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February 25, 2015
INTERNET MARKETING TIPS You are here: Home / SEO TOOLS & SOFTWARE / Screencast Pro Review
Screencast Pro Review
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Screencast Pro Review – Overview Hi, I’ve got an awesome freebie for you to download today. Joey Xoto and Lon Naylor are releasing one of their incredible Camtasia screencast templates to the public, for absolutely free of charge. You can pop this template into Camtasia, see how easy it is to customize, and have an ultra-high quality video that you can use in ANY WAY YOU WANT, in just a few minutes from now. You can have a stunning and high converting VSL in minutes A great squeeze page video A beautiful video for a client that you can sell
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And so much more, for $0.00, right now! Tube Ranking Madness Review Remember, even if you don’t have Camtasia, these guys show you how to try it for free – so you have every reason to check out these awesome video template right now. This is only 100% complimentary for a limited time, so don’t wait and download your video template right now.
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Official Website: Click here to go Screencast Pro Official Site Launch Date: 2015-02-24 at 11:00 EST
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Screencast Pro Review – What is it ? Joey Xoto & Lon Naylor have teamed up to bring you a phenomenal new product called Screencast
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Screencast Pro is the ultimate resource for internet marketers using Camtasia. Featuring some of the most in-depth comprehensive training for Camtasia (Mac & PC) you’ve ever seen, along with project walkthroughs that show your customers exactly how Joey & Lon create their videos inside of Camtasia.
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On top of that you will get access to “done-for-you” video templates they can use alongside their
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videos… these are not low quality cheap templates, but actual animated templates that would cost hundreds of dollars to produce on an outsource basis… and just to sweeten the deal even more, you will get access to the Camtasia project files for these templates so they can plug them right into Camtasia, modify them however they want and see exactly how Joey & Lon have constructed the templates from scratch. Never before has there been such an interactive, jam-packed Camtasia resource for internet marketers… Screencast Pro fills a gap that the market has been asking for.
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Screencast Pro Review – Why Should You Get It Today ?
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Pop in our template, customize in 3 easy steps, hit “Render” and you’re done! Camtasia templates and training designed especially for MARKETERS. Mac and PC training versions. Other templates (not even made for marketers) can run you $200 a pop. Huge package of: Done-for-you sales video templates, squeeze page video templates, affiliate promo templates, pre-sell templates, content video templates, and so much more, for less than the cost of one “general” template! Don’t stress about “how” to make a video or “what” it should include – it’s all done for you. Perfect for those who rarely use video: all of the work is done. Also perfect for those who are video pros: Get the work done in a fraction of the time. Our sales videos are proven to boost conversion rates by 50%! Steal that conversion fire-power for yourself right now! Use your videos for yourself or sell them to other clients and local businesses. Charge $1,000+ for videos that take you 10 minutes to make. That’s extra income you can earn for life by tapping into Screencast Pro today. There’s nothing like Screencast Pro anywhere else. Even Techsmith, the makers of Camtasia, don’t offer such good training and our done-for-you templates are unprecedented. If you have Camtasia, and never use it, or have been curious about getting it, we CAN help you get started! If you want to create converting videos then the FIRST step is to get Screencast Pro… It can triple the profitability across all of your videos for LIFE!
Inside the Screencast Pro training, you’ll discover: (includes training for Mac and PC computers) How to make videos that HYPNOTIZE and CONVERT. Get eyes locked on your video in the first 10 seconds and keep them hooked until they hit the “buy now” button. No “copywriting” skills necessary. There are a lot of “in video” tricks you can do that keep people in a “desire-trance” as they watch the video. You don’t even have to write a word of copy to achieve this! We’ll show you how. Screen capture secrets: Some simple screen capture videos generate many millions of dollars in sales, and some are total duds. You’ll be on the side that makes winning screen cap videos when you tap into our screen capture secrets. How to create UNQUESTIONABLE proof: We all know that proof images can, and have been, faked with Photoshop, but you’ll see how to take advantage of video to create proof that no one can doubt for a second. Prove easiness… with ease: Nearly all sales material says, “it’s easy!” but you’ll be able to prove it so that even the biggest newbies know they can use your product, and they’ll buy from you in bigger numbers than ever before. Bring still images to life, hold attention, convert higher: Do this one easy thing (a trick stolen by a documentary film director) and you can retain your viewers’ attention even when your video consists of nothing but still images. Be profitably prepared: Ever click “Record” without planning first? This will cost you BIG! We’ll show you the stress-free way to plan out your video before you start. This saves you tons of time and energy and gives your video the best chance of being profitable from day 1. How to never (or rarely) need to edit: Editing can be stressful and time consuming, but when
you record the way we do, you’ll rarely have to edit. This will put you miles ahead of the curve. How to get FREE traffic to your videos: Eyeballs on videos are what make you money, and we’ll show you our best 100% free, fast traffic-on-demand sources that convert to cash. In addition to all of the training, you’ll also watch us create videos from scratch, from planning, to recording, to editing, production, and generating traffic. Just copy what we do, and you can have highconverting, profitable videos throughout all of your funnels online. But the conversion-focused training inside Screencast Pro is only one piece of what you’ll receive today … You’re also going to get 9 high-end templates that will enable you to create your own highconverting videos in minutes. Video creation (even simple screen capture videos) normally takes days… and if you outsource it… costs hundreds to thousands of dollars… With your new Camtasia templates, you’ll create the most gorgeous videos in the marketplace, with the most converting profit potential, in a mere 10 minutes. HERE’S JUST SOME OF THE HIGH-END TEMPLATES YOU’RE ABOUT TO ACCESS FOR A STEAL These templates will enable you to: Create beautiful, high-converting VSLs in minutes. Save WEEKS of time and THOUSADS of dollars on outsourcing. Convert higher than ever before. Our VSLs are proven to boost conversion by 50%, or more. Reach new audiences. Video is surging in popularity because people love it (especially the evergrowing base of mobile users). Now you’ll reach new people and a market that grows larger every day. Establish authority and stand out from the competition. Video immediately boosts your authority, and now you can take advantage of all of its perks in 10 minutes from now. Sell videos you can be proud of for thousands; do the work in minutes. Other clients and local businesses will pay top dollar for videos of this quality, and you can be proud of what you deliver to them. Best part? It’ll take you 10 minutes or less to do any actual “work”. Nothing beats that! And during the Grand Opening Special for Screencast Pro, you get to access exclusive, expensive bonuses, completely for free! Bonuses ONLY available during Grand Opening Special. You must act now in order to secure them. BONUS #1: VIDEO GRAPHICS PACKS (Retail value: $199, yours free today) Full rights to high-quality graphics can cost an arm and a leg… and the graphics included inside Camtasia are over-used, outdated, and plain boring. That’s why you’ll access a stunning graphics package that you can use in any form you choose. Throw these into your videos to keep viewers’ eyes locked and to boost conversion. BONUS #2: VIDEO PERSUASION METHOD SCRIPT WRITING GUIDE (Retail value: $199, yours free today) If the thought of writing a sales video script makes you anxious, then this is for you. Writing a highconverting video script will become as easy as filling in the blanks, and something that would take you days or weeks to create will be done in minutes. This script style is responsible for millions of dollars in sales, and you’ll have its power in your back pocket. BONUS #3: POWERPOINT POWER TIPS (Retail value: $99, yours free today) Make your slideshow presentations awesome by following these easy, yet little-known tips. They can apply to Powerpoint or any other slideshow software. You’ll go beyond mere words on a white screen, meaning viewers will be locked in and more likely to take the action you tell them to. This very profitable resource is yours free today. BONUS #4: CAMTASIA LICENSE GIVEAWAY (Retail value: $299) All buyers get a FREE entry on a Camtasia Full License Giveaway! That’s a $299 value you might win! Even if you win but already own Camtasia you can give a family member a GREAT gift! If You’ve Been Lagging Behind The Video Bandwagon, Now’s Your Chance To Jump To The Forefront You don’t need ANY technical skill. You don’t need ANY experience whatsoever. All you need is Screencast Pro, and the desire to make great things happen.
The desire to convert at a higher rate than ever before… …to sell ultra high-quality videos to clients… …in effect being paid $1,000 per 10 minutes of work… You can tap into the power to do all of that right now, 100% risk-free, for the smallest investment in history. So make the wise choice, get excited, and click the button below to access your copy of Screencast Pro!
Screencast Pro Review – Bonuses
CLICK LINK BELLOW TO DISCOVER YOUR HUGE BONUS PACKAGE + SPECIAL BONUS OVER $10,000 === > Check Here! + MEGA BONUS OVER $10,000 === > Check Here! ALL OF THIS HUGE BONUS PACKAGE WILL BE YOURS WHEN YOU GET Screencast Pro RIGHT NOW! 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO CLAIM THIS BONUSES Get Screencast Pro ==> Special Link Here After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at: reviewsbonuses.net@gmail.com You will receive the bonuses by email within 24 hours
Be quickly, Only 32 First Persons Can Get This BONUSES. Thank you for reading my Screencast Pro Review best wishes to you!
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