the autotrophs (Plate 5&6). Kensa (2011) reported that the important
in dissolved oxygen is due to the photosynthetic activity and
controlling the abundance of phytoplankton Singh (1960). aeration rate. The distribution of dissolved oxygen in the Maximum temperature was recorded during May as aquatic ecosystem maintains a balance between input 31.7±0.3170c and minimum was recorded during January from the atmosphere, rainfall, photosynthesis and losses as 27.8±0.3170c at Kadamba pond (Table 1). In the by the chemical and biotic oxidations.
(Merlin and
Arumugamangalam pond maximum temperature was Mohanraj Ebenezer, 2012) reported that a maximum of 4 recorded during May as 27.8±0.3170c and minimum mg/l of DO has been recommended for healthy growth of temperature was recorded during January as 15.9±0.317 0c fish and other planktonic population. (Table 3). The maximum temperature recorded during the Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
In the Kadamba pond the electrical conductance 003
Esther et al., 2015 value ranged maximum in the month of January as 1.58 mg/l in the April (Table 3). The highest alkalinity was ±0.007 ds/m and minimum in the month of May as 0.21 suitable for the phytoplankton growth (Table 5). ±0.007 ds/m (Table 1). In the Arumugamangalam pond Brahmbhatt and Rinku Patel (2012) reported that the the conductivity value was maximum during October as higher alkalinity was favourable to planktonic growth. 3.10 ±0.317 ds/m and minimum during September as 0.20
In the present investigation, higher concentration
±0.007 ds/m (Table 3). The maximum values indicated of calcium was recorded as 4.5 ±0.161 mg/l at Kadamba were the presence of some dissolved agricultural pond in the month of January and lower concentration was fertilizers, manures, pesticides and insecticides from the recorded as 1.0 ±0.070 mg/l in April (Table 2). Higher nearby agricultural field. Pagariya (2012) reported that the concentration was recorded at Arumugamangalam pond maximum values indicate the presence of some dissolved was 7.5 ±0.161 mg/l in January and lower concentration inorganic substances in ionized form in the water.
was 1.1 ±0.317 mg/l in February (Table 4). The higher
The total dissolved solids in the Kadamba pond concentration of calcium was greatly influenced by the recorded maximum during January as 10.0 ±0.707 mg/l growth of Cyanophyceae. Brahmbhatt and Rinku.Patel and minimum during December as 6.0±0.707 mg/l (Table ( 2012) reported that the higher concentration of calcium 1). In the Arumugamangalam pond maximum TDS was favoured the growth of Cyanophyceae. recorded during October as 14.9 ±0.317 mg/l and
Maximum magnesium was recorded as 7.4
minimum during April as 11.3±0.317 mg/l (Table 3). The ±0.317 mg/l in January at Kadamba pond and minimum highest values might be clothing by detergents, bathing by as 1.0 ±0.070 mg/l in August (Table 2). On the other hand soaps and agricultural effluents from the agricultural field maximum was recorded as 7.65 ±0.007 mg/l in October hampered the quality of water. These agricultural and minimum as 0.045 ±0.000 mg/l in September at effluents may lead to the growth of Cyanophyceae Arumugamangalam pond (Table 4). The maximum members abundantly (Table 5). Vetriselvi et al. (2011) magnesium recorded during October in both the ponds in reported that the highest values might be the accumulation this investigation represented the luxurious growth of of clothing, washing and bathing by soaps and detergents Cyanophycean members (Plate 1&2). The highest which hampered the quality of water.
concentration might be the agricultural effluents from the
Hardness was maximum at Kadamba pond as nearby land. 9.7 ±0.317 mg/l in the month of January and minimum as
Higher concentration of sodium was recorded as
7.0 ±0.707 mg/l (Table 1) in the month of December. It 3.48 ±0.316 mg/l in January and lower concentration was was maximum at Arumugamangalam pond as 10.5 ±0.161 recorded as 0.526 ±0.000 mg/l in October at Kadamba mg/l in the month of January and minimum as 3.5 ±0.161 pond (Table 2). At Arumugamangalam pond higher mg/l (Table 3) in the month of May. The maximum concentration was recorded 7.65 ±0.007 mg/l in October hardness in both the ponds during January might be the and 0.045 ±0.000 mg/l as lower concentration in dissolved organic matter from the agricultural field.
September (Table 4). The higher concentration of sodium
The highest alkalinity value was recorded as in water might be the effluents of fertilizers and manures 11.9 ±0.317 mg/l at Kadamba pond in the month of from the agricultural field. Brahmbatt and Rinku Patel January and lowest value was 9.0 ±0.707 mg/l in the (2012) reported that the highest population abundance of month of December (Table 1). Highest value was Cyanophycean members had a direct relationship with the recorded as 27.9 ±0.317 mg/l at Arumugamangalam pond hardness of water. in the month of October and lowest value as 19.3 ±0.317 004
The highest value of potassium at Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015 Kadamba pond was 0.67 ±0.007 mg/l in June and lowest Kadamba was recorded as 0.43 ±0.007 mg/l in January value as 0.0256 ±0.000 mg/l in February (Table 2). In (Table 2) and 1.2 ±0.317 mg/l in December at Arumugamangalam pond highest value was 0.521 ±0.000 Arumugamangalam
mg/l in July and lowest value as 0.0256 ±0.000 mg/l in concentration of carbonates might be the soaps and December (Table 4). During this investigation, the detergents used by the local people for bathing and fertilizers from the agricultural field were observed with washing purposes. Mary Kensa (2011) reported that the the increased concentration of potassium.
highest concentration of carbonates are obtained from
Maximum chloride value at Kadamba pond was soaps and detergents used by the local residents for 11.4 ±0.317 mg/l in January and minimum value as 0.1 bathing and washing purposes. ±0.007 mg/l in November (Table 2) was recorded. In the
The highest concentration of bicarbonate ions
Arumugamangalam pond maximum value was 16.5 was recorded as 2.9 ±0.317 mg/l in May at Kadamba ±0.161 mg/l in January and minimum value as 1.0 ±0.070 (Table
mg/l in December (Table 4) was recorded. Higher Arumugamangalam and lowest was recorded as 1.2 concentration of chloride influences the growth of ±0.317 mg/l (Table 4) in December. The highest abundance of Cyanophycean members like Chroococcus concentration of bicarbonates may be due to wash out of turgidus, Chroococcus limneticus, Merismopedia elegans, slurry from the agricultural fields. Merismopedia
The highest counts of total coliform at Kadamba
Oscillatoria annae, Oscillatoria jasorvensis, Lyngbya pond was recorded as 370 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml in majuscula, Lyngbya truncicola, Arthrospira sp (Plate November and lowest counts as 220 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml 1&2). Brahmbhatt and Rinku. Patel (2012) reported that in
the higher concentration of chloride favoured the growth Arumugamangalam pond was recorded as 350 ±0.707 of
limneticus, MPN/100 ml in November and lowest counts as 253 tenuissima, ±0.707 MPN/100 ml in September (Table 4). The highest
Merismopedia glauca, Oscillatoria annae, Oscillatoria counts of total coliform might be due to the leachates jasorvensis, Lyngbya majuscula, Lyngbya truncicola, from the agricultural field. Arthrospira sp, and other members of Cyanophyceae.
The highest counts of faecal coliform at
Highest concentration of sulphate was recorded Kadamba pond was recorded as 38 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml at Kadamba pond in the month of January as 1.2 ±0.000 in January and lowest counts as 23 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml in mg/l (Table 2) and at Arumugamangalam pond in the June (Table 2) . The highest counts at Arumugamangalam month of October as 11.9 ±0. 317 mg/l (Table 4). During pond was recorded as 37 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml in this investigation, luxuriant growths of Cyanophycean November and 19 ±0.707 MPN/100 ml as lowest counts members were observed with the highest concentration of in August (Table 4). The highest counts of faecal coliform sulphate. The highest concentration might be due to the might be the presence of humic matter besides both the agricultural
field. Kadamba
Brahmbhatt and Rinku. Patel (2012) reported that the high overflow by the rainwater. value of sulphate signify increased decomposition products of plant and animal materials by heterotrophic CONCLUSION organisms. Maximum
The physico-chemical parameters and biotic concentration
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
at component (phytoplanktons) procured that both the 005
Esther et al., 2015 Table 5: Phytoplankton biodiversity in the Kadamba pond and Arumugamangalam pond CLASS
A. Cyanophyceae
Kadamba pond
Arumugamangalam pond
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -
01.Chroococcus turgidus 02.Calothrix braunii 03.Cosmarium moniliforme 04.Merismopedia elegans 05.Merismopedia tenuissima(10µm) 06.Anabaena inaequalis(600x) 07.Phormidium corium(700x) 08.Oscillatoria pseudogeminata(5µm) 09. Oscillatoria jasorvensis 10. Oscillatoria ornate(700x) 11. Oscillatoria annae(700x) 12.Arthrospira sp 13.Achnanthes sp 14. Phormidium ambiguum(700x) 15. Oscillatoria subtilissima(400µm) 16. Lyngbya majuscula (20µm) 17. Merismopedia glauca(20µm) 18. Anabaena fertilissima 19. Anabaena aphanizomenon 20. Anabaena ambigua 21. Anabaena orientalis 22. Scytonema coactile (20µm) 23.Desmid micrasterias fimbriata 24. Oscillatoria vizag apa tense 25. Microchaete loktaken(30µm) 26.Nostoc carneum(15µm) 27. Oscillatoria princeps 28. Anabaena oscillaroides vargracilis(15µm) 29. Lyngbya truncicola(30µm) 30. Anabaena variabilis (10µm) 31. Anabaena bergi(600x) 32.Calothrix marchica(7µm) 33. Anabaena laxa(600x) 34. Photo medium botinero (700x) 35. Anabaena oryzae(12µm) 36. Anabaena affinis(600x) 37. Oscillatoria chalybea(700x) 38. Chroococcus limneticus(10µm) 39. Gloeotrichia raciborskii(40µm) 40. Lyngbya aestuarii(600x) 41. Anabaena cyanobacteria with heterocysts 42. Oscillatoria okeni (600x) 43. Oscillatoria insignis 44. Oscillatoria willei(600x) 45. Gloeotrichia ghosei(10µm) 46. Oscillatoria laetevirens(700x)
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015 47.Nodularia spumigena(600x) 48.Dactylococcopsis acicularis(600x) B. Chlorophyceae 01.Lagerheimia quadriseta 02.Rhizoclonium tortuosum 03.Oedogonium sp(6µm) 04.Trachelomonas volvocina 05.Volvox aureus 06.Chlamydomonas pseudopolypyrenoidea 07.Mougeotia scalaris 08. Chlamydomonas orbicularis 09. Chlamydomonas pseudopodia 10.Golenkinia paucispina 11.Volvox globator 12. Chlamydomonas vacuolata 13. Oedogonium sp 14.Cylindrospermopsis(1000x) 15.Westella botryoides 16.Monoraphidium capricornutum 17. Trachelomonas hispida 18.Pediastrum duplex(86µm) 19. Rhizoclonium fontinale(20µm) 20.Hyalotheca dissilens 21.Pandorina morum 22.Pithophora oedogonia(150µm) 23. Chlamydomonas microsphere 24. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 25.Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii 26.Closterium navicula 27.Spirogyra corrugate(20µm) 28. Closterium parvulum 29.Water net(Hydrodictyon reticulatum) 30.Volvox kugeln 31. Trachelomonas sp 32.Botryococcus braunii 33.Cephalomonas granulata C.Euglenophyceae 01.Synura uvella 02.Euglena polymorpha(81m) 03.Viridis minutum 04.Phacus pseudoswirenkoi 05. Phacus tortus(1.51m) 06. Phacus accuminatus 07.Rostellata hustedt D.Chrysophyceae 01.Dinobryon sociale E.Dinophyceae 01. Gymnodinium palustre 02. Gymnodinium sp 03.Ceratium symmetricum 04. Ceratium lunula F.Bacillariophyceae 01.Amphora ovalis
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aquatic bodies are considered to be slowly impacted by
productive nutrients and aquatic biota.
the anthropogenic pressures. The revealed results need to conserve, manage and restore the water bodies. Intensive efforts such as regular monitoring, systematic assessment
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr.C.P.Balakrishnan
in the inlets and outlets of depth survey fields can save the and Miss. Jenifer of Botany Department, Aditanar arts & vitality of biotic components and to regulate the
science college, Tiruchendur for providing laboratory
anthropogenic pressures at both the aquatic habitats. This
facilities and deep thanks to Mr.F.Judson for sample
would be an effective tool in order to prevent the
collection. Preparation of this project work was made
ecological balance for non-stop survival and endurance of possible by co-operation and advice from 010
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Table 1: Seasonal variation of physical parameters of the Kadamba pond (January 2012 to December 2012)
YEA R2012 Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November
Temperature (°c )
5.3±0.3 27.8±0.3
8.0±0.70 1.58±0. 10.0±0.70
17 4.5±0.1 61 4.0±0.7 07 5.0±0.7 07 6.6±0.3 17 5.9±0.3 17 3.7±0.3 17 3.0±0.7 07 3.5±0.1 61 4.0±0.7 07 4.9±0.3 17 5.5±0.1 61
17 7.7±0.3 17 8.3±0.3 17 7.6±0.3 17 8.0±0.7 07 7.6±0.3 17 7.9±0.3 17 7.5±0.1 61 8.2±0.3 17 7.3±0.3 17 7.5±0.1 61 8.0±0.7 07
7 8.5±0.16 1 8.3±0.31 7 8.0±0.70 7 7.7±0.31 7 7.0±0.70 7 7.5±0.16 1 8.0±0.70 7 7.8±0.31 7 8.3±0.31 7 8.4±0.31 7 8.8±0.31 7
17 9.3±0.3 17 9.0±0.7 07 8.7±0.3 17 8.3±0.3 17 8.6±0.3 17 8.0±0.7 07 8.9±0.3 17 8.5±0.1 61 8.0±0.7 07 7.3±0.3 17 7.0±0.7 07
17 28.5±0.1 61 29.9±0.3 17 30.9±0.3 17 31.7±0.3 17 30.5±0.1 61 30.0±0.7 07 29.6±0.3 17 29.0±0.7 07 29.3±0.3 17 29.1±0.3 17 27.9±0.3 17
Mrs.G.Ponnuthai Devakani. Thanks to Dr.P.Kombiah for statistical support. REFERENCES
007 0.42±0. 007 0.7±0.0 70 0.32±0. 007 0.21±0. 007 0.4±0.0 70 0.58±0. 007 0.31±0. 007 0.62±0. 007 0.43±0. 005 0.55±0. 007 0.32±0. 007
7.5±0.161 7.0±0.707 6.7±0.317 6.9±0.317 7.5±0.161 7.3±0.317 7.7±0.317 7.5±0.161 6.6±0.317 6.2±0.317 6.0±0.707
TH(mg/ l)
11.9±0.317 11.3±0.317 11.0±0.707 9.1±0.317 9.9±0.317 10.3±0.317 10.5±0.161 10.9±0.317 10.0±0.707 9.1±0.317 9.5±0.161 9.0±0.707
Tiruchendur, TamilNadu. Indian Hydrobiology. 15(2):183 -188. Brahmbhatt NM and Rinku Patel V. 2012. Phycodiversity in irrigation tanks of Kheda and Anand District , Gujarat. Indian Hydrobiology, .1(2):192-199.
APHA 1985. Standard methods for examination of water Desikachary TV. 1959. Cyanophyta, ICAR, New and waste waters. American PublicHealth Association, Delhi.pp.1-686. 16th Edition. Washington: DC 1193p. Fouzia Ishaq and Amirkhan. 2013. Aquatic biodiversity Balakrishnan CP, Bharathi T, Mani Bharathi K and as an ecological indicators for water Quality criteria of Maria Vargies S. 2012. Study of phytoplankton and river Yamuna in Doon valley, Uttarakhand, India. World physico-chemical characteristics of brackish water of Journal of fish and marine sciences. 5(3):322-334.
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Esther et al., 2015
Table 2: Seasonal variation of chemical and coliform parameters of the Kadamba pond (January 2012 to December 2012)
YEAR2012 Month Month
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Mg(mg/ l)
K(mg/ l)
Cl(mg/ l)
SO4(mg/ l)
Co3 (mg/l)
Hco3 (mg/l)
Total Col. (MPN/ 100ml)
Faecal Col. (MPN/ 100ml )
4.5±0. 161
7.4±0.3 17
3.48±0.3 16
0.26±0. 007
11.4±0 .317
1.2±0.00 0
0.43±0. 007
2.8±0.3 17
350±0.7 07
38±0.7 07
2.2±0. 317
1.3±0.0 70
0.69±0.0 00
0.02±0. 000
2.0±0. 246
0.000±0. 000
0.000± 0.000
2.2±0.3 17
318±0.7 07
32±0.7 07
1.2±0. 070
1.1±0.3 17
0.54±0.0 00
0.05±0. 000
1.1±0. 317
0.000±0. 000
0.40±0. 070
1.2±0.3 17
257±0.7 07
27±0.7 07
1.0±0. 070
1.5±0.1 61
0.60±0.0 00
0.07±0. 000
0.9±0. 070
0.6±0.07 0
0.000± 0.000
1.7±0.0 70
251±0.7 07
25±0.7 07
2.0±0. 707
3.0±0.7 07
0.56±0.0 00
0.02±0. 000
2.5±0. 161
0.000±0. 000
0.2±0.0 70
2.9±0.3 17
300±0.7 07
33±0.7 07
2.1±0. 317
2.0±0.7 07
0.54±0.0 07
0.67±0. 007
1.5±0. 161
0.1±0.00 7
0.21±0. 007
1.5±0.1 61
220±0.7 07
23±0.7 07
3.5±0. 161
1.8±0.0 70
0.57±0.0 00
0.23±0. 007
0.7±0. 070
0.000±0. 000
0.3±0.0 70
1.8±0.0 70
225±0.7 07
29±0.7 07
2.5±0. 161
1.0±0.0 70
0.54±0.0 00
0.52±0. 007
2.1±0. 317
0.000±0. 000
0.3±0.0 70
2.2±0.3 17
259±0.7 07
30±0.7 07
2.4±0. 070
2.8±0.0 70
0.58±0.0 07
0.59±0. 007
2.3±0. 320
0.1±0.00 7
0.31±0. 007
2.1±0.3 17
245±0.7 07
25±0.7 07
2.1±0. 317
3.1±0.3 17
0.52±0.0 00
0.66±0. 007
0.5±0. 070
0.000±0. 000
0.25±0. 007
1.6±0.0 70
300±0.7 07
30±0.7 07
1.2±0. 317
1.5±0.1 61
0.61±0.0 07
0.55±0. 007
0.1±0. 007
0.000±0. 000
0.1±0.0 07
1.5±0.1 61
370±0.7 07
37±0.7 07
1.3±0. 070
1.4±0.0 70
0.57±0.0 07
0.52±0. 007
0.2±0. 007
0.000±0. 000
0.1±0.0 07
0.000± 0.000
367±0.7 07
35±0.7 07
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015
Table 3: Seasonal variation of physical parameters of the Arumugamangalam pond (January 2012 to December 2012 YEAR-
2012 Month
(°c )
onth January
(NTU) 4.1±0.3
17 4.5±0.1
61 3.6±0.3
17 4.0±0.7
07 5.3±0.3
17 5.0±0.7
07 4.3±0.3
17 3.9±0.3
17 3.7±0.3
17 4.9±0.3
17 5.1±0.3
17 4.5±0.1 61
15.9±0.317 19.2±0.317 19.9±0.317 20.7±0.317 27.8±0.317 25.3±0.317 26.1±0.317 23.2±0.317 24.6±0.317 21.9±0.317 19.3±0.317 19.5±0.161
8.5±0.16 1 8.0±0.70 7 8.4±0.31 7 8.7±0.31 7 8.5±0.16 1 8.4±0.31 7 8.0±0.70 7 8.2±0.31 7 8.1±0.31 7 8.3±0.31 7 7.9±0.31 7 8.5±0.16 1
8.7±0.317 8.3±0.317 8.0±0.707 7.9±0.317 7.0±0.707 6.5±0.161 6.1±0.317 5.7±0.317 6.0±0.707 6.3±0.317 6.9±0.317 7.5±0.161
07 0.38±0.0
7 11.9±0.31
161 8.5±0.1
07 0.48±0.0
7 12.0±0.70
61 6.6±0.3
00 0.49±0.0
7 11.3±0.31
17 4.7±0.3
07 0.69±0.0
7 11.9±0.31
17 3.5±0.1
07 1.46±0.0
7 12.5±0.16
61 4.6±0.0
07 2.03±0.3
1 12.7±0.31
70 5.9±0.3
16 0.27±0.0
7 13.0±0.70
17 6.3±0.3
07 0.20±0.0
7 13.2±0.31
17 6.9±0.3
07 3.10±0.3
7 14.9±0.31
17 7.5±0.1
17 3.05±0.3
7 13.5±0.16
61 6.0±0.7
17 0.21±0.0
1 13.1±0.70
07 5.5±0.1
22.5±0.161 19.9±0.317 20.1±0.317 19.3±0.317 21.1±0.000 22.9±0.317 25.7±0.317 26.9±0.317 27.1±0.317 27.9±0.317 25.5±0.161 24.3±0.317
George MG. 1961. Diurnal variations in two shallow ponds in Delhi, India, Hydrobiologia. 18(3); 265-273. Jacklin Jemi R and Regini Balasingh GS. 2011. Studies on physico-chemical characteristics of freshwater Temple Gomathi. R, Deepa. P, Manoharan.C, Jeyachandran, S ponds in Kanyakumari district (South Tamil Nadu). and Vijayakumar. S. 2011.Survey of Cyanobacterial International journal of Geology, Earth and diversity from the different freshwater ponds of Environmental Sciences. 1(1):59-62. Thiruvarur, TamilNadu, India. Indian Hydrobiology, 14 (1):75-83. Jawale AK, Kumawat DA and Chaudhari NA. 2009. Freshwater cholorophyceae from Jalgaon District, North Hamed AF. 2008. Biodiversity and distribution of blue- Maharashtra. I-Unicellular volvocales. Indian green algae/cyanobacteria and diatoms in some of the Hydrobiology. 12(1):1-9. Egyptian water habitats in relation to conductivity. Australian journal of basic and applied sciences. 2(1):121. 016
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1):001-020
Esther et al., 2015
Table 4: Seasonal variation of chemical and coliform parameters of the Arumugamangalam pond (January 2012 to December 2012) YEAR-
2012 Month
Month January
100ml) 265±0.70
100ml) 21±0.70
.161 1.1±0
17 1.0±0.0
317 1.0±0.
007 0.08±0.
61 1.2±0.31
17 0.000±0
.000 0.2±0.0
161 2.4±0.
7 260±0.70
7 20±0.70
ary March
.317 6.9±0
70 0.6±0.0
070 0.6±0.
003 0.15±0.
7 14.5±0.1
.000 0.000±0
07 0.000±0
070 2.0±0.
7 259±0.70
7 22±0.70
.317 4.2±0
00 0.5±0.0
000 0.5±0.
007 0.06±0.
61 3.7±0.31
.000 0.000±0
.000 0.000±0
070 2.9±0.
7 255±0.70
7 25±0.70
.707 2.3±0
00 3.4±0.0
000 3.4±0.
000 0.07±0.
7 3.5±0.16
.000 0.000±0
.000 0.3±0.0
317 3.1±0.
7 300±0.70
7 29±0.70
.317 3.9±0
00 1.6±0.0
000 1.6±0.
000 0.12±0.
1 4.0±0.70
.000 3.0±0.7
70 0.000±0
317 2.2±0.
7 257±0.70
7 23±0.70
.317 2.5±0
00 1.9±0.0
000 1.9±0.
000 0.52±0.
7 5.0±0.70
07 2.5±0.1
.000 0.000±0
317 2.6±0.
7 259±0.70
7 21±0.70
.161 4.0±0
00 0.1±0.0
000 0.4±0.
000 0.25±0.
7 4.9±0.31
61 5.5±0.1
.000 0.000±0
317 3.0±0.
7 255±0.70
7 19±0.70
.707 4.1±0
00 0.0±0.0
000 0.0±0.
000 0.12±0.
7 4.3±0.20
61 2.6±0.0
.000 0.2±0.0
707 2.7±0.
7 253±0.70
7 27±0.70
tember October
.317 5.9±0
00 7.6±0.0
000 7.6±0.
000 0.35±0.
2 6.5±0.16
70 11.9±0.
07 0.000±0
070 2.6±0.
7 300±0.70
7 30±0.70
.317 4.2±0
07 4.3±0.7
007 4.3±0.
000 0.30±0.
1 3.5±0.16
317 0.000±0
.000 0.2±0.0
070 1.3±0.
7 350±0.70
7 37±0.70
ber Decem-
.707 1.2±0
07 0.3±0.0
707 0.3±0.
000 0.02±0.
1 1.0±0.07
.000 0.000±0
07 1.2±0.3
070 1.2±0.
7 330±0.70
7 29±0.70
Kanolkar Geeta and Vijaya Kerkar. 2009. Freshwater Leela J Bhosale, Patil SM, Surekha N Dhumal and green algal flora from Parsem(Pernem) Goa, India. Indian Sathe SS. 2010. Phytoplankton biodiversity in water Hydrobiology, 12(1):114-119. bodies of Tahasil Kavathe Mahankal (Sangli district), during post summer period. Indian Hydrobiology. 12 Khare A. 2007. Cyanobacterial biodiversity of the sub- (2):190-194. Himalayan belt of Kumaon region. Ph.D. Thesis, MJP Rohilkhand university, Bareilly, India. Leela J Bhosale, Surekha N Dhumal and Surekha P Rode. 2012. Freshwater phytoplankton and Filamentous Leela J Bhosale, Patil SM, Surekha N Dhumal and algae from Khanapur and Atpadi Tahsils of Sangli district Anjali B Sabale. 2010. Occurrence of Phytoplankton in of Maharashtra, India. Indian Hydrobiology, 15(2): 212the lakes in and around Kolhapur city (Maharashtra). 222. Indian Hydrobiology. 12(2):133-142. 017
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015 Table 5: Phytoplankton biodiversity in the Kadamba pond and Arumugamangalam pond CLASS
Kadamba pond
Arumugamangalam pond
02.Nitzschia sp 03.Amphora sp 04. Nitzschia scalaris 05.Corethron criophilum 06.Thalassiosira eccentrica 07.Synedra tabulate(1200x) 08.Cyclotella striata 09.Stauroneis phoenicenteron(12µm) 10. Thalassionema nitzschioides 11. Cyclotella atomus 12.Actinocyclus octonarius(20µm) 13. Cyclotella meneghiniana 14. Cyclotella kutzingiana(20µm) 15.Synedra ulna 16.Rhizosolenia styliformis(50µm) 17. Synedra acus(1200x) 18.Stauroneis anceps 19.Fragilaria capucina 20.Pinnularia acrosphaeria 21.Gomphonema olivilus 22. Fragilaria crotonensis 23.Navicula lanceolata(100x) 24.Diatoma elongate(50µm) 25. Pinnularia major(100x) 26.Cymbella affinis 27.Nitzschia obtuse(1200x) 28.Diploneis elliptica(1200x) 29. Fragilaria intermedia 30.Asterionella sp 31. Diploneis puella 32. Asterionella Formosa J.Noctiluciphyceae 01.Noctiluca miliaris suriray (2000µm) G.Pyrmnesiophyceae 01.Prymnesium sp(16µm) H.Pyrrophyceae 01.Prorocentrum rostratum stein (98µm) I.Ulvophyceae 01.Ulothrix flacca K. Zygnemophyceae 01.Gonatozygon sp ZOOPLANKTONS 01. Chaoborus 02.Bosmina longirostris 03.Asplanchna 04.Daphnia longispina
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -
+ + + +
+ + + +
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 01-020
Esther et al., 2015 Leela Bhosale J and Surekha Dhumal N. 2012. International journal of research in environmental science Freshwater phytoplankton from Gadhinglaj Tahsil of and technology. 2(2):35-44. Kolhapur district, Maharashtra, India. Indian Hydrobiology. 15(2):153-165. Sabeen Naz, Masud-ul-Hasan and Mustafa Shameel. 2004. Taxonomic study of anabaina bory Mahima Chaurasia and Pandey GC. 2007 . Study of (Nostocophyceae,cyanophyta) from northern areas of physico-chemical characteristics of some water ponds of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 36(2):283-295 . Ayodhya- Faizabad. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. 27, 11:1091-1023. Sahoo SK, Datta BK and Pranjit Sarma. 2012. New records Cladophorales;chlorophyceae from West Bengal. Manivasskam N. 1987. Industrial effluents. Sakthi Indian Hydrobiology. 14(2):145-151. Publications. Coimbatore. Sayeswara HA, Mahesh Anand Gowdar and Mariam Hamisi I, Thomas Lyimo J and Masoud Manjunatha R. 2011. A preliminary study on ecological Muruke HS. (2004). Cyanobacterial occurrence and Characteristics of Sominkoppa pond; Shivamogga, Diversity in sea grass meadows in coastal Tanzania. Karnataka, India. The Ecoscan 5(1&2):11-14. Western Indian Ocean, Journal of Marine Science.3,2: 113-122 . Selvin Samuel A, Martin Christi R and Manthirakumar Rajesh A. 2011. A study of Mary Kensa V. 2011.Inter-relationship between physico- phytoplankton in River Tamiraparani. Indian chemical parameters and phytoplankton diversity of two Hydrobiology. 14(2):131-138. perennial ponds of Kulasekharam area, Kanyakumari district, TamilNadu. Plant Sciences Feed 1(8):147-154. Singh VP. 1960. Phytoplankton ecology of the inland waters of Uttarpradesh, proc. Symp Algae ICAR, New Merlin N and Mohanraj Ebenezer. 2012. A Delhi. Pp. 243-271. comparative study of physico-chemical and phycological Characters of Muthalamozhi pond and Kadampa pond of Subramanyan R. 1968. The Dinophyceae of the Indian Tiruchendur taluk of Tuticorin district. Indian seas. Marine Biol. Asso. Of India. CMRFI, India. Hydrobiology. 14(2):126-130. Sujata Sen, Mrinal Kanti Paul and Madhab Borah. Nerpagar PB. 2011. Studies on algal flora of certain 2011. Study of some physico-chemical parameters of factories effluents in Dhule district of {MS} India. pond and river water with reference to correlation study. Bioscience discovery. 02(2):240-242. International journal of chem. Tech research CODEN (USA): IJCRGG. 3,4:1802-1807. Oguz Kurt,Sevilay ulcay, Ergun Taskin, Mehmet Ozturk. 2010. Taxonomy and description of the three Suresh B, Manjappa S and Puttaiah ET. 2013. Marine cyanophyceaen algae from the Mediterranean sea. Dynamics of phytoplankton succession in Tungabhadra Turkish journal of Fisheries and aquatic sciences. 10:33- river near Harihar, Karnataka (India). Journal of 37. microbiology and antimicrobials. 5(7): 65-71. Pagariya SK. 2012. Analysis of water quality using Tania Chakraborty, Arpita Mukhopadhyay and Ruma physico-chemical parameters of Kolura pond in post- Pal. 2010. Micro algal diversity of Kolkata, West Bengal, monsoon season. International journal of chemical and India. Indian Hydrobiology. 12(2):204-224. physical sciences. IJCPS (2):48-52 . Verlencar XN and Someshekar Desai 2004. Pannikar MVN, Jayalekshmi R and Jackson A. 2012. Phytoplankton identification manual. Natl. Inst. of Biodiversity of filamentous desmids of Kerala. Indian Oceanography, India. Hydrobiology. 14(2):117-125. Vetriselvi A, Sivakumar K and Poonguzhali TV. 2011. Rajagopal T, Thangamani A and Archunan G. 2010. Seasonal variation of hydrographic parameters and Comparison of physic-chemical parameters and distribution of nutrients in the Perumal lake, Tamilnadu. phytoplankton species diversity of two perennial ponds in International journal of research in environmental science Sattur area, TamilNadu. Journal of Environmental and technology. 1(4):34-42. Biology. 31(5) 784-794. Vinod Jena, Satish Dixit, Ravi Shrivastava and Sapana Rani R and Sivakumar K. 2012. Physico-chemical Gupta. 2013. Study of pond water quality by the parameters and phytoplankton richness in certain ponds of assessment of physico-chemical parameters and water Chidambaram, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020
Esther et al., 2015 quality index. International journal of applied biology and pharmaceutical technology. 4(1):47-52. Singh VP. 1960. Phytoplankton ecology of the inland waters of Uttarpradesh, proc. Symp Algae ICAR, New Merlin N and Mohanraj Ebenezer. 2012. A Delhi. Pp. 243-271. comparative study of physico-chemical and phycological Characters of Muthalamozhi pond and Kadampa pond of Subramanyan R. 1968. The Dinophyceae of the Indian Tiruchendur taluk of Tuticorin district. Indian seas. Marine Biol. Asso. Of India. CMRFI, India. Hydrobiology. 14(2):126-130. Sujata Sen, Mrinal Kanti Paul and Madhab Borah. Nerpagar PB. 2011. Studies on algal flora of certain 2011. Study of some physico-chemical parameters of factories effluents in Dhule district of {MS} India. pond and river water with reference to correlation study. Bioscience discovery. 02(2):240-242. International journal of chem. Tech research CODEN (USA): IJCRGG. 3,4:1802-1807. Oguz Kurt,Sevilay ulcay, Ergun Taskin, Mehmet Ozturk. 2010. Taxonomy and description of the three Suresh B, Manjappa S and Puttaiah ET. 2013. Marine cyanophyceaen algae from the Mediterranean sea. Dynamics of phytoplankton succession in Tungabhadra Turkish journal of Fisheries and aquatic sciences. 10:33- river near Harihar, Karnataka (India). Journal of 37. microbiology and antimicrobials. 5(7): 65-71. Pagariya SK. 2012. Analysis of water quality using Tania Chakraborty, Arpita Mukhopadhyay and Ruma physico-chemical parameters of Kolura pond in post- Pal. 2010. Micro algal diversity of Kolkata, West Bengal, monsoon season. International journal of chemical and India. Indian Hydrobiology. 12(2):204-224. physical sciences. IJCPS (2):48-52 . Verlencar XN and Someshekar Desai 2004. Pannikar MVN, Jayalekshmi R and Jackson A. 2012. Phytoplankton identification manual. Natl. Inst. of Biodiversity of filamentous desmids of Kerala. Indian Oceanography, India. Hydrobiology. 14(2):117-125. Vetriselvi A, Sivakumar K and Poonguzhali TV. 2011. Rajagopal T, Thangamani A and Archunan G. 2010. Seasonal variation of hydrographic parameters and Comparison of physic-chemical parameters and distribution of nutrients in the Perumal lake, Tamilnadu. phytoplankton species diversity of two perennial ponds in International journal of research in environmental science Sattur area, TamilNadu. Journal of Environmental and technology. 1(4):34-42. Biology. 31(5) 784-794. Vinod Jena, Satish Dixit, Ravi Shrivastava and Sapana Rani R and Sivakumar K. 2012. Physico-chemical Gupta. 2013. Study of pond water quality by the parameters and phytoplankton richness in certain ponds of assessment of physico-chemical parameters and water Chidambaram, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. quality index. International journal of applied biology and International journal of research in environmental science pharmaceutical technology. 4(1):47-52. and technology. 2(2):35-44. Sabeen Naz, Masud-ul-Hasan and Mustafa Shameel. 2004. Taxonomic study of anabaina bory (Nostocophyceae,cyanophyta) from northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 36(2):283-295 .
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Sahoo SK, Datta BK and Pranjit Sarma. 2012. New records Cladophorales;chlorophyceae from West Bengal. Advantages Indian Hydrobiology. 14(2):145-151. Easy online submission Complete Peer review Sayeswara HA, Mahesh Anand Gowdar and Affordable Charges Manjunatha R. 2011. A preliminary study on ecological Quick processing Characteristics of Sominkoppa pond; Shivamogga, Karnataka, India. The Ecoscan 5(1&2):11-14. Extensive indexing You retain your copyright Selvin Samuel A, Martin Christi R and Manthirakumar Rajesh A. 2011. A study of phytoplankton in River Tamiraparani. Indian Hydrobiology. 14(2):131-138. 020
Journal of Research in Ecology (2015) 3(1): 001-020