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July 29, 2014
You are here: Home / TRAINING COURSES & THEME / Video Marketing Biz in a Box Review
Video Marketing Biz in a Box Review JULY 29, 2014 BY KEVIN Tweet 1
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Video Marketing Biz in a Box Review – Overview Hello, Welcome to My Honest Vid eo Marketin g Biz in a Bo x R eview Wh y is O n lin e Vid eo Marketin g So I mp o rtan t in 2014? R isin g User Statistics: 93 percent of the 600 marketing professionals surveyed said they had used video content in 2013 and 82 percent of them said they found it effective, according to ReelSEO. Forty-one percent of adults in the US watch online videos. Just imagine how intense the online video usage for digital marketing will be in 2014! Mo re Co n ten t I n Less Time: The attention span of internet users is diminishing every year with the changes in the type of content shared online. Video is the type of digital content that is seeing an increase in its usage, while the length of each piece continues to decrease. People are also watching videos on the go and don’t want to strain their eyes reading text, especially when on a tablet or mobile phone. (NOTE: If your customer base is located in a place with slow internet/wi-fi connectivity, the scenario would be different and you must optimize your digital marketing strategy accordingly.) Mo b ile Ap p s Th at h elp Sh are an d Play Vid eo s Are O n th e R ise: In 2012 and 2013 the average time spent watching videos doubled on mobile phones and tripled on tablets. Mobile phone chat apps, such as Facebook messenger and WhatsApp continue to captivate people and increase their worldwide user bases. Fifty billion messages will be sent in 2014 through these apps, according to And most of these messages will be in a video format. Sto rytellin g Th ro u gh Ex p lain er Vid eo s is a R isin g Tren d : The new trend of explainer videos that use either animation or actual people to do the storytelling has risen exponentially in recent times. Check out these 10 explainer videos from startups, listed out by Ben Davis. This type of video is perfect for promoting products and services because they are short, entertaining and convey your marketing message in a unique way. Vid eo s I n Emails I mp ro ve Click Th ro u gh R ates: By simply mentioning the word ‘video’ in an email subject line, click-through rates were increased by seven (numbers under 10 should be written out, and so should the word percent -AP style) to 13 percent, according to the 2012
Wondering what Google wants from your site in 2014? Here is a question you should ask yourself... "How can I leverage each element of my content to drive more traffic and make more money?" This PDF Report answers that question, in details.
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