CIM Catalyst & Exchange Media Pack

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M e di a b u y e r ’ s g u i d e

about us

For more than 100 years, CIM has supported, represented and developed marketers, teams, leaders and the profession. We are the world’s leading professional marketing body with over 30,000 members worldwide.

We believe great marketing delivers great business

more than


Published 4 times a year for members of CIM

Serving UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific

a b o u t c ata ly st

Catalyst is the official journal of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. It commands a highly educated, senior readership of 30,000 professional members. It is read by the industry’s senior marketers and marketing budget holders. It forms the centrepiece of an integrated content offer that comprises the tools and ideas to inspire and facilitate innovative, ethical and powerful marketing.

b a c k e d b y t h e i n d u st r y ’ s b e st

Ben Rhodes

Lisa Ronson

Pete Markey

Group Marketing Director

Chief Marketing Officer

Chief Marketing Officer

Royal Mail

Tourism Australia


Bruce Daisley

Eva Ng

Joe Clift


Head of Client Global

Head of Marketing EMEA



CFA Institute

Nielsen Global Markets

Gail Schimmel Chief Executive Advertising Regulatory Board, South Africa


Lara Balazs

Marketing Manager

Director General Anti-Counterfeiting Group

Chief Marketing Officer Intuit

Maria Fernando

Phil Lewis

Sylvia Jensen

Santander Asset

VP EMEA Marketing



Francesca Theokli

Swave Szymczyk

Marketing Director and

Global Director Digital

Executive Leadership Team

and Retail

Weetabix Food Company


Peter DeBenedictis Chief Marketing Officer MEA Microsoft

Mark Evans Marketing Director Direct Line Group

o u r r e a d e r s ac r o s s t h e w o r l d


o u r r e a d e r s ac r o s s t h e U K


Northern Ireland North

Ireland Midlands


South East

London South West

Channel Islands

Our regional networks cover every corner of the UK and Ireland

o u r r e a d e r s a c r o s s s e c to r s & c o m m u n i t i e s

CIM supports a range of Sector Interest Groups that bring together marketers with specific industry knowledge

our readers





CIM Members

Gender Split





15+ years marketing experience with at least 5 years close to board level

Interested in Marketing or Junior Marketers with no qualifications


12% Marketing Experience

10 +years marketing experience with 7 years in management


3+ years marketing experience


P r i n t A dv e r t i s i n g R at e C a r d

Display Ads | Inserts | Advertorials

Display Ads & Advertorials

Rates (per issue)

Dimensions (mm)


Full page


Trim: Bleed: Type area:

210mm 275mm 216mm 281mm 170mm 240mm

Double page spread


Trim: Bleed: Type area:

420mm 275mm 426mm 281mm 380mm 240mm

Outside £14,950 back cover

Cover £12,950


Contact us for rates


Booking Artwork Insert


Issue 1

07 November

14 November

21 November

17 January

Issue 2

03 February

10 February

27 February

18 April

Issue 3

02 May

09 May

16 May

18 July

Issue 4

15 August

22 August

29 August

18 October

To check availability please contact Alec Egan email: or call +44 (0)7591 200 041

The power of print

Why Print?

Print Provides Lift on Awareness Measures... 20% 10%

1. Print Demands Attention 2. Print is Trusted 3. Print Drives Results

0% Unaided Awareness Online + Print Delta

Aided Awareness Online + TV Delta

Online Ad Awareness Print + TV Delta

Print Ad Awareness Online + Print +TV Delta

...And Lower Funnel Metrics Purchase intent increases


When print is in the media mix

20% 10% 0% Message Association

Source: Kantar Millward Brown

Online + Print Delta

Brand Favorability

Online + TV Delta

Purchase Intent

Print + TV Delta

Online + Print +TV Delta

our content hub

o u r g lo b a l a u d i e n c e


64% Asia

15% Americas



1% more than

25,000 new users per quarter



more than


page views / over 40,000 sessions per quarter

Content hub packed with content across editorial, blogs, thought leadership & webinars

about exchange

Exchange is the essential live platform for weekly news, comment and analysis from CIM’s expert team on key marketing trends.

G r o w i n g s o c i a l fo l lo w i n g


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