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FREE | SEPTEMBER 17 - 24, 2020 | @phillyweekly

Icepack wonders: Will YouTube initiative be enough to save live music? Page 12

Icepack wonders: Will YouTube initiative be enough to save live music? Page 12



The obvious choice A

es of racial bias,” but in September it still has s a Philadelphia university that’s some of its most important workers making a made major strides to be equitable sub-standard wage. for all students regardless of their It’s not coincidental too, that it just happens race or socioeconomic status to to be a division almost all composed of people earn a quality education, the last of color. You have to also take a look at the thing I want to do is dump on Temhiring practice of employing majority Black ple. But my goodness, the school is and Brown people for this role. I’ll argue that irrespective of physical stature, people view making it so easy. Full disclosure: I actually worked at the a Black person knocking on the door as the enforcer a hell of a lot more intimidating. I’d university briefly in its strategic communications department and thoroughly enjoyed my like to also believe looking at the workforce at Temple employed as securing this is time there. It was a great group of ideal by design. people passionate about putting the On top of that, after speaking with university in the best light. a member of the Service Employees I worked there while the team International Union (SEIU), I’ve had to try to shed a positive light learned that Temple isn’t in complion the Fox School of Business ance with the city’s prevailing wage conniving its way to a U.S. News law, which asks for companies to at and World Report No. 1 ranking. I least begin with a pathway for payworked there while the school tried ing service workers, especially those to figure out a way to convince the deemed essential – like a security North Philadelphia neighborhood guard on a college campus in North it inhabits that building a stadiPhiladelphia – a wage that values um that will bring close to 30,000 the dangers of the role. people into it every other weekend In my opinion, one of the each fall is a perfectly reasonable strengths of Temple from working request, and, in both cases, it made @SPRTSWTR there briefly was that the school is for some pretty awkward moments. by far the most diverse in terms of But that was then. Today, I’m its makeup of students. But that’s looking at the abject failure that was Wednesday when close to 500 of the not necessarily the same looking at staff and faculty. I know that’s definitely the case in the school’s security force demonstrated outside department I worked in. the offices of Temple president Richard EnThere’s something to be said for that. glert, demanding a standard wage of $15 to do As I said, I didn’t want to dump on just the their job of keeping close to 40,000 students on university, because I know this is definitely campus safe. not the only major institution across the city When I heard this was going down, I was that hasn’t caught onto the fact that you have almost astonished that people employed to to pay people what they deserve based on put their lives at risk in a community that is their role. But it was surprising to see that a historically known as a high crime area are university as diverse on the outside as Temple making an average of $12.45 an hour. These still has so much reflection to do behind its are people who have to escort faculty at times, own doors. imposed with enforcing university rules and This is a no-brainer. Security personnel regulations and are generally seen as the fun working on Temple’s campus deserve more police and are struggling to make ends meet. than $12.45 an hour. Here’s hoping their deciIt’s been frustrating in the aftermath of sion to put the school on blast leads to change George Floyd’s death to listen to so many that without question should have already companies and organizations take a stand publicly for Black Lives Matter and make a happened. I’ll be chatting more about this and will push for more equality, but behind closed doors and out of the eyes of the public still do have images from the demonstration on altPhilly. Want to join the conversation? Come things that haven’t even moved the needle one check out the community we’re building at pabit. In June, Temple noted its intent to “ tor our own policies and practices for evidenc-

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Fucking mask on...properly

Well, sort of. More like a free virtual cannabis convention looking at the socioeconomic factors that deter some people from becoming “cannapreneurs,” how the media still negatively portrays it and how to grow your own cannabis business. If you’ve gotten this far after you realized we aren’t giving out free weed, then consider checking out the The CannAtlantic Conference, the country’s first Mid-Atlantic cannabis conference happening on Sept. 26. Want to RSVP? Visit


Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1520 Locust Street, suite 501 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly SEPTEMBER 17 - 24, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY



On Tuesday, the City’s Department of Public Health released an independent study that concluded 88% of people observed throughout Philadelphia were wearing masks properly. Here’s the interesting thing. Of those observed wearing masks properly, 51% of them were women, while only 37% of them were men. But in all, it means that 12% of you, six months after the start of the pandemic, are still walking around wearing yours like a chin strap.

Want a greener Philadelphia? Go plant a tree. No seriously, this week the city announced it’ll be opening up registration for residents to pre-order trees they can plant themselves this fall. If you want a tree, you have to visit register and then make arrangements to pick up your tree between Oct. 17 and Nov. 21. Don’t have a car or don’t feel like putting one in your car? There is delivery by request. The only stipulation is you must plant the tree within city confines.


Dan McDonough, Jr. Chairman & Publisher Kerith Gabriel Editor in Chief

John Montesano Art Director

Alan Bauer Managing Editor

Contributors: A.D. Amorosi, Tom Beck, Courtenay Harris Bond, Jason N. Peters, Resolve Philadelphia, Dan Savage, Timaree Schmit, Ryan K. Smith, Eugene Zenyatta. Intern: Zachary Bard.

To contact the news department:

Ed Lynes Chief Revenue Officer Stephanie Hawkins Controller

Michael Chambers Director of Circulation

To purchase advertising in Philadelphia Weekly, contact Sales at 215-543-3743, ext. 104, or



He said it... “My office has examined the circumstances underlying many of the recent murder cases in the city, and the inescapable conclusion is that a great number of these murders were made possible by the District Attorney’s Office’s willingness – indeed, its eagerness – to offer sweetheart plea deals to violent defendants. Deals that allowed those defendants to quickly get back out on the street and kill.” – United States Attorney William M. McSwain shitting on the office of Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner during a press conference on Monday. This is after he announced federal charges on 28-year-old Khalif Tuggle, who shot a man, robbed him and sped off with his car leaving him for dead. Originally charged with murder in the first, carrying a maximum life sentence, McSwain contends Krasner’s office allowed Tuggle to plea down to murder in the third degree.

TEMPLE TO STUDENTS: GTFOH It tried, it failed, it went home. Monday marked the deadline for students at Temple University to move out in order to receive a full deposit, sending students in droves packing up all the stuff they just brought in a month earlier into the trunks of dejected parents who thought they finally had the house to themselves. Keep in mind, Temple was the test tube among the other city universities as the only school to offer the option of on-campus learning.


Person 1: “What do you want them to do with the empty Wawa on Broad [and Walnut] Street?” Person 2: “Turn it into a safe injection site. I feel like it will really help out the city.” — We can’t be sure if this was sincere or sarcasm (we’re guessing the latter) but this is what someone in our newsroom was able to pick up from a nearby conversation over the weekend NM-00428291





Malik B. 1972-2020 Memories of music, friendship as told by those who knew him

W Friends and fellow Roots collaborators Questlove and Black Thought remember the life of Malik B. Image | Black Thought Instagram


circle, cou dia, about Roots’ fam the man T came a Sq Black Tho Ahmir “Q the live hi nix” (1993 “Illadelph Apart” (19 the “stree imbued al ly incendi the sacred love and d featured, albums “ Down” (20 “Psycholo




For over a decade, the Legendary Roots Crew and its annual Roots Picnic have been synonymous with the unofficial start of summer in Philadelphia. Image: Christopher Hoffman


hen Philadelphia’s Malik Abdul-Basit – Malik B., The Roots’ famed second rapper next to Tarik “Black Thought” Trotter – passed away in July of this year, no one within the band, or its extended inner circle, could talk publicly, beyond social media, about their long lost brother. All in The Roots’ family were devastated by the loss of the man Trotter nicknamed “Slacks,” who became a Square Roots member after meeting Black Thought at school in 1991 (Trotter and Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson had co-founded the live hip hop unit in 1987) recorded “Organix” (1993), “Do You Want More?!!!??!” (1995), “Illadelph Halflife” (1996) and “Things Fall Apart” (1999) before leaving the band. Always the “street” to Trotter’s “smarts,” Malik B. imbued all that he wrote and rapped with richly incendiary, poetic hints of the secular and the sacred, the latter tied to his deep abiding love and devotion to Islam, eventually doing featured, like-minded drop-ins on the Roots’ albums “Game Theory” (2006) and “Rising Down” (2008), as well as solo music such as the “Psychological” EP in 2006, and two studio al-

Black Thought Instagrammed this note to bums: “Street Assault” (2005) and “Unpredicthis brother, immediately following Malik B.’s able” (2015), the latter in collaboration with passing: “Your steel sharpened my steel as I Mr. Green. watched you create cadences from the ether Never one for the touring life, something The Roots did with fervor and without end in and set them free into the universe to become poetic law, making the English language your the 1990s, Malik was absent more often than not. He even poked fun at his own reputation bitch…. We made a lane and carved a lane together where there was none. We resurrectfor going missing on 1999’s “Adrenaline,” ed a city from the ashes, put it on with, “Yeah, Malik B. from the Roots, our backs and called it Illadelph. In he ain’t gone/I took the wrong exit, friendly competition with you from the sign said Langhorne.” BY A.D. day one, I always felt as if I possessed On “100% Dundee” Black Thought AMOROSI a mere fraction of your true gift and shared: “People want to know where potential.” Malik? He right next to me: The There were the words on social meweaponry, the secret recipe.” dia from The Roots’ co-founders. Malik B.’s demons, the drug use that hauntThen quiet. ed him throughout his existence, was also That is, until I spoke to Black Thought in noted within The Roots’ music; not by Malik August on the occasion of getting signed as a himself, but, by Trotter on “Water (The First solo artist to Republic, and releasing his label Movement)” from The Roots’ 2002 album debut, a single entitled, “Good Morning,” and “Phrenology.” Dedicated to the often-missing an album, “Streams of Thought, Vol. 3: Cane Malik, Trotter recalled his brother’s strug& Able,” later this month – a record originalgles, drugs and otherwise: “It was a couple of ly due out mere days after Malik B.’s passthings, lil’ syrup, lil’ pills / Instead of riding ing, but held in a period of mourning and as out on the road, you’d rather chill. I know the a show of respect to Thought’s fallen brother. way a pleasure feel, I’m not judging/But still Floodgates open, I began digging beyond I’m on a mission, yo, I’m not buggin’“

Black Thought, into the other Philadelphia lives affected by Malik B. in the past and the recent present: those who worked with him and those who befriended him. Other than stating here, in my humble opinion, that The Roots’ gently eccentric second rapper was heroic, humorous and ferocious in his merging of the streetwise and the spiritual, and that his presence (he was always kinetic in person, whether onstage or off), his flow and his lyrics will be missed, I spoke to people in Malik B.’s life, and am printing our chats without my interruption. As a brief oral history of their interaction with Malik B., I wanted to know what they recalled of their meetings, what they loved about him, and, even what lyrics of his touched them the most. Karl “Dice Raw” Jenkins – New Raw Media, Board-Chair at Freedom Theater, playwright, rapper, contributor-collaborator to The Roots, 1995–2001 When I first met Malik, I noticed he was dressed like people from neighborhood I respected. Dressed like a gangster. Malik was continuously trying to put me in situations I SEE MALIK B., PAGE 8





PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY Malik B. is remembered by those who know him best. Image | Courtesy Karl Jenkins

wasn’t gangster enough for. He was really cool, and knew a lot of people from my neighborhood (Logan) and the fact I knew these people and had relationships with them that was gangster enough for him. Hanging out with Malik was like being an actor in a film he’s directing. I dug Malik lyrics. He has some of the most amazing bars ever, sadly, most of it you won’t hear unless you seek them out. Malik is a go-back-after-the-fact guy. When you listen to his older stuff there’s a lot of meat on the bone. Initially I looked up to him, and then I started feeling bad for him. He was in and outta jail so much that when he would come home back to the studio, he was different, and so was I. He was becoming more and more gangster, and I was becoming less. I had love for him, but, it was beginning to be like a drug-addicted family member you just keep enabling. Spiritually: I think that was the most complete and complicated thing about him. Me? I’m no authority on religion, being an atheist most of my life. Most of our interactions on that level, I look at now, though, as missed opportunities, especially now having my own relationship with God. I think inside Malik’s mind, as far as what he thought – being outspoken etc. – there’s also a lot of meat on the bone from how he lived, compared to how he could have lived. He is an enigma. In that respect, fame, money, props, had no effect on him. Let’s dive deeper and say, “Okay then, what drove him creatively? Why was his inspiration so different from mine or any other rapper.” My inspiration comes from many places, but, to some degree, I can’t wait to be inspired because I have deadlines, and writing my last statement helps me understand him a bit more. Malik never cared about a deadline. I did, and do consistently worry about deadlines. For him, just looking at the word “deadline” meant something different to him all together. Maybe it meant, “dead” “lines” to him, like rap lines, because that’s how his mind works. There’s no disconnect, it’s all connected for him. As far as the relationship with him and The Roots, it’s always been gang-gang-gang no matter what you hear on the internet. Yeah, I knew and know all too well about Malik’s drug use. See, he started sipping syrup, which was a drug for gangsters, really. It was super expensive, and very addictive. I grew up around syrup heads, I know it’s cool

to do now, but, it’s always had a certain allure because of the types of people who drank syrup. It was open drug use with him. I’d come in the studio and he would have the bottles turned upside down to be sure he’d get every drop. So, what did the drugs do? It’s big in the music industry, no secret, it did put a strain on the relationship with the band simply because no one there drank syrup or took pills. There’s no disassociation with The Roots. He was on every album. They always made sure of that, unless he was incarcerated, which we also know isn’t his fault, but rather a byproduct of a failed judicial system. My relationship with Malik changed over the years. The dynamic from me being a kid who just wanted to tag along to an adult that didn’t have time to go on a mission and no interest in whatever the mission would entail.


Up until his death I would talk to him maybe three times a week, which wasn’t normal at all! Prior to us talking regularly, I saw a guy dressed in not-so-fashion-forward clothing getting uncomfortably close to my new car, so, I did what any elitist asshole would do: I tried to lock the door! As soon I hit the lock button he jumped in. I didn’t know it was him. I was like “Yo, get the fuck outta my car!!!! BUT. It was Malik!!! Everyone who knows me knows I have poor eyesight. So, he wasn’t offended. He so crazy!!! He was in a rush and had pressing business in the Hunting Park section of Philly, and needed me to take him to H.P with most haste. I didn’t wanna do it but I said “fuck it.” Last time I saw him alive. A relationship outside of The Roots for me? There is nothing outside. We are family. It’s all connected.

My favorite lines from Malik: “Dreams of M16s with infrared beams/Blowing up President’s crib with can kerosene. Hijack his limousine with a strategic routine/Then blast my enemies and head for the Caribbean. I’m from illadell/The place where the killers dwell My technique is to ambush you/ Gorilla style My instinct is of a killer whale.” Joshua “Rubberband” Abrams – bandleader, contributor to records from Town & Country, Joan of Arc, etc., bassist for The Roots 1992–1994 I met Malik in 1992 while we were both members of The Roots. He joined towards the end of my short time with the group. To me he always emanated a relaxed and welcoming energy. Good vibes. We both appreciated the music and being a part of the group and that appreciation manifested itself as respect for each other as comrades in a greater endeavor. Malik B. embodied lyricism and flow at an extremely high level. During my time with the band, I heard Tarik rap opposite many MCs during our sessions on the street, but he and Malik were tight, and their friendship was palpable, especially in their musical chemistry. They seemed to challenge and elevate each other’s skills and poetry. As a team they could pull off microphone acrobatics that I have not witnessed before or since, namely finishing each other’s spontaneous verses without premeditation. It was a freestyle flowing between two MCs, sometimes jumping off a word suggested by a third person, and, at times, over an unusual rhythm or meter, such as 11/4. This was truly mind-melting stuff. Living in Chicago, I hadn’t seen Malik in over two decades, but I’d get word of him once in a while when speaking with Ahmir. It was deeply sad news to hear of his passing. It brought back memories of a time that had a huge influence on my path. Seeing old pictures of Malik from that time also brought to mind another talented friend from that moment who has since passed, the masterful photographer Mpozi Tolbert. May each rest in the Eternal. David Ivory – co-founder of Councilman David Oh’s Philadelphia Music Industry Task Force, owner of Dylvana Studios, producer-songwriter to Patti Labelle, The O’Jays, Nelly, Common, Erykah Badu and the first four albums from The Roots It was early on at my new studio at Sigma Sound when I met The Roots. I remember that when I met Malik, along with Tarik and Ahmir, that he was quiet at first, but quite



cool. We introduced each other, had a hug, alik: h infraredand from that point on, we were buds. He was ent’s cribdefinitely a driving force in the make-up of the band, for sure. h a strate- As the many years went on working with y enemiesMalik, his demons were obviously starting . to take over. His creativity, however, did not ace wherediminish. He had a brilliant way for framing his story and his delivery that really complebush you/mented Tarik’s, so everyone dealt with his behavior. whale.” Day-to-day, Malik was always a good guy, Abramsfor sure. We definitely had many laughs toor to re-gether. He understood the importance of his ntry, Joanlyrics and worked on them constantly. But, The Rootsas the day went on – many times with 20-hour sessions – he would get drained, and his attie we weretude/behavior would certainly change. Roots. He It was interesting from a recording perspecmy shorttive for both Tarik and Malik in that when I set he alwaysup a mic for them to rap, their performance welcomingwasn’t the same. It wasn’t until I gave them a oth appre-hand-held mic (taboo for a recording studio) ng a partthat they both instantly transformed and they preciationsubsequently gave much better performances. t for eachIt was more natural for them since that was reater en-what they were used to doing: holding a mic d lyricismand rapping. Yeah, sonically it wasn’t as good, gh level. but, that never beats performance. he band, I The last time I saw him was at a Roots Picmany MCsnic years ago. Dice, Malik and I were hanging street, butout and had a good time reminiscing. He was, and theirthough, a bit annoyed that he wasn’t backespecial-stage with the guys. stry. They My lasting impression of Malik will be that evate eachhe was a brilliant, but troubled artist. Like so As a teammany before him, he had a hard time dealing hone acro-with the demons that haunted him. That said, nessed be-I was blessed to work with him and experience hing eachThe Roots from the beginning. Looking back it s withoutwas truly a life-changing experience. freestyle Bobbi I. Booker – WRTI 90.1 host, radio Cs, some-producer and longtime friend to The Roots’ suggestedlate manager Rich Nichols and Malik B. imes, over I met Malik as a member of The Roots, but eter, suchwas real friends, first, with Richard Nichols. I nd-meltingknew Rich from South Philly, but became budadn’t seendies at Temple U – worked at WRTI together. but I’d getHe had these esoteric tapes and played Godhile whenknows-what jazz in the middle of the night. He, Hub (Leonard Hubbard, The Roots’ basshis pass-ist 1994–2007) had our own circle while hovtime thatering around The Roots’ crew. Rich managed Seeing olda few groups before The Roots and he and I o broughthad day-money-jobs as court reporters, doing m that mo-legal video and audio, recording depositions. erful pho-That was important to what he was doing as rest in thewe had professional recording equipment at his disposal, along with something equally imuncilmanportant: transportation, a station wagon. I was Industryappointed the other driver, and met Malik as Studios,soon as Rich associated himself with the band. belle, The Malik? I knew him as Tarik’s boy. That was Badu andthat. Malik might have an issue – and I’m not ots talking substances – with how he was evolving at Sigmaand the religious dynamics of all that, but that remembernever mattered to Tarik. Tarik had to make Tarik andthat point with many people outside the cirbut quitecle. I remember The Roots recording at Sigma

in David Ivory’s rooms, and Malik could be a handful. Emotionally, he could be all over the place. Once he got on the mic, though, it was a whole different thing. That came down to the quirkiness of a person trying to negotiate this whole entertainment business thing. That was difficult for him. Plus, coming out of South Philly, we all knew all-about the substance that was Malik’s curse. Syrup was his albatross. That was problematic, especially as, back then, you couldn’t find it just anywhere. That too became an issue. Seeing that as a crutch he couldn’t let go of – that’s a shame. After he left The Roots, I would see Malik every 18 months or saw, last time being 2019. We were downtown at Nordstrom’s, and he was bright, effusive, into the new music he was doing. “Yo, Rob, I got some new stuff you have to hear.” He seemed great, clear – and I’ve seen him in bad headspaces over the years. He looked as if he had taken his grownup pill and was at peace with who he had become. It was good to be with him on his flow tip. He was always looking inward to the evolution of the self – his self – but, he also always had his eye on the streets. He was never NOT a part of the street dynamics who made him who he was. That was the edict by which he lived. Tarik Trotter – Black Thought I did keep in touch with him beyond The Roots – absolutely. After he stopped working with The Roots as much, we kept in touch in that, you know, we’re business partners. And look, Philadelphia is a very small place. We often moved in the same circles. We continued to look out for Malik until the end, trying to make sure that he was safe, and keeping his head above the nonsense, that static that comes along with moving through the Philly streets. Malik to me was a brother within a band of brothers. At the point at which he and I met and started to collaborate, he helped me to keep my head in the game. There was a moment early on when I went away to school, a time when I was farthest from Ahmir (Thompson), who, up until that point, was the only other person that I had known as a partner. Malik helped keep the Roots together, because once he became part of the equation, he added a completely different dynamic, a new dimension to us as a unit. When he and I left school to reestablish the connection with Ahmir and Philly, I felt as if we were ready for The world. Malik represented a missing piece of the puzzle. What I’ll remember about him most is how he made people feel. There will be valleys and peaks in a person’s life, but he remained the same person on a “heart” level. Maybe it had something to do with his upbringing, his dedication to Islam or the time he spent in Saudi Arabia as a young person where his parents were educators – Malik was always a class act. He always made you feel as if you were the only person in the room. That’s how I remember him.


As an original member of The Legendary Roots Crew, lead artist Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter had plenty to say on fellow Roots originator, Malik B. Image: Christopher Hoffman






Fight poverty by expanding education I am a local college student who attends Villanova University. Currently, I am a marketing intern at the Borgen Project, a nonprofit organization that is aimed to resolve poverty among impoverished areas around the world. There are various factors that make up global poverty. One significant aspect is the lack of education in an area that hinders progression towards a more sustainable and suitable community. There are currently more than 130 million females who are not enrolled in any form of education. Within impoverished countries, girls from the ages of 10 through 19 are more likely than boys to be kept out of school. In



essence, when these girls reach the state of adulthood, their lives are jeopardized as they are forced to drop out due to many components of family pressure such as marriage, and being a housewife. To resolve this conflict, the Keeping Girls In School Act needs to be cosponsored. This act allows for the increase of educational opportunities, and economic security. However, to bring light into these conflicts, we need to reach out to higher authority, our senators and representatives to act on policy changes. I urge Sens. Bob Casey Jr. and Pat Toomey, and Representative Conor Lamb to co-sponsor the Keeping Girls In School Act.

Jawad Bhuiyan | Philadelphia

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions As a Philadelphia resident with friends in the city and across the state, I personally know many people with health problems as a result of poor air quality. Pennsylvania is a major producer of greenhouse gas emissions, and something needs to be done to help improve the health of its residents and the health of our environment. Pennsylvania is in the process of trying to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Unfortunately, efforts by Gov. Wolf to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative are under attack. The RGGI is a program in which northeast states cap and trade pollution, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By joining RGGI, it’s estimated that Penn-

sylvania could reduce its carbon pollution by 180 million tons by 2030. To date, RGGI has raised over $1.3 billion in the participating states for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative would improve local economies, improve the health of local residents, create thousands of new jobs, and help curve greenhouse gas emissions. We need help from local officials across the state to help gain support in order for PA to become a member of the RGGI. Thank you, Sen. Williams, for your continued support, and for voting “no” on HB2025 recently, a bill that would prevent our state from joining this climate program.

Michael McAmis | Philadelphia


Image | Jonathan Rados

The city has notified homeless encampment members to leave the camps three times. But, as of early this week, they were still there.

Your turn: Should the city move the homeless out of the camps, or should they be allowed to stay? Send your thoughts to



Reflecting on Labor Days past for Philadelphia’s future Labor Day is more than just a day off. On that day, we recognize the roots of the labor movement – fighting for job site safety, a strong middle class, livable wages, affordable health care, a voice at work, and retirement with dignity. These are what the labor movement has always fought for. And the fight goes on, especially during these difficult days when so many Americans are facing extreme challenges because of the pandemic. As COVID-19 shut down construction sites and put thousands out of work across Philadelphia, my fellow labor leaders and I worried about how to get our members back to work safely and healthily. To ensure our members were getting back to work with their health and safety top and mind, our union developed construction industry-focused COVID-19 safety awareness protocols; they were the first approved COVID-19 construction safety training program in the City of Philadelphia. Labor Day gives us the opportunity to remind us all of what’s important for workers and for America, especially at this time. A voice at work has made all the difference for union workers who can speak up without fear of reprisal and seek more protections against the spread of COVID-19. A 2018 MIT study found that 93 percent of American workers want a say on job safety. People at non-union workplaces live in fear if they complain or otherwise raise issues about unsafe or unhealthy work environments. A crisis like this only highlights the divide between workers who have a voice on the job site and those who don’t. Unions hold companies accountable. They ensure that people get paid for the work they do and that their pay is at least a liveable wage, that workers have safe and healthy work environments, that workers get access to sufficient PPE and other protections, and that they can voice grievances without facing retaliation.

Unions give workers the freedom to speak up to improve working conditions, which is good not just for workers but also for employers. And unions give back. We help communities where we live and work because we believe it’s the right thing to do. After a North Philadelphia neighborhood was riddled with bullets during a standoff a year ago between police and a barricaded gunman, our union provided free repairs for residents whose windows, roofs and front doors were damaged. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve conducted several blood drives. We provide scholarships for children of our members. We partner with community and faith-based groups, school districts and vocational focused organizations to show that a career with great wages and industry-leading benefits is possible without spending thousands on a degree. With a union, a path to the middle class is possible. We are facing tough times, in our city and across the world – COVID-19, economic strife, partisan divides. It’s also election season, when politicians on both sides will try to appeal to working people. Unions fight for what working families and communities need, and we need people in seats of power who will work with us to make our society equitable. We are fighting for a fair playing field for all Americans at work, fighting for economic policies that help everyone – not just the wealthy, and fighting for civil rights for all – not some. Finally, we fight the underground economy that cheats the City of Philadelphia and all levels of government including the social security system, straining resources established to support working Americans. Don’t view Labor Day as only a day off from work or school. Think about what’s important, what our future can and should be, and what we can do to ensure workers across this nation are given the respect and dignity we deserve.

Joe Ashdale is the Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer of IUPAT District Council 21.

READY TO REBOUND? PHILLY IS REOPENING: LET CUSTOMERS KNOW YOU’RE READY AND OPEN. Philadelphia Weekly is ready to help your business rebound from the lockdown. Your customers are ready to get back out and support you. PW hasn’t missed a week since the lockdown began, and our readers are the people most excited to be in your establishment!


4 INSTAGRAM STORIES 4 ADS IN PW PRINT EDITION Say you’re ready, and PW will do the rest to get you reopened and customers back in your business.

PHILLY IS PRIMED TO GET BACK TO BUSINESS CONTACT: SALES@PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM OR CALL ED AT 215-543-3743 x104 PW puts its money where its mouth is! All payments deferred until two weeks after your business reopens. PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY | SEPTEMBER 17 - 24, 2020





LIFELINE FOR LIVE MUSIC? Is YouTube initiative enough to save the day?

Image | Luis Reynoso



ther than watching the Flyers in the next few weeks about the YouTube – freefall and the Eagles suck so NIVA partnership, the content we will team soon into their season, the only up to create and our related fundraising efthing to do in town is drink while forts.” eating and go to live events. But, So does this mean cold, hard, much-needas we know from my highly emo- ed cash for these independent venues, locally tional cover story on independent and nationally? Or does YouTube just want music venues here at the Weekly, to keep interrupting fuzzy dog playing videos “Facing the Music,” allowing no more than with ads while we sit and wait patiently? 25 people into your concert hall at a time “Yes, money – just don’t know how much,” isn’t any kind of solution for venues, artists said Real. “We’re expecting to get sponsors or audiences – no matter what organization to support the content we produce, individu(National Independent Venue Association or al donors to the ERF, etc. It’s all about raising NIVA) and congressional initiatives (#Save money for the ERF which will then be distribOur Stages) are at work. uted to NIVA members.” That’s why this week there seems/ What’s Cooper up to? seemed to be a glimmer of hope – and In between filming director GuillerBY A.D. an update – as YouTube joined forces AMOROSI mo del Toro’s spooky “Nightmare Alwith NIVA to announce a big plan to ley” and director Paul Thomas Anderpreserve independent music venues. son’s even-spookier, still untitled ‘70s “YouTube will help raise awareness and fund- flick where he’ll play Streisand boy toy Jon ing for the NIVA Emergency Relief Fund,” Peters (please Google those images), Philly’s read the initial statement. Good. Good. So Bradley Cooper can be found staying at his what does that MEAN exactly. mom’s house in Brigantine, as well as hangI spoke to World Café Live boss Hal Real, ing very near my buddy’s summer house in one of the co-founders of the National Inde- Longport. Maybe Cooper is relaxing before pendent Venue Association first interviewed he begins his next acting, writing, and directfor my August cover, for a check-in. ing bout – post “A Star is Born” – with his “The announcement of this partnership fol- Leonatd Bernstein bio-pic? lows the very recent launch of NIVA’s EmerKensington Quarters gency Relief Fund,” said Real. “While we wait Once upon a time, there wasn’t anything for Congress to do the right thing and #SaveOgreat and wonderful that I didn’t think of urStages, just about every day we see another Kensington Quarters in a design and culinary independent venue somewhere in the country sense. Not only did Michael and Jeniphur forced to close forever due to the pandemic. Pasquarello hold the keys to this city’s most Our venues were among the first to close and unique meat-a-torium, they actually used to will be the last to open. While we don’t know butcher it there – whole steers in a freezer, how much this partnership and other efforts trimmed while you wait. OK. That sounds a in the works will be able to raise for the Fund, little grim, like a Hammer Horror version of we do know that we cannot sit idly by while Saw, but still tasty. Now, starting this week, this critical sector of the American ecosystem Fishtown’s Kensington Quarters will become disappears. More details will be forthcoming an all-fish room and seafood emporium. I am

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PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY certain everything there will be innovative and delicious, but, I wonder if it will have the same zing of seeing dead animals nearest your table while you dine? Casting call It looks as if Philly’s Heery Loftus Casting Agency is looking for a man, ages 25-to 40 who speaks very fluent Castilian Spanish, and a “running double” Black woman, age 35-40, for one of the leads (5’10, size 18-20, and comfortable jogging on camera) – send photos and resume – to This is for the Adam Sandler and LeBImage | Courtesy Andrew Ma ron James basketball coach comedy flick for Netflix, “Hustle,” set to begin its filming in Philly shortly. Masked Philly: Andrew Ma In Icepack’s continuing saga of asking mask-donning local celebrities what they’ve been up to beyond the pale during C-19, this week I reached out to Andrew Ma, Downington/Philadelphia women’s shoe designer and brand king of Andrew Ma footwear. The first-generation Chinese-American originally from Buffalo, NY, has, over the past six months of quarantine, been focusing on developing his ecommerce startup with his business partner. “With the shift to digital sales, communication and marketing, the development process of our business can all be done from home as we work remotely, which is conducive to the social restrictions that COVID has placed on the world,” said Ma. “Our shoes are made in Dongguan, China, one of the world’s most prominent centers for shoe development, and we have been very fortunate to not have international shipping affected by the pandemic, at least not in terms of lead times. “One aspect that I do truly appreciate about working from home and with social restrictions is the extra time to walk around my neighborhood in Downingtown with my fiancée and our 9-year-old Chihuahua Peanut. We have always had the habit of doing nature trips and exploring trails, but COVID has

encouraged me to pay more attention to my immediate surroundings. I really appreciate having the Brandywine River right behind our condominium community and also the distinctive, traditional style houses a few streets over. COVID has opened my appreciation for the short breaks and adventures around my beautiful neighborhood that I am afforded. Since I’ve moved around a lot during my youth, it is rare for me to develop a close bond with one particular place or environment, but Downingtown and the Philly area in general has that great balance of commerce, city life and nature that I have come to love and especially been more aware of over the past few months.” What does a designer such as Ma think about the mask? “As with most people, I find the mask uncomfortable to wear all day and annoying with glasses, but, in accepting the fact that this is a responsibility and social duty, I think the masks can actually be quite cool,” said Ma. “Since I have always expressed myself through colors and patterns, having interesting, vibrant masks gives me something to look forward to when I put it on, and can even give me a spark of confidence! Most of my masks I received from my job at Iron Mountains, LLC, we have a very gracious leadership team there and our soft-goods department produces adjustable, cloth masks for all employees and family.” And what will Ma do – along with guiding his self-named footwear line through its initial, currently running Kickstarter – when the masks come off? If they come off? “If COVID mutates like the flu, then we may never be truly rid of masks as we fluctuate between periods of openness to restriction. However, if effective vaccines can be developed and masks can come down, I have to admit my first action would be to look for the next music festival to go enjoy and dance with my friends and my lady.”


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ALEX FICHERA FICHERA The Psychic Agency frontman has new music out Psychic Agency frontman Alex Fichera talks new music, the pandemic and more. Image | Miranda Alston









lex Fichera fronts Psychic Fans have had a strong response in support Agency, an R&B, Philly-based of Alex Fichera’s new single, ‘Film Grain.’ band. Fichera, who studies at Image | Caitlyn McGonigal Drexel, writes and produces for the group. Recently, his new single, “Film Grain,” was featured in ASCAP’s New Music Friday Spotify playlist. PW caught up with Fichera to talk about his career and new music. Talk a little about how it all began. When did you first become interested in music? I’ve been interested in music for as long as I can remember. Whether it be sifting through my dad’s record collection or hearing my parents play anything from the Smiths to Brazilian bossa nova during a long car ride, I was always exposing myself to something new. My playing career began a bit later when I picked up guitar in high school and formed a band with a few of my closest friends. That was where I got acclimated to live performance and we were able to go into a recording studio to track a few songs that I had written. Once I got my first taste of studio experience I knew that was where I wanted to be, so I got a laptop and some beginner-level recording equipment to start tracking my own music. Since then, I started attending Drexel University for music industry where I’ve been honing my skill set and producing for various different artists. How did Psychic Agency come about? Psychic Agency started when I got to Drexel and began writing songs in a more r&b/indie pop realm and experimenting with production. It really started out as a trial and error process where I had yet to learn a lot of the techniques that I know now, but I still wanted to let my creativity flow and improve my skill set. I ended up with a 15 track album that I titled “Blush,’’ and I had two of my incredible musician friends, Alex Parmet and Malek Blalock, record guitar and The pandemic changed the world as we bass respectively. We got a full band together, as Vermont and South Carolina. This has alknow it, and specifically the music industry and our first show was our album release par- lowed me to connect with artists that I’ve gotwhere I operate. I talked a little bit about how ty. We’ve been building from that energy ever ten a chance to produce. The Polychromatics my first release, “Blush,” was done mostly by since, playing at places like Milkboy and the and Yeet are two psychedelic bands that have myself, well, since then I released played at my house that I’ve gone on Pharmacy. an EP that was more a collaborative to produce EPs for, and Dante RobinHow would you describe the Philly music process with my bandmates. We rescene? As a producer, do you see a lot of tal- son is an alternative folk artist who BY EUGENE corded live in Drexel’s studios and ent in the city that you’re excited to work has an upcoming EP that I produced. ZENYATTA were able to go in a more jazzy direcIt’s great to be able to throw myself with? tion because of the talent level of all The Philly music scene is incredible. I’m into a community and have the powof my bandmates. er to do my best to create a space mostly involved in the DIY house show scene With the pandemic, that wasn’t possible, where it’s generally college students running that I’d want to participate in, which is one shows out of their basements and working that’s diverse, accepting, and full of talented so I had to somewhat revert to my previous methods when producing “Film Grain.” In individuals. together to promote a community. Before the How has the pandemic and all of the a way, those restrictions were able to breed pandemic, I ran a house venue called Jabba’s closures and restrictions impacted you? creativity and I was able to create my most Palace where we’ve had local bands play, like Godcaster, who went on to perform at Union How have you spent your time during this straightforward pop tune, and probably my favorite song to date. Instead of focusing on the period of self-isolation? Transfer, as well as touring bands from as far


interplay between musicians, I was programing synths and focusing on sound design, which is one of my favorite aspects of producing. The pandemic has also influenced how I spend my day-to-day life. For the first month or two, I turned myself into a machine, cranking out a full EP of new material, but since then I’ve lost almost all motivation to write songs. Luckily I’ve found motivation by interning at Cambridge Sound Studios and by taking on freelance production and mixing/ mastering projects, which have kept me busy and rejuvenated some of my love for being creative. Aside from that, I’ve been keeping in contact with friends, going on the occasional hike or picnic, and doing everything I can to keep myself sane and afloat during insane times. How have your fans responded to “Film Grain”? Luckily, the reception to “Film Grain” has been better than any of my previous releases. Maybe it’s because everyone is holed up in their homes and more willing to give up-and-coming artists a shot, or maybe it’s because of the quality of the music, or maybe it’s the playlist/blog placements that I’ve able to acquire, but this song has gotten the best reaction from both a streaming numbers perspective, and a personal feedback perspective of any of my works. I’m extremely grateful for that and it makes me want to keep on rolling. What’s ahead for you – once the pandemic passes and things, hopefully, get back to normal? Once the pandemic passes, I’m not expecting things to go “back to normal.” I think we are going to have a new normal and everyone is going to have to keep adapting to whatever the world throws at us. What that new normal is, I’m not really sure, but what I do know is that I’m going to keep writing songs, producing music, and putting my work out there into the world. What are the best ways for people to stay up-to-date with what you’re doing? People can stay up to date on what I’m doing by following Psychic Agency on Spotify and @psychicagency on Instagram to acquaint themselves with my released music and be the first ones to hear when my new singles/EP release in the coming months. Instagram is also where people can inquire about my production, mixing, or mastering work. My bandcamp, psychicagency.bandcamp. com, is also a great place where people can buy my music and support directly. I don’t think I have to tell people that this pandemic has negatively affected every creative’s ability to make money, so anything helps. Plus, I’m always working on something, so there will be a steady stream of content for everyone to enjoy.




Philly artist Shamir recently released a video for a new single off his upcoming album. Image | Courtesy Shamir



NEW SHAMIR ALBUM DROPS NEXT MONTH Philly artist finally makes the ‘record that’s most me’

ern world accessible “I felt li record tha It’s been to finally m sion – from act, takin fronting h from his n “‘Runni in my life group wh Shamir sa tive of me my menta moved an myself do than I alre made me first time e Coming a songwr length (w Pulley - H Kississipp




Shamir fell in love with Philly the first time he visited and embraces the DIY spirit in the music scene here. Image | Courtesy Shamir


hiladelphia-based indie rock figurehead Shamir recently released a video for new single “Running” from his upcoming album, “Shamir” out Oct. 2. Shamir’s new album reimagines ‘90s pop and rock for the modern world, in what he alludes to as his most accessible album since 2015’s debut “Ratchet.” “I felt like it didn’t need a name, cuz it’s the record that’s most me,” Shamir said. It’s been a long road, over the last six years, to finally make the album that matched his vision – from becoming a globe-trotting touring act, taking a hard left turn stylistically, confronting his mental health issues and moving from his native Las Vegas to Philadelphia. “‘Running’ is a song I wrote about a time in my life when I was a part of a toxic friend group where I was the only non-cis person,” Shamir said. “The song is from the perspective of me now realizing how much it affected my mental health after being a few years removed and realizing how much I was dulling myself down so I did not stick out any more than I already did – and also how that directly made me experience gender dysphoria for the first time ever.” Coming together when Shamir met up with a songwriting hero, Lindi Ortega, this fulllength (with some tracks produced by Kyle Pulley - Hop Along, Diet Cig, Adult Mom, Kississippi) is his most intimate, most crafted

ants like Stars and Unknown Mortal Orchesand a huge step forward in a transfiguration tra. A multi-talented artist, he acted as the for the artist. Having adopted the iconography of the butterfly, the chrysalis has fallen voice of Draca on the Tiffany Haddish Netflix away, and Shamir is floating. And he’s barely show “Tuca & Bertie,” appeared in a group cover of “Document Journal” shot by Ryan 25 years old. Even though Shamir launched a label in McGinley for Dior Homme, and runs a TV col2019, Accidental Popstar Records, the LP will umn for Talkhouse – with much more to come. PW recently caught up with Shamir to talk be released on no label at all. For becoming widely known for R&B dance pop, the one about his career and new music. I’ve read where your family was an early constant through his move back toward guitar-driven indie pop – through the critically influence in getting you interested in music. When did you know you wanted acclaimed and ever-relevant “Resoto pursue a career as an artist? lution,” “Revelations,” “Be the Yee, Yeah, I think I knew as early as Here Comes the Haw” and all the BY EUGENE kindergarten when my aunt would way to this year’s surprise release ZENYATTA let me sit in on recording sessions “Cataclysm” – has been his unmisshe would have with her friends takable voice, a countertenor piercwhen I was growing up. ing straight to the heart. Your new single, “Running,” was written Though there are still flashes of synth and from a unique perspective, about a time in punctuated drum beats, ala his early releases, your life when you were a part of a toxic Shamir has taken a turn toward the post-hardfriend group where you were the only noncore ‘90s for further inspiration – from Olympia, Washington, cult heroes Unwound to cis person, and the impact the experience had on you. How have your fans responded bands of the Kill Rock Stars orbit, taking evto “Running”? erything into his own hands in the DIY tradiPeople really have been loving that one. I tion. Having delved into outsider music, country think the song is about that very specific exand punk, Shamir continues to create raw and perience to me, but I think more universally it’s about feeling isolated within a group, and I vulnerable tunes, stripped down to their emothink a lot of people can relate to that. tional core. You’ve described your self-titled album Earlier this year, Shamir also appeared in the Netflix documentary “I’m With The Band: due out next month as “the record that’s most me.” Why do you feel that way? Nasty Cherry” and has toured with indie gi-

It’s the closest I’ve come to how I always wanted to sound sonically. Why did you settle in Philly? Is there something about the city or the city’s music scene that especially attracted you? Yeah, I just instantly fell in love with Philadelphia the first time I came, I didn’t want to leave. I also love how there’s a legit DIY spirit and ethos to the music scene out here. Everyones really encouraging and pushing each other to make cool stuff. How has the pandemic affected you? How have you spent your time during this period of self-isolation? Well like most musicians right now I would’ve loved to be touring, but other than that I’m blessed to not have been too affected. I’ve just been doing all the press and work for this album roll out with all my time. What’s ahead for you after the album is released next month and, with luck, life begins to get more normal after the pandemic passes? Yeah, fingers crossed I’ll get to tour it for a little come spring, but I’m not too hopeful about that. I kinda resigned myself to the fact that I won’t tour this record at all, so if anything I’d probably just start immediately writing the next album. What are the best ways for people to keep up with what you’re doing? Follow me on Twitter and Instagram, I’m most active there.





THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell

How we’re watching Philly Music Fest

Philly Music Fest will hold an all-virtual LIVEstream music festival Sept. 24-25, with performers actually performing live on stage at Ardmore Music Hall. The event will be broadcast live on WXPN, and the video of the performances will be available at NPR Music Live Sessions. The livestream can also be accessed through the Philly Music Fest website and Ardmore Music Hall’s website. For more info, visit, but here’s who’s scheduled to perform. Find out all the details about the Philly Music Fest, including how you can hear The Districts, at Image | Shervin Lainez

Thursday, Sept. 24 Catch Japanese Breakfast, a household name among the indie rock contingent; Zeek Burse, who has performed at the Firefly Festival 2018, SXSW 2018 and 2019 and at WXPN’s XPoNential Festival in 2019; Pennsylvania’s own rockers The Districts; and Arnetta Johnson & Sunny, where you’ll hear “That Trumpet Chic” who is poised to intersect a new young musical audience and the sage jazz aficionados to a hot new musical experience. Catch Zeek Burse on Thursday, Sept. 24, as part of the Philly Music Fest. Image | @Beaumondeoriginals


Friday, Sept. 25

Arnetta Johnson & Sunny will be back for another show. Also performing are Nashville’s Langhorne Slim, who has numerous albums and national TV appearances to his credit; Mt. Joy, which started off as a rekindling of shared musical ambitions between Philadelphia high school friends but now has appeared at festivals such as Bonnaroo, Newport Folk Festival, Lollapalooza and Made In America; Philly’s Arthur Thomas and the Funkitorium, which, only after about a year together, already has won acclaim across the board; and Philly-based indie rockers Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.

Donate, please

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Philly Music Fest will donate all festival proceeds, which in 2020 will come from in-stream donations by viewers. Last year, it donated $40,000 to music education programs such as Rock to the Future, Girls Rock Philly, Settlement Music School, Musicopia, Live Connections, and Play on Philly. Earlier in 2020, Philly Music Fest established a Micro-Grant Program and deployed more than 330 micro-grants to artists struggling with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.




Art collection

As the city begins to reopen, some events are staying virtual, while others are taking place with actual people seeing actual people face-to-face, or mask-to-mask. Here are a few that caught our attention.

Philadelphia-based artist Eva Sturtz has unveiled a collection of her work that includes the beginnings of an exciting series, “Folding in on Myself,” as well as earlier pieces that inspired this creative direction. These pieces are bold and skillfully rendered behind closed door depictions of private moments. Her series explores the existence we lead in our most intimate spaces as we all endure these unprecedented times of isolation and confinement. Sturtz’s show is mounted at Subculture Hair Studio, 525 S. 4th St. STE L-02, Philadelphia, and runs through Oct. 31.

Things online and in-person taking place soon Digital StorySlam

Philly’s premiere nonprofit, storytelling organization First Person Arts, joins in on the fun of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival on Sept. 22 as it will be teaming up with Da Vinci Art Alliance to provide festival-goers with a digital StorySlam experience titled, “Mother Of Invention.” This project, conceived long before COVID-19 struck the United States, has grown to truly embody its name. In this new “virtual” normal, First Person Arts and Da Vinci Art Alliance will push the boundaries and create an interactive storytelling event utilizing both the spoken word and the visual arts.


After the riotous success of the event in Philadelphia, NYC, New Orleans, Montreal and Boston, burlesque producers HoneyTree EvilEye and Shay Au Lait are bringing #DoBoth to your living room! The Philadelphia-based show that combines lightning talks and burlesque – by the same performers – is back to break the monotony of staying at home with a night of education and titillation. The cast for “Get You a Babe Who Can Do Both” includes renowned Philadelphia performers Sophie Sucre, Mxstress Lilith, and HoneyTree EvilEye, as well as Baltimore’s Shay Au Lait. The event will be hosted by the award-winning Philly-based emcee, Flirt Vonnegut. The show will take place Saturday Sept. 19 at 9 pm on Zoom. See and for details.

Jazz Philadelphia Summit

Such luminaries on the national jazz scene – Christian McBride, Orrin Evans (both Philadelphians), Terri Lyne Carrington and Emmet Cohen – will participate in the third annual Jazz Philadelphia Summit on Oct. 9 and 10, which is virtual this year. Regional and national arts innovators will honor the city’s jazz scene, get inspired about how musicians, presenters and educators have pivoted during the pandemic, and discuss innovations around the future of jazz education and performance in Philadelphia and beyond. Sessions will be held from 10:30 until 4:30 on Friday and 11 until 4:30 on Saturday, with evening “Chill” sessions in the evening. RSVP is required and pay-what-you-wish tickets are available through the Jazz Philadelphia website at

Game Night

Who’s always up for a challenge? History buffs, culture lovers, or anyone with a competitive streak will love going up against contenders in this interactive evening packed with a virtual tour of Penn Museum’s collections plus fun chats, polls, and quizzes – with prizes! Face the challenge solo or with a group to enjoy game night with the Penn Museum. $10 Per Household. Sept. 17, 8pm | penn. museum

Baja Bash

Jet Wine Bar, Philadelphia’s “global vineyard,” and sister restaurant, Café Ynez, Point Breeze’s Mexico City-inspired diner, are hosting Baja Bash: A Taste of Mexico, a celebration of Mexican cuisine and culture in the Jet Wine Garden with empanadas, margaritas, Mexican wine and more from Thursday, Sept. 17 to Sunday, Sept. 20. They are partnering for a four-day long pop-up in the beautiful Jet Wine Garden, boasting Mexican fare from Café Ynez Executive Chef JC Piña, Mexican beer and cocktails with hand-squeezed juices, plus special Mexican wines by the glass or bottle. www.jetwinebar. com.





Star Wars: A Galaxy of Music

The force is strong! The Philly POPS sets course for a galaxy far, far away with the music that changed cinema forever. And POPS favorite Stuart Chafetz is back to conduct pieces from each of these iconic films. Get goosebumps from the “Main Theme” of that very first blockbuster film. Thrill to the suspense of the “Duel of the Fates.” John Williams’ soaring scores are rich with unforgettable themes, reminiscent of galactic landscapes. May 2022

The Philly POPS has announced its new lineup for the 2021–2022 season, featuring eight exciting shows, including all-new programs and returning fan-favorite guest artists. Visit for all of the details, but here are a few shows we’re especially excited about.

Shows we’re looking forward to from the Philly POPS POPS Rocks ABBA: Mamma Mia! And More…

Mamma Mia – it’s time to get your dancing shoes on again! Hear the POPS’ signature sound on the hits of one of the greatest-selling bands of all time, ABBA. The sensational Finnish vocal group Rajaton brings their boundless energy to the POPS for a night of ABBA’s best – boogie along to “Dancing Queen,” “Gimme Gimme Gimme” and “Chiquitita.” October 2021

SINATRA: A Man and His Music

SINATRA: A Man and his Music will feature Sinatra at the Sands, the iconic 1966 album with the Chairman, the Count Basie Orchestra, and the incandescent talent of Quincy Jones as music director, conductor, and arranger. Returning favorite, vocalist Michael Andrew, brings Sinatra’s swagger and style back to the stage. Swing along to your favorites, “Night and Day,” “All of Me” and “Fly Me to the Moon.” September 2021


Dancin’ In The Streets: The Music of Motown Experience the magic of Motown. This program features smash hits made famous by artists like Marvin Gaye, The Four Tops, Martha Reeves, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, The Temptations, and the one and only Stevie Wonder. Songs include “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “Reach Out I’ll Be There,” “Dancing In The Street,” “I Heard it Through The Grapevine,” “My Girl,” “Superstition” and more. February 2022

POPS Rocks: Let It Be A Philly POPS The Beatles changed the rock and roll Christmas: landscape forever, and the POPS is back Spectacular Sounds of to celebrate their final studio release Let it Be. The program features hits including the Season All the glitter and warmth of Philly’s favorite holiday tradition is back for another dazzling season. Returning from last year’s incredible holiday program, David Charles Abell brings the explosive, jaw-dropping talent of Hamilton star Mandy Gonzalez back for her fourth Christmas with the POPS. Also featured in this year’s show will be Broadway’s Jordan Donica. December 2021

“Across the Universe,” “The Long and Winding Road” and of course, “Let it Be” from this iconic album. In addition, the POPS will play from the Revolver song book. March 2022



The Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival showcases exceptional new films that celebrate the beauty of the earth, explore challenges facing our planet, and entertain, inform, and inspire personal action. This year the festival is in a virtual format and takes place Sept. 23-27. Here are some of the feature films we’re most excited to see, but head over to for all of the details, films, tickets, times, etc.


The Great Green Wall

The effects of climate change on Africa’s Sahel region are devastating. Yet hope lies in the Great Green Wall – an ambitious project to grow an 8,000-km “wall” of trees stretching across the entire continent to fight back against runaway climate change, severe resource scarcity and mass migration. Executive Producer Fernando Meirelles (Academy Award-nominated director of “City of God” and “The Two Popes”) and Malian musician Inna Modja take us on an epic journey from Senegal to Djibouti gathering stories and sharing songs with those on the frontline of the fight to save their land and their ways of life.

How we’re attending the Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival Microplastic Madness

Brooklyn fifth-graders take on the roles of citizen scientists, community leaders and advocates, taking a deep dive into the root causes of plastic pollution. They take action to rid their school cafeteria of single-use plastic, leading to city-wide action and a youth-led “plastic free” movement. An inspirational and optimistic take on the local and global plastic pollution crisis as told through a refreshing urban youth point of view with a powerful “take action” message.

Overload: America’s Toxic Love Story

Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and explore what might be done to reduce them. She finds out that hundreds of synthetic toxins are now found in every baby born in America and the government and chemical corporations are doing little to protect citizens and consumers. With guidance from world-renowned physicians and environmental leaders, interviews with scientists and politicians, and stories of everyday Americans, she uncovers how we got to be so overloaded with chemicals and if there is anything we can do to take control of our exposure.

Public Trust

The powerful new documentary from executive producer Robert Redford and Patagonia features journalists, land historians, tribal leaders, and government whistleblowers fighting for the protection and preservation of America’s public lands. With a focus on the destruction of the Boundary Waters Wilderness in Minnesota, the downsizing of Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, and the wholesale appropriation of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, director David Garrett Byars tells the powerful story of citizens who are fighting back to protect this sacred land.

Sea of Shadows

This action-adventure thriller illustrates how Mexican cartels and the Chinese mafia have declared war on the Sea of Cortez, one of the world’s most beautiful ecosystems, for money and greed, resulting in the possible extinction of the vaquita, the smallest whale on earth. Environmental activists, marine biologists, the Mexican navy, and undercover investigators join forces on a desperate mission to expose this illegal, multi-milliondollar trade ring and save the vaquita from almost certain extinction.


In this visual celebration of food and family, the filmmaker and her mother embark on a very personal and poignant investigative journey to find out why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not labeled on food products in the United States and Canada, despite being labeled in 64 countries around the world. Through their shared love of food, the extent to which the agribusiness industry controls our food policies is revealed, making a strong case for a more transparent and sustainable food system.



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Q: I’m a straight man who’s been dating a spoon them, marry them, collar them, etc. woman for not quite four months. In the beBut we do not need someone’s consent to leave ginning, things were light. But things started them. Breakups are the only aspect of our roto get heavy quickly. mantic lives where the other person’s consent Two weeks in she revealed her is irrelevant. The other person’s very serious abandonment issues pain is relevant, of course, and we and then began asking me whether should be as compassionate and I really loved her and demanding considerate as possible when ending reassurance that I wasn’t going anya relationship. (Unless we’re talking where and she wouldn’t be “just a about dumping an abuser, in which single chapter” in my life. After a case safety and self-care are all that month, I met her 7-year-old son, her matter.) But we don’t need someparents, and her ex. one’s consent to dump them.” Then we had a pregnancy scare. Voice that it’s over, PRESSURE, She told me that if she was pregand then refuse to get drawn into nant she would keep it because then negotiations about whether it’s I would have to stay. That alarmed over. It’s over. If she needs to cry me. I voiced that we’d been dating on someone’s shoulder, she’ll have for a very short time and this wasn’t to call a friend. And if she brings a good time for either of us to have a up the promises you made after she @FAKEDANSAVAGE child. She wasn’t pregnant, luckily. “revealed” her abandonment issues Even before this incident, my weeks into this relationship, apolobody had started to manifest signs of anxiety gize for not being strong enough to resist her – upset stomach, sleepless nights, loss of appeobvious – if possibly subconscious – efforts tite, etc. So, I summoned up all of my courage to manipulate you. She shouldn’t have asked (conversations like this are extremely difficult you to swear your undying love after you’d for me) and told her that I known each other for couldn’t do this anymore. such a short time and She started to cry and you shouldn’t have made begged me to give her a the promises you did. You second chance. I wound failed her and yourself by up spending the rest of the not telling her it was too weekend at her place and soon for that shit – too agreed to stay in the relasoon to say “I love you,” tionship. But I didn’t feel too soon to know whether good about it. she would be a chapter in When I finally got back your life, too soon to meet to my place, I felt anxious, her son (!), her parents confused, hollow, and (!!), and her ex (!!!). hopeless. I tried to end Demands for premathings again after speaking ture reassurances of to my therapist, but she everlasting love, like all won’t take “no” for an andemands for premature swer and constantly brings commitments, are inup the promises I made her tended to make exiting about really loving her. I the relationship more difhate this and I feel terrible ficult. Not for the person for her son. Any thoughts making the demands, of on how to dismantle this thing? Or do I just course; they’re always free to go. They make need to run? it more difficult for the person those demands – Passionate Reassurances Extracted So are being made of to go. Soon Undoes Relationship Exit And while I’m not calling your girlfriend an As I explained to a reader in a similar abuser, demands for premature commitments situation… are often red flags for abuse; being asked to “We need someone’s consent before we kiss make a premature commitment after a few them, suck them, fuck them, spank them, weeks or months – by moving in together or


“Voice that it’s over and then refuse to get drawn into negotiations about whether it’s over. It’s over.”




adopting a dog or (God forbid) getting married – makes it infinitely harder for a person to leave once the mask slips and they see the abuser lurking behind it. Again, I don’t think your girlfriend is an abuser, but she weaponized her insecurities (“It’s nice to meet you, now let me tell you about my abandonment issues!”) to extract what amounts to premature commitment from you. And she involved her son in that effort, which is really unconscionable. And while that’s on her, PRESSURE, not you, you should’ve refused to them, her son so quickly nt to leaveand seen her desire to inof our ro-troduce you to him as a ’s consentred flag. person’s Learn the lessons, e, and wePRESSURE: When someonate andone you’ve only recently en endingstarted dating says, “Will re talkingyou love me forever?,” the , in whichcorrect answer is never, re all that“Of course I will!” The eed some-correct answer is always, m.” “I think you’re a wonderRESSURE,ful person and I want to rawn intokeep seeing you but we ether it’scan’t know – at this stage eds to cry– what the future will he’ll havebring.” If they respond by he bringssaying, “You know what? e after sheYou’re right,” keep seeing ent issuesthem. If they respond by hip, apolo-melting down and bringresist hering up their abandonment – effortsissues, well, they’ve just ave askeddemonstrated that they fter you’daren’t someone you would want a future with. other for And finally, I’m #TeamAmanza on the istime andsue of meeting a new partner’s children from have madea previous relationship. You should be seeing u did. Yousomeone for at least six months to a year – you ourself byshould be well out of the honeymoon phase it was tooif not quite into the farting-in-front-of-eachshit – tooother phase – before being introduced to your love you,”new partner’s kid(s). w whether chapter in Q: I’m a 32-year-old straight man dating a on to meet31-year-old straight woman. We’ve been seer parentsing each other for eight months and became !!!). “Facebook official” (if that’s still a thing) in r prema-June. We are both in our first serious relationances of ship after being divorced from relatively long e, like allmarriages. (Me: eight years, two kids. Her: 10 prematureyears, no kids.) My question is when does susare in-picion – suspicion of cheating – become someke exitingthing you should bring up? p more dif- I tend to spill everything that’s going on in he personmy life, which she says she appreciates but mands, of isn’t used to doing. She’s a very independent hey makeperson, which I’ve never experienced before. e demandsIt’s refreshing to know that my partner has her own friends, but there are moments when lfriend anI get stonewalled. Sometimes I get vague anmmitmentsswers or no answers about where she is or g asked towho she’s with. She often tells me she “acciter a fewdentally” turned off her notifications. Someogether ortimes she will say she’s staying in, and then

I later find out that she went out. Maybe I’m taking things way too seriously considering the amount of time we’ve been together, but I feel I have to take things seriously since kids are involved. – The Absent Girlfriend The uncharitable read: Your hunch is correct and your new girlfriend is being cagey about where she’s going and who she’s with because she’s cheating on you. The charitable read: Your new girlfriend is 31 years old, she was married for 10 years, and you’ve been dating for eight months. Math has never been my strong suit, but assuming her marriage didn’t end five minutes before you met, TAG, your girlfriend married very young. Which means she spent her entire adult life – most or all of her 20s and possibly a chunk of her teens – having to answer to a spouse. She only recently began to experience the kind of autonomy most of us get to enjoy before we marry and settle down (if we marry and settle down), TAG, and she may be reluctant to surrender that autonomy so shortly after achieving it. She may also have different ideas about what being Facebook official means. Does that mean you’re monogamous? If it does, does she define monogamy the same way you do? Some other questions: Was going Facebook official your idea or her idea? Did you ask for a premature commitment? You’re only eight months in – is it possible you involved your kids too soon? You obviously need to have a conversation with your girlfriend – if you can get her on the phone – about your expectations and definitions. If you expect her to let you know where she is at all times and whom she’s with, TAG, make that clear. But if that is what you expect, well, here’s hoping she dumps you. Because even if you lived together, even if you were married, even if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you, your girlfriend would still be entitled to a little privacy and her autonomy.

“You obviously need to have a conversation with your girlfriend – if you can get her on the phone – about your expectations and definitions.”

This week on the Lovecast, America’s favorite mortician – Caitlin Doughty!


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Anne E. Koons


The #1 Agent of the Cherry Hill Home Markeng Center 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013 & 2012 NJAR Circle of Excellence PLATINUM Award 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012,GOLD 2014, 2013

Direct 856-795-4709 office 856-428-8000 ext. 142

Cherry Hill/Villagio Stunning 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, 1st floor Master Bedroom Suite, large eat in Kitchen with a 2car garage located in the quiet 55+ community of Villagio. This home has HW floors, office, formal living and dining rm, family rm and has been meticulously maintained. $524,900 .

Listed & Sold ld

Moorestown n An amazing, truly unique 4 bedroom, bedroo room, 5 ½ nished wa walk out bath home with gourmet kitchen, full finis finished basement, 2 car garage w/home theater on 2nd level, a tennis-basketball court, built-in pool w/slide, hot-tub & waterfalls and a covered outdoor kitchen & bar which is nestled on a resort like professionally landscaped 2 acre property. $1,274,900

Pending g

Sold ld

Marlton/ Little Mill 5 bedroom 5.5 5 bath home with open n fifirstfirst-floor interior floor plan features custom finished hardwood dwood floors, high gh end e moldings throughout entire home, a newly renovated kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless-steel appliances with custom built panels and large center island. The second floor boasts 4 large bedrooms all with newer full baths with granite or marble countertops. Fantastic full finished walk out lower level has custom built entertainment center, full bath, gym room, possible additional bedroom. This home has a newer roof, newer three zone heat and air, newer hardwood floors, carpeting and updated light fixtures throughout. $899,900

Haddonfield This 4 bedroom 4.5 bath home loc located on one of most desirable streets and offers a cul de sac location, 4 car garage, home theater, screened in porch, hardwood floors throughout a park like setting and completely private rear yard. Enter this one of a kind home through a stunning 2 story foyer complete with custom molding and woodwork to find a completely renovated home with over 5,000 sq. Ft. of living space $1,399,999

Cherry Hill Contemporary 4 bedroom, 2.2 bath home with 2 car garage and in-ground pool. 2 story foyer w/ rounded staircase, living room with fireplace, full bar, large eat in Kitchen. Master bedroom suite has a luxurious bath and plenty of closet space. Full finished basement. Great outside for entertaining. Freshly painted throughout $514,900

Voorhees Beautiful custom home with professional landscape grounds, circular paver drive way, a classic conservatory great for entertaining with slate floor, custom glass and wood ceiling with wet bar area, Two story foyer with marble floors and two staircases, this 5 bedroom home with first floor study, 4.5 baths, 3 car garage with private fenced backyard is a one of a kind home$739,999

Moorestown/Tom Brown Road 5+ acres private property to build your dream home in the prestigious town of Moorestown, plenty of room for a pool, can build over a 6,000 Square foot home, level piece of ground and a great investment.….$999,900

Pending ng

Cherry Hill/Surrey ey Place East Beautifull home home waiti w waiting for you in cre preserve yet close to all major Surrey Place Eastt across from a 40 acre highways. This home has been totally remodeled with newer roof, hardwood floors, newer a/c, newer bathrooms, newer kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, ceramic decorative backsplash and porcelain tile floor. Large great room with wood burning fireplace, wet-bar and sliding glass doors to huge backyard with patio and shed. Finished basement with storage area. $449,000


Now more than ever, EXPERIENCE counts, that is why you need to call our AUNT ANNE, because she has the

EXPERIENCE, COMMITMENT, PASSION & KNOWLEDGE to help you in selling or buying a home.






REGGIE New condo

$1,700 / 2br - 930ft2 - Brand New 2 Bedroom Condo for Rent in Center City. 211 N. Camac Street. Brand-New 2 bedroom condominium with 1 full bath in the heart of Center City. Gorgeous custom-kitchen with granite countertop and stainless appliances, opens to the spacious living/dining area, premium hardwood floors throughout . Additional features include a private laundry room and individual heating and air conditioner units. This building is conveniently located in the Center City district, just across from PA Convention with plenty of restaurants and nightlife to choose from, walking distance to shopping mall, Grey Hound Bus Station, Jefferson Train Station and still bustling Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look - you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 for credit history check and processing fee. $1700 per month plus utilities. Please call Kin 267-912-7888.

Location, lifestyle, luxury

$1,760 / 1br - 624ft2 - LOVELY CENTER CITY APARTMENT. Arch near 19th. 1900 Arch. Center City Philadelphia offers the region’s best shopping, restaurants, and cultural experiences. Home to the Rittenhouse Square, Logan Square, and City Hall districts, Center City is the perfect choice for those looking to work or attend school in the city. Location, lifestyle, and luxury! This 14-story rental community features more than 300 1- and 2-bedroom luxury apartments in Center City’s Logan Square neighborhood. Located just steps away from the new Comcast Center, 1900 Arch offers a resident roof deck, a public courtyard, a state-of-the-art fitness center, resident lounge, and an underground parking garage. Features: Hardwood floors throughout. Modern, fully-equipped kitchens with granite countertops, GE stainless steel appliances, glass tile backsplash, Grohe gooseneck faucets, under-mounted sinks, and breakfast bar. Full-size Bosch washer and dryer in each apartment. High-efficiency, individually controlled A/C and heat. High ceilings and expansive double pane windows with natural lighting. Entertainment lounge featuring Wi-Fi, leather club chairs, billiards, shuffleboard, and gas fireplace. Fully furnished resident sky deck. Resident courtyard with fire pits. Dog-walking and pet-sitting services available. Resident bike storage. Bike-share program. Green roofs. Elevator. Pet friendly. Dog Park. Text: (215) 850-0055.

Roof deck

$3,300 / 2br - 1066ft2 - 2 Bedroom Apt Center City- Roof deck, Clubroom, Gym, Business Center. 1338 Chestnut St. Be a part of it all at Griffin – masterfully renovated apartments located along the Avenue of the Arts in the heart of Center City. With all-new finishes and features, complemented by a smart collection of amenities, Griffin is your canvas for artful Philadelphia living. Features: Spectacular city views. Washers and dryers. Modern kitchens. Luxurious bathrooms with quartz countertops and glass showers. Stainless steel appliances. Keyless entry. Quartz countertops. Engineered hardwood flooring. Wood cabinets. Carpeted bedrooms. Freestanding kitchen islands. Mecho-style blinds. Designer backsplashes. Community Amenities: Panoramic views. 24-hour maintenance. State-of-the-art fitness center open 24/7. Shuffleboard. Onsite bike storage. Onsite management team. Prominent Avenue of the Arts address. Outdoor kitchen. Walking distance to dozens of Center City shops, restaurants, and cultural institutions. Valet laundry. Resident business lounge. Concierge service. Fire pit. Private conference space. Indoor-outdoor rooftop clubroom. Billiards. Historic character. Catering facility. 24-hour front desk. Golf simulator. Call Now: (833) 695-9442.

Want to list your apartment with Real Estate Reggie? For only $75, you get 100 words to describe your place. For only $125, you get 100 words, plus a photo. Need something more or different? Reggie can make it happen. happen Deadline is every Monday at 10 am for Thursday’s issue. Email him at for details.

Hardwood flooring

$1,350 / 1br - Blocks from Center City!1BR, HW Floors,Central Air. 320 S 15th St. Beautiful one bedroom apartment with central Air and hardwood flooring throughout! This apartment also features a new kitchen, spacious closets, decorative fireplace and great sunlight! Hot water and cooking gas are included with rent, and the tenant pays electricity. Laundry and additional private storage in the building! Building is located on 15th Street between Pine and Spruce Street, across the street from the famed Kimmel Center, and conveniently near the Avenue of the Arts, Broad Street and Rittenhouse Square! To view this apartment or any others we have available, contact us at Centra Associates: 215-733-0480 or


$2,000 / 3br - 1566ft2 - Gorgeous Condo Unit for Rent in Center City. 1119 Hamilton St. Gorgeous 3 bedrooms, 2&1/2 full baths Bi- bevel-condo unit in the burgeoning Spring Arts Point neighborhood. Beautiful granite and stainless custom kitchen opens to the spacious and open living/dining area. Awesome counter and cabinet space plus pantry. Stainless steal appliances. 9’ ceilings and large, plentiful windows, Hardwood floors throughout. Second-floor offers three bedrooms, two full baths. Lovely Spring Arts Point condominium community. Less than 5 minutes to all major highways and so many premier restaurants and nightlife around the complex to choose from, as well as shopping, public transportation, access to Independence Mall, Penn’s Landing, the PA Convention Center and the Reading Terminal Market. One parking space included in the rent, valued $120 that management charges every space. Available immediately! Come take a look- you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 for credit history checked and processing fee. $2000 per month plus utilities. Please contact Kin: 267-912-7888.

Exceptional living


$2,003 / 1br - 780ft2 - Spectacular One Bedroom/One Bathroom Center City Apt Available NOW. 300 Alexander Court. Discover the definition of exceptional living at The Alexander. Here, at our high-rise Philadelphia apartments, you will find the perfect blend of modern design and enduring style. The Alexander will feature luxurious homes with unique configurations and unmatched amenities, all in a smoke-free environment. Enjoy upscale urban living from the rooftop deck, the lavish courtyard or by simply letting our on-site concierge assist with making your everyday a little more extraordinary. Live in a walkable, pet-friendly residential neighborhood near museums and parks. Classic, warm, and inviting – find your future at The Alexander. Features: Views of Center City Philadelphia from select apartments. Oversized windows for extra light. Stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops in Kitchens. Picturesque terraces and balconies in select apartments. Spacious studio-, one-, two-, and threebedroom apartment homes available. Custom cabinetry in Kitchens. Wood-Like Flooring throughout apartment. In-home washers and dryers. Walk-In Closets. Open-concept floor plans. Community Amenities: Lavish Community Clubroom with Demonstration Kitchen. On-Site Underground Parking Garage. Fitness Center with Cardio Equipment. Package Receiving. Roof Terrace with Observation Deck. Penthouse and Townhomes available. 2nd Floor landscaped terrace with BBQ Grilling Stations. TV Lounge. Public Art Landscaping. Children’s Play Room. Bike Storage with Mechanic Station. Access controlled garage parking. Valet Laundry Service Available. Storage available. Pet Friendly. Pet Grooming Station. On-Site Management. Smoke Free Building. Call Now: (215) 596-4234 x 36 or Text 36 to (215) 596-4234.

Amazing apartment

$1,600 / 3br - 1000ft2 - Amazing Apartment for Rent in Center City. Beautiful Apartment located at 1100-1102 Spring Garden Street. Amazing 3 bedroom, 2 full baths apartment at Spring Art Point neighborhood. Beautiful granite and stainless custom kitchen opens to the spacious and open living/dining area. Plentiful windows with a lot of natural sunshine. Premium hardwood floors throughout the entire unit. Additional features are a private laundry room and individual heating and air conditioner units. This development is conveniently located in the Center City district with plenty of restaurants and nightlife to choose from as well as shopping, public transportation, access to Independence Hall, Penn’s Landing, the PA Convention Center and The Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look at and you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 credit history checked and processing fee. $1600 per month plus utilities. Unit 4A. (S/F 1000). Please contact Kin 267-912-7888.

Upgraded kitchen

$1,330 / 1br - Center City...Where Location, Community and Entertainment Meet. 13th Street near Chancellor Street. One Bedroom Apartment AVAILABLE NOW! Apartment features an upgraded kitchen and bathroom, large windows and 9 ft. ceilings. Ask about our NO SECURITY DEPOSIT program!! Cats are welcome (add’l fee)! All apartments are rented unfurnished. Chancellor Apartments is a convenient high rise apartment community in an amazing location in Center City. We are close to most major schools and universities, public transportation, historical attractions, shopping, restaurants and theaters. Center City at its best! Rent includes: heat, hot/ cold water, 24-hour front desk attendant, free bike storage room, package acceptance service, 24-hour emergency maintenance service, on-site smart card laundry plus card access system and BuildingLink resident services portal access for all residents. The Chancellor boasts several different studio and one bedroom floor plans. Apartments feature high ceilings, large bright windows, ceiling fans in most units, hardwood floors and breathtaking views of the Philadelphia skyline and Delaware River. Many apartments have large walkin closets, too! We have partnered with Optimal Sport Health Club to offer a generous discounted gym membership (we pay your initiation fee). There are several off street parking lots and garages in the area, too! 215-735-8404.

Adelphia House

$955 Vibrant Center City Studio. 1229 Chestnut St. Designed by prominent American architect Horace Trumbauer, the Adelphia House is a renovated Philadelphia landmark offering a grand two-story lobby with detailed tile floors and beautiful plaster work. Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! FEATURES: 24-hr front desk attendant. Controlled access. AMENITIES: PMC Lifestyle™ Program. Elevator. On-site laundry. On-site maintenance. Fully-equipped fitness center. Cat friendly. SERVICES: Online resident portal featuring rent payments and work order entry for your convenience. NEIGHBORHOOD: Local attractions include Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Franklin Institute, Walnut Street shopping, and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway Local universities include Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson University. Rittenhouse Square Park Farmer’s Market, Parc, Rouge, Dandelion, Garces Trading Company, El Vez, and Sampan offer exceptional dining within a few blocks. Easy access to Market East SEPTA station and SEPTA bus routes, routes I-95 and 76. Pmcpropertygroup. com.


$1,390 / 1br - 563ft2 - 1 Bedroom – 1 Bath – Center City (1411 Walnut St.). 1 Bedroom Apartment home with Hardwood Floors; Central Heating; Central Cooling; Microwave; Building Features Exercise Room and Front Desk. The original home of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange; Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! RENTAL FEATURES: Living room. Range / Oven. Refrigerator. Microwave. Heat: forced air. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. Hardwood floor. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Vintage building. Elevator. Doorman. Fitness center. Near transportation.

Modern amenities

$1,595 / 1br - 700ft2 - 1 Bedroom – Midtown Center City – Modern Amenities (220 S. 16th St.) 1 Bedroom Apartment home with Hardwood Floors; Central Heating; Central Cooling; Microwave; Building Features Laundry On-Site. Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! RENTAL FEATURES: Living room. Range / Oven. Refrigerator. Microwave. Heat: forced air. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cableready. Hardwood floor. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Vintage building. Elevator. Near transportation. pmcpropertygroup. com/properties.

University City

$1,700 / 2br - NEWLY RENOVATED 2BR 1BA APT MINUTES TO DREXEL, PENN & CENTER CITY. 437 N 40th Street | 3A. PROPERTY DETAILS: 2BR / 1BATH unit in intimate, brand new 19-unit building. Ideal social distancing living near campus and hospitals - private units, brand new. Brand new! Walk to HUP, PENN, DREXEL. PRE-LEASING NOW! AMENITIES: Co-working and Study Lounge. Free WiFi (Basic WIFI provided and upgrades available for private service.) Yoga and Relaxation Rooftop. Just you! Private and clean unit. Bike Parking. 15 minute walk to UPENN and Drexel. 1/2 the price of the tall glass towers nearby! Brand new loft apartments. Exposed ducts, central air, granite counters, breakfast bars, and stainless steel appliances. Private washer/dryer in every unit. Elevator building. Enjoy the roofdeck, study lounge, and weight room. Actual bathtubs for relaxation and real functioning windows throughout for fresh air and sun. Pets okay (non-aggressive, trained, and super quiet). Professionally managed.


$1,250 / 1br - Beautiful Newly Renovated Rittenhouse Square One Bedroom, Center City (20th and Chestnut). Heart of Center City Philadelphia - Just two blocks from Rittenhouse Square, Large eat-in kitchen with Dishwasher - new appliances and cabinetry, Washer and Dryer in-unit, Beautiful hardwood floors throughout, Large living room with ornamental fireplace, High ceilings, Excellent sunlight, Great closet space, Cable & Internet-ready, Within UP & Drexel Shuttle District, Walking distance to University City - UP & Drexel & Hahnemann Hospital, Maintenance included, One cat allowed, Packages accepted at RE office for your convenience, Robin Apartments management graded A+ by University of Pennsylvania student survey eight years in a row, Leasing October 15th or before. Apartments can be viewed BY APPOINTMENT M-F 9:00 - 5:30, For additional information and viewing please call 215-567-3325.

Amazing views

$3,020 / 2br - 1009ft2 - Luxury In Univ City- Rooftop Deck, Fitness Center, Amazing Views. New and vibrant apartment rentals on Chestnut street in University City are here – at 3737 Chestnut! Another luxury community by Korman Residential Properties. Experience the excitement of high-rise University City apartments, located in one of Philadelphia’s most dynamic neighborhoods! Enjoy stunning views of the city and river from our stylish, pet-friendly, modern rentals at 3737 Chestnut. Take a virtual tour on our website or contact us to schedule a video call tour. Porcelain, marble, and tile accents in kitchens and baths. Internet cafe. Spacious walk-in closets. Yoga Studio. Wood cabinetry. Fully carpeted bedrooms. Ground-floor retail, Hildebrandt Early Learning Center next door. Controlled Access. Stainless-steel appliances. Private rooftop lounge. Outdoor grilling area. Bosch stackable washer and dryer. Call: 215-622-9893.

Avenue of the Arts

$2,600 / 1br - 885ft2 - 1 Bedroom Apartment Center City. 1338 Chestnut Street. Features. Mecho-style blinds. Keyless entry. Freestanding kitchen islands. Wood cabinets. Stainless steel appliances. Quartz countertops. Modern kitchens. Designer backsplashes. Engineered hardwood flooring. Luxurious bathrooms with quartz countertops and glass showers. Carpeted bedrooms. Spectacular city views. Washers and dryers. Community Amenities. Private conference space. Walking distance to dozens of Center City shops, restaurants, and cultural institutions. Golf simulator. Outdoor kitchen. Historic character. Resident business lounge. Onsite management team. Onsite bike storage. Billiards. Valet laundry. 24-hour maintenance. State-of-the-art fitness center open 24/7. Shuffleboard. Catering facility. Prominent Avenue of the Arts address. Panoramic views. Fire pit. Indoor-outdoor rooftop clubroom. 24-hour front desk. Concierge service. (833) 695-9442.

Old City

$2,175 / 2br - 1150ft2 - Large Bi-level 2BR/2BA apartment. 726 Market St., apt 302. Beautiful Spacious Bi-level 2BR/2BA apartment in Center city/Old city available NOW! The unit features a kitchen with all needed stainless steel appliances, including a gas stove, dishwasher, microwave, garbage disposal. Central A/C and heat. Washer and dryer in the unit. Big size living room with large windows facing Market St. One of the bedrooms is located on the first level of the apartment, and has its own bathroom and a good size closet. The second bedroom is located on the second level of the unit. The second bathroom is located on the first level though. Both bedrooms are a good size, perfect for roommates or a couple. Pets under 35lb are allowed with landlord’s approval and pet fee ($250500). Very quiet building! Gym and sauna in the building! Secured coded entrance. Front desk. Additional storage space is available for $150 per month. Water is included in rent, tenants are responsible for electric and gas. Only Two months are required to move in (first month and security deposit). Plenty of parking lots around the building. Walking distance to everything! Trader Joe’s is within a few blocks, as well as Century 21, Fashion District, China Town, local bars and restaurants. Any public transportation is just within 1-2 blocks, including buses, subway, Jefferson train station. Extremely close to Jefferson! VIDEO TOUR and MEASUREMENTS ARE AVAILABLE! Within 5 min walking to the bus stop. VIRTUAL TOUR is AVAILABLE! CALL or TEXT NOW (267) 884-5045 ask for Kateryna.


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