Isolation and identification of blood parasites of quail in Baghdad area

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Journal of Research in Ecology

Journal of Research in Ecology

ISSN No: Print: 2319 –1546; Online: 2319– 1554

An International Scientific Research Journal

Short Communication

Isolation and identification of blood parasites of quail in Baghdad area Authors: Suhad Y. Jassim and Hind Dyia Hadi

ABSTRACT: 20 specimens of the quail bird belonging to the family Phasianidae were collected from different and random areas of Baghdad city (central Iraq) for the period between February-May 2017 were examined for blood parasite. Only one genus, the Plasmodium sp. was identified in 10 samples with 50% infection rate.

Institution: Iraq Natural History Research Center and Keywords: Museum, Bab Al-Muadham, Blood parasites, Plasmodium, Quail, Middle of Iraq. University of Baghdad, Iraq. Corresponding author: Suhad Y. Jassim

Article Citation: Suhad Y. Jassim and Hind Dyia Hadi Isolation and identification of blood parasites of quail in Baghdad area Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(1): 1589-1592 Dates: Received: 28 Feb 2018 Accepted: 16 March 2018 Published: 27 April 2018 Web Address: documents/EC0548.pdf Journal of Research in Ecology An International Scientific Research Journal

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1589-1592 | JRE | 2018 | Vol 6 | No 1

Jassim and Hadi, 2018 from February to May 2017 were caught alive by the

INTRODUCTION According to the fourth national report of the

bird hunting nets. The birds were ethically handled and

convention on biological diversity, it has been con-

brought to the laboratory, blood was obtained by mak-

firmed that the list of Iraqi birds includes 417 bird spe-

ing a small wound in the wing vein (peripheral blood)

cies, 118 of them are migratory birds (Anonymous,

and without harming the bird, a thin smear is done and

2010), among these birds is the quail Coturnix coturnix

left to dry, then the smear is fixed by absolute methanol,

which belongs to the order of Galliformes and Phasiani-

stained with Giemsa's stain for an hour, wash with tap

dae family which are heavily deployed in Iraqi territory.

water and leave to dry, the blood film is then examined

Quail is a bird used in productive-economic projects, its

by a compound microscope on the oil lens (100x) to

size is small with long wings and short tail and its origi-

check for parasites and identification of the types, the

nal home is Japan (Mahdi and Georg, 1969; Ghani et

slide is imaged using digital camera (Infinity lite-K 100)

al., 2008). The quail is a wild bird that can migrate and

attached to the compound microscope (Micros MCX

fly from place to place and then return to its homeland

100) (Bennett and Campbell, 1972; Mohammad, 1991).

(Shanaway, 1994). Studies on the blood parasites of birds, especially quail, were very few in relation to the


large diversity of bird populations in the local and for-

The bird used in the current study is quail and,

eign environment (Jasim, 2006; Youssef and Mansour,

as mentioned previously, it is a migratory bird and

2014). Among those studies (Shamsuddin and Moham-

widely present in Iraq. As a result of this work, only one

mad, 1981) which is considered one of the first studies

of the protozoan parasites genus; Plasmodium sp

that concern the parasites of blood in Iraqi birds, many

(Figure 1 a and b) was found in ten of the samples from

studies are done as follows Mohammad, (1990, 1991

a total of 20 birds samples of quail with an infection rate

and 1996), (Mohammad, 2012; Islam et al., 2013; Bahar

of 50%, this result is consistent with the findings of

et al., 2014; Peterson, 2007; Bradley et al., 2004). The

(Mohammed, 2012) but the infection rate was very low

aim of this work is to isolate and diagnose the parasites

compared to the current study, (Mohammad et al.,

that affect the quail blood located in the city of Baghdad

2001) also, the percentage of infection was very low,

(central of Iraq).

Shamsuddin and Mohammad, (1981) recorded the presence of plasmodium in addition to two new species-first recorded in Iraq but with lower infection when they

MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult birds (20) of quail were collected from

studied blood parasites in Iraqi birds, Shaapan et al.

different areas of Baghdad governorate (center of Iraq)

(2011) found Cryptosporidium sp in fecal and serum


b Figure 1. Plasmodium sp


Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(1): 1589-1592

Jassim and Hadi, 2018 samples from native quails. This indicates that


Plasmodium sp affects almost all types of domestic and

Abdul Ghani MF, Taha SA and Al-Khamisi WF.

wild birds in the world, especially migratory birds be-

2008. Production and evaluation of quail meat Coturnix

cause of their movement from area to another and gets

coturnix at different ages (chemical properties of meat).

infected with many diseases viz., viral, bacterial, parasit-

AL-Anbar Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(2): 217-

ic and sometimes infected with new species of parasites


according to the area migrated from them and also according to the presence of carrier that transmits the disease (Youssef and Mansour, 2014; Wettere, 2018). The infection rate in this study is significant compared to

Anonymous 2010. Iraqi fourth National report to the convention on biological diversity. Ministry of Environment, Republic of Iraq. 160 p.

other studies. As is known, randomly collecting samples

Bahar S, Shahrokh RB and Mohsen M. 2014. Study

in any experiment helps to obtain good results and this

on parasitic infections of quails in Garmsar, Iran.

is what happened in this work too. The biological diver-

International Journal of Advanced Biological and

sity of the Iraqi environment is also another cause of the

Biomedical Research, 2(2): 262-266.

infections. The absence of other species of parasites in this study is an evidence of the presence of plasmodium only in this region and this time specifically. CONCLUSION

Bennett GF and Campbell AG. 1972. Avian haemoproteidae. I. Description of Haemoproteus fallisi n. sp. and a review of the haemoproteids of the family Turdidae. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 50(10): 1269-1275.

From this work it can be concluded that

Bradley R, Fedynich AM and Lerich SP. 2004.

Coturnix coturnix belonging to the family Phasianidae

Survey of hemoparasites in scaled quail from elephant

is infected with many blood parasites, especially

mountain wildlife management area, Brewster County,

Plasmodium which affects wild and domestic birds, A

Texas. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural

total of 20 bird were sampled in which, 10 of them

Resource, 17: 18-22.

were infected with Plasmodium sp with a (50%) infection rate. Studies on blood parasites of birds in general and on quail specially are few, so in the future it is possible to expand the studies in this line, As well as studying the pathological and physiological effects of parasites on birds.

Islam A, Anisuzzaman A, Kalam A and Rahman MH. 2013. Haemoproteus sp infection of domestic poultry of Bangladesh on line. Veterinary Journal, 7(2): 85-88. Jasim MK. 2006. Haematozoa of Some FALCONIFORMES (AVES) of Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Science, 47

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to this work. I especially mention my professor Mohammad K. Mohammad who has been credited with diagnosing parasites. I am also thankful to

(1): 50-53. Mahdi N and Georg PV. 1969. A systematic list of the vertebrates of Iraq, Iraq natural history museum, publication no. 26, April 1969.

Hind Dyia Hadi, assistant lecturer and Khalida Ibrahim

Mohammad MK, Jasim MK and Al-Moussawi AA.

Hasson, assistant researcher who contributed effectively

2001. Haematozoa of the avian family Pasianidae In

to the collection of samples and work slides. Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(1): 1589-1592


Jassim and Hadi, 2018 Iraq. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, 9(3):

Youssef AI and Mansour DH. 2014. Potential role of


migratory quail in spreading of some zoonotic patho-

Mohammad RG. 2012. Diagnostic study on microfilaria and some blood protozoa in quail birds (Coturnix

gens in Egypt. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 9(4): 203-210.

coturnix Japonica) in Nineveh Governorate. Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research, 11(1): 32-42. Mohammad MK. 1990. Helminth parasites of the black partridge Francolinus francolinus arabistanicus in Baghdad area, Iraq. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, 8(3): 155-165. Mohammad MK. 1991. Blood parasites of some Iraqi wild birds. Iraqi Journal of Science, 31: 31-39 Mohammad MK. 1996. Intestinal helminth parasites of the rock partridge Alectoris graeca in G’ara area, west of Iraq. Bulletin of Iraq Natural History Museum, 8(4): 89-101. Peterson MJ. 2007. In book: texas quails: ecology and management. Chapter: 6, Texas A and M University Press, College Station, 89–114 p. Shaapan RM, Khalil FAM and Abu El Ezz NMT. 2011. Cryptosporidiosis and Toxoplasmosis in Native Quails of Egypt. Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 4(2): 30-36. Shamsuddin M and Mohammad MK. 1981. Haematozoa of some Iraqi birds with description of two new species, Haemoproteus pteroclis and Leucocytozoon nycticoraxi (Protozoa: Haemosporina). Bulletin of the Natural History Research Centre, 7(4): 111-155. Shanaway MM. 1994. Quail production systems. A review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, First Edition. Roma, Italy. 84 p.

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Van Wettere AJ. 2018. Plasmodium infection in poultry. MSD and the MSD Veterinary Manual.


Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(1): 1589-1592

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