Annex 1: Number of interventions and issues addressed by each of the characters interviewed in La pelota vasca. Name
Number of interventions
Javier Elzo
Identification in La pelota vasca Professor of Sociology. Psicosociologist. Threatened by ETA.
Xabier Arzalluz
President of the PNV
José Antonio Ardanza
President of the Basque 14 Government (Lehendakari) from 1985 to 1998 with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) President of Spain from 1982 to 13 1996 with the Spanish Socialist Labour Party (PSOE)
Felipe González
Iñaki Gabilondo
Antoni Batista
Iñaki Villota
Cristina Sagarzazu
Javier Sádaba
11 Widow of the Basque police officer (ertzaina) Ramón Doral, killed by ETA in 1996 General Secretary of the 11 Socialist Youth of Euskadi. Victim of an attack by ETA in which he lost a leg Philosopher 11
Juan Pablo Fusi
Ramón Alzate
Carlos Garaikoetxea
10 President of the Basque Government from 1980 to 1985 with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). Former President of Eusko Alkartasuna (EA)
Eduardo Madina
Themes addressed by the character Polarization (2), media (2), Basque society (2), ATS (9), Kale Borroka, Nationalist (5), Vascos-Carlismo (2), Basque people, Threatenees (3), Truce (3), PP (2), Selfgovernment (2), State. Vascos (2), Pueblo Vasco, ETA (2), State, Non-nationalists, PP, PSOE, PNV (5), Nationalists (5), Statute (4), Constitution (2), Victims (2), HB, Truce, Selfgovernment (3), Dialogue. Vascos (5), Non-nationalists (2), Nationalists (5), Statute (3), Aznar, PP (3), Constitution (2), ETA (2), Truce (2), Selfgovernment, PNV (2), State. ETA (5), State (2), GAL (2), Prisoners (2), PP, Nationalist (3) Statute, Victims, PNV (2), Media, Self-government, Basque society, Tortures. ETA (2), Nationalists (2), Victims (2), PSOE, PP (3), Threatenees (2), HB (4), Dialogue (3), PNV. ETA (6), PP (3), Media (3), Truce (3), Nationalists (2), Non-nationalists (2), HB, PSOE (2), Constitution, Dialogue. Nationalists (4), ETA (4), Church (3), PP, Statute, Vascos, Vascos-carlismo, Media (2), Arana (2), Self-government, Aznar. Prisoners, Explanation... (3), Consequences…(7). Explanation…, consequences…, ETA (4), Civil Guard, Police (2) HB (4), Vascos, Threatenees (2), PP, Tortures. ETA (2), PP (2), Non-nationalists, Threatenees (4), Media (2), Constitution. Vascos, Basque origins (2), Police (2), ETA (7), State (3), Nationalists, Arana, Civil Guard, Constitution (2). Neutrals (4), Polarisation (3), Vascos (4), Nationalists (2), Non-nationalists, Dialogue, Politicians, Self-government ETA (7), Polarization, Vascos-Navarra, Prisoners (2), PP, Statute, State (2), GAL, Truce (2), Nationalists (2), Basque origins.
Gregorio Peces Barba Anika Gil
"Father" of the Spanish Constitution
Arrested by the Civil Guard of Pamplona (Navarra) for alleged collaboration with ETA. Released without charges after 5 days of police detention (in May 2002). Antxon Lafont Former President of the Chamber of Commerce of Baiona. Eva Suárez President of Amnesty International in Spain. Julen de Co-founder of ETA. Member of Madariaga the collective Aralar. Terrorist’s relative Unidentified. (wife) Antonio Elorza Professor of political science. Writer. Threatened by ETA. Marixabel Lasa
Txiki Benegas
Daniel Múgica
Txetxo Bengoetxea
9 9 9 8
Widow of Juan María Jaúregui, 8 of the Socialist Party of Euskadi (PSE-EE-PSOE). Civil Governor of Gipuzkoa, killed by ETA in 2000. Director of care to victims of terrorism in the Basque Government. Former President of the PSE 8 PSOE in Euskadi. 7 Son of José Javier Múgica, Councillor of the Navarrese People's Union (UPN) in Leitza, killed by ETA in 2001. Musician. 7
General Secretary of Batasuna, 6 a pro-independence left-wing outlawed group that does not condemn ETA’s attacks Gotzone Mora Sociologist. Executive member 6 of the Socialist Party of Euskadi (PSE-EE-PSOE). Threatened by ETA Txema Montero Former pro-independence left- 6 wing (abertzale) Attorney. Member of the Sabino Arana Foundation Iñaki Ezkerra Journalist-writer. Threatened by 5 ETA José Ignacio Ruiz Professor of Sociology and 5 de Olabuenaga Political Science Arnaldo Otegui
Nationalists (4), PP (2), PNV, Nonnationalists, Constitution (3) Statute, PSOE, HB, Self-government (3). Civil Guard (9), ETA (9), Tortures (9).
Elkarri, Media, Political Parties, Threatenees (3), ETA (3), Selfgovernment, Dialogue. State, GAL, Prisoners (2), ETA (7), Tortures (6). Vascos, Basque origins, ETA (8), VascosNavarra, PNV. ETA (9), Prisoners (9), Constitution, PNV. Nationalists (2), PNV, Vascos, Basque origins (2), ETA (3), State, GAL, PP, Vascos-Euskera. Explanation... (3), State (2), GAL (2), Police, Victims, Nationalists, PP, PSOE, Consequences... (2).
Statute (2), Nationalists (3), Nonnationalists, PSOE (2), PP, HB, Media, State, GAL, Prisoners, ETA, Constitution. ETA (2), HB (2), Vascos-Navarra (2), Explanation... (2), Threatenees.
Nationalists (2), Self-government, Threatenees (2), Basque society, Neutrals, Politicians. Vascos (2), Nationalists (2), ETA (2), Selfgovernment.
ETA (6), Threatenees (6), Police.
ETA (4), Police, Elkarri, Nationalists (2), Self-government.
Nationalists (4), Victims (2), Arana (2), ETA. Non-nationalists, Basque society, Elkarri, ETA, Tortures, Media.
Joseba Arregui
Juan José Ibarretxe
Mariano Ferrer Odón Elorza
Ramón Saizarbitoria Antonio Álvarez Solís Alberto Catalán
Former Minister of Culture of 5 the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) Current President of the Basque5 Government since 1998 with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) Journalist 5 Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián with the Socialist Party of Euskadi (PSE-EEPSOE) since 1991 Sociologist. Basque-language writer. Journalist
5 5
General Secretary of the the 4 Navarrese People's Union. Bernardo Atxaga Basque-language writer. 4 Fernando Professor of Political Science. 4 Reinares Expert in the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United Nations. José María Writer-humanist, ethnographer, 4 Satrustegui member of the Academy of the Basque language. Juan Manuel Former Minister of Industry of 4 Eguiagaray the Spanish Socialist Labour Party (PSOE). Paco Etxebarría Forensic. 4 Former Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz 4 with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). 3 Alec Reid Redemptorist priest. Spokesperson of peace talks in Northern Ireland. Ana Urchueguia Mayor of Lasarte, Gipuzkoa 3 with the Socialist Party of Euskadi (PSE-EE-PSOE). Threatened by ETA. Carmen Galdeano Daughter of Xabier González, 3 killed by the GAL in 1985. President of Etxerat (Legal agency that seeks the bringingtogether of Basque prisoners). Javier Angulo Journalist 3 Jesús Altuna Historian- Anthropologist 3 José Ángel Cuerda
Jonan Fernández Founder of Elkarri (Social 3 movement for peace, dialogue and agreement in EuskalHerria.
Prisoners (2), ETA (2), Nationalists (2), Arana (2), Statute. Vascos-Navarra, Statute (4), ETA.
ETA, Neutral, Elkarri, Self-government, PSOE, PNV. Vascos-Navarra, Vascos-Francia Elkarri, Political Parties, HB, Politicians, Selfgovernment ETA, Polarization, Neutral (2), Nonnationalists (2), Vascos-euskera (2). ETA (3), Self-government (2), Truce (2). Basque Origins, Vascos-Navarra (3), PP, ETA, Victims. Vascos (3), Vascos-Euskera. ETA (3), State, GAL, Tortures, Police.
Vascos-Euskera (4), Vascos-Navarra.
Nationalists (3), Non-nationalists (3), Selfgovernment, Tortures, Police. ETA (4), Tortures (4), Police (3), Civil Guard. Vascos, Nationalist (3), Non-nationalists (3), ETA (2), PP, PSOE, Threatenees. PNV, Nationalists, Dialogue (2).
Threatenees (3).
Prisoners (2), ETA (3), GAL, State, Torture, Police.
PNV (2), Statute (2), Media. Vascos-Euskera, Basque artists, Nationalists, Self-government. Elkarri (3), PP.
Patxi Zabaleta
General Secretary of the Aralar collective (pro-independencet left-wing group that condemns ETA’s attacks) Ramón Councillor for culture in Etxezarreta Donostia by the Socialist Party of Euskadi (PES-PSOE) Threatened by ETA Teo Santos Ertzaina and Er.NE Union (Independent Union of the Ertzaintza) Tomás Urzainqui Historian and writer Txomin Ziluaga Professor of Political Science. Founder of Herri Batasuna and HASI (pro-independentist leftwing group) Patxi López General Secretary of the PSE PSOE Terrorist’s relative Unidentified
Vascos-Navarra, ETA (3), Truce, Nationalists.
Vascos, Victims (2), PSOE, PP.
ETA (2), Police (2), Kale Borroka, Threatenees, Tortures.
3 3
Basque Origins (2), Vascos-Navarra (2). Basque Origins, ETA (2), Spanish army, Self-government.
Nationalists, Non-nationalistic, Political Parties, HB. Prisoners (3), Torture, ETA (3), Police, Media Threatenees, ETA, Truce. ETA, Nationalists.
Fermín Muguruza Musician 2 Imanol Zubero Ph.D. in Sociology. Member of 2 Gesto por la Paz (Sign for peace) Javier Madrazo General Secretary of United left 2 Ezker Batua Javier Ortiz Journalist, editor and writer 2 Jean Gratien President of the Academy of the 2 Haritschelhar Basque language Jean Grenet Mayor of Baiona, capital city of 2 Iparralde Orson Wells Ramón Zallo
Unidentified Professor of Information Sciences Sabino Ayestarán Professor of Psychology. Franciscan Xabier Eguzkitze Poems-improviser, journalist and television presenter Terrorist’s relative Unidentified (son) Ander Manterola Ethnographic researcher Begoña Errazti President of Eusko Alkartasuna (EA) Member of ETA Unidentified (video) Member of ETA Unidentified (fictional movie) General Galindo Convicted of double murder Harry Barnes Former director of the Carter Centre for conflict resolution. USA Hur Gorostiaga Creator of the newspaper Le Journal du Pays Basque
PP, PSOE, Dialogue. ETA, PP, Aznar. Vascos-Francia (2), Nationalists, VascosEuskera Vascos-Francia (2)
2 2
Vascos-Euskera, Vascos, Basque Origins. Nationalists, Self-government.
Vascos, ETA, Nationalists.
Vascos-Euskera (2).
Prisoners (2), ETA (2).
1 1
Vascos-Euskera. Victims.
1 1
Police. Dialogue.
Vascos-Euskera, Vascos-Francia.
Jean Louis DavantWriter. Academy of the Basque language JosĂŠ MarĂa Professor of Contemporary Garmendia History Kirmen Uribe B.A. in Basque Philology, Basque-language poet and writer Television Unidentified presenter NewsUnidentified documentary presenter Pablo Mosquera General Secretary of the Alavesa Unit Fictional character Unidentified [professor during Francoism] Gemna Nierga Unidentified
Basque Origins.
Vascos, Pueblo Vasco.
Dialogue, Politicians.