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Let Freedom Ring from Guadalajara!
on march 31, 2023, spanish-spEaking womEn from around thE world will gathEr in guadalajara, mExico, for mujEr vErdadEra ’23. according to laura gonzalEz, dirEctor of AvivA Nuestros CorAzoNes (ANC), this is morE than a confErEncE. it’s A movemeNt.
It is always exciting to see thousands of thirsty women assemble to hear from God and worship Him. I am grateful for the way this movement is gaining momentum around the world; women surrendered to God, who desire to glorify Him and live out their God-given design joyfully in all spheres and stages of life. The excitement is infectious, and the organic connections among the women are deep and kingdom-expanding. It is like a family reunion!
Your Critical Role
As more than 8,000 women prepare to gather in Mexico, there is an important role for you to play in Mujer Verdadera ’23: prayer partner.
“We are getting ready for the battle as best as we know how,” Laura says, “but the results are with Him!”
Saying Yes To Jesus
The theme for this year’s conference is libertad, plenitud, and abundancia—freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness, a message that is close to Laura’s heart.
Women look for love and satisfaction in every broken cistern. Deceit abounds. What a joy to be able to lead them to the One that can fulfill all their longings and needs, who can satiate their thirst forever and transform their hearts and lives.
Laura’s prayer is that women leave the conference clinging to the singular truth that changes everything: “There is joy and satisfaction in saying yes to Jesus. He is the One that completely satisfies our thirst and He is the One who is able to lead us to the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness that our soul longs for.”
Here are two specific ways that Laura asks you to pray for the conference:
• Pray Psalm 67:1–2, that God may be gracious to us and bless us; that His face may shine on us and that His ways may be made known on earth and His salvation among the nations.
• Pray that the Lord’s presence invades the conference and that His Spirit will minister to each woman individually and produce long-lasting fruit and transformation from this time together.